17 , - 1-•••-• f TA fi t " • . • - , . Itew , • - - IN Vitt; BLAST: 275 SD:WES now for stile at` Dfih " heia Garratto. We are! in roe largest Stock - of stoves oyer offeittiflie n Pa. connoting; otCnokint, ParlOilinifiakaitlato both for - Wnod and CoiliiificOvi Aill•Zatioittoent • or larger area, Would call_ partiOtlarioitOitiniffii the ',JCITer.. lonia ElevateAlfpn inostrPerl'Oct ands. rear lest stores' :-Variatir :Of largo oceris would, mentitilf thO Empire St: Itc iri , - pruverArisbellighean,ploted and.a ,perfect, tnish and inpertnar. Far-warn, itusquhaan yon have,: been in . habit ;of pare.haslaat tritnirrin2 and , payiamO much rulott ought to for heav plates and heavy tritruningi, .-'Ye manufacture our ownfur n re, An , them at maquittetureii priotls. let those 46_04 • a makerelPieftf , ccuripoto with,pa.. itt:!hancau t . 7 Jobbiato - donaini nonal.on short apitimig - . -;I:tICKEItM A Tiar:, G.,!.+lta+TZ4 Nor itilford, 'Oct; 4th, _ w out,; - ont 41. , :ann0tt... ; itt pas T tooter a 'and - Ahe .rl3ll Vti - wklierrtl.tyj shot ii continues - to supply the various Aragazinel f i darned i • belowi , at, - . the , nwe xvd.. per ann u `52,..25 Patnan),,*!.l,s; 11101m,e1)0, 1, i 44.4,411.2,..: itortieultnilnt, -, 6 , 44itlhilntos, 1;orlioni• turiat . plain edition $1.70, I.tittels Aye ! $5.06; 'Pint* -*Leslinsi 41;:ittitO.! Fitmitionti: 45.'.,25; Bo! Itoirs ; t-ory, {Cincinnati.)l,B3 ; National,. sl' ; 63; • thur's-I lonic Magazine, 8163.; . I lin,i,...prcitaroti alio 1 . 4.8il OideljsloT.lfanciarfl and misc:jjapeous barks "'and current: I . 4 . terattlfr :of ti f f. 44.: whether front the trade" ,r other of,indu4try.:- tidying initl an eipertentte fifteekyeakalll Book ana Periodir,,l trntfe, lie . ties; efatr4w.ing.itiin ordefs. Spechnen numbra tiagazines, sent receipt fi Stattips $3 of.xo :Watr.azipeig, and for 1,2 :in ek'Statn a san:kpin .or $6 .. ;vorts wilt o.to sent Leiterfs.O.lncluiry must contain', stamp for. tit , return,lx_mtage... Books slt (post paid) lli torsi t_ cif Pub s,lisher' 811Ver 140 d Oriees. W11.1.,1A t'AT rciv. s. Elotikttlfor; • - < , • "T!,. Jan.S.,,w 4 . liafa caiitAGE.l); !-- , - , Dehavraii . e ILackairanna & W. It.lit. - ~ SPRING ARIZANGENENV : .. ON And alter Tharsday. Dec. 6; 055, Ole ,:aluif . Pas.teuger Train will leavO OS'cranton at 1 I.OOjA. M. ' , : .:: , 1 Due.At Great 'Bend at :1.10, P. M. I f IE, Connecting with the Dunkirk .13:vpre; s Train I west', hot the' New - Yoil: ist, -the - N.' F. &- E. • 1 1 will arrt7ie.inllankiri; at 11;1%5 prin. and in Ne‘,‘,. . York ai t hl.as p. m. • Ript&in, will Leave Great ttend, at 3 p., in. due at Scranton '5.50. E.. , ~ - T4'e F rei g ht Ae.tornaintiation Train. Witt:past'. rngercar attached, deii;artfrom at *OO, r. - 51. i -e - Otineetiug trill the. Ma Tr it bound - VO:At,..; toll the Night Eproas Tr.siiis Path Eas't , lnd y‘re'At. ; • • - PnZsengeis . tnl;i'ng this Train i and th'e Nikti • _ • ..Exciresillasit, will arrive in NeyVlYorki : a. m. takinlT the igightrxl;l4444 • arrive.in.Drlliirk 12 M.; or 'by taionz MaitTrain West, will arrivv ainkiik at, 61 4 1 - Returning, swill de part; from Great Rend'at . 7.00 ' A., „IT. arsd arrive ht Serliaton A.. , Stages will - be in waitine6h the arrival of Pas. enizer ['rains -at B,:ra•ltua, p, • o Carhl - nelale, Pittstqn. :V,laps. l 4 trre ,!Phit a 4,X. his"ri , i the R•ading. tsfou, andsii nth c! , Ittermeaiht,e4ilactew- D. H. DOTTEREIt e Sup't. - Spei..office.,Scrantori, rl • • I De.; 4 .123;)5 25tf - For -the. aII -1 1 , (.1 EIXEr ANT piece% c-. 1. rpitiorn+pilleik th 6 `P :Irian S'sntir.srv. 00 4 1 arid - vn'Ae - , Ter ,, a ,r , in ;s , . tifal vrarolip also elegant n open for inspection nt J. DE Riughamzon, •Dee. 2‘l. -1 I 1 1 • FANCY 8..1-8 KB TS.v, A large variety .also. 7110,1 stands with 8.,. kiss, Retieuies Sre. at low 1 / 4 'pr:i:es.. WORK AND FA...VeYiBOXES. - ' „Ladies Retieule§,-Port 11•1' . o P see, and new styiea pf SaWiieli; for g:;:ki bv .3.41. At PEU. TOYS! - TOYS: I xdrs ,, Came one, come all \ aura yo#4 . 2corstr *ball b. gratified frorti- a Ronny to clotlir; 4 lsi our large stock of Tops which are ,r.iov.- 1 j CHINA AND CRO:CK.ERF TVA RES , . , °.. .1 . 1 i : • ~..1 . Housekeepers tri.at yourAei ; ros to a :New-yen!. prpsent with one of the - Veaptifili .4(!itt; Of <iblir: Band orDecorateil Cninknow on . eoibitiOO ii DO Pon's. . A foal 117 Srab..4l:intin i , i ft tin tO 61. , mOmbered in a r;4r.iat ‘k Y. . ,NVili kilo n:' , A, to urrin the- soner , tiOn and! self:4,ot liie , Croeiet *a fiqtt..ernedcistiing stoic; 1)\-' !. 1 - :‘ . -.' -:- -' '. • - - 1, 4 ; ' J. 11. ,r. Binghamton, Dee. DeO. 20; 185 e FIREL , IR - E 7. TFIR • !I - - . , L 1" • 1 ~ ll - ..: The undersigned has hetn,appoin tid an 4gent i if tile ....4 - ra.TB iltaum,, Fi 11.1., INB I ..MANCt. cogPAxy, of 11 6` axrishorg Pa.: ~1711iii- n iptlny hara eapital-of -- , -, id .. .. , 1 _ti.ls -4 .: -ass....ie and eheaffa eninp.nyj as , aly , in thn-State andiet•nres on Ohl , Stock' ark! met,pal ,plan: , -,- , .-iBILLINGS STROUP, Agert: ILontrosa,o4 9, 1445-:-41tf ~ 1 I • We.-the undesigned•hereby state that w l e have dime business with the above corn?, ny, an 4 . tv4 are. 'iatisfied I..hat it 'is both safe !and ehlnp. Inoui eiperietee we have never . knewn any seisms:nits on a premium note... - .‘ F. M; Williams.- - ; W m-jessup: D. 1:10.: Warner. '.g C'iland:er. Orhinde ": NEIiV O'ODS. ' ' '• - • I . ' Mg Su scriber, is in eonsi.ant rfecipt of New in his line 4:f ha4laess, near.lY,ever.y _weeli. ' v. - 114 assertme4 Ni, 1, audhls rarities meiv ;rod of good tiu.allty[ . The Meek t.ent k ists an ulail of , •,• , • ' Drugs. , Medicines, ; Paints, ; Paints, l • • _Dye-Stajf4, • , , 1 .:Fans-Gutds. Jewelry- _Perfumery,Ate - ilontioie, fan. 10,10_0.: ' • TO IrigesE wuo .wisil: FA #3IS. It2re fertile Lands at,n ctieirp priej , In it (tit e • Uy t erms , .v.AurpliontiOniii tirtlied the Xtjklry,Fnsin and coSil.Co:npanv. ' 'Pscenim t fice ' *rev or mbreilir pipihle In In itfallin mite "Sof #l,_pei week 'pi $4 r, lo'iiteti in :Ettreohlity; Pennsytvli, eta, amil lass One of the' bestlinltyk*ti! - liit'ilts pre. j duee,in . the.Stste. TheLjtcdi ii >+i .ti ie ti1;1 0 I - 0 i'nr,passed Sollgtininh". l , . tett rtill'stio:.f. - It his -,- the :heit i (4etikinfi'ef *eht 4 l`:ttf dhiryjll Sihortiy tritelieilted.2-144'iltir:' tirron4:l - The tipther is - or the f ictist,** lo.l oel, tee iioediAro given. ptesentif•ti'gethd sobsitangalPirti4 2 .to C4l - 17/01t4i farm g. wit:sling*onskAh,Ablret xu.,41 . 1zr, ati,inyeot meet; 'riraticer can from the. .14-,mP*4-w14411-solo.,svi 14 1 , j!iguistei - s. i'Apefi or: wlO re 4. 1V141.14 Vir,loA-37aV31,tivkliretol.1-3$ nifiu kip tree North -tilde bstkiteot:lotirfr etsi• pleds., 4fotipl4o#lol;.o:lo4l4ttedi, hi.; the s "Ohl opi.; - - . New aTewelrsrd -*:,-'-- ' ' Splendid assortment, just lirrjr l . 4 i Ili . N..; • • " TIIIMELLII. Ittrout, Jas. - , 10, 166 E. 1 .NOT/CE. . _ aitAL .naarr ,T . /to pa t s ka • . , ArtheAtratikemtnitat4regorre az ;:. - -t 1 ',',.. t trAool4rW t S,T, 'ollE . l . l'*,' - ',' '-''' t Av. Giaocivi , 4 , , JPP-914- 7VII II '‘..A - ' 4140 1 4fiiiiii(1 ,1 '.i.;':i4 9 , 41 0 , 4 1 2. - -:.1. 0 ,e: ..,!!-,. I pur,polj . 6 of - noticl#9,tlig ,1114'14n.n1WArfi4u adq+a - In . , nlikits ,viiint4itst4htlic:ltintll,4 ..r,,f9i'•:01 . 41 . 