, ... - . - MR. BrOtAVA:ti 'AND' m MTRSOLIII CUM- 4 :-.1.. Ita i lka t ua l - -, • ,• • • , ;raosnst.. , r-41n. the-extract from ltli. - ... Hui lion- - \ - ~ 4 i the parsonage in Lymanville,': on .the inn's letter to Senator Shdel . l a i e ly*:p ti blisli e d 1 - ;in the nowipapers, the distinguished Iletiu- i 3 a " I st-- lq. the Rev. L. S. Kellogg . , ':MR. LT avlvaitlien Says of 'the Missouri compreinie MAN 1 4iAPP, of Lynn, and Miss ELLiN . RILET .1ine....:,--" king , well.tmown how - t litbore,tl,. itt of Althurn, both of Susquehanna Co.:Pa.' -•.-- • . com pa n y - with Smthern. men, to . h ave , t hi s \Pta Ilitightnton, Tuesday, January the 29th, litto extetured; to, the Paciii,c Ocean." .. ; , by F.ld. S. M.; Stitnson,,Mr. Lelitust . A._ : 11D ' • Ye* we are :c9M;ersattt - with. the .case-;--We„ so,V, n Windham.. Green C ,. ., N • Y. and Miss remember 4 well ;and the reason's for the' co. CHLOE A. Siturxtr,' of; 13ridgewitter'.pa; - operation - ciftlie Whole /South in the dnove- meat iodic - ated,' were of the most -couvineing . kind. By .tuttriing the Missouri, compromise line to the .pacific ; Ozean there wou li tcl have been an end: of..the•.contitiverst ;:_,. the. South ould, hat* secti red the S - ritithe rn • hialf of Cali - forniaHnot the gold mines, but a fine terri tory , adapted to cotton, tobacco, the Olive -4tici the vine. 'This, would hake given . the', South,alsoian offse,(to the freo Mate of. Cali-. ; 'fornialn the Senate, which to southern men •Wmk-the vititt iisue 7,i but all motions to, this end Were oTer nnd over again 'rejected. :Fur- - therinOre;. the • Ilisiotiri lino as a boundary he 'tWeen':. the - two seetions would have given - 11ansaiciNe raSkrt and a vast empire bositl es, to the',Nor . without further dial:lite, 'while t i e 'to theiSouth it would br:ve secured nil future .. .annexations' from --- 4 exic4—a consideration . .* bleb iwa, hot 4rel.:looked at Washington.--• .1)1 4 t the dernocratie - party was divided.' The , .. . popular stivereigitty doctrine upon which 'they .had fought the, battle for Gen. Cass two rears before; proved also the stronger side.— And so 0,6 Sott . th were borne sown upon the aaniisSiOn otttaliferuitt--the Missouri Com promise was7deehrred ,:it humbug, and. none 1 'were more'Active in kicking it out of Con gress :than ,St:mard 2 a.4 his free soil 00-labor elt in: both. liouses.. ; I\ 4 on , the South and Mt. Suchanin iisist that :.sts Seward and 'the Whole Nerth*ould:hav - e .it so in 1350, they should stitudliy .th e . sLi in e principle of repeal -la embodied in .f he ot Kansas Ne t:ink:o:AV_ ' . .!; ! - WbOi3 upon' this itthlee,t, we have had our antntion called to ihe.kes o.f the Xew: York. Herald .9l7l.s4„atid,Lot tl t., f ol lowizlg extract • oft letter'irciit our, L •orre youdent, 241light.V. ia 'our Sunday issue, of June' 18; of I•ilat year. The 'extract is as {olio w 5, 3 - 13 w e iv-a satisfied .that•tho authoritx it'Avas Mr. Bu,hauan' c e onsiclerable btis been sabl'about Mr. . 13 i 1- 114inan's . opinions on the Nebraska, bill. It mat be Condensed into a very fen- senten ce as given (in helinif .13nehauttn) - to a, friend :-"f do not sk; what earthly good it. est . -lido 'the South if it . passes; and been corilulted upon it, pretions to, its being intro dut•O, I ! J.:h ot/1d 'have '.ad vise(' 'against - the - rte:dient.:y of introducing atirlita- , that would pHtt=ibility, give rise to ais(tu , siou on . 11;e•Sultieet of slavety : , and by so doing ditt tnib the tae of the -North and St3uth, with out tendring good ta either; yet were Lin the Senate, note that 'the bill is: int:rodneed, and making_,so tnnelt - trouble, I s'hotkid vole for it. ,?it - the same .'titt4 I 11111 Opped. to intrOduei l t ng,"anythink that-. wili embitter the .fteiM7s, of one seetioo of the country: agttinst the tither." -,Tlle,se ti in en ts has fat ly.'eiptessed to 'theoe who hallo convetrs:ed eltifhitd-on the •iattject. 7 --IV,I . lidral4. , . Shockitlg • .A. , :nati has been • airested - at ; , 1147creti With the runriler of lngo her tO death. • It ,aypearA that the de r.ea4d wns an inyarfdfor. smite. months,. and for.about hal.* the tone confined to herl led. I. 1& f:roviiie'd so po , ;rly for her pp port.„thathe Wa“e(iiiipelled. to crawl to the honseA of her nt;ighbors to solieit food to keep from statYing: often in the night .time neighbors heard her: sc.reiiln as if being whip s& 'On Sanslav •rnerning week, one •of the neighbors eallt;I to e how _she wa4. and found her lyingl on the floor in idying condi tion, without stizCli of clothes on. Two . e.hairli were !ging up'on *her, and a leather strap-',looking, piece of a trace, was ly ing, by her side; Her body was cover- d with brnisii; all over, and 'riti many placesthe Iran broken; showing that she had been ter-. ribly -beaten. Her left shoulder w•in d.,lt.K.ta :.-.4, and her writ broken. She was tofally e'pe' .1, and some; branilyand waterzwun given to revive her, but she still continued, unable!, to Speak to t time of her death.= Abut . flYe o'clock iiinhe evening, on being anked'whether theinjurien had been inflicted upon her by . her husband, s,he :nodded her head in, the IfrumatiVe. She answered in• `tbelsame manner, that it was in the morning. A post;mortem examination had been held - , .and' the physician 'gave it aslhis opinion that .14;'Llied from starvation add .brutal Ire at - . •• t • Pot:nest. Frnsts.---4:here is beautiful fight going on. in .11t4tny,',New York, hetiveen the. Statcman and Register, each claiming' to he I Simon Pure Know 11;othing organs of the Stae. The Know Nothing State offietlrs are divided.. State Engineers Seymour repudi st.et Fillmore, while his supporterigo the reg.- a:ar ticket. The-Canal Board, we 'perceive I has - ousted,all the subordinate, engineers orig twilit. appointed ai the revest of Seymour. On the other had Seyrnour nas united ivitlt the Whigs and . Republieans to defeat Know-:. ;attlitfg, members in other matters. Under these;eireurnstances, the chances of Fillmore sad,Donelp.on in the State of New York are not very flattering. , The Democrats of New, York have held a iortsf' fusion meeting, at tho Pelvan House Aibany : Senator Sickles was master of cere -thatiies,: The /feral& tells us that the affair • p 4 bsed off to the .entire satisfaction of the . parties interested, and; further, considering that illiPetayan House is the Temperance head quartemin the State, there was a' very fair Eupply ,of.chimpagize on the occasion.— It is all regular, however, now that the Court ofAppealsh,as -decided against the Maine We notice in the Know nothing organs let ters froth all parts of the -Union, giving the most:flattering accounts of the'cliances of the funericati Presidential ticket. Tennesseel is to.; ; ve hirn 15,000 majority ; Missouri, 10, Oco ; anj other States in proportion. There is notliin like going the whole figure.--- Wbit•io ,the u s e of an organ unless it cad . give IN party some' enociuragetnents. In,Qhio, the KnottoSTothing state Council has split--:.a majority repudiating Fillmore; Ind 'ls minority endoniug. The ititiorit, withdrew: and formed a „pew. State Coto/oil under the auspices of Bartlett. Both parties ciaitri to ;represent the • membership of the Order of the State. Tai P;DS roa Tan -- ItfAttt.lorra4icTe.—The ,torrespondent of the Is7ew York Th ll s•fy. , reception of the bias for r.'on'tasts will Ow on the 14th . of .Veikii ! ti 3n regard t o the nacte on bito'Lh o f Sig v , who' likewitso • will 4,e e,onMuded 'on all the of Nev .)tesr. PetinsylraniaXtel f r And 0;liO. togellio. Oat '-'''lM-1.0.001,t5-.r.outeh e,tablisheei by Llja do Coitgrefo,,gttihraoing all the remain. `t'g Ettitoi at The 'Union; • The Homy/ of SoIIQ Di!entorl Bridge , * Me' , nistrick":will meet in MontrAse' 4u gitt- Iltd3 ,7 l 4prti / o'clo6k C, J. , CURTI% See Y, Drbge . t.. In liarford Deb. 26'1855, Auer ''..lostmt-. ENE, daughter of ,Peter and Mary lierlcither,, aged two. years and three wombs. roll the 30th, .Wtt.t.tAits HEsat, eldest son of Peter and Niry Ilerkitner, aged seven teen years 'and 6 months, and lb days. • • The Chownstore, ha. 28 r fluir. undersigned would respectfully inform Jig.' the inhabitants of Binghamton and vicinity, that he hes recently purchased of Edward P.riest his large and well selected stock of ', DRY GOODS, • . which he has removed from La Fayette Blehk t 4 No., 28 : - Court Street,: one door above the American Hotel. - . This entire : steck has been purchased` comp. erably below New York host, enough so:to warrant him in saying that he will sell Goods cheaper than can be bpught at any other Store In town. . . NEW SPRING AND Summer Goods, to the above stock has jit been added a large invoice of "Spring and Summer Goods of the latest styles,' which will be closed out et great bargains. _ . The_Stock consists is nart of tbo following Goods, viz; Fine Lawns, Aid colors, from 9 to 18e. per . yard; Calicoes, American and English, trout 4c. to 11c. per yard; Merrimack. and CO checo Prints, at 11 c.; Bleached and Brown Shea tings and Shillings, from 4c. to 2s. 6d. Or yard. , ; Kentucky Jeans, from-Is. 3c. to Is. 6d. per y'rd3 •Ladies' Hose. from 6 . 1-4 c. to 3s. 6d. per • pair; GinghamS, from 10c. to 33e. per yard ; Dc Laines from 10e. to 3a. per yard.' Also d largo lot of Linens, Quilt and „Couttlerpaius;* Curtains and Draperis, Shawls, Gloves Table. Covers, Silks, Saces, Erulwoideries, Trunks,lValices and Bap, of all aizeis and ra ces. . Or Don't forgot the . number, 28 Couit street; 1 Duet ea. 4 of the American Hotel, but Call and see before !purchasing elseW here. • H. C. GODWIN. Binghamton, April 3d, 1856. . . . •'!- Once ltere 4 k g ,tive notice some time ago -that ':the firm': cf Vltoodruff & Eldred was dissolved and. t h :it we wanted anJ needed a settlement of one, p ug tters we suppose that you hare all heard thatj. „If . oresc..tittioa is the first lal.v of emigre. In or der tt save ourselves from cost Ave rish those' i„d e b t , 41 to ',am would pay us. Yon can find the. u ,i t , a a , ;d accounts at iho shop of S. A Wood-: ruff, for a' short time longer; after that they will b e im m t o k 7 here else. This is no faliie alarm fur we „.„ I t h ti money, and it belongs to us, and it is right we & !sould have it. • • i , . - S. A. WOODRUFF. .- • : .E _,..._. S.SG. B.LDRED. . Montrose, A I , nil 14, 16.—.w2 I V.l 17 , or.. Site. HOLlSE,.Shopl'ncKtot in the 2onthi part-of New ,village. The slily la nearly new, 24 try 30, and twrr storya high, occupied as a wagon shop,. 'Me 10 contains 61 rods! of good Level: groutid,:or 1 would sell thy o lvonso and wait tOurth of :in sere of lands "p irate. Lack:l -a:n*l)a Itztil:Ropti care prtas alone in froht the lot Mit: right h'ef a • tnile . dia !,liit• A ,`or' and ,ionverilent lonation for a mech,;lnie of almost any kind. For ttriee and partienlat a.enquirei of Hen ry S'. Lvon:on the prernia.4. Will lbe en eapjf applied for r hoon.--1 . 6w.4. , . DR. E. F. WILMOT, • - 7111 A DICTATE of the Allopati , le and Ho in4)pathic Colleges' is nde: p,rOvina•ntsr located in Great Bend Pg. April Ist. 1856. • i • lIIN A, G Ware.-4a °ice iind at low prices ' fur sale by '• ABEL 'II.7RRELL. 3lon:rosc•, April.. Garden Seeds• E supply of the beativalities, at ' ' TURRELL'S A LARGr, April 15. 1856 M intros NOTICE . Eiv?it that in pnrsuariee of the act.of •Iy„ the foilowina named periions have etitiona With the:Cleric of Ihe.Court ;e4sions of the Peace for the Conti• hanna, for Lii,ence to keep Taverns It in said Chnty, to j wit : • p4eretry wsem I hied . tttir.l of Quarter ty of Sung .f. and Eiltiog I, ?O1 T.!LVERN LICE. • Hiram Co 8 , ApolaNsp. : 1, 0. Dollarr Brooklyn. ' • Bradtw•ci 0 Wartions, - do. Jacob Kiml le, Choconut. I . Ntrick Ca fe , - do., Hiram Barnum, Clifford. Jonas Riveliburgh, • , de. i . ch w rgo W. Le.wis, t• Dimock. John Baker, - --• do. Itenj n Win 'Ayres, Dundaff. M. V. Bliss, Friendtwilel, Evans Grit!gs, - Great Bonil Alfred Allen, , ' do. 1 E. B: Edwards, . do. • , A. F. Srcoover, Glenwood. - • Loren. Norton jr. . - Lanesboro. - William Sampson. •, .do. David Wilmartl4 Lathrop: -1 A. A. Beeman, • Liberty. Leonard Searle, Montrose. l . 1 William K. Hatch, - ido. 1 Daniel Hoff. Jessup. l . - .John R. Hazletor4-- New Milfiird.• F. F. Badger, • 1 do. '• - Pldiandei•Phinney, • Sumer& : Spencer liiekcox, Springville. = 1 • 1 Harrison Benson, - • Susquehanna Depot. I Thomas Carr, . . do 1 Robert Nicol, do. 1, I Alfred Tbiapson, • - .do. 1 -,EATOG SO VIES. B. Glidden, . Friendsville, • o:iver M. Crane, Montrose.. 1 I. N. Balla-d, do. William Painter, Great Bend. James Bell, - Susquehanna Depot i • An adjourned Court for Granting Tavern Li. 1 cences. &c., witi be held at tba Court House in Montrose on Friday te 9th day ' of May next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at which time all 1 persons applying for Licence -will be - required to file their Bonds dre.--• SIDNEY B: WELLS, . • .. Clerk. English Lever ,Watches• , ..!. ~11010 ECEIVED by, steamship 11 ,- JLI, Baltic,4 dozen more of . . those splendid Engtish Lever f . . ,• .Hunting Watches, of my own ) importation, . warranted the a ' .... , ot.. ' t ZLY , very best quality. I Also, a & • -- small lot of very superior, Movements, which will be cased in any styls-or quality. to suit purchasers. ALFRED 3. EVANS. Binghamton, March 14, 1,13.56:, - , Administrator's Notice,. voncE is hereby given thit letterli of Ad • miatration .9pon the estate of Charles C. 11 , 40000, tali, of the ficirough of: Sesqu'i . Depet, deed, tore been grim tad to 'the iiiviergigiltlivan 4 tat 'smogs intlel4 - ed i4V1,9;,1, estate . will please 'mice idlOrdivtv pitrovots.. wind hatg claims wilt_ area , the same - dilly . mfela.id - 167 settlement. .." V. N. 8.1,111111 13474ifaDeixt4Nih - ,18, 184 (109J:1 Broad f*Ptli .cik foe. t 406 gs I I kx pipes it mw, Map of , Sfisqachadno County, trout actual Meatiureaueut, ataal Sraryeysthrougholat the; Colusty. i • • . _ By a Corps of Sui-reyors t4o are fully 'Competent for difficult task assigned Mein. The undersigned - ,will publish shortly, ded a sufficient number of subscribers be ob mined a new and complete map orSusquehanna County. - It countains,the . names of property holders generally, (Incluereg these in the county who • uhrwribe In advanee for the Map) aro alma to'be inserted at their reSpective places, in, the style of the Maps exhibited by the canvassers. ' • Maps of the principal. villages SrIII I ,',e inserted, I. on a largo actin, the tn;ilbgin t. ntso engraved-I .viewa of public milprivate beildings. The coun. ly °Mort, who express themselviS warmly in favor of the joblication, will afrord'*very freility -la their power, and impart all the information in their possession iio.e.lation to new, Roads laid AU the public Roilroads. Crossings and Sta. firms, Churehes,, Pest _Oakes, School. Houses Stores,3lills,Pnblic and Private finuses, Cem eteries, Manntacterics, •&c.,1 are _to be shown en the Map, in addition to the usual topography of Rivera, Streams, 1 Ponds and out or approved, priflor the completion of the suiveys,,so that the Map will: show all the alterations and improvements jn the high ways up to then time of its issue. •.. k • No expen-e with, be spared 'to execute Mnp- in the highest style of art.. The plan 4- ill be plot- ted on a suitable aealc, so ns , to show distinctly - all thrS particulars ,above specified, ;and matron large and ornamei Map.- To be erigrav';‘,l and delivered to sabscribers.handscinely colored so as to show thel territory comprised in each township; and mounted on rollers. iAs the Map will contain some eighteen square fei.4.- of engrav ing, at a cost of several thosand defiers, it will be seen fit only a large 'subscription list will warrant the heavy xpense incurred, THE MAPS ARE SOLD ONLY BY SUB. SCRIPTION.ANLI AT ONLY . ONE PRICE. No more Maps.istvid than is ribsairilied tur.— iThe MaP will contain tables of drill population, productions, assi:Ssed value of property, relives societies, school, number of voters,4-:., of each township and village respectively, eatefullyanade up from the latest authentic documtints. Relying, ;von a jOst appreciation o iur oirorts, try the citizens of Su,quehana to isshe a Mep. of their County, on thrr above plain, thaesliall answr proper expectatieuS, and be entirelii, satisilicto ry, subScriptions ;are respectfully .solicitcted by jar .panted two young men to enntlass Sus. queliftrina county and . attaia subscribers for my map.• . - :1; ES D.,SCOTT,PUBLIPIER. Sale i►i Real Estate by Ord t ek, o Ok- . . plan'. Court, 1 , TIN' v irtne of an Order of the Orplum's Court `-1, ninde the 9th day of April, A. •p. 1856, the subscriber }t ill offer fur sale at .Public Nendue '.on Friday. the .9tlr . , day of May ne r tt, on the premises, at 10 o'cl:ovit A.: m" the fe)lowing de scribed piece of land situate in the 'llownship of Brolklyn„ an I .C.o.ntv: of S'..l4qu INinti a. - Be ginning at a_ post in line of James Pinker, thpnee by land of W. Sts , up East.,2s rods and .13 links; thence by lands of . I.:lislia Muck South 21 rods, west 3 redi and south IS rods,lto lino of Edward Otto; thence by buid of saidlOtto, west 20 rods and 10 links to -line of Jatuei Packer, north 33 rodsl to the beginning. !Containing :shout five acres, be the same mere ler . les.s.-- I: llaving' hereon i erected' ' onli framed house,and barn - and all ' improvedt, being late theflAtato of Washington Bagley dtk;eased. l ' Terms made knoWn on the day of sale. , . • : -. Amos ,tVit.t.Ltms, • , . B.•W Watt. ji • B. S. tiat:NoErts, ii Girtrdl;lll4 for ,the niitoir children 'of W. BAG LEV . d05t. , : 16.3.: . - I i a , Montra.:e, April 901, '..sti. . T • Admit% itkprator's Volk(.' .•rsoff.s intlytu , rl to the Estate of Jas. MeEiwee late of tile.x. Milford herebr notiOeil to mi immediate arid :01.perisons having calms or de. the N. 4.1 E4a-te• are . requested to em heitletneot. .Fax4o . r A LDRII.II I, Ader, !9. )856. • . Terrible' Accident, • LT I.I APPENE.D to Mr . Green tliefother day.—, . lie had bought suit of readyir-de clothes - at the Store, and the first day's we9ring the ac eident caleurre4,-' First,,effiiiapt roat.tall bY the tnere force of speeitie aravity, giVingl un. K.rtunate roan' the ppiierince of a lisbily tr:tarned cialt•with the flying jib in the stern, and on stooping ;,ver topick up the -re moot, the dread., ful . caeualty took pl#e—the fountains of the Oreht deep were broken up—Green'i pants went siun6red from ankle to waist.nrl Greemhinicelf seemed to be. Th:.::only way to prevent such deplorable accidents it to patronize &skillful tal ler, who makes up his: work with al:determiva. tion that it ~hall not. only. tit Peatly; but worn Green boys at the clothing sure heeausc he thinks he can , ret his gearin;:* a little cheaper. - In all brobLability the pants that •44eqed him so treacherously bad passed through . a !!'!Yer hospi. tal, been striped-from cholera patitnt, carried henna eight nights in the week on a hutter, and fiMilly bleached ,and tarried by an in7ertious . Frenchman for a market in the country Take warning by poor Green's mishap, n n ;ro to n tailor shop like that in]the basnaent dt Searles Hotel IF eon want to be suited. Eit7" Cutting done as usual, and all , work war. risitbd. JOHN Gra,,OVES. Montrose Aug. 27,1855. • t • Books That Aro Boo &s. For sale at the Montrose Book Store in the Post Office. - . • . * JUST IaCEIVED, ;Illacaulay'S History of England. 1 , Diary and Correspondence of AMOs Lawrence. Prison of- Welteverdon in the Elist Indian Archepelago, by Capi: Gibson.' ~;. Forest, Tragedy and i ether Tales by-Grace Greenworid. • Vbe -"B11 `* h Boys, by C.tpt. 3fayne Reid. . . 'The" Great Red lirszon.'" . . 'The Prince of the Hohse Of David. ,Good Time Coming. . Christine or Woman's. Trials and . Triumph. The'Onynx Ring.- ~ . i . IM an of War Life. ! , • The Old Homestead,' . Woodhill or the Ways of Providence. D'Anbigne's History Of the Reformation. .Family Testaments with Psalms and * Notes. :Pocket ,do and Bibles. Catholic Prayer Books. . . 'Yankee Notions, &c., &c. - ' i They say That the:- Montrose Book Store is the place to get Books and Nations cheap. Well what if they do say so. _you can't tell whether they say the truth - or fde unless you try—but never mind 1 feel very thankful for path favors and hope to merit a continuation .of patronage, by strict attention to the wabts of the public and by keeping on - band 'a goodassortMent of ItOoks and Stationary, at "Live . ' and - Let. Live" prices:.. A. N. BULLARD. '!Blontrose, April 2,1856. Plated Forks and Spoons. *TEST reekived a new lot of Plated Ware,war. J ranted to-be plated heavier than any Wire ever offered for bale in Broome Countp, NI well 14. .A. j. EVANS. Goods at Cost. 4- . ND lower too.. Thesub's. .riberintenda lea. AL. ring the mercantile; husiayss the first .of April tiers, and 14 desiioui thetefote- of selling Mr hicpreseat stork ~ .fif . . . • -- G 0 - '0 El. - - .'. . . . For Cash or ready : pay the public may be ease r• ed . that they can now purchase of me lower thm Go(ids were ever before sold in Brooklyn. Bly sleek consists of a general - Variety store. Give we a - call and you will make great '.— b a r. gains. J. F. SMITH. -Brooklyn, Feb. 20, 1 , tifiVrenelvlng a friih supply of fine Ashton tP_ ; &It ate fI.M.JONF,B; gnlie 1865. • - - - NOTICE • To .Dealers of Afercha'ndize within the county of Susquehanna. puriunnce of the several acts of the Assem bly ofthis Commodurealth, to, provide rev. enue to s tet the demands upon the Treasury, and for other piirposes.• the . undersigned, Ap praiser ofMorcantile l :liaxes of Siiiiquehanna County. has prepared ist of aliMerebants ding within said Conn y, and pieced each of the said Me chants in ttititt•iiinwhich to Min seems right and just athiording to the provisions of said acts of Assembly as follows, viz; • • - P.M. rtoiidence. i Proprietors. Chum Broaist, James F. Smith, 13 do.. S. Kent, • 14 do. 0. G. IleneAtend, 13 do. J. A. &J. R. Ashley, 13 • do. F. NV. Allen, 14 . 1, do. ! i • j. C. Let 14 i" do. I. L. Pis r & Co. 14 . Lathrop,."•;* Isaac A. l N,ewton, . 14' llopbottom.= A. B. Merrill, 14 Bell & Tingley, 14 , Lenox. • • Shultz Edon & Co., 14 do. 1 , E. It. Grow & Bro., 13- Clitrord. '2•D. C. Brundage, 14 : do. J. &N. Halstead •14 Great Bend. J. &N. Dubois, 14 du. . S. H. Daytoii, ' 11 do. .! DenrylyKinney, 14 John 'McKinney, Lueinn Scott, .14 L.S. Lenhnim, 12 • ( Thomas & Whi ing; 13 . Z..Blakcsl . ee, • 14 A. A. Beeman, 14 •• 'do. do. do. Liberty. do. f : Stilman Fuller, `•J. L 'Merriman, Fraghlio do. D oo d a fr. Joseph IL Sloeum, " 13 do:. ' : Thinas Arnold, 13 , do. I:CluirehA 'Phinney, 13 Herrick. • 'John Miller, . l .' • Gibson, • ;John Smiley, 13 - 'do. ' '.Solomon :Taylor, 14 do. N. E. Kennedy, 14 - do. • S.. Ingalls, •13 Jackson. Lanes J.,. Turner, 14 Thompson. 1.. M. & 31. J Mumf•rd, 14 • Harmony, • D. R. Lyons & Co, 13.. do. S. A Lyo ns, 14 do. p. A. Lyons & .Bro., 14 do. Benj. Aylesworth, 13- do. Wm. Tfemain & C0.,•14 do. Brands: & Schla,ger, .14 1 • Susq'a Depot. Cyrus.S. Bennot 13 do. Smith & Shutts, 14 du. . W. 11.. St..J.P.llubbard,l3. do. J. nails. • • 14 do, • Thos. In?Pstrurn, 14 do. & 1) . . W. Norton, 14 . . do. • , Jtimes Bell, 13 - • . do. Si B. West, • . 13 . , .do. I (enry Cohan, - 13 do. = Eil\v'aid Carlisle. 14 do. Sevumur, . 14 1 , do. • Japes Creegan, • 14 do: NV, W.ClArk, • 14 do...• Mite s Creegan,,' 14- -' (16. - Patrick Stack, 14 do. . G.iylord Curtis, if. do. ' • Jolo Asher, • 14 '• Harford. MM.:Times, , 12' do. Penuol Carpenter, 14 • , do. Zerali.Very, .14 do. .. G. W. So , mour & C 0.13 do. Joltniton.Edwards,Co 14 New .Milfbrdi WM. C. Ward,. 13 do. Dickerman & Garrott, 13 do. ' Henry Burrat, 13 do. • J. )10,14 &.13enther, 'l4 . do. Ilnyden& 13r05., - 13 — do, Soti,hin & "Young, 12- Dinmek, L. H. Wo6drufl, 14 do. Wel H. Thayer, 14- do. J. Smith . jr., • Springville. Seott Johnqon &C 0.12 do. 'McMillan •& Park, 13 L_tnn. Philjips& Shelden, 13 do. •• 'Hirain S. Lewis, 141 Auburn, •Wel•krMiuSv.isner. C 0.1 41 . do. 'Johm.P. Lambert; 14 Montrose, C. W. Mott, 14 : W. J: & S.IL Mulford 12 du.. J. & Son, 13 'do.• F. I34,Chandler, •, 13 do. 11. .I,AVebb, 13 dn. "- A. LithrOp &_ Co., 11 • do. I. L. eost & Co., 10 Guttthlberg Rosen • lAnnt & do. Bentlk & Read, 11 do. .Abel Turrell, 14 do. . 13 do. It. Thayer, jr., • 14 do., - J. Et liridge. 14 do. 'S. 11. 4:, D. Sayre, 12 ForeAt 1."-k(7, Meeker, 14 St. Jtigeph4, FraneiS Quinn, 14 Silver Lake; Sntlyan, . 14 Friendsville*, jeremiio Hosford, 1.1 do. F. B: Mar-h & Co. , '• 14 Apolacon. 14 Middletown, Joseph L. Ross, 14 do. C. C. Wright, l4 Rush, • •.Normari, Granger,. 14 do. S• Jl. 14 • • ottocentr.e. Iti4STAV RANTS, &C. •- G Grent Bend, - :4ewtort, do. • ' N. V. rim.Penter, do. Allenry • do. Alan-va Hubbard, do. Walor t faintio, . • - do. • Wm. Ai, snow, Bridgewater. ' D. J. Alt:Malan; Dundair. ' Enoch hambers. Thompson. . 11. P. Hathaway • Susq'a Depot. , D.'Dasidson, • - , do. . : D. A. Hinson, . do, P. Whitq, ' ' • do. ' 11 R. Pppe, Jo. • GPO Ciltilfield • do. Timothv',Homes ; ., do. ' - do. 11. kerne tiSou, do. G. IL ET"gleston, New Milford. ISaih V. Shay, do. , .1 P. 11 Moutrdse, n. M prrtrre. do., • 1. N. Bullard, • do. S. S.. Mn;,l Silv.r Lake. Robert Gaige, . • • Apcilacou. . H. Berney, - z• - DISTILESI ES. ; Clifford. James McAlla; .10 And the -Judges of the COurt of Common Pleas of said County, will hold a 'Court of Appeal at . the "Court House, in,illontrose,i in and for fa id County On Monday, the-28th day Of April neat el 1 o'clock F. M.. at which time and place any of the March anis g i e r,aad, described andlclasseil as aforesaid, or, their agent, or Attori - ,Zv - InaY aPPear arid appeal from said assessment if they think prtic,:,r• Montrose, R. SEARLE, • 'March. 1856. . Mercantile Appraiser. CLOVER and Timothy Seed by • BALDWIN if.t. PERKINS. Montrose, April, 1856. LOST, Y the subscriber, the.29ih ult., a note for 1.1 is3oo, payable at the' ; Susquehanna Valley Bank ninety days from date, and dated March 29, 19&6. h was sinned by Levi Westfall and Lacked by David Lin. All persons are hero. by cautioned again purchasing the said note. , • • LEVI WEST FALL. Laneulwro, April 1, 1856.-14w3* • .AucTioxismx. b , '..ndne on the prem. V V is L er o b. f 3 tTe ld s n u t b P sc u •rib i subscri b e r Tuesday the 19th day of Feb. inst., . at - one: . o'clock P. M. One Mare, one Colt, three Cowl, anifsizty.ftve Sheep, —the Sheep will be sold l a lota, or altogether. Terms of sale,---sixty days Credit with approv ed security. • g . M. BLANDING. Harford Feb. 4,"1856.—.4w2.' Public Sale. THE Subscriber' will aelj at public sale oa Saturdiv, the , Bth day;; of March next, on his Farm in Bridgewater tewnahip, the follow, ing property to wit: 9 Cots of gootiquelity, 35 irA od Sheep, 2 five year old 'horses, t aix year old horse, and 6 two year dlds of good site. The avid property will be *told „to the'higheat bidder on six months time. withpod becuritY— - PATILICK. CROSSES. Bridgewater, Feb. - • I Virobb 1. S now receiving k is newpprfog Goods, which he' offers at his - uses! agw.pdctu. Moptrose, Mardi 11, 1856, AOP. LOOK IMRE ABEL TURRtLL , . H AS just ycemed from New York, la rell and desirable etock.of .NEW GOODS, CoMprising r alirtrat rate assortment ; otprugs. Medicines e Chemicals :31tdical Instruments, Paints, One, bye Studs, Chins, Glasi ami.Ear then Ware; (a-good:variety of . Crockery.) Brit. sunk Wareaapannedand Planisbed Tin Ware,' Silver and tall other kinds of Spoons.' Silver Forks, ButteeKnives, All sorts of Lamps. A good varietvtof Wood and Gilt Frame Mir rors. Wail_ and- Window Paper. StatiOneiy. Stone and Wooden Ware. Brushes.: Brooms. Family Groceries. Lamp Oils. Campheno.— Burning Fluid. i Tallow Stearin and Spermaceti Candles. and -other Whips. Varnishes. Window Gas's, &c. A first rate variety ofJew elry, and Fancy 'Goods. Gold and Silver Spec taries. Gold Pens. Violins, Flutes, Fife ti, Ac eordeons, Violiniand Strings, The largest assortment of . Pocket KniVes in Susq. ,Co., and the best quality in Market:lShot Guns, Mauls, 'oingle and Double Barrel, Re volvers, &C. 't' - In short. tl*Physician. the Invalid, the Hem , keeper, the Farmer, the Mechanic, the ;51anufac-. turer, the-Profesalonal Man, the Gentleman:the Ludy, the Rich and the Poor, the Young anti Old, the Beautiful and the Ugly, the Ga and the Fashionable, and i ell the rest of the Rehple4 kill find something; to, supply their every day %t a nt s at Turrell's: 1 Store in the neS , ' Brick Block—Priessiow— Qualities good s : Call and see. . ABEL VIARELL. Montrose, Marrih 6,1856. They areall going to Turreil'a BA • '• Boo t: andiSitoa. - Empirinm! . . OF i 1 ,*l3Bral i l2 -4 7:1 1" rIIHE subscribers hare reinoved their Boot and JL Shoe store into the building reckntly Occu pied by Messrs Bentley- and Read, Public Ave nue, first above', the Post Office. Where,lnot withstandingthe :mixed state of politics.; the stringency or the : money market, the " neugh Sunthins' MonOpolies, Jack-0-Lent.- ern inducements, and the great droughth,as one extreme follows another, mall human Probabili ty, we shall havealcold winter. •In view of this state of thitui4 the Stioscribers bey leave t 4 Ray that they are prepared to meet thl.waats or the Boot & Shoe w6ring public, with good ondisub stantial varieties of Boots 4. Shoes of or Home Mautifaciire; warranted equal (if not better) than :my 'offered in this market.. Their stock embraces general variety of Ladies and Gents wear.. *Consisting 'in part of Ladies BILL LASTING, Pal, P9-rileet.Gaiicy's. Silk' LaSiiog Congress (Jailers,! french Kid Congress gait ers, .11orrneti Gaiters Ladies Marshall-Wits, City Made Bronzed Busl i ans, Enm7d Buskins, Pat. Leathe-r Buskins, Mor4co Lo r e Boots, Calf Lace Boots Enam'd Bok.s,lF'ur Round Buskins4c, Misses Silk Lastling at. for Gaiters, Cilorrd Gaiters . . Calf Lace .a,iots, Kid Lace - Boott Jeiny Linds Kip Shres, Chil -drens Gaiters, Burfon Shors,Ancle ties, fa:. Vanip French Buskins, Calf and K: Shoes, livis French Calf,lKip and Stoga Bouts, 'Calf Enrn'd, Kip and . Cr.Ohide Brits. Bo's thick and Kip Boots, Youth's Boots, Thick ejt nd 'Kip,. .and Pat. Leather sh4es, 4-c. [ ii Rubbers and - Sandals a general assortment, Fist:lnfos, Sparabtes,i Thread, Wux; Bt.o Nails. Pegs, Tacks, Bristle's, Heel Batt, Boot Webb, Hammers, Pincers, Shoe Knives', Edge Blacking, Goat and Giloori Binding., Water Proof Black ing, Paste Blacking.iGuin Arabac, - GuarTra vac. anth, Edge BriiSliesi awl Hafts, Veggingland Sewing Awl Blades,l&c. - 1'• • / • • • • LEA.THER. • .MI kinds by the side or pound, to suit /us- . touters. The pnbliel are invited to call, beOrii purchasing elsewhere. Customers may !reylup .on Lretting.what the . ir bargain tor, and; that-is '..better than theyi ear, do in "some p,/ , ..4e3.1 If they buy Eastern work, they . can be accomodated with us (rood an article as. can be.foun'd in this market' If they prefer }iota() raunufacitire tbey• 'can-have it without.lieing liumbuged. Att. ki;nds 'of work made to ordt:r and warranted. ing done on short notice. . ! I Titssuut. for'past favors, ve hope by strict' attention to bGsinessj.to merit a con6nulincq of the same. • I • C. M; SIMMONS. I, A,, MERRIMAN. P. S. It is now,over a year since the great Fite in Montrose, at whkh,:time the subscriber ',amg . met-with a gretit!.losS. in fact he lost his ; r)trL, he would say to those indebted to him, eitheri by Note or Book• *Ora, that the same musii be settled without further notice. YOurs,&c., !' C.'3l. SI3IMONSI. . Montrose. Jan. 1556. . . , --ti r TU Ei1,11.4 ID e ._1 ,N ,,, MELODEONS, AND MUSIC. 1 The Cath Systeire Adapted!.Pries . Greatli Reduced. • i • -HORACE WAT E 1 No. 333 Broadway, New York. • AGENT FOR THE BEST AND KEW ' 'OS* INsTTUMENTS. • Thelsrgest assortment ofPianos ' Melodeons, Musical Instruments and :11.usical 3lerchandise of alt kinds in' thel, United States. Pianos &Om -TEN different mantiftetories, comprising ‘hose of every variety of style, from the plain, neat and substantial 6 1-2 'octaves, in Walnut 0r11(4e.. wood Cases, from $156, to $2OO, to those mf the most elegant finish up to One Thousand Gollars, No house in the' Union den 'compete with the above in the number, variety-rind celebrity) of as instrutnents, nor in'the]'extremety tom psiees - at which they are sold, • ; FIORACE WATERS' NlmpeuxbfrnovED•Ptixosc With or withont; Iron frames, possessing, in their improvements Grover-strings and action, a length of scale, Prewer, and compass (it torte equal to the Grand' Pianc, united with the beati ty and dtVability of structure - of the sioare arm.' They are justly Pronounced by the. Pres 4 and by the first 31asters to be vinol to_ those of any other Msdufacturer. .They arP built of the best and roost thoroughly , easoned material, and guaranteed to stand the action ( . 4 t every climate.. • Each Instrumentlguiranted to. give satisfac , tion, or parcliase•nrneY refunded, Second-ban 4 1 Pianos at Ereai I ,lll.l"n9pss constantly in atom, price from 830 to $l4O. • , 110SACE WATERS' MELODEeNS, superior fni. struments in tone, tointand durability of make. (Tuned the equal - te r, peratnent.) endeons of all othelbstvles and makes. Prise $45. - 8,66 815, .$100; $125, $140; double Reeds, $l5O double Reeds and two banks of keys, $200.-1 Less a liberal disconnt.l Clergymen and.Churi thee, an extra discount'. Martie.s Guitars,Brown's Harps, Plutes,lFltt tins*, Accordeons, Violins, and Musical In mehts of all kinds, at tower prices than ever bet-1 fore offered to the poblie. A Loge disce,untl to Teachers and Schoois.. The. trade supplied! on the most liberal terms. MUSIC:—One of,thn largest and best seleet-I ed catalogues of Music!now published, contprisd ing many of :;the clinicn and most popularlairsil • of thb day, and will be.'sold at one-third otTfronil the regular prices. Music sent by mail to ill parts -of the enundi try post paid. Partlentas. and personal attention I paid to all orders reeetv-Vd by; ' mail; atieftta; tion guaranteed in every instal:lca. .•Pittnos andl Melodeons for sate on monthly payments- See- ; ond•hand Pianos taken { In exchange for-neut.-a. General and select Catalogues'and Schedule of! prices forwarded to all 'parts of the country by' • liar Great induce mOntri &fired to agentti in all parts of the country, to, sell the Horace We. tete PLUM, /16104143044 ' and Catalogue , of su. ic, For Sale at :Half 'Pride. A VALUABLE 'roam stud; situate on the Wyelueing Creek' road, mites Irma 3lootrose,,lo miles (row Lentveyille. • For par,. Heatersea - quire of the aubeeriber . ott, the prang-, taes. i W. GRANGER , . Rash; Pit. 4 Starch 25,1886.-18 wt. 14 , 'treasurer's Bale, - \()I uhseatedlaids in Sunni/Anna Count ' -..- - r . IVOTICE Is hereby given that agracablytd 1 /I the acts of the,general assembly of t d , Commonwealth of . PennsylVaula, directing the mode of - selling unseated lands for Vexes, t following tracts and parts. of tracts of unseate lands, Will be sold at , public vendue on tbe , se Otd Monday of June 'next at the • Court Heti, in iMantrose,-for an p tales due, and the Coe accrued on each tract, respectively, unless t same be paid before the day of ante—sale t 1 eo. enee at lO•e'elock in the forenoon, 1 Wa antees owners or number,. - II Acres. Ararat. Harrison fiat), do: Clifford. Jaenna CtifFord, ' 106 4 6:, Great Bend. " Wm. .LTorrell, • 50 Nathaniel C. Lewis, "87 Solomon Taylor, - 50 R. It, !deKuno, ,287 Tiumagt 4 l3ald win, 408 Harmony. . iloyuce, Griswold,. .100 & 0. Burt, 404 Entyck Copley; • 86 Hetrick. • Itimater Mutt, L Barrett, Athos 11. Storm, James Unmiitonf Jackson. Sediste Griswold. 50 64 ••103 - Lsthrop Kitchen non- Voss & Co.. 101 - Liberty. No.. 69,• 1 54. 85, S:.A. Liws';Est. • No. 58, 0, Pope & Strona, 400 No 67. 68. '75, id. ' Edwiu Eldridge, ' 1- 400 J. W. Arackney. - - 93 do. . 233 do.':' 113 do. 309 \Vut, 3. Turret!, 200 Oakland. Jacob' Et, Smith, Tha town. John F.• •Duntiore, • 118 • 8 46! F. & o:4lart, 100 '7 201 11. Cratetnorid, • 100 7 201 Thos. Carr, 420. , 30 241 Joshua Giddings, 310. 14 881 I Joel LAtifb Eat., 100 : 720 I . S. A. WOODRUFF, Tuns. I Tres3urers Orae, Mang) 17,, 3856. j '3 grater's No - Lice. ÜBUC', notice is hdreby given ;nail . perienns P concerned in. the fillowing EAtaVis.to wit: Estat.i.of Ltscrizs HALL, late of New Milford dec'd, R:, 1.. Sutphin Executor. • 'Estate of,Totont,v,N AID, 1214, of Autirn, de ce;:sed. Andrew S. tow Administrator. Estate of Tntuoil BEACILIate of Dimook. de-1 teased, Charles Avery & A. A. Riot Addtu'rs. That the acconntants have settle 1. their• ac counts in tha Register's office in and fur the county of Su-tquehanna, and that the . same will he presented to the Judges of the Orphans' Court otlsaid county, on •Honday. the 14th day of. April itezt,'for confirmation and allowance.. • 1 - • J. W. CHAP3IAN, Register. Rivister's'Office; Montrov. •Marcii 19.1856. - - - ....' NOTICE . i. puut , icv,ti,,, L. hereby given . that S. A Wolpdruff is receiving a new lot,of Stove s and wares of all kinds usually Iteptin the Strive and !Tin line of business, among which may be' found a better assortment of stoves, heavier,lar ger-and Moro durable than ever before offered IQ this edunty, all the proof you 'need 'will be s - st to call. and . examine for yourscPes. All eves warranted in every respect. .. .IC: , •pt constantly on hand, an extensive assort= mcnt of Pin ware, made out of the - best materi als !,Vhicli is offered for sale as cheap as can be heugat in . any Market, also on hand' Lead "Pipe, ail sizes, Chain arid searing - for Chain Pumps, Cistori: Pumps, all' sizes, Brass and Porcelain, kettles all sizes, .1 :Waled ware.' :1f kinds. j o b; ro si4 o no on . short. notice and in - good or der. All' Po As . in the line . will x be 'sold cheap l'or cash - or approved credit. . • ' ..• S. A. WOODRUFF. • - Montronde, March 20, 1856. • • - 111 - - TO . 7,71 E L 4 ES OF. , BLVGLIAIi- T O:A 7 AND • , . ?law read it, it it-short and of importance • to every House Keeper. • . SHEP D B:R 0 T.II E ITAvE received their spring supply of house JL ftirnishing Goods.. %Vu can now offer. seven'ba,ntifni styles t,f Crockery. • One of ?hero rt new And:elepnt. Spring Pattern of White En. .amelled: Wart. Our Goods are all a No. 1 .in quality, no - seconds or odd lots, but complete setts. and 'can alwayb be matched if broken or more canted for years to corn.. All. he corm. incrp wares, HINA TEA WARE; sot. splendid .. styles of iv in., and decorated, very low. GL SS E. -• .. a coMplAte.- and unbounded vari6ty always on hand. TEA TRAYS of our own importation: • Fifteen elegant patterns, far surpassing in ikh finisliAnd. durability, the.. American Article' usually sold, at as low prices,- and by fur the largest and most complete . lot ever offered in, th ) . se parts; from 33 to J 5 persett of four. FROM AZTOTIOO. GREAT BAR- GAINS ! ! Brass Curtain Cornices, Bands, Hooks, &c. f nt pricai that defy competition. Twenty differ ent, styles of those elegant Bird Cages, from 7 5 evnts to' 810 each.. 34 different patterns of superior Nvuran ted Clocks. from 81 to $35 each. Wateltes, Cloeks and Jewelry neatly re paired. Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, &c. &c. 200 Dozen Knives and' Forks. Parlor Lamps, Hall• Han ging Lamps. Britannia and Tin Ware. HARDWARE (!ENERALLY. MarbieizA lion Mantle Pieces and Grates, &e., in fact a' general House Building and House furnishfror establishment. Call and sco twat one•CRYSTAL. PAL- d ACE:' two doora east of the .Cana). • • a , ' If oar Goods are• not' as represchled, onr prices cri 1,4 as in town, and you tiro not treated well, please don't buy. • , SHEPARD BROTHERS. Binghamton, March, 1856. • - wILLIANt. TRENAIIUdi CO.- -.. ILI, ktiep always on - hand at their Store. near the "Starrheca Viaduct," a large and well sekicted assortuterit.of all articles usu. ally called fir in Country, Stores; consisting of Dry Goods; Read Aida, Clothing, ffrita" and Caps, !loots 'aild :Shoes, Crockery, giuss - aed Queensikare.;Cloeke, Dacdware. Nails,and Cut lery, Groceries, Oils, Provisions, Flour, .Feed,,. Salt, &c.,t Pri%gs acrid Dye Woods, Wooden and Willow Ware, Bruihes, MOMS, Stone AVare,•, and a gre4t variety of, other ' traps." all of which they will -exchange for.eash cir.country produce, on asgood terms. La any ,establiAnicut in . the county, and we gintrantetotir Goods toproYe t at ail .times as they sire . represehted. W.3_,Ce., hope by closeattention to bu nese, and B7 , , by - fair' dealing, to tnerit"ii continue int the . patronage which has heretefore been iberally extended.' if The. higheet market:rates will .at all thnes.be , paid in , Goodii,..or Cash. it pieterredjor - Hem-: Joelcßarkit the Viaduct . Tannery.,'. - - , • ' t'. -. -' ' WlCTRESfakfile CO„-' ' LatlesbotosTab: 27, '1858: ''''' :' ;' ' ,' Theltiicner Nothing Pa pose. , ANY person patronising - at the front npper room °film Store lately occupied by M. C. Tyler, eau be 403ommodated iceordlng to to the Latcat Fashions, in the hegira most ap. proved manner. . • - - idv work is4tmtvated to dt it properly made Cutting. mending and in lest every , branch of Tailoring dean- on the shortest 'notice, and tits, **the aglatimtion ottboes emmsrtmd, , ' - us tr, ' • „.!.. SliirtnE,A 1 $l2 81 12 3 1.80 1 80 1 80• 9 40 1 28 18Q 7 ito' 1b 23t 99 4 71 9.761 800 • 18 90 •25 , . 20 9 35 1, ° 4 70 , 4 57 j 16 80 BAGS AND-'IIIEGGINtk7 rsescam watorm**34pre so. GO Water °NEAR OLD SUP, NEW YORK: . 7„. • lIAVg constantly ion I.lsind;andltiiiimfgeturi . to order, , ' ' Bags and aoks,..beisid Ind Sean 5.5),r all uses, and of every des truble' - ifylk and quality. - They would eSpecially call attention io.thsis unequalled fAcilities-for _ ?Balm MD VAITIVEIEB Bag. or Sacks for flourOlculy • - Buck whosst, Aionsas t akilt, Spices.. .*, • ail of which they furnish to order, to the moni - : approved &tyie of desigri and ;printing, and with` quickest despatch. . • • - Also,.importore - and Dealers In ; - • . . _ gunny Bagil arulßagging, and various kinds of THREAD - and TWINE , -. both Linen and Cotton, of which We Os reeelv t, in coutiruul so Wies. . e 'Yfntrit - 1); )868.-..tner. - - ' . . • -• : First . mid-. Last. Call.. .:' .; ALL indebted to IC Thayer ',4. Co., 'Thayer _. . 41.• & Creadall,, or &Thayer, individually will -. please tako this find. admonition, aridive.must i .' • . . have 'these. accounts settled up. N ow " if yow::- • Mill and.iettfe with" Ps i ...and pay turwhett your can, we will lie eatiS6ed. Otherwise . we_ sioar - •'. , be under the rtee - essitv of leaving 'ourhookswitli-' 2 0. Justice for Aettleuient and collection. We - will give, tine the lit of -Aprirmext;ifer you to '...: cap and soe,,ps. - Many,of - these debts .oreL,sulill.'f',.. and: the costkrOuld amount to .more ' than.tho.'. • debts. So friends call and not compel 'l2 : u, tAi•dos - • 1 -what is an much ag,niast our feelings.`, . . • . ilsp,.we would soy, to the public,.-,that wish-7, .. -lug to. sell out our eutiti• steel -of G,oodi,ltatb 7 - :; • er than move them, • as:we are going Io , build id - . • a hc..V : storehouse - the coming summer,. we wilt , ' _ . sell you Goods at city cost for the;.next. , two '. , trienth.s. Shingles.. And moat .kinds .'oflunibe i c taken in,exchange for ,Goods. • - : ~ -. .... Cali And, Sep Ili without delay. '.• • . : . , -:7- _ _ .. • R.THAYER: 4 CO. ?Montrose, Feb. 25, 1856% . :-. *... _ • : . HEAR,: G GENTILES t War in Xontrose and Wishing . ton!! . - NO , -- SPEAKER YET.i! . THE g reat politkal Fusion at .Washington as ia not-ituccew4Sta, but GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM, & have fused all' partiCs into one grand, 'Victorious,: and ever:inereasing party, not for theihedclingof blood, or for the spoils of office, buffo; tiotipin*. •-. chase of GOODS. a loWer figurO tharieverbe::-_ fore have !)ccti sold in. Montrose. Oar Motto.. - "Down .with Monopoly." . -We take *astir:tin: announcing to., thecifi - zena of Susquehanna - Connty: that We have re ! , 'muted to our - splendid now: store in the east end of the -; • _'• _ ' BRICK. • BLOCIC.*- - ,7 , Where we shall always be prepared to wait up on our friends,-and.wl"lere it will iifford aa..the • u.reitest pleasure to .exhibit .to our customers,- and others. the largest an..l finest:stock ;of GOods-": 1 ' ever r.pened in Montrosci n„our line,. Consisting— [ of READY: Z•.1.1,DF: Cioitinvo, the largest and fin*: •". estlassortint , nt, latest •st-vies, good ,cloth Wand made by experienced worlimen.4. - ot/' r Stoat can. • • Lnot be equatkd„in gaantity,:qtiallty : 'Staple and! fancy godds of allSarieties:, `- • - CottorkGeods, Laces,. L .Silks, 'Velvets Gloves,'.• • . - • -" liesiery,l,Zdie's Dress Goods, • , Shawls, 16 3., Cipaks; m and the ost;co'mpletelissorttnent of Sheetingw o - ShirtinOS, &c.,.1111 articles ttsnalir w.sntetrin the richest or paerest It is not inie timt-our doodsare inferionin any respect. Vie' 'trill give to our customers the-pre.- eise kind ipf. Goods in quality that we neebta-- mend, or ttie'v may return them.. In .. short wit dery competition as .to . quantity and quality.— Cdil upon us andyou shall not go empty or dis. satisfied :.way. Measurcm-t:lken for Rendiliadeelfithing, prn vidt-ti‘,we tanilot suit customers ia - tho store, and j jaqt ttie garments wanted fugoished.on Blunt 00-1 1 Call , and'tave money. M GLITTENDEItd,' CHAS. WITTENBEELG,.. .L ROSENBAUM,. L.WITTENBERG. Montrose, Jan. 30, 1856. • .. Riph. P r airie Farms. ,--- • . Unimpinvid l i lnes - anf-s. Town Lots; in fill= . - nois; lowa,. and..A4oining States. " IOR salein — g,reat variett, - at lonr-prieets, and on favorable terms. PAMPHLET CAT. A LOGUE DESCRIPTIONS OF PROPERTY. - . with prices'.attached, torwaided\gratin,Wtztail ,on npplication.. . -•. '. . \. . ', .. .-.:. '• Our extensive local connections Will faeilitati, ' , giviegyaltrable inforreation 'of = any pa.ticof - the ivest to applicants desiring to Ideate. \ ' 7 i i Buyers of Illinois Central Railread Lerida can rail theinselves. of the knowledge and expert -.: • _ nee of 'Mr. Dupuy, -the late land agent Of ,the .-- Oomparly, to supply the difficulty of -tnaltingju. --.., d . ieious, selections. iA.I Particular attention given , to . locating war. _- nts:examining, lands; furnishing nuipsak.d do. \ criptions, payment of taxes, and - 103'.:s . ..generat \ Real EState Business.. = . : . ..-. - ! - ... .- - A CHARLES lf. DUPUY..& CO.. - 1 _ Corner of Michigan. atatine and South. Nato, St.: sear I /lino's'. Cen. RA:. -..- ~ • , . ,Degot, Chicago, illittom. i HARLES 14i: DUPPY, .. - 4 . viD, S. OGDEN', •i* -..- Orphan's Court Sale. , N pursuance ()fan order ofthe Orphan's court; .:: 1. will, be sold on the premises, on Saturday .:. -. the sth day Of April next, at ' 1 o'clock P.M.; a•, 10 , of, land, Situate - in Franklin TosinShip, !v.::: -:..- -Stisq'rt Co., c ontaining. about forty ract.ca, tuurfs. bnunded on' the North by the Road leading flint-. Thanktin Centre to 'the Snake Creek; on Aho -- Fsist`by.bv lands of Charlis Gunn; on thei..Sonth '-'--" b another road leadinz as above stated; and nt , th West by , lands of John Webster , A framed '..'"- ll 'use and bat:rt. - an orchard , and -- about 30 - urea', `'-..,.... !l' area.,.. Late ~.,the ostate - 'of Joseph '. - lirebiteri -- ;;'.7. le !eased. -, ' - . -....1011N SVERSTER: '1 . .. Ow 3. ; . . .- ':' ...' -. . ' s Tritatod dte:'=;-- -! ~..-.:-: - :D. Virgo, Dentist, 1104 remol'ed• to' s r; F. B: Chandleeoi store, where it will - 14sure to'see his friendslutuequielt posiiible.ft:'ii C; D.. VIRG/l i .; Resjdext Dettlikt:' , • • -. . • . * Vendnizt. , . - . . _ TILL lye expo ied at piblin:ffile la the hi g h.. .. witinoil best bidder, on the nrenalses of sibittriht4'in " BridgeNtiater. on Tursda the;. , t 0f,1t.;),,ril next; at., I O 4 cio4k, P., M, the• fol.' - - inglmifferty. --. ', ~! -,..- _ . ..., . r-. -,-, - • lee a cre ,of Innd with : a house - and barnOying• ...„. _ "o miles fronofontrose, on the.Owego tura. -, - ~.a yery . .des.iiabWlotatiori for a Illaticacriltli. -',. n-one tow ftVci years Old, and a Yekei`ofyinii6 4, -: i steera;nnd s e horse rake.:- Al ~t o 'houiatiold -- ' 4 : 11465 i ~ ,COnsiitin,,fr • of two cooinCiteirei,' , 'i"" I rA,taliles fie. e, 1 , • . %,,,,. ~. ,-.„- ernis on the house le Isla lot made' known tirt-' '' Fdair of sato.. 'Oa the other prepOetyian,sues - , 5,00 or under; caah dewtit; over V; six' i$ the credit on:atoproved lecurlty. - 2- - ' '-' ..'' ' , 'l .- -- - .' _ . hZtt.A .L. AlfiNEViLt '- arch 24, 1256;-3w 1 . 1 . 1 ` - '.. ..- , • r-.: - ' --, _ ! - Adnlinietilltolll MOUE* - ' - I ilinitS 1 - Ad ' - ... T, 1 o . tninistration having bow ..- LA -gianted te the - inbier&ri epon:Sh3;&. of &mud Quiet,' tote `of Springville tOniiktl*4 f dee, . - e4.iiii *lli* e indo,ted to the .M 4 Oatibiellk- , ire! reipfuited to reek. - immediate parnentiesoki.2 , ,A. th e treiltig" , 4Oniniidliagidrint - thov,siiellilliiiili:;',! PI ilik:PrOkalt them duly uttrafed fOreettletitudV';', i l , - ,: ~ _—. ' ': z • SAIIUSLAITICK.,: t. :-I, arch 25. 1856.-13s1*- . • VENT,Y4fIVE Caiiiltwood manta • Vraltatil42* . :- A ~ .i ;, ib:Y ~'`:'~~' ~: Y:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers