lellbertistments. ithe Benefit of-Suffering Elk - 2 ' Retiredlentleatau flaying cured himselfol the Piles neon:v:lElM with eruptions ot the skin, after suffering for upwat4s of 25 years thinks it his duty to make the remedy known for tho benefit of the afflicted. He will forwcrdtte particulars for the cure of the same , on the re ceipt bf a 3 cent postage stamp. Moires% • REV. C. J. RECKLAW, No. 12 Ann SL N. Y. F06:.12, 1156.-BW4. • 1 Esectitor's;Votice. Notice is herby given to all persons having demands against the Estate of Perry Ball, late of F ! .rest lAke, dec'd, that the same must bp pr....Retilted to the undersigned for arrangement, and ill persons indebted to said Estate, arere lu ire?! to make immediate settlement. GEO. W.-BALL, Ex r. - •nireat Lake,. March 1.51 h . 1856. • • - • NOTICE. • l:l2;.sqlr.,Yriiter +mid announce to hie ans. .iti)iners. and the generally , that hr 345,41;10, to'supply thoftatious Illagatines named i.ieloik;, At the price annexed perttnnum, viz: . }lSrpc:". $2,25; Putnam.' $2. 4 .15; \Vitra, $3,01', 11arkw00d,12,25: Godev;s2,i2s ilottr : enitnriati, colored - • plates, $3,50 florticul torist, plain edition $l,lO. Litters Living Age, 035.(p; Frank Leslies' Gazette of Fashions, .42,T ; B?dloui Piet/lei:d i $2,50; Ladies Repeal. , tory (Cincinnati,)4l,63; Wtiotal, $1 43; Ai. thrt , ' a Home Mag,arirte, $1,63. Heis prepared also to fill orders for standard and Ml'Zeellan•ions books and current literature of tbe day,o hether fr Om the trade or ether walks of industry. Havlng had an eXperience of fifteen years lathe Book's id Periodical trade, he believes h 9 can give entire satisfsetion to -alipar . tics entrusting him with orders. Opecimed nuinbers'ofthe Magazines sent on Tec.!pt of 6 Post o:fice Letter Stainpitt, for the $3 or to s2"Magazinea, and for 12 such Stamps, a sample of the $5 or $6 'works will be sent. Lett;ers of inquiry must contain s stamp for the- , return postage. Books sent (post paid) on the zsce!ipt of Iloblishi3Fa advertised prices. Address, . I , WILLIAM. PATTON, ' •=• B L >oksellia,•lioboken , 'Jan. 3.-14. • CH AN GE VINE i --mgE Delaware+ Lackawanna & W. 11. R. SPRING ARRANGEMENT! 11•1 and after Thursday, Dec. 6. 1855,• the Mail Passenger Train will leave Scranton at 1,1.00 A,} M. • Me at Great Rend at 2-10, r. Connecting with Ste Dunkirk Express Train west, and the Now York Express East, on the N. Y. & E. R. R. Passengers taking this train :411 arrive in Dunkirk at 11.15 p: m. and in New' York al 11.15 - p. m. Return, will leave Great Bend at 3 p; m. due at Scraitean ,5.50 r. at. • The Fright Aceommodation Train,Arith sigen.cirr attached, will depart from Scranton at 1.00; F. at., connecting with the Ma Train bound ',Vesk, - and the Night Express Train, both Last and West. ' Passengers taking this Train and the Night Exciress East:, will arrive in Now York at 10 5 a. m. BF taking the Night Fxpress West, wilr arrive in Dunkirk at 12 M., or by taking the Mail Train West, •al'.l arrive in Dankirk at 6. 45 tr", , Returning, will depart ',from Great Bend at 7.00 A. 11. and arrive at Sefanten,l2.lo., A. 41. • Stages will be in waiting on the arrival of Pas enter Trains'at Scranton, to convey passengers . o'Carliondale,• Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Philadel. hia via the , Reading R. R., Easton, and - all other ntermediate places. D. H. DOTTERER, Sup't. SO% o,Ttee, Scranton, • 1 Dec. ;fi, 1855 ' 25tf For the Holidays. VkLEGA.NT pieces for , remembrances for the Holidays. Patin Statuary, Fancy Pie ses - and vases, Teri-a Cotta in a variety of bean OH, articles, Hishbon wares in various designs. 1e elogans Dresilon an 4 French Chins now .peu for inspection at J. H. DE PEU'S. Binghamton, Dec. 20, 1855. \F.-6 7 C- 17 BASKETS. •• • Wiarge vitriety also. Work stands with Bas kets. Ittienles &e. at low prices.' " WORK AND FANCY BOXES. - taffies Reticules, Port Mon :talcs, elegant Fur ass,,and new styles of Satchel J for lI:wDE P ile by " . . ELT. • 'l'o' ; -'S! TOYS! 1 TOYS! ! ! Clain one, Come all and von? wants •hall bt Krs`•itied from a penny .to dollars in price from our target rit,tsk of Toys which ire now offered at DE PEtJ'S. CHINA' 21 N r D CROCKERY WARES lioinelpepers treat yourselves to a Sew-year; pre , ;ent with one of the beautifitl ;gas of Golc Beni" or Peeorated China now - on exhibition at Dr Nu 's.' A really substantial gift oft to De rr ineinbare , i is a social way. Will you not net tip in the suzgertiori and select at the Croekert sad r il yise Furnishing store, by • , , J.ll. DE PELL 1 : Binghamton, Dee. 20, 1855. .. . - - i ---- " ------------ I' r ILE! TIRE v. FIRE II . The nnderilved has been appointed an scent .1 the St.IIV. Myrust., FIRE 'INSURAN CE i :OMPANY, of Harrisburg Pa. Said company ass capital of 1 S 500,000! .' i 1 . It Is &a gate and cheap a company as say in . I the State and insures on the Stock ' and mutual 'plan.' , BILLINGS STROIM, Agent. idontrose,Oci 9, 1855.:--41,tf We the uridegigned hereby Mate that we have donebitsiness with the above company, and we are satisfied that it is both safe and cheap.— . InourJeaperience we, finve never known any as. segments on a premium note. , F. M. Williams. • . WID. Jessup. D. D. Warner. P. D. Chandler. : Orlando Eldridge. ' E. B. Chase. "cpw. GOODS. iz •• Cr' ;..HE salmeriber is in constant receipt of New Goods, in his line of business, nearly every •keip)ehi The find his assortrnent and his artieles new and of good (111414. The 4tOckcOnsista as Tinal of I Drags, 'Sfedieines. raintsoails, I).ve-Straits, Groceries, • " ' ; Tsney-GoodaJogrelry, 2.erfumerv, .. ABEL TLTRICELL. Itontrose,lan.lo, L 856. • • . TO THOSE WIIO W rA IV have fertik Lands at a chmap priie and on ,easy terms, your attention is called to the Ridgway Para andocotil Company.. Tiventy-fire 1 2- - acres Or more, in proporttan, are given for $2OO, payabieinlnotallments of $l perweek- or $4, per 1 month. It id located in Elk-eounty, Pennsytva: els, end bas one of the best marketsfor its pro. • Ince intim State. The soil is ari and is not to be surpassed for fiirMing„ as examina tion will show. It hail the ,beat e4iments of pronotrity,-belug undertald'hy two rich, veinu of Corsi, and• will -shortly 'be iotcrsetted by four rail ads. The timber is of the • most caluntle kinCTitlopnemseptionably- gooti, and warran tee girods atv given. it presents a good and eg liontbd opportunity to' commence fsrmirkg; provldistkor oniethildren or making an invest. Meat '.'Fitrther-Pardmalarse” be had from the pamphlet. I,lkb/we oat to inquirers. Letters Answered promptly. Apply,or - Ida SASI'L W.VATTELL,Seeintaryills 117alnut Street North tile between Fourth ind rim sts.,Phile; delphls.; run intonation is contained 'in the :pamphlets. • _ Nelr ievrelrY., A nt% Spli woo at, jolt arrived 'at New Arrangement at Gregory's .. HARD WARE STORE! _• . . (17 . 'W. .GREGORY & JUDSON SSIITH I.JI ie. having foiined a , co-partnership :or the - patinae otonnducting the Hardware business in all its' various branches, Would - respectfully in forns'the people- of Susquehanna county that they are now opening at Gregory's Old Stand, *mite the Exchange Hoteli 9 doors from the Canal, Binghamton, N. Y., the largest, cheapest, and best atoclinf,HardWare ever. offetedin Bing hamton. • • . -.- ' Having made arrangements to. import their English Goods and purchase their American di 'red, from manufacturers, they can and wilt sell CHEAPER . , than any other estahlishment in • - tows! Their stock is now very extensive, and those wishing t'o 'purchase are invited to call.—• . The following are a portion of their: leading ar ticles, viz:—Table knives and forks, Tot do., carvers, forks and steels, pen and pocket knives, bread and butcher do., hay and straw do.,Ascie secs, shears, and razors, britanniai tea andcoffee pots,silver and'britannia tea and table spoons, silver plated, brass, and iron candlesticks, snuf fers and trays, solar lamps, lard, and suspended lamps, mantle-Niece ornaments, brass and iroe i andirotis,shovels . and tongs, &c. • • • LookingGlasSes, and looking glass plates, to gether .with a general assortment ot bousekeep: ing artic.es._ . . . HOUSE. TRIMMINGS, consisting el locks, latches, butts, 'serews, brad nails, bolts, patent window springs,Adind ',sten ings, shutter screws, and fastenings, &e.. A general assortment of tools for Carpenters and Joiners, Gabin'ek and Wagon Makers, Masons and bincksznittis,censisting. of planes, saws;bain mere, hatchets, axes, adzes, chisels, augers, auger bitts and hnllow angers, nnvils, B ellows, vices, patent drill inwhines, sledges, stone -ham:nevi, brick and plasterieg trowels, cross-cut, mill and 'circular saws., A . A splendid risen:intent of Saddle and Harness' makers tools and trimmingS. . FARMING TOOLS; consisting of shovels, spades, forks,rakes,seythes. grain.cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron bars, grind stones, &c. , ' . . . . Also, Agents for the sale of Whittemore. Squires & Co's Agricultural, tools,such as plows. hay and straw cutters, corn shelters, & e . Solo and Upper leather,. morocco 'and '*hoe trimmings, with a general assortment of findings. Wooden ware," willow cradles, wagons, chairs and baskets Of all descriptions. : - • . Bariro castings.nnad o steel, caei iron) lace a and' lesar t r immingsst o - eel springs malleablet alt kinds, Paints, oifs, sash, glass, putty, &c., all of which will be sold at the lowest rates. Meese saßand examine the stock far.yonrselves. Binighs.mtla, March 1, 1855.' , , AR-Lie 1 - ChanOe to Buy Goods • • Cheap. CC. NyaIGIIT being desirous r„C,cleß. • ing business fur the' purpose of leaving in thtkipringeikes this method of informing him *customers :6d the public generally, that he will sell his entire stick of Goods at cost, fur cash or rUady par. 'No credit'*ill begiven aver this date. lie Would say to,those indebted to him, eitber•by mite or book accoitrit that . thki same • Must be sLktied immeiliately,*ithout further notice. He also offers for sale his tanery; store house; two dwellin,v, honseS, and the appurtenan. ses therewith, together with 3tt . acres of lard. All of whicb will be sold elle* Fia., Jan. 10, 181i6.—tf. • And still tkey `VENN' Deok every week. Did Santa, Claus is /II round yet and will be 'till aftee!Niw Years, so please prepare for tim calling' at the Post office„.*here you can get new, entertaining, and useful books, cheap. The limiters' Feast. or Conversationi around the Camp Fire, Kato Weston or to Will, and to Do, Ten years among the Mail Bags, Family Pastimes or home made Happy, Life on the road or Claude Duval &c., Peter Paileys!new Univer sal history; and gift books, MrS. Leslies, Crowen .and Conk books etc., and many oth ers I cant mention here, but can show them to you if foul will 'call, and sell Pied low for the Ready. liontroee Dec. - 2C, 13.5.5. • • The Manhattan Fire Ins. CO. • - o.ffiee NO. 59 Wall-Strect.• • V . CAPITAL, -; - • .c.,:250,000 Insures tiailding•s.',lferchsndiae,Purst4ure,Ves , aels in Port and, their Carzoes, and other Proper ty, against loss or damage by • fire., • • DatEcrne.s.:—Nathaniel I "tchaFilp,' Samuel F. Mutt, Peter 11. Schenck, Wm., F. Mott, Edwin D. Murrzan,.Win. W. Fox,.Sidner Mason, Elisha Riggs, R.iL. Lcird, : Thos. Bairbn, Russel H. Nev.; •ins:Ang:ll. , Ward, Moses Taylor, John -Stew. , ard, James Colle Thos SV.i, Pearsall. - Richard Tighe, Peter Cooper, Henry. Elsworth,' Lyman Denison, Julin C4swell. • ' NATHANIEL lIICHARDS, Pres WM. PITT PA64ER. . Off EDWARD PRIEST, Agent, Bingham , ton. N.Y. • , To Farmers and Gardeners. YOUR attention ' is called to the Manures _ rnanufact4ed by the Lodi Monufaeturing Co., frora: the Slnks and Privies-of. N'ew' York City and .free from offensive odor, called POIJDRIOTTE AND TAFEU. Pondrette is composed of two-thirds night soil and lone third decomposed vegetable fibre. Tafeu is composed of three-fourths night soil and one-fourth!No. 1 Peruilan Guano. These: manures are cheaper and better adap ted. for raising Corn, Garden Ve g etables and Grass, than any lei" in - market. Can be put lx. t re in contact wit seed - without injury, and causes Corn iiiuy eda to tome up sooner, ripen two weeks earher,-and yield one .third more than othr manure* and is a prereniatirc rf the 'Cut IVorm. k ' - Two bbts. Poudrette or 100 lbs. Tafeu, will manurej an afire of. Corn ;in the bill. Tofeu 1 3-4 cents pei lb.. Pandietti $2,00 per bbl., or $1.50 for any quantity O'er 7 bus., delivered on board vessel or Railroad', tree from any charge for package or cartage. 't.4 pamphlet containing every inferniation,'sent post paid, to any one sending their address to . THE LODI MANUg'ACTURING CO:, . i tc,Court!andt!it.,'New York. -7m3 . . MORE NEW GOODS - • A T BELL & TINGLErS. A lark() . and -LS. Well selected lot of Crockery , and Glass ware jast ieceived. Also . a new lot of Teas which we aie - sellinm Cheap, • , OATS Wanted at 50 eents per bushel, cash or radil brr'• • BELI & TINGLEY,. 6pbottaii;Dee. 14s 111‘5. , t . ---- Q . opposed to be cheap $lOOO worth, Reaciy 1.7 mule clothing at • 0 - , - - j ,' •DICKELItiAN & GARRATTS NeWll . llfred, Sept. 18th, 1855. . - , QTEEL --- SquaresA largeand snperor assort, ► went et low prices. Goss-.. ingle•anddodhle'barrell;rili prices. WHIP% from 25cts op. Sash Cord, Rope Hal ters,Chalk Lines,. dr.e.; Wrought Nails, all sizes; Gimlet pointed Idervirs, a large assortment, at PH TIE & KNOWLTON'S. Binghainton,Nov:, 1855• - W. rang' - ' bAon, C" now belouNd at his new stand on the earner otTarnpike and Chestnut Sts., a few.floors. east .of: Post's 'store,: where he sifectsialie repairs with dispatch, Natehes k ClockS,Ouns; Jewelry, And every- deseri pti on of naiehinery. - Wheel: cutting,. Gan =and Watsk materialitsupplied to the trade. NEB skis method of soying to. hie friends l'austomeweibette bee .again reetimed the ineetiee Of iltedieinoket bbrold stand in Idon. trose,;wbere bere_be , mar be found at all times aldose profiiesionallyemplOad , fro Would say to thou' owing Dimon ohbateowite that he will deduct2s per: eiot. on Recounts Odd. before the .tint of ;April) next, (oi poor- will Aeductlifty. • biOntroae; Feb. 20, 111115-91 f A. 'N. BULLARD. 7 -1§0:„ . 74. Thiyer - AYEICS v•- . .• ire caring. the Sick fo an ettent never lefbre known;orany, Illedicine.. INVALIDS', REND OD IUDGE FOR .1011BEIsi.B. 5t7tES !TAVEL, Eta., the Well known perfumer, at Chestnut .tilfeet, Philadelphia, whose choice pnasiutts are found at almost_evel unit, Raj's : "I am happy to say of yolir CAI - rearm PILL\,. that I • 'rime found them a better fetidly Med 'eine, for e unmon fee, than any other.svithln my knowledge. Many of , my friends have real . leed marted.heite fi ts front them, and ca inside with me in believing that they possess extiatmlbtiry • virtues for driving Cent diseasets and curing the 'sick; 'they are not only effetital, but snft• and pleasant to he taken nullities which. Must make ;them valued' by the puhfir, when they are inown." • The venerable Chaneelliw WAItDLAH writes from Bal• :i.mote 15111 April, 1634: . D a , 3. C. Ayes Ellr: liters taken ! ri v e rini with ' great benefit, for the listlesank , ss,langitor, loss of 4tpetite, and Dillon' headache, which has of late veers overtaken • me in the spring. A few doses of your Pills rived toe. I have need your Chewy Pectrital many years in my family for coughs an cu re N and 1 surreys. You make medicines whi r ls ; and b feel it a Pleasure to cratuusitd y o u for the good 3 outlays deme'and are doing." JOHN F. BEATri; Esq., fee. of the Penn. Railroad Co., says : • • • "Pa. rt. 17. 01144, rec. 12, le4f. Sir: I take pleasure in adding-my tegilll..ll , to the efficacy; of your medicines., having derived Very material , ' benefit from the use of both your Pectoral a n ti Cathartic, Piths. I am never V. ithotithltem•in my family, nor shall I • Ayer consent to beiwhile my means'Will procure them." The widely renowned S. 1. STEVENF., M. D., of Wont- , • %truth, N. H.; used "Having toted yotir CAIIIIRTI . O Pitts in my practice, I certify from that they ars an invaluable purga tive. In rand of disordered functions of the liver,'eausing headache, indigestion, costiveness, and the great variety of diseases that follow, timey are n surer remedy than any oilier. In All case. %Jimmie purintisve remedy is reqoired, confitletitly recommend these Rills to the itti..te, as . sOperir4 to:any other I h vg ever found. . 'Fbey arc sore • In their operation, and: ;strictly sale s—qualinies obit einiltra them, an int aluablei article for public use. , I have ,for many yews known yttur Cherry Pectoral as the hest • Cough medicine in the World: and these Pill.. are in no • Wow inferior to that arintirable preparation for the treat- • . w ent of-diseasci." • " Aria, Me., 10rs ns, 1,9 53: " Ds. 3.. C. Area Ma). Sit I have been afflicted fr. ro My birth is ith steatite in its worst .forat, and nnw, after twenty years' trial, and air untold of amount of suffering,. bare been completely cured in a Tear weeks by your Pills. Witte what feelings of irtjoiring I write• can only , be imagined when you reehte what I have suffered, and how long. - . 1 ." Never until now have. T been free from this loathsome disease in some shape. Ar times It attat kid my eyes. arsi '• - Made rue almost blind, lksitles the imendurat le ; GrimmeS it settled in the sap of my head, and ry hair, and has kept me pattty bald nil nip days; oar. times Weenie one iti•my.face, anti kept it Inc months a raw save. Mum! tooe'ueeks ;U atto I 'commenced taking your Ca, hl nowau eutirel) tree from the cotnitiaitit. Illy eyes are licit, nt) skin is a, aml t hair las nt, ' tnenced a healthy groveli; all o ir f which oy makes . me feel already.a new perii.o. o Hoping stalcasel I Information that shall Jr sentiment of gratitude, it may tag the means of conveying good to tilliel 1 ant, with net" :Your; &e. . itAltiA IttCliF.R." - Lbove named -Maria flicker fti.r.. atrolvt:t is sten tle ttl,e. •*.: ANDIIIIW J. tdl'.24:llVr, Overseer of the ort,tvt.vtli tqativiacturitql , t:.• •• -Cart. J(tPl. PR .V11' ; .f the ship - Mation, lira:es . Cron. f Bordoil,2oili April; I: ,-I t . . f" Your Pith. have tarns me Cr,,, it hil,, tit. attack'!'l ~'. 'arose from derangement, id 11:e I..ver. o Iti , h I,J Ler , .•l ---,„ very aerion.. I had l'aulett vt revtri:t't 1•y ii li' •••' ' 'arid from every prittell)i 1 Ctilitil tea ; Wit it Irk,: il• •ii:-, , • .-.. youe-Eith. have .e.• .thpli 11, re-toad tie 'to i•, ii lilt.l tt , • • gtveri them. to Iny chit riii , giZt. woriii.;••il I:i •Le i . .,: .. feet,. l'itey„were limn illy 'cured. I ree,11,1v..r.,!.... , 1. - to a' friend hie.etorivettees, winch 1,114. m •ibt..‘i t.. • months,. he told'mt hi a few days thes 1,4 cot. I ~ : -. Wit make the best niedicitie in the worril ; ay.! 1 aiii :,. , to lay ea" • ' I'''. •. Read this from the distputiti;hed Soliciter of the Fitirer:s - . • ',Court, whose brittiatid abil.ties„, have made l,:ni Wei. known, not only in tiiis bit the tieirj.horitia State,. . .._ i "..Vrto Wean., .54k ..7,-nii, 1i..5.1. • ''"sir: I hare grea t e.ntiefaction In AS•ttrtrtg :oiu that myself and family tiilVti been vety nowli hauctited 11 3 ~.,... Medicines. My its ife was cured, two a vita since of A ..,_ ' 'ere and daneerorta qough, by your entail , Paz:1, , e...i..,• and shire then Imp eiloyerl-pertiet health. My eh,: h:en--,,.. hate eeveral times belt' cured from attack. of ths tne t itii7.l and Comp, by ii. It is an it:val.:able reintd) f-r tfieve:N.ltiplaints. Yltir C4TH aerie. Pitts late entirely, cured me from., a ily pewia and ccetivenes.' is Lich ; hrd. grown upon trie for Game year,, — indeed, this ei.re id =VII lat,,re importaitll front the tart that I Oil 'fai . .t.it to. • get relic( from the hebt l'hyniciain , which thi, seiti...l of the country affords, alid from any of the numerous reme dies I had taken. ' t . • • ' 0 You seem to us, porter, like a providential Mewing. - to our Illntily, and yid! may well suppose we ate mt ear mindful of it. lours ret.peetfriq, 1.E.A.V1 7 TIIAXTC.P..." . t .'. ° &gate Ch w, Mie,.lrri!s o :, Mt. . z " the.. J. C'. Aimi + 11,•n0t, ,, 1 sir: -I haw. mark , a th , r• one: trial of the CA:ritserie rut u; loft rue t r y a. ilt , pretit. and have been cured: l l , y them (tithe theadnilllnr-duo. , ivn, order A hich he foland rote mget:Mg. l'he tit t d._..e. , r,.... re lin tli e r. d ved to t e l;e a dt. l ea l se f,t " I f k e n e l l ' L ' i l gt v' t t er d h ' e e al ' ; ii ii ! ' ; ~ ..i t e ::: 1" f. ) r prime years before, which I attribute ettli:coy t r yin: ~:n.:;:, of yeur Cernserto Isms. Your. with great reepret, . I.CCII.":•3 It. ME..TC.U.F." . The abcx e are all mm per. - us old. errpul.li,•) I:.own !where they reside; nd who wor.lll oot ina'..,e flee :Prepared b DE. T.C. AYER-ec. CO oate. - - mem+ without a the rough Vricicthm that tl , cy VcCatt . t:ns. :Pr . . Yrsetieal ata LAftlytical Chemists, Lr.rell, 7- I .r :1 33. ! ."I have known ib • be childhood, aid I,cr • _ NEW GOODS CHEAP • ' i , • AT .W. ..110TT'S - JLIST received. lot of New . Goode;_such as. De ;J 'Leiner , . De Anus, Pararnettes, Pereian, Al.i paces, Giughantad Merinos. Prints,- and ShewN in fact a generalssortrnent of Dry Moods whit{( wiltbe sold low WANTED—S cks, Eggs, ' - ' • .'; il Butter,Lard t Cheese; Flertnel,.&c., any quantity in exchange for Goori at cash prices. . r C. W.-MOTT. i Moutrose.Sept.l 1555. V. " ' I- . Fresh Arrit l. fal or New Goody ai l " DICKFRM!tNS & GARRATT'S 1 •. I i Miff. subscribers would respectfully inforin Jclll3 good . prople of Susquel,nna Co. thid they are now opening their stock of Fall add Winter Goods Ivhich is unusually large and 41 7 1 1 tractive all of which wi ll be sold for • cash _hr approved credi cheaper than can be bought .ht any other establishnicnt in the county Wa mean just whit we sp. Please give us a trial. DK:KERMAN 4. GARRATT'Si New Milford, Sept. 18th, 1855. ' • . CUT Nails; and Spikes.—lloontoe, Par' er V Mills and Old C9lnny, at 1.: . 1 PIIYFE & :KNOWL:IOS*:. : r- BinghnintoNov., 1855. . f, pAILASOLp—Latest sty leg at C. W. MOTT'4 Ane 13. ust Recei*ed. , -- • Newl,atoif Boots and Leather,' and for italo 1. - .1 ebesperjthatt ever by ! J. A. & J. R. Astu,Ey. ,Brooklys,4)ea. 5. 1855. ..r. ANEW ISIIPPLY, of Groceries, Dings , Paints, 914, Glass, materials for 41Its, At • TURRELLIS. Jun. 10, 456. I : :e D ce ß ,it o ,oad Cloth Capti. for 3 Nhillirk.. a BELL. & TINGLEY. All HOl`rlE A GAIN. • • I . : Persevcrcii4chus triumphed over every ribsta-. .1, •. . :de ! • ' - ' d.Notwilluitgding a.destructive fire, an qxten 'sive log's, and a ten I nontil•s lf ,j e k nois g4 - ! ABEL TURRELL,. - ..':, .: :1-List eetrpltteo his-New Brick. Store : .(lnillt'up: on the same ground 00.131,44 .by- his fiorinor ,Store, thatlwas consumed by fire, and 1;n : the :lNew Bricl4.l3loeti* intr . , which he has refnoved I him . stock qf goody, where he will witri plfrasure ' wait upon {patrons. ' An entirely new atrO.xten -1 sive assoitiment of goods will soon bo, - Acted , to the preselit stock.. l'llatronage of tint pub. licis solietted, with thM assurance that 1110 inter est of pur d hasers shall be. protnotql. - : i,. --. , Montro.e, Jan. 24, 1856. - ~ . „_. NEV ADVERTISEMENTS . i Foupsimitz, SMITH' &•CO., wyld ro. spieu t fulry . inform the public :bat the havo purchase(' the interest in the sa&die and artless Business of A. & E. Baldwin. We hope by strict, attcntionlto business to recerre our a oof Public pakronage. Constwitly on hand, addles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunks, Vali es, Ste. Carriage iTrialing in all of its branches will be nearly dr to order, on reasonable. tertqs. Shop o. 2, Searles Basement. .., 4 ROHM& S.MITII 4C°. r . FO Montrhse, Jan. 1, 1 i . . 856. - . . • L NOTICE. ' . - , T '4 • iIE otes and nee:Giants of E e TAny are ip thel linds'of a. 0.1111 es; sit:: fey settle: went. All persons interested ore _regtipsted to attitatO the enine•without`delSf.: _,. : . ' i' " - V. A. SMITH,- teot4i:tiee , . I. -• . C. - 14.GERE:4 of Linsey,. Brootlyn, March ]8, , 1856....:' : 'Sloan (foram 'To - Rstrr,—.Te one - formerly E neenpled.by E. Tiffsny in Broohlyz. nquire on thelremisea or of • , .L. A. SMITH, 4 = r ---- ' - '' C. BLERR. March •, tt, 1e56.-3w* -i: .. Al ; IC „ , I i • an, now Thyself." .- - 1 Stares: Sts`es: : -c: . An ipraltraL I: 23 iok fur i/il cent t.-•••Ecerj family al.owld ; TIP , I , ail ....; 5t1...,0', ,ster ',Vi kilt., to eal( '' hares copy , s • I . . t hist triends and thi; !labile. ti ,j a 0 . - 104)0 0 COP/ES SOLD IR l • • ,': \ k__. k ! . bgi .. ;;',/ I.F.SS'r tIA N- A FEAT ' i aakior/r/i/ of ..`:; ;c .'l . ,n,t-k•Illy • r4;,7.5 editinis , re;ise It ;rid * cei ito;',.°Z STOVES, •:-l'tt- yro ' 4 / -*Wit tattled., . 4 1 ~, ,„. ~ ~ -, ~ i at L i s iliTZ l 1 ?i,o . re sl ioloin it .i i Lodi ..... 9- . , •ovirr - Dr. Hunter's utt,t,ea ~.n i tpual :: 4 a,.. ,fi, ie . - / ::: aUft Ilan d ituourortneatuleted— i •S. --- tesrn s —tore, .tn... near e , .........p. AaNcipe -; ~,.....: tl i O n n t r a rov i n I a: o n r o t r a t t l iti l %e n ° , l a t n h a tt e o u r I. 1 DCP OLI HP has in addit ion to lil ,-,, , .---",7-- • ,\ 2 , ' ' re- vnriety of Cooking and Parlor St'. , ~,,,, 1 ~,i,,1 5 0 ,..,.. ea ~ e •ery form of disease co p. ~., ~ , ' '''• `l ` " 'treated lay promiseuuuss eine ratterps, some of which are I i n t,treolarte bY telt iffitirteer by sexualexcese,wlth advice f 4V'ehOta*, Peach Dreincls;', for t heirprprentdon.weittrnin a rarnitisr•ityte, arniding fstfarn Trpy, Mohawk, i all medicaltechideallties, end overytliinethatwonld offend Blnek Warrior, Orient; 1 th e ear otdecericy ; with an oillthle of complaint sineident , . ', F ,, ff St ove, t , romat es, fr ovrt the result of surru'twen ty yea ra• success. Wlil • e I ' ' ' N1 1 „,..,, t i c e exclusively devoted toile cure o fdleenserof a II together with his former &Beate cr private nature. perhaps the most extensivelind vi To which I e added recelp t r ter the cure oftheabey e die- of well selected' Stoves in the CI eager , , and n treatise on the eausee ,sympt ems anda uze of *** :Clinton Stoves'welifOrnis the Fever and Ague. - r_ i i- All articles in his lino Te.slimony ofpe ProfeesororObstetriesi n Pe.nn. College, made to ortlerlis - osual, andnrdti plaiampida-vnit.ituNrztt,s 31EDICAl. lAlitiAL," -The anther oi this work .unllkethe ma lority.of those 1d stnnd in Great Bend I • who advertleaCp cure the diem' tics of Which it instals a„• i era d na te csf . e , un of the hest Collegesln the UnltedStatea. • 301 It Lodersville & great Bend rsl . 4, It attorde me pleasure to recommend him to the unfort,u= nat e, or to theivetitir ofmnlpractiee,st a auceessfal en d i exp-rlenced peartltioner.in whose honor and, ntegrity they may pleav the greatest ennildPliCe. • JOs. S. L0N031108.F., SI D. From A. Woodwa rd, M. D.,of Penn .Uni eer sa y , Phila. del 0 a —lt err me pleasure to add my a t to the MAN profeasionalahility of the Author or the" Monte/L t. uAL.. ' ,I , : ymetoutt cases of Disearm ofrhe GenitatOrgens, acme of theta of longstanding, have come under My no tice.ln which skill has been manifest in restortng to perfect heal till hit in 'tome eases where the patient has been cconsddered beyond medical aid. In the treatment ofSem 'Mal weakness, or disarrangement cattle functions pro duced by + elf Owe or Exeeas of venety. I do not know hit r-tper:or its the profersion. I - liare been 'acquainted with the Author some thirty years. and deerni t no more thatiju'atice td him as welt as kindness to the unfortunate '•lerinvof earliindiacretion, to recommend. Lim as one in wltn+e professonal skill and Integrity they may safely confide theme Ives. ALFRED W O °DWARF ) Off . D.' 1 • ' Thiel.. w tiont exception, the most eompreLenAve • and intelligible work published on the class of disease .of which lt treatll• Avoiding all technical term' , .1 t address etOt eel fto thdrestaian ofi ts rea term It la fr,-,e from all objectionable lmat ier. and no parent however faxtldioua, ran object to ni,ing. it In the hands of hi, sone. The au thor has devoted inane years to the treatment otthe Trui sms romplainte sreate I of. and. with too littlebreath to puff and tnolittle pr - --unintion to impose. he has nffered rn the world, at th , merely nominal prier n 125 cent+, t he fruit of some;twent3 years' moat anccessfui p ea ttice.- 11,-rol l. . "so teachisir or parent rhouldbe srithunt the rnowledge iniparted ir t Maintainable work. Tt wont•l ...ire years of pain.mortilleirlon and-avow to the youth under their elle , ge "-2-PrOr le• * .1•i eorc , te . . A Pined. , terian eters:3 man In Milo, scritirg 0 E. , 'Hun. ter's l ie iir'il licitly!" ~ aye :-“Tlinticints until thous ands et our yet nth. he evil,tsample ant : i t il.tenee et the pas4ens.liss.# _been e I into the troit of .e' r pot itt tea. .a:t him! r..allalnc:ll-. sin, eind fearful emvte in , .neer. up tn. themselves and their twit orgy . ph”, .n.tl'lttion,tatitot;s -ant. a.ooreerti-ingfamlllt•A have been enfe,biecl, if not , broken down, the pith' ir mitl.l its loeheek.and ultvnatele to r. mos...till. wi.1..-..pl ee , l lll‘nren nflorman wretehednesa, would ennfer . the Trent rat Ito...inc. Ilex ttn the r,licion of .le.tts tlllrit.t. no the pt., .ent and • I ❑Crtr z,netation. intemper meet et th;“1 e e ,, nt.taleatin a drink.) thench it has slatethotts meta ages a:oil..an (I. , i• net a .erea ter .d Co tIrl: , 4a the hit rn 1, -lee At..., pt vac 011W:a no he‘a tlf o , the 11111 , 1 ed. yr ,. helievelhe.yeur ea-svort erin the goori wort von are s e, 'to:, I) VOGaßeakr.." On .Ij , " ar.` , t-ety • t eeletle , l) trill he rarsrarct• 1.1 - r et sf pea a•te to 1".1v part efitte l'elte I State. for 2i-eats 0r ItitC. ,, .iy.foT2:4l. I 1 leo". (p,l%t paid) CO.SDEN & t 0., p a ,:1.11 r- .•1r tens 1 11 Phi vieloitia. - - r• Ite..lssi ".. rs,rtnrassets and Book .A.; . ent • 2.sl4ylanlied 01 , I -mas t . li!It . 111.: t .1..11A. ::i . • 7limz' I t ' , v ANA ..k. WAT50N,N0....2.6 it' '--- - 4 - , ,.nth Fourth <1 • Pil PIO. r • .....1,4••• , . t; RE A C FIRE.I..CII ES rN fir r : i llsta .” - 1 / 4 FIFTH sts., Friday utorniti:s. 1., ••,,..........-- • • I,.oettilier 15113, P.:5 4. Evans &.. ..4-,:,,:i:T . i . t . 11 . 7ttsott's tial.tiluitir.r Safes tri nalpitunO, us they always ;ire when Nit to Ho- test . ~.1 1'ik.11..V.) 1.1411 A . 1 1, •C 1:. 1:.'..1-4. Nlessris Evans & ttiatson, No. VI Sooth Fourth St., Philadelphia... . • , . t ,;,,.... : ,4 1 . 1 ,,, u t -, ! , ;; __. We take ri t tielt illeastiro II rac --olniiieliditig your Salamander dales to il•rehailis. aiirilithers in want of n sec lII* •11r;.Lit, of iir..s-rvititt their ff . ol? . rif, riptrs, &c-.,from fire. :I,i•t'l. :lie we purchased-from you about seven iii , iiiihs -, lice 11:. , ' pre:lrsed otir,hooks, and cash-in us g•Hi a colon., tionias they were vvlieu put into it.'h'+ lop. t he v entfire this morning.. .which destroyed the ..a tire!blockolbuildiu ;IF do'rner of (Theo nut :,,, e d F,fo i above as-t • . n . 'strets , The w use Ili our 0110. , ..0n tilt' second lloo,r of our building,Jraiii which. ill ice , . .. it tell into the cellar and remained-there until the iii . 54: trtls.nnt.: The _Safe was thetirv:inoved and . 11 Now Line of Mail Stn "Ts ~..., I n r pned in th'e presence of at, least 100t1 persons, i :i. . „, , , , 4ct witnessed th e. cella coudition of the cOntruts. 1. 1 ri....,1 • • • • Will -y.„ pleas have the Safe and Locks repaired !I • - ;; ; .r/,,, - ,.. ~ - ~..4----....,. . , ei:,,). ,M. , ti, • ...,' i is we intend to prit it in use acain,.heving perfect' ' , j A.L.,,, 5 _-•,. ;; _i,,,\_, J ,41,:7 7 .,.,--,-,,,,-,4 - .' groiiiidenee in its fire-proof qualities. , . 1 .0.-iT:;....N. - .....-:. ' ii. >•./ - --- -.1-'‘P'rc - -..f se Yours, 'ltespeetfully, • . - ~ ,.....t.4. ..... ~ .. --7-;..'_.l -'l-- - 1%'.. - r,r1.'1 6 , LACEY & PHILLIPS. , ~ .E.-s,, -.'. 1 ',,..--: ,•• — 'n-, , i tA121 . 1 1 r t vatie and Wali3OU rake pleasure iu referring to ; a ' ; " 1 "' ; ',"'"" l ''''''., -: - - 4 - "--. 4 . 1 .-•--" , 1 . • , 1 '"" :the foliowing, among the istittnu a dre4s who have : :.1 I KIRKWOOD . TO IfilOP T ORP `their sais in use:—U. S. Milk; Philada.; Farmers !, 1 1 . 1.4 k. 4 /.. 1... xi . S . T t t A ' , I.F. Will.tea44kklVOLL,paSAlF elirkm) Co. and Mechanics' l?tnk, Philaila.,; Samuel Alien; 1.11 1 ES4.,,ltigh sheriff_ Phila.; John N. llen , lerson, I •ille,Liberty,tl.e.;er.lry morningafterthearrt- Ali:I - the %tail ['tales ti ftlairr• I ,L±4l - 11 East and IV•iA,reach. 1 • City Controller; Carel) Cope 4 co., No. 11-1 gat. 11 ,evion trost. at 1 P. 31. I- • 1 ket St ; Richar,d Norris and Son, Locomotive buil. 4.1 I ' ders, Philatia.;:ilo.tic:roft and Sellers,; '3l.tchinit , tii t 1 RETU'RN - IN G -' 1! ! • corner IGth and Jaime Sts.; Franklin Fire 'usu.. r 1 LeaveNtontrosedsliyAuadiysexeepted ., at 2 rt rance Co., Phila.; rennin Railroad Co., Pltilada.; : i f l , e a a r e t, L b ingt E r a k s AN t .o . o . '4,, d in iv r e t . ort t . . ; 0 1 t a , k h e , t ho A at:Tr a il na e t t I;o6ey & Phillips, coiner sth and Minor Streetsi, ` I. feasible routi. t oreach the l'.it!‘el g ork a - nl e t ' : ' e r i e :::Tl 3 lroa m ir Sharpter.s Bro.. N 0.32 south '2d St.; .James, Kelit i I Thistle& ntersectratr-vrecti4)lina for DinirebStiringr aild 'Santee, Nu. 147 North Third Street; W. !Li Tine, l'Unkhannock , Wyornin.3l. : , nd.tv'i 1 k•esbarr ‘ e which Iforts.nran and Sons, N 0.51 North 3d Sti- Smith,l it .7. .r . smozi e r n os: i a l n t 7 0: t e.. ‘ PkZe .7 l Y s t i l l lic n a L a * l . w e irl d a '' a u o d u Wiliiama C. Co.;-No. 8,7 Market St.;J.& B.Orne,',. lil ; Te ant Y . ; ell c cinfor table Ofirr is ge , a're ' p r 7o:- T irkil _ ; ' T.: I d ... I ; he \o. IS3-Chestnut St. i t ' _-Ii rrepriet orsuill , p are no¢iiiu dt e 2 t , eorn ntrtlut I t ti, Pub- A large assorfinent'o the above - Safes alwaysoro, tie. . ~ 12,1i51. t lt! K. HATCH ' hand (warranted to stand 10 per cent. mere firel I r:e., 1 1 TlOtt G.V>: a.lir Es r : 1 than any Ilerrines Safe now in use.) EVANS atl - WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale,f; Iron Shutters. Iron Doors and Iron Sosh, for mak.dl ing fire , proof Vaults for Banks, Stores, public andli private buildings. Seal and Letter Copyin Press-. 11 les; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators, sic. Pleacil • give ,• us a call, kt No. 26 South Fourth St., Phila;l', deli ite-y1 11 • ' .NEW GOODS.„. - vi-C MILLAN & PARK return their , 77atc.fu' I .111.. acknowledgments to the public for:past fa: vors, and invite attention to the Very largestoc of Spring and Summer Goods they are 9ow re ceiving, and offer for:sale at eery low paces. I addition to•their usual assortment of staple 'Di I Goods, Groceries, Hardware, ,Crockery,liVaint,l and Ols &c., they are prepared to exhibit ;laro . L4 1 • bli assortment of . 1 ji LADIES •DRESS GOODS or evely description, Figured, Plaid and Plai' , 1 1 ' Silks; Bonn'eta,Shawls, Ribbons, Gloves, liosieOlr Ladies and Misses -shoe% of all kinds—alata!al 1 largo stock of . • ' - • .:Ji , 1 • READi' MADE CLOTHING, i Cloths, Cassitneres, Tweeds . ; jeans, Sutnmer Cloths, •Vestings, Hatt - and Caps, Boots and. Shoes .&c. &c. They respectfully solicit . an early can frOnt those oho wish to purchttse GOOD GpODS .11' i Low'Pracrs. ' ; 51011LLAN & PAILKI . I: . 'Springville, May 2, 104. , NEW STORE, • : , am - r> littyme A GENERAL assortment of-Staple ;Ind Fano , Glldds,Greeeries, flerthyare, Hats, GiOs !loots rind Shoes,Wall Paper, Drugs, - Dye Stao, Paints a rat &e., which will be sold as elMap as-the cheapest toiCash or approved credit • . -M. JUNE* I •• . ll 41 arfori Jone 155. . , BLACK Cr() de Rhine Silk of excellent c.,onti - . th. 4 at 11.,,11. JONES', 1 • , June 1 1855. . ' '• . i' 17-i -11,111tOCIIIA and Cashmere tihmilsotallprli;.e% JLP alsn a few Mantillas by - 11. M. JONES. [ - June 1,1855,. : -il I • 1 13, 4ADY , bil . ade Clothing, itt luw prices, by ; : June I, 1855.. : , I AVMS will. find great variety of ilonnot LA and Ribbons at H. • ' 1 - 1; JONtS.'.I Igoe 1, ' . . 11 AWNS, Challis, Barge do Lains aw O l ng. L haw at.. 11. M. JON EBT'i Joao 1, 1855. IIBROIDEAIES and Window Drapert; at E • H. 'SI.JONS'L shine l; . 1855. • . . . good thottinont of Boota and Shoe9iit 11. JONISI. Jane 1,1856: QTXTEEN - dood Mackerel for niie 0 14r in vi.4liby i H. M. JONE S . Junes I. * T l }fl , t belt it slily °flies at 5 ct'a per ou.nd, for sale by ' JOB; ER'l. June - t 1855; , ," „Oliver - Seed:, OF the LLRGEST Ktirt! 'and Timothii sale by ' BUn New ilfeid, Matroti 11, 18545. IitOWARD ASSOCIATION, ,II Important: Atiplouttcenlent. . - I - 1— • - . , 40411.00TROTAAMICAP..1 11.111 sexual diseases, such' as .L litemintil Weakness. Impettince,Aonnorhcen fl feet, Syphilis..ke.,&c. The Howard ;Associntien of. ihiladel-. phia.lim view of the awful.lectruetietf. of human life and health, caused by sexual disenses4and the deceptions which are practiced upon the unfortunate victims Drench .. direfi , esby Quacks , have .lireetvid thiir cons tilting surgeon M a Pharitable Act worthy of their ?time. to give Medical Adile i e Gratis, to all persons thns afflicted, (Male of Fe male;),k c.,and in eases of extreme poverty and inhering .to Fttrril..ll Medicines Preeof Cliargel. . Thd llewArd Association's a hefferblent Inltitution. es tabli,llicii by sfienial eminwment .for the reli6f r.f the nick and distresse'd, afflicted with" !Virulent:ma Ephlctuie Die easel," and its funds ran he ;tied Pir no other purpose..— . It hal. now keurpins of means,WhlCh the Directors have raft ! '" to advert Ise the above tidtfce.l It is neelless to, rind that` tic Association cornmautH the ;highest : . .le.lical skill of the age, and will furnish the nuls t .opproved modern treatment. Valuable adyice giy en t 0 sick and - nervous te rmites. offlictkl filth abdoininsi weakness, Womb COM ! plaint. Costiveness - . Leu,corrhern Al . . . Adlress . ( post-paid.) Dr. (len. h. ;Calhoun. Consulting glorri•ert. 'loWall Issociationi'No. i South. Ninthitreet, Phireltltio . Pa. I • . . ' • 11. osier of the Directors, . . 110 '. Fa fartu.n.SP.Zit n D. ILEA lITITELL,Presiden t . (Ito'. l . 22yl ' . _ . ii _ BALDWIN & bERKINS ' : ' Iyhol,sale and Itetait tlr,:ileillin Flom r, srdt , Pork ; 31:tio.I,Grain. Fred .1 . : : 111,1 1 .45, tiiidsoinr.snft P t t pack. , iiniiPork. Cash paid ri.•l:oa t-sAlvi 2 and Mrat. - Oil 01,1eFlitit. Stria.t.—Bils.triid,.o:l,yoyrs &,Ch an distitore ,NI on t rose Pn:l I ' .I;T,F '4 ED 4 1 ; 1 - ..1) W i .ti . . - ..- Si 1... I.i.i l' Elit K. 1. i''s: S. • : 1 : ~ lo ntrotte Oct 30. - 1.;:t." , -L-41. 1 CC SIRPETS AND OIL CLOTHS.. - 1 f t 11.:,:lti: PELT t.vtittl , i c iii I he' nittqit',ion ot • A . ow plibliti to hi; I:tr;zel4rtel: of 1", rt.,- Phi. .14 . rain . rrti. ,i. r,ip.s. tri, ; ,.... rid, ilrt:: , .. k,..'s C•,ritt•t-. iniizt :chit he ha'. just - pnreloo-t4 :0 A l'eTPri— tt..n?-1 ofrers at lower priti... tlitn• ever idri , ri'd !•; :fore in tilt- ct•u - n:Ty. a tolla I .1r.;2..t1 variety. filliNr t i bli sliae i o n... Carpet. ilt•toto 04..ytilivin:: t.ltr - it.to.toi th:iiir of ki-t Croeli.-ry :troll floor-e Furni-0011!! shire. Cume and lw ;totivinded tlir.t there is 'rot I ri l ecasity - lot' bare floors.: 1 . .. I • 1;1 71in Illarnt an. nth . 51i.:4.. 1 55 ! 37.1“.... .1 !.3 ?I i !z:li!iN k):!;':101. , Cfn- !•41,4r : tit 1.- Ijlrtir.: - .1:1. Ca rut Iy, lit t i:eis - 33iiim741. 't -1111: . F: 'All AN . & G tlill Err Are '..!ivin . g' 1..- 1 . , p , eial :At/ll:thin tl - tilt, itnnro'vernent., eon ,. tYpp•att..l in th': 11 oint l y. . tlio comeina s.insolt. ;:(id n:,tv ofal , r a 11..-Ipina , l l l - 1 vy. In; ; I:4•-viu'r. wtn , sinntly i'l.r sa!e a laro , •. uanitilv ot NVintiow stn , h 140 gia-is Winds,. iloor, NlA's. Paint. anti ()N. I:in 1 a conip; , •to ri..sort.t . ieni of bniit•lorn lined . Vii'ar , .. ttz.i.. 'Phiwte m,in•- , -14.. put up 1-I(mzes in I cit. :ipi - inf - r will liriti it fur tiwic intion”.t. to triv.• ii 4, :I ..qlll. - We can fitrni-ili evil , rv- - thin - yr yon W ,, nt anti aLtin. .vory In•Ye4 mlniiltet tiring pri. i4s. , . DICKE VI . 1 0'. .4,:,' GARRATT. . !II Now Milforti,,FCl).B'r 18,f34. . . . Attention at Eoiue. . , • . TIM lIINDERNI.G.NED would respect: fally inform lh citizenswit •of Dim and the surrounding coun, i- ry, that he has opened a store at Dimoek- four corners, Where he. Intends keeping col - pi:antiy or„.harid a good and . well se lected assortment of Dry Ooods,•:Grocerics, Hard Ware, Crockery, and all I,itais t'f Merchandise, usually kept in a e.ountryi store. whic i li : he will sell 'as low,if not lower, :Han r.nyoth,.r egtabiish merit, in Northern Pnnsilvania, Montrwv .not ; 1 . excepted. Gentlem n :Ind Ladies give me a 'call, and examine, myl Ocplt - of .Goods, ,•and my prie6s. You will faye ati least ...-o t i l e miles t ra y., el and perhaps from tett to fifteen cent's on ev., ery dollar you pay oat. A good assortment of Ready Made clothing kept constantly on hand, All kinds: of County pry duce thki:n.in e . xebange for Goods at the Markttipriee. • • H • iNVII. 11. TIIAYER. Dimoek, Jan. 15, 18561—y1. ' . LOOK HERE. • 1 .POCKET KNIVES. 1 A moil as•snrttnent'nl tIIN hest: kind in market. Also •Table K hives and Ferlis,* • . . Srociss.--StLvErt.. lir ed,Gernnin Silver., •Alluata :Ind Britaniii-warn Spdons: Also all kinds of ButterEn*.. • Vzot.tzq Srums, and all tho. fixtures, Violins. Aveordeons Tuninu• I , '() ; 4k. &e. 'num Iminza., Pinta, C4ntpliene, Candles., Lamp Oil. &e. a' , . FAMILY GnocEntt.s.—A, full ortment, nen I 1 .- 1 anti good. . . " • DIIIIGS AND I'ATFIN't :4 EDICINESei--A first ratt • ngsurtment .inil mon/tine, . . ' - I - N O isi's AND n.s —A 'Tenera I asssortment,- ant. • • lof good quality. —. t - * i 1 JEwEr.ity:—A apienclia variety, of the neatest t patorns. . 't • . . FANCY Goons:.—Nearly everything in this branoh. l'enytntritr.--A elini!-tosaripty.• (Now supplie4.reeeivfid nearly eve, y; week.) Tn short, noarlv ovt?rtithint; persons - t . ttnt, and. cheap, at the variety stti,re . of ..• - - 1 Monttnso Jan. 10. 1856. DISSOLUTION. , . rirt,lll Caplrtne . rAlq heretofore ezisting. be, —ll-. I,ween E. Patrick jr., and G. Z. Dintork• is: tlii4 day rik.kalv . ed In 4 mutual consent. Tim book:4 aft.; left in the'tol-44 or Dr. l'atrielc, and D. D. Searle Si autherited to eiblteet ',raid si•ttle th'i mieotinte. 1 E. lATRICK.- - JR., , . .1 . G. Z. 1)11jOCK. Ifoutroge,Ta„ Inn: 1 , 1866. SASH, BLI. 'D, DOOR, A D GLASS DIGI'Gt, GIN CIIESTI%IIT ST., Peititta, ' BY. D. BitEWST.R. • All, sizes and desermtions, in any quantity, tnado4o‘order, or furnished on the shortest no ties. • ' . -HAYDEN 'BROTHERS, - ,_ , , New :11111'0A, Penn'a. WillOLESitilp Denlerli" in Digt , :ins, Comb% 8a enders. ' Threads, rims" ; / Goods, Watch - P:4.r Jewelry, Silver - stnd Plated , Ware, eutlery,,Fiqhinv Taykle, attars, Ate., &e. Itteranalpi.and Peddleris "inpliliell An lltnrall WM.IIAiDE24, JOHN HAYDEN, 1 i __.„ . .T 0 T - lIE. PI:1314: , 7.g T I : : • ffbt.tatvit-ciff fi - 4.611,i15 . clillskato • I_ titts-k oi GOt T. Asiti.v.se, tire tirepure4 t. 6 sea for only,a - ' • • • • VERY FINE ASSORTMEN' DRY- GOODS, --- • - • - GROCERIFS • • CROCKERY, • . ' • • . BARDWAKE, • • • PERFUMERY,' YANKEE NOTION S;, 1110 N AND NAILS,' - BOOTS AN!) SI4OI • FLOUR AN 9, • SOLE. AND UPPER LEATI &e., Sze.; At such 'Price* infamy think) eanno entire salisfaction to all .who mak.' • with their rlittronnge. . -.; ,Alt kinds of produce . taken . in • . • ~ 1 . he , pottontionl t 14:1 .cry' laigti '. Ltzt to Gre:it fiend is former large • l oves, maey 'Sew l lee MedrUitm, , Oak; . stock - will be tlried assortment onntv. ed at low prices.. I , pt on !land - and rm received at his COLSTEN'. gOodh. J. A. & J. R Ilrooklyn, Nor. 15, 1855. Great Exhibition in Spitngvillo 13. EAT AND RARE ExiiiiilTKA .OF Ur FOREIGN .AND DomEsT i tc• GOODS, of almost . every, style and quality, such as will be sure to please and aeetimmodate till, classes of people—from the child in•the crane to. the old and decrepit.. These goods are bimeht on the moist favorable terms, and Will be aidd aceording 7 • - Please gtye us a 'call and we 11;1 ply ill your „syants in, the line oflt kept in a country store. You n New York f,:r any thint! you %Yak have them fresh . from the city. • -.- SCOTT, Spring illc, Pa 4 . - May t 3, 13.55 - NEW, STOVE' DURRETT - has now in starll ing a largo stock of New. Sti the Star uftht West and National Bind: Rover. Wide . % Vorlfj and ,1 Oven. to whiCh be won incite romti :I the best Cookin. , St ov - esin mat! periora,4sortment of l',..krlor,Qtficel for Wood or :itove Piny Iron. Stove . ; 'rubt , s, • ThiN 82014: sele'ct..4l from th. of Alhttny for extl: with: tv of Trlmmini r r:: or ! !er tr.oic. which IA c0..,1,!0 him in'ati competition and. soil at tt l iiricos for cash or aprvoved credit: NoW Milt; of., Oct, 1855. , . Now, Goods ClAoap ( - 1 NV; :s just siti.k • N VAV G6.4.1A, rowli Cid Ba , r4 n. (it[[ ,La Lox ns. &v.'. oFFErti Ni/:t p ,t!t•tit. yl ItL an: 1.:BL. 8/ - 1, as the In est, r-jo.t reeeivin•_! their Fail :it'll I. V ci l thee tees . offerinv fur 5,1 h. at ,ny 1. sl OA. ,••e4.•Vot ~sevotplete ns lti generally fti Stores. • ' . • thrforil A.TURRELL Auditor's.' OtiCO. " ' 4: - ' - ; 1 -V, d. la ANT....—To 8;30 i 'the Webb', Ik ea. Ma• - ho andneignihi having I eta appiiinted;hY Ihr , rhilie* for a •Rntiry. Planing-Ton guing : ' Orph•in*,Cllllll, 01.81144 nelitirik.4.o4lA.Y. An l and Grooving 111!.athiee,, r hoer& and, plank,un 2S4idifor,to distributa thr IfittO* irt h e hitudg • a :thj r , f it' iv,ifemveNtpnt.. A tiin .: jhi attachment Ow Aliministrator.of the gi,tiatvnf,../fle,liiiich•r, Mir- of Ow ltouldhiti - Michitio;,?ivtiloli 411 wad! li.. p - ,; r 4 ( " 7 „ 1 . 10 ,1, Will attend ti):,thn' - .Ailth;s' nt hial wbola boattU-ititn:inotkittingtt at "onis Operation , - - sa id e ppointinent at 414 iiil3 :0 . , ptitiviltiy &:Fit,!.!h:l This ia;titt has bean tried:' and !lidded 'in till ' in Montrose . on, TuetlaiifitiOtit o,l;*f •Ma rvh Supreme. Courtin-" te Wirhinistoe-- b e no. in. nex t. e t 2 ()Wank in itto isitte'rniiiot, *C.*ihiph 'cringetnent,Aniing spperl44*-WortOporttei *2- , s ti e ra nt e a ti n te d ir PlA ttitn a ti ll :lten 11 1h i ir k ii n ti L ft e ri t k d ritc w 6r lil. barred Pre. ehi pp ile it;;' :* tiv - 4; D. jim'is i ,.' ' icv . ) - 8t TRACY . IIAVIIE If, frcd l '‘ c : ° ,! .ll : o4 th 4°lilitkid iny l * s t li : iirg — Fl LA udt - , 1 : . ' t ' ll4 o l l,.elfth; thilideatiPh*W4Eletur-thf,;‘)ol 411 - I GEO. - HAYDE ---" '' '• -- ' :'...:.\ ' ..-- .--"'- - ----- ; '- - - 77 - • - ;' , vs .reii:of, . 0 14 14 9 11 v ,' E. ~., . 0 Ilik, AWL 1 . tiontie;Teb. ud,' t 850.-6 . , - F ' _ •' -1 , , 4463. .[side 13 G. W. S'.O.YMOUIt, t 'AAsert !mini Ct-o! %Yam. at G ORCELAIN, an!! Gru/i!L; • 13 0 0 1 . 1 t OP1IE awl Bay. :State tii,A 1:? LACK ao4tf;lr .5 :‘ild rand, at .G 1 S. & l o t De Laines, of the latest S.y!es, at /..11 • • G W.. S. & _ - LPICIIELtIOMS Dye. , : r.putairte.'s Rain of a Lipms.and flowers, and 'iirriiin,•ry at " • S.. B: Co. . , --- ATANKEE N s otions (it evvry, cartel v. at J.. • .W. S. • • • :r • GREAT ATTRAcfTIONb, AT THE P SONViLLE ..X H. 4 NGE. rIIIIIE Subseriberkls wow re-ei-ying a Well se, -.2:.-lceted.assorttnent of4)ry Goods, Groveri.-A„ 'Fish, Hardware, Crockery, Reaq-31ade . C1 „Haig, Bonnets,- (a "splendid a.:sortment,). !Nit!ls, Taints, Oils, Dye-SttitTs,Yatike,...NotitMs, in fact, almost everything usoally cal ed for at a coun try Store, including:Flour. Salt •and 1,1ea1,,a1l "of which he is desirous of selling for Cash, or kind of Farmer's- alerehantah e Produce, or on 'gnocl-approved - Short Credit. His friends are most respectfully invited to give him a call and he will satisfy them • that thil: , Exchange is the place for tlirraerat to trade. he highest price paid, in Cash for Butter, J. 1 4 Lipsonvilte,'Mayi 15,1.655. • .Public Sa rpnE subscrihr sell. Wqnesdev, the.second , 4 • on his farm in Liberty townsi property to wit • • ; • i Oue yOtto of . fotir year old 1 % Cow and Calf, seven two year! Year Units, 24 Sheep; 1 Noe, ElorAe Rake, 1-lay, Grain, Potat hold furniture, and:other thin, to mention. Al, Sums - widen t down ; over,. silt 'Months e'rel l'securitc. !i Liberty; Mare k . lB, 1856 Exeenfor's . Niitice. NOTICE is liereby . .given to . al. pelsonS demands against to 3 Estate of' Pat rie httel of Auturn, dee'd, that the same must be presented-tn the unaersicrned for arran gdment, aild'a!l . ,*rsons indebteifto' i:1 estate are reqUired to 14ake ithmedjate settlement. MARY DONLIN, AXES DONLIN • - Ma rch 19,.18.56.—Gw* " Nor . Art Refilsos . ' ' - AluOti. Oct: more - a brigitt- new -year. • .- - k With its ble-sSingS ;tad its 4 :hear, • . Wt.) have , rlLoilY ,welcopieJ,littY,-- .9 . • • Nowois • y . our ' plAgo % you. - fixL • ...• -, , •-:-.. And so eartiesity you iiiix a... 1 ~... z... . . Inthe seelys of 'filty,six' , ,-. .• ~,eitase give yoorsill,ttes, tho_pleniuro, -• : .. ' At yonr:earliust hoo k a of- leisure,_ -_ ' 01, securing such .n tres turn • . - As Deans, the'' Mou Of Fac'es," . 'lVith a sunlight pencil tract 4! --- .- - • --- - `And; to suit vtior ...0)0,4!. ~.*-r e4j.. - , .-, : .• - - . In-}.,is ifeat4 - iiii•liel cases : I)eft4 niAlill t.i-iiirro 1 - Wilit'ilot 114 1.711t1 ma l ruirow, •whi t h i, t oo witinge4 tioriottc: •• ititei,let tho Artist t .lii. , it, Ere.youth'k'warat ttlow fotaake ,, lau., .. Malt copy trnotte.li , iinitt E4you.".. -.. _ . The place . Where" this can . b i ailono - to-Perfection (No doubt yon Ilavo bean -thare before) . , .. : Ts (i'in sore yint cannot ViiStako the direction) - • At o,ld Fellow's Hall, se i cond tiotti. 1 THE MORTROSE DEMOCRAT, voiLisinv zyiwr Tutrasnia mosiNiso tf (AA' 1.4 i Oe Store 1 ,.)D:3 4,t K. r:eatly\ tt,ep.b in titivate/1,.9,00 1f . nol pule usontlis and 432,5 u, s.ttbevol. col. the year. NO pope rdiaceatinned until arrears. gos 11:.1 paid, exm;it..l, the option of the Pub 'limbers . All v ammo nieuti..Os ut ionietea am niZete :to i nsa re attention.tuust be diisicted (kit paid) to E. B. CHASE; EntToa, Montrose, B 0. , quehitnua'County; Pa. - - Mites of Advertising. . • . One s quare' (12 lines o r I es 4) 3insertioria,s3,oo Each teub,equeat insertion, . .. •• " _0,96 Onesquiere three months, . . 0,50 Om' f s lunro. sia rii‘onths, . , 4.410 , B l veinoss Cirils, feller linewor. len - 3,00 Yosriv d':ertiieneentle,neet over - 4 skuaros 1 7,00 time •,ne year',`.: • • e:'..:16X1 Ye ti iv advertisers will be reatrietea,te,the i11e5in.”4. 7 4 in wit lett they are t ngage-4 ; anti are con. '44.-r •d :15 ng ro continue aciv• rti•ing u n l ess they ah 0! rive alecialdireetli4ta for a diaeonlik. wince of the same. . . s, ER, fail ,to 'eve favos:them etiango for Sil LEY. • JOB WORK. A, ,rff" The publishers/toying added tit their Printing matPrisls a large end, superto' r‘sasort. men t of Job Type, are now prepared to execute Jib Work in a manner'uniturpsssed in this isso. • tion of country, and on , reasonable terms.- . w a nk% Areveiy description keptennstsatly , on band or printed to order. ( I 1 try to sup- GOODS ever ied not go to I, because we C 9; • ~ :-: ~ --- _~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t~x~, - BRYANT HOUSE, ! - treat_ Vend Depot,lPa: Amnia, BLi. Arr, Pioprietor. . . , - BUIL ROWS, SPROUTdc actii reri of SPsou'ra Comm zik CA iv • ittAcr. Se a tsm4,ll64fiesvilk.trcOmingto.,l4i Springs may be had of 'A. S.Wilson,Pd_oatross. 1 . and is reeeii . - , 1 v64, inelndinv 1 4evated oven. a rsgt n Large •nlar !et, with a an td sfir,i) Ntores ,- Zinc, Sheet. • Win. SMITH dc Co. cithinet and chair Manufactaris,fosot.Main. Street. )I , kiar4.)se;ra.. eat Fentultie he Lest qumiti 'or hi...pen:goo; e.:Terts to deft unmet . .recl tier C Sturgeon 'Den int, liont-cise, ra„ will - b e at . sp., rl e's [lntel, Mondays and Tuesdays °finds • NV I' e 1:. N= . • . , - - 15y1 • Drlnicis in Dry Gonda. Groceries; linrOrtre Crockery, Boids -Ad Shoes, dm, Sin Ingvi • Pa.. MEE arl i other. tut ,o 11h . .... 11 ~rife AT ,V,F. It Y 1.01: :t If- Ind ;Ix priv, SilAWi ATTouNL:v itonn 1) TrIin:CiaLOTATEO 4 7... PA. \ Deraik.r Dr s. Medir;nPN :•Z , ltfr (31:1 ,, WarA.1 3 3;fitS, Va . triisbia. Wii‘. 1 -tv (;l i 5..., Fon.q. d*, Jewilry. Pt- f toterv. - tSze..-110.Atlent for all of the oust t,pill tr Pat, ntlledicires - - w. MATT & CO-, Witit,r. SI e t atfich6ll. • 11.3.) FICWILES - ~ .3“):3 3 /11 . GROVES, . • ' ra4isionalife,Trrilor— , Short I iqtel ; Main St reet.Mnnirnse:Ps , • Chit sl)a-L, it rui 414 .e oittitr Sept.. 1855.. TORN COI:STEN;. Dr.ir", a n _<• Stoves, Tin, C: pper and :SheAtiroft ire ,f,,,iersv Me, near Gre4tßend Depot.-1 )irry and %V. &C... • . •*; A. Lathrop.: • • • DEALER :in Ready-M:4e. Clottri . tig, • Hsts . and C Bonin nii...Sinles*; Dry Ate.. Searin i s Bail; Montrose.. C. D. I.ATHEor. :Ind tirith - • . I.P. W: [A. L.erwiter_ V. S. & Co wis, all priees. W. S. & TNIIEGGIST - nnd. CITEMIST. - and Dealer ia.. Dnur; s. nec. Chetiticale, Dye Stuffs 0:1-4. Patty, Wtniio,Nk Glass, eamphine. Perfon;erv,Ynnkee . Noinnf , ats...,&e, Lqtlersvilie t • FRINKLrN FRASER, - ATTORNI:V AND C , UNSFLLon AT- LANV. Montrose Pa„ will attend Tnithtully to al! business es ' trusted t 0 hirn. irr he emaily of ..::usquehezeit, Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be done neatly, and cllarge modersii. WI I • also attiad to the prosierniion cfelsitnsofsc l. diers, their widows and heirs..gpingt the voverftment. far Bounty Lend. 'Pensions, ite. May be found at all houra.nt.tbe offlep rye' y occupied by. J. T. RiA:hard,.Esri., north of the Court Ileuse.--185-I3 . Interested - with I. L. Hunt, IMPORTER AND DEALER ;n Hardware and Cat lery; Carriage , Trimmings, springs. Ate. ' . ,Vo.. 21 5 Pearl Strul,N. Y. . Where his Mercantile friends, •in this and ode* Olanties.nre kindly in vited,and earnedlysolicit ed to call and pureilise. . . . . HENRY S. KNAPP, . • ... • . :01 , 11WandAt PA: . - . . With naive . , Wotidruif,:&-.Carter, - viTHoi_xs. ALE ' Gs :Ind pummel's -V V MEACITARTS;' No. 173 Washington Street . • between Cortland and.fley- &red.., New York. :* March 8, .185..U-r;lotf. , - _ - ...- - --• .- . .; . it Publti-Snle, f.y of April next; p, .the following t osteited oxen, one old 1-10igs, three Plows, Harrow, oes,Stat e, Thus& ,gs too numerous ' five idallars cash dit witli,npproved . . WTIOLERALE AND RETAIL, DEALER .111 Cabinet> Ware, SA'S, • Bedsteads;•. , Tables, Sands . . Chair* &o.- -. • . - -..•-., - .— .•• •• -.. NO. 9. . Washington street. ' ' . . .. . • , Ihnghato!oii,N: Y. . r Coffin Ware-Roorn up. stairs. COMSTOCK. to Ceuxt tho Dr. U. SMITH, MeMILLAN & PARK, A. J. -DAVIS, ANTI COUNSELLOR AT Law—Sorqtre. pot, Pa. Office over S.:B...Wee'A T 13. Dr. Merrit H. C. Vail• M. C. TYLER, ' ll. Parsons, PATENT MEDiltiN F AGENCY,. A 'IIET.'T U L L, liontroie, Pa.,— DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, FOR ALLTRE POPULAR - EMBIBIA Or THE DAY. - Consignments. Constantly Received. , • MEDICAL ADVISER AND- - • • - MCA ' , .1i1.1.CR. , :fi,,:.!1 Ceq7IIDM. - "1 -1 j LEVENTIi Edition.. cloth, 345 pages'. .1.74 75 c olored' enaratio,gs, representlpg all tho tikeascs d)f ti, genital organs of . : the wale and. female. with, tht.t tuttott di%cotterles in reforoduc. Lion. The lifilieied should use no retnedien be— fore leztroinly trom.this valuable work thrusupe- r riority . Of in; author's Paris Add- -Loudon treat meat of VriCate diseases._ Both married and it-- gle should consultit. ' Sql.i.tit, No, 2 , 12 Bread.. -w as -. n od *nail e d free for 81i by Ake...llllw, M.. I.AII.NIONT. Physician and ' Surgenn, No. 44 Iteiide Street. rortirr, .290 Broadatuy,ithena hs• eures.alt these di-mites, twill f A. 14. t in 2 Y. NI., end 6 to O'in tho evoilln2. :Sundays e xcept.. ed. tttlelres. till let-ters - ,-BOX N 0.844 New. 'York Post. oftice. We concur With tho. Other - par;ers eind_reiv'qiontititneii...orrditkr:lßEr:hti.LAßtTnrs,NTsitairaisthzeitue ;Ali:. Democrat, [lay nook, - Courier, Thoyarch , . and - :y(ow Britnitti,lek -nut . . . .. Jan. 22; 1856.-4 y 1. .: • • 1 14 toreroas' . Rotary. 'Piabog *a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers