The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, April 24, 1856, Image 3

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    Escsmith—On yesterday the warden of
'lie Ohio Penitentiary sent twelve convicts
t h e care of two guards, to the farm of Wm.
AtchesOn, atiout three mile' . nitro the city,
for the pUrpose of 'Mating set'ant Thegttards
placed. their revolvens on the top a wood
pih- and{while one tuf them sat down to
watch the pistols, the other' walked round to
attend to putting Op the wood; and while
thus engtged, two of 'the tonvicts named
m a i mrft ea•ttung,'stole the revolvers and
ma d e their sAcipc,:, This:makes' four escapes
from the f t riteliblitC within
.four weeks
Cohst4 s Artist, 1:11h. , ,
°US CURES. —We: have alWays
.b e en slow. to believe - the wonderful cures
vitich oue:Oetticitte-aftcrAritther pretends to.
lhave made,—but 'slow us we are we will own
up . ..isliet We are farly cenVinced. Those of
oUr.readera Whci are acquainted with the ca,-
ses of Beach and Ur. Farwell , will not
think nri lightly Milted, when we confeis our
belief 'that A ver'e pat hartic 'Pills have virtues
for purifying • the blood which exec! anything
within the lange-: Of 'our acquaintance hith
erto. For 'those Who are not 'ccignisent of .
thaVacti, We wilr say site had • afflicted for
offer eight years , : With scrofula which, only
gior worse, in spite of all the' remedies she
could employ, until alto-took Aker's Pills.---.
Umler their , influence one after another of
her soros. have healed, until she' is' apparent Iv
as free frota the cotaplaint as ourselves. He
has. had the liver 'complaint with : pain in his
- side that disabled ,him frornwork for: a long
It Nutser . nietlicittes had failed -to afford
14 relief, hitt a 'few dose r :s. of ..4yer's
;Ms cured him:and he is now steadily 'at
'hm old pest of coniiutor on the cat,s.—lfid
.diefourn Daily Courtier: , . •
'MajOiity for Mr. Howe,' Demo
eraitie eatklidttie . for lefayor. of Si. Louis, is
41141,11ousand• fivO hundred and sixty-uitie ;
wild' is • about the average arijority for the
vatire . Denmeatid ticket. The common
co 4 t eit will be e'ompoAeokof thirty-two Dem
ocOtts zted:
Wonder if.t.i3O 'Editor of the Republican
claims any blockl :relationship to that " liver
of pigs" he aolisiicl last 7tN:k.
11Co tlie. Democratic Conny Com.
Igotiee is beretiy given" , to tire, following
;- persoas, - enteptrang Connty C o th.
, •
wittee, that - a wreetir4 mid Committee
w ill b e 1 1 ,4,3 o f W. K. [lntel', in
the IlOtough of liOrdtxrse. OnSattndny, the
3d 6F of May nesi,itt 1 o'cicx.k P.ll, •'A
ifineraatteadanet of the Coininittee is ear=
n#ptly' request-A t • t, .
0. L. Carpenter, David Bnffum,
,Thos. Johnson, 'E. G. Wllliams, Jacol)
hitnbel, Datiel Aian..on Main, Thos..
R,-Phin cit y; Titus Smith jr.,
Win. Rbbe, Benj. DiN. 1L W. Keatth,
Carpenter, No,rton,J.,eander Jslnt.s
Fsurot, W. - Tewksbury, S. D. Ttkrell. A.
lieDoaafa, Otiv Itoss, J. B. Meoolltun. J. 11.
Sutphin, F. A. %%lard; N. D. Snyder, D e n n is
Suliivxn.'Jn-tus Kr.vrtA.. W. lion:ley, litt i J.
Muraford.: Conunitte...
By order p.O . i vezal . inemher4 or the Corn
iitittee,'the Chai!-m3o, 1. B. NlL:Cu : auto, being
absent trutri the Cuttoty. ' , - •,-
Montro:=e, Apiit 23, 1836
In Virtiod stock . lit.. t,n the' morning of
the 17th 'itO. - ISAAC N.lirox, Esq., of the
Igzehange Hotel, aged: .27 'years. r .
Ottifriend and Brother has passed through
the dark rafley 'Of the shaliw of d ea th, sus
tained be an' unfaltering hope, his mind un :
clinided;n4 Ilia eves of faith undimmed by
the gathering Mists of dsssolution. In -all
the relati Iris character was !Tot
ten ae . ,.1 s inlets. Ile .weilded a ready' and
facile pen, tut his heart was attuned in bar
mony.wit 'all that.,ennoble;; man. •
• . •We p not for hith that 'Hem—
• ! Forine aleeps and i, at rest ; '
. And the couch Whereon he lieth -
• -
. ,
Is the green earths quiet breast: r
reitains •ere fol r lowed to the grace on
'the'l9th, byt anlunusually large number of
the Masonic fraternity, of which Order he
*rai a n active 'liottered:Member.
In ' • '
In Huih, April 1401,, Petty H.
'Wider H.-Pepper, agpd '64 years and 4
inonths. She was gener.illv, -- re+pected, and
left a hutimptf 14 1 h1 a large iamily of children
to mourn her .
Great Cause for Rajoicing
Petite sunOtag the Nations of the
old World. .
BY GOODS and Clothing, falling, and have
JL/ already reached a beloW-all reasona
,,ble expectationc•ami to prZtve this fact call •at
'the •store of G urr E",7BERG ROSENBAUM
& CO., at the kit... 9 ,..0 d of the new , Brink 'Blurt:.
Seeing i,i belieringi io • call and see for your. ,
selves.., Come along With•ott delay, proc.ristina
tion'you:knoW, is in 'ill cases. dangerous.' We
will offer you rare, bargains, not utr-ted • ehie.
where in northern Pennsylvania. We can and
will undersell all. our competitors.. We; have
advantages lir buying, and manufacture our own
Clothing, of which we hive ,a splendid assort-.
•tnent, from a little . bly's jacket and breeches to.
the finest EONS', Coats and Pants, for gentlemen
:of all sizes: :.•Cir assortment or Fanc`y and 1)o 7
, assestic y —O l ods . can nut be surpassed by any
~,,,,„,„. blishinent in The country. One t" r our
: , firta is.. nstintly in the city', and is, senditi,,,o 1.1-
, mostalaily,Oonds of the latest and most fashion.
ableatote. Our sleek of Bonnets and Bonnet .
trim:new is complete. , GItiTLESIENS HATS,
lets Of theta:- ' Alsii-a spl.Mdid tot of Mantilla-.
Moutreae,Aliall 0.., 1850-, . •
. • "op of Busquotto t
.ona o P
From actual measurements and Setritysown
derrdirection Of Li; M. Hopkins, (Neil En
paw, u •
LIE suimeriber proposes to publish shi. - rtly - . -
.by e uir;resption (provided a ,yufficien(
iumber of aubseribei-e can be obteinA) a t o
and conspires,. Map of . S e izzsteltanna County, to
made eat irvi :sew end original surveys
e'gry?tits' sod plotted le' , " large
e die as ts. show ' di4tiTetly the public o:ales
• .'tiliwnship tinea, Consiti 1; toy** and TavernPs
Shispi,, - &-bid htlfehea , Post
9 15 , ; eft B h o Pss Vann f .cturrer„Anitritee And adb
- eletasttor 'of public iutirest. with the - Usual to
- pop , " phy.of Mountains, Ugh% Creeks,
:dm The aamea of property • holders .att4
dente general)y, estiwfully fuel:piing all thaw - jo
s.ounty Who subecriba in advance' s fur the
map will be engraved opposite their houses. up
on the amp; . • -°
A separate Oen - of Montrose sand. seat .1 tbd
larger ranger; will also be, made to a large smile*
with naus ea of s4ub ee rib e r e eppnrite their residers.
ate. • Views ;oil Public Hui-oast. and. Private
reads:neer engraved in the aruargle.
Them, to be hsodoontely engraved and or
- namentely flaished in the style of this MaPa "r
MOO *ad Broome Counties, In N. V. State, by
the unifi - Pabilehe and the Sant engravers and
.14 contain " : about lomisinett feet" of 'engraving
beMee .4191emi b y township ,end moon
tat 013
-• Roller" delivered to stibeetibels titt,
The sebaeripsr irelies :tiPee the patronage
the intelligent ind . 4oterpriaing eitlaene of 13an
.. quehatans County in nerstaiebito in the produc
itt a Work of 'such magnitude and expense,
and anspeesfuliv snti e it e their en•operation.
*, • Roagar P. 8 IfITH, Publisher.
Re. 47 ttri 19 Kin,: ft, Phil's, Pe.--1641,
. - {a-c)l,i.A.tal t ''.
Oarpotings, Oil Clothe.
dt the Crocker, y and . House Furnishing Es.
tablignienfof J. H. I DEPE 0; ; •
Cheaper than any ether in nine
hamlet'. ,
k ;
%S'OULD &all, the attention of Itouseteepere
and the.publW coyly Spring importation of
wares, fur their elegance of mtyld and beUnty or
far iitirpas-ing rinyiking before exhibited,
anal having the Virgest int r iirt,tnent in attire, can
.repleni-h'.setts and furolskentire.lieivr ones
all the new shapes, at a less price than any
other llouriei in hits conmy. •
:The attention of new Housekeepers is partie•
ularly called to my stool . as rtnbrucing all the
ntinutint.. both useful iind,omainental, of tkuse
ftirnuhing Goods, Air a ; :complete ontfit—and
being-thus herwil 'engaged, 'in this exclusive
branch, offer great.ndvantages to .purchasers,
embraces the largest variety ever offerect before
in this section, of all the:different IdndL'i
of every needed article. ' C.irpetingis and Oil
Cloths. This branch nectipies the second floor
of slur establisholeht. nary 100 re.. l et in depth,
well atuard with Yclytt., 8r05:144 Three-Ply
and ingrain Carpetings, !tugs, Mats,- Window
Shades and Table Covers, which are offered atm
small adv.,nce Irma cost. 1-
Live Geese Fel:i hers :ilways band. Looking
Glasses, Gili, Oruumental and Oval
Glasses, iii great variet;:.
cons:ating of Wood and Ware; Plated
Gtt . ..dt,, Britannia and Japanned Ware of every
deseripti.m, 're 4 13,ta,tls in variont TAki,
Cutler), Feather Du,ters, - Fluid, Oil and Stst•ir
lain , ll,rtt Czer s em,alstr'faucy Baskets, Reticules
Satchels; &e. &e.
ter To ail . or which we ifiv4 e your qiiention
.10 your tragic.
H - PJ. 41. D - e EU.
BinAinito. April WI, 1856, j
• '".. .
.. . tr. o i e .
I•llE*.:4,.ta.t.d.i.NP• R§AFES
.....-rr. , ----- - JL of. l'htindelphin • n t (aMst the
• IW . tritN'orie. ',Ernie+ a:', Weilliunii No. tf6
1 .1 ( ( , oath Fourth itreet. rhelnde4Mia.
`...`.. - t-=_,. 1 •nve bud the purest deitiomi.rdttou
""..__. -.-: -.o the fiathAvin,,e' Certitio..tes, that
their "iou.,iit:•vtitre.of :Sal:anal — di er Safes It it at
length fully Watfanted tne,rcpresetdat mon whist.
ftsvo been tnlde of thein, as rendering:: au un-
doubted security atiatitSt the terrific ;demi-tit : ,
Ptut.enr.t.rnrx. April il2, 1856:
IklEs3ils. EVAS,s 4:., Mr . Al:sON :--liehts - 'e...7--It ..f
-fords MI the h•ghest salisiactioh to fftnte to too
thit altst;itig to the very imOteeti - requalitiezi ut two
ll tli Sal..ftialltier Safz-s whieir..we purchased of
you stone trw months ifitit:••, we - ts •ed n .large.
portion. of our Jet, eiry; Hooks, l'nperS, &e., ex
posed to the eataititionis fife in itansteati: Place,
0 th e fil.lliihg of the -1 t:h lust. • :f,
- - " •- %Vlieri we rrffeet 1.9,:a. these' Safes tveks luau-'
tod in t h e fourth store :of the bid:ging. et 4 oecu- '
i pied. and that they felti_subsequelititinto!s heap
.of hdraing rains, ' the vast cont..entratiou
of _heat cnuseit the. braSs ptaters to utelt, We can-.
I , not hut:regard the pre:Sea viaion of thw vnlimble
einstruts us must coltv 1 4 111 :4 proof of tila great
i ;e e ttiity aff4titd•by yoh(SaleS. -
1 - We shall take mtichl ipleasere in
ing lO men til itil!•,iness' as' a sure reit:Mee
Strait:A fire. - Gaoi:GE. W. Sii/oi S. lino.
. . 1 41142'..4,D6..1.111 L. April 1 3,_.1856:
• 31Essus. Ell.Asy; & 01 VATnos-1 h ave to.offer
you my testimony:fa titeor of the grOat. security .
affurded to my entire,.lstock of Jewelry, ,books,
p.pers, &e., during the recent disas6Ous :emits
grata•M init.:lnstead:place, front the fact that the
sums wve e.mtaith.l in two . of the Sulatnander
Safes manuthetured by t'ou. • • : -1.
Having tailenfrow'!l'ne the Ar-.
tutan Butt'. :Where thy";
. I.yetly;; projously
placed and tyNynsed tt, a vast; heat :tin. t .fund
titue, the pre:sellatjna ! of the %Mural - Au. de'popAts
s'ermell to every .oiv witnesed Spi:e openiiig
and jusAiriur ,elatiiinativn ; a'tnatter or yruruutta
astnniu!iurent. . t • , •
To an v,l, rn:iy require . a. perfect .!prilto.etion
from the ravages of tire, • I shalt Iffit-ihesttato to
recommetltiie u-,e ot l your i:ohsider
they have ntiv; undergone the must trying tent.
. .
PHlLAimizzllA, April 0.1054.
MEssns. EvANs & WArsos--falentletuen—No
.!9:1 will be deitplY gratified, to Wain the
oAod couditiott in woico 1 oiscuvercd toy 'hook:
policy of lusurAtivri vertiheates.uf sttick,and oth
er wettable docutuetil, when on Friday lastl
opened thy - Safe made,. by ,your tirm.- •
'With-my knowledge (if its great expusure,
both. to toe hitiaisity ot the h , -at from so but II
fire :is that witteo destroyed the Ikrtisan Build
tug, as also from thfr form: of Lae t frout
former elevated position in the'. third .stury;l
entertain but slender. hopes prior to its in
terior inspection, that: the contetits once
so highly prized would etre.. be of any - lorry:ire - to
me, but as these fear; are now tippity.-Iretno%;ed,
I feel it only due to say to pie that i ptt hence
forth recount:end .the ,use of y to Ail
who may wi s h to t er r a cotifitice in the:Per
fect s•Tnittv which such. awaits provides against
so frightful an elenfeat. _
11.DWARD GASKItt; Bohkbilider.
CnnStahtly Oil haoti; Patent Powder and thief
Prior Lock-, for Banks, Stores &c.
April 114, 18.56.-17y1. , -
. .
.F,RSONS desiroii 7 4 - of p tying me. moneT o n
tient'Of zany - tit .ciiption.r.t.4) do to) by -le-iying
tneir , pit - meta .witlt 1 1 -ost, Cooper.
ltertQ Slontrose, in pl creatt, whose ree!ipta
will be alloart-4.1 from their &ate. .
, April 18, 1856.-tf. • „ „
. -
it .
r Fit HE subs.rrilwr isinow reeeiving, his second
general purehase of GOOD' tbis SPring,
hicti render , : his assnrtinent very i esirable and
• complete. •By "oriel rit!vtrtion to business . , and
• by fair dartm:', he htfpilA to merit a libi;aal skire
of putilic rOtUlge;. TII . thm , e _friends livim
ha yielded to him their preferences; nod kindly
.u..tioned him by Uttar patron:lv, with the: in
tention of aidingsiiitti in -relainining in „part: the
he . avy 10,444 reti.„ll4 sitwt,tined firrdo• tetiders
sOcet:e ;hanks: with the as.uratien that their
Voderests hall be nitailully prioro;lrcf.
I • • •
• 31.. t, trio e. A pril 24. 1856. . .
. • 0 Yes' 0 Yes!!
A,TORE new Ltutilt i s received this'day at: the
Pr,st Orrice. ; i• !
i;ourt.hili and MairivrebvCaiolin&Lee
• . .
lientz. . _
New Ynrk.Glee and Chni-us
Crusoe new and e(;aspletre tditinn,
- , nd a new lot or sch,',ol Bo.iks and B:4tiutiary,
Ate. : & r., at recio..ed piiees. •
)(4•ntr, -, ee.. April 22:1856. ,
. , For Sale , ' '''''
ii i
T_Touse : ht.p and Lut in the 4eotrth part of
NI-a• S 1 if rd rilt3ge. The snop is needy
nee, 24 b,• 33, • uti two litorys high, tbecupied lig
a W/lifon .ithisp l Tito lot aoutair:ts 63 rod* ofgond
level ground, Or I would '441 tbc'house - sod One
fourth of an abro of land sip snits._ The Laiks.
sauna &di itio,d =its paikeniong in front of the
1.4 our eight it of a toile _ tlialnnt. A good !ad
e.owenient lodation fur a mechanic °fah:twat Say
kind. Forprce l ,lnd prtieplara enquire of !fen
ry N. Lvito t n lip! , premise A. Wa be sold
en eap i f applied - for -anon .--16w4. j • • t
_ . .
DA. E F AvnLigOlVi
tistAirmuliTE. , fir tilt! All4athie; and'ljo
kill 4101'1'20e ColTeps "of lihslicipe . , is hew
prrtninontly to wat.rd in ,Great 13,unW Pa: .. i ,
April Ist. 1856. • -
. .
. 1 4 .Witi o=
G LOIS and Eurth.ri were,- at etiOee
belecuon, and at low prives, flu ,ale by
• - ABEL - TURRELL t f
4tfetroie, • Apisl . - • -.
The' Cheap Store. .
ED. 28. VDT: al rtalikir
r 1 1 1 - lElindersigned would respee l trolly inform
the inhabitants of Binghamton And vicinity,
that he has recently purchased of
- Edward Priest
his large and well selected stock of'
whkh-he has removed from -LaPayette Block
Li. N. 28 Court Street, one door above the
American Hotel.
.is entire stock has been pure : ham.
eiubly below New York cost, enough so to
warrant him in saying (tat he will sell Goods
cheaper than can be bought at any other Stork
in town. ,
Summer Goods, to the above *404 has justlscen
itaded` l e Itir-o invoke of Spring and Summer
Goods' of die latest styles, which will bo closed
out ut great bargains.. •
The Stock consists in Dart of tbo following
Goods, viz; Fino Lawns, Piet coltirs, from 9 to
18e. per yard ; Calicoes, American land English.
trout 4c. to Ile. per yard; Merrimack and Cu
chceo Prints, at I I: c.; Bleached and Brown Shoe
tinge and Shirtings, from 4e.'to 23.j6d. per yard ;
Kentucky Jeans, from Is. 3e. to 24 6d. per y'rd;
Ladies' (lose. from 6 1-4 e. to is. 6d. per pair ;
Gingham*, from I Oc. ;.o 23c. per yard; DeLai tees
from 10e. to 33. per yard. Also a large lot of
Linens, Quilts and Counterpains, l Curtains and
Draperis, Shawls, Gloves, Table Covers, Silks,
ecos, Embroideriesz&c.&e. • •
iTrunks,Valices and Begs, of all sizes and pri
tilr Don't forget the number, 28 Court street,
Door east of the American Hotel, but call and
seo before purchasing elsewhere.
Binollainton, April . 3d,1856:.1
Vhce More
wE g:sve‘noticir , some time ago I that the firm
of Woodruff & Eldred was' dissolved. and
that Wiv wanted :in) needed a settlement or our
mat term We-suppose that you hay'. ail heard that
sorlf preservation is the first'law ofnature. In or• save ourselves frotto cost we %Ist) those
indebted to us would ply us. Polo can find the
notes and accounts at the oc S. A. Wood
ruff; for a Short tithe losigi-r, alter they will
1)6 sums- where else. This is nu . false alarm fir
wt. want , the ttl,Mity, and it belongs .. to u., and it
is riglit.we should have it.
" G. B. E 1 )RED
. 11.3:itrom.„Ipa 14, 1856.-1,.
Books That Are Books
Kn• sale of the Mon,(rose: Book, Store in the
Post Oince,. -
• watt hre•: listory- of flog( . •
DiarV Ctirrespo, der ce of Aions Lawrence.
.P r i-on of Weltecerdon in the E 'pit Indian
Nrehepel; r , by Capt. Gibson.
• Forest Tragedy and • other Tales by. Grace
The Bush Boys, by Capt. Milne Reid , •
'The Great Red Dralton: • •
The. Prince of the ifouie of - David.
. Good TiMe CoMing..
Christine or Moan's Trish and 'Triumphs . .
• The 0.,y0x Ring. • •
Man of lit'ar Life.
The•Ohl flotnestead. • e _
Woodliill: or the :Ways of Providence: "
D'Anbigne's iliitOry of the ißeformation.
- Family Testaments with Psalms and Notes.
Pocket and Bibrec
Catholic Prayer llooks.'• !.
Yanket; Notions, &e.,&c.
They say That the Montrose Book Store is
the.plaee to het Bo; l ks andNotiona - cheap. Well
what if they do say so you ein't• tell whether
they cay the truth or .of unitiss you try—but .
never 'mind I fee) very thankful for py.t favors
and hope to merit a eontinuatiOn I of patronaze,
hy...trietattention to the wants of . ..he public.
and by keeping on hand a ,asAortment of
p rv i_SL i tionary at "Live and Let kive"-
prires. A. N. BULLARD.
Montrose, April 2, IBSG.
I• I S hereby 0.11 that in-pursuaneo of tho.act of
Asset:l)o:y, 'tile following natned persons have
filed their Petitions with-the Clerk of the Court
of Quarter Sessions of the Peace :for the. Coun
ty of Sasque
.• nrn, for Lieenee: to iteep Taverns
and Elting I o . • in said Co4nty, to wit :
Hiram-Conk, , - Apn i l..con.
J. 0. Ballard, Brooklyn.
- -Bradlo•rd 0. Wartrons, • do.
isei;b Kimble, . Chocnnut. -
1 Patrick Carey, • 40.
I Itlircon Barnum,- Clifford.
1 linas . -11. vhbl gh - ', do
i e I r , . ,. .
Georg.. W. Lewis, -,Dirdoeltz-
J,dui Baker, ', 1 do.
Benjamin Ayre, . Dondaff.
M. V. Bliss, Frieindsvile.
Evans Grigcri, . . Great Bend
Alfred Allen, • ao.
E. B. Edwards, -
A. F. Spoover, 4 .• Glen wood.
Joel. Steenbaeki Gibsrin. •
Jon - n C..imoroa, - •LenoF.
Loren N.irton j-. ,Lanisboro.
iWillia 111 rSU mpson,. o.
David AST marth, La.,
A. A. Beeman,
Leonard Searle, • Moritrose.
William K. Hatch, do.
Daniel Hoff, • Jesirup.
John B. Hazleton,- "Not!ford. d-
F.. F Badger.; .• • ' - do. -
Philander - Piiinney, a Suners.
Spencer Ificktox,
ttirrimin Benson, •Sasquebanna Depot.
Thomas Carr,. • Idu
Itolierf Meet, 1 • do.
Alfred Thompson, i •
. 5dt7.3% HOUSE%
Tl:Glidden,•• .
t);ivir IL Crane, •;• 31oritrose. •
I: N
, _ .Great Bend.
Jain•et4 13%11. - Sit-4lleh:l6na 'DO(4
An adjoirrned C•itirt for Grin tin. , Tavern
be• held at the C. , i!rt ii‘iu,e in
eon ti-n•Frid%'y the &nil da:., of MA) , next at
16 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time ll
persons applying tivenee wpli b..requiired to
file their Bunch; &e SIDNEY B. WELLS,
- I.. Clerk.
English Lever Wntches•
- . . ; ,, , J'R E B " , E ic l i l :. B il b (l 1 7„ K n ie n a itTe b,i ?1
, ' --- • 1 " . si' t vn d dEnglish Laver
: a
..,.... , , ;11nnt in. Wa ches; of my,,,Own
.• i . -Irnportationi wartnnted the
.ffik... •.f. c !" very best tiliali.y. ~Also,• a
-4:1. ''• . small tut -ot very superior
Moveinonts„ which •will be ea 4: in any Style or
quality, To Mllit parcha4ers. .
Binghamton, March 14, 1836.1
I' . .
. Administrator's lirotioe.
ikTaricE is hereby given that letters of Ad
ill misty:Won upon the- est3te of Charles C.
Ransom. late of the llorottgh of i Susqu'a Depot,
deed, have been granted to the Indensignedom ,l
d to said - es ate
all persons indebtr will plebse .
make inottediats ' payments, and those having
claims will present. the same d ly attested fur
settletnent. . E. N. S. ITH, Ader.
Susq'a Depot—Van+ 18. 185
Goods . at Coat.
A ND lower. too: The sub4eri her intends lea
/A_ king the mereantili business the first of
April next. and IsAasirops therefore 'of selling
off his present, stock of
For Casb.or ready pay the publle may he muter.
ad tbst they eau now purshase of me lower thin
Goods-Were ever before aad in Brooklyn. • My
stock consists of a Etmersil vie( v store.. Give
me a sail and you . will wake g at bar
gains. F. SMITH,
Brooklyn, Feb. 10,1855.-84 • .
Guidon- Seediv
A LARGE supply of the beo qUallifes. at
Heelless, April 15.1856. , -
To ',Deakrz.V . Merchandise tiithitt. thecousty
;of Su squellanno. ,
TN pursuanee of the sever:dits eof the Assam
.l.. bly of Lida Commonwealth, to provide rev
enue to meet the demands upon the Treasury,
and for other purpoie& lthe undersigned, Ap
praiser of Mercantile Taxes of Susquehanna
County, has prepared a list of all Merchants tra
ding within said County, and placed each of the
said Memlutitts in that class which to him seems
right and jist according to• the provisions of
traikacts of 4ssetubly as follows; viz:
R4ldence. , Proprietor& Class •
Britlfyn l , James F. Smith, 13 ,
do. ::'; E. S. Kent, • - 14
•*do... 10. G. Hempstead, 13
,do. .IJ. A. &J. R. Ashley, 13 ,
do. F. W. Mien, 14
dc;.• ,J. C. Lee. 14
do. ',! I. L. Post i'Co. - 14 •
Lathrop, ; Isaac. A. NeWton, . 14
llopbottom.i A. B. Merrill, .14
do. 1: Bell & Tingley, 14
1 Lenox. " ..Shultz Eaton &Co., 14 -
' do. . E. R. Grow & B ro ., IS
Clifford. r-. '; D. C. Brundage, 14
do. ' i J. &N. Halstead 14
Great Bend.l J..&. N. Dubois, 14
• do. - S.ll:Davtou, 11 '
do. ; Henry McKinney, 14
do. . 1 John 3lcKinney„ 13
.do. i Lucian Scott, l4
' - do. • i 'L. S. Lenhnint, 12
do. ;. Thomas & Whi ing, IS
Liberty. Z. Blakeslee,
do. . A. A. Beeman,
14 '
Franklin. Stilman Fuller, 1;
dn. J. L. Merriman, . 14 •
Dundaff. Joseph B. Slocum,' 13
• do. ). Thosit3s° Arnold, 1,3
do.- ChniAt & 'Phitiney, 13
Merrick:'; Q . John Miller, = 14 .
Gibson, . , • Jonn Srniley, 13
s„l,,mon Taylor, 14
N. E. Kennedy : 14
do. S.S.lngalls,l3 •
Jackson. James J. -Turner, 14
Thompson.: L.M. & 0.1 - Mumfard, 14
Harmony, B. R. Lyons & C0,`13
. • do, 14
do. Lyons Si; Bro., 14
do. Benj Ayletiworth, 13
• do. Won. Tremniii & Co., 14
'-do. rßranclat & Sehlager, 14
Sostea Depi.t. Cyrus S.-Bennet 13
• do. % Smith & Shut (4,, 14
' W& J.F.Hohbard,l3 •
do. 'A., J.' D: • 14
• • do.r Q - 1! ,Thos. loastram, It
do: '5 N.C. &D. W. Norton, 14
do. - • James 13..11,' 13
do. 1. S. B. West, 13
do. Henry Cohan,
,‘.• 13'
• do.:
••• A. J. Seymour, - it
do. • - James Creeizan,, - 14
-do. • : W. W. Clark, 14
Miles Creepri, - . • 14
do. Palridi Staek, - 14
do. . Gaylord Curtis, , 13
• do. ', John Asher, ; 14 •
Ilarford. .i H. M. Jones, . 12
do. Penne! Carpenter, 14
= do. Zerah Very, 14
do. • G. W. Seymour & C0.13'
- do. Johnston.alw.tads,Co 14 -
New Milford, Wm. C. IVarA, 13
do, . Dickerionn & Gatratt,.l3
do. - 'Henry - Barritt. 12
do. J. MOM & Brother, 14
do. = IlaYden & Bros., 13
• do. 5 Sutphin & Young, •t 12
Ditnock, IL. II Woodruff, .14
do. Win. H. Thayer, 14
do. • J. Smith jr., 14
S'pringville.'i Scott Johnston & Co; 12
do. • McMillan & Park, • l2
nn. 1 Phillips& Shelden, 13:
.dop Hiram S. • Lewis, 14
Auburn, WeltmanSwisher C 0.14
do. •:1 John P. Lambert, .1-4
Montrose, ; C. W. Mott, • • - 14
do. W. J. & 3.11. Mulford 12
do. • J. Lvont & SOn, - 13
do. ; F. B. Chandler, - 13
.. • do. 11.,J. 'Webb,
• do. 7 A. Lathrop & Co., • 11
. • do. ,1. L.-Post & Co., I() .
Guttenberg Rosen-
I , aum & Co.; • 11
do. • -.,Bentley & Read, 11
do. _ Turrell, 14
do. . 3.1, S. Wilson, • .13
do.' R. Thayer; jr.,. 14
do. • • J. Eihrikre, • - 1 4 -
do. - '• ° S. &D. Sayre, 12
Forest Lake, David L. Meeker, 14
3t. Josephs, Francis Quinn,.
Silver LIAO,. T. Sulivan: 14
Friendsville, Jeremiah Hoefnrd, -14
• do.• B:.Marsh & Co., 14.
Apolacon. William Buffom, 14
Middletown, `Joseph L. Rosa. -14
- - do.• Wright, - 14
Rtish, •:Norman Granger, • 14
do. .` H. Canfield.. 14
aspirates. amrsuitains,4,c.
Great Bend, lipbh•ard Newton,
do. N. V. Cupeoter, •
• do. Henry Crane.
do. Alanson Hubbard; •
Walter Paintiti; .
• ,do. • Wm. A. Snow,
-Bridgewater. , D. J...lte3fillito,
; Enoeh Chan:Alen!,
Thompson. 11. P. lrathaway
Sup(fis Depot. D. Davidson,
do. D. 4. Hinson,
do, P.White,
do. 1). 11: Pope,
do. -Geo. Chatfield.
do. . - Timothy,Homes ; i •
.' • do. • Wigmore, / • . .
• . "do. • H. l'er'rie 4. Son.
- • do. Ei,glestoo, •
New Milford. Isaih V. Shay, .
• " do.J P . Miller;
. ,
Mositroae, • 0..11 Cri
• do. . 1:N. Butlarde' • '
do".. : S. S. ,ltiott,
Silt'. r Lake. Robeti Gaige, •
- Apolocon. < 1141,truey.,
:j DIST:LEM& .
4' James NlcAlla, • • 10
And the inde'est of the Court of Commoti Pleas of
Paid' County," will hotd.a Conn .of Appeal at the
Court llouse,:ivi Montrose, in •and for /aid County
ou %lond4y. then 2-Ith day of April nett at I o' c lock
1: 1 .A1...itt: which time and place any of the Merch
ants delned. deii.nbed and classed as aforesaid, or
their * nyent, orl Attorney may appear and appeal
frail said assessment if they think proper.
Montrose, , :i R. SEARLE,
Mnrch. 1556;• * • Meicathile Appraiser.
CI LOVER, and Timothy . opd t y •
'Montrose, 18511
13Ir the sulticriber, the ;7,9th ult., a note for
$3OO, itqable at this Susquehanna VallPv
Sank ninety days from date, and dated March
29:1856. h was signed by Levi iiVestfall and
hacked by 13.10 d Lvrn. All peripins tire here.
by cautioned against purchasing. the said mite.
Lineuboro: April I, 1856.-14%3* ' ~; •
WELL he tinld at pilblic Veddiie, on the . pretn-
N 1 1 lime* of the aulwcriber on Vuoiday the 19th
day of Feb. in'et, at one: o'clock P. M. One
M. • , one Colt, three cows, and siztv:fire Sheep,
—the Sheep, wIII-be ,id in lots, or altogether.
Teint.i. of saltiy ! % si 7 y
days Credit with approv
ed otecurity.. ::', - ‘..E. N. BLANDING,
H Ilford Feb' s 4, 1856.-6w2.
Tublio Sale.
THE Subscriber will-sell at pn - blie sale.
Saturdst i ihthe Bth day of Thoth next, oti
his Furm in Brldgewster township, the follow,.
ing property to: wit:. 9 Cows of good quality, 35
food Shot"; 44fice'rsar Old horses, I six year
old horse, sod Ir two year olds or good size. The
said property lint be sold to the biirbee,l bidd e r
on - six months ime, with cond. seeprity. •
• - '
H. I.- 'Webb,
s now rneniiitng - hielmw Spring , Goods, which
he offal' at'bis usual low - -
Montrlne. Diontb 1), !OM
- U.)
P i: LI .0.11
,The Cash System Adapted t . Pete
4kitaitly Reddted.
No. 133 B r oadway.: New York.
The largest assortment-of Pianos, Melodeon
Musical lnstrutnents and M Weal lterchandh+
of all kinds in the United States. Pianoslrom
TEN dilieren't mannfactories, comprising
of every varsity of Style, from the plain:neat and
'substantial 6 1-2 'octaves, in , Walnut or Wise
wood Cases, rorn $l5O, to $2OO, to those of th's
most clog:lnf . finish up to One Thousand Dollars.
No house in'the Union ran. compete with th j e
above in the number,•variety and celebrity or its
tnitrumenfs,nor in the :extremely bito prices a f t
which they are sold. •
With or without Iron "frames. 7. possessing in
their improvement's . of over -stin gs and action,
a length of scale, power; and compass of tare
equal to the Ortind Pianc, united with the beati.
ty and ,durability of structure 01 the square-Pi
ano. 'They iare justly pronounced by the Pros
and by the first Musical Masters to be,equal tip
thine of ariir other msdufamurer. Thl4Y art,
built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned
-material, and guaranteed to stand the action tif
every climate. • : .
Each InstrUmefit enaranted to.. give Satiafa
lion, or purchase-money refunded, Second-hand
Pianos at great bat gains; constantly. in - store,
.price from $3O to SI4OL •
• HORACE WATERS' :,IfELoriEoss, superior
strumenta inltone, touchvmd . durability of mak .
(Tuned time equal teamerattient4
of all other iityles and makes. Pri:te $45. $6O
875, $lOO, 0125, $140; double Reeds. $150;
double Reedit and two banks of keys, 8200.4
Less a liberal discount. Cli•rgyenen and Chni
chem. an extra discount. • I
31artin's qiaitars. Brown's harps. Flutes,
tinA Acc'ercleons, Nriolins,-end Musical lristrit.
ments of all kinds. at lower prices than ever be
fore, offered to. the public. A large diacOurit
to Teachers and Schools. The trade supPlitid
on the most liberal-terms.
MUSIC:-4)ne of the largest and best select
ed catalogueS ofMu4ic now publiehed,comprtis
ing many of ;It he choice and most popular airs
of the dav,"ind will be sold atOne-third off froin
the regular prices.
Music sent be all plea of the coil
try post paid.' Partieularatnd personal attend( n
paid to ail'orderji received by -mail. Satisff4 ,
lion guaranteed In *every -instance. Pianos and
Melodeon4-for silt•i on monthly payments. So[e
und.hand Pianos tdlten i I.xenge fur new..l—
antfselect!Catainnfi,tiesh" a
and Schedulo
prices forwarded to all parts-of the country .ay
mail: !! •
Or" Great induct menu offered - to agents !in
all parts of the c!oustry, to s e ll the Home %VA:
ors Pianos, Mtlledeons, and Catalogue of Mu
tie. .
Map of Semititelo alma County, treat
actuar.v.teasstreftneist, and . I
Intryeis*hronahout the '
11 ,7 , •
', . i i County. N
. .
By a Corps Oil
.Surveyors who . are
. ftqlg
• • CompacUt for the difficult task assigned
them. ; ; •
The Undersigned will publish Shortly, pre vi..
.d'eih a staeient number ,f subsdribets he ilb
tained a new and eoutplete map of Susquehanna .
County. f • ' . 1
It eountainathe names of property holders
generally, (ineludiag those in the eminty Ylint
*amt.:rib,. in 'advance for the Map) aro also to be
inserted at their respective phici , s; 'in the
- =style
of the . Mans' iixhibied he the canva-i.sers..
OlapS a . tb'e principal village% will be inserted,
on a large scale, in the margin: , 'also .crizr.iti•ed
views of putoi, , ,, h4 private buildmgs. The cona
ly OffLers, Who 'e press themselves warinlyi in ,
favor of the publkatien, will of .every fteility/
in their power, and impart all the information„in
their posses?iion itt relation tri new_ Roads ,(rid
All the public Railroads. Crossings and/Sta.
tions,Chttrebes, ~Post Offices, School ',Moises
• Stores, %Hs i: 1 3 011h: and Private Miusea, C:ttir
&c.; ate., are to be
shown on the Alap, in additieti to/the u4uat
topography of 4Rivers, Streams./ Ponds and '
out or apProved; ,after
.the completion ofithe
SurVeys,so thatTthe lap wil/ show _all Ith--
alterations and itii;frovcments / in Ihe high- Ways
s .
up to the time' of its i 5.,.... / - • • . 1 , -
,Yo expert el wilthe-sp,tred to execute Map in
the highest style or art. ,The.plun will be plot
ted us. a Stliiiihto t4liC; s as -.te shaw distinctly '
all the partiettlars.! aboYe specified; and. make a
large and twit ittqr.ttal Map. To he engraved
and delivered it o subset 'be rs. ha ndsi.tnely eolered
so itS to showl-th.o territory tropprised in each
township, and rtinnuted on rolletS.'- As the
. 31ap
will contain Siirneleighteell square feet of eng'rar.
ing, at a ctbscitf several thosand tipliers, it will
be seen that only it large subscription list Will
warrant the liCarV expense incurred. i
I •
NO'inore Atps issued than is übscribed tor.:
The Slap will' tables ollhe popula ,uon,
prod u ctions, assessed value of property, teligatie
- Societies. schrik number of voters,& .„. of leach
township and iillage - respeetively, carefully. Made
up from the latest-authentic docutnenta.. I
Relying upon- a just-it ppreelatiorGolf,ur darts.
by the eitiz.-naof Su.quehana to issue:a Mai) of
.1 ,
their County, wt the :111 , ,Ve plain, liLltrallai I :004 , r
proper e.cpeetatieus, and be entirelv,aatislako•
ey, subscriptions ate respectfully ' soliciteted
by"i'• : . 1
, ..i.
. r' Want, two young men to canvass Su.
quohanna coon y. and attain - subscribers . furl my
map. I l i
, .
• AMES D. SCOTT, Publisbe l
Sale of Real late by Order of ie.-
1 •
p'hast's Court - .
Gcnn order of the Orphans' Curt
17 made the.9th day of April, A. D. 18560110
subscriber ivilt offer for sale at Public Vendee
on Friday, the 9th day of May next;
,onl - the
premis e s, at to o'clock A:at, the followingtde•.
scribed piece of land situate in the Township - of
13r I 41vo, an C Fait v of Sosgiteh am.
ginning at a tnist in line of James Packer, thtince
he l a nd o f %V•li Jesup East 25 rods anal 43
links; thence by hinds Of Elisha Mack , South 21
rods,. west 3 r 344 and monk 18 rods, to find -of
Edward Otto: ?thence by land of slid Otto. 4rest
20 rods and Winks to line of liiilo4 Rid)cer.
north 33 ro'bil to the 'bfezioning. . Containing
about five acreS,bo the iatile more or less-
Ilavina hereon. - erected ---
one trained
house and barn! and all improved—being late
the Estate of barn:,
Begley deceased.l
Terms tuade!'known on the day of sale. A
A • AMos Wit.t.t.tatte.'
• B. W GER& •
Guanlians tot: the minor children or W.
LLV d etAVIAA. f •
Montrose, April 90i. '56.
'Tex'Tilde Accident,
WPPENEH to Mr. Green the nth* die.—
lie had Ought n suit erre:l44*We clOt hes
at the Store, ina toe first day's wearing!- the uc.
rident oecurred;l. First. 4:lldrapt his e.oit.talliby.
the mero (love ot* specific gravity, giving to .un.
fortunate man the upperance of a b idly tritemed
craft With the illying jib in the stern, atilt un
stooping over trt pick up .the remnant. the Olatd,
(n 1 casualty todk place—the fountains of the
great deep were; brriken up—Green's pants were
sundered from tinkle to waist. and Green .hiMselt
ewe,. ed to be. The only way to prevent Salt
"Splornble neciitents is to patronize a skillful hit.
lor, - wlto makeshiswork with a deterMino.
tion that it shall.not only. fit neatly, but ,Went
well. Green bu'vS , at the clothing store beciause
he thinks .he cMr, get his gearing alittle cheaper.
In brnbabilif3i . the pants that ser”ed hint an
treacherously hid passed through a fever !tempi.
t a t, b ee n n trip4frotu a cholera patient,. c4ried
home eight nights in. the week on a - shutter? nd
finally %Attache-Vend :Tarried by an ingetions.
Frenchinen for fora market in the country. Take
warning by pnort Green's mishap, and gn !to a
tailor shop like - that in the beament of 1344rfein
Hotel liven wait to be spited.
Eir Cattidg done as usual, and all "Work!War,
ranted. . - JOHN OROViS. -
Montrose Auk. 117,1858 - •
• .Tleasurer's Sale, - i
Of unseated lands, i Susqns/iantia Gitunty.
IVOTICIi la hereby giten that agreeably to
/.11 the acts or the general -assembly '•ot the
Commonwealth `of Pennsylvania, directing the
mode of selling unseated lands for Taxes, the
following tracts and parts of tracts . of unseated
lands, will be sold at public vendee on the sec.
and Monday of inns next lathe Court Neuss
in Montrose, fur arrearages due, and the costs
accrued on each tract, respectively, unless Abe
same be paid before the 'day of sale—sale to
commence at 10 o'clock in,the forenoon.
Warrantees owners or-numbers.
Harrison Hall,
. Clifford.
Jaeians Clif ird, 68
Great Bend: . •
Win. J. Terrell, ' •60
Nathaniel C. Lewis, 87
So!onion Taylor, 60
It. H. Me.Kurit, lB7
Truman Baldwin, 4UB
Horace Grissvol4, 100
F. & O. Burt, 404
Entiek Copley, BO
Mauler Mutt, 6O
L. L. Barrett, 64
Amos H. Storm, 103
Sedate Griswold.
Kitchen Wilcox, Mon-
trays & Co.. - 102
• Liberty.
No. 69, 54. 85, 8. A.
Laws .Emt.
No. 58, 59, 86,74,
• Pope & Strum!,
N.l 67,68. 7b, 76, .
Edwin Eldridge,- 400 .
J. Biackapy., . 33, .•
do. - 233
do. ll3 -.
•• ' do. '- • • 109 •
Wm. J.. Turret!, .200 • •
'Oakland. • ' • . . " , • .
Jacob R. Smith, 85 i 128
Thomson.. . . - . . .
John F.. Dunmore, 118 .' • -8 4
P. &0. Burt, ' 100 - . '7. 20
It. Cranutiond c 100 - ' , • ,
~,S' .20
1 - •
• Thos. Carr, 420 . . SU .24
Joshua Giddings, 310. . - 14.88
Joel Lamb Est., 100 - , '7.'20
I - i ~ S. A. WOODRUFF, Treui.
i Tre . aslirers'OtTiee, Mardi 1.7, 1856; . • ,
. , .
El AN just received from Now/Ywk, a full
.1. A and desirable .atork of
- •
' - - NEW GOODS,, - / : - --.
Compriainka first rate ass(srtinent. of Drug's,
.Clietnicals, Medical Instruments,
Paints, Oils, Dye Stufls„China, Glass 4nd Ear
then WaN, (a ,good var)ety of Croekery.) Brit
ann,iii Ware, Japanned/and Planished Tifi - Ware,
: 4 iiver and all other • kindi of Spoons. sSl.lver
Forks', Butter Kiiiyes, : &c., Alt sorts of Lamp*.
A g.ied variety or Wood. and Gilt 'Frame Mir
rors.- Wall and / ,Wintiow Paper. ! Stationery.
Stone and WoOdon Ware. Brusheil... Orontes.
Family Groceries. Limp Oils. •Gimphene.—
Burning Finid.. , Tallow Stearin and, Sp,•ripaeeti
Candles./Ilide and other Whips. i Varnishes.
Window' Glass, &c. A first rate variety efiew.
elry, s lid Finley Goods. G,,i4 mid Sneer Si*e.•
ta•ie '. Gold Pens. Violins.'Flatesi.• Fifes, Ae
eotenns, Violin and Veulineello Strines, &c.—
(d( si
Tle largest assortment of.Porltt4 Knives in
Stisq. Co.. and•the best 'co ility in Market. Shot
Guns. Pi.tols, (single and Double Barrel,) Re
volvers% &c. • . ,
In short. the Physician. the Invalid, the Motile
keeper. the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Manufac.
tore!, the Professional' Man, the Gentleman, the
Lady, the 'Weil and the Poor, the Young:Bo Oil,
the Beau4ful and , the Uely, the G.iy.and the
F ishimtable, and all the rest, of the people.wilt
find something to supply their- every day Wants
at Torten's. . . . .
St/ire in the new Brick Block—Prices low
Qualities good—Call audqeo.
• ABEL TURftett.
Mfintr4e,-Ilareli 6. 1556. -
They 3re aI I goinc, to Turrell's
Boot and ShoO Emporium
- 1 - EMD - 11 , 3 arifillarill%
'IN E sit bscribers h tve removed their Boot and
Shoe store into the building reckiii:y meu- .
pied by Messrs Bentley and Rad, Public Aye.
roiNrst above the -Post ()thee. Where, not
:withstanding the Mixed state of polities, the
stringency or the money market, the nnugh
sunthinss' R R e ad. Montipolies,•Lek-O-Lant-,
ern inducements, and the great drotighth,as one
extrerhe followsar other, mall human probabill !
ty, we shall haves cold
,winter. In view Of this.
state of thin ts the suoserilsirs beg. leave to say
that they are prepared to meet the wants of the
• Boot Shoe wearing public , ttrtli good and sub
stantikd varieties of Boots 4 Shoes of };morn
Or II .me Manufacture, warranted equal (if not :
better) than any-offered in •this market. Their'
stock embraces a g - eneral variety Ladies and
Gents wear. Consisting impart of tidies StiA;
LAsTING, Par. Fax Me/ Gaiters. Silk • Lasting
'Congress Gaiters- 4 Freneh Kid Congress Gait—
ers, .11orroen Gaiters Ladies llarsh.alt
.fide Bronzed Baskins,• Enns'id Buskins, Kid
Buskins,- Pat. frather. Buskins, Morocco LaCe
Boots, Calf Lace Boots Enam'd Boots, Fur
(n un ,' B is.'cins . ttc., Misses, Silk Lasting Pat.
flux Gaiters, Ce;lorrd Gaiters. Calf Lace -amts . ,
Kid Lace Boots, Jenny Lands Kip Shoes,,
dr2as. • Gaiters, Batton Shoes, Ante Ties, P4l.
. French Buskins;.. Calf and Kip Shoes,
MENs;freoc't Calf, Kip and Slogs Baots, Calf
Enia di Kip and Cowhide Brags, - Buys Thick
anal Kip Betas, Yr? tali'S Boots, Thick and Kip;
and Pat. IJathcor shin s ,
Rubbers and Sandals a general assortment.
Fivryxl4,.:4p trables,' Thread, Wax. Steel Nana
Pegi. Tack+, Bristles, Heel Ball, Bout
Pincers. Stine Knives, Edze Blacking;
Goat and G tenon Binding, Water Proof Bfack.
ini6 ['lite Blacking, Gum Arabae, Gum Tr:igse:
nnth, Edge Brushes, awl Hafts, Pegging and
Sowing Awl Blades. 4e.
All kind§ .by the side or pound, tb suit ces-1
tomers; The public are invitedl call, before;
purchasing eliewhere. Custonfors may -rely op.!
on gutting what they- barpin lor, and that to
better than they c.Ar, do in "same pLces."
they buy Eastern work, they.can accomodated
with Its good an article as can be fotind in- this:
If they prefer home matmfactere they;
an have it without being huinhuged.:Ait kinde;
of work made to order trtd warranted. 'Repair.
ing done on short notice. . -
Tavottut. for plat favors, ure - hopo by strict;
attention to baiiness, to, merit a continuance of
thr lame. . -
C. M. moNa.-
P. e. It is now over a iear - since the groat Fire
in *intro.'s, at which time the subscriber having
met with 'a great - lois, in fact he lost biel'ate4'
he would Any to those indebted tobim, either by
N o t e or Book account,: that the same must be
Aettled without farther notice. . •
fraoSt4., •
ntroxr. Jan. 1; 1856
Adniinistratoes Notice.
ALL persons indt•bted to the Estate of
W. StaEtwee ilee'4l.;late of New Milford
twp. are heresy notified to make immediate
payment: and all parsons having claims or de•l
friends aviin4t the Estate are reqaasted 6
present them &iv anthentleatti4for settlement.;
March 19. 1856.: • , • • I
Itesisoval. • .- 1
Dentlatrhas retrinved'4o i-trarkee
'over 13. Chandler's orisre, win/reit win be his
pleasure to see his Mendota' quick_aureralide,
• C. D.., VIRGIL t : Rasideut Dentists'
!Mmitroew - Mail. INK • I
301 4113 31
301 • 12 31
1 80
1 80
1 80
2 40
7 20
1 80
1 66
4 70
:1 76
400 1r 4 . 1 . 67 40
93 40
3 89
9 35
4 70
4 5'7
16 80
liter in II Montrose Anti Walallitip ' • ton!! •.' - - -
liE great political Fusion at 'Washington' -: : .
, 1 a s is not succeesful, but
Ui ENBERG, . ROSENBAUM, & CO. - . _ -
have fused all !mulles into,one grand, victorious,'
"'and ever-increasing party, not for the shedding of .
bhrd, or for the spoils of office, but for the par."
ch se of GOODS at a lower figure than ever be.
for 'have been sold .in Montrose, Our m o tt o .
" 1
own with. Monopoly',"
We take pleasure in announcing to the eitk.:.'
at of Susquehanna County that we flavor*/
m ved to our sp!endhl new stove in the east sod.' '
i las : . _..
vv ere wo shall always be prepared to wait ips -
' on( our friends, and where it will afford 121 tbs. '
ertatest pleasure'to exhibit to our customenr; ' '
as others,l the ligest and finest stock of ;IGoimhi ; -.-
ei t r opened in Montrose i n our-line, consisting
of RSADT Jisns Ctorntito, the Inrgest - and fie- - • /
es assortment, latest, styles, good cloth and- 1- './
m de' by experienced workmen. Our stock vuia ' ,
at be equaiOd in quantity, quality or prim - /• /
Staple and fancy goods of all vatieties.: •-• /
Silks, Velvets, Gloves;
Llo G al ft erY a ,La ' I C: c ie"e s' Eress Goode.: 1 , / ; , ' /2
Shawls, liats, Cloaks, rum/. 7
and the most complete assortment of Sheetinge,-- 4 •.
S iVtings, Tiekings, ok.c., dte.., all articles thinsilly
W 2- '-
nted in the richest or poorest families'. / "r , - -
'lt is not true that our Goods are inforiortn*y
reeket. 'Wo will give to otir customers ths' :pis. - '
eise kind of Goods in quality that re ree0)01. •
niiend. or they may return them./in short wir
dAr i y'competition as to- quantityltod quality.--• '
11 upon us and you shall not go empty or Ms:'
s.tihfied away. . ' " . / ~
1 . ,
. Measures tiken for Ready' Made clothing, pro- ''.,
vided we cannot suit customers in the store,ond - 4
jest the garments wauted'fureisbed on r aitort ate-' -.
Call and use money. -
M. G
31nntrose, Jan..10,.1856.
Bich. Prairiii itarms. , -
improved Lands and Town Lots, in nii=
nois,lowa, and Adjoining Stales.-
OR sale its great variety. at low prices, linfl: '
YarraVorotltik - terms. PAMPHLET CAT: -=
*lto paces attached, terstarded gratis by mail '-
oh application. -- . - -
Our extensiVe local-connections lilt fitcilitatm
tying valuable inferrnatios of any -put ottbo'
-eat to amtlic:lntsdesirink to locale. _ ,
1 Buyers of Illinois Central Railroad L ands OA .
• Vail themselces.of the knowledge, and .vxpetV
epee of Mr. Dupay, the late fund agefit 3 of tha
dbmpany, to supply the difficulty of making, ju
dicious selections. •
Particular attention given to locating - war.
ants, examining lands, furnislung• maps; and'da.
seriptions, payment of taxes, and to a sgeneral
Rea/ Estate. Business.
Corner of Michigan avenue and-Boot h
• Wuto. St.. sear lainois.Cen. R.&
. Depot. - Ctlicago, Illinois.
.YID S. CH3DEti.
! •
VILL keep always on hand at their Stine'
near. the " Starrucca Viaduct,"' a huge '
old well selected assortment of all articles uses '
illy called f.r in Country. Stores; consisting of ,
rry Goods, Ready Made Clothing, Hats - sad '
spa, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, Glass sad "
!ueensware, Clucks, Hardware,. Nails, and Cut
ry,'Groceries, 'O4 Previsions, Flour Feed,
it, &c.,- Drogs and Dye Woods, Wooden and
. Ware, Brushes, Brooms, Stone Nam.
snd a great variety of other " traps,7 all of which .
they will exchange for cash or Contitry Produce,.
Ira; as good - terais as any establishment' in- tha-
County, and we guarantt our Goods to prove at
MI - times as they are rep esented. W. T. & Co.
hope by eloso attentio to business, and by fair
dealing, to merit a.cun inuanee of the vatrOnsger
which has heretofore been liberally extended. .
• The highest market rates will at alt-times lia
paid in Goods, or Cask if prCferred, tor Heap-
lock Baik at thb Viaduct Tannery. ' . '
. Larwsbarn, Feb. 27; 1850. - ' ~. ' '
Please reedit, it' is sort: aria of important*
to every House.Kceperg- - --,,, • k •
T_T E reeked their spring supply , of
lurni..hing Goods.: We can now .otter •
seven beautiful styies of Crockery. One of them:
a new and elegant Spring Pattern of White En-.
amelled Warr: Our Goods are ail a No. 1 in- -
quality, no- second; •or odd, Iota: but complete
Agin., and can •ala - nya be matched if bitiken or:
mire wanted. for year: to coma: • All the,evurt•-
in on wares, -CH IN A TEA WARE; air spleudid!:.
styles of white and. decorated. very low.'•,
a complete and unbounded variety always ots .
h •nd: TEA TRAYS. of oar ownimportatjon.
Fifteen elegant_ pitterna, fur surpassing in tick
'ness,• fi nish and durability,. the American article
usoully sold, at as low prices, , and tiy far the
Isrgest'and mo te t complete lot ever offered to
*Julio pi-ts, from $3 to $
.per sett ',afloat.
• , . ADIS !I
Bran Curtain Cornices, •Bands, 'rooks, dr.e.;..
at prim that - defy competition. TwentY direr.
ent ityln of those elegant Bird Cage, from ,
75 ikts to 810_eac.h. 34 different patterns of.
pMperior warranted Clocks. from $1 to - $25.
eaeh. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly ra.
Paired. Plated Castors, Cake. Baskets, - Spopns.:
Forks, Napkin Rings: &c. dcc. 200 'Dozed.
Knives and Forks. Pnr/or bingwo hall Elam
ing Lamp', Britannia and Tin: W:1311.
.I.larbici zed - Iron ItAntio l'ierea,and' Grates ! 464
in thet d qeneral .11ouse BailcEng..
:Area?) and sea iraat onr"CRIBTAL PAL.
ACE'," two dour] e.a...t the 'Canal.
our GoOtl4 'id; not, as reprepenteil,
Our prima ay to'w as•in town - , and : -.Y•cut - • aro.ctoll
treated wolf, tiensealon't bitv. -
. Binghamton, Mar5:5,1856.'. .• •
DOlax noire is ,htreby given, that 8. A
Woodrual4 receiving. 2 new lot, or Stas ite .
and wares Oa)) `.pints uszually kept lithe Stova
and Tin tichksiif-X'USines4, Smug which - may. bs
found a bettitor m enter attorts, beat ler % lap
gor and4nore able than "'ever before offered
in this eonntyWl the . peer you need will
just to call attl examine for Yourselves. All
stoves•wareaoted in every respect. •
Kept constantly on hand, an extensive -
ment of Tin ware, made out of the beat matte
fibs-which : is. Offered ibr sale as cheap weep
honied In any market, also on hatd. /read Pips k. ,
all sties; Chain and ecarie_g for Vllallt Pump,
Cistern Pumps, all sisal, *aka and Porielahs,'
kettles all sizes, lappmed ware, all
robing: done on short notiee and in rod on
-Ai m All aiods. in the line will be'sold sheep' Or approved end
8. dt:IVO!:111111.LIFF.-;
Montrose, 31are,h 20,1850.
Administrators Notice. •
- •
T ETTERS of Aitaiiistretion havirg bb.
.1, granted: to the sabseribei'. UPfta l tbsesUli,
of &must Qnfek, late-nt Springville towiMblp„,,
deceased, all persons indebted to the eildestattL:c
are` requested to make *mediate. poyetest;*‘Z.,',
those having demands against 'Abe same
.present them duly attested triesettleitaiti;
• , sauumAgnix...
... Mirth 25, 1886.-13,4*
szvawrlr-rsirx cord* aimed winie4
I nfitßinit -