The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, July 10, 1856, Image 1

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    #l3t,oTge . A. , ,.fikirst,.. Vitbliiqi-r,
()Ijoirt ffettp.
Perish the hand that would destroy
The teinple'er our sires ! •
Perish the heart that hopes for joy
In its , consuming fires!
Let not the -monster be forgot__
Who ditres to VA the flame. •
Itat curse "him with s traitor's lot,
traitor's name. E ,
Oar fainting hopes rile;
Ourloitering hula - art:a : stanch
And Freedom's banner still floats high
O'er a unitedland
The stars.that gem the azure fold
314 cease,au•liilc to shine
! the arm that• holds
Th dagstaffis Divine
• -
While the dark raven bodes - &spai r;
And still our fear renews, - - , •
The-nblee.agle, high in Air,
Ills'enward nap pu-rsries:
lie dreads not there the tempest's wrath,
Tialug.ll all iiia thunders roll :•
But soiN aoove the tempest's path,
. •
Exulting to the gnu!.
___.------------------ --
clitliOtlitittlilii . s -.
Tilt,, ..I.IIK lif ILTIT,,-
Why do you sit in. pin;;Cousin
I,nev.' Is so phrisant,out of dour ?"
kelainte‘d; bounaing,:into hey room,' ono day,
iny face. friowing with . exerise- :tin! s;ivr.)yinct•
my larg(!Sunbonne,t in, my hand, "<:,0111, - and
walk with' me,
I stoppipl what is thc
- •
InatWr darling;" and in'- : monietit : , • ••4k,,iii
may arms around her peck.
..She .sat: w=ith' lar heal, leaning ru
white:JlMA:while her arm reAerl on the
tat?, ot'er' which were scattered books and
paper:, and elegant bifonterie; but • now 11e .
tears were4hding •slowly dovin her lovely,
chek.,and her eyes were, bent inournfully,yet
tenderly, upon something i nher band:
; 'Twas
only a /oi,:k of hair, yett recalled some
memory cif the past with painful distinctness,
fori the fait face was stained -with tears, and .
the protni c hena drooped' in an attitude of
detpitlejetiott. The glossy it.ess,-coiled
nand her fingers, was iof a jetty hue ;; soft,
wavy an 4 short, and I . longed to know its
history, but forbore toestioninz, 'while I drew
s low saoel to Lucy's side, and strtki , e to soothe
:her by my silent caresses: . , ..?
"You - arlea . roe thO other thiv,,Nellie,..why I my bride,land we Shall be co halipv.7
1 had never niarried.'7l-had. not 'rtsked this • Anil 'there, in tint 1, - •afv• lower, with rka-,
ilroughtls question 'beeauSe, Wa..p Old; I : en- for !our Witne, , s, we plig'uled our. truth,
heing only.twenip: l. Lbree ; and 'her' nwe "limn- and lie ;tofu -the alt plans f‘ii thi.- furtive.
ty ripened:into : perfect wominhOod, but Thad 1 11ecva.5: . to
. finish . his vitmatiOn,- trav et . the
wondered why
. s.W had` not unntinent two years;,,- and -then enter the le
with some of the wealthy; and distinguished gal . pfofession, at .a * southern Bar.' Et7ening
salters who.had , sought * herhand:;. shadow's were gathering around us when we
, • " Yes, said I, it was a mystery to - me why
you did not marry- that elegant Mr. Stanly,
who used to send you ;such beautiful bo
quets ; then there , was , Motor. Elmore, with
his gifted: mind, and 'polished sminnvis - ; that
wealthy Walton; I the fascinating Langfordi
"Nerer'mind, ?lellie," said Lucy, inter (
rupting me. as I was murmuring on with raY
catalogue, in
: guitar' theatrical style," can
tell you why,-7.--.l'have never loved any of
them; hut I have loved-with all tha p strength
of a first, 'pure and passionate love."
" You,onsin Lucy 1" and I , looked up
with surprise into ilte :usually e.alw,elteeriul
face, now so hopeless and wretched in every
YeS, it is 'six years since I met one 'whose
image was . to I , lend with all the d:iy, dreams
of my after, life, I was .. hut seventeen theri,and
was spending, a few weeks with a dear friend
of inine, at Lakeville, Marian. Archer, - noiv.
Mrs.. Elliott. • Her lover. had graduated at
Yale College; 'and *as ever speaking, inl.o:ns
.14 itizbest praise;, of a .yOung
• ; and. as.he to spend the ensuing Va
eAtion with Elliott, he proi l ni.ed to bring
to see his . True to his'promise he
carli:! one day, and Alfred ()ray with him.
At first I saw nothing: rern*rkable in the
c2n e gian,i e k ! :,ept a pail of very dark,
, I' . .Tressive; niLd mass es,Of glossy, black
air.'llM. forelf6ad - eras and well de:
I...3loped,but his featuris were not regular, yet
1111, face was. soot4oriotteri in the treasuresr:of I
his highly gifted. Mind. was superior 1
nvin'satig:,list, charming ! by his ready, and
faelle hvl the remarkable' flow of !efid
language. His infurmaJ 6 "on'Was
afiktiltbal, be wa.' iloi:d.,yetSOtll-]
x!--414 !-* • ' 44 ! M . ; wiled the full 1I 6 , 1
! • •.! . •
Lh.spitel dam:, senthern : !eyes, l
th're r iyas . a eool j Saxon': bra‘.ery, and ,!41f
.!.;.)ntroi:erg-ing 4:M to banghtinesTs;': in' his
1 6:4ria4,v,, that m 4 ,14, him seem -cildei'than he
Nally %yris.„ for he was only nineteen. Ire!
'Marian, and I With Sla !easy; layar.'
tial politea , !!:3,!V t .4 eAtrik day - after day, till!
Elliqtt iavfuriv decided, that s if I 41h1 1:10t
takt• hi/6. lo slionlil get jealO - fs. !
-ftnlti of tnu.4'le- we :were left niaellslotio
to iing and play together. - y-or hours :he!
. would .iitand by the; as L sat the piano,
mingling rielj i voice with mine", or turning,
"rert-l!e braves of MY inu'fie; yet lie!Was
" 1 Y P 6 lite, nt..ver by a Ovoid; or net,tetrav in!m l
• :I/ nre7A
i I.J
nan a pastAtng interest: :in nn
n . .e; -still- I I
r.Q+.l . ced 'that his-eye ere . r . .seught mine, and.
tf la.! he gMflually State . Mire and More by
mY 7 -I'.6e ; 'reiolin44! to tne conversing in 'his
4.; 0
strangely inanner. I greir
Por-Tht) Ihlmorrat
ested uuconscionsly; and after waiving an:.
„adieu,,.always watched him All he was tO
`sight, `and then — listened eagerly for; the
turning footstep, that Caused a quicker pul-.
sation of the heart.; and brought a crimson
to lily -cheek; -yet I did not stop to an
alyze My feeliws, or I Might have then uip-'
Tied itithe bud, a - passion that was to destitiy
my-peace, but his very reserve threwme hff.
nit guard, and I ient.o,: only feeling
happy 1 was in his rociety, : aud_ content to
:quaff the'eup of bliss unairakened, fgr bow
should I define the new; and exquisite emo
tions •of • happiness:. that slumbered lw my
heart.' •
One.plensant afternoon August, he ask
ed. me'-to take .a Wa L lk wikh hint I - soon
equippe r d layself, and went I.iy his sitle chat
tin:lt...gaily.; but nOticed lire was iu ie at;=
presseli : than ti,unl. I glaw silent, and we
,manderejr en ti'd Ave shaav dell,
Deride a rippling stfearn tliat piistenoil be
tween the . parting leaves. 4 .M 4 e our
selves on, a soft, Inessr• la4ik. bettoativ t iii
spreaklinff branehes ofit luxu. i iaat inapii- that
grew ori the brink of the ba'bbling brooklet,
and 4'1 ; 1" saw the itejeeted eotintenanee, of ray.
youtpaniori, I inquired.
. .
" I tr( r , able . ozi, Mr. Grin - ?"
"1/o iiot call tni. Mr. Cray, call we .%.11red,
please do."
" - Alfred then." lie smiled his•
thanlcs,H and told me :IV. • 41104 leave on the
morroW. I - was taken tiy surprise.
" What, zd:sr.t.On, .111'101 and .a sudden
sen-e Ilt!solatiOn came over4ne.
anal ..1 %yam y,M tO thiak
in 6 sometimes t take this as a meMento
of one
- who humbly tiliVe.4.a place hi your
unnnorv, fir he will . ever look back . li - port . the
h your society ; ,ftS the happiest
of I}is satin g lie severed a - lock of
Lair from his those;glossy,
yen tresses - I so jastly admired. I e.;;entled
my Itaud, tremldingly;.tO - take it, while my
eyes 1410 ivlth tear, for, as - .Suddenly . .:as the
lightning's - dash, tad,- come, the knowledge
that I-ioised. Ile gazed eagerly, 'and : lattgli.:
ing,ly„, into mY. face for a moment, and theri.
with a 'passionate gesture dieW. any
head his bosom; and "iii low, half iocoher7.
ent'wori.l4, told his hive, stroking back .my
long, ritsgletiz, and gazing intO my. eyes With
a looki.ef•Vebetnent tendern buried : thy
face' on his shoulder, and wept from very- ei
cess,or !happiness. 'Lie drei me .-- closer to .
him; and o'ir hl x tnetin w pnie, and fe.rrent
"..-Mykmva darliag," ber said, :"aliel I hare
earned Is' e.alth and fathe, I will come back
and them. at your fort, and you shall be
at last parted. With onn! last embrace, a
clasping. of hands, and a "God bless you, dar
lingi" lie was gone'. •
While he was at College:I received letters
from biro, filled with unchanging teriderncs,
and one the day of his embarkation for. Lon- -
don, - bo hopeful arnl clicrring, was the last be
ever wrote."
" Why, what became of him r 1 asieil.
" I know not," rep - lied 'Lacy, badly, "I * wily.
know I;never heard from liirn more."
" And you love him still I"
"Lo4 . e him I yea, Nellie, with all the in-.
tensity of ray nature,' as "truly and utrehang ,
ingly as when we parted six years ago to-day,
only with alone deeper, g possible, and :pu
rified by affection and suffering. My heart
yearns for him constantlyt-and. in the, day. :
time, and the silent' cin*.cl+§ of the night,'',my
soul cries.out for him f`or years. a liiocy
'shadow: has rested on my heart,-yet none.but
" Ile'Who-seeth. n secret known iti.• -I
have tried to f..vrget 'himl.ut it has been use
less. serer hare loolird ulrou thk - dark
lock - ofLhair, and felt it twining around
fing,;v. but ;it 11:L, brouglit back all the',past.
in An) inoCkery of the present, sand
civilness that
_defied fOlg,etfulaess.
,E erc
boo and Cone, every' wor4 of lore andtend
erqsrs Of him, who has biter: tho
singonf or my existence,/,: Las. been recalled
" . ..-:l!i'd yet have you
. nOver tio.):iyia of filar
rvin4 :inothee\ Lucy'!" } II I
.. t..inly onc:e. IV3$ I .ted,ipted ;'when fir: El
wor,e laid his wealth . .ao 060 on :it my Pert., , ..
I had-nver thought pi' hien as a lova,lnp
tii 1 ? .: tuti•de.a . folinhl olTer of his hand jand
- I
hart. I res pe ct.4l_ L , untfOr hi, varit.l,4,4nts
and . :Inuredatiaintuents,.and a iliS -i7 , lllti rated
and', retitled -taste. Lle4was. all I could titk in
a 141,band .; a , reeable, It se inati tl g, .i na deVo
tt4y Atiaelted to tie. 11.16-ottertAl ttfifa lilen-'
did: lioiile; mid 'llad 'jo l t all my 'li ri.; I.K;en d'
dmary Nietste, an/ iiiiquid I, nut forget: the
hitier past in the lux.nry frith wbiat in wi-mid
• - • ,
duTrountt me; and in 111# invil 4 . I told lu t a to
: -
I wai (till Inoruiv, for lila proir),. , ll -1 ! ed
4 1 -n
ttl ay Mirpaw.,
_ ..1 ,..
- 41 mated -to tily ;.Nero;- awl .was iiiitidg
thOughtfully by-the ..t,ribh4 when' I oren;4.l a
box and this lock - of - h.:lir tne't my gaze.• 1 .
itprattg, to tin" itittCus - ratiLlied. avid coulluittil;
(..-?... '_that' -I could have Avnykt of artuth for
one moment, when, rtiy... Junta Was. -Alfred' .
(ra)-'s, Wholly and , dev ittaily. ' What, iii ear
tft.loVe and honors one; when ilfr -- whole:life
Aud.. l4onged . ...p,j.anotliry - 3 thOght
ti.o-41mi ,
of .Dr. Altafire, hut with xaysoni-icinl
wa.s again threading-
. the - "nazis of ineatory, ‘
While iii every aisle of thtelleart,- whole every
••• -
life-beat was:.his, I fonnd alone his image
enshrined., That•night !Jet the Waves of an
guish roll over, me, in unresisted power, till
every fibre of . rity being .quivered in agony,
ilnew not if he Was 'unworthy—l only knew
I loved with Passionate sobs, and
w e n d s , I plead for his'fagiveness, as if he had
been present, for, fergeting hint one moment.
Nearly all Inight I paced . ray . room with ner-
Tons steps, pressing this lock of :hair to My
lips and heart,',,forit had savcil me from com.,
mitting an awful sin before find.
The next. morning I Met Dr. E
calmly, and toad him Why I relented his otTer:
I pitied him when I that any refusal had
made him unhappy, but he came to my tide,
and taking my: handl . reverently in ex-
" Thourli roilr woids hay: doo tt wa ino t o
a life o mi , ery, yet. I love nut I , ot tor, venc2t
.ate voit for ; and ~.11 : ink you for
tho delicacy rtid candor tliid to Taro
lily l'erini(m.• to y”ur
:in:l 1 v.iii inrrntle tin' love no voore.7
" rotlitted
11,; liaS true- 1 ,, his
:Ind I ll:ink vont iwes, ;NA, :ire beacllitp . ,
. 1i) for:2:0," :salt! r,
" P,haw I you I care for him,
I. ll t, w i ll ! (1 0 you supl'.oSe Kati bc::!ome of Al
,t •
fit:,l(;rny :" fur I • mil' s uiuclt intetested in
cousin I..uov*.s story; but I.efOro. slm could re
ply 3 59 - rovallt entered:, saying- a L - ; ,- mleman
to ice her in the parlor. -.
4 . Who can it be'.? come Nellie, it mar be
11r. 1..!):111 . 1):t . ‘ r . to , seil:ti for
;pm, and save me, the ‘trouble."
- I wri: 'half p6ut*ln.:'r. r;•fuLal, when Lucy
dr;,tv my arm tiirough lienz, r ana I,oking down
.con!:ingly into tny “Forgive my
jesting, Coz.,.l.know you do not . .eare for him,
aril it more. ,ome one on Ins,lnA,:•
Lsaueily ‘rit.hdrviviny . arm, and running
dPwn stairs before her, - enterel the . parh,r
I•. - :
i first. - A. tall, noble !puking man was stanil
hi, mar the table -. ull ::ta eager,.,expectan t
look lighlinn.
.up his fine, hamlsonie face.—_
. ' The c'ye..s, that g;tvolue a disapp
lazedo glance,
wer'e, larg, atniAlaik ';' the hair that 5i.a..4 pu , ll-
i I
ed.baek, in' gio:Fsy wiares, from the broad,
high brow, w:as the &rate 'hair.
'Lucy is Cortiing,"ll stumnicrb!, nbaslied
r i atl the •presence' of the. 'handsome stranger, and
!ms-1-spoke she-t.ntered. Shp had walked bit
i -
1 a few steps before-Shp soddenly stopped, and .
I scanned his featureAClusely. Iler- face grew,
1 de:adly.-palti, unit I thOught slie,was. going to
faint; but iecoviering her self pieise‘sion she
bowed with cold politens, "Mr. Gray, I be
lieve." - •
"Yea, ?Jour orr . a.Alfred," and his' voice was
tretunktis with emotion,' while lift stretehM
out his . arms toward her with 'yearning ten
derness.. A trirni4ntary stru , :egle 'between
pride and 14-,r Woman's Jheart, nad. She sprang
tOw4l him, and- was •tilaap6l to . his breast,
While he passionate kisses:upon: the
drat- lips that thrilled to his touch, murmur
ing, "Thank 'God rot; This grifat happiness!"
Ltiey : didinot wait to a•k. why he had de
serted hei; slieotilv knew . ilte loved him, and
that he Lad .returned, and it. needed not
Words to assure her that be had been true to
heroll the long, weary years of-their separa
tion." 'lglideflifretit ithe room, and lift the
losers to their joy_ bilt- that evening ns we
i►ll,sat together' in tbe.parlor, in the dim twi
light, with Lacy 'S hand clasped in .his,
fied told his story. - ••
"In the cabin, of the ies..sel, I took for Lorr
don,lfonnd a yoiiiiinaan Whom . I Lad met
&lore. We entered into Conrenzation,' and
he casually inquired '7, ^..•
Wive you heard . of Lucy DenGeld's niar•
APO?" •
" Martied impo+s I exclaimed start
in to, my. feet. Tie filireared not to notice lay
ag,itation; and e4uietlY - replied," certainly, ? I
attended liei wedding last Tueiday evenino-
She married a 'Di. Elmore' of New. Haven,
believe you bad a penchant forler one."
I st rode- front the 'room, muttering : curse , '
between my chinplp..4. l T went'on dock ;
and nothing,.hnt -resignation to the will of
iiroiidetice, restrained me ;row throwing my
telf into the Water. !X.l nigh: I inteed the.
deelciu the utinost,6iigui4i of inind—lici had
lust cou.iiiiered Worth forony brit
.suldetily blighted, and'. in
In); tuaJnc I.prayei, fur, deatliA: but Go , l
did net 'see. fit to nn.iver lily rebellion. , pray,
er, alit for, the 'rest' of . the ._yoyar I grew
irnoody..and silsnt ; refu;iin . g 4 111 ithereourk
•with an fativ ilaseri ,, ers, but. on my arrival
ln London, where I traosacwd • some burins ,~
I s.ent.•iti:ti.ti 4Aely" fur . purpose •of
the intst; yet ,w:itliout I•spent
.a -winter in rati.s,'aui l l bon' htnice journeyel.
0 4 . t o R o me. ; with a -,ltietertaittation never to
urn to a gionntty Lain been I , l,ent
taw happiest Iloilo of 414 • 6iglit
onlyteud tv ri.0a11.:411 I ritriive
.4.osurget. I visited hourly .every . place .and
everiihing of ites.est in-Europe; tntveleti- in
I;! ,, Trit. and • paS. 4 4,l'initO 'Asia ;. - when at last
Was porsuidod
.by an, (Al friend,- 'return - to
.zinieiintt. I did ,o‘Witit rernotattee, and on
instar4ay, I 'nfet - : Itty
. •quottdota . ulasa-unate,l from . ViioUl
lied not heardsince - "Ai:part - tire' . lie -
.iironetie4l me fell. • riSY, negief - .l,.'.and - Witt - mint
tellin;ilainttlie true re.sson, suceeedeAl in
his iesenitneut. At Lust `I bull
uouregn to-inquire about 'EI -
. •
I.7eAre• • ; i .
MILE/awn ! I know•no such )ady,'
.clairtsed Elliot. .'
Formedy. Lucy %AUld , t fal win& R-01.1-
Sontrose, ,iitsquelpitua Count')Alenit a, Ciursball ,`,4_4(11 10, 18.504
-"- Why Alfreil, Luey,bas never Leen mar
ried, and I havl more than e'
anspeeted that sh
hail a partiality 4„ for. y.on, you seapegrace!"-
"Neer been married reiterated in ali
tenishinent, tell Me, dia she not marry a - 1),„
Elmnre . of New il lawn
" Sever!" saill Frank - , naw'tlitinrouzly
ben.4l by mr.e4nestne'pf;.
- I .
" Good lienvqpi, what Intro I done ?'' .and
'giving him n brtef explanntion;.nnil . 112orii
ing your resilltm4. , e,, I to ; and
Itete-I nm; devoted toyii!4;
, •
we pliglitod ourrows . , in the groy:i. , y the
rippling brook, Itet to claini Ilwrowaid .
of.rm;stanitv in-your lore. Lncr,'
Thce blushing/ cl“..Ylz, ac l boniniug eve.
told bow freAt i iva; altody his. Tho t to
ry of Lttev's tn:o4l ,- t : zo was fabrivatol n
TVjoi:teti suitor - , 4110,,..! at c:lll.4t.tis ha k M,, , en ro
nll , l Iyito
att;itchnicgit t(• M.
t'to.l (;ray. • - • •.
111 a it• V s. v. :1 1‘
1,11,•V Der, , r 1,111k4:41 lVrrliir. tlrut 111;:11, IV il l ,l
CIO tlVlit'k? ri`.;ll: ill't :
r,nd tb., , )I.r brown.hnir
thr,-n : 411 tll,;* la*:o veil. tlmt 'll , :attql
rightly on 81),..,.-nt litA.gin , :ertil ;ortn an .1 orct
!IP, heavy f,iti_ 111 t .t.3%hifo satin dre,s. : L.-:-
11(it',:. ) vas 1 .oillciato.l
, ritle•smiti(l, a . ; g•r N li ti .re ta n
am; 1 ditl t t bla t 4m , the . -han:l-4.lne I,ti!h•s
-ttroom, if It hear 5,,11,1 with piido, a he .i.:;;;!(.1 on th;:fovery :wing by hi:" side ; • and
I . pany might vnt
et.;nsin Lucy ; hat- tiol,h• Int,i)and.
1 vi,itol th,..111 loagrsiivet in th;Ar spfen
'Ed honto, p.trroustiol 'l , y all that taste Or f:ln
ry can 1' rel):v4.., for their
zratiftcation. Wlion - 1 con:rat ulatol th'fan
i;Ltyfaily r4ttritizeil mist:lwiv
. •
" I 6:411i 1 r'ia :pre fur
y 1t r i,.1 ( .." 1•
Fir 4 Tt9llpDation.
• t
k•st , Lnsmit-srozx uovs.
• • - •
- At an early ai4eil lot my fithe,
left u wi h but litileef this I.o_4l,l's:ctoodi:rit
. , . -... .
~_...,.::“.1111.. Si
et. became . ne,e - . :Iry that I should - 11nd em- 1 t """ and C4" *. . -, - '" r-rid ay. ''' . ' ln ' to a
+ the anxiotts inquires of Lucy, 1- only • replied
plovnierit.. .. 1 was-hen thirteen' years of ais
and not very struti;"4 or stout, nut . vet with .1 -' 1 t 1 1 1 : : : I i I k ','::4 n t n h i' itt " l ' l e ' l ly ''
ol ( n ) l ,l l : ) ° •;. e v r i s L . r l a ti l : te. i. f t e c l A
will to do atlythini that c`ould.he fuutid - for,
11.0. theft. _'lis: gaze at, - me in I...iltliCh; was
MC to .do.. At length my tuuther . inade ail ar-•
viti.i..„ far
to bv , tho
n • aihe
of proof enough but hi S Cortveratitini with - the
tailor Made it4stire.' That afterhbonll --- dared
Morris, and I was then takon iiitia his shop us
not go to .,. and my ..motlier. I worried'
an apprentice. •-• With irint I remained two'
over me. . If she bad only - - ,let . ine ;alone,- I.
years, bnt at the end of.. that: time I_ became*
might haVe ' hieen " less iniserabie ; Ibut she
worn doyen with hard work imposed Upon
shot " I clung oldie to me, andillnul_ to lie iv -ber
me, that my incithet resolved that I
i the first falsehood I ever' spoke to thit noble
remain there no • !pager: . -MY . sister' LitcY,l.
who was two years Older tba4 myself, ' ha - d r ' . '"'" an ' 1. .', ' • • 1 •
long detected my fi!fling strength-mid it, Another night of - restless agony, and then
t i n 7: a e
t m , rn e t i
n i i 4) s ; . e t3 r r !. 6.
was mainly through her efforts 'that 1 wag
t I P4 t W rt it . S o la f te 4-1 ‘ 1 ;h6 1 In....l.mtluset
reMoved from the Pace, for I should !lever
. 11ave comiliinc.d. i - , • weaned - tn the, kitchen,and I found my moth
.A nd ,er pale-and Iltsittblik-'e as death its e lf; I F u i th ( f.
I was now. fifteen- r -t tall, slim and
I kticp• that I e. otil .s not stand any sort ofa, moment l ' far&t'r nki . " . .nyn Pain; :i.d.
~,,,k .which taxed nn physical strength ei,j.,,,0 her title. ..Tdre:gazed . up int6itiv face with
any great :-. 7 ;t e nt. 1 at. fortune favoreticrieei, snehi a look :4 2 hope 1 .. may Ine'ver lamtin
A Mr. dosepb.Everet , l, who kept it drY ' , nods 1 ' e( •`• - t
.• 0 , 1)47,, , t , y.t. , p, to ask me 'any questions,
store near hy, was it4want of :i salesman and
through My sister's Atitluenbul . obtained the
I ; sti-liclir3er.le.f'4Nilil.'eEt.irteti''nttsgoyuuntitinnt.ctsliattoel.' the
I 4:Calk', ask
, ' L I . t.ti eestion4-I. could 'net . lay a.
place:. Mr..EVere.nill had a-daughter named
Julia, about - .my ownirige, w• 116 wits very• inti
mate with Lucy, an 4 it was byber intercea-.
• •wurd. Without breakfaSt, ; •withouC L w:dting
to see Ludy,.l started -fro. -the. Pco'
.sion vilili her father ,that Lucy gained! the '
, . , i.: . . • •
_pie whom I met gazed -at,- me IS , har t nly,.
L amli
once I heard the - word:o.qt: pronouneed ! . Q
• I -
I was duly installed in-the plice - and I
was non happy. anti -icontented,' for my em .,,.Evered had told the Story of - nry carne
ploy-a! Was kind, and nu,...intiinaes •spruars u .,,' low could' Ite.';l • No, 'no,"Ltva.s; the tailor whe i t .
done it: . .Yet;lit'vras
• betwi,enLlny . ,eit .
and .podia,
47hia; afforded
m r e old it, - 'for My lentplOver . 'woutdl - never'- have
soddenly the thought of.flight °enured to me
purer bliss than I had before._ experienced.----. knoWn. - I. !stepped, and"!
Why had I net thou htof it•bs.tured- '-' Why.
Thus matters went on for a year, and at tlis •
end of that time my k'ealth was restored, .and I
should I shay- longer Where Anti).
I hail so far gained upon tb9 confidence of
Mr. Everend that he now trusted .me • with.
-some of his most particular basiness. Only '' lll „ iSte ,r C4114a 'l2-4l'ing after in es' 'l'4' her hair
one thing troubled 4. I.was not •rceeivin7 i •`,'""aung Wilillyi in themorniem air, !Auld . 11 . 4"
0 1
....... L.,
SUCIV,,II aR,I fancied my serrices eutitlel 'l'l,:ciel:_,ltiasiie;4''k,:-4.4t9iiireaw51t47.,,,.11:1..a1vd,
•me to, •In tact . ' was; in debt, •. I • had- par: , ‘-'o,t-'",_tar'e,'lll=!lie uttered, ' court o
chased a new suit of iduthei of a tailor in tha- er 'tic i 7 . :-. - . I. '
neighborhood, and wig owing for them. The -My sister seized .my hand, -and I
tailor wanted his rtioney and I had pronziell , dragged Me., away. - I reaehed Il L ny'
lritn - be shouldhare it, at 4 certain' time ; but 1 knew not, how Ifor. My reason had -Al
me. IntO the little bedroom holey . 1
that time came and .4-ent, and I could ',n o t
pax; -him. ' Ire then tiireatimed, and - I prom- me, and there ray my mother,l st
iced ariew. -0 . ! how roany limes I wished I cold. ' ' F - • - 1
had not bought those: l i clothes. I conic! have • 0 - Charles; you, have killed. 'her
rot along without thina aid I reached that '10). `tier,, as she threw . :herself ni>011 :
never again Wotild I buy anything witielt I 'She could not stand your .disgrace 11
One niume4 I gazeit upon that ph,
could not pay fOr Diu the spot. But that i. , ..
. . . r idian, and then; a wild, unearthly et
could not help the ca„ke. .
One evening I-sat :done. in-the store.- lt' from Any lips. 1.1 plunged Madly:furl
was Saturday evertiniand the day had h eel! , ')II'd•
. i .
. 1.
a busy one. \Vt.: Itaillsolil a great, quantity i cualle.c I (Fhar''' r . -
I static,!
up.i .1 reit:, heavy ham! !
ofgotsds, and tit.: monk. drawer wits well till- 2
shoulder,.'and ag:rin my name Wa-1 . c
ed. 61u:mly aidetu . ou ritie•Ai before are, , :1; ,,j
1,,,k a „ to „di.i.,, - ,, 3 ~,,,.,,:. If o I , o j we d to ttio ~Vii, is tilt! matter 1 . Conic., iv
money drawer, and -iv hispered ; " there' are 41 I r t il ' l e rce Y.' S
. F 4 -14e, what all* you-I' ; ',
inentis for paying
,yuut debt '!" I•knew- .that ' t ' ca. ' : h:rer e d rli'° 51)0k 4 .- - - • Picas
ting. upon; the Stout •IK.
-hind. the.. euu6l
Mr. Evered hard kripwledge of the amount -- , .-.,l.4°stnlthY.(l,:i'en°,tuttl.ll.:
of money iliert's,,for,,bui knew not how rntruii i I '")'.lie:44l had , fallen forwardi. upon_ al
1 g...)(sis that -lay' heaped Ali, before 1 . 4
iwid ~t k i: - I could -,tittio rifts' do/ittis•even,il ail
hi 2. might never • miss. ii, fur 1 - bad sold a great 1 ''' n e l - I ‘ 4 • l , ca ' - ' '"Y oyes • ; "I ° '' .. t ine.i
quantity ofettrif whick he ha!,l no account ot. •dia''.rer, find sil''''Y the ii,,trit 1 w,°'llie' , .
I had pronliwd - the tailor that b e ,1 1 ,, u 1..! hi ts .,
. I ' ) L lilY 0 -1 :! 1 1 1 - 'IA i - -ohl'O:uitillY ',,irtf,eAel
0). mr.,,v 0. t v'-rY .i ' ••1 - I - 1 '. a '"' 'nv hrdw ull'ain in' my hink . : lll 4
. J. L .
~ i .i 4. !nadir, MR pan ne. to - . ? ... • I ';'
get - Mr. Evered to advEtnce. me the ttecesSarY bled "'''' n n ' P en ' :'. • 1
Furn. - I luid nut .bectil spending tummy - fuel- ~.. 4 l ji:i t t. lll ' ll : 4- i - you,- Chirll
islil),.not iron my . p4. - 4)r-liittittice . l supported '''''''''Y '''''''''' d ' '
' My .soul-•-i
- ,tny tuutlrer,,,:tuil that
. hte it up... ~ , - ...
• Pura long w hile 1 'rat and., douSed ..uport : 431) ; - ', 4 ii . '• , ..;
the drawer, and alit he - while the ; tempter 4 ;-`,' "e s w i e r' l 3'
that ..4 .atu,gia
tvai persuzviin;g• inv.: . ilk:i'ew iii3t YOUiI4-e . !ell!:
.5.47101 41;d . such t.ilitli;pi4n.ll,l lle<.'tql,iitV k7.1,0111[1A1-
anew %.1j!l'I'.")1
el them to kl'it.'tiO I - - ilii , ii th . 1 Y un. "'" 2- '' -
• ("?':: -a- - '- I ° .., '• 1 . !•• .• - ... --1, . ,-- ....i
~n?i:v...l icpc iil.'s , , , i iit.„. - the
llow could tweet tri) L t creditor ' , tin -without - , . 1 ..v4. 5 WI!) . 1 0 *(4 1 .'0
i ri. l - 1 $ 6 01 .11 :-: ut. l. tl!it..l. l w c v ° t 4 tl i d d it i i m u le t t . , . l at a it r i U ;l .4 . .t t 'i lei l lgth ' '1
(7:;:)l4.lll44):l:ll4ll:l;'' ) ' ;' ''' ' rditlritfilsil' ' ''..'i'i ' m:H!willi l:e'-i-1.:11 ; i 7 '6:r' ' C r 4l- 1
to the ilcaucr. I •opencil it :16 , 1 silW. tlit - !. I;1111k f. " 11 1 4tt4 ifi. l,.ti j ikiCt; lier." l4- a iget 4 . 411 mei :l44
l u tiLir4 .. iialinie,i tlicre _ ... beatg!l Mill away. '' - 'l"lie',Aliijs!ors' nitd*Shafteri .
curiete Out . twenty dollars 1 . - 111 i 'druid - • ivt:M atliiii:4l;anathat My,ettiplciier'isit ' - i.1646 . •
trt!itthie3, and; - toy lean , beat 'aluiekly:. -1 b Y m T .' " h l e • '-
- .'. -...- ' -' ''.. :. ' ; ' . l t• - •• .1 ••••"+. ';'" - • - 7 'l.,';'''.4,
thrtt&t.the - notesinto 4rtyt peeket,•' •
and ,thea '' - ! Wek - Chathi,'l7 . - he . .. hoar *aced,: ,Tulin, :
h as t e4 ,o,A m iii i u, . ma y teat, , 01 .1, ens i ar ;luta beeli:ralling 1118. i/1111. - ii4.4l.lloiitr *lt . -1 , 0111
lout, - ~ ;,
terwartle-Myitupturei entered, • • • ..- -w"-°.Y .4l, l.'P'il:Ptirloothe-1.
"..W4I; charlos 4. ' siiid_ •Ite '. I guess we will ' -• 4 Ye"' 0 1 ' 44 'F • trer!iblif!Y• - • 4Pawsll
. ~ ~, . .__ .
... ~ 4410 thuis hi' Lis only - • •• able tel
shut - up itoW-. 1 . i
t:irose arta went vet and pogo{; -- -shet.;' ; }-1 -'''-":" 1.1 4. arad:. "..,re7-4.P.4.1141.- ii 11t
teri , i iii . d when I' Can+ bacli - is feuntlAtirn cu- ' - ,111 -- L 7hO'vl l °. - -): 9 7V. g4,.i:-ill ' 9.iif
gagettin counting,..ou, the money. „. As 1
. ap.,-. ,3'"r:fahi•r!' - 'hiere - is not ,5 1113 44-'-'n -' t
pre:kited bint. Iktit, si . MC: with a - sharp;' .44 1 . 1#0. heo-e:''elltOntr! . 'gii'i ti3 .- ''lr ` i.
6 4rcilluig:lo °1. 4 8114 I retubled - like :as as -1 - :! °4 l' and ':i a'et t .. For' ---- f " el4thit;it -41
• ; i - -'` Run in 'ciebt, '"eit 'l' •• -- 4. P - - - '...:
- .
' -'.
ven. •
" What ails siu l he riPled
Nothing,sir I answered trying i....
myself. --
' l'lnt there must be •sotnething,.t le natter:-he- reSinnedit•: nit yon look as - pah, - a 4 any
Ighost.' ~ 1 .•
• I am tite,i, I Aaid'.... ..
4 Well, Well. vi:tu have worked hard I to-any
and yeti nuir ;eit. I will try and 1 att l etuliii
the rest.' ;t .
With a•iletOirato endeavor to contpostl int . -
I self, I thanketl.hitn. for his. kitOnell, and then
seized my hat and left the store. 1114 ft'esh
air revive , ' tile . - -oinewitat, and I litri;iej on
to the tailoi , ..i. 1 paid tny:bilt .aril: flit I.lnib ,: t
111Cnt inv Ili - ..•iirt Win( lin• - hter• - httl- it w.r4 wilt '
.! terl' •-
,t , I
i fe r a noino'nt. NV hen I reached hottall:pro- . 1; _II,: ' , -aid :zotty•thirt•-•; mow abont.niakiin- Ivo
10 , -,cd to 1.4 .-;,•l k, and r1;1ir,.741 at l l iii . el: - Dlit i iliS ht.Vt,l clerk ;it. gi:iw; - Iltllo,.fult. i iiiii‘'it-q•
tny trietheri tick an.) weak li e r,: e ll; e . :iffn, up I 614 411,10 - i-::Uttid: hi r:;. Ilock-iv...A , the. mon;
I 1„ to y 1,,,t,': l il a wr o ite d to, fiN 1110 S ont i mon li- ! ~.y,. paid the tail. , :yatial. alien 1 -lia.l._rea - chiil
i vino.
,Slie.!! - _-vive in ft Sittlftli.: . lit , prratinD, I rin'lloitio I hall•beconi... clilui• an. - I
'llapp - k`..—
. I.
d rew u p il l y i e l e t tie; snugly about I mat, ntid 1.1.t01.1 may In;iiitcr air! .I.:10,* of my good' 1.4-
! hq‘in.r kiSs t ..•,l me, she ... , :thl, •• i„ I •-.- inne . ,..alll they itopr•l'or . j.;v.
~ • . -
' IL. eaietttl, Charles, it would 1.:“.:: pain-. Vet .I 'vont! not -hel iii p i• - littillerl'al. featrah.. ,
1-:,! i,,,: , :,.,..1, ! ,!),,a4 you sick. .t...icd 1 , 1.. T anti : wh . iet•lw ! ..l I- titi,s l l,l l t, ' t if 11; a t 'f,:riii.,b- - 0,...,i t ;j 1
1 I .‘lo--... ‘-....u... ~:,,,, ,1 nie•lit: ' '- ' % , ,liioli cani . - . , epreliiiro Wbile the iortipti - r wi----
t . . •• , •,..,
11 . !,', w ht. e 1:1`lt words-rangy- in nil .e-:-.1•:••••. I .a 1 - ,1! it - I.tut lot in• -,. -av'i,: . n tie - 'tit:!- ,iii
l' It wou'el'iinv. in other . say-;:ha la-001.i i •.in..-Crs,..ri•-ii..
...--11:. f.. , !, tr •.' t i,i. know that her s:ui iv. , .1.1t1it, , f...., - liar lriv,;. pa- , ‘.llawav -in ,. .....tivit: ti,n..... --:-.
' 'lt W!P• :I lolli ttliil , t'fore- I I.'' Otllil .e'-ilt-f. -AIN; ! Mr:tvered iti an ohlitian—mv: - . chilitO.,ti tare'i .,
Ivor, Alai .i ;it 1 . ...! id. I ~, : ottl.l . 11,.'t : :14'it?j, i't 1 it"..;' .b . ran.khilitli:ii, aml ..shit -;--f+'li'P Allat was
1.1••1;. 7,74 . ,:i: ! 411 it/ ! • rang in my *rioul tilt ! o aett.:l4il, now half-wine.: ILI hat - retired.-
I ::it a ,, i , " l'It!al, tin'l'l rare co' itlltstle i ,. Illit 8111 a11t1 . 4110 iv, her half of the ex tett , iyi: • let-;:i:e , , , ,
---( " ! i., ` • - -
ollier l'on(Nli , 'imon,; of pain were asitiet!ting•.— ['belongs t,i tney's Itu,hkatul. My !anther 4till
,,Th,..iiight li a l-1.0.1 iiiny.ja sle.epleßA, pllartout-1 litei,-att,l, thani,-.-,0,,;1. eau .vet 'bless her :twt
- ... .
i I:l:iiiing restls2;ness ;•atal: w4n tho morning ;bat he has, never.-yltt.,called-on,;•drop of . : :,)r- -
I (•:olts , , I. aro 1 E• 1 e' aud :iv:act] Out ibefdro toy rya - rya - to her life cup. - •
mother or tztster 'was up.
.I' Ohl .Inoti return • ._
t• zinleS BUChllnfin Hite Eriettet ot.tisv
until breakfit!tt W:is ready,i4intl thfin Jihad '24.;
-.: .11.4tboore.r; . - • _
ov e r eoln ,- ; rill ioutival+si , rus t(i Inv' i ,er that S- -•-
little remark I was matte up.on. 'lt. but . tle.! ituß"if,.',/ - f7 ''l P4 o,°C - P•tte-rtitiv , 0 11 '; °Fin
I ..koray witsi :kdawin , :i at my; li(Nirt, i . 1 ," --
- -us t° linttli' 4l II"?' N't - '° 4ll of \l r.: Buchanan
: 1 , ~
1 That afteritoon I Went with rit!t• 1:„,-,....,.„. to . iron] page I '41.2e, 0L . ..-,ongressiord .G.lpho of
Io.• •
iti,etisi as f entere , l 'the' little r •clittrolt, Li 1810. • 'l'ltis We will-Ao with great ple:isure, -
ie • -.., , --
1 niet the f..r2, - ;. lof ',kir.' Everail. lie - *Molted' 1
, ata h partiettlarly since our neighbor has not;
I no t .h ar o v , : o ; _i I paw tr l n r kg:• or pa n upon 1 onlrtteglectail to.quote titu" 1113111' 311t1 .111061._
I!Ili fare. ',After the-services. was °yeti 1 ~,,,._1 import:tut, pdrtions of • Mr.
.11.2chauan's . .re-
I him in.coaYetsation with the tailor. 11. no. . 1 1 1 :4k% but 113S,iit,ar,raost wilful . - manner gar. :
iniss.44-ited that. - p'ortici,n which, they.
1 (to e d 1 1 ,- ) w 6; ; 1itt0,t1.1 . . he spolce--ttnd or i ce't no.: 'ble.(l "a
1 Lice& the-L . :dbl.'soint his titn;er tit tnel. .1 felt . . 11. .vc":"''Jte'l• •We "'''ke't the .- Net t o.l l"°te
-„„,,,,„ i i„,„ ]1,1,,,it ill was di,.:'6 % .,0- c 4 T . 1,. •'.• 1 thiftpo.ition 'Of . ..Mr. pil, - ...lrtnati's'' speoch..whii.4l,-
, Foi--111,1!r t .i.'ii sake, -.Cinirli' , ..4, What i , i
1 the tialvocated the adoption in this countryof. the
mit ter,-! . ' cr iol tuel., as she tiainzlit II S' : arr.. 'European :prices of htbor. - In eeinply;ing with
. ' Ile'; faint;': lw's foint !' I I j u. i Ar di 3 l ow
_this_yequeSt;the :.Wring has tnis-quoted" ri'sin=
. tn.:l-nolo - us 'y e epe ' K ir ;iii ii4 l, on t ur -,ilUso - I . :,an gle a: entande fitim Aira l_laultanan; , arid; `.titer;
wi l y:lainstead of giving Mr. 13uchlati-s own lart...„:
!' a E ven... , 1- S
1 11.2 frigitteri l iee . and -at
-that inoructit ',cattle thu eenvictiOn'• t lat . she:, .° .711.Tige as to the. meaning -vi' What, lie said,
kw-el me. . 'taut'taut-that otherothertikratti t . came' I.lley . publish . the.nonstraetio . ti put-,upon- : _the
with it :an•l•ilten I knew:that .etie. tunashe. 5 1 4 ; 16114 hY' ,4) E B " I ° l in- 1 - )3via t .o f: - M4ssaCh"' A e.4 ,
I • 1 :'' - ...' 1 ni`thes ironicallYfcall honest . John 1)a
-l, despise, me ! , . • . ..
-- :k II f-'-t, .1 I " - it cis. *, • . • -
if it." 6. [Mk
But coini l / 2 1
Yes, 'sir i bt;t•-1 riII
• I -. •
will go rugged, if &led be, but, d will noti run
in debt:,
" invoce
i •
Right, right, my: bey I, But we will fix
that all right nor. -sf havo,beeu thipkitigifor
some time of itioteitsing, yOuriiity, I Will
So so now—pot onlr pit it
bark te:w hew I. thatk
Was three months Let'.‘-see ' •
Three dcillars a' we.k for .thirteen; weeks,.
would be thirty 7 nine Will
that I , mtlarti you 411 9 1
0, ye"; sir,,ettd itkiro,-more,• too 1.7 • .
Then vun sih:34l h hereal ter
voti .11:01 !lea litimulit -. over eff.'tt qni
' Dlr,Thailianan never used the .expression
imputed tO Mai - by , the iVew.s;:emblazoned . in
.that . journal in .capitals. _lle -
" Reduce, our- nominal, standard -of :triecs
throughout the world , and yon cover the
country with blessings b e nefits."
.expression whieli Mr.. Rue-hail:in u-cd will be .
found.wrrectly reported in . ..rotation
. inade
below.. It, is „made in .Connection wadi other
sentences and expressiOmr, conveying • the
meaning of the speaker, orwhich, our. cotem-.
porary 'carefully avoids the publication.. .
The spciech was one in support of the rude !
pendent Treasury- bill ; and-is so fraught -
sound sens.e, mature judgment and - advattend
notions of• political economy - that .we shall co-,
pien 4 ly extract therefrom. t inctudingthat por ;
ti nik w hi c h
.is_ quoted •by the News : . •
But why need We resort" to, foreign nations
for illustrations of the truth cif '• this •iiosi
when it has been brought home to the actual :
knowledge of every Man . Within this country?
iliac :ce • riot #ll.ledi*e;l,4[Lbitter experience,
that .Then our . Perk(' Cipansions'conzi;iPa're,
thelprice of all properly be fins: ?"' It
goes'on increasing 'with the increasing .
siOnr, Until- the. bubble bursts; and.....',/ten bank
. aecOnazubdutions,'44,bank issues are coning.'
te4iliesatuOn4l of ifropert", is reduec4,, ori d .
prices fall to their feenier lever This is the
history of our, own
,courittylnna'We know -
it, certain,ainotint cu rrencY. is pecessa
ry,to represent the entire - ekehangeable. Priip- •
erty e( a couritry;andir this amount ehinthl
be g•reatty%
4tietirp'ne.if-the country,thesintycouseqneaco
tay.ause, this increased enable.
man; who Fcßei y vi tOpurchase any' - in: r; re
eat :property, l trike' et* 'the tiedessa
luxuries id' life than he Coald
-Let . recur to the !proposition with
• which l,eoMmenced ;
.and I, will, refs. at that
• I do not pref.einl to tnatheinatieal
iti thellinAtTation shall The
United States carry on ith • .Ger [Un-:
rty and France, the .formera.•:`
country, and the latter.approChing it so near- - ;
ly as to have no bank potim bierAilittion uh
di the - de Mind nn t kin 'of live' Inind red- , :fin tics,
or nearly
,inie hundred. dolhtrs. (tit the, con .
• trary, the United Stafeiis_mriphatically a pa
per monef . country, - 'having eight , . huadred
banks of isstie, all Of ,theta emittimy, notes of
a; denomination as IoW as fiVO dr;llarS, - 'and
Most; of theM one, two, andthreOdollar !rotes.
For every ,dollar of 'gold .and silver. iii -the
vattlts of these : banks, they is§tic three, : four,
five, : mid .op , theta as as high ten `ti lid
even . tifteen dollaN'of *paper: Thiti•prodliei...S•
a Vast Litt ever 'Changing - expansion or. the
Currency, acid• a ..consequent. • increase of -. the
tiotlegalated.l.)y: . the foaeige . L,deitiuti.kab . uve.
the prices ef . siiuiti articles in Oteripany`.and
Fioiit we tufght'iith juitico'upplk tire princi
ple.• .-
w alp& .1 h a v e- tasted; - our,
great reklun ! laney,or. our curt ncy,. articles
,itre r nrinufneture4 (;nince
fOrludf.their actual - eOsi
r in ;this tentitrf, Let
Inc° present an el:nipple.... lit Guriiiany',- - wircie"
'the curretnis>purety. tile - tithe
'Of 'everytliii kg; ii3.,retlugekt
alga turd, pieeu pi hroedetottk.ce4
u 1; t~hiyh iu our p t Ty;
door pap.:trAarrenely,Wcitildenit
Whitt; o -- ''.derisuqtienceTs . :lqhc..
Fronetbr Ogrivali Airsittittolutoi.ll(i
-tiety iiie - elotkJute. Our Cutttgry,i4o,4-: ; eelin.ii...
r lwsoikiiceiie that: the'litdiiiidtiticy.Of:our:
.Oitritincy . l4:,e4t - tal te - ntiehtiitilieif.. per - cent,
.fit.vor,.`eififtilietg. nintinfaitoOnr.;;. -
fluttints'ithatt autild , Arenee r the:.:egetigolii , 4
'everyineintrectureOwtki) : oL l o. -, ..4,
forogiOniti.4tietuior:..wilr•ril? .-1.100141 k.:
I);tiiii: 1044 -
of exchange,.whielfareegitiraleux;.,;.l44-491es
teat• uthie:lontier : whereif he•,-,•,lottlis ,bo,
ur h
mot: .
V owe
!home, 'I
lost - left
the be,'
le, • coil
v . . broke:
I ti) T 1 InY
11-lt tip,
Ltill sit
ter, but
pile a
re. In.
Its way
vas' up s
11 trim
I. invo
; tbiu
u. befori
ug Mrtt
I [
I ti.uPißrP
Aver dd it
- .
tot:r a p "I'alito il4 (1 tq•kur-
Vornme 13 Ilintin
fi r_, .
elmso his lahor - and materlidi the - same rata.
of prices. whiell ho receive:34er_ - Mann ;-
tures. On the contrary he goes -
cleu,ics his ,wool anid,oll other aril
des whieli_ enter into manufacture;
411oirkosta in this country ;ana;_a„,einin
to inundate nit , with foreign weplerii lad
ruin otrr 49Fuestie manufactures;
cite gnarl' other es.aniplefs,byt this
Iry stackient..t4ll3tit 1110 puplic 'attOtitiert,t:ttr
Iliti Sithject.. -
yratile.l ‘ th fitf rercion,,or'etit'
Ina !tufa itf43l:l';
. un. bilv4lll:l! .. o4,ltlfAig6Ti. -
Sir, that iff could ".
l‘ - ;it re(l'm'e
li;irtg' 1 . 11;e it:morn:l)le tiimmisiens, - 11-ew:Eug 7 ' ,
t:ind beeotue the otogi prOspeimpt
of:tettireiti l ,, , country that. ilit7 sun- ever, she**,
lui on. hy cannot we roan fracture atirlta=
I 1 .,1 eviztliy cotton g•oodl,wltiell %vitt go , into
.4-Aid iontpetition with *i_lrlti4l ninaufCtu::"
I 11-i've 'net4l'in.. - -
tr. an cipttal notlite in tot z
{t} - (
t' we mot• tin nuteldrietvl /ind;\' s
1 all, ate not otir - energy,'and eti
prot-,.-.l4:ll".thiongliont :the We'r l sl \
1-I,aml al-0 idn;aper tlmo in atifether2„ ..:N.
t:ountry on. the Ewe of: the
evely adv.tittago which Providence- can -•-•
belt.c4 upon ns for the manufacture:of:ok!
tt;n ; but t.[l4 are all -
- r,,ny of roan. Theyaw,untterial cOsts'ua
than it tilies the english, eecatiso`, dila` is an ar-
• ticle
_the price of which.' defends ~trisin,.
eign roark,eut, and is nut. regulated -
own iiill:ttetl,currency.,: We,. therefore,;eeitf-i.,, y
tho freight or cott'on.tteroisibe:Allantin t ana:::„.
that of the InaMifactrired articre on its returir:-'
hem, ..What, is the reason that,. with ,
these advantag6, and with :the
duties which. our law affordito the,,,dornestiot,' .
manufacturer of cotton, cannot Obtain "ox.
elusive- pos, , e,sieir of the home inarlieti;:and'i -
stiee'es: - ,fully contend for the, rnarket,s7 of the
w ()rid .1. It is simply heottuse wO . inanufsel
tureat the non-tit:rat pvices Ofonr. own inflat,eat ,
n c orreney,and are
,compelled to sell at the`*)-
firices, of of nations. •It'ellute;cori-nein
inal to the real standard of prices throughogt,
the world, antryott:cover: our country
We:triage' and benefits: .`.:l' , wiitir-to',Herriew
~sotittl speak 'in voice loud 7.. .eholigh , bIY
'Witt (1. throughont New England ;lbsearmi , il=,- .
the attention of the m tnufacturers _ •coild‹-
tonco'be directed - .-to:the seryjeet, their bite.
L intelligence and - native sagacity, would
' them how iniuriously they are alrected-,byt:
our' bloated -banking and system credit syste
wouid' eiable them - tn .- apply t„he. proper
re LitiVe; . •
" %Silt br..,i , ..!sirved r that Itr; Boebpoust
SaylTlff that bleAslngs, - Worrld be 'pit's - Alcoa by:
the r;duction of _our nominal: „to . .the-reaf •
standard prices, did not refer. to the prices,or
labor; but-was *peaking of ,the advantagektcrf
be 'derived 'frourequalization---by the ;1 4 trew ;
lie aftewards in the same speech, c.tpratest-:.
in a;very clear and Jecidtgrmsncter Itiastewsf:
as to the prices of labor: , --;Dare , ont 4:ontenk
porary publish•lhera`entire--nora
tenee_ther:V, and Lluttin a garbled manner.,,
What ire aesim-tbey% should- publish is -Ow
following :
t•Aire'stro 'by:- the Senalei
front gen titcyy atifEi 4isits to ,- Mute 'Ablif:
ivin.tes - Of the - piliof Man's. labor:: home- •
often'itcren:ternaed Agrarians oh our
the itonsit: It - is;-something new undeirttbet:
sun' to'hear the - Senator and'r his ,frieddsics*,. l :
4ribizie - th'l33 a desire to ele v ate the weilthy,
man ufactuerer at the qpenas the- laborlagr- -
tuna Attn." the Inechanio. From my soul ',ft
, p - eit - pso4 - Wit4 . 'nzan:z Liiktt is life fagot
dation, oftlic wealth "Of , beery country and .
Lifetree litherers"ot the ; North &Serra tre4 l ,'it4_,
&fat fo.s flied - their:, intellikette::
:forbid 4horifil44l do ;thus "
Of all the conatries on the earth,, 2 wfi:oigNO:
to, havcitbefictit(cimsideritticiti:tottair - iabefr4 -
iug man. 14:9m - tlfe - "eryiiitilii U71;0 itiF„:
etfttitratio' te.ixiirstinar
the' propeiti- that tile wealibirinlitt4
array become the `
.p°ol litheier of tep-morro*
-tlietf,-away., Alarge fortune 'rarity faurbe--
you4.a ciii=4:g9nerathil!, oven if it-Vailorckt.sci
k.* W
ne P3.* 4ricnow instances 4 '' .
- Jodi' •
viditAli,pingect to - labor.or thoiratty ~
gmudfitthefs were men 9t.f9itunil -
The regular process of.soeiely would `al i oak
geom. to consiAs of the efforts - or onej:eigir
dissipate O% fortunei which thojiltaNOialiat-! - .
itCd, m%
whilSt another daas,,eltr:-1ii4141
and econ9i4l mink to wie
Wh.ltove ail, thsrefore, i s conimon interifit;*
it;ig. oar cofnmen duty, Itsproieci tke
the taborhig fna?/. t t and ..if I btii9ra for
moment- that this, bill would- prOn'jnjarkitii
to hint, it sifot.itft pwetiny unqualiga-copp*:!
4. Aith,m4h`ttie. hilt will not, havo as g
an inangemq 4l 4l .- voaltidires4 o ..ti 4, 'afar 4'15
is go , 4', it, win bebent- the' lab° ll 4 i rilitt' ll *
mnule. and pruhably more than. any attnyt
clan of bociety. What is it
.lia, Might"' most
10 thii-KI i l .;o l ±aant emi )l ll 3 °_,.. e,.LltAu . „ ..c. lat '
wilges,nml - uniform ) , reamriumlo ,
prmivib. wv- iivv .
et:gesso:ries unit umnforb ut lite wftiplt bilelillt ..-
quilt*. , Nem, ... ,, kr* ‘vb4t. has tom' liti'vaidl ,-
tioi r fillikt vifc =1"At 0 1 11 .;9f 00 1 00 law& gult 4-
tregaum,- I lie tips A alrerzi more tn iliefig
than WO flaler ti;IV ( 4. !W0 41 .**- - 716 rate :Of
kis wage* is Asstd. and Jitl!Avrt i'aii4fthoi'lli*
the last . ,iekiiKt-, , viriat til 4 l,hiciiminkr.alran l4 *,, '
atul Jim tirst . 014( Aft . r , - the eorreiponsig
.revewee,eeetio,,. pttil l eeetiet?? , t? op ,
. 1 0 1 % - 0 1 4 .1 01 44p# ' 4 3 , 011 4 kW , esi
every.ettieitt tvlo4 ue coustunos yiAnyz _ri,.:
aim*, lie io, at logai tuailo, IQ, folW;lill' - K -
Al 4 j ' ily carps as aata. ia tit *4:
iuu , s tu liornina ..,
fonegly, ;yet, 11, )* 0 6 juorwa *xi' ; 4#, -
AO avetssoriasur)iret beSlanYk:ffilitelkiit -
fatally. Ihman, 04 .4?ttilita,a`fei_ . 4het - '1
awl the tinettir,-4 1 P4 ( 4.93144;-‘ftlitleA, 2' ,.- -
frtivz , ex6tl l Aluongith .41 4 4444 4 11 _,.,_
Utitilte,elptiMicili iletr,iloll6l4
~.rd*04,4111,..-- -4 .7
illoding Pie t *A l iti v il i ato ,4 %‘* -- : l ir
man- Dow stiffer 4: .114(or,4,t,Lia . aistal APO*/
oat of iimPloliguinOklftottlArt , .. 9F:
_li i i ( ill# l ,_,„
ti11ie49,01111141401 WO P l l l4l -',-Itgrfl- riA l iZ ,
40 P1) 4 1 0 Urt,10 ,4 0 4 " 1 0. 1 1 1 ne 4 ~- ,'
e 4 ;and-v 11 4 4 . 0 0 14 0t - AN.,. Ilt-1 4, 1!-r!w r-- ..,.
awn; ileoutrksitti* P.rocP11141:01.40, ...
H itato subsistmos ~,f , ..,-, ,-- +,• .r . : .& ' ,..r.k7L,;
1 : 481 n, - g ft: Whe,tle yett , ,4i**:Mit - ,,,
iit'a testa : ifei of the woOhttrAt ,
Ih r e'eut huretteiletekteititt4x4l46*, _
t3'itifich'l hiie 1401141 - --0 04 111 7:4C, ,
iet - the keen - rind wary opoodet*lvlsciatolb
,terwor-fmnratar:' I You 104 0 to inakcak