ftl4n . tr . .c6'(, cinzcrat. XL LA'AGEsT =iv tario rs NoraltEr.x ''''A • ,' Dtioßs • ''' 14... . l';:. ..1. ‘i - TPIT:ft.ITSON, • 1 .. , . —.= !,1 . - i 31.; t 0 % , e, Tbiqtrselaq C 2l .p.RortsT FROM A CLERGYMI.4AT A i.Z11,•3 r P OLIVC AL PRI:ACILLyG. , I. Tr.: - ... r.?hutch Tout/m . l of - 'New Arii'rk, .one t f the 11.)k.st, anti most popular' Proteistoa ,:,peril in tb i a country, hAndles in -nvoier/5 tykt 11 - 42 snt)ject of 'polioeal preaching. In ta hist I ptilAidaiion it makes an earnest .pr est 3.4.llrist"the ibtrodnetion in the pulpit it humorou s ly calls "tests from the 06- i i--,4,01.:.10rding to -- --- the daily pgrers'."l riT , i,Ar'ikle, opens with* follawing-:impor-. ;t l mnt triith, which some of our zealous . • Me apt to forget : 'TheLord Jesus, vhen On , earth, declared,. Kingdom crag not of thig m e adleil not 'therefore,: in the political rfair3 'The country. ile knew that the ',,•:bii•lrtql of the, Kingdom," were Nlttfully, • cat He paid "tribute to the -11otnans; ot. ntilit F , 0, but He censidered that payment of consequence to work a miracle for tho r.,llrpose. He - tnevi - Herod to be a crafty ,kifox," and . the murderer of. John. the :r.ptistl; yet he_ took no part in influencing ngrtiwitfrterod a dingle individual of. , all the rlltiitituiles that followed him inGalil After reviewing the practice of the Apostles and the; early christians, . it refers tiithe prae- . I:i•al,.piestion of our day : -_ ''lY - • ‘',lll 4 prirriitilje Church trod closely in their 'footsteps other Lord.' "The ; Churchis indeed beetind - to proclaim unto idi men the duty of exercising their po- Irli4i.,al tifights, as, well Ai other privileges, un zlc.r a sthiFe'of ion responsibiity to. God. Beligs :0; 1 , 5 dux 'ar.d religious principles underlie all the yaris_and - provinces of daily life, whether :,:s to- bl, , i ilecs ; 'or politics,Or social intercourse, -1. the conduct of the family. But - in the ntxure Of things, this instruction must be 01 general ptinciples, and cannot tlej -1 into details without defeating itself.--- -.l:;iigs of Caesar, were to be rendered r-> and St. , Paul re-echo eil the same rnand ed tO "11on or the zl - 1:. - .ti (lid-not, say whither 13ri tannieus supported as Cies'ar rather than the NerO. • "ALd s.o.in our day, we hear loudly on efv .! • of j us, here at tW. Forth, .that the f.. , the.,Gosple . is -Opposed•to slaverF. " , Oils is either true, or, it is not true: If it is not true, then there is not even a decent 1,; - fluni•e for the cry that it is-"the Aiiity" of 7 - ,lt - iist..Trii of the Gospel to. preach against . If; . on the' other - hand, it is true that of .the Gospel ‘ is opposed, to slave the clergy devote tli - ernseives toProtrioting "the spirit of the that "Tirit of the Gospel," if thus t'l-.1-‘••s•:!fii, Will do away 'slavery itself, as soon ...trong enough. 'Thus i ndireet will operate more. surely and rapidly. ~ iirect agitation. Every diversion from "pur...: Gospel" into the flei'd :of polities, must hinder- the growth of that v --I;;rit of ale Gospel" which alone, after a;;, cant effectually work any change for the Whether,Lberefore, "the spirit Of the —1,1 4 " be "cpposod to slavery." or not, it is icay;thob.oundon dnty of the clergy to themselves to preaching the Gospel, E! 1 trj let politics alone." Til,b;' writer nest alluded to the consequen ce: Of4leparting.froM the:Arne scriptural rujis ?:u crates at Philadelphia. : result is a. splendid specinien , of the - experiments work. Jlas it helped r. -:110 kingdom of ebrist . Ilas it converted' PTl..soitls from the slaver,' 9f Satan unto the fr, - ,t3city)n wbieli is in Jesus I Has, it Wought• I",r:ll'raitli to God I 0,1 love toward -man ?. Or o'er, made' friends for ngtitation . against tip? Muth? \,N ., 3 I It bas prodnceddissatis factitya and disgust among his own flock.— Imq added fiesh fuel to cottt&As which . f.7ry enough before, and it has not done' iota of counterbalancing good.— . \VILIt such a brilliant example of successful it is not likely that there 7.3,lar?mong us to follow." ' IV - r; close with the following short 'para graPli, commending it to those who - feel any imptilie to "change a consecrated church in : to - a , qtePublican headquarters, or to"degrade lApit to a sturnp." ' 'We all know what would be the result at Z 1 meeting called together by Demo-. c:-at;,..or Republicans, if one of the incited p•ry4;ers,instead of talking the sort of poliitics expil ( cited of him, should take that opportuni cf a great crowd to preach a sermon in fa -‘;-.r :of ;the Babtists,pr the Methodist, or the or 'defending the "distincti%;e : of - ,the= - Church.' And churchmen vtiry wisely been of the opinion that it ciplte as.snlotera/de an abuse of opportunity the part of any tileruman, when that po ';dr4lloll6lYis given hint solely to preach word'and :administer; the sacraments, is peryerted to'the - advancement of those.opin icn;s which-disOnguish one s political party of fellow citizens form another. \ The church therefote preserved herself free from all f.;:,titugloment with politics." 13 - ENEFITB OF NEWSPAPERS.- - -In to other wa , . - can so much, so varied., so useful inforr tuNlion he imparted, and under eircumstan cez; so favorable for .educating the „child's as a judicious, well-conducted-.newspa Id live in 'a village was once to be sbut up I nni., contracted. 'But nOw : a man may be a izerolira.tl yet be a casmoNlite.. He may in a, forest, walking miles- to a postoffice, mail but once a 4 week, and yet be • tna'y belound as familiar with the living e -- 4.irld as the busiest actor in it for the news. .I.xper is_a spy glass by which he brings near •z !i4" Mpoct distant things; a microscope by 11;ieli be leisurely examines the most minute: an !ear trumpet, by' which lie collects and ;within -his hearing all that is said and. 4one all '.ever the earth ;- a museum fu11.,.0f entliNities ; Picture gallery of living pic tuks 'from real life, .draivn not on canvass but with, ininter's ink-en paper. he newspaper is a - greakttaveller, a great: leottner. It is the common people's encyclo- Ndja, the lyceuria, the coltege. The influence: of a good zewspapers upon -:• 4)= , . of of Children learchadly . 14 estimated. AGREUTTS P I NT WORKS. WELLE . ( 1, iltheizs; : : . mAxrrAvrer.llrtst wirutinsAL4 AM EtTAIL tr s IN EMERY'S ANDAVIIRELER'S HAM ROAD fIORSE TI4IO:SDERS AND SEPARATORS. TbreOmrs and IVinnowert; Combined. • • -' . CLOVER 1.1(54ERS . Circular and Cro4s. Cut SaW Emery's Cider Mills. Feed .Cutters, - Corn Spellers, Corn and seed Planters.' Seymour's (train !)tills and Broad Cast Sowers. RevolOroz Horse Rakes.. Dog Powers. Clow's Grain Cradles, Retch . - um's Mowers. Reapers :indiNfowers Combined'. ,Ilar.r,ic Corn and Cob Mills. !Excelsior Fanning Cultivators. Leather and Rubber Belt. inns, Meat Cutters, Apple Peare,s,,s• Refrigera tors, Provision Safes, ke. • Extras furnished for repairing' Emery and Wheell-r's machines. Our Excelidor Fanning Mills are second to none made in the Union. Descriptive Catalogues, Prico Lists and Ciren. -tars of all totteltiriesoSte., sold by tis, - sent grati's and postage prepaid, to all ipplieants. Send us Tour name ,and adrh.ess.. . 11. L. BLOWERS, of Ftanklin,_AgenL Post Office address, SiOntrose,Pa.l - HOSTILITIES CEASED, Peace Declared . terms thatsecures the right of every ®d ion to the navjgatiort of the. Dantibe,a6ll be it known to ,the people' or Susquehanna County, and tlre rest of the C..orld, that they will find It to their.advantage to Come to the Temp erance Saloon and grocery 'in Main St, Mont roseNa., (the . only Temperance saloon in Mont rdse) to get Pies,:stich aS are pies, Cakes, Cheese, Crackers; Sardines, pickled Oysters, Clams; CucumberS, Ice Cram, Praw.4 l ;'s+-Pine AppleS, Candy, anti Segars, Nuts &e. Small Boer, lee cool Lemonade, and Soda Water to oat and drink. At the sane place is a good as 'sortthent of Groceries and Provisions, with new every, week froM New York; such as Tea, choh.!e kinds, from 2 t 9r,, to • fist/ . Sugar now at 9 ets, Coffee crushed, Polveri7,ed and granulated at is. per Itc.• Molasses 3s. Cd. per gallon; best Syrup at SS, 6d. per gal. Pork, Smoked Ilan), and Shonb ders, dried. Beef .liath, Cod, Maelzerel. White and Blue Visit; Cheese, CraekerS, Lud, Stcrine patent and Sperm Candles, a Variety of Bar Soaps, Shaving do. best in usN Coffee Rico, and Tobacco, plug and fine; cut; Chelving and smoking, do. in tin foil. Fire crackerS and Fire. Works. Matches, all kinds. - 'dried Peaches, Plums, Cherries, Figs,frour Is. to la 6d.,per lb. Prunes, Zantee Currents, Citron, rig' {lisle, Sit \go for puddings, Spiees -all ikinds, do.• Ground Mustard, do. French Soap POwder. Babbitts Sal- Trains . do. and \‘'a , ,liieg Soda, Creatn Tarter, druP,Siper Cart) Soda Tartaric Acid, Licariee,, do. mat; Fancy Candy and Guiu Drops, fresh from N. Y., .Cass la buds, Canary seed, Nutmegs, -Cloves &c., Cocoa, Brenta and Chalkolate, Lot ilardg, black- and Scotch sonff, Basins, from. Is. to is. Cd. per lb, Sottance.seediess Basins, starch (pearl) Corn starch; Patent Nattnekr grati:rs,and Clothe's pins,S..veet and CaStor. Oil in bottles', Raymond's Lees. and Wril;his Pills, Salts, Roll Brimston?, Sulphur, Guci leamphor, Vinegar Choice . lot of Catsup, Pickle:?, Pepper Sancii,- Raspbery Syrup, flaVoring eXtracts, I lair Oils,to embelish and prevent from- offer turning grey, Ilerring by - the Box, Whito,Wash, Scrub and Shoe - brushes, St.oVe : and boot . Blackin ,, . Garden seed s slate and lend pencils, AXe hand les, Brooms,.,Tooth Ache Qintrtent, an .almost sure cure for,burns,Sprain Bruises, &c. sian Liontneki,f,Tood for•man or beast. Jierst• Medicinetogether with a large ass4tmc.nt 4 Children's!Toys, selected With ' , mat care f 4 -both g.irls - and boys, among Nrhich are sr4all pads. and Baskets, horses. Dogs, and Cattle iM wheels and rockers, small Tea • Setts, Thimblek, Carnelian Bing s, Tops, Clarionettes, Accord 4 on, liarmonicons, I larpß,. (and many curiaris things, Ladies Baskets and Sewing Birds, S 4 Salt for family use, Corn Meal, also Flour, kept constantly on• hand, by the pound, sack or bat rell. - . .•. . . , re, I' ,r• , - :1 ClarnS, OrangeS and Lemons, Pine Apples, &e., Some Eggs, Butter, POtato'es, Beans, &e., takOn in exchang,e.. The above Goods .ire foi• sale for . ' P crash or ready pay. . I Thankful for past ravers, I . hope by strlet attention to ImsineSs,and•slmall profits to gainl a larger share .of patronar , e' and thereby all i .e matualy benefited, all ...Hers with the rea. y will be promptly attended!to. 1 •. S. S. MOTT! . , Temperance Saloon, Grocery .and Previsi l .n Store in Main .St., itiontroSe, Pa., May 20, 18 6 , - Farmers to yyo ur Interest. 1 ,. _A rare L are chance to . makeyrora, 1.2 to . 25 or 0 pir - cent. on ?foul. investment.. - -:i TE subscriber is prepared to furnish Thre h-. ing macliiries and various other Agricultur al implements, not. to .fie. surpassed • by anirin this country, from the Well known and Icing' s.- tablished NM&. y Manufactory-OfWbeeler,ellick o. ,t. Albany, N. I". There are but a few farmer 'i n this county, but what can realise the above '.r cent. dr more, as the horse Power can be uppt ed in sawing wood, iu log or otherwise, churns 'g,. cutting stalks, straw, and 'hay &c., and radius other uses too numerous to mention. For ..:, v; eral reasons 1, can, mike it an object for th se wishing to purchase, to - call upon me and I, " ', , e their orders filled.-J hiye the freight so arr. '' . g,- 1 ed.-that the transportation is bat a- mere trifl I—, .All implementswarranted to be and to pert. On as . recommended, (see large hand.bills.) 'I '.,hn also furnish machinery; from other, manufae !Ors ildesired. .Now is roar time • o snd orders , pd your icdchines wilt be ip readineSs at barces,4 . " . • • • E. T. TUT AN ,4 - Ditnock, So sq. C0., - Pa., May' 21, 1856. ;.1, Starrucca Rail Road !! 1 I rSt ] T c' , j .. V A Lit 1,1 V - I n wILLIA'SL'I'RESIAIN 6....- : _iAJ., aro on h -.' d I- 7 with the largest, best,ntid cheapest s - . 'cli of general merchandiSe in town. .Cousistin - iot Axe - i. Alpactia, and AlspiCe.:-'''. , - - Brooms Boots and Bedsteads. ..i. Clocks,'Calicoes and ClUthing. - . t ,1 Denims, Drugs, arid Doer Handles. .i : -, ~- ~, Envelops, Edgiug,,and Epsom Salts.• ' i'f, Flour, Flannels, and Fish-Hooks.L.:,!; Glass; Groceries, and Gitublets. 41 Hats,llams, and Hand-saws. " . . !'• Ink,lndi,go, and Imperial Babies (dresses. - - i! : . ,Jogs; Jileol3kB, and Jewsharps. . - '. - 1;1' , Knives, Knobs, and Kentucky Jean- ;1 ~ Locks, Lamps and . Looking Glasses. -8 . • Matches, Bluslims and Molasses. - • ,) -Nutmegs, Nankeen, and Notions,. I -di Oils, Oxbows and !Overall's. i 1 - Pork, Pills and POwder. : i: Queensware, Quills, and Quart-cups. 1.4 Rubbers, Raisins and Rat:traps. Shoes; Shirts and . -, Tobacco, Tea and Trace, Chains. .:- ;Umbrellas, Under-shirts and Union fiats. ' . ;l 'Veils, Vinegar /I.o'd Viirol. . • ‘ . 3 • Whips,Wallets and Wash-bowls. !:, ~', Xtra upeifine Flour. . York, Cottonadeiand Youth's Hats. =, ; - -Z. And many . other articles' which the e soiling .at a very small 'advance on cost p es. "Small profits'. and fair dealin„g is the motto - for -the 'Sumner of '56, - Give is a call and lost' the f I_ truth of our assertions. - - - • . 1 AV.V - : , TREMAIN 1k..61i). , LaneabornePa.. May 26, :1856. r'' Caih for 'Wool. TILE highest price,ia cash, will be paijrfor Wool by H. BURRITIi, New Milford,..l4ao 23, 1856. - Wartted. • - TW° dozen fat'Tirkeys by the first ofiniy, also fat. Chiekens,lit S. S. MOT'O* • Montrose. Pa. CATHARTIC PILLS • OPERATE by their powerfel influence on the V internal viscera to purify the blood and stimu late it into healthy action. Thee reteo.%e the obstructions of the stomach, bowele,liver, arid other organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such derangements as are the faist causes of disease. An - extensive trial of their virtues, by PrefessorS. Physicians, and Patients, has shdwn cures of den genius diseases almost beyond belief, were they not substantiated by persans of such exalted position and chameter as to forbid the f.u . cx)icionof imtnith. . Their certificates ' arc published in toy American Almanac, which the Agents below named are pleased to furnish free to all inquiring. Annexed we give Mir - tuna for their nee Le the complainte which they have been found to cure. • Fan Cossevseress.',Take one or two Pills, or 'rata quantity as to gently move the bowels. Cos tiveness is frequently „the eggraYatims entice of Pmts, and the cure of .one complaint is the cure of bah. NO person can feel well While under a costive habit of body.. Hence it should 'Lc, as. it ran be, promptly relieved. FOR DYSI.ErSIA, which is.sonietimes the tango of astireneis, and always uncomfortable, take mild doses —from one to four —to stimulate the stomach and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and the heartburn. bodeburn, and souThicret of dyspepsia 7 will rapidly disappear. • When it has gone, don't forget what cured yqr.. Fora FOCI, STRMACII,i Or Morbid Znaelion of the Bowels, whichproduces- general depression of the spirits and bad health, take from four to eight Pills at first, and smaller dotes afterwards, until activity and strength is restored to the system. FOR NERVOUSNP.SA, Siex II IiArIACITE, NACRES., • Pain in the Stomach, Back, or Side, take from four to eightipills on going to bed. If they do ant oper-• ate sufficiently, take more the next day until they do.. The complaints-will be swept out from the system. Don't wear these and their kindred dts enders because your at :enrich is foul. - Fon SCROFULA, ERTRIPLLAS, coed all Diseases o.fthe, Ain, take the Pills freely and frequently, to keep the bowels open.,The eruptions-will gener- • ally soon begin to dimiish and disappear. Many dreadful ulcers and sores have been healed up by the purging and purifying effect of these Pilia, nevi some disgusting diseases-,whieh seemed to saturate the whole system have completelyyielded be their influence, leaving .the buffeter its perfect health. Patients! your duty to society forbids that you should parade yourself around the world covered with Pimples, bfotehes, ulcers, sores, anti all or of the unclean 'diseases of the. skin, because Your system wants cleansing. To- P . CRIPT run BLOOD, they are the best meal • eine ever discovered. They shireld be taken:freely. and - frequently, and the impurities which sow the, seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the erstem like chaff before the wind. Bel this property they do as much good in preventing sieknese as by the remarkable cures which they are making every where. • Lir= COIITLAINT, JAUNDICP., and all RiUmis Are:lions arise from some derangement—either torpidity, congestion, or s obStructiona of the Liver. Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render itoanSt for digestion. This is disastrous to the' health, and the constitution - is frequently under mined by no other cause. Tedigest ion is die symp tom. Obstruction of the duct Which empties. the bile into the Awn-Inch causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long 'and dangers-els train of cells. restiveness, or alternately costiveness and dierrhrea, prevails, Feverish symptoms. languor, low spirits, weariness,. restlessness, and 'melancholy, with sometimes in ability- to sleep, and sometimes great detineinces; sometimes there is severe pain in tile sides': the skin and the white of the eyes become e greenish yellow; the stomach acid ; the bewels sore to the touch ; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to force, which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrhe.a;dyeeeterT, ka , A medium dose of three 'or four Pills talcs: at night, followed by two or three in the morning', and repeated a few days, will remove the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to sitar such pains when you can cute them' for 25 rents. ' ltltEtt)4.l7ls3T, Gorr, and a ! 