The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 18, 1856, Image 3

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    ......-----...---- . ..
b , eing the prised year on. Friday the . 12th day
.0f October nort,there to. do' and perform - the
duties required by law of said judges. Also
that Where a Judge by sickness or unavoidable
, n eeident is unable to attendasid meeting elude..
es; then the ceitifieate or return aferesaid.!hall.
-be taken charge of by Una of the Inspeelots or
e f et kn of the election of said district, who shall
do And perform the duties required of said Judge
unable to attend. - . - . .
also, thatin the Slat section of said lief it is
enacted that' when - two or more counties, shall
compose *distrittfor the choice of a member or
m o t eb e nkof the Senate of this- Conitncinweilth
or of the House of Representatives of the ;UM
-til-States or of this Commonwealth, the Judges
of the election in each cotinty, having met as
a f o resaid, the Clerkeshall make out a
te fairstate
ent atilt the votes which shall hail) been gig ,
eutt such election within the county, for every
reson voted for as such a member Or et-embers
which shall be signed by said Jud,ges and rates
led by tho - ,elerks ; nod' ono of the saidiludges
shall take charge of such certificate and Shalt
produce the same at a meeting of one Jude
from each connty at such place in such district,
sit i or-may be,appointed by law for. the• ,pur
ousi,, mob m e e ting shall ue -held on the soy
enth day afte'r election. . ..
. :-The return Judges of the Senatorial di trio".
elmrosad Hof_ the counties of Susquehanna
Bradford and-Vyorning, will meet at Montr4se,
\ Susquehanna co unty , on Tuesday the 2 tat . ilLy
'elOctaber next, to perform the duties enjoined
by lawAipeu- 64_44.Judgeri. : ' • . '; • '--
The return Judge* of the Congreemlonal • die
ttiateotupesed of the counties . .of Busquehannr,
I)radford and liege, h ill meet in the Bornug4 itt
T(Tanda, Bradford tout ty, Tuesday, the 21st
'34'4 October next2to perform.. the 'duties on
joined,by law upon said deg .s. . ,
The\ return Judges of the itepresectative Dis
trict:composed of the counties of Sasquehanim.
Wyoming, and Stillivan, will' meet at the Cobh
Ifouse•in the Borough of Montrose, in the coun
ty o r Susquehanna, on Tuesdny the 2lst . day of
October next, to perform those duties enjoined
by law upon the said. Judges.
Also, that in the Gist auction of said act, it is
enacted that" every general' and special election
shall open between Eight and ten in the forenoon
&shall continue without intersuption or adjourn
ment until seven o'clock in the evening when ,
the polls shall be closed.
Given under my Hand, at my office, in .the
B o rough of Montrose, the 18th day of Septem
ber Anne Domini,•lBss, and in the year of, the
Commonwealth the seventy-ninth.
F. P. lIOLLISTER., Sheriff. -•
Sheriff's Office, • '
Montrose, Sept. IS, 1J856.
Crockory ft. Glass Ware. -
A ., Very Large StAk - e!onsiiiing of a variety
of shape» of the best manufactures are now
offered at vory low pas well. worthy the atten
tion of vi llage and out
. of 'to mi . buyers by
&pt. 18.
Looking Glasses. :
fir sale aiN,, . DEPEU'S.
' Sept. 18, 1856. • • '
THE facfis eAtStlished that 409 BroAlwav is tIU•
best place in 'NewYork to buy Books. EVANS
& CO. seti Booki as_low ss they . can be, hneght
artv where, and give with each book a prTsent rat
Tying in vaiusfrom 25 etsi:to $lOO. • The value ed
the present depends upon the number of the boo k
purchased. Gifts delivered et the time o t the 8;161'
Great inducements to agents. .
I Cattlegues, containing list - Of bOoki and prizes.
B.lflt to any address free.
Persons unacquainted with the firm of.EFANS
& CO. Are respectfully referred to the folloiiing
leading publishing houses:—
.• '
Orton & Mulligan; 25 Park Row. N. Y ,
Derby &lack,s,on, 119 Nassau St. N. Y., Philip*
S'urapsan & Co. 13 Winter St. Boston, Sahhorn,'
Carter & Bazic:Bosten, Mass.
"0"' 84:ad fora Catalogue ! sept.
All persons are bertiby . cautiOned against pyr,
elisiing a Note for $l.OO. payable to Lewis M.llpn
sell•or bearer, 0h,..) year from date' w,ith and
dated' Sept. 4th. •2856, signed by our. As Said
Note was obtained throudb deception I will cot
pep it unless c omPellecl by:Law; - - .
llerriek, Sept. 31th 1856; _-
•n393.y* • • JOHN J.BONNER.
• Am) FANCY t sic=
A. D. S'T QXV 4 CO.
IAT01;14) respectfully annnurkee Ur the la
, I I dies of Siontrosa and - vicinitv, that they
will open ail'ancy 7 Dress Goods 4- Furnishing
Start; on fain Street, over the rartUCT . ll Store:
oil the 23d init., where they will be happy to see
their old friends. and :Ilse solicit the patriiimge
of new ones. Miss Chose attend to thr
Millinery deportment; the Dress-malting,; depart.
wentwillibe'under the charge of, Miss •Watter
house. . .
Montrose, Sept, IS, 1856. • - IS—tf.
SHE errvs SALES. _
11111 Y virtue of Writs of FL Fa, issued oat alb e
I_3 Court of Common Plena of Susquehanna
county and to me directed, I wiliespose topub.
lit sale at the Court Houssin Montr Ise, on Sat
urday the 4th day of October next, at one:o l gtielt,
P. u., the following real Estate, to wit:
All that sertnin piece or parcel of land situate
and being in thole wuship of Clifford. the coun
ty of Susquehanna,' and bannded and trilled
as follows to wit:--Beginning at a post north
corner of Benjamin Ayres land: time along
lands of Pelegliaplcins, north 44 degrees. east
124 perches and nine-tenths Los post and stones
in the line of original survey; thence along-war
rrantee line. north 46 46 degrees went, 2.5 perches,:
[and five-tenths 'to a beech tree; thence north 44'
degrees east' 0 pere,hos to a post,in Ggorge Sal.
liabary'a line; thence south 46 degrees oast. 1 IS,
perches to a post and atones; thence isritrth • 44
degrees weet,l6s perches to a post ; thence north
1 46 degrees west, 92 1-2 perches to the place of
beginning, containing 101 acres and 20 perches;
More or loss, with.the appurtenances, one frame
led house, 2 barni; a small orchard, and about :0
taeres Improved. ' , ' 4 '
I' Seized and token in execution at the '. snit of;
Benjamin Ayres vs John Carr & Charles N. Mil
ler Adm'is of Siena:l'oler dec'd, with I totice 10
!toe Carr and lieman Storih T T.
- ALSO—AII that ce,rlain piece or parcel *fiend
situate in the township-bf Great Bend; County
lef Susquehanna and State of Penn., hounded sad'.
described as follown, - to wit:=4;in„ the northerly
Side thereof by the road Or public highway; on
I , h'ressterly-aide by the Susquehanna Riser, on
be southerly or southerly altz'sboth. f wentorly by
litud heretofore conveyed by E. T. Young tri
done & Taylor, and being known tut the Sa;S
isillpioperty.: It is also understood,
,to ecintala
All ofthe lands 4- premises ryiznng the 'north
i Side of the Sueq. Kiver, and -heretofore conveyed
to the mid E. T. Young by.Wtia.Daytottimpt- -
Mg however therefrom i s zertail portion ofunid.
premises heretofore.conveyed i,sioeki Ysnug 11 . 1
, the said Jane IL Taylor,- sad .cooletining. as is
i 4 4Plioiled from two:to foursere4 of lantisAze the
°Pe mote or 'esti, the-sanie being itubjeit to a
cliftsi d right of waythroth or overt catrt-ofthe'
wweito the Neui.York&Mritt Rail Read Co'..-
stalalao to certain water privileges •heretofort
" t ' v ei'ed by the said Youdg to June. lc- Tall?t.
Also the right,title andintergertand claim aequir- '
sd by a certain set' of the Legislature ,ef 'ibi
Stale of- Peimsylvariiti auppose . cl to 'lii!ve 0 11 16' *the year 4 1859, 'by :it hich: ',mit _ wild
1i Young was aithorited ter, cohatruct and erect it'
, dam or dams at the hand of "Buckclshed." ( si!
~varied) is - the_Susiotehssna; Sikh.-
the ;exclusive .
right of draining erith e ira ‘. of ssAritirie it
4 SOLPIses„ lied of coostntetfoglseei,ilikss, ci
-1 ,ssik4e ~ for aulltatirperpoiee or otheiwise. sub.
3§ 0 ,15 ,01 14 . t0 4h0 . . pririteges heretofore cm/ova
j. 10,116, 814400*- , Terler, together withithe up
; P-f4fee Wince*** mill Arid'aff Improve 4 . -=
1 . „ : -Is eiredistifike ill executive atthe silts' 'of
I,4l‘Baltiner and, E. EL - :Beatly..Zers "qf: Elijah
Stunner decd, Sod N. IT. tiriester vs E yr
; Young : . . - - ...!. ...!. ..
I • .L-• •
_.•.,. LIOLUSTER,I3IIIt.f.
•userli's elE , ltOlootroso, Sept. If, .3.oti. -
-- . aritawila .Ware.. •
A VERY largo stock at -
.Bitighanttott. . ••- ""'
, Notice is hereby giro to persons hariag 7 de
mands against the...k.state of Francis Qnhan,late
,or Choconutok.e'tt,that the same toast be presen
ted to the'undersigned for psytnent,,and that ad
persons Indebted to said eitateore rtiuestedlo
trnkke immediate settlement.
' Barroqsa: Quasx
.: . Tnoitas Quist; '
Supt. 18% 145 G 4394 w
"Sotiela; delunicis mundis fuiendis."
No. 106 tor. of Pearl- t.
Embraces tITI extensive and. complete assortment
of the latest importltions and best tuanuf.ictres of
' 0 E .14 2 t; 'sN TURNISIIING QOOD
Equal in material, make," texture,
and style, to any stock over,offered in titis cone.
try—and at prices which cannot fail to stilt close
eastt buyer*. = CoNsil TING O r
stunts-with linen bosoms, collars atid wristbands
of the best qualities, and new andcholee styles.
cameo De.-The latest and most attractive patina
c:_kmEn.sittats and on . a . tvatts-01 Wool. Merino,
cashmere. silk and cotton, Of destiable and dum:.
bie q nail: lea ....-rtnd the Tevzor wax: under gartn.
ants. so highly approved by Ph ysicians. Mao
-the shaker shirts•and Drawers. ' •
Ca svaTs . .--suporior quality. and bonitlful
styles, Anil a full saso'rituent of stocks, re,
Noetyes, Gloves, scarfs, and Mufflers of thy rich
est kinds. -
Suspaiders—M Ritziest endless yStiety, in
cluding the finest anti. afoot-durable. _
Pocket-hsndkerchiefse—slik and. Cotton--plain
and pinted—an . tioriy4lled misortmcnt.
Half llose--Wi3ol and cotton, of the boat tex
ture, selected expressly for retail trade.' -
Mtn - cling Rubes, and Gowns—Elegant Pat=
terns, excellent material, and, of the best make.
This stock comprises. all ..gradies, from the
lowest to the richest. that can be ; produced--
and haying every facility for importing and .
manufacturing, not exceeded •by. any other cs,-
tablishment in the United states—bnyers, there
f wro,, wll consult their interest by examining,
the goods which - are sold at the
t•-Z Goods 'promptly delivered ut all the
Road Depots; steamboats. Ay e and in any
patt of the city, without charge.
*** Shirt's `made to order' by experienced
hands, in ,superior stele, at short notieo,"war
ranted to -fit. 147 - NI) machine work done in
this establishment. • •
Sept. 11,• 1856.—n381y
P ls
ta!issc owsat e of
tp at the . "Academy • •Mill, alontrose, for
t pro - A fternoonEt and t% o eveningit.
The cclebrattd and renowned . " ..
. Will have, the honor of exhibiting his
wonderful and popular entertaininents, at the
above place, 'on Thursday and Filiday, Sep
tember 18th,.and 19th, - corrtineacing at 3
o'clock in the afternoon, and the econ
ing. Admittance ; 25 eta. Children 12k.
Fox SALE. •
lloshoes tiro Seated, Spring York State wag..
one, Enquire of Win K. Hatch Itoutrosql'a.
aug •
P- L . 0 G F . A AEI
. 71 E A 2 D E e
I n T C E
T - E 1 T 0 a .433
ITP in my, comfortable sky Fedor. in filo
Brick Block, lam still engaged in the
%cry interesting employment of u cat,:hing shad
ows." °t my success in my c tllinz, mr picturei
are my witnes;ess. • From Maine to Californiii,
from rock hound Now England to eff prairie
hun',t in plssession of&theso on
fading eildeuces of what the Daguerreotype Art
has hitherto enabled me to accomplish. For the
encouragement that I hare "rereived I am truly
thankful, antitrust that the future will show a
materiel increase both 'Of patronage and
tucia. .
But" for one thingl am not thankful. A few
'hare patronised well, but paid alas: how poorly.
That my stock of' patienco in certain direc
tions is quite exhanattal, therefore, my - rkarfor
ge:ful friends, just besr in mind that if .you do
not-do -speech/9 what you prennissCto do many
months ago, unpleasant consequences may fol
Such emphatic language tipplies to but a small
nutber.- . To all the rest I subscribe , myself,
- . yogi-moat obedient,.
p37ti" ' Phenix Block, 3d Floor.
. .
Delaware, lEstar, kawantsa dc W. RM.
, .
•New and expeditious broad guage route from
the North and West, via Great Bend and &ran.
ton, and from the Lackawanna and 'Wyoming
vallim; directly through to New York and Phil
adelphia.. . ' . • ~.
- Ott and after' onday, Aug. 18. Mitill will be
run as follows : i. .
Cincinnati Express Train bound east on N. Y.
& E. R.' It., arrives at Gt. Bend 8 15 A. M.,from
Owego, ifinghauSton, &c, and connects with the
EXPRESS Traits which karts GreatDend for
New York and Phil's, 8.30, a. tn.
Due at Montrose,. 9.10, "
Scranton, 10.45. "
.• ~ Struudsbeirgi • . , 1.30, p. in.
Dclaware, I's minutes to dioo, 2.00,
Bridgeville, Mil. pap. kayo • ;215, "
Junction; . , 3.15, "
- New York, .. 7.15. "
Passengers fr ont -N: Y. leave Pier, !Co. 2, -
North river; at • . . 1.30,a. sit.
P romPli Bad elPhia, leave Walnut at._ - ..
Whert;• at • - `7.00, 4 '
I.eavo Junction, _ ~•L _ . • ' 11-30, .."
Due it ßridgeville, Phil. connection, p. m.
Delaware, 15 min. to dine,. 19.4, "
: Striandsburg e . , 1.3 ...,.
Scranton,. . . .-; - 3.4
'Montrose, - - .. 9.15, "
• Great Bend; • ' - ' . ' 111.50, ."
Connecting at Grimt Bend with the '
Mall Train Wild at B 3 0, P. In.
' Scranton AccoMmodation Train, liavesi - •
Scranton for Great Bend at ~ - 13.00,.5. 'tn.
Arrive at Great Bend,,i• _ : 12.20, p. tn.
Connecting with DavEVpresies Ent '
and West, on N. Y. & E.. R., R.,
Returning, leaves Great Bend at . 2.15. " - •
Due at Scranton, .. "... ' 640, • "
Stroudsburg Aitratutnodttion Train
leaves Stroudsburg lor New York, - -
and intermediate places, at - -5.05,
Returning leaves N. York fur. • - . •
Stroudsbnrirlat -- . . ''. 3.30, p. in.
Psivengopt to and from_No* York will change
cars at Clarstarille • - - . , -
Te sad Irons- liviladelitbia,- Ole B. D. R. R.,
leave or take the ears at Bildgenrillo. ' •
For, rittototi s Kingston, and Wilkcsbarre, take
L. & B. 11,. B. imr4 at Scranton.
Far Ie10 1 o1)-Arg.hanshi, al l 4 C 46 9 ,l Bdeeiliange,
'care at Greentitio. ' • • ~ ; :, •_,. • '= .‘f ,....';---,
Tiekete sold end . tot4rage checked - between
all stations on ,
_•' _ . 1- • ~_
Fiteeengers /Died from W - 41kosise, Wyom
ing, die, rja.backsantatut.k.-Bloaplabarg Bell.
rmult;g o tbrOttertitheitt any at *can
ton,as the tislntiolfthet road - 1410u entulivtion
with tho Expreietieinson the:` ; 1)0. it - W,. L
. ._
R.,ltenen passenger inky leave Kingston it .
9.30 a. tn, and arrive hi'Fbiladelplzie at 8 p. m.;
or N - . York et1.15.' - - _." . `-.' % , ' _ , ,
Returning, 'leave 'FfilladelObiri'L'4.7 S.. my. •
Now York et and arriro'l6:llogdoo 410 , J$
" Fare trout ein'
. gstsoni - . Wietning - and -Mite - ten
to Pkjiadoiphia;l4so,, le NOW York,' $4,75' ''
Ti chaffs stdd, ked 10., ober-kid tkremsti.. 1
. ! t.. 1). li.OTTERER,I94t. -
War. N. Stwlta, Gee 'Ticket Agent. •
Fire 1. Fire ,
The Montrose Fire 00., No 2 will ItOoptt
their .Eagine Mouse text Monday afteruoita
at 20 minutes past' 6 o'clock for exercise.
' S. M..Wn.soti. Seo.t
The Ploughing Match td..the Susquehanna
bOunty-agitcultnral Society - will take : Ilene
on th© Faint of David' Past..Elq., iu rear of
IL Drinkei'll pritnises, at 'two - o'clock in the,
artenioon of Wednesday. the 24th Sept., 1838;..
For the: Best Ploughing $5
. 2d , do .
3d- , do 3,
• .4tit . do. ' •• 2
. • Oth .- do
To every - tininecomful cOollietitor tt ßudge
of the society will be given as n , recognition'
of wen On trying to,r rotuote the. inteleists of
iTuus.NlCtiol.q)N t Ex.
.A . LritED BALOWiN,
F. N.' Wfttt.tug, Corn.
Admltnhtrators bale.
AT OTICE is . horeby given that by virtue of au
.1.1 order from the Orphans Court of Sintquo
anna, the following described property, the es
tate of Abel_Rice late of flarford 'Townihip de
ceased, will be exposed to public' sale by vendee,
on Tuesdav the 30th day of . September inst., tit
ono in the afternoon.
The first pitce situated In the village of Har
ford, bounded. North by lands bf P. Carpenter,
and 0. Carpenter, and 0. Hitch, east by lands
of S. B..thiVe ' • south by lands , of Avnesa Chase.
and west by the Great Beni) .and Philadelphia
Turnpike road, containing about ono acre, on
which is tho family dwelling house, 4w., excep
ting therefrom a state lot cold from one corner
of the same to Carpenter and Sibley of ab fif.
ty feet front, .and•une hundred and fifty fret in
'the rear.
• The2nd Piece, bounded north by lands of
Charles Payne, and JoalA Tyler, east by lands
ofliarver south7by lands of ; Joab Ty
ler, anti . S2X4 Sey mour, and on the west by
finds of said Josh Tyler, containing one 'half
acre and oa which is a shop and water privilege
&e. • .
3d Piece. bounded on the cast by the 'Great
Bend Turnpike Rond, thence a south westerly
idireetion,slong Linds o f Nancy Sweet, about one
hundred and forty rods to a stake and .tones,
thence - a northerly course along by ether: lands
of the estate of decedent to line of Job and Jo
ab Tyier, thenco along said line an easterly di
rection to the Great Bend and Philadelphia
Turnpike Read, containing about ten acres wore
or less.
The 4th pleeo, lying west of tho ono last
above described, bounded on the 'east by the
lands of the estate last in the lot above' wen•
tioncd lot ; on tho south for about ono hundred
perches by lands . of E. T. Farrar, and A. G.
Bernard, on the West by lands of Loren Gates,
and on the North by lands of Joab Tyler, eon
taining twenty one acres or thereabouts.
Sale to beheld upon the ,prom ises-after first
described hit, and terms of.plyment made known
on dor of sale.
11m:ford Sept...l, 18.56
Address, • , -
A ND the endeavor to palm off that "ex. ten=
ire stack of superior quality" of, goods
lately n 144 1 . 4 ,4 from an old broken 'down
li%hutent in Binghamton, has printed tat entire
failure to our friends down Nun. "Seeing. is
belierirtg." r.eknowleago the fact. - And
should judge that "seelng," (without wearing)
would be all that W 25 nece . itrk td convince the
public - that •
• S IMMO 1 7 3.. d.: MERRIMAN', •
at their store on Puntm•Avmcut first door abOv(i
the Post alice. have the LARGEST and most do.
skald° stock of BOOTS And .
ever introduced,tato this market;which fOr price,
(we offer no coinpetition with - second rate-goods)
durability and style, we challenge competition.
We are receiving, weekly from the best !louses
in New York, the latest styles and , best qualities
of Goods,'which,keip our assortment complete.
Just received a large addition to our former
stock,ilicrisisting of GENTS Patent Leather Boots,
Patent Leather Short Boots, French Calf Boots,
Gaiters„,Shoes and Slips, nil styles. l I:J.IMS
.Gaiters?Buskine, Slips and Boots, best qualities.
Also, Boys, Yot t l ii tis and Childrens Boots, Gait..
gra and Shoes, best in Market. In fact mt.
cry thing belonging to the trade.
All kinds of Leather, Findings,. &e. All kinds
of work made tu order and repaying done neatly
Montrose July 28,1856. . .
New Arrangement at Gregory's
vr.;,havin g fanned a co-partnership for the
purpose at conducting the Hardware business in•
all its .various branches, would respectfully in.
form the people -of •Stiscochanna county that
they are now opening at Gr'egory's.Old stand,
nppouite the Exchange Hotet,2 doors from the
Canal, Binghamton, N. V., the largest, cheapest,
an 3 best stock of Hardware ever, oared in Bing.
hataton, . : .
Having made arrangements to import their
Engliiai Goods and purchase . their Anteriran di
rect from trutnufatkuters, they ran and will sell
CHEAPER than any other eritablisbment in
towal Their stock is now very extensive, and
those wishing to porsihase are htvited to call.—
The following are a portion of their lending ar
ticles, Ciz:,Table knives. and forks, Tea do.,
carvers, forks and steels, pen and pocket knives,
bread and 'butcher do4'llay and straw do.,sets
sorts; steak, and razors; britatmia tea incoffee
pots, silver and brit:attain tea and table spoons,-,
filver plated, brass, and iron ikandlestleks, one.
fere and trays, solar lamps, lard, and suspended
lamps, utrntle-pi;qeet ornaments,- bnuss and iron
'imdirons,shovels and.tongs, dt.c. ,
LookingGiasses, and looking glasttilates, to
:tether with a general •issorttizent of housekeep
ing articles.
.onsistin:i of locks, latches, butts, screw,
.nails„ bolts, patent window springs, blind
. tasten-
Jogs, shutter screws, and fastenings, 84-r„
Aeneral ainiortinent of toots ' for Ciiipenteris
- and Joiners, Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Maisons
andllialtstraths, tonal:sting of planes,
morn, hatchets , axes, adzes, chisels, augers, auger
bitty and hollow aptors, - surds, BoHoivsi,
patent drilLogitines.: sledges, *Lobe hammers,
brick isPd.Plas;.iriPttzwfs l .4 AO .
cinctOiti sgvp..- r , • •
A:4_14061 isioitheot of Saddle sad fines t'
makers' tools and;
_ • . FARM NG TOOLS,. . T
consistingof sboiehe,spsAlaisArks,rsthes,ycYtbo;
grain friklied, hoss,,plck. axes; iron bora, grind
Also, "Agents for! ttio sale" of Whatetnot*
&tares & Co's Agricultural tooispauch saplows t
hay and straw cutters, corn iliellern. 4 n.
Bole and -upper leather; morocco and shoo .
tritnotiogre, with a general assortment of fincitags,
'Wooden were. cradles, wagons, nia!rn
and laskits of all dese,riptiona..
Bar` hot, and steel; Iron asks andatoelapringn
malleable castings; coach lair) and triroalingil of
all kinds, patois, oils. sash, &if, putty, ,
of which trill he sold at the ;tomcat rates. Pima
'call and-OW[lloa Ott stock for- yourselves;
BinchaentoA, Marsh I, 1855, • .•
• 4 OSTT .
On Abe Chealoto Torepike, VetweeONe ,
hemialt Scott's, I andr &NU' / 31 , 114 w , f30ne
small silver Cilitideivioapemeet tvitict: - 4y,
otie Who will return the said viittcihl to: thei
undersigned, or emive it at'Seatt Baldivies;"or
this office. shall be liberally rewarded.
Sept. 13;1856.-41. ' - • - •
riOLDand Silyer'Spectnelia, a new itallaat
kit rtweluetl, convilslng all liges. by •
. August 18. A. 3. EVASS.
ItEASTPINS 'Fingii 4 Ringik,, a vailo!y
.01 new pntterna . ; tbi44ay:received by .
Au rzi,it 18. •y A. 3:;vix.5....
LOCKETS--A bOtutlfulasiortwont of Loc . k:
Eti-•••Otle, two sioti four fisees—lrom $1 to
80,b3. • - A. J. EVANS.
LOCKS—A good assortment orCtoeks, from
$ 1 to $lO-30:21Onripd 8 day--ptsin i stil.
king and nltirm, by ! A J. EVANS.
August 18,„, ' • - •
.PLATED WAR.ETea Setts, Cake Bask.
et*. Castor& ..C.indlisticks,' Snuffer/ &
Trays, Spoons sad Forks, Firdßaskets, &e.,
by , • - A. J..v.txt.
Augimt IS.
. • Watches; Watches.
TUST reeeivcd by- the Steam Ship Ailiiitlo a
: te) few de:. -more of my :eelebrated ;English
Patent Levers, also a few extra fine sii ounce
Skulton Levers. in plain vilver Hu,ntin ; g, Ceses.
The above with my fdrtner stock, makes the
larLeest and best assorttnedterfine scotches ever
exhibited in westemN. Y.Olll of -ivhiril.'aro of
my own importation; *n4 Warranted first rate
time keepers. . A J. Evans,.
No. 3 Odd Fellows flail.:
Binghamton, Aug: 18, /
ImportaOt to .Fanners.
New Freiglit Line from - Montrose.
cum m.. ! 's,tiozi ...terc4rnts,. No. '3, Erie Bali Id-
F"the Lotter accommodation fur the farm.
era of Sasquehanna.Cennty: ;we hate con
cluded to receive freight evert day in, the week;
(Sundays exc!pted) At the store of M. S.
son & Son, who Will Attend to shipping the
same to New York, and the teturn bills be paid
in each at their store.:
• Capt. Wickham bi:thCir salosinan, whose long
experience en' the N. 'Y. & E. R. IL, flatters
Ititaseif that justice Will be.done to his patrons
with tho above arrangement', wo invite thu farm
ers' to give us a trial. JUSTUS DILL - •
Montrose, Aug. 20,
‘ ,- •IS. T* WRVitaNro 1
or Dlsto4, l SiiSQ. Co., j 14.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
ER, 31ELICE, & Co'e Rail Rolla Hone
Powers, Threshers - and Seperators, Threshers I
and lVinnowers Combined. .
' Reapers and , 'Alowers combined. Mowing 1
-and Reaping liachities, of six or seven different
Patentees, among isliich aro McCormick's Bur
...ralb's, s!anny's, •\itrights, and• the celebrated
KetchumsNlachi4, which is warranted to work
to the satiNfactimirf the purchaser. Thu little
Giant Corn and Cub - 51114 - Itio Nimble Giant,
Feed Mil ts,with ikon plates. French Dor stone
milli, for farm or mill use. Portable 'Circular'
Saw Mitt with 2 1 inch mei, for wood. cutting.
&c.; extra table xpti caw fl.r slitting boards and
fencing stuffand general shop use. • Upright or .
- Felica saw for Wheelwrights nse. Crosscut
saw arrangeineiitl, greatly improved to attach to
Power for cutting wood in the log, (it will cut
off an,_l4inch login ono minute.) Emery's pot
-I•ble'Cider M;11 :am) frees, the best in use,
Fanning Mills lilted for Powers. Power corn
she) lers, Power Fred cutter. Improved dog Paw
-1 era, Clover Hullers. Wir.d 31111 s, of various sir..
os, Stump 11a4hirles, Hay 'Presses, Field Drill
Sower, Lime sior4ader, Field Roller, Fountains
of various patterris, Improved Hydraulic Ram,
Agricultural Furane - es,Pri tent selr-acting Cheese
pressep,.Churns 42f various kinds, Cultivators
and • PloWs of story description, Leither .and
Rubber Belting, and various other implements. -
In fact ahnost apv implement a farmer may
1 wish, • or any one;else may desire except gimlet
• • handles and scandal, which no doubt. an be ob
tained st the gretit manufacturing vitablishnient
(at is representef or misreprettented) in Brad.
Co. They - ale() : : manufacture an excelsior Fan
ning Mill, (they 'call it) which may-he'very eel- 1
uable if it is capable of blowing or clearing the
chaff from the preprietor. Ah! whati w 414 be
left? . - 1.-i .
I would say to , those who may hero Iteen
humbuged, that Emery's or Wheeler's Railroad
iloise Powers, Threshers dze...are not made or
allowed todso wide this aide of Albany ;also to
i those wishing, to purchale either
„Emery's or
Wheeler's Machines,. that, Emery or *heeler.
has not authorized or-desire Mr. H. L Blowers
to 'yell their machines. . ' -
Descriptive catalogue price List and eirenlars
- of nearly all machines sold by me, sent gratiri
and postage prepaid, to all applicants. Send
your name and liddress. ,
Now farmersie your time ter make from 12
to 35 or 30 per icnt.on your investments. Re-
Inimber.,l get my machines direct from the
Manufactora. r•ti no middle . man with where
to divide my e 'lnnaission, as is the ease with
eoine others . - 'll machines , sold by toe are
warrantedio glen satisfaction or may be return - -
ed if not as recommended. Bee large band-bills,
circulars, &e. !: ' '• .
Athens, Pa.,
- Eta IA
EMERN"R AN!) wimti.rws -ROAD L I
- Tbresliers - ittori Winnowers combined; 1
ct.pygit. HULLERS ~. i
Circular and CrOss Cut Emerfie
Cider Mills. Fe t ed Cutters, corn Sheihmi h Ontili
atiil'seed Plantets, ,13evionnes Crain Dtillisa o
RiOad CitAt,Eovipro: Revolving . 1 1 0 r4- Roketel
o Powers . _.oew.p,:,*
ulna Reipers,Nia s fliwcni
Magie Coin - antVeobM!liii.-'EAColll4ritoologi
Cultiviit4re. TAstheiatilfaulthir OAR.,
Iflg*; Meat COlteri;.,Apple pouchig. gerrigigt
tom reovision,eafes, ace:
Extras furnitilied for nipairing Emery ands Wiieeierii!machilitm;
- Our Excelsior'. ralutinS socigt,Cl#
none made In- thii Vann.
Descriptive ClitiloPll4 # Priest t u 4 64OO;
!Ara of All otachli' 44e-slooltl ;tent gratis .
and- ig4taP , l l ov , Bond 4 6
your Agoik'isot,
Oelie Ad4P—
sait '
4 • • ostirit.
Extra:l%64 Dry, (3/9451
T wo
imcneese and satnictled st - lt r oke f ai k .
.; •
Rich DitlsirstkiAlaawk, Zdantillan,Detsdini,
Allinnan t 'agsargs; Deitefgen, chains, 'Thu*
itatrgeso3o7lketsi,Giaghann„ 'Fitneh L Eng*
and ,tinsui,t Prima, Lipons t risinsaiiDomwt ,
ks, Znibtot*Os.toces,Atibixsas,Vsilfi
wing; Clothicestsdos Visatingno!ke, MOO,
Rich Gilt Cdrnicee,.AVlndciai . Sliades," Curtain
Tapestry, iltussels, Vsaret ,
pprriaa' oil Cloths, RuiA.Mattilv.
Paitk'ut about to visit New Yerk ere request
ed to cell before 'peictlasin4_ellsewhere, - aitc _ will
find tbesiAbe leggiest cheapest alai most desira
ble stocks. of. Dry Goods in the eity. •
255, 557,259 & 201 GRAND ST.
and new !lumber*, .
• 47 &A 9 CATIIARIN ST.. N. Y.
July 16. 1856.--3 m.
BOOKS! BOOKS !! 200 . KS! ! !
NOT at.Auction' for - the Book Auction bas
gone, but please boar it in Mind that new
books as well as old can be -bought cheap at'the
31ontrose Book Store in the. Post Clfliee,•oie
door north of Searle!' Hotel. JUst cell and you
can find Books of all i:prices, from a ono cent
primer to a sloVble, and among 'them yeti
can find Dirk's works, L. Dews', also; Expedi
tion to 'Japan, the Hunter's Feast, White , Chief.
Scalp Huntent, three: highly- interesting. Books
by Capt. Mayne Reid. Pentrd the 'giant *Lion
toe Sparrow-grass Papers, Widow BO:
dolt papers, My Bondage and Freedom, Life on
the Road, Salad for the Social and • Solitary,
Rose Clark, Tom Hpods Writings. in rations'
forms, dtc., (to, A new lot of sehool and blank
books and Stationary. Yankee 'Notions &c., &C.
Also a few of those
li p top Casa Lamps left.—
I - See lure.. Any one making a bill of five dollars
and over, at ono time shall have one . didlars -
Worth thrown in extra, or 810 Worth,Shall'have
82 extra. Call Ind be convinced.
- A. Ni BULLARD.., Aug. 6, 1856.
Attentibn Fanners: ook
AT C. SUTTON, having purchased the stock
funnerly owned by C. ,C. Wright, he
could 'respectfully announce tolthe citizens of
Middletown and vicinity, that he has jast re
turned from tho city with a new; and felt supply
of all kinds of choice Springand Summer Goods
which ho will sell at wnprecedented law prices for
cash or ready pay. Pieass call and see. ills
choice lot or Dry CoOds, fur birth Ludies* and
Gentlemen wear, of
~Foreign sad .Dontestic man.
ufacture, Ladies Bonnets, Gents Leghorn Hits, !
Canada do., Chip do. Crockery', Groceries oral!
hard and hollow Ware. Drugs land 3fedicinee.
Iron and -Nails and Fish, besides ail other. arti
cles usually kept in la country !store. Ho will
keep constantly on hand a foil) *apply of Sole
and upper Leather. .Wanted any quantity of
Pelts, Deacon and Calf Skins 'and 1 - IVdes, far
which the hio:hest market pricy will I;e
All kinds Of Farmer's Produce ;wit; bo received
in exchange fur Goods at market prices.
Please call and examine for yourselves at the
old stand of C.C. Wrights. - - • • •
31. C. SUTTON.
Middletown, Snag. Co., Pa.'
Great Cause for Rejoicing-
Peace among the ' Nations of the
Old World.l
DRY GOODS and Clothing falling,.and have
alrende reached a mark below all reasona
ble expectations; and to prove this fact all at
& CO., at the east - end of the new. Brick Black.
Seeing is believing,'so call .and- see for your
selves. Come along without - delay, procrastini
don• you . know , is in nll cases dangerous: We
will offer you. rare -bargains, tint offered else,
where in northein Pennsylvania.' We can
-and I
will undersell all one competitors. We have
advantages in buying, and nanniffacture our own
Clothing, of which we have asplendid assort
nient, from a littlejackei ;and breeches to
the finest Dress Coats and Pants, for gentlemen
or all sizes, Dural/serum:um of Fancy and Do:
!pestle thy Gocids can not be stirpassed by any
other establishment in the counry. Ono of our
firm is constantly in the city, and is itUnifitt(id
most daily, Goods pfthe latont nerd most fitibion::
able style. Oar stock of Boniieut and :Beditibt
trinimga is complete. GENTLEMENOLAtk
lots of them. Also a splendid hit of Mantß*4
Montcose, April 22.1856.
$ l Ol , • URIM.ARTirlarTtt
Of SusqUehanni and Neighboring
Counties. ,
would respectfully solicit your ellen-,
W E tion to our large stock of the above
mentioned Goods, now in store nod in course of
reception. For. many , year" the trade of ono of
the largist portions of the EMpire State. has
been retained by a monepoly, which has at last
given away before the rush _of enterprise.
Possessing unequalled facilities; for buying,
and having direct cotomonication with thotneat
extensive ilanufacteries in the United Stritia,
we say, without exaggeistion, that we Can and
will sell, either ,wholes!ale or retail, at prima
lower than ever offered, before west of N. Y:
City. ,
While nothinghis been omitted in the Hard
ware line, we have given particular attention to
the .House Furnishing branch of our businetis;
and have on hand a stock well 'worthy the in-'
speetion of House Keepers. ' .
Of Fancy Goods we' have alio a large sisort
ment, which, having been selected with especial
reference to the wants • of our customers, We
think will please these in need of artieice
In coneinsion,wo,Would say ithaVour Geed%
are new,. and albs ; first quality, and . that We
hope, by strict`attention to boldness, and &con
stant-anticipation ortho wishea of our patio*
to merit even an• increase of the confidence el ,
ready repoSed in its: 1 1
Ilaidwitre, House Furnisbingeed FancY Geed*
• E i stabliehment, 51 Court Fit., Bingham.'
• toe, 'N; Y., adjoining Bank of
N. B. We have a.very large. stock of Wood,-
on And . Willow Warti;. 3lats and Rugs:Brit - Agfa
Ware, Fancy Bird';Cages, dccl. EirStortiiig
al,paratus of every deamption, including Fishing
Tackle in all its Varieties, Gunk, ftitles, Pistols;
Gan Materials, &c. 1 - • • • '
Prom the Binghamton Demo April 10th;
Sruurntv LarnoVEstrwr.—:tire havo heforif.
'noticed the new *tore
_erectod by:A. Kuowiton,
Builoining - the Bank 'of Binghttntoit, to be
occopi Ilardvraro Store by rhyfii
& Knowlton. As it approaCites ccitoplethto
deserves, ore; and more the
. Proises - thit h av e
keen hestSwed on if...and is nodoubtedilltrito„
style. finish lud appointments the - model afore, op
the Sotitheru'lier. , Ask
, 'patting,
ore As,
:patting in . their stria, ono larger mid' Moro Ow*
plitit shalt haitileretorore been kept. this 'place,
'enthroning all thi'departmnrits or.ifordwans,
'Boilitero Finishing, Materials:qui; AxturoSi'tO, -
4.0.: 4.olaCickto,o6; experienced and Toady
olAni o ah;luperiOtendi G94..Fitting:
ment. Look in - at Phiti:diArihwltim's.
• WITH riten!nrekatarleSlitripentle T.
',...ercynkbo - graimilit. 10;4,0'
op) 0/obroiortlin Sens, POwderrproOf Look
with n very snail key.. 411 mode meter t Us,
inwitatitinopentiott of: oar , lir. STEARtilif who
:has fur fouiteen yen,* oppevinton4ed. ittnitteatti:
nfaeterni dertorwhieb time not a dollar% worth
Of property hat.beet ocennimed in any ciao of
"than--313 having beep tentottp.ttoeuderitt# 61 1 11
Wah . antedircefronsdampngv4:For unlgif
- . . • - MARV
4Q' Manly . 1416 Watetiite
&wood Lind eiteit'of other aitlhere, it vaned
prices. _ i'36-4 non,
Ith, P4it
..._...... ~..,.
- Marti - WSZei n iGUllOiliraillhilig
Irl HIS II i progressive age. No vac -tioebti;
J. it; or it they didi:iggiettee at the roludfold
Wires on :1444w , lighPlag.lll4.2o l !; - ***at ,
POTteitte*ii. tivitldit.o4:oooVl444*„ :149k- 2 4V ,
the roidiitipito,-11F 0 Add"-Astaiiri. *iiiiii*lii
thit late - and wlielneteliedini.'f' New .- prtio . rilli*.
cent themselves each day; eachlty weltiiione.;
Ogione to . -• :: -- _ - --.. Y 4 -:- , ;
. 1 . “Catch.the 40iigjgatt..1 1 0 11 0tiliii i :f - ‘lz,'
taro them to our owe 'account is and - like At
. s „
UHICh calkalllXlaibie, • ,
~ , •-• . . -7: :_
Now te'.dain'PediAti tire r iveftktii - diiiiiiiietifeht
fahitined Stirea -- thoeo_eatablithed:NlTEOialit
twenty years ago. Their prnprietore haslet tie= . .
come thoetitiglik, ' illettualk-10h , jthe ::bi&optice.
inibciple, (or rather lack et gekteird4 - ere-insit
wihing to lovierlheir a wake *no,
in' accor.daict;w44ll#B Amiwira14•14.,,...
kir ,
re3ollid - .o,' .1 1 p' 3 4 0 ± 1 10 0 4,. - itie-..4 1 .0
spirit' of. the agei oi bare:„.oened on!' kik o l d .
apactoualatert, 'let "'sl,l;Ottrt . :*.;'irlthe - fir.7
~..,. .
~ ...,.....—...
laito asiOrtui.isfet . ' v"- -- ' - i -- . - - • -.. .. :
• Hvdware; jilotgie Pundshing oi , -
antll. 4 ancy Poods, 6,lf;r ;Air
r e fsit'at,thelikweitt - piliii;foiiiitit or
cedit.THYPE & KNOWL:VON;,.
- •-41,C0urt14.,11,1,14u4itt0n,N. Y. ,
Wo, advise" country merchants to vie us.
Therliiillind -- it Oirinfisgemis. , -1
lITILL Bad large lot of
.1 1 V - :Hoes, Rnkos:
. . . Spades, - ShoveW . .'
: Grass.liooks, Slates
' - Cradles;
and nrany other aitieles-foi tilling and beautif
ing tbeeartb s st- PHUT & KNOWLTOXIS, z -
Ilingbantcon t N. Y. .. - -
TO 'THE - - tAIIIESi .
I,ATE sro determined to• suitthokeg, Ibis;
1 , ;ing thelO:ebtnfort in view, wa lately pro?
cured of the imparters, a largo assortment of
r ti iiNcy GOODS •
which must certainly please even the Moat las;
thiloas taste: ' '-, • .
We have a fino,atoek of liar, Nail spa Tooth .
Brushes comprising many elegant, styles. ••
Of combi wa Intro' an-extemuve
dine many of India Rubber,' 'lron -and Rom, . ;
Wu besicle,inany, other Fancy Artie",
too numerous to mention: Call 111:141i4iniiie
our Fancy Goods.
. • - & KNOWLTON,
51, Court St..
Refrigerators. •
TUST received a la.-go lot, at„ prices - Paagithy,
0 from 06,00 to 812,00.,
• - PUYEgIz. KNOWLTO.t..
Bing , hanton N. Y.
Bird 'Cates! Bird CaFes!!
10111 TE & KNOWLTON have - just - received.
L. a largo and well Selected assortment of
- , • BIRDCAGES, - 1
combining.' many of this Most elegant' designi
and beautiful finish; combining durability with
lightnessond. airiness of style.. From ss. Gd. to
810,each, drinking and seed cups included.
5 6ourt st., Binghamton.' •
_ .
To Sportanien..
TaCkle buns!Rifles ! Pistoh
Pfrt K
FE*NOWLTON have now,insla'and.
niplondid lot of Fishint Tackre,
ItOds.frotols 61, to $lO
.I.iineer; from 3cto.,
Reels, from $1,50 to $6 each, and an °assort
ment. of artiacial Bait, never . before eqUalled in
this i - icinity,inclading Mice;Glasia, Leath
er, I#4lii.Reblier, Minonws,GattaPereba,..Graim
Hoppers, Shrimp, Spinning Bait, &c., &c: Pat
ent sponisto.avoid catching grass , while balling,
Patcnt,Spring Hooks for Pickerel -er
Socu,dologert, or- Yankee Doodle Hookc's nie ,
and improved anode of fish. •
W have good :stock •.of Gune, Rides: Re:
yoking, ititiirle and double barrelad Pew,
der, Shot, Water Proof and other caps, Mutant'
Horns, Turkey tally, . ; Powder Flasks,
Peuehes,, Game Bags, Teciaperencti Bottles, &c.
Ins feat we barcevary-articleLef. Sporting
parents. Hooks, for outline fishing by dui hen
area thousand: PHYFEIk. KNOWLTON;
5t Con& at., Binghamton.
11YFE & N are 'Aigentit -`for a
fltint4.l' I 4 iallufa.4 l , Yens alul)hti
the Trade on easy terns, and ata low, price at
their Hardware, Manse.. Furnishing ' and - Fancy
Goods Establishment, 2 -• .
bi Court Street,. ..
Country Merchants;
WlLL.fied Hardware, House: Furnietddr
and Fancy Goods at New -York
its r • PitYrE dc: NO~YLTQI~IS.
Cash for W 001,...
T - IntcxxamAN-& GARItA.TT - will pay the
hiihnai inattetlirien for - altille Wool in
cusquehanna County; deliveredlLtheir store.
New, Milford, Juno 16.1856.
rolEv- lAr-Gif4*
TU **2
.1 1 .1 1 ,0 18
riTT.,* -
THE. 4,47fDitiCrlA
Please read it, it is short and' y importance
to every Itoyet gieper.
AVE receivedtheir spring sepply,Of house
furniahing Goods. We , can nawiofter
seven beintiftil etyles of Crockery. Orie of them
a noir.lnni niegnnt spring Pattern of White En.
smelled Ware. Oar Goods are'nil
quality, nti seconds or cold !etc but complete •
setts, and can always be - nuttcbed if broken or
morowastedsfor,yearoktotoow.4ll-.7.thweents. , -
!non wares, CHINA TE.CWARE,stx:A*DdidI
otYlus°r whiesilUut
L'A 8-8. , ,,1tr A lit 0 .
fete - and unlmultd64' Aiskiety nivraYt
band. TBA TRAYS "Ortelartiwn
Fifteen elegant patien* for surpassina in rich:
ness, finish and dumbility e the,4Metiean article
usually sold, at nit Itiar price's, Ind by'far the
largest and most coMplete 'lot ever. offered is
these pa.-15,,frem 83 to SIS per sett _
FROM 'Jitic77ollll' BAR
GAINSrI ''s -
Brass Curtain Cornices, - .Bands, <lloolisilititt
at prices that competition; . Twenty differ
ent styles of those elegant =Bird Cups, Roth
75 cents to WO each.; :34'differtrit-patternalif
superior warranted -Chick*. from - ;to ••*its
each. Watehes;Clocks'Ond Jewelry nattlyet4
paired. Plated Cutore4 Cake Baskets,
Fors, Napkin Rings, - .dee , ' 20011Cleiiib
Knives and Forks. Parlor loriPse- - HalL
' lll g Tin liUre.- I d
'Marbelized Iron 51anile`Piieiti arid Greiskafei,
in Oct a Anent!' Rum -Building an
FurahtifiSgestiblishnied., -
EtlrCal I and see neat: qui 45 1CRYSTAL044,
.ACE." two donriniatoftheleenal,' , 'it"
If ciur Gootis arnobtei - rekiifir
'p 'cos n*l o % o 'lo l l l l tointi *al°, afti 6 , 444 1 1 4
4 4.414yeasti don't bey,
-• •-.- ' - BREHARD-BRE)THERW`i'
Ringliittitek MiretrAlls6:
.701111iY4 1 1 7 4048Iitiiiii ash wilt buy - 0141_.
.414 dollars. wintli , i'Ait;ths'itliodWilliitirW
iii*prgoArp ieear
=cheap cub graf-kiik Orni Oilkwat*.
no*, where tautest o..e , ke 0,4 1 10 1 Tr5140
their4VPROCTOOriNtiAIKOPI I O III 9 I _ O a,
Ph(tgig*a/14a. , *lett .••
e. vivant ws -
• warantata t tpopitA i ptyylsonsistitsg of
Tit A
s ypimpyt 5ji47111121,140114441001441b0rl
' pname4344pr &if Bik°
: s.- 14q lON BsSil
l f r i a rklAk
14040/400114?lidl4L - .
.* 41 ,1 0 ,1 4 4 1 . 00 1 t#Plakff 40114 ' - - - - - iir i; "
a! rust it . /1 /1 36
8 Op 0.,18
. r-:. ,•-• -, • - --- 1....-v,,.- • •• '-- , .. 44..gilrojewitg i ,
y4oll , ..wmaithiitsernetillie i .
, hei .,„o44'.. isio talmA so lso* loo .,O is esitiki . ,....._ . _.,,
tOtintl, -. Midilii - riattif tholkOOKOSiti.._
findAtetlysir advantagalo-'ntiosoist sa M ' • !-:;:r.
zermusoSilOon and - Or! Lpent'yr • :.11/•-•• - '''' '-,'*--
-194 ,1"10 14-4 tilt100 11111 *It'•
1 fix i ipltrkaw.pu l ovio N ti* : * * ,,, Arligq#o44 - 07: - ... -
I ; 4ltenna AikilikeraiertianklittK;
~ , , '.'•
rue:Cott= ;fiat s - 101,,mr : ea: -
,-,,_,_ s
larNl ottatotX l4 'laid ZatVejklitO ik-. . -
set. tid§hidk. ,l lklibidaraii , Plansliasiddillik." : -..
;stirtinent of PrOierharatiii"roninkii****dir:.,,.
:inpplies ereryiessitthmt. its*-iiy,:-.014.4., , ,, -,
Tea, choies.kinda, - frost'lli ik,.. , W 06 ;:.-..,11 - --
ostik no* it•- , 9::,.eAsiliktati - :.-Crillisk - 41 - Ml,: - . : :.
'erindled, Pulverized ind: .-, Cainilatiallt,o4lt. - .. '
BSA Mohnen' 3 - s.:ll(Liere W a
alliat;Aiddl '
fra,l6d,Per B: 1 !•' , ' RcitkiAltoki4 :l buresiii- - .'''- -
Am:. dried , Beef ;Haat,' Cod, . r lifteltsitik - .-Widdi,
and Blue.Pish,. Chte*PlieketitEAii*ltidhile4: .'
S a t?
oi l: s eat; ittrai l . at -, m ili fitarv .
iko TobaeoTi l lut g .fizat fiiiii -- iitt'', ' ----; ' ''';'-• . tin foil _f Fit.i.Craskiki•
;Works. liatches,-..11L 'kinds. .4rbind - 14ditsiV;: ~
Bloom, Cherries, Figi,frOntALSO 11 . 1 4 1 .4.10 010 0..- -- :
runes, Zantee Curren*. Cdrotti 11 144stIkfalliq-;:
i-lift - .
-for Puddings, Spices- ill kinds, dm. 0nne .. .. ,
~ "ibtard, do, Vrenektltosp Powder, Bibbitre ~...., ;
seratus,lii: and Mean/ &di,' Csaiii -d. '
'and Super Cub Sada; Tartaric- •Aeld,4iiiiiti4::
do: root, Riney Candy and Gum • Dtopj - 4, - *liir-';::
. from N: Y. Cassia bade, Cauty_med.N4ii...
-Chives dm; Coilas,Bruniiint. QM*: eisdajaw:3.. , ,
iisrds, black lad p%Oich,. sauffl.Bashow.fkowl* 2. -
..tozja. ed. per lb o Sultansissediesn - Rsairmodmak 1-.:.
(pearl) Corn starch Patent Nuttig i atittano44.
Clethe's p ins, .tivrest Ma - Castor. -10464.;.•:.
Raymond's Less ; and' Wright** Phis, - AW ,'-`
Brimstone ' Sulphur, Gum - Camphor,' Ifinligar
Choice lot of : Catsup,. Pales; Popper Himsa 4 :
BiSpbst? StrePOLOOTtliteatrati* 11101901110:
Otribelish and preventfroft falling - iffirt‘p - Ilir.:!
grty, Herring the Box,. Whits Wailk - ~zt;
and Shoir,hrushei,
. - Stmai:::odd - -.- %Silt,
Ol . trden siedi. Slate:kid lead peaeliii,A*liambi
• les, Brooms, ToOtk. Ache Ointinsati itiol4lllolllV.,
dare care for birfis,Spridn4. - Brnisei s lifiiitil‘s - '
sian Linemen!, good , formals -
. '"arbeist.: -. itaintit 2 -' :
-Medicine; together - witii. , :a large sintortliiiiit ot .:-:
Children's Toys,:sehictett'irittr,gaidontaiddit
both girls and boy!, among which Ms_
.: - :•inatik.-..
palls and , RIO eta; Horaesi:-Pftklati,;9oW itele;-
. Oaths and rockers, small Tali aitts; - -...11 1 h51 1 . - A , '
Cirnii bin Rings,. Tops, Clarionottok Anordw' ..t.
oti.fiarcrionicons, khro.-', ----- and..'ileanf -3 tialiikaiki.
' things,_,Ladies Baskets and 13swilOneditikmilt. '
Salt for . . family' iiii;COin MiskalisPiont,lo4olt.
.itins . tantly on hand, .by thnPound,4**,list.:
. tel l. - • -
• , ,
Fratta - ggl •
Clam, Oranges init. Lemons, Pine Pipiesviiro4, - ,
Some Eggs, Batter, Potatoes, Besakibaitaktos .
In - exchange. The above - Goo& are for roftellksit :
cash or ready pay. -
Thankful for put favors, I hope It 7 46M
attention to business and sataltpoehttitipili
;Amer share , of . patronage, and thereby-,411,-
mutualy benefited, alt coder witklikt(ol*.
will be promptly attended to.
a Mott -
,Tem - Fteranee' Saban Creeery andfroi Wei
Store in Main 84 - 41ontroire, Pa., May *I,: maw
rioatniAm-, SMITH & co., wow rnipinkisr
fully inform' the public thatlbekiaintakiniy;
ebased the interest in - the saddle and 1108481::
Business. of A.A. E. Baldwin. Ws tri*,4e.
stria attention 'to Intel:Ass-% retsdawitneikew .
ofPublie patronage; Constautkil• bunk Bade ),
dies, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Viditni.- ,
Carrriage Trimmings- in all 'of itsbennelose- - ,
will Oeittli, 4ono. „Ptde!:o
- -
...Shop No. 2,_Searlea Basement: • -
Vonlrose, Jan. 1..1856.
Fire! Fire - !
THE undersigned: is agent for' the foltOwbet
insuranle connuinies,'the reputatim
which", for solvency,. ind howable dealiaa IBM
been long known to.tbe Wale. '
TtlE LYCOMigo MUTUAL ! 1.-' , t7A ~.
prr4 ,
eaguomm: - - -
:The Fariner's.Union Insurance ofAthefwft - l' -
Capital- $200,00t4 secure* kr Beads asidlif.ex‘ - .
State Mutual at Ilairieburg, on the et 4 .1011-
Mutual plan. Capit#oscripoo.
Applicants 0114-
ot any of the Aimee companies: - „
.A. 1111..
`-'Montroae, May 12, 1856. -
Jobbers Wanted...
rHE ‘ ondersitned wilt let tifidootitettel
L '75 acres of land, from which tlke t temilie
and fire wood has bail:taken. Alesi:AbilkOrtia
Ling of one stitiles feet,of hemlock logkiiesokkkir
peeling of the bark from the Mime:
cutting and hailing, or the=cutting: skt*
: 1 1000 cords of Ralf Road woo& - •
,The-above work 'todblk-thig g.Wiegl.- 1114 ,- - -
will bo parceled out Wk in an - faie-wfide
coo a pat of it °alp- For further
please apply to the Undersigned 'st the.NOTk e
31-2 inks op thilPiallk Era - - In . flr4aedimiti?
Delaware Co., N. Y.
-Ten good matt'wanted tc; dried tesUMaiitit.
Work in a saiW4eilkta:_whialt:goOdirjapiifilCi-
be paid.- gail y ' , appliratioti`luireffed,
Office address— Hancock „ N. Y.
:May i,iBsB;''';' di;
Burnet's Patent Inrproyed ,
This in. the., osim
fruit in market Aidloi.
entirely et To. All others iested`bi.#o*;
of Lead Screws. •ehich discolor As -
By. me ns
of Ribber Rint_itteMAitglit
mnde so perfectly Air Tight-lhat
less person cannot en° a fighiPilli?"6"94.'
Con- _ -".
"A channel being stranged - ironer 114 :1111 1 S- t -
Wax can
Robber Ring be used (if desired;)fruithiftkilltirtilW:
'No tunntirittelteiessary'betin- - ,..-.
The opening 'Cs& large thatikAdl46oolloolllr:
can be admitted ;-or it* iaie rle
out the cm, -
.EverYCon, l olo l l
,1120'" cheapestin
siderin the adranlogOil ! _hr
c ans , -
Orders fitteltprouvgy, - briIIiCWISMIO4I-,
Agents for the. Patentee, 601 Brosifinir•
tlttart -per,
Hid( Gallon Cans,
Gallon Cans,
Wrenches, . 11 ` - :.;,,,!(..
Tops. complete. the toga eittrom,
,/t liberal Discount to the t!ad• - ._ -
16 - --3 ur- I
_Rhode's .PeTr suili-Agn, - ,0111114?`-ifF
tNII. AutideteAo Mitltt l ifili.leigiiiiesif_ 3 P .
I.J'and en or , inte ii: Or emultinekt -
to ;'Deexh Wild 00011....- L _ i#IIIRy
1 1V
Remittent peroabio of
,44*.r -,
tionipanitiit i toutitrioo4-. iltaii - z , -.-,-;
Ship eat`t Tireri:-Ciet,ot - WAIRri. _
Sweats :Oa ell Other 'forAnn: 0;010e*
ball sto on origin in '' !'"!;' -r i - ''' - 4 : :;44. f ak1- '
r . , t — Atjiltlit ' Cilk - rte , - - z.
Efai - etniiiiit ieskr-•.l i,io, - .4-
or is by OW Iltideldiglil4lololo4lo6lllll*
tßilt:l proprietor. ILL it.ahedet,. 3::'
Ktintrosi, My 1. 18116.--- A 1: 5 4 .
~. „
- :--- ,-,''" 1 -
for '. ' i i -
. ,_.-_, ikerni.* f
~,,, ` 'll*-•
' . ii nal&
~t , i t .
=;' iii_r:i..:';
NW. -:01)12 efissio, "MOM
• OT'""'S 1" 1 " - =' ,
.ogd an , •
raxs 4 I I
chi* .
sad Spillilftgh ' ''BW'd
lini ME