1s ',lozs iiirm ,tW; .: p?dzier: d'Ousinitititiiiii - A 610itt ,t 1,41, 1 ' they si* , n 9io _ipAbnitig,, iii. gre596,14.14r:b64.0): ° Pi"' sit° the l.l4o gil -1 / 4 1 te l e'rkdt ligli!.filter Canal, :OitYghat - ht0.114. - T - :,'ibela`reisi -:' .1 .' P . ; t" __ „, ~t. kt 0 t.„6_ f. and liesi:atoo4 If Tl:itliol* - -are Over offered iiillitift. hatilthii: ' ,-"' ' ~ .; ;, ....,I"`' ". T ' ' '': '''''' ' 4 ,' ' . I,la4l,l , kind4nr.r4ltgeinentS 't - o r :,fnitioirt - ' Abel; -Englko,k_Gbollis anfl'intrAasei:th`Olt - American '4, 1 1 reel frani4fiidill',akiiii:Vii4;i4e i viid' yrii) i•ill I CHEAPER 'Ailit u s . pk 'oltfilt;,biliitilAirienefii. 0,mt.4".!',' - 11161if' . ,i4ikkis iiati` i . .eri 'AiOisi . 4., ,'lm'4 - ' thn*ti tkiViidgqii'‘.iiiicii;anii:Oniiteti . tii'ealt '---,,:. -,ll'oa following are n po'ortion or f =- „No r II •- , ding •I • • i ' N ' [Wei, viz:-Table knives and • tnrkor. Ter! Ars_ 1 carver forks and steels,'pon And-po , cket knivos. bread iiiiitluitiiiin*„. i liiii , Apd -:. ?fl. tag. d k.4 - e•,j.1,!., ; sots, shears, axfd -- ;azors,"lTrita'tai.a, tea Ann canoe pots,silgor and britomuid fia - 00" tahle„spoons„ :110,'nt 'eat : o,l4:l4s, nna•jrokiatifili:stiag, , i,i .. ltf• fav arid irtiYioo : 4 9.4 1 i4;A11.', 4 : !Ar..4:14 .4 4, .;;Pc 4 ./7v `Latins: 'n"l3:6o6,Airf k, :Orinm en e ' 'brags' nfitrition :andi r en . ,44,l - ;, • iela - ano fOrg.s, 4,.e . ".1, - ..,. •,..-- , ~;. : ~;Lch;tcih- i ,G.fa_i, i (l2, ,, i l 64: l "4 l ,ilgig!Psili.lPo B ; to - , g4.tticni:47itli - ii,'Opiqat ,i,i4.4 . urtipcnt''of, i li#l,...el.:p, , :' ing.:rtrifclo', 'SY -,''' - ..... - 1 -. .':' . :,:"-- ::.- : - i. -' - • ' lIQUSF • litqtNii , 46s - " .''- ..---' ' , consisitdg i)ri.ceiii,.T.;itithg, l butti.; 's4'it% ; 1 6 - :ritT . Inails, .bi,,ilts, pit ? nt.,,w.l T a. %-_, piptin . 7,s,,blind . taftip - 7 1 3 ingoi,,sllneto.r staewi4, aiiii fastenings,_&e,. •„ '•-',!: I 0.... • A gori4ral,ati:ottmettp of tqcolk - fOr Carpe n t ers: ~ Lind Joirieri . . Cabinet anti Wagon Mialcorm;llitioiii' Irma blact(S'ialtlis,venhisting of planes, saw - S,hroni I •mers, hachett f ax-tmitrizivalaitselts* ii - nOitio,gmer . bats, and , hon'rW b - .44 . 4,' ,-- ittEdhs; Diatim)% 431 0 ,,,, 'patent drill notelilltikliledgitiitae-tattiiiiers. i brick misl - pltistering , Atowdlii;,CtoWooli imillzAnd, i f isrularisai‘t, , i,..s r: - : -,,? - 1,- . ,i,„ : „..i....„... .„., _,,,, , 7 . , ,,, . 7 i,, 1 i ! A . Aplindid . 118etartianit of ISalliito nalllttraess! . J. mil ers 7 =ipt.o.-18 :lea .tarofnings: ~..,-, - , -- i ,-.,, ,!..,':. ,7, .' I ~ -- ~: FA 6:111INO-TOdiAgi i•-: i ••,: .. consisting of shovel s sPad es, fo rks,rattes,sc it hes. : gEa.in .ciddltsq-lbotsi - , 0471as:es, iron ,attr„'!grind • • lat er.es. St.:. • :..e.:. ,c3.:t • • y..7.7): - • f,-... . -• Also,- Agents for the ante of Whittomor. S q uireslqS &. Co'ft-Agrieultural tools,such am piowh -1 bay 41 esfisirajtcutters;,norn shtite.rai&t;.L '..-.,..!. I. Btile and iipptir . feather ,. mor occo and • Shoe i -. , .. . i, triainlingti, with, a general assortment of It d ings; . Woodo..nt ware,, willpvilcradl.es; wagoills,:elinirio :via baskets - of all,..desiriptioin., . ' •.- - 7 I ..: -.1.1ar . iron and sici.4,,irfort.s.xics :lasted slii-init o MAlleahie castings, roach lace.antl trinfinitigs ,01 1 all kinds. paints, .oils, snsh,:glasS', putty, ate., nil of which will ,he sold ai the lowest rates. tileaso anll and examine 1100 oitciek for yourielveS: : 1 ' . Bonoiamtor.,larireit' 1 1555. : ' ' - • .... 1 . A Rare ChanOo to Buy Goodb ChQa.tW • 6 " C. IV FL I G 117 being desirpus of clot. Cj*. ilia l,nsiness for. Jeavir.g, it 'the •Kpring take 4 thhi :Itte.t.hoil of, informiti.; ,enstomers an i the pulAie geper;ally - that he. wiy. Isig entiro 0r Goods at cost,fiiran.b or ready wiy. No. ei.eclit wi . ll,l)e Oren after. thiN ,date..lL! would - sly Ito ihosciallehted to : either by : note or boo): acef ? ant. Raflp: 'must be.. satleri.-14cliately, without furthibr notice. also oor74.l.or,stile his,tanery;stord , hr4so. two•dwOlifET, hOuses,,anti theappuTtermh tea i.bero%vith, tr...retlwr with 3:2 acres All of whi:clieheip,„" •, • Middletown, Pa., Jan. 10,1856,—tf. And ithptCosne. ATENtr llooltAvery_week. Old- Sant; Clans ,I.l' round yet and will •be'tilt after :New Years. act prene , preF.relur the Tic C. -a - ,1 - te re }pia can get new.. entertaininl, . . nr Conrerkationsarnund Om; C;Mtp ice; K , ltu WeAttin or to :mrt t. r,r 43 ,n,7,." the spr, Pastimes er Lorne ina;To road or claude!Daval &e.,,Peter Parleys' nt;iy "Graver- Ifeitory and gift I,,noks,7,tis. L. lies, eintret , aid liaic.l ;iitur eitoklho:riks etc., and many nth: ers I cant mention "Ittf.re, ahow them tn won if..you. will call, , rind sell them low for the ;- - • N.: BULLARD. t . 2tinntrnne toe. '26.11855. • -- 7 • ?nn Fire Ins. Co. Oifice 455 iraa-S7rt4t. Tht• • t, CAPITAL. '.• t n'• , u!n.? . I .."s lte: inn; l ,, - IT fredinnake, Fri rri:ture.Yr,. v:f;i i a rert :oliftti'eir'..C.nrgoa ., •, and otfict Prot)* rr ,,- ngsit'sf los:s or itanfv-e.'bv' fire: '•• - 1 - • I:. PIREC.I - 07t.5.-15:ettliar.i61 --.. ichard, .S. F ,inrisll . lr, :lloi t ee tel . li. Seli..nek. Wni:"?.• ..1/..tt, Edwin • :D. 'gn n. Wm. W. 1P , . 1x, Sitiney . 3liinn, - . Elif.liia i it't 7 ii'v• It - 4,. I,6rd, Tnn::. Barrnn, lim:ksel- ti.-Ney.. I j r ..% -- 2102- 4 .-tjz. f i r :5.1„,-;,. Tac lor, - John -.l3taw 7. 'Ward, Jatnes - Ci)lies,'Ffwer, - - . .Sir., Pearsall. Aiiin'ili ' .Tiete-,Peter Cooper, Itini} , •.I.Elsworth, . Lymnr 'Denison; Jolin Croox - 01.' • - . • . . ::- . •!•.--. •, ' - li.-17'ILANIEJ. AICHARDS, Prey c . :' ,• .-Wfic:4 3 117 PALitEn,,-See . y. . ..:.._ .:. ~. i . . '&l ED WAR D.PItIEST, , Agent, Bingharn- - , I. ton..N.- Y. • - * , - 1 7 4rniers - and Gaideners. e,-.114.tt to the Alataltri— ttiv;t:facttirefi.l4-. the! I.ndi uri%f from the,' :Sitiks tad .Privies of yin: I City and fre:ftnnt , of,:tisic,ottdor;--ezri, d POI/ rotitETTE -.Pir.urirette - is - eotr4,ost- , (1- of tw , o•thirds night roil= u d one , third thi!ouipkied veitet,lble fibre., I I Tafeu'is e.onipasci -4 , f three-iotriths night soil - I watiooe.l4.urtil No.„1 Perwiinu. Guano. .- . ..1 Th . ese int:wires are. cheaper and better adap I ,ted.Tlrr. rTisiun Corn, ! G-.4Tdrn Vegetables and 1 timn nny other, invinTliet.- Cate be ppt conlaet with the _Need without iojoiy, _and• youNes€ ,- ,rn apd.r , eeds I d+e,4 - Izie 12 R . rimer, ripen tap weeks carlier;'ana , thirtitneraelhafs. pierentatife if ' I Tair bbis.Potiarette or - 100 lbs. - ."Tafen;;Wil), simndre an acri• of. Corn. in'. the: hit Totell‘ :l'o. 'Ps ad re tte .$:2.0 ; 0, per 1414 'or $1,50 fur' any ,Ilui , t,tity over:l'44l4ls, deliiirredi r rin boar4..vessel. - Itallroati..tiee' from 11 ny • oi4'ilif f: for,.parkiig4-.otcartage. A pan - iblet .Ootitilining sve4ei'afortnation. sent; .post ',to. any titie senora!! *Weir address to AIANUFACTURING CO. GU C6tittinntli at., New. Yotit.--..r7tn3 - • • Aujiitofp ootleo— lL.npprbinW .:he 9rp 1 - B,ri*, co 1: r. - 1 - 6f Statili ty:finttnn,C ,- , ty, on exe4•l4,lons, filed,. tn,ihe tint Rynenfsini 17,11...:0 • Tuy, r4pn, 7 2idlilifit.ti.atprs . :Aai.4.m.R.v, nention, ifteri. iTulieii.:tit .ttitiortiip,poilit.nterit.... at, his ..01rtee It - interim. can llt,nrLz~; rile 3141.44 y et Alitreb n'ciocit in ttni•rozenii . fin which nnarpla‘e nli personsinterLesi viiiiatemi if they. r`f , per. • • Montrose, 3rsiel)..3, 1 - ' • . • MORE NEW GOODS PE1411:-' , 4r0,TIN,G4E1 So A 11. well »eletAtilet .Ifproekery ar o .. .Gl 44 ' s Ware, jaet receiv,e4, , I ,Atep .1- new .lot of Ves4.l y.4jci n.e.so l *!•pg: cbe2p, . , • ,iDATOw,,inted'at,o e.C.13 "Nish fraida'b - 4t.T.(VP - ~iphotl~rn ; Dee. 14.,11k5. 0... "- upt(1 . .: , ,-t(i . be 'cheap . $lOOO worth, kleakityl made clothifunt • DICKER-MAN G A R A TT ' S Nei/ mra4, s4Togat VQ - TEELSquaiiiip-:4 furgeiarld auperiii eiisort4 1 . 401 -1134;4u tt lowE " = GingsAingte and' ifiluhlel;artelt. all Aritu4l.frfun 2ficis up. Sash Cant ritopelliat. : I tote: - (hulk ike., - Wrought 01 - sins; Orhublet poititeillOr-viiipi4afthr4ssortinont, P4 I Y4T4 - I P.f9NkM;s• 14411/4-111NP71,1.04.i:_; A r: AWO* IIS.I4I4M , -ii.: - *AL.-novilWzfiniikLiitithrilevrsta t i4 An j a i coraerohnitlghisuittlCillistsit litte 4:: inifti3VlrAet's- - store ' where "he riirstitsfAattil , '‘afirpti r e 14 - Wsfehes,l Clocks, Guns. Jewelry, and every deseripi los et linachinery. Wheel tutting, 44 And o Watch; ,suaterisis supplied to tits tat& -1-3-A: ,,, Ate _, - t.i ,.. !. I ^ , '. .',..,- Lt.. -.4 ,•," -. • , ',.... '' , . ' : 4.1631 : - I hp. -;;;.-., ....`' ff' . , , - '' ' 44iilillring the-Intik /0 * . stent . ntvr -It .: be fo re - i' .. kiNiiwalit iii . oedictue.. , . ;• li , -,;, :k.: it.1.: 1 ..... A' ."-‘ - t . t.. " , ' t • .--. . •.• •" V.,; . :4.' Ilillf•LIDS, READ AtltllJtai , 011VOUREIL3E&. ~. .. .. . , 41 IBLY,BIfAtiEL; Esit.i :Ste . Woe, 11 - *wit: perfumer. al '1 • Chesnut r torer o . rhiladelphig..,, choice products , .. am fotintfat &tarot:every toilet; saya 4-, -" - - ". •, 1. , ' stut am tiiiiiii'hi• say of year; Civiiiarec ilmi,lhaf.ll .- , *ire found them p better family eiedicitte, for commie* -.',, , -gre, than any etherwithin toylton T ahoy of my 1, Liriends have reatitedenatielel et „Ban thelms.anel coo- Fee , • ' .itleidavrilb me in.beliaringlhat i flie ; extranntinarji ';' , ltieneclait.4 driving Mit - diwaide rend rein the *irk. 'They' I. 'km ifotnnty4dlsensed, btu safe Ind* ' tut tahe taken ..,.. • inhibits' which, must•Mako them lulu; by the publi4• Ht. \erhiA l h.Y ~10 , !"1 0r 1 4" I : i''' • - . lit H 'Tie vinerable r elnitieelloi WARD4Pirtailtas freer llal.-. '4.',,, tlieirre,Allth April; ltß4 ::' 1= •0 • •,. . . ~ 7„ •• „*.., 113,4 r.Diti*J. C.. Area... Sir: t lova taken your . Pills with': . 1 great benedtgar thelistlesenea, ht, -. or, loss of *appetite; ~ mitillilltede adaehei 'width low o ...late learaterestakew '..i:';',4tltein the Wring. 7 A.,,few drastic( - r Pillschrad me. .1, : ti hate used iourcbcrtytectoral m 4, years b, my family:: 1 7 rot conglorind coldearith ,M lanfailin : cCeers. -Yo u ittake • i'r)gritdiemea whkti hits: andi fad 44 ' , pleasure to com Mead.,.. • „., Jou kw the good you bare defile *atri doing." . - '3OIIN F. BRATTY, Ese., flec;or • 'rethi..llaftro•d Co. 1 • • ,Mys 1 . • • ~,_ ,1 " holtviiiljka,.• ; ' Du. 13, IS3: . ivr ' U tile t - I fake pleasure in addin I ,my testimony to thti r ' , =''. l . - elltracy of your .ottufterrie4n Idrein ' rived Very material .1 :• : .:J . ...benefit ;ban the nee :01-bettr, year; I and Cathartic , 714114;.J..ain nearer withnist thcat, Id nay faMily,- nor shaf t' :'*** *over ennead fot .115:?1,11.1,'Myrnetnittwill procure them... ''' , ' -4 'l3a widel4; viit'iiit•te‘ ii tornoilNls,' 13. D. 6-.Wittt. , ..%-; • 'loollll4ilt 4 /14 - artitsolo - 4-.. - .. , j ••• '1 ....L. ,- -. ~.•-• ..c.:**. . .1 ' . ire .. tqlturbig'•uited -yettr.Ciritastac Bias in . rny prattle*, t ' o 4 ,.neatify-Trien'orpenentrithat" they atl, tufinvaluable•purgail , 1 ,t; diet- In eases of dleeideeid funciims of the Brae; catmint, -*: -1 , liesidakbe, Indigestion, cattive „and tha great variety mol . of diseases that know, they are a nee reutedy thin . any , ., -'' ,-' other..` In airiest" entire a tarry ivernedelit reettwed, r i: ' , I,andlthmtly.:.recsentreend Mote, . ils '4O the public, Ant, • superior to any other I 'have ever ' ' mil. They are sre : , . :, In i their operation, and' perfectly, '' fe qualities 'Which t meksetheartur.inviduible. article, public.ure, , I hays, "•.:' s4'.inany.years.kaown,yout CA " Pechrral as the best -g., ' Ctiost Medietni itt the world ; a these Pills emits ere ' . when int - ming , - NV - that' admirable '' ' Bulbs. May, • , ~. went of d 'Messer." - - ss, A , ", .Da - . J.-C. Area—Dear Mt r I 1 my birth witlt.'eartfirhr In Ira wo ' 1 4 - 1 twenty ,yipMettial,..and ..11 lintel, - -..., bare - been wimpletely reared in. a -' 1 With what * wrois fir tiroloici .4 bnA g inia wk., Aga .:,1•04. ,whitt I t . . ~ P Never until now bate I beep c fnimjlibt lompeonui • . disease in nosnoahaps.. At timer Bpi:tacked my eye., noel i ii6ad =, made nit alumetibliod, 'maiden-1 unendurable. pain; at ' ' others it seplettinithi scalp of do , imitlesiti.yed my blifqllntritatt Intl* tn4i4tartly.lwalti li My days ;.anmetimeit iteinir out IP my ;fide, turd _kept Blur months, a, raw rota: " About hum , IVetikittpi I computmeed taking friar Gs. je thattie Fitts; and slower's - entirely. &than the c o mplaint. • 11 3..14'5" . tte, wen, ulseskia is d er • 'minty hair has real • , • menced it 'Mikity ginielbi : all twhich mikes nil, feed i . •.' • already anew person. • • ... ••'.--.. ;:1-.. . 4 :-...- *.._;- , . 'r-tioping 4 hiratialetnent May , 'She means of conveying inf4matiou that shall do pod '' hers, I am, with every . ' "sentinteid of grititnde, - . , ~ Yefre , Sce.; .--- • ,-. • .. - -',. - .. • . ... . pilitARIA.: RICKER." , ". I bare koOwn the alsti've red:na Maria Dicker frt4th her childhood, and her staternentila *tried) , true. - ' • ,' .. • ' ' : . ANDR WL AI ESERVD, ~. ~, , ,' • :Overseer or the i'uttatneu 41intilarturing Co." ' ..,. . - - . . 'Carr. JOEL ritATT., of the • ,p , Marini , writes from - 1 Bo4ton, SIM April, !Mt •:! 1. ' - ''. .. ' , '',. . - • ' " Your Pills have cured the. (min a biliour attack width ararte [toll, derangement of {tire I liver. Width bad heroine' 'Very f•Cri‘ith . . - I had failed °ran ',relief by my Plq-eiciau• ; ~ land trom.every remedy.' earl - 4ry i.nut a fewdower. of your Pills have crospletely ;nihilist me to health. I have given them to my children fut*rmft; with the 'beet If ,fetie. They Were' promptly 'art.W I won:mended them to I friend for ewtivenen,' whirls had troubled lam' far .• months. ;he told toe in a few 414A - e* they „had cured bin,. . You make the belt merlicirtelm tiro amid ; and lam kee n, say ili. " r ' V - , 'Re s ad •this from the dielingnishettSolicitor of the Suprem . e • _ Court; winter, briliiaitt abiliir have made him wet! • - known, tint ntalk in this hat • 'neighbutirg. State., ' " .7i, - , erces, 3rk esprit, 18.-1. • ". Sir : i have great nigh.faelji : ill aseurina )441 that . myself aud family have been veil, remelt herrelited M Sum • . tnedienteA... MY wife was turedilOar year) , slime --rtt ir wt.. there. and dangendm rough, by Vim l'htaar Scrrde..l, sort *Mee then has en j oyed perftct health. My ehAdren ' have ieveral times been cured 6•,,,t attacks of the l ! nilm. • (Irma and Croup by -it. It is -4 invaloable feinea fez there complaints. Your CaritaYric fans have eillir. l ) :tilht:d .me north a (I) apeiwia illitf, tovtivroesa, which, has 'grown upon ore lea wane ) eaty, indeed, thie reire'in 1 north more important, front theifiact that. I. had tailed t, , get relief from lire hest l'hy-iri4ii. which the: sectiirn of - ' the: country afford., and front aq of tire ottwerous retire • dieir Phad taken. ' • A.; , ', YOU seem to UP, Deems, liktel a provide n tial fifer-%llg - • to nut family, arid you ma)' W.,v,,..., , ,a„ In e Are y.-oi on nii!lftri of it. -.. Tours rid 9 Ito lir. ' i I.k V ITT TRAXTEIL"'• , . .. . , . "Sf were Ca ,Oh in,...fpril 5:5, J. 9.511.. -'. - "De. J. C. Area— iiiitsored ir: I have made is ilo,r oath trial of the ViTliall lc P 41, lel: me I ,) soot; agent,- - Rothe% e been cured by them o q.t. dreadful Ifirentirtimt under which Ira bound use au . re. Tire sir •-; Ms.e re lieved me; atot • a_ hew etib4eq ;at do..es have entireb *removed the .I(..esee. I feel it, "tier Lealtit, t.ow than for mute years before, whirls 1. in: . eirtare!y to the .If:rt. C13..0.11 CaTlialtrlc nu,. so. . with m t.: rvert.. '...- . . • •, ~ .f.t; Czi 11. Nti , •:i'l."Al...E." . . .Tice above, are all from Oerro who , lire ont,‘.4-ly lc con h :, 1% stare 14ey reside, a/.1 Who We 414 not 15.11 , e thee", >intr. 'Mint* "vitt:Mit a ttrotnugh,ro,v rititut "thanite they rs trua. • ;:i Prdpared by Dlll4. AYER' & co., . Traetical and Asialyti Lel r _itgetr.is:a. Lawel,/, less , -;, • , . NEW GOO , . CHEAP AT C. if 40 77 - .5.. :! • . Tus Tree.irell a 144 o: , f'w (;unlis. P c(ch 'as De t) I,lllpist. Dr Ca,...', 1' '42lllt.tiltN Petri's!). Al- Pae'M "ir;7, l llThis, ,M.rit,r.m l .'.! Fruits. .and; Shawl., : it.'Net a g.neral afeo:ttr,...pk : of 04 y C.:aids which wilt b, wild • 1 5..”:, ' ; 41 : 4 14 ' ,AY AN T E.:D-1404; s, relic, nat?. r,Lsr 4 ,CheeFr, Flanaef, &.e., any cpaniit i in''exellan:re 'for Goods. at; eavh pricer. 1 i - ;.;'!, - 'C. W . morr. ~ , 51entrose.Sept. • 1955. 11 , 1 ; - -., • ; ' Will Fili Bite 7 ,l rrAliEi.win -if v.iu 7 u se 4.13,. fi,hing ',apriaratus I. sold :by Phife dz i K .' witon. 3 thincs -east of C i henango Bridge. it nL't lot just rkeeived by •Kxpress. Call and e;sa p ine their I4ge asscirt :tient: Hooks, Lines*. 11.41, , Poles.snells. Ara-. .fieial Bait, &c. rityr) , Ek, KNOWLTON. N, B. I t . is enrrently I, reporteci that: 'Fish, in t thisiseetitin of euuntiv, i ill no O the ught with other Tackle than that § 'ld at the above stab li.,..tieleut,- • , 1) 11,Inghatnton., Aug; 1.01855. . ! . r 250.000 . A CARD. r - PIIYFE . dr. Kti . ,oll7l.!fON .Aotkid most re cpectfuily call Ole iittention of purchasers to alarge u.qiortment ot'IIIAiIDWARE just re- Ceived and being daiiy i creased by arrivals from different manufactures, 3,112 ting, purchased at priceslower,than these fttr which articles of the sagie quality have IkenSffe.red during the five paste yegg, they are era 1 1ed to make quite a , re. ductionfrom.i.heir: for Cr very -reasonable do ) mends, to otfer<boo to in andi country trade in. "duce meet* hilperior, to fume of N: Y. agents. _ Dinutivinton Aug. 1.4 '1855. ,! . . r. ,F 4 . of_ A iiriva I* InCIiFRMAN: fir. , aubseriberi .wlild re4lec(filllv inform - UL. the gap - peoMe - p Snsquehnra . Co. - that they are now open)ng .their stneo of Fall • and Winter Guide wiiiiii i, - joitisnallv ( nrgerend. at / trartiie"Alt 'of which . :ill be sold tor .- cash . or :41T - iiiTted - eredit-eh,eap .. •than can ha bought at pry other establiehine ;in the -nolgilv W.) mean jnit - whalt.wo say.; Ph give us a trial. -• • - ,•••,:- '._ • • DICKER (AN & GAyRATT'S. 1 - •,;• Neer Milford ; Sept. i3th,11455. :.', • . .:t.:•: •. • • . - - ‹, • . 11 - JUT 'Nails and, SIN kes.—Booaton, Parker ills and Old Co 'pay, at "; • ; • .'ter & n'tn‘,T hamtnn.Nov.. '4,55. . . •'.''''s."Pii.ll-and ".I.42ter Goods. rilliE suhaer'berm 'l t d.say to the , public that •.° i rs 1 sbu hasjust reeeir. ;i'l • a griteral. Ilse 4 rtfnent of-Fall and %Violet: ',Otis . which 'he, offers - to sell very iow for =a produce. . ' -..'- A. ifitlSFlsttD. .Frieniityll lc, Nov al a 855 7 45tve' • .p Ra04L5: 1 41.4 stfleß st C.W. MOTT'S. , Jane,l3. Q . fixE , .... D ‘4 , 47,,,A1tp......:, et a la bi rg e e . lito s f e t rt pr it e n rro m rk e t. i.. - 3 of ill .4ii-41; :also nr i_ . arra to _ . res gma ni . Spoons.just fin*e4 40 14 , _ n 4 • 4 1 coin, b y . • - ' ti? A: j. VANS. A ug . 29. - '-•_: '', SWING BIRDS, ..'..e , 13 - e . aro.h)r , .. • GOODS... 7`i:vrtuß . 4L new sup, ;:';'; which . mlll lilt solacheip fftiin sept l 11105 00019e4 „ i t Newlota Anotiktnd Lesiher, an4,f9r sale _ cheaper..l.4nl*r.by - A, R. XISHLEY. ittrntkivn. A NEW MVP ' ArP r age, r ins: 0119, , triatirinT+ f4r.lighte, die., at TURRELLIII. ht. 10, 1854 i. • -2. K am.. ::~.~-~ >~ ~ - - - IVANS-&•AAT,SOti.pIO. 26 ..... -- .11.:41'bth fonrth-st., Philad, : , Si ,',.0,,a .au GitEA r ftR.E. C 4, ESTNUT li 1 - it $ iet,yl'll _Ste., f riduy morning.,' ....-- 1 -r..... 'recrniber, 151g...11154. . Enloe sat Wantons Salamander Saft4 tri= numhisiot,aittirry,always are whorl par to air toot ~, ,••,_ ': ,l , , VOILA)). IL.Pillit II Ilea 15 0 105 4. ' A r teggirgi . ,EV 414 ' 451y1Vutiiiiii, Nl6 o. Smith fourth' 'Ai:, Phaddeluitils.. - - ...• .., Girtt:istru:— We take. ntqch plensttri• 0 roc="; 'ominending your Salamander safes to Iferej m nip arid others iu went of usecurr ifOrans ofpreserving their t x .k n , roper*, acc., from fire, attli• . ..tie_ w e purchnied from; you ntiout or verrtnenths since lies. preserved our huoks, and cash in. as 'rod a condi• thin sit they ,were when put:into it 4 b fere , the great lite this morning,. which drstroyed• the , eq.! tire Meek of bulldulgi corner of. , Ohestuutand fifth streetii. The shove was in trite in 'our otriciL en the seCond door of our building; from-which plan.* 1 i t 4,11,i4 1 , 0 t h e _o e llar and retnanted.there it fit t.l the; Ai.: lotto out. ,Tlie Safe ._teas then ri•moveil and aliened in the presence of at least 10011 persons. who Witnessed the good condition of the chritents. 'Will:You plea4have the 'Soto and Locke repaired we intend tri Part ii iu use again.having perfect nonlideime in itafireliroof qnalities. , . ' 1 Yonne, lip .. speetfully, • '' - '` ° i .kt . :F.\t- dr:PHILLIPS. * Evans and Watson take - plealsure iu referring to I the following, among the many nundreds whcr have their Safes in use %lint. Philada.; farmers . and 4feclianicie Bank. Philadal; Samuel. Allen. Elq.,llligh Sheriff Phila.;, Jotin .N. Henderson, City Controller. , t Caleb Cope :Co., No. tB3 Mat. ket st; Richard Norris rind Sop, Locomotive hail dent', Philnda .; Bancroft and Scilera,, Stachinitits, _ nsu- .rd _ eornor lfilla aud Joules Sts ; Franklin Ft I ratted Co.. Phila.; Penn'n Railroad Co.. Pliilnda.; Lacey & Phillips, coiner `sth aid Minor Streets; Sharpless tiro . No :II eolith 2,1;:t,; James, Kent A ntl,SnuteP, NO 147 North .Ttiird Street;'W. H. Wortaman and Sons. No. 51 . 111totts :Id Si;. Smith. Williams & Co., No. R 7 MaikOt St.; J.& B. Orne, No (85 Chestnut St ' ' . • A inrge ussortmer t of the above Soren alwttyron itaild(„wrirranted to .stand 10 per' eetit.•more fire thanttuy (terrine's Safe new iu nee.) EV %biz , & %VATSON, ohm manufacture rind keg, for sale. Iron Slinttere. Iron 1)oors onri Iron Sosh. for mak ing 6re.proof Vistilta ;or Banke r Stores. pithlic and pr vote buildings. Seal and loitter Cipyiu Press es; Patent ~-tlate Lined itetrigeratorp, am. Pleivie g ve , ne a call,st No. 2tn - outh l .firo all St • Phi In dvh ia-I:iyt . , Me., Mot. 25, 1252. ura bean afilietsid Ina*, form, and now, Orr, amount of saifferinN -.week* by your :Virile tan only h Nixe suffered. and hoer f New 'Good* at - ISz, GARRATTS' home very fine. far salis '- A. J.ICVANK, f.,1; sitialtunTanit *urns. • NEw GOODS. ;4 C MILLAN S,. PARK return their. . gmteful acknowledoitir;m, to the public ror.pai.i fa yurs; anO:insito attent ion to the very large mock Of Spring and Sulumer Goode they are now re. eViving., and offer for sale at i cry iioe prices. In. addition. to their tisul ioolortnient of , Dry Goads, Groceriei, Iludware, Crockery., I' and '0:Is &c., they are preyared to exidbi A large Is!o?rtnvent of• . • LAIAES.M.F,S,S Go 01) of every description . and Plain; Silks. Bopnets,SlirtielF ! ;_lri.blitiiis. I i;iery Ladies and Misses bi,il.s of all kinds—akii large stock of. . . :READY :krADE CLOTI - 117sld, CasSimeresi 'n,v'ecil4, • Jeans, Summer ClOttis, Ve4tingv, -Hats and • (4s, Boots and Shoes-&c. Sze. -- call from They - respectfully . solicit an early ea,. 4. 'l ho wish to. pori:trise ~GtiOD-Goons AT Puichs. . 11..1111.1_,AN & PARK 1454.' . - Poet.. R. Thaytif 'IIAKL • Es - itik ‘:set;liiii ~1, . .,ivi...! T., hi.i. :friends :tn , i customer: tkot 11,. tt.... •:urtin-:1-41111%. , ci ilie pravlivt. ~f '%14 , 11i.•iti.• Pt iv. 1',114 eitilit; 1.,1.• iroce, whifq.... 1 , ...• nrii . b.• itivilo n ',II tiowsptiles prilfe..,siitirillsi.iiiiikvi.ft IT,. w. I.! .1:4%'11$ i1i...0. owing. liitli on 1,1. l ,(..,• , .iint- ifro 11.• % ill '1t•i1n...1 , 25 ii..i. ...:nt...n itli ....vomit- riiil 1,..c..r, Ow Ile,: ..l April tie•kl. (I.i.if ;Iny p . otir iiiii• iiiv.l , lf,) I : wilt 1...1.114 liiftv. t . 114.'1 t r , ,,.... -F..1 , . - :20 . , I F,5l4 A ,Prr • i~f::lif)4':t~.k C. 1). r,•:tl, - ,vt.ti .10 ro , mi ovc.- F. B. MI( rt• ‘‘ .. ..11 h itlensure to .. , t• his frietich4 `...l.(pift.k 1. 1 1-oa,t. M•tv 2. 11:,!.55 • NEW • STORE; . 1\1;22). a 7 1 7 0.1 . A GENERAL r., , sortment Of Staple ,•nti L.l_. Dry Goo,ls, Crotwrics, Hardw;? re. 11:it%. C ii .4nd Sines, %Vali Paper, Drti ,,,, ,'Dye Sluff, Paiois ilia' Oil., .Sr.,t ‘vhich'wiil hr mold ;I. ch•qt, :1-4, the cheapest tor Cash or approYed crAit by • HI M. JONES. Harford Jnne7, ]355.. • • LACIi Ciro de Rhine Silk of i ~ xrc!l.•ns 4-pinli .l) ties nt 1 11. JONES'. Jens 1, 1535. • • . .1) ROCHA and Cahluer6 Shawls, at :ill nrices It, also a fro Mantillas by• 11. M. JONES. • June 1,1855. i R EADY.. 3 . 1nd6 Clothing, at o: t . filV . ty i , 7 0 " \ i's June 1,1855 1 • AMES will find a great variety of Bonnets I'4 and RThhonint . •H. M. JONES'. - . June 1, 1855. • • . A%VNS, Chn B:irg,e de Lint and Gins 4 r .hnra's at* ) 11. 2+l. JONES". June 1,1855. UMBROIDERIES and Winamv.prarry vt 11. NI. JONES'. _Ed June 1,1855. A good asoitinKit or aiots- and Skov!: .!! -H. NI. JONES' '.tune 1. 1855 CIINTEEN Ibs, of Guud Mackerel f“r in en.h by ii. M. JONES. June 1,1855. r I 'HE best quslity ofNails at 5 . et's peiu..unii. for salt. by = H. M. JONES:'- , June 1, 1855. TusT receiving alresii . iiiipph V &tit st ;11. Nl'. June 1,1855. • - • • . Terrible Accident, HAPPENED to Mr. Green the otber . day.--z- , He had bought a suit of ready-made clot hes 1 at the Store, and the first day's wearing the ne-1 cident occurred, First, of drapt his .colat-taihbv ! the mere foree of specific gravity, giving to un fortunate man the ripper:toe of a badly . reinuhed Craft wititAlte flying jih'in the stern, and 'on keeping over to`pick . up the , remnant. the dread, ful casualty took place- 1 4.hr, fountains of the great deep were broken an—Green's,pauts were sundered from ankle to woist, and Green himself Aimed to be.: The only way to: prevent such deplorable accidents is. to patronize n skillful tai for, who make,--up his work with % , .deterniina. -lion :that , ifsha II rot' lini v: ! fit neatly. huttivem well.` Green boys at. kite i.l..thing. Store hceause he thinks he.ean get his akarin7 a iittleehr•ap e r. In all brobabitity- the rnts. that .4erred, him so treacheroMalsi.had , pa,so4 throthfh-t fever . lio-14. i tal, been . stripk3 Irv ' i'ne a cholera .patient. rarrted ':home eight . nightk in t he week on :'! mitnlft.r. :irvi finally bleached anal carried by no ing...ni!,.sl Frenchman for a market in. the rmintry - Take warning by . pnor Greon's misletp, :ind' - go to .i i tailor shop like that in the .-basinent ' of Searle's lElol'olf con want' tri he suite 4. - . 10 . Cutting done as tpiunl. tind.all irra.k war. ffrttf.d. • "JOCIN - GROVES:. .- - Montroic 'Atte' 27.1855. -t• . . The Enciw Nothing Expose. • A NY Person , I)ntrnni4intt PIO. At Ow front Xioppor Mom of the Store lately neenoieti Iw AU C.-Tv ler. g”in he ate.ninrriodated ipeordino.; to to the .Latesst Fasshions, In Of hest and most Op• proved manner. • . . .., • My work is waresteti to 'fit.if properly made. Cutting. men - ding and in fact every; brew+ of Tailoring-done =on the shortest notiee.snd that to the satisfaction of those coneernml,.. . ittf: "'tc .1, J. SATITTF:R. fi n OnD Broi4 C lot)! Caps for 3 ohillinsrs a Ur piece at BELL do TINOTiET. 1 - • il , • . • 1 1 ~.1C......"'•!„,,,..,;,,,,p,,,,,,C14,7-.,,AM1t0e.."1`., ..C.Po- - Z. , ....1. , .tt-Z... -.‘'''' ---• ....,,, ~,, - —..." * , "....le-, " , ,, , v , - ir • e1 , ... - 4... 4 ~,- 4-.....:, : i... P.l'l•,.,r:ri -.-:- '.; If " 1 .'s" ;- 4 . s't 4 -- - I! . - ' '•• .n:„.."1 ..-', l ~:.• 4 li r .-- ' l' ! Man ilrh nOW T h ys e l f. " 11 1 ailstralitaileStrek-for dft cent t—•• eery Zanily . . - t-isteue p..eopoit ','„ 4,, , . . , , .. •f ,-..,.' .' .... 4.00 4 1106,5,C 0P48,110,00N 1 • \\:\ '. 1.- 1 1... Vi t , , LY.b TIIAN AitSA . A new 1 .....„ • • , . 41 „, 44 t 3 , ~, . . ~,,c, . . ,e - , • snlitinti4 revise tt `nnd sa p* Slid, [.' .. * ‘ ?ts = '' • ! 1 704,•just leaned. • ,•. i f; Iv ' ." - '4 l ; ll Xi t , . ~tf.:‘lt' i oi ld r h ' S t i ti lid a l ttor 1(1' 4 00 h ae eti l ifile ta aiki --. t . 4. ..., -,- 7 .......ry- ~,, Uontoloilig an aniline GM all.. ~...,,, •.t., ght,itrogress.tetAtmren antra** ..%',,f •.!, it v a ••,..\ .of eweryzform of Wiwi* con: . " / r" 11 !"'l l ...•.` traeted by piOntlianoulatill. . e t. ;by aril' ativati to bitiekttelitset:as,Witir , deice for that peel It n di, ti. oi rltt ei• lie .st f end tier ' r t ty e, n*attli pa, mita odica I teclsimeitiee. and es e ry t hint that w o laid /dead the ear of '4(.l:matey ; with an unt line of complaint li ti t gdent t o -ye:hales. from tile result oMili r tetisentyiyearai a mit.. NI ~rietiee exclusively devoted iothe nitre ot diseesesota. delimiters private lotion. •.. . 1 To which it elided receip t t for the cure oft It e ithOirm lie- . 'ease'', and al trentliti on the in, oats! .i , itintittint t and itt ra of , :the Fever and Ague. 1 r Testiesrpo:p oftbe I , r , .!forzot.7 (l ls4laeric.s..ei Ps 0n,... llegf't Phikvielptic—"Dlt .11UNT11 1 ;' . .. 4 Ntliin,C,tll, 't Ifil AG;' 1.-Vni;atitbitr et - this wort.. unliklikt he anajority .nt .hose I. aboadiePtlie tO Mire the .1i I.iiitt 'et tit ablut. it err sls a en, d ue t....nr.n.nt-C,C t oft bi- F et3f4trzi.t.f it the finite.' iitates.. It i ttlfordeini:pliniure tty iienottitend hint tottiOttefitetii natr:Or to the sl nvi r!i 41( nvitprnetic..,ie .1 iinoezieftil and. stap•irieneeil Practitioner-in •ithore bon° t andtategyity they ma y n taent.hc c. - . -, 1,t-o.f ,-, oli.leoer. 1 . - ' .1-1, !!t 2 TAN:Militia i.. D , • \• . From .4 11 7 .oltrarl . 31 i) '...v.-I'ru') , .thiltirrsit al „Philo. 41t1pha.--it ;:irits me piiitionre it. odd my testimonyito the professionniahility of th'i Author 4.. e•• II il sotca i i. Sl•w. CA I. '. .7C nttiPr OUP 4444.444 of lifieft*e 04 (114 .4.4 1 441141 mann, son eriiii ttheo. of long II t4ti fil ult. ha vet:coMei 111)rtfil . irr. no -tice.in wh'e't his skill has be manifest' it, r. - , ,..t.• it.g to perfec fiehlth, in some raper *here the satleot.has been eon Fidel...ll beyond medical si... in the treatment OfSe m .. anal weitknesti• or disarrange tent o t OM; functions Iproduced1 pro duced by et ll ih use 'i' i E stee , of vettety. II do iti . ot know hie. iteperior In the profession .. - I hatio' Veen env:minted wi th thP 1 littlnt •Orne thirty y 'ars. and deentyk tin . more' thanjustire to' him ac well as inducts to r hestnfortnnate T imt m n i,. a ily ~ oi, t eretion. ttl recornmend hinfas! one in -whose proresgional skill and integrity they. May. safely rct eoue Ilitm* -- *lvea. ALF l I) Wit ODW MID , SI. 1.11.. I •. T11444t. er.thout exnertiol," the Hann comprehensive and in t elligibie work: ottblisit il on the class ottlissase of **Welt It 'treat*. - .4,Toftrenr oiliteebnical term,. A t'address es it eel Ito •1!e ro.t.son or its leaders ICie.tree from all objeetionable matter. and no pnrent lioWeiter rastfillono, can tihjert to'n fel nit , it in thehands of his tone. . The au thor hosdrented mane rears to the treatment orthe•arl. one eomplainte irate I of. :tile! . with -too littlehreath to puff and too MO!•pr...ornotiOn to impost. heiss . offered tonic world. a• Ph merely twining* price ittf gii 'emit., the fruit of vim« twenty yeare'rdost suecessin I practice."— Herald: - ' : • I • - 1 . i " No tiineber or parent shot:9,llm withont tlie, L cnowledge Intinerted I' t'Apiortkluatirm w rs lt wont.' cave years or pninAllortifielttiori atol.orrlw to the yonth under their ellO•oe '..—Pcople'i , --I , lrorele: . 'i ir [ - . 1 . - .t 1 , 7•51 i. tertan eiergyman 11". Ohio, irrltittr , of i 'lion.' ter•i. Nle•iien 1 Al :Inuit l': .i.ty• ---' 'thousand.. nitr) thous ands •if nor to nth . by eel , ex mpl,c an!! Influence .of the psi...ions. tinVaAtien e I into the habit ~ 1" self Vollu lou, . withoui rc•olfzior :ft- *4l and f earful e•ollteititintee* upon themscleee end t lode ~ . •t writ . rhe - metal:Mons otthous.: awls wlto it riti.itieinte tattlilf , l, ;.4 •1` n bee itnfeebleti, if not brio. 11l dowo.nol they do notitonw the cantle or 'he core. Anytb;ne lii*t_eqn be lone 1. , . to .1 11 iltitim Mid influence the pohlienlito! sit't n cheek Anil oldnultely to'*etnnirethis ythie.sorroot*ottieeof human Irretehotto**• vrontd enurer (he ?mutest I,l**tiou.Oex tto rt.? t' , ltkian ;of Je.ius. Christ, on the precut st1:1 • ...lin • •••n•••Atint.. intentperanee(or th....p10 nfin•..3o , lono•lrink.) throich it! has Aniothoni tea* noon thoneandit. is not it rreiiter sciturge to theb 0- mon r*ee Aeeept ow tllln , cs AO belt ilc of the allieted, and .hel , e , c tee . your .-i-stioti. er !Ai the :4•Oorl work you are poaefrob-ly rovire•ltr," . 41,, 1, ,, j .• ~.•,1•,, v .••.1r4.1f,p0,1) IA T.ll b . in r . l;lr.led r ?re' , f rifiFt n:I. in .”-le olrtot!he i plif.e I Qt ate* , rpr - 35 reotii. or Al !C ~,n , r .fnr.:4l . 't ?Arr.!. (T44:;.t 44 , 4141) iIOSOF.N 4t. CO ~ Pitikli tier. •-•• 1 , 1 lii VWlnletplea. 1 .1' . -.-r- uenkArii,e•. ,, aorsorsers and hook , tgenteiupp 4 sin ^" 't!! moot 1; 7 4r31 term* 1 -, 24)-1 . 1. Now Line of Mail r OW.I - , • •••• kfists. '•:"Csf 4, - ce RIRKW001) 0 Irit.l l 4 I hUi,EII A I i.,t pailtisgtlirt9l;:l c..eVer) iu. rniri aftertUe Awn'• vai,t;lie gat 1 rr:tins of 4ar., loth liaP aUTlVol.st,satb tlg%lontroe;. P. M. • 4 '' Eir U t•- G teas i• dally..:,sutidayiF!er..ctiliteti :at 2 iP•M• r,actlito. In tilni to take Elle•l'atitrainz• .f CarF.both 1.215 t. and Weit„ , )eilig the oicariiet and Iltlo4l fe3,01.1, rout. tereach the Spit Vora a.4d Erie- 3..tilroad.. itteriiiictrar.ei-weeki)q.na f:ui Iliruncl•ipring •lllt. iVyontine, Viliceebarre which le'rvea itoutrciiP at 7 .t M every Nra l n.lai and Frilay. :riptide illt,lierayasilki ke.notid Tenni t.and hrrinetei are .irovlded arid the nnp.tßtrto:ircotnmdii , r.thri'ub. lie.. * 11. 12.1551. ' ili)lol.t's.: WEST ____ . ~ • . . nETwaViir,. .-. • i T" EELER & sTonnA Rh ...4 1 ,,.. 11w 1,,,, firo ;IL tsar h r fl o ind hi tilt , riAst:::isF.r VT SIF;AIII.E . S• ii6 , 11 , .:1.. Not.tllll.if:lliiiiitttr tile tillrevi.d.allteti r.,:i ,;Mitt. ,iii i ,. h i v !, “ nr stork or B«it 4. , 5h005.16.:(•;.j. “ 'Went ..fr" on the trovrrtin7 of. t hi , fire:, we Still, lira'.. ~.!nt• on ipti.i.:,, , .i 4!).,1) .. 4 ,,,r1, r , I T 4 ,ippjje i rl , I :"-rAli , ' . :KF,FI,ER. & SSI'OE)D % ftD. :!nritrt,..o. N•lvetnlit.:•: 1 3. P 354.1 . ' 1 Att:Altion .at. ...11l 53 I'.: t." li DErif.; If:4N EII wmild rt.spet4. - 1 noir ir,r.rm 111... Or iZol/ 4 I.f DZ i: :Indlnov , i.e surrhundil!ir (..•iint , r. •ho , l -bii ,1s• ep:•ned s .lure :tt Diniqrk.n.ur ,f.ri e• F.. P h, re .I , e intends kp,-pin, iort•lntiv 4 , n I:- r.. 1. it ,r,-;•;c1 aril W•IINe. .I,tt,irl ~, ,. .,‘rtin. nt .br Dry Cit,”(f...(:roz , ;erivv,lT:!rd ..V:tre, ('rocko•rv. 4114 . .0. kinds •.r . NI - ereltandise. uslitillr•kilit inn ecilsory •Ifiri... Which •h , , will sell as !err, it' nfo lge,vi•f: , lii;:nt . 001.4 egt:tldisb .ment iii N,,,rtllern I ) . rt. , -•;c: , n4l. 3lontriwe not, ex e er. do Rerti.-Tetl; •": r• - • , 1.:1f ;e-s '.:give me A Xlll. :,nil , :k:1-rdre niv r • 7 I !-- 1 , 1 . . (3111';(1g. • nrvi mr prices. y. I! , it! ,n,.. :., ;, ..., ...‘,• ts,t , •iies Ir3v. pl amiii •r 1•, iris Cent ten t.i.lii'.( ors' 11: 7 Z' cm:. : gor, • 4 ~! 11.•ady etothfro , kept cpnstartlty hand. All kiwi.: ,11 - '/•tirov prr) , lnce•tahentn exchange fair Gcmils at the Market price. TITAYER.. TEntnek: J cn.. i 1856 ". • BIORE W BOOKS. . ' . The klialiqa3lhre.coniing. I T amt. in. (.:Call at. the Po.toffice and get you n new Rook for a holiday; pr . csent. Thy 01.! ft..)• , leqe Nionetiin Or the Faith 7 lex•t Guardian, - SeeneS.in the practi4! of a New Yi;rk Stirrei , n.„ Doestieio4 4 The Wio,ow Papaw, Ros-e Clark, (runny Pern's New - flook.Y . C 11.-tntrkalite ta.ilventitres nt h Ce!Arated per4ons; - 11• om anti the linniers if. Kim. t :11 7 411 lots of Miniature Girt Books for t he, litlle ones. I Cotne Last.—Pn4; St,tdard's Series of - Arittooetie;t.,the 184 in tt,fr.;ln the sin- NeW BOU4I-0.. &e. A m ACS ::nti DIARIESI for 1 85t:'011 styles and i.v.•n Pi t . O l e t o di es . LAM: nooK. , L,A neW, sitt.pty Jnst received, Purdory:Di!lest eo f ioete , fl, t15'• . . - •:;iiesid.t.ts lots ofnieithintt4 t.its imwniso :or for at the lir A. NI iIfILLARD. • li r.). Doc., 18,1815. LOOK Milt. :I _ 1 r , l l'octirr lilstvr. , .—A g.iod assortment of the l os t kitul in market. Also Tit)lti Knives and rrhs.' - :, • 's SF(xiss --Str.v F. It. SiiVer . Pl it eti,Gormu n Silver. Altirata .n.l 1361 , stla ware NpootiS. Also all kiri4l4 of Rutter Kowi.s. -- • VIOLIN STI: I sir:c. i' o‘s. mid ll: the fixtnr.s. Violins. Avvortleo o us, h _lies, Ti ) Aril!, Fori.l,&e. ft.uin LAMM Fluid. •;, Ca Iple D ,• ~ C.,,, -. a. nd les , Lamp on;&e: FAMILY GROCERIEi.—.A tall. ( isortment, lea an 4 good. - Dtics ANDPAIENT ~p 9INFS--1 nrstratt assortment ltivi grustine. I ~ PAINTS AN Otr.s. —A general atetsortment. ant; iff, good quality. •- -.-- • I '1 ' i EWET. It Y. —A siitendid Valley;of the neatest 1 li - •:. FAvev Gooo , t -Nearly - everything in this hrarteii. . ' 1 -;1 - . , ,•! , 'pr: Rf oirj t r,—...o% eltoiee vnrietri . 1 (N(e...v..tipol!, ,, 4reeeived ok s i vtriv orlveek:)- In' mt! , .rt, - nearty •..v..rrthin••l4.l-Sonvt want l 'And ehemi. itt.the v,trietv store of_ '• ' 1 ` " • - ' . .TIT'RRELL. , t , Niontro.to Jan:lo. 1856.• • = '-.•:.-,- - .. . - DISSOLUTION. - .• !. -,:-. . , TIIE C.ingetiere.htit -., tiyrillirlire..`ktf.tittg tie: . tiveyn allntrielt . 11..,r and G. Z. Dihtitek in :Oka, day. di.l. 9 ,lyed by ;nut!'l.l4:nnoont.' 'Titt4 lv.leg are. left in the tiffit.e tif• py.-Pottrieit, And : TV. D. Hearlo iicratstihtstizyti t,. , l'Olort innd iti,ttly the neeti.nnts: . , - , FI,PATItteIL 311;.. •'. 1• - - _ : ;.. 7 ' 0.2, 1 411)1,110CK:o . ';'' . 7 Nihnt rnit.t. Pa:. Jim' I I .:, 18504-..--- ;' '• ' • ' ) sAs,H,Bring),llo • 4,,y, AND - s • GLASS PIIPOT4 . O!If CIO IFllll . ll' . • INosetroae s • ' • - BYI):ZtRAWEITER. - • Alt sizen , nnd made to . ordereor furnished Ite•altorteg %fro.' Q,EVENTY.IFIVE Cori r. 71 ~,. • astr is,.,Call o 1 4 .. ~ °raniliceinf the titObs,astziol pretentseeiter ;,.. .; ,: . Linci ji oce inii thin ' efebEß: 4 ; •TODDARD's . '.. - I ier AXD,tllOi S TORE . =:.:. lA7l l un:im'l°Wtlind with snewendeite ri - eT•• sive essetuuenilol artiales.Ju Chair line, embracing - 6 go.uerai Irliflg'lY of 414, and elegant !stylessof i ,i;adiett aid Grn rutteeuse wear. Wmong - which:4e Ladite•Frent;hl Silk Leiftifi ga jj p ro ,' wills Gaters,l{l4l . and latameled Polkas, Kid Pat ent, leather and. bronzed Jenny . Linde; niskine sad Tieeigentlenzeu,'S 'Firrtich. and '• Philadelphia 'oak -tanned calfskin andltlp goofs; C, •Otigrogs and 1 batleplaiters. Istioter4 and Washington Moots. toilet $ ;lite,' slaroeco, - hay; and' Cowhide BM: gene, Src.. ',/lnyikijr.'ealf and eowhidg' fleets-and Fir o kslift'; ' all kindt 0 f itimi•ii 'it ne TA ild reale wear Also, a genera taisiirtnitint o f Findings, - -whith-con: Wet in trirl of taiklit PrlCa. *parables. hrungerimi naile.i. a km. thread; wit, Rnstist,•Shoehiudingt; awls , si ,,, onn g i stone . ilice knives. &c. Alan, . oalt •ind'immlock tantie.i.tair goner tnd soleleath. • 'er!Nfo I recen thine , `end,, linings. , . Work-made to ardor Mid repairing neat I y dime . ~ .REELER ,k iTODDARD. , se, June ',IBA. ,' ~ , , at= his L S. Depatj variety. 'Patter at. Ai • Ills • Whir. perha )1 we • * * * VA Slie too nt cheap Window Sash-, . • . 1. &D. S'AYRE. having .be en appointed Lgents an extensivii Sash, Blind and litriunietory ar6.; prepared 16 furnish any is in this line.at less rates than they. have ly leen sold. • • r . 14.. • `an 17,R.EAllan, article which every ian shiiuld try, fUr salp by • • ' . •-• , 5.,i1.:& D. SAYRE. Door attic! , w'ual De S" Cages .11 pertonsl Meted st th sexual diseases, sorb as 1 on:nal Ne.tosess., fropatenee. tionnorhcea, 'Sleet,' ~. : .Y. n. . &.. 'rhe liaison! 'Atsociation of Philadel- 'l. ries' ~ f theAwfill i•ftenl.tiunt .41( human lire and , Caused by p• Vali diseases, and the .deeeptions are pr:te.ticed upon the unfortunate eietitne of troeh rfliv Q u:telis, hare directed thfir enneuiting surgeon' haritalue Act .enrrhy of their name, to "give 31edical • •i- Gratis, t o alt perentie thus atletsd, (Male ot re );..t c..and in caret< nf extreme poverty and'iuffering .rni h Metheincs Prseof Charge. . ,-. ' • , lintenni Asineint inn i An tienerolent lattitntiOn,ri- Imi by eneeiel enametn mit .fnr.the relief of the eiek l i' [ stresSed. anDeteil wi th••..Vl rnien land Epidemic Dis-'. *, and its funds eon be used fur no other purpose now a t irplut of tivnine,.which the Directors huee i te "drertise the above,ont lee. -It is needless to add h- Association enrontatiti• the highest Medical skill eace: fted will furnish ;the meat approved modern !tient- Valuable adrlce4i wen to sick and nerstAlPfe-' 1 efilietrd with . abdominal .weakness, Womb Com ,t .Cottireness. Lenenrrhcen, d-. •. - . • ~... •Ireirt.prist-pitid.) Or Oen. It . Calhoun. Consulting •.in. I.lwird Association,No. 2South Ninthitreat,. ult•lphia Pa.. - i— - • . . -• • - • . order of the Directors,;. - - ' . • . EZIt • iv. lf EARTWELL, President. .lo F•tectsit.o.Seeretstri ;.‘• :•tvir” I I,' tai 4 1 which ilictiw put set Ad% lei male) to Fat Me .dle - ARPHTS AND OIL CLOTHS. , M. DE PEP, call the attention( of e . the public to his lari4 ititeit.et Three 1114 f, I _‘raili,` Vetrit, he has just, titirehnied ,A 6cTtos— tint' offer:lk tit - loiver'priees-thin'o'ser offered bp. for...in 'the ePuritry:•and a tale - 'variety; his sieiiii - ustarpet Rootit:teenfiyingsthe second 11cc cr cif fib Crockery and' lionsiicriatnishing attire: 'Conte and be t .cmvinced that theie le no a sa4 Tor kiiiro floors. !WEIL ..WARE.:?.I4: largo lot,of silver Forks; I • Illgiumist,Laalia..N4k in Ringm; j fiat n and Or - 11a10_-10!ir 014117, , „fa. all w440 0 1 - ii witterns. II me' Uri'pieta -Depot tor *toultte iisinit'Vouitty at 14ewivilltortE s - KICERMAN &_ GARRETT are giving_fk. y pe e r ial ießti itnproyenfaak con- , t.o . plated in till , . a.ointr the enlacing s e ason. An now niter a ln , llo6,,,frna.lit, kerpink' enn!.= at nay : tor Weal:live tvinikftly of wi n d ow t ii m b an , glass; Blinds. _Mono. Milk Paints "and Oiroli' a n, a. nnippleta`-asisortmont '4lfAtuildOs,.flard arei &A. - These 4 , .lift oi:1 House' in , the Spring will find iffor..- therr give a* call: (;Mrs ftiinisth 'avers thinft'Yol ,want and . -0 th .serf=i IniSoma - orsel Orin* Pri ces. - NIKKERMAN GARRATT. New MiliftW, Feb. 8,• 1864. of won 4 wanted TUIRIUML. tovei! Stoics t: Stoves: , . subieriher wishes to calf the attention*l 'friends ond.the - Puttlie to his vert large ent of • STOVES, ew Stere RoOrn ' Lodersrae, next to Store,'".end near 'the Great Bend He hag, in addition to his former large of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, triaey new /4. some.of.Whieh are— • - • tchoiaA Troy, • Mohawk, Medellion, lig - Warrior, Orient, • Oak, Egg Stove, together with hiss former stock : - will be the imost extensile and varied assortment !wieder! Stoyes in the. County. 'l int on Stovos . well furnished at low prices. All articles in his line kept on band and order as nsuali and orders received at his • rain timid Bond. • •. i . JOHN COISTEN— _ d•.. Greni, Bend Nor., 1853.tf. EN . TINESt VALNTIZTES !,! id Vlilentines to Ind at the Po , i 0: - . and seei . more now ma ...Ulm to turnt i ion, whieh b: %old ,for . tbu errs*, lir A. N. BULLARD. ,4rtrosot.Feli. 6.• 1536. Rlady-Made Clothing, • .ERS desirable stocli nt, very !ow prices. • = S. ll.lk 11. SAY trnle, Dec. 14,.1851, • ••- . . thdtor POCKET !YEE ; - !i:TLAPIIIS: Ir, Every ow! his own 'Physician.. . — e l z‘ - 'frill F: FIFTIRTIFEditiOn, • , I: containing One hundred ', • \ - Engravings,showingtliseasee '"'•-- ‘ and Ntitlformatione of the Ilu -4..•,•;:•A 41 mail eyetenLin eveis...,4i .. .2p.e 11.4*-- ,1,.. /. T . , , i an,d form. To. -- vehlcii-is ad r a t r - de.is •;'••• 'l "firiatir_e Cu the Dia l. • • . - ill . . roe* of temates,-teing of 1 t .. I,lllr i the • hietteet importance c l ef' jr i tA____ l married peeple":or those con •_ ~ ••" •eni t!ri tiny. marriage,. B y . ~ • 1- Ii i Founq, .D no.faiiwr be mmitatned to pro Pent a cop} of f;scoiapius to him child. It 'nay save 'him n early grave. .Let no young man or wo- . ttt4 nto tile t.et•ret oitT.izatio9 of marriedlife fit renriinz the rot . ik et. Arany, piup. Let no ff•ring from a hat....knierl con rii, Pain in th e . resales* nial k ti. nc.rvous fr ings, and ehe - train 011)y4pApti , ! sen4n elan. , and ziveu up. it phic vci.tn,he another‘roome it withontcon ", trn , A E.It'LTIA PIUS . rhea the mairted, se about to Ito ITUlrried zny impedinent.re - ad nty ii fie fill br.0h..1.F. it !itt , s been . the means of ' thonsan rl nf nu fop unate creatureifromthe a WF of d , nth - Any I,..rscm r. n: trenly fire cents en it) a 'et ter:..rill r-r: , .ire one copy of this 1 - i'i Rini', or firo6pieg tirlil be:seat for Oun r.- ! Adrirest pot ! mid.) • . _ • 1 n i?...,•W NI. YOUN . I7,'. . . No. I 5.1 Sprtice St. Philadelphia. it Sib 1;5..,-14x1- .• IWARD lIIA ImporMut Aisuotincement. Plated Ware. •. ST rneived a larze lit of Plated Ware-, consisting of eake baskets, Ca'stors, Imperi• .d Chamber Candlesticks., Tea 'Setts, con ng of six piee .s extra rich ; Cups arid Gob ;, also, Brit tania Ware, viz:- 'Pea setts, (four and :six pieees,) Tea Pots, Cntree Pots, Can. iSt.c. As the sub4eriber has made ar. • ements with thi, manofaeturers ot the above is enabled in furnish the newest pat s att.he lavrest prices.and . alsoln su p ply his. nmers. With extra or single pieees. of any az. in the above lino. - - • Np.c.' ..0 Fellows' Hall. inghamton. Ang. • • • - _ . . BALDWIN a - PERKINS. • • ' holosale and (total I .tiowlers Fla Flouroalt , fork: .1, G rain. Feed .t.; atlfPti, an (Isola r mat Tor pock- Pork. Cratth 'l4lrnrOatti, - Rye and Meat. rheotint St met .-=-Etiat cid o ftyous St:Ch mt. Ettore, . °fluor,. • • %ED WIN • • SILVITERKESIB; • °atm, 0ct:30:1:355 •• DE I'EU. iltit 1113 i. I' BLIBtiEP . EVERY Tinriisirt Moms° rt stiosteace.- 1111118114 tqr *2 . i t Cif hot paidtivitit(heix months fa 00;60,:ritt etc of the year,,...11 . 0 piPe liar. ri gee aro pitid t ,eicept fit the 1/1410114 j Lim P. !Where. MI .ciinitihnie.iitiohist oniteeteosit AL. oftirettohisure atteationitnittithe directed (pee paid) to 3evhtit.il. 2 - quehanna Count}, Ps. ‘:•.•,- . _ • . Itsites'of . Ads erddisg. Ono'square . (l2, lines or less) 3iissettjtons I. t Each smh.equvatinsertion, . One square three months, „. . . . ;.... 2,01 One square six Months, . . . Buniness Cards, tour tines or 1 ees;:. - . .. 2 I Yearly adver,tiftements,not orei4 squares 0 One column one year, Yes;ly . advertisers will Le iestrieted bnainess In which they sqeetigaged;And or. sidered as wishing to continue sdvenit-il ; nth. they shallgive special directions for-s s tia dance Of the same. 4: - JOB WORK. - 4: , war The Pnblisbers'having added I o their jolt Printing materials a large and surerior 1111111111 meat of Tob.T)ipe, are now prepared to extort , Job. Work in a manner unsurpassed in this see. tion ofcountry,and on the moetreanimiabl te tit it filanksiof every description kepteonglant on hand: or. ptinted.to order. L . its*ti - -..gliOtt,*g BRYAN HOUSE, Great Bend Depot, Pa. ADDisox Tist- ANT,.Proprietor.. ' - URRO WS SPROUT & Co., Noma ukturers 0 SPROUT'S qqUiPBED CAR. RIAGE SprINGS, Co.,Ps Springs may be had< copf,S.Wilson, Manta's* Wm. W. SIMITII & Co. Cabluetind Chair Manufaetdrers, foot Mail •Street, Montrose, Pa. - :: Dr. 11, SMITH, - • SurgeonDerttist, Montrose. Pa., - will be a ° Searle's hotel, lion,days and. uesdays of sae i , week. • ' - . . 150 . - MenIILLAN & PARR, Dealeri in Dry Goods, Grotieries, Hard rare Crockery, Boots and Shoes,-Itc.,Springvills LITTLE CHASE, Attornies at Law—Office fortherly -oeel. pied 1)y Little & Streeter, Montrose, Susqle:' hanna Cotioty, Pa.. - Raisti B. I;yr - rtr..] . - - • • [l3zßi B. Cu.u - A. J. DAVIS, , ATTOTINST AND IwOUNSELLOIL AT L A - Ir —Snaps. hanna`bopo!; Pa. - OfTh o over S. B. West' - or, • ' ' 16y1 Ti RRELL, :Mosinotii, PA. Dealer Intirtigs Cheiniests, S ;Iff , , Gjui , ' ,-, ..9iare:Paintii Qils, Varnishes, Wir d.w Glass,'. (Irmceries,' Pitney' Goods J ewelry, l'eyfurnery,'ltc.,-stnd Agent fur all o f the most torminr Patent. Medicines. JOHN _GROVES, • Fashion,ableirailor—Shop nod er S earls Hotel, Main Street, Montrose, Pa. - - 'JOHN COLSTEN, DEALER ti t Stoves, Tin, Copper and Shoot Iro■ Ware, Lodersville, near Great Bend DepotAlit A. Lathrop, -•-• _ DEALER in. Ready-lit.d6 Clothing, • Hats ind Caps. Boots and Shoes, Dry. Goods, &e . .E4r - Shire opposite Searle's mda. montrom C. L.yritnor, and i_,„, J:l' ` W. Ru.kr, (—"'"" Dr. Merit n- C. Vail• DRUGGIST and CHESUST, and Dollar it, Drx9s, Medicines, Chrtnien!s, Dve Styr. Paints, .0118, Petty, Window Glass, Cam Camphiae Fluid,, Pellurnery, Yankee Noioss,&C.,&e. FRANKLIN ERASER, . etit'llSELLori A.r.LA:w.kintribse Pc, will attend faithlully psi . .to - all business o tru,Fted to in the county of. Santa( s Cenveyencing and iisiittng of all kinds *MA e done neatly, and charge ynderate.' also attend to the proset-ution of elaime II • _ diem, their widows . and heirs, against the U. 411. govErnment, Bounty Land, Pensions. its. May be found gfall hnurs ot.the office formerly .onenpied by: J. T. Rithard:Esq., north of tie Coort-liiitow.--1853—n49 . C.. TYLER: Inteiested with I. L. Mint, biI'ODTERI AND: PEALED. in Hardivire ai,d Citt tau, carriage Tritonningi. Springs, &c, • • Zt.';). 215 Pearl Street. .0.• Y. Where his . Mercanthe friends, in this and ot/ ,C.oanties.are kimilyitivita,andearnestlyetilieii ed to eili'and purchase. •- all. • HENRY: - OF- E, PA. , • ' - . W th Rowe, . Woodruff, & Carter, ;THOLES N c o k . oc n E 3 AL l n h it ill o o n ti N s i:::: betweeil:CArtland and Doi Streets, INvir-York. _ -March $; '• • A.. ifc.E. Baldwin AF be found in basement . of Searle's.Ho. tot, a doors west froin the corner Not* and accounts that are due, 'us will be very as eeptable if paid soon. • ..A:& E. BALDWIN. Montrose, N0v.22, 1854.-471 f H. Parsons, BVIIOLERAER AND RETAIL DEALER in Cabirikt - Wore, Sofas,. Bedsteails, Tables, - Stance Chain &e - No. 9 Washington street. . -•. , , Binghamton. N. Y. . . .I*7.'co'ffin Wire.Rootn 'DI , atang•'" at' 1. PATENT MEDICINE APENCIE. ABEL a'URRELL, Montrosei Pa., .- • DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, ,FOR ALL TRE:PONTLAR Parfainr nicunsaa or TIIE DAY. efasignmenti • Constantly Reit' • , ~. 3 t. •:;p.sied Chap Goods - OUGHT at low pressor! , pTieeekkild w ilt b e ;sold iecordlogly by • - • ` , ' 7- . U.SUkßoihrii;& ' es. Giboon,Oct. 114 ' 854.. 1. - 7 .; - Carpets. AGOOD asoortmedt:lnd bandsoviOlkototo at very' low r!elio., - U. B. er Co . DIS SOLUTIQ• rplUltYtryi o f A. &E. 1t014,1,0 god * dtWand Warnoso BusinesoAkithi k , cl o y, die otioftly copoont.,lgo,AroUpeconnts' ihkt iITP-44e 1 01 ruP4Vbe'luthitw'i - PC's,a *Ol4 -conkinue,dbr Or_ ,F.R4tAilopt,ookkE• A.,SmithAßo4 iy,tkct at.i.fixtly:pouipottpt -- to do oIF kinds of itcakeScusteitto thitojx44jobir- lino of flifoloOk A. BALPYLIN :E.`BAI4I4WIN. Monitatifsi;Jeot,.lillB36o,.-Inkti • eel; 00 SA , . 141110e4 No! asiottruitki Amt. Itecotvettilloo., , Spg• 111,1stMetitierfitnatNi*mitiy, which wilt floidlrhlr, the Nowloilt-;ptiet.4:4l SINGLETON'S: lif °aims°, Ott. 10, t Ml===l [A. piTizer
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers