The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 12, 1856, Image 3

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    taith of row repr esentative government, and
appealing to their - fellow citizens for the rec
titude ottlteir intentions, renew a nd
, reassert
before the :American people the declarations
I A principles avowed by than when; on form
erocessions; in general convention, they
have presented their candidate!' for the pop
' t a r eutfragez
• 1. That. the federal government is , one of
limited powers, derived solely from tthe con
stitution, and the grants
,of power therein
ought to be strictly construed lay all the de
partnontsand agents of the government, and_
that it is inexpedient and dangerous to exer
ciseioubtfUl constitutional powers. , .
g. That the constitution does not confer up
on the general government the power to corn
menee and carry on a general system ofintee
nal. improvement.
3. •That the constitution does not con
fer authority,.. directly or indirectly, to assutne
the debts of* several States, con t racted for
local , and -internal improvement's or. other
State, purposes, nor would each assumption
be just or expedient.
4. That justice and sound policy forbid the
federal goveriunent to foster one , branch - of
industry to , the detriment of any other,. Or to
c4erish the interests of one portion to the in=
~,jury of another. portion of the country, has a
right to demand and insist upon - an- equality
•of rights and privliges, and to complete and
• ample protection of persons and property
from - dotriestic violence or foreign aggression.
5. That it is the duty of every branch: of•
e - ths'goirernment to enforce and practice the
mostridged economy in conducting our pub
- lie affairs,
and thatno , more revenue '- ought
to be,raised than is required •to defray the.
• necessary expenses of the government, and
.• far the gradual but certain extinction of the
nubile* debi.`'
i. That Corvvress has no power to charter
national bank that we believe such an in
stitution one of deadly ho s tilty to the bez , t
intents of our country, dangerous to our re
publiCan institutions, and the liberties of the
people,' and calculated to place the businass
of thecanntry within the control of a concen
tr,te4 niney power. ' and , above' tbe laws and
the! will of the people ; and that the neults
adeinocratic legislation, in this made all
ot h e rfinancial measures Hon which issues
htive ;been between the two political parties
of the; country, have demonstrated to candid
and Practical itien of all:paitia, their sound
ness, safety and utility in all business pur
suits. '• '
7. Tliat the seperation of the moneys of
the government from banking institutions is
indespensiblefor the safety ef, the funds of
the government and the rights cf the people. I
8. That the liberal principles ,
• Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, 1
and sanctioned in the constitution, which I
makeours'the land of liberty and the asylum
- of the oppressed of every nation, have ever
been cardinals principles in the democratic
- faith, and every attempt to abridge the privi
ledge of becoining citizens and the owners:of
soil aniong us ought to i be resisted with the
same spirit which swept the alien and sedi
lion laws from our statute books.
9., That Congress hasjno poweri:;under. the
.constitution, to, interfere with or control the
domestic institutions ot the several States,
and that such States are the sole and proper
judgesof everything appertaining" to their
own straits, not prohibited by the , constitu-1
Lion; that all effoits oft abolitionist and
-others'intele to induce Congress to' interfere
with questionsoflavery, or to take incipient
stepalin :elation. thereto, are calculated to
- z 1i is tire; /mast abirming lied dangerous con I
-• seitione.eA, a. that all such efforts have an
inevitable testiescy to diminish the happiness
of the people and. eerlanger the stability and
- permanence of the Union and ought not to be
coutenaneed by any friend of our political 1
• i /bait' t ions.
• 4. Reedited, That the foreg,oing, proposi
. don eovers,- and was intended to embrace,
.the' ihole'su bject of slavery agitation in Coil
"oi;, es% and,! therefore the democratic party
of the Union stantlingon this national plat
form; will at,:ide by and adhere to a faithfid
execation of the stets known as the Compro
mise measnm,settled by the last Congress,
'the act for reclaimitim fugitives from service
or labor' included ; cvliicli act, being design
ed to carry out an express provision of the
coti r si l itution, cannot, with fidelity thereto, be
repealed or soeltatiged as to destfoy or im
pair its efficienty. •
2. Re-solved, That the democratic party
will resist all 'attempts at renewing, in Con
-. gress or out of it, the agitation of the, slavery
question, under whatever shape or color the
attempttnay be made.
6. Resolved, That the proceeds of th%pub
lic.lands ought. to -be sacredly applied to the
national objeCtsapecified in the constitution
and that we ate opposed to any law for the
distribution of such proceeds among the .
States; as alike inexpedient in Policy and re
pugnant to the Constitu tion.
Resolved, That we are decidedly oppos
ed to taking from,. the President the qualified
veto power by which he is enabled,'under-re
. t•trictions and .rAsstionsibilities amply is enabl
ed sufficient to guard the public interest, to
itispend the 'passage of aII whose merits
canneticeptre the approval . of tw i o-thirds" of
the Senite and House Of Representatiies;
until the judgement of the peoplecan be ob
tain4s.thereon, and which has saved the
' American people from the corrupt and tvran
nical domination of the Bank of the United
Statil,Auad from a oorrupting system of gene
, ral internal improvements.
8. Resolved, That , the democratic party
will faithfully, abide by and uphold the pin
_ ciples laid doirti in the Kentucky., and Vir
ginia resnltitiions of 1168, and in the report
of Mr. Madison to the Virginia Legislature in
:790; that it zdopts those principles as con
stituting one of the main foundations, ?f the
poliCical creed, andlls resolved to carry them
- out in their obvious zweitsing and import.
9.' Resolved, That ,the,. war with Mexico,
upon all the principles patriotism - and the
larra_oi as just and necessary war
ne r p ar t, i vwhich eVery American citizen
z h o od h are s h own Ltmself on the side of 'his
.country; and neither mor: 11 / PhYslea 4 , ll Y
by word or deed, have .gifee at "' and
t to the enemy: • • •
10. Resolved, That WA rejoice at tlik resto
ration of friendly relatiehs with. our - sister,
oipublic of Mexico, ,and earnestly desire for
her nU the blessings. and .prosperity _which
we enjoy under repUblican institutions ; and
' we congratulate the: American - people., upon
the results of that War, which have so mani
festly justifiedd-the pkiliey and conduit of the
dinsocratic party, and insured to the United
States' 'indemnity for the past, and *tilt/
for the future.
- -
11. Resolied, That, in view of the ;condi
tion of popular - institutions in the Old World
a,high and sacred duty is devolved With in
creased mspcmibility upon the democratic
party of this coun,try,.as the party of the peo
ple to uphold and -maintain the tights of eve
,. rf State. and thereby the union of esti States,
and to sustain and advanee among us On
. ft;tatioutl iiberty,•by 000tinuing telesitt all
. mouopolitA and eloittfiite legislation for; the
henetit af•the fevi et the expense Oahe many
acid by a vigileat.aud perotant adherence - to
thoie PrittOipls goil:notopromises- of 'the eon
. atit uti°D wkialtare'btoad,enougli and strong
enough to' i eintifice - and upbold dm Union as
jt Abe•Vpion 46 it is, and the 1T4i012
•., r •
it shalij be, in the fullliatialoti of th 4 ener
gies and eapic . ity of this great and finiresi
ise peoitle. r
And whereaa,.since the foregoing deolisia.
lion was unitormerly adopted by our
cesium in National Convention, and adv,ense
political and religious test has , been secretly
iprganizO by a party claiming.. to be excltisiv
fy Ameiitans, and it is proper. that the Amer
loan ,democraey shOuld clearly, define its: re
lations thereto ; therefore, . •
1. %Resolved, That the foundation - of ;this
Union tifStates having been laid in its pros
perity, expansion 'and preeminent example in
free government, built upon entire freedom
in matters of religions concer; and no respect
of persons in regard to rank of -place :of birth
no party persons:
instly i eie deemed national, can
stitutioual, or in accordance'Avith American
principles, which bases is eictuaive organiia
tion upon Niigious opinions and accidental
birthplace _
2. Thatftve reiterate with renewed energy
of purphie the well considered declarations
of former, Canventions upoa the sectional, is
sue of deinestic slavery, and concerning ;the
reserved lights of the States; and that '`we
may more distinctly meet the issue on which
a sectional party, subsisting exclusively on
slavery agitation now relies - 4.0 test the fideli
ty of , the people,North and South, to the eon•
stitution and the U.nion—
. .
3. .ResoEyed, That clitnitig fellowship
with and desiring the co-operation of all who
-regard the preservation of the Union, under
the constitution, as the paratuount issue, and
repudiating all sectional patties and platfeirm
concerning domestic slavery,' which seek to
embreil the States and incite to treason and
armed resistance to law, in the Territories, arid
whose avowed purposea,if cbniutnnated,-mhst.
end in civil war and disunibn, the Atneriean
demourapy recognize and adopt the princi
ples contained in the organic laws eetabliSit
ing thelerrituries of Kansas and' Nebraska,
as embodying the only sound and safe solu
, 'aion of the slavery question , upon which the
great national idea of the people of this coun
try-can repose in its deternined conservatism
Of the Union: noninterference by Congress
with slavery in States and; Territories ; that
this -was the basis of the cemprothise of 1850
confirmed ley, both the democrats and whig
parties in Natioual ConyeatiOne ' ratified iby
the people in the election Of 1852;and right
ly applied to the organization of Territotiet
and the: drniss . ion of new Statesevith or with•
out dOmeetic slavery, as they may elect, the
equal rights of the States will be preserved
iutact,,the orimittel compacts of the cluntitu
tion maintained . -inviolate, and the perpetna
tion and expansion of this`Uuion etisure& to
its utmost capacity of embracing, in peace
and harmony every future American - State
that may be constituted or atittexed with a
republic:in form of government • . , .
4. ,Resolved, That we recognize the right i
of the people of all the Territories, including!
Kansas and Nebraska, acting through the
fairly expressed_ will of the majority of actual ,
residents; and whenever the number of their
inha.bitants justifies it, to tte a tonqitutiOn ,
with or without domestic slavery,-and be=it.l. i
mined into thel3nion upon terms of • perfeet
equality with the other States. i
5. Resolved, That the democratic party re- I
cognized the great impotence, in a 1,61i - tie:all
and commercial point of view, of a safe and 1
speedy communication within our own Terri-1
airy between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts
- ;)f this Union ; and it is the duty of the fede- 1
al government to exercise promptly al/ its
proper ebuetitutional powers. for the attain
ment of that object. , . - ~• 1
. .
6. Resolved, fi nally, that the, condition ofl
popular institutions in the Old World ' r and!
the .I.lugetous tendencies to sectional agita- -
tion '
combined with the attempt, to enforce i
civil and religious dieabilitii.%;againet!' the ,
rights of, acquiring anti enjoying citizenshipi
in our own - land, a Ingle and sacred duty. has I
devolved, wit increased responsibility, upon 1
, the democratic party of this country, as, the I
1 party of the Union, to uphold and maintain'l
1 .the righte of every State, and thereby -- the
Union of the States, and to sustain the ad
among us of constitutional liberty, by
, continuing to resist all monopolies apd exelu
sive legislation for the benefit of the , few . at
i the expeose of the many, and by vigilant. and
conetatit adherence to 'those principles , and
compromises of the constitution- which; are
broad enough and strong enough to embrace
the' Union as it was midthe Union as ie 'shall
be; in the full expansion of the eciergietti. and
capacity of this great and orogressive people.
• 7. Resolved, That the questi ms connected
with the foreign policy of the country arts in
ferior. .to'no domestic
,question whatever.--:--•
The time has come for the people of - the I . Jni--
ted Statei to dlare themselves in_ favor_ of
free seas , andprogressive free trade through
out the world, and, by solemn manifestations
?lace their moral influence, ,by the side ..
of their successful example. ' . i
8. Besolved, Thr our geographical and
iii -
.Politicai 'position t reference On othet States
on this continent, no !eel than the interebt of
our commerce., and the development of .our
growing' power, requires that Iwo hold sacred
the principles involved in the Monroe doc
trine, anti i their bindingimport, which admits
of no -misconstruction, and should be applied '
with unbending rigidity. _
9. Resolved, That which the great high
wayman' of nature as well as-the assent of the
States most immediatelv interested ill its
maintainance has marked out'for free ccentnu
nieStions between the Antlantic and Pacific
oceans; constitutes one of the mostimpcirtant
aehievements reelinel by the spirit'ofeneelern
times ' and the unconclueroble energy or our
people—that result should be secured by
timely, efficient exettion and contr A with the
, governments of the States within whose do
-1 minion it lies. We can, under the ciraum
stances, surrender ourlpyeponderance in the
adjustment of all questions arising out of it.
10. Resetted, That in vievi_of such com
mitnding interest the people of the United "
States cannot but sympathize with the ef
forts which ate being made by the people -of
, Central America to regenerate that portion of
I the continent which covers a passage aPerregi
the Oceanic isthmus. - ? , •
11. ...4tofved, That democratic partY, will
expect of the next administration that lerery
effort be made-to secure an '.ascendaney
. in
the Gulf Of Mezico--to maintain a pemienent
protection of the great outlets through which
is empti4 into its waters the productssed
upon oiu soil 'and the commodi!ies created
by the industry of the peoi3le in our Western
Talteys and the
litetigious metici. •
The Corner Stone of the 'new Eptseopnl
m in d ) to talepiece wilt be tsid :,by TtibhoP
Potter oi ToWay a P ftemo;i (17th inst.,) at :5
o'clock , E3ervkia will be 6614 IX/ the Chumit
3 I_9 p. Ow in the Evening, to cOarlesee
,qt:B 4;004, when the Rite of Colafir-witio,i) . will
`be administered.
, - once.
Hatt. H. C. Hickok, DeptitY Stale Suet. has
written that he will try_atul
.he present-lit the
Convention of Directors on Ow 98th - Inet, for
thelni Toes of conferring with theta in reitzirti to
thelialaeational intemata of the county,
- sem
JD Liberty, jane 41d. by_ Bela /eau b .,
Woo of Prid,gei
Wrau'lgi A l m Cetwf4; of the ',bigwig**
AttentioiC--Parliers. I,ook Here.
s C. BUTTON, hiving purchased the stock
AT formerly owned by C. C. Wright, he
'sonic] respectfully announce to the citizens of
.11iddletinen and vicinity. that he bait just re
turned from the city with new and fa supply
of ill kinds of Choice Spring and Summer Goods
which he willsell atanpraadsnludlow prkes fur
calk or ready pap. Please call and tee. His
choice lot of Dry Goods, for both Ladies and
Gentlemen, wear , of Foreign sad Do mestic - man
ufacture, Ladies Bonnets; Gents Leghorn Hats,
Canada do..•,Chip do. Crockery ' Groceries of all
bard Anatolie,/ Ware. Drigs
_and Medicines.
.Iron and Nails and Fish, besides an other arti
cles usually kept in a country store. Ho will
keep_constantli on hand a full supply of Sole
and upper Leither. , Wanted any quantity of
Pelts, Deacon and Calf Skins and lhdes, for
which the highest market price will he paid.—
All kinds of Farmer's Produce will bo received
in exchange for Geode at market. prices.
Please call end examine for yourselves at the
old atand of C.C. Wright%
1 . M. C.BUTTO ---- N.
Pa. • _
• Jewelry! j'eweliy!! ,
Ilkiniklbscribertlas received a large' assort.
,Mont of Goods to which he would- call the
attention of his friends, Conaisting of every style
of Breasipins, Ear Rings, Finger, Rings, Cold
Chains; Bracelets, A rtn)cta, Pena l. Spectacles,
Rings, Seals, Also,: At large stock ofClocks
of a great variety of pattirns and price& Silver
Ware, and Plated Goods, of every hind. A very
large stock of Gold andiSilver watches, of the
most approved makers, add of the finest quality._
All of which will be sold' at the !OMNI cash pri•
No. 2, Odd Fellows' Hall,. • -
.Bir.ghainton, June 7, 1856.
Department of Common Schools
. of Pennsylvania.
- ilAnnisflunn, June 2d, 1856.
To • .the School Lliretfors of Susquehanna
GEArtamEw: Applicatinn having been made
by the Boards of Directos of a majority of the
School Districts in Susqnehanna County, stat
ing theirs desire to 'bemuse tho Salary of the
County Superintendent o f said County:- you are
respectfully requestedto.'meet in Convention at
the Court house, in Morose, on Saturday the
28th daynfJune,l.Bs6, a one o'clock in the af
ternoon, for the purpose Above stated, according
to the terms - of the Eight l [ section of the Supple
ment to the Schooi Law,; approved the Bth day
o f May, 1145. Very Respectfull y Yours,
Supt of Common Schools.
Burning Plaid aiid Camphene•
A FRESH supply, just received, and for sale
1 :1 cheap, also; candies, old enough, big en
ough andlbard enough to t. stand shine, in stun
mer time, by 1 I. N. BULLARD.
June 9,18.56.
Ashton Salt, •
FOR Dairy and Table - Use: just received nud
for s l ate by the Sack; Oushet or Pound, by
June 9,.t856.;
Fashionable Millinery and Dress
!Maling atlfarford•
. mis c s oi r ;, D ) W an .r , il if S is , s (ra Lg nt h l i v an fro o m t N orwic h ,
H t an n ed,
would respectfully inform pm citizens of their
vicinity, that they are now prepared to do for
everybody; in thb • most fashionable• style, all
kinds of Ailline ry, Dress 3faking, Cutting,-Fit
tizw, Bleaching, 'Timing, Pressing, &c., on short
notice.ur facilities being such as to enable
u 4. to giv our customers new Goods, and latest
fashions t all times. Wei feel confident • that
we shall e able to please. I Shop over the store
of Johnsto n , Edwards & Co. •
June 3,118.5 . 6.-23m3 . .
T. D. ITALG,. M. D.'
. .
.YSICIAN and Surgtion has permanen tly Flocated himself at Brackneyville, Su.q'S.
Ei e
County, P nnia, and will Promptly attend to all
culls with which he may bet favored.
lray,4 56.—n22. 1
(100Diprgict Cloth Cap .for S ',billings a .
piebe,at • BELL & TINGLEY.
. r ' A.'•Pidifitt,
J •,I
USTICE OF THE PgACE,gollector of Debts
Executor . of Dthedc, Wills, ontracta,,&e. Of:
flee:Lace l Me, Wyoming cbunty, Pit.
May 9, 1856.:
Zoct. Viager
rp AKE this method of shying to his friends
And •ustomers that he; has again resumed
the practi e of Medicine at his old stand in Mon
trose, whete he may be found at a lt times unless
puifession lly employa He would say to those
owing hick on old accounts that he will daunt 25
per-tent do aWaccounts paid before the first .of
April mexti, (or if any poor like myself,) I will
deduct fiftY.
od still the,' . •
MEW B r o k every week . I gld Santa Clans is.
11 round et and will be 'till after New'rears,
so please prepare for him by;ealling at the Post
office, wherelyou can get new, entertaining and
useful book, cheap. - ' I
The Hunters Feast. or . Conversations around
the Camp Fire, Kate Weston' or to Will and to
Do,,Ten d' e'ars among •the Bags, Family
Pamtimes r tome made Happy, Life on the road
or Claude Duval dce- Peter Parleys'new Univer,
al Iligtory*d gift hooks, Mrs. Label', Crowen
and Mies New Cook books etc., and many oth
ers I cant ention here, but can show them to
On if you ill call, and sell them low for the
Ready. ' - •
31ontrose Dec. 26. 1855. ;
Come and See:
goring end
cheap cash
nerg, vrher
their Goo.
Y-FIVE cents in' cash will buy one
worth .of the splendid stock of
summer Goods just receiving at the
and barter store at Dimock four cor.
almost everybody goes now to buy
Flour and Salt kept always *on
I I .
51ay 1856. I .
Di mock.
-1 44 . ( A, allarii 2- -
" Picture Merket."
T_TAS REMOVED from Odd Fellow's Hall to
.111. his , l ew - 1
In the Brie Block, over Bentley and Read's.
Come a. 4 see.hCalling will cost you noth.
ing, 'Unless ou buy, and theri you are sure to go
away with ... ore than "value received." -
A toultit .de of choice canes, Gold Lockets,
&e., just i.. •!'
• I: ' ! Fru ! TIRE!!
The nod • r ei gneden has been appointed an agent
of, the ST -r , c . Sluvust., FIRE INSURANCE
COMPAN .of Harrisburg Pa. Said company
has a capi .l of
1 ' /500,000!
It is ass fe and cheap a company as any in
the State a d insures on the Stock and mutual
lion tro , Oeti 11, 1,856.--410
We the, ndelogned hereby state that we have
ilonehdain ''' With the above company , and we
are satial that it is botialiv and cheap--
boo enperierce we have sever know Pr as
seasmentsa a premium hots.
F. M. Will ,
i atzt
' Wm. Jessup.
D. D. War. or. F. B. Chandler,
Orlando Eldridge. E. B. Cbase
l i "
~ ." f Auditor's Notice.
aTE'au iber, appOinted to re•audit the
1.T.,0a r a of Caleb Cartnelt, Estr of the
4 jui ti n
Wi4 of I t s is. Thomson ise. fuel sleo ta ?ePar t .
a distributi of the funds fa said Camilla hands
/111 EX'? Trustee dip., will attead thereto- at
his office is Afootross, on Monday, the Rild day
of June mit 14 one ,o'clook , P., Mg at which
time ail galena interested '-ca4 attend if they
think pr r, or to debarredirs;
'__ WM. J. TUIWELL Auditor.
11•4, 1
'May 66. -42w4.
1 • _ . • -
BARRER, 11009ET06-
i n Tam': ling r iaaiyanit --
- Of suquehitnna said Neighboring
Counties. -
- [AT E would vespectfullreolich your atten*
V V tion to our large stock of the above
mentioned Goode, noir in store and in course of
reception. For Many yearn the trade of one of
the largest pottier,* of the Empire , State bas
been retained by,a monopoly, which has at last
given away before the rush of enterprise.
Possesamg unequalled facilities for buying,
'and having direct/ communication with the most
extensive Manufactories in the United—States,
we any, without exaggeration, that we earl and
will sell, either wholesale or- retail, at pOies
lowei then efer
,offered -before- west of N. Y.
City. •
:While nothing has been omitted in the Hard
ware line, we have given particular attention to
the Moose Fernklaing branch ,of our business,
and have on hand; a stock well worthy the in
spection of House Keepers. .
Of Fancy Goods we have also a large assort
tnent, which, Oaring been .selected with especial
reference to the wants of our customers, we
think will please:those in need of articles is this
In conclusion, we would say that our Goods
are new, and of the first quality, and that we
hope, by strict attention to business, and a con
stant antieipation of the .wishes of our patrons,
to merit even an lucre/or, of the conftdenco al
ready reposed in ttS.
Hardware, House Furnishing and Fancy Goods
Establishment, 51 Court St., Bingham
- . ton, N: Y., adjoinink Bank of •
'N. B. We have a very large stock of Wood
en and Willow Ware, Mitts and Rugs. Britannia
Ware, Fancy Bird. Cages, &e. lair' Sporting
apparatus of every destriptinn, including Fishing .
Tackle in all its varieties, Guns, Rifles, Pistols,'
Gun Materials; dtc: '
From the Bingiutaitoa Democrat, April 10th.
noticed the new at ore erected by A. Knowlton,
Esq., 'adjoining the Bank- of Binghamton, to be
occupiell as a - Hardware Store by Messrs. Phyfe
& Knowlton. As It approaches completion it
deserves more and'more the praises that have
been bestowed on it, and is undoubtedly in its
style; finish and appOintments the 'model store of
the Southern Tier. ; Messrs. P. & K. are note
Putting in their stock, one targer and inore com
plete than has heretOfore been kept in this place,
embracing all the'departments of 'Hardware,
Builders Finishing Materials, Gas Fixtures, &c.,
&c. Mr. Blackstone, an experienced and ready
a•orkman.superinterlds the bas Fitting depart.
Tent_ Look in at phyte & Knowlton's.
Hardwire and Furnishing
THIS is a progreileive age. No one doubts
it; or if they did, a glance at the manifold
wires on which the „lightning whizzes with im
portant news, would 'Futon corvine° ; a look at
the rusting care would add more
the last and wise conslasiotil New proofs pre.
sent themitelves eactiAay ; each day wo are more
anxious to
"Cateh the !lying manners as they rise,"
turn them to our own recount, and take In as
ranch rash as.pomible. -
Now a days people are 'averse to dealing at old
fashioned Stores--th'eso established from ten to
twenty years ago. Their proprietors having,bo.
come thoronghly imbued with the high price
principle, (or rather lack bi principle,) are , nn.
willing to lower their demands to a scale wore
in accordance with the times we live in.
I esolved to keep pace with the progreoire.
spirit of the age, we have opened our new and
spacious Store, No. 41, Court St., with a very
large assortment of
Hardware, House Furnishing,
and Fancy Goods, which rro offer wholesale or
retail, at the lowest prires, for cash or approved
51,•Court 5t.,1311 ghainton, N..Y.
Nr We advise cobatry merchants to visit 114.
They will find it advatitagrons.
Rouse Keepers Attention ! H
A T Phyfe dc_ Knovelton's you will find every
Miry , in the
. •
. House Furnishing
except 'Crockery. The breakage upon- this
Amounts to so much that, when kept with other
Goods. the latter have-to pay an extra profit to
support the dealer. So, House Keepers, lake
the hint, buy your Muse Furnishitig Goods at
Save a :are per centage, and thank your stars
for having read this ddvertisement.- = -
Hardwire, House Fitrnishing•and Fancyy. Goods
Establishment, 51 Cnurt SL, Binghamtdh, N. Y.
-110 HYPE & KNOWLTON 'are determined to
rr sell almost everything in the line of
atlreatly reduced•`pr(cea. try them, at
51(,. Court St. Birighamtpn.
• FARMERS . ; . .
ViTILL fin d a large lot of „
v, if'. Hoes. Rae%
. .
Sparks, Shovels,
Grass-Hooks, Sickles,
and many other articles for tilling and beautify
ing the earth, at - PHYFE & KNOWLTON'S,
Binghamton, N. Y
THOSE who buy to sell again, especially
will find
and a large stock, fislm which triseleet. at Phyft
& Knowlton's H4lware, House Furnishing
and Fancy Goods eslablishment, 31 Court st.,
Binghamton, N. Y. 1, •
• r •
WE are determined to suit the Ladies, hay
ing their comfort in view,. wtt. lately pro
.ured of the importers, a large assortment of
which must certainly please oven the most fas
tidious taste.
We have a fine stock of Hair, Nail and Tooth
Brushes' comprising many elegant styles.
• Of combs we have an extensive variety, inclu
dine many, of India Rubber, Iron and Horn.
We have, beside, nunv other Fancy Articles,
too numerous to mention. Call and examine
our Fancy Goods. ,!
51 Court St.. ;I
- RefiAgerators• •
JUST received a large lot, at. prices' ranging
.from $5,5u $12,00.
Ilinehemton N. Y..'
Bird CageO! Bird Cages !!,
HYFE & KNOVVIA'ON have just received
a large and well selected assortment of
combining many of the most elegant designs
and beautiful finish combining durability with
lightness and alrinels of style. From fis ed. to
$lO, each, drinking and limed cups included.
Court et., Binghamton.
• Miunt Merchants,
WILL find • Henlware, House 'Furnishing
and Fancy - Gond* et New York Arians,
7.1 - HITE; 4r. KNOWT•TON are ilieota for *
number of Mairefacturers,Roli win supply
the Trade 94 easy terms; sad at a low prise et
their Iferdit" Fieglitibing And PAPCi
criwits -Nagattlistisneiit,
- To lipottoinez_.
Tatkkf G i tata ' . .R(fiat /
PYFE &KNOWLTON. bave'now on hand
n splendid lot of Fishing Taqtle, compd. ! ,
oda * frotirli64 to $lO .
Linos, from gets.; to OS, each.
Reels, from $1,50 to $6 each, antlea *rivet=
Meat of artificial Bait, never before equalled In
this vicinity, including Frogs; MieeSillaset Leath
er, Ivdia linbbe i tidianows,Outts Perchi, Grass
HoPPeve, Shtim - Spinning Balt dte., &a, Pat'.
eat spoons tma,_ itatcidag_grtsi while hallitig.
Patent Spring' Hooks f)r Pickerel or Pike.—
Bocadalogers, et. Yankee Doodle Hooks; anew
and improved Mode of catching fish. -
W have a gOod stock of Guns. Rides, ae•-
voleing, single and doable barreled . Pistols. Pow.
der; Shot. Water Prootand other caps, Hunting
Hems, Turkey:. calls, Powder Flasks,
Ponchos; 0 ame Bags, Temperance Bottles, &c.
&to., dtc.. - - • •
In fact we ha l ve every article-of Sporting ap.
perste& • Hooka, for outline Billing by the hum
dred thobaand. i PHYFE & KNOWLTON.
51 Court st, Binghamton.. .
- No Use inFire-ing
T' .
f"PRAS so-:.a s , Me Si Pilch dr. ltoowlton
1 keep such lo splendid assortment of
bS they . now hive in store, 'and whktrictty all
hands, rival Hardwares Included, uknowlWeW
to bete •
ever offered to the citizens of Broome, Susque
hanna, or any other county.
We can furnish as good an outfit' of tools u
Hill, Wood or Seymour, of New York city, and
at prices at leasti 25 per cent. lower than either.
Hardware, lions° Furnishing and Fancy Coo&
_, Es tablishment, '5l, Court - St., Bingham• _
ton, N. Y., adjoining Bank of
- D LTICULES, for Ladies, a large assort-
IL moot at .
& KnowltOn are at all -times ready to in.
sert Gas Pipe fn, old or new houses, in a work.
man like manner, and at row prices. • •
They have a tine assortment of Chandeliers,
Peadents, Portable, Brackets, Glass Globes, and
Fancy Paper Shades. . -
Mr. Blackstone, who superintends the work
has had much experience in this line, in .New
York and Brooklyn. Orders solicited. ' •
Binghamton: .
UUCKMEN,lVillori . and Tin W '
are,at •
Whips by. the Million!
,FROlt 25 et* to 85,00, at ' .
Binghamton. .
Britannia Ware•
A VEAY.large stock'at -`
A New Corn Sheller-
A T (My $5,00, at
ItiffiLL'and Cross C'ut Sawn. nt
51,-Court - st. Binghamton.
rrABLE and Poeket Cutlery, a great variety,
1 at very /ui'r . prices, at
Sheriff Sales.
Y virtue of writs of fi.fa., ren. ex. issued out
ofthel*rt of Commori . Pleas of Susque
hanna county and to Die directed, I will expose
to sale by public vendue at the Court House in
Montrose, on Saturday the 2lat day of June
next, at 1 o'clock P. M.
All that cot Lain piece or 'parcel of land situ
ate and being in the township of Middletown in
the connty of I ,SusqUehanns, • and bounded and
described as follows to wit : On the north by
lands fornierlyi of Isaac Pratt, now owned and
occupied by Joseph Briefer, on the east by lands
of John Starsrand 'Washington Beeman, on the
south by. lands of Levi Light,' and on • the West
by the afore said lands, formerly of Isaac Pratt,
now Joseph 'Brieter's. Containing !about 55
acres of land, more or less, with the appurtenan.
ces; one framed House, one framed . barn, one
orchard and about 45 acres improved. -
• Taken in ofeention at the suit .of W. W.
Wheaton vs. Wm. Ellsworth. .
ALSO, All that certain piece or parcel of land
situate and being in the township of Clifford, in
the county of Susquehanna, and bounded and de.
scribed as follows to wit: Beginning at a post
the north corner of Benjamin Ayres land, thence
along lands of Poileg Hopkins, north 44 degs.
east, 124 perches and ni to tenths to a post and
stones in line ;of original survey, thence along
warrantee line, north 46 dogs. west, 25 'perches
and five tenths, to a .beech tree ; thence north
45 dogs. east;, 4n perches to a post, in George
Salsbury's line; thence. south 46 degs, east, 118
perches to a post and stones, thence south 44
degs. west, 165 perches to a post, thence north
46 dogs. west i 92 and a hslf perches to the place
of beginning. Containing 101 acres and 20 per
ches, more or less, with the appurtenances, one
framed House , two barns, a small orchard and
about 70 acreic improved.
Taken in execution at the suit of Benjamin
Ayres ve. Joon Carr, with notice to -Eve Carr
and Harmen Storeb, Terre Tenants. — •
'ALSO, All that certain piece or parcel Orland'
situate and being in the- borough of Sasq'a De
pot-in the county of Susquehanna, bounded as
follows to wit': on the north by the public High.'
any or street,' on the - east by lands of. Patrick
Shields, on the south by lands of J. H. Smith,
and on the welt by ' lands of Jonathan Baldwin.
Being lot No. 10 as laid down on a map of I. H.
Smith's land, by Addieott_McKee, Oct. 23d, 1851,
being 66 feet front on the , solgh side of the
street, and 99 feet deep. Containing 24 square
rods, strict measure, with the appurtenances, one
framed house - andlill improved. -
Taken in execution at the snit of James D.
/Mazy vs. John Smith. -
ALSO, Allthat certain piece or parcel of land
situate and being in the township- of Springville,
in the county of Susquehanna, and bounded and
described as follows to wit: On the north by
land In posseisiun of Simon Green, - on the east
and south by land owned by - Pardcn Fish, and
on the west by the Wilkesbarre and Bridgewa.
ter turnpike read, containing one half an acre of
land; more or 'less, with the appurtenances one
framed housennd all improved.
Taken in texecution at the suit of Dean &
White va..o. S. Tracy.
` ALSO. Allithat certain piece or parcel of land
situate and being in the township of New Mil
ford, in the county of Susquehanna, and boun
ded and described as follows to wit': on the north,
east and south by tends of .Charles Leach, and
on the • west by lands of E. A. & 0: Pratt, con
taining eight•- acres and seven perches, be the
saute more or leas, with the appurtenances, two
framed dwelling houses, me small barn and we
saw mill, and; all improved. - - -
Taken in *Notion at the suits of Jacob W.
Smith and Hatolab Ann Smith ids wife, led J.
Dickerman Jr. vs. Leonard Corse •
T ITHOGft,APHS, Arust's Paints and Brush.
Li as, at_ TURRELL'S
June, /858. ' "
exintFloar for aale,.at $ll par bbl.
1: let& 6d; 040 :earth bbl. at -
- S. IifOTTS.
itotttfolailano 4,1856. • ,
mostx .NEW °coons .
ATBELL':.4 TINGLEY'S. A large end
well selected lot of Crockery end Glass
ware jest roOlived• lot of • Tees
which we *reselling
OATS wattled at_so.cects perbushcl• wish Or
trade by BELL ipT4NGLEY.'
liePbcittrn'. 14, 1614.
bl Couit atriet:
TO the Citizens of Montrose..
TIME OED.:_: '..;
Detawire, I ! acuaviaina4k.vrJit.s.
lAN and`_ after Monday, -May 19t13,11156, tb¢
N.J Pligianger Train will depart five
Scranton at 10.116 a. m. - Meat Great :Bend at
1,45 _P.'1a- - Coacceting with the Dunkirk and
Burni*Erpreealfest, on the R. Y. dt:E.:11.. , R.
Paint/um taking- this train will arrive *But
Lilo it. m.; and In New Mork at ED.
' Returning, Will have Great Bend it f.lO p.m.,
due at Jilereetonet SAO p. -
The: Freight 'Accommodation Train, with
paieenger car attached, will leave Scranton at
12.46 p. connecting with the. Mail Train
west, and the Night Express Trains betli
and west. Pasiengers taking this train and the
Night EaPreisgast, will wrlie in New York
a. m4-by taking the Fight Expires West,
will arrive lu Dunkirk id m.. or by taking
the Mali Train west, will arrive at Dunkirli
-Returning, will leave Great Bend. at 7 a. in,
and arrive at Scranton 12.05 p. in. -
Passengers 'for Wilkesbarre, Plttaton, Cs?,
lemdale t Philadelphia, (via the Catawilsa,
ismaport and Erie and Reading Railroad,--Via
Tamaqua.) and, Easton and ail 'intermediate
places, will find first,lass stage coaches in read
iness at Scranton, on the arrival of thePass7 .
eager and Accommodation Trains ; to Convey,
them to the above places. Those choosing pri-' ;
vats conveyances will find the best of homes,
and carriages of ()very description. at remonatiiir
charges, ready to order.
D. 11. DOTTERtR; Scp't,
Superintendents Office.
&tauten, May 19, 1356.
!. wizczate.usas._
(IN the part of StinIONS & MERRIMAN,
egainot those old codger'. 'second rate
Goods and high Prices. Friends, Countrymen,
and all (which Includes everybody,)as have
just received waplendid stock of Sprl ng and Sum
mer Goods, atour store on PUBLIC AVENUE; -
first door above the Post Office. Which we are
determined to sell for •
a "leetle" cheaper than can be bought .in this
market. Our stock comprisesn complete assort
ment of the latest styles and • beat qualities of
Goods, from the coarsest Brogans, to the 'finest
_Congress Silk Lusting Gaiters for the Ladies:
MENS Preach. Calf Boots. the best in town.—
The beat assortment of Ladies Gaiters ever in
troduced into this market. •
Clallillitraisi3 %ROES,'
in groat variety— Findings a gelenlassortment-
Iso Sole Loather, Upper Leather, Ca►f Skins,
Kip Skins, Patent Leather, Bronzed Moroccn,
Cnrasos; Morocco, Boot Morocco, Linings, all
kinds: • '
All. kind of work made to order, aril repairing
done neatly. •
Thankful for put favors, we hope b,y,fairdeal
ing to merit a contindance of the time.
Call and see ua beforo purobaning - eloowktre.
Montrose, ?days-26,1856.
Books That •Jiro Booki.
For sale at the -Mcmtrase Book Store in the
Post Office.
llistory of England.
Diary and Correspondence of Amos Lawrence.
Prison of Welteverdon in the }list Indian
Archopelago, by Capt. Gibson. .
_Forest Tragedy and other Tales by Grace
Greenwood. -
Thelosh Boys. by Capt. ilfayne Reid•
'The Greatßed Dragon. . .
The Prince of the Houie of David.
Good. Time Coming.
Christine or Woman's• Trials and -Triumphs:
The thtynx Ring.
Man of War Life. - -
The Old Homestead.
Woodhill or the Ways of Providence.
D'Aubippe's History of the Reformation.
Family Testamenti with Psalms and Notes:
Pocket do and Bibles.
... : .
Catholic Prayer Books. . • .
~ .
Yankee Notions, &c.,4r.c. '" . . . • :
They, say That the, Montrose Book Store is
the, place to get Boos 'andNotiona cheap. Well
what if:L/14 do say ao you can't teii "Whother
they say the truth or, tot unless - you trv--but.
never mind. l. feel very thankful - for ro.t . favOrs
and hopii to merit a continuation of oatrona,le - ,
by strict attention to the wants of ;he public.
and by keeping; on hand . a good assortment of
Books and Stationary at "LiCe . and Let 'Live"
prices. ' A. N. BUI.,L.AR.D.
Montrose, April 2, 1856. '
Starracca Rail Road :.!!.
4§? 411 1
'WILLIAM TREMAIN.& CO., are on hand
• Y with the . largest, best; and chenppst stock
of general merchandise in town. Consisting ot
Axes. Alpacca, and Aispice. -
Brooms, Boots and Bedsteads.
. Clocks; Calicoes and Clothing.
