The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 10, 1856, Image 4

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    ' , ..,.'rreiseieusi List, .
For the Susquehanna Co, Asricertturei
day '
• Aar and Cattle Showy be held
ifo /arose.
1 1- or the best.Durharu Bull,- 2. y'rs,• and up-
, 'wards, ,- . ". _ $5
'2e.. best. " _ . \ 3
For the best Devou' Bull, 2 y'rs, do. 5
t'd best - 3
'oir Ithe best grade or mixedblood, 5
rid best - •• ;-: ' ' 3
Feethe best'rnilell cow - .5
il.d best 4 - , .., • .3
3d, best - . • I , - ' 2
FOri thi3' best 2 y'rs old luilkt ' ~ 5
.2(.1 Kist . 3
3d best. :
Ftr the best tot of store calves, iot. less
,than five _
2J best'
3J best
Fdr the best pair of nrotking. oten
2,i be:et . ~
3,.1 best ' - ' ' -
- _ . ~. •
41h best
For the bet.ttair of 3, y'rs old steers
2d' best
3ki best
For the best pair of'2 y'rs old steers
2d best: '.." 1 '
3d best • ' - -
- For the best lot: of yearlings,'
not less
thin five .. ...
2d best ' • • '1
-3d best ,,
FOr the best fine' woelled Buck
2d best -
. , . - •s
For the best South Down, ° •
1 2d. best
For the best .lono• wooled
2d best
Fur thebest lot of fine wooled'ewes, not •
less than three
id best
For, the best lot of South DOWCIS -
For the best lot of long wooled
d best
Fur, the bust Boar 2d •
For the best sow • 1 , •
•'2 . 1 best • •--
For the best lot of spring pigs, not less
than fire •
2d hest ;
HORSES. . • -
For,the-best Stallion fur all irork
2.d best • •
3d best •• • • •
For the best breeding - tnare,with colt by
her side, raised in the county ,
;best •
3d best
For the best single gelding, raised in the
2.1 best •
3d best. •
For the best pair matched horses raised
. in the 'county ••
2d 'best . -
3d best •
,For the pest lot of chickens not his .
. than , twelve
2d best.
3d best •
•For the. best pair, of fowls Reoster and
2d best
For the ber,l firkin of Butter
2d best
3ti best
4th best
For the greatest quantity made from any
given number of cows
2d greater
For the bw.t cheese, not 16 than 2:slbs
2,(1 best
3i.1 best" '
For the belt variety of vegetables.
2d '
FOr the best specimen of fall apples, not
, than', bushel
2d best -
For the best speciilea of winter'
2d best
For the best box of Honey, without det-l- -
troying Bees -
2(1 best
For the best 5 gallbns of cider'vinegar. 3
241 best . 2
For the bast lot of shoo leather' 2
24 beSt, ; - 1
For the best lot ofllarness f 2
Vor the beat let of calf skins . 2
Id best •
For the Best double team Harness
For the best single , carriage do
For the best pair or calf Boot;
For the best exhibition of cabinet work 3
2(1 best 2
For the Lebt plow for genera . utie
2d best
For the , best cultivator
For the best st w and fodder *cutter
For the best corn shelter
For the test churn
For the best of butter firkins
:Id best
• For the besteleese press
For the bestSorse rake .
2d best i
For tlre best siegle carriage •
201 best
To_the person who shall exhibit any.irn
„, • plenient of hisown invention, which
in-the opinion of the n committee iy
worthy . of merit and has not
obtained a Premium \
,-. For' thehest flannel. not lessttlmn 10y7da
• 3a Vett. , '
4 : Fa; die heit aloolen cloth
2d best
3d 'beg; .
For the best woolen corpeting, not less
than 15, y'rOs
2d best
For the Ixet rag citxpet: not less than
2d best t
For the best Tint fancy work
2d -best '
t For the big i(los. of woolen socks
24 best
For Ile hest of horse iho;eB for the
2d belt , ' •
" 1 - ' ORAIN. — •
Premiums to he awarded it jibe meetielg
of the society is ituTiery.
Forthe beat crop of winter wheat; not
less tbau 2 OTOS
2a beet
For bent cropiofspring wheat
For best crop'of r.orn, ' cot: ifss Until 2
2 ,- I best
Yor,the best crop of potatoesi - net less.
' than }of an acre .1 i.
d••best" • - • - t
To the fume' who will show late', great-=
est results from his fartn 9r die . pest
season itiprOportiou to . theinunibto of
nem i m prottll,- - -- a eerti ft 'late of me r
-1 it and ~ , , -f;I :.
2'.1, I
, • ,
It is to Le understood-thal - all: neat-.stock.
exhibited for premium,' shall be raised' in the
county.. 1 -. . .
Thu Executive committed. in presenting
the - foregoing list of pretniut i r. ;would. -take
occasioni to remark that it bAs teen fornied
With an intention to give 11 , 1 e krealc:,t ' 4 2 11-
, cOuranotit , 'tt . ) .c.Utnpetiti , ,it k.ton:istently
-1 with the . means of the societf,.., It is hoped
that the traereSt heretofeim ta, ken in the an- .
i .
1-nual Fair will continue
,tot inerea.e. - 11 - 16 .
i great object itt the format i on o f t his society,
; Avas to give a ; Stillilllos ii) rigiiculturt: , . by
M eans of exhibitions, meeting s and addres , es
! •
lon the sal•jeet; whereby ineti:t; inind-; would .
) be mote earnestly turned to! it, and their en
ergies excited as to the he sttno,le - s of mtlti
-5 1 vating t he land and raising iof :stock, .It is
believed that torch good - 111S:alitady been
effected.. The Coininiftee
!would therefore
- •
5 invite all who feel an interc.t W, the prosper-.
3—ity-of the county, to give a ibe i ral 511iipott. t 9
2 the enSuit• ex'iii • bition : ': -
Applieantsfor PteiniuMc, iln ..;raiit 'and . po,
3 L
;., tatoeg, are re,p;te. , ted to I give : tn - t : Mode ot
cultivation :mil complete primf!of the . Tian
-2 1, tit v unisetl..
• • • 'l' ,`& I'4' - • •
• a 1' A 4
TOAV AlVb 1 7 .11)1101'Y.'
Pka:3e'rewi itift _ts sum, tt I
tl rif imporbi,tre
to e'erj .1/Oup! Eitpet.
AVE rceilived their. spring supply of house'
furnishing' Goods. We can now direr'
seven beautiful styles of Crocitery. One of theta
new and elegant tipriiig Pattern of - White En
atnelled Warr', Our Goods lantall a No. 1 in
seconds or odd iobt. but complete.
Setts, and call !always be ,inaerhe'd if 'broken 'or
more wanted, for years to come. All the cow- .
Anon wares, COINA TEA WiAftE, so.- splendid
styles.of whittl and decorated, very low.
• GLASS' UD RE. • -
a complete arid unbpue-ded satiety. always on
hand.. TEA 'MAYS of ou'r own itnportation.
Fifteen elegant pattern far'Surpastiing• in rich
ness, finish and durability ; tlut Auierican article
usually sold, .'nt as tow prigs' and by far the
lnrgest anti tOost eitutplete — tot ever 'offered ID
these parts, from fi 3 10 . .R15 sett of four: . •
FRO,! AI!"CTIO,V 11.11?-
- •
. Brass Curtain Cot:nices, Bands. Thioks, Attel;,
at prices that defy competiti4.l Twenty ditrer...
eat styles ofit:hoso elegant I Bird. Cages, from,
75 rents to $lO each: 34 . dliffiirent patterns of
superior warranted Clocks4frbra $1 to $25 ,
each. Watches, - Cloeks and; J6velry neatly re
paired. Platd Castors, CaLie. Baskets, spoods,,
Forks,..'apkin Rings; &e.' ire. , "200 Dozen
Knives .ail Forks.. Parlor 1441 PR, Mill flang
ing LAmpOtritannia and Tin Ware. ' •
31arbelized Iron Mantle Piecesland Grates, &a.,
in feet a general 'llouie Building and House
Furnishing e s tablishment. I•
RrCall and see us at eta. "CRY STAL PAL
ACE," two doors oast of the Canal.
lar'D our Goods we not. as represented, onr
prices as low as in town, and you are not trea
ted 'well, please don't buy.
Binghamton, Mara. 1856. 1
Books That.A'l..O Books.
Fur sale at e the Mantra set:Book Store in the
. Post Office. _
Macaulay's llistory of England.
Diary_aod Correspondenie of Amos Lawrence.
Prison or Weltordrdon l l l in the East Indian
Archopelago, by Capt. Gibson,
Forest. Tragedy and other Tales by Grace
Greenwood: l 11
The Bush Boys, by Cap. Mayne Reid ..
The Great Red Dragon, . 1 1
The Prinde of the . House.of David.
Good Time' Coming. • •
• Christine or Woman's Trial's and Triumphs.
The Onyni Ring.
Man.- of War-Life.-
The Old Iloestoad. • 11.1
nt 1 • , .
Woridliill.ior, the Way&,lof Providence. 1- .
D'Aubigne'S history of the Reformation. .
Family Ti.istaincnts . with .Psalms and Notes.
• Pocket do tire, Bible's. •
Catholic Prayer Books! •
Yankee Notions, A.C.14 . • .
They say That the flfOittrose Book Store is
the place to get Books ariONotions cheap. Well
what if they do say SQ 3ilu cant tell whether
they say - the `truth. or t on - unless you try—but
never mind I 'feel very thankful for past favors
and hope to Merits continuation of patronage,
istrieVattotion . to thn wants of he . public
And by keeping on hand! is good assortment a.
Books and Stationary tip "Live and Let Live"
prices. . • • A.N. BULLARI).
Montrose, April 2, 1856. • .
- . - •
• Low rice's Inuniphant..
C±EOfiGE W. SEYMOUR & CO.; are now
receiving a ,mal,rnOieent td• Spring
and SummerJ;oods, selected with.great care
and with special - regard i t* the tastes anal .wants
Ofthis.conuminity, consisting cola chOice varie
ty of Dry.GoOds, Fancy Goods and embroider-
BootS and , Shoes,-Gibcerieyi, Ilats, Caps, and
Straw Goods,:iCroekery, Hardware and Cutlery,
&c. .Which for prompt : pay, at
lower prices than' tiny; other establiblinitnt in
this County.
I—n, • •
ru - ls LADIF:t.I
We iv-_ould say ,that they have not been forgotten,
and" that in tly.i way ofl Dress '“000a, tve' bnic
culled for theit use 1.4 . choicest - gents in the
market! *Diop in and see us, and we will take
'pleastircin'sh4wing, you the.niee.-,f and cheape.4t
stock of Condi you evil' saw in this place.
Ilarford, May 8,85 . G. .
AD GOO asW)rtaicrit. of Pktpra Dregs Lairng,
all prVcell at "r
. 0. W. 8. & Co'B.
PARASOLS ,and F'inß, new st.iii;.4 - and ehoie'e
varietieg; at G. W. S. st., (O 's
. . .
~ .
LARGE '.stock ' ' o f Crockett and . Glass
Watt at: li - '.. i, -G. W. b. & Ma . ,
-,, -
. ..
PORCELAIN and Granite Chinn at
I . G. W. fi" & PYS
Fashionable Millinery and Dress
- - Making at Marford-
iur Iss }:Dwitaim, (recently from Norwich,
IV" Conn.,) nod Afiss"Coughlan of Harrold,
would respectfully inform the citizPos of their
vicinity, that
.tbernre now .prepared to do for
everybody ins 'the most fashionable style all
kinds of Millinery, Dream Making, - Cutting:Fit
ting, nienclaq* Trjanin..g , Preasing.&F-* on 811( 4
notice. ur taailitiO being such as to enable
us to .gli our customer* new Goods, and idea
fashions Vail lite* ,- We feel - confident that
we shall be able le
_please.. Shop over pie store
or Johnston; fdivirds & Co.
June' 3, - I 8,56,--ii3... .
A NEW '6ltPritlf, of Grocerleb, Drugs,
PAints, !Glass,
c inaterials fur lights.
Zkc., ilt, - TURRELL'2.
-Lin. 10, 141;56. • •
, 5
Tud r .
NV 1.1.1A.N1•-.
OPERATE by their 'powerful influence nn the •
Internal- viscera ; to purify the blood and stimu
bite it ihto healthy action. They rciuove the :
obstructions of the stomach,- bowels, liver, and other
organs of the body,-and, by restoring their irregular
action to health, Correct, Whercvei they exist.,•suclf - •
deraugentents is arc the first comma of disease.
An extensive trial or their virtues, by Professor:,
Pity-Sicken:, and Palk:raki, has sheiwn cures of rhui
gerous,dise.ists tattiest beyist,d belief, wee., they hot
stil.stmitiatd by imr,eibs of such exalt, it p.....1h.n
and character .;c; tt' forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Their certificates are i rblistied in illy American •
••shae, below mimed arc 4.-
'rim -eel to furl ishi fri-c to all 111 d-ring.
• • •'AolleX,4 Dirt reivns for their it ;yin the
•ctiniplreileb; which they,luive brew fund vtire.
Fiat Coil i - —Take one Or two Pills, or
auell quantity 'Or to guntly move
Livi.:,c"s i t
is 11, uctitly the ag4ravatiog s
raue of
hr.s,and the cure of pile COOllitthi I. is the rife
of both. +No person can feel well while under - ..t
costive habit of holly.' Hence it should be, ai it •
can b.', promptly relieved. • ,
Fon Dtsrier,lx,avhich is roonetinic , . for eater+ .
of (.7nNti re itra::, and always titieotofortabie. take ruild .
doses from one to four-- lostintrilate the btoutarli
and liver into healthy adirolt. Theo , will do ir. and
/the hem-Auras frorfOurn, and viol/mow of dyspepsia
will r.tpirlly disappear: When it limn eone, don't
forget what Cone((
Fir a SlilMaill, or Ito/ LW? bt of Mc
ileptpclA, trliirb_prorlimes general di pi-e••• tie,
spirits and hail lir.ilile, take from four to
at fir:.t, rind i•mintici d.c.cs a ftero..l,L, i.util activity
awl iiireogth a re51i,"4.41 lu the • .
Fort ICEiteocs:si--..,•, Saes: NAt*,,EA,
Pain in the Sionkibl , ; . l;aek,r.r Side, tar.o fto7ll four
to clzkt pills on to.ked. It this unt OPuf
att,sufileiently, uiliviniare the bei.t dm; ialtil.they
d". 1:11 . M1.;•1:61:t% %1/111 C , ;11 11 , 4 the.
I)tm't.. trri...r • the:3e N a tal
ord.-rt. htvati,,e
F.,i: iitLY,lll±.l.l,, and ail 11a.2a1,...‘
of the Skin, thine the Pills fteely 'awl fn yo ntly, to
keep the bowel; open. The cntpt it'll:, VIII
suit to di t oinioh and !daily
dreadful ulcers and;Som: have been „healed up ty
the purgibg,and purifying effect t.f these Pills, and
..sonte ihsgnstinq -diseases which seem, tto snto fate
' 'the whole system hare emttpletely yielded to their
Whit-nye, It %chit; the sufferc•r in perfect lostlth.
