Thggansas correspondentor the Ste Louis Etioofat, writing from,Topeka,March Bth,- nny joint session of the jAgisliture on that4lsq, air:Render IMS elected traited States. Sen mot on the first ballot, Lid: r nmo m a Ge n . Lane on the second s [three years.] Eno h, c andiante reccired 313 iites—S6 mem bers being prvint. . The Legislature, which iol gimized on the 4th inst., wa fted on-the Bth, and the letter makes no Men• don of any anticipated time for adjoutnment. • - 4.-4. . Notice. " `,A meeting of the Sosqu'o Co., Ag., Soc., 'will AA held on-Tuesday evening, April - 15th,. 1856, at the old'Court House.- , report . 4' the Committee on perma 'rent loeatiow of the Fair and other matters - of iniportoilee to the Society will' come op *for disoUssioi— - ' By direetioa of the executive Commiiteee. SIOILTEra F. CARMALT, Seey. Notice. The Mobtiosa Bre Company will meet nt their Engine now* on Monday Ev'g, March 31st, at 7 . 1410ek. ' • . Per order offiie Foreman. itaaatass `: On Sundays March 23d, 1859, in St. An drew's Chor9b, - Springville; by. Rev. John G. Furey, 31. Sitgamis 2aq., to EsiELLA 'T. eldest t diughter of.R'm. Ilandrink, all •of Springrilt ,= Sulsqu!a Co. Ta w • : At Harford„.on the 10kb ink.. by Rev. A. .iditler, J. 14.'W.n.acii4, .M. D. of Canaan, to . lifiss a. J. 'Guns, of Ilarfoid, 11180, e - In Montrese on ,the 21thiOf January, 1850 Ilisritt,,Austts . ,aged. 81 years. Was born in Exter,lthode Island. 2n ear ly life he, went to' Abbington Borough Co., Vermont and ,therehe married Miss Mary Lu cas; and they both professed to be 'converted mider the preaching of Lorenzo Dow, and joined the :Methodist Church.. From there tt b e y .re thoTed to SilVer Lake, in Sus9u'a Co., ' Pa., in 1808. - Mr. Aestin so maintained his profession, that, he was appiuted class lead er in Silver Lake, and he cOntinueli to bon .or his profession, - all his low, life ante, and ,died in- NI assurance of hope. • By hips re quest his funeral sermon was preached by E1d..1. W. Parker, in the Baptist meeting house, because they had lived near neighbors for, many years in great liarmony.r Ills text Itasjit the Ist Eps., of Peter, Ist Chap, anti 24th,and 25th, verses. All flesh is gram, &e, It was a soleinn and interesting sermon. Mr. Austin has left his widow, anclseven children inoarn his loss. Corm UIAT)I.I323.Aft TO THE LADIES BINGIT4M-, TON AND VICINITY. Please read it, it is short and of importance to everyllause Keeper. ' SIIEPARD BROTHERS HAVEiieceived their spring'supply of house furnishing Goods. We can now offer seven beautiful styles of Croelcery. One of them a new and elegant Spring Pattern of. White En. smelled Ware: Our Goods are all a N . 1 in quality, no seconds or odd lots. but co •lete setts, and Min always be batched if $ . en or more warded, for years to come. ..All the coin. men wares, CHINA TEA WARE, six splendid styles of whitiiimd decorated, very low.. . G.LASS WARE. :a complete , ind l onboundod variety. always on hand. TEA TRAYS of our own importation. Fifteen elegant patterns, far surpassing in rich- . nears, finish and durability, the American article .usually sold; at is low prices, and by far the .largest and most complete lot ever offered in • :these parts, from $3 to 815 per sat of four. PROM AUCTION!' GREAT BAR ; GAIN'S ! • : Brass Curtain Cornices, Bands, Hooks, &c., ,st prices that defy competition. Twenty differ -ent styles orthose - - elegant Bird Cages, from !fii rental° $lO eitcs. 34 dlrerent paste ns of Superior warranted Clocks, from $1 to $25 p each. :itches, Clocks -and Jeirelry neatly re paired. Plated Castors, Cake Baskets, Spoons, Forks, Napkin Rings, &e: &c. 200 Dozen • Knives and FOrks.- Parlor Ls.mps, Hall Hang ,iag Lamps, &Antonia and Tin Ware.- ' HARJ?IVARE GENERALLY. Marbleized boil Mantle Pieces and Grates,'64.. in fact a generii • Housu Building and Hon,e furnishing establishment. • • fir Call and see usat our"CRYSTAL PAL. ACE," two doors east Of the. Canal. NT If our Qoods are not as represented, g, r prices as low as in town, and you are, not titated well, please don't buy. SHEPAAD BROTHERS. BMghamton, Mitch, 18116. • , , . English Lever Watches. , -.. ' RECEIVED by steaalship -/ . P IR‘- '' ' . :: - IN -- tbose sii l l ti en el dl 4 E 3 n ze g l i l isi l l r :v ci er f Hunting IN:itches, of my' own - • importation; wanatted the . '., /''= very best quality. Also, a ''''' - • - smell lot of very ouperior iicfeniats, which - *ill be eased is, any stlle or .` guilty, to snit piirehasent. • , , ALFRED-J. EVAI\III. Dingtuuntoailltareb,l4, 1836.. ' ' Adiiiinistrators Notice. LETTERS of Administration having , been granted to the subberiber, upon the . estate of Samuel. Quick, late of Springville township, deceased, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make immediate payment,. and hose haring - demandi against the same. will please present them duly attested for settlement. • . SAMUEL QUICK. March 25, 1856.-13w3* Adailialstiatees AFOOire A LL persons indebted to the Estate of jas. W. McElwee deed., late of New Milford turn.; aie hereby' notified to make immediate payment ; and *ll persons having claims or , de mands against the said Estate ace requested to present them duly fithenticatectfor sottlemenL ELLIOT ALDRICH, Adler. 'Mardi 19, 1856. .- . NOTICE. - Tliz soh* and -secouhts of E. 'ti ff any are in the hands of IL O. Miles, Esq., for settle - Anent. All personis interested are requested to Attend to the same without delay. [---- _ _ L. A. SMITH:/ . Committee .`:.3 - .;7•c.,,TgE , I GERE. i o f Lwiney. Breeklyn, Mateh 18, 1856. -.- . i rota Ilorss:To Rrsr.- - The one formerly ied by I.ll'iliany in Brooklyn. - Enquire •on premises or of - L. &SMITH, ..- 6 400c e , I . C. M. GERE: March 18. 1856.--3v,* ' . ' - ' Vendue TATILL be exposed at publics ails to the high V V eat awl best bidder, o& the premises of :the subseribir in -Brikrearater, on 'Tuesday , the Ilith of April nest, at I ola:oek,P. IL, the fol.. 4oiring property: One mere or land with a house's:li barn; l ying Abel* ist es Iran Montrose , on the ,Oarego tam* M, ever! aesirable location foe* blacken:4h. Alio tee eoar five years old, and opts of year. steenil and :a home take. Misr household thrtatire,' tonsistine. of two cooking -Stoves, eltaire,Sibles Ate., &e. Terms on liko bowie /aid lot ;tide knoin on the (Ibly of sale. On the otherpropeoyAlleueut of 41141.0411 - *der? nista >. &Ina; over Six ' se l4, yoalknalit 4paillkeedeeeerity 1.. - altA' REIffiEVAIT. N4T!` /.9 4- 4 4 -•.:` " 4 - ;.;-% - ' ~,,..„. . ,.....-.,,,...,„AL . . = - ....,.....__„.„..,......: ; ij,,,: . SINGLE Ii twai, last received instrtieV- 411 titima ilsiiii lo: 8. - S ingleton and - others to eta Per sale at pelilie uction (at the' earn mission and sale Rooini - olt Turnpike end CheSt nut, sts., Montrese) ~012 itchtd4i the'lth'of April 1856,0d - following drys; an assemblage'orthroph eitY Comprising a large assortment of 'Double and single Powliugtoieces f in stn and eminent English an d othilf makers. A Attlee and.veried colleetimi of superior - AXtattrdarr Ri fles, Pistols of every description foreign and do me:min make, Patent Sikes. &e: da l Chargers togetiter with overy i e quialiesippendage dtc.,for' the .sportsman and. Huintefil . A various and rare' assortment e rGold and Sliver Watches compris ing English av i d swiss patient Levers, Lepine, Deplex,lforizoutal.and Verticle i ec i l p lim entp.__ Lever. Marine and other clocks in great variety. The jewelry, e9mpriges Ear , and Finger , rings, Brrast nitlY, COAL bottZinS' i in Onyx, Cornell:in Most Agate, &c.. Shirt studs, Chains, Spec tocloii, and other inissellaneous property too' nu merous to. advertise. ; Perilions having the above or . other disc riptioniof PkOperty and wishing to dispose of the szitrie : will please send, a diitcriii tio3l of the mime and all :oda-intended fer Sale must be delivered at the nom* (for view) it I least two clear days prio ''lo the days •of Sabi, must be addrassed, W. Si gTeton, auctoneer, and , ripprlisier, Montrose Pa ,ii- , 1 • ' • - NAL Advancesmadc'and,all correeponde n ,- .. ce strictly private. IA - . 11 , '... Rich•Prairo Farms. • Unimproved Lands an Town Lot; in Illi . - nois, lowa. and ' iniag States.; , J lOR' sale in great vari ty, at lew pricea,-and on favorable terms.PPAMPHLET CAT ALOGUE DESCRIPTION S OP PROPERTY, CI with prices attached; for 'larded gratis Att mail' on application. ,- • ' ',,i H Our extensive local co nnections will facilitate giving valuable informati aof any pail, of the t..i j west to applicants4esirin• :to loCate. •,;' : Dayers of Illinois Cen . Railroad Lands can [ avail themselves of the ktivsleilge and experi ence of Mr. Dupuy, the l4e land agent. Of the company, to supply the difficulty of reeking ju dicious selections. ~ .t!li- ' Particular attention. gireW to locating war rants; ixamining lends, futnislim i g maps and dd scriptions, payment of tax:ea, and to a general Real Estate . Business. Id . r's , HARLES 'NI - .,IDUPI.TY 45r. CO. ' ' Corner of Miehiga ;avenue and SQuth .. - 'Waal St., sear lliuois. Cen. R.R.- ' Depot,: icago, Minas. CHARLES M. DUPUY, k D VII) S. OGDPI. 7 ?tl '.I 1 • ' - 1 1 . - 'Tr easur it . s' Salo, p- . Of unseated lands in S'''qnshastruz C6un ty. ~ NTOTICE is hereby gir?in that agraeably to 111- the acts of the general assembly of th e mm Coonwealth of Penp. i `i vania, directing the mode of selling unseated' "ands for Taxes, the following tracts and part. of tracts of unseated landa, wiil be sold at publ c vendee on the sec ond Monday of June nex at the Court kiuum in Montrose, for arrearag *due, and the,tosts accrued on each tract, rt. i,etivelz, unless the same be paid belbre the i y 'of sale—sale to commence at 10 o'clock iar e forenoon. Warrantees owners or nu hers: .Ac '1- Ararat Harrison' Halt, do. 30 301 Thomas Eddy, Est. 14 John Reed, 9 Doct. Vest. - 20 Martha Wilson, 31 ( do. 26 Maria Merideth, 29' Clifford. I Jaenna Clifford, 5 Great Bend. • Wm. J. Turret!, 5 1 Nathaniel C. Lewis, 81 Solomon Taylor, • 50, It. H. McKune, 26 Truman Baldwin, 40; , harmony. Iturace Griswold, F. & O. Burt, Enock Copley, , 1 - Herrick. 'Rh:liner Mutt. I'L. L Barrett, . Amos 11. Storm, James Hamilton, Jackson. • Sed-ite Grimw&d. Luthrop Kitchen Wileii.ellon ss & Co.. : Liberty. No. 69, 54. 85, S. A.l L aws Est. No. 58, 59, 66,74, Pope &Strong, No 61 63 75, 76, Edwin Eldridge, Nci.6l,^Ab'm Dubois, J. W. Brackne,y. do. do. do. Wm. J. Turrell, Oakland. Jacob IL Smith,. Thomson. i;; John F. Dunmore, Ile Peter Dunn. 3: P. & O. Bort, 10 H. Crammond, It) Jesse Carpenter, 1 Thos. Carr, 42 , Joshua Giddings, 31 '1 Joel. Lamb Est., 100, S. A. W Treasurers Office,. Mar.. i ' Register's,,„iiti co. , DUBLIC notice is here's, given to all persons I_ concerned in the Poll Wing Egates to wit: state of LtscoLs HAL slate of New Jlilford dec'd, R. L. Sutphin Exed, i' l tiir. . I 'at c O f Estate of TilliallY NATiJ Aubutn, de- I ceased, Andrew S. Low. Adininistrator., Estaip of Tacr.os BEA late of Dimook. de., ceased,, Charles Avery & .1.. A. itoot Addners. That the accountants It; ye- 'settled their AC- , counts in the Register's :..trice in aid for the county of Susquehanna, aqd that the same will be - presented to the Judges of the Orphans' Court of said county, on #Onday the 14th dry of April next, for corifirmallOu and allowance.. • 3. W. ai r • MAN, Register. 'RegiSter'e Office, Mon ,se, j I . . March 19,1856. -,I::1 - DI3BLIC notice its here, t y given tha t S. A. :I'' Woodruff is receivin; a new lot of Stoves and wares of all kinds USW' , ky kept in the Stove and Tin line ofbusinetS4-11 ! nog which buy be foind a better assortsient •: I f stoves, heavier. lar go; and snore durable I,thasfm ever before : offered in this county, all the prof you need ',;will be just to call and examitse, r , puree's* All guises warranted in , eiery rect.. • , es Kept constantly onkan_ ,I an extensketassort mint of Tin ware. made o of the best ; materi als which 'is. effired for s le as cheap sttein bo beught any in inariceti td , 'on hand Lead Pipe, ~ all sizes Chain awl gears { .:foe Chali.;PninPe, aliens Pumps, all sib , Mu and Percelaio, kettlegall sixes, isplginediware; all kinds. ' Jobing done op short nice stud in good or: der. All . Goods in ;the line, will be sold iheap for *cub or approved eiediW ..: , - STA. WOODffileP. Montrose, March go, ie* - • Admiteistrati - Notice. lILTOTICE,. is hereby tbm latent Of Ad.; mistrationtipon,the 4etate of Ctottles Ct Ranson!, late of the Bnrouitt of Susqu'a Depot, dee% have been frentP(Lter•the ondersieed, and *persons indebted .io • 14 estate w4I please mnbipmectioi . lo vas ; At& thosf having elitless preeeSt oe:attli_sitOtell for settlement. E. Ain't% DePot, .11fissA ' 456', - • - - 1 For Salo it VALUABLE Tarty -Wyttipoing • iluottoso4 - 10 mites fris , o to -tic*trAilingitire 4,r the • Pa. ! ifsttsb 254:i •; • TAUS. $l2 31 P 2 31 6 47 3 94 !8 45 2.5 91 10 92 1 87 1 80 1 SO 1 80 2 40 7 20 180 7 ao 11 56 2-•3u 2 92 4 70 '2.76 1 28 8 46 1 92 7 20 7 2.0 ,10 79 - 24 - 14 88 . 