The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, May 01, 1856, Image 3

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    To the' DemocratlO\ bounty Com
Notice !is hereby given to 'the , following
tamed persons', composing the County Coln-
Mittee, that a meeting of said. Committee
will 13e held at the lionse of W. K. Hatch, in
the Borough of Montrose, on Saturday, ate
11d day, of May . next; at I 'o'clock P. M. A
general .eendance of the Committee is_ear-
Daily reonested : •
O. L. Carpenter, David Buffunt, Dat4el
ThOS. Johnson, E.. 0. Williams, Jacob
Kimbell, - l3aniei Baker. Manson - Main, Thos.
P. Phittneji, Griffy 4 - Titus Sutith.rr.,
Wni.Robb,e, Benj. Dix:, 11. W. Bench, Ira
Norton,Leander Griftli, James
Faurot, S. Tewlurr.• S. D. Terrell. A.
McDonald; Otis Ross, J. MeColluM, J. H..
'Sutphin, F. A. Ward, N. D. Snyder, Dennis_
Sullivan,•Justus Knapp, A. W;Rowley, M. J..
Murnford. bominittee.
By order of several members of the gmart;
`tnittee, the Chairman, J. 13. McCollum, being
absent froth the County.
)lontro?e, Apil 28,1856. .
t? Trout are caught in our small creeks
in Abundance this spring. ' •
The thii”xose Fire Company will meet at
their . Engme Illuse. on Monday afternoon,
fav , oth, rit, 5 o'clock.
' At the douse V..oarpenter, in Great
13en4,'on .ult., by Rev. J. 8.-Mc
:Cieary; BENJAMIN lIALMER, of Susq'a
Dolt, and and- Mrs. Jas:E. McKuNE, of Lanes-
. , .
:, Rhodes , Ye ver'aud . Ague ,Cure,
i. - IR Antidote to Malaria; for the prevention /
N j -and cure of Fever and Ague, or Chill Fe- ;.. • r ,r.. , t ,t 1 . ,
7 ../ 4'4 • ' .
Ir j-t.t. I.r)a - I'D` , D , zz.l (17,'
ver ;• Bomb 'Ague, and other 'lntermittent, and 1 1 •a ~.,,
Remittent FeVers; also ofj Billious Fevers, ac- 1
. „ . .... f .-'77-1 - _ - _7:2; 1 . of Philadelphia no , • t g.„
c0.3,,,,,0_vv, Typhoid Fever, Yellow Fever, ; .-4.,0.2 s i
world.—Evane & Watsou rn , s No. 26
Ship j and Jail Fever, General Debility, Night •, I
,;; 1 1 . '!' ) --- . Forth Fourth • 'street, Philadelphia,
Sweats,..ajnd till tither forms of disease which ' '
j : j 1 a.v.e had the tnires dernonstratiiin
have a cominertorigin in •.
.. - lb the fullowing Certificates, thjqt
-J • MALARIA 'OR JHASMA. ' their matatfactuh:. of Salamander Safes• has lat.
• • , j --, • ,
ti'ainally.',Certain asnpreventiva or 'cure. . Ilength fitlfy warranted the representatiurie whieli
For sale by the, undersigned, authorized agEnt j have been made of them, as rendering an u•Wi.-
for the Proprietor, Jas.%A...Rhodea, Providence, I doubted. security against the terrific, elements"lt. I. , ••• ••. . ' 'l. N. BULLARD. I, • • . PHILADELPHIA, April 12,1856.:
• 'Montrose; 3/nv 1, 1856., I Messrs. Evaxs & Warsort:---Gents :—lt ~f=
, .
i fords us the highest satisfactivn to state to y _ •
j de:Vowing, to the very protective qualities of tt O .
lii. the Salamander Safes which we:, purchased if
you some few months since;we saved a lar e
portion of our Jewelry, Books, Papers, &e., ett
pesed to the calamitous fire in Ranstead Plage,
on the morning of the 11th inst. I.:',
When we reflect that" these Safes wera-lo ••
ted i s the fourth story of the; bnildinge ve ;-
pledaand• that they fa Subsequently 140 a htap
of burning ruins, where the vast i coneentratin
of heat caused the brass plates to melt, we . •
not but regard the preset-rolled of the vainable
contents as most convincing proof of t he greitt
security afforded by your Safe S.. j ' j -
We shall take much pleasure in•reeimmentl
ing•thete to men of business as jaj sure rellantie
against fire. Geotton,AY. Stmeas dz. Bno. j •
1• l _
. . j . — ,
PHILADELP£4.4, A ril 12," 1856. j
• 31Essits. EvaXs & WArsos Lhave to•offer
you my testimony in favor of., th • 'great"; security
afforded to my entire "stock "of ewelry, book,
papers, &c.,' during the recent di trotts confla -
gration in Ranstead place, from the fact that the
same were contained in two of the b'alatuantl4r
Safes manufactured by yoo. i•
Havieg fallen from the',fiftli story of the At 4 j
: tisan • Beilding, where they. were 'previousli,
To My - Creditors. I placed and exposed-to ar•vaat heat far V /VV.*. --- - . - ,- , -•-
r - ri AKE'n6tice" , that I have applied to thje I thaw, tue rscas.•-•-•.*tva U 1 Ine valuable tiepositt jj . ' Aorirr 1 .• -
.111- truer: a COmpoe Pleas, of Susea'a coon. f seettit•d to every one whe•wititessed the openin - TS hereby given that in Fustian' ce of the act of
tit, for the benefit of the ins‘jdvent laWs of the' and interior examination, a matter of prof**, JL Assetribly, the followingnarned persons have
.. .
Ijomtnietwealth, and 'that the Judges of the I astonishment~ • '' filed their Petitions with the-Clerk of the Court
said Chart have appointed the first day of tgo 1 'To all who may require a - percept protection of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the Conn
:wit .augTest•Wrin,.at tea ecluck in the fare- from the ravaaes of fire,
,jI shall riot hositatti tel ty of Susquehanna, for Licencel to keep Taverns,
t, at .the Court House in alontrose, for hear- recommend the use of your Safes, las I ;consider arid Eating Houses in . said CoUnty, to wit : - ,
itig,me and triy creditors, at ' whit./ time and they have now undergone the most trying te.t.,,. t .• Fort xavnax lactate.
_, pea • i
pace WO attend if yoo think proper. • NE. Melmoax. i I
?:.. • Hiram Cook, Apolacon. • .
• .
•W3l. 31. SHER WOD. . 1 j
April' 29 11156.--1.8 w?. - t . • PHILADELPHIA,:ApriI 14; 185 a '-.J. a Bullard, .
tradtorti O. Wartrons, Brolltlyn.-•
j c l - -
. ', • I Messes. Evans & Warsox-Getitlemenl .
Jaeob Kimble, Choonut.-
... r .... JOHN: SAUTTER, . . - i doubt loft IA ill be deeply gratified to learn" thie
"C•451- t rIONABLET.i.I.IOR. Shop over the( geed condition .itt which Ldiscovered my boosjtji r i atrick t Carey, - j do.
Clifford. •
. tram arimm,
4.• -Store ore. Iv: Mott, near Hatch':, 110. I poligy of insurance, certificates of stockand oth9 i R . . I b tt o T t - j do .
. 1 ones Vire 1 r , -
.: - ler valuable documents, when on !Friday
`.l.' l"t ' ' George W. Lettis, Dithock.
. , • opened the Safe made by your :first.
' - ' '-',. John 13akt4. , Id,. ,
lEx . ectttoes Notice. With my knowledge of its great exposur : Benjamin pi.r.os_ Efundaff. •
NI,jOTICEUtt.t.• req. given to :!!'persons hay- both to the- intensity of ; the heat from so .
all in demands against the Estate of John I fire as that which destroyed the Artisan ui
"ass Grinara,
ithinevipaltAnte of, :Lake township, in I ing,.as also from the force of the, till fro hit. ty.. " - : J. Great Bend
lAlfred Allen, • . • . !do.
... , a,E•q'a Coitatty e deed; that the same must .be j fernier elevated" position in the third! stor • ;do. . ..
i.rext•it7.4ll4 the uhd,rsigned for arrangeMent, ' Could entertain but slender hopes 'priorjto its ir• E. B. Ethvards,
A. F. Snoover, Gle . R 'rood.
and all "perseas indebted - to said Estate, are re-, tenor inspection, that the contents which I on -j Gib.ion. •
eztirtailo Make imetediare settlement.' •• • so highly-prized would ever be of, any Servicet , T • • c. er „
lee! Steenback,
, i •
t.e...n0 . x.
'. • • '' JOHN S. TOWN,_ a . I me, but . as these fears are now happily removee
. 1J• Loren Norton jr. - Limesboro. .
. win am . ,
I, ‘ MAII•AL,_,%. RHINEVAULT; I I feel it Only due to say to you that I can hencea , , 6.vittinm • do.
, . - ~ • .. ~•.L . :.
Executors. i -forth recommend the use of your SafeS to ull- Sampson,
I . David Wiliparth, : Lathrop: -
" ''. • - i who may wish LO feel a, confidence in the per- •. A. B oom ,„ , , Liberty. -
• :Great Cl,us6 - tal,Aejoicing- , Ifeet security which such - meafis,prevideS.a&ainsti L • • • 't
e !onard Sear e, 3lentruse.
• •
Peace - artioug • ' the Nallotts ) of. the !so frightful an element. ' Ido.
.' - ••••••• '',. .. Old World. • 1 • • , William R. Hatch,
EDWARD GASKILL, Bookbinuer.. Daniel l i o ff , • JeSattp. . . .
- J;;hand, it
Constantly on -. Patent Powder and Thie
TAR.I.GOODS and.Clathitin falling, and have 1
roof Lock's, for Banks, Stores,&e. . , . John 11.. nazieton, .• ~ Netv • Milford.
111. :11,readv•reached' &t ark below all reasons - P F. F- Badger, : id 6-
.: .
1;le.• expectatiOns•; and to prove this fact call at l' s API' 24, 3856 :" ..11 Y 1 . . ~ . I • 1 l', lite°. Snyder, ,- - ,
the store, f GUTTEN'BERG, ROSENBAUM I . • "_ Notice. • ' ° I W,. it Sherwood,. •. • do.
• Rua'', . ~• •
& CO. atthe east" epd of the new - Brick Block. I= "1 ; ,
i• : Philander Phinney, Burners.• • •
ERSOXS. de.sirous•of paying me money, on ' Springville. • .
Seeing` is belleving . ;,SO call and see fdr, your-Asp ~,.,„..,. .. ..
..„... in!Rrgd . l2Be_riptto . rtfan de so , b y,
selves. • Come ilortfi•witituut delay, pk&rastina- 1 1 :Spencer HickEux,
(10 1 . 7 8 v . i . n g It. Harrison Benison,
J . Susquehanna Depot.
tion . I l e a heow, is in'lall eases dangerouS. We i t 'e•ir!PA'ul_f•-ttkvythj.rost, Cooper &
will . ;)ifrejitt ,.
riiire furg - ains,
oim ,: e a else. kers,..Moulloae,Ato juiy credrt, ' ll ' J rpho t nas Carr j j
WitoseirecelPtP i •j, Robert Nicol,' • . ••• . • ido
wil j i,be,,el:ifoieed from their date.
j 1 . • 1 _ . do.
; . .
where in bohern Pennsylvania. - 'WU can and • .
•a•• C. L. WARD. .. -
• ',Alfred Thompson, •., jdo.
will , thderself• all -oitr nompetiters. ' We have t • " - • , EATING HbESE,S..
t April 18 1856.-11. '
a-iv:vines-in buying. ataniaaufabtare our own .! - ' .- . • I - j 11.Glidden. ! Frilendsville,
Ciething,, of Which we haVe :a splendid .aasort
t.. TA f - A f.v-i:tl3 i
-- , Oliver 11. Cretin,. lilontrose.
cent, frorn.a_ little-hay's juke!, and breeches to t ' •, •%. za-Li a ' jJ -I. N. Bullard, j • . I do. • -
the finest Dress Coats and Pants,-for gentlemen l - -firtHE subscriber is now receiving, his second 'Mailer Painter, . . - Great Bend. • •
of all sizes: afras4rtutent of Fancy and Do , I -L ' general perch:ow of GOODS thiS Spring;_ "James Bell, 1 . SuSquehanna : Depot
me'itie Ai; GOoda • caiu.not be surpassed by any I Which renders; his assortment eery', i'estrable and
jj- j An adjourned Court for Granting. Tavern Li.
oth&r : eslalilislimentin tpe cettatry ; . One of our I complete. By strict attention td business and
leencele &e , will beheld at tlie Co - urt •House in
firm is emulate:lv in the city, and is sending al- I by far dealing, he hopes to trierit. a liberal share t. t
iolontrose. On Friday the 9th day . of May next at"
most daily;Geols Of [the latest and most fashion-1 of, public patronage. To - those] friends • who. ,
;10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time all
able st:lle:',Our -stOOk of. Bonnets and Bonnet have yielded to him their preferences, and kindly -
J - ipersons applying for Licence will be required to
trial:nes is complete.l GErNTLEMENS HATS, sustained him by their patronage; - with', the in- •j .• le their Bonds &c. SIDNEY B. WELLS, .
l&t., of them. Also 4 splendid lot of Mantillas. ' tention of aiding Sim in regainining in part the'
• .
• I
Moatrose,April 22'0856. . . heavy loss recently sustained by'firezhe j tenders - -
-,-• '
his sincere thanks, with the asittrance that their
interests shall be mutually promoted. ;,', -
.' • - • : --• ABEL 4 ,TURRELL.-
Moutroie, April 24,1856: • • - •
. ,
Attention Farmers!--Plow , Points
OF a!qtist 'every pattern and kind nuw in use;
'lllO 4 Np. '2, 4 R. 1.. Illatehley Plow is 'and
Cern l'iciwg,!,may Abe, Irld at ar4 time of day,.nn4
•natil 1434.,ecinek:at night, in exchange for cag.,ll,
or.anv, kind of ready pay,
of f , I. N. BULLARD.
Montriise,...llay 1, 1856.
New Gbodi
:irririin 'daily, ky _Express, at IfiThottorn,:
THE :subscriters are now. i.pening•a large
jj and 'well ?selected Nina o f n e w G o od s .—
Consisting, of Dry Goik, Groceries, liardware,
Ready "Slade - .ClotHng, Bouts. ar,d Skies of all
-sizes and stiles, Flout, Car Meal, Salt; &e. &e.
AU. of which - they will sell ns cheap as cab
he bought elsewhere in the County, in .g - eliarige
for Lumber,. Silinglf:s, Produce of - all kinds,
Woolen-Socks, for cash approved credit. .
. Two shillings:l*r pair paid ,for good Socks.
•Sisteita eta. per doz. - for Eggs - . .- •
Twenty eta. - .:for Butter.l_
Hop - hp:torn. April 113, I$5G. . •
lapiof Susquehtinta` County. Pa.;_
, a ,
..r.rom. a c t ua l 472,CC1810VM,e1118 dna ,Surveys, Ufa
~J er dirittion'of Q. Iti. Ile tins, Civil Ain
gi,neer, rkii...ztra-' . .
711.5 E stioscriber pr':.'ases t°
publtsh shortly,
by-- subseriptiou (provided a sufficient
daumber of subscribers can hebtaitted) a now
tad complel,e. Map of .Busquehnutta CeantY's to
Toe vande froln entirely new and original S!'r.'.eYe
thtoogbout the County and plotted. to a taro? ,
selite ap oc Lo show , dititinctly the public :roads, 1
.township lines, - County Stores and Taverns. I
SmithilleEle, Seloot 'houses, - Churelr, Peet 1
•Olßees,,Shopa, Manufactories,Quarries antoth
sr matter of public interest, with the will° I.° '
ographi of Mountains, Mills, f•tivers, v Creeks,
&cc. The names of PK:party holders and tesi: ,
depti generally, carefully including all those in
the. toutity .34t0 'iSubsixib* in adVanto far the
map wit 4 latengrared Opposite their houses, up
on the.ii4.' , '—'' ' ' - '
- 4 s, , ilarat o plan of Montrose and seat of\l he ,
• lar4 e r vilagi-s will also be made, to a large scale
w:th :lames of ~o hserillers opposite their resideriz k
eci. Nrce‘frof Piiblic; Buildings and Private
rks l 4eLcei.,ertgravi:d in tine margin, I
The rnap to be hteasomely engraved and or-
Ikrzienialltbiebed. in the vtile of the Maps of
an,:llKisitileCounties, Fil 4 N. Y. Stile, by
The awiablii_liarTuad the en4u. e engravers and
41 ° 41':ali!ilitit,44/tquare ftet of engraving
ti k s kta 4
itsndsoin t ly : .fcgprol, i ' az.townsbips, and 'noun
(44 " yeac. colored
to anbssribers at #5
per . cop ~.. .. :.,',.... ' -
The stsl444;r7teliss . open the patronage - of
the iutelfiSt,snd .enterprjsing,eitizenia of Sus
quehanna eNnty to edetain hisk in the predue
*ion of as,* ef r a!lti magnitude and expessie t
sad resperkfa`lsalieits their .oo4opaition.
ERX,P. filitiTlL Publisher.
vi t i
.).ii nalili -ii‘rat " ! Phil's Pe.--Iffel;
. ' ' .
Oitips4n.gs4 -- ,. Oil clothe. .
LOOKING- GLASSES. ...10.11) -
At the Crockery and -Hoiise F,irtlishiny
tablishment of J.
.14 PEPE (I;
Vheaper than any: oth4 g
•-• • itatnton. ' •
IWOULD call the attention of . liOuselieci rs
aud the public to my spring ;mportation of
wares, fur their elegance .of style and beauty of
finish, far surpassing, anything heroin exhibited,
and having the. largest assortment in utore, kan
repferdsh old setts and furnish entire new eta
of all 'the ruisv shapes, at !.a less pride than ' y
other Housel in this county. . l , - -
The attention of now Houseae'epers is partic
ularly called to my stock as embracing all he
minutia, both iisoful and ornarnentili of Ho se
furnishing Goods, for a. cOmpleto ontfit—itud
being thus heavily engaged' in Ithiti,... exclu4Vo
branch. offer great advantages to purchasers/II
1 embraces the largest variety ever.loiferod bof to
[ in this section, of all the different Ends. !:
-1. , .
- - GLASS WARE' ; • ''i
. . .-
of every needed
,articlo. Carpeting and il
Cloths. This branch oet:upieslh'e at fl 3:ir
of our establbjiment, pearly 100 ;feet in de 'h,
well stocked with Velvet, Brussks, ;Three- , ly
and ingrain Carpctings, 'Rugs, Mali, Windliw
Shades and Table Covers, which Me offered 4tu
small.advanco from cost. , 1 , ,I`-:
Live „Geoso Feathers always on hand. Lookfhg_
Glasses, Gilt, Mahogany, Ornamental and Opal
Glasses, in great variety. , 1
, ' ,
eons;sting, of Wood and Willow lWare, -Platd,
Goods, Britannia ad Japanned WatT. of ev :ty
deseTiption, Tea Boards - in various etylet , , Ta le:
Cutlery, Feather Dusters, Fluid, ;Oa; and S 'nr
. Lamps, Bird. Cages, also fancy Baskets, Retie 'es'
Satchels, &e. dm. . ,
"To all or which we invite yokir attent on
.and solicit your trade.
• ' J. U. DE P EU , :.i
. .. i
Binghamton, April 20, 1856. . ' ..' • .-:
0 Tea! 0 Yes!!
It "' ORE new Books received this ~day, at the
AL Post Office.
Courtship and 211arriage by Mrs. Caroline Leo
Same. _ 1
New York Glee and Chorus Beek.
Rubinson Crusoe new and complete Edition,
mai anew lot of school Books and Siationary,
at red used prices.
Montrose, April 2g. 1856..
CARADILIATE of the Allopathic and ho„
tneopathic Colleges' of Medicine, ie now
permanently located in Great Bpnii. Pi.
April let, 1856.
etMINA, Glass add &althea. Ware.--A tholee
selmtion, and .;.f low prices, for sate by
Montrose, April 15 ;. 185 6. .
Garden r Seeds, . '
A I..ARGE supply of the best itualitie*et
Montrose, April' 15..1856.
Now Spring
A NEW me general assorisietst .414 1 / b ring
Qfrods, of superior attraetions in stiles and
m are now being seeelved ant opened itY
New Milford, April 28, 15,14.
- The Chen, Store, r
1 - 0 1 3) 28 ity - tm'
1 _under.signed woull respectfully inform
the Inhabitants of Binghamton and vicinity,,
that he:has recently purchased of Edward Priest
his large and well selected Steel( of. - •
i DRY GOODS, ; ' •
which lie has removed- from La. Fayette Block
to No, 28 Court: Street, Tao' doer .above the
American Hotel.
This entire stock bas been purchased consid
erably 'below New York cost ; cliough so to
warrant ) in saying qta t t he will sell Goods
cheapertlian con be bought at any other Slore
in town'.
Summer Goods, to the above stock has just been
added a:large invoice of Spring and Summer
Goods of the latest styles, which will be closed
out at great bargains. •
The Stuck consists in paq of tbo following•
Goods, viz; Fine Lawns, fast colors, froui 9 to
18c. pur4ard ; Calicoes, Amorican and English,
from 4c.:.t0 Ile. per yard ;• Merrimack and Co
checo Prints, at 11 c.; Bleached and Brown:Shee
tingli and Shirtings, from 4c.! to 2s. 6d. per yard ;
Kentucky Jesus, from is. 3ei to 2s. 6d. per y'rd ;
Ladies' Hose, from 6 1-4 e. to 3s. 6dk per pair ;
Ginghams, from b e, to 23e. Per yard; DeLaines
from 10e., lo 3s. per yaid. 4 Also a large lot of
Linens, Quilts and CAnterpains, Curtains and
Draperis, Shawls, Gloves. Table Covers, Silks,
Saces, Embroideries, &e:Szel
Trunks, Valiees and Baas, if all sizes and pri
ces. • .
ar Don't forget the numbet,2B Court street,
1 Door east of the A,tnerican :Hotel, but call and
see before purchasing elsewhere.
13inghamton, April 3d, 1856.
Once M ore .
, .
virx ~ -; •ve notice sorne,time, ago that the firm
-V V of Woodruff & Eldred: vvas dissolved and
that we %*ted and needed a 1 settlement of our
matters we suppose that you have all heard that
self preservation is the first laW of nature. In ore
der to save- ourselves from cost we ',Ash those
indebted to uS would pay us.. i You can find the
notes and accounts at the Shop of S. A. Wood
ruff', for a short time longer, after that they will
be some where else. This isino_ false alarm for
we want the money, and it belong to us, and it
is right we should have it. -
~ . S. A': WOODRUFF:,
. . • G; BjELDRBD. • ,
3lontrose, April 14, 185.d.±2
Books That Are nooks.
For sale at the _Montrose .Book Store in the,
Post Office. .
Macaulay's History of England.' •• ;
Diary and Correspondence of Amos-Lawrence.
Prison tif Welteverdon inF the Indian
Archepelago, by Capt. Gibson.l,.
Forest Tragedy and other' Tales by Grace
Greenwood... • • 1
The BuSh Boys, by Capt. 21Inyne Reid.
The Great Red Dragon. _
° The Prince of the Houie of David. 4'
• Good Time COming.
Christine or Woman's 'Friuli and Triumphs.
Tho Onynx Ring. •
• 1
Man of War. Life..
The Old .Homestead. - i•
WOodltill or the Ways •of Providence.. •
D'Aubigne's History of the IReformation.
Family. Testaments with -Psalins.and Notes.
Pocket .; do and Bilde.4. '
Catholic. Prayer Books. 1
- Yankee Notions, &c.,&c. 1 • • • •
" They say.Thnt. the. Montros'e, Book Store is•
:the place to get Books andNotifzinS cheap. Well
what if they do say so you cart toil Whether
they say the truth or rot unless you try—but
never mind 1 feet Very thankfdl for past'favors
and hope to merit A continuation of patronag,o,
by strict attention to the wants of :he public
and by keeping on hand a gokl assortment of
Books and Stationary -at '/..iv't. and Let Live"
prices. : .
Moritros'e, April 2, 11356..1 BULLARD.
English Lever Watches.
, •
..... 1110ECEIVE13 by steamship
ii , " ' ~
lt, Baltic', 2-dozen more of
.- .Ift those splendid English Lever
( 4 • ~,
) " 7 . H unting Watches, of my own
. ~._ ,- importatiOn, wartanted the
- . N
.1 .. , !, , . ; :s"—_-_-i very- best.:quality. Also, a
"'" - • --- . small lot ,of very superior •
Movements, which will be cased,in any style or
quality, to suit purchasers. '
: • ALFICE. D ',l„ EVANS.
Binghamton, 3farch 14, 1856. ,
Adminis' tratoeiltOtice.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad- .
mieration upon the estate of 'Charles C.
Ransom, Into of the Borough of Susqu'a Depot;
dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned, airi
all persnni indebted to said ~ estate will please
make immediate paYtnents, and... those having
elsinis will present the same duly. attested for
settlement., E. N. SMITH, Adm'r.
Sueq'a Depot, March 18, 1856.
Goode. at Cost. = •
NB lower too. is The subiseriher intends lea.
ving the mercantile business the first of
Aprit.nest, and ig 4esireus therefore of selling
off his present stock of r - •
G 0 0 D
For Gash ready pay the 'public may be asspr
id that they can now purchase of me lower thin
Goods were ever before:seirli in Brooklyn. My
Mock consists of a 'general variety store. Give
rue a call and you will make great ---- bar
&ins. ,
- 1" Brooklyn;• Feb. 29,1056.-484 W
EVIEWITVIVE Cords of wood wantod
4. 7:11114Pg.
To Deoleis of ~Afek4andize within the county
of Suequehanna. . • •
TN imrsuance of tb4 several ants of th e Assem-
I. bly of this Commimwealth, to provide rev
enue to meet the deziunds upon the . Treasury,
and for other ptirPoges, -the undersigned? 4p
praiser of Mercantilti Taxes of Susi:lnd:owls
County, has prcparedia list of all 3fercliants tra
ding within said Coupty, and placed each of the
said 'A m b it o ! , in th4t class which to hlin seems
• right and just &Tattling to the proOsions of
said gets of Assembli as. follows, viz:
Residence. Proprietors. Class
Brooklyn, James_,.. F. Smith, l3
do. - E. S. lion!, . 14
do. 0. G. Hempstead, •13
do. J. A. .11J. R. Ashley, 13
do: 'F. W. !Allen, 14
X • do. J. C. Lte, . 14
do. LL. Nat & CO. , 14
Lathrop, ' Isaac A. Newton, 14
Hopbottom. A. B. Merrill, - 14
do. Bell & tTingley, 14
Lenox. Shultz Eaton &Co., 14
do. E. EL Grow & Bro., 13
Clifford. D. C. Brunds,ge, .14
do. • J. & N.i Halstead 14
`Great Bend. J. & NlDubole, 14
do. S. H. Daytou, • - II
do. Henry McKinney, 14
' do. John *Kinney, - 13
do. Lucian geott, . 14
do. L. S. Lanhnim, 12
• do. Thotnai & Whi ing, 13
Liberty. Z. Blakeslee, - 14
do. A. A. tpeman, 14
Franklin. Stilmartj'uller, 14
do. _,J. L. Mirritunn, 14
Dundaff. .roseph B. Slocum, 13
do. Thomai Arnold, 1,3
do. Church ithz Phinaey, •I'3
Herrick. John 31Iller, 14
Gibson, Jonn Sttuley, 13
do. * Solotnoe Taylor, 14
do. 'N. E. Zonedy, ' 14
do. S. S. IVAN, , 13
Jackson. James J.t Turner. 14
Thompson. LM. & lILJ Mumferd, 14
Harmony, B. R: Lyons &Co , 13
do. S. A 11.,i,0na, 14
do. ," D. A. Lyons Q. %D.. 14
' do. Benj. AY,lesworth, 13
do. Wm. Tremolo & Co., 14
do., Brandat & Schlager. 14
Susq'a Depot. Cyrus S."lllennet 13
do. Smith elShutts 14
' do. W-11. & fJ.F.II Abe rd,l3
do. A. J. Daos. 14
do. Thos. Ingstrura, 14
do. N.C. &D. W. Norton, 14 A
do. James Ik4l, ' 13
• -• do. S. B. Wet, 13
" do. Henry Oihan, . 13
do.. Edward Carlisle, 14 '
do. A. J. Seyinour,. 14
do. James Cr6gan, 14
do. W. W. Clhrk, 14
do. - Miles Creitan, 14
do. PatricklSPA. 14 -
do. Gaylord curt's, 13
do. John Asher, 14
Harford. H. 3f. Jones, 12
do. Penuel C4rpenter, 14
do. Zerah Veq, 14
do: Gra W. Seymour & C 0.13 _.
' do. Johnstltin,Z.lw.lrds,Co 14
New Milford; win. C. ward, :. 13
do. Dickerma4 & Garrett, 13
: do. 'Henry Buiritt, 12
do. J. Moss & Brother, 14
• do. Hayden & 8r05.,, 13
o do. Sutphin & Young, 12
Dimock, L. H. Wo+druff ~ 14
.do. Wm. H. Thayer, _ 14
. a do. J. Smith kr,, 14
Springville. . Scott Johnston & Co.-4 2
do. McMillen & Park, , 12
Luna. Phillips & Shelden, 13
do. Hiram S' Lewis, -14
Auburn, YVelttnatiSwish cr C 0.14
do. John P. Lambert; 14
3lontrose, C. W. Mott, 14
do. W. J. 4. SJl.l3fulfdrd 12
do. .1. Lyohs & Son, 13
.1" V B. Chandler. ...,
do. 11. ,I, tss. , oo. 13
_do. A. Lalbrop & Co., 11
do. 1. L. Most & C 0 .., 10
do. • ' Guttenberg Rosen
. .
, . banm & Co., 11
do. Bentleyt& Read, 11
do. Abe;l Turret}, 14
• do. M. 8. Wilson, 13 .
do.. R. Thayer, jr., 14
do. J: Ethrfdge, 14
do. . 8.1-1. &D. Sayre, 12
Forest Lake, Divid L Meeker, 14
St. Josephs, , Ftancis Quinn, • 14
Silver Lake, % Sofiya% 14
Friendsville, Jel-erniah Hosford, 14
do. nB. Marsh & Co., 14
Apolacon. William Botrum, .14
Middletown, Aseph L. Ross, 14
do. O. C. Wright, 14
Rush. Norman Granger, 14
. do. .1.11. Canfield, 14
• onociates, RICSTACRANTS, LC.
Great Bend, !Hubbard Newton,
do.' .- 1 N. V. Caipenter,
do. • ; Henry Crane.
do. " ; t Atanson Hubbard,
di Y Walter Paintin.
do. I Wm. A. - Know,
Bridgewater. i D.J. McMillan. s .
puudaff. "(Enoch C'hamb'ers, •
Thompson. ; 11. P. Hathaway
Susrfa Depot. iD. Davidson,
do. • tD. A. Benson, •
do, 1 P. White,
do.' , D. It. Pope,
do. !Geo. Chatfield. ~
do. Timothy Homes.
do. - !Win. Wigmore,
do. 111. Perine +Son,
do. ; U. 11. Eggleston,,
New Milford. I.lsaih V. Shay , •
do. • I J P. Miller, ''•._ .
Montrose, t, 0, M `Crane,'
do. ' #l. N. Bullard, ~.,'
do. -, !S. S. Mott, /1 r
Silver. Lake. .f Robert Gaige, ,
ApOlacon._ * t H. Barney,
Ciiffurd. ' Jame NteAlla. . 10
And the Judqcs of the Court of Common Pleas of
vaid County, till hold a Court of _Appeal at the
Court House_ 10 Montrose, in and for said County
on Monday. thi 2Rih flay of April next at 1 o'clock
P. M.. at whicht time and place any of the Mere*,
ants defined, described and classed as aforesaid, or
their agent, or 4, Attorney may appear and appeal
from said assessment if they think proper. • •
Montrose,i ' . 4 R. SEARLE,
March, 1854. Mercantile Appraiser.;
. , .
eILOVE.II, ~t . - L a Timothy Seed by
Montrose, April, 1856 .. , . . 1
• ' LOST,
BY the subicriber, the 29th ult., a note for
8302, payable at the Susquehanna Valley
Bank ninety digs from date, and dated March
29,1856. It was signed by Levi Westfall and
backed by Did Lyre. All persons are here
by eautionod *Oast purchasing the said note.
Lanesboro, April 1, 1856.-14;4* )
ixT ILL be sold at public Vendee, on the preen-
V' lees of 01)1 subscriber on-Tuesday the 19th
day of Feb. inSt., at one o'clock P. U. One
11:ire, one cow three Cows, sod sity t five SheePi
—the Sheep will be sold in tots, dr altogether
Terror. of sale,—Sixty days Credit with approv
ed security. 1 E. M. BLANDING.
Harferd Feb 4. 18.56.-6w2.
t'ablic Sale, .
THE Subseilber will sell at public sale on
Saturday, file Bth l itty of Mareb next; on
his-Parm in ilri;ti t iQwstry tt4nAlsip, tho f011.,1/4y
ing property ltvit-: Cows of ' good quality, 36 .
good Sheep. -2 0 - sre year ,old horses, 3 six. you r
cip iMrse, arid yotr olds of good size. Tie
st.iei property hold '4) the. bighead biaddr
on siX el:moths o f em i with gAud seetteitt.
• •
1 P4l'fildlC CR.O.B4PN.
1 ,
..,.,. Webb,
, . ,
14 dow reset_ ng his qew Spring Goods, whinl
-(1 at itt Ow
1 4 ve&.
I he offersEssuil low prkies,
11.°Ptrzie!litificil 11t 1.56!
MELODINONS, AND M1C15 , .. 1.. r ,"
The_ cash Sybteia Adopted l,Prileei
Greatly Reduced.- ;
No. 333 Aroadbeay, New '
The largest assortment of Pianos, Melodeons,
Musicallnstrotneots end Musical :llerehandise
of all kirol4 in the United States. Milos from
TEN different Maaufa.:tories,, comprisiq; ose
of every ;variety of style, from the nlain,'imai and
substantial 6 1-0 octaves, -in Wolnht (4. ltose
wood Cases - , from $l5O, to $9.00, to thoSb of*
mostele,gant finiSh up to One Thousand Dollars. ,
No house in the 'Union can compete ; tfie
above inthe nuoiber, variety and celebrity of Its
instruments, nor hi the extremely low p'race4 at
which they are shld, -
With or' without Iron. frames, possehsing in_
their improvements of over-strings and - action,
a length of scale; power, and compass of One
equal to the Grand Plant, united with the beau
ty and darabilitV of structure of the squarelPi,
Mao. -They are justly pronounced by thy Prns'
and by the first litusical Masters to be equal to
those or. , any other madufakurer.- They are
built of the best and,ninst thoroughly seasoned
material, and guaranteed to stand the action of
every climate.
Each Instrument gearanted to give satiskac
tion, or porchase,money refunded, Second.hluad
Pianos at. great bai gains, constantly in stere,
price from $3O to $l4O.
HoNAca WATERS' MEtonno7s,,cisuperior
strumenti in tone, touch and Au'rability of make.
(Tuned' ;Ott equal temperament. ) Ifeededns
of all other styles and makes. Prke $45, 860 f.
$l5, $lOO, $0.5, $140; double Roedstslso;
double Reeds and two banks .of keys, s2ooi
Less a liberal discbunt. Chirgymen ard,Ckur.
Chem, an extra diScount. 1 •
Illartin's Guitars, Brown's liarps, Flu
tioas, Aitordeons, Violins, and Muideat Insttu.
ments of qtl kinds, at lower prices than crier be.
fere nEfered to the public: A large, discount
to Teachers and Schools. The trade supplied'
on the most liberal terms. •<-
MUSIC:—One of the largest and best select
ed catalogues of Music now, published,compris
ing many ofthe choke and most popular airs
of the dny, and will be sold at one-third off frOm
the regular prices. / •
Music sent by mail to all parts . ..of the coun
try post paid. Particular and personal attention
paid to all orders received by 'mail._ Satisfitc
tion g - uaranteed in every instance.' Pianos and
Melfrdcons for sato on monthly payments. 'See.
ond-hand:Pianos taken in exchange for aew
General nd select Catalogues and Schedulelof
prices. forw : lrded to all parts of 'the country
L4sr Great inducements offered to agents
l in
all parts qi the country, to sell the Horace Ws
era Piaries, Melodeons, ?nd Catalogue:pi M i n.
tic, it '
'ap olllSmcittahanua County, froU:t.
' actual Measurement, and
Shryey4throvuthout the
• 1 Counts. .
•i • • • • •
• •. •
By a Corps of Surre:ynrs who are - fully
Competent fur. the difficult task aihigned
!bent. . 1
The undersigned will publish shortly ;
Tded a suttiCient number . of - iiii6eribeis Ibe (lb
-tained a new and.complete unp•-of Susqlfehanna
County. .• / •
lteo..tintains the eativs. Dr/113,114v holders
gencially,•Sincluding those in' the county who
anbieribe ib advatice.for the'Map) are abin to - be
inserted at their respective places, in LIM sttlo
of the Maps exhibited by the canvaitsers. -
Mapi4 th'e pri7,cipal villages will - be inse Mta,
on'a large scale, in the Margin ; also engraved
views Of gub)le - anil private builditt;rs.)it•The cone-
Ty °fryers, who express themselves warmly in
favor of the publication, will afford every' latillry
on their pewer, and impart ail the. information 'in
Lions, Churches, Post Offices, School -flouSes - =
Stores, Millti; Pnblie and Private HouScs','
eteries, Mniintactortes, &c., &c., are i , to•
shown on ;,the Map, in addition to the, usual
topographii, of -Rivers, Streams,•' Ponds :and
out or approved, :after - the completioai 'of the
surveys, so that the 111ap will show all
alterations? and improvements iu the- hi •wirks
up to the time of its issue. I
. No expen a will, be spared to-exeCuie 111 up
the highest style of art. Tee plan wilirbb .plot
ted on a suitable scale, so as to sit in- distinoly
all the particulars above specified, and ritakd a
large and orname It:II flap.. To be engravd
and snb, , eribers.handsrmely
• so as to show the territory c.imprised in each
township, andmounted on rollels: A 3 the Mi,tp
will contain some eighteen square feet . t . tf ifogra t v.
ing, at a cost of several thosand dctliers.,i it on
be seen that only a large subscription list tiviil
'warrant thelwavv;.spen/ye inettrr!-•d• . I :
. No morn Maps iSstied than is utrscribedi fora--
: The Map will contain tables of•the populatidn,
productionS, assessed value of property, religaiis
societies. sithool, number of voters,&•:. ~,of. eac h
township and village respectively, carefully Made'
8 up from the latest authentic documents.
Relying-upon a just appreciation ot our efforts,
8 by the citizens of Susquehana to issue a-Map:Of
8 their Con*, on the above plain, that stiall rinsWr,
8c proper expevtatiottoi, end, be entirely: ttlitiziEtet9-
8 y subscriptions dare respectfully. solicitetlit
8 by . .
8 lar Wanted two young men to eanvass.Su,
quehanna county Ind attain subscribers fur My
8 map.
I• • '
1 .
_ -JAIIES D. SCOTT; PubUier.
of Real 7E4late by Order of Or
- • pban's Court.
BY virtue of an r 0
rd e r of the Orphausouit
made the 9th day - of April, A. D.,1856; tdo
subscriber will offer for sale at Public Vend* ,
on Friday, the 9th day of May next, on th
premises, 10 o'clock. A. st., the followine.
scribed pieCo•of land situate in the Township of
Brioklyn, and County of Susquehanna,Bw
ginning at 4 post in. line of Jatues Packer, thenee
by laud of W. Jeif‘up East 25 rod 3 and 4$
links; theme, by lands of Elisha Mack South 21
rods, west, 3 'rods and south 18 rods, to line
Edward Otte; thence by land of said Otto. west
20 rods and'lo links to • line of James Packer?,
north 33 rods to the beginning. Containing
about: five acres, be the same more or less.—'r
having ' hereon erected. 'one framed
house and barn and all improved—being late
the Estate of Washington Bagley deceased.
- ,Terths mad© knewn on the day of sale. 1'
• _Amos Wit:masts,
B. %V Chan, . I
• •
B. S. Sausomti„
Guardians for the minor children of W.Bao l . 1 :
Montrose, April 9th, 'sd.
Terrible Accident,
HAPPENED to' Mr. Green the other day.--L
He had bought a snit of ready-made el otheit .
at the Storei l ,and thb, first day's wearing the ae r
eident occurred, First, htrdrapt his coat-till bY
the mere forte of sp,ceitie gravity, giving AO unt
fortunate man the apperance of a badly trimmer.
eraft . with the flying jib in the stern, Llnct on
stooping over to picik up the remnant,the dread;
Pot Vasulltej took place—the fountains - o'f the
great 0. p up--Green pant& weris
sundere.l 1.11% it [0 ward. and Green bintsoltaeemeli l'
t., .only wag to prevent;such
; „10;,11.11t-4 13 to pLitronize askiliful tail. ,
tor, work with a deternainai
lion - that Alh:t‘t not onte lit neatly,. hut . ;weak
welt. Gre.4j I.ov-4 ut th. clothing . store be7uss
he thinks he e•al get his gearing a little ehe per}
In n it b r obahility the pants that served him se
treacherotisly had pkased throti . gh t fever hespii.
tal, been strip . cdfrom a cholera patient... Parried
beine eight flights in the week' on a shutter, and
deafly bleached and .larried by an iogenioui
Frenchman for a market in. the country. Tak4
warning by - Poor Green's mishap; aad. ka to a
Pillar shop liice•that in the baameot of •fkott'l
Hotel if voulwant to be suited. • •
Cuttingdone ate ttsual, and all work ware
ranted. . JOHN GROVES.
• Madras. Aug. 27,1855, •
Of unseated lands in susgnshanna . County,!
NOTICE is, hereby given That agreeably to'
'the acts. of the genera' assembly of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania directing the'
Mode of selling unseated lands for Taxes, the;
follovving tracts and parts of tracts of unseated',
lands, will be sold at public vondue on the sec-;
and Oottday of June next at the Court lipuss' il
in 411entrose, for arrenrages dpe,. and the- costs , '
accrued on each tract, respectively, unless .
same be paid before the day of sale—sale' to'
commence at 10 o'clock in the forenoon
Warrantees owners or numbers.
• Araratßarrilion
• db.
- Clifford.
Jaenna Clifford,
Great Bend
Nathaniel C. Lovii, .87
Solomon:Taylor, . 50
R. 11. 316Xune, • • ,t.'B7
Truman Baldwin, . 408
Horace Griswold,
F. &
Enoch Copley,
Herrick. •
Mauler Mott,
L Barrett,
Antos 11.-Sterm,
. .
R 0 .. .2 .ao
- 64 . - - 2.92
lia . .-- t o-N4 70
60. -N. . 2 76
Sedate Griswold.
' Lathrop..
Kitchen Wileor,
tross & Co..
No. 69, - 54. 85;S. A.
Laws Est. ;00
No. bB, 59, 66,74,
Pope & Strong, 400
No. 67, 68. 75,.. 76,
Edwin Eldridge, 400
J. Walrackney. • • 93
dd.• 233
do. 113
• do. . 109
Wm. J. TurreP„ 200
Oak land.
Jacob R. Smith, • 85
John .F. Dunmore, 118 S .6
F. & 0, Burt, 100 • '7 20
H. CratrimOnd, 100- ' 7 20
Thes. Carr, , , 420 30 24
Joshua Giddings, 310 14. 88
Joel Lamb Est., 100 ' '7 20
S. A. WOODRUFF, Treas.
Treasurers Office, March 17; ,1850.
AS just received from New York, a fu
and desirable stock of
Comprising a first rate - 'assortment of Drugs,,
Medicines, Chemicals,: illedical_lnatruments,
Paints, Oils, bye Stuffs, China, glass raid Ear.
then Ware, (a good variety of
_Crockery.) Brit
• annia Ware, Japanned and Planished'Tin - • Ware,
Silver and all other kinds. of Spoons. ..,-Slver
Forks,!Butter KnWes, &c. All sorts of Lamps.
A good variety- of Wood and Gilt Frame Mir- •
rocs. Wall and Window Paper. Stationiry.
Stone and Wooden Ware. Brushes. Brooms.
Family Groceries.. Lamo Oils. Tapolterro— ,
Mai aing told. . law tearizt ire N:tqrmaceti
Candles. Hide and other• Whips. Varnishes.
Window. Glass, &o. -A first rate variety of dew.
elry, and Fancv Geod4. . Gold - and-Silver Spec.:
Caries. Gold Peas.' Violins, Flutes, fifes;•Ae..
eordeons, Violin and VuolincellO Strings,
The largest assortment of Pocket in .
Susq. Cu., and the best quality in• Market. Shot.
Guns, Pistols, (Alegre andDouble' Barrolaße...
volvers, &c.. . - •
In short. the Physician, thelevalid,the
V.Grair,,s..lrq farmer, the 3lechanic, th 4 Manufac-
Lady, the Rich - zifillfiL l) . l lm , t. h „°, g lA ta r aaitti..
the Beautiful and. the Ugly, the Gay and the
Fashionable, and all the rest of the people, will
find semething,to supply their every da d wants
at Tur - relrs.
Store in the, new Brick. Block—Prices luw- 7 ,
Qualities good —Call and see. . . •
M•nntrose, March 6, )856. • . •
rhey are 'all going to Turrelrs
Boot and 'Shoo Emporium
• • OF
r 11111 E subscribers have removedtheir Boot and
JI., Shoe store into the buildinn. rectittly Occu
pied by Messrs Bentley and Read, Public Ave
nue, first above the Post Office. 'Where, not ,
withstanding the . mixed state of polities, the
.stringency or the money market, the " !sough
suntinneß•oil Road Monopolies; Jack,-o.Lant
ern inducetnents;.aad the great droughth,as one
extreme follows another, n all human probabili
ty, we shall haves cold winter. In view of this
state of things the subscribers beg leave to .say
that thcy.are prepared to meet the wants of the.
Boot & shoe wearing public, with good andsith
stantial varieties of Boots 4 , Shoes_ of'•Eastain
or Howe Manufacture,warraated.iqual (if nat .
better) than any. offered in ,this market. Their
stock embraces a general - variety of Ladies and
Gents wear. Consisting in part of Ladies Snit
LAsTrito, Pat. Fox Heel Gaiters, Silk Lasting
Congress Gaiters, French Kid Congress Oa*
ers, Morroeo Gaiters Ladies - Marsha/i t Ties, City I
gide Bronzed Baskias, Ennati Buskins, Kist
Buskins, Pat. Leather Buskins, Morocco Lace
Boots, Calf Lad Boots Enam'd .Boots, Fur
Bound Bus t ins 4c., Misses Silk Lasting -Pat.
fox Gaiters,, Colored Gaiters. Calf Lace. BoolS,
Kid Lace Boots, Jenny Linds Kip Shoes; Chil-1
. drens Gaiters, Button Shoes,nate Ties, Pat.
Vamp. French Buskins, CaV nd Kip Shoes,
Marts' French Calf, Kip and Sto is, Boots, Calf
Enm'd, KiP and Cowhide • Brog . - Boss -Thick
an d Kip Boots, Youth's Boots, /tick- and Kip,
il k..
and Pat. Leather shoes, 4c., 4.e. . •
Rubbers and Sandals a ... general, assortment,
Fixrusos, Sparables, Thread, Wax, Steel . Nails.
P.egs,Tacks, Bristles, Heel Ball. Boot Webb,.
Hammers, Pincers;Shoe Knives,Edge Blacking,
Goat and atloon Binding, Water Proof Black.
iris, Paste Blackiiig, Gum Arable, Gum Tragac
anth, Edge Brushes, awl Hafts, Pegging and
Sewing Awl Illades, - &c. . . ..
LEATHER. ' . •
All -kinds by the.; side or pound, to suit cus
tomers. The public aro invited to call before
purchasing elsewhere,. Customers way rely up
on-getting what they bargain tor, and that is
better than they' car. do irr "some ph.ces." If
they buy 'eastern work, they can be aceomodated
with as good an article as can be 'found in this
market. If they-prefer home manufacture they
can have it without. being humbtiged. At.r. kinds
of work made to order and warranted. Repair.
ing. done on short notice.
TIIINKfUL favors, WO .hope by strict
attention to business, to merit a e - ontinnance
the same.
P. S. It is now ove r 'a year ainee the kreatFire
in Montrose, at Which time the subscriber hiring
met with a great loss, in fact be last his,amt,
he would say to those indebted to bitit, either by
Note or Book account,, that the same must be
settliad without further notice. -
Yours, ate., : , C. M. SIMMONS..
Montrose, Jan. I, 856.
" •
AduOlptiqrso9o NtOicie:„
Omani iodehted to :the Estate `of Jas.
W. McElwee deed.; late of liew`liliford
twp..are. hereby notified to :.make - immediate
- payment.; and all peraons.bitiing- claims or de.:
mande 'taut the said F•State are requested to
present thew duly a utlientiested for settlement.
• _ ELLIOT .maticit Adaer.
Mardi 19, 1856 . • -
, - , -
'll '. , ''' Pte Sabi; - .1.: : ::- ... %
uorsy,. Shop ant.l.4'o ibi iiiitf,72,jui r ktitin,_:
New Illtiord *Mar. ' The *bop In aearli-- - -;,
new, 20 by 30.arld two story* WO, occupied Aka. , t .:
1 14 11 12 01 E4b 0 P.'‘ -.Thaloteoutairss Oct ro,ds nftobd",
1 el gittall4iOrl Wula sell 0,41 boos. iiitcaliis'':
- ~ • fourth nfin sore oftina v ariparate.; - Titiii- TiliU-'l's=`,
ilteesowall, 1 ,.. : , - tiannit i ßall Rold'ears nauttleag in hoikt
. 4411141 e : ::
C• D. Vlrill.Thinthdi how litimild. jicl. - -1 1 limn .)
t eem eigUll . 'cif a mn#:_., s.l, - 7 - -A. k old -
ii i ip
• •
over F. B.:ch w itees atore i lithrPCll - wall be his n pante:all:x*2ou fora a met of a th i '— - tr ,„ . .. ,
pleasure to seat& Itiends - oasqulekits_possible: 4 .- , - For prise a nd pettleif - tifijitito of H ei W.-%,
• C. D. VIRGIL, Resident tiaatiat. - 17. 0:4011 on. the - pro . . es," Will
~ be 8 04
Montrose, May 2, OW - • • cil if applie4 for ems:—;;l6w4. - .
301 . .
$l2 313
1 80
1 80
2 40
7 20
1 80
7 20
1 56
25 20
3 89
9 35
4 70
4 57
16 80
1 28
11ELit, 0 :GENTILES!.
War in M o n trose and IWasbilie
Aan!! .
NO El . P 1 )
. 17LER- TETI -•
rillig g reat politiZmi Fusinn. at Washington
.1. as yet is not sacc'ecafult but. ' s ,
have fused all partiesinto ono grand, victorious
and over-increasing party, not for the sheddingot
blood, or for the spoils of office, but for, the pur- - -
chase of GOODS at slower figure than ever beg
fore have been sold in Montrose. Oer Motto
"Down with Monopoli." • , , ~
Wo tikopleasure in announcing; to the city :
zeta of Susquehanna County that. We hitve4o
I moved to our Sp!Oflaid . Her :•ALZO RI the east en"
fp I. . , _ ~.
10 &WO , • - • .
I ; BRION .BLOCI, - - -
Where we shall always tie preprired to *situp
en our friends, and where:it will afford us tin .
greatest pleasure to_ exhibit' to our easterner*, . •
and others; the largest and fineststoeb or.cooili:
ever opened in Montrose i a our line, consisting '
Of READY IiADE. CLOTHING, the largest and iLO-.
est assortment, latett styles, good cloth . and s'
made by experienced workmen. Our stock an , '
otbeoetq'touanllGedooindsq, Laces, : quality or pri44s t.
Staple and fancy goods of.all varieties. f . -
• Silks, Velvets, Gloves, _ , .--
t; Hosiery, Ladies Dress Goods,. -
bi t Shawls, Hats, Cloaks, Fun,
ir, nd the most complete assortment of Sheetings, '
phirtin g s, Ti'ckings, Sze., &c., all artjales nanallj'•'
•I iwantedn the richest or. poorest families. -
11 It is not true th.itonr Goods are inferior ln any .'-
lespect: We will giveto our customers tbe pre- - _
iso kind of Goods in U 1
quality that we reCO*-' -
t i
11 end, or then may return them. In ;short ;:vs - ,'
efy competition as to , quantity 'end ilualitie..--;
• I
all upon us nod y o le shall cot go empty or dia. , '
Satisfied away. , '
Measures taken for Reidy - Made clothing,,pro‘•"
trifled we - cannot suit customers in the store, and •-,
'lust the garments .wanted furnished on abort no- -
I •
ce. , . ,•-•,
I Call and save money. • .- , -
I- . •• .. M. GUTTENBERG, . - -
1 . • • CHAS. WITTENBERir •;'
/ I • —• J. WITTENBERG. •
i i Montrose, lan. 30; 1856. . `',!. ! -
, ..
= Rich Praiiie l'arnis.
nimproved Lands and Town Lot*, in Eli--
nois, Loom, and:Adjoininy - State,r. ' . - '
OR saleiti great variety, at low prices, an ll d
on favorable .ters. PAMPHLET CAT. '
)vith prices attached, forwarded gratis by mail
len applicaticm. - :-
- , . .'
11 Our extensive local - connections will facilitate
giving valuable information. Of any part of the,:
Icat to applicants desiring to locate, '
Buyers of Illinois Central Railroad. Landreartk--
;vail themselves of the' knowledge and experi
nee of Air. Dupuy, the late laud agent • of the'
i,qmpany, to supply - the difficulty of tusking jct.- .
-. _ icicles selections.'- - ,
,K" Particular attention given to locating vear'.: -
Ants, examining lands, fujitistung maps and de.'
Isicriptions, payment of taxes, and to• a- general '
eat Estate Business.
1 -, - _I
Corner of Michigan avenue and Softie.'
Watea St., sear lilinois.Cea:R.R..s
, : Depot, Chicago, Illittoiii
~ HARM; .11-. DUI'UY,
-- - ,
11 wiLLiAraTrAntiux &co.-
rw i l l i t i, ke i lp ..
, always on , kv i d att a t t ety ttal t r i S i l t - Of:: ,
~I',lla. welt Selected assortment' of all articles Usu. :
a)ly called hr in Country Stores; consisting of -
pry Goods, Ready Made_ Clothing, Bats !WV
Oaps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glue \sad- ..-, Clocks,liardware;
tory, Groceries, Oils. Troyision.4 Floor, reid ir
~ •
Salt, &e., Drugs andbye•WOods,:WoOdervind - - ._,
Willow Ware, Brimhefs Rrooms,',Stone Waiye i , "..-
**l lt g i erat varsty (f other "traps," all of whi c h _-'
willley i exchange ral or country o t w7v : 4 4yestabnsbrae:tinth.
nej:i rerioiraooast:ovent,4li ;18they .
to - Valet]. W. T. dtCo.-
dealing, to merit a continuancess, and by lair . . •
hich „,
has heretofore been -lihertibpatt on ,, . ,
The highest market rates will . at al .
ijil in Goods, or Cash if preferred, foes,.. ,
I , Ock isu,t, ' a t the-Viaduct Tannery. ""-...:„.'
i• . WM, TR.EMAIN &-CO: ',..,
' , Lanesboro, Feb. trl, IRS 0. - ,
Please read it, it is short anct of inaportanat'
‘ ll ‘o every lirousc 4retper.
T_T AVE received their, spring Ripply of house :
.1 2 1, furnishing. Goods. We can, now offer
k'orqn beautiful styies of Crockery: Ono of thew^
ngw and elegant' Spring Pattern of White En,
*mined Ware. Oor Goods' are"all - a Nol I
.in •
4nality,no seconds or add Tats, iito. complete
i'otts,,and can alwaya be matched _if broken' or,
Moro wanted, fo{ years to coma. All the co_
inon wares, CtilNA TEA, WARE, splendid
ityles. of white and decorated, very
I 11- 'GI A S •
a' complete and unbounded variety Omit ort—
hand. TEA TRAYS .of our own intiortation: •
fifteen elegant. patterns, far surpassing iirrich.;' ,
ness,.finisb and durability, the American article
uenallY.sold, at As few. pricetw - aod by flithe
largest and most complete lot ever; offered
these pwis, from IS to 1,14.5 per settioffclur.,
- GAINS t!
I.Brass Curtain Cornicei, -Banda,- Hooke, &e.,, •
n!t Pdges that defy competition.. - -Twenti - Metz'
ent styles of those. elegant Bird Citgesr, front'
1,6 cents to sl,o'each, 34 different,Pattawns of
stiperior warranted Clocks: freer 111, to $25"
I each. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly. re ;i.
paired. Plated Castors, Cake Baskets,
flrks, Napkin • Rin,,^3,'. &e. be. 200 Dofen—
t Knives and . Pork& Parlor Lamps; Hall
I "lig Lamps, Britannia alldlrra Ware.
31arbitized Iron Mantle Pieces and Graleth- At?
fact a general' Hopei Building and'
furnishing establishment. .- _
r iE' Call. and see nest ouit a CS3fSTAL PAL
ACE," two doors east of.tbe- Outfit , -
14V — If 'our . qoelds ere -not, , as zejirestmClid;
Or prices' as low as in town, and , -you .itte ttht,.=?
Ileated well, please don't buy.:, •
;Binghamton, lfareli,'lBs6,
PUBLIC noOFOS is- givsp ft
Woodruff ia rpeeiving incw lot of Stoves
and wares of all lands usudllyNkept inthq,Siteo,
acid Tin litre of 4 , Asiuess, among which may be
fouada better issortmeut of iteves,tteavier,lar
ger and more durable than ever , berpre Arad ,
in this eounty, all the `proof= you need wilt be
just to call and - .examine for yoursolyci.. All
stoves warranted in every respect.
Kept constantly on hand, an extenaircintliC .
mi r the-best: m ate of Tin ware, ma de out o , rj ,„„
ale which is offered , for salefia c4eapaa can:
bOUght lu any market; also on hand
. .I,,ead,plm,-
all sizes, Chain and - gearing rot, .Cliain Rausw,
Ost er up t r9si, all' sizes, Brass .'. ; and
kettles ail MOS, appanecrliear; raltiridu ‘
r.lobing done on short vatic® slid in , cry"
dot. All sods in the line will :be ioldefuntiO
furcasb , orapprovedciedif.; * , ; •
- Montrose, 'Starch '-uo