• Patients! your dot to society forbids that. you
Should parade %ourself around the worhl covered
with pituPles, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any
of the unclean d)s(lises of the skin, because your
system wants cleansing.
To Potirr Titt 13Loon, they are the best medi
eine ever discovered. They shintld be taken freely
turd frequently, and the impurities which sow the
seeds of incurable diseases will be swept out of the
.system like chaff befOre the wind. Ils this property
they' do es much good in prevent!ng - sickness as-by'
the remarkable cares which they are•n..rltinit every
where. • • •
LIVEIt COMI . O JA'eNnten, and all 'Bilious
Affections arise from some derangement—either
torpidity, contention, or obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and render
it unfit fur. digestion. This is disastrous to the
health, and the constitution, is frequently under
mined hymn other erruac, Indigestion is the symp
tom. Obstruction of the duct' which empties the
bite into the stomach caUsts the bile to overflow
• into the blood.. This produces Jaundice, with a
long and dangerous train of ccilr. Costiveness, or
-alternately 'costiveness and dirarnma, Prevails.
.• Feverishsymptoms, languor, low spit its, yvearine,i::;
restlessness, and melancholy, with - sometimes - in
• ability to sleep,' and sometimes great drowsiness;
' , sometimes there is severe pain in the , ide; the skin.
and the white of the evesdA•cmee a greenish vtllow ;
the. stomach Mid; the bowels sore to the t.,,M•14.;
the whole system irritable, with a teinknev to fever,
which may turn tohilioas fever, bilious colic, bilious
dysentery,'Sze. A medium dose, of three
or four Pills taken at night, followed by two or three
in the morning, and repeated a few days, with - move.
the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to suffer
such pairs when you can Cure them for 25 emits.
lineuxArtsm, Goer, mittall 11.flannnatory
'rers arc rapidly cured by' the purifying, effects of
these-Pills upon the blood and the stitpulus which
they afford to th(-Tital Principle of Life. For these
and alt kindred Complaints they should be taken in
:mild doses, to more the bowelbi gently, but freely:
As a Dixtsrat Put., this is both agreeable and
useful. No. Pill can be made more pleasant to take,
and certainly none has been made more effectual to
• the' purpose' for which a dinner pill is - employed.
DIX. J. C. AYES ac CO., .
Practical and Analytical Chemists
The Cash Sydeni Adapted! Prices
- • Greatly - near:red. •
No. 333 Droculiceiy,hew Yuri..
The In rgest assortment of Pianos,
.11tzsical Instruments.; usical 31erchandisi,-
kinds in the United SLaies. Pianos from
TElS'•diirerent .umnafactpries, e:omprisint: 4h(ls e
of ei•er2.,- variety of atyte, from the
. plain, neat and
substantial G Z . octaves, in Walnut or Rose
wood Cases, from $151. 1 , to $:200, to those of the
mostelt..g;int finis.ll tip to Vile The Dollars
No houso-in the lirnon- cm compete Arith the
above in the'number,Tariety and celebrity of its
instruments, nor in the extremely Luc, prices is
which they are sold. •
:With or Without Iron frames, possessing Id
their improvement's of over.strings and action,
a length of scale, power, and compass of tone
equal to the Grand Pianc, united with the beau
"ty and durability of structure of the'square Pi-.
ario. They aro justly pronounced by the Press •
and by the first Musical Masters to - be equatto
those of any other. mudufacturer. .They are
built of the best and most thoroughly seisoned
inaterial, , and guaranteed to stand the action of
every cliinate.... - •
Each Instrument guaranted to -give satisfae
tion, or purchase-money r;. , fun led,_Secon+-band
Pianos at great bmgains, • con,,tudly
prime from 3r) to .$l4O.
410P.ACI: WATERS' MT.T.,DEON,=, supi:ri4);
,.trurueirtiin tone., touch and dim:l4ll4r olhaake.
(Tuned the ulna! temperament.) Ileod'eon's
of all oth( - ;r styles and makes. Pri:;., $l5,
$l5, $1 eq. double Reeds . , ..s,st 50 ;
doubt Iteeds - nnd two banks of Ileys, .9;20t..).
' Less a liberal di ,. -count. Clergymen .and Chnr
elfea, an extra discount . .
Martin's Gfittars,"Brown'sllsrps, Flutes. Flu
tinas, Aecordi;ons, Victim:, and Musieal Instru
ments of all kinds,
.at lower pries than ever be offered to the public. • A Ltrge discount
to Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied
on theitnost liberal terms;
MUSII7:--One of the lar4e.4 and best seteet
ed catalogne4 Of Music now pnbliAed,t!ompris
ing ninny of :the chOiee .and InoEt popular airs
of the day, nn4 will Lc al at one;-third ofil from
the riT:nlar mites.
sent by mail to all Tarts of the -coun
try pot, paid; Particular and_personal attention
()Oen; received Satisfac
'tion , ;rnarantc. , 44l in every instance. Pianos and
Melodeons for sale on monthly payments. 54.-
ond.hand Pianos taken in 'exeliamos for new.—
General and seiQet Catal i,q,ueS :tint Schedule of
prices for'.Varded to all pnrts of tilt.: oonntry by
mail.. •
t:,,,Trt;rertt inilavemonts offereit to agents in
(nutsill of the conntry, tooell the lloratm
tets' Vianossz:Nietodemng, and Catah.gne . o r Ma
sic. • 4
. • .
. • .
PESPECTFULLY informs her friends and
1' the public generally, that under the firm of
/1.-11. Storm & she has just :recei...od at her
rooms, in Keeler & store; 'p staiN,
a large and splendid assortment of Skin , * and
Summer Fashions. consisting of. elelant Bon
:nets, And all kinds of Millinery, which she will
open Monday next,. Dress inaking,Cutting and
Fitting, Blenching and. Pressing done in the beat
style and shortest; notice.
- 11;eintrose,141 . 4_8, 1856 • .
DEILSONR cl , , , f3ironm of paying me money, 'on
debt of imideseription,eau do so by leaving
their psi - Taint. yritb Pot, Cooper &
Montrose, to my - e - hose receipts
tht-ir date.
Apt!! 13: 195e.—'ff
P -0 • •
AS J ust i,i l
ns t reee i ry I to i. front New York ,••a fulj i
of i
. i
, .... ..„.,. ,
(...i.inprihtng •.1 tfrAt- rate ' assortment of Irrugsf
:litslieiftes, Citentie.ils, Alt dieal Instinmentiq
Paints, .oils, I)ye Si,uffs, China, t; iass and liart .
then Wate, (A good N'Ariety of t:r..beltery,) -Brit;
atinia IVar.e,Japannild :tuts I'lanished Tin Writ . .'
Silver anci 'Rk H otlitti kinds of Simons. ;SHver
Fork,i, Butter Kniveic, &v. All ,mrts of lAimpst..
A good variety of Wood nod Gilt 'Frame .I I
nor,. %Vali and %Window I'a per. Statiune.qi•
,tune and Viroodi , n iWare. itrusli . e.,:..•llreoln.
Family Groenries.- f..1...1ui11i Oils. Camplterim—h
Bandit , Fiviiil. TaHow Sfearla ant Sio••rm.zenti
Catellk•s, MM and other NVII:ps, Val'ilislie:i.
IVitlu..v tilass, &n. i A first i ate x ariety oficAl-
Mrs', 'lin] Vance tf..o t ds. (;,, , ,,i - ~i , ,15 5 „. , ‘,,,,r :-4. 1 ),•,!...
I.t..ii•s. (Auld latte,..l Violin-:, 11:11 , •:-, nr,s, Atl-•
__ .t m.ideons, Violin al4,VeuliarnltO ',-'trirl•••., L . V 1•..)1.-
TI le 1:,1 •,..,est. a,sort' i tio at II I . / *I. , L Knit es I
',,,,,,,, t.'„,,,,,,,, ;int ] th e ii,•,.t. D i ud'ity i,, ma . , 4 1 4. si,.[L
1; ..,IN, 1 , ;,,i,,i", (~ii,g(e, alt I 1)0,110e mu- 1 ci,,i H!l
-tulverr, &,•. I- •
In ~lest; thr Pliyidniam the lovolid, the 110u.4-
1-....1 I.••r,tlioVartner,l'llu , :11eninma., tlJe :11sillifal.
! HITT , the 1.1,,1' 0 , , ,:ifil at Blot, Itt. GA.l.l4.lnart. Gl , '
'Lndv, the itii'll'aliii I. Ptnir,.tli t . Yilung niitl(ll.l,
Ow Bentitifitl:ffid :f i lm Ugly, the (ay'ami the
F ashion:lMo,and aBIIIM rest of the people, will
find something to mtpply Owir cloy day wants
at Tairtell's, 1 • • •
I • . 1..1.:1,111;RELL.!
` 7 I'l • • -
H In Tllltt.l.l'
.. .
t: )1 ?? .1..1 N . ,:,...11..\ IN,: 1 .,.t„,.: ii,-, : i! ._ !. .• ;t l, tilt.
1i ,i,t•!i,;111V,I(.11! : tIlhlt, 1.11 i: ..• 1 ,. !: , kl : f.'l : l. 4 , 1 lit,
v. , i .. ". alpi {1;1111 . :Ikltf:iti . 4lli ., ii, ~I, L. y.• -,14,,1 , i;
L , 1•:• , !.2 . r , : , dioi ;-:,,,,ii ~-1. (:„.„,,, ti,,,y 1 ,r,. 1,t,v,- . r,•_
r 4.;,. ini.f, :ant-t.irvt 1,, - :r:11, , :It : r:, 11,0 11."./..l. 3.1
:! . 1 . i:t1..!1 1. , P thtir 11;i1 :•: • , 11111( • 111 ill t:tapit. I)! y
1.;4,,,,i.);t , •41 s
;c, I ardwm , y, Ci,p1.1.,; y, P :it. l - ,
.nd !El-. l ' 'Zl . ., fl .1 Ore prt :r/r0rt.,,c,11 .. .!:it ;: Lir rt
zis.4.ltniolit a
ur (Nur ) . dcheript - 14.,:.•
Ch.(11,, t'a•sitilvrtri. 1' . .vc , ..1,, .1....w5, ..Siatntno
Clutu. i . Vustink:, 11.Jath :c1.1! 1.'nf , .., 8 , ,,t, , .. ::11.1
:31 (,(S &v. .&ts. i
Tray r'... ,,, ,,eqctfu ...i,licit, luLenrk en!! fri,lu
th,,,v,44 iv.. vvi:,ll tkil pinch:,, 1,1;y61.; G , ,,,:,..... ~ f r
I,i,v,' Vi:i....i:s. ; ', • i •
, • 11 . ,•111.1,AN & PARK.
51, .in rcilic, 1:12,12.,, 1854. •
English ,over .Wa*lletp
. , . . ,
- ..1 -7't (DECI'AVEI) i..), sh'l3l-414,
c ''''''' .. I I , P dill' .•' tiozeit ti` , le I.t .
r.::.'" , -.1,
~..,i-• •-• '''' - 7 '. 1 '
4 - :. - . - ; .-...` . * itI;(;;I! spiemi;.l i'.:lL - ri:-'. .I.(vv , r
,(•'..) '',..44:llltinting Wateh'e:., of my i,v,in
;‘,, ,- - -. ' 4 . 'lrn Nclrtat , wi wartatitel tnc•
- ne s t r... t 1- I' ''• ~ ;- i I
1A ? l e . • ‘;':" 1 .' ' ''e , ..• very best qua,:;y, i Ai , n, ;:i
1. ~ , ,c-,,t4V;r II '
i- - ..5...:-.... - !::..t-. - tsnrt lot o f very s , iiieri;;r
11,, - ;.aionts, %villein %%ill h , e.n,i;d in aliy !styli- it
quality, t.) ...nit putelia-ler:i.
. .
Binghamton, 1:1iell 11, 185 C. ' . 1 .
• • • . ti. ,SY I ID )" .•.. i
TriEsub,lerill is. now recei‘lng his see orid
general pure lase of GOODS this Sprin4,
which renders his
. 4-sort:new. very Cesirable acid complete. By strict attentirm - to business add
by •fitir dealing, ho hopesto merit a liberal share
of public patronhge. To those friends Wl'o
have - yielded to him 'their preferences, and kindy
sustained hint by !their patrona , 7e, with - the i 1.1
tentiun of aiding Nim in reg,ainining in part ti i ie
heavx loss reecntlk sristained by fire, ho tenders
his sincere thanks,lwith the assurance that their
. , ,
interests shall bealutually promoted. I
._ • ABEL TURREI.L.! i
Montrose, April 21,1856. •=.
. ~
"... .N Ei
nurtpc i,tictLis hereby given that S. A
1. Woodrufr isireveivirg a new Fot of Sto%es
and wares of al! hinds usually . kept in the Sto've
and Tialino ;,f among which 10y l.:e
found - 3 :be tler as - fort went r:f st.ovo, hen% ler. lltr
ger and'uwie durAle than ever : 'before tactied
in thisreounty, alf : the proof you need will lie
just to call and !kaoline for yourselves. -: , k11
stoves watrantediin every respcet. . I
Kept t.tonstantlY` ou hand, an- extensive assOrt
tnent of Tip want, triade,tult of the hest materi
als which is.oftered for sate as cheap as can i be!
bought - in any inn rket, also nn hand Lead Pik,:,
all sizes, Chain a , l gearing for Choi n Pumps,'
Cistern Putnp, a I sizes, Brass . andeßoreeliani
kettles all sizes; Ilappaned ware. all kinds. !
Joidurr done oil short notice :aid in good !or ,
der. All Goods in the' Hile will be sold cheap
for cash or approved Credit. .
[ :Montrose, Mati f ell 20, 18,56.
' _t
. -New- f oods at Webb's- : ,
..TUST opened ihy the s . tilrieriber :t full assort )
V merit of Sking- atid`S.otruner Goods, whieli
will he sold cheap, Cheaper than ever..
Givo us a call.) Yon cannot fall to be suited
or quality, quantity, and terms. tlVerything:
fsuallY fotind in it variety storo: '
New Goods
Arriving daily, by E . .rpressi . al flopbollpnii,
THE Subseril,er3 are now opening. a larze
and wen 4e!ceted stock of new GoiAS.—
Consislic,g.oflYfy Goods, GroceOes, Ilardwaro;
iteady EfootS and ,Sbot:s of
sizes and ttiles,lFlottr, Corn Meal, Salt, &e..A:o.
All of.whicb !they w1:1 cheap as ! t•aa
be balvdtt, els(..Wherc in the Conn;ty,in excJl:inge
for Luinbc-r, SigintrAs, Producb of all kind,t,
e g A L apiino.:4l3 credit. 4
Two per pr r paid fol•
. 4tiod Sotiks;
Sixteon cts. pvr doz. for 1
Twenty et.i. e, , r lb, t',,r Plotter.
i :
11,,pbott.iin.):i.pril 31, 1'356. 1
_I . . 7--
Rhode's Hover and Ague Cure,
(An Antidotei to Malaria: for .the prevehthm
V/ and mire df Fever and, or Chill' Fe
ver; Win' Agile, mid 6thor • 'lntermittent zini
Remittent:Fen:km; Ti.a of Billions, Fevi•r4, ne
cornpanif•dhy lryill)ol.1 Fever, Yellovi , ileyer,
Ship and Jail fever, . G..lieral I)ehility, Night
Sweats; and all; other.. forms of diisease .;% - hielt
~. ... is
• i
, .
E'pi tll rertaisijr..ria . prr.v,ntivc. or sure.
Fur Kale by ttic!
I.lolPropri,.tpr, 11.
It. . ' I. N: 11171.1.Art1).
lontro,zo,i::lfily 1, 1 . 2356. •
Tortible Accident,
H A l in , ,N d i i i , r, ,i ) , , ,,, , i , it. :t a tr .‘ : ,, t i ; t r , q . n re., t d tl y e
t o u t :1 11 d e;
( (..1 •- es
at, the Store', and the first day'; wearing the. ac
cident occur:aid, First, efi'drapt his coat-iail by
the-mere force of giving to'',en-,
fortunate man the apperpnc - e or a badly trimmed .
craft with the ;flying jib in the stern, rind on
stooping over 6-pick up the remnant, the dread.
no 'casualty Dirk place—the fountains- kif Um
great deep wereibroken up---6rPPT . I% pantl Were
sundered from- stnkle i
waist„ . and Green imseif
seemed to_ bo. Ti le only. Way to prevont'Suelt
deplorable . accithints is to patrOnize a skillftil tai
lor, who stake's up his work with a deterniina,
thin that it shall not iniiy lit neatly-, but 'wen!
well.•• Green buys at the clothing store because
he thinks he et:4 g et his gparing a little cheaper.
In all brobabil ay 'the praits - =-Jkat served MW so
treacherously -hid passed through a feverthospi.
tal, been striped from - a cholera patient, 'a,t'rietl
home eight nights in tho . w&k on - a shuttieri and
finally bleachedi .and zarriiia by an ingenious
Frenchman for it market in the country. : Take
wartlitiLy by doer Green's - Mishap, .and gril:to a
' tailor shop like:Abet in the bestrient , of - Oestrle's
Hotel it you went to be suited.
re"CuttingF.dotie u.mal, and all v. o r .tv.r
raut.d. - 1 . .101 In GROVES.
Me,atro'e A'ig.37,l'i5 5.
ff; j Ifs; l 2,
Carpotings, Oil Cl .ths.
" I
thiiCruckery awl I rou r
se, urn t erity Ez. , t
brhUsltutetzt. i)LT.Eu;
Cheaper than ;t:ly ollwr
liaattos:. _ •
rota•ti•Dtkil:s tir THE .1,11E;lit;A:g. )Jorr.L.- *I
1wiju1..1),,:,11 tlyt attention of t
80 the publie to my spring iti
uares,for their t eloganee of style rt
lillish,lar surpaisAtig anything belt
at l oti havisig the largest tissiirtment 1
' repleiti-th!.oltl . het.i:i ttml furni,ll mil
1.1 ail liiii: i i mv,..,..lint , ps, a t a k s , I i„
: ~thga• Ll,it,Ae in this nhnnty. • .
i. The, atteittbm or nt:). , .' I tiai,nl,,t,nersiis.inutit•
1 tib.rlyr eallttt, to my stool: :et onl,rat:ing all Litt!
1 mitottli,.., ii ...,‘lt tt-efol kind ornament:it, pf 11t,t1.4,•
for:1-1.1:et (1.,/e1 , ,,• f•r a vonr,let.,• - .ortigi.,--.41,1
beitet:tlit''s he:ivi:y I.ll._ , ;:e_feil in. flirt '4..eitt,-,1 , ..t. ,
i ltra'beil, ~Ifer _rest advant,:r4es to Purt•h:t.s..,rs. -----"-- • '.....,
• - . ' Gfeat 1.4
i•cII(g.:I:ERN AND (111 INA 1/ElkAlt.TME\l' ; ... ,t'
1 ~- ~, ,• ' i lilt.l . :A t
1,l,•,-, it. ,arg - 0.4t rariot , l ev,er off , •red [wrote : I. ..14'• FORE
I i i , thii, ~,,:til.n, id .111 th t1;1111-val..,,,ts. . : 441 .„ 1 , ,„,,,,.,,,
. I ~t1r,•11) plea
1.1/1 eery treetletl article. earp! null 0;1 i, l'""1 1 , k- -- .r' 0 . 1
,111,,t1ps. Tills brati4l, ovimple. , , the ..setmint tkor k Slid 1 1 vcrki'i. 1 , 1
1 of otr,r t,taliliN,ltoWnt, nearly 100 feat lio depth, i ., knu4 r"v"H
iwelt Ip,toult, ,I will, Veit t, 13russels, Three-I'ly., IY- -
I t,ll ioyja;:, - 4. 4 ;: t rp, tiag . s,„,lttigs,'lttnt.;.;• Vl'indow ' Please ',4"
• 1 . -11,:tties :Md. Table (..1,,‘, et:, v.llielt . :11e. litrufeliAll : P I Y ''' lb Ywk r
. ,
I tt,,,,11.1 adt . t rwt, Iron, co-I. ' t I
' l. ' ',apt; in a t
, . ~ . ,
1 • ' iYt r' '
t ,-......- ~',:ato_rsakrar y -,, ,, , ~ , ,,babel;. 1,;.e,4 - 1,,...
( ,i,. , ;ie-,, ti - ill. !ii.t1e . ,..;,.,,v, t,), 1): ,,,, 0h 1 a i „„.1 (,), 0 1,,,.,n 11,011 I .
I;1. ,es, it; ~„.f.reat ‘aripty. 1
11f)t - ,!:41i 1.111C`:.1:4111N6 (o‘)Dt -7 ,, ,
1 t , •,, , t ;-tiny of W,,0,Lar,,, ‘Villo‘v Vtral , -,. l'n,tp , l-1; '-
. t;,,:,.,1,, li'ro,,nnia J,,panned ',',,r. fd . s*;tll" - I itiaNt
, -,..zir'i:. , •.1',., 1: ; .:,;ii . '!lt v:.;i:0...; ~ .t.\, ! ..:, , •1',1.!-.l' - \ - i , ~.
( .1.0.t,1 ,-. lit :tiiil.i I iii-1. - 1-; I . h . lid, Oil ':1:01 . :;1,1 it' .°-
. 1,;;;r4t0,, Ittr,i (
.':, , ,0: , ,,.11, , . b,,,,,••' 11.1-:iet-i itt_Aienlers
1";:i5 . 1,,!;.. \ ,. .'11 . . 1.c.1•.
i'ric~ :: ! w
--- i
'ZI, I
TA Oar•
--••\ 1:1* tlit
1(.11 ~,,,,, 4(.41
I •
I t i - pc1 ) 141 olit; cry .
Allittta aria Brit Iniit-waru ! • Alsu
; Ilkittcr • , •
,t,! c.l
• .
Vint -t! STi:IN4;,.i, S r - ; t111 4 liij- litni•t..s, -
, ,
. tipultis, A!..c,i:deotr.4,..):.'lics I lru,ilii,;.; fftiiii,,&e.
. 1
I, . L
1 i ' T-t."1!) I..!;Mi'S, 1 111111, i..1ti11)./enel.Can, , , l/CS, Lail11: 1
, I
i li!'lavr 1r Gr'i.'ITIFS —A full assottplunt, not
1.I::; ,
AND PATr.Nr 1,1:....i. , ! , .-..NE . is.--- fir.:4 raft
:tsl•ii , rte),:nt, :;n1 genuifw. , 1 :!
•i , !
OA tx:r..4. , A7:1 , 01t.5.—.1 gon, , ral :ii;io,7tment, ant:
01.`- 1 , ,,.,,i.: (0:11ify. . i !
3 .e.tvEr.,l:v.. \ —A, ......plenaid ‘'nrietyi, or the heatest
, .
Goi.ips.—Nearly ever 9. thing in thi,
PET:rumEr..v.—A i!,1011.4e var7i•ty.
(New sulpplie-i• reeeiveil nearly li•vvt
In short . , nearly everythiniz, peron:4,lwant, and
cap, a; 016 Ist.,_,rc of
A.TtJftE ;LL.
I • II •• - •
Montiose Jan:lo, 1856
TdopartnerAip heretoforeiisting be
tween E. Patrick jr., aiad Gl Z.lDiinoek SH
this dissolve , ' by mutual coul,'ent. The
honks are loft in the ofTii2e of Dr. Itatriek, and
D.. ; D. Searle is authorized td colleetl .aml settle
Montrose, Pa„ Jan. 11 , 1856. 1! •
I : .•. •
TUS"treceived a lot lir New Goods, ' : such as.De
ei, Laines. De Rages, Para. mettar, 'it . .* : - n, Al -
pac a s . (iii.gliants, Merinos. Prints, anal — shawls,
hilYtrit alv.neral assortment of Dfy Goads which
. .
will be sold low • • .
NVANTED—Socke t Em, Butter,Lard,Clicess,
Oatinel, &c., any goafitity• in eAchanke for Goods
at cash prices.
Montrik.e.Sypt. 1555 . ' ' . V. W. MOTT.
i H • - . •
Frei!' Arrival of Now - GoOkls-
114 • • . j
subscribers' Tespeetfull . inform
!":L the „good people of Susgaehnniv Co. that
`'they arc now opening their stock ler Fall and
\Vinter:Qoods which is. unusually large at
,:lractiv6 all of which-will be gold 'for cash or
approved credit cheaper than can be bought; at
any other estahliahroCnt in the county Wa mean
Ijust what we say . . Please give tu : 3 4 trial, • '
I•" New. Milford, Sept - . 18th, 1855,
• • Clover Seed - 1 • -
n Ls/ KIND an (1 fifty.
t .. JJ srlr by U. 1 14 Scat
.N6willertl,.March 17; 1856. : j'• *
. • • 1 .
W. Singleton;. •
1 - 1
-AN now be found at - 1114110W stand on the
corner of Turnpike and-ChoOnut
few doors ca:•st. .ef . Pest7s,.atort, where! he
o:Tectuaily repairs: with: disikalclit c : WatAes,
Clocks, Guns. Jewelry, and.etTry desr-ription of
machinery. • Wheel cutting, Gu l p and Watch
materials suptolieti to thiitrade. 1 .
. .1
Attention Farmers !--Pitow Points
OP almost every pattern and kin l .l now in use;
Also, No. it. L. Illatehl4 Plowm and:
(26r0 may be had at any tinte of day, and',
.until JO o'r1o1:1: at night ; in exeliange for Cash;
t,1.1 Iron, Grain, or l any kindlof
,of . N. 11ULTAILD,
• Montr , ;sii', :thy 1, 1856,
WT ti ,4 l . p o ti ; r .
sign ,l for li , .4llting Facto:
The 4, works ate etliewnt aria
sinyto in their conFtrut:tionotml 'warranted in
give entire sntisfavtion. Appl v. to R. coATEs
&, Co., at Anther, Warner & Cu's 4 3'.76 Broad.
vnv, N. V.
1858. i _
~" ' Just Received - -• • ...-
i t Newlotof Boots and Leathek, tiyol for sale
than ever by H
11. 1 ASULEY. •
' flrv.klyn. I)re. 5. 1855. ' • .„
"•. - •
, -- - - - ' .. al' '
maly° : . •
INTO Brick Illock,•front room, (VE.l"' the ,Store
)1' M. S. Wilson & Sun, :. i:
.. - .
Vlitr,, Dentist". ,
Montrose., - 31.1y 9,•1856. .• i -
• 1, " . ' t
Pt LOVER:rind 'rirrinthv Ly • -
. Moiitreige, April, 1856. -
. , 1.
C.l: apposed , to ba cheap . $1.009 , worth , Rendy
tTlinatlo clothing' at . - - !!
& 4ARRA ; I9 I B - !
-14ew Marred, {dept.! 16th, 18.5.11;-
_ New Spring Gods •
- Hon
ANi W and general . toinrit4ent, of Spring: hal
Goads of superior attreetieps iri stiles and'
priece are now being received add. opened
• • DURTUTT, 1
New Milford, April 28, 1 8 5 6
. •
• OUSE Trirmninov. nt
• I Mee,
Take Notice. • . tho S
QUNDAY SCI - 1001.9- fumis, ed with Libyan: l i us a
'ties tifitirerer.cstzes at e - wl Vox!: watit
ptiee4. Call nt the Pefit Mee,'
Ma 7 '7 Dit.f. i No .
'1%, - ;Ot wI,7A h ()lir 1.-.;•:'14-lit;on
J. 11. Dl':
Port4blo 'gas . Wo. k ---s:
• TO
fri q E SUB
3l ' and our
'l., a
, • VERY
op s .r G(Ioi)
tipot'tation of
Ind floatity of
,r° ealsilsitcd,
in- 0.0 rt., tin
ire °nos
itu !than tiny
At stich
entir4. satist
‘vitlt Itlivir
Al; kit:dm
a .;;~u:u~:.~'ii
,':-:•tar ~1*
0;;!!, - ...,, v.l
. . .
t I
pri !irt
4 • Neu
1 )e.
1.f.1:15, &e.l
week eti-1
s /!-
June 13
. S 1 0
hi* tri
ssiirtni,en I
4.1 t nw
S. IA:•nli
D:• wt. 1.1
variety of
Pzitterns, s
t illack.AV
Whieh tog
perhaps th
of se)
made to o
old stand i
Atontiott at Home....
UNDYASIGNED would respect
inform the citizens - of Dimock and.
udio: , cell/Illy, that he: Fas Opened n
It:lock foul corners, avbere he intends
af,ftantly on Ifitnd a fond and. well
)rtment of Dry Goo(kGroceries, Hard.
,eery, ankall kinds- of Merciindise,
pt in n country store, which he will.
; if not. lower, Chan. any ot her:establish-
Northern Perntsylvanin,,Alontros:e not
. Gentlemen - end Ladiei give 'me a
xamine my' stock. of Erf Goods,. and My
Yon . Will sac'e at least some" mileS, tray
haps from ten to fifteen cents on ev
r. pay ont. A Dodd assortment of
:ade plothin'kept constantly on hand.
ds.of CobntY produce taken in excliange
at the 'Market price.
DiMo4 6 ,, 18.51—y1
cuii )
the surti.3l
store at
leete.l ass
, Cr
ii nslo%
Mt iii
11, and
1 :end pe
.►y dolin
Ready MI
AU ki
f q. Good;
ai Le
largo 4:11 II
!O No.
rat)ly 1
n town
' ut at .;
S. per
iron' It•
c 1'
jugs atd
Ventu .1!
frorvi 10 1
'I inen4,l
::Sauc4, 1
Truu ,
laces .
['me() Lcfii
117 h,,
On •
and thi
and gIJ
- .-.1 , •.T,r , , .:, ' 117 . 1.• !, fl I's ' , '/ V7'. it' rgIN : ,Ur $ •
TxE, PUBLIC ._ •• i 1 lit iii,Ukti l t - 4 061. 4 4 ilaitelLir t ,A,L,
lit ALISIIED - EN7Ell.y' TM latl4ph.i 1101iikas . py
. . -
~,,,,,,- ....,...
. 0 ,.. n .
:clungits having taken the Stnre 1-' %VitY.ACA .I. X . At.:,44,,Vg141,_
himsed thi: Stock of GOODS of It. I . . .
, 17E112315.:-..44 1 13 if.ettshin ridvnnk., - .8tt.,00
1 1 e pr q .reit to keil for Itcady l'au .I , - - . . .
-- ,notpaldwithin.s - Lxmonthe..oW $11,69 ;: k t, ihe tpft ,
1 of the year. No paperdi eonttrsuen !trail nifenrue
ges are paid, exkl , r.Tfati.llll:. ()Olen of Ott.: Pub..-
i is ti: , Al I 01 ninut niealiens•vonntiited ;with the
offiee,fo insure attentin,u)tit4lmidirecttql (I ) °kt.
pa id)•to E.ll. C1141.31i,-E.ntion,3lontreStits- -
queliannaCoutity - ,l l a. - •• . --
•-•• ''' .---.-..••-••
ES. •
. .
AVA • •
•111-'4:. V,
N N9TIONI, • -
. ANI) SALT. •
AND I;l'likAt. Lt.:Ana:lt ;
• &c., &c,, . •
s :is (they hunk) cannot thit Lo oi ve
+etioti to .01' who "may 1*::Nor &nu
i product! taken in t•Nat;:n , _re for
J. A: 11. A5.111,E.1
)5, 1§.55
ANI) r;:\ II 0.F.1
JAI E 5 . 1 71(.; G(;())).S,
.!ry ,111:11;.ty, sueh as will he
00 1 :36,•eintntolail• all elu.sses Of
1-the eldhlin the crepe to the old
1101Wht. (!tt tht
lu taws, and Will he sold at-,eording-
i• us a cal' anti we - willtry to sup
thi! line 4.11A;44({1.):3 v‘er
Oori". You .11,•ed not to
01".:1!1y watit, wu
frov , tf,i t•Uv.
!0 : 17 . Ii )1I NSON. lj
1%1, :\ 1855.
1.1';7'7' , t , iti• :015 Is rue.i,11 . ..
‘4114:1: k4t;vt.,,
iit• fool N.iti,, , .;vv.t.tql
I .::I!!0;
el!:ht , \von].
R 5ti
!,,AVel.(•s l . 1 . 1 . 0):1 tar.; !ft:St Votinilrie.i
Utira for,:rt - ,11 with Ow
1:1:.1.1o . tii order flOr
Vk Utillile dtfy
vr...1 will he ikt the must reduct:cl
ts!. or•io,•irtiv2 , 34.: , T , lil: •
jw.l Oct. 1855. •
Goods Che,ap for Cash.
t()-1.-r11:1.4 just r'eLativotl another lot of
tio.ock such . as :Dame Dc
:I, , zr.s,(lringlittlls, Collars, Embroidery,
wlisvm !tr. or.rEils VEI:S" LOW
S/LI.W./.gB; a ttew
Hatttiful !).itt•rns at very . I,togy pricc.s,
'l-; and 1.31.,AC'K S/LIII2S
/g)v%...t. • • . g
•• C. Ir. MOTT.
! Stove!. ! Stoves! ! , .
, •
,eribvr t" tlit.• attgin (
tu•his very large
'Store Pwwmt in Loilerivilfe, next to
•int'is Store, and tear. the Great Bend
ha, in addition to his forrn,er, large
(yoking and Parlor 5t.0 - t - (1;s, mar y new
stne of - which are— • -
,-I Peireh,Aralicii, - , - 1 , ire ris,
GT MO 7 1 0 , 2 Medi:ll.lo ,
rrior, Orient, ink,
' Egg Stove, . • ,
ether . with his fortn?r stock will be
most extensive and varied assortment
`.e - ted . Sloyes in the County.
lon Stoves well furnished iit I owpriees.
articles in his- line kept on hand and
der as u sual, and orders received:it his
in. Great 13end. •
Ile & Great Bend Nov., 1856.—tf.
mho Cheap' Store,
) 8 ,L 4LI a
1: 1 4,2 7. 7e , fr . 37f 2.3 1
ncleryig,atid would - renveetrully inform
inliabitants'orlYinghnnjton, and vicinity,
Is recent!y purcha.,.. - vd of Edwv:rd Priest
and well selected of
tetnored froth La_ Payette Block
8 Cuurt Street, on doot aboi•e: 'the
.Hotel. .
1 .
'ntire stock has been purchased. - conshi-
Blow New York cost,' cmonFlt no to
him in -saying. that he will sell Goody
shun can be, bought- at any. other Store
Goods, -to- the abovo stock 1 jum t been t
large invoice .of . Spring and Slimmer
the latest kt:iilt.s, which -will be 4lescd
bargains. .
tOel; eon,igts in nart tbc., following-
Fine Lawns i f: t• colors\ Troll, 9 to
yard.; Calittoe:Anterietin and bigligt,
to 11. e. p4.r Yaid,; Merrimack - and * Co- -
ints,:tt I I e.:-Bleaehed and Brown Shee- -
I Shirtings, Iroin 4e. to 9.5. 6d. per_yarkt.;
y Jeans, front Is, 3e. to 3s. C•l.:per y'rd-;'
luar, - from ti to 3s. fi 1. per pair ;
ts,frOtn 10 - ,3. to 3.1e..p0r yard: DeLaines
to 3.5. p& Also a largo lat of
Quilts 'anti Curtains and
Shawk, Glbvcu, Talde Covers, Silks,
=inleroideria s, e. Sr 4.. •
tind Bags.,.4A all 6izea and hri-
pon't .f9r . get the number, Cou rt street,
east olVie Atuerkan . .tiottlkbut . call
purtthasing elsewhere'. •
I 11. C. (101nON.
canton, April 3tl i - 1.856
H. J. Wobb,
Sitritp.; Goo
dem nthis prioeg.
I •
roiP.'llarch. 11. 18'56, - •
ALDWrN' , Bc
. _ •
Naale and Retail dgalersin Poor, ealbyorlr,
'ram, F'eed,t. rindles, , a tasolar fall for
rlt • •
heentit. Street .— . 41.t0t end of-Lyons & Chan
re , Mont robe, Pa • •
rose 0eL30,1Et55.--.--1-1.
e Iluilders' Depot , for Stpigttes ,
nn. Coattail,' at New - Milford _
KEfIMAN St GARRETT ire giving:es:
eclat - attention to this iinprovoment !eon.. ,
[id in this County the - coineing . ,Seasop,
W offet a helping hand, by keeping: eon.;
for sale a large %quantity; of Window sash
• :-
Blinds, ,Doors, Nati*, Paints and Oils,
complete assortment :of builders : Hard
&e. Those going to e tit v i i . ; onuses in
'ring will find it for 'them interest An . give
,all, ' :We can. ftrinish every ..,..thini,t, you
.'r.d at the very lowe , i't manufaetsirieg-tart;
. DYCK 11 RN! .i.N &.:- G MLR A TR'
Milford,. Poi). A. MIL-,
O, . .
. -
ne square
,(12 linesorlevs).:iinsertions4l i oo
Each subsequent insertion,
.. . :._. ..• .0,25
thesquare three months? . -. , . ..-. o,to
.One Square six - - - "4,00 ,
litisitiesS - Caids,four lines or - Irrns., ~ .; 3 % 00_
V,,arly-advertisements ,no t over 4 squares 17,00-
One eolumn one yea • 30.06.
Yearly . atlVettisereovill Ike fest tieted tothoo :
bu;iriessin'•inch t hoyare engaged ;and ar,e eon.
siitereti to etintinue ctiverlit•ing
the give special direetiotrz , fora diteontin--
ti:lbee of the - same. ' .
:you wouti.
The publishers 1)::/v i itd;ied to tlieirjob
Printincr nurterialn a large : and surriOr DS - Sotto •
meta of Job Type s arc ricrir prepared.ta•execuki
Work in a manlier niisnrNssed in this seep
Lion of co iiiitrjr, and 5.41 reakonietie terms. - •
jeveni ilenerilotion 0w.614 ;r . r .
0 hand or !Anita 16 order. • -..;•
lqlt'siness Pittriort
. -,- :=, „.- ..
1 4.k.r , ;!;a:.fteati . 1 . 1 .1Pc - p6.1, 17a-.....ADDisols . 8L . 57:-
1 . AN - i, Pri,prietor . . ... - ' •-•- . .
... • _
• —______
. •
'Hu itykio srittittr it, co:,
. _ .
. . .
1(!£.11.1.'4.91'S or :in:OUTS COWILJN'iIiCAIt.
S :,!ILI . 7IICSViIIe',LyC6IIIIICia .Pft
Spriligs, intLy be hail id :11.14.W.iisyn;Nioatrose.
Zi 1 11 V K,1.117411- 41e, Co.
. ,
(?;1.1)1 net and Chair Mauufac;i4mrs.,footMain .
Street, Montrose:o'a. • - • •-•
Surgeon Dvtrtist, .It , ,lttrose„ 14 at
• Senrie's 11.4.telfAturiday* . and Tzteildays preach
seek;_ - 1
c.31,11LY, 1 .ti er. n
De;ile'r.i Dry (11,‘,.(1,Groveriks; liardware
Crockury„ I3ovts and Shoes, Av.; aptiogv;llt;
lutnna 1)cpol,71 1 a: Office:over S.D.' Wet
A Aill' l42l '.Utlrf..2ll7,lL,lTorrucraE,YA.
Deq:!er in.Drfifxs, .11 edkines, Chernietels,Dy&'
Paints, Oils, Varnishes;
dow Glassy Grueeries... Goudg„.Jewelry;,-
Perfunlerv, Agent-:or all of the most
vorpular .1:;;Itunt. ues:, 1 -
• 91E ti - • .
rasitioita.t.k, or—ShniVlpltier . Searles
31ain Street;llontrnse, Pa.
- •
3OH3T- COLSTEN; •-• •
DEALEn Stove's, Tin', Ccmier'and SheelTfon
4Vare,bldersville,aenr G.rtat-Bend Deriot:-.131-
• .A. Lathtop, -
D . F.A.I.ER 'Ready-nee Clothing,- Hats and"
C::ps. Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods; &e - .
'Store opposite Searle's Hotel, Montrose r :
C. D. LATHROP, and /
J. P. W. RILEY, [A. Ltrukor.
Dr. Merrit H• C• Vail.
IThiRUGGIST an 4 Onsmisr, and Dealer'in
.l3. DRUGS, Illediciines,Ohem feats, Dye Stuffs.
Paint.s, Oils, P.itty, 'Window. Glass, Camphint7
uj€l, Perfumery, Yankee Ncijousoke.,-84e..,.-..
. .
11.TTORNEY AND Co LLOR AT LAW; 1114:111/1'08e:
. .
- Pa:, will attend faithfully - fp busincJia":'en
trustee, to him in 'the -county' of Sasquetiiinni.:-
COnveyarreing and writirig.of ati,icitids-mill be
dune.„neatly,.and charge ntotlyiate,..-:.14
ako attend, the prosecution ofelairukorsof
- diers, their widows ontibeirsoLgtinst,ib.V.V4
g,vv;rn in - en t, for Bounty . Panijn4;• - 44c: , :.
Maybe found at nll .I 14; 01.6,e0 fofire,rly
• ocenpiki by• J . rd;Esq:;uortb dorthen
• Court -House.---1853-73 -;-• •
. . 1. .
- A - Akt. O. TYLER,
Interetted"th-L L.' Hunt .--..
btroLvrEr, Awn' DEALE in Itardw:are arid Cut..
- lefy, Carriage Trim ings; Springs, dee;
- . . No. -21 Pearl Street, N Y.
Wit ero his Mercantile riends, in this slid other
Counties; are tindlir in viteci,and &It:mess/yet:elicit
ea to call and purchas6. 0 - - 6tf., .
J. IL Pirsons,
WIIOLESSA E AND qtf.'fAlL • DEALEA in Cabinet
IVare, Sofas - , - Bedsteads, Tables; Stands
- No. 9 Washington street..
Binghamton,N,. Y.
Or Collin Warti•Room up stairs. ;
J. D. VAIL, N. D.
1311YsiciAN and Surgeon : has: permanently.
1. • Ideated himself at Entekneyville,'Sumpt
County, Penn'a,.and will promptly attehd to all
cztlls with. which he may he favored.
Illav 1856.-1)21
. .
.. • A. Pickett, . :
.71.75T14 . 6„0F THE'.PEAOx, Collector of Debts,
Esccutok of Decls, Wills, Contracts, &c. Of
ti, s!, I 4(..c..- , i Ile, l‘ryo IA Ilg county, Pa. .."
May 9, 1':856.
,$) - Montrose, Ps., .
FP I: .Li..ruF.: rotutalt
C T OriSigAnteilf3 Co).lstaut_ll:Rereivedi
• MoUtror36, Penaa'a;.
Ail zdzes and' deiieriptions, in arty quantity;
mado to order, pr the - $. 11011 ,, t r _ no
tieo. -
Nevi- Milford, Veu&a. e
7 ri ir.".:S.VILL: Dealers In, flattens
Cf , at qpende PI, - Threads, F r
(10,3 , t, ‘Vatehe,, JeweiTi k Saxer and Ph i t e a
11'aro, (*lttiery, Fistilid Taekte,-Cl,7,ars, 4te., &41.
Aterdbintl d • Peddlora supplied on liberal
to rin •`;
1.0 LIN•
. . _
• DR.- E. 17. IVILIKOts
1 - i-titA ntrxrig f t Alleprithia lb-.
Iveopathie Colten e' w pir MedtoriaNis now
inGrot, INrid - Tit._- •
April Ist, 1656. ' - : • '
. . . ,
.. - L,ASIIIONABLE TAILOR. Shop - 'bye!' -154
.12 Store of C. W. 'AIWA.; near - 'hitch's Ho•
t CA 11.71LDWELL
'0( 'Earth
it rp -Ware, No. '7
Warrorr Str;?.el- I SISAv Yorki - •
1W I).' nithwsTEß: