'lrian hong . , possessed o a feeling • heart and 1 ch. tteia within m y bailiwick; upon which I can a inagnanimous mind, must confess that cause the within named sutn'efltiohei to te lev4: • the doOking and nicking of horscs is cruet ; 1 _ied, 1 leave therefore by virtue of the within writ to rue directed,,l!rave levied; March .10th. 180, but that creature palled man attempts :to all that certain piece or parcel of land situat tucnd.the works of the AlmiAt Creato9lle:ia y .0 , doing':w ich lio cf;012: 50i14.and disfigures I Dim oc ii l; t; towa l sitlp, in , the county' a Su squelia n 4, na, an Bounded as ioliuws to wit: On-the north! therm N hat is more beautiful than a fine 14 lands-Ot Jacob Wainee, on the east by —44 hoi,4e; wit au elegant. (long tail and a flow- taxtei.,-on the south by binds oflaniesAlialacti ing mane; waying in the, - spoil,. of th e wi n d, -and .Cietrles , Tirigley, and on thei west by !arida arid eihibitiri g itself in a perfect state of na- of Cinilles. a Tingley, containing about . 56 acre* tdre ? • Besides, our .er&ttor bas given them . ntere.er lesm,.nd about I'2 arts improved. .1 1. to the horsa; fur. defence! as well as beanty." :. • : Taken ; in 4tieention at the init °f Islt ae V.artaut ken, to the use of John C. plicl l :,, ..i.s. Ileracl The same author relates -an instance of a' vv Bali :fine hunting horse owned by an Englishman ' vr bi di woulitcarry . his =ridcr over the.bighest. five-barred gate wit4,ense ; but lie thought be did nut carry" al,gOed, a- tail as he wished; he therefore had.hith niciked, and when the - Horse got well, he couldladarcetv carry bin, „„, I .lvo bars. ' I bare spoiled a fine horse ; and - go Wonder, relit weakened him in the loins.' "%Any man of catntnon sense Would cheerfully _ live 'ten , Percent more -tor af mu horse hos e ' toil never tradteen mutiiated, than ono which `had: been under the .hirnde of a jo .1;q: ifyine Farmer: • .--; • ii - 4#ol/11itt On Sunday Itlarch.2d;lBs6 by Rev. John 0. Furey, Mr. NtirrtAti',BtutpreK, . of-l)hnotlk Tovnship, and Blis - s Etr . t.ricn Anctri, young est daughter of Mr. Jtitries Ifertehern, of •et-- 4.T Susq'a Co., eun a. • • •• At the residenee of 'll4 :Father .in Lonox Susqn'a. Co., on Saturday, fitrei . l Ist,, by Eld. 11 -rower;,Mr. TYANIEL Pi:ta.A.3l, - of Al)bing ton,. and Miss. Matz E. PMLiqo oof the former place. . . ..kt Franklin, by the J. B. -3,4:ere:lrv, An, the Bth lest. Mr. 'lrs: J N...ray Wtn — sr.Ert., of Ifranklin; and Miss Sin.ty J, of . the same place. . . . • . • . • Sheriff Sales.. , • Sheriff 1 TIY-virtue of sundry writs , ' issned out of the Court of Common PILs and to me direc . .. had, I wjli expose to sn'e, at public vendue, at the Court House in M0n14.., on Saturday, sth day of April next, nt I o'clolt P. R., the follow- . . ing,Real estate to wit:_ —ILL that certain piece or phrcel of land situ.. ate and being :in the towns lip of Apolneon. in. the county of Susquehanna. and bounded aS fol lcorg. io Wit: on tile:north byhandS- - of I.3 . .irnr.v • IleShenrer and\ John Ibtraink.; on the er,st lands of Michas l\ Rooney ; on the South. by lands efUebCarmalt.and on th...v.'est. by-lands alf Terance Fehan and Johnson Foster;' containing ,bunt So acres of Lind, more ur less, with the appurtenanees7one log 'housc,Ormlog barn, and 2ii;(N ' ui 50 acres itnprovt4., • • Pi:ken in exvention at iho and Stone vs. I!at . rick Grer:n. ALSO,. All tha t certain tint. 4 11aav Cox situated of the W 3 a!usin,...T creek; a(!jo . ; rd in i,he of Thomas itnd.the heirs of llenry Drink ort Carson ori the northland ( ku6tvn lands; epntaining thret; -fr n'cres. and allowance of hN ..N:epling out of the 8:1110 • 1 ..e.v in possession of ! .titit side of the ggid Isaac CI, 1, the survey of the same, thirty acres ; the preinis. to: tie conveyed, the f. s-id Ctrte'r now livep.t;and hiCe, Vindetiturti dated •;;P thaisand eight hunria .:1 ';...rigid ip 'Deed Book, No. 9, Horace Carter in Taken in exeeution . at the y . 4...110racc Carter.. ALSO—AII thra r.r. ,:::)nt.? in the township of c Of S'..isque,hithita Lndin that p.irt•olA•tisi t(1 lyint in Fr.tokl;i: Ntalientiout eighty Iva .rier of the Lutl sold by 1, ,, )ry ri-c.n . t lienry 11f i•Kinney ; skid tt4rnrr being hnlron•lr:g or b4r: 'Atiotnes at right ang,ltis.froin Franklin stroct, hundred i;•oft ft& lvtng para;el Frankl F,ltitherly along, s: id parellel &stake; thence weAterlVat rig: 1 ,:t1 ttreet, about one Itundrell thence northerly, to lite. p feet, with,the. dwelling canees. . Taken in execution at the : Kinney'. aissignce of o:iver A:Tarn:no. 'fu the, lion. the Judges &c.. 1 certify . th it the within .n.imed David James ant! Will i'ala 'Jame . ' .;:ve na goods :.nd chattels %A - nth:a My bailiAiek liNn %%hieh I c::n cause the v.. thin . named suni f money h he levied: .1 haretheref.ire by vir tue of the wi:hin writ tartif.,„l. iiireetedHevied March Bth 3856. ALL That et}rtain piece or par ''ri of land b,ituateln the townhip of Liberty,in t':,e e•Junt%; of Susquehanna, - m4d bounded as ful :.W., to wit , beginning at a 14t:..k.,..and stnner4, th..: o ith west corner hereof, diem-0 .suuth one ::.1 4 hair degrees rest on.: hnoired and, thirty Pq,•l:e., to a stake and . itunes. ' Thence south " , 7 d“2re es engt, one.hundr . ed. and thirty.five rn.r cll. to a stake and stunts, Menet" north . one and . :.11.,1f degrei-s e.Lst, one hors tired and thirty I.)r -s r!ii.., to a corner in Lizard: 1 1,, ri, Vienee north '''l'l:c- screw degrees west, (.ne'.r.i.tred and tnir , 1\ lii e perches to the .ph..:e of bi - I'Ll s 'aining, known. :, I .t .No. 35 of the Liwsaletrzut, containing ;..,..ut one. hundred acres tndre.:or !es's, with . (.:. acre itnprore.d. .. .1 , .. • - . • Tsken in execution at t'le shit of Jebial Day •`l ,n vs. David James and Willisian .To the Don. Judges. let. 1 tc-atify that: the halli no goods el,,,Littles within my. - 1".• up , .n which razi eAuse the within • of money to be levi(o. I have there " 0 virtue of the writ to the directed, ••,:sed to be levied March Stitt 18K that "'''-fin piece or parcel of land - situate and being b.,rough of Susquehanna Depot is thr 1 :.'1:;ty of Susquehanna, arid be,unded.as fotlntvs - t? wit: On the Nor•th by lanplslof John Rogers, the cast by - the public Dighw.av,..on the south by t.inds of MessirS. A. &. S. if:Barnes, and on west by lands of James IL Salith,,heing tle. . gads "'ands recently conveyed by Deed to N. Terna,oe by A. C.. Adams, containing about one `ere taw, more °Hess, and all improved. • Taken in execution•at the suit of C. S. Ben net vs Nathaniel . .Talmadge. Ta.the lion. the ledges &c. I eertifithat the viihiu named defendant bath no fzooda or chat . tiss within my bailiwick-upon which I.can cense the within named sum- of money to. be levied, I have thereft . .re by virtue of the within writ to ta,e directed levied, All that certaih_piece Or,par ce! of bind situate at‘d-b(!ag in the township of I ' ' ''' l " .-1111 - in the county of Susquehanna. land • totind.ed and described asfollows to w it: (l 9 the 11°r th bV inttl Contracted to John D. litenhei on -the east by ,laads of N. P. Wheaton,sout;i Vibe pubhe Highway leading up Silver lareek,•., , lnd Kest by ;lands cr Griffin Stilwell, containing buitt 4 acres, more or' less, with the appuite ritzwes, one framed douse and one framed Aarn. gad about 2 l-t 1 acres inkproved. 33L. • Taken in execution at the suit. of.Williamt • )! P `"t" . and J. L. Post; as L... Post & C0.,/VC P. 42. Lebo. i To the Hon. the Judges - &.c. I certify tltat 11,e within named defendant bath no, gooislor chattels within my. bailiwick upon which I can Vie within named sum of money to ib&. rd, I have therefore by virtue of tho whip) "it to me eiceeted,caused to be !inky, all tligt, c „et th ai pieeeor parcel of landSituate - ankbeitig b township of 0 kland. in Snsquehantia c ritlaty, bounded and deseribe s d al follows to %It: Oa ti)o north by hinds belonginz. to Ward (St ll4ams, on the east by lands.belonging to Da-, ri d Bryant. (as believed) on the . south by fangs of George Dyer,. sad an the westby lands eon .a(!le,tl by '.said Ward and • Williams. to David Dar, the same being lot No. 42 . a s pe r m-ap r?::suk• e y of the Wharton- lands, made' JOne' 7'od November, A. a 1847, by John Boyle, Waing,. one hlinfired and sis acres end-thirty Rey e:) perches. The -same being mostly. improved, natal in exeCution'at.the suit-of 1444 1 and P. A— Ward vs.. Wm. Braithwaite the . Lion. the Judges .&e. I certif.)? that • Vailed dLifcudaut bath no. ; 0 44 or! •T. Administrator's Sale*. TOTICE is hereby given - that by Virtue of at}' Order of the Orphan's Court of S.usqUehaur mitonnty, the undersiantsl will expose to palfF fie.snle liy vendae at the 131(i:residence of N•tlf.. son°TifThny,deceased, i ti . l3 ro in, no Sat tt rda ft; the sth day. of April nest at one o'clock, V. MI the '14110v.-ingr describep pieeeS- or pareris of lata situate in said township of - 13rookln : . the first bounded on he North by lands utl s 4, oti the east by' the lands of tfw arinker estate'i on the south by lands of A. 3. Tiffany. anrl. on the west by - lands of Williams Bloomfield and l' R.- Goodrich, cOntaininfr. abeet, nitzetY.six sexes; which is unitnprtivcd.. Thu se:a.'•und• pit tieis Imam!: dell ,on the mirth by the' State Road, - rfinidtqf frouil•llartin's erts;l; to li:lrfoid,`oll the east arid southty lands of Dalton Tiffany, and Sebre Jet fers,!and on the west by other lands of sao Sebfa Jeffers, contalning-thirty acres, all which 4 Unproved.- . k 1 Te.rm s of pa!yraent easy. and ! made known oti day Of sate. - •E. S. KENT • • . A. J. .11 !.Idn't, .. , .11.e01' &toes Notice. • p ußue notice is hereby given to all,person - concerned in the following Estates, to Di ,Aitl • Estate_of va) NEWMAN, Litt) of Great Lien , Township, &Tossed; Henry •Mcliintley execui tor. [ 7 . 'Elstat a of - Sons Sattftwoop, late of Aubort; to%'-iiship,dece!ssetl ; Itrob 8. Adiniiii9:ll , ir: gitate Of.T.Vtou LyoN, Lite or 'Jerrielt town seip', dez•ea;:edi tieorge U. Lyon Ailloini;tral: tor. ..- I , f , Estate of JOsEtqr . T. litc.t...nus, LA° of MOtit-1 rose; deceased 111 11. Frae.ier Aihniflistrkor/ ' I Also the net:omit of, John ‘N'ebsterv i lynsted. under the will of JusErn WEnsitn, lato,ofFran4 klinitounstl9 deceased.. • • ThAt the ati:constants !rive settle ,'their ac. k• counts in theltogisr's office in Lo x or the enunJ tv of Suh ,- i titiliaor ' ni hod titilt did ,Saintt Wiii 6: 1 . pr, '!rated to the ..I . l..dtreS of the, drpliao;' COurtl skid of r,..u . ..i d t, on IVeilne , da:.•:, th e 9th- day •o rot'_ Apr!! bc.v., f r rotilinnation nod allowance. . f, I• • 4 ' 'J. W. r' II A 1,1 :IN .Itewr „. / • 0 • Itc:Tri,4(-1..2:0111,-e, ,Mo , ltrose,. , • 1 ts 1 March; 12, iB -. 56.; c, i •-.• • I' suit of Wickhe t of Inrol e:illed the 1 11 the tiorth-branUh nira land Jsurvev -1• - • niTil) on the south', r on the elst;lto:b -n the west ivy un hund*L-d and tiiir ! per . et•nt_ftT roa d s , 4 'fflU. bemired no.rei • 'Pper, lying on the ux trnvt.,:zgreenbly two hundred hfrui?:. , intended ETAS . just, reetivect. from Ntiw Yuri:, a full Li and dtlsir.ll_o.?,t ack of •'• • • NEW GOODS, asslirtinent cif Drur : Nledici7les, - C:lon:x.os, • Instrtitn,•nts, Dve Gia,s and Ear thed I,Vare, k.• .. .t•izooki variety of Croeki•ry.) atria IViircq, Japanned and Plinh,heti 'rift \Vary, Silrl- • 511 other •kitids ort..4poona; §lver Forks'. &e. Alt I,sorld 1• 7 ;1 1 1P4. A altio,i• tarkty ~ f \V•Jod • arid Frame tVali•n:ll Window Stationery. Suoneand Wo;,dl.•ri 'Arnre.' 1./rii.shvl. 'Broom+. Fani!y , Grrievi;es. C inilitene.- 13!.train; , 1 - ‘, 11;,,,v titeqinlirrd and • one? NVlllps, Varnishes, &r.. A first r.ita variety elri-1; Gatti I. Fates,:Fif , es, Ae tior4.eiths, Violin. a:id Vegiinet.l l 4 Strings, lart.-4.•ht also:merit INl T k e t E n i ‘ p s i n ;h,, S'.ot rei,; Re yoivi:rs. 17.4. • . • . . Physiehin, the loYalid.tho. keeper, the Mnii,ll;l4 GCntient,in. th.. R:rt.lt :01'd the Po"r, Vt.tini! arid Old, the 11:yaut.1,11 and the [Lily, t:Le G sr`n.,l;ii.inabit.. 'I:pl.:41 the rest of Ithe pe...W.e, will find; I.. , ...iiirtldng[to ESU pply their ;every dLy %%ants tit:l"tirrelra. !rtri 4Ln ‘l•Lich o:ra . S,Ter snd ;Tay of Jtinu, 'nd thirty ft.ur,i page g.rnaltd ait of CAel) Car- t or of la:A rest ,B •nd, in ii Pe::nsyk - 4.4- f.,;-;)•11'.i) carted i.„--t -tl4.l,),:,:jtyliitg al a Niti vet vor: to e:no:fier in strt-ft; . tiwricv t reet, .silty feet to to Frank.: and twentY feet, !ace mt beffirnin , Ouse and zypurte. I . . :-11.,:re icr tilt! new Brick Block—Pikes low-- Qiiit:itits iood-,Call and gel..', • i ! - • A ilgli T.URRE LL -! - 1 M , :rilros . .e,!ble.ri..-} - i•fi, 15L3. , i - a arl'iiey- a r-,: n il 0: - )ii! 45 •.. t.,-) Turrelrs ,L,ki4 ~ uit of John - Charic, 14 , F virtrt writ of fieri iwint'd out nfthc Cot/h.Of C.)1.3:110:1 ty i4Sus(i,“?.tannn; and to we, (P.reeted, I k1i r ...4 to :ale Ly ven , ..The the Court How..r! in Mnntr”se, on S.:turef;y the '2ltd day of o'c!otd A. 11 Ali that i•ertain Meet or letf:e.ei of :nod, ate in the t...e:aship Greav'llinlaad a.l ft): .Beahotin , r at a tfroint.in: the south,- westerly attic. Great Ben ii and : Coeheeton Tarhpifie road, the, south easterly. rah! of Chestnut trc(!, at a c ;per of lands or tho N V. & E, R. R) Co.; then , ..esouth fifty. one &gri.:es tint thirty mutates IVest, along the floe of said. R. R, (and, ab.lit one hOndrk , d cad tef:u feet ton come,. thereof ; " thence horth.:r. alon - g the tine of said Ccoripanv i s land bout test io tflH :North-lv'eslerly side 44' a L.,(;1.1-1 tor[; e th tw o trualtsi .bout seven feet frontEno ; thenve north llf y-ene. and three retihns degre es oast, tih , .ut toad hundred reot to the! ( !ino of !said T.urnpik, the north-westerly sidc of a gatb‘ . .pst.; theoeo, south t-.en r tv-seven deurees ea s t al.tag the flaci Of•saki otse, hnnflred and seventyA:ine t',(l a half.ft.