%I- ~ - ii'-`11:1-: , . ::- • :.; ;::. --..i., :::-..,,- -I',; - .-:.,, t : ,..., _ i... b r , ' ..*-,,,, - -,-....: ~!.-,. ' tritstuttuts ----. ~/111„. riz,,a,,..,_t5i0„..,.;..,:..,,,,,.,..;:,,,..2;•,:,:, , J;‘_1.,... : .„ -e .:::.. ,: MistaiNsuOtisissnetiC: e4.t‘ • f;IVRACEi . :,ttftS... ';: N0::33'3 -19r6 . ndttgy;- , Net rewk:-.. • ' t , tarzeat. saiitrtitmnt-o.oi — ati74,lrainlenna: - . r. s ,,,;,atjaatTromonts ina.lll4'ie.4l':lti'erehanclitke.. kinditliti-",tliti ',Untied 'Sjitei.:, Inane* frnin ;.• • t,Ailfeintk itill - iiltractii,i6. 4 ,..'.O 4 Nyfitiiiiiiik ‘ 11. i) 11 ~ : 1 7 :Z,71/1 4 1:i'VE-g. n f -otylO, - trim Lho•pt#lri. neat imd • --:tAiffAirlf_l4. ooVivo!i; : in NVaintit or, ftoilt , ': . ' - '- 4'4;.1%0:4;_fr00541'50.,1 .1 .01400, 1 .1 1 i. hoiiiflt.lh e ..- • ....t''3l;iiiii finish 'hp.l,4 o de :„.llod's.hdif 'Thil 1 d roi' - 4 '.lllllll_l..lll,,ililiArfiLtikr ofizo,p4 vriih - 'lll , . _ . :itpttba.vrk!or, s'Arieql:Anit tit i11f,g,.. 1 •it 11 , 41ti4tS,:i rt...:tha. ese:ntaivll . b l , pr . igrei ar t 1 i ipty-Are M' -: '.; --_ '• .--=. N :1: 7 •' _ = toil : Ni'r 3,: i iits . v ' 1 .4 S .I: ci it txt3ol , olin, V tay. -, . -os. 1 , .f . :...- xre. Ifirlth 4 di. Icon k'eana,Al,.pos:seiniing i n - thilr - -.Jdotilditt•of nFerafrinilt and,iiitilnet;* leti a tii: - - nate, ontreOtzta:,'4ol3o4' of - tone-1 1,i1 art ,P -,Grtnii Piano:;ortited• *lilt ihe,be'll., nti - ddd 'tiu• J ity• crt7.otrqqriire of : * tlittiAtiltralltano,'...Th 6 !-, ~7,401. v, prqualtdedd'hillpe'Preiii;jhictthdififri_ vat :..tfaitAtrip.)-.64 •:eq - iisi to thinio Of itnt - oth rtnufaciaref.! They are Inti!t: ofithe 1 , 04 . 0: • th'lrP,sl-Zil aealtnned material, land gu)lina . i[l.3o! , attiiNhO a‘.4lOA - of - eFefi r iiienate.. :;:'lll - 1‘ ,. . Al4,llwille,,A.lli-kittiti - ...er it. 0 8ert a...:,c0.N.: ~,.f r ako4.Pienni am Pi:inni, 'i"i lii ..nt i*Ttikifu,l ific: - -.45n.-,i4titieit & riddiithn'A, ).V . Widicttid!. it" ...41#.-Aitf J;o:olarnlelrorineA, lnd othi4,l3u , t 4,i.1n0t. ,dilbaresl.l)fnitio;r l'ialips, Arid' ete , vi n attifinent: for 841.111 rnonta. ; H.- . ..,, , • , ~. izeb.ill(trilaw,nt guaranteed 10- giro ..,t..,:.,. :.,,er phrehmse; monn . e refunded. 1 'econd li a re • i : - :,041t- CienkOirlEtinit, eonatan ly in. ; store. I . -tefv•frone $34/t4t-8 40. • • • .1, . ,:z...4.A.g. eeites• of S. 0. &11. IV. inith'.ltltelo` • :4 4 .; (I O:1 , A. to the P.4lllliter•operlettt) to.' whivh ettemitly aurtrded; the: .1 ,7 01 t. Pr 4.rairiill, at 11 , 1, .. .6 int I'.iir,. W.ag'iii,; :TWA. D. C. . firi: - .i....fri M : .7, : ta "I so. D tqlklr bail' .nirlog. - nv . i; ,`,.•..190. ' -.l,rlem....Witor'd 1(91 , -Iii abriit, snperi.lr iostru ~,' ...i.: in fano, touch find • d it-3;)ilit:y . _of inx,...... . . . 3 -,41 tho-oquzl:teid,rad!.ioL) - 11,211obid,r1 rgr t : , 11,hr, Atrkeit and rd,4ts. ~1 ' . .-• . .• ;:t - il.in*,:: alittrl,D6)wit's Harps, Volta,' V 10.., . 0 1 , 1 at-vilest instillment*. of all kiridt, A .. ...: . e .41i4;o141 0. , 1 , 101)<)916, teachoriiii Olerebt4 and ~ . v,,70.1.., Tine, trade aupplia l on the .lost" . .• • , J rkl'prip 2t , . '., : " ~ .1 - ~ , ' .4:',/%1C:7..'..1ie..pit the.l% . rgeat Anil beat **lnit.: - : -3a:442:0w; of music now ptilihniii4l,.codlpri d .., ylanr.of the ch.)lo and.mnytt popular airs; Of, . .441,T,;-. tv?ij2', th? . .TO, Are', fd . ud(l. -- tlie - dnit iroilly - ' Ili; ri ,T, rnsinalqns - Of - Plwidati -IT ' : -; - , , 11 . 4.i1e.,,wit-irv - m2l1: to all partilof th-i-cOeritry . t pli.i. fi - i . rticninr. and ..1 - terilnot,' ntlevtior . . I t , l *ll orl.rs , reieii•eo . li p 4 . 411, . Sjitiktf. , :r .01u:rand-I idey:err ixiitsneet, .- Pirnitio sold 'i ..iietirii far' red!. *AI s ai nt Illinirclj;nd rhr. v!. - Pitn:ys ittil'ri . )..lnielna Virisfilend inoniFt.. - Acianntil '., Sazoy.-Lhand•Tiati,on taken - in its.. ._.-ig, far nen", • Boot anii_Shoo rari r poritali vF ; • - HIM ill. -,14R-I,o34eribpr Ass - rem )•r e lue4,. Boot and qtaro inko the boil . cling reont:jaerm - tetgo's Bentley Public:Aye ar","tgloie the ; Paint _ °glee. Where, Not. :;itt.vitlinz the mixed Oate f f p•aities. Ingiair. or. tha, ironer inark'et, P. oirt Mattapnliesi, Jack CLLIInt iaiocenogik.r-avl 'the great Ir , sul4:111b.:1•1 .L ni roe, at...ogler; in all f ~ nr,ltn itrobabili .• hats Aril:t veinfer:f In N.-hot- firti)i. :te thiirt . the Fobse-itter h 44 I*. praptrai - to,meat ttio* 4 'wants of th . & S' - me vrearinz public. wWi.f.rnori and 'oh cgriotioa awes of Doktart - Manna tare, warranted 4..cpal (if no: Ver); than sny 1 offered in this . m.,rket. Ili- I lek - anthraces a . z..ners I ..a-tritty of it:sdir. - fi nis avOar. Cllslstinz-in-risit of Liciies .s!finG, Put. Fax IIPAZ Gaitirs, Gliters,.,Prench Kitt Carrgress / zi 11 orn..to lifprs Ladies Ciir f Isi.e.Oranze4 flyakins„ "-mkina. Par. Ltzthr Butekiwt, Af r;r! , c r n .;',, z ets„ ,C,•;if LILT .. 11 Wm Blared Boats, "Fur !*ani B•talins Silk Lccring Pat.; zittrw, r,4l,nr•if iii tiftrs. Ca 11"• Lace B' s. Boort, jeatt! Mils IMP 'Shoer, - ell -Outer*. &man Skes.i Ar.de Ties. Pat. iiMr Fsineek Buskins, Csifami Kip Shors. - ;:na' Cef, frip arilStoga. Boots, ec:f Conaltid•! Brnirs. B - rrs 1 3 ir;p &Jots. Yrirh's nick cri .Tr.*?; .r ItuV)ers %nil Sandal.. a f p.nerai asiortrneAt. FILID-sus..Bp-i - rahles; Thread, Was. Steel N tO T 1 11:104. Wr , iKtlwa. 11.01 !Will. Sant Webb. rfsinmers.-Pinccrat. Shoe X.ni6 , ,s,Erlze Slacking. snd Gliorn BinAina, Water Proof Black ' ill. Paste Bin4inif, gen Atahae, Gnnt . Tra4se. 4.lth, pdire 'Brushes, awt Pegging and ftiniti Awl Slade% 8;0. f. LEAMSI.. I ltilliincle„ the side o I r pnand. to--seit ens ;•tamers.. Tfre public are invited to call before esreiltsinir elsewhere. ensFoiners may rely tip nA Eetting . what they los.rgsm tor. and that is than ithey car do in "some plf.res." If theOrns :Easte worh, they can be arcomodited with -as good rn An article sr ran he foond in this -Wittet. Iflthey prefer honio manufacture they earthave it Whip:int Leine' hionivngetl.; ALL kinds . 1.13 vide' to order ..and - warranted. Repair_ jagdone on short notice. Tkassnrtm for past .farm 2 ,s, he, hopes by . strict attention to 6vsinesig, to merit contlnnines of . . the game.: C. Ir. g1.1110711A. P. S. It is now ores a yOtr since thri zreatVire in Ifuntrn,w, 01 which time the auPtcriber having snnet with a erent loss, in kact . he lust his attlf he- would "ay, .to those indeahte to hi in;l,eititer by. Note 'or .Bonk account, Oat, ttpe same mist be ett I eft witbrint,further notice. C. n. SIMMONS. ikungtose,lin. 18501- -C. • • • A Rare Chance 'to Boy Goods - , Cheap. C. 'firitlfGHT being desirous of clot- 1 hasiness for thw' tozpose of leaving in )114 worrog toke 4 thi4 method Of informing his eu4tooters ettd the that he will ' sell his entire stock Of G0,,d.; r. cost, for e.th Wrrealtv pity:7 No eredifiwill he givt.n after this Ate. -lle 'wonth - fetv to 'llt'pme• indebted to him, either tiOte or booty areonrit, that the same sno4l"be iornedlotttly„ withoot further Tte also tilrerm f4t; sale his tottery, Store. • home, tr, ItoMm.4. and theappurtenan ees-therowtth. totgether 33 acres of land. Aii of - iteliielt will be sold eheap. Inn.'• 0, I 1356.—tr. • Aa u N'S.lV'Eteloac ft , :erY weak. Old• Santo Clans is round yet and will lAA - ill after New Yearn, tea Vewitn. Prowl, f r hot by calling at the 'Poo tee, where , ynuesn get. new, -entertaining and iss.rwt ehicip; - , • i 3 r.• - 7 1 11-4jittitar - ellelistt - tn , sCnn vernal iins nnd --ow elm) Fire, Kate Wehton or t,) Will and to • Da, ihe • Mail Bias. Family . Pastintis cu bone made Ilij)t!yi. Le* on the rood wr Claude Parleys'new Univer. ss! iiimtnrs and itifrbnoto,7lfra:festies, Crowen onttfis!e*lNew'esoktnnks etc.. ind , lnanv -nth. illtlitotnVinention here.ibut tot - Awe ihetn to 4444 ar&4 sellthim •lair' for She ,•.14 441 * i fr: - 1 8U4 1 44*D• iggietroimalee. 26. I'B 5. A O I:EIIiVHSIMPPL ' of...drseo" i rprt. Drugs, a p 't.-1%100- 044 Al ,' issteriaislor ligirts, -t- ; ~ -....,, 1 -„,r; 4-4110:111 1 1 4 z - ' ' . .. waw4avDS - :- ~ .: .4,z4,.1e5..---,-7,t ~,t-:-.4l4nricaPa AL` -.4- 72 ,-L otit.•olciwipi‘,. • c iri l aii" -. r and 41me umll- sajeutod /c 4 .JOt A f Tess 77t ' . etWeltd r , . 4 A ik, o r (4114"-***,Alwil*-00111" chat); •nek;ustiel. wish or -7 44... i % * 41 , 14 14 Se 0444:Titic4441* 5 - - - taile b ' ri'ie,),4; lOW , --- - ', • . • . , ; Z.: ..'...'..::_. -_ u ... .. / ! .- ~--t. "TrE i T) 1,0 , : j , ,: • .., ,, :- tv.,..:7z;');: TL • O. =4 ' ,--; •:-.. 7".. .1 1: ;:- '.;. 2 • 4 , 1::„..4.A.t• -, • . ~..L.,- . :.:_,- - ..,•,' CS N - •.3 e• ' 7 "••• . 1 t..""•At' ' ~,-: lt , :. . ;,..•:_.:,...• • '•,,,' 4.,•-•, ••),. ~,, i i,,i1 • 1 4., , '''tl , - ' • ' • _: .: '`.. t - , ~ ~•7;.- . ": ' . ...i. S, ''• : • t.• .. ; ' -1' i• • tI . •'• ! ' ,', , •. • ..,••,• 1,:- •••.:•!•.•• • • •,t'i • ' 4- !. - t .- . : • - - l'i;". 4 , .-•-, . ;,,-:. ~ : - . ..:4 -,' ;1 ,, - :-...,:-.--,_-.., •i •- . 4,?. : rrl• '---: Ire. cathig.lbo Srck Ad.atielitititerer ' before; knovsor any Xaltdiie'• , t- , - ' , -.1 ~... ItiIitiIIS,V4T.ANDIUDGEIOIII I 3IIREttiVEL -7,, 3ULE DAKEL;;Zeltithe well known *fi*, Si' . • ' Chsetntit &feet; rhdailelrhia, whose . choke-producer are fonnlitt almini . everY tidier, ens 2 • 1 • .. *" I. ant hippy_ twee" . argoneValsturrte rtu.a, that I • .11.0.4 1 , 1 1114, Them a hetter.,Gamity, meditine;li:r mimosa rw, wre,lltsiKany 'other at h sny'knowledge„. Many of my • • • Orient% have realized narked benefit, frnoi Mem, and ert- Weide WO me iti.bal . • rig that *typos's. , extraeirdini7 ; • virtztesidir driving .nil' . and curing tite*kr 4erte not Only. etrational, trete and &emir stabs fakeiv—_,., i• Meditiee watch( nunt. - mate them vented I% . ,ilitrptiblie,r • wbewthlfture inoWn" - :Tins venerable ChatitelktrAVAßDLAW writes lies thtinkt,asth.Aptil, 1854 • . 1/84.r: Ay zit— Sir biro reti n . you ram with -• `great benefit, for the listiesititera, Indaunntwall of;a1+011 , 10, awdSilioucboadachaewhitti has .oftate.yearauSrllaket..._., „. me in the spring. .4 few awa of-your-Pills cured the. '')••• - have need your•Clierry Padova , many.years in my family far toughs mud ct9de With unfailing, etlsTeell. tasks Inerlicineewhich titre: altd I foel It a.pleastare commend yew Sallie good min have deina•and are -•- , JOIIN P. BEATTY, Esc, Serwof the tenth Repent* . • "P.. ft. R..OJIee, Piige;litpkii. bee. • "Sle,:tit take pleasnre adding tiny testionny; tit - the ellesty of titer. Itiedicinee having dentred vary nerterial benefit from the we of laith ;vont Pectoral and Cathartie • Pill,. I am Fetter withent dumb's itylantilYinnt ottall 1 • laverbtelsent tit tie, while.rity nteater . will procure them." . wtdelvltrnowned 8.8. STEVk 8r al. Went. worth S. writes:- • • • ! "Roving nand *nit Caves irne Pula hi my *nice, I- • certify from eapetietwe ;dui: they, attran invaluable tangs-. tire. tn.cases ofdiaerdrred lune-Maisel-the iirer„eruseing headache, indieestiou, citstirerwas, and the . great 1 variety of diseases that Aglow, they ire a surer tenterlytban any other.. -In all rases where - a tint native ',Medi' tivrt lied, I. confidently recinunend three Pills In the public * u respenur to any other, I have ever found. :They 'are any in thew operation, and pert oily safe —qualitica Is bleb make them an , invaluable ankle Tie public sue. 1' I hart for many years krwwn 'your Ifflusvp Patand-as ithcbeet Cough medicine in the world; and these Pills are in ao wine infetior to that admirable preparation (sr the neat ta seat of, diseases." . • • r . •- . • “ .Me., X.se 41, 1653. - °Da. J. C. Area Seer Sir; f have teen afflicted friar' my birth witli scrohila . in it,w , rat Ch u , mi d _ n ow. alter • twehty yeark trial, atilpfi , untold of mutated of "actin, bare been completely cured iwa few weeks by your Pills. With what feelings of TrilOi lig I write can .! only be imagined when you realize what I have suffered,land bow knit. . • - " Never until now hare I born, free from this lOathanine dieraae in pone share. At limes it stuicked my etre, and made nie Mind, 'besides the unendurabl e ! lain'. at • Oditts* it settled in the eralp i.f no - heed, and destwyed my hair, and haslet,' nw partly beta all my days sometimes It came out in no face, am' kept it fir months a raw Nye. Abl444l.ll3o,WeekK 40 ciautuebrcil taking jytair.Ca• thank. Pills, and now ant (-lithely tree, from theTatrlaint. My eye' .am well, ray skin is fair, and my-Itair has rim merited a lieslary growth ;'all of which makes the feel already anew person. • : • " Hoping this statement maybe the means of rimming Infonidition that .Enrol do good to others, I am, Willi aver,. sentiment of gratitude, - sore, &en WA BICKER" it S hare known the alto veltiatned Maria Ricker frees bet childhood, and her statemo+l is strictly trmi. • _ • • ANDREW :11ESERVE, ' Overseer of the Peotstavilli Manulacturing Co." • Carr. JOEL. PRATT, of the ship Marion, writes final, .Ikniton, than Apri1,1h..44 - "Your Pali have cored-Me, Conn a helices sto c k arose fonn detangenient of Ilk Liver. whit Is had ( eentne. very seriiiiie. I had tailed of Any relief by Illy •Physician, and fn im every remedy I could try ; nut a fair dose , of "-mar Pill, have completely rei4. Icy) me to health: I liar" given them to •rtii children- for uomis, vvith• Ito' best ler fleets. They were : promptly, cured. I rec , time:tided them to-a friend fir ciotiveness, n hick' hail troubled him kr nstinths; he told 'one in a line tbql". -they Lad tiered hits. - You make tie , beat medicine itetlie world ; and I am rm.. to say so." . •. Read this. from the distill:it'd-tied Self c ioi of th e nu t irenie Conn, whose brilliant- abilitie, baie made; him weft known, not only in dila - bra site brighbOririg States. " Alpe . Orleans, &a April, IPA& " Sir : I hare great ndisfectit n ni wourtur in that Myself and family have !ken very much benefited hr )00. medicinis. kly.wik was tiered, tern years sine.. of a se vere and dingenats rough, by yoiii "'Hasse! Pscros , ,z, - and since then has enfieyed perfect health. Ely ehildren have several Miles been (-tired from attack, of the ;Witt enza and ennui by it.'7lt is an invaluable ;remedy for theseadeniiplaisits. Your eatflaliTiC entirely • tired .me freaw,a .dyaparsia and a...fireman, which has grown, upon use !Or some years,— indeed, this curt ia amichiuore initiortant, from the face that 1 had failed 'on get relief front the heet - Physielans width flak siectlift 'ot the country etibra., ere!. tromany of the tonsierona roOk• d ies 1 had taken. • • ,• . yn n somb.o.,.(tortt*,.like a • providential bdsiwitill to•oor family, and yon allay .well Suppose we iare not uve. euitidhal -of it. - Yours neepertfullv, • . I .• • • • LEA V liT T/I A XTER." &sate Chaseber, a tia,.-4pri? &If, lASI. - J. C. Ares ilonored Sir: I have Made a "hoc. 1 ""Sh trial of the Cavnarric left rsr your agent, and have been cured by them .1 the dreadful Rbenntaiiant tinder which he lontid rice sufferii4. The first dose' re. - tiered nor and \a few . suili-couent diet hove. entirely • rernimed t he I feel in better,heatil, iww than for • /Mee yellre,befote ettribute entweirnt the affects of your CALTHeltilt. Pf 1.1.3. Y 1.1.01 with great -respect., ' • : • • LUCKS lt ., 51 ETC A LP." The above ire all front person'swliware publicly knows Where they- teSide, who'woidd not make throe stank Clients without a thornugft aniviction that they were ; ia- 'Prepared by Dll.l. C. A4rit & CO., Practical and Analytical Kam • FEW GOOiS CHEAP AT c. HOTT'S; rieec jeer! a loLof \ PON (intr4lP. a n eh . : 1111.11. taints, - Ste 51:=.24. Parente:tat, T'erolon. /C -row-Rs: Iqe.iituAt. ?rtnts. 'ltad t.4.l)ar. is, in Piet RgPberal nt 01 !try .i..oetir trial- h sill Ile! " ••• . WANTED T-lic , cks..z.•-. rz t i, Butt er.j..trd,C:heyse. Flannel: gitaiility es.,:tinti. , e for ((`duds at cash Kiev.. • C. %1 Itlt:tamit.e.Fel4t 1G 5• • Will .Fish Bitel rrvIIEY ,tril! if nAt• fistunz r;ppnr.sitno _L sttld brn.Ph.)fe & R . ::maim: 3 4t)1,t..1 east Lehenungo tiridur. A nov it t jnif recrivedb• I ExprePs. ,Csil exarnine thvir merit. • rtnnks; I'll YFE &XMOVLTON. • • N. B. It in currently reported that ripl. in thin section of wit! not be enno;ht with other Tackle thin that sold at the above - eatab• lishment. ! • - • Ditighataton. And*. 14.1855. A CARD. ',- - i TXITYFE' . & KNOVVIZON tvrhitd mei.t. rt. 14 1 / 4 1 I otpeetfully -c 4 li the itteatinn itt" parehaser. to a large asm)rtnte of LlARl)%%ritlth: kist re ceived and\ bein , * 441 . - increased by.arriv:ll:. freqp tn different \ at'itiliirtures. Ihvitiz I pttrekiAcd at j prieegliexerlth3n bathe inf. whims 4rtieles4if th t: I Antne quality ,linv . ii. been offered titirl:pe th . fi c ,. ; partt . yi..nrs. the y n rt. enabled to make tillite a re dpetion frern their forme r very reason:ll)le di. , n1,:ttie....., to 44fer btAll t.iveri : A euiantrf ie.:tile iri titiec•rrielits superier to ;hope I " N ' . Y. Nren t,,,, ' ' Ili 1:::E , 011:1(111 'Atig. 14: 18fa5.. ' ; ' Fredi silech Dif:E.I.IPIANS C.; GARRATT'S • ••T"E subscribe=rs uttild respf.etfUlly intorir the giuld people of Sus.polinnii * CO.' Oil thy 'tire now • cp - ening their e•titiik of Fall and ‘Vinter GD - mis loge and att trngtive 4.f.whirit will 143 soft tor...cns.n._ ur approvvil ere:iit.et.eaper ran b bought at rviv..othi.lrestahlitditcnt in the ei,..lntyWa mean jtisf wintifwe say. Pipnse Rive DICKER.M AN & d ARUATT:S.. New Miff:ori% Srpt. IS: h. 18;i. And 4pAini.-11iiontoq, Parke' ill Mille and,Old Col..ny. tt PtiTr*: &!anowyrox's. Bingiventtor ,Nor.)Tl/5. . and_ Winter Goods. • THE - s'ut•ritu'r Tre•iild -Kay ttiihepublie: thei • • h e reee i vt! 4 ttt( Pill assorttnent Full and. Wintor . Itvtilat effers tss sell very i owl for ens') or prod tiro-. . • • . . ..-rcientittvilic.. Nor. 3. 1855-40wfi • • ittiscits--.Late,l tit ) les *" - t w..morrs.. /niw 13. Q I [.,V ER %V AP. 1 aree II) 4/1 silver forks. forall Kizon; algo, Table, Dmaett and Tint Spoona,just finialked and iurrantod 'es gond is cniq. J. EVANS. • ,- .•Nu. , 29.• 1 , .QEViriNG BIRDS, same ir!ryfirtP.',for sale eheirply . 'A. J. EVANS. ATEW. GOODS. - d. 14.-mw ,reetifria, a zaw asp . .11* ply of GOODS, which:NOß bt solaibesp liceitgrose. Sept. 18.145 k _ N -Apr j et R e _ ?t, 4 . 1 # or sale ellesp!r ' ~ - 1 3 0 **061-Augsoitment,jimit 414474 *t • • • Jas. 10, : . , ifity - Att RoTllp _ R - 8 , 'um N BLOB WI. • And , beenturt antistleti. that a whole colutnitis aicem4ry, to make 161.44-n :the great altraettunx arid, inducer/Yenta beta i.itt-,14-1 purely/4.4i our NEWAND MAGNIFICENT stock dardwake,':Crattkery, Po'"cel a I iv, tteiy ac—Atfrietc. - This! week being (Toned !iy utt..st itur new snct 21.10,0c0rs Canfil, Court Street, - -741 t A t li:l)l'4E CO.,VVINVED. tic like induen l vntiti to purch:isnrs.. far onir name; anilhin2 iteriinfore: given the Public. in 'No parket, in teraidln . ilisr CROCKERY , . . • I Aso ° 44 ''Eclirards W,lsite -Granite Wares," . , W . partieular; : ; --. . .: .. I: • : . ' • i ' IIEAR! ITEAR-14HEAR! 1!- . A q." SAVING OF '25 Orr•eent, - ".. purchasers %bay. by :mete by buying •••Elwa . 'it Wary."— Wirr'h - Bi•eauseil•fry are one thi i•fiuyr,-liyavi- - 11 yr. stronger, and thy .xizes larger t ran any_ 4,t nyr - NV...re* triaar.-:.mi th ey *E 4,1. n. " • raze o r "Fire . Fire . ;Crack." 'lV:4r:inter) si); as iill,tl4 lar2e 11, , te1. i and 13 ! .ar'ing War:lA(4ller, , in war, Citles and lar t re ti.wns, willitest,ifyi ler the); ill not and do I not use any.._otber warea. - , • , At nor idanrialone;ean Yon tin& an asaorimeri titll,em. VV:p-0..i Tney' east us inote, our , . prlk : itA are I}•a4, :Irin'if Z're'lvirmleit the c•iitriy of-,-; ,other dentyrs .in-selling the light, and fragir4 %varie: o . c.thit the . day. .., , . 1 . • ..: , ..- .. • . 1 Our moult 17ii-••.' , . . ' : . r QUICK SALES.LIGI . I7.:PROFITS, • AND GOOD GOODS.' And unce moire • . i1?E.1fg.Z1347? • Wr sell them h 4 rt.tr The fragile .wares the day. have. 4;yer h• • . hl . . • • • A.splentilifjas-ortatetit 411 ail Olt new and .I..e.irations...l4"••Tea.ware,, China Vases Tett. Tetc.setts, Candle istiik4, i &e..&e: • . • The a.stnnisiiine stronwilt.arrl trar.!- pri.-iney ttf" 4111.•:IttCAN I'OitGIELAIN" are lou >tell knmin for for:ile, c.:onniont. • 1 IVAREI. • CANT U IlEA'',l*" octal+ besi, :20 d..z loautiful G0i4.11.1.. fro m I. „ n a l ; LOJ tioi. Tani:6%qm. a till j 6-.: .(,) doz. Pi iiid a floe meta ...I ,!ar Lamp riety of e.ol-rrd 4 , a Ofir r.t , ti; 11.11d,i4. rintiens, :411.4.4%. et*U111:1. Dont fril In nitire by far th, fai t ! Branch.: ( ! t* ` tl • H.•l R D IV • Corii,tin.,':u.t . (1.4;1 .Avi4.titturor 1.t0p4.m. turni4ir.. , . I • TO BUI L !? Si t A irm.d. 1I!.1;:ee or Itiai j atid 1..)111;, 1 0" f..rc r. Th. ! arr•ttit I str. , ti.: i s the Ka-b, frpai the S:plarlie.• 83.1 i Lork," a s no sprin ; , s to• art of eut, insh leso.. and van to••pa on in „r any (Atm.' in .14.1. fr 64 1., If IVOSDEi?FU . . - • But woul d . you hel re it. a " BLIND Burr ot. HINGe," c‘,4lete jin all its pert*, 'ena - bling ion t o 0 p..0 or Oo sr Mimi. with" Llt otiviting nod; that withhe ..r.reatest ease.— new invention .It J. C. Itroltie of Binmhanitot.' . It will well rep.fy a ii,4t to ttur,establishmens to 'Welt:App.% • . • • . •44NOTITER • 'Cary •d Wood .work.,,,,ir every deseripti•tn. cot sisting of 681)1.1);3 for . - C..1 unto"; and Pilaster.. CorUices. BiarktlA; Newel's. and Staiiru. Ci es,, &t•-. which` 'o'e van furu'ogn to Builci,T4 a i)e,tter article. anti price. match lets than they, ean tnannlicture ilea', a fine, Ito ot 'gemlike can ba Pitt7ll ,at our mous. : ON HAND, A full voinritUent Ot &Hinton . 'Saila, the heat toscie. at 5e., Wittught,Arni Stritti Iling e n. Blind Ind Door Butt-. Si-rews..Gate Fa'xiere•re. ik•Eko. &c. -Pti.R.-CELAiti" ow.E.icutehetins,lllor "bliar‘lrobe Ileum. &e.. d,e, . H . MARBLEIZED IRON NI ANTLE PIECEF, Highly orwimented, articles of 'treat utility. ,11 •ILitiy respects sUperior to 51. ir lo r , an d the. cost, with and wit h'?Aut Grates, &.. trutn SI 2. : to at tut) ea c h. ' . TO CARPENTtRS. Our fitOcl cf Planes. Chitebs! S:." ss„rotnnlt•te toone . y, tone, and dowution to IA - "PAR MU1.,10.1." branch ',ours • i•:' Hattie i 1 •.','; :it, Vow,: Spt r & Is I 01,.c . and other. n0tki1,.4.1*5; , % tA' , 4l . :1;1 lengths and kiton• The tc•-•1•4 make id' planes i e woriet afford, sach Ponson-and Cr.ind3U, John Reids. &e. in dl. ttirir varieties, Cast stuel.Atig..rs and Aa ger 4 l3ittid. eoneave and graduated, front ~8e: tin wards. Firtio:r. S'•eket.Torne'rs and Paring \ ehis. e ls with and without Handle* Graeo‘und nat.. lath imitrovements •frotn 15 to 5,:t5t u t,l l ;, &Mll e eat Taper FileK, O w cryt nine, attleie. warranted to dui the work of 4 “r -diratty Files . , and if one.l til4d. will fie% e'r abstdoned. Ilu‘dol'ut illantuterti.Slortice Gen. iteel Symms, l'..eltet 43.:w Vutent fader Nat $aW Pl.Lhe I iandle &e. • • 'CLOCK AVD WATCH-REPAIRING. By a very nuperior wkkman, neatly itn.l - promptly dine. Clock inatortai, Gudrda, tfhairo., Kern. 4 4 .. s „,w n hand , en . 4 100 Ciolkis just r*Q4ved, which f•tr ext e nt, rent worth, beauty Of rit.4iin, AttperiorfiniAt putt tote ari s en never have been eqttaned , 411. 'Lion 11FOOnntry. W114)41. 6111, v i r..i g ht. ; Sprint!, Alarm. ih Intl every st) le from ,- $1 up Ft $lO, and every , clock warranted t.. 1 krrp good vine one V'ear k A; New Arrival or those beauti fa; J 414. 'pan e d 131311/CAPEN whieh _for %trent:fit nml beauty' Fniah a snnot he'exiel led in these Uni ted..Ststet., and a -InnehihNll4.? article than in *snail] Aoki: trout al, to slo.' TOSPOrglitneile"..PiStell4.RAVOlWPrfi.P4M. der; 1.164 Fltedo4 ionnettnny nierc 4.litttrni.-41teiting Paurbeit- and Belts. riattinq Tarkle, nte.. al wieir on, hand. To Ilinaesekeepert..Plated Tei and l'able!apoons. Kni dte..lllnted in& ` from $8 its:,lssl'. fertoditi.Cofl pots. to duz , Fl u id and oil BOi ; ,, rtia,Larttp.i , 100 doz. rade lietivis Rad Yor*O. tar t !eal atekort meat in town. _ Arappaii - ed Tiss-wak. rrnm a NlifineV. _Goiter op to a: Rithigi Toh.3tent Cutter*, Ap. a e ,. Pa**. 1 . :0fr0..e Swies Corn Poppet*. :,Not.crnekerst. Era 110_ at:t!ii.To odrrs, Beet steak ;Mantis; in feet pvtryibiow volt no;rd. • ITIIS.0,11; THINGS • • b4rea.--iii our feriae are taidi!iiid Wife - 0;10. • 2d.• Our Goods are cremated ste reprPoienied: Ifik:49vti ) ing everasery to build and forril.ih ti lingin4; plosio. and Itnetruet, ths . vtwth. middle ked:.eutl gref 40E4; eon 14, tonna at' SHEPARD BROTIIEREL " s I't .rani - r 1 to. :., ' t.'REtr 1111E:t;f1F:STNijis • • 3L FIF :kin., Frid4 interniv rit , • . :' •• s , rember Ilth. 1),;45,11 , Fano, , .. ....• 1 4 * *Uneti's . 4o4srneituffor - Safes iro, suriboted lefeds rot oleo seelente4--• g 1 Salle 48/101r - r.I. la i , or Artrcler en Oit! lin, N.'''. • ' ; i • unephall fnel. ll er allyinyti.ern *hen pnt in the tem •('` , ..f.‘" flud ' ul ' irl ' ,l""z4la ' !`"l" °`" e eindirttueng el t , troriri rtntlrl) or tort, .ion .144.4„, „,,,,,.. _ 0. ~,,,, , of 00 , Ty , ara; ..c, 1 1, ; ,.. t , ~,,. alilei of Litlitti 4,1111 11;n1rIletimn e w en s ', sno w, Prillitr:htinto. ' lioc iS, 1854. , 'f"..'"i'sk.. - t le • :til Li"• " r '''''"' ”" 41 "" I " - . , . Mir ; isrit reran* et. Wituoni No. 26 Month Fourth ' ' '''''''"''' % • %.` 4e44 ' 'i '• l li re l 1 . Fteli; ir. ` ilk liistrogn . lid • e re : g , e„r rry , t ro.olocuoue.4iesnat 1.% pic e ...tit tot. fil . Thiladelnilln • t ' - ' inter%trio le) flotfielfafrou by,fosusii•irroo. , Dith civics etl!lf tii l 4lte . ro. iiid eteiri I . :n % ten•led Prt,t , „tur, 1.,,,tri p t .!. (ivert.ituss: — lrok takt much itionsuro testi- for uteri i prevention orient In `re , ennef Ina ,ly o. %VIII Lig i eul , ipt i ttp t t iih d homzed i i . iihy I .onris ;LI li oinio , od e u ß your N' Al is men dr r SAr r s t o Ai..„ re t i o tit , sli ea. dient e re cv n n et c r y co ; I .r ti t z ti • n e , , , u , el ,), j e t r i e lo ry . f ,, b r it i o.. ~I .l .l, 6e ;• c t. w i nn t l e;elv sea l l r. n a e :. l t m o l d Tie.; iontieneetero i i. runcli nisd l l ii ' lleeriel i ph il :: • . . and toilers in *ant of a secure . , n o ana nf prevervinrf ! ellelql" 1 ' I d - In t l cull It ! l 'i' ' -, ,to Vonentoo Irian ils tt.tri tot s , • tn• twent; res•ir Atleft.ll3. 0 r li lei , f-. .1 we. tip f, eoi , e 1:.%11 'revs and their books, psPers , eh' . limit Ere, as the • , ne we i (tit r.etie .se4nr:%cl • . effette: h.:- he dAl'e 01 . 11 /r 3l ` ll - 11 4 1 blltu'll i't ,, - fit. Monter, A tl , d c 4 "..4 . 1 ,,,,tnte , Ro o ts. .„ .. r , . , _ purchaved ( rone "'on riflOttt P i rl,Plj in .ntris .etnee. he, ; .to,teArtr rr eel Vile ; 4 . ore • otereerooti our hook., nod „ a e i , in 0. .. e,.„„4 ii „ ow e ; 1 r, Willett IA u4draroorie t f roe . th.....nfro Dritte thorr 1.11- 1 ., t ' ..1. 1 1_ L 41 1 ..1 . 19. 6 1 : 1'" 1 ".. . , c.' " • _ 4lf* ' 1".44 f ... " ' lid. Bin " ; ion as they were whet. il t it „at. it. b f . c.r, hht, ; ea!o p t;.;:ter. ee treoro.4 , on the. , enner .yinptutp . 4,..auu • &tr. ~ r ‘ -.=i”. I.r: ..i.: ., ..K . 11.enil ntitt tnerhleftt 11 ,, ntri are rit - nth! Acne. I , 4, Fltittrnirr : ill 1:14144 ,1 f kfientee •enrt l'hitsirmett wilikr. e. !rink fire !hilt !Ro air z. %%flock d• re tfoyeel_ the et). 1 7',..pnionv Dr il eO, orterryt 1‘95.0!-,cl.' )4 13 .....in 5 e • -oilrer. I %l ir ,. h I ",. rn e ~,,,,,.t io„ ,i ; o i y out i n ,,, , , whiej, eon. tire block of bnildnego corner of Chet,' not and Fifth . I l'hibmie:Plv — ‘ " 111.11'.11''.'4 4)01 •• 4t. 4 "U"... ' " .• ' ... . t I . the rho hb f ,v, wii. truer i u l „ ui ~.inf f. :‘ , ,, , —Tee rits'innen this 14 , 0 i norlik.rbe talintit. ni \ s.inee P T:. I TA, '•':'''' " ''‘''''"• r e 'll' ll • ' i ll , triehloo• finnettrian the lierOnd Roar of I.llr Intl: illg. Imre. Iv It" eh plan . . 1 ; , r w t , h lt l ii ll i P ,.l,7, ` ,l, ° : u e ,1 .1. i . 1 t i -1* . i . , 1 , 1 , 1 7.1 ' ,.;;,.. " , 1 ,7! 1 1 i T4 1 i i . n t 1 t. 1. t , r' , 1 t t ,;1 1 :, ti a I + nitiTg ii kiL(.lt*• 1 h rl'flti w " '' II Yl*l i'll• ‘h ''''' 11l nd " if l-• efeenrinewleflo if Ilne ;moos_ ;tin. •llon, it fell Into the coll4r ono rf-litoined ritere iintri elte I It %trot& tO 0 niPA.II,II. to rer•otAtoo.,4 irirri io th,..mfort • ,1 ~8 "1 1 : 1 1 L i "1"4"• faro woo mot .. Th. Safe was then reeneer.4 m i d i rime or to the •• , alin of It•liprintic , I ,A- A .ueo ta,r.lt kri, - 1) " . .. 1 .4 ' v il l " r.k lr•lrin •i ' l ''' .*lf 'i n iff n i . tool sofelenth. I, ee,... nntar,ll, in wh•... len . , atogrit. Kr. - feerenefee •flrittel need' lireillre opened in the pt , .ponen of fit leapt Odin p.t.e,Dee. 1 " vi x t" r , Dr ool t 4 . r : t , n 4 ' . 1 ' ''tVririr en.rde tet •wrel.r itin , r.pliiiitiePilyn•,p,.. who *lmposed I lire 2.. red ! cond.' toe. lef tie e tionfentek i ''''' ma'' P. 3" I .."" a ".; cf m' s "l l7,47oftetelnk:+ l lir ro)DA RD Win van please% haw» the. S ' ofe and Iff KAI. r. aired Prone A Irnnitre.,l .1r 1'..) .0,1 Pe 111 trt:vor sit!: • Phalli,. 1 ' .. \ \i . 7 i4)lrnpp Jittte - 1 It 4r , MI , NO Intend In !MI It j„ „err 51:31u, liirvi„t priftrel felr" —" Z" . "' n". Pi % '°" : " ' l '. 3" tr.% ti!"tlin. raj t" the ' . . *). , !sent, ~.t.,.pil • •LO9, t 1 0.•,,e - ut.tor .. xllO. - 010 °lost, *AR. 20gtritienne t o Os fine...l)mill , ten lite'. re J - tlAt..' rin;ntr.rirr nii•l, or I.l.ottAA. o '. t hoilletra Al Orgill I. i , g" ' Yon... tLoop-r . tettely, 4 .e0 en. of vb... tit Igirg sinnains. ltarr• l rtari* Under In) 04 ' - i.,Ai•Ev ,t. Ptlll.l.lPs, tin.. In iriiteli b's nhi ;I loos heen minirest• it, resinr , rg to ' _r is• 1 110eree h. • ttlrh le . ..tor mono. whert ills. nativist bris hetet' •e el nenn a n t; wr 1111 11 oti toke:pleasori en refeeritia to ;, on.tel.redlo . .. n ' foralicni aid. In lA , - treatment 014 , M• the Inlbifring• arnneett the tilitlN rittutdrerhrerlit' here 't into weaken b. nr ,li•ntrargems•ni nltir6 rtl s tletiatt a pen their safer , in nye: —U. S. auto. Ph 0A.... Faroe. roi I anor.l by ~ I.,iihn-o or V.s.r.go. ni" venery Jr donut know end eifochanece" Mink, Pleiholn ;ISurnseel Allen, 1 tth '' ‘"Perier ili the IrTormirion• I hove peen :,, , iumwod wall rhs r who, • otni , thirty rehree. till drew. tnn more FIN., (bleb -titeitr neat; John 'IN., Urn iorglill• ! threorirstirir to Jilin .or son's; ken.l. 'ra id ` he onfoetunnts Coy Controller . ; Cute', i'n'to ti. C . D., Nin 11 4 :1 Votr• I rir'int nr enrir n•line...Von. force teetDl Win sr ono in k.„ l :A i ; Ri e h 4r d •si or a",, r ,l ,;;,,,,, L ne ,,,,,, t i v , ) ,„ i l. I wtv.r neofew-inuni r sloll and . nto it% they cony' renfety item, Pitelneis : lionorote owl see ,ro. if zohnn,4l.l. " nnd " ' 11 ""'" 1" ' 4 " 1 " .11) -1 ' 1 " . "" VA " ) • ?4• U• r i ••• Tlii..% t•Ov -t nit +o ntion. Phi. • rani on nproi.en.ivr norliof !hill tired iltn , It .alt'.: 2' reer i lflele Fi' v I ilmn- ; Ar 4 •nto , ligii •c %orl e nh'i.hod or Ittie ott t uri 01,1'0440T of noun. Cn.._ P • Ili r f'..lin'aißsiirt.4l Co. Phel leh,.: i"1 :1'•11 if cereal.. .t.,,t.i toz •ill reel,Dieni term, • t n.1.1r...D.- Lnt;el; St. Philillet. ee ii.-r 311) and ' 1 4ilat l'lre , te: i e - ,- . 1 . t t ''' .l / In , h e ' r e " ^ll 'rile rea.loo It 1- .' ere fr. nn ell Slot t pleei' lit' • N" 3 ' l ''''i . if '24 ''''' h 3 t'l" 111, K"il ; I P f- I ,n . : ' , t bj " «;; ; 1 . P .,; . ... i :• t r:: i t ''lL i 'l n t n h o e 1 i r. t r ; r 4 " ,7 . p, P;,7.7. v . e , T .. '"` T `' :::l ' :: anti rinetterr. N. , 147 ''4 alb ' third Sire.' j Ir. 11. 1 tbor 11.%• , 1 , •r•Ife•ei orinnv tomry tn die Itre.timont Ditherer'. Hart...tuna lend steno, 1i e, 31 N o rth, 34 ...1 . 1 ; ...e, n eeh . e l OD. .041/Pittirt*:. • TIM? Pa of, and with , ran Zittletlrenth to witthon , 4t . c. 0... N o. s i it ai k ei s i.; . 1 : 3, 8 ( ) roe , IMO An.lt,o lit.to . r o,s u r io .t,,r, hems... bo ire .fforeei No Iss Cheri tent St f ; e , qt.. worbl.‘ 'li merely 'violins priot of 115 cent.; the 1 ' t. , •te ~(' 4'l:um,. top„-! 4-,•ore • rtin,rt •iticreSsful ironies "=- - .4 lore , evelforreoeue of the ably* Sa fere .ilurny , on i Worn / :r , , • het,,ti ( w N rni tiled 1,, IA ttl rt 111 p.. 1 er.1.1 in ,r, fi r ,. 1 , "No 10 9. 1 1 , .t •• r rear. nr :11nrriahti Islthout ilia noirloilvr than rinV II r(finr:* . ....nr, rw u. won. ) EV tN , & ;`,7;''':li,,:.,:;,""ta';'''''l'. work 1 1 11 i en lll.l .131 ,e v P irl'et IV ATSON, 'tie ' nttrit, Inel nre oral ke . • p for o 510.,1 chat ro ' ' '--74/-7);`. ft 4 " ;re : ;:l;e * t" t h e 4'lll. 11 "1" their Iron .. . 1 h no or. loon Ihntrinted ben to-h. for en 11, ! 4 "r -. h for - sr ..Pe? ttonn ID tinin. ;writing nt r‘llntr• Ina fi• e. pcn.lf V intls 'cor flunks, StOry.s. plablo an d 1 ' , " *. i. " " ' lnn. I en , ' el - .. , s•' —• • fronnietn , l. noo.l thous priv.„, irmaing... se:o lot lel t,.r c..pv.,, 1 , ,e..5. 1 1., . 1 . , ; „ ..,,, r ,. .0.- ~ 0 0th 1.7 1.t. , tri totpile i'l I . la • l..ryte rif . the i . 1 ” ,,, 1 rt-tt .` I • ' , IP° eh. rr ririt r' n • r ndim ..a• nre.,...; rat...nt 4.1,:r. Limed iilncernenrie, s.c. Ploti.o 1 Attio It • •'.I -;•1. tr. 1- •'.l ...1.1 - o-trfni - O m.. In .11.... f, 110 0 r :'t r - ii' ~ cidifeol No. '2:i gout', Fourth st . Pqt la ; ' l ''''''"'`" - in ".•'' 1.0 •rlt v "h. • ,4 f t•thr,h,i....1.;,h• RA i OM 's V 0 ‘. , ”••••,....; ,, .-*".1i. 10 .i• • h.ii•d i i.,.....j, lir, Meth I • i.t t. 7-1 • I • ---- iSN i . • • I ).1... , ... 1.101 nu 1 thni an not', volt •ho ~. n`'or h , " """ I in TO , :r.• tl,•r nal .o. Ito, .*•..... r. 1 4 1,,..., • kr. t .1i0,11,... rt, ~.00;. mir. I Lc to ,l ier .., _ AI 1 o . , j.,......y to ....ttot•t :Itig ! Art• 1 . •....... o. 4 '01,1.r... it ii.unts.o wrrtol..l •11. •••1. 4 •V• !' t'll •••rt••• t6•.r0.• 0,•... ♦ 1, •••• , r c ro•st , .. I'l • • , ..ti.... .. '., ttl • . t*l.t• I or. !to , rier•••11. A. 4 • ; nor •• nr -1 1 r; ..; I •,•- T , $ 'Tire , . nr $ l .. , i- , ••; , -nini;n•a'n.t •irin't•• ;•Itn_ar r rya. .tr.•• • 1 , 1%•• I, „n".I". 311 , 4.1" , t 11',1141‘..dr.i. ,I,ot •1, , tf..., • • .1....$ 1.. t h t • '‘.l.. I t M . " •3 ' .. . P . ....73 1' "Iv •rorn- .r, i‘,•ri -ir ..t Ole ,Illoto , l r .rra Lricr.• Mr.. s•our • ....Dr• i t, , ti l . r . ..411' trr II 1 ~,1 ere r.,n. tn,rni .amendl, '. ' 4 i1 , ...• - .. ,,, -•• 1-• • .•••,), I , .r.11;1. • • . ,r.r.r.1.3 'rn. 4 ~ntn,mr., in .1.11, rOri ,r..,.. iTh . f.. , ...,,..• fear r; •riatlO or „e.,,,,,„,,,,r 0 , Ai . t 140,•• . epn.ti -4,i0 03stiEN .c 00., PIO '; 1. i- •r 1,1 ' l'. 4 . I i In'••llii., ---- it , ..t...01er..r t0vt......A 'lnd itn , k A Zeil , ; • , olled ~,. ,I' n,r... Ither.' .rrnop. 1 '4%1 - _ _ MILLAN & thvii.ratelo. acknowleCiviwebt pubtie tor V t.f3. aft.' {la xery.l:trvi...toek or Spring arm Sleimer.(C;i.o.ir , tiiey aye now IP coirinu:and-oCr f•ur -ate at rery Li o n price... Ili adilitiun to ztwir ',stud d.f st :1;14 I)ry 1 K.3 reekerv. 'anti (13. &v.. t aro. Fill:In i t . . to ext,iliit nl4-orttio.et ' LAMES DRESS ( ' ;GODS - ert , ry tles:•ri o tiott. :Mks. flottio.tit Sltaw!A, Irt - Ibl.oils.(l!”‘ti... II ...tier, Ladies ..ttd 31iNses show , . t.! . large stock of, ItE.th NIA 1) .0T I 'NG. .. . . Cti,th.t. C..i.o.anerts. 'l's.2i.d-..f , • au., Su:rimer (.71,41.A. Vu-frog*, . 11:11: .alal• C..p2•.13.f,,tA aU I Salle,. k.Sz.e. &,... -• • I . • . l'ln•V r...i)..0 fatly mil:O.it an enri rill rt:oal tho-v vt tui . :.0 , 1-.-ii I. ini11iol:41 Goon Goons AT Low Pluccs. • i I" . ak • - 4 t• t HAAN' SI PARR. Mprin!..ol),.. Mat tl. 11.354. 1 • Flint 13:1. p Article I',.r • if.vvery sl% Icy .Il , rrent Wa. lc S '4 (.:1111A, Nap: „I • Doct B. Tlayor - - fizlKEs i hi- inr-ris"A "f N c vill-2 tolii4: fri. nil% It awl i-ti-trriiierroi titrit li.• . fi.”. :;:r tin rt..it,,wil Ow Rrioii-t• ..I.itli-iiiritir.'4ir . h,---. .•1d ,t -mi in 1I•4 , - -trw..t.. xv..hitri.. fir triiiv l .: lpC• Trinici,irit 3n irm” "„1,..... pr9f,gi..,..ityerno.y.;44. -. .tigi. Mr. , 111 , : ,;iN to th....• ii‘iin2 hiiii..n .. i.l.i eriglig. ti ..tiv! A ill .li-,1 , :i.! -25 th-r re'llit "ii :111 - :let . oliiill.iNti , hre•r.• th.. Ii ..f April it..‘cr. (~ii- .1 any pt . sirr, y;i.-•-ttly,t-lf.) .1 will .it•ti...-1 fifty. . ‘1,,nir,..... Fph. -itt:- 1125 . 5-f1 I 1 - -. - . -,- noel irnpnr tis • I, r 1114 , 11!erm. :11,4 getierAr C. 9. it:ts.rr nytrel ~ver F. 17:thiii.ir'g store, t i rht re it %riff h.r pl 4 •I,u Iti. l -fripnii. - •• 9 , 7 z • (1..14.k •, C. 9:Viiiii!L 1, 1,c 7 ,!2, ! • •• Wi th P. , rphry a Lt%,••• for liti Jt:rutt, Oulu. t 1 not to ious NEW STORE, • 4 4 itail -a! , 51? 4: 11 01, 0 44; ~_ • GENER A 0 av 4 rintea 4 Stapl.• .nd F:tre:i. .4 1 .. i. Dry (Lusii-,fl;lp..rivx,,yarilw .re. II .ts. C .11s. 1:11144 And 85,N,1,1: 'VS . :sit Pap - -r; I), ivz-4, DIP St nfV. Points ::I,li Oil-.lSze., .set.ieh , kvill hi..“sill :vs , s•lwai, Zr the etwaperct !t,ir Cosh .or :ipisrsvefi yr. Alit he • H. M. JONES. I.l3rfiird Jana. I, 055. ' . yperi• , r .artielt 'I L T :mar 'thr half she time ,per dot: 111 LACK (.'irti d.• I{ iine . St k of ; 1) ti..s :It • H. JON 'Wit* 1. 1854:. f 21. II A . 41 , 4 17:3‘ ,. 1141*..451• Sha \% 1 : 4. A ILP al.o 1 4:titeilpA W I : 11. /1,1,:". Sistici I. I 854 . • „ C.ADY 31ittle kwv JONE'zl June. 1. 1855., 1 A1)IF ti•til a g,reat varior of' Tionl,;:, an d 1104).415:it U. M. JONES% • Jiine I. 18$5: . , lOVN:= , -" . 7ll:l:lls,ag‘i di. L.:704 :In , ' LA al -I • f i ...1..10N - ES . Jim.. I. 18;,56. , k"11111101,11EIVE7-, arA Win•!”v, Drip• I ll_ %I. JONES . June I. 185:1. k . 1.1:0!old :.:111 Stlol-g - it - ?; • ! • , 11. Al. Jtri 1.. Hihs. . • +.,ll.X.Tal\ 11).4. ,•f Good 31 zwlit•rel ..m. 11. M. JON F,•:4, 1850, . . . y I 'MI (I:l,lity ur Nails At 5 vt's p-r f.ti• IL JI. JONES Jim , 1.186:5. t .1.1 i, , , rive vin a fresh! . 1 . rig r! sapiliv ttf F• ,, .F• ,, .v.tt,t,,,, :44 .s.:O, iit - - • 1 ii: IL JO CS'. inn'. 1511355. t , . -# ..!. .. .. . . ' . Terrible ace:dont, T_TI,IIT,Nt.:.9 to Mr. (i l reef , the iithei.day.,-- 11, H.; hail s.4.ngto :.*.qt .0* r.• .dyttladvel , ,the:•• .0 the f•••l,'•re.-a••• - f t••••• tirstl d Ws . wearing. the tw eideht ailtrtarr . ed. Fir••l-.. ' l ir &a r t ilk I .. .ift t'olt 111 111:0 Tr. l f l irt... 4 .:p..cifiel Irdvrt., ;living ItO 11 , 1. * roortelratf• 111:111 th.• nThit•nitleio "r 1 I, wit:, I iiiil.lll.4i vrflfi with tint flving jill , i irr the *tern, ami on it, - t..pins4 raver to pi, - .1. np!the rewn Att. the ilr• ail. h i p ea ,dp i i t y 1 .„,k ',he e l—the. fiinntains CO the einiudep were itf.iken np-,—Gt.i•en' , . p-it,t.. were •••ttiviereji rtiqn , -intik 111 Woi.a. and (;ri•elihillt . Suft .iperni . dhoolle, ' ' TOO tioll V W Lt . .1111 lirprOlit .141 •11.1011 . r:1111.11•1:111.1114 j.t th patronize a .ikillftil ta;. lerovh4 inlke. ft:, Iti4 W;trk with. .ti deter . titin:t ti..a !Inv it .hidt niit i)nov fit ne:alv. bit weat w.-11. .G..et.n titn.N. at the el...thin. , Moil. 11..e:141... h.• 41;4* he ran t iro hi.,,;', 2 ...a r i n z a iipi c . 1 •1,,. :4 ,,. r. In, ali li`relk•tbititythe p.tht!4•., twit ..wt.. edhirn - ,•ei tre:witef-ntiviv fiat p a .e.eif • tir..l ••It • fever •h•)-pi. til,, lieeit 8trip,...1 Erma a thetern p dient. :i.arrietl. 'limn• ittlit niteit4 in thr Week.iitt 1 811•11ter...lrei tin liv 1)10ttt.11,4 . 1 an•i t . 1•ri , .. , 1,.hv ail fiefeiti•ee. FreneWn - in. i ! .i. a ”ia r kil :In , Iriit v:mintri , Take warniair r. pint. tlore•:firi alish,,i); qv! .r., to ,o tailor A , piik , ..that in th e to ,Ament 4 S. : •arlit4, ti.steriF rim Win! tr. lui , iiniii..l. • -• ••• ' Fir Cutting aunt. as u.f.tial..9n , i a il . 5 -00,- !ea , rttnteiN - • ..., • " .JOHN aILOVEN. ... • Zintrti.o Anti.,27; 185 . 5. •,. . - , - • Tilt KitON, Nothing Exnnse. . A , NY Por•uot pntrooising Dv/ h.. rrnto otfoor rocon:of tfte.,Ston. hot ! lit ni.ut 1.• ‘ • C. frvlrr.ein he oniomitriodutpit 4...0011i00 . to the ft.olt..xt F:Oshiont4 ko•the•begt 4n4 moNt a n. ,t 'eft • • = • • • Ntv_ivOrk iw wnrrnteit to fit if pt.)pPrty nOnt;' , . t'itttit n , minding and In foe, -evf•rv, bruni4l non'fi' on thO nhortent not;ta. hod that tQ thoi•;-IriArnaion of ttioiee olneernpft, -14tf., I • ' • J RATITITR.I r ,n u muteloti G P. •-..--", NEW GOODS 111eiliov:it CPII ,I tle ,nitin: 4 4 - 1 ; 3 BELL & TINGLEY, • ' '- '' ' ' .:‘. .- r lt 1; •. - ~ i , A4it,n, ' ttovr • 11 ,e 2, . ' 1 An Praluatii Liov4 far : ,:e,.6—...;ke0ri14 ntiiy Ilunsli 1 .. - . :: -- • hues a ropy .°' : i ; i• - . -.- • •' .:40,usto t; 1'11.45'40LD .14 4....4.. - , 1.1 , ...a. 1:Li.,1. ,iehii . A airor .., '147. 1 33 - 9 .-- , ...' `o'r. r :. .r.litict. ra . at: .04.1 ...t?roved, ~..i I ,' ,a's.•• ;0:- - ",yi '; .. , , d. , - .. P.A. ju..r iorui. , t , ..q ' Z , : - ....i. ' 4 4',41.r t e774..r . or. Au au 't .Cd,,lica 1 .18.131111 - '• • 3.„.6 , 54 - 042,q' mu", • Tc.-.-47 Line; clf ;‘, • • •••#ikrl2,-.2... • i•• • •••'" • • RKWCO! TO iTA;;l . :veiii tr.trt , Ktrtow( 41, ...Li +yritle. Lit.;•rty 6)1Z1T•.4 lag I..utrnf , at 1 . N: G, „ , . 1,, --, 1••il ~, it,,, Jai,.'. iurt•loyeexcel•ted • at 2 P st. reach,' Milt , ••• • it 'tat. t. 4 t,,io;t• the \Jai, Eraitai._ a 4.lstr. - 6, , t h. • a,..1 ,ity,i wear. ti•iiie thr •learettitted ino.t Usati•l• rout. t••••••AcI , ',tie Nies Yore, and Erie. .vlruid . rinrinie vie•e-rrt, kr ri.....er (Ina tin Diuli , el••Sprin;•• 1621. ••id-h....n., ••el, Nyouti:nit - ..9.1 Vitite,,barte which I. ..,,,. 1,, ! , tr0 ,,.„, 7 A ‘l,r,ryi -, l,7thlay ,VP•lUee,ia? .too Fri - 1:.:, \ 1• , ... , •, tit' , 't • rtet.ti. , fW ,Litrity•tiii• .e.e.load 1 . 1111.• :in. •••1 , r1 . 1410.0. tifria, l i.rmt'ilit.i. .1 . 0 , 41111 Arid the Pr,•prietei • •• , .. r ,,, er heli.,i6 t 0 -, tereim ier.•'et ,t he :',16- lir .. .-. '• . I : , V K lIATCP . • - - el, 1:,!.14.5 . ' . • i Itento.4% A. , •Vii:T . . 1 . ETUR ,• • , LI - 11: - EF.I .ER &STQ 1)1).4, q 1).•i •.! twe th- ime fire -,74.74, ~, 1, • r y ,,,,, rifi 3 0.01A4,, , vir.,Tpr SIMPLE'S N . lx;ih.oar,.ii,,v, fiko tiOpret•PCl"ntk`o, i'- ! , Is, a ;;ii .v;,1:••1 'mt. , 04 , A: fig r; ,:r. r..1h,,,,,kr. Ilor-: h,‘%•-",,:gle oft t1:1. I .t' ; KT,F,T,r,rt,P I / 4 - - 4T()itmi - tr) N I:1. IRSI. . Attntipn • 1 1:311-: I , 'V IDA., - Fms . ll:,; , iEFl. At' , . ll .' d'ren7p , ••• , * rnirrinf o.en I h.- (.itl7.,•ri% r.f evutitt ..re•n. .t4 , rt• Dir11:1-1: firmr h.-r•• 14. intf.n.?l, lieep;nt! .•,..ns:•:rttiv ors 11;,ild i t ron,l. and u.• :tr rit -1 . %varp. rroolii•rv. •hrtri :011 k (4.11;11i:y - - 1,1 . 14:11 11.• trPt. !lON, if r.t , rtr!:.rtt rent in .N.irth-rn P. nnL , ,, IM.ottr6rf.'nnt • i;t;. td siqvis n ,si-:01);r ittv ek, Y.. 1; 1.••••• t oat 'atuf Trti t.. fit' .'9t rt.ntg nn (1 , .!1nr %.,11 p , t nu: i A yn, d n...o3 , lrtinpntkvt 11.vii#.1. 1 f.th;r t , I:Art . lC erlnozntiv nit. hand, A t, Itir'o.nntv ptc,cl;tet. 111 itt..tl in e:tchr.ngf o frit Ot.lis :it the •Ninrkt i- ,t Wll fI..:rIiAYEIL • • illyna;.l;-. Jin 15. 1555 MORE N BOOKS. The ilolidoyq are Corning. i• • -[ in. « tint an d zt it vnu Pit. new ..4t for a present. The 0,„ • .1. ‘,l,Li o Lon tir the Faith- Go3rtlin; , Seene-6 :1) , . Pr.irtict, fir a Now York s,, I. 1). ,46 5C01.50 h N Wienw Berlott p' 1.,.r> Ci:irti.(Fnony Fern's New Ronk.) C otirizoi , lo Ailvktorem C,`.':l4ll.mited 0er,...r , •I) iniel liOon Hill the Tlontersksif or. Miniature Gift I.lQoks :fur 1:1• I • , • CO:13 S e ries 0:1 1 :v. , 1 iI H., ib, I 1 ti tf• 01 - 11(1,r, &P. N N ~„,i DIA ittES for It;' , t ..tvltfianti. .4.. C. 4 .1 L Jit.s. 1,„1" , ' !TV - W. ti--. 1 r.. , ....1; 6.d. 1 111 rYnr,•,! v..ti:ll!+ , ll..'l l it 4.5 „r •1 hi r 1 1 1 fur •;:tf- 1i,e1 ) .,41 ()Ii•••• • 1 111! N. WILLARD. •1 \tvitrow , . 18.'11;8:,5. ' LOO :1-:•ll*:nwrit .yr tb ii) ra.irtztl.l AlAir j Spooxg —Su VF tt. :71;iv , 1. , PI ,teilfler:n , n Silveri P ii. 1. ilbrat!t . . i JO, //HI Itil l *nitre :..:vo.to,i. Also, :nil 10;0-.0 iitivr.K i ii,, J. ~ • • , ~•:, , , ~ V 1111.1:( BTIZIMIS. 11•%i;:m : and ail "itio' tivtor s., r i „i;,• ! , 4 -,V,,.....,.i... n 5t, I. :. iti.N; Tilililllr rillii 4 .;&e. ii: i i vs . r . jl:ix4lP,i, Floici r . , ei7phani..,Can - dit . .5.141141 I : i • . • • - i . - FAmtr.t.- Gitty.:imics.--4 Intl agsorttnent.' nevi ;Ind ~ 0 ,41. • • I - • .. I)euGs Am..) "%Tilt )lEntenitEs.—A f re t rati. itss;e'rtup ht . ,titi in. , _llllTil.4j' ( ) UNTS kX D 011.4.-= A !eneral nsotortment, anj: ~f .!• , ... , l i fylit'ity. f 11 jzl . • . •:. i J ntvr.t.i:V., -. 4 +1 xpleridid variety; of the neatto4 .. [ i 1 110,•,11., 1 ,i . • . 1.: "FANCY ritiJD4 -..NO:irly everythin inl this . '. :,rl,wh. i :.•- - ' • ... (- PF,nvtgitv.itv.—.l, eivqiee variety . .., . , 1- .., , si..w:,, l ppli•-i rvoilv!lt clearly ever!. reek.) . In. 'h ...I. rii.:vir ..,;-, ,,, rVlthiitu. persona witot i . and /Awl), at the vArietylitnre or. •-. . ,L- „. A. TURRELL , • lf/Inf ro.(1..111!). 10:4 )856. r . j '. 1 • - DriSOtUTION. - - ( • c.,,,4114.p1itTii, heroornre tw. , n El. - 1 3 aria G. - Z. Dini,,rk i. r e : fox intitunt enndent.; .1110 1, felt. of Dr. Pntriek, and It D. :?:i..irtt• ntit4riied H. t... 1144.1 nnd. settle Ike PATRICK,LDLI z )I 1 O • • - - • 11..ntrotf,. sitSa, BLIND, DOOR, -, i AND ' • ',- GC-AK% rv.v• in hr. inos fr re i %TN trr sirs ' , • • - ra evil ii• 64;, - Pest irt'n, By . a BitgwsTEN. , All t c g!zeg ttn4 .,..4..ripTirinii. in A t,V gitani ty, mactr to orivr..,r f . 131144011 Of) the.shert r ot tire. - . : . I.i. g Curds . or ed ;. TURR)4I.II.- Star es, • %....1..r. 11 • DIZTLCEE, ot.l4paffignrt.tal by.l 001: I) mot hit.y,afcer the , t t:2Ft and, tVe.t,reack. we +'t;!' =IMMO ate Homo 'HER F. - 1 HA'astraiia . , l pleice 04 . 144t , ' 4Jbe..:.i re.,e4: I ; neater ' jAttisces.!oe:itt ///(01 • i t( E 4,1 t Al? ~ 001' Ai+ ttai'v x..*: 1-IT.qiCti aow: lit:et , 'Nair . 1, 3ro; TIT . • - I SiAre.t..ft I, Stoves I ! Stove.: 1.1 • rrllE''_ , WiShe" 1,11 tt:ili the ottentient f I.i , Ilis ft i the Public. to hicvery . large aniortment - 0 ,t i • . - t . \ \\ STOVF.S, ' • ; • at hin new .strire , RoOm in Lodersviile, next to L L S:: Lettheitn's Store;\,,lnd near the Great Bend, Pepid. Ile has. in -addition to Lis former h.rge . 6rtety of Cooking and I'alir Stoves, :navy new 'Patferns..srdne:t,l whirl) are} - I; ..,.....„,„,:„: Pe.2th Bras'ih,, .I , lre Fly, o•itrn; Troy, . Itrohaoof.,;, - \ ..iledrilion: lack Warrior, Orient, ' Oak, • .. , i I E‘ , - , :-.4lAve, Which together Veith hi. former stne - Will .be pet-lisp s th e mist ostensivi! :11111i - , ric•tirts. orttnent iof 4 -- eil selected StnVes in th..- C.ntnt v. !,,'" Clinton t4toves weil rnriti4,4l:q :ow 1,4o !: s. 1 . fi r , .':AB artieles - in hi. tine !alit ..n hand anti made to order as it--11 I. and "rdrr, rervivt tiat hi: nidlstand in Great Bend. .. - • ~ . . .r(m x coI.sTEN• ,1 c.e),lersvine & Great 11..nr1 N.v...1853.—tf. ,VALENTI N . E - S!Vtl.r.., I'.INTITa S:!. kalNoloileid v:oo,:ttno, ~. I"..tiaa:st to, PoAt . Of. i...., fie ,, . G ;CI iv y Npe :l1 -~:tll .ro new' Books, • • - •,t , :1 , -r ,I. I . - 111,«i1;1,.: . , xvn;ell . xv •,l I," 5 ,, , ,d ;h,F.:T. :....r 1, i c ..,!;..* A .. .N..11U LLAR D. ill- , 1r - ri NW.% .- • ~ '. • . - I • Q H.& D. SA 1 RE•l4•ti:ing n ntol k . - etir t xvii•tive an d Hit •r ‘l•ii•aratitor. •re l ir:11 red tit farig....sli ; srii thi%line a: kiss th ,n , they tia - ve sta. ; • . . . . II) I 14. * • sv \ G..7EIE-Am .11:14.14; which ever:. :„ . by Dot , 4 . , -1 1 - ) 4 37-11 - Ado Clothino s • • 4 v.Eity -.444c :Itt ery*l3 l . prioeft D;SAN'RE. nof.. 11, 1854 . . t _ . . . 1 ' D Iltr,r .. f6l - trsrtlf :. - TaE POCKET ;E I 33(MLAPTITS: i oi , , Eep u ~ hi* t) Ira Pirty.arefan,,, thr 1111:731..11. ' fitportanee -to •rthnet• nou. : temp:wit: i t roar ria.ge. Py \ . • Yon nr M. Let no fasho'r ,ti.,:loote4 to pree..nt a copy of I the leolcitlupolk to hie eh 114 It .inety, eavenl: . {Mtn nu eort. Crave. 1 ! e no' youo 2 m0 1 ,. - or : than et:ter sice•ret.:h;icatirole of tonrriediffe ol renitl,l2 tn.- Pio It,: Ao-col:.:1:;o1. Lei oil, :foe +liar rinc (run t o hookoirti. ronttl,. Poi uin thel I e.1:!1•11.1. ner‘ t•ne e l., a toi :he . up 13 . % th • :r 111. 1 t/ 1 .11! :t ith„nieon. luiti Cif. A 11 iv.: •„ nrrit yi.. or - floor h.- lo:uriee on 3 .1:11o.diro.ot _repo' lowfo honk, no it .:1:11:0:e...O th.• too it'll. of • onfortuwati creaturetfronatbos we of cf , nth • . 1 / 4 „y I -r.r 9l Itre'n f!" eint 'fru -14,,-,p,-d it , x '^te.r. •viLl roily of this wro. r+r five copies' be oontrfor Acicirca4 poet ~• . • I) rt :Ar 'il . Y Otiti G , • 1 , -. • Nin. ;-i2 -%;prue• - • :it. l'ridaclelphis. lArbil'' , th 1 ,4 57t—t-ty 1... . eau, %.9ra.PrtiA.. r r Irn par:au' I int :sr ernex3 . r4;:i ail potforivilfetr4 Mich if I - minor %.1..-oe , tA 1 . n.. emre. !I tiorlicen: lett. The il•t , r4ol of , bia It ! 'riper h0.3..c - 41 In life o canard 11. .sitA 3.1“1 lOW .IT.toptiotit practiced umnn the nurm.tur.st •ittiDll4 fitoll itiltexe.:i he !:Via.e.re .ttive tirreted I ho‘reott:oitiog• las a, lh.trit*l.ie ter worthy .ii ',heir name, en Kier 5.1...1it1at Gratis. to at: port”o, i.hur atlilat. d Pe. 1714149 ..te..amt in cape,. of ”xtreme poverty and .ufferins, te rum' h Ntedirinek Freeat ChArtte . • • 1• The Tl•trar,l .s a .110;,•11.1ot ttrttltts , ion . es -01.20.1a11ed by apei. l el.loginent..fnr the relief of the sick ' Land betreakol:aittlet with•• Virulent ind 1.1 - iiidettim Dia ea•es," and itg Drndgean tttr.t [.r no nthfkr purpo.e ' if hse nem 44 1 iryilmi ortet !ate, which 'he Direetpra hare vnted tn:i/trertiore the ah,ee notice It !e :114 , i:ere to a.ttl thet the ASTlCiehttal r.l l / 1 :1131 , 1• the hiOtest .Alll of the age. and will fitrni*lt the meet , iivirovr.rl mrmern treatment .- V:litinb!t‘ ..; 0011 t. , 4 1r . and n..rfou• tomes traimpti with • ntremti;ml tterilmein....*ottib plailit.enstivepePa. LoneorrNpv. . 4 .. l dre.tp•(tinsl-p41 , 1) hr rich R, tlaanuti. t!naaniting Sur6 , een. 1.1 wara..tsapelation .tt out nth erect, Phitedelehia Pa. : Dr . order ol the Direr ore. rxr. ri. titT T'rtlartert t alto ritittetittp.Serretary 22%.1 P2at©d Waro. TUST feeeived• T3rze - lot - Plsted Ware. P., consisting of e'lice , 1.)3 , 4:et5. eigOrs, 1n pt?ri_ 31 and chat»lito. C3n•ileNtiek.,.. Tea Setts. eon ',fisting of s'x pine M extra rich: Cups null (;ob. I. ! tA .:Wore.•viz To., sett:4: (four five and Aix oiee,s.) I'pt ,4 . Coffee Pots,.Catn: stte s4lll-eviher has 'node no:vvit !he ucunifaecarery tit the above 1,,, os• titrnlsh the newest pat-. 0010. al lhi .tov.• ; .! !wives. and stlypls ..I)4lrefil*•TS 101) es:o.4 pieeos:or:iny air. the abot e row. EVANS, • • - • I:P..lliovi.',H2lll. IlisoAntoton—Anr. , ,.'29, 1811. : • • ~ BALD WIN & . PEi3TINS.. , Whillosal, find lletiiii (feu IP rf in Finiir,:i It. Pink. 14...it1.Gma!5.1:1...d .4; N tplle.s. It si d 01.1:t; ' , al for.paci inq p,,,k. .Cisisl• tiNitt iftiOttio,ll:v ;.3 rad ..nt., ..- i on "tientitt Ntr.rl.--Aikttormli.; 1... . itc&Chais- Merl store,' Aloptrts., p a . . , ~ ••, xr.,Fizt;:b u‘r,rtivir: . . . . . ' :RIELYLS•PERICINS... Atnntrnso Oa :10.1855 —.44. ' . .: . , CARPETS A.VD OIL CLOTHS , • CIEPEU . ' ; would eAll this, attention of tho pnhlic tn , itoek'•of Ply, Ingrain, Vetrft; C.,!;irpet. in t v,whieh he ,ha‘jwil porotovied t Attvrios.:• 4 • and offers' at .lower privet.: th,lo ofr e red he. fore in ihe count ,V. ond'a I.irge p rte ot pi Carpet Hooom ovenpyin..7. the ..keeood. floor of . hht Croelcery" anti lions 4tortr. Como.and he eonvineed that there is no necessity': for bare floors. I. 11, DE PE74I, nin rhamton . me pc. ,10; S it;"4 a4 lartit. to (..t.itvi•r.P..rk:! , ,' , .npoonft,f,adiits. Napkin Rin , andlor sale • t. A. J., ‘• Atoll : F oredo. , ' n^ttterrm. name ti rettgletm Depot forAtt4quei l ' h arligl a coss 3 try, at New B&..a%ltitErr. atrention'en f4r. illiorort.reiirt eon tentnlated-in (I:4lintv IWattelpi 3rsti now, nfrer ri.,h , !,lp!ne . rt. NI, iiV ki.1.1)1017. srantly f. , r In"o•••tititint.itv of Wintilg.w wish and glae4l, •tioars;. Mittst. and and a ~rOmplerl 1444,sityrtnp u t bnittiprs kitird W0r0;41z,46. . -Thorzet Ett.ing , to- pot it p - thragea flip Spring witt:fbil it for rbririnterePt to Airy nor n Wi4 can forniak evPrr thing yea wanton 4 of tlai 144n-4.4r IninoCerroring DitICFMNIA;II, 4r. GARRATT. New Milford, Feb. S, 111517. • S. 11. & D. SA 111 E. r Fl Ist F: r qOutttitut4g Our' !iuttai , rd f;eigraTtugto .howini.rf)ts.-vti•r6 tud 11.11forrunttoup of tilt Flu. •mitts 10)Ptrut r gglipr form. To which lit h 4. l'rearme 11.1/ thr Iliss rat.rn of Fr'artirti. bring of . 1A4611.t.ti 'ltitihr;DAY Bp eft 444414 ‘l/ 41 44 D 4 it;;0 ..ttaztit ttti 4biti2ootit fi n , !it,tt.tt h ,:-4Ll.142,Z1'04)010110/1V ut they Nu intlivt tliact.tarttitutt u3ttiJLrl hlf ge „ „ a y, p ai d t 4 ..x t i.t 41i tt:t - att. ( L i, it:-Itent.,Ail cots, usutitt:t:tit.nt , etttaiiottipt. %it!. ti yilice,txtitima I;4' Gittri yu ..katiat!lt,Sittbittise;tiiia clue,ownas (.:ttli tit) ht. EXattt,. , • OfP ygnaret . (l.2line - J. ,t One mitnire tiselitrr. . OEl' i..qinirei•ix munthi4: . 1.. t Businil4i. Card*. ( ~t , t . " r 4 a , (I Grit- v / 1 06nm uni•) e . vr. . Avfirtis.firs, ill re4rictr,c, V Of' i.ieti tin.) iifl t4ll;:egt ti;Attii s . ta tf / ),." s id c ." wisi.ing 1fvtr , t , {11 , ..41 Ettiltl , ll,4l, lid they s give livelaid;rectillit : int a diaath ca. usince l l ' ot -the seine. 3 0W WORK. ' ' tr • Or The pestilishers .1 12 add f. :thee; Jo). pr i mib u materials's large and lupertar ass( tv. nivrit ,M Joh Type. sre rte.* prtparsii to esssut Job ‘Vork in a manner unsnrpassea in this sips. Tian 4country i aati !in the tnnat rens/mai-At tern. flanks qfes.err description kepteonatant ~ t 11610 1 P d -b. (liner. ~~xliP~~ ~~ , csie'a.t Bend Depoi l a. , Annlsoa BRT - 'ANT, PrupTielorx • • . . 11-116 , milk, SPROUT da . 3144!kit act u. rev( I , fSr ROUT . M• COMM' El) C/1. .Itl A 0 Srutrititi, ii Spi . thgm may S.Sliits'irn, 51 Untrone, slurriji a: Co. • +. Caliinei and Chair 51:tpurnefarers, toot Maii S:,l:reet,onin, , ,s(.., - • ' DT. \lll. S3lllll, , _ Sur." - ec..11 I/enti st \ , -kicntrosk. Pa., will. be a' • t. ' :-:t•Lrle's Ilutelolundays and Tueedayent see - %%tel. f ' \ 15y I iIIeiTILIOLLArt Elhe'zile** Gootis.'Groc\re !es, 1 - IPrdwir@ • 1.: , 174,0•ii:ry, Boots ;Lod Shoo!, ski..Spritipville . " • • 18v1 .-r •• IGIT - .I.1.•; Je, CiIASE, \ , . Attorzaie. at.,Law—Otlit• _.l 'ormerly iiien vim!" by Little . & "Streeter, Moutrus(!, 6nsqie ; liitraiii ( 7 )lrmiy.Pl,.. :,..4' • •• 11 It.u.rit B. LITTLE:I •,. ___ lEZRA B. CliAs.r. -:' IS, AT:SOF:NET Asp equssilLLOC.:AT over S. B. West'r parr.,• _ 1601 Mottribp.i, Dgaler in Drug!** .31eVitini.s, Dv•:, Sniff ram. Uiir, Yarn iAts• 41 Grcerriem,. • Flow). . - Gouds, "Jvwelry, l'ortiattery, &r.{--;4r.dA.lo.ilt.tOr . of . the • moat divinue. . . • XOl2lll GEZOVE;S, • IFa‘lttionabie T;tilor—.SlifipxinderSearle, ilt.tel, Nl:iin Streit, slontri.:•-e,• Pa; -_ • JvilE COLETEIq I DEALER 1 . 3 titi , ven.;Tin, C. • Shee t .rot • , t 1; are. legler:;ville, near Great Bend Depot.—ett A.. 11,4throp, DEALER jn Rottiy-.Nl:de I:lt.nting, lints and ilttt,tm :4( . 41 Stit...s. Do Goods, die. \ :Le" Store ttpti.tite St atie's 11(4411, Ilentrole. C.l). LATHnor. _ itti J.'‘. . - r • • Dr. Merit 4 - at C Vail. • DRUG TT CHEmisT, and Dealer in Dlti: 3, Medieinis. Ch . i:ti kills, Dye Stuffs 0n,., 1, 1 ,4ty," Window Glass; Cainfhilf Fluid, Pertittry, Yankee Noitoas,Ste;,&e. .—lotl. , Ell AN : 14 14 FRASER ! AiToirtLy AND C1A.,1 LLOR AT 414 314 1 11t14110 . Attend iatititull) to ail bi .)neps trumted to irr the t.itt,t) of Sti , g - tieberDs Conre}ancing and writing of all Linda all' be done ri ati . ‘ and charge knderrte ils will a 1 . 40 attend t o ti o . peiiootu•rti of efain f 101 d•er.t, their willow. 4 ;mato ire,\ igainat tt U. go‘eintilent 6 r Bounty Land\rposte,rs L. May be found it ail hourl yt the Oeire tirittrlt occupied by J. T. Rirh.ad, ENq tit of tilt t 'ourt-liou —1853-n49 rtt.:.o. TYLER,• . liitereated with 1..1, , ..IluntN IMPORTE.II Mt . ]) . I).E.ALf:t: in 11:;rdw ate st?ti Cat ten', Carriage TO iniliinta. Stribp P. &c . ... . . . Nri.; .: 21 :. 5 Pearl. Sii-eet .:N. Y. ' .Wheri. - his 11Prewitile frit•nds, f n 644 and Nile C"nritiel+,lre 1' iloili' invited ; and earnistip 1.4)14 i I Ockttri ea)) anti parekrtse. • ' • n6tt. • HENRY S.' KNAPP OF :lIONTROSE. PA: • : . • . With Rowe, Woodruff, Carter, 17110LESALE GRocr.its ect , Aistiro I - Nir. 173 WziAingi on Stria t between Cortloild - 1 - Yey . .Stret, New-York. s.l3:reb .8..1854-101f. - A. & ii, .risi't idwin ATAY be - fouu,i ini.lasemt:lit of Senrle's 14- 114. AO, 3tioo.lis. Weht Irpui 'hexer! et. Now. inc" aecoulits that :tie due .Uls will lie r .vely sit ,ceptutile.if paid b 0 On. ''''. - ' .. ' A S.-.., E. BALDWIN. . . . ' . Montrose, N0; , .22, 18.54 . .-4111 . ; • .- ' . • -j. it Parsons, _ . INYIII3LESA.LE AZCD -RETAIL . DIALER im Cabiret 1 ,:. - . Warp; 'Smits, Bedste:;da,: • TaLles, Stand. Chairsofer:. . . . -. . . .. - No..9l , l'neltirgti , n' street. -.. HinAiintton. N. Y.. . . ;ice' -C o ft' i n Ware.llotalt DI stsint. , :-.062" . . PATENT itiEnitlNE A 11 El. 'I U E L Alorarase, . DRITGGIST. ANDAGENT, • FOR ALL PUPCIAR • -OF : Tll4' DAT: - (7 4 )dstiinth:ent Ca?tglantly ',Received. _ New and Cheap &oda. OM; FIT Ai losv pressure Ogees 4;10 will if 1.) - sold io - y.eordiugly U. BURROWS & Co. Gibmoo, 0et..1 1 .,f 8541. • - . . . Carpets... GOOD lfolnrtment 'and litiiidP,eine polio . 11.*.at vvry low Kricts. .\ U. B.& Co. (?et. th ' ' ' ': - - - - • DI& (ELUTION: • • _ VIE Firm & Bisidwin in risd* 111. an 4 11111rInissv tuginesic,iik this dnq du' nfired by flitkilini etillsoll; , N t ,i tm an d areo unts tlrit :are r,fue u 3 tril _he- 0141 4 1.!oon. Tie bull . 10: 8 `1 t 7; i 1 1, 1 1 1 , : tZ to k ) : .. l ; i ,w l l l 4, l?4, atv llY c ( oi r t F c .. ro r m or pe cib t n e rn nt s i n o d . L. ! )1 _ 1 4 11 4 ur;4 l4 )olkntim,ted•CO thrill in their Hot isttsillocts• • A. RA 1,D14 IN -Er BA LDwtril. -- - 31 PnIroffP. Jan , 1. 11158.-41Ri. ,Wste)ies t Clooks,-Gung , &c. , . ANA.:,,........., Jost itteekied from Ent' iond.Sutitzorinivi, Clermank;ite., w hich siti Natoli bolo* theNovatakrpriman. a 1 11 . . -' SINGLETON'S. Mouttinev Oct. 14,1858,-4 t. . ittt 1311 [A. LArtator
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers