The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 24, 1856, Image 4

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• Porthofonefit of Sufferi n g - mollify. •
- A Reit. gentleman having cured hiniself ot I
LA., the Pilesiccompanivi vath eruptions . ef
op skin, after•luffertng for upwils of-25.years I
-hints it his duty to make tho remedy known for ;
the heaefit of thin afflicted. Ile Will forward tile
pa'rticulAs tot the cnre-of_therssme on time 1
elpt of a 3 cant pt,stage stamp. Address.
' ' No. 13 Ann SL N. . I
Feb. 13, 1856.-4.14.
, ......,
'Notito is:herby g iven to all' persons having
, iOnialarla against -the I ttte of Perry Ball, late
of POrest.Lakcc deed, that •tha: same must ho
,preientel to the undersigned 'for arrangeniptit.
;aid 'all:persoria said Estate, :lie
•qnireit.l.o Make immediate s - .dement. .• • •
GEO. W. BALL,. Efr.
• • , •
,FOre'st . Lake; - 31areh 15th:, iSSG,
rrt:lE st6sdriber would announce to his tIiN
•AL ton:l.'l.s and the public 'generally, that he
-continulos to sn pply the Various Maga - tines named
%belosvimt 'the price annexed per annum, viz
- 4larper, 83,25 ;•Putnnm. 82,25: Household
Voris, 82,01; Bla . zkwoOd,B2, - 25 Godev, 82:25
Ifortiettitarist, colored plates, - 83 0 Hortienl
.turist, plain edition 81,70, , Litters Living Age,.
\ 85,00; Prank Leslie' Gazette of Fashions,
$2;25; Balloux Pietorial,s2,so; Ladies Repnsi
tory,-(Cincinnatij $1,63;. NJ:alone', 81,63; 'Ar
--:l.littee Houle Slagazine, $1,63, •
jib is prepared also to fill 'orders for standard
and miscellaneous books and carrent literature
of the dap.: whether from the trade or other
*Ake of industry. Her ing had an experience of
fifteen years in the Book arid Periodical trade. he
hOieves he can give en - tire satief&ction to allpar
- ties entrusting him with orders.
, lipecimeu numbers ofthe Magazines sent on
receipt of 6 P.,st Olrtle Litter Stamps, for the
$3 or to $2 MiErazine.s, and-for 12 such Stamps,
-a ssinplo of 0685 -- or $3 works will be sent.
•Let.ters , of iugairy must contain a stamp for the .
return postay. Batiks sant (pgst paid) on the
receipt of Publisher's advertised prices. Address,
' Bookseller, Hoboken, N.J.
113 . 4. 8.-471.
:Delaware, Lackaw4nna 4%; W. tr..
17, an•l •afxr Thursday, PCT. 6, 1”5,
M 1I PavAing , er Train will 19ave•ranton
at 11.Ot1 r t. 3f.• , • • .
Dab at Great. Bend at :Ili): r.
Connentingrwith . the Dtttlkirk Elpress Tritin
an .1 th , 2Naw York E• East, nn the
Y:dz,. E.g. R. Pass . eri7ers taking this train
fill arrive in Danklirk nt 11.15 p. m. and in New
'''ork al 11'.15 p. in.
Itatar,a, w:ll!p.are G:eat Bend at 3,p.. m..dne
S. canton 5.50 !I. • •
• Tile Fright A:.enarrsod..lti•lri Train. / with pas!.
Yager CAC attached, will depart from :Scranton ct
• 1'.03, ..enneetiv., with the TylaTrala honad
A',2st, Ana Nizta I press Trnica twtb
_P.K3nn7,tlr:l - tlltinr; this. Trafn and the ;!`Zioht
xiiress Ealt. arrive, in New 10 . 5
t. By taking the Nig•ht Fxprogi \Veit, will
• Arrivain•Danicirk at 12. M., or- by taking the
hail Train ',Vest; :vi:{ arrive in Dunkirk at G. 45
' *Returning . , will de art from Great Bend at
1.60 A. M. and arrive at cranton, 12.10, A. M.
Stages will bo in„waiting nn thoarrival of Pas
emizar Tr.aips at Szranton, to convey paßsenrws•
t Carbaniti,e, Pitfittn, , Wilkes-Barre, Philadc!-
. ria th 3 a ~.tdilt; It. R., F. tston,
ttoratodirW places.
D. 11. DOTTERER, Snp't.
-*pap t 01.10, Scranton, 4 .
Dee. G, 1855 2'sitf
. ,
For the Holidays...
j~LEGANP - lens for retnnaihnsecs fa :
the liolulays. Parian Statuary, Fancy P.
'l , e' , 3
aid vos&t, Terra ; Cotta in a veriety of bean.
-• tifal"artidies, ilishbon wares in various de,i , ms,
lso, elegant Dresden and French China now
p, en - for inspection at J. H. DE P.F.C'S.
. Sinihottat on, Doc. 20, 1855.
• .1 ; •:'
I -
A large irariety also.
- Work stands with DI.--
! kets,acticules &c. at ow .prices.. -
. .. •
13 7. 0.8 K AKD 4 7 .4..VC.Y . BOX.E. "
.Ladin's Reticules, Port.lionnaieSorr
e•int Pert:
•--! _ --.- - iTilt..s - fiir idl.Trity:
J:11. DE PEIS. ,
TOYS! TOYS 2: . TO-YS !! !
,'. Comp:one, cems . all• airl your wants ilial.l ',be
iI 'gratified from a.penny to doll:ars in price' from
, our WO 'stock of Toys r w
It 1 ell are now Offisrei at
••• - • ''' • DE PEU'S I
• -
CIAVA, .4 ArD . CR O.CE, Eh: Y - i1 r ..4 RE S. : 1
. To Ilarthe' rs and Garde . ~---
. 4‘,... g. .
HousekciiPers,tioat yourselves to a New-rears i 1 -- ' -i)1111 nit ' lillbn i s e . a 1 • 1 " --11 t: -- °' the ".Manures
present with one of, he beautiful setts of - G)lii I Co.,n ton f:!etri . rd by the Lodl . !dont; fnet nring
1- - Bt.nd or Decorated China now_ on . exhibition at i `,', fl ' om " Ike ! "' 1 • 41 " mind Pr v ie 3 l - of . N'•'"' • York
and free Item iffensivo odor, called
Da Peu's. A really - ,:tr,bstantial rift oft to be re- ! ' - "`Y
membered in a social - ivay. Will ynr. ',,a , ,t net's POI' DrIETTE • ANDI'"ITAFEU. 1 1
Pondrette' 14 "composed of tivo.third, night
I upon the sag,,rrestion-and select it \the. Citteltery i
and ll3usol'urnithini store, by tsnii r.ind ono thiid decomposed - Vegetable - fit:re.
- - J. 11.- DE PEU. I Paten is ennipooed of three-tdorths night soil
. . ~
.: . Pinglianen,.Des. 20, 1855. !:and - one-fourth No. 1 Peruvian ; - Guano.
- - l i '
I ted for - r...4:,_,in -,, corn, Carden ,: Vegetables .and t, pARAC)I.-;S-L't.`-'l'.l'l('
. • FIRE! FIR. 'E 1 . FIRE'.' .
I Grass, than tuT,other in mlrliet. Can be puti -
The uudersigned his. beer. appointed an went I in contact with %the. seed wiihnut 'injury, and
' sf•the _S•rt.TE ,Thri:U•kL. FIRE INSURANCE, causes Cnr,n arid seed. -
101.1PANY. of Harrisburg Pa. Said company I two weckS earlier: and yield one-third'rnore than t -
• as lc eipital of• "I other tnannrcikand is . a 1 --.)7erentutire rf Me Cat l i
S 500,050! ,• • -1 . 1 Worm. . .
It i i .. „ re a ,„, 10 ,,,,,, i ,„„ :np ,..„ 3 . as an y i n 1 Twe.thbia.Pondrotte or 1 , 00-Jbs. Tafen, will I
manure an.acre of Corn in . the bill.- Tofeu 1 .'
' the State and *insures on:tbe Stott "and mutual"
plan: . , • . BILLINGS STROUD• ~, int 34 cenfsiper 1132 . Pandretto .2.100 per bbl., or
- pr on t rose , o e t. 9,' 1855.--n if .