7 20 DRUFF I Treas. „ 17, 1856.. NOTI kill ?rico. ,stand. isitasie, mtv the f ad' 10 utiles 'from rsYmitie. i t ror pm:- iii•riber on' t a, . precut* 4.. W;Giiha r lgiL `P tie.-14 - sel- . 't;' • i • " • ,-e,;,:L00x 4 1—g!?i.,.,:,,-_,,,,. LBEL-- T:tftRELL • 'AS jest" received-from New: York, a full and desirable stock-of , L . W GOODS, Co g A first ' rate 'assortment of Drugs, Med inist; ,'Chetnleals, -Medical Instrument", Paints Dye Stuffs, China, Gltuil and -Ear then Wsrts:(a good variety of Crockery.) Brit annia Ware, Japanned and Planished Tin Ware, and all ,otherkinds vof Spbong. Wirer Forks,Butter Knives; &c. All • sorts of Lamps. A' goo variety 'of Wood and Gilt Frame Mir rors.. Wall and Wthdow Paper. Stationery. Stone and Wooden Ware. Brushes. Brooms. Family Groceries. Latep , Qils. C.imphene.— Burning 'Fluid. Mallow Stearin and Spermaceti Candles: Hide and other Whips. 'Varnishes. Window Glass, &e. I A first rate ; variety ofJew. elry, and. Fancy Goods: Gold and Silver Spec tacles. Gold Pens. ;Violins, Flutes, Fifes,_Ac. eordeons, Violin and Veolificello Strings, &c.— The. • largest assortment ,of Pocket Knives in SUM. Co., and the bpst quality in Market. Shot Guns, Phitols, (single and Double Barrel,)_Re= volvers,:&,c. id shell. the Physician; the Invalid, the House* keeper,,the Farmer,lhe Mechunic,".the hlanufac turer, the Professional Man; the Gentleman, the Lady, the Rich and *0 Poor, the Young - and Old, the beautiful and the Ugly, the Gay and the Fashionable, and all the rest of the people, will flail - something to sqpply their every day wants at Terrell's. ; Store in the nor ;Brick Btoek.--Prices low— Qualities good—:call aud see. ABELtURRELL. Montrose, Man+ 0, 1856. ...,- rffiThey an: alt going to Turrell's jt3 • Shprlit'si Safes., Y 'virtue of a writ offisri ferias issued out 1.1 'of the Court of Common Pleas of the'coun ty of Susquehanna, and to me directed, 1 will exposelo sale by public veudue at the .Cikurt House in Montrose,' on Saturday the thl,d day of March inst., at 11 o' clock i A. M. All that certain pteee or parcel of land; situ. ate in the township of Great Bend and described . is follows: Beginning at a point in the south. westerly lino, of thereitt Bend and Cochecton Turnpifie road, the_ south easterly - side of a large Chestnut tree, at a e.trner of lands of the N..Y. E 1,11.. It:CO.; thence south fifty one degrees and thirty minutes < West, along the line of said R.. R, Co's land,.about one hundred and four. teen feet ten . corner thereof; thence north-west watAly-along the lino of said Company's land about I,V feet to ttto North-westerly side of a Locust Tree with two trunks about seven feet from said line; thence north fifty-one and three ' fourths degrees east, about two hundred feet to the line of Paid. Turnpike, .the north-Westerly , side of agate pestli thence south t.enty-Seven degrees east, along the line of said Turnpike, one hundred and seventy,-nine and alialf feet to the place of . beginning,, cont.tining six tenths of .nn acre. more Or less. Now erected thereon a large three story Tavern house,- known as the Bryant Mutsu" With a large barn, shed, ice l'hott-e and out • bellies, 4-c. Taken at the stool' Chas. G. Hart to the use of Silas .Bill vs,Addisen. Bryant." • F. P. HOLLISTER. Bwir. ' • March 5, 1856. Thei ahovO isle his been delayed by Conrt to the 7th day of April: . neKt, at 20 o'cleck,at which time. the parties interested Will be heard before Joege Walnut and his Associates. f. - P. HOLLISTER six. She4ff's #l*Y! virtue of a writ of Lee. Fa . iiiiteil out ofthe 1.3 I.7onrt of Common, Pleas of, Susquehanna e oun ti,- ~f i d Lo sno.aii•ected,l.ill expose to sale lor pu . :4iie veitAtie at the Court-Voitse in Mont , rose, on e•atorday tile 22d day of March. next. ; ' at I o', loek I': M.— ; • • ALL that eertan piece or.parcel of laud situ. : ute iti Great Bend town ship, and. in the County of Su , cpielatnaa, hounded and described as fol. I 1 lows t o wit:' Bo ginning :it the'sonth west:corn. er thenc.f . , at the line of Lowrie. Green, and ou the-north line of the' Depot Grounds of the New • York --ar.d Erie Itailtead Co. Thence by said CoMpany's'GrOtands, south. 51 degrees cast, 60 feet; thence hy otlur lands of Addison Bryant, north 51 degrees ca4t. 208 feet, to the - south side travtli , i path of the lelcl turnpike road, thence - by . said 'road north 26 de,grees west,: GO feet to the corner of said Gri.efes line, thence south 51 dog. v:est.232 feet. to the b^ginning,. Containing about 12961 square feet, and , having erected thereon a large Hotel known as \ "Trie Bryant House," with barn 't-ited4 and.other out houses . and all improved. ! . • . Taken in execution at the suit of Elmce W. Brigham vs. Addison Bryant. • . . • • IF. P. HOLLISTER, Shit. - i She riffs Office, Montrose, Feb. 18, 1856. The - above sale t .r ai hereby . atijourned to the 7th day !of April next at •1 o'clock P. M. . . I '''. P. HOLLISTER, Stiff. 25 20 4 20 3 89 '9 35 4 70 '4 57 ,16 80 Boot ands Shoo Emporium OF , . safElllD - ile , ',N'ilt - illilaraz, r I`HE subscribers have removed their Boot and ' JI: Shoe store into the building recently occu pied by Messrs Bentley and Read, Public Ave nu..', tirst above the Post Office. Where, not-• withstanding the I mixed state of politics, the stringency or the Money market, the 4' nough sunthins 4 ll.lll Road Monopolies, Jack-0-_Lant ern inducements, and the . great dronghth, as one . extreme follows anotheron all human probabili ty, Iwo shall have a cold winter. In view of this stateef thins the sunsc:ibers beg leave to say that they are prepared to meet the wants of the Bobt & Shen wearing, public; with good and sub stantial varieties of Boots 4. Shoes et Entarn or Home Manufacture, warranted equal (if not . .better) than any offered in this maiket. Their stock embraces igneral variety of Ladies and' Ge!nts wear. Consisting, in part'of Ladies Sit.x 148TINGt . Pal.' Foxt Mel Gaiters, Silk Lasting COngrs Gaiters, French Kid Congress Gait ers, Morroeo Gaiters Ladies Marshall, Ties, City Made Bronzed Buskins, Ennal Buskins, Kid Thiskins, Pat.° Leather Buskins, Morocco Lace Sots, Calf Lace Boots Enam'd Boots, Fur • fpuni o , lstrinc cf•d„ Misses Silk Lasting Pat foi Gaiters, Colorrd Gaiters. Calf Lace Boots KO Lace Boots, JeUny Linda Kip Shoes, Chil drens' Gaiters, Button Shoes,'Ancle Tier, Pat. Pend French Bukins, Calf and . Kip Shoes, Miss' French Calf ! , Kip and Sioga Boots, Calf. Enm'd, Kip and Clanhidc .Brogs. Boys Thick and Kip. Boots, Youth's Boots, Thick and Kip, and Pat. Leather sime,, ctc,, 4.c. : 'Rubbers and Sandals a general assortment Fr'snrsos, Sparables, Thread, Wax, Steel Nails' Pegs, Tacks, Bristles, Heel - Ball, Boot Webb'. anunners, pincers, .slioe Knives, Edge Blacking' GOat and Gatoon Binding, Water Proof Black ing, Paste Blacking, Gum ArahaeOlum Tragae i *nth; Edge Brushes, awl Hafts, Pegging and 1 Sewing Awl Blades, &c. All kinds by the': side or pound, to suit cue. teeters. The politic are invited to call' before perchasing elsewhere. Customers may rely up on thy bargain tor, and that is better than they 'car, do in "some places." If they buy Eastern wftrk, they can be aecotnodated With u good an article as can be found- in this Market. If they prffer home manufacture, they min have it withoutiring humbuged. ALL kinds of work made to order and warranted. Repair. ihg done on ..thort notice. , . TumotrOt. for past favors, we hope by strict attention to basil:mimic merit it continuance of Vsame. . ie: SIMMONS.; • A. lIERRISIAN. A. S. It Is now over a yeiv sines the groat Fire iu Montrese, at Which time the subscriber having ikta..tiith , sieresit loss. in fact he lest his awl; he would mai to these indebted-to him, either by Note oe.Boek, *omit, that the , same must be eettted-otithotit forthertetice. - • I Yours, Soo.. C. M. SIMMONS. .3lonU , ookei,Jout.,l-i;1856.. - • • , yer _ jOPtbit W AG • -t r ,,„' is Arid Timothy Sepd for - Milford. iitch 17, I4SItDURRITT. tgATm,. Sheriff Bales. rid linter*Mandl-writs issued. nt4 rib 1,-P ie • Court, of canon Pleas And. to me direr 4 1.1 m ted, I *ill expose ' sale, et public ;rendes; at the Court House in ontrose, on Saturday e ftth day. -of April next, at 1 o'clOck,F. M., the' follow ing Real estate to wit: , ' . ALL that certain piece or parcel of land situ. ate and being in the township ofApelacon, In the county of Susquehanna, - and bonededu - fol. lows to wit: on the north\ by lands .of Barney Mc bearer and Juba Harding ; on' the east by lands of Michael Rooney, on the Sontiii by lands of Caleb Carmalt,and on the west by lands of Terence Fuhan and Johnson Foster; containing about 8u acres ut lend, more or lese,.with the appurtenances one log house, one log barn, and about. 150 acres impeoveri: - ,i Patten in execution-. at the suit of i,Wickhem and Stone vs. Patrick Green. r • , ALSO. Ali that certain tract of land palled the "Isaac Cox tract," situated on the north branch of the Wealusing creek; adjoining land survey. ed in the name of Thomair Dunlap on the sonde - end the heirs of Henry Drinker on the east; Rob ert Carson ceethe north and On tho 9/Ma by' nn• known lands; containing three hundred and thir. ty tic ei and allowance of six per cent :; for roads, exce ' 4 T out of the same one hundred acres nowt possession of alb Pepper, lying .on the eienth -side of the said Isaac CeX tract; agreeably to the survey of the same, leaving two hundred and thirty acres ; the premises hekby intended ' to - be conveyed, being the farm on ;which the said Cuter now live% and which OrraSoper and wife, by indenture , dated the 21st day of June, one thousand eight hundred and thirty four, re corded in Deed Book; No. 9, pale ,•205, granted unto said Horace Carter in fee.'-With the ap. purtenances, one framed dwelling ,iiouse, one frothed barn and shed, and orchard thereon and aubot ninety acres improved. • I Taken in execution at the suit of Caleb Car. malt vs:Horace Carter. , ' , At 0,--All that certain tract' or vow! of land situ* in the township of Great Bond, in the county of Susquehanna and state of„Pounsylve- Ilia, And in that part of said ..townshiikcalied Lo. dersville, lying in. Franklin street, beginning et a stake about eighty feet from the Northwest cor ner.of the hind sold by Leery Green to Henry McKinney; said cornerlming an Iron' ilig or bar; thence at right angles from said Franklin street, one hundred and twenty feet to another street, lying paralol with Raid Franklin street; thence southerly along said p:srellel street; sixty feet to a stake.; thence westerly at right Jingles to Frank lin street, about one hundred and.twenty feet, and thenee.nertherly, to the place Of'begianing, sixty feet, with the dwelling house and appurte nances. Taken in execution at the snit or John - Mc- Kinney, assignee of Oliver Conklin is.. Charles • • A. Falnam. Att..^.v—ALL that certain piece or par cel °Nand:situate in the tuwnShip or Lib.ertyjo the cefunty of Susquehanna, and bounded as fol lows to wit, beginning, at a stake and stones, the smith west corner hereof, tkence! south on e and a hail de,grees vest, one hundred '.end thirty perches, to-a stake and stones. Thenee south fri degrees east, one hundred and thifty-five per elms to a stake - end stones, thence north one and a, half degrees east, one hundied tindi thirty per ches to a corner in Lizard Pond, thence north degrees west, one hundred and thir ty .fire perches to the plo of beginning, known as lot N0:35 of the Lawsville tract, nontaining about one hundred acres -wore or' less, with one acre improved. Taken in execution dile suit of Jehial Day ton vs. David James and William James. ALSO—AO that certain piece or parcel of land- situate and lying and being. in the borough of Susquehanna , Depot in the Coun2 ty of Susquehanna,' and bouuded as/follows, to wit On the North by lands of John Rogers, on the east by-tlie public llighw;ty,.un the south by lands of Messrs. A. &S. 11. Barnes, and on the weiit by landi of Jarnei ,being 'the same lands ret.ently conveyed by Deed, to N. Talmage by A:C. Adams, eontaining about one acre of lone, more or leSSoind all improved. .. Taken in execution at the suit of ,C. S. Ben net vs Nathaniel Talmadge. , ALSO—AII that - certalh piece •or par cel of land_situate and being in the township of Fr;inklln, in the e,unty. of Susquehanna. a - at bounded nnd described as follows to 4 wit: On the north by lands contracted to John Beebe, on the east by lands of N. P. 11'lieaton t spoth by the public .Highway lending up. Silver !creek, and west by - lands: of Griffin Stilwell, ,containing about 4 acres, more or less, with tite appurte nancosone framed House and one fiained - Barn .and about 2 1-2 acres improCed. Taken in execution at the suit of William L. PoSt, And I. L.. Post, as I. L Post - & Co., vs.. Wesley ; Beebe.. ALSO—AII I.ltnt, certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the, township of. °Aland, in Snsqaeh a nna county, bounded and', described as follows to wit.: On • the north by landi belonging to Ward & on the east by lands belonging to David Bryant, (as believed) on the south by lands of George Dyer, and on the west by lands. con tracted by said Ward and Williams to David Day, the same being -lot Flo. 42 as per map of re-Survey.of the Wharton lands, made in June and.Noveinber, A. D. 1847, by John Boyle; con taining one hundred and six acres and thirty sec. en perchee. The same being mostly improved Taken in execution - at the suit of.F. M. Wil liams and F. A. Ward vs. Win. Braithwsiit. . ALSO—AII that certain- , piece Or parcel of land situate and being in the - Township ofßridge writer in the county of SuNueininna-and bound ed as follows, to wit : Ost the -north by the old . Silver Lake line.: on the south by ledns formerly 'contracted to Stephen F. Stephensn ; on ths. [— east by lands in possession of Orrin 'Stevens, jr and on the West partly by said Caleb Carmalt's land, and partly by. the.- lot called the. Fishback Lot; containing 412 acres, more or less, with the appurtenances, I Log House, 1 Log stable and about 35 acresimproved. Seized and taken in execution at the Ault of Caleb Cartnalt.; vs. Samuel Strange.' • ALSO, All that ;certain piece or parcel of land 'situate inDintOck township, in the county of Sus. ynehanna, and bounded as follows to wit: On the north by lands of Jactilo Walaii, on the east by —Baiter, on the South by lands of James Walace and Charles Tingley, and on the west by lands .of Charles Tingley, containing about 56 - aores more or less,and . abont 12 acres improved. Taken in execution at the snit oflsaae.Vanau ken, to the use of John g. Phelps, vs. Horace W..8a11. - • • ALSO—AII that certain piece or. pariel of land lying and beiiag, situate in the Township -of Apolacon, in said ,County; bounded and . de scribed As ,follows to wit- Beginning On _the Milford arid Owego Turnpike ! road, tta . cherfy tree, a corner of a' lot of land formerly survey ed for Daniel Cleft:tents, thence south 37 dog. west, 100 perches to a corner, thence. south 53 degrees, east :a bench I. corner, thence north 37 deg. east, 80 perches to a post by the turnpike, thence along the samelthe fol. lowingcorners and distances to wit: l?ortit 60 deg. west, -15 perches, north 31 deg. west, 30 perches; north 12 perches, and north 534egreee, West 4 perches; to the place of .beginning .; Con taining 40 acres and ,83 porches, be the same, more or leis, With the appurtenances; otto Barn and 20 acres improved, I 'Taken in Exiitition at the suit of LiStanley vs. Hiram . Cook. . ; , s • • Administrator'a Sale.l ' • ;NOTICE is hereby given that by. vi4uti 'of an 1,11 order of the qrkhan's Court of Suaquehan , oa County, the undraigned will expose to pub lic sale by vendue at the late residoncei of Nel son Tiffany, deceased, in Brooklyn, on Saturday the sth day of April next at-one o'cleikr P. the following described pieces or parcels of I situate in township of Harford 1. itho bounded on the North' by lands of Jose 11 X on the east by the lands of the Drin rei bn the south by lands of A. J. Tiffan , an' the west by lands of Williarq BloMnfl Id an f B. Goodrich, containing about , ninety psis a which is unimprovecL The second pie ' is b dad on the north by-the State Rol rue from Martin's Creek to.Hatfoid, on th east south by lands of Dalton Tiffany, and , ebra fern, and on the west by other land of &bra Jeffers , containing 66 acres, a l whip improved. - ' . _, . - • Tarawa payment easy. and made ow day of sale, - E.B . BENT, /AA Y. ; .. I n 1 : . A. I. TIFFANY. ''— HEAR; 0 =truss! War- in-stontrpotand-vriothw; tato!. NO - SPEAK:KELM tl! HE great politiest-Fusigo at. Woiddligtort T as yet iwnot sueeeeefulAit__ - - GUTTENBERG t • ROSENBAUM: &OW' 4 re • - have fused ,l , p! p art i es _into ono grand, v &Mow and ever-increasing party, net for the,ahetiding of blood, or foi the spoils of offiee. but for therm chase of GOODS ate - lower Nome than over , be foro have been sold in Montrose. _Our Motto.. i• Down with Monopoly." • s We take4lettsuro in announcing to the citi zens of Susquehanna County that we have to. moved to of r apiendid_now store, in the put end _ofithe BRICK BLODK. Where we shall always be prepared to Wait up on our frieas, and where' it will afford us the exhibit to our customers, and othels the largest and finoststock 'of Goods ever opened in Montrose i n our line, consisting of REAntrlMins CLOTHING, the largest and fin est assortment, • latest styles, good cloth and made by experienced workmen.. Our stock can. not be equalled in quantity, quility.orpries. Staple ttad fancy goods of ill varieties.. Cotten. Goods Laces, • Silks . , Velvets, Gloves,' llesiery; Ladle's Aria Goode. Shawls, Hats, 'cloaks, Furs, and theriest complete assortment of Sheeting's, Shirtings, Tiekings, &C., dcc.,ili artlelei usually wanted in-the richest or poorest families: • It is not true that our Goods are inferior in any respect. We will give to our elastomers the,pre_ vise kind of Goods in - quality that, we recottc; mend, or ?hey imp return them. In • short - we defy competition as to quantity and quality.— Call upon us aid you, shall not go empty or die. away.. 1 • Measures taken for Rielly! Matieclothing, pro vided weleannot suit customers in the store, and just the garments wanted furnished on •• short no tiee. • I - - Call and rowel money. M. GUTTENBERG, T. ' CHAS-WITTENBERG, L. ROSENBAUM', • J. Wir'ENBERp. _ Montrose, Jan. 30, I 856 :; - First and Last=ein. idebted to R. ThaYer 4. Co., Thayer 3randall; or &Thayer, iraiividrially , will ke this kind admonition, and we-must me accounts sled up. Now if you settle with us," . d paysas'when you Sill be satisfied. ] Otherwise we shsll , the necessity of leaving our books with, 0 for settlement and collection. We until the Ist of next, for you to See us. Many of 'these debts are small costs would smock to more than the o friends call acid not compel us to do so much against our fee!ings. we would say to , the public, that wish -II out our entire Stock, of Goods, Rath. move them, as, we are going to build as Are-house the coming summer, we will Goods at city cost for the next two Shingles and most kinds of lumber exchange for .Good. ,nd see us wit!itit delay. - Ltiii & please tal have th e call and can, we,l be under, a Justic will give, call and and the debts. -1 what is ing to er than anewS sell Jo months taken i Call 4 rose, Feb. 25, 1856 IAG3 AND 'BAGGING.i rlf ISJ—at TFi l aTail l latZa r gy No. 80 AVl4er Street, ..... EAR'OLD SLIP, NEW YORK. ' TE constantly on hand, and -.thann&ciure tn. order,' • , I . • . - and Sacks,' So ed and Seam less . ' . . for all uses, and of every • esirable style, and quality. • • 1 .• They would especialy call attention to their unequalled facilities for . . . 7 2 'Ol ra f t 2. AD Tfi ATIBVIin fi a gfl or Sa cks far FteurOleals nonagon Ifilck wheat, liims,rial if SPICe4. - . , - lik.C., &Cy . all of which they furnish to order, in tbw. moat appro ed style of design and printing,,and.with i quick st A de ls B O P , 3 lm gi. p i ortere l and-Dealersla ' • 9'nnny . Bagq(and Bagging, . and various kinds of - THREAD and TWINE, both i.inen and Cotton 4 of 'which we are receiv ing continual snppline.! . . March 6,1856.—m6: . , . , ~ Bagi WILLIAM W TREMAIN 8: CO. ' Ayl I . LL keep always on hand at their Store ! I near the " Starrneca Viaduct," a large, and Well selected assortment of all articles usu ally c lied f)r in sCouniry Stores; consisting of Dry cods, Ready' Made Clothing, Hats and • Caps„ Boots and Skies, Crockery, Glasi aid Queensware, Clocks, IlardwA4e; Nails, and Cut lery, Groceries, Oils. 1 Provisions, Flour,Feed, Salt, &e., Drugs and Dye Woods, Wooen and Willow Ware, Brushes, Brooms, Stone Ware, and :i great v,ariety of k)ther " traps," All of which they will exchange for cash or' country produce, on RE good terms as 'any establishment in the coup y, and: weiguarantee our Goods to prove at all lives ss'they are represented. W. T. & Co. hope by close attention to business, .and by fair dealing, to merit a continuance of the patronage whir h has heretofore. been, liberally extended. Tbe highest markqt, rates will at all times be paid in Goads, or Cash -if preferred, for Item lock Bark atthe'Viaduct Tannery. • I , , , Wsf. TREMAIN'& CO. I LAnesboro, Feb. 2i, 1856. . • Orphan's Court . Salo. - TN pursuance of an order of the Orphan's court, I will be sold on the premises, on Saturday the sth day of Aptil next, at I - o'clock P. M., a lot of land, situate' in Franklin Township, in Susq'a Co., - containing about forty acres, and bounded on the North by the Roar leading from Franklin Centre to I the Snake Creek ; on the L e as Iby by lands of Charles Gunn ; on-the South ,byrther road leading as above stated; and on the west by lands of John Webster. - .A framed house and barn, an orchard , and about 30 acres cleated. Late the estate of Joseph - Webster dee olsed. . I - JOHN. WEBSTER. w 3. . Trustee ttc. Register's Notice. BLIV notice la , hereby given to all persons concerned in the following Estates, to wit : tstate of PAVID I4EWMAIII, late of Grekt Bend ToWriship : deceased . Henry McKinney exec!- , . • tot! Estate of Joint SHERWOOD, late of Auburn townibip,decessed ;,Andrew S. Low Adminis.m' , • Estate of JACOB Lyon, late of Herrick town. . • deeemied, Geofge H. Lyou ,Adtninistre tor: ' Estate of JosErn IVRtcnanns; late of Mont rase; deceased, H. IL Frazier Administrate!. Also the account lof John Webster, Trustee under the will of JosKr HVERSTER, late of Fran klin township, deceaied. , ' • 'that the accountants have settled their ac.: con t rite In the Regislor'soffieeln an for the coun ty of Susquehanna, And that the same will. he .preiented to the Judges of the Orphans' Court of Said county, on Wednesday. the Qth daj of Apkil next,' for confirmation and allegiance. 1 ;3. W. CHAPMAN, Reg'r. Regiiiter's Office, 11 ontrose, March, 12, )856 For Sale: OUSE, .Tlypin4 . l44 . in the Month pu el land first .1.4, New Stilfordi village. The shop linearly aura now. 20 by 30, - and storysbigh, opted as t ate, a aragun shop. , rntiot confatal rods nfgood d leVel ground, or I *could sell the bons e ao4 one d (mirth or Rn aarn of 14p4 separate,. The Lath ; awanna 'Rail Road cars, pass along front :or rex tbe lot ono eight of a mile distant. good sad nin criavenient location for a mechanic of almost say ian bind. For pries and Pasticialikramulluira of Hen• Jef. rylS. Lyon on the:Premises. Wit be sold cheap an id if applied for soon 1 • • chis Web , ' El now receivioi-his ereedi,eibisb be offers at hie newt low Mess, _ Montrosg Nerch it, lee% iitrandlite Mien= 8if.42,340.2t01 , 11 4 / 1 13 =1. AffltJdgrnraiithig; --114 k t llfflk 75ebtorodenradep, rerealkageg _ait the diseases of the gen toil organs of the. undo and Amide, with the , latest dlscoieries laieroduc tintt: The afflicted should use no-real e be fore learning froin,this - valltabk , work the supe riority of the authOl i nTails add, Aotaks traat- I to onfof PAW., dining*. Bothnsartkolind Mn gis stibald cOnsuitit at No. 19ffl Broad.. way, sad mailed' Ma for $l, by the author, M. LARSIONT, Pkilician - and - Suirunt,l 4 lo.-411 Beads Stiest, comer, 980 Broulway, where he cures all those diiiffees, faomil A. M. till 9.T. M., and 6to 9in tba•evening, Sundays except. od. Address all limn, Box No. 844 llew York Cost ' We ',concur with the other pima in recommending' Pr. LARMONT to, tbi- slct. ed—CourrierdeX__, Etats Ws. Stotts Zeitusg, Democrat, Day Book, Courier, 1)i5r2414, and ',Now Brunswick rases. . Jan. 22, 1966.-4yl. , , • Norcross' Rotary Phiiiitig Mi. chine. WANTED—To soil the Rights ink Me thines.forl'n Rotary 'Planing, Tonguing and Grooving Machine, kr boards and planlynt der the Norcross ;Patent. Also. the attachment of the Moulang ' Machine, which wilt iwork s. whole hoard into mouldings'at 'one operation.— This patent bas teen tried, and decided in the Supreme Court in Warliingtom' to be no in. fringtment;being'superior to Woodworth't Ma .thine:... Appl:tO J. 1:1: DALE, Willow . Street, above "Twelfth, Philadelphia, where the Machines can - ticrseeiQi iperation. E. W. CARR, Agent. R. TUAYER & CO. HAYDEN 81107/31118, - 1 ew ,]Milford, WHOLESALE -Dealers In Buttons Combs,!; Suapondem Threads, Pane/ Goode, Watches, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware, Cutlery, Fishing Tackle, Cigars, dte., , dts. Merchants and Peddlers supplied on liberal term*. - • W3l: HAYDEN, _ TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN, HAYDEN, f GEO. HAYDEN, - 4 / 1 9 10, • ; "Nor Art 'Refuses -to Court the ~ Mmes. ," - ONCE re mo a,bright nett / year. With its blessings and its cheer; We have gladly welcomed here. Not, as your plans. you fix; - - And so earnestl you mix - .. In the scenes o fffty six*— / Please give yourselves the pleasure; At your earliest hour of le isure, Of securing such a treasure • - AtDeans; the " Sfan of Faces," With a sunlight pencil traces!' - - And, to suit your fancy,' places In kis neatly finished cases. Defer notrttll to-morrow.! - - - , - °Welt not for seam and furrow ' Which come with age and sorrow ' But g - 1, let, the Artist take you, Ere youth's warm glow forsake you', And a copy true he'll make yoit. 10 The place- where thin ran , be done to perfection (No doubt you havebeenobeve before) Is (I'm sure you cannot . usistike the direction) I At o.ld Fellow's Hall, second floor. ' AT HOME AGAIN Pereverence has triurrephedover every olota NO.twithstanding a destructive fire, an oxtai sive loss,' and a ten month's sickness* ABEL TURRELL, has completed his New Btick Store ; (built up on the same ' ground ocupied• by his former Store, that 7 , 1 ,1 riS consumed by fire, and in the NP.w Brick Block;) into which he ,has removed his stock of goods, where he will with pleasnie wait upon patrons.- An entirely new_and exten sive assortment of goods will soon be added to the presttnt stock. The patronage of the pub licis solicited, with the assurance that the inter est of purchaSers shall be promoted. Montrose,'lsn. 24,1856. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IDOBDUAIIII,. SMITH & CO.,' would re r • spettfully s inform the public that they have purchased the - interest in the saddle and Ihyness Business of A. &X. Baldwin. We hope by strict attLntiun to . ' bu,iness to receive oar share of Pnblie patronage. Constantly on hand, Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Whips, Trunk*. Vallee*, &e. Carriage Tripling in all of its -branchis will be newly done to order, on reasonable terms. Shop No. 2, Searles 13asement. FORM A3I SMITH & CO.' Montrose,' Jan: 1, 1856. Per the Benefit of 'Suffering manitp, ARetired gentleman hat ing cured himselfof the. Piles accompanied with eruptions of the skin, after suffering for upwards of 25 years thinks it his duty to make the remedy known for the benefit of the *aided. He will forward the particulars torthe cure of the same on the Pr ceipt of a 3 cent postage stamp. Mdrese. REV. C. J. RECKLAW, ' No. 12 Ann St. N. y. Feb. 12, 1856.-Bwl. AUCTION SALE. - ILLNV-,,b,;:l;3ceidp ublic subscriber V o e n u T u u e e i n e d n a yt th e MTh daY of Feb. inst., at one o'clock P. M. One Mare, one Colt, three Cow'', and six ty.fice Sheep, ...-the Sheep will be sold In lots, or altogether. Terms of t ale,—sixty days Credit with appror. ed security,. eJ. M. BLANDING. Harford Feb. 4, 1856.-6w2. • Auditor's Notice: - TThe undeslgned having been appointed by the :Orphan's . Court of Susquehanna county, an Auditor to distribute the funds in the bands of the Administrator of the estate of Alexander Har. per deceased, will attend to the ' duties of his saidappointment at the office of Bentley & Fitch In Noniron, on Tuesday. the 4th day of-March next, at 2' o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested will pre. sent their claims, or be thereafter foreyer barred from cotung in upon said fund. - &BUSHNELL, Audt'r. Montrese, Feb. 2d, 1850.-2 • Public SAle. THE S ubscriber will sell. at public ells on Saturday, the Bth day of Mareh next, on his Farm in'Brldgewater township, the fallow. ing property to wits 9 Cows of good quality, 35. good SheeP, 2 fire year - old horses, I six rear old horse„ and 8 two year olds of „ffood size. `The bald property will be sold to , the highest - bidder - on six months time, with'good security. PATRICK . CROS4EN. Bridgewater,Feb. 25e1-aw*• • I Goods_ at Cost. • A ND lwei too. "The subscribe:intends lea• . , : viai the mercantile business the first , of 'April next, and k desirous therefore of telling off his.prOsent stock' of GOODS. - For Cash-or ready pay the public may b 0 .ed that they can now purctutse of me lower than Goixis were ever before sold in Brooklyn. ,Airy stock consists of a general variety store. - Give me a call; and you will make great bar. gains. - 1 " F. satrrit. Brooklyn, .Feb. 30, 11158.-414‘ . Plated Forks and -Spoons; - ' TINT received. s new kit Pbled 1116i:111114 ranted to be ptated..beaviar _ than an3r Wars ever efrefed - for. sate In liroonte Cowl*. • EVANS. • Ewes to *nlistil 'Notice la beriby g vs- to all persons having dimplenuatieet tier Unto ot Perry Ball. hite of repisit,t44..iwa. that *LIAM. inns* presontoktii, tor arrangement, and an romensiniebiett tomdd Itatat4 - ine to, Oren Un Make Imatediats settlement / ,c/ 'roinat Late, VaTelt-10thi1936,-. - " 41— . ii36**ESTOW DAY 000Dge OR= _ AARDWARE,` - • PEREUMERY.L,: : ' • YANKEE NOTIONS, ' . IRON ANDNAILE,' „BOOTS AND 8110/o*. - -_ - . FLOER AND' HAVI I i ” sou; AND- DPPERIEATIINN • r - • , At nub idea salthoreldoka i ro - t entire satisfaction to *II' sit: >i `=: a l es their Painibage. A'l4 4 # li* All kinds of rotlncs P94114' Brooklyn,Nov: 150855; . 0 ..- . „..,-„ „ ~ Great Ftxhilati - nin - Itnt6 ll4l L - '.-, -- - 7--_ ,, , G .R ATrl e. A D Ai l la lt Em E as i etc . e g ogr "- q:. , .f. `tom:_ 'of almost every style and quality , aii:_:01 1 411*-- - : lure to` plesie — and aecommodati iii - oliotir:_, • -- - people—from the child I - 4 the cradle tiVilli• -, . auldeerepit. ' These riods are Ueda-Ale .i.-7';-"A..:-.. -, Most favorable tenni, and will - be sold wet ~ 0:: _ Please giro, us a call and, we wilt , billo rep.,!--- , .. )Iy ail your want, in thillne of GOOM:1111r,;- - . . p, kept ina eouatrfetore. Yoa peal: not' go New York fir any thing you *Ant, 4MiiiAvo ' ha*e them fresh from the el .- SCOTT, J " Springville, Pa., May 8, 1 .•• , • NEW. STOVES: - H. BURRETT has now itt store stoili • mg a large s t or k OT New Stoves,. Wt. the *Star of the West and National elevat _tate. Black Rover. Wide Worf& atid Plitligett-,1=1810; Oven, to which he wont invite partimiluLaltelsllo ! as the bitst Cooking Stoves ia tnaiket„ with- it periorassorttnent of Parror,oolCeat4ShOpetoveut . ' for Wood or Coal, pito Stove Pipe, Iron, Stoves Tubes, &e., _ - This stock is selected froin the best Fotmddllir of Albany and Utica for , cash with the best Twat" tiof Trimmings made to order for his ettatosit;' trade, which will enable him ball reepects to competition and will be sold at the most red • k prices for ealth or approved credit. - New Milford Oct. 1855, inivr Goo Cheap for:Cash: W.-MOTT hos just teoeived ADODIOt ieria C New Goodi, such as Chaltiri. Mims lains, De Bages,Ginghaans, Conan, Embr0 . 4194. lawns, &e., &e. Rs OFFERS AT UST- Pawns. SUMMER SRA WLS, a new lot just teeeived—besutifol patterns at very low pleeu r :!. also CRAPE and 'BLACK SILKSHAWLS° as low as the kunst. - C. W. MOTTO, O. Niir_ SETMOUR igklg);, -Mre j not receiving thoir Fail and Winter tittodt`, ot Goals, which. they loci- confident are offering for Bale at Sum. Asian/ statrawas any establishment in this section.: Our stook is = % as Complete Asia generally found in eantittr Staten. . Harford, Sept;; lU. ~4 1 ' -Reid Asiortinint of Crockery IM - Oar .41.. Ware; at & PORCELAIN, and Granite China,' at_ " G. W. 8:* Co.. "BD ROCHE and 'Bay State:Shawls, all pH - esit;... 11 at " G.. W. S,Alr, Co. • BLACK aad Brocade Dress Silks, for 6 and*' Shillings per yard, at G. W. S. dr. Co. m De Wass, of the latestnesst a co. R) ACHELROWS-Hair Liputainet-Sahi I/ of a thousand flowers, and Pathway at G. 'W. B.AC. Ca. yANnENotioniyo! every Gira:tirial.c.. GREAT ATTRAOTIOJIW AT THE UPSONVILLE irCILIAPX! rpHE Subscriber is now remising 1,400 l kited assortment of Ihy Gonda, GrOie riotni;; Fish, Hardware, Crockery, Ready-Made aothill i p Hats, Bonnets, (a 'splendid easerinta4) RASO Paints; Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Yankee - Notkrits, to &molt. everything usnaltrenlled for a Mill& try Store, including Floor, &Wand Neil all of which he is desirous of selling 'for Cask wit kind of Farmer's Merchantable Prechtee,-4), good approied Short Credit. Hit hien& awk most respectfully invited to . give Mat.* call and he will satisfy them that thn Exchaup is the place for farmers to trade. The higheit ph* , paid, in,Cash for Butter. • 3. L. MEitRIMAIL Hpsonville, Hay 15,1555: Public sae.- rlrllE subscriber will sell at Public Salo om- Wednesdey; the second day Of APO annt;- 'on his fail in Liberty township, the _followlegi property to wit: • One =yoke of !bur year old matched oxen, oils Cow and Calf, seven two year sold Heifers, three Yearling% 24 Sheep, ileg, PloWs, Uaz w, Horse Rake, flay, Grain, Potatoes, Stovo;Houss. - hold fittuituye, and other , things too' numerous : to mention. Ali sums under fire &Mon enldrr dowii ; over, air Monthi credit , with siortmer security.. - - - MA COMEITOCIC: - _ Libegf, March l 85& w 4 _ Executor's Millet.. XTOTICE 'is hereby given to all petsess 111 ing.demands againot tbe restate of Pat; rick Donlin late of Althorn, that Ole ~+ roust be presented to the undersigmal.foreniui gement, and all pemons indebted to said mdabik° are required to make immediate Se4tlenieut. MARY IXDalf‘ , JAMES Maich 19, 1856.---6w* 'vamp Customer* WO will Rill& 1111 7; . " J.: extremely anxious to settle and Waste our accounts, the moro eine& we began . to tool nj). So many Mlles anti to quite , end we are need of it now. To- all I will be in Montrone every Moadni foit'; melt two weeks, Tuesdays et the Sore...of IFint: 11, Thayer, inDimrck,. Wednesitiliinto4lPerir" Esq., in Brooklyn; Tintrulgr-at isms' in Franklin. ?Mr anampalnt mint se-' commodate all; still if it doe* mic r yper filet a list of seeming,' it XBl,llll l O. aim* ..4kattme, Tattire Afiles,.. /kotrittm Moyne, Matock. Celt* snit* • - Otitskr: IfoistrOse, 13,-1,836: AMMON: m HZ. sabierifier. win offer for at et *Alt OM OD W1V1D1N141.46 47 of *tiniest. his stoat it, &WO *. highest sod best _ Gino . Iniumissers.—MY boodi, r ipitift W sot, hence the public will has the 4 •Itiorijaseil ever had to; buy ettespr -14 wietritiiiiiiititidio sluts of the metal4t-coodit - Crocsery sod thaw^ Di' Goot*Hllllo6lB6 am, &c .. ; Now, itrat elbow bu es ftroildsqt 4 Witaus ,o4 • - titiltP in *stook. To this4a pi win infitaleMila: • • - - LAMEW.Daiiek-Malk; • •to al), u bs , tell* "tow - okolo of elkoa • juslopthe fits*: ssi kilanthaAM4l Ornity: -B roo bi t iogga 100641.-- N. B. An - tom* of id-04V Boob ageout ate rar"o4 44 : Olt alt now s .3 n~:'~t:`ai :. . - lIMEIRSEMM Notice No. 2. ,:'='''''''-'.' -.:. '. .:"Y.:-: ,7- 7 . ,': -'-': ..,:- .: . +Z , ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers