TIM' EXTENSION OF SLAVER Y clap trap exprussion ,is conialonlS • used by" the fusionists trs synoriymoris With theiprinciple of Popular sovereignty, embod ied in the Kansas Nebraska taw. •-" Surety von nib not in favor of the ettensieris- of sla- . veri sayS a- political, parson- to a plain,' honest' democrat, who knows that if tb; peo pie !estinot .infely be trusted to maitar,,e their Oven strsits, the whole theory of ,a repiitoliean envertinient is a fame and a liumblig.".•Don't you see that thi.icinfamous Nebraska -law ex; tends shivery over a territory iarm enough loft* mighty empire, from which it wa,excht deolbY the sacred compact;the 'Missouri Coln promise!, Surely you are too good a'man to'sanetion such an outrage against God and humanity r - The poor fellow is puzzled hy thiii-iopliistry,ieed by the amitherna implied in the appeid. And no he surrenders lain . judgement tolia - spiritual sulvir ! er, and W eenies a fusionist. There are thousands of, just such we have no doubt. ` Now , the fact is, that popular: tovereigaty is the grand safeguard of freedom, and the. grand OppOnent of slavery. It has banished plavm7 from Ilaine,New IlamPshire,Verroont, Massachusciter, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New,,lersey. "Pennsylvania, Ohio, g indiana, Illinois, Michigan; Wisconsin . and lown—is fast 'banishing it from Deleware and firilt uhiniately do die aurae _," for Mary land; Virginia,-Kentecky, and :other slave , bolding states. 'Wily is Virginia: to-day a eta "seholding community ! Because the prin ciple of the Kansas Nebraska law was not permitted to operate there, but .was OVOI , - thrown and trampled urider foot byllio!;goe ernment. • -is a matter of historical record, aueolwill not be denied by any intelligent Arian; that slaves were foreed upon_ Virginia against - her willo-s-nay, against her cattiest remonstrance, by the parent government ; and thus 'a slaveboldieginterest was created whieb eventually over-matchol the anti-sla very, feeling, and the result 4 . 4 what • we tiow _witness. The faMeus " Ordinance of. 1787" is continualliin the c oaths of anti-slavery men, as an infallible antidote . against the extension of slarery," and they Mourn and kurient thatlhe same prohibition' cannot be: 'applied by congress to all the - '.national teri slo636lot yet organized.. into states. Look' now at the practical effect`of that Ordinance, eoniPared with the principles of the Nebras ka lam.' Under the ordinance of 1787, de verp!stfrae introduced into Indiana and Dan eis, and etaitiatted to increase there, until by she Mention of these territories into states the principle of tll- Nebraska law was embodied in their ConstiNtion, after which, it gradual ly dinainished, and now is even • TO be more'particular :- In seventeen hnn- - died!atid ninety, three years afterahe passage of the ordinance .seventeen eighty seven, there were no stares io. IndiatiaM then com prising -what is now Indiana* and In eighteen hundred, the number - was one ttired and thirty-five.. Ia eighteen hun aid ten the number of slaves in Indiana thus, certailed, had increased to 237, while hi Illinbis the; umber was 168. Indiana was erected into a State in 1816, and Illinois in 1818. , By the change, popular sovereignty to* the place of the ordinance of 1'187. , what *as the consequence ! Why this; that; the number of • slaves an Indiana, ,four years *het the change, to wit ; in 18* was 'redUced to 100—in 1830 to 3. in 1850 -to 0. , that the number of &leer* in Ill ' rnois; which in 1820(two years after Che 'change,) was ninebundred audaeventeen, wee in 1830 1 'reduced to seven hundred and fortyleere int 1840 to three hundred and 'thirty one, a nd in 165016 none. Such is the ,operation of 14- It* sovereignty upon the system of sla!vmy contrasted with the prohibitory Ordinanne of 1787. Popular, sovereignty is th e , leading principle of the Nebraska law—die Ordinance of 1787 is the same as the Wilmot Freida). Which do you prefer reader! ! What made California . a free stated The _ principle of the Nebmitt law—, easel:rep lat ,Soverei gnty_:' Nothing else." Congress had no hind in this business. California had fortned # state constitution such ash& people approVed, and it prohibited slavery ; '4 great fuss was made by the ."fr: ..de by Meads of I freedom!' as they call themselves, because U- tab and New Mexico on being organizestinto' -territories in 1850, were authorized to Lave slavery, or, not, asey pleased.. But what ' harm Las it done ! ' How many sieves ~ t are there in either territory 4 or in beth tog.ber! Probably not-forty; and these will be . Sot free a king time sooner than if they had remained in the State from which they came. A still greater uproar was made. because Katmai' and Nebraska were erected into , ter riterirSlOn the same Luis as Utah and - New Meiico.. Barrels of sermons have no doubt, keen. preached i against the measure, ;and, its mover and supporters have been denounced Uphill and down. But what harm has it ione! pciellAe3' 1 1, 04 new believe = that either of those. territories 'are to become slave kohling ' states.?; - V,zery, few certainly. he only,, dan. get of such a result, kas tome occasioned by the atelitien einigrant societies ; whieh,, by pis 2 ng, forth 'grad swelling -wordier vanity,' started 'ups counter moVeutent in Missouri, of a violent _and disgraceful ellameter, wbeie air,. if they had been content to trustthepeople • and, the :free eeikieg o f the Nebraska_ law; Missouriatisi we bare do doubt, would have dope se too.: *e may therefore rem -up the achievements ef_popular sorentipty, is ems. ; bodied ip the Ilebraska law, - within the last; six' years, I in, the ' foiloninenutimairw'.! ,--:- , . 1 ; - - • Square Me& -•. State ef California, - 155 980 --..., . Territory of Utah, ' 248 170 - .'i' , -10 , New Mexico,`" 207 007 ; W I 1 • Kansa% - 114 710 4 ' N - elkiekii, ' - - . ..i1. .ritisk l : • ' '— - 146 0. 7 #J1 1- ' .6 0itailtiersitory MOM Ain 200,000 -- 1 --', -... r i gat - Or ri k. - vides, I tbligi :all thf iamisustivou-061 r •„„ Misibisit•pi . Tut togather,..hal been : sec ured to` 'freed 0r d _ b 3*, the much abused priaciple.efpoo,: : else eatereigaty._ , Tiled :more could the Wil- • mot PlavVo hare'ditiei 'Or the orfaiseee of 1787 V I , _. .. .4 IMPROVEDIENT. - , , ` - . pima all•this the inference is - tUutreid,44o, 111111.1111.1111.11/1111 that ihoie elergytnen and othera, wit:repro= ,sent . the repeal the Itlissc!uri And thesubstitation thereto - rot the of popular sovereignty, as synonym. s with qt.! "extension, of slat?'ers l "ettiemil at ud t 4 'Oa their. henrersjoi which,aml - bet ...if which thavitr4 'responsible be 'te U s s d VA," A JCOOtt ass ,, Atutusr mt—ti, ?he Sa. - !mum Court, ,New "otk,vrt:. J,its• tire, Da vs Ne esiding. a decision wait>giveu as to the tigitt to atintiit joh - 4i juror itti the punnet ditto Supreme Circuit Oaart appears, was arrested by the Stslitiff. civil .- He - was than taken 4 4 a. t° , 4 11 ko foteiJudge Pavia,- who dcoided thai a itllrei cauttot be arrested oa a civi l .-Praceaa l i:durihi; the eitistt.nce of the pannel witic:' is. semig. • Stuis.—Thc,lnivons . •lk fhave mien in value since the year; 1847, front leo, than $12,000,000 to over $24,000,000 And The cits 7 toms from $1,833,850 to $8,129,583. the&e eine years the total amount ul duties i lreceivcd into the Treasury from the manufat4eres silk is $51',893,871, while -the toed t raseues from manufactures of iron, 114 steel, amounted. 6) OtaillsB,lB9s42. IM.POR2'AtIrT Th'STIMO AGAINST THE REPUBLICANS:° Mon. Mr. Leiter of Ohio, . a Republican member AA the Bowe of Representatives 'gives his reasons in a letter to WM of bin con stitueuts, for voting against. the Iliiuse Bill for:reorganising the Terminal . /C3lnSail, the following extract trom which, it will be seen, fully sustains the construction which ire have heretofore given to the . proviso to the'section restoring . the Missouri mstriction : lle says: M We passed Duntis Bill for Kansas yes terday iu a very objectioual manner.' has many good' provisious ' but extends die fugi tive slave law - over olCatisits - and Nebraska, sod perpetuates slavers , there - :until 1858, and makes all children Lout Ware up to that Lime, of slave snothersslaves: This was too much fot me. I have always - said, .:and now repeat. my:pledges.that will never_ vote to recognize slavery; I will never vote M make any human being a sluve'; I will _never - vote to extend slavery one single foot ; will nev er vote for.the fugitive slave law or us ex teosion over any free territory. 1 theretort voted against Dunn's Bill, solitary and alone, of all our party." Face the music—A gentleman at Satatoga wishes to bet $5OOO that : James Buchanan will be the next President. Ile offcratt bonus of $5O to any' one who will 'take the bet. TIOGOINT, AGRICULTURAL WORKS, N. : trELLIZt 41c CO,„; Athens, Pau, -, - ' • XASTIPACTISEERS; NVITOLXSALI A3D EMERY'S. AND WHEELER'S RAIL ROAD HORSE POWERS. THRESHERS AND SEPARATORS. . Threshers and Winnowers combined. • - CLOVER HULLERS Chrular and Cross Cut Suer Mills. Emery's Cider Mills. Feed Catten4 Corn Shelters, COM and seed Planters. Seysieur's Grain Drills and I road Cast Sowers. Revoking Horse Mee. , g Powers. Clow's .Grain., Cradles, Ketch um's Mowers. Reapers ataMowers Combined. Magic Corn and Cob Mills. EzeelliorFansing MIN. Cultivators. Leather and Ribber Belt ing,- Meat Cutters, Apple Peare.s. Refrigera: tors, Provision Safes, &e. &toe furniehed for repelling Emery sad Wheeler!. aniebines. Por.Excelsior Fanning Milts ate ;mod to woo made in the Union. , Descriptive Catalogues, Ark°•Lids sid area. tars of all machines, sold kr us, sent gratis and postage prepaid. to all applicants. Bead us your name and address,. • - H. I..III4OWEILS; of Franklin, Agent._ Pad, Qtriee address . , Montrose, Pa.: - • Starracca 'Rail Road !!!.- i t kalTakik t ADSE & pA.; are on Amami V Y with the largest, beet; and of general merchandise 'in town.. Consisting of Axes. Alpaca, and Alspice. • Brooms, Boots:ad Bedsteads. Clocks, Calicoes and Clothing. ' Denims, Drugs,,and Dior Handles. Envelops, Edgineand Epsom Salts. - Flour, Flannels, ind Pish-Hooks. • Malik Groceries, and Gitnblets, Hats. Halls, and Hand.itaws. Ink: Indigo, _and I ' Babies (dresses.) Jugs, Jaconot; sad Jewr6arp,,, Knives, Knob; and Kentarky Jeans. • LoCks, Lamps'and Looking Glossal. Matches, Vagina sitaflifolasses. ' Nutmegs, Nankeen. and Notions. Oils, Oxbows and Overalls. ' Pork, Pills aid Powder. QAteenswure, andQuirtenps. Robbers, Raisins and Rattraps. - Shoes, Shirts and Sugar. - • `Tobacco, Tea and Trace Chains. Umbrellas, .Under=shirts and Union Hats. 'Veils, Vinegar . and Nitrol. - Whips, ...Wallets and Wash-toirhi. Xtra Superfine Flour. York, Cottonades and Youth's Rata • Z. And !may. ither Which they . ms soiling at a rery,smoll" advance on pa cost ce& "Rmidl, profile sud fitir deslitigti - the motto for the Summer of TOL -.tire rasa ad' and test the truth of our assertions. - • - - -• • Witt TREMADiIi Loneaboro;Ps., Mai 26, 1856:• . -Bitter late than Never. _ Neer Goad* at . the IlitheavlUe ,tf• - , ellaalege r - -- , 11111£ inihacrilier is happy to inform hia:frieadis I.ADC 'patrons that he , has jast received a Choice' lot of Goods, direct from New York-coo cdain,t,hiserk DO Geeds,Groceries; Crock., *TA- Hardeare.litimeware, PIA Nails. - &oho Atmifilifleic Hate and Qv!, Bonnets; Usatoellaa, Pap3i; Stu**, y- e " Clothing, TruilluiC Notions, die. she., *dill be i r m .. .0f046 1 p for ready pay, —ei.oritc4nifor' iroagitt *fly - ether establiab ekeatta the county;- That late hay ,that be will not be beat.by say bilging- - JEWSTL GENIU.2II. Be .400 widiesficiatt-iiword to 1, r , astalltbaU to - the.' way some *ewe folkt 44 r _, , apis..,,. ilf-AhoT have soeka. CabhoM4 .Vit!*%' of aipiliag else gnats. avetable*difsfrllfhk SO Aieppeo i of ,Ibo X -1114 SakaAtiata toAtlio - Attota is Vl* own toitrik 4al fait* orolifi* *Ole wilchat .1144 h*thiah; c b eaNl4lhaiii!e l .o, l ,*lNV 1 4 i for jPeotle, ;the Wilfgo 49 Billipolkil „: ,!. 09 AP -0 0 4:- 4*4 4 boil , ~;10i1 114- • bow., Al' 4) cheaper il,f/feao hutlmteiviway ilvoakboali, boo: tho ca . i at latitaa t .*ll.Uri 'Weal. to mach testate4i lirielfirt irldt parr cub and if I have say -Goods ,jou-iroat, I eatit - and will sell them to joa.,atinves isigabi4h. .int -• - L ii.,Mf , --, IJimooville,lloylootit , • ito cireeg the !lick le u extent sever before kiteSviii.el say Medkiet. INIALIDS, RIO INVJUBCI-Fillt TOORSILVEB - - Alta . RAUl4lliia, tie Porikolor, of - Chubut Sum, -Philadelphia, whose choke peregrem - , ace fond at alma may idler, says - "I am happy to say a your- Camoorne Pius, that I "pre land'them a boat badly medicine, kr commas mliri any oda within my knowledge. Elm of my have Yeathied matted bearalts from them, and co. Weide with me in beUtilsg the they possess estramkaary virtues hi delving oaf dame and coring the sick. They are not oily edhetaal, but sail sad piament to be lakes ermlidafartsich lama make them visaed by the public, whim they are kagira." The vemable Clouttellor WARDLAW wear tout Sal. Mt April, /854 t • • .11: 411 ral. Avna Sir t Lave likes your' Pills with mos Bil low foe the lisikems, kamoor, Me of appetith imid whkh Meld lam yam imortiken ' wit Ike spring. A lbw doles of your PlMcured me. I base mod you Cherry Pecanl many yean la my family fee milk and rads with mailing mass. Tot make medicines which cure t sad I feel it a pleases to commend ' yowl* din gopil yort have done ind see icing." • JOHN P. BEATTY, Ep.,Dee. unto Pram. Wood Co, Nell t .. Pis. jt. JIL'OPm. Ptdirktriati, Da, 11, IDOL "Hier I tate Omni Madders my asti r in The 011iatey a you mediciase, havist_ard a somerial lieseat - Imo the toe a both yore Te., I aid Cathartic Plik, teactieree without dm in my bunny, as shall ma comes is 'he, while ray awe will procure them* themkt senowned il.B. STEVENS, M. D., a Wee& :CIL, writes: at used your Camaro Paula my 'math% "metitr theiniamerienne dna they are an hivalaaW aim ft caseraillisorimed hurtilime of the Mer,= eaanlees, epd che pm variety alma thal kno, they eft mow may aka In all owes was, a plupeive mealy ir emilliestb mcominmed Semi l'Ule a the pribre vapakit amt gem I have me Mai They ass sun M operatim, indergy sais —aunties which make tam nUr ktais ankle he =ask Me Ile many yam lama you Clem as the his - Dengh ommileas in doe wodd ; and these Pills are to as • win inkrior is that adiakable pripsialkno Ma asest ilkatami." o .llon, as. NIEL Ds. J. C. Am— Dear Sir t I have bees .T allicted ' my %Mit -with soaula in its Out km, and now, all., amity yssa' Mat, and as untold of ament of suateing, have hien completely mod in allow weeks by your Pills. With what leafage of Making I writs can only be - ; imalsed when you realise what I have auffend, and bow Meg. " Never until Now have I bees flee from this lowbrows dime is some shape. At dares it attacked ay oyes, and made nee alma hued, beside. the unendorabk pain; el ahem it settled ha the Sam bead, and destroyed wry haft, end has kept me liaM all my dome ' sonsetiam, it mare eat la my Ike, kept - it Mr errouThe a raw sm. "About am weeks ago I combated taking your Ca. thank Pills, and now am entirely free trots the complaint. My *yes an well, my this is kir, and my hair has _coon aimed a heal th y growth; all a which makes me het already a new mom • "Hoping this otement may be the mean* of convey ing - inkniation that shall do good to others, I am; trial every esatirmala gtatitude, Tour \ DANIA RICIICEL" "I have knows the these wined Maria Ricker from =let &Mood, and bet tai eseent it strictly true. • ANDREW J. DESERVII; . Omega a the Portsmouth illanufaming Can. JOEL 'PRATT, of the ship Maria, writes km Dosits, Sikh April, IBM: " Tour Pills have mod an then a bilious attack which muse from detangesseat of the Lim, which had become very Mom. I had tailed of any relief by my Physician, asoll km every remedy I mild try; ten a kw dome a yam Tib love compissely named me to-health. I hare given them to my children kw worms, with Abe best et. fiche. They were promptly cured. I nommendell them to a Mead Ibr onalveners, which bad troubled him ha alma ; he told me in a kw drys they tad cured bum. 1 Tow Mae the best medicine is the world ; mid I am tree ; 10 IPY Rend this from the distinguished Soliciter of the Supreme Coot, wan Mutant abilities have ma, him well Yawn, not ally In fhb but Use neighboring from. Hass Orkiner titik Jyrd ' "Pk greet u estbeectio• la , mewing yon that spelt aM Daft hare been Ivry much benefited by your ntediciass hly wife was cured, two yeah dace, d a es. rem tad duippus eirsdi. by year Clinic, Pact chil oaat, sod since Disa tun inklered psd,ct Width. dren 1 bees arnwid these bees cured ficri attacks of the 'lieu era and Comp by it. 'lt I. an horaleable weedy for these etemplainte. Your CATIIIMMC Plum have soiMly 4111.11 me*OMa d yspepia and costivessee, which has grows upon we he ease years,— Indeed, this ono le mach ware Iniponant, has the met that. I bad idled W pt relief hoe the hp Thpicians which this section of the cosetry allbeds, aM from any of the niumeses rem vies I had takes. " Tam sewn as us, Doctor, IDs a prod windential blog 1' anew iliaft,sed yea seqy .well w . sae clot tar strilid of Vows LEAVI THAILVELu ' lksab Chseiller, ,Oils. Ape ish, VOL ' " Da. J. C. Alma Boiled &r: I have wade a taw. esph aid of the Carisarrec Pmts. led nee by= atim i e iget and have been clued by cheat et the diesdiel view WAD he Mimi me willbeing. The first Ewe DPW sae, and a few subsequent dame have entirely : nenesed die•disease. I het in better Pala sow than for 7 . wise yews before, which I attrDide entirely to Ws Allem idyear Cesseawc Puts. Tam *ids prat rrrwpp t, , • LUCIUS a - The abate are an hose persons who are pablkty known Waste they Nide, and who would sat Make dem slats; Nr widest adiamugh annictios that therms* trait • Prepared by DR. J. C. AIX& & CO. ' , sad Analytical Chinniank lonnll, You, ABEL TERRELL. - priE SALAMANDERSAFE3 -- -- .1 of Philadelphia against the ,-.-; '-... world.—Evans & Watson, N 0.26 ' south Fourth street, Philadelphia„ have had the surest demonstration id the following Certificateis that their manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length frilly warranted the representations which have been made of them, as rendering an un doubted security against the terrific element : - ,Pattantirma, April 12, 1856. • _ litesszts. Eviss &,W.trson:—Gents :—lt af fords us the highest satisfaction to state to you that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander Safes which we purchased of you some few months since, we saved a large portion of our Jewelry, Books, Papers, de.c.. ex posed to the rilafaitoils fire in Ranstead Place, en the morning of the 11th inst. When we reflect that these Safes were loca ted in the fourth story of the building we occu pied, and that they fell subsequently into a heap of burning ruins, where the vast concentration of heat, caused the bniis plates to melt, we can not but regard the preservation of the valuable contents as most convincing proof of the groat security afforded by your Safes. We shall take much pleasure in recommend ing them to mw of business as a sure reliance against fire. - Guiana %V. - Sumas & Buck PRILADELIMLA, April 12, 1856. 111assas. Evart! 11. Warrsoa-01 hive to offer you my testimony in favor of the great security sfforoksl to my entire stock of Jewelry, • books, papers, &c., during the recent disastrous confla gration in Ranstead place, from the fact that the same were contained in two of the Salamander Safes manufactured by you. •Having fallen from the fifth story of the Arti aim Building; where they wore previously placed and exposed to a vast heat for a long time, the preservation_of the valuable deposits seemed to every one Who witnessed the opening and interi or examination, a matter of profound astonish ment. To all who may, require a perfect protection from the ranges of fire, I shall not hesitate to - recommend the use .of your Safes, u I consider they hare now undergone the most trying test. N. E. Idoeuse. • PAIMADELPHIA, April , l4 , 1856. limas. Evans & W.sersort—Gentlemen—No doubt you will be deeply gratified to learn the gootecondition in which! discovered my book, policy of insurance. certificates of stock, and other valuable documents, when on Friday last opened the Safe made by your firm. —, With my knowledge of its park raposure, .both to the intensity of the beat, frombot a ire as that. which. destroyed .the Artisan &lid lug, as alio from the force of the fall from its former elevated position in the third story, I could entertain but slender hopes prior to its in- terlor Inspection, that the contents which I once so.highly prized would ever be of any service to me,'lnst as these fears are now happily removed, I,feel it only due to say to you that I can hews, I'ortilrecommend the use of your Safes --to all who may Wish to feel a- confidence in the per, feet sseurlty which such mesas provides against so frightful an element. . : • • ' EDWARD Gasans, Bookbinder. Catattantly on band, Patent Powder sad Thief Pita Leeks, for Banks, Stores Ate. ARM, 1/41,_ - - - Whips tits ?ON Aliafs .11114)10. at PHYIFZ - lr. KPIOVVIGTO)riff. EXTRATI9tit tram 7 i. to 0 dollars per . fr,dit,"for Saler* - -, f - S. B. MOTT'S. ' :1611 4A 0 4-444t1 - www7 end able sue,. - jut received and ,L 1 for.eale by the Hack, Bushel or Posd. by - ' I. N. BULLARD: .3eite 9, I eilit LOOK HERE ! ABEL TURRELL - . IEI'AS ust • received. - from 'Kim York, -a fell Li an d desirable :dock of i NEW GOODS, Comprising first rate assortment of Drugs, . Medicines,. Chemicals;' )instruments, Paints, Oils, Dye Staffs, China, Glass and Ear then Ware,'(a good variety. ,Of Crockery,) Brit annia Ware, Japanned and Planished Tin Ware, Silver and' all other kindii - of Spoons. Silver Forks, Butter Knives, &c 4. All sorts of Lamp& . A good variety of Wood rand 'Gilt Pranie Mir rors. Wall and Window; Paper. Stationery. Stone and Wooden Waii. Brushes. =Brooms. Family Groceries. Lauo OHS. CamPhene.— Burning Fluid. Tallow/titeatin and Spermaceti Candles. Hide and at3er Whips. , Varnishes. Window Glass, &c. Allrsi rate variety °new- . elry, and Fancy Goods.'; Gold and Silver Spec . - Metes. - Gold Pens. Violins, Fhntes t , Fifes, M.- cordeens, Violin and Veolineello Stnnost, The largest assorttheilt of Pocket - .Knives in Susq. Co., and the best quality in Market. Shot Guns, Pistols, (single and Double Barrel,) Re volvers, &c. • loahort. the Physician, the Invalid, the House keeper, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Manufac turer, the-Professionsillan, the Gentleman. the Lady, the Rich and tln Poor, the Young and Old, the Beautiful and the Ugly,. the Gay and the Fashionable, and all the rest of the people, will find something to Supply their every day wants at Turreira. Store in the new' Aria Bleek--Prices low— Qualities good—Caltaad see. • • , I ABEL TURRELL. Mantras°, March 141866. ."They are al!go l ing to Taleeirs Terrible Accident, APPENED to Mr. Green the other day.— He had bought a suit of ready-made clothes St the Store, and thO first day's wearing the ac eident Occurred, Orst, off drapt his coat-tail by the mere force of specific gravity, giving to an fortnmite man the apperance of a badly trimmed craft with theflying jib in the stern, and on stooping over to pick up the remnant, the dread. ful casualty took. place—the fountains of tho great deep were broken up—Grten's pants were sundered from 'ankh: to waist, and Green himself seemed to be. Tho only way to prevent such 'deplorable necidenti is to patronize a skillful W hir, who' makes up . ltis work with' a detersnina tion that it shall n ot may et neatly, but weat well. Grebn buYi,i at tho clothing store because he thinks he can get his gearing a little cheaper. In all brobability the pants that 'served him so treacherously had 'ipic&sed through a lever hospi tal, been striped from a cholera patient, carried home eight nightti in the week on at shutter. and finally bleached ind tarried by 'an ingenious Frenchman for a market in the country. Take warning by poor Green's mishap. and g o to a tailor shop like that in the basment of Searle's Hotel if you Want to be suited. • • ' Fir Cutting done as usual, and all work war ranted. ' . ,JOHN GROVES. Montrose Auv,27,1855. Books That Are Books. For sale of the IXontrose Book Store in the - Post Office. JUS7' RECEIVED, Macaulay's HiStory of England. Diary and Correspondence of Amos Lawrence. Prison of Welteverdon in tho East Indian Archepelago, by qapt. Gibson. Forest Tragedy: and other Tales by Grace Greenwood. The Bush BoyaC . by Capt. Blayne Reid. The Great Red Dragon. The Prince of t,hellonae of David. , Good Time Coming. Christine or Wman's Trials end Triomphe. The Qnynz Ri ng. Man of War Ufo. The Old Homestead., Woodhill or, thoTWays of Providence. D'Anbigne's HiStory of the Reformation. Family Testaments with Psalms and. Notes. Poe.ket do and Bitiltis. Catholic Prayer Books. ' . - Yen - ee Notions, I fe.c.,&c. - . ay That tho Montrose Book Store is the plat get Books and Notions cheap. Well what if - they do sa4so you can't tell whether they say the truth pr of unless' you try—but never mind I feel very thankful for past favors and hope to merit it.' continuation - of patronage, by etrict attention to the wints of the public mid by keeping on band a good - assortment of Books and Stationary at aLive and Let lava" prices. A. N, BULLARD. Montrose, April 2;1856. Low Prioas* Triumphant. FORGE W. SEYMOUR & CO.; are now G retailing a magnificent Stock of Spring and Summer Goods", selected with great care and.with special regard to the tastes and wants of this cotumunity,eensisting of a Choice varie ty of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and embroider. ies, Boots and Shoe* Groceries, Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods, Crockery, Hardware and Cutlery. &c. Which we will sell for prompt • pay, at lower prices than soy •other .establiahment in this County. VIE% 111aDYMI we would say, that they have notbeen forgotten, and that in, the way bf-Dress Goods, wo hare culled fo'r their use the choicest g6ms in the market! Drop in au d see us, and we will take pleatare in showing you the nicest and cheapest stock .of Goods len ever saw in. this place. H.srford, May .1, 1856. • AGOOD assortaicat of Pattern Dun LAWNS,, all LANS, all prices, at G. W. 8. & CO's. DARASOL.Saad rams, new styles and choice varieties, 9== G. W. S. & COI3. A.LARGE stork ,! of Crockery and Glass Ware at . G. W. S. & CO'S. WOODEN, Willow and Tin Ware,at .. PHYFE & KNOWLTONS, Binghamton. To the Citizens of Montrose.. GAS FITTING AND FIXTURES. Phyfe & Knowlton are at all times ready -to in sert Gas Pipe in did •or new houses, in a work man like manner, and at low prices. They have wine assortment of Chandeliers, Pendents, Portable, Brackets, Glass, Globes, and Fancy Paper Shades.. Mr. -Blackstone, who superintends the work has had much experience in this line, in New York and Brooklyn. ' , 'Orders solicited. PHYFE & KNOWLTON. Binghsunten. " ' • DISSOLUTION. Tco:partriershipleretotore existing Snider A. the firm of McMillan & Park is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The. notes and accounts are in the Wide of James McMillan for collection. ;;.JAMES IifeMILLAN, ASA PARK. Ju:y '7,1856. ' • - DD ETICULES, for Lediesoi biro alisort jA, ment at - PLIYFE & KNOWLTONI3. , Now., Goods - - .Arriving daily, by Express, at . Hopbottaasi - Pewee. - , •__ • , pia - subscribers Amble `elerlre 'spa well selected stock of aim Coadatbig of Dry Go di, Groceries; Hatalrelei Ready Made Ciotti* Beata' and Itheeei-of all ?Ina sad eine% FloariCaralisaliftalt, axe. am; • At aterbkh iher ea - damp as esa be bought etierwherelli the Cotatbrii ex e 111 1 $ el I I for Lumber., Pradsee allitiade; Woolea &eke: fur e 46 erfait.- Tire shilling per pair paid ter'saiat `Sixteen etn.liser lieei<fer Ants. • Twenty ells _. per lb. Itai natter. • • ntl.- 1 k Hapbottore. April 24,1884. Ca4etinvi, 'Oil. - potho: .400KING::.:-:' GLOSSES.: GLASS WARE, At 'the Crockery and House'Furniehing.:4 ,tahlishnieat of J. H. .DEPEtT, Chenpei than• any other in Bing - hanston. YOUR DOORS EAST OF YHE AHERICAS HOTEL IWOULD cell the attention of Housekeepers 1. ati4 thcpublie to my spring importation of wares, fur their elegance of style and beauty 'of finish; far Serpassing -anything before .exhibited, and haying the largest assortment , in store . , can replenish- old gotta and furnish entice new ones of all the new shapes, at a . less price- than any other House in this county; . ' The attention of new housekeepers is partic ularly called to my stock as embracing all the minutire,iboth useful and ornamental, of !forum furnishing d0V,14, fora, complete ontfit--and being thuslheaysiy eng,sged'',,in this exclusive branch. offer great advantages to purcliaaers. ~:- CROCKERY AND CIHNA - DEPAR TMEN T ... .R • TM embraces the largest variety Over otrdred before in this section, of all the different kinds. • H. GLASS WRE of every needed article. "Carpeting,* 'And Oil Cloths. This braneh - occup Oki second near ( I, of our estahlishmeat nearly 100• feet in depth, well' stocked with Velvet, Brustods, , Three:Ply and ingraint Carpetings, - Raga, Slats, Window Shades and ; Table. Covers, whieb are offered sift small advance from coat . . Live Geese Feathers always on hand. Looking Glasses, Gilt, Mahogany, Ornamental and Oval Glasses, in great variety. 1101.1 SE FURNISHING GOOEIS, . cons:sting of Wood and. Willow Ware, Plated Goods, Britannia and Japanned Ware of every description, Tea Boards in various ityliu4, Table Cutlery, Feather Dusters,Fluid, Oil and Solar Lamps, Bird Cages, also fancy Baskets, Reticules Satchels, dtc. &c. . ..,, ir4' To all or which we inviteyour attention and solicit your trade. • . . - 1. 11. DE PEU • Bit!ghninlon, April 20, 1856. No Use in Fife-ing. 1 HAT'S so--as song :is Ptiyfe & Knowlton keep suell'a splendid assortment of • CARPENTERS! TOOLS, ks they now have in store, 'and"whieh is by ull hands, rival,lttidwares inducted, acknowlecitged to be the BEST AND CHEAPEST, erer'offered to the citizens of Broome, Susque hanna, or any other county. , L Wo can furnish as good on outfit of tools as Hill, Wood or Seymour, of New York city, and at prices at least 25 per cent. lower than. either. ALL Toots sou) ex US WHICH , DO NOi PROVE AS REPRESENTED WILL ER EXCEASOED OE TEE MONEY REFUNDED. ' . PHYFE di. KNOWLTON: — Hardware, Lase Furnishing and Fancy Goods Establishment; 31, Court St.,%Bingham ton, N. Y., adjoining Bank of • Binghamton. 'TABLE_ 1 4nd Poeket Cutlery, gred variety, At ve7bw ri ce*. KNOWLTQN'S. GOOD E r randCloth.Capa for 3 Pi billings a kit piece t BELL & TINGLEY. PATE T-MEDICINE AGEIrI6V. ABEL TURRELL, Montrose,' Pa.,_ DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, FOE ALL THE "POPULAR I PAVIM Or Tin DAY. nmerds Constantly Received. Consi Now Goods at liirisb - b's- JUST opined by the subscriber a full assort mentsef Spring and Summer Goods, which will be sold I r cheap, Cheaper than ever. - Pive us ' You cannot fail to be suited i or quality, I quantity and terms. Everything ritually found in 'a variety attire. Webb S now recomulg tits new Spring Goods, which T. H. • be offers at his usual low prices. Montrose', March 110858, • Blouse Builders Depot for Susque• hauna County, at 'New Billtord. nICKERMAN & GARRETT are giving es. IL! pecial attention to the improvement con templated in this County the conseing season, ;and now offer a helping hand, by keeping • con. :stantiy for sale a large quantity of Window sash 'and glass,* Blinds, Doors, Natio, Painti, and Oils, and a complete assortment of, builders Hard Ware, &c. Those going to put up •Ifooses in ithe'Spring will find it for their interest to\•give !us a call. We can furnish every thing pni want and at thovery lowest manufacturing prt 7 Ices. ' DICKERMAN & GARRATT. ' I New Milford, Feb.13;•1856. 6 NEW SPRING AND 'Summer Goods, to the above stock has just been added a large invoke of Spring and Sunnier !God& of the latest styles. Which will be closed !outlet rut bargains. _ The Stock consists in nait of t he following ;Goods, viz; Fine Lawns, fast colors, from 9to 18c. per yard; Calicoes, American and English, ;from 4c. to 11c. per yard; Merrimack and Co- Icbeco Prints, at 11 e.; Bleached and Brown Shea. sings and Shirtings, from 4e. to 2s. 6d. per yard ; Kentucky Jeans, from Is. 3c. to 2s. 6d. per y'rd; Ladies Hose. from 6 I-4c. to 3s. 6d. per pair; Ginghams, from I Oc. to 23c. per yard ;De Lai nes from 10c. to Bs. per yard. Also a large lot of Linens, Quilts and Counterpains, Curtains and, Draperis, Shawls, Gloves, Table Covers, Silks, Saces, Embroideries, dt.e.ifite. Trunks, Valises and Bags, of all sizes and 'pri ces. Br Don't forget the number, 28 Court street, I Door east of the American Hotel, but call and see before purchasing elsewhere. H. C. GODWIN. Binghamton, April 3d, 1856. • • The Cheap Store, ED, - 28 IVE2Ir ?MEW MHE'Undersigned would respectfully inform the inhabitants of Binghamton and vicinity, that ha has recently purchased of Edward Priest his large and well selected stock of 1 - i. DRY G001:14 • which he has removed from La Palette Block to No. 28.. Court Street, ono door above the American Hotel. - - - t • This entire stock has 'purchased consid erably below • New York coat i , enough ams to 'warntnt hint in saying that he-will sell GoOds eheaper than can be bought at any other Store in town. ' Attention at Rome. ; rip inns UNDERSIGNED would respect. 1 AL fully loran's the citizens of Ditnock and: the sitromadiVeolmtiTt that he has opened a stars at Dime*, four cornets,; where be intends keeping constantly on hand ozood and w ell so. leeted assortment of Dry Goodsfflreceries. Hard War*Perfiefirfrad ail klnds of Merehundlnet isil . as low, nasty Joplin a:lower , store, w hich iho wilt if not . thannyother establish. *oat ID Nortbast-Pentisibitga, MoittOse sof ,ameepted, ~imilliones, /OW Intriii 011enot enatnine igiock - orGop4ic - ant fl.y. lorlees..z.. Yoe will use aktiat iota°tr,wr * lulfstotikti* -, come qi!or t ary PRlLPll l, olli an aisikuuleniiif Dandy Nada v 1441040 ** tiy on 4 2 4di. — Altklude of cnionla k taken io 004 4 314 ie ar t • e ikta o l44o4olefor es . it. TitiWzit r , ' .- Maga tan. $5, 18116—y) - _ . !Noires! Stoves!! Stowe*: t t rrilE subscriber wishes to call the attention f hill friends and the Public to his rimy large assortment, of STOVES, - at his new Store Room in Lodeisvilie,rekt to LS. Linheim's Store,. and , near the Great fend Depot. Ile_ has in addition to his former large variety ettooking , and Parlor Stoves, taacynew Patterns, some of which ate— et.Nteistas,_. .1 Pisa, Broach, , 1' ire Pim. Modern Troy, Molimek; - Medea:knit Peek wader, orient; oak, • I Egg Stovi, . • - Which together with his former 'stock will be. perhaps the most ixtensive and varicd assortment, .of well selected Stores in the Counki: ,, Ni * Clinton Stoves well furnished at lOwPriees. - Eir All artieles in his line - kept on hand and -made to order as usual, and orderareceliedathin old stand in Great Send. .1011N-COLSTEN. _ Weraville,Bl , Grivit-Pond . Nov.,lBs6.—tfis AND . • NEW GOODS CHEAP • _• AT. ,C.Jr. .MOTT'S. , • [UST received a lot of New Goode ) lurch es- De of Laiues. Da Dames, PaYsmellas. ; Persian, Al= paella. Gingham*, Blerincie. Pouts, sad Shawls, in fact a general assortment of Dry Goods which wilt be sold low • • WANTED—Books, Eggs, Datter,Lard,chseee, Flannel, Sae:, any aiaukutity iu eieliaage for Goods at cash prices. , C. W. =Dr.. Moutrose,Sept: 1845. , , < . • • _ Clover Seed OF the- Leitiret Lau and 'timothy Seed for , sale hi ' IL BURRITT. NWitford, Illareh 17. 1856. - • W. Singleton, /AAR now be found at his new stand on the 1.4 - eorner of Turnpike and Chestnut Sta., a. few - 'doers east. of - Post's store, where he etrectu s ally repairs' - with dispatch, %Vetcheas' CLocka,Guns, Jewelry; and every de s cription of tnachinarY, %Vlieel cutting, Gun and %Vateh materials supplied to the trade. - .• • •‘. Attention Parntors !--Plow Points OF ; also, ere and kind now in uso also, No. 2, L. Blatchley ' Plows and Corn Plows, may be kad at any time •of 'day, and until 10 o'clock at night., hi exchange for Cash, old Iron, Grain, Eggs, or\nny kind of ready pay, of - • , N.BULLARD. Montrose, May 1, 1856. \ • \ Just Received Ak Newlotof Boots and Lcathi\a , ,n s d for sale cheaper than ever by . • , • J. A. & J. R. Y. HLE - Brooklyn, Dec. 5. 1855. Removed INT() Brick Block. front room, over the Store -of M. S. Wilson & Son, ' C. D. VIRGIL, Dentist. Montrose, May 9,1806. . .0 LOVER and Timothy Seed Ly • lIJJ - - BALPWIN & PERKINS. Montrose, April, 1856. • . NOTICE.. ÜBLIC notice is hereby given that S. A. P WoOdruff is receiving a new lot of Stoves and wares of all kinds usually kept in the Stove and Tin line of business, among which may be found a better assortment ofstoves, hemier,lar ter and more durable than ever - before offered iu . this county, all tbo proof needy nee will be just to call and examine for yourselves:. All stoves warranted in every respect. - • Kept constantly an extensive assort ment of Tin ware, made out of the best materi als which is offered for sale as cheap as can , be bought in any market, also on hand Lead Pipe, all sizes, Chain and_ raring for Chain Pumps, Cistern Pumps, all sizes, Brass and Itreelain, kettles all sizes, Jammed ware, all kinds. Jobing, done on - short . notice and in good or.; der. All Goods in the line will be sold cheap forcash or approved credit. , S. A. WOODRUFF. Montrose, March 20, lime. • English Lever Wa es. • DECEIVED by steamship - 11 italtic, , 2 - dozen more of = -. . _._R those splendid English Lever Hunting Watches, of my own importation, warranted the 9 I 'Z very best quality. Also, a small lot of very superior Movements, which will be cased in any style or quality, to suit purchasers: - - ALFRED J. EVANS. Bingluunten,-Kareh 14, 1.856. THE subscriber is now receiving his second general purchase of GOODS this. Spring, which renders' his assortment very iesimble and complete. By strict attentien to business and by fair dealing, he hopes to , merit a liberal share of public patronage. To those friends who have yielded to him their prefertnees, and kindly sustained him by their patronage, with the in tention of aidingkini in regainining in part the heavy loss recently sustained by fire, he , tenders his sincere thanks,with the assurance that their interests. shall be mutually promoted.. • • ABEL TURRELL. • Montrose, April 24,1856. PERBONS desirous of paying me money, on debt of any description can do so by lowing their 'Molest with Post, Cooper & Co., Ban kers, Montrose, to my credit, .whose receipts, will be allowe d their date. - • ' ' C. L. WARD. April 18, 1856.—tf. . W. D22,E9 " Picture Market" HAS REMOVED from Odd Fellow's Hall to his new • " SKY LIGHT ROOMS, • In the Brick Block, over Bentley and - Re:OW Como and see. t Calling will cost. you noth. ing, unless you brig, and then you are,sure to go away with more..than "value received." A multitude of choice cases, Gold Lockets, &e., just in. • - Arrival of the,Africa, • LIIAVE this day. received, per stearoshipAfr% en, another invoice of those unrivalled PAT-. ENT LEVER WATCHES. My stock is now complete in every description of Cake. Open taco and Hunting, Gold and Silver, and I imite the. attention of alt persons in want of a - first_ ciaiy Watch, as by Importing corn Witches di rect I can sell to my eustomenr ,at the lowest' New York wholesale prices. - ~/' • ALFRED L EV - _ Juni 4,1838. No. 2 Odd -Fellows' Groat Eihibition inJiningrille• CiREAT AND RARE NA - mil:ll'o6N OK ur, FOREIGN _AND DOME4TIC GOODS, of Admit every style and - qualiii, - auch asw;U ; be sum to 'lease and aecoMmodati all clones -of people-,,from child in thetradle - to - the, old and decrepit, Thine goo ds are boniht .ofttita most Womble tams and' sold 13% Please give u a and. we well: try, to sap : ply all your wants In the, line of GOODS ever kept - In a country. 40.Y,01t need not go_to New York for any , thltiginit ..vran, becauaeore have them fresh fto As Ott._ • SCOT" P, CO 0013040. PAL I May,a, - • - NOW floods : monkis just rooolved ,motherlot of •.NOW goods;. such as . PhollhOtaiiiii Do toloapPit_ tomps.#4,44,,iirincir pOtimax:itair tow -math oum;y4ll Aim vas! 4 , 110* lot:'tilt; *ry plait, 'also (IRA PA' and' 110 OK Aligrazawz - j t A•- 444 I ' EMettrtabiarTOriaate at lir Or - fibk ,4 WaiL ogefrkirth - • , : 13:8 moutrow,Juilo 4,1856.1 - - ~1. ~Do Notice. - _ . te Dontrost gitinorrat.-- pususuma zvzur MCCOLLUM. dc ii i - 41,50,cashiA advanikei 'otintitiwi thin six ra on th a; Ind $2,60,4 tba r iaiie ,ortdtoyaar. No papirdiacontinuidinitilair get' are .paid, except liV4heorlonif 4sherii. All ikommurdesitiona consiecOlAith,tha,., ' too insure atteatioa i mast bedireeted tnir gorro#9,4ontrose, Hales of Adverthleir. ikle,squarkl2 Imes or less) 3 insertioeic, - -$1,60- Eacs subsiquent insertion; • 0,2Ar l f.)ne sqiarel three month's,_ One square six months, 4.00 Business Cards; four lines or lest 4 _ 11,00" Yearly advertisements,'.not over 4 liplarti, One colutun, one year, Yeirly adcertiserAtill be re e tij e t e d to the business in which they are, etigagedi ina Aire considered as Wishing I , O.etyntitirre adverti*eg unless:they, shall give specil . ditec4o s ;; discontinuance of _the same. •"- ... • . - • JOn WORM .I .. fgerThOpublisbershaVin g adar4l,9 thfkie.l) Printing materials A large and.:alupericiiitisisit slant ofJob Type, are now prepared lo4 2 'sieltt-, Job Work in "a" minneriminapissed ialblitNe• tion of country,-and-on Itrutonable teritp4, .Blacks of every description kgptcOnstsattY n, b oand or printed to , order.- fusiness Pirutort rinvArrr Divot Bend Depot, Pa. - Abeawthitz I 'ANT, Proprietor. • SIGEITH-&:COP, • Cabinet and Chair ManufactAirerai*Olfaiti •• Dfontrose,Pa . . , _ . 1 Fresh _Arrival of New I.4l.Lpit DlCiint3fANS & thißitiLTra-e, - P• • T" svibscribers would respictfullyiwkies the goOd people of ; Susquehnna-•Co-,411at they are now opening their stock OF - 01'2nd Winter Gotids which is unusuelly•lortwiktuitid: tioetive all of which will•be - soid•for; tapir, of approved credit cheaper than can be ~bonght at - any other establishment in the conntyWillitbtut just what we may. Please give usit-trial; DICKER.SIAN,& GARILMIs 'New 31ilford, Sept. /8th,1856. • • np 'CELAIN and Qiadite China latg rfLt.r W.! Agli.T. Take. No#ce., QUNDAY SCHOOLS. furnished , 741111,Mma•- -10 ries of different sizes, at •NewlYorlygtail, prices. Call at the. Poatol6i..T,. May 1, 1856. . . ... Dr. Iit.'SMITIE - -- : -.1k4 Surgeon' Pentist, Sionticise; P11: - ;VIIPbe at' gearle'snotel,Mondiys'aridToisdayittireaelh week.' - - : - .'., .4 - :. i , ...i'1 - i:i :.;-4 t , X4Y/ ABEL.TllsRlGlti>r.,~ideieaoe lii. - Dealer in Dnigs,Nediiitieti, Chinneitt, Dye- Stuffs, Glass•ware, Paints,Pirs• ArangehesttlArin dow Groceries, Famly, - Goods„ i Jewelry, ••Perfumery, dic.,—and Agent fora of the most popular` Patent Nedicinet. , • JOHIT, GROVES, • • Fashionable Tailor—Shoppniiiilharles Motel, Main Street,Man4nise, JOHN . COLSTEN DEALtn tx Stoves, Tin;iecpptfinObeet Iron Wire,Lodersvillooeisr Greaßyiatlert.-13 . . . _ '. .• A: Lithiopi- 54t: , DEALER in Ready.Msde -Clothini,;4..k, te and Caret. Boots and Shoes; Pry, ,G,5:441, 1 die. - • Ei'Store opposite Searin'aHotel,Kpatrose, C. D. LAOr, and / ~t h :1 - '' . • '''''' .: 4-, : . J.I. W. RIL ED, ( 71 t • - • ''' , AIWV&THEOP . • Dr. Merril T - NRUGGIST _and qmos!„ . at d,. eater in u Gs, 34 dieinea; Cbeinleils;Dyt , Stuffs Paints, Oils, Patty, 'Window:Glow Camphine Fluid, Perin Tivery, Yankee Noioss,&%&e. . Lodersville , _ PRMIKLINPRAFfrit_ • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AX.,4141/41011TrOSIII PiL t will attend faithinity_to,:all basmeas en trusted to him in the . cOuntfolf%squebanna. Conveyancing arid witting of altitieils will be done neatly, and 'charge moderate e .„,A He will also attend to the prolsecutioo oftliitme diets, their widows and heira;agelitiiithe government, toy Beurity'Lanktoielons, Hays be found at all hours st_theol4selormerly - occupied by J. 17. Richard, g 83 .? tic4th of the Court-House.--1853413' ' - BL TYL '`• - Intereatid with Ili , Hftnt , _ IMPORTER AND DEALER in Hardware and Cut; lery,Carriage Tritntninta, Springs, &c. : No 215 - 445:4 - Street, N. Y. Where - his litereantilefiliiiirra, in this and other Counties,arOkitOtylo.44,and earnestly solicit, ed to call and Einrchase. 6tf. 11 ‘...11.t.ritr803).11 1 - WHOLESALE LED. RETAltDiAiliill Celan Ware, Sofas, Beilitiade i ' Tribtes, Stands , Chairs, &e. - No. .9 Washington street. • Biaghieitim, N. Y. OrCotfin Write -Rorie ap Mike. , - TAIL; IL. 1.. • 11311VSICIAN and. Bargreorritacpermanently 'loCated himself ;ataracktiertille,, Susq'a County, Perin'a, and will prompt,lvettend to all calls with svhich•he may bo tavored: • .11ay,'.1858.:442.',--..S""A'V'A - - - 'A. Pickett, 'lttrig q. Or • - TUE Team, Collector of Debts, Executor =of Deeds, WiAls,'cputtucta, &c. Of fice; Laceyvil Wy °mug .coupty. Pa. May -9, 1856,- _ ' • - . --= . . , GLASS DEPOT, CiN.OIII.OIIIII3T ST., • BiOXltrakt:APVll,ll eat • - • ; *- t; Br:D. - BREWSTER. . quantity,' tondo to ordor; or:fitroisbodit lb.shortest no tice; • HAAT if • • 41 • 8, ,Xemr,Al Amy.- ip Buttons TAread., Panel Goody, iyatnikeitiaQiiiii4lliii. and Plated Cntlory,',finhinkniidisteirgara, &e, &e. Merethiationd, Pl64 . 444'''vinipplied on libesal tering,: (A , bTroil &VIV 7,1 t 7 41 • WMBAY - DM e; el.cl.toititArY HAYDEN, - 44k0•5 HAYDEN. . - ' riitADArAirJr...,o t ft:4l6pathic and If& XX. meopiith4: poitegi : _i t ,Pf Medicine, is now pennimeo;kloolifiritiptoatAlid P. . • T ~,i,,,.....:,.. • ,SAUTTERi, '..- FAS{IM LE TAEOI44-Shop over the : El:tete - 1)f ;:V...llfOtt,tieer. Hatch's Ile telt_ - • ' 4l, ~,, , s 7l- .E. L,KWAXXIMITIC \ .i . .16;;;- - cu-aitiew4ll.,... E '. - ' ° Ni l i nP iri iftillifirChites.GlMAit xr .,1 .) . l a w . i*,l6 -wartelforgektio t, xiik- =-- --: - 'l,-. \ pr 11•31), Viunphona• 4 a , #44liiplh' 44. 4 , 3 y, and for sale 4. !}, 4 Y l "g h '" b k' en. 91 1 .434, romharen*hito - 7 Mane, hi sum uier - - 4.5'1.91. BULLARD. grzia 4 - 04 - ;-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers