jidirtst gitmorrt tilt LilltOUTentenerwir A. LSI ' sal* Is tags. Dem*atioNational Nominations PRIG DENT. !SMILES lIIVCII.I3AN. 'of Pennsylvania. vrcn ra4sthss; Jr_oun lIRECKINRIDGE, el: Kentiteky. ''Destioiratit State Nontiviations: TOlt CANIL COMMISSIgNICR, GEORGE SCOTT, of Coltinibi4 County. • 1 11, AUDITOR ossErtAL. COB FU T, JAL, •at Aforyboryky/ County. "Pon SVIIVEVOR GENZIUL, 301 IN ROWE, nklin .Coun ty.' jiDesitocratili Vovitity Ttektt. t ._ For ite Senator, r• 4 WILLIAM M. MATT, of Wyoming Co., For members of Assembly, Tt..T.'..-S„ of Susq : ,- . Co. -:- . Jt;')EIN V. SMITH, of Wyoming. Co. . . ' 4 '•: tor +irsociate Judges 7#. - k..IIATCH t of Montrose, Y .Tt7.403115' SMILE' of Gibson. :.:,„„, f ~' For Commissioner, . ,4* ICHARD COLLINS of Ap01ac0n.., , ,. 7 -1 . 1.i'.. ''•• For District Attorney, ', "MI. 4. POST, of Montrcsse. • • For Auditor,- ~ • ' . TIMOTHY SUILrgAN, of Silver Lake. For County Surveyor, • . ' .0.- S. BEEBE, of , Jessup. w-,:'•• All Commnnicatioo, Advortiseinenta, and 'Notices of nny kind, must, - to receive an in sertion, b 0 handed in on Wednesdays by. 8 o'clock. A. M. - Eir Blank Deeds, Leases, Contracts,Bonds, Mortars, 6tc., constantly on hand at this office. We - also give notice that we will fill any of the abovoinstraments at charges so. moderate as to .prore a saving to those having that:kind of btissi , .ness to be done. POLITICAL DISCUSSIOY: 'At Glenwoc4the 13th inst, Messrs. 'Schna bel 'and Grow met to discuss the questions in issue between the two great' political parties voters present, at about three thouraand, l and' two thirds of thorn dethoerats. - - 15 y Wgtee; -- mont of the: parties i ' Mr. Grow opened' and. closed closed the debate. Et his opening speech he 1 stated th at the•cont e t was between Freedom and Slavery-r-ihstthe democratic party labor.. ad to extend slavery, while the Freroontilirti ~sought to' confine that institution within ,'.its r ,resent litnits. ' He occupiedthirty' tai rrtt4a !in talking charges against - the . democ*,, ,r i :.,:-__„- , - moJuto not condescend to `prove:; t;. tol.lCwred by Mt:,. Schnabel, who 'occupied r.-,... . !A - 114.1101i , two ho urs, . (the- time- previeusly ii;,44!_greed ttp9a).„'liever have wet:stoned to a i wore powerful and ,convincing argnmeit ;. -41 getils tRaCk Republicanism, than was made :lir. Fv;an this occasion. With indignant i pence he repelled the charge of Ir. G. iliet - the democratic party Tvas a slavery -exten t axon .pit!ty4, pretruncing, and proving said chin:o 7 49iiifamously false. He examined tho 6 . 44 st tlialwo parties, showing that with fiefekcpce.l.o the question of Slavery in ' the turrialtitia, only -one issue was made, and , that relatifig to the power of Congress over the aubjec.t. lie pointed out the coneetion between, H.now-Nothingism andHlach; He : pnblicanism, proving from the pu lished pro eeedings of those , isms in their 4 nventions, , thai .. Fiemoet represented each, and was pledged io ouch. Ife censured the refusal' of the Republican 'Muse, to give p'aace to Kan , saa,by,pissaing Tomb's pacification bill, and Remised Mr. Grow -orsmothertng said bill in the CO - namittee of whiell be was chairman.— ; He attacked'the ;evolutionary conduct of the Republicans, reiation to theßmy hill, and maintai nod that . the recent unhappy oc curtendes in Kansas were the result of; such • - ccrnd'uct. He proved to the satisfactimi Of every candid mind that the ideas battled for 1 firths Fremont party, originated with Fed i erarnim tinder the lead of Rufus Meg ; that Jefff*n condemned those ideas as lectional and ifpersevered in,likelT to result in a die ; aohitiotiotthellnCon. The argument of Mr. Sclumbel on ' =the above points was conc ,, ,iiitive sinkunanswerable ? li e was listened to < with nutrlrcid attention. reply of liv:etww which cce ::' plied stn houeand half, .aboniided._,in accusation E. whinicif ought to huri,the Democratic . partila oblivion.. - The aptatch *Mr. & h as . had ao incited and ihirmed ifr,filow that he .1a discuss with precision and claw nose; any of -the ;questions" in catitrovasyer.. Aftei denying that he .ever had the Tootab's bill in; his possession., ha.eatertained peo;,' his old anti-slavery Jam , j hoar, Vilort.---_Bo.itilinuatally;' iiideatt , = his itsnituitti gpott tine "Inoustrotsioligaribyo l whi4ttio:and of =gads& an\d abolition- Us plink-so danginsua. lie -told us that, amid never inibtnit to theatmettnentsof that 4110 1 1 / 4 legifillitUre " Kanilllillt ieditt: * A yrants was obeileaOa , itr• ,tiod," 4 0 .. I 4;4 - W,e 6'00.1 aot help Waiting's:Oils-had 3 4 - 40 w allowed the Teee4-inilOgeti tiOajtielkaioal, he, you4tzioCsair bit *xi; phiiioixtbad mid opptessiveliwii Kali ma.: Evitything nnjustin the Kansas code, asa complained of by him, was repealed by thi e very teems of the bill which Tassed , the r est`Oott4iikrwi r Chaitinn,l l 4 d,iiititii.ith. # Tertones.';' 1 :. i- ' v, -a; , . -- i ' Again,, eanlicematpine4hat, the pi poseifilut,dena*ratki Only ;Am' to Plant Amery in. Sansen—that said purpose was evidenced by ths - usfusal of - the. Pl ut ocratic Senate, to admit Hums into the Union with the "restitution adopt,,etiby the Topeka Uzi-, tors, Now, if Me: G. is so hostile to slavery and no very vigilant in support of human ' rights why did be vote for Dun's Bill I— - hat-iftennillr:Leitistii:itirAt' Man tnel t i::: ber, c(tongress froin Ohio," eittette the Irii-- skive Slam Lino war Seams Mgt 4Vebictskw, perpetuate. ehtsvey thrre unlit ' ."1850,' end .plakti di tiiikim bilt;lciiiireetiki that time estate mothers; 'stares" Ibt&r raingtilar 1 that a man penetrated with it holy horror of Slavery, rhetdd surport a till producing the etfeet abere aekiibed:fry lir. titer t The Main aliat 0'1;6. Grote winieti to 10 to I prove that thelCansat Nebraska act; repeal ingthe Misk;hri Cmiiiiii mire; Produped all the troubles that hernia:cared in the Terri tory. - Does hi net knew ;= that the vislatiost of tne principee of that 'AWAY!' the:Eistern Aid Societies,' is the parent if agate tlillicol ties there? ' The rebellious spirit eneotir`aged by Ur. Grow and hishrother egitatersin and out of Congress is nutinly:ietpiateible, for the life and property neriticed: in Kans as since' its organiaatibaanii . settlenten .' , 'Th e y have/ labored - to ke'Cithat tit ritory in - a 'Mete of an archy, tn. - revolutiOnary purpa4s. To plaeli J o hn c. r,ciiiobt 1,, the - execntivechair of the public, and to get their own hands into the the public treasury; tley have shown. a will ingness to sacrifice li& and property-to bring their deluded follOwers in contact with the Federal atithority, ntid to dittegard the laws of the country. The diacusiion at Glenwood was attended : with good reaults._ The inabil ity of-Mr.,grow tojustify his Amuse in Con gress and his &Qin, to staietfitirAy f the posi. Lions of hisentagonist, were plainly minifesta In a goad.cmiuse Mr. Groer s is swim wan . but a " bad cause", such ste he now aductettea embarrasses and snakes him weak, indeed l-1- with Via 441 anlagoniitOrbe haft to oostend with oatthe 13th, Mr: Grove,: appears remark ably sum) I: _ . _ . _ ..... ..: - .. -.... ,„:. '1 •':-, EDITtAti .; .." -.';„ . , • :--, At the Owe 01'4 debatell4Schnabel ins vited Mr. Grow to aceempany him sad apes& at. his (Schnehers) meetings., Mr: Grow .re plied that his appointraeuts would not per mit him to do to; ." very -well" askiltsSchna bel, " invitto aceempany - yosi," and speak. at ye, .:.4.:;:::ngs." This Grow declin ed to iltli l oWinits from a full and fair investigatien sithe iesutwl Itept"oilcans assert that 'Congress hUSpower to eielude SayeTy..„front the Tee:o,ioiies: Of the United Stater--that thee' people thereq:are the subjects of the. legisla tive p6wer fc;citi.4 at WaShingtOn..l is admitted.that. Congress has, no . poster;. not cspressly - delegated;', to find the extentof Congressional Power *nat leek to the cep satiation."*a3 - quotelraTzeti: ki im u t a clause is Congress exelusiie power ,oveli.the..Aerito;•, Congress, , shall hive power to dispose of and ai#o All need ful rules and regulations respecting tF terri toryund other properly of tkk flailed' juke." This_proeision relate. to privirtir i notto''perf., point otatihe starch leoriferrint Vorieess.-oe. power to`:-regulate the' dia , . lidi4c affairs of a tertit' louse oai *Okra:overt thedentiocritio docerinail-that. the. inakinepoWer of a tirritaityis arith itOnliahitants L . •;. • • - • " . Sat A young man residing at Friendsville twines to the Repubiifflui, • that Schnabel en #- hibited a handbill itt Mont:mut; On which ap peared, flaming Chariots* the fjelliaing I "Per nosa scr LUENICANS ON GUARD. The Rev. George Landon will add - Tar .the people at Ifontrcte the 20tk of ?invitee The young man thinks the bill a. ".remnant," because be says he.saW . 4 kite on it, that "Wed quite ; *tampon, on: i . :vicious neighbor, tali% to Lis Madan in this w, t ai t " such bill as that e4hibited by Siobbli at Choecnni, was ever _printed the cans, but it was no doubt ntattufactured at the Democrat ogre, where the Aire, our correspondent statures -to is kept." -The ‘.! bird" kept. at our price is net allow,ed to !Tread to, wings - under a linow-Nothing sentiment. IS have never ! .. .ntanufactuned" a handbill; to deceive pecsple with, and. what is snore we never intend to. Why the Bel — piokkan should • disown the bill-ins question, it is not for unto say. tbtre not bith its stilton sworn to "put: none but Americans mkgsui:nr I. - Formant on brukrotart AL eiszanirse.-- We bate received Ircins':the BrOthes Jon; ether' Offlege,liew:York; Sheet - or 'six finely engraved PortnatitAifßiaelliniat and Breek-: enridge-L—Fretniakt and "Dayttal—rdknore and Donegan*. 'l3end:rrit-eent peritagn stitop tn , B. H. pat 48 Beekman itteet, New York and youjerUt get the whole mis of See por trait* free of Pe*ttoge; C. 4 41 ePagb Stitt fork torrtspoultnitt. 2iiarito*ilepta 12,1856;; DENOOR - Al7O ' TO:001'.' - LIGHT ~ ~.. ;.--,- ,4001,6"67.01E. Do - Tuekley nieht-the: eemrtess-of, chime Alarmed the e'4.17 itoned in:U- W*o4 torches 4 heneete, cannosowd all fie poupianas Rai irsoduoo ilrefoolVaistitioi: • Thi Nom of As poosiollwir It edit& *Vet tete - tenv,teffielmlikiNef nit ihe old Detooffi l dit bi: 4 doOpetet: 1310011101 to R# yikeies4 lOC OSA' DlS loo oo l l6l****Oit 'nate the sllllloo6lr bY 04 - Wei out pato:dingle She *etectitestein lesigini GtAtalelkit imlallibiClo•dakY shy.del ,tue_tkout weeilemMars Ant OW ihrossellret vei lac :The Ansetf*Ne ilk • mu et the I ,ftel Ai" 111;11 .0" 448 .94C 4 Ifn: ORIM- hOUPIIIi4 IMMO POW 14111.1ar ValM4lnk 11011100110se 11 01VM11111k 01111111alld in the utmost mimed scorn end &vision of Republican% howev ellreVa iivilreelnilited, and tad their rusk* 41; rhieflounense moving mass eras -oce)ratitlyr 'erlh tainting allusions to t rt- t 6 ma election an beitjait reiched.the city, and the Frernon'ters WeiLsol s ceolinSt4 Lelated, and could eat kee p 'their. jottothiiiiiii44i. There were cease- gently some jolly knock downs, whenever a " bum& fee' oh! Book," would be !net with, the aositialitAtihif heard the news !rout- Maitre rt. Many and dire the atrualribeteP" the "aFfKgoes of ,b,ou4olot Beelitursto, anti .thePtinepions of, the man 3wi' o „Ave4An ra.-.1419PM pie,,. • D Oll l- Pattie' so ttleecluarrels, were usually banged and isnttered by the disinterested police, and their anxious friends, who .of . ; :course would imeediately, mix iu for an • indiicriminate maser. The Turnout was however a most brilliant affair, so all admit. - The liberty of the Ow, which wait slightly damaged a numb er of weeks ago, by. at tempted castigation, of th editor of ;he Sun-, day Courier by two returned Nicaraugians, has been at :Jut viedicato4.-, The case -which has been postpined a. number of timet," an cording to the Statutes in such case made and. provided," at lait caine on for trial, and ono of the valiant heroes of Walker's army has been sentenced to .thirty days in 'the !Tomb's, the other one eacapedthis husliitafi ty.of tho city, and was dispharged on promis ing to be st geed boy in future, and retying that he was very.• sorry. for the occurrence. tire wrath of the editor is thus appeased, but no provision was made by the court 'for the i'ePair of his breeches, which were . 111%0 ured in the fray- 7 whetherlike a second Morey', he will get; them patched , and charge the job to the State, or put up-gently with his loss, and pay the tailor himself 'cronies to he seen. The Churches like the Theitres, here in this city, have their " regular waseensr and their stated times fur closing their labors, and for reappearing :before the' public. The day for the latter ceremony is the first of September, arid most of the churches were re opened for the fall and winter sermons at that time. Ile electioneering preachers, Lavin made 'their political speeches, and given their final shriek for their favorite candidate, have again subsided into , ministers of the gospel, and will in future " hold forth" from the pul pit rather than from the stump. , .9er city authorities seem desirous of emu lating, the worthies of San Francisco, end the other Pacific cities in idackguardism,"and "mussing" generally. Two of the, mombens of the Common Council, got into a fight the other ereningin a disreputable grog shop, and one of them-wanbeateri almost to death by, the frieti4lo':thesTieiter. This is truly an ieywesting state of cir:fikstion, whenj he high diinitariiit-of the el tiiit city of the land, gat hit** barroom figQ4nd black each others'. eyeihke a couple idkucken rowdies. It shows what kind of o are delta& by the scoundrel manceovere of the 'villains who con trol the Primary. Elections of the city, and who literally trade off thstEeekto theft whir will pay-the most. money, The Chief theatrical e4nt of ; the past week new theatre, formerly .Lanza Keene's qt.:am:stem The male . 'Utanagerlot the decided : . ; advantage the female manager in the !fleetest for the poeses 'sion of tbe.bouse, andthelady was ousted. 313 % 4110 a 'pen cesded to put the edificeiisto a maner.:iind comfortable shapealinted new scenery, built a new stage. 'and has made' t tbs./fret theatre in the city. certainly, i f not of the nation, in point of corn fort and elegance. Thelbst perfonnance tin der the new king of this dramatic realm came off on Monday night last. ;The Louse was fell, as is always the case on such occasions, and, as is seldom the case with Mr. Burton, the performance, was rather heavy. His new company had not all arrived, and be was forced to do the best lie could with those whoireni on the spot. • The pieces were the " Rivals" and 'Y Loan of a Lover," both old , and thread bate. His new actors are mostly persons of talent; and 'ability in, their profes sioni and there is no:doubt they will do'well as on as they get accustomed to working together. E. L. Davenport, the weit-ktiosin Ametricantragedian, is-the leading man, and he is very popular here, Ind crowds* will rush to see him. ' • The other theatres have done nothing new, and the minstrel companies Are all doing well. There, is a rumor which is undoubtedly true that Mr. Stuart, who was the manager of the Slimmer Garden,has permanently leased the Theatre of Wallack, with the understan ding that this bitter gentleman is to play six ty nights during the season. As Mr. Wal lack is now aixty-two years old, it ii no small 'feat - for him to undertake so lengthy an en gagement, hut be accomplished the samefeat last year, and will no doubt makei an effort to do it again. ‘, Faure* ta. or Uta BROADWAY r iyUICATRE. The Sunday paper, usually so, unreliable and vagabond like in every respect, bvsome strange accident, were right, in their predic tious. The Broadway Theatre leaf in part fOatt in, and the sensationists are gratified and rejoice acconlingly. There was a quar rel between „Bowen 4k McNarnett;• who are putting up s building on the - lots adjoining the Theatre, and the proprietors of the latter l' lo 4blighluents - *boa the ittlatiOi . in which 'tbe ',allot the Akainatie temple should be' Initiated while life 'mentions were gOing aue—antitber party' 'would. gire in, and there weaver t to' the - knife between theim—the swim Atept - :on ' digging, while the t uti k et . the - building wet 'hot 'supported and a a ,tioseetitudioi . • inirsitabk.; when toe sluing operstifts'ziod - UeD - citrieci to a ;main uteri; tbe iltitrbaued, **Abu elseafgap . vbediewei 10-the• trieri.Of gokuitaha, twilled , is. estattophe-1 en oil alt hat Sit teesisilostter the mot. iiistsitneetbolie 4th is , thst,ssepi loge saa.ddilightedsoliew or -rillogokboyi; ditty imps ! ' with 4iist3r hikbia; Witty imp, ,whobaisameibialb)aes4is The - 004 , 1 essenee bed bee. eadisiipateikaid -7411 Julia- 1 latepapeatiaa ImiChwett seek .ta nature ''. iblosietyof thersisii :anny -appiimi slid uguen, who had etterstsal * mammoth E=Ma scoop, which hid been constructed specially for the purpose.: No one was hurtioreven seared ; the : little boys linmdted, the...romp latigheti, tha.dfignra sCatiperest; tits, babies croweil --mindrottely dieappoin ted to find that nobody *as smashed. entire - wall did 'tint . ,fall ; a hugasitce, seine thirty feet by eighty, reaching friana" the Cellar to the third story wit:glows,. was demol.7 ishlid. It happened to be the,. stage end of the wilding, and a . View' oftheatried rityitel has was vouchsafed to. the public audit as the -aninitiated are seldom permitted to sworn; hiss imrreptitiously ititroduoed h Maio pip (visional friend ". behind the, seenes."l. Lakes, mountains, rivers, islandit,i and all kinds.of geographical-curiosities, the produc tion purely of the artist's brain ,and paint pots ;-castles, towers, palaces, cattag4, bridg es, forts, villes, anti many architect Ural phe nomena, the liktficf which no, builder Over made; dragons. griffins, sphynxes,iind vari ous hydra looking tnonstem, unknolrn in ac= teal natural Widely, but perfectly LflOiliar to , every theatre-goer, were all.tumbledlin an discriminate heap into Bowen -tk hiNatnee's cellar, among the bricks,, nortar and masons. The " Lake of Como" stood up sidearsys , and did not spill. itself; the mountains were Wrong end up; and the castles meted upon . their roofs with as much cenanimitf as if that were the customary way of doing things. Curious children had a fair opportunity of in specting the machinery by Which the fairies navigatoa . the air ; and of 'finding ,out exactly how many wires it, takes to pull the " Good Genius of the Golden Glen," up kiln a canvas heaven; iner. lie has utterly demolished and 4 4 done for" the " Red Devil of. thi Burning Heart" The stnge " properties," :too, were curiously examined; and there is Maw many a man in the city who can tell you exactly how many pasteboard helmets • end pine swords make a Roman army, and how many feet of canvas there are ha a landsctipo coai prisingten thousand acres. Ao nrratigement has, I believe, at last been effected by the belligerent parties, l by virtue of which the gap isto be filled up, the rest of the building secured agamet _falling, and the. work of„Messra. D. & McN. permltted to go on. It is not generally known which of them made the . first Concession; though . I strongly suspect that Manager Marshall was obliged to come to terms, for it seems to be generally- conceded that , he had theworst end . of the bargain; and that the right of the mat ter was on' the other side. It :results 'disas trously for-both parties, the merchints'beieg unable to occupy 'their building fOr another season, and the' manager being convened to postpone the opening of his Theatre for a 'number of weeks. For the Democrat:. LATillt9P, Sep. 5t14 1830. 'Messrs Editor: ' Pursuant to notice, the-. Democratic citi- i zetaiar Lathrop, convened last - esening at I Wt Girth's !lute), when, after the tAual pre- • liminari6i, Lucius , Robinson_ Esq., of Dulle: , que, liiwa, was introdueed, to the'audienee.— Mr. L. spoke in a•very_ happy manner,- deffu- Jew with ability the issues before tint, people ; 1,Jr 1 "7. 1 •'1. 1 -..L.A.C.e.i iraptirt4l exykositioa of the _,,,: '&: l aliticulties, since, the. w ......,i- -...-voc--- Kit ""- '.' • Neticustewe.t ; bboariug conclu , slyly t tat the administration has been want -1 only maligned and misrepresetitet ;: profing i the'' Emigrant Aid `Society" to have origi nated the troubles in _Kansas; Contrasted the comparative merits of the respective caedi-, dates for the Presidency ; and closed •by ex horting democrats to do their whole duty in the appmchingcoutest ; to breast heroically the - waves of fxnaticisni, and stand by by 'their; rights and the 'union of the States. The Speaker's remarks were well uteceived, and produced a telling effect, as the vissible tinea-1 'lciness of some of our Fremont friends present] evidenced. -.• • . . • . Lathrop is moving in the right ` direction, Liar law and order loving citizens, armed and equipped for the coming coutlict,fully impress ed-with the responsibility resting upon them, are loyal to the constitution and this, 'Union. They d ep r ecat e the m a d spirit of finatieisio - prevalenta it the Nest'', and when the proper period arrives will express, in meaning /tone; their abhorrence of that dangerous 'sectional ism, the legitimate consequences of ,Which are revolution, anarchy cad bloodshed, and whose avowed purpose is dissolution ,of the Union and the inatiguraticm of that frightful' pOlitii cal Millennium, described by Joshua R. Gid dings of Ohio, .(which lie would: hail with snob unbounded delight.) '' F ~• I ~ If in every Township tbroughbut the Cori nionwealth there existed suchla determined hostility to Black Republitutuitim; as; .- is herie manifested. The designe . of *ward, ,GrielY, Setnner,'Phillips Giddings &Po, would Trod,- er be consummated -, or if stiiceseful in ele vating their party to power“their triumpb4l chariot wheels would be drigged over the prostrate form of a Spartan 'dernoeracy. ' You're Truly, . .1 S. W. T. 1 EDITORIAL RRAVVITIES. f , Bennett of the Herald irolis paper of the , pith says 'that" a conventi on of dirty Bie publiCans will meet at Syracuse to- inorrow" to nominate a candidate for Governor and. other State effieers. " rbikosoplier Greelee desire's the nomination -foci governor. . 1 ~ There were three death by yellowlever at . Charleston on Saturday h:tat. A .convention of" national whip" Amor bled at Baltimore lester4y.. . : The oolored °Wiens of Boston have re solved to support Fremont and Dayton'.-- r - 1 . . Hear them : e - RetOlved,lbit. we; the. colored 6 6Pu of . 1 'Boston will spiip, Witlibor voicin and iOtte; Jolla a Fremont California ea President' ;o .the Unitoit Sul inns. re L.Daytots et New ;witty es Vice President, : ..,- The Trihune la ittustpur!ingsantv capot fill allltivappointaleatain , Fentutylvastbs, this We 4. It **OA to he uidasstocetantong the B4teltli4nhliesi.wirepe.istwef the ' 'it 'Met he will tot blibero ibefso46.-0 ,theY willAot, ladoetive the public; 1 - Moe l'enogimultaaw* Ibil, .'i-ibisr. 16, Aulosion, a big;.birtiktir it okawimpist Wises for Freseeiiol l .llll.sise n h a 'Rising. Sun, op waded-ffiot lb aril - -I. NO* a ung ind thou ocitamenool ia- (91 lo! "I, have been nuking Fret:ltet , _ i ultel l .and.„ - thisi the inatith' one, 1 baie In it 0 p:r4l4,lani for •ftee-speeoh; (NOW, freinegroei, and *ea ith#e vnelf.--whetv:tl4); be*ve theinselve4" •, r., •s, I' : iternei'liClef :attended thei r greek -spetix;, enitfc niass-tneeting held in Phiindelphiti yes - tet'day. , . sww.o has written anothor anti-olat,ve -1; , • 3> 171romince. She gong to' England, to senora a ccip-yriglit there fOrit. 'ISSPN4TORIAZ CONFERENCE,. e meeting of the Senatorial ;conference nettle DiatiiCt 'COnsimiet - 1 'of Or - adforil; Sus qlebanna, and _Wyoming Counties, held at l!nlslvvillY, Susquehanna!' Co., on , Thpraflny the 1111 i inst., the following named persons appeared and took their mats. 'il3aanynan.--Col. J. F. Means, J.E. Piolet!, Morton, Win. IL Storm: . IStusonsilassims--4. B. McCollum A. jLa 114rop;C. C.'Churel. Wreath:a—Ron. E. Mowry,; Ilankasen. On 'motion; Ron. E. Mowry was called to the chair, an - it A. Lathrop appointed Secieta r4-. On motion, proceeded to make nomina tions fur Senator. A. Lathrop nominated Thos. Pbinney, E•scH l r, of Dundati; E. Mowry nominate& W. Platt. • Thos. P. Plainney, E.q, being present de clined to accept ilia nomination in cOrise• gunnel of business arrangenents, rondo prior to the bolding of the Susqint.,Co. Convention. cvn motion lion. W.' M. Piat,t, .was u4ani tinously declared the nominee of this coilfer• once for our next State Senator.' Oa motion, Rewired, That our 'nut Sena-. torial Conference wet - on the first FtidaY af t.er, the first Monday . in Sept.; at: litsli;ville, Susquehanna Co. • ' . . 1 1 Resc;ired, That the. Proceedings of this l onference be published In the Democratic apera of - the District. ' ; . On motion adjourned.•, : - • E. lIONVEY, Pr es. 1 A. tamttor, Sec'''. • - ' , FACTS TO BB NOTBD.—Every; livingex-Presi dent oldie United States is opposed to Fre mont and the Republican party. • Every living member of President Ilarrsotes abinet is opposed to., yreinont and the Re publican party. . ' '!. ' John S. ila isoit, - M. C., son and iepeSenta,- i tive of Presideut llarrison is opposed to Fns mout and the Republican psrty James B. Clay, son and representative of ißenry Clay, is cpisosed to Fremont and the Republican party. Fletcher Webster, soa undleproietitative of Daniel Webster, is opposed to Fremont awl the Republic.su party. Thu adopted. 6011 and heir of Andrew Jackson is opposed to Fremont and the Re publican . James Moproe,ltotepliew and representa tive‘of President Monroe, is opposed to Fre mont and the Itepuiliestit party - . Rufus Choate, t 4 stAsseKsC.r . of ;;Daniel Webster, the statesman of Massachusetts, is opposed so Fremont and the 'Republlean party. - , Whig steteetnan o ine , li opfsOsed to Fremont, and the Republican - patty.- • KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE The Steuberrrille Union-says, Keep it, before the people that EtAirace Greeir,‘ritriting to the Tribune from Waahiu tpn,, less than tt:tnontb ago, uti(l:—"rAc.' _is riourstain high that 4!:great utufg :aetuai. 'settlers in Karaite are, and been, Frew: State. men . • „ •:. . XEZP IT. urrolts PEOPLE . _ That- Mem.... noward and Sherman, the Black* Republican . members of the [Kansas. Oolutnittee f ifter traveling all over the Territiiey - of.Ksnsas„ and after .ma king particii - lai inquiry on. the point, - ..atate in . their official repor: that a majority of the peo ple 'of Kansas are free State men. ; KEEP IT azront THE PEOPLE !"" That nine.tent.bs or the Kanfuts correspond. cats of the Black Republican journals, and nineteen-twentieths of all others who write from tie Territory, give the same assurance. .8881' IT I!EFOILE THE PEOPLE That Mews. Howard and Sherman say iu their official report "that in the preient con. dition of the Territory, a fair electio* cannot be held without a new census, a stringent and well guarded election law, the selection of im partial judges, and the preience of United States troops at every place of election. KEEP IT DEYORE THE PEOPLE!: That, the Democrats in . the U, S. Senate pamed a bill "providing for a new.Cennts, a stritgent end well guarded election lair, the selection of impartial judges, and the pres ehce of United States troops at Crerylplace of election;" and for furthering the 'cause of justice, providing in addition- that tho 'free State men who had left the territory on ac count of the disturbances therein, should have a right to return and rote. KEEP Ff BEFORE ME PEOPLE That John P. Halo the.leading Bleak 13. - -publican in the Senate, speaking of this in his place, said : " 4thwak Use bills almost unobjectionabk ;" end that it was afterwards amended by its friends so 'as to -meet every objection- urged against its passage that could be met oy - ; - XZEP a =FOR! Tilt PEOPI.11! , • That the passage of this bill would, have obvi. 'eyed every -difficulty, mould have restored peace and harmony in rcineas, and would have made that Territory a Free Site. • , ICUP =PORE THE PEOPLE 1' That Collarner and Fessenden, F4otu and Niter, Black RepubliCan ' Senators 'from the New England States, 'united 'midi,. the ultra Southern ,tnembers ' and cutoff a pert of the free State rote in the ,l'eryitoty f by, striking out the clause:giving foreigners, g ho had de- Clare& theli intentions, a right to vote-r-a 'right enjoyed that oh* of set tiers iii el'• WY other temtosTin the Union.' _.• • EXE4' ft •=max Tax nom; I s, d , • Mat when this bill "came into the Mum, it wits,VOTED DOVIN.L:hy the 414 vote of 4very . Neck prewmt p except Proome; ti? PenneylVania,ited Leiter-, of Ohio. nazi; 'vr vna That the Placir'; , Are faint, At keeping Cp`the - soones olviolance iied blood. sh entirstiorthe • Pnielfiential electioti; - that they ea initialed* people tcl ;madams, mid converts, to • their mongrel Pf• r. • , i ,NNAR Argglitn 4 f4.,P4Ori 4l ,l Mist tbeNsek lispublinans in the !LAM bare orig i nattd a hill ostensibly to ottio the 0,! , . difficulties, which they know :can mi. Eller: pristithe Senate nor receive Executive ap pro v.al jb.ut;villiolf is .rea'llydesi b irne.d as a aloak . . 4rhich' to hide. their - diaholicat gi . ,trecosit‘ll .coittinuiny the oulrages, and Os, and Ilturilere in- Kansas ; from tlie trither ig uf.iho people. . rr *groat: TILL' PEOPLE.! That n party: that tints trifles with tho pence . of the Union, and`.plays a political _gatne with the lives and safety of the inha6i tants of Kantiaß, is worthy only nf universal execration and alma dy and utter destruction. . , BLOOD ANIf REPUBLIC4III:4I..W; • . It cannot bolOnger doubted, by any inlet igent. pereon,,i.l4t_tiseAqiublinaaliarty.cooly. deliberate attd,la;bor to.create civil :. war.Jhey . cannot effect. 'their- blighting purposes. - a peaceful way; peaceful means. Slavery and Sta igh ter come- intO - thair - winds together, ancito bee hordes: of Wandering 00.. . gives overrunningthe Northetu Straws erect et lino'. a Northern Republic,. gorerned by Seward. thfty - would slay otic half of their own lace!, one of these. Iteptiblinanii--- "As you are aware, 1 doJtot attach that great importance to the approaching. election which so many do. I have come to despair or the peace- Int determination ofelavery. It must go out in blood. The timolorahelishingit at the hallo hux has gone by; neverto returri." This _sentiment cornea from Gariit Smith, meniber of that,Republican Buffalo Conven tion which was called to raise . $lOO,OOO per month, to carry on the wer in Kansas, and who for that purpos gave his check for $l5OO per mouth, in open COnvention. • But let Mr Smith and his` crazy - confederates know thstqllis. blood they thus attempt to spill ran in the Veins- of the fathers uud founders:of this Republic only one generation ago! and that Whtther tyrants, trait tostitsir,s or cow ards, come to take it, that coming "shall cost them, at least, en eternity of infamy!! . - . • WANT OP .. bTANLINA IN TUE REPUBLICAN P wry trwige - of- the . : rmy bill, and the triumph of the Semite, Which took plane ouSatiliclay last, }nose, what : we r ait-' Moan conjectured, that the Republican tuembers.c7f Congress. were deficient ln, stamina. From Speaker Banks:down 'to the latest converts to republicanism; they all lack courage and self coutideice. They can talk aid' jabber and write by the hour or the day . or the week; but when . it comes to action;_they.are.woak.ie the krises, and a very slights contest, wears them out. The least noise or clamor Scares theni out of theirliensei, and they are .ready to retreat, andl, wheel about ,and' beg tti be forgiven., . . This to not the . wav to subeeeil , either in politics ctr anVtbirig else. . Courage is es sential a iic;quisite to the politician •as to the soldier ; the latter is not more sure of defeat than th . e former, if their. hearts 'fail 'them: have watched the coursed those edits tiesotne:tiine, and all along we have seen symptoms that.they. were as &body deo: cient in courage; Whence .rie have inferred that when thertival .tussle 'did come between themselVes and .their opponent:, they would, unless they -altered their character materially, iuevitably go to the wall. Saturday's debate Altana:6oy cOnfirins our impinsiion.-- Herald. ' . TO THE LADIES OP. MONTROSE .AND ITS VICINITY." The executive - committee. of 'the Bumque 7 hannah 'county agricultural society, beg-leave to ask the services of . the Ladies of Montrose and its vicluity,iti - tendering. the approncli ing Fair more attractive by means of Flow ers, ornamental work, or articles of curiosity. The 'funds of the society . arb , ,inadecitiare to offer premiums beyiind matters of utility, but stt the same ti 1 1 3.h0 13outifuL and._ Or, uamental being conducive to refinement are duly appreci:ited iu this' community.. And the.committee addreSS tliemsOres inure 1):1.r -tiularly to the Ladies, .believing that they, will heartily co-operate in furtherium thdse vieWS. , .. _ , The .Committee has Made. arrangemeilts for those driving in stock th '• ay previous to the fair, to leave their stoc at the following plait &lime driving in on . the Sprin o t/611U arid . . Wya fusing roads,,at Frederick Coons' farm. Owego turnpike west, T. Peckiuh' farin. Sil-. rer Lake' road,G. Warner Eqf , Snake Cre , :k road, H. S. Searle, foot of lake. NeW• Milford; Great Bend and east,- F. M. Williams E=q. Harford and_ Brooklyn, bY • way of plank road, Judge Warner. Milford and Owego turnpike, east, Judge Jessups' farm. P. S. - Those driving over night can be ac commodated at Judge Jeosups and Post Broth ere. There will be a coinrnittee - at the en trance of the fair ground to direct,, thoe riot acquainted. Sigttor Blitz gives four of, his amusing en tertainmiutl,at the abote place on Thursday and Friday in the nfternoons at 3 o'clock. and iu the evenings at 7i. The Learned Canary Birds, Magic and ventriloquism ; go and 'see him if you 'vish to enjoy , a hearty Baugh. An adjourned court will be held on. the 6th. diy of Oct 1856 at 1 o'clock P...1L to admit aliens to citizenship dm. 7 , ..„ - An opportuutty is.here presented for -any of our foreagn population to , become citizens who desirb to do so. ThePmerit .camp iign is the most important' : `many respects of any for years, and it iwthe duty of all to =be prepared to vote. wartateo.., In Rush August 4tb - by-Shl 11. dray. Mr Cuotx3l.-CnAutsn end FAMDROTER, a Yes* Nt qßy the eamep September,- lOth- .Mr` -Ira St, MASI*I4. And Ulu Rm.& CAMP ,:botk. of Jessup , . • zees ‘(- • ,In Brooklyn. Aug. ltith, Etiw4nri., rim= agcil 40 yeara and 11 months lifter R -brief but diotrosiiuglirams., and anOtmxpOted'ltiire:ittatiietit..haii lop.] wife' tie sone and-lime daughters beea deptiyed) of a -time said;:: Wreath:mate:, pa rent, one or whoa.did; pot not% (NAPS: tin" tnn to igitaeius assn , tbe, last, it 24- rOprits of a dent parept; kot Gods' ways are not *iv our ways. Alut oh tintt,this J rrovidenoo- may...l° sanctified to. the averlait, int well * 3 i 46.2 f is ußinemil macktes ancl,4ttay tp - y - i y aver renumber' that : n the nag of fire;'xfkarein%lielith: Row sad to mail the'switt 'ThWtading-w3V 41 ibf Of 940,.-inve_froln •Arid Chet tho gee sic oinnot - speak. row, TTIONIAS : NICIIOISCP . N i ' Executive ALFII.F.D TIALIiTVIN; F. M. AVILLIAms, - '.: . - Commlitez: Q: NICHOLSON } ---, E x .. - - A. BALDWIN '-, cow. F. M. WILLIAMS ACApEMY .liALL. SPECIAL COURT. :''~~~~~ dII PR°lll:•Rni3lA l GENawmite T • 4: . ' . 4 . : 1 i • • I .l * - Pursub.claq'net of unkriGhteerserseenv j ar ' ".1.: §iy of the COittmenwesigt of _l' liants, '-- I elttiilett an*etrelittitti to. =the e+ -ot the` F.Cu 'approved theW fds flitly s . n,j). 1 . 1339.: 4 4 P\ltakilcr_. SOitig . 4 rivio cuthatior awormilinulti „ cows= wealth, do %fell give notice tette the, County aformind, that a Ginned Shelties will Be held iiiidd County', btiltietti4,l l iia..,.. day of October next, (it Wing the whidator said inituth4st whit time that* & County** v iii:4l_,lffl Labe elected as follows to wit: -. • ..tv: ;Akio Person to fill the office .of•=Oeffs.: .11414400 - 1010.b4rd:if XI aili ii Iv : - S ' 'One person to fill the office of Auditor (hi cretforqhe Spito . of kentisylvode„ , -- ..1,..z ~.,*:-.,i.:it One parson to fill thoOffieek.i4 - 014: G in ,. era! for thti:ShatettforstiOW -'' '', : _ One person to fill tho otficeof &ate ;. .felgitn 'of the district ctinepiosed of oriissar. - qiehatina,Bradford lietlltVV3, 1 Ono person to fill the ofl co ;Tat . !in_Congrenicof the United filtatee 2 -ftee , - gd u t, cowl: weed of the counties Of ikadfoidtedi. 1 , Two eersas tO fill' the artce - of AteVP. RI I . the House or Repteintiother for 'hi , ' A sti M coinposiect of the Countlai of, SeiiptetuttinsiiWt. OtPing and §# lll F4n. ..- - - 1 '— Oi t „ ; .. ::a. - ., i.Aft WC?4 lO Th° llB !'°' fin lilt 4 4“ 4 " 14 -- - 4 118 0W 'Judgeeuf thO cdOnty of 'S'usq:tebilturt. Oa pition to fill ttis' aka iitonatoblaser ilf the County Aforesaid. ' , - - 'One person to fill .4he office ney fur said County....,. , One hereon to till the'offfeiiif cortly .„ :,o4 One person to fail the (dee mar, • • , ;.1 And 1 also'herehy resits known flee, that the placa.bt - holding the &nine _glee. liens id thikeevertd. wasda;borpngbiw. dad,* - siee tt ships within the county,Of,esuelmt follows to wit. " • , The election lei the distrlcreentiostni of APologioY will. he,beld:ot. thii , Thers Bouse,nearJosePli Ileebit's said Nwzobp , Vtie'efettiotilor - ths_diStilet'COMptograe i f ttie township otAiarat Arill:be - hilit'it the : -lielawArl Ilueso near the Fresbyterien,;. C . Neeeh township. , 1 , The election for the dietriet - entipo'Srid township of Auburrt will be hil&st-=' , thC of Geoige r flacert4 In laid. towm4dp,• • The clectiotifor the disidet empoi s •cl-A township of Briegeiwiter Court }louse. in,tbsl3ooPghlif , Iftuttrearc -- -1 The ijection.for:lbe'diKtriet .cute ofd yam TownShip`of Brooklyn , ho 4_ l o, ullardan said telinittfp Th e election for the - distant- conipeaettsf-the township of ChOdOnU t; be hod st. the ,Sehg4 Hoirie near Rob% Otitheir itfe:dd township.. -.'.The election fur the distahr . township at Clifford wili,be beg attlukshoems Benja . Ayres in the Borougitef Dinsdatf. , Too election Or *tali Borntigh of Dund4l will be held at . Hotel iu scud BOrough., -1, The electiort-Distriet composed " of the T4'417, ship wr Ditnork ; mill be held' sit' , John ,Baker in ssid Ainvoship.„. • : 7 The aketion District composed` 9 r-the ship, of Forest Lake; will be ,held the house ,of Betsey ,A.- said township: "'t '"- The election • district composed of th e r,Tot* ship of Franklin will be held at _ the, ',Mt* (louse near" Ja...ob Allard& in Said Tonruship_ . . The election-District 'Compel/eat - of ugh of Friendmille will w be beta thes e t 3o l Ifouso in snittßorono. The - cleetiOn district composed "the shipef Great Bend; will be, held: at ifiertiouse-ti - - Alfred Allen in said. township. The .t.lerti'ort•district ',conipOsed of thritettns, slip of Gibson, will he held st-the . houineoflo: seph.Washlaurn in said:Township. The election District composed of. Otis Tote% ship of ilwrord held at the knee_ pf.St W. 'Waldron in said Township.- • "zr•-: ..`rho•el;ction district composed of the lownz._ ship of Harmony will be!' held at lho,7'hCainseg, WilHake Sampson in said Township. _ - The deLtion dishict comiliiwed of - the"Tchiri ship of Herrick will be hold !Ilktbat hozweilfaink Viel Dimock in Said - towriship..t -- , .. _., -,: „.-. : l'i,- vh-etlvim di l triet composed. o f 'the tetin... - ship of . Jackson will be ; held at the asiii - w - 11 .1. Turner, in said Township.. , -, a tin ..;•:, ,-:_, -..],; 1 The eloction diKtriet composed k Tgaz. l o l io o f I .