The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, September 11, 1856, Image 3
' • The," nnterrified" at _ tWo e s clock unit in .council at the Court llouSe Square, raised a 14 hickory pole from the top of : which fated 1 ' theitag of the Itinion.r Our dis iingOisbed Senators,.•Bigler and. Broadhead . vete present, and the f r .mer ..addrOSed the. ..multitude for sapre . .th n two . ..hotirs., in a a paee' h oktmatuiwemble rgument: Ileof. - E, It Schnabel spoke about three quarters of an ij a ar, with much effect„ rid eliciting frequent *Parise;. .The meeting then : adjourned -tii , v i tae. at the same place i the evening. : Ili o'clock r, M. th - w. nterrified , reasseni= hlisl - and were addres. - . d by - llessrs.Jiroad- I 1 142 d, Schnstbel and W rd, ...Aft& :the oven= l •lai'adjciurnnitent of he Meeting, a torch i light processirt of l erakns paraded the I Streets, accompanied by two bands of Music, I s ad bearing train; recies with inscriptions, / , • *Meng which: w ied the folloWino " . IVe dont belong to da klantera party." The ' insien . Thes prineVer—cl ten with the foreigner enid'up with the -- -: negro:" " Artti-.knoll= , othingisat+.fre4o a and Eittar flights" 1 the . 11entocracy of :vino are aWakel and hill give a dath blo , .to the'eotribinatiOn of 1 bilious bees .4. wit they are ',apposed.! Thursday morning we started: on. our tit- I early arrived at ,Tilden's,:at, twelve Oiclock,:ll.,l int . ii sraerpeo.tedly Tound arrangements made 1 • 1 . 01; a denroetatioYeienting *t that dace.—, ~.I . boat a iteindred voters assernblt.'.(l:mtV were addressed by Mr. Selmabel with more thaa Aftsusual ellxineuce and power. Great inter est was manifested and.a good work done for the constitution and the Eluiott. la the cre tin Mr...schaabil addressed 'tiro 'peopte of Gibson. ' The "dark-lantern" aristocracy lamas to distuib; not to be instructed, They 'wittlted 'eider the iasia. We pitied, but Couhl. 'tot hp them. " Tree-speech" was likely to ; blast their ambitious hopes, and so they kissed and used all the Petty: appliances •of petty tuit4s, to deny to Mt. Schnabel t fair bearing. 'ln their indiscreet; triadncie.s they hissed tho sentiments of Tluirilas It-tenon'. The speaker reud a letter, .written by that tlitaent Patriot, in; which he aVowell'ltis-hos ., • tility to Slavery, but deproated the agitation vet the viestion as likely to end in - . disunion, tend civil war. ITho Democrats present apl Plauded the patriotic 4.-ori.erti of theirbelorecl . ancestor, while tire "Iree-speccli and Kass alit eltierAnattiteste,4 their tlisapproba : tiwn and malice by litising vigorously. They Are, the men whom D _ grid Wilntot . denoniiria• ~ted JefersoniaU flemOerats; . What a conipe-r lent Judge of political .history and character tee mast be ;• The Democrats - of Gib s on are firm, autt gaining groutid; these facts probably 'ac. counts for the de speration' of thbir enemy. Prom imr *emotion during our trip to Hone dace and back, in say t&oor democrat ic friends, in the count:C," be of good cheer" the prospect brighten*. The Democracy: of Clroconut met pnrsuant bo wake, on Saturday the filth and or ganized by the appointment of A i mos 14ath, President, and David Robbe, David Mahn), Otis Ross and Nelson Camp, Vice Presidents. The meeting was addressed by 1)r. Calvin Leet, and Mr. gehttobel, nod ajonrned with three cheers for the Democratic; National, Mate, and evoity iiekets. , 'The Democracy of Franklin went address ed on Friday evening last by Messrs Schnabel tad" Little. KEEP ELIE DALL ROLLING 1 Monday afternoon last the Democrats or Middletown held a large and enthlislastit 'westing. Fronsfve-hundred to _a - thousand people were in. attendance. They were ad thyroid by- Meeirs. Little and Schpalycl, 'rhe of sectional bigotry, retired abashed, before the tiuth, and in ail that cast assent. Istagesterlt there urine so mean as to do it rev trireme. In the evening of the same . day, Moan Schnabel and Little addressed a large *meting in Jessup. The Vteetnonters . and toystried to distsub the meeting and get up ,a muss," but were unsupe4ful. DEMOCRATS R4LLY. IntSATOlt BIGLER. will.address the. De- Itiontsey at Gyest 3i nd on tburaday the 18th hat Other eininerit speakers ,have , been in tited, stove names will be announced in the lifli. Senator )3igler disctisse:i the questinus atimme with great:ability andt cornier, ' Go andisear him. Rim L B. Sew:Lamm will address ft mimic meeting at Dundifr on Monday i the lath. and at New Milford, Tuesday ofte.rueen the Vet& aspassosrAnrie co.v.FEß twos. At ti meeting of the lieurt seittative Confer nee of 'the District ttomiosed of-the Count of Stu4oehatse, Wyoming and Sullivan, eke folkriving named persons sgpeared and,took lots in the Conference. / S' 's: Lewis Brush, C.ll, &ere, James LB. Lithrop; Wyotut, L. C. Conklin, C. D.Genrhart, E.,Mowr , Sul livan, C. C Finch, F. g. Bauingurbner. On snothm..E. *wry it. was Called to the chair' sad I. 8. Lamp sad . C. Fi ( ncli appointed tionsettuies. ..-On motion • pioceeded to make nominations for Reintsntstires.. Gt - e nominated E. T, Brernett of ,Susq,a. Co. L.C. Conklin nomittnt4 Jolts v. Ss n u of Wyoming Co. C.C.liiich nominated (ho. D. LICUOX of Sullivitn Co:- It was moved And seconded the Conference proceed to vec tor amtdidates. The nixie of. 'Gro. SACK.• bon was here withdrawn—and on motion B. T. Ehtentsurs *odious y. Sacra were nomina ted-by sostansalion,ns :candidates to be sup. ported_ at the ensuing ple4iou fur the office of .est)ptittisres. On suoticna, Betiolvel that the proftedingsof this Cosifetenee be published inthe Demo cratic' ,pipeas in the District. Adj.-sine die. (Signed by -the officers:) • - t NEABON FOR vorzyG FOR FRE-; NON? 178TEAP, OF .BtTOR4N. 1 %WI) men to:Worh for me the .otber.„day fo thiOnt'imiest; - shower name up , sod we *Aloe the' ben. -Whhe sitting upon the hay, euld 'hearing the vain pour _ upon the toot 'to beguile time we conversed. • I 'squired of my friend who _be Should vote Tee;for isrelistAnt... He 'answered,. Fremont. Aged him why he should- role cot Fremont, iosteed of StmissMan. Ile' said he did .uot know, exactly, he hnd not read,z- gr!Att cleat, init from Idiet . learn, Auclukaati, - lived in a.SlareState, owned a pita. 4nang stares, stud Um - point? to snake PennsOvania ellave atate.• That Fremont was a Primalft canton, and loot for keeping it afree State.. • • Now Laffirm that nine out of every ; ten of lb:tie who are so vociferous for. Fremolit about these diggensw i . can give .tro better res , 590 for their, course than the • . r • REstatucs.---Nr corropoildent is.! right. Ile op, - position so frequently and emphatical- assert, that we are the' pro-slave r* party, many come to believe the infamous ichirge, notwithstanding it is in defiance of our plat _ form, and history. Let. eac h mc f, , read, think and for himself judge and the demo ) j evade Star is again in the ascendanti even in this locality. INTER. STINV CORRES.I 4 . OSP ENCit:. Wtra.umarowr, - Ang. 12 Hon. D. WiLitor , — Dion Sin t , 1 • , . . . . . : The.unsettled Condition of the pc lie *lnd in relati.m. to the great political questiOnsEin yoked, id the ensuing Noveinber election in duces me to invite - you to a publio ' is4ussion of, hose questions. It is desired th tVre take the same stump throughout ti ORS' ! ERN Pa. .l Speaking alternately before the te me . wadi 'eueies. -We can arrange , the - .p °positions rrararivra,— . -or have oui, respect ve friends agree npoti the issues, and their p , raseology. I desire . no other issues than tliosel :made by yourlf at the Court house in N illiarnsport i in your speech delivered somatrre _before 1 year Phi Pa. Conrention-- 4 'wish Additional proposition or two, embodying t tt peculiar .views , of the Democratic party, ' , expretiel in the Cincinnati platform, .I • , I have ever entertain , entertained a wainpersonal regard for yon, and there is not pother man in the State4opposed. to sue in p: Nicol faith) 1 3 -with whom 1 would rather join lin debate, Than „yourself. Should yOn -ha : the time, and it be aireable to' your con. nienen gild 'pleasure, to grapple with me,. i.l the above suggestion, - --please inform rn i by return mail, at Williamsport ; in order hat we may loose 00 time in arriving at any understand ing. . ' Yours - very respe4'ullv.. . ELLIS B. , SOfINABEL. '--, - .. Tow NTDA., Atti..oth,--1830.- D.. its 11. Scrivantt: Esq,--Dktu 'Stu :. , I found your favor of the 12th inst. on 'my teturn home yesterday, after nr 4 absence of a week. 1 start tomorrow for 4y Courts in Susq'tt. County ; I shall be enOge,d every day in bolding courts, from the 18th inst. to. the 12th ,of Sept:after that .I intOul to devote some - tithe tocauvassing our S to ; and if a satisfactory arrangement can !, made I cer tainly would net decline an et ouster for . a few weeks, with so re , peetablertind gallant an adversary - as .yoursoll I eanclot however tis now upon any-time,- as some rweeks since I tendered my services to the; St, Nxerutive Committee, and they may b. ,ye tnatie d put some work for me in the we: em part of the state. We will dounnuniea,e fat ther upon. this subject if ycn Owire, aft ..r I shali under stand what - chargeS are al : y lush upon my tirne. One th4ig howes, sr I should insist upon, that'the fief of our e.;ploits should be t ronsfered from the-NOR 'I.IERN TO Till!: CENTRAL AN . Di lASI ' ; I1N .(art of ti.e - State. J 1- Very Respectfutb,vour c) ItS4 At the persona, : in PO(erville . Bradford, Co. Aug 23d by hey J. G.jlSabin. Mr GEo, 1 w DBETEE of Lactyville, Pa' , and Miss SINAI' A. FIELDS of Le llaysville ' i '4, Ai the 'Varsanage Hutt e in .Ntontiose by ' the Rev. S. S: iiman,.MILIGEORGE' B. Lall-ts, Ito Mtss B.A. Wralstss, :Oth of Montrose. • V...kt Genera, Wisconsin, -On the 30th ult., I by . the-Re r. Mr. •.Peten=, I tri. Eros F. !thus I I oi*Great Bend, Pit., and PI iSi , ElizAnn - rtt B. 1 FAttsrm,.daughter of Mrs; .(_.' A. FAR- I scat of the runner place.. : : .4 On the' 4th inst.., by the, Rev. John F. Deans, at' his_ residence, i' .: South Bridgewa ter, Mr. Brs,assust 0. I:I ITUOLF of Jessup to Miss ELLEN C. BILMILAIi ,' of Ditnock, Pa. ' .1. • f. , ., VBy sliderd "1 - V Park 'lt his residence on -the ist inst., Mr: - Cit Ara it FOOT and sites Katharine Ayrer o all of ;I.lritigewp ter. • La V By the slime on the 6 ti inst., Mr. Lay.: D. Worm of N. Y. pi ty, ..-,' d Miss Flatus. C. youngest daughter it r. John Fancher of , Bridgewater.: ' it, , J • . • Vl**. \ fri Bridgewater Aniast 21st Am , o;DA I. ,only daughter Gf Edict '4l: A nlzelia A. Taylor aged 13 years 2 month and" 12 days. vin Binghamton on Jii,sday morning, Aug. 26, ANGELI:4'f t wife , C. G., and daughter of Munson' t. Watkins, Esq.,- of Oneonta. NI In Ilarford, # the residence of P. WI ILI ASO, one,Wednesday, Sept. 3d. Evr.t.rN A:, oily chitd of Charles G. Will iams of r ‘ l,l ugha t . tier reinaltus were brought t,O liirighantlou and deposited with thOse of er mother,pn Spring Forest. Ceme try.; ' • GREAT AO I.IACTIO.I, TITE LEARNED: ..tOANARY BIRDS, Inc i , .... / I/lENCII Poweas 104 VENTRILOQUISM I _ and i EITIL&OEOINARTMEATS IN NATTIIIAL A.VAG tc at- the Aoadgmy Hall, Montrose, :for two Afternoone4itid two evetiingA. . . . The celebratedt,and : renowned . I • SIGNOR BLITZ, Will. have the honor of' exhibiting his woinlerfuL and pc, 'nlar entertainments ; at the above Once, on ~ htirsday and. Friday, Sep -4) -- lamenting at 3 I 7.1 in the even ildien 121. Aug 30th Fir T P ' '".O - G F A. .12E1 f. Z - .'3l. T Z a. V i )1 C 5 i T 17 E Il i ...W"' 8" T 1 / 4 ' E I IF 0 a ../Ell TTP in my e Infortable sky Faller, iu the 1...) Brick BI lc, lam still engaced in the very interosting , . ployment of 4 , catling shad °wt. Of my a ceess in my etiling, my pictures are my Witnass . From Maine to. California, from rock botui .New Eng,land to far-off 'prairie land, ban:lcel.-tare is tiosiesiiott or these un fading eridencelt of what the Daguerreotype 'Art I t has hitherto led me to accomplish. For the encouragemeti 'that I have received I am truly thankful, and - ' st that the future will show a material incr. ' both of pattering° and. grail- Inds.,i i , , ,.- ' - 1 / 4 But, ft ifthi - I - "hankfr' lot, for on (thing I inn nil: thankful. A 'few hove palronis ' well, but paid alas: huw.poorly. Now, -' 4 , :. •:- . • ts .:a TO cErrirr, ''.-That toi 'of patience In. cetl.ttin dli,ec ie, tions la quitvexbansted,'therefore, my dear for. getist/frienigjust,bear irr Mind thit if you do not do speed*hat you s pootive4 to ao many ,Intinibi 0 l nnpkaaani :consequences 'May foi l- Such em ilk language applies to bat a mall ip number. I'lCall tho rust I subscribe tayiett, - • , _ g ' pontoon obedient, - L - ,? I f ',- : •.. :Pa , . W. - D. DEANS, 1 tar ' hisais Mock, 8d .Flosib , - -,4 The Montrose Fire Co - ., No 2 will meet at their Engine .1101180 next Monday afternoon at 20 minutes past-0 o'clock Torexercise.. The Ploughing Match of the Susquebanua County agricultural Society will take place on the Farm of David Post Esq., iu rear of It Drinker's premises, at two o'clock in the afternoon of Wedno3dity the 24th Sept., 1856. 'For the Pest Toughing 2d do 4 d do sr a 4th I do tith do • • 1 OAT. Elte4Mß. To every smancemscut competitor a 13adge of the Pociety will be given as a recognition of merit in trying to promote the inteiests of agricalture. • NOS. XICITOLset.V., tx. ALFRED I.3.ILIAVLS, • ' • F. M. Witt.tasis, . Com. OT/CE is hereby given that by virtue of an 1.11 order from the Orphans Celia of .Bqsquer banns, the following described property, the es tate of Abel Rice.late of llarford Township de ceased, will be ixposed to patine *tie by cendue, on Tuesday the 10th day of September inst., at oae oktocii in the aftereoun. The.first piece situated in the xillage of liar ford, bounded North by lands of P, Carpenter, and 0. Carpenter, and 0. }latch, cast by Inds of S. B. Guilesoath by lands of Amtum Chase, and West by the Great Bend - and Philadelphia Turnpike road, containing about 'one ; Here, on which is the family dwelling house, &e ~, (=cep- Ow therefrom a state lot sold from onilt orner of the same to carpenter and Sibley of abont fir ty.feet wont, and one hundred and fifty feet in the rear. The aria Pte, sonnded north , by lands - of Charles Payne, and lot,b Tyler, ,east by lands of Harvey Sib!ey, south by (ands of Job Ty-. ler, an 4 - Sax& Seymour, and, on the • west by lands of said I( ab Tyler, containing one half acre and on which is a shop and 'water privilege' tad Piece, bounded on the east by the Great Bend TUrnplice Road, thence a south westerly direetion,along lands of Nancy Sweet, about one hundred and forty rods to a stake and stones, thence a northerly course along by' ether lands of the emote of decedent to ?itso of Sob and b ob Tyler, thence ~long said lino an, easterly di rection to the Great Bend and Philadelphia Turnpike Road, containing about ten acres more or less. The . 4th piece, lying . west of the one last above described, bounded oil the east by the lands of the estate last in the tot above. men tioned lot: on the south for -aboitt one ituudred *reties by lands of L. T. Farrar, and A. G. Barnard, on the west by lauds- of Loren Gates, and on the North by lands of Joab : Tyler,. con taining twenty one acres or thereabouts. • Sale to Le held up6n the . pretr - W‘s after first described lot, and - terms ofpayment made known on day of sale. Ilarford Sept, . Addfiziss l • , AMHERST cArtitNittt,. • PENUEL. CARPENTER... - . 4wn37 • ONWARD; AND UPWARD. rffg BORDXR", BUFFIANS 21.,41 S 1 't Set 't. b. WILMOT DEPARTING. • ND the endeavor to palm off that " Exten /i: si r e stock II superior , quitlitFof goods lately received from an old broken down estah. lishment in Binghninton, has proved-an entire failure to our friends doren /men. "Sevin #s beliering." We acknowledge - the. fact, \And should judge that "seeing," (without wearing) would be all that was necessary to convince the public that • . . - SIMMONS cf MERRIMAN, at their store on Ptrnttc AVENUE first door above the Post Office, have the LARGEST and most de: sirable stock of BOOTS and ever introduced tato this market, which-for price, (we offer no competition. With second rats goods) durability and style, we ehallenge competition. We are receivir.,, ,, Weekly ftoni the-best Houses in New York, the latest styles and- beat qualitiis of GOods, which keep our assortment complete: Just received a large addition to our former stock, consksting ot GENTS Patent Leather Boots, Patent I.other Short Boots, 'French Culf Boots, Gaiters, Shoes and Slips, all styles. LADIES gaiters ' ,Btiskins, Slips uhd.Boots, best qunlities. Also, It o s, Youths atud-Childretts boots, -Gait era and Shoes, the best in Market. hi fact ev ery thing belonging to the trade. . All kinds of Leather, .Findings, &e. All y kinds of work made to order and repairing done neatly SIMMONS & MERRIMAN.. Montrose, July g l 3, 1856., Now Arrangement at Gregury's HARDWARE STORE! W. GREGORY JURSON vv• having formed a co-partnership for the purpose ot•conducting the Hardware bu'siness hi en its various branches, *veld respectfully in• form thepeople of Sttsrptehanna county that they are now opening at Gregory's Old Stand, opposite the Exchange Hotel, 2 doors from. the Canal, Binghamton, N. Y., the largest, cheapest, and best stock of Hardware over otTeredia Bing- Having made arr.mgements to import their English Goods and purchase their American di rect from manufacturers, they can and will sell: CHEAPER, than any other establishment in town! Their stock is now very extensive, and those wishing to purchase are )nviled to call—, The following are a portion of their leading ar tieles;viz:.--Table knives and forks, Tea :do., carvers, forks and steels, pen and pocket knives, brad and butcher do., hay and araw do., scis sors, shears, and razors, britannia tea and coffee pots,silver and britannis tea and table spoons, silver plated, brass, end iron candlesticks, snuf fers AO trays, solar lamps, lard, and suspended lamps, mantle:piece ornaments, brass and iron andironamhovels and tongs, &e. Looking Glasses, and looking glass plates„to gaiter with a general assortment of housekeep ing articles. York State wag. liuntruso Pa. .onnisting of locks,•latelies, , butts, screws, brad nails, bolts, patunt*window springs, Wind fasten. ing,s, shutter serews, and fastenings, &c. A general assortment ortools for Carpenters and Joiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons and blacksmiths, consisting of planes, saws, him. mere, hatchets, aies, adzes, chisels augers, auger bitty aid hollow angers, anvils, Bellows, vices, patent drill machines,' sledges, stone hammers,' brick end plastering trowels, cross-cut, mill and circular saws. - - A splendid assortment of Saddle andllarees makers' tools and trimmings. CO iteo tin?. a atm vele, e padea,fork s,rakes,sey th es, grain cradles, lines, pick axes, iron bars, giind stones, &c. "MSc), Agents far the sale of .Whittemore, Squires & Cues' Agricultural tools,suelas plows, bay rind straw cotters, torn sinners,. Bole and' upper, Ittatber, Irooroceo Arne trial wine, walk°a general easorivrent, of. findings, Wooden ware, willow eradles, 'wagons, .elnwe 'arid basketlike! all descriptions. "Bar iron, and steel, iron ales stasteel 0 ,11 . 13 V0' malleable pestings; tomb Ines and triinnkings„. 4if ail Math, painfit i vils; esib i gless, putty, Ike., 411 of which will he &AEA the lowest Wee. Pleat* call,end examinetbe. erode for yourselvems Ifitighastaa, Moth "i t 1/1611. `Wire t rife : : S. M. \V suit. Sec,t PLOUGHING MATCH. A.ditlinistratoitis ~ J 4 ' ++ 'lam ~; \ ~ .. r ~~~. ~3=: ~T.'.'.. HOUSE TRIMMINGS, FARMING tOQLR, LOST I: ; • On the Chenango Turnpike, between Ne hemiah Scott's, and Scutt Bahlivins, one small silver Cilindereseapetnent watch. Ati,Y one who will return the Said watch to the underaigned,Or leave it at Scott lialdwins, Ar this offiee. shall be libertlly rewarded. Sept. 13,1.856.-4 f. • SUSAN A. YOUN(4 WILDE leS rAT Eft sawitanuse, WITil STEARNS 4. sisavls's IMPROVEMENT. Eir "The best sec in the wdrld,"—Seenred by the celebrated 1.0 Pos;derproof Uck, with a very small key—all" made under thelim mediate inspection of _our lt Jr . STEARNS, who has for fourteen years superintended their than ufaeture, during which time( not a dollar's worth of gopertfhtts' been consumed in any one of them-213 having been tester ju neendentnlifires Warranted free from dampness. For sale by STEARNS & MARVEst. •40 Murray and 146 Wateests. Second 'hand Safes'of othm makers, et retiuced prices. • 36-3 mom. (101.11 and Silver Speetaclos, a new hit jlist received, comprising:all ages, by August 18. A. 3. Eviirts. n REASTPINS and Finizer Rings, a . faiiety LP of new patterns, this day received by August 18. A. J.EV,Ass. • T . OCKETS—A beautiful augortmont of Lock ets—ohe, two and four faces—from $1 to A. J. ris%lllS. • 810, by el LOCKS -- A good al'sortmoni of Clocks, from' IL) 81 to $lO-30 hour end;—plidn,stri king and alarm, by • -A. J. E.(4.1(9. August 11. DLATED WARE;—:Tex Setts, Caki) ets, Castors, Candleslicks, Snnffers & rays, Spoons and Forks, Card Baskiits, .by . - A. J. EVANS. August. 18. Watches', Watches. A - UST received by the-team Ship 4ttaotic s. cl few-doz. more f•niy celebrated! . English Patent Levers, also &few extra' fine .slx ounce Skelton Levers, in plain, silVer Hunting, Ceses. The above with,my fi ruler stock, mak,'!s the Largest and best asvftn M..0 - fine trcitehes ever exhibited in western I N.: k., all of which are of my own importation; and warranted ;first rate time keepers. _ ' . i ''!.l • A LI D as ,. No. 3 Odd Patmen.oall, r f - Biog,hamton, Aug;; . 16, 1356.- ..._ .1 . Important to. FaTmes. Veav Freight Line front Minatiose. . DILL & ARMSTRONG Commission Merchants ; No.. 3, I.hie . _ ; FOR the better 4tecommudation Oor the farm, ers Susquettsnna County. we have cen t:laded to receive fieight every day in the week, (Sundays excepted) At- the store of M.. 8. %Vit. son 4 Son; who will attend to shipping the, same to New Ye*, and the return bills 1* paid in rash at their store. • Capt. Wiekhnnt is their salesman, whose long experiento on the N. &E. It., flAttetS himself that justi'de will be done to 'his patrons .with the above artangementove invite the farm,. ers' to giro us atrial. JUSTUS MIA.. • C. B. ARitSTRONG.. Motittose,Aiti. 20, 185ti..--6m.. 4 lltit,ftnta A VERY large minek •3?IIYFE &. K.NgSVLTONS. • Binghamton. 1;. I ESTUAY. i Came into the enclosure of t 1 subscriber .on or.abont the I‘ , stb of August,.os6, one large red cow. The;owner is requested to. pay char ges, prove prOPerty and takelier 'JOHN VANVAU,KENIIURG: Bridgeurater,!An2; 18, 1856.--4w.*. AGiticurfußitt NEWTS . • . . • tts Vi' :-TlVii4t 3 trt . I . oi. ihmocr. Sut.:Q; Go., P, . , Wholesale and Retail Dealer in T131E13. I . 'S' & BROTHER'S, bpd WHEEL -4 1 1 , ER, 31 LICK, & Co's- I Rail . Read' Horse Powers, Threshers and Seperators, Threshers and Wirmacers combined. . • , Reapers Pand Mowers combined. - Mewing and Reaping, Machines, of six or seven•different Patentees, nmon i g which.are .11eCormitflea Bur rsilb's, Manny's, Weights, and the celebrated Ketchum •Machine,whieh N warranted to Work to the.satiOnetion of the prirehaser. The little Giant Corn and Cob. Mill,f the Nimble Giant, Feed .Milla; with iron plate* French Bur atone mills,•for farm or mill use.l Portable Circular Saw Mill With 24 inch saw , for wood cutting &c., ext np, table and saw for slitting boards and fencing stritrand general shop •use. Upright or Felloo • sew for Wheelwrights rise.' Crosi-cut saw arrangements, gr, eatly ;improved to attach to Pewee for' cutting woad iii the log, (it will eut off an•lnth log in one'ininute.) Emery's poi% table Cidifr Mill, and Piesa, the hest. in use, Fanning !Mills tilled for PoWeis. Power corn shellers, Power Feed cuttr„ Improved dog Pow , . ers, Cloyir Hullers. Wind Mills, of various biz. es, Situ* Machines, flay Presses, Field Drill Sower, Lime spreader, Field Roller, Feuntainfi of various patterns,, Improved Hydraulic . Ram, Agricultural Furuaces;Pzitent self-tteting Cheese presses; , 'Clitirns:of various lands, !Cultivators and Plows of. every.isieSeription, I,euther and Rubber' Belting, and 'vanions other implements. In fact, inmost any linfilement - a fanner may wishorai any one else may desire except gimlet handles'wnd scandal, which no doubt can be ob tained it the great manufacturing establishment (as is represented or - ulisrepreitented)• in . Brad. Co. They alao manufacture nn excelsior Fan ning Mill: (they call it)iwitiels may bo -very val uable if it is Capable ofi blowing or clearing the chaff fikstu the proprietor. AM w hat • would be. .left? I would say to th4e who, .may have been humba ,, esrthat - Emery's or Wheeler's railroad liorsel'owers, Threshers &c.,are not made et allowed to be made this sidCof AlVany k also to those] , wishing to puechase either 'Emery's or WhOer's Machinea, that Emery:or Wheeler has net authorited'or,deSite Mr. IL L. !Holies to sell their machine* Descriptive catalogne price List and circulars of nearly all tuachlnei sold by me, sent gratis and Postage pre-paidcto all 'applicants. Send sour name and address. No'w farmers itiyour time' to make from 12 to 25 or 30 per cent. on your investtneets. Re mem'ber I . get my inaebines direet 'limn the funbfactors., i've no middle man with whom divide my cotemissionos ps the with some others. All machines scild by we are warranted to give satisfaction or May be return ed it not as recommended. See large hand.bille, circulars, 8:c. ~ILWLIE WARE: AF4AV Stuck' • ot.fine . .'SLlNEß WARE, `warranted as :Onre as ttoin, consisting '4r . Table, Dvasert and_rickle roris threaded, rib. bola; pattern and • plain' Tubte, Eleseri.. and Taa *Wont iiivatard,.(tream Stigarani Salt Spoons pr Ores difrures!..otterris;"siso,! . Butter Knives.. Ringli„.#:Jogar Gravv.and soup Ea ok4:i" . to othichtt would in-. vita the attention ei tat); friends.: • .; _ ...ALFRED J. EVANS,- . igtragtlWty k 8.1856. 1114)TIVE. HEREAII. my wife, Cornelia A., has left V V my bed and board, withoutany just cause Or provocation. -Thia is:. therefore, to forbid all persons harboring or trestieglaer on my account, as I will papno debts of ber contracting after this date: • t. M. WRIGHITa. Thompson, Ang. 15, 1856, Extis Cheap Dry Goodat Irmo immense and attraetiee stocks of en- JL tirely new -Goods at ! LORD &. TAYLOR'S Rich:- Dress Silks, Shawls, liaritillis,lLaines, AlpaeaS, Coburgs, Deßoiges, Malibu, Tissues, Bategea, Brilliants, Ginghams, French, English and Aederican Prints . , Linens, Flannels, Domest ics, Hosiery, Embroide.ries,Laces, Ribbons,Trim mings, Cloths, Cassi mere,: Vostings, . Also, at the . - • - • GRAND STREET STORE,. . Rieh dilt Cornices, White* Shados, Curtain 'Materials, Tapestry, Beessels, ,Velket and low priced Carpetbags, Oil Cloths, Mg; Btatiing, &c.. &e. t - SPECIAL INVITATION TO. CALL;aI Parties about to visit New York are request ed to call before purchasing elsewhtee, aid will find these the largesvelreapeat anti Most desira ble stocks of Dry Goods Pa the city. • • 255, 257,259 & GRAND ST. and new numbers, 47 & 49 CATHARINE ST:, N. V. July 16, 1856.-3 at. BOOKS! BOOKS 1 1 BOOKS!! ! ! • • N OT at Auction for the Bonk Auction bas gone, but please bear it in mind that new books as well as old can be bought cheap at the Montrose Book Store in the Post Office, ono door north of Seirle's Hotel. Just call and you can find Books of isll prices, from •a' ono cent primer to a Slo Bible. and among theca you can= find Dick's works, L. Dews, also, &pea tion to Japan, the Hunter's Feast, White Chief, Scalp Hunters, three highly interesting Books by Capt. Mayne Reid, Gerard, the giant Lion Killer. tne Sparrow-grass Papers, Widow Be. dott papers, My Bondage and Freedom, uni on the Road, Salad lot. the Social and Solitary, Rose Clark, Tom Hoods Writing's inTaridas forms, &e.. ttc. A new lot of school and blank books and Stationary, Yankee Notions &e., Ste. Also a few of those tip top Gass Lamps left.— See here. Any one making a bill of five dollars lin& over, at one time shall have one dollars worth thrownin extra, or $lO worth, shall have 92 extra. Call and be convinced. A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Ang. 6, 1856. • Attention Palmeri. Look 'bre. NT C. SUTTON, having mainland the stock -AIL• formerly owned by C. C. Wright, he would respectfully annonnee to the citizens of Middletown and vicinity, that he has just re turned from this city with , a new ttnd full supply of all, kinds of thnitret Springand Summer Goode which ha will tell at uilpercelentectlow prices for cash or itedyVay. !' tease call and see, His choice lot of Dry Goods, (or bath Ladies- and Gentlemen's wear, of Foreign and Domestic man ufacture, Ladies Bonnets, Gents Leghorn Hats, Canada do., Chip do. Crockery, Groceries of all hard and hollow Warq. Drags: and Medicines. iron ,and Nails and risb, besides all other arti des usually kept,in a country store. He will keep constantly on hand a • full supply of Solo and upper Leather. Wanted any quantity of Pelts, Deacon and Calf Skins and Hades, fur which the highest market price trill fie paid.— Alt kinds of f'armer's Produce will bit received in exchange for GoOtt at market prices. I'leaso call and examine for yourselves at the old stand of C.G. Wright*. - SUTtON. Middletown, Sum. Co., Pa. Groat Cause. for RejOi Peace among_ the' Nations of the Oid World. Day GOODS and Clothing - falling , and have already reached a mark below all reasons,— blo expectations; and to proie this-fact call at , the store of GUTTENIIEB.G,.ROSENBAUZ & CO., at the east end, of the new Brick Block. Seeing is believing, so call and see: for your. selves. Come along without delay, procrastina tion you know, is in all . eases dangerous. We will offer you rate bargains, not offered else where in northern Pennsylvania. We can and will undersell all our competitors.- We have advantages in buying, and manufacture out owh Clothing, of which we have a splendid assort. ment, from a little boy's jacket and breeches to the finest Dress Coats and Pants, for gentlemen of all sizes. Our assortment of Fancy aneDo mesas Day Goods can not be Surpassed by any other establishment in the country. One of our firm is constantlyin the city,< and Is sending al ,most daily,Goods of the latest and most fashion able style. Our stock of nonnets and Bonnet tailings is complete. GENTLEMENS HATS, tots of them. Also a splendid-lot of Mantillas.: Montrose, April 22, 1836. . lIEDIVEII, MUSE PUR- N'ISZENG AND FANCY GOODS. TkD TRIMEVLIITY Of Susquehanna and Neighboring Counties. lATE would respectfully eolitit your atten !Vs our largo stock of the abuse' mentioned Weds, now in store and in'course of reception. For many years the trade of eat of, the largest portions of . the limpite State 'has been.retained by a monopoly, which has tit list given away before the rush of enterprise., Possessing unequalled facilities for buying, and having direct eonununkatibr: with the - most ektenslve Mannfaetories in .the ihtited lates, we say, without exaggeration, that we ca and will sell, either wholesale or retail, - at .Trives lower than eVef offered ,beforlS •Wed of . Y. City. While nothing has been omitted in the :A ware line, we have given particular attention to the House Furnishing branch of .our business; and have on hand a stock well worthy 'the in spei:tion of House Keepers. - Of Fancy Goods we have also a large assort ment, which, having bees selected with especial reference to the wants of our , customers, ve think will piete those in need of articles in this In conclusion, wo would say that oar Goods 'aro new, and of the first quality, and that we hjpe, by strict attention to business, and *Mt-- stint anticipation - of the wishes of nor patrenes to merit even an increase of the ceingdctiottal ready reposed in as. PHYFE & KNOWLTON, Hardware . , House Furnishing end Fancy Goods • E4l4sllshment, 51 Court St., 14inghattl• • ton, N. Y.,,mijoinitig Bank id ' Binghamton:.N. B. We havee a very largo stock of Wood en and Willow Ware, Mots and Rugs, Britannia Warn, Fancy Bird Cages, &e. Fe'Sporting apparatus' or every destription, including Fishing Tackle in nil its varieties, Guns, Rtes, Fist* Gun Materials. &e. • • From r.he Binghamton Democrat, April 10th. SPGENDID bernovesteef. , —We have before noticed the new store erected by . A. , Knowlton , Elm., adjoining the Bank •of • Bingheintm, to be occupied as a Hardware Storp by Bleak's:Mork & Knowlton. As it , approieliCa completion it deserves more and more the iiraltaxt that have been bestowed on it. and icundonlitetily In Its style, finish and appointments The model store of ther'Bouthem Tier. blears. p. & are tin* putting iu their stpck, one largerand Moro 'cern plete than has heretofore beeti kept in thisflees, embracing till the departMents ot Hardware, Builders Finishing Itateriali, Gas Fixtures, &e.i &c. illack*.tone.:§in Warmed and ready workman, superintends the t,s ritfitit depart. Menlo .I,ook in atPitxte 4 KElO*llotriL • AdjatthiltrittOrtilirOtiOe. "%TOME; is hereby giver! panne* ilinving .1.11 demands spinet the Estate orlholel. Abi; boti bits of Robb township, ghAt tits 'snit( mint be Presented ,t 9 the ,findensioned for Ar. tenement, and Ali pore* in(ehted to_sald . tutu are required to make ,Itiutiediste Sottloatent 4 - JULIA litltSKYrri Mena Iletstt i 18cre.-/ Hardware =and House Furnishing Goods. . •• • Hls is a progressive age. No eno doubtri A. it; dr If they did, a glance at the manifold wires on which the lightning whizzes with im portant new% would So6n cqrvince ; a Wok - at the rusting can would add idiom emphasis to the lAat and wise conclusion. proof*_ pre sent themselbes each day . ; each day we are more ankiodi to "Catch the tiVing manners s.s . they turn them" to ode own account. and take Mies emelt cash as pilssible. Now aAaysfeepia are averse to dealing. at Ohl fashionedStorel- . -those established from test to twenty years ago. Their proprietors having - be. Comoterougli!y. Mimed with the high price principle, (or rathet latk of principle,) are tan-! witli4igtes !owe") , their " demands to a scale More in ateordaace with the titles we live in. • iZesolved to keep "pate with the • progressive spirit or the age, we hake opened our now and. sticious Ste*, N 6. 61,tonrt St..with a very largo assortmedt or. Ha &ram • ause - Furnishing, and Fancy Goods, which we offer wholesale or retiil, at the lovrett frites, for'eash Or app rove d credit. PSYFE & KNOWLTON. • 81, till rt -St., Dieghtuntoe, N. y . . Fir We advise consitry merchants to 'hitters. They will find it advantageous. find - - WILL find a largo lot , • Ty Hoes, Rakes, , Spades, Shovels . Grass-Hooks, Cradles, and many other' articles for tilling and beautify. lag the earth, PHYFE dz. KNOWLTON'S, Binghamton, N. Y, ' TO THE LADIES. WE are determined to "suit the Ladies, hay ing their comfort in view, we lately pro cured of the Importers, a large assortment of FANCY GOODZ, • which must enltainly pirate even the most fas. kidious taste. We have a fine stock of,Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes comprising many, elegant styles. . "Of combs we have an extensive varieti,incitt. ding many of India Rubber, Iron and Horn. We have, beside, many other Fancy Articles, too numerous to mention.. Call and examine our Fancy Goods. PHYFE & It.NOWLTOI4, 51 Court St. ' Refrigerators. TUST received a large lot, at prices ranging tf from IWO to $1.1,40, - • PflY t liNOWLTON. flat N.V. Bird Cages! Bird •Cages !! 1105 . 11Y1 E & KNOWLTON havei4st reeoived a large and well selected assortment, of BIRD CAGES, combining , many of the most elegant designs and hennaed finish ; combining derabilitiq *kb lietness and alliltass of styin: •Ptoht ils Ud, to $lO, each, drinking-and seed cups included. PHYFE,Lic KNOWLTON.. 51, Court st., Binghamton. • To Sportsmen. Fishing Tackletuns! Rifles! Pistols! Jllllll & KNOWLTON. have now on hand a splendid lot of FiBhing Tacklo,cornpris. ing ItudalfFoth is td, to 810 each'. Litt*, prom 344., to $5, e'ich. Reels, from 8140 tol6 etch, and an assort ment'of artificial Bait, never before equalled in thin-vicinity, including Frog*, Miee,Glass,-Leath er, Isciin Rubber, Illinnows.Gutta Percha, Grass Hoppers, Shrimp, Spinning Bait, &c., &c, Pat. ent spoons to avoid catching grass while hailing. Patent Spring Hooks for Pickerel or Pike. - - Socrlalogera, or Yankee Doodle, Houhs; I hew and improved mode of catching AT. - W have a good stock of. Guns, Rifles:: Re. relying, single and double barrel's! Pistols, Pow ? der,Shot, Water Proof and other caps, Huliting Horns, Turkey calls,4.c Powder . Flasks, Pouches, Game Bags Temperance &c., dtc. In fact we have every article of. Sporting ap paratus.,- Hooks, for outline fishing by the hun dred thousand. PHYFE &KNOWLTON. 51 Om et -st.; Binghamton. PHYFE & KNOWLTON are Agents for a number'of lilanufattatere,tind Wilt suppl - the Trade on easy terms, and at a low .. price at their Hardware, noose Furnishing and Fancy Goods Establishment, • . 51 Court street. Country Merchants, WILL find Hardware, Horiab ~Furnishing and Fancy Goodaat. _gni! :red: Prices, PHYFE At, E.NtIVIrLTONS. Binghamton Cash for Wool. DICKERMAN & GARRATT will pay the highest market price for all the Wool in Susquehanna Vit§tnty, delitrared - at their store. Now Milford, June 16,1836. • 1.6 rij . 44 . F AAP L l / 2 41 .??;:y: AND VICINITY. 641" . . Please read it is short anct Of ' i m p ortance to every House Keeper.,..' - • SHE PA RD B ROTH E-RS . DAVE received their spring supply of house 11 tarnishing Goods.. We can now offer seven beautifld stylesurCknekery. Oge of them a new Mid elegant Spring Pattern of White En swelled Ware. Our Goods are , all a No. I in quality, no seconds or odd -lots. but complete setts, and can matched if broken or More wanted, for yearn to come. -All the coin mon wares, CHINA TEA VVARE;s:x splendid styles of white and decorated, very law. , GLASS WARE a complete. and unbohnded vatihty always on hind. TEA TRAYS of our own importation. Fifteen elegant patterns, tar an:passing in, rich ness, finish and durability, the . American article usually+ sold; at u low prices, and by far the largest and Masi Complete lot ever offered in these parts, from $3 to 815, of tout FROM AucTrairl RE.-4P . 1i..4R :- GAINS i iy , Brass Curtain Cornices, Biti4ll, Hooka, &c., at prices that defy competition . . Twenty differ ent styles of those elegant Bird. Cages, from 75 cents to slo,each. 84 different patterns of superior warranted Clocks.'from 81 to $25 each. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly re. fe a redi Plated Canters, Cake Baskets , Spoons. rt*, *apkiti Rings, &c. eta. dod Dozen Knives and Forks. Perim Lamps, Hall Hutg. log L.. mps, Britannia and Tin-Ware. HARDWARE GENERALLY. Martieilial Iron Mantle Places and Grate% ate., • in fact a 0124111 Hinuto Bttildiit end; Reuse Furnishing establishment. • „ WWI and Me ns at, oar.",CRYSTAL PAL ACE," t*et doors castor the Canal, ;ern titlr Hoods are Trot di teitriiitinted, our pridtis it low as in toiku And you aro not trea ted well, please don't bay , ," • - EIHRHARDIIROTHERS. Binghamton; March. 1850.. Como and Beth - 01.43111 TY-FIVE Onntn:ln ti kw" t ee dollars. worth of 1..th0 aptothillLot tl nk. of spring and, summer Got.* knit : ten onitig. at the. chettp ethstrntni barter store at Pititttet.filureor. ners t orhent,dlroost erorybotfilgoes now to tony . their Uoddn. node 4161-11 nit kept .siways, on, '• *fru. H. THAYER. „ . , Din!" May 211;4454.. - „. , 1101041t.-Thiyor tArzEt. wouto of slaying to hia'sfri:oikda ao . eitatitaintthit.tto , taiik: .gain:reemed the *die" af Uddithie his old tiara tiotek *kora - ke day Vet. fottridat aft Ai& lank** oritoistopaitY baniteit*L' would 1 4 to,thtkit , At k ins , pm-oft oid**co**, 'that loraill deduct Ats per vent. On off ierthnitt. pelt befoier'tbei of April, wit, (or If affy*co like, ifirgera ' will &dad Iftty. 11lvMt►4 + e. Petii,llo4 HOSTILITIES-CEASED, Peace DeCjired s _ • ONattch terms that secures the right ofevery nation to the ,navigation of the Dannbe„and . be It known to the people of Susquehanna. County; and tho rest of the world, that they wilt _ find itNto their advauttige to COMO to the Temp; erance Saloon and GroCery in Main St , Mont:. - rose, Pa., (the only' Temperance saloon hi _ rose) to get Pies, Bubb as: pies,, Cakes; Cheese; Crackers, Sardiees,. Pickled Oyisterol - Clara% Cucurnbers, fee Cream, Grange!, Pine Apples, Candy, and Segura, Nuts-4c. Small titter, Ice cool Lemonade, • and Soda Water to eat ;ad drink.. At the same place la n good is ittwtm'ent of Grocerieit And Provisions, with new: .supplies every week -trim New York, such, is. Tea, choice kinds, from 2s. 9e.. to 6s. per lb. sugar, not at . 3 tte. Best •Coffee 'll I-2ets., crusher!, Pulverized and Granulated at Is per lb. Afolasfies 3s: 6d. Pei' Gellert; best Syrup at ss. 6d. Per gra.. Pork, Smoked Ham, and Shoe& -"- tiers, dried, Beet, Ham, Cod, Mackerel. White- and-Blue Fish, - G i llette, Crackers, Lard, Tallow, Sterine patent and Sperm Camilesot variety of Bar Soaps, Shaving; do, best in use, Coffee Riee and Tobacco, plug tint! fine cut, Chewing ad smoking; do. in tin Fire Crackers and Fire Works. Matches, " all kinds. dried Peaches; Plums, Cherries, Figs, from Is. to is. 6d. per lb.. ;Prunes, Zantee Cgrrents, - Citron, FL.' paste, Sa go for p - uddings,Spices all , kinds, do. Ground - Mustard, do. French Soap Powder, Babbittit Sal illattak„dn. and Washing Soda, .Cieam Tarter, and Supei. taib Soda Platen° Aeid, Lie - 06m, . do. root, Faney Candy and GI/in DroPs, fresh from N. Y., Canaia Wads, Canary seed, Nutmeg**, Cloves dre., Cocoa, Brom and Chalkulate, Lit-: dards, black Bud Scotch snuff, Resins, from is. to Is. 6d. per lbeduttanee seedless Rasini,starch (pearl) Corn starch. Patent Nutmeg Graters,atitt Cluthe's pins, Sweet and Castor" Oil in bottlet;' Raymond's Lees ; and Wriehts Pills, Balser Roli. brimstone, Sulphur, Gina Camphor, Vinegar Choice lot of Catsup, Pickles, ,Popper &nee, Raspbery Syrup, flavoring extracts, Hair Oils,tc embelish and prevent from falling w off or turning_ grey, Herring by-the Box, White Wash, Scrub and. Shoe brushes, Stove and boot• Blacking, Garden seeds, state end, lead *elle, Axe hand les, Brooms; Thoth Ache Ointment; an_ almost sure cure for burns, Spraini, Bruises; &e. Rus sian 'Ailment, good for Man or beitat. .Medicine, together with a .-large assortment of Children's Toys, -Selected with great:care for both girls and boys, among which are omen pads and BaOkets,Horties; Dogs and Cittle 'on wheel's andlockers, small. Tea getii, Thimble*, Cornelian Rings, Tops, Clarionettes, Accorde on, liarnionicons, Harps, and many curious - tillage, Ladies Baskets and Sewing Birds, Sack Salt for family use, CornAal, also Flour, kept constantly on band, by the pound, sack or bar; .rell. Clams, Orang_es and Lemons, Pine .A . pples, Some Eggs s ßutter, Potatoes, Beans, eze., Inked in exchanft. • Theabove.Goods ere for sale for cash or'ready pay. • - - , Thankful for. past" favors, I hope siect attention thlitsittess and small p rim to gain a largttf shire a iidi.orage, thereby mutual) , benefited, orders with the readi will ba promptly attended to. S. S. MOTT. Temper:met:. Salooii, droceiy and .Provisioa Store in Maid St., Montrose, Pa., May ap t 1E56: pi NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.. 1.!;; FM ORIASI, SMITH '& CO.; would ,respeer. fully inform the publie.that they. have pur chased the. interest in the. saddle and. '..Hainess . - f:-! . Business 'ot A. at'. E:Jialdwin. , Welope by :4 strict attention •to 'fatalness to receive Our share 3 1 j of Pilblia figion:ilte; Constthatly on hand,. Sad- - 4 dies, Bridles, Harness. ,Whips, Trunks.' Valleca s ...---.- cfe. Camille Trimmings in all .of its-branehes neatly done. to: order 'on. - reasonable 114 terms. Shop No. 2, Searkts.Basem6nt. 'FORDHAM sain"4- CO. biiibtraie, -Jam 1 186. Pin! Fire b ird liE updiirsigned is agent for the.following . 17 aputparueS, the - reputaben • or whieh, for solvendy; and lionorahie dealing, have boon.longlnown to the publid,,:. • , THE LYCOMING - 3fOTUAL; CAPITAL,. . . • T6' Farmer's Union Instiranee.orAthens, Pa. Capitats2oo,ooo, secured lip Bands and Mort. gages. - • Stale Mutual at llarriliburg, on the stovh, and Mutual plan. Capital . $350,N0. 11W" ApPlicalata can receive policks in either,i dr any df the above edam:Wel& - BILLINGS.STIOUD, Agent. Montrose, May 120856. ' 'robbers Wanted.' lit widernigned Will let by contract to clea 1 75 acres of land,froni which - "the lombev and fire Wood has been' taken.. Also the Cul4- ting (lone feet of hemlock logsotna th pealing of the twit from •the same. Also thy; cutting and Inurling, or the cutting alone, tt , .; cords ofgall Road sirocd. . The above;work to be done this season; tirY will be parceled ont - to emit 'any one , wishing do ap art of it• OA/. For further partienta please apply to the undersigned- at the work 3 1,2: miles ,up the. Plank Road - trona Hancocjl Delaware Co., N: Y. : Ten good men' wanted to Arica teams a 4 work .a saw tutu; to, which good wages be paid, - Early application solicited. - Office addreas—flanconk, DeLllo.. N. Y. , C.B. GRIFFIS, a May 1, 1856 . for D. P.-Detnerest & Cor4 Burnet's Patent Iniproved SELF SEALING.- CAel, : This is the otivi fruit`Zan in 'market Inc, entirely of Tin. All others - are seahsl by me,- of Lead Screws, which disetdbr the fruit. By tilted* of a ,Rib*Rin r c;, the, scalin made so perfectly Air Tight that. the most - ej less person cannet make a failure in sealing CAM. - A channel' being . arranged , around the Wax 'can be ' sed Of desiren,) . in additiou - W-4 Rubber Ring. . -No hinneis are necessary in filling these' , _The oOning la so.lilige that a - full air.cti I can be admitted; dr the- hind inserted to _out, the Can. - ' - tre - ry Can is Poif&tly tested wbiAl mad This Cants the elitatiest "in'tnarke2 sideriug ttiiudvmatages it has ovsi ALL .-t .. Orders failed iltionaiollyi, by J. & C. BER.Iti! Agents fur the Patentee, 601 Broadway * PRICE er 49z.• Quart Cans; Hair oidion Cans;. Gallon Cons, Wretictte. - - - Tops, complete, for sate bp-the Dozen or ( - 4 Diaconal , to tint bade. -' Yt Rhode'v Fever- and 'Avg, 0 . ;. ittitidoto to Malaria; for'tho pr and ear!) of Fever: alvi.Nue, or ver ; Dumb Altd; and : - other Intertoitt Montana PeteriTat4? FtN . ;,A el:nap:mita by -14phoid. Fever. Vet lelik4 Ship arid.river, fl.meral d 4 Sw@ and: „ forras',of haVo a idirollati origin la . MALAII,I4I OR' MS: VA; Equaily:iertalir A . preveotiva. ,i, ..1, Far !WO by SW dtklervigneil,nulitork'- , rPrdinjetut. Ls. Shaes. P 1. _,.:3KSUL 1 4 . ` Montrose. jiky 1. __313,4.' • .0281110 r-wool. T un, higte o Prig% in watt ' . bij Wont y IL. DUB Nivt_llllford. IRino X W SUIPPIL•I4or Groeinil; LI Paints_Oita;. Olass t •TUR.r%' Jan, i0;1850. levetoottorle NOTIC E iy hereby-gift', to pen, detasods' otaiwk-tiot :Estate of cr*ntz .b4O 8n '_A dee'd, We akest be pieSeStkid'eiders!: 1 : lanterdeatiOitd oil- periettstiedebt, t 46. are M*0110.0140 lietuetilata - - ,,DEOWSTAR E vS " ., -1 lAtii;l4,lo%