- Denims, Drugs, and Door Handles. '
Envelops, Edging, and Epsom Silts.
Flour, Flannels, and .Fish.flooks. •
Glass, Groceries, and Gimblets.
Hats. Hams, and Band :saws,
Ink, Indige,_and Iniperial Babies (dresses.)
- Ingsasconets, and Jewsharps. -
Knives, Knobs, and Kentucky - Jeans.
Locks, Lamps and Looking Glasses.
Matches, Muslim and Molaases.
' Nutmegs,•Nankeen. and Notions. •
• Oils, Oxbows and Overalls. • '
Pork, Pills and-Powder. •
'Quail:aware, Quills, and Quart.cupa.
Rubbers, Raisins and Rat.traps. ,
Shoes, Shirts and Sugar.
Tobacco,Tea adti Trace Chains. -
Umbrellas, Under-shirts and Union Hats.
Vent's, Vinegar and Vitro). . .
Whips, Wallets and Wash-bowls. ' •
Xtra Superfine Flour. - -
York, Cottonades and Youth's Hats. •
Z., And many other rartiales•which they are,
selling At aaery small advance on cost prjecs.
"Small ; and fair dealing is the met to .for
the Summer of 'at Give us a call and test the
truth of our assertions.
Lanesboro, Pa., May 26, 1856.
Better Late than Never.
New Goods at the trpsonville Ex
THE subsCriber Is blippy to infonpiii.t . 4 frienda
'and patrOns that he • has , just‘ eifed a
choice - tot - of Goods, direct from. Now York, oon
siating, in part, ofDry•Gooda, - Grociries, Crock
ery, Hgirdware, Stonewar4• Fish; Nano, Booti
and Shoes, nits andtapr e Elonnets, Umbrellas,
Wall Paper, Window Shades, e• Roady-mado
Clothing, Yankee lintions, ", which he
will sell as cheap for ready pay, especially for
cash its' can be bought `at any other establish
ment in the county. • That Is to say •that - he will
not be beat by any braging . • ,
Ifs alai wishes tNe a y a word to his customs?'
and others : in relatton to the way:ovine WAR
folks' do their intaltiess. If they ,hue seeks,
Cabbages, or Tangier - 6r anything else;unans
werable that they wish to Ilispose of- An- Wilt
take them to the '
.store in timir own 'town - and
fairly or tiorairip force the merchant to - buy them,
and it they have Money to pay for Goods, - they
Will go fob Binghamton et. soma other place; to
spend it, and tlien 'report mound bow much
eikespg, they en bur Goods away, from home
that* thornalt iMmer. Ail 'hoe imr
such Mmtumers is oomo to alp with irm. cask
and itiAays my Saida you want, I can and
*WWI tbsua to ptiapnoesperfactl astonish
tra. L.
May- . ,
PRBONS dwaroos orpont mcmotiey,
404 &ally diwariptlmoaw do way lowing
their pirmank with Posts CooPIK - c‘Bial.
twit.igmatroirm. Wl_y credit, .wiieece tcototii
will be altoirodfrplii.tatstr doitet. - =:°
' C..l«;W4lta.
414 - 105111:-At - .
• .
N such lertni•that securea`therlght
nation to the navigation of *be Danobwind,
be it known 10 the people lie;";'ldosquebliflpfs:
Counif;ancLuse rest or the wftlid,that dig will •
lad it to thiliadvantivis - -come to Temp.
*ranee. Sajoon. aneGrocery In'Malt Steltfont.
rotte,Pno. (the only Temperance indonnin Mert.
rose) to • get -Ples, ouch's* -
Cry,.: Crackers, _Sardine", ..•,Pielthint..oistimr;;•-•:-
Clan* Cuetinthers, OrittiginhJ i tsx:.2:.
Apples, CsaditeentNutn..dre.
Boor, ' lO 4 and' gksta'_ Witt* to
eat and drink- At the same:" place lit'nkood as.
eortmeat. of Groceries and Pr ore. with,auf
supplies every -week Vona Nem
Tea, choice kinds, from 2a. gC: OK* - Por - •
Seger. new at 9 et*. Rest-Ccdree' `,44 1 d14
oragbrd, 'Pol!erieed Sed OreS4l_,_ _
,at54,144..0r '
lb. Mel:saes 3a. ed. per Ga ll en jiltralNSYrrP St
ss. ed. papa.' Pork; Smriked Hai nilid non&
ders;dried. Beet Slam, Widtli -
and Blue Cheete, - Creckimit," I,
Swims patent and Sperm Caildfl;4l,.. Vita j'ef
Bar Soaps ,. Shaving do. beet in - neeiCOlsl•Bim'
and Tobacco, - plug , god tee 'anti Chewing Out
smokinfor do. In tin foiL Fire Cal - china ,
Works. Vetches, all kinds.''dthit.
Plums, Cherries, Pigs, from - ed.
Pruner, Zantee Currents., Citron, IPlri pasta,
'go foupuddings..Spiceis all kinds, do:
Ilfustard, do. Preach Soap : Powder: BahbittsSal
want, do- and wobbloil .-Boda, - Cream, Tartel4 . -.'
and Super Carli Soda Tartariti. Acid, Lice**,
do. root, Fancy.andy and GUM Drape, frith • -
from N. P., Cassis. buds, Caneryieedilintmege,
Cloves &q 4 _,Cocoriariitua sod Citsikelattylee
ilards,•black and Scotch , snuff, Rastas; from la.'
to Is. ed. per lb; Suttanee *Wiens Itasiu; star*"'
(pearl) Corn starch, Patent NatinarGratersiina
elotbes Pinii,,Sweet and Casior GU in bottles,
Raymondin Lees, and Wrights Pills, Salts, '
Brimatone r Salphor, - Gtim 'Camphor, Mawr •
Choice lot of Catsup,. Pickles, Pepper :Sauce,
R: 4 -*Pbrif -SYro P. flavoring estmoteilialr..oilthta
embelish and prevent from falling; Offoiturning
grey. Herring by that Bon, WhitsWasb, Scrub'
and Shoe brushes, Stove and
Garden seeds; - alate and lead penclish.Ase •,
res. Broome, Tooth Ache Ointment, en
sure cure for bortisiSprains,
Sian Liniment, good fur man or beast. Horoo :
Medicine, together with a. Ingo , assortment
Children's lropho. selected with
,great Care - for
both girls - and boys, amo ng which" are small
pails and Baskets. Horses, Dogs, and . , Cattle on
wheels and rockers, email Tea. Sotto,. Thimbles,'. '
Cornelian Rings,_ Tops, Clarionettes;- Accords- -
on, liarmonicons, ffarpe, and - man* carious,„ ' :`:
things. Ladies Baskets and Sewing Slid:4B=k
Salt for familytuse, Corn Meal, als o' Pthur, kopt
constantly on band, by the Tonadillack or bar
- TGIAZIE &t2:1A113- '
Clams. Om*ea and Lemons, Pine Apples, &m,=
SOlllB Eggs, Butter, Potatoes, Beans, ate, taken'
in exchange. The above Goods are far tale for -
cash or readypay. " ' • - -
Thankful for past 'fermi, I hope..tir
attention to busineaa-nnd small profiti tei.gain *-
larger share of patronage, and '_thereby all be.
mutualy benefited, all orders with, the ready.
will be promptlY attended to. .
Temperance Saloon, Grocery tind.Provisioa
Store in Main St., Montrose, Pa., ItaY 20i 1858.
Sheriff's Sab3.' , :
Y virtue of a writ of Fen. x,, .en of
13 Os Court of CommonPlieo.ottkeque—
hanna County - and to mo direeted;Vivill expose
to sale by public venduo at the Court item° in
Montrose, on Sitirday,' the 14th" iia7l4,l*.Tunii
next, at o'clock, P. Al.
All that eertain piece or parcel:" of, land lying
and being in the: township of AnbUru, in said
County,bounde ind described itaffollowa
On the north by , lands of Daxfilltabb,.onf-the
east by lands of Samuel 1 - ,liile; : soutlflijr land of
Edward Cooley, and west James
Bunnell, containing one hundred sierpa'of land,
be the same, more or.less, with' the appurtenan
ces ono log house, one framed ; Barn and, ahout
sixty acres improved.
Token into execution at the Samuel
TewksburY vs. Nathan EdWards, •-•-
F. P. HOLLISTF..II„, Shlf.
. Sheriff's Office, Montrose, -
31ay--20, 1856. -
The above sale i 3 hereby. adjourned to "Satur—
day the 21st. day of Jane inst., at 1 o'clock P.M.
F. P..HOLLISTER4Sheriff:
Sh.niff's Ofre, Montrose, • ,
Junes 2, 18.56.
Faxmorsi to yonrlo,orest.-- . :.
A rare rhantv to • Ina,47front :12 to 26 'or ;0'
• •
per cent: on you). irivistrnent. • -
THE ,übseriber is prepared tofarnish Thresh
ing machines and various other. Agrictsltur.
al implements, not to be suipessed .by any in
this country, frottfthe wefi known Ind long .
tablished Mannfactory of Wheeler,Milliek Co,
Albany, N. Y. There are but slew 'Tamers in
this county, but what can realise Me' abOve'per
cent. or more, as the horse power can tietipplied , -
in sawing Wood, in .log or otherwise4hunsing.',
cutting Stalks, straw, ,andlitay anti:Nadi:sus.
other uses too.numerous to mention: For
era] tc.‘asons 1 cam make itmir oldeettor, thoie
wishing; to 'purchase, •to ursommund lava
their_ orders rfillcd. 1 havo Abe freight so arrkng
cd that the transportation is but d mere
Allimplements warranted' to be and to perfortm -
as recommended, (see large. hand bilis) can . :
also furnish machinery from other mantifictois
if desired. Now is your Send- orders and
your machines wilLbo in mtdins - uns at
Dittmar, Sual. Co.; Pit. ,gay. Sl e 1855:
Low Moos Triumphant.
GE'RaE.W. SEYMOUR: dt 0041tre-now
receiving a. magnificent Stock ' of Spring;
and Summer. Goads, ticketed with:great' care
and with special repaid to the-taateituid_Wante
of this eummunity.'corisinting.efic,choicai,yarie-,
t'. of Dry Goods, Fancy
,_Gooda and embrpider. _
ies, Itiots and Shoes, Groieries;Hatai Cape, t
atr:iw*Goods; Crockery; Hardware anttetttleM
&e.. Which we will soft for Prompt ,pay,. at
lower prices than Luny other ostabliattinent IN
this County. • • • •- •
`We Would asiahat they baronet fo_ otteD,.
and that in the way of • Dress Geods,' , Wcr tutse
euile4l for their, use the elteieist geas
_the ,
rnarketi, r
.Drop in and see ws, sina- we ' will tea°.
• Oenaure in ehowing;you The rileetainielteaipest
stock ofGoo_ds you ever sawlo
liirford; May 4, 1856. •
GOOD assortraiat of ratteinDiessiAwo,
all priessott - G WS. &
AR.4.SOLS and Fans, aawatylei ana elsoleo•
J -
_ varieiies. at G.:W. - EL.& MS.
A L.IttGE stook _of Crockery and GlasA
AWnre at • & CO'S. 1
A. ainvir sr/pm:l4d Groceriesk Drug;
at'. to:- () kith:, _ _ Tu teria ß ia g io u r rt vi gh . ll) ,
Jan; 10,1856.
, Reediiii Indicted fez Vinson I
'A ND Congress hay passed a new. : novqty ,
£ - -tend boy ,eoblivre:„ their . wldOiri . ar,:iii
whoseT! vlsime have- been 'stralyievreiVeaiiii.very'':
many of then. now obtain their' irairantill
.plying to roe. • Many good 7 ._clalme are
tbrOlig4 Ignorance, o r w4ntolkattituglin;;
have the=law direct from WaiMbigtoti; a i *el
be happy . to iervetatirkiada by.esteilugi*itew
ehden or- parroting obi\
area : . 7. • 4r...;PITPL - :
itiarritme, say2l. ItilittL4afwc -- - •
..., . ._,...:, ~.„.... •
-.- r.:izi•;...,:•_;2llitiiiokilitori-6.1,14411,06-'l-:5c.47-:--,,::
. . . . . .
I\loTialliftitrii i ii, l 4ol:*4ll: - ,potteinit-:404 , . - -.
1:1 - :14. - ithiris*k:. - . - - , thgeltatii*.Of4o4;..-
11.1thiesidt : ; late: of .oriiiit;:likkii . ::101**0 ,
.E#V4 - o.64otyi.44o l .4'thikilielsitirti;:- : *:::! .
.o . eigsated . iiiit*',lnidinehriiiikltri-100*AYE.litir•r , "
land 411-10:00. Indebted 14 ;14241%!1414.-.4 0._:, - e
quiritittic,Fokeimiiiiidtilfirsettlli!.` ;--- -•:-- -
• - :•*--•-. •'' , 7 - :-;.- - - 40111tECTOWw7.-- - ..,,,i ,. .. - _! - ., , , „..,
. ~....„ ..,
.:,.--:'..- ~,..1 ,1!-.1-,:4-4#$$*1064Lti::
, - .- -- -, - ... - ',5 - -: - . ,, ---- • --
, : ' , ..'-:' ', ..- - , *oinaktOta - - 7.