. .. • 1 8.1.50-for any quantity over 7--1?b15.,. delivered on
Wa the untiesignedherd'by State thtt we have I board vessel or Railroad, free: from any charge
~ for package or cartage. A patiphiet containing
.done'busineSS 'with ihe above dompany, and
every information, sent post paid, to any one
are satisficAd that it i's both safe and cheap.--r 1
• Inonr experience we,bave never known any as.
oendintheir address to
sossments on a premium note. • • 1 Tilt•LODl IifANUFACTURING CO.,
P. M. Williams. - - _ ... IV, - n. - Jessup. • I • . ,60 Courtlandt et., New York.,--7m3
1,1 .D. Warner. ~- F. B. Ciftid:er- .1 -----'-:----
Orlando Eldrrge.'. . E. B. Chase.
- NEW GOODS. - " - 1
, .. HE sifoseriberis in constant receipt of Neff
Gnarls, iu his line of bueinetii; nearly every.
wet., The public Willfind his assortment,No. 4
rj 4
and his articles' new and of geod finality.. The
...- ....-
stock const•ii4as ii;inal or - - ..
Drug* Modicines,Paints,Oils, . -• . . ,
-, Dye-Stuffs, GOeeriefi, " .. .1. -
1. Fancy-Good!. Jewelry, • . ' . -
Perftimery, &e.
e '
, i , •••
1 'j; i
• q
teiontiosit Jim 10,18 36
O,havo.framLauds at a oaeop price and on
IL eaq terms, yontnttention k called to the
Midgtvay Farm and coal Company. Taymty.,f i ce •
sorts or more, in -proportion, are giver for 4200,
.paynble in installti3ents of 81 per week or 84 per
month. it is located in Elk county, P.en-asylva
-1 , sia.and has one of the;beat markets for its pro.
Auce in the:Sate. The still is a - gi.l4 , loam, and
is not to be surpassed for farming, 44 eramina.
Cot( will show. ' It has - the -best .elementa of
' prosPerity, being andoulaid by two rich veins of.
Coal; end will shortly be intersected by four
_railroads. The timber ia of . theornost .raloahle
ancseeptionably vied. and_warratf
tee deeds are given. t.prssiata a good and
substantial .opportuitify to - ooltnenee jar - ming,
proildlsi for one's children or making an incest.
meat:- Farther - partiettlere can he had from the
' 1 patiPhiets *bleb are :sent to _ingutreri. Letters
ansWom.address. nroniptly. ;;Apply or SAM%
W ELL, Seeretacy.l3s Witlnnt, Street
Notth'sido'between Fotuthand Fifth sta., Phils
,Fell4tformition is' eentittned la -th;
pamphlets': -•- - • Intlf.".
4 - w-------
_,4111,14,7.. .
~,., -;:,.., •
k'apleada rtniantiltutr. ired,at -
51ontroNo., is. 10 1856.
_ _ _
Arrangement at G r
I ,- • 4.4 RD s 7 ORE /-
W. MaI:GORY. - sml at:
. • having , formed a caparinership tor the
purpose of eouclucting the Hardwaro business in
all its various breeches, •wotild respectfully in.
form the .people oyf Susqtiehanna, county that
they are now oPeurng at:Grogory:s;Ohl Stand,
opposite, the; lachanite IlEotei, 3 lloors from the,
in,srhatn ton, Ni• V., the Is rgeit, cheapest,
best-stock of Hardwire ever offered in Ling
• • Having 'Math., .arrangemonts to jetport their
English .Goods and:purehnan their American di
rect from manufaCturers; they can and will sell
CAEAPEit tan other estalilishment-in,
towx! .Their,istock is OW were extero.ive, and
thos'e wishing to pureh4;e are invited to call.
The following are npor i tion of their =leading ar
ticles, viz:—Tablo kni‘'es and forks.. Tea do.,
rverz4, forks and.steeis, pen and pocket knives;
.read.and butcher do., hay and straw do., sets
',•ors, stratus, and razors; britAnnia ten and coffee
pots, silver and brit9nnitt tea and table spoons,
silver plated, brass, and) iron eamiksticks, snnf.
fare sad trays, solar lamps, lard, and: suspended
lamps, mantle.pieee ornaments, brass and iron
andirons,shore;s and tongs, &v.
LookinzGiasses, and looking. glasS plates, tow
,g,i3ther.witha general assortment ofrliousekevp
rag articles.
consisting of I
. lAB, latilies, butts, screws,. brad
sails, bolts, patent ‘vindow springs ; blind faslca
logs, shutter serewa, and fastenings, lac.
A general, assortment of•tools 'f'or Larporters
and Joiners:Cabinet Id Wagon .Makers, Maions
and blacks:U*lllls, 4'ensi••ting of planes,'Saws, ham
mers, hatCht.4;, axes, - 412es, (this - els *augers, auger
`bitts and hollow angdri. anvils, ivilOws, vices,
patent drill :nutchine4 Aedgos,.stnne hammers,
.brick and plasteringtiv.Vels, cross-cut, mill mid
circular saw S- ../ • .
A spteriditassorttnet,t of Saddle and Harness'
makers' tools and trituntitres.
consisting of shovelsk - coles, forks,ralies,scytheS:
grain cradlei,,hoes, pick axes, iron Jars, grind
:atones, &e. 1 7 , .
Also, Az , m !ts for tho` sale of Whittemore,
. ,.
Squires & (.'o's Agrpiltural took such USplosi's,
hay and straw eutte, .. corn shelters, iRe.
. Solo and upper heather,. ritoroce, and sho e
trimmings, with a general assortnientof findings.
Wooden• ware, willoW cradles, wagins, chairs
and ha4kets of all descriptions. '. .1 .
Bar iron'ltnd steer., iron axles and steel springs
malleable eakting.i, i.foneb lace and trimmings of
all kinds, paints, of s, sash, glass,putty, &c., all
of which - will he.sold at the lowestrates. Please
salt and efarnine thne stock for yourselves....
Binghatutrm, Ma eh 1, 1955. ' •
A Prit.):HCll.a!nca .to Dui Goods
C. R ITO !IT: beirdesirons of elks_
• , iflg; 1, , 1.4:1.i55i for the purpose ift:leaving in
. .the spring takes Ibis method of informirq.r, hid
4 ettstorners and the imbiie. generally;!tbut he Will
sell his entiro sto:tli•of Csoods at eosf,for , eash
or readv pay . . he giv'On after this
.date: vr.loald S.ty to iridebtt..'d to him,
either by Tr.)te or 1i".,0k aceount,4 , that the Eame
must be. sAtle.l imtnediately, without further
notice. ' offers for salt his tanery, store
house; tr.-3 (1..:% 0 .1i47, touses,.mairtheappurtemm
' ees therewith, torrether with 32 acres of land.
mi of whi,•:s will be sold ehen.p.
j Jan . . 10, 133C,-;--tf.
Aiyil still they Cowie.'•
NENV 13,i0k every • week Cans . Old santa
rounityet and will he 'till after New Years.
ad please Prepare for him by calling at the Post
°dice:Um - you can get new, -entertaining and
useful 'books, cheap.
.44::Iffrs' Fe; st. or ConyerFititiona around
the Cit.:rip Fife, Kate Weston or to Will. 'and to
D o , Ti4:,; . ,YeitF, antong the Mail Bags Family
PastimetFurhomeitnadellappy.Life on the road
dr,P)4Qt: Dina &e,. PeterParleys'new liniver
f - a;id
sa..i gift hooks: Crowen
and . tiass Now COok books etc., and many oth
cis I cant mention here, but- cano,ltow Jliern to
yon if Toy will call, -and sell thent low for the
Montrose Dee. G, 1855
Tho i ltlanbitttln Piro Co.
.oate Wall•Sitrect.
CAPITAL,: - .8250,000
IJL:;',4lings,ll. , rehandiseAurnitnro,Vte.
Fels in Port tbeir Cargoes, and other Proper
iro;,s or damage by fire. •
Di:: I:c . r6:','s.—Nittl )or.:0 _I ichards, *Samuel F.
Scht - tnei;, Wm. F. Mott, Edwin
D. Morgan, S. W.. Fox. Sidney Mason, Etit4ha
Ri.ft4, It. I.:Lca,Tiros. Barron.ll.ussel li. Nev
ins,Atur..ll., I.oses Tavlo, John Stew.
JaneslCE;tlesi Thos. "'W.. Pearsa 11, Iti;:hard
Tight, Yritir Cooper, ifent!.. Eliworth, I...ymarr.
Denison, Ji;lin Caswell.
Vat. Pat PArmEn.,:Seey.
EDWARD PRIEST, Agent, Binbl am.
ton, A.
ATBELL & TINGLEY'S. A large and
well selected lot of Craelcery and Glass
t Ware ja4t reaeiv.ed. Also anew lot of Teas
14 -which wertire selling cheap,
' OATS wanted at 50 tents per bufthel, mall or
radi by ZELL to TINGLSY.
cSpUgtteco- Des. 14, 1815.
hie slot.k,orgorids - ,-wherkt 1:c. will with
. . .
. . .
V. apposed to !:be, cheap $1:000 wortb,Resdy wainest-upon patrons. An entirely nest and exten-
Otuatitit clothing at : , - sive assortment of gOtais will soon be lidded
DIcKERMAN - At GARILATTS the present stock. •The 'patronage of the pub.
New 3liiKrpd, ;Sept. 18th, 1855. - i Hein -stoliciterl i -wiWthe ttsauranee that the-inter.
. 1 eitt of purellaqrs shall be promoted.. - • -
Montrose, 1,;, 1856:
tan. 2 i
' •
TEEL Squares--Margoind superor assort_,,
1.0 meat at iow prices. • ' - .
GcrasSingle and double barrel!, all prices.
Wares from gricts up.. Sash Cord, Rope - Hal,
ters, Chalk LinhS. Wrought Nails, ail size".
Gimblet pointed Screws, it large assortment. at
Bingbanaton,Now,, 1855- -
W. Singleton,
. . ,
now be found at his new stand on the
• co rner of Turnpike and Chestnut_ Sts., rt,
few doors east - of P,osea .score,
efectually repairs . with dispatch, Watches;
Docks; Guoi; Jewelry, and every description of
Machinery. Wheel eau:ink. GOD and Wet&
materials supplied to the trade. •
Doot. : 11,. Thayer
timEttES thiti'mettrnd of 4sing to hi, f r i e w s -
A. and customers that ha has again resound
the= rirntieret Medirive-attiamtd-atandiwilfino
4rose, Where lie =ITU all times unless
professiouldly ernployed. a*veld say-to those
owing him oa otd-aecon uts . will deduct
per cent. ouldrirneOutaltf# befo renrat of
April iSturt e logit sof poor 'Ski !isyse, IQ I will
lion/rose, Feb. 20,113554/ti
. shooed :para . :le course f around•the world covered .
with pimples, blorche.3, uleers. sores. and all or any
of the.unclean diseases of the Skin, because - our
systerh wants elcansinF. I
To PritiPy run Btruon, they are the be .medi
cine &tit- discovered. Tirr.:y should he take freely
and frConently. nod 6 t m impuritieN which ow th, - ..•
seed; Of incurable disolses Y-ill be swept ou of the
- sys tear like chaff before thevvind. By this property
- t.liey db as mug h good in preventing sickne-S as by
, the remarkable cures laltich then arc raking eery
• 'where.;:
, •
•'' LtYku ComrtAtNr, J.tysntcr, and all
Affix-lions 'arise froru!,soine -dr:rang - eine] t either ,
' • , torpidity, congestion, lor
,cit2,tructiens of the Liver.
; Torpirlity - and eongestlon vitiate the bile and render
it un4t for dig,c4tion!. 'lll,i. is disastrous to the
•„ health, rind the constitution is frequently under-
mined .by na other cause. Indige , tion is the symp
tom.' 'Obstruction of the duet . wh.ich empties the
• Lilt., into the stomach eau-c; the bile to overflow
into the blood. This .produces Jaundice, with a
long and dang , Ins traiu of crib , . - CoQtiv ones::,. Or ,
alternately costiyenel sod aii‘rrim.a, pro ails..
Fcreri s li'sympt.4.l i. I:lA44i:or, low spit i t.:, weariness,
restlfSsness, and roll chins, with sometimes in-.
~.., ability to sleep,.:,ml i.nruetimes Ltrvnt drowsiness;
s(mi,iimes the re is seeere F.,ilt in the ,i , ..1e: the skin,-
-,. and the white of the cies be, mne a gr,:c1,1,11 3 elbow;;
the stomach aci.l; tire hovels t•flre. to 0.,(` toneh i,
the whole system irritable, a it h a tendon o; to fever,
• which may turn to bilinns fev,,k,l,i:iclrs colic, bilious
- dhu - rlitrn.-dyscntery,,, - e. A n.olitna 'dose of tierce
.r fosir Pills talan ,t. n,F,41 t, inlhlwt 1 1.3 two co three
in thi'n ni1nn , .., , , and rcla,a tad a rely dap:. will rei.lril e
• the caws i.f all these troll] \les., It in wicked to S'n:fer
such Rains 'when 3 . 0 u tYm . eure them fir 2-i cents.
&. N. 131.11.1,A.R
late it. into healthy pactioti. hey remove the
obstruCtions of the stet:inch; bowelS, liver, and other
erg:mai - of the body, mill, by resloring their irregular
action to health, coirti,t,t, wherever they exiM, rueli
derangements 43 are l the first causes of • disease.
An extensive trial ofitheir virtues, by Profiasors,
Physicians, and Palle its, has shown cures of tlan
geiens discagcs alcangli beyond belief, wcre'they, not
substantiated by perslns of each exalted position
and character as to forbid the , reicion of untruth.
Thei- certificates - are. published in my American
Aln ' lac,' which tliet, Agents below named are
plea, dto furnish (red to all inquiring. .
1 n
, • A exca we give iligetions for their use in the
complaints which theyi have been found to cure.
FeteCosTivErs Esc. i--. Take one, or twd Pills, or
! inch quantity. as to gentle move the bowels. Cos, is frequently the ng,:rravating 'cause of
Pitts, and the cure of One complaint is the cure
or both. • 'So person an fed well while muter a
costive, habit of bodyr.r Hence it should be, as it
can be, promptly relieved. • .
Fan Dvser.EstA, which is sometimes the enure
of Costireness, and alwiAys uncomfortable. take mild
doses --..frona"one to fur—t i to stimulate the stomach
and liver into healthy etion. They will do it, and
the Acciraura, bcdytuhm, and soullurn of dyspepsia
will rapidly disappcai When it has gone, don't
forget what cured yogif
For a Four, STONIAI . II, or .211orhiel Inaction of 1.4
Bowels,, which prodners general depre , :sion of-tie
spirits and bad healtli4 take from four to eighttilis
at first,; and smaller thH afterwards, until activity
and strength is reytored to the system. ' . .
FonNEttYoustiLsA,LStot IlEanwitt; NAtstrA,
Pair: in the Stomach, 13a,:4- or Side, take_ from four
to eight .pills on goingi to bed. If they chi not oper
ate suffidently, take mare the next day until they
do. Those complainta.will be swepiout from - the
systeutt.. Don't wear these and their kindred dis
orders because your stomach is foal
Fan ScaoroLs,.F44Katentss, ail aft Dismiss
of the Skin, take the freely and frequently, to
keep the bowels °pen t ' . The entptions gener
ally stunt begirt to dituntish.and umappeir. Many
'dreadful u,leer'S L.' nu Flres ItaVe bt`tsTl healed up by
the purging and purif)iing eifee.t of these Pills, and
some di , gusting disea4e; which seemed to caturate
' the vtote stem hart! completely )ieldcd to their
influence, leatjng the _offerer in perfect health.
Patients! your duty to setiety forbidi' that von
. . -
ItItEC II AT I ?,. }U..
G . 06'. and till Intioninwory /1 - 6-
ters E,rej rapidly t.,INa by the parifying effects or
',these Pills - upon the liliAl *amine stinthlus which
Lb& rdfor4-to tic .614 principle et Li(. 1::,r these
' and all kindretl'eumplaints" they should he taken in
mildtioses, to move inc bowels gently, but freely.,
As a DiNNE:t Ptht , this is both agree.zhlo and
userat.: so Pill can be made titre pleasant to take,
i t
3 Ild -I: . rtail ' Tl , l:ie 11 . 14 1.,!•ell lor,j3e mere Ket!tmil to
the juirpo • for which a dinner pill is eir)ployed.
rftEt'ArLED fri
. .
DR. 3. C.' AVEIVit CO:i ..