'l In ea:amatory Pe ters are rapidly cured by the purifying effeets of these Pills upon the blrnid and the fi:thnuhis which . tlfey afford to the vitrd principle of Life. these and all kindred complaints they should - be...taken in mild doses, to more the bowels gently,lnut freely , . As a llts:Nkei 'Pitt; this is troth agreeable and useful. NO Pill can be made more pleasant to take, and certainly none has been made more effectual to the purpose for trl:ich - a dinner pill is err:Ttuyttt. • PREPARED 11V • DR. S. C. AV E,ll & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists LOWELL, MASS., ASP SOLD I.IV JillLLim I;Si ~..t . ..,......,, riliiE ::.:A LANIAND 1. rti4AFES -- t r -.... —...._ _L of • Philet(l , -.11 , i1 la ZffriiilE4' the ' '--• .1 .• ~.sand.—Emus eNZ. Waf; , oll, No. ?6 1 : ; .:' . •.! snisth.Fonttl l street.. l'hilade!phin; „.., ,!. . T., - -......,:... I have lotd the t•tnert demou4ration - ::::-.....-• : •-•• -' in the I:illowin7 Certitieate?, that /heir manufacture of Salamander Safes has at length fully warranted 'the Leprei-entationa which have- been made of theni, as rendefing' an un doubted security against the terrific • - elcnenit : • . -I'fftLAnr.i.ernA.--.:April 12; 19.5 F. • 7sIESSIB. EVANS . & WAT,tiN:--c;t•rit, fords us the highest tali-Thetion.to. state to you that .owing tO the very protective rinitlities of two of the .Salarnamitr Safes which we purehaSed of I you some to m6ntlis since, we saved a larre I portion•of our Jewetry,:rooks, Papers, &e.:, ex posed to the calamitous fire in Itanstead . Place, on the morning of the 111 h, hst. • When wen:fleet that. these Safes y. - ere leen. :ted in the fourth story of the building .we occu pied, and-that they fell subsequently into a heap of burning ruins, - .where the vast .concentration of heat caused the brass plates to melt; we c:tri not but regard the preservation Of the valuable centcrits as most convincing,proof of the great security afforded by your Safes. We shall take much pleasure in recommend-7 in them t o men of business as a sure reliance I against fire. GEonor. W. Silos & Btu. PILILADELPLITA, April 12, 1836. ikrEssr.s. ETA & WATSON-1 have to offer you my testimony in favor of the great security airorded to niy entire stock of I bciks, papers, !Sac: during the ; recent diva-trous eonfla - - gration in Ranstead place, from the fact that the same were contained in two of the Salamander Saft-s manufactured by you. Having fallen from - die fifth story ,of the Arti san Building, where they were previously placed and exposed tea vast heat for a long tune, the preservation of the valuable deposits seemed to every one who witnessed the opening and interi or examination, a matter of profound astonish ment. . ° To till who may-. require a perfect protection from the ravages o . f fire, I shall not hesitate to recommend the use of your Safes, as I consider they have now undergone the most 'trying- test. N. I. MORGAN. PIIILADELPIIIA, April 14, 1856. llnssns, & WATsoN--Gentleinen--ho doubt you will be deeply gratified to learn., the good condition in which I discovered tar policy of insurance, certificates of stock, a nd other valuable documents, when on - Friday. last I opened the Safe matielby of firm. , With mY knowleClge of its great exposure,4 both to the intensity of the heat from so hot a, flee as that vitich destroyed the Artisan Build ing, as els' from the force of • the fall frost its former elevr i ted ' position in the third story, I could entertiain. but sunder hopes prior to its in terier'inspe4tion, that the content. which I once' so highly prized would ever be of any service to me, but as 'these fears are now happily removal], I feel it only - due to say to you that I can hence forth recommend the 1.16 C of your Safes to all who tuay•wish to feel a confidence in the per fect security which such means provides against so frightful an clement:: fiDWARD GXtKir.a., Bookbinder. Constantly on . hand, Patent Powder' and Thief Proof Locks, for Backs, Stores &c. April 24, 1856.-17y1. , .• Whips by the Million ! FROU 25 cts. to $5,00 ; at , P.l - 117E & KNOWLTON'S.[ Binghamton. • Britannia Waro. • VERY large stock nt A PHYFE & KNOWLTON& Bin,gliatriton. • - - 7 'Take Notice. I `SUNDAY SCITOCkIia - furnisbeti ..with ries of different Sizes at New] York retail, prices.. Call at the Peet Office. . May '7, 1856. ABEL TURTZ.ELL • LOOK:_ HERE!. 9 1-.ki z Pi -N .- N ABIL 'TITARELI, IT AS lust received from Now York, full _R. and desiral%lo. stock .of • • !- • raw GOODS, Comprisini; a first rate _assortment of Drugs, Medicines, ,Cliomieals,• 1:1f-dieal instrumPnts, P. - lint 4, Oils, Dye Stuffr, -- China. Glass and Ear: then Ware, (a good - variety of Crockery,) Brit aili)LL W a r t ', Jaranned and Plardsh&l Tia Ware, Silver and all t.ther kitois of-Spolns. S!lver Forkl, Butter knives, &e.. All strts of latops. A good variety orwooki and Gilt Franfe Mir rors, ; Wall and Wind Dl7 P pCr. Stationery. Stone and Wooden. \Vare. Brushes. Brooms. Family Groeerits. Lamp Oils. Camphene.— Burning Fluid.. Tallow Stearin and Spermaceti - Candles. Hide and other Whips: Varnishes. Window. Glass, &c. A first rate variety ofJew olry, and ranee Goods Gold anti Silver Spec tavies. ('old Petra. - Violitts, FlAthis, Fifes, At:- eordcons, Violin and Veolinvello Strinffs, The largest assortment of Pocket lihives.in co., and the best quality in Market. Shut Guns, Pistols, (single and Double Barr(4,) Re volvers, Sr... . In short. the Physician; the Invalidfthe'llotzse keeper, tho Farmer, the Mechanie. the Manufae. Wier, the Professional Man, the Giintleman, the Lady, the Bich and ,he Poor, the Young and Old, the Beautiful and the the Gay and the Fashionable, and all the rest of the pqople, will find something to supply their . every day-wants at Turrel I's. Store in the now Brick 11 lOw-- Qualities gnod—C'all and sm.!, ' • • ABEL ELL Montrose, March 6, 185 . 8.1 ' jEt.! all going to Turreirs Torrible Ac6dent, Tr i l ; 1 1 : ' a N d 1 1,1o ) u t tI to Ur. t i ; t ll l 4 . l r i e: l a r' h "- -i i :• i i ' d P i rnT . 'IY clothes at the Store, and the first day'4 '‘:.oaring the ae ciderd occurred... rirst, off &apt his coat-tail by the mere for (f speeitie-gravity, giving to un fortunate man the apperanee of a badly trimmed craft' with the dying jib in the.Ftern, and on tonpinrt over . to pick' up the iemnant,the dread ful casualty tool( place—tl4 fOnntainfe" - ofthe . great deep were broken np--Aireen's pants ,were sundered from ankle to waqt, and Green himself seemed to be... The only W.ty to prevent such deplorable aecitionts in to pitronize a skillful tai lor, who maker up.his worli with a determina tion that it shal, not only IN neatly, but west Green hues at thetilotl.ioz store been use he thinks he can get his gkarin!i• a little cheaper. fri all brehability the pant:: that ,erved hint so treneherenslydi , Ld t.d. been striped frota a 4olora ; p-Jient; carried home night the;week'on at .hatter; and b it':1141!'ll ansty l e d ty . rrenehman •:91.s tuarketn tho cont try Take learnitez hyjmor Green't an ) b go. to a tailor shep..lit;e that ht. t b.'fi , ll!:'!lL Se4rIC T S 1;401 if you 'want to betsuited. d„,ac n,,:l l us u al. and all ivork war ranted. • • :11)1lN 'GROVES. MOntrose, Atli , . 7i. Is'ss. Books. That Aro Books. Far •a',- a? tit. , .110 . 2,40.4 f St-,re i t lite Post Qrfi J EAST • _ . • ' Y . • „ , , ~. , 4 .14iNean laV S, ISISIOry 61 . Eaglt.nd. 'Nary and c.:orrespoiiiierice;of AtuosLawrivnec. Prison - of Weßevcratin in the East thdian Xrchepola;te, by ('apt. liihserl... Fore.t Tragedy aniF othur, Tales by Grace Greenwood. • The Ik'th Boyg. by 04'0. Mayne fluid. The Gri , at Red Drmze.n. . ' .. . The Prince of the I.l4use cif David. qued Time Cernirig.4l,. - . Christine Or WrAti'ari",sTriais raid Triumphs. Thu Onynx 'Zino% M a n ~f %VIT. Life. .',. ; - The Old Humesteadl ' , •IVoodbill or the Wa.y.s of Provideneo. D'Aribigne's 'lister . ); of the Refortit::tiOn. Faroily Testaments Psalms and Notes.. - • Pocket du tnd Bihie& Catholic Prayer Books. Yankee Notions. - 7'ht7 . ls - try That tie Montrose BoOl: Store is the place to _et cheap. %Veil what if fit -7 ea sly - n:o.'. you can't - tell - whether sea the truth -ort.'ot unless you try—btit never 'bind I -feel very?thanitful for past favors 'and hope to nicrit a continuation of patronn- , e, by st-t*.t.Niuttention to the ot the public andla.,...4'ep.inLi en habd • a toad asortmeni, of Books and Stationary 'at "Lice and Let Live" prices. . A. N. BULLARD Montrose, April 2, WC.- Notico TjF.R.SONS desirong: r 'oc pn , ..'-ing me money, on debt' of it:ly descriPtion..ecn do soleaving their plytnent.wilh Petit, Cooper -&; Co., Thin kers, Mr.;ntroze, to 14 credit, vFhose receipts %yin be :Wowed from their ditte. ' • C. L. WARD: April IS, 185G.—tf. • . D> " 'Picture Market." HA I S .s REMOVED fiom (Ad r!llow'siljall to SKY LIGIIT ROOMS, In the - Brick slock, ovet. Bentley and Read's. Come and see. Calling 'will cost .you noth ing, unless.you buy, and then. you are sure to go swag with' more than ...YalnO reeeived.":. A multitude or elioie c..ases, Gold Lockets,' &c., just ill. Levi Prices Triumphant. • GEORGE W. BEl'llo —. llr .&;. CO, are now. receiving a znagrtific:int Stock.- of Spring and Summer Goads, veleeled with great care and with special regaqto (tic tastes-and wants of Chi's community. conSistin g 'of a choico ratio ty_ of l)ry Goods, Fancy: Goods and embroider ies, Boots and Shoes, at oettrii:s, Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods, Crockery, hardware and Cutlery, &c. Which we will . sell for tprorn.pt pay, at lower prices than any ; other' establishment in this County. • D, tea would say, that they have not been forgotten, and that in the' way of Dress Goods, we have cubed for their use the' choicest .gems in the market: ..Drr.p.in and See us, and we will take, pleasure in showing you the nicest and cheapest stock of Gobds you ever saw in this place, Ilarford - ,•g4 8,.135G. . A GOOD astiorttupnt, of Pattern Dross Igivnta M) Fices, at - • G. W. S. & CO*.• AjtASOLS and Fine, new styles and choice 1 varieties, at •-•1 ; G. W. S. &CO'S. . ALAaGE stock Ci'oekery and Waie at : G. W. S. & CO'S. Great Cause :for Rejoicing• . Peace among' the Nations of the Old itV(kirld. • DRY GOODS and• Clothing falling, and have already reached aMark belciw all reasona bleexpectations; and to provs4thiS. fact call at the Store of GUTTENBERG, ROSENI3AUM az. CO., at the east end of the new-Erick Block. Seeing is believing, SO call and see for Your selves. Come - alontwithoht delay, procrastina tion you know, is in all eases dangerous; We will offer you rare .Icetigains, not offered else where in northern Pennsylvania. We can and will undersell all ou6:ompetiters. We have advantages in buying„ and manufacture our own Clothing, of whieh werhave .a. Splendid assort ment, from a little jacket and breeches to the finest Dress Coats and Pants, for gentlemen of all sizes. • Our aiseytinent of Fancy add Do -mestic- My Goods eati not be surpassed by any other establishment in 'the country. • One of otir firm is constantly in the city,. and is sending. al most daily; Goods of the tategt and most fashl4ll. able style. Our stock of Bonnets.and Bonnet trithingS is complete. !GENTI 4 EMENS HATS, lots of them. Also.a Splendid lot of Mantillas.: Memtrose, April 22, )1856.. WOODEN, WiHaw and. Tin Wire, at • . PHYPE.& KNOWLTONS, Binghamton. - tit ID ( 6 Carpotings, Oil Cloths: LOOKING 'GLASSES. AND .GLASS WARR At the r•rorkrry and Ili nsr Farni.thing taldishiacnt.rf Cheaper than any other iu Eing. . - Itannon. roua. AWES EAST UP THE A:WEI:ICA:I: HOTEL. j . WOULD call.the - attentim of housekeepers and the.publie to My spring impOrtation of wares, - fur their elegance of style and beauty of far.surpassing at4thing before exhibited, and having the largestas,:orlment iir4dore v ean replvni,i old setts• and furnish entire new ones of all the new shapes, at -a less price than any ether House la this county. The attention of now Housekeepers is partic ularly called to my stock as embracing all the raintitize.; both useful ,and ornamental, of House furnishing Goods, for a complete ontfit-L--and being this; heavEy engaged. hi this , exclusive branch; offer great advantages to purchasers. CROCKERY AND CHINA DEPARTMENT embraces the Isrgest variety ever offered beforo. in this seetion, of all tile different k!nds. • CLASS . WARE of _every needed article. Carpeting:: and Oil Cloth% This branch occupies the •second floor of our establbdunent, nearly 100 feet in depth, well Mocked with Vold et, -Bruns Is,' Three-Ply and ingrain Carpctings, Rugs, Mat% Window Shades and Table Covets, which are offered atu small advance from cost. Live Gec;se Feathers alw . ays on hand. Looking Glasses, Gilt, Mahogany, Ornamental and Oval Glasses,,in:gri;at variety. - • HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, eons: , ,ting of Wood and Willow Ware, Plated Britannia • and Japanned Ware of every description. Tea Boat ds in various "styles, Table Cutfery,Feather Dtkters, Fluid, Oil and Solar Latnp!"4, Bird Cagesolso fancy BaActs, Reticules Satchels, &c. &e: - To all or w•hirh vre ioviteyour attention ou.l uolitit lour trails, Binghamton, April 20, 1856 NEW. GOODS CHEAP AT - C: Ir. a.if OTT'S. TLIST rceeived a lot of New Goods, such as De P Lain,•s, De Banes, Parainettas, Persian, Al roe3s, Merinos. Prints, rind Shawl s , in fact 4 a'euerol assortment •of Dry Goods which will be prlti low • ANTED—Sochs, Egg's, Butter,Laril,Clieese,. any quantity iu oschoutte for Goods at Cash prices. C. MUTT. Ntoutrose.Sept. Clovor Soed, • 01' the LA.TWEST KIND and Timothy Sted for s:iltny : IL BURRITT. . . Singleton, /lAN flotv be coned at his new - stand en the e , irper of Turnpike and Chestnut Sts., few ito!lrs ea-it of • Post store, where he ell:Pow:41y repairs with :dispatch, Watches, Clocks . ,tiuns, Jewelry, and every description of machinery. Wheel cutting, Gun and Watch materials supplied - to,the trade. Attention Farmers !--Plotv Points almost every pattern and kind now in uso alt4o, No. S. 131r.tehley :Plow and Cora Kowg., may be had at any time-of day, and until 10- o'clock at-night, iu exchan7o tor Cash, old Iron, Grain, Eggs, or any kind of ready pay, of , 1 • I; N. HULLAIID. • Monirose„ l / a y I, 1856. • • Just Recoived N - ,twiot Boots and Leather; :And for sale eisaper than ever'll . - J. A. & s. It. ASEILEY Brooklyn, - Dee. 5. 1855. Romovod I NTO Brick 1116c1c, faint roorn,-oi-er the Store of ,11.• S. & Snn, . D. VIRGIL, Dentist. • Montrose, May 9, 18.56. et LOVER and Tinuithv Seed .BALOWIN & PERKINS 31.o . ntT(ise, April, 1856. NOTICE. 31JI3LIC notice is hereby given that. S. A. Woodrufris.receiving anew lot olStoves and •wares of all kinds usually kept in the, Store and Tin tine of business, among-. which may be found a better assortment of stoves, Ileac ii r, ger and more durable than ever before offered in this county, all the proof you need will be just to call- and examine for :yontselves, All stoves...v.:minted in every respect. Kept constantly bn hand, an.eltonsive assort ment of Tin Ware, made out of the best materi als which is offered for sale as cheap as can be bought in any market, also on hand Lead Pipe, all sizes, Chain and gearing for Chain- Pumps, Cistern Pumps, all sizes, Brass and Porcelahy,- kettleS all sizes, Jappaned ware, all'kinds. Jobing done on short notice and in . good or, der. All Goods in - the line will be sold cheap for cash or approved cm-flit. 8. A. WOODRUFF. Blontrose, Marchl.2o, 185.6. • English l ! over Watches• . ' .... r. • T . ) ECEIVEDII steamshi p -: • if a z or - 1.1 Baltic, tl (Wetter:ore of '•-• (riri. 44,4 „ those splendid EngliSb Lever ) .• i o 'pl .. Hunting Watches, of my own / 4e, „ •:,' ' A . • importation, Wartanted the j iiv i s4..Ns , s ,_ c. ,- 1.-' l ' . very' . best quality.- Also, a 4,..N `- small lot of - very superior Mlivernetits,.which .Will be .eased in any style or quality, to suit purchaSers. . • 1 .• , ALFRED J. EVANS. Binghamton, March 14, 1856. - • , . :s.l U:el'r)'Jo /U DE subscriber is now receiving , his second • .1 _general purchase of GOODS this Springi which renders his assortment very eesirable and complete. By strict attention to business and by fair cleating., ho helms to merit it liberal sharp of Public pdtronage. To those friends who have"yiekied to him their preferences, and kindly sustained .him by. their patronage, • with the . in tention of aiding Sim in regainining in part the heavy loss recently sustained by. fire, he tenders his sinefre thinks, with the assu ranee that their • interesti shall.. be mutually pronirded. . ABEL TURRELL. 3.lOntrose, April . • • New Goods Arrivilfig daily, by 'Express, ai Hopbo;t9m, Penn'a. rPHE subscribers are now opening .a large .1 and . well Selected stock of new Goods.— Consisting of Dry Goods, Groceriei, Hardware, Ready Made Clothing, loots and Shoes of• all sizes and stiles ' Flour, Corn Meal, Salt, &c. All tit' which they will sell as, cheap as can be bought elsewhere in-the County - J - 13 exchange Air Lumber, Shingles, Produce of - alt kinds; Woolen Socks, for cash approved credit. • - T..nto Shillings per pair paid for • good Socks; Siiteen cts. per dbz. Eggs: .11mienty'ets. per lb. ,for Butter: . BELL & •TINGLRY.I Ilopbottom. April 24;1856. •- Rhode's Fever Uu.d_A - gue Cure, Owl :Antidote Sfaiaria; for the prevention and cure of Fever and Ague, or Chill Fe-' ver ; Dumb Ague; and' other Intermit*at and Remittent Fevers; also of Billions Fevers, ac companied by Typhoid Fero. Yellow Fever, Ship and Jail Fever, 'General Debility, Night Sweats, and all other forms of disease which have a common origin in ' • 'MALARIA OR MIASMA._ . Equilly certain as a preventive or cure. For sale by the undersigned, authorized Agent :or thd Proprietor, Jan. A. Rhodes, Providence, R. I. . ' I. N.. BULLARD; Montrose, May , 1, 1856. " . Groat Exhibition in . AND :RARE ESIBI BIT lON OF klf FOR F t IGN 'AN D DOMESTIC GOODS, of almost every style and quality, Such as will ba •suriS -to please and accommodate all classes o people--from the child in the;cradle to the - old and.dcarepit:- . These goods are bought 'on the most - favorable terms, and will be soil according' ly. - . • Incase give 114 a eall.and we will try to flop= ply ailyour wants in iho litm of GOODS over kept in a country store. Yon need. not' go to Nov. York for any thing you wart, be.catrue we have them fresh from the city. . SCOTT, JOI!NSON, & CO. Sprln&ilic, Pa., Dfay 3, 1855. Now Goods Cheap for Cash. CN. morr haijust received nnotlaer hit Of • -New Goods, such rt's Challis, 'Barge De . lains; 1)e Bagt.S,Ctingiung, Layrns, &e., &c. wituur 11r. OFFERS. vray Low rutlcEs. SUNMLIR:SITAWLS, acnow juAt reecived—beantiful - patterns at very low prices, also CRAPE and BLACK SILK SHAWLS as- low as IlAe. loicest. • ' C. W. MOTT. • Jane 13. Stoves Stoves; 2 Stoves: : THE subscriber wishesto Call the attraltion I his friends and the Publie•to his very large assortment of - • . at his new Store Room in' Lodersilfle, next to L S. Lenheirn's Store, and near the Great - Bend Depot. He has in addition to his forme large variety of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, many new Ptterns, some of Which are-- St.ffichotas. .. - Peach Branch, I . Fire Fly; • Modern Troy, - Mohawk, Mcdcilion, Biaok Warrior, Orient; - ' Oak, Bgg • Stoy e, Which together with his former stock will be perhaps the most extensivi and varied assortment of well sdeeted Stoves in the County. *** Clinton Stoves well fUrnished at low prices. { - 4 7 All attiebyi3 in his line kept on band and made to order as usual, and orders received at his old Stand in Great Bend.. JOHN COLSTtN Loderaville & Great:Bend N0r.,1856.-,-tf.. J. 11. DE PEU 11E UN DERSIG!NED would respect: fully inform the citizens of • Ditnoek - and the.sUriounding country, that he has' opened a store at Di mock - four corners, Where he intends keeping constantly on hand - a .1.,00d. and Well se lected assortment of DrY.Goods,'Groceritis, Hard Ware, Crakery, and all' kin - &ot Merchandise, usually kept in a country store,, which ,he will sell as low, if not lower, than ant other establish ment in Northern Pennsylvania, MontroSe not excepted. .Gentlethen and Ladies give •me a call; and examine my steek . of Goods, and. my prices. 'You will save at least some Miles trav el and perhaps from ten to fifteen cents - on,ev. ery dollar you pay out. A good assortment of Ready Made clothing kept constantly on hand. All kinds of County produce taken in exchange for Goods at the Market price. The, Chinr,f4t4re. TIDE 4 28 &DIJ:sT Lt4i grim undersi,gned wouTil respectfully inforel 1.. the inhabitants ofllinghamton and vicinity, that he has recently purchased of. Edward Priest his large and well selected stock of • . DRY GOODS, _ . Which he has removed from - Fayette• Block to No. .28 Court Street, on door above the American Hotel. This entire slink has been purchased cone►d eratili• below Nov York cost, i:oongh so . to warrant him that ha will sell Goods che:iper than can be bought at any other Store In tiwn. . . - NEW SPRING AND Summer Goods, - to the above stock has just been add'ed.a large invoke of. Spring and Summer Goods of the latest styles, which will bu closed, out at great bargains. • The.Stoek consists in Dart tbe following Goods, viz; Fine Lawns, fast .colors, from 9 to l Be. per yard; Calicoes, American. and English, trout . tie. to Ile. per yard; Meerimack and Co cheeo Prints; at.ll e.; Bleached and BroWn Shi,e tings and Shirtings, from 4c, to tls.Gd. per yard ; lientucky Jeans, from, Is. 3c. to per y'rd ; Ladies' Hose, from 6-1-Ic. to 3s. Gd. per pair; Ginghams, from I Ge.,to 2.3 c. per yard ; DeLaines from 10e. to 35 . . per yard: AlSo a large let •of "Linens, Quilts and. Counterpains, Curtains and Draperis, Shawls, Gloves, Table Curers, Silks, Saces, Embroideries, &c. &c,. Trunks'', Valices and Bags, of all sizes and pri ces. . . "Don't forget the nomber,ii,B C6ll ri-street, _I Door east of the American Hotel, bat call - and see - before purchasing elsewhere. -' • H. 3. Webb, IS.now receivin g his•ne; Spring Goolis,•whieh he offers at his usual low prices. Montrose, March 11,.1856, • ' House "Band Ors! Depot forSusque.:. hanna County, at Ilrew.l7l.ll.lord. • ICK.ERMAN &GARRETT aro giving pecial'attention to the improvement con templated at-this County the - comely : season,. and now offer a helping hand, by. "keeping con stantly for sale a.large ipiantity ,of Window sash. and glass, Blinds, Doors, . Nails:Taints and Oils, and a complete assortment - of builders - . Hatd Ware, &c.... Those going to put up. HouSes in . the Spring will find, it 'for, their interest to, gigs us a call. We Ca furnish every thing.yon want and at the - very lowest manufacturing, pri ces-. DICKERMAN & GARRM'T. New Milford, Feb. 8, 1856. GOOD Broad Cloth Caps for,; 3 shillings a piece at , BELL & TINGLEY. FOlt ALL THE roruLAR e. PETI T in? raTEDIEEM -New Goods tit Wobli'Ei. f- UST opened - by the subscriber' aifull assort went of Spring and Summer Goods, which 'Will be sold cheap, Cheaper than eyer.' • • GiVe us a call. You cannot fail to bo suited or quality,. luantity, and terms. Everything . Nuttily found iu a variety storc.• ' ' . „ .XTILA Flour from '7 7-2 to 8 dollars per L- bbl., for auto at S. S. morrs.- No• Use in Fife-lug.- THAT'S ao—aa longne l'hyac& Knowlton 1 - keep Buell a apleaditl assortaient of - . CAII.PENTERS TOOLS; . us they now have in store, and which is Wall hands,-rival hardwires included„ acknowledged to bethe . • ' BEST AND CHEAPEST; ever offered to the citizens of Browne, Susque , hanna; or other county. We can furnish as - good an outfit' of tools as Rill, Wood or Seytnottr,of New Yorkeity, and. - at prices at least 25 per cent. lower. than either. ALL TOOLS SOLD BY US" WIDCI. DO NOT Pu9v - r, AS REREESESTBD •IVILL RS EXi:ILINOBDO.B . TAS MONEY . REVUSDED.. . .• - .. • „. PIiYFE & KNOWLTON, Hardwarci, House Furnishing and . Fancy Goods - Establishment, 51. Court St, Bing,bam ton,'N. Y. adjoining Bank of Binghamton. TAL'LveFla d w Poe . k i t _C a t t itlery, a great varioty, & KNOWLTON'S. STOVES, Attention at Home . • VOL IL THAYER DirnOck, Jan,' 15, 1856 --yl. . , H. C. gODWIN. Binghamton, April 3d, 1856. . PATENT ITIEDICIN.EAGENCV, ABEL TURRELL, Montro.e, Pa.; DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, 1 OF TUE DAY. • • Consignnzents Constantly Received. Q.7ljt Bontrost Patoxxat. ItiTILISLIED tvEmr TIICP.SDAY MORNING BY MCCOLLUM GEEMTS TE litlitS--$ 1,5 0 ' cash in advance; s2,oo(if not paidwitttintti x mom Int ;find $2;50-; - att4en4 oftheytiar. .tisii, papo rdissten filmed initilptreara ,,frei ant paid, ex,i'ep't at the. optio4 of the nib libbers. Ail uutnratvaietitions-corineet i ed with the Aiee,to insure atttimiunotitvit bedireetid to the R EDlTUS,siutitruse, nvpielian - )ckwaty, Pe. 7 • it ales of •Allver‘isiiig.; • : • One squire (I`3 hoes - or less) 3 itisertioii4l,oo Each subsequent insertion, ' • - ,: - . 4 1 ;25 Ono square. three rnont hs- - _3,50 One square six- months. „ 4,00 , Business Cards, fenr: fines.or less,, - -3,00. Yearly ad vertitietnents, not over 4 squares; '7,00 One column, one year, - -7 • - ••• 30,00 - Yearly•advertisers will be restricted:l4 the bilsince:i . in which they are - -engaged tiro considered" es wishing. to - centinue: - adoertisljg unless they shall give special directious•-for discontinuance of the same. JOB WORK. The publishers•havi ng added toiheir "eh Printing materials a - large . and stipei.iorliaaart. meat: of Sob Type, are now prepared to eleettt- Job Work in a manner ansurpasaed Mathis sec tion of country, and' on reaSonable.terma;- 13.1tortks of every description iteptnonellaitty on handpr printed to order. .. • ...,1ii.p..5.5:__.....,p,.#-##4. • • 131rirANTII017SIC; • ' Givat Bend Depot, Po. .ADDiSOIII ANr, Propritor. -. Win. IV. f4.111111:11 do Co, Cabinet and Chnir.Mannfactiteis;-foc;tlfiiin Stre.ecslontrose t Pa. ' . • . if. 63111T.U, Surgeon. Dentist, : Montrose, Pa., will beot Searle'sllotel,]totidi ysand.Tuesdays of efith week., • • 15y1 ABEL TURICELL,IIorrster,•PA., Dealer in Drugs, M'edici nes, Chemicals, Stuff 3, G lass-ware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Win. don , Glass, Groceries, Fancy Goods; Jewelry, Perfumery, &c..--and Agen t !. for all of the . most popular Patent Medicines. - '• -- • .JOHN GROVES, • _ - Fa4tiona blc Tai for—Shop underSearles Hotel, 3lain Street, Montrose, Ira 4 JOHN coI,STEN, PEAL - En IN Stoves, Tin, Cc -riper . nnd.Sbeetlron Ware,Loderavitle, near GretillendDepot,,,-13 • - A.. La DEALER in Ready-Mad' ' C.ip . Boikts pm& Stioe4 Stoie opposite Se: C. D. LATII LOP, and. j 7. P. W. Poi.r.y, "4."` Dr. Merrit lit ; ,,C. Vail . . Ty.UGGIST and CnEnrsT, ' anil beater le DarssOledieines; Chemicals, Dye Stuffs Paints, Oils, Patty, Window-Glass Camphine Fluid, Perfumery, Yankee. Noionsitc., leer; _L .-- • odersville,Pa.---40., - FRANKLIN. FRAM, ATTOIMEY AND CoUNSELMAR AT .141ir,31.011trbSO -Pa., will attend faithfully -to all *btriness. en trusted to hire in the county of Susqu Conveyancing writing of all kinds will:he done neatly, atiZ charge moderate. Ue will also attend to the pro.sc;cutiob ofe' 'aims of iol diers, their and bei rsogainst the • government, for Bounty Land,' Penialois, ate. May be found at all hours at tlyeoilimi formerly -(wapied by J.T. Richard, Esti:o:l°TM of the Court-liouse.- - --1863-1a • ' Interes. - ted with L L-- Hunt,' IMPORTER AND IicALEE in Hardware aid eta:. Ivry, Carriage TriEntnities,Oprings,&e. • Sq. 215 Pearl_Stree(;:lV:,Y. Where his Mercantile friends, in.this and. other Countles,at•e invited,and.erizes:t/ystilieit ed to'call and purchase. - .L . Er: Par:fops, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER is Cabinet Ware, Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables, Suit& Chairs, dec.• No. 9 Waslungten street. Bioghatnton, iW7'" Co .Whre-Room up stairs. .•, D. BAIL, M. D. pIIYSICL'N and Surgeon has , permanently• located himself. at Bradmeyvitte, &Hes County, Penn't , anc.l will pro4tily. 111400U/41 calls .with whirl ho may bo aored. May, 1856. 22. Pickptt i JUSTICE or TH PEACE, Collector - Executor of Deed;, WUjs,-Contraciae..• Of-. tice, LaCepille, Wyomitlg county, , Pa.. nay. 9, 1856. ,. . . • SASH BLIND, .DOOR , LANs'xiErov,oN cur.irNr*xteii Penieti, .BY D:BREWsttii:, All sizes and, descriptions,irt- any quintity, made to order, Cir furnished on ibo.sliortest HAYDEN 'BROTHERS New Milord, peolesr.:- •. A - A nni OLESALid • Deahriin: . Buttettei, V Combs; SUspendo - rs. Threads; ' runq Goode, kValcliee Jewelry,. Silver - - mid: = Plated Ware, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, cigaraoke., - Itte. _litercluulte arid .Peddlers supplied tut' , Liberia . :TRACY. klittilEt4; JOHN HAYDEN, - GEO. HAYDM. , DR. E. F. INILIMEOZ . . iIitADuATE of tin) Allopathic land fk• nu:op:Wile - Colleges -of MO.ditline,' is :now porinanently located . in Greattletni April Ist, 1656. -•- JOHN SAtTTTER , -"- .16 1 ASIIIONATILE TAILOR. Shop Overihe Store of C. W.. Mott, neat Hatch's Ha It S• KAPP;: WIT.W. , . \''.'. E. . CA UV LM ELL it SONS ' , ,-Impart. st era "of'Cilinil; cllnAii.; ; nil Eartberii .W are 1'6?,,:76 Vlarron' Street, New '.York. • - -- , ,--.•-: • ... 33tirning Fluid and - Ctraphend , . A -- FRESH supply,:just teeetiled - , - ind - fotole Llll...eheapot9o,.eandte's i iotd onotigk big Augh ntut hal : a . enough to ..'istittiC alone,in sunii tu er time, by. 1..N.7 1 .1301.1.1tg, June 9,-1856. - •• Frogs Arrival Wes* 'Voss s at nicsnotAtis & GARRATTS rrtHE nubscribcra respect: llll Y Wrin 1 the good , '"people of Stuup.thnna Co. that they:are new opening their , stqek* of Fail and Winter Goods whit+ is unusually-itirge and at. tractive nit . - of which will be sold for ,cash ` approved credit cheaper than can'be 'bought at any other establishinent itithe'CountyWa moan just, what IND env, Please give TM a trial, = dz. GrAIMATT'S New .Milford, Sept. 18111,1865. _ , . , T-39 RaLAlNvid Granite Chiria at • L _ G. W..13-' & CO'S. . , NEW SUPPLY, ot_Oreeeries, Drtigss C 3 l.- PAirils, Oils, Plass, !materials for lights, ite.ot ; TURAELL'S.'_ Jan. 10, 1856. hrOps -1 Clothing., , lints and Dry Goods„&.e.' le's 1.1)te1.514-Aftrose, JA:LATftitor it betit,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers