outto. l . c _ . gtiii.o.c.ra.: MEME • TriE ti.S.RG Err CINCITLATI9K IN NOES : OEIIN rnraei J. IS; AteCOLLIThfi, GERRIT:SON, Thu r rxday -Aitg. 27 11452. FAR,# - O.VT A. ROMAN CATHOLIC - AND SLAVE-HOLDEPI . The facts set 'forth below 'should arrest the 1 seriens. attention of every- - honest man, for theYjnot only establish 'fully. 'Fremont's • Ro- tuatitsm, but, that he is now, and for a long I. 0113641 as been a slave-holder! , The follow- 1 in:appealsin the Pen- Yen, New . York Dein- . ocrat, a Buchanan paper, which states that 1 ‘.! it is wntten by an individual of. Undoubt- - ed veracity, who is well and favorably known' to.tiany of our citizens, but 'has for ,rnany . year resided iti St. Louis, Missend. - The let terli is addressed to a gentleman of tis.p!ac.?; it is Ito Roorback, but a genuine e tract, and lIttle: no doubt of .its authent City, and the Cerrectuesa of .tlie statements made." . u 'ln answer to the second bmtuili, of your letter, I must be !pardoned for saying that your ',astern people, in their political action, are an enigma that is ins.oluble' to inc. Ilow is it i)ossiblc, claiming as you do tll, the re fintitient, the intelligence, and,. :it; 1 have, heard it insisted ..1&' the pin- of this ',.lietuis pheri, that you are : so etsily and se willingly madgi, the dupes and cat's paw-of - dinning acid designing men, - - 1,4 . :‘,‘ T l he newspaper article o . w r. hicli you called Ty. attention' I had 'seen• before, and 1 , , not d little shrpri,sed to find sail' assertions mao,with so much bOldnen,:-- seen S 3- 'so omaCulate:st journal as the' )ie,lYork Tri- bune'i and yet at stich varinutie 4 with candor -and plain truth. • t - ' . i - ",You .say yea desire Ilter al ' facts trom one Who is'acquainted Niitil . ' lonel Freinoirt and ,Can speak front actual kri l. wledge. - That, ColOnel Fremont is A Catliollq..no . one who knoWS hint can deny,.. %%lent he is An this , ... . eity, he *without any' concealaierit whate+ attends the Catholte.thurch ;1 he was 1.,r -tiso and christened in that faith; he was married.by a Catholic •clergrjltnan, and the Bishop; (the Right Rev. Dr. i Ic_etidriek.) to . my ''(:lertain.knowledge, is his spiritual advi •ser and daily visitor whenevet he has 'teen slat or confined to his bed. a ~..-t.he house of Colonel Bran; where lie is in "the • habit of making it his home while he ts in the city.-= Cob:diet 'Brant is a particular fiiend of mine. I'visit his house' frequently. ,Ie is a man of gr. - :at weulth,..and Married , s, you know a sister of Colonel T. 11. • Benton, .who also utakOs it his7home there since 1 N re.. Benton's decease., Col -Fremont's sisterc ::'who is . the wife'bf an an officer in the .army is also'e catholic; Was. educated in a I Catholic • con . - vent, and so far as any_knotiledge extends, all his family . and kinsman arse Catholics. " iVithia '• the past year I Live had occa- 1 sion lo transact 'business wit c and freluent ( I:: been at the house of Col. rant, and sever al of,the-domesties have tmv..., t jAntpd out 'to me as the - slaves of Col. Fre wit,. and these are rtetAl tither, as he owns, many otheis, male. and fema1i0,v.....,1 4ut.in various parts I of the city. T . - , 4 Thew are, facts and no - sicrets here, and i4yciur very conousa4:strictly pious truth seeking chews areinzious to know all abont the metier, why, idon't they get some of their own partizans ccine i" 040 In they can plit -..vvilcrerre - o_ Op - aliv-e watt ments-Iroulci be credited by the public,) and make the inquiry in inanner,.! , in the prcper direction. : • matter to get- well in fonuva on:thiS subjecttt . fti , :./..itujui:,er after truth, is: honest in the pursuit of SV.. ; But - T thatit iti that winch theyl f eAr . rtn. ey are - nil:ire:anxious to conceal . th e - ral truth, than to have it Placed' naked before the people justt)thout these days 1". . ° PREMIUM For Mt Sgsgialtanna Co., I cic&, Fair and .Catae Montrose. - • ICEAT CAT Lt For the best Durham Bull, 2 y'rs, • and up wards, • ; •2rl FOr thebest Devon Bull, y'rs, do. 5 2d beat, 13 Fqr the best grade or mixed blood, d best, Fdr the, best railch cow, 2d best; • 3d best, Kit the best 2 y'rs old heifer, 2,1 best; 3d hest, Rif the best lot of store calves, not leki than five , 21 best, 3d .beet, • 1. • For the best pair of working oxen 2d. best; 3d, best beia I - For the'best pair of 2 fps old steers 2d best 3d best 1 For• the best pair of 2 y'rs 'ld steers V..d best , .• . 3d best 1 ,Rir the bestiOt, of. yearliugs - , riot less ,than five 24 - best 3d. bait SFI''.EPJ For the best fine woolled uek 2Lt best For the best South Down -, 2d best , ' t For the best foi,g; wooled 2d hest • . For theilest lot of fine wooled ewes, not • lt.vs than three 2a. best .For the best lot of South Downs 2cl hest Fcir the bestlot oflong wdo]ed 2ct bebt SWINE; For die best Boar .. -1. 2d bast . For the'-best sow I ' 2ci best t For the best lot of spring pigs, not less than . 'fire : I ~ , I' fT'lngT:9l'.• ' Minn= 2d best Sd best. For the best, breeding. rciare,with col!, -her !side, raised in the county beSt 3d befit • . For the best iingfeleWing, raised in the county 2,l best. 3tl bet4t • . . For,tbe best pitir matched liorses raised Eurroßs -in the county 2d be4t 3A beit For tbn 2d b 3d be • For th e llet 2d beg Fort} 2,11.)cm 3,1 be 4th 1)( j Fur th , giv _ , For ill 2d be, 3AI be 2d he. Fqr ti 2d be; noying Bees bct• . , \INT.:I;AR. For tle . beit 5 galloni of eider vitiegar I best LEATIIER AND ITS MANCFA:TURE. For the best lot of shoe.- leather - 2 241 bet.•• 1 . . , . For tbe be• ; .t lot of liarne.s.s - ,2 For Abe best lot of calf skins : 2' 2d beSt ': . ; , . 1 . For the Best double team' Harness 2 For the best single carriage' do ' - -.2 For the. best pair of calf Boots • 1 CABINET- WORK- . . For tie best exhibition of cabinet,ivork : 3 2d best , 0 , - ~ • I. . FARM . ..IMPLEMENTS. For tho best plow for general use •.' , 3' 251 best • . : ' 2 'For the best cultivator' 2 0 For tie be'si straw and fodder cutter For tie best corn :shelter, 2 For t re beSt chilli'ci - , - For the best lot of butter firkins 3 2d belSt ' • I . I . . Fot-the best cheese preis - . , , For the best horse rake.: • '. 2d beat :-. -. : : , . For the best single catriage . , ' 2d best •• -- To the person who shall exhibit any im-- pl4ineut of hiso;vn Invention, which in the opinion of the ',committee is' ' wOrtlty of merit and has _ not already ~./ obtained a premium : '•• , ... •I DOMESTIC MA.NUFACTURFF. For thebesi flannel, not less than l!'orfds : 2!l'best ' 3d best • •- . For Rio best. woolen cloth - - . 2d best ':- . a!! 1..>:-. s t ..-- . For.he beit woolen carpeciro;not less . . than 15 y'rils •-••• :,.-. • • 2 ; l r i lt s h t ei 10 besCiag e4t iti - not . leso than t 5 fids • or 2d 3.3 For ".3d I Apieultural So houi to Le• kid in c Jragement 10 competition consistently with the n means of the society. it is hoped atilt the'intereit heretofore taken in the an nual.Fnir svill ' 4 :Continue to increase. The. gri.object in theformation of the society, was-to give n stimulus to agriculture by - i i m nits of exhibitions, meetings and addresses on the subject, whereby men's Minds would be more earnestly; turned f to it, and theiren er ies excited as to the best modes of culti ia ing the land and raising of stock. It is bel iteved that much 'good has already been l 'ected. The Committee would Therethre vite who feel an interest in the proslier y, of the county, to, give alibeml,support - to e ensuing exhibition. Applicants tor. premiums -on grain and po.- - oes, are roque.sted to give the mode et ltiration and complete PrOof et the quan raised. . ' t , No* Goods A riving daily, by Expras, at Hopbottom, - Penn'a. . . lig subieribers are, now opening a large . and well selected stock of new Geiod.4.— C nsisting of Dry Goods,. Groceries, Hardware, Ready Made Clothing, Boots and _Shoes of .all si s and stiles Fleur, Corn Meal, Salt, &c:4. II of which ' they will sell as cheap as can i l l s w il h itt e g l eg in , .th pr e County,in odueo exchange fo bc4i L w n o t e h h bo t il e r l iji i " ege per; pair, N oolen Socks, for cash approved credit. ' paid,for good'Socks. isteen cts. per doz. - for. Eggs. . Twenty, ets. per ib." for Butter. POULTRY. .F 3 pest lot, of obit..kens - pot . Ie.QS twelve l e best pair of f0w.7.6, itooAter and BUTTER. ,e best firkin of Butter e greatest quantity rnade• from any n number of eons . CIIEESE. ;o best cheese, not.loss than 261bs . 3 VEGETABLES'. e test 'variety of iegetables FRUIT. e best speciMen of fall apples; not than bushel ' 'e best specimen or winter iio. :t • , HONEY. e.best box of Hovey, without des- . _ . tbe lest cJitt- fancy work •St = wstt the ',oast I doz. of w•oolerr socks 3.LACKSMITHING. the best lot of bors,e shoes for the Lail • • :est. GRAIN. \„.. rniurns to be awarded at tlemeeting the society in dati),ltry. the best crt?,.of winter wlit, not ess than 2 acres . :best be:lt crop'ofspring whom. best . r'best crop of oorn, not less' *Lan acres ' best , r the best crop of potatoes, not lets than j of an acre • pest the farmet who will show the great st results from his farm for the past season in proportion to the number of acres improrecl,—a certificate of Mer it and Lest It is to be understood that all neat stock hibited for premiums shall be Tamed in the 1 nay. - Ine Executive" committee in presenting e foregoing list of premiums, would take Icasion to remark that it has been formed th an intention to give the grentet .en- Tugs. Ntoll 4 31SON, ALFRED BALDWIN, K M. WILLU4S: BELL & UNGLEY. opbottom. April 24,1866. AYER'S , , :,,,,,,„.., _ _. :. R t `;A . &re caring the slck to an extent never before linOwn of 11,edicine. INVALIDS, READ AND JUDGE,FOR IDDF.SELVES lI.AUEL; Esq., the well known perfumer, of • Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, whose choice products • am found at Almost every toilet, sale: " I am happy In toty or your Csirusavic Pita s, that 1 `lce Renal them a bettMlandly medicine, for rommitu ewe, than any other 'within my knowledge. Al any of ow .friends have realized marked benefits - from thein, and cti- Weide with me In belie% lug that they possess cstraord i o n r y rinses fur driving out diseases and curing the sick. They ' are not only effectual, hut safe And pleasant io be taken . qualities which nowt male them valued hy the public, - when they arc known." . • The. venerable Chancellor WAIIDI.AW writes (ruin Bal. timbre lr.th April, l e-54 : J "Ile. J. C. Arra— Fir: I Lace taken your Pills with great benefit, fir the liStlessticss, [(FA of 'Appetite, and Bilious headache, which has of late years ovcrtaken me In the spring. A few doses of your Pill,cored me. I hare used your Cherry Tertoral many years in my hotfilv ' for coughs and .rolds with unfailing success. You make medicines %%hist rare: and I feel It a pleasure to cointueml . you fur the good you have dune and are-doing." JOIIN BENITY . , Esq., Sec. orthe Penn. Railroad Co., says: M. R. R. Ofics, Tkiladrlphiti, - ber:13, 't ,, 1%:3; ^" si r: take.plettaure in editing my testimony to the efficacy of your nredieincha, having derived very material benefit from the me of both your Pectoral and Cathartic Pills. lam near without them in my family, nor +-hall I ever cement to be, while my means n ill pro, ore them." The widely renowned S. S. STEVENS,fiI. IVeht worth, write.: • "Ilaring m.eil your C'erriastto rut.. in my praetire, certify frout • expenenre that they are an invaluable . purca. live. In eltie., if disordered function, of the Wier, eaioiing headache, ci,,Pyrnrix, and - the great unriety of dittiaree futhivv, thry.ait Plarr remedy than any casesother. In all cases - At here a lmrtaute rettleily v romired; I rontldently tcneumrnd rhrt , e rills to the superior to any o he(l havo ever flaunt. :% arc sure in their operation, and perfectly safe—qualities which make them an invalttalds article for public me. „I have for many . years your Clirrrit Pre/eta c the la,t Cough medicine in the wield ; and there- Pill. are in no wise intettor to that admirable preparation 11.d* Ilia treat ment of di,ea_.-es." . .Ve., JI or. 25,1 " Pa. J.C. Arty ',car sir: 1 tiSTp been nllLtiki fridn my birth with „erentula in Its wood Cam, D!.li at:./* twenty years• trial, and en untold of amount ,4 : .,ntr r rinz, have been completely Cured in a few AVeek+ by y,nh Pills. {nth what feeling of nrjoicing i write ran only be hnsgineil When you realize what 1 h e suffered, and how long. . .9 "Never until now have I been fts,. disease in some shape,. At tintrivit are. , made me almost blind, besides the one. others it rented in the scalp of toy he'd, an re,,,....... 1.4....., hair, and has kept mt. partly laid an my days ; it CMG nut in my face, turd kept it for anntobs a a "About nine tt eeks ego I couttoilict,hukiiig you r thattic Pills, and now am entirely Inc film, the ci toplaint. Sly tem are well, my akin is fair, nod my hair has ei•lll tnericod a healthy growth i ill of latch makes um feel already a new perstm. "'loping this statettient maybe the means of conveying 1114,11113Lit41 that .817201 do good to others, t em, With' CAT!" sentithent of gratitude,. - Yours 4.. e. ' .ii Aid.% tacxr.a." "1 have known the above named Maria Ricker from . her childhood, and Lee at:dement 15 strictly true. ~. ANDIIIIW J. I.ltrsEnvE , _ . overiorT of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Co." Cain. iCiEh l'RA'll . ', ef the !hip Alarion; writes from - Boston, 'Sala April, les4T .. . . ' , Your Pills haveciared roe from a bilious a thick's% ldela Amu from derangettient of the.d.ivei, whiila had become cert. serious. I had, failed of any relief by toy Pier , i , hit, ails, from, every remedy I could try ; out a fitv tco , ra It your Pills have completely restored me to health. I have .given them to my children fur worm., ii.uh the teat of . • frets. They lilaro promptly cured. I Teri Tome... Mod :Min ' to * Mend for costiveness. which had troubled him t.lr months-•. he told me In, a kw da; . . - .e they Lad curt d- i . M. You make the:hest medicine in the M crld i and I an, free to say 4,..n." 1 iteail this front the distinguished S.olicitor of the Sityn•io.„ Court, whose br ll iant ahilit%es have made hint ...c" I known, not only n this butthe neighboring Sta.". • " Nere• Orleans, Sr! A:11, 1e44. . "Sir : • I have great satisfaction in assic'n,g 3 1 'n that myself and family have been very cowl. Alrht e d 1i,,‘'1." 1, ruedieinea. My wile teas cured, twefrare once. id a se -Tem ant i d angamata . ~,,agh,..t.,,- win Cunene Prerer•st„ • and once then 1 ,, , ,, , ...,. / ..ed perfect health. My children .-, i,;,„ „, % .,,, i inn , "cell cared from attacks of the Ingo- • ' enna and Croy hy it. 'ltis an Invaluable remedy 'filf tlin.„ coin „l a n S. Your c.a........, r.w have entirely mitet .l me 'edrts a dyspepsia and costivete , s,, o hien has grown I ,,in the for some years,— indeed, this rum is • .ate , . inn ” ainpiAtaut, ( ruin the tart that I had faired .to Mlle( front the hest Pity-mans which this .croon of 1% century afrords, and from any of the numerous rerun- - . dies T had taken. ' Yon seem to us, Doctor, iike a prorider.tial to our family, and } - , , n may well Firprx.e we are 1 1 .1 mindful of iL napertfut;:,.,_ • LEAVITT . • " Senate Ckcriaten fl 6, "De. 3. C. Aria — ll,innreil S it-. I have made a tli , r. (nigh trial of the L'Arsts RTIC PILLS, left me I,y venr aretit, and have Wen cured liy them of the-die:l,4lJ nntler bich he f.nr,l toe rutic.rinc. The tint re hived me, and a few - eiti•ieeii,i,t dii-e$ have etairely removed the di,eahe. I lc et in better health now than for einne years before, u I entiliiite entirely to the ,accts of your 11;erstLarte Plus. ynur.; u ;4; rest rise t. LUCIVS The ahere are all fn, - irn perponsnlln arc puilirly know = n where they reside, and who writ:ld not make the - e 'state.' menu -Without a trucongh rcariction that thcy were true, Pre - Bred b • DR. J. C..AYEtt 6: CO.; -. rrill EsALAM A N 1) t - I . : SAFE'S 2: l : 4 t'Te, ' 1 ....•-t,. ..,,,-4- .. .- or Philatie!phia ag•ainst tl.t. ..11:. -:,...: • I world.—E7ans S. Wa; s ,,, n , N o .-36 _., i . • ; sotth Fourth t•trz:ct, l'hilHdclphia. - " ••:1 have had.the Fureq tlotaou,4ratioti .' in the co ilowin“ Ck:rtifwates, that their tuafinfaLeture of Salaiann'der iiafes . 6s at length 2- fully warranted the rcprre,ent:rtions which have been rimrll of thahn, as reml,;ring an uu-. doubt ed'seeurit c attain - 4 the terrific el em r lit : - 'I . jiiII.AI.II'.I:PITTA, April 12, 1856: ....IESSIZS-IPAN'A.N.S &AVAT. , ,ON:--:GefitS :—ltaf- , fords us the trig,lwst saiisfartion to state to you thatspwi rig . to it h e Yeir proltetive qualities of two o! the,Salanmnder Safes whielt we purchased of yon sfirne few months - since, we slved n large porti , tnof our Jewttlry,.ltooks, Papers, &e., ex po-ed to'llia catanlitons,fire in Ranatcad Place, on the intirnin'of the lltb inst. . , . 1 When ~ .s'e..retleet - that, these Safes were loca ted in the fourth story of tae linilding, ee qeett- IN ; :Intl that:l6Y fell subsequently int.' a heap c't.„Uttrving rub•ks, :.here the vast concentration '• beat 04used tl:e brass plates to , rit:.!it..we e:sn not ',lit r 4 irar.l the preservation of the vainai l le cuntrenL , l4s s: lo§ t e.,nrin e ino. proof of the great seen ri ty a lLrclt 4.1.1 ., your Safes. . • r'• . We shall t.t.',..,, i nue b ing: them to men ~r Business recomrnc;nd kil4siness as _a sure reliance ag.tinst fiie.: Ur-by:4i W. SinIONS & lii:o.- . . FirmAnzt..rm.k, 4,; , r:1 12, 155 G.,• • MEssus. Ey - ass & h ave t o o trei• you my testimony in favor of tlle ilivatseMtrity' afforded to •my entire stock of Looks, paperF, &e..durim.7 the- recent disa,trotts,„„fia gralion.irr ILanster.ll t=lat!e, &cm the fact that ;„ . • . same were containvd in two of the Salernnnticr Safes manufaeturA by eon.' . Having. fallen from the filth story. of the Arti -gait Baildina, where they were pi - qvin:m.ly placed and exposed'toi vast beat for a long time, the preservation' of the valuable deposits See111(1j:'0 every one who witnessed the opening and interi or examination, a- matter of profound astonish ment. • To all who may - require a perfect - protection koni the - rayltzes . of fire, I shall not hebitate feeommend the use of your Safes, :is I en „ k ii they.have.now undergone - the most trying test. I • N. E. Jlloults. . .. . rurrdinni.rottA,April 14,e - 1856: 31zssits. lives & WATSON—qvnt?men—No doubt you will bo deeply gratified -to lemn the good condition in whir It 1 dire.o„lo my 4, 00 k, policy of :insurance, certificates of stock, and other viduable documents, when on Friday. last I opened the Safe made by your firm. 'With. my •.knowledge of its great ekposure, both to the intensity of the heat from so hot a fire as that which .de:St.royed the Artisan -Build ing, as also from the force of the fall from its former elevated position in tho'third story, I could entertain but slender hopes prior to its.in terior inspection; lira the eontent4 which I once so highly prized' would el;l : , rbe of any service to me, but as these fears are no%v happily removed, feel it only du to say to yon that I. can hence. fOrth recommend the Wie of your Safe» to all . .who may wish to feel a• confidence', in the per fect security which such means provides against so frightful - en element. EDWA.II,II. GAslar.l„ Bookl3l . tder. Constantly on liana, Patvnt Powder and Thief Proof Lock's, fur Banks, Stores &e. April 24, 1856.-17y1.' Whips. by the Million! - vacq 25 eta to 8%00, at & KNOW,LTON'S. Bingla nalton. '• --'• • L;iccatorls Notice. • lcrOT/CE.is hereby given to • - pergnnn having .111 clemand4•ngaint the Estatc . of J. Itoen. .crantz, late of Stisrea Co., deed,that the . vame .must bo preseinted to the underhigncii for hr. rlgefient, A6CI perSOWSinciebta to said es tato are requii,cd . tA•makci :immediate Rett!ement. DANA BTARK, Executor. 'Ano , , 1° • .4 - 1 , (mil; ILia loatiueme '" - lektel my eye.. And 1111;1.1e Falb; at 4!estru)erl my 713[ titles eon.. ABEL' Ttf• itt: ELT, LOOK 11E11E! ABEL TURREL.L L just recolved from Now York, a full L. desiral,ll stock of 3 n - • • NEW GOODS; • Comprising n .tirst%rate assoittnent of Drugs; Medicines, • Chemicals, Mtdical Instruments, Paints, Oils, Dye Stu ~China, 'Gass and Ear then Ware. good variety •or Crockery,) Brit annia Ware, Japanned and Planished Tin IVare, Silver and all other kinds of Spoons.. Silver Forks, Butter I civet, &c. All sorts of Lamps. A good variety of Wood andiilt Frame Mir rors. Wall and Window Pdper. Stationery."' Stdie. and Wooden Ware. Brushes. • Broolds. Family Gr.veries, Lamp Oils. Cmnphene.— Burning' Fluid. Tallow Stearin' and Simanacetd Candles. Hide and other Whips. Varnishes: Window Glass, &v. :A first rate variety oftew.. elry, and F.iner Goods. .Gold !and Silver Spec tzt iem. :Gold Pens; ' Putt's, Fifes, Ay eordenns, Violin and VeolinceUn .Strinus, The largest assortment of Pocket Knives in Susq.• Co., and the best gnalityln Market. Shot . tiva Pbztols, (single and. Donhle Barrel,) Re: volvers, • - • • In short. the Physician, Initlid,the House keeper, the Farmer, tlai Mechanie, the Manufac turer, the Professional Ilan.the Gentleinan; the Lady, the Rich and the Poor; the, Voting, and 00, the Watitiful cdol the Ugly, the Gay and the Fashionable, and all the rest:of the People, twill find something to supply their every day wantl at Tu rrel rs. Stmt' in the hew - Mick Nadi—Prices low— g,nd—Call sc . :, A);14. TuRRELL. March 6, 1856. • • :rtirreirs Torriblo 1 1 ..e.eident, T . T APPENE i•al I Dto r,reentli s e other day.--zr -Li He had bought it snit of re4y-made clothes at the Store, and toe Virst s;wearitig the nu rid-nt ocourrvd. First, 01 . &apt hisyorit.tail by the mere foree of sp,rcille gravity, giving to un fortunate ntitn•.the appkcrrnce or a bad,ly trimmed craft - with the • kin! , stern, and on stooping onr nptite rd,innant, the dread ri?l ea;inalty took place—the ; fountain. of the grout.deep were broken - m -4-Green's pants were -,undere,l from netrl - , ! Green:deo-mit to be. The only wat,t . to pry. :nt ,iich deplor:V.: aceidents is to ':.,attninize tip his work with a .determitut. , tio% that it , hall .•"hti.•c_'!iv • lit 'tle-.tht, lint wtlar Green r::51 - tithi.o.. , store tr e ,;,ri t s e he thili./..:;_fin ran' get hi; ;ivaririg In all h • reb•Wiiity Ore pan ,i . l.iiitt..sere.l iv) treacherinsly hrozij,h 'a fever lio•pi t.-.1, boork striped fro al imtieot, carried slorl , '! eight .nif7it: in the ttek:on utter, and y an ingeni:nts FrepeLtann for a mattet in the country. Take tti•ainink. -, by rani Gre,.ll'; ditap, and gi) to a :tiler^:.np like•that in the %.o•ri.:nt of Searle's Il'tcl if von .a.ant to Le . . . * ienttinZ d. , 11- * as :tit .war: 'ran ; .1 . 01 N GROVES. - .MOntrose Aug.:27, IS5.i. . Books That Aro Books. Far .•ale at 012 .31 - antro.sc.:..Pook More. in tlu Pot Ojice. • - JUST REO.f,'IVED, . . _ :ricaithly's Ilktoryofiliin!d::0:1• .• . ' • ' Di.' , r . y.:11141 C.ITIT:-I.kol (I ty-c;• p f Ar.l,:s /.:11V rethq . Prism , . i.,f IVclteverAiiit in the East Indian 'Ar4 bcpcbigo, by f',eit. Gibson. 4 F4.4re.st Tragedy ilndifethe-r T.sle by Grace C; riN 11 W 6/ Od. ' if , . -- Tile , ila.:11 Iloys 10; (tfupt ',,lia.s . ,TlP'Re.id The Great 'lb4 1),..-riiif.. , The Prince of the lls'(uxe of David. Good Time Cotaincq' Ciiristine or 11'outrit i r.""ss Trfals. and ' - 'ilrintrt?hQ. Tisc ()lynx IZing. .it; - ''. ' • . :Um of War• Lifit-li : ' ' ' -Tio: 014 i El4tbc,ste4o. - IVnodbilf or theNN'ii : rs 'of Providenee. ' ' D'Anbif"ne's IlistriW of fhe Itc•formation. l',.:nlity T.,.....1..i..con - wing season, and.now tifTer a helpin?...hand,•br keeping; -con stantly for sale a large quantity of Window sa s h and glass, Minch:, Mors, Nails, Paints, and Oils, and a complete assortment -of bnilders :Hard Ware, &e. Those: going.tn put-up - Houses in the Spring wilt find it for their interest to' give us a call. ,We can furnisht overir ..thing' you wznt.and at the very lowest mannhteturing, pH: ees.*• - DICKE.RMANT& GARRATT. . . i , • New Mlford, Feb. 8, 185 -- - ',. :- _ 4., • , ii 00D Broad Cloth Caps fur 3.:shillings a kj-pieee at - . 1.14 L,& TINGLy. V. , • • icow - Goods- at liroblYs• • —• : . . TUST,opened I, tho snb , zeriber a full - anort,. trj incnt of Springy :xrui Summer Gtuidfri„ whigh will Im snhi cliCatii - C4caticrthan ever. Gis.:o ux Reall. You cannot.. . to, bu suited or quatity, Anuntity, and torms.,:Everything; fsually ronfiti . in uy.ariety • • . EXTRA-Fiour 1:•=2':to 8 tiqllars per bbl., fur szile - No Usairet.rifd-ing. *.. long as PhyfQ & . Knowlton _L - kaep sui.;4 A o kCplondid vs3orturent of , . . . „ CARPENTERS •TCH) .. h 8 they now have in shire, and * *which is by 41*, hands, rival itetiNiWares inelnaed_, aciinoWledio& to•be the • . . . 'ever ,offcreti to. the citizens of ...I.3reoluo, Susque hanna, or afir s other county,. - VVe can rurnish, as, good an outfit,: O f tctole-.as flit!. wow' o r Seyinpur, of.:New..Yorh. city; ~: and. at pricCs q least," '24, per,cent..,lower. than :either. 4ot.ti 1317:175 . Wlttall: 1)0 xp • r-iltact; :AS iir,PILEtrrED., w!r„;L:pg ExcitAxozo on Tits :uoNr.r nkiusnEu.- . . ykll St...KNOWLTON. Hardivaro, Honso Furnitihing, nod Func s y Goode . Establi3timent,-51, Court St., Hitt/ham : ton, N. Y., adjoining Bank or - • IThrTliamton TAIIIIEaqd Piteket•Cktikiry, a great variety,. . at rery lout .prieet, - - Pii YPE & yOWLlNtilsrlit . . The" Cheap Store, DRY- ,GOODS, • 11. C. GODWIN Bing,lmaitcm, April 3d, 1856. • =- - PA'TIEAT mr.pfc:NNt AGEI4PT.s.: ALTE R E'L 'L E 1-ontrnse, DRUGGIST, A.ND AGENT, • ' FOR ALL: 'Flitt POPULAR a " .:r!kilTl 4 or /:110- Cousi ;as • . Conshiiitly 11?ei4e.ivert. =ERIE 1114SfAND CE.I AP . ilg',l", Illoittrose =ikuit t irai ruutisulmTlit'unnAir.xpulaio in t • • 'TS Onlyr MCCOlibt3 GERR aijli g . „ • _- TENtns.4l,so,cnalan nilvance;44,oo if not patilwithin six months t2;so,atifie end ' of the year. No pape r d aped until - Bff* . am gem are-134d, v.xoepte4 the opOori Pei), lishera'. , All vp toe aidatiotie eogneetedT•tilth the otlit,to insure atte,o tiori,must beciireeted to the EDLions,llontrose, s aBquenanual,3ounty, Pa. . • ittites of Ailir6rll4ll4j. - One Rquire (12 ItneS'or les.4)'.insertlone..Bl,oo Eacif sulisegtient ()lie - square three nionEhs; - 3,54ar . Ono square six Inontitai 4',00 - Rosiness Clads,-four lines or less,-. - 3,00 ,Yearly lidvorti.ement3,.noto);(4 squares,-.- 7,00 1 One column, onelnar, - ;,,30,00 Yearly advertisers ;ill., be reelriele4 Jo -the iln'sinewa 144 aiv .engaged - - - 411141 are considered - as wishing to eelitinue . unle4s they shall give slic,ela) direetioni for.. . discontinuance of the same: - C. W. MOTT The.publiislii!rsharing ridded tp their Job Printing _material-4, a- large -and juperinr tumor t-t -merit of Job Ty.pe,ltro now_ prefiaterd .tn` exeen t. 'Job WOs.urk in a manner tinrpioosnil • in,titis pee tion 01` country', _ and on refe.onabic:tittpi.. fl Zaniot °revery description kepteonetantly on fiend or printed to order.- ckllt - ,!..iiii,5;5:.:,..p.i - 4:llii g . : ERVANT HOUSE, Great Uend Deliot, Pa Ammo]; BRY ANT, PrOprielOr. Win. W.. bIIITIII,dc,to.;;,, Cabinet and Clmir AlqeurneLareisibmit Main Street, Montros6,Pa. , • - IL • Srir4,reoll Dontist; llontrose,, Pa, will . beat Searle's Hotel, Moridays arairtieplapi of each' week. 4 15y1 AZIEL.TtRitELLMoranost; PA. Denier in Drugs, Ntedieines,lehernienle,Dye. Stuffs, GlaTs-viare, Paints; Oils; Varnishes,-Win.. dow Gloss,:Groceries, Finley .Goods, Jewelry, Perla mem' &e.'—and Agent for all-or the - mot poppler Patent ' Medicines. - - ()FIN' QUOTES, • cimite I e tinder Searles - Hotel, Main Streo,Montiase,Ta...."_l;, JOHN COIATEN,C ' 2 l Desurrt•rn Stureg, Tiri,C,cpjieinnd . Shtet Iron Ware,Lo4rvi I le, nett r Gre4 Pend Depot: 13 Dear Er ..Ready-MAe - Cifithiniv` 111 in and Cnt)4, Boots anti Shoes,Dry Goods, ar'Store•opposite Sexle's Hotet, MOntrose, 4:,P...LATitttor, and I • J. P. A 3. .r. RILEY, ' I • A. Limiter. Dr. Merrit IL C. Vail. RUGGIST :Ind - CllEtutsi, - and Dealei in JLI 7 DR UGS, 31e,die4nes, , CheiniertIs, Dye,Stntrs Paints, Oils, Patty,lVindow Caltnitkine Fluid, Perfumery, Yankee Noitts,iStei l Ar. Ludursville, . , FR - ArIMIN - FRASER,. ATTORSTSAND COUNSELLOR AT LAir i lllontrose, N. ili attend faithfully to all business en. trinted to, him in the connty of Susgietanna. Conveyancinit and writing of all kinds*ili e. done neatly, and - chartie inotlevite. He silt also attend to the proseention.ofelsienisof sel their.widuws and heirs,against the.U.K. " 'government, for flopoty Lanapt . .E.tosionsoke.. Jay be found Itt nillinurs office formerly J.T. Itich3rti, E'§'q., north of the Courtllouse.,lBs3-43 -. • - - - -- )Mr• - • C. - TYlaraß, TAteresto d -with L L .Hant, birouTEn ASA DEALER i n Herd% are and Cut - lery:Carriage . 6r.a. 21:f i:Peart Street, N. Y. - Where Ms 'l'vfereantklf ; rienday.in this and Ithrr Countiesore, kincify invited, and earneatistiolicit ed to Call and purchase.' .! • 6tf. . . Pa - rscins • " WEALESA LE' AND' PCALi.r. in Cabinet Ware, Sofas, :WAsteads4,.: • Chairs, &v. WiAhingion strut, ... • Binishawkon, N. Y. 6 - "'Coffin'Wp.i.6-Room up stairs.. • .-, .. _ • • • . J,.•D. DAXI): • . • • - • • „ ••• .. - D HYs'iciA IN and pnrg.e(Eoril!as.pernianently. 1_ lociited himself . Sniq'a .County,.l?onn'a.. and will jaiOnnitly.: calls with-‘k , hie.h he may btfaVored. kav 1856.-4;22, • i• - . . A. Pkkettl, • .TVSTICZ. OF THE PEACE, COleetOr. of Debts, Excentor of Doeds, Wills, Contracts, Zee. Of fice, Lacesvilte, AV • youlinn• county, Pa. • 'May 9, 1856, SASH, BLIND, DOOR; AND - ' • . introT, Uv C 7 IL•'STIYUTST.y' :31ontroge; Oeuisla, BY n. - paEwstEß: Alt sizes -:end deseriptierv, ntiy,9"UUntity, made to order,. or furnished on' ,•- • " . •• HAYDEN New- Mil . VATIROLESA ft.k] Dealers • in . V V ..Combs . , Suspenders;' :'.l!fireatie,"- Panty Goods; ‘Vattihea,. 414Plikted NlTnre,• Guile ;Cigars,. - I►iere,...han!.6 and Peddlere.-..st.ipp!ied,.o„:ji4er.al WM. HAYDEN. • TRAY' ITODEN; IQHN IIAYDEN; -- • •'•' • GEO. HAYDEN. • • . • ; • • - , • 431.41: • :DR. , E. F. WILBTOT,_ AIWA:IOa _ortha 'AlToiiithie, and Ho tJ4 - Colleges . ' of? eolian°, is now permanently loeated in Great Bind Pa. April Ist; 18.56.'„ • • .'• • SOliN sAtrrirEßi - - • jAS riTONABLEII over the Store cf C. WAtotti. near, Batch's Ho. c i li ' u Sll : l3llll:44, t A lii. l); a7SF E st; , -113 .' ‘p;i. ors of. Chi rin, 'olas4, iticf.NotthOin Wire:, No. 16 ‘Vdrron Stroet;New'York. - ing Fluid - and eamphene , „ 3A FRESII Supply ; just. weelvea, and ffirlAl° ;71 siso„candies, '9141 enough, big 611- ougb.apd, bud : enutig,l4. „And alone* in SUM" *et time, by • - • I. •I. 1311LIARA, - June 9,1856.- •- ;=, fresh Arrival of Now G oods as • DICE:PR:4ANS & GARRATTV': Subscribers -icetihr respectfully 'littoral lu)oplos ef,Suseinehunti-, Cp. - .that they are nUw .opening their ..Krock - .anti- anti •Wilifer %mitts which is twasui,t4 l4 llo , and Atactive -- alt:of hiiji 'win be staid for cash et ailprevecl -credit cheaper than can be .boned , as any. en t er . establitAneentatt the vim ty.Vtda moan just Outt.ive ' sar. Please give, us. . - • INCKERSIAN & .GARRATT'S. 4 • New - 31ilferti, Sept. 180,18 . 55 N .-• • _ . . „ . PORCELAIN and44llo6China at s• . :• • G. W. WA..CVO./ . . A•* 1 PPlNt cif Groqeiles, Pitintsl;4ollg, •Verli.sl; tnathrinli for &e, i at , Turtng Jan. 10, 1856. 3011 WORK: A. Lathrop;