Practical:anti Analytical Chemists
• • - .L.OwELL, MASS., . '
ANti f-7(:)Li) fly
• - T •
. TC. Ti' .111A7"S. •
UST rc ceivtd Lf ' , moll as D..
pecan Gin g bant.s. t,„os. So;
infu .; pt I,::th:lrntal Ccudz, w:11.-11
witfbe !c•-r
Flunutl, tiuytiw.ilziLy o,ot , de:
et caati 3101 T.
Fre.Nb Arrival Gdods
DICNFR 74.:1.%:S ‘F.z. GA an ATT's.
TOE mullt , sribeni retTeetit.ily •int'orni
the good po.tple U 1 Stp, , ,itt-lirimi t , J. ti - etl .
they hre no•,c ppet.ti;;;;;! of Fall and
‘Vititr G ai WI/ .. !*"11 ur.nstiallv large and at : :
tractive nil of w1:::?ri will be mold Sir ec.h Kio
niTroccd eri.till ette:-; era: Lo )) , :n.t.tht at
any other estattlittliment,ii! !be county W• 1 mean
just n. - iint.tye sae. I ) !ettmr n. a tril3. -
DICKER. MAN 6.11:1 3 .A11"S
New WAR-Li, 5,14.- 16th. 1 BLS.
CUT N:111: n•td :•zp;1:0 , 4.--1.304,1tt0n, Parker
X—) 2EIII a:ld Old
Tiingharnicen, - Nipv i . 18L5.
June 13
Just Rocoived
A Newil4 of Lcathtr,:,nd.for salo
ebeaper tha% e - 4-r" fir_ _
- • • J. 4: ,J. R. 4.511 LEV
Brooklyn, Dec 5.
A -NEWS ti P LI, of GrozvriiTA, bruglo.
Jan. 10, 1856. • . -
Persevere - lice has tr; , (; : vdte , lortT crery Glata-
Tatwititstanding a destructive fire; an 'eaten
sive tu,,s, anri zi ti.n thorn -
s completed his,Nety Brick Slum ; (built up:
nn the smile ground . by his< former
Store, that was eonsomtd by fire, and . iii the
Nri;x•'Brick Block o . ihto . which he has "removed
& !
1 . speetfully inform the public .hnt they- have
purchased the interest in the saddle and harness
Business. of A. & Wo hope by strict
otttntion to business to .receive our share. of
Public patronage. Constantly coo hand,•Saddl es,-
Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Valiees,'&c.
Carriaffe - Triming in, alt of its branches will be
neatly done to order, on.reasonAle terms,
.Shop No. 2, Searles Basenient.
. Montrose,, Jan. 1, 1850. - :
THE Dotes" and accounts of E. Tiffany' STO in
the hands of R. G. Miles, Esq., for settle
+tient. All persons interested are
.regnested to
attend to the same without delay, -
_] Committee - ,
• ' 417: M. GERE. fof !Annoy..
Brooklyn, March 18; .1856: • • -
&oat llcAse TO Itmm—The one' formerly
oduPied leyE, .Tiffany 'in Brooklyn:" Enqhire
on the premises or of L. A. SMITRiI •
M. GERE: -
March 18.1856.-3 e
AA OEN - LitAl.lissortmord Staiplo
liry Oimis,l4l;eerk:s,ilardkv,ire,ll.itoi, Caps .
Buotsisotl Woo.en, Wall Paper, Drugs; Dye Stint;‘,
Paints:gild Oils, &e., Kitt be sold as cheap,
as the'clielpest for Cii§h dr approved credit. by
11.. M.. JONES. 71
ILirfotd June 1, 1355.,:i„
LACK Gru de Ittlll4 Silk of exrellvtit
ties at. iL .11.JUNKS'.
Junii 1, 1855. ,
Casll tilerel•Tha . A•ls,
ar,o 11. JONEI4.
uno . •
-• • ;
J:3O I. 18.53
AbIES will iina a gri•at vari'•lv or 11-Pa:lift*
at JONES!..
1,1855. - •
AWNS; ClialF.:4,l3:trgo: do Lains and ;irk!!
•it M. JUNE:3% .
Jung 1,1955. --- • -
M1311.011.)1 . 4X1Ab4111(1 Wine,ow 1 raj rs at
L. 7.4 11. M . JONES'.
fTin(4,l , 1855. _
,tpod usoAujp,it . of Boots und - Shoe' nt.
• 1.1. M. JONES'
E C tALLAN & PARK retairn thelr g-ntefol
.A. 3 I_ aa n
i owkdzments to the Public for past fp,
nvito nifention to the Nery large stock
of ltlpritirg and Sawiner Goods they tiro now re
cid% ing,!fand offer for :pare nt rery In
additionl to their usual assortinent - of staple Dry
Goottg, Groceri e s, ilardwaro, Crockery, Paints,
and frili &e.olley are prepared to exhibit alarge
assort intnt
nf destmiltion, Pi. , ored, Plaid and
1 8111:s. Ifimnets,Sliawla,Rib . bcibs.G:.vt , , llnsiery
Ladies :intl shota of all Lind.,.—also
I trge ut . ,
• • r ;.:II.E.11) - . MADE •,
. .
(.14)(12, .f . Casitner(29, Twet.iiik, Jeari, Sanunf , r
riuth.4..iVestiag. , i, Ilats . nial Cap, loots and
Silot , ,, &c. &e.
501.1,-;t erOl'from
010 wi,ll
. 1‘) pureloLtio Goo r.) GOODS AT
1.0 VI
.• - . M11•1III,L.\N & PARK
:kV:12... 2, 19.31,
.51:111. KllO7l Thysaif." ••
A r, 1.: • L'etry fa .31:y C.l
. ,
• — "r7:1"so
' • i • - , .
V. ", S 1 ti A ~ A ,
- A 11, ,
, t i?!Xr.y 'edit on : - reviiige sand : , ro'r
I,•lirsl Canon,.
ar Itnn;IlInn;,„(.11.
ni :•.• n nuts r , . ,
- , at tn,n nn•leti
\k‘ N . '\ s• f Corn! of ,„_
- s•N • •
.!.ZE rte./ Ct.'Y 111 . 0•11 IF C1.1.111F xua
.attercolitpc LJ If aLu
us I
i; - crvetiti. , n 0 1 jtltl.ilt 6 "raitiii hitt 31.0111,. :
ovcrythini.. that ivc,ll`.4 ofTi•ri,,l
t !It! I'4f-cent . y : sin 0 nf
. trot::r ;eon t 3 u‘nii.-•+s •
;tit ,ti!icti! - 'l l ‘. - ut lei u eur,nidisrage.ol
['Iv!!! ! :Our . ti .
TO ..I.IAII r t cote-ft
ato(a trrat.!!.t . c
in:0,.1 A
T,,ir., ‘ ,7z:y of:. crPcofeesos ,, r l lsilefr,ciin Psnn
P! ;i,:e....;•4',"•—`•1 , it • Ili' sT Ea 7 1 4 Mr.
—The a o thttt Work .U3ll t Ott• he taninet of ose
'tic erii! t sn re thedi•• t reat Sif . a
ar..dunte be roue 01 t , e hsst. Co:leg:psi 11 t.h,. Loited , •titt es.
It. rvlea2.l.lre to r'er , trl Cita th ' e unfort , ss
nate. nr t 4 the victim of trpaprtictiec r tler , !=itUl un
can erirneFd proetitinner,ir,,.whore honor and nt.e;rity
they rnly placeth great eFt,cfmfi,len re. •
.70. s S. LONGF:10111: NI D.
WOO :I. , Penn tr , arri Ant y,Phi/a
-.:e:p.'.a.-I.l,give, hie pt.,,re t coy tr;=tira ,, ny to the
Ibilit) the l it other of the" ?luu;c44 Mix.
1.1.114," Ntimerous rage , of Disease of the CetritalsOrgahe.
ft - n - 4 , t bkot 'orl,tiL:•tattilitig.l:a‘f. conic ender my no.
ivt4eh 11,ro trutryfieJt in r,st ,- .1.114 to
perfer cape• whet. e tho patient to-on
conp!,lereckheycli.l-inea:ral akl In the tr-at cient
;nal w..aktiePs. or ,PFirinol...,,shen t o: the :"ttnetion, , pro
dite:•3 P;ltAhllFi• •,rl.l..ersq °revue:y.l do not !:now
hip the r .
e.itAion . I lI,Ve 1)0•1.1 40111.11111i...4
K:t110...M tithot [ditty yeare. sad deem' tnn 11: , 11't
thoolngiei to him :1; tn he uon, t unate
rictith of e.y rirtndiert.-tion. to ceN.:.l:otnri him nr, ene
whose pmc-f-spionnV4hiil and •uto;ritc they r e ap cif”ly
eounde intWA
“Ittinu t . ovr ,„.
in: ttlfgit.le r - k•rh , ; 1
which it trri tortknirts; relnks aJdroir,s
r,ItE. ! f r:ts rol:k.rg It i• r”e•rn
^bi ,, tion4l” zoort , r.: , nd no oort,at howevur
c 3 rt 01 ..1 , ' , f Jo nv it Its thelon , f. !H. . Thk•
t lkor !).c kr, tot Le tre,ttrar-nt alp Toil,
~n. .7- . llp!votr,r , eikte I ~f.:411.1• with tp, i:te.".,t.,•%!h
! , 'Ce pr-11,1,thqk *.• trano , P. .+ 4
.r• kr , :nitv r-2.5 t , ;”
, ne^e±gfu 1 ::D' —•
- •
rltn , 2.•••Tr' • :rt• tr
- Ohio.. - vrittoz,o t. • "I
:11.tet,,ro T tt ,
VI. 110+,1 a the trtbit i 071
It1 . 01p1 :77- 4 - . , en • - •:rt 'otrful tro
thornrelvps24,l,lr , iecr :The ,-,astit utic , l - ...“1t0n..-
ar.-i , who nj-e7-ai,ini.: - I ett • •e ' riel. it not
1 170.ot; 4 . , 1 ,- .tin 1 the:3 - a.. nr,
A nytt.i n Utz.. eau hr dr+nt• .I!.> •filielten
; .4 tn. - 11,i . .. an nitirn,tely renlns
tVele-srroe2l nt , "0 ,1- ottrer
.e - itit i t eX ttir the r - 1,•••.
nn the !.re,iont r renenitinn. o t, on - o - n. ore
tho drink..) , henzji i;
!‘et . .t n port 11.1 - .ll.rantl*.re for /tom rre Ilthe ;, er , pt nay thtentra o. 1•4• 1 , , m, of 'hi. .0:1t,4,1 ,
anti. rev , yon r 6r in tl.e7c ' h.: wort vrra axe
• ( 1 1• ,.. ••• • • VV:11') r'C'O r 'lr'l.' I,f r(' , r
rot!: 11ftl• 1' nit ,, t St:lt e.f , f•r r
X rOr 31..tid Irerr. (10S DEN St. CO.,
pnbli•l,rp,-.;tox I'lL'eli:`...-I.clphia.
erg and Itnok
on the tnot term=
ryinr, yabsciibe r r alto
.1. hisTrierols %ory lard,.
assortuloJt of
. . .
lit his neir Store Boer' in Lodersville, n e xt to
I. S: Lepheini'.. Store; ;ind near flit. Cire:ti Bend
Depot. 'ille ha s in :141lizion to Os cornier ini•Lre
variety riir Ceolting. ::.nd.Ptirlor Stoves, Inni.y new
Prater:nt, some: oi.n liieh— '
. ~
1 • Sr •...;r091r.t.• • Pr7r•i 11 . r,4flch, 'l• ire Ply,
i 1
Mall' Troy, .v.,!..,, ,k, .
, lferfrlliuta,
1 ' illaclo,Varrlor, ,
Oriert, (lak,
I • ' tI Egg Stove, • :
Which together with his fortnei stock - will be
perhaps .he tnosf extensive and varied Assortment
of Well lelected:Stoves in the Courity.
I* * *Clinton Stoves well furnished at low prices.
1 d 'r. i 11. articles in his' line kept •on hand and'
t made I,rdeas tisitql, and orders receivedat hts
old stanWiti Great Bend.
all iterseinsatllicted arch sexual diseases, such es
TSentleal Weakness v !IT:potence, f-oniorlux.s, fleet,
Syphilis:c../em The (toward Association of Philadel
phia., tuisl of the, a‘rfni , lertiction of human life and
h ct
- nealth, qati.eit'•by tt , xuat - diteases,atal the deceptions
which artlpractlecd Upon tile onfortunaferietimeofauch
dtgeliot - filY tillatks >have directed theiretansultingsnrgeon.
as • Charitable Act weer by of their iti s ot , o , to ov o m e di ca l
Advice (3 - retie. ro.all perstins thus afflicted, (Male of 'c.
male) tr.e!„an,l In rape or extreme poverty and tuffering
t o It urn ; b Medicines Free ot Charge ,
The lio'srard Ikasoelationis a hotteradent In.tittittiorr, es.,
tablished Ly special CW1113111) ent . Par the relief of the slak
and distressed, adifeted - trith— Virelentand Epidemic DN.;
eases," ttud its funds can be c..sed for no other purpioto —;
It has now a s•trpitts at oteanaNhieh the , Direct ors havd
voted tu ads ertieoth e above pollee. - It is needless to add
tbattbelAssociatian tOMMIIIIti? the: highest 10;lical &kill
nt the age„ and will tarnish the most approved tnotlere
teestaaept. Valuable advice given to sick and nervous ter
males: afflicted with abdominal weakness, Womb
pistil t . Dostiveness, teueorrhrea, 4-. -
.. , 14dr444 - (post-pold.) Dr. Oro. It. Calhoun, Consulting ,
Furgeott. tloward Artavoiatlartii r e. 2 South Nintl4s erect ?
Phitadelpblii .Pa . . -, : .
• gy.ordtr 01114 Dinvitlitli, ' • . . • .
.• - EZRA' D. 11EAD,TiVELL, firiodii
Oleo t'Atr.c#.l.ll.l4l3ecretaill.
A' VALUABLE Tavern stand. situate on the
111. Wyalusing Creek Toad, lo mites froni
10'miles from leiraysvilie. For par.
itienhqs enquire of the sulmeriber on the premir
see. " W. GRANGER.
MIA, Pa.,lfareh 25,11158.---13w4.
plated Forks and Spo • tts:
TUOT receivea a new lot`of Plated waro.war
eriinredtve - ptiiliid. ivavisr Irian any War
if &
over red for sale=la Swale Countn I
Match 14. - A. J. EVANS.
riOnD Broad Ciotit esipai =for ,
VI ilioco, at . BELL dr. MISLAY.
r. 7 t tLi.ll
~ r 1: It - ,"1:11.1
L.• -.LW - A .1.-r ti:t•ir
Lodeigvitle Ec Great Bead Nov., 1351,.—tf.
iinpartaut I:limas:cement.
:For Salo at Half Price.
L BAG3g. _ B
'l,ltr - z.N•fl •
• , n.BO 'W,ter sttaet, 3 •
H4 voeonstantly:e a itandTncl manefacter
Bagel and S acks, Sowed and. Seams
furatl'ttles, and of every ',desirable style, and
qualq. •
Tll4, would espovially ce.ll . ?_ittentiun to their
unequalled fZeilitieefur
11111111 rZ.
:,p,v ify •
. 1
. . .
..• - .
all: Id 4•ltici, ;Alit:: farnbli te).. fir:1,1.,• in !bk. most
IL- 1 , •-1 - •:1i'i d -1-. i- 0! t!, •-.•,!gn ;,04.1--6riutiag,.and AN:ith
q•itzlc,itt dt•-intel:, , • , ~i •
. I ' Alg,o, I ti)portor* and Limalt , rs in ~.: - ._-
, . Gunn3r aligs : awl Ba. , Tilig,, . .
~ . . ',
and vitiii,illii lands of 'filftllAD - :tad TNVINE,
bil;',ll.4.nearand Coati:4 9 f . Whi;uli wO . are rec9iv
iw captinnal snititlictl: i •• ."
... .
- i •Mari..ll 6, 'Bs6.—En6. • ! - - -. • - -
Tile Know Nothin
NY prmon
nftper room of the Sayre
31. y ler , ean by ac:volprno
to the !Latest Fashions, in 0-ie
provtqi wanner..
My tvork is warrated tri fit
i) s ;fa r t
T4iturinz done on the
!At al , ti,..1 .. .0:th:ft of c ‘,
I Iti. - •
„ .
13 ALD Ai • P _ •
triwepale-and Fkur, Pork,
"At rai n I :4 oe4l.G•ttlitirl+, 44d sok' sa It for pack.
it:,, p;tid for'OalF,lrty, ittiff 31r at.
Ott ( ..':teFtittl •51.., - -ect,—Easte4(lo‘.:l:4olll.,
, out ro.q• .
ALFfil 7 .l) B T.T) WIN
• •-• • . n
Sll, Acq,
1.1;i: rose Oel 30, 1 •
g p r _nl- 11:1 • I (1i"
toe...ttfottieti t.f
I) the itabiia hi. 4
kOtii.h hl. ha.z.jofttparehiltied at t•c-fto.N—
t,ifers prices t.t.ot ever offereit
fore 1 .11 the e(ollitry. at:a a I tie Nariet)',
10- sitarions Carr •t it , QUI 04111.!;',:;!!1'; th(! Kreotal
floftr jot' his (.7r:)e!tery and i Vortliqhittiv
"toF(.; Coate arol th:tt theie is r:1)
rccc v for bare floors •
teu.nlo!evi in 1113 , : Count , : sonsen,
racr a .li:•ipinq rt tn. 3. !)v I;:u.plnn• con
,,•l‘Via'tlow writ
una DoorA, NAZI-% Paint. and : Oil , .
rnel rc,ltipl . cte ns-;nrituoni 'of Hata
tfi put. up tiou.sTs In
the 's,4prina trill tirid it for ti vir inter-psi in -0;i%•;;.
u: 4 c.;;1. I ,%'e can furni, ;. vrory you
' wm,it nt. - tho 'von , I , rves
& GA ItRAI 1..
N-,!.x i!ft Pc!). 8, 1.8;)G..
411..5,i t ,t . , 1 1 35. • '
Depoi :or §irouque
driintra Co.rzelly, 411. New
einf attvtition to Ativi irlT:rovorto:.nt con.
•• . 1
:_______ _._ :....____....:_. •• ________
N 3 ',tine of Mail Stag©s
. .
. .
.4417;;• e .
ScT l Zttt*:
I tlor•
1-12 rIetn‘ville.Liberty.-4 c..,l7.ynortthltrafterthearri
rrami. nt•:ar..'ecalata,tanilVt4t,re:td)..
:17 rontroet at 1 !1.M.:
- f • . i - -, E . lURft i N G H :. ' ...
• ).
Ijeavt Moattost daili.:Slindarsexeented at 2 I'M.
reai:m., iiirt v..,, , ,i u ttia; . .. to take the : , Lai;lratui• .t .
CafA.bott: 1.:::c-t and Wei4t.neint- the ne:sre-t atitt iao , t
re3idtdc funt , tora:teli the New Thrk and 'Erie- railroad.
Ithist ino !,tnrgeeti , att-I,reek! lina.foy Dimm:k.f•priez
,idWr Can;.lkannadt, Wyocoing.!..nd WllkeAbarre whiiii
1”al-ci - MoltroAe at I .1. N! I , v. , r y Monday -We In epda) and
Fri , .:qy Up... a In.••r: , riendi , .• 11 , -.,1, ,, ray7.-rill. te.f;ord
1%-ar, •:t o d ...wa , orinille..!irtial r are lirovidf-d_and the
Prl ,, rirte) - ,.. - :1:; pf , r.- nr p Ain. t l otecur , rlr.dif,t 11. Pub--
tie; , I- W f lIATCIt -
A . i - torition at .Aprao. .
li1)-. 1 2;t:.: 14
I to. e'1,1! ,,- of - DI::irw!:
ct.l 41r. , r;••ti
; 4 r . r. • .•; ,- 1, - . r. r. rr•lrs. }?. r(9.q . ittfon4N
. t•tt 11•:1 :t !!!)t.t.l and
: ti;::nt Dry 64)0.3.. Groce-rit s,l4.rd
kirtl•.; t.i 3.‘11.rek..-mli.e,
H.,uatir in a t“littlryl.sfore• which he triN
41.11 :I`. , !t .V. if t any , 03),:r
mi't.l N.)rthurn 14 miss Ivania. Nilmtrose nut
G, ! ;;lcrarti Lti4l I.adivs giro me.n
eN4llll4niN .ol'Gn 9 (l4. and my
t%.!1 , ! I) , • , i!apA rrf)rn t
Ph . dfOrir % . 1 , 11 11:1 1)11;
. 11 Ali 1:11“1, o t (7 0 . untv
fSir thioas
the Mar ,
IDitrioelc, Jan. 15, I
. .
ro.-_,Kr.l. E . ..-.i1yE5..—:,.i.t.i4.(1-:,,ortin . f ! , nt of th•
In•st. kind 'in yrkef. A-lim ''Ale iiiiivcis uitti
li:,,rks. : I - •
,1! ;;;;.00.%5.--S:ir,vEit, Siir'l. PI ited.G.:rtn:ai Silver
Altirata :•nil Britania warie Spam's. Also all
kinds cif Batter ICniv,,s, I
_i VtoL t is STrtiNn; 1 1 .-r.vs; and all the fixtures,
Viidins. Neeardt7ons, -.• :ltes.•Tuning I . .'orks.&e:
14'LL-ID LN:If F. 4, Fluid, Uatirplielte, Candles, Lamp
q TAMILS' Gil:der-nut .—A full assortment, ac'
and ffood• i • •1
nattos ,t,'YzD PATE. / lihmerNr.s.—A_lirst rat
assortment lint ! .. , ,Tnup.i t i, 1 -'"- - :!•
PAINTS AND OILS.--.A ,g4neral asssorttnent, any
Of gond quality. r • , .
~ • i cw.i:t.u . r.•• • •••-A, splmadidi variety, of the neates - t.
paterns. : - i 1 •
. FAN6y Goops.•=•-•Nearly everything -in this
hranelr. .
i i •
'-' l'unFrimEnvi—A e nic i e variety. -
;:. (New supplies reedivecilbearly . every week.) '
.in.short, nearly f•shryt6inly, persons want, and
cheap, at the variety' koril of
•.• •. 1
3fgatroie Jan. 10 485
irpirE Copartnershipiieretorare eziAting
tween E.llatriek
.pr.i and G. Z. Dinioek is
ihis• di4solved by mutual con4ent. • The
: 1)ook4 are • left in the of on of . Dr. l'atriek, and
1.1). Searle i!s auttiorizea'to Collect iind settle
th . o neeounts •• ••• I K PATRTC,K, JR.
• - G. Z. DDIOCK.:
i• Montrose, Pa„ Jan.. 111, 1856. •
-mad 4.legeriptions, irt—eny..ququtity,
made to ordcror, forniihed on the shortcat no
tice. • • •
• .
~, • ~ • ' . , . ' - _ , .. ..
. . .
• Ne* It . lkinkra, ,PeniOn.
I 1 NT iii 0-LE 4'14: 4 1 jinglers, irti , Thillons .
1 V V: ~ C ombs,;`. . t'Apenders.. , Threads, ' .Fanag•
;',Goods,-Watnhes.ljeWelry, Silver and Plated .
i Ware; Catleiy,.F4hinr,ackle, Cizars,. &a., &a,
Mervltaxiia and Pedd les. supplied on . - liberal.
„1i.r,...,.,,:y ..,,-,•• • • •.., ••••
~w.., ti A YDEN,: - L . ,. Tt ~ TRACY 'MYREN,
-: • ••-•••if, , 1 . - ---.= Awil*
- „ ,
( fres% auppfy of 'fini4 . Asfitilk)
NH • . 1 .0-,NNO •
j UST regi'o9ll";
"Jr Salt at • .
Rj June 1,1854.
;me, at thefront
';:ttely oeedpied Ld'
inted - aeenrdfng to
best aml most ap.
pioperly ninde
every tirlitich of
t tivt,
v .1" ktvCST
; I,l;ites
firte,rl coot. (in
A •IzoNl n.s , irtment
kri.fontil:y. on hand
t.: l- . en in exehnr! , 4 ,
;it iiriev. a 1
:56 -vI.
• - - - .'
t tEW - I.llllilti
C. riii . lEllUtlSClPLltsl;vili g Lai
.1 aati,puribused, the Stpeli.of p
T.- Asitiarr f 'joro:prepered to.eed f.
only -fa .. .. ..: _ ~- - - -1.;. •
DRY GOUTM, . •,• .. - -•,. - Ir. .1- -
'GROCERIES;' .- . . . -•
CROcKERY '' - . -,-- ' : • 1
'.HARDWARE, • .1 .
. • • . BOOTS AND Sti
. .
1 .•: . • . Aks.... &c..,. &c.•
1 At such prices as (they' thick) cant'' 1 entire saisfsetinu to all who uia,
with their patronage.
I ' All kinds at produce. taken- : in,
1 goods. ‘, • -
. J. A, & J.
lircinklyn, N0v..15, 1855..
GroatEthibition in
. qprangville •
/^1 121;A'1' AND RARE-
,:.of almost e‘ery style and qbality, such, as
•Stire-to pease and accommodate it classes...Of,
ped-ple—frotn, the child in tile'cradle to- the olcl,
and•cl4!erepit. These goods are l+ttgfit on the
most taviirable terms, and will be Bpid aecording,
ly. '
Please g . lye us a cull and we t;yill try to' sup
ply •all your wants in the line oTOOtIS eier
kept in a country store.. You n not
,firo to
New York fur asp 1.114,1 you want; beCause we
have them fresh. from the eitY. • •J -• • .
;73t0rr,...1011N50N; & CO.'
• S i prilia•iille Pa., Ma , •8 1855.•
IT . , BURREITT has now in to andkreeeit.
1 ing a large. stock of New Sti yes, including
the Star of the W - cst and National; ievated oven,
Blaek Ito_v_rW_lLL_World• and - 1 aragcn Largo
Oven: to wide!) he %Voltl invite part; :ular attention
a.s the bes.t Cooking StoVeS. . in 111:1! hel.)l* ith a su
perior assort merit of ?ad or,Office a ail'SJAnp gloves
for Wood or C...ntl,ah.tio Stove Pipo,: Zinc, Sheet-
VOn. Stoves 'robes, Sz.e., , .
Titi3 st (AC is seiected from the, best Fotindries
of, All 4 and Utica for cash with be best quariti,l
tv of Tr!mmitvzs made:to or,1•1.1 or his etistOm'
t witiuh will enable him espevis to defy '
vompetitilm and will be sold at tlt;4. moss reduced
prices for ia,it or a p ? r,N e d ,4 64 ,1;fJ •., ,
New MiTorLI O t t; 1555:, '• •
Now . G. - oods-Che4-.fOr Cash.
W. morr 112 s. just rArt -1 1.4441 another lot - of
e. New Goolig,,igrOi a. 4 "C4llis. BarDe'
Lains . ,•llcll,!gt
LitkVltS, '.Viln.:ll 11E oFFEI4s-Air54174;
S.//1 117...1!t,.:41eW lot jtist
rttrP:cl—bt: at fit! pntti.' , r.o.; at 1.4..ry
also 'CR IPE and BLACK .SI'.K Sfll WLS
Jairo 13. • - ' I
G. W. szyrefouß f
re just: roceivinz th;tir Fail an Winter Stock
GOod,z, Whiel) Ovy - feel i eopfifle.nt 411ey .
nreArerin!r l'Or'S ilu at Fui.r. As.: ow FIGURES as
any establishint:nt in 1.11i4 s(-c•tion Our - stork-is
as Complete as is gern . .raily f i nil in country
Stores. fiarfortil Sept.: 1855:::
• IT
Asiortment of Cro t
Ware. at
. .
TIORCEL.IIn , I Granite. drina, •
G, W. S.& Co
- -
ri.H.OOEIE and Bay S . tate So\l:4, all prieis ;
(;',I%V. S. &Co'. #
Drs ilk., for 3 andtk
yata, at • G., W. S. & Co.
De . Laines,et . " the . I,:ite.:_ti67l.l,lers.
.11J ACHELROR'S i,wataines Balm
of a th.” Hand ti..rxers, anti Barfunivry at
• . , . • O i l W. S. & C.c.;
AT ANKLE N otions evvry varii.t) at
e i v,. IV. S. Si Co' 1,
. .
. .
' rt PE Si.lbgeribt s
,1 is (lOW rIA I ,
g, I. vied :is. t - Irlinent of 1 - 0..,
PistiL Irardware.Crfielrerv,Rx)ld
I fat::, Bonto•tA, (a 501. ,. 71did 'ai
l'ai Ws; Oii , i, i_kc?-Sttiirs. Vaifke l
almost - vverything: iii4lly cal l,
try Snort., inelujivirr Pour. S.:oi
which Ve isiliy;it on,: of sri:ingl
Una! tf nr;:t , ! , -' s 3/cri:hawald.
,11 , 1 $0 a rippr.iVPli - S/)rt . CreditH
tout respectiOlyi invited to g•N•
he will tz:tri ! it'v tl . .Qtzi that the'i
illnvr‘ f!‘r farn)ri t.Q traiie... 'll
j k aid, ir..C.;ash fur I3ttt tor.: '•
Upsonv:liv, 1:13. 15, 11;55
Public Sa lj
suhserib , •r - will sell
the s.(Toml
farm in Liberty townsli
- property to Wit . •••
One of t;n u • year. ola
Cow rind Calf, soren tu•o t•+.•ar ;
Vesilintri f 3.1 Sheep; 1 H0p.:,1
Horse Itake.ll4, Gnat. Pota'6
hold furniture, and-other thin!;
to mention. All stn undo
down : over, six months ere
Liberty, ILtrelt 18, 1.856
Execinforls N
NOTICE is hereby c
ins deina
rick Donlin tate of
must be:premente4 to tiii\
gOrnent., and :i!) p'cr . sonA
'are required to mako
March 19, 1856.-6%:*
"-Nor Art Wfasos
fAiNCE more a.hrigbl
• . kf: Withits blessings .
' • . We have gladly •weleetu
Now, as your plans yea fiX;
And so earnestly you mix
In the scenes of 'fifty six'--
•'. Please give yourselves il
'At your 'earl ieht' Ito - droll
•r Of securing such a trefoil
As Deana,- the "Ad!) "Or races,
With a sunlight filmed traosl
And, to suit yotir fancy, .plhka
In kis 'neatly finished crises:
Delvr niit:tillto.morroWi..
Wait not for seam and furrow
• ' Which dome with age a'hd shrrocts
But gl, let the Artist take yo l tt,'. '
Bre youth's - warid.gloW forsilte you,
And a copy true he'llinnke you.
. . - ...:...-.....:..00-11 - -'•:' '
The place where this can beidorie to perfettion
(No doubt yodhave:•beel there before) ,
Is (Pm sure.vo4.cannot inis Ike the diris;llo)
'At Odd Fillow'.4 Hall, -si‘c ad floor. . •-: : i'' ,
S'I3CTEEN,Atis, of 94-nd Sfnekorel for ono dol.
larity eitsli".!kts ,
Sill)f . 1;1 -1 3M!‘ '
rrillE best qtiality of 14stiiii 50e$ Per p . muld,
4 br..tiale -t 14j.
Juno 1 , 185. „ - • .1,
- - Cloyok Sited:
a r lrl l le= ll );ClEQLlttirrarl Timothy Seed for
k _j_ sale by
• NeiArifforki,•lllred 17, 18 1 4•1. ,
- • 1 -*
ERTl , 6l3i.tfitigu Evaiir Tit VIisDAS lORMilfat if
• 644 . 0
~ the S t ore
• asu -tatiout.- -
- JODS u 1 R. 1
Ready p a „ tEttivri— , -Ao,a ,b47,tlist! advance,42,oo if
inet paiewithinsix months ;and 2,soiattlreettil
1 theyettr..No paper ditieoptieuieuniiiinePli
gee :ire except at, the , 9ptioti3fif tbel Pub !
fishers. All ,:eunnusieutiotifs etioneeted with the
office,te ins art ant be ditiii,44l - (post
paid) trAX.I3: CIIASEI, EDITOIi, Onitlilki Sat
quistaanni Co slay; Pa. • -
ALT,. ,
t 'give
foror i eem
xi.ltAnge for
i livry and Otitis
ICA - if - I'g, a . r:v11 fie
00,1s. Groceries,
fr 7 .NadeCiothinz,
d for at coun
and Meal• all
for Gash, or any
Produce, or on
ilia Yrivpds 'are
him a call and
is 14
highest price
131Eititi :ti AN
t, Publk Sale "nn
t'ay of April text,
li the fylli;u:ii-IL,*
, cxen, (me'
des, Sto've, Flouse :
i f s fen numeronB
five dollars east)
iit WI approved
all ivisona hay.-
yen Ii
Ist til l
.Estate ,
,of Pitt_
rAgned for di ra i l :
ted tri haltt estate
e dement
I At
Y• .DON LiN,
o" Court the
.new year, _-
nd eher,
d here.
o rolentuo„
hi isure,
s ,a""
Rates of - Advertising. •
One' Vinare (I 2 tineg_or insertioni,sl,oo -
Each stihstlaentinsertioe, .
One ! snii.kre throe . 6 ". ..040 .
One hquare s ix months, 4,00 '
130:,inei•s Cards, fi;ur lines or lesi 3,00"
Pearly' }tfirtigements,rlot oveilciiipirOatr . " 7oo •
One eolumn one year, . • ‘
Ye at Iy* :t3 ver timers I ezrestriette &lite
bustinessiT mhiefi t hey liro ong,aged sireiorg. -
siderod Pi/ i 4141111; ti) eon tin ue aidve dieing unless
they shatl give .spAela4 i.rectiet#: fora dikcotitia•
name e , of the same. , •
.101; WORK:
. .
tar The publishers having added 4tfiteirJett
Printing tn'aterials - a large and sitperior - IDlsort.
thent of Job Type, are now prepared to'exeente
Work in a manner unsurpngee.d in this see
tion of country, and OD- reasonably terms.
iika of every degeription kept eonstalitly:
oti,band or printed tq order. •
(6reat Beud Depot, Pa. .:"ADDisolt 141.
- • ATtr, Proprietor. ' • : . .-•
' 13,1* 5 , 1 .11.0WS SPROUT at Co
nano fac turers-vf SPROUTS COMMIS EO.CARI
RIAGE Spun:GO I ug.liesville, Lyeontiog Co., Pa
Spriggs •It:ty be had of M.S.Wilion3lootrose:
'lv. SIU H lik-Vo:
Cabinet aria u fattareio, Toot Mitin
• Street, Montriise, Pa.
• _
.S,iturteoit Dentist,
.Montross, , $e
Seri rle's lintel, Mondays and Tiesdais °reacts
wvek. , Iby 1
f. 7.3 - c31311,11.A.V. - alt PARK ? '.
• •
:::tier. in Dry Cri.l.ncla, gioce . ries.•llArdwate
Crocker}', Bouts and Slidesi.Ac.,
Pa. . . 13
.. .
'. .A - .. J. DA N IS, . V
-5'7 Ilittsna 1)opoti Pa. - Office over S. B. Wools
Storo., - " " - - " - ••• :* 13.
, •
A 7 9l:lll,l•ZTRl.3l 7 .l.4,,lfosrepikr, Pi.
Dealpr in Chemirals.Dye-
Sfi/fl4:.Gla , is-ware.Paiots.Oils. Wir.
,d„ . w Gr.,e e ries, Co-ds, 1.111 , 04,
Pc , rfitnery, Aizeritfor all of the sad.
Tri:pulAr Patrrit Medieires • •
, - PaiOYES, = .
F'auil!oianbTe underSearlss
.9trt.ef,.llnntrc?e, Pa. - •
" - -
DEALER. IN SIOVP.;: 'Tin, C.-Trier %vain*
. • Ware,tegleisville f n ear Gieat Ilend Dppot.-13
• A.. Lathrop, • • -
DEALER ' in Ri•Niv-Mvsle' Oothing;• Hats and
C B.iots and Shoes. Dry Qoods,
Z,..Fr'Store oppilsite Searle's Hote). Nontross..
C.. n: I r. '• .
S. P. W. Itnist
i Dr, Iff. , ,rrit. IL. C = Vail..
TARUGGIST Cnnansx, and Dealer is
LI- lElanc,s. Medicines: Chemicals, Dye:Stuffs
Paii f)i!t4, P Windo . n , Glass, Camphire-
Flni , l, PerNmerv, V - ankee Nnions.&c.,&e:.
..A tTonst C4:JssF.l, - Lnie AT LAW; attintrove
Pa ,witt attend faithfully liminess •
trip.ted,t hini in th P• von nty of Susqnehitins..
Gifire.-yaneingt and writiwf of allikinds will be
dont neatly. and iharge• will
also atie:id,to . ihe proser.ntion, of &aims nf
dierS. their wiklow:s and heirs,elgaim , :t the
[rovernment.T"i ilonnty Land, Pensions,
"tayal , e forinc e l-nt . :11111,1nrs, vi the Office frrinerly
, wn
cniod by 3. T. •Illehliid;EA:; - north-cif Ails
, Court - flouse,*-4853-13 • - • ; •
M. C. ,TYLER, -
Interested with I: Ifflif tent i
t -.
LIt'OnTrIZ P•EALET: ihir " Cf,Wilreirtit Cu e .. .
Ivry, Cirriage
*215 street,A. Y.:
pre hi s in c ireartile:fiirniis
. .in this and other -
Countii-so re-hincity: in7ited.;-an . dadryiestly Solicit;
ed to -told) and pqretiase,-;
. •
3:03T11 045 E. • •
, •
With • Ro*e, WootVtag, & iCarteri .
AAT, irot.EzisLE•ovicretii.:,nd ctimmissiim
v .31Efteliix . rs, tin 1131iyasbinrian Strut
iweeti Cortland and Dey S t ree t s, Ne.s"
March 8,, 185,4-10tf..„. • 7", • ' •
J. H. Parsons,:
wi l oix..iA LE AND RETAIL ; DEA LER:•ili Cabinet
Ware, Z;iffai,:'Bedsteniiii, Tables, Sidi"
_CliMrs; &e..
No, 9 Wnshirgton :street.
• 13ini.Tharnten, N. T;
(14frin Ware-Room . tip stairs; •
. . • `Montr - ose, Pa.,
rott dLL TILE ; i'OI`LAR
Or THE • DAV'.
Coniignwnts CqnslantLy. Received.'
. • -s it ;.,ta - Lcr;
• , •,, :
4. 4 -tiwsr.t:7liTlll Edition, •elolb,-,l•l2 : ,.intges,-
..1.2.4 7.5 etilored engravings, represet4ing : alt:lttet;
diseases of the genitaf- - ,orgies of , the runle'ruiti
,fem'ale,.with they latest digetiVeries - reproli .
Cott The,offlieted should use iici..remedienti6r.,
fore le:trningfri)Ut 'this valuable , work the stip",
riority of the a a ther'sj?,arts nil& :Condos"trekte.
merit of privet e'd iseaseti . f. -B'4h marricdund aZe
. 2+ houliivimmilt it ;,Sold st .No " 833 roads
way, slid' Dialled free for $l . ; - by • e':o4o4 l M. :,.
LA It SI ONT, and: - ;gyi`riciiO4,
ktide Street,' earner, ltrondWity;'Whete
cures all those tiiienses,'Atoinil TN.; M. 21 ) ._
M;, and 61.9 .9 in the'etienittg.,•'. - raatanin
ed.' - Address'nll letterft; - Box-.W844
office. ‘Ve enneur'ivilftibit . 2otVer
in ieennirdelielin,c , Dr,,LNRINION,Titi;' We, iii/4c,t..
Cauri.ier' Rhos
Democrat,. pt . ly Btx*, Courinr . .lAl4l.4‘l:sittdr
h T otr Timm •
Jan. 22, 1.856;-4y4
N'ororose' Rotary '1"102 +•
11 th e ; gividiv - iiii4 • -311 .'
vvrFt) To lia
lir,i ' 1 ''.
' -' - '
hjpos for 10 - RACY - Phurio*gongisl,.. eit,
ilid , GroovlPZ Mnehino• rorA O P4 II ,. RICLI4sag. 3 1 %7
- der th e Norcras4 NtoOt.: , 4 18 9,-AnoAitikbeltilit 341
of tho Wq#1 1 14 , 4M110. 1 44 1P, 1 44 1 00.1 1 ,0 1 ,
whoti, hoard inwgif z p:utd , irtgls_t i Ont , ti t tertit o4l ol6 n . o 7 o:. .
This patinas**4l-7.440117, '"" ( `-' 4 "”- 1.- 4, 0 „„hit.,.,
sopmaio_ c4,AA IMltArtthiPlitifimi._, „._.
fringemooteke*NPPOriotto AYWNIX OI , ,I I- 4 7 ,
A n tpii:loki,, iIIVD *." A "Wr4 . * *111 :.41;,.. 14 1 7 1-1 4 "--. 4i ti n :e sillit;. :t a i lk .,
Twellll4 ThAe* l PM e ' wh Or e #,A. ', I A: -
be Hee At•ersiatien• i .4. w,- . ...4,41
•. • tin ,sh
(A. LAT-ann.,