-A.:t to ortioginn;ng, tenths-,•1•n lacre, Inure or !css . NMI; eret'ted I h , re , n a 1ary.,,4,, three story Tasern hou: , 4e; kne.Ova as the . " Bryant House" with a brie b.traii shed, ice: hou...e and Hilt houses. 4 , .. • Taken at the stilt of Cot - s. -KA; to tli t i' L lle of Silas Baling vs. Aldisoa Bryant. . F. P. 11014,ISTErt, Stiff. Xarelt 5, 185fh . !•, 'Orp . haii's Court Salo. IN pursuain-e - ufun or ( - der,of theUrPh Orphan' court. :will be sold on the' pronji,i e s, Sattirday Alin' sth day of April next. at. 1 o'elotA„P. M., a lot[ of land; situate in • Franklin '1"o wuship, in Susifa Co., nimtaining .. .about; forty: a , les, and bounded on the North by the Itoad c leading from Franklin Centre, to the Snake -Crek ; on tl EaSt by by 10144\a Charles GUnn ; nn the South by nnother road leading as . abo3e stated ; and on the west by lands of John Wijbster. ' A framed house and barn, an orchard ilbotit .30 ItereB I eicitred... Lath. the Octate ofiJos;. , ph Webster !.deceased. , 1 JOHN AVEI3STER. • 10w3. Trti,tee &e. , F ~ W ILLIAM TRENAIN & CO. ATILL keep always on hand at their StOre 'near the "Starrueci Viaduct, it large nod wed selected assortment 4f all artieles•usu• ally called f.)rEin' Country l6l` . tores; com.isting fir Dry Goods; li„eady . 111:1de Clotbing,,.. flats and Ca ss, Boots and Stfles, .CroCkery, Glass s bd Queen gware, Clocks, D'itrd we re; hails, and Cut. lerY, FlOur, Fe e d, Salt, Drups . -und Dye WoOds, Wooden and Willow War c :;:Biushes,- UroOnts, Stotie Ware, and •a groat variety of ether " of uhieh exchati,ste fo; cash eonotiit4roduee, on na g,ood ternia . as any. estah!ishinent in the county; and 'we:gu.sranten our Goods to Prove at flit .itaes as they are represented. 'W.'l'. !I: Co. hope . byclose-attuntion to business, and by &r dealing; to merit a continuance of thiovittronage wlifeh has heretofore beea liberally . extended, - The nighestilnarket rates wi 1 at all timesbe pai4 in Gficds, if. preferred; tor _Hem lock Ruh at -the Viaduct Tannery. WXI.-TRX.AIAIS; & 4anesboro, - FA.--17, 156. • • _ • _ _ hereag my wire ,t..4ry, has tett my bruise • 3.•°TICE ' • W%ithout lust caus.;,*th4t s 16 give notice that 1 611.41 pat,tto debts of 114 e , ntraetlnl.f. SIMEON 'TYLER.' • Orirltzewater,:lll.treh 11. 1850 I. Tr. ~,or! -ss N 4 . - 41 4 , ABEL TIiRRELL New Jewelry : • • ' Splendid assortment, jest]arrired at MURRELL'S. 10," i - lIERE • • . . 1; The traminisSi . 6ners. Susgia.counly ha e fixed upon the fulloleing days and glaees for holdin'l the' Appi , als front the 43.4C.11 . - , nunts of 1856, (0 tail Purest Lake and Silver! Lake, :Tuesday F 4. 19t16t the !tense of Mrs, Clark in Forest L4c. Glineonut, Middletown and Apolaeon Wet - knit/- day' Feb. 20th, at Blisses (Hotel in.FriendsYille. kush.and Auburn ; Thufsday, Feb: 2lat,at the House . 'of N. D. Snyder's In Rush. Springrilte and Dimocki , ,' Friday .2tld, at the hen* §peneer Hiekeext in Sprin , , , ville. Brooklyn and Ltthrop, iMondtty Feb. '2511:,1nt tho•house of James O. Ballard,iti.Brooki)a; Harford . und Lenox, Tuesday Feb. 25th, ,at the house of John. Catner4s, in Lenox.. Clifford, Herrick and 1 . Dunduff, %Vedneaday Feb. 27th, at the house formerly .occupied, by A. Coleman,iti Deaden: Gibson, .Lielt;ion and %Ararat; , Thursday 28th. at the 1 1 ,;as e of JUel §teenhaeks in l'hontson. Harmony, o.ikiand and Sitscfa pot, Friday Feb 29th, at tite..llouse of Thu . I Prrs, in Stiscra Durengh.: • ; New MilfordsadGroat Bend. sattirday Mareh Ist, at the House' of _Hirtica - Bat-nut:DS, )u New Montrose, Dridgeweter tnd \asap ( Monday March ad, 'at Ci in inksi9 nilys 0 'Mentroae. - Franklin and Liberty, ToeStlay / March 4th; at the house of 1a Jone;t, in Libefty, By order cif h.• Counstisioriers, . • Wm. Ar. CIBASSMAN Cierkt enintrs Office Montrose jan-22d, A. D. 18t,6. , ••• HEAR, 0 GEN ALES! War in Montroi,e !and Washi • ton!;! SPEAktit YEV!! r, tIIE greati ea I P4ign to Witplat?7,,oll ns vii not stkeet,estill. btit. . GUTTEN ( BE It G, ROS'ENBAI.J.N4 &CO Q . have i raFeital parties into pine grand, vietrri(ing, and e'rerifierea , sinw party, not for the shedding of bloode t. for the spoils of hiliee, but for the pur eha# of GOODS at a lowdr.figur . o than e'ier jbe .fo,Te have been . sold in Montrose. Our Motto. ..Dorn with Monopoly." i• _ - We take. Pleasure in tionouneihe to, thi: uiti zen4 of Sil-quehanrat Coniity that we havelre moved to oar sp:endid neWl store in the cast ud of the • • BEICK : mto CR% , Vv 7 liere-.we shall al ways.obej)repurecl to wait on our fric`ndi, and where i will ; roll us i . .;:reatest pleasure- to rxhilit to our camtorut abd other : i n the larrest uhd finest stocl9 of G, -ever-opened in :I.lontrilsei q our line. , con6iNt , . o f R.E.. 1 0y MADE. !:Loinviri, the lar4 est and 'esCassortment, " latest st)ies, goo cloth - ton'de by experte.need workinen. Our stock c ‘ not bc , equallvd in . rotaittityjnullity- et - Trice. i Staple and fancy goods of all T'arieties.. C qton Goods, I.i:Jr,- 1 ' in:4, Velvt.t, GlOvilq, . • - 1 • Hosiery, Ladie's press CoOll-4; -.. Sh.,wl:4, Ilats,i Clonkl, Furs, ?Ind the - moo. complete 'a-isorttnent of Sheetio Shil tifitis, Tteking,s, Sc., &d.; r.llartieles wool wanted In the richest or umirest fatni:ies. IL' is n . ot trne that our Gool.li Are inferiority ti resp /et. We will aive-to . mir cuAtomeri the ti cizo. , kiod of Goods in .qult)ily OM we , recal mend, or thr may return. tbent. In short defy competition ns4 to ciTaritity and (.111.1/11V i c i Calt opon us' and you 'shall riot go . empty or latisfieti..:.AT.- ' • i. 11,;a•iurk.:4 taken Tor Rt.::llo,Mtide cli , thing, p vide il w u. cannot suit custom l .ri in the store, d just the garments wanted furpished on short • tice.l . Cidl mr.d. save .mr‘ney. ' 1 - . , . , AL GUTTENB2RG, • s. WITTENBERG . • ..• , L. ROSINBAUNL. .. J—WITTEN BERG. lUmt-omP,Tin. 30. 1 56. ; •. - . • 1 . • irst and 'Last Call. 1 r A LI., inJeb-e.i to R. 7raave:r 4.. co Thayer ill & t7randai, or It. Thayr,'individually Will . :],lenße t:dit : thi,i k'.nd admonition, find wu must. ! k i r,. , ffi...t, :,(=f i ats settles ,up. us if YOU . : !"4.:1..1 anti s.ettle with lIM. :Ind tpay Wt. wben - c i on 1i.....n. we w'.o bt; !ti;isticti. Wierwisu we 11 1 11 ite 1110.er the neeere.iiy of leaving our books w l ,itii i p justl ec t . for settlimient an'd eoll ec ti,,n. ..We ilW'ill zzive until the 1M• of April next;•for yOUI.to I, ..a ., l ;.rd Set' iN. .V.,:irli . of theie LI •bts are sMiall lima the ,r gists %your] Anonitt to More . th:lti . tLe 1 t'lebts. No friends e:drand n• It compel us to do w , . I hat Is so mita nqainst our . vi'. l !ko•i, • 1 1 . .. 1 i ii : Also, I.ve wEolid s:iy to the , jml.die, that wi l , ll-i 1 41 11 : to sell out our entire 1;1(4 of 7 0uudv, Rath: I tt- than- niuve them, as we nut sking to buiidlus iiiiIIIW More Itou.,e theeuriiingisummer, We will : zep'd you Goods nt 'city. cost .or the next tWo 1 40mhs. Sbio:::!us and tateit i-kinds• of lututior l tlilier in exidtatige fur Goods. I, , 1-,C:ill and see us witlMot dell ' . • R. TiMYER & CO, Orol,tr,,cte.-Fel). 25, IS.':)6. I • • 1 A CARD •17, , WC;tl.l) : lp.ke tnis nwtho4 in .express ms gra:j:ude•nrost earnestly, fo the inerch.4o...s couro y. a vcry4arge inaj.pritl i of wil i ihm have. thetn.elves • neiabbors arid frisirtei; I have interhtiqi in tile Bard wire :.nd Col tery irn New York.; :A i nd trust they w 11 find- it to their': interest ti) clai tisi'pe their ami to thes." wh o hav e n e t fi,tiid it colrrc nirnt to wake lhci larrifi‘.T to 215 Pearl Street near Alaidenkne. (bye rrum .11 , rehni;fg fiotet I will say Shlta4l ynn c If, I s!:7111 fry :lll , ll.frin.ko it your in t:•ri•fit to Imy; and would l'Stelln it -a nogliii or . le Let, on 111 , . Lrt)!tiell rule pa vai•lc in U. TYLER.: liontro-, Feb 211 h 1356.-2ix7k ri 1 • ' B GtING. C 7 C : 7 le le -I -• No. so Wa or N(reT.r, I'';F:,111 OLD SLIP, `);`.l' VOR,K. I - NVE eon-Lindy on haw!. anni rnanufact ILto or 3, r. _l,ll i ..tet Bags and Sacks, Sew©d and Seal less, 1 I for ntl uses , and ot every &sit - able style; pinli:y. s i 'Hwy :attention to il l tim;111 (HA f.,cititiesfor i. 1 1/11•1111. - ilf.1 - Lki:roi or Sack• for floor, neu.ly liuckvi•hcai, Hanis t isit4 t Spices.' .• &c . .' c., all of whicli they furnish to order; in the rn approvi d off - design and: printing, and w quickest desp..tch: Also,linpoiir.rB and Dealers 111 • _ Gunny Bags and Bagging, and various land,. of TIIREADI and TWI Leith. Linen and Cotton, of we aro ree ttontivual An I.Alareb 6,, •8:?6.--ni6. • - Auditors Notice rrilE undersigned, appoi,itedi to distrib proceed of the Sheriff's sale of estate of N. Lenheim, with attend to I nt his naive, in Montrose, on Monday 81st day of March next, at one o'clock P. Si, Which time aft pinions intereste4ro required} prenent their claims or bu debaried from co iug in.upon said hod. Wlt. J. TiJaßEtat., Auditor • Feb. 28, 1g56.--4w. New Ya4r - Has Como. A NDS. A. Woodruir keepitpeeiving, new 1-11. n'tw. Stock, and a gri'ilt MBfly nitw tirticievt, which ho thinks. cant Wit - but litt e t se those wishing to putt:home any thitig in. our line of business. We would call .partieubir, attent . ;On to a very large heavy elevated Oven • - -COOK STOVA I uihich la one half Itifavier.and min third larger ttmn th4o.Roilt_by pe.r.ll3rA:.whieir hu-wi ll Bell fury le4s priee; and warrant, in evtri , rexpret4-1 , Pkamt call and. examtne i t prepargdito areom"niod.t o • eustonivrs .any thin f r lin my line Of bUSintNN, -al fair an article an d at. aR !Ow Rrigni.as any ithop : this side of the Pa: .cifie 01 , 1.4 n. • All '.14 work . attended to. flirornptneas and f Cardi paid for Fors . and Nits.. . • S. - A. WOODS,TIFF,i GREAT' ArraAgTlol43; AT THE UPSONVIL4E I i CHANGE.' THE Subscriber is now receiving A:well-se lectioi 'assortment of Dry Gods, Groceries,. Fish, I ardxale, Crockery,Boady-Made Clothing, Hats, Bonnets, (a splendid assertment,) p k , i nt 8 , Oil s , Dye.stolfs,Nankee Notions, in fact, almost everything usually exiled for it a coun try Sore, including klour, Salt 4cnii Meal, all of which ho is desirous of selling for Gash, or any kind of Farmer's Alerchantab.le Produce, or on' good ;approved Short Credit. His friends, are most rospectfulleinvited to give him a ;call and he will satisfy ihern that the I..4chango it tke place for farmers to trade. The highest price .paid, in / dash for Butter. !VERP.,IfAN; rp/sonville, May 15,.11;55. MEACAL ADVISEIt AND . A.ecza -ra IR :‘; eaTtaD.4l.. LIB it' Git TLI Edition, eleih,• 345 pages, .12.4 76 coinied . tut.Travingi, repres e nti ng ail th e disease, o f t i le genital orgAns of the male and fctnatle, with the latest discoveries in reproduc tion. The afflided should use no retnedies:. be fore learning front this *thistle work Life supo riorit'v-of the author's Paris,add London treat moat of private diseases. Betli,niarried and . slit gle should Uorisult it. 'Soil ut No. 222 Broad way, zn,l mailed free for $l, by the untilor, M. .LAB,NIONT, Physi4ian , and Surgeon. N0...42' Reade Street,:eorner, 230 Broudwas, Wiiere lie cures all those . diseases, f.tom II A. AL ,tilt 2 P, NI, and d to 0 in the evenin4, Seittiatlal except ed. Address all letters. 14.0X.:Nn. 844 New York Post ofiiee. We concur with the other - p:lners in reeninmending Dr. LARMONT to the Ala ed—Courrier _des Etats Unit. Sl an t s t r i tim iy, Detnncrat, Day Book, Courier, Pitpaich,. arid New Brunswick Times. Jan. 22; • Norcross' Rotary Plainng • chine. T• ANTED—To sell the Rigl.ts and y eilin v s tor a Rotary :Tianin,z, 'Tonguing n. : d Grooving :11aehin'e, fer boards and piank,un der tl Norerosi tlie atiritchirivat 'of 3faeltine; which will work a whole board into moniclinyis at orn. This patent. hni beeptried, and decided in'the Supreme Cr. , iirt in s ‘Varhingf.on. to no •io.. hinge:l:lent, being superior to Wiiodworth"g • App!; '0; J. D. DALE, Wiuo.w 'Suva where the Atit...!ines tutu 60 ~eitn iu opt•ration. E. W. CARR, Agtnit. • HAYDEN BROTHERS, ;mu ord, ventea: 1 7 ‘ ,7 P 01: "- ILE I.)«!alars -in Inottons ,- Combs, Sn4l,ender4, Threatl4J Pan , ....; Cloodv, %Vatehe.,. Jewelrv.- Silv er at , t i! pL i t,,,i Warei qutlery, ishin2•Tackle, CitrarsAir.c., ate, e3l-reilint3 anti P Jdlon . i ' - aapplie.l . on liburd. tern 4. . XN'AI. HAYDEN I , ' TRACY HAYDEN, JOHN HAYDEN, - GEO. H.AYDEN. . "Nor Art • uses to Ai.our • Mused. I HNCE more a bright newiyear. IVith its blessings-snd its elle lATe have gladly wele"outed here: • . Now, As your: plans you',ll.r l And so earnestly you mi . .% • • la the scenes of `fifty leo.e give yourlotvekill'e pleastirci At your earlievit Viiisure, . or ma.minz s, l a.a.iii - 44e. c , •. • A s D e ,, ln q, t!le " Man: gifFao - ,";' With a sunlight Anil, /0 sill. your.finey,„places In Lis neatly gnislipil Defer not till in-ranyrnw • Wait 11,0 t for seam and .furrow •• . come with ago Ord sorr9tt But g let the Artist t; , lte vudi • Ere youth's warai glow Toilolic You; i And a evpy, true he'll make y'•,u. . . . The. place where this can •be done tn,pktfee!i6T.v: (No ilotibt you havo been there befOre) I s , (I'm .iu r p yo u ev.nuot.. tilisp!ke tho:direetio...: At 0.i.1 Fellow's ilatl, sc:eond 'floor; AT HOME AGAIN• Persercrence has triumphed over. -eveoy tit • ,it withltantHpg a destructive fi re, an ext-C.n. LN sive loss, awl t ten wont h's sieknesss,. . , ABEL TTJRRELL, ELH eomp!eted his Nev Briek . Store ; (biflt ttp, on the snine grtiund oceupied by hist form - il. Store.. that W-:14 constuned . ,i}v fire, awl in the NeW Brick Broi; ;) into y.hich he has -ernoved his st,,i.k hi.re ti c %%tit .upon patrons.. An-ewiri.dy new andexteW sive I,ls-or:went t.fgo.Als wiii soon he added to the pre , pnt stock. The patronag- of the put 4. 1h- is s Wi:11 the asszr:tric.., that the inter es t of par..lll:sers shrdi - be- promoted: Moatroso, J in. 2 : 1. 1336. . • L EVI ADVERTISEMENTS'. FZILLDFILI3I, & CO., wi,u!ti re. sp-etfutry inform. the public :bat th l ey Itatle purchased the interest in 'the saddle anti Harnetis Business (.t. A..& E. Baldwin.. Wtsitope by striO, oat ntion to.' business to receive :our. Shore iif Public iltoronni, , e.. Constantly tin hand, paddle:4, Ilarne:ss, Whip+. Trunks; yaliCes.. trri toe Tri iri all 'of its branches will neatly d•qi e to order, on reasonable terms, ! S!0,1/ Nu. 2i Se•irli..4 itißement. • • FORDHAM SMITH CO.'!'. • M..) . ntrngn, Jan. 1, 1356. , For tho B3nefit of .Su ff ering Iln . • inanity. . A .II etircd gentluin:w ha..inf! eurcd hi.m ., ielfi)f • iii the Piles ne.eomitni-t 1 ~ .ith E.run't ions i,!t . the skin, after -;;:ffering for upwards of ':- .) .5 yo4s tl,ink!;ithis . duty in make the remedy known flyr the bf.nefit id this afflicted, He will forword tl i 'ie pArtitti!ar,4 tor the cnre . of the Bg.tni) on j tinn re - - ceipt isf a 3 cent pi.statrom!ainl. : IA-trlre!4q, REV.. C. J. It.EC/yti'. „ . . -LNu. 12-Ann ,L. N. v. Feb. 12,.,1 I ,r.G.—Sw4. i - 1 . . - • -. AUCTION SA' - - E. . . . . w i l m l. f .l. , l. :r e i s i t: e l4l ,, : i t i t h p l i . t r t i ) b l i ., c ,r - V , due; vtlticl; the 19th tiny of Feb. inst., at one o'clock P. M. One .11,re, one Colt,.three Covi - s,:indsixty•five Sly. , el). —the Sheep will . be surd in lots, or al-ti ether Terms of sale,—sixty days Credit withapproy. ed - security. }:..M. BLANDING:; . Harford Feb. 4, 1856.-6w2. . . . .. , • •: Auditor's Notice. The undeslgned having peen appointed by the Oiphun's Court of Smuluebanna county, a:n Auditor to dis:rilmie the funds in the hands the Administruter a the estate of Ale:ander Har per deceased, will attend. to ..the datie's,l of said appointment nt: the of of Bentley &Fil.o in Montrose, on Tuesday the 4th day 'of Mareh m:xt, at 2 o'cloek in the afternoon, atl which time and place all persons interested will pr', sent . their ; or he' thereafter forever barriid fromcomng in upon 'said fund. • A. BUSH ELL, Audt'r. Montrose. Feb: 2d, 18.5(3.,..-6 Ito he the he / 2 .lll3iie' ga . t. rrilE - Subscriber . n ii, sell at Public 'sale , Itl Saturday. she Bth day of. Marv% Iti'Xt, (in his Finn in Bridvewatvr to•wnsltip, the 1'011.4- log property tri : 0 Cows of good qqapti, 35 ; yowl ¥,. 2 ilvo-ye,tr_ old horses, 1 six vesr old horse, and year olds iir itiZe. the said - property will he . , sold to theligneNtibidder on six months titnki, with en.olseettriti. PA PRICK:CR(IS • .13ridapivnte,r. 2.5.-ow* - - Goods at Cost. A NT) tower too. The solaseriberinten44 lea A ving the mercantile husines4 the fir.4t of April next. and desirous therefore of Belli off his preient stook tbf GOODS. For. Cash or _ready pay the may hal ed that they can now purchase of Ine tow. Goods were ever before sqld in Brnn'klyri stock consists of a general Variety stoic I mit a Pall and you will make great. BmB. • • J. r. 8311 DlTSattrl3, Ft*. 20. - - TO- Txtrz T HE SUBSCRIBERS laviug taken tho Store and puFeh*d' the S l eek of GOODS of R. T. ASHLEY, izre prepared to sell for Riad," Pay only, a 1 • • VERY FIE ASIORTMENT OF DRY GOODS, •! _ GROCERiES, - 7 CROCK ERY st „,;,. FutrOwATEE.• pEllyvsmay. ' • g YANKEE NOTIONS,' IR.ON'AND NAILS, is nooTs 4ND SHOES, ' •,1 FLOUR AND SALT, SOLE AND. VFLIEKLEATHER, ' atc.., ll 4ke At such prie'es n i 4 (they thiht;) cannot fail to giro entire stlisfuetitin to in • • ••lao • may favor them with h - tlietr patronage. All kinds of prodded taken in exchange for gotd!..,. • • I. A.* I. R. ASHLEY. Brookivn,ls, 1830-: . • . gv. . . Groat Ex'aibition prinille. RE 1T AND RARE EXIIIIMIGN, FOREIGNi AND DOMESTIC "GOODS, -of alliio'st - every slvl'and such all will be sure to please and accomModate all ;dews of people-40m the child erAdie to the sad and decrepit. - These. ggods are bought,on the most favorable tiros snit: sold :Yrill ho sOaceording. .• 1 . • Please *gtve us a call add w e will try to sup .ply r.il your. wn - rits in therline - of GOODS over kept in ' , Country store.,; You'need not go to New York-for ally thins Yeu want, because we have them fresh from the 4 . 1 v. • • ; . SCOTT. OLINSON, & Co. Springville: i'a.,3lay 8, 855. • - . NEWSTpVES • f][..B in u g it a l .i i.:, ,, TJ ., : t h o tt i. .s k i o p f l o in w s ti td t r n e ve r;n 4. d i i n sf ; _ t; c d n i l l r e :, the Star of tlift tl,test and N4tiortattlevated Oven, iC;ver. Wide odd and Paragcrt Large Oven, to ‘v11;,..11 hey %;•4 iv; I ;faits particular attention' as the best Stoves in market, with a au perier of rarlor,9-trlce and Shop .tones for Wood or'Conl,aie, Stuge Pipe Zinc, Sheet, i ro n, Mures Tnis stocl: iy si,lectrci from theThest Foundries of A I hany fOr'cash with the beat quanti ty of 'PH , niii:noS ma:ls:tit order fur .his custotn track.. Whieli erNble Min in all respects to defy (tompeticl ,, n 4nd be 5..011 t INelin.....st reduced. pri..es orlapproved iiruditt" New Aiiifeid get. 165.5. . ~.. NEW EgTASLISEMENT." l - p, DwAR,D piiicsT; (latti. - Nels o n & Priest)' ,/ having intreltased the Interest of my 'late r partner, (M. NCI4. - In.) and firenaratory•o farther chat) , es 1:1 - 1.11t3 biimine49, I itffet the' entire stock .... now la a-c s-, sta ! 'k -1 . . ‘‘...GREAT PEJO GVTIOIT . -- , i I From 10 to, 1 per cent frb,n previous prices.— P ' urchas.ers Will find at the corner Store, La Fay- etee tionk '\ 1 . '• • . .. 1. .G, 4 ;a t..lncluttments • • .-. . .. S:tiitingq itid Blieetin7s: d. wide, from s.cts. to 35.; Print!; intim 4'-ets. O. 35.; English Prints, yd. wide, ls.,L , ' Del i Laines frOtp 10 els. to 6+; Al. I pne:.s and Plrtracttas from. 1.1. to ft.; Lopin's French .Merinos,ifrom 7 t‘ , ). 12s; Woolen plaids,: front 10'cts in 1+; Colored .Plaid and Black silk, from - 4s. to 8-2 a , rani: I \ • - I- .; Entbroidcries cind Laces ' 1: - • - At VCrvllow i I prt . g IColle - , ars from ' , 4ets. to $8; Untler-Sleeties, H. eclktre I, i et t's &e. at, all 'prices, line French t.q.4 1 , E mi on Coll'irs &c. , A gfeat variety of .tees, from t . .. Cheapest Ctitto n to thp reui V:il;enel'ent.; Titrchd •rd G'.topttre‘•\.. . . .. Rid,' .Drers Ti::;, V 21727.4 - • \ .• ... Piai I, Broche. Ca-41111er° and Stells . "Ef.AW.LS., Ca.loPero, Gila, Borderer! ;t d'fl-oche Scarfs, • MI.:-es I,otri Shltu..ll and Gs otiemari's Ilaud's, Cl.:i i .•, Calssittn,tret:, stttinett.:, Twee'd4,K , -titacky d - atts.Flaettp;. l . ll tny,l r estiatri i &e., at evtrY sat , 1 1 Pric y rikv to o-wes: r - . r i•- : -tir Cal Ii tt mil see. the exitettsive . assortment of l'rattlt+.(7,:trpet-Basis and Valises, fur AlteY are Teeetikii - diri-et from the Manufacturer; and are to . bt-so:d at tit(' very lowe i st Prices! . '' • N. B.—Any oattritv of sucks, Woolen Yarn and IL.g Carpets-Wanted. I . . . i . 1 'EDWARD PRIEST, .. Corner Court!& Water its.; opposite - Ameri- Hcan Llott. 1,- i 11:nza.un;on, 4%% 17* T ew;Gcods Cheap for Cash. • (A • .N.V. MOT !' h s just ieL ! vived another lot of ‘-/ • 'New' G.i-;(.1s, such ;CA Challis . B .rge De Lai h.:, Dv 11;tie sl,•Gin2llatosi. collars, Do sr.ifery ! VEAZ r . LOW" II IER SHAWLS..rt tieu; ju*t tutirt:4ll p.itterrs 'at very Jnw prices, also C11...11-!E Iva BL.A . Ck SILK SILIWLS as Giro as the 1f;4e..1. = : C. W. MOTT.... 3 - nue 13. f I - . • Pi r : -- Holidaysont.s: : • POIA MONO Fin g er Rinds and Br;!.ast pins front leg , to . $l3O. l' A J. ; - .E•V A NS. • ' . 1 ; 1\1 , ), 2, 0,1,1 Fellows nail. ' . , , - - Ili ngh n nft on . :ll . ) k t. 20, 18 1 35. . • • EARRIGBI—GaId Sd i tne, Carnet), NinAaie, Cwa I; Jet, Unit 'all gold e,irrings,in varietyfof pat tern and price. i " . - r 1 SILVER,' WIA FtE -cott:prising every article in use.,viz: .S'pri,mo l , For;: i s NApkiin -Rings, 'Card (..' , :i•-e ; Ph.. (.7:ikt4 Fruit und 'Butter knives, Cur, Soap Laillt.i4,. 4., ts:,e., warranted •as good as coin . f G OLD ...HA NS'.--A large stock, Tsricitis pat.. tt.l n , , ;-tt,! 4' ll v.ieighig. .: -% Platoi q.l:e Baslct.t , s, c:‘1"....t.0ri4, Cindleatieks,. ForkA:Spoi i ,ns.lTea Setts,l.Ste. Plated table nn .I Dost-rtrKnives, ..Anotitt•Harge addition to rti)• ttirtn-r litailk. • . . - , SI'EU dges.Convfix and 1 - 3..net;e, G ;Id sie..ve buttons, rtuds,Thim .6!i:s,Saat•,Slides,fS44. • P.S.l A very line risso rt men t of Gold - and Ai! yfq; Itunting and Plain. from $9 L - A. J. EVANS. • , T. GT_ • . .. ISEYMOUIt &e 0 - • .1 A rejli•4l l ( - 4..teiving-their Fail and Winter Stock 11,11•1 Goods, bleb they :teel enpfliikit they vtiorini.dror &le at FULL AS LDW FIGURES a* any estahlislinkint•in this section, Our •stoek is ::s ConipictO As l is generally . .ionnti in country Stores.'' • . tinrforck.Sept., 1855, Asiairttuent of Crockery and Gaut itt. , G. W. S. & Co; ppRCEL,AII, atl.l,Cirat) . ite.:h l it i n, e 4t ,s,, c ' 0. 13itOalE and Bay:St:au Shawls, all prices, 4 . r G. W. S. eir-Co:' I) LACK tendßrocp!iu Drimm Silks, for 5 nd pt l .r yard, at IO.W. S. & co. A i r D u L s zitnes of tholatest Style*, at Al i. G. %V. S. & Co. 13 ° A r c :a , k ti,il u4a To s ,)w H e i, rs i i e n r . ,: s a ß t ala • ! " ' r.. G. W. S. & vANKI43 N Pint) ViroOled. Site. , p for.Sa le.* r INFIE Sutoterihon.t biter. for Lila 300 French JL : M6ri'nO Ewnpt, 4 y.:11 ,, K o 1 ; tind under. l'hey . have been breti loi r ounsilvos" with - gioitt care for limy venr , 4 int! are af.ery suporior Int, avitrag : ing the pastlyeat , fotir ti , ifirlii. 4 i nt woolyer head, whit sold for 41) earn+ . per plitltld thliOar.--. And, oho!. 1 IPrenelt ' Mermo Haag, 2 years old, bred by F. M. Wittiii, Eis4;:trnalimportedatoek, W/o will al44l . sell,our (`fiat _ awl -41 w, Mil), both - in fjoiA +pair, with - A Habil, nail I,lftee nitres - of land'adjiiinintb . They will too 0 16 1(1011.4 uni onrasO4hie terina. - . - . .. Al so . a n- olpd E dry farm adjajning life above, of two nutidinittwenty Auroc , I.lCqf N 'C.' eir: .t. R. MOOTS; , :-. : —. is .2. •fr... - . ,- - , ~..--.... • 11. col h. liftrrilfil le Cc., N. Y.% /4 2, 1911.". . SIAYII r tr th'in My GiVe bar n. Y.. Nor. 18.5. tions of every variety. at • •i a W., H. &Cs I V' • IN FULL BLAST. 2 7 , grOVEattow forsale Dlekertistai ij as, Garratte: We ire In itteept of the largest st ea k of staves ever acrid is itfogthers Pa. exmaisoug of Cooking, eerier add Sae plate both for Wood apd:Coaftslso , a . full mango:Dent of larger hires for OtorchtmOd.4 l l ,o res• W o uld ca ll particular attention to the .*Jeuel 6 , uohlati c y a t e d ,oven the most Perfect and histo lest stoves in :•insiket: Among our. variety .. of large Wrens would waitron the Empire State lark prover as being very heavy plated and a ;arrest fiats,' and snpertner. Farmers of Susquhansr. o :l 74 o e!sve been' in the' habit o_Upurchtudnitt light stoves silt:l 4 ( l :a , , trimming and paving a s much as you Quell to for llcemy plates and heavy trimmings, • . We miumfacture our - fin'Oltdre 44 1 eel/ them at . Manufactured prices,ht thee: lib° a makers profit compete with na l if Jobbing done as mutat on short rinth..e. DICKERMAN& New Milford, OctAth 1885, - • • NOTICL 'TOE sutseriber, would antzunee to - his cos; JL touters and the public. • kenerally, that ho continues to aupPly.the variousllskazines named below, at the prim annexed per annum, viz': Helper, 92,26 ;.: Putnam; $2.25: Household Words, $11,00; BlaAwniid.s2,2s: Crodev.-92.25 Horticulturist, colored plates, $3,60 twist, plain edition $1,711, •Litters Living Age, $5.00; Frank 'Lesliesi" Gazette - of Fashions. $2,21; BalluusNlorial, 92,60; Lyidies Itepoei tory, (Cincirmati,) SI,C3; . Nation 4, .11,63 ; Ar• thur's !Come Magazine, 9143. Ho is pre 'red also to fill orders for standard and miscellaneous hooks and •ccrrent literature Of the d, r , whether from the *ado or other walks of industry. ' flaring kid en ezperionce of fifteen years oaths Book arid Pariotlical trade. be believes he eat give entire antisf,etion t o nil par. ties entrusting him , with orders. - Spetimen numbers of the Maga.zines sor.t on receipt of 8 'Post Office Letter Stamps, for the $3 or to r 1 Maßrazines, sod f0r.12 such Stamps. a sainple of the 95 or '96 Workli WilLbt! . sent. Letters of inquiry must contain a stamp for the return postage. Books itont (po;t paid) on the rt.tauipt of Publisher's advertised price.; Addreae, '1 WILLIAM PAT'rON. - Bookseller, H.ibokos, N.J. Jan. B.—w 4. TIME CHANGED. E*V 24 X .3- AEME Delaware, Litektrivannaik. W. R.D. SPRING ARRANGEMENT! rv i and after Thursday, Die. 6,, 2355, the N.J Mail Passenger Train wiii leave .eranton at 11.00 A. M. • - Due at Great 13end at 2.10, P.M. Coanecting with the Dunkirk Expreas Train wesr,lind the NoW)(ork . Express E,at, the N. V. & E. R. R. „ Paviengere taking this train will :arrive in Dunkirk al' 11.15 p. ru. and in New York al 11.1-5 p. tri. • 4* .urn. will leave Grat Rend. at 3 p. m. due at nnton 5 50 . fne FreinittrAccOnsmodation - Trnin. w 1 hpast. anger car sliched,! ',a iIl depart from Stanton tt 1 . .00, r. at., connecting with the 512'1'i:tin bound A t, and the Nigitt Expross Todus- Loth E Ist and West. Pa-osengers taking this Train and the Night Exgresn Easf,Wiii 'arrive in New Yoik nt 10 '5 t. m. By taking the Night Fxpress West, wiil arrive in . Dunkirk , at 12 31), or bjc taking tht- Mail Train West, wi:l arrive in Dunkirk at 6. 45 :p. m. Returning, wjll, depart - from Great Bend at 7.00 A. M. and arri v e at Stranton, 11.10, A. M. Stags will be4it waiting an the arrival of Pal sen,Ter `:'mina at Sera:iton, to eonvAir pat,r , nge t i, to Carboniale, Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Phihiciel- Wain via the Readiiig R.. IL, Eusten, - andail ()tiler iltermet:iatt. ... • • . . , 1). IL DOTTETtER, SuVt:. Sap% ()Mee, Seran,ton, \ Dee. 6. 1655 S 115tf - For the Holidays. •- • • - VLEGANT. Oikes for remembrances for 12,./ theALlida vsj, Psrlan'Statul.ry, Fancy Pie Cl. and 1...44e4,- 'Purrs Cutts in. 4 variety of 'beau. tif4l artUeS, t 1 ibon war e lll var;Oi.i . s designs, slSo elegant' Dresden and Fre'neh Chtna row open for inspection at .1. 11. DE PEG'S. B.nghawton, Dee. tiff, 1855... FAN,C;Y:.BAS'EETS. v A rrrgo %:nriety ,alsO. Work stand's with 13.15-Iteis.' 1teis.' RetienleS &C. atiow prices, - WORK AND FANCY BOXES.' .• .Ladies Reticules, Port onaate.s,elevnt Per. sei, and new styles of SAW-bets for 8:1/N bY. • ' DE PEU. TOYS! TOYS!!- TOYS !!! - -1 , Come one, coMe . all and yell. wants shall ( be gratified from a penny to dollirs in Orico`tiorn our large stock of Toys which are now uttered at . - PED*.S.. s 1! • ..CHINA A.N . P CROCKERY :WARES: • .‘ Housekeepers tteat. y . otirselviN a-New-ye:l4 present with ono 4.09 beautiful, setts of Gold Band or Decoratt4Clina now on exhibitit'm at De Fetes. A really stibstantil zircon: o re-. membered in a lOcial way.-; rillryou not act upr. the sti.7,7eotion and select at 'the Crockery and House FurniShing store, t v - DE PEli. • . anghatnt6n, DOc. 20, 1853. , - FIRE!'FIRE ! FIRE!! The undersigned has been appointed an ,Dent 'of the STATS. Alt ruAL, FIRE - INSURANCE COMPANY. of liarriabire, compitny has a ezpital of It 1533 . 0301'\ . 1 is % as' sauce and , [ COITIMY IS any in the State insores on the Stock and mutual - IMLUNGS . STROUD, Agent. • Mont rose,_Oct . l9, 1855.-4 i Lf • We the, andestnnedherehy state that we . have C,neliuliness witt th`e a ve eonipany, and wu sre are satisfied that it,i both -Safe and ebenp.— In our experienco'we ve never known any as. • *segments on a prew to note.. , . • F. M. Williarna. Wm. Jessup. D. D. Warner. • F. W Chandler. .Orlando Eldridgel! ' • • E. B. Chase. NI6!IV THE subscriber is in coriatant receipt of New Goods, in his line of ttsinesa, nearly every week. The publhi will find his assortinetaNn and his articles new and of good quality. The stock, conAistis as untie] of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, • • .Dy&Stuffs, Groceries, . Tranc.i.Goods. Jewelry, • Perfumery, &e. , - • :{ .9tI3.EL Tttlttl.L. • Afonfrose, Jan.;10,1.858. - TO THOSE WHO WISH •VA MO have fertile',lAnds ate cheap price and on easy, term!. your attention is L4tileki to the Ridgway Farm :r and coal Compan y . 7'wentylire acres or p Moie, - rn rilportfon. are given for $2OO, parable in instaPteents of el per week or s4'per month. It is bieated in Elk .edunty, Penney Iva. Ma, and has no 14 the best markets for its,pm. duce in the Stte., The soil is ri ri toant:lnd. is not to he surpassed for farming, as examina tion will show. It has the, beat elements of prosperity, being underlaid by two rash vein% of Coat, ,and will shortly be intersected by fhur railroads. The timber is of the moat valuable Titlevnexcieptionably good, and warren , tee (leech: aro Zwall- It" presents a good and • - ful b,, t ,i ti i m , zportnity to commence - .. f ltrif'inz provi2ino far oneis children Or in4king ariinvetit rnent. Further panlefllars ean be - lead from the pamphlets which ;we presto in7nireri. LetierA answered promptly. Apply or 'address - SAMiL t; '!TELL, Sftretary,l33 Walnut Rtrnet, Ninth aide between 'mirth and Fifth eta, delphia: Full infOrniatiou to contalard ~ in the pamphleta. . _ 0 4 /C : A ftkittni: at his new aliosi aria. dnrner of Tuffnpitta and Chelitaut gig few &Ara; east of Pest's., store, ..whereLhel eireelunity repairs with Ospetteh, Watched, ' Cloche. GuniejeWeiliy, and - every deseriretlon,e; machinery, V Whmel gutting, acid Watch faro fht l Vie.c- „, _ 4 , • , , d '.: ,'''' <i. , ... ', • . e1 1 ar.451U00 , 4 ' . .! . ....; 441:P .. tft-tql4 :. iiiii A I . CODS, Shojiaid tat: lii the ill*” - gm .JIVM - Nearldiiford , eilins?,' 7_1110;, - . 1 , new, SIQ by •Sti t iihd tiro - dart* liiiilif' pied ite a 'wagon shop. - The let contains 00 e ooa : level ground, or threul4 iell-ifthrfehivier: fourth of ea oink& lend lopirete . .il'i t hit Laelk. - awikatut Iteilltosikmuer imensadeerikaienttior! the lot - one eight of a relletilgtatt. 4L goatand " eeevenieht,leeatko foar *Anne biotic eltakej., kind. , For Mee gind'pettietalits*AittilihieSellb, ,ry S. Lyou_os the premises. ' ‘ ,Wil . belhilWehoseir is-applied for - suoh. —l4;te,3" - • ' - DISSOLUT/ONI - - - • - xrarlcE is liereby given ' ' the ine,i4. • ,),Vou.lre St. Ekirci is tills dity4l.ll*l by mutua: conning' 'The tietia ind-4a 4 punts be futtnd 'the ahoy of A . ., l Micutolglsimers ,z; the tittNieettiv will ho &114 terns 'tuna; = S. A. WOODRUFF,: Atiztrvo, &filth 3,115 k. ii - cm'Ariangenlent at Gregor:9'g_ • x_ Attu WARE STORlit & JUD: s oNlaittit kJ - • haying 'formed a ia•iw.!triersbiP' `et:* purpose ot conducting the Harattitie:to**F.Letii ail its various brunches ; KonifrtespecitißY-14. form the people .of SestiOehatrnC-cennti : 6lll2-: they 4113 now Overlie; at ilitieitires Old 1511811; opposite the xchange lidtelAr Cana1...8= 1 4 66 4N N. Y . :2tbtilntgellti'ehflillidi. wi.l best etotk= cf liftra*WfilMtr hamten, , , ". ' 11.1vinsaisie Englimh,4oodsliad - parehmse their /amerfre -, r`egt from manufacturers; theY'esit oat • CHEAPER thin 'say other eatiblialuiett-it terra! 'Their stork. notv ,very , . extensive, Ulnae wieling to' purchase are ineitt:d ta T hr folloulnz are a portion " .of their loan -- tielca, knivca- end -NH* - Tre earvers, forks and steels, pen and Oeketttaires, bread and buteherAo.. Lay and - straw Asia sore. Nheare; and' facts, kritnetlii letinid 44 .46 pots, silver and 'brittle Ws tts . and tlatie • "'wily silver plated; brass, and iron eandlittleha f pair; fers and trays. solar lamps, lard• sta inepeneed lamps, mantle-Ore. Orsansents, - brans sod boo andirons, shovois and soisgs..6r.a. - "- 'Linking Glasses.and• looking, glass plates, to.`" gather with a general assortment of hossekoep- Lag articles. • ... HOUSE TRIMMING,. consisting of locks, latches., butts. screws. brawl • patent window apingsiblind inv, abutter fr•erews, and fastening*, ate. • A funeral assortment of tools - for Carpan'te r nf and „ruiners. Csbinetand Wagon Makers, dasonei sad bi.:ekamittirceensisting of planes, saws,itioa-, mars, hatchets, axes, adzes,cliisefa,augers,aeek bitts and'holleiv angers, Bellows, slyer, , patent drill Machines. stedges l stone ruitimirs,,4 brick and plastering trowela. arass.eut, : mill alp€: eirCular saws - A splendid assortment tif Saddle and Hatirosis * makers' tools and trimmings. FARMING TOOLS, • consisting, of Shovels, spades, forkvakesoleythea"- grain cradles, hoes, pick axes," iron bara l - grin atones, dtc. Also:. Agents for the -- sale • of Whittemor•-• Squires ASt. Co's Agricultural took' such as plows.' hay and straw cutters; corn ike• '' t Sole and oprWr leather; tuotocco and. ildho*L trimmings, with a-general assortment of lindingi.: Wooden ware, willow- eradlcs, wagons,-.ehaits and ba4ketrkof all dei;criptions: Bar iron and stet!, iron axles anifsteitspringse malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings: of all kindA, painti, oils, sash, glass,.putty4'&4:4, of which will be solli'at the lowePtrat.es..Pletuair" Gall and examine the stock for i.ourselt*,_ 13i ngh am to.-1, March 1,1865. • This'll • Ida hattan Fire Lis: Ob.- - • • . o ; *4. iTo, 58 Wall-Strett.:: • CAPITAL,. , . fjp#644.e' . Insures buildings;' .Sferchattdier,Furnittire,Vist.,.: itelsia Port and their Cargoes, sod other Pr . oper: - - ty, against toss 6? damage by fire. - _ DtnEctotts.-L-Nathaniel I; ichirds; Samuel 1 0 : Stott, Peter 11. St-hot:tett, Wr.t. - F. . Mott, 2Edwis . . U. Morgnn. Win: W. Pox. gid'itelc Ittgg4, It. L. Lfirtl. Theis..lll.rronsitussel ins, Aug. Wsrd; Moses 'rector, John - Stew: ThOg. PilTSt,lii; - RicEard Tigts6, Peter Cooper, Henry. 'Etsworth,' L test DeLisott, Jan C . itSwelt... • • - - - • . - - • N ItICITARDS,'PrIsa. .I)a.t.vEn: - -'• ' W 4. EDWAItD PRlBer,.Agent, N. - . . • Q up:pkied to cheap $lOOO worth, Reidy tnade dualin!!4 - 4 = - DICKER:IIA* 6 / 1 111WI'llt Novi , Miltreri,,sPpt. 18th, 1856.. -f! and superor Asian 5T41.11, squaris—A large molt et low prie( , a. (1,.5-Single and donlilo barren, - WarvA from 25eN up. Sash Cord, Rope Hat fig,. Chalk 11 t!. &e Wroeghi Nails; alt. sizes Oimblet pointed .SerkrA, a,lare.e assortment, at • - • Nazi tc. K.Comaces= Iling.hamfon,N v v., 1855. - = Sheriff's Sale.. " 101)17 virtue of a writafLic.Fa. issued entoftli:e Court of Common Pleas.- of Susquehanna eduritv ancl . lo meltiret.,ted, expose to sato by public Vendrha at'the - Coart house-in-04t: ruse, nta Saturday "the . 23d day' of March ncitrf at. o'chzek- '; • ,ALL that eerfattiff'ece or parcel of land altli-.. ate in Groat Bendtmeti•thip, and:in the County of Sur=q - nellanna, bounded rind dvscribed 11:ws: t o wit Deg,innitir at the south *est - torn. er thereof ; at the ; line of- Lowrie Green, and ens th e north-lino of tlreDepot Grounds of the 'Semi York Slid Erie Itatit . Road" Co: -Thence by:seidi 0113p:toy's Grounds; south'. 51 degrees east; 60 , reel, thence by other lands of. Addisou- - Bryint.'. north 51 degreek east 208 feet, to the south side: - traveled path of the , old turnpike road, thettfe by' said road north 26degreeit west, 60 feet to the' corner of said Green's tine, thence south 51 deg west, 231 , feet to the bvinning„. .Containtair about 1290 Square feet.. -and having erected - tilereon :i large , ILitol - knewrt as'. "The thrust . Uonse," with , bani sheds and other :out houses anal nil improved.-• . 'Patten in. oxt.ention at the suit of • Eimiitr. - Brigham vs. Addison . Bryent: - " F. P. HOLOSTER. SW& , Sheriff's glifftee. Montrose. Feb. 18, NAIL Clerk Wanted: ONE between the age or 14 autt fir. Aar!: that can w-ite h good hand. 'Aitit - tfaitoi7 rercrenee as.to character required'. 'For hirthee particulars enquire_at the. Post Office: • 51.;ntrotie, Pa., ?1 eh 5, 1856. To Farmers and Gardeners. - IrOUll. attention is colle'd to - the Alatieraie manufactured by the Lodi •Mortuntetnrille Co., from the Sinks,and :Privies Of.'Niw Yoe% City and free from offensive odor, Milled . POIU IE DRTTE AND TAMIL ritienn i iu s comiloned of two.thirdu , night amid one third docomposed vegetalAo Ont. Poreu is.eompose.l of threeiotiftha — bight rill NO. g Peruvian 'Moto immure* :ire el - iv - Ter stria 'hotter asp- - fed fur earn, G.Jrden- Vegetabhts - sitt . Grautt, than any other in ntarket. CAD in Contact with thwated without ipiury, nag vanseaCorn and - iteeds to come up sooner, - ripas,... two Weeks earlier, and yield one-third moist 44 her manures-and 1.3 a: precentitite ; if the 12tH I'oo,o4 , 3.:Ponitl7ntin or 100 lbs.`TarettLiiit manure en abed Of Corn in the -To .3-4*rents per lb,:. PaudretteV.Alettev:-b111.1; 81.50 for any. quantity aver 13444, detimeg hood resewi or_RailrooL. ire*" frittreiikpidgavi:::; -• • for peekage or cartage: -A ramphiat: annulling ---ev information.' twat past:;.paiii„ ht.:any se ndiMr addreas to • , • --- • T 11131.661 MANUfACTIMING - th. , ::,' - • • -60 Courtlundi at Nevi Yorkolk - Auditor's Nottev - f i . ;, , .: THE indoivoloid -havinz Neon siklototailiii "-:' tho'Oriihan'iCoOrt of SusquehooosiCoinC,',- ' th on' Auditor, on +inceptions Mod: ti tl*so - . miniiitration neeonst or---iony, Byllol 140“..1/7af i Ad ininiitromiv - of . , , , ifeßsoni degras4 *it 044 la - 7 - 1, :,„ ....... N iireliftiitoipantmOot. *1 "lids 44,:i * s- .. -. .fr0 . .*.n42*, inn - Sint iv of, -INF_ ifOlvi, , .." - , tAilack in the 'fneannon, at:. *Note itsie. ,'. all persons lotore!tted.waqiitAitilz it iii- - • ' ~- : : : : 'VAnfp. 4 l:. ... irePitr• , IA, ii; . ; BettotrOsei Uttidkiki.W.-14, ~ -.' < -1 , 4 ,- . ~..1 =... %,..-:•-.,.- 1.-m44.4xt-...:. ...
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers