plbtriistmtuts., . Vein Plitillith 'Melodeon ),Noll -- HORACE WATERS'. ithwe:Yor* I 116 largest assortment of ranee, Me lidemi alasiesd lustrutnenta and . Musical Mat4andise orall )(hide in the - United States. • Pianos from T'- i ." l 'S different matufaitories, comprising 'hose every variety. of style, from the plain, neat and W. 1 .3440141 -6 1-9-'octaves, In Walnut 'el' igurw' - •v ;00a Canes, from.slso, to S2OQ, to those or tbe m nt)3legant finish np to One Thousand Dollarc Pio house in the Upton Can compete 7Wr the . :4-bove in the number, variety and eniebrit of its ,instruments, nor in the cromely Thio plus at ‘vhich 'they are sold. I _ *MACE Waitzelitingas turatursu Prises, wither Trithout Tron Praises, possessing in theft.' 1 ''reprovement of over strings and action,' length -tree/h i - power and compass 'of .tone equal to , :he Grand Piamionitod With the heauty'and do: 7abilitrof structure . of tha'square Pia' They -Jiro juttly pronounced by, the Press and the Arm musieS) Masters to be . equal 'to those of anynth ' ar manufacturer.' They are built of the kestand most thorough seasoned.imatelial, and goarna: tend to-stand the *UM' of . every elimatel, This House has the Sole Agency of T. Gilbert &Co.'n eellibreted Preminni Pianos, with or withbit the ,Hallett dt. Coniston's, Woodward & *own's; and-Jacob Chieketing's, and other Boa: ton Pianos, Gilberea Boudoir Pianos, and els. gentta as rument for small rooms. • 1 'East lostroment guaranteed to givnnetiafas - tiers or purchase money refunded. Seieond hand Pianos at ,Great Bargains, constantly in store, :Oleos from 'A3O to $1417. • • Sole Agency orS: D. & 11. W. Smith's Melo deonn,(tuned to the equal temigniment) to which 'elves recently awarded the First Premium,,at'the Natfimal Fair, 'Washington, D. C. Pride from $iS to $l5O. Double bank molodeons,11200; Moises Water's 'Melodeons, superiorrinstru rdniattin tone, teach aid durability of make.— (Tuned the equal temperament.) M i elodsonsof *Mother styles and makes. - Martin Guitars; Bruin's Harps, ructii, Po Tins, and instruments of all :kinds: AT large . disc - tent to schools, teaekeigs,churchtn and ' clergymen.,The trade supplied on the - most liberal terms. Magic :-.-One of the largest and bentaeleet. ea Catalogues of music, now published, eqnpriii ving many of the choice { anti most popular airs of the day ; among them are found thi3 unrvarsally popular_prednetions of [Thomas Baker. ilfasic, sent by mail to all parts of country postquid. Partienler and person))) attention paid to all Orders received by mall: Satiate& :ion :guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and Melodeons for rent, and rent allowed' on par thise. Pianos and melodeons for sale on month ly payments. Secondhand Piano' taken in oz. change for new. 4 Boot ;tiL Shot.; Emporium 'OF I "L -M,',:ff-fatiM . TIE subscribei bai removed 'his Boot and Shoe store into the building recently occu piedby - Messrs Bentley and Read, Public Ave.' nue, first above the . ' Post Office. ;Where, not. witlitiandingpo '' - ulixi3d state of polities, the stringency or the motley market; the 1" Dough . atinthins" Rail - Road Monopolies, dick-O.Lant ern inducignents, and the great dronghth, as ono' extreme follows anothOr, in all huinan probabilip tv shill hafif a cold winter. 9 In viers of this state of things thhsubacriber begs ilemte to say that he is preparld to meet the wants of the Soot& Shoe wearing 'public, with good and sub. letantial 'varieties of Boots ¢ • Shoe's of Eastern oifl me _ 'Manufacture, warranted equal (if not better) - than any offered in this market. His ' stock embraces a general' variety of Ladies and Gdnts wear. Consisting in part of. Ladies Snit Lisipta, Pat. Fox lied Gaiters, Silk Lasting Congress Gaiters, Fiends Kid Congriss Gait. • ters,MorroeoVaiters Ladies lifarshall ! Ties, City Arlie' Bronzed Buskins, Enm'ld Buskins, Kid Buskias, Pat. Leatlir Buskins, MorOceo Lae* Boots, Calf Lace- Mots Enam'd: Bias, Fur Hiund Buskins cfc Misies Silk Lacing Pat. fo.riGaiters, Co/ored Gaiter/10041f Lice Boots, Lace Boots, Jenny Lipai Kip Skkms, Oa/. drens Gaiters, - Button Shoes, Anele Ties, Pat. — Vamp_ Fiench Buskins, Calf and Kip Shoes, .3,41 s' -French bay, Kip. and Stoga Theta, Calf Enra2; - "Kp and Cowhide Brogs i Bo'S Thick find Alp Boots,.Youth's Boots, Thick , land .Kip, and Pal. Leather shoes, Vic., Rubbeis and Sandals a general assortment. fisongds, Sparablea,lThread, Wax, Steel Nails, Pegs, Tacks, Bristles, Heel Ball; Boot Webb, Hammers, Pincers, Shoe Eniveis,Edge Blacking, - ~ G oat and Galoon Binding, Water Proof Black. 'lag, Paste Mocking, Gum Arable, Grain Tragac. &nth, Edge , Brushes, awl , Hafts, Pegging and *Wiwi &wl Blades, &e. LEAIZIOL: /Wanda by - the side or pound, to suit ens. Itomers. • The public are invited .to Mill before pd' iiising elsewhere. Customers MO rely isp vii getting what they bargain tor, and that is brtte; than they can do in °Some places." If theibuy Eastern wOrk,they am be adeomodatO }with enilkood an article as , can be folind in this market. - prefer hOme manufacture they : caul:live it withogt being dminbeged.l At.t kinds of ttrork made to order and warranted. ' Repair. tag dotihon short notice. rTiaizitcr. for - past favors, he bop by strict atitenfioa-to business, to merit a eon %MUM* of the Brost. - 1. • ' :C. simmoNig. P.S. _ in Montrose; at Whith timethe enbseijiber having met with a great less, in fact he lost his ;awl, he Wrinkistayto tholes indebtigl tohinx,"either by • Note -orllcrok- ni:6:)unt, the the *on nowt be . settled without fuliher notice. Yours; dim; --C. M. SIMMONS. - Moittitiseaan. 1, 1856. 21. 'A , ..B,Aio' :Chance -to - Buy . Goode „ • esp.: : j, -et- -'-1c.,-eiltionir being desirous of elos. 1.7 s ingintbess Ai the purpose of leaving in the opting takes this method ,of informing his onstomors and the public genet•lillyAhat he will reit hii stain stdek of Goods at ens; for_eash or road, pay. No credit -wilt be given after this tlite. 113 OrOuld say to , thoSeladebted to-him, either by note or. book seeount, that the same itrast-he eisttled Immediately, wiut further . notice.; - lb Aso . offers for $314 and finery, store Am dwe l ling - houses, and theappertenan ,iees therewith, together with' , . 32 acres of land. Al.ll. .aisith iriiihe'iold 040. - f t , . ' // licolibtovn i Ps, Id.' 10, 18111.-4 f. - - , ~ — ,*l, ,:.--- - -.- 4.• •I 1 '.. L 2-4-. .';' Aa4 till 11net, VIM/ to A eveo meek. j Old Banta Clans is - 11 :0 0 0 - 2 witi'lbo!tall alleritNew Years, so please-prepare - for him bytegnai at the Post offr.- WaerA.3lol, l3 :lPst 2 04) olltoktoblitif and Onernibtkak4 eteap.- - -1 :1. ,il' 1 -- = , , Thithiiiter44ol4, 4 4 7 .1 ;nwersatious around the Capip Kate W AW to Will and to Do, Teu t :Yeara zsmoogithe :Mail Bags, Family , i t ..,....,......gnLs4O ,Lifo ea the road or Claude Dint lize.,.Pitrit ,unthW, taw Mira sal Ilistiry and si ft boats, 1040, Crowen and Itides..New Cook books:' nle.oo luny . oth ers I cia(*ibutioh here, but OW VOW _thou to you if*S;i4l . eall, sad sell throw low for the ~. -' - l' .N.lltilLASk 11.etttetni Den. J,241, 11155 i 4 4 — • . , 1 , . - NEW- Groceries, Drop, xx ; Vial* - Oils, Glass, ;mateTUlßEL44lrials fsE lig_llll l / 2 ' * 4O at, ' A - 'NEW 4 T BELL TIN, lama Awl IS, well isetotisitipt or. %Vml,-Ilast ware jest reseli4W- * lot Of Teas which we &repelling ebesio; - OATB-wanteikst-50 eeista Osrliasliet tilt or tride by`.,,-BELL,AcTINGLEY. Jl3pltaitote , Dee. 14, 143t115F - AYER'S Inv - tarhuttlielkk Wintifittat kerer befort..kneva of. oy Dieitcfee. . 104 ‘ JULES 11AUCL. 'Ear.; 04-'l,Ol known , perfumer,wf Cbestaut. Of" • (b* Pew ° are bled* a t era te il e t o - • L .". " f am bap; w"" to Say tif"ycui 'hiss, that I" ' "pas found thaws a better Camay mertkinv:rre , • kw, tbawfray other within wyknowkdge. Ilan of sly Mends have thaliud marked berießuttiow d co . Imelda with we In believing that; they pumas astmonlinary virtues br driving out disarms and cueing the "I are not oat, effectual, but safe and pleasant to be taken Ipaiikke which Inner nuke them valued by the Public, ; when they are known," The venerable Maratha WARDLAW wrltU Doak Bel. thaw*, 15th April, 1&541 • • "Da. J.G Arse— 8Ir: I blow lath . your Plils with • ;grant benell i V he e iiwlessammi,langoor; loss of appetite, and !Atkins , whirl has of late years overtake. Me In the A few dosei of your Pills cured me. , I ban used ,Cheap Peewit arany pan sly fa •kr eonewtand raids with unfailing masts. You tusks swathes whkb ears ; and I Awl it s i pleasure tn entanwnd you for the good you and done and are doing." , JOAN P. BEATTY,,Eaq., See. of the Penn. Itailthal • MI I • "Pa. MR. Oda, Pkaadelphea, Dec 13,1333. "Mr: I take ple edicin asure. - hi adding my testimony to the • ellicaey of your mes, having derived very material henefit from the use of both your Pectoral and likithartie Pitts. lam never without diem in my' family, morbid! t ever consent to be, while my means will porcurro then r." The stall renowned 8. B. iIITNENS, M. D., .1 Went. , wrath, N. H., writes: . I "Having need your CATIFIIIIIMC VILLA 111 my rosettee, z :certify (mu emirietaie that 'they am an invaluable purga tive. liceasee of Mionierrd functions of the liver, causing headache, indigestion,. enetivenese, and the groat variety et diseases that follow', they are a ever,retuedy than any other. 'ln all cases where a purgative remedy no recjuired, 1 confidently recommesid three 'Effie fir - the :public., as nuperior to,any other I have,evei firtuld... They waving in their operation; and 'perfectly safe—qualities which make them an invaluable article for public um: I have fur many years known your Orrery Pectoral as the hest Cough medicine. in the world ; and these Pith -are in no 'vise inferior to that admirable preparation for the treat , moat of diseases." 41retat, Xr., Nov. 115, 1853. • MIL J. C. Area—Dea r Ell( t have been afflicted from ink hirth with scrafula in im wont form, and now, lifter twenty years , trial, and an untold of amount of stifferinc,i. have bent completely Cured in a few weeks by your PHIS. With what- feelings of rejoicing I write eatt only be imagined when penalize What t hues aufered, and how " Never undnove have 1 been free front this loathsome disease in some shape. •At times it attacked my eyes. and made me almost blind, besides the unendurable pain ; it Veen it Settled in the scalp rimy bead; and destroyed' my hair, and Nu kept me partly bald all my 4 days ; sometimes :if came out in my fan, and kept it for months a raw pore.. " Ann( ntne.weeks ago 1 commenced taking your Ca; thartic Pills, and vow am entirely free from the complaint. _ My eyes an scellow skin is fair, and my hair has com menced a healthy growth; all of which makes me feel already a new person. . —• • ' Moping this statement May be the means of conveying inkausttion that 011111 do good to others, 1 ant, with *rely sentiment of gratitude,' Tann, Scc., MARIA BICKER" "I hay. known the ahoy. earned Maria Ricker from IhistAladbood. and her statement is strktiy trite. • . ANDREW J. IitEERVII, • • - • Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Can Varr. JOEL. PRATT, of Ibe ship Marion, !rites hum' • • Boston, 120th April, l 8 i 1 : . ' " Year Pill* have cuted'ene . ftell a bilious attack which Moss from derangement of the Liver, w hick had become very serious. I had failed of any relief by my Physician, and front every remedy I could try ; but a hew doses of our PiUs have completely restored me to health. 1 have given them to my childten fur warns; with thebese.ef -6=6" They wens tumidly cured.. I recommended them to a friend fur costiveness, which had troubled him en • Months ; be told me in a few days they had shred him. You make the best median* in the world ; and am fees Mmy so." - I ' Mead this from the distinguished Solicitor of the Supreme . Court, whose brilliant abilities 'have node him well known; not only ii this but the neighboring States. " -Vele Or/sins, sth 4yril, 1854. ti Fir; I have gnat satafactkm in assuring you that myself and. family have been very much benefited by your medicines. My wife wee cured, two years shut!, of a .ten.aai dangerous .congb, by your Culture Pacrosat., and since then has enjoyed perfect health. My children have several limve'lamn cured from attacks of the loan. arm and Croup by it. It is an'iamilirable vetoed) - for these complaints... Tour carrreavic Ytua have entirely mind me from a :dyspepsia and mistivenees,. which . has Stowe upon me kir some yeam,-. indeed, this' curs is much mom important, from the feet that I had billed to Set relief .Dom the best Physicians Which thissection of the country • afford*, from any of the utunewars rearm • dial had taken. I - --. ' " You seem to us, Doctor, like a pinvidenthil blessing to our family, and you. may well amiss we an , not un mindful of. it. . Yours respectfully, LI:AS . IIT TOAXTEIL" ". &mete Ckesni oAis, Apra fah & 1854. " fla. 3. C. Aria —llort4ed Su er, : I have made althor- Ink trial of the Cavalierly Pius, left'Dte by your age . or, OW have been cured brithero of the dreadful Rheumat ism under which he founii .!tue suffering. %The ,firat dose re lieved ore, and a few: eidasequint doses have entirely , removed the "ease. I feel in better health now than for some yam hefore; which I attribute entirely to the effects ofyout Cavarairic Pais. Y(41111 with great respect. LCCICS METCALF"'. The alive are all frt4ri peraonirwlin are publiclykimirru where they reside, and Itorho would oat wake the 's. state ments without a thorough conviction Marlin were true. Prepared by DR. J. C. AYER. & ?radical t,ad Analitical Chemists. Lowell. Mass • • • NEW GOODS - CHEAP • AT a iv: MOTS" S. • - UST received a lot of New Goode, such as De J Panel. Bagilk Paranettas, Persian, Al paeas Gingham., Merinos. Punts: and -Shawls, in fact *general assortment of Dry ''Goods which will be w.ld low - • • • - WANTED-ks, Eggs, Batter,Lard,Cheese, Flannel, ikc - .; any quantity in exchange for Goods at cash prices. • • If . C. W. MOTT. Montrose,Srpt. • 14.55- • , Will Fish Bite ? • 1 THEY will if you use the fishing apparatus sold by Phyfe & Knowlton, 3 doors east of Chewing° .ridge. IA new lot, just received by 'Express. Call and !examine their lare assort-. meat. Hooks, Lines, Reels, Poles, Snells, Arti.: fiCial Bait,'.&c. PIIYFE &KNOWLTON. N. B. It is currently reported that FiA, in. this section of cOuntry, will not be caught with; other Tackle than that soltrat the ; above esta'b lishment. • Binghamton. Aug.ll : 1855. - A dAitz' nyFE, & KNOWLTON would , most re - spectfully call c t , he attention of purchasers to &large assortnie t of. HARDWARE just re ceived and being daily increased by arrivals from different manufactures.- Having purchased at prices lower thanAlinse for which articles of the same quality have been offered during -the five past years, they areenabled to make quite duction frsm• their 'former very reasonable de mands, to offer both town and country trade in ducements superior to those of N. Y. atents. Binghamton Aug. 14. 1855. . Fresh arrival" of Nesv Gisodi mt DICKFRMANSIL GARRATT'S -1 • THE subscribetei would respectfully` inform 1 the good people of Susquebnas Co.. thail they are now opening their stock of Fall and! Winter jGoods Whii7h is"-unusually large and at. l :tractive all• of which will-be sold for . cash or approved credit cheaper traVian be bought 'di any other establishment in he eoanty Wa mean just what we say. Pleaseglve - us a trial,' • , DIGKERMAN dz. GARRATT7S.. New *llford, Sept. 181110855.:: ' . . , ArIUT Nails and Spikes . —Biionten,• Parker', 11 Wills And old colony, at - PEITTS & Knowviox's. Binglisuitsn,Nl4%, 1855. Tait and Winter Goods.' TIE subscriber would say to the public. that be husjust received.a general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods which, he offers to 6811 verrioet for ea ch or . produce. 1 - • •1. 11013FGAD. Prleedsville. Nee: 3, 856-4514 11011,:sitA130L13—latest styles At r _ vv.mtYrrs. Jane 13. QIOTER WARE.--A large lot of silverForke, 0 of all sizes ; also, Table,. Dessert and l'4M SpOonikjust finished and warranted n.A. good is coil, by 1 - A. J. EVANS. f Ace, 29. , QEWING BIRDS, some very Antic for e . Ik7 *heap by, ' A. J. EVANS. I. NEW GOOD8i; mat VirEßli is now receiving a ie. ea 131.1 • ply of GOODS,iticti will be aoldchesp fermis*: , , 1 11000 et 11411'0 - • _lttet Received_ va . Nrodatar Biota sad Leather, tad by Re -tbse4siai than greyly -. . —Broablya„:1)84:1c:111411. '" ; . . Modica°, Jan. 16,1806. • • 1 10111 E 118) D 11 111EPAR IVFN• -C(YL Yes! whole cOlomq and., RintitiOff -R - Eilltn And becomesatisfied, that a wilote column is neeinasiy, to make known thegrnat , attractions and Inducements held oat's° purelmaers: to ex. amiiie oar NEW AND.MAGNIFICENT stock of, , Ilardwarei Crem6kierb POreel aII a, China ware Glass-ware;llCitiCks Bird Cages, Briolimes, Gamin, Marbleized. Iron Man. ties, eic.. &oy &c., This . leek' being Opened by As; at our new and • ' • beantifal stand, • 2 Doors East the eanal, Court Street, BINOITAM TOAV, y., -- , 33t13 OT nat.,- READ 44VD•BE CONVINCED .That like inducements to . parehasers, far sur mise anSlhing heretofore ' gtven the Public in this market, in regard to our CROCKERY " Edwards White Granite Wares," in particular. , _' • • REAR" HEAR ! HEAR! t! " A SAVING OF 25 per cent," to ipurchasers may be made by buying ," Edward's Ware."— 'Why 7/ Because they are one, third finer, heavi er, stronger, and the , sizes rster, than any other Wares made, and they will. not "Craze or Fire grack." ,Warranted so, as all the large Hotel and Boariaing Housekeepers in our: Cities and large towns will testify, fur :they will not and db not use any other -mires. , • : . • AND REMEMBER ' • At our standalone can you find an assortment ot these Wares:.. They coat as more, _our prof its are less, than if we' pursued the course of Other dealers in the light: and fragile Wares of the the day. Our motto is• - . 1 QUICK SALES, LIGHT kROFITS, AND GOOD GOODS" • REMEMBER Wesell them as low as 'the [wile wares of the day have-ever been sold. FRENCH CHINA. - A splendid assortment, of •all the new and beautiful designs and decorations, Of " Tea. ware; China Vases Tete a Tete setts, Candle sticks, - j The astonishing strength, and beautiful trans parency of "AMERICAN PORCELAIN" _are too well known for further comment: I GLASS 11 7i TAR.E "CANT BE BEAT" of the best Flint Glass, ao doz. beautiful Goblets, from Is. 6d to 2s 6d, each; 100 doz. Tumblers, a tip top article for r.; 20 doz. Fluid and Oil Lamps,of every style, fine assortment of "Solar Lamps." a great va riety olGlass Dishes, covered and uncovered,on and off foot, SpoOn Holders: Pitchers, Salts, .Butters, Sugars. Creams, Molasses Cups, Nap &e.&c. " Don! fail= to notke byfcir the most iMpor lantßrakeh of our Business," tkat it HARD WARE Consisting of Building Material, Carpenters Tools, Agricultural. Implements, and genera House furnishing Goods. TO BUILDERS. • ° A good Mortice or Rim Lock , with Porphry Knobs and-Screw's complete for 35.; a good Mortice Latehovith Knobs &c. complete for 24. I The Knobs mentioned, warranted three times as strong as the Mineral Knob, and not to loos - - en from the spindle. The" Phoenix Sash Lock," a superior article ho springs to get out of order, cutting away the Sash less, and can be •put on in ohe half the time Of any other in use, from 6s. to .8s per doz.' " WONDERFUL" - And'orice,mo* But would you believe. it, s " BLIND Burr os lima," complete in all its parts,,enablin,g you to open or close your Blinds \ without opening 'gout window, and that with the greatest ease.— A new invention of J. C. Robie i of Binghamton.. It will well repay a visit to our establishment to alone. ANOTHER WONDER. Carved Wood work of every. .description con sisting or Capltals for Col Minis, and. Pilasters Cornices, Brackets, Newells and 'Bannisters for Stairs, Circles, akz, Sic., which [we 'can furnish jto Builders a better article, and at prices much less than , they: can manufacture them, a fine lot lof , samples ean be seen 'at our rooms. / ON HAND,' 1 A full assortment of Boonton' Nails, the beet k wide. at 5c Wrought and Strap Hinges, Blind rand Door Butts. Screws, Gate Fasteners, Locks, Bolts, &c. PORCELAIN" Door Knobs very low,Escntcbeons,Door Plates, ,Wardrobe Hooks, 4rx, • • ' MARBLEIZED IRON MANTLE PIECES. IliNly• ornamented,' articles of great utility, in many reSpects superior to Marble, mid at half the cost; all sixes, with , and without Grates, &Rs., from $l2 to $lOO each. • -TO CARPENTERS. • Our stock of Planes, Chisels, Saws &c., as complete as money, time, and devotion to this PARTICULAR. branch ours can - mike it and Prices as low, Spear & jacksons, Butchers and other sulks of Saws,of all lengths and kinds. The. best make of planes the world affords, such as Benson and Crandalls, John Reids, _&c. in all their varieties, Cast steel Angers and MI T ger Bitts, concave and graduated, from 8c up wards, Firmer, Socket,Turners and Paring chits els with and without Handles- Xraces and Bitts, late improvements from $4 to $l5, Stubbs dould e tut Taper Files, the gen uine article, warranted to do the work of 4 or dinary Files, and if once used will . never be sbandened.' Maydoles_Hamaiers, Mortice Gua va, steel Squares,- Pocket Rules, Scw Setts; Patent Auger Handles, Saw and Plane: Handles ar.c.; ate- • • CLACK AND WATCH REPAIRING.' .f.• ' By a very superior workman, neatly and promptly done, Clock material, Guards, Chains, Keys, die.,'alwaya on hand. ' lee Chicks just received, which for extent, real worth,heauty ordeslgn, superior:finish and ley prices never have been equalled in this•see tion of country,., Wood, iron, .Poreelain, Glass, ,Weight, Spring; , Alarm, in fact every style from. ate..up , tp- slo,•and every, clock- warranted" to eepgispd time one year.. beautiful. - . • . A - New Ar r rival Pf these ui lap. C injyt7tPlslLatttweelitefliredslirseathe and led State% and a mud better article,than is ussallyseld, from $l, to $lO. , .- , _ To Spweininiewm.•Pistols,Revolvers,Pow. der, Shot, Lead,,Flaski, something. nice, Wad Cutters, Melting Ladles, Shot Pouches and Belts; Fishing Tackle, etc., always on hand. 'To - Iliwasekeepers..Plated Tesk and Table - sponns, Poilta, Satter Kni.ves, its ,Plated and Brittanli Tea Setts, of 6 pieces each, from $8 to slso,Teapots,CotTee pots, 10 dos. fluid and Oil Byitanta LamPs,-100,dos.`Table Knives sa d Forbr,the largest assortment In town. Jappaned Thioware, from a Nutmeg 'Glider pp to a Battl rn b , MeatSutters, Ap pts- Parer*, Coffee - ' 'Sere* Ce Poppers, N u t crickets, Egg Toasters, Beef steak 'Minis; In fart everything you need. - - , ' THREE THINGS ' , , . Ts be liessombemoollo...l4 our terms are tilib Mid One= _ gd. Qiir, Goods are insulted as represented. Ariythhig ne euary 116' build and furnish A boas., please sodilastruet,,gis youth, middle Aged, s, grey headed. earths found at SHEPARD BROTHERS. - , SALAMANDER - SATES. VVANS & WATSON, N0..26 _ ---, - ..1;; ;; ••=— : %LI eserith: tourth et., Ph i lad. • 1 ,:e. , c; .',Z. i ' GREAT . FIREICHESTNUT, f f ii - FIFTH bht., Friday. _morning, ,•-=-,... , tieterribilt 15th; 1854; Drunk & Watson's jSalanuinder • SaVs ' tri umphaistots they always,ire when pif to the tect Pnit.sq'snis, Dec. 15, 185.1.. . .Messrs Efans S. Watiiou, Not 26 South Fourth - St., Philadelphia. .. • . ? - .. _._ . . . .Gesimestass: We iikfte mucitAleasure n rec. ommenditig - ,your atlentaii—diesares'iro 31,,,.dientil and others in want of a iodine means of preserving their boots; papers, &44, frordfire, as the one we purchased from you at; ut setien months since has preserved our'books, k ' d cash in. as geed a condi tion as they .were whets - put into it, before the great fire this mornin4.which deetroyed the en tire blade of bud i ings dinner of Chestnut and Fi ft h streets.= The boveiwas in use in , oar office, on the second fieer.of out building, from which place it fell lute the cellar aid remained there until the fire was out, The sate was then :.removed and opined in the presencie of et haat 1000. persons, who Witnessed the golxl condition °l i the contents. Will you please havejthe Safe, and Locks repaired at we intend to pat iti in use again, having perfect confidence in its fire-proof qualities. . . :yours,' Respectfully, - . f LACEY S. PHILLIPS. , . Evans and Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who heve their safes in use:-1.1. S. Mint, Philed.t.; Farmers and Mechanics' Bank -Philada.; Samuel Allen, Esq., High. iftheriff IPhila.; John N. Henderson, City Controller; Citeb Cope 4- Co., No. 183 Mar ket St ; Richard Norris and Son; Locomotive buil ders, Phillidir .;• Bancroft and Sellers, Machinists, corner lfith and Jetties Si..;Franklin Fire Insu rance CO.; Pulls.; Penn'a Railroad Co., Philade.; Lacer& Phillips, Cotner Sth and Minor Streets; Sharpies. Bro.. N0,:32 south 24 St.; James, Kent and Santee, No. 147 North Third, Street; W.ll. Ifortsmau - and So_nii, No. 51 North 3d St.; Smith, Williams &Co., N , o: 87 Market St.; J.S. B. Orue, No. 185 Chestnut 4. , -.A large assortin(mt of the above Safes always on hand.(warranted to stand l 0 per cent. more fire than any Herring's', Safe now iu use.) EVANS & WATSON, also Manufacture and kerp for sale, Iron Shutters, Irod . Doors andiron Soshi for mak.. "irig fire-proof Vaults for Banks, Stores, public and private buildings. i.Seal and Letter Copyin . Press es; Patent Slate reined Refrigerators, &c, Please give us a call, et No. 26 .South Fourth' St.:, phi la. deli .ia--15y1 i 4 . ' , • '• . .• . r NEW GOODS. MILLAN!&.. PARK return their grateful, 11.1. aoknowled4ments,to ate-public fi.r past fa i vor.s, and invite sitention to the very large stock fof Spring and .S :miner Goods they are now re ceiving, and' 'erifor sale at rery icor prices. In additio o their Usual assortment of staple. Dry Gouts, Grocerie4, Hardware, Crockery. Paints, a. 0:Is the' are prepared to exhibit a large .ssortment of 1 LADIES DRESS GOODS of every description, Figured, Plaid and Plain, Silks. Bonnets,Silawls, Ribbobs. Gloves, IFOilery' Ladies and Miss shoes of all kinds—:also a large stock of I . • READY MADE CLOTHING, • Cloths, Caisimelres, Tweeds, .leans, Summer Ciotti.% i Vestinds, Hats and s Caps, . Boots and Shoes &c. &c. . They respectfully solicit an early call from those who wish to _purchase GOOD Goons AT Low PRICES. . • , ,UeVLLAN & PARK. . Springville, May 2, 1854. . . DOct. Th a yer A MKES this 'method of saying to his friends' and customers that he has again resumed the .practice of Medicine at his, old stand in Mon. .w trese,here he May. be found at all times unless professionally employed. He Would say to those owing him on old Accounts that he will deduct 25 per cent. on all accounts paid before the first of April next, (or if any poor like myself,) I will deduct fifty. Montrose, Feb: 20, 1855-90 . C. D. Virgil, Dentist,lrs removed to a room over F. B. Chandler's store, where it will be his pleasure•to see las friends" as quielc - as possible." C. D. VIRGIL, Resident Dentist. Montrose,,Mai 2.•1855. NEW STORE, 41217) 522•71' ii•etZiZa AGENETIAIi assortment of Staple and Dry Goods, roeeries, Hardware, I lats, Caps Hoots snd Shoes; Wall Papirr, Drugs, Dye Stuffs, Paints awl Oils, 45c., which will be cheap as the:cheapest for Cash or approved credit by , • H. .11. JONES. Harford 'June 1, 1855. 1.1 LACK Grolie Rhine Silk of exeellent qunli -13 ties at { 11. M. JONES'. June I, 105.1 • • BROCIIA arid Cashmere Shawls, at all prices, also/ Mantillai by H. SJ. JONES. June 1,1855. R EADY Madi l l Cluthiag, at low tz k lz s. Juhel,lBss' ARIES will find a great varilety of Boniietb LI and Ribbons at, 11. 11. JONr.S'. June 1,1855. • AWNS, Challis, Barge - de Lains and Ging. LA hams at. H. 31. JONES'. Jane 1,4855.. ESIBROIDEIPES and Window Drapery at 11. BI.JONES'. June 1,1853. A good asoltwont of Boots and Shoes at H. M. JONES' June 1,1855. • Q IXTEEN lirs,44GootVlacke t rel for one lar in cash by 11. M. JONES. • June 1,1855. • . . •.. . mII beat quality of Nails at 5 it's per pound, for sale by IL Pd. JONES.. June 1,1855. T usT reeohing a fresh supplLef fine Ashton ft/ Salt at H.ll. JONES'. June 1;1855, - Terrible Accident, TIAPPENED to Mr. Green - the other day.- 11: He bad,bought a suitor readY-inade clothes at the Stole, and the first day's wearing the ac cident occurred, First, off drapt his coat-tail by the mere force Of specific gravity; giving to un fortunate man the apperance of a badly trimmed craft with; the' flying jib in the stern, and on 'stooping over to pink up the remnant, the dread ful casualty took place—the fountains of the great deep were broken tip—Green's pants were sundered front ink:e to waist, and Green himself seemed to be. • The only way to prevent such deplorable accidents is to•patronize &skillful Mi. lor, who makei up Ws work with a t determina tion that it shall not only. fit neatly; but weal well. Green buys at the clothing store because he thinks he ian get his gearing . a tittle cheapen In all brobability the pants 'that served him so treacherously had passed through a fever hosPi• tal, been striped from a cholera Patient, carried i home eight nigh ts in the week on a . ahutter, and t finally bleached -, and Tarried by an ingenious Frenchman for a market irr the country Take wiping by poor Green's mishap,\ and go to a tailor shop like Chat in the basment of Searle's Hotel if you wint to be suited. - Eir Cutting done'ss itinal, and all work war ranted. 4 -'. , -JOHN GROVES. Montrose Aug, 27,1855. .. The Kitow.NOthing Expose. ANY peon patronising me, at the " front ..upper rOorn of the Store lately occupied by M. C. Tyler Jean be accommodated according to to the Latest; Fashions, in thibest and molt ap proved manger. F - • My, work is warmted to fit if pi operly made. Cutting, melding and in fact every k.sinch of Tailoring dope int the shortest notic4lllnd that to the satiaNction of those concerned ..'.. • J. : ' . -Sawrran. - GOOD Ei9sui Cloth Caps.for '.3 shilliikt a qt BELL &TINGLEV-, Removal. . t 1. a :. : 4 an; Know Thysolf." ' 1 An Iseraliiisbir Book for 15 eeitts—. fk 1 eery ,;(amily" should . . hae e a copy )!. - - , , . . , /00,000, e OritS SIM:MIX .•.V. 0 11,114 I/ ; __WWII T ILA N A Yli.t a . A now •• • : oir -t, . aiii 1 d a . i i ics : !g just e on, rev se en „Inproved, 4,;zdt. ! , 704. jun tf,utid. ,•, . / -- 1 ....,. - ~• ' ''....- . ''''' '.'" '- , ': Containing .r : ' It'l n a ° : j outline t''ii t h e ca o l f li a t: al t. . • ' N. gb.,progrbees,troittnens ektutturs ... .e \\ • of every !form Of disease een '/.iini!! I! tlk‘ N • treated by proiniseuouss elms' intereourse,by self abuse orby sexnal , ,i - aesa, with *dries -for thel eprevention,written in a fauditarityla, avoiding all mediCalteiihiiiteiities, and everything thatwoutd offend the ear of decency; whiten outline of complaintslucident to Females, from the result of some, twentyyea rs• success. fiirettce exclusively devoted to tho curvet diseaseset a p e este or private nature. To which is added receipt sfor tIM cure of the above Ile eases, KV a treatise on the causes'ysymptatu s and core of the Fevep , andAgue:l . , Testiotitny of the Profeesororob. tetriese'rt Penn . Conegst Philadelphia—"Dlt. llUNl'ltit'S MEDICAL MANUAL," —The author o.t his work . unlit elite majority oirthese 1 who advertise to cure the diseases 01 ehich it treats is a 1 graduate aline erne beet Cone t .ces i n thin finitcdStateS. I It affords me pleasure to recommind blur to the Onforto. nate, or to the victim of in:Orilla e successful and .exp•lrienced whose honor ands itegrity they may place the greatest confidence. JO3. Si LONOMIODX, M D. From A. Woodward, At D . of fen.' itrniietiiss,Phtlo delpho.—ll given me - plc.:inure to add my ten Woolly to 't he professional ability of the-Author of thei : . Al s otos it Sits. CAL," Numerous cases of llineae (Advil Gen ital 0 rgans, acme 01 them of long Manding, 11 ve come under my nti tlce,in which his skill has been manifest in restoring to puree' health - , in some rAFel.w,Aafp. the 'pattetit has ,been considered beyond medical aid. In the treatment ofSem- Inal weakness. or disarrangetnent oft he functions pro duced by sclf abuse or Ekeess of veneiyi I .do not know hi. superior In - the profeisiou. have !been' acquainted with the Author some thirty years. and ; deem i t no more thatijnetice to Its well as kindness to , he unfortunate victim of early i seretidin, to renommend him as one la whoa. professional nkill and. integrity :they may safely . confide themselves. ALFREWisODWARD,M. D. " Thisis, wtthont exception, tie moil comprehensive and Intelligible work published u the.elatts of di .of 1 . which it treats. Avolill'ng all to linimil :termit .1 t addiens-, esitself to the reason °rite rea. ern . It is free from all. objectionable matter. and no pa ent hOwever fastidious, ' can °ldeate piscine it In the lotlidy of . bin sons. The au thor hardevOted many poird. to t le treatment of the earl. nuticomplalntn treated .4 and. wilh ion. little breath to per and too little presumption do tra poke, he has offered to the world. a. fly-merely nominal prig-of 25 cont.=, the Pratt of some twenty yearetuost succei.sful praetice." Herald.l i . . . - " so teacher or parrot shout dbe with.iut the : nowledge imparted ID thiniiivaluable work . It ivii old save year.eof ! painmortlllealion,and4nrrow. to the s ylouth under their cha.ile."—Prople's Adiverite... • ' 1 - 1 -A Presbyterian elem Ohio I , yman in 1 Writing of ""11un.,! I : ter'sM illical Manual" says : 'Thousands npon tlionn: - Hle of our youth. by evil example vigil influence of the; paselons, have been le4 into the habit of self poll*l o Uil without realiningtha sin and filarial .tionnequeneen aporil themselves and their posterity. pte,,itietitutions oil hoes-' audit wbo MT ?airing families have been - entechltNl, if not: broken doWn.,sni they do nntittiow thaamse or the cure.' Anyiblng that Can , he done sn to enliviiten and influence' the puldihnind os to check .and ultitt o ately to rentowethi* wide-spread source o f human wietehed,ness. wrould . confer the greatest bfeseitio nextto th . reliciinn.of Jesus Christ; on the present and e.ilainz von ration.; Inteinperanee(br the tine olintoxientine .irink.) i houch lt t han slairittiouv7 ands upon thounasida Jig not a Trentsc.lunce 'to thehu. man rare Accept nty.thonks on heltiilf Of the tallictet4 auil.hefiere rne,your co-worhe In tli 3 O,:good wort:you are an acticely engaged in." Q-neco PI (Aliontell mivalapo , 1 will tin forgrarded,freeof any.part (tithe if tliie.l State* for 25 cents. oi nix copies , for $l. A ddre. P. (pant:Todd) COSDEN &CO., Publi-hervoilitox I. l'hilatelphla..; i ' I WI" Itnottsellers,Canrassers had Beak Agenty :applied on the most liberal terms. f ,j, 2171 ' 1 Now Line of r l / 4 .- _ . A._ A " . 1 KIRKWOOD TONNTRQSE, ASTAGY: will leave Kiri l va end, arsingthsoari:Cor bett keine', Liberty,d - c.,overy n orniagatt ert-he arri •al ache .111111 trains ofearqpoth gastind Weet,reach nOlotttroacat 1, P.M. . 1 RETURNiNG, , • ' idayeeieepted) al2 P M. ' to take the Mail Trains 41 ;•ing the nearert arid moTt r York and Erie R. al !road . 1 ta iy 1 rila lorDimoCkSpring ig. lad Wit kcsbarre, which y Monday. irednerday and aviill,Lerayarill..&c.GoOd ftg•er . 'are provided Auld the r tootentrintodatalePub-, Mr K".. MATCH. 210.1:0 AN &WEST . •" LeseeSlontroeidslly,(Sift reselling KitkeloGoi n ttme Csre,both Eaet and West, 11, fessiblerontetoresch the Thle lineintersectss t rl-Kt etlle . ,•runkhannork , Wyomi leavesliontrose st 7 A M eire . Alsootline•o Frien Tearro and eomfoitablek.larr ProprietorewlllApare nop:9 lie. - Sep.l2,W4. REM KEELER & STODI map be found-in th e H Oft Notwithstandit pidity with which our st " went Off" on the morn hare soine oh hand, an/ again._ : KEF.I • Montrose,•Noiember, • . _ - Broch© riIIEAPER than ever ful patterns, and 6 Shawls, Lupen's tuanuf. Oct. 11• . Sh T J ON G and Square, very handsome sty prices.' . Oct• 11 • Attention t.. : Home. .. ~ THE UNDIGIL.S.IrGIIED would.respeet: fully inform the citiienS of Ditnock and the surrounding countrY, that he has opened a store at Ditneek folfr eorners,l where he intends keep constantly on hand a good and well de. tecteiffissertrnent of Div Goods,'Groceriezi,Maid Ware, Crockery, and all kinds of Merch%ndit4, usually kept in a count ry ' store , which he wilt sell allow,if not . lowerl, than o nnyother establish ment in Northern Pennsylvania. Montrose net excepted. Gentlemen and; ;Ladies- give met a call, and examine my .htpek or Goods, and my prices. *You will save at leak some miles trav el and perhaps from ten to fifteen 'cents .on 'e' , 7- cry dollar you pay on: A good assortment of Ready Made clothing •ept constantly on hind. All kinds of County noduie taken in exchange for Goods'at the Market pride: • . I WM; H. THAYER.' ,' - .55.-3 4 k . Dittinek, Jim. 15, 1 MORE Mai' . 80010, ... • The lifolidnignre Coming. 1 ust in. ( Call at the Posterlice and gets you I t) a new Book for la holiday present. The. Old Homestead, Geoffrey Moncton or the Faith less Guardian, Scenes' in the,practice of a New York Surgeon, Doesticki, The Widow Bedott ' Papers. Rose Clark, ( 'army F'ern's New Book,)• Caste, Remarkable ,'army of Celebrated persons. • Daniel Baer arid. the Hunters of •Ken tficky, also lots of 'Miniature Gift Bsmks' for the little ones. I Come at Last,+-Profr.Stodard's Series of Arittrmeties, the last in use, by the dez, or. 'sin gle, Sandoliii New Spellingßook &e: &e. MANACS end DIARIES for 1856 all styles and sizes, even Poelc et Mammies for the Ladles. LAW BOOKS : --A new supply Just received, Pardons Digest comPleteto 1855,—besides lots of other nice things tno numerous to mention, and all for sale at the 51datrose Post O(Uee, BY A. N. BULLARI). Alontrose,Doc.lB,lBss. : •'' LOOH HERE. . voctEr KnvEs.--IA g apd inksortment of the best kind in market r A 1.40 Table . Knives and s: • Forks:- . ! • • .I Srooss.—Su.vEn,.Silver Platcd,Gerrnan Silver. m Aibrata and Britaa.ware , Spoons. Also , all., kinds of Butter Kni4s. STRINGs, rcsws, and all the , fixtures, Violins, Accordeonv rites, Tuning Forks, &c. ' Ft.= Luaus, Fluid, Caraphene, Candles, Lamp. Oil, die. :. ..FAMILY GuocEntis.—A f s ull assorttuent, no and good. , DRUCIS PATENT MEDICI:MS.—A first rat( assortment, and genhine. . ; PaisTsAllDOrt.s..—A general asssortment, and of good: qUality. ; JEWELAY.—A splendid variety, of the neatest "sterns. Parrett Goons.-- I -Nearly i '. everything id thia branch.' PERFWIERY.—A choice ,variety. (New supplies rr!eeived nearly every Week.), In short, nearly everything persons want, and , cheap, at the variety store ; of • ; • . 1 p A.TURRELL. Montrose )858,- ,DISSOLUTION. THE Co partnership heretofore eziating be, swoon E. Pulrick and G. Z. this day dissolved by mutual - content. The b oo ks sre left in the offie.e of Dr.- Patrick, and D. D. Searle hi authorized to collect and settle the accounts. E. PATRICK; JR. , 1 G. Z. DIKOCK.. ' Malitigail Pan ail Stages VAG. ARDlsinee the latefire-, BAS6fENT OF SEA:RLE . s: g the :unprecedentedl4l. sdr of Boots, Shoes,ke, ng.of the fire, wo still Oral :soon he supplied ER & STODDARD.: 113, 1854. • hawAs• before known, Meioti c quality 'of 8-4 Broche (Aire, at *7. , • - . U: B. & Co.! WiS•l_ ' 001, Broche and Sills., "' and at extremely low U.-B. & Co. ' _Australiai - California, Or a nyplace on At Globe t cannaj presentrealeri irichterklents than • - ; :HEELER STOLSDARD't j. BOOT Ali' SBOE STORE.' "" UICU is now JONI& h- il ' ew z and eiten. V • sire assortnittit of 'article! In their line, ambriri t iug; a ge uerul 7 vainly. of .arw and eligazit *WO of Ladies and' Gontletnen's wear, among which_are Ladies French.-Silk Lasting and-Pre. nille Oiriters, - Rid•ind Enameled Palkas i eKid Pat ant . leather. a tad, nz ed Jenny yl..intliwz Buskins and "ries; French, and Philadelphia oak;tatincit pat skin and kip Boots, Congress and button Gaiters. Monteriy and Washington Boots, toilet Slips, Morocco, calf,, and Cowhide Bro. ' lan*, &O. Boys kiNealrandcowltide Boots and :Brogans; all kindnof Misses and Children's wear. Also, a. general assortment 9 f Findings, which con sist in partot lasts, pegs, 'parables . . Hungarian i nails,tanks, thriad, *Bristles, shoe binding, lawls rasps, saridstoneryshoe knives. i cvtk and '•ietnloCk tannedcalf upper and soleleathi •isr,VMorticco -skins and- linings. - - Work Made to ordrrand re pairingneatfy &no . KEELER 41. STODDARD. Montrose, inns 1.1853:. • • Stoves:Staves!! Stores::: TllE,subseriber wishes to call the atte.ntioni f hi 4 friends and the Public to his very large assortment of • . , .. STOVES, • -•- at his new Store Rooth in Lodersville; next to L. S: Lenheim's Store, and near the Great Bend Depot..! He has in addition to his former large variety ..of Cooking and Parlor Stover!, limey new Patterns, some of which are— • - . - st 1 4 4chotaii.. Peitch psanch, l fir* - Mod*r n Troy. • . Mohawk, MedrAtiws, Black - Warrior, Orient, " Oak,. . . • " ;. • • - Egt Stove,.: • Whichtogether *yrith his former stock be* perhapS the rilesa extensive and varied assertment of well selected Stoves iri theS'ountk. : ' * * * Clinton'Stoves well forniished at low prices * All artiels in his line kept on hand=And made to order as ownal , And orders received at his old stand in* Great Bend. - • 1.: • JOIIN COLSTEN. Loderxville dz. Great Ilcnil Nov., 1853.—;-tt. . . • • i • B fi ffalci Robes. • . ALARGE lot of handsome. Robes a porti or . 'them whole,indian dressed, grid very Sup erior c olors and qualitk.. ' •U. 8..& Co. Gibson, Oct. 11. 1854. i .• ..• , • WindOW, Sash... . • . SII. &D; S A BRE baring been appointed • agents fur an extensiye Sashh. Blind and DOor Manufactory are .prepared to - furnish . any artieleS'in this line at less rates, than, they have usually been Sold: ', . : , ,_. S , CREAM -an article which ,every marl eht;eld try, for sale by Dec. 4. : - • Raady:-.Madei Clothing, A VERY desirable stuck at very low- prices. • S. &D. SAYRE... Montrose, Dee...l - 4, 1854. Doctor Yourself : THE POCKET • RESCULAPIIIS: Or, Every one his own Physician mEIC.FIFTIETiI Edition, ii containing One hundred z :ngravings,ahowingDiseases ,nd Malformations of the Bu mp system in every shape nd form. To which is ad.. led a Treatise on'the Dia nees 'of Females, being of le highest importance to larriedpeople, or those con. Anplatingrnarriage. By William Young . , AL D; Let nofather be ashamed to present a cop} of the Aesculapius to his child. , It may save him from an early grave. , Let no young man or wo.' Man euterinto the secret obligations of inarriedlife Without reading the ror.ket•Aescilla pins. Let no one suffering from a hackiiied cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights. nervous - fe4Aings, and the.' whole trainof Dyspeptic mensatiOns,and given Atli hy their phySic, another moment withouteon. suiting the Al gSCULAPIUS..: 11 : avit themarried, or those abOut to be . inafried anyimpediment,read this truly useful book, as it has been the means Of saving thousanesofiinfortunatecreaturesfromthe very jaws of death. 11 Any person sending t wenty fi ve eintt en closed in a letter, will race ve one copy of this mall, or five copie will be scut for Otte Dollar. Address (p . * paid,) : • DR. Wn. you.N G., • • - . No. 15Z Spruce St. Philadelphia. • _ .April .Bth 185:5-140. . HOWARD ASSOCIATION, rmLADELrinA.- _ Important Antionneement. TO all personsafflicted w th sexual dtseasei, Snell as Seminal Weftness. Impotence ' O onnorhma , Meet, Syphilis ,&c.,lte. The Howard Aasociation 'of Philadel— phia. vii view of the awful.lestritction of hurcian life and health,_ caused by sexual diseases, spd the deceptions which are practieed upon the unfortunate victimsofsneh diseasesby Quacks,hare directed their cons uiting;g uivott as a Charitable Act worthykif their name, to.give Medical Adviee Gratis, ft) all persons thus afflicted, (Male of male)dto.,end in cases of extreme' poverty slid suffering. to Yurnl'h Medicines/ice:A Charge. The lleward As4ocialon i a a benevolent Institution, es tablished by special end regiment ,for the reliefof the sick and distressed. afflicted with" Virulent/sod Epidemic Dia eases,". and its funds ean be used for no other purpose It has now tesurpins of means, which the Direetars have voted to advertise the above notice. It is nevllitss to add that the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treatment- . Valuable adricegiven to sick and . nervous fe male& &filleted with altmleal - weakness, Womb Com , Costiveness. Lent rrlicea;4'. Address' (post-paid,.) Dr!. Geo. R. Calhoun . . Consulting Burgeon, Coward Assoelaiion,No. 2 South Ninthitiket, Philadelphia. Pa. I By Order of the Directors I).IIEARTWELL, President. GaO FLiacnitu,Seeretary . ' , . 22y1 i Plated Ware. , • JST received a large lot ,of Plated Ware, Consisting of cake baskets, Castors, Imperi al and Chamber Can4lestieks. Tea Setts, eon sistihg of six piee , :s e;rtra. rich ; Cups and Gob lets I; also, Brittania Ware, viz :- T setts, (four five and six pieces,) Tea ots, Coffee Pots, Can dlestieks, &e. As trio subieriber has made ar. iakiements with the manufacturers or the above goods. he is enabled_ o furnish ;the - newest pat terns at the lowestp ices, and also to supply his Customers with ext Or single pieces, of any ticld in.the above li ... A: - .1. EVANS, r i ti, . I No.2. Odd Fellows' Hall. ! Binghamton, Aug. 29, 1855. i • , , • , BALDWI, PERKINS- ' & i Tholesal e and Retail doalersiii Flour, set, Pork .11I0ii, Gram.. Feed ,Oandles, and solar malt forpnek tug Pork. Cash paid for Oats, Rye and Meat.- On rheeuntStreeL—Eikstend of LyonsisChan dleis store, SlontlosePa - ' ; - • 1 ALFRED BALDWIN 1 . '' SILAS" PERKINS. - Montrose Oct. 311,4855 - .44., - . i. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS , • , - T- H. DE PEU i f l;ould call the attention' of tho public. to ,his large stock of Three Pip, Velret, Tapestry, and Brussels Carpet' ings which he has j' •• stpurchased:at Ancrzort-::•:i and offers at lovieri prices than ever offered be; fore in the countr4 and aAirgs variety, filling MS Spacious Carpet Room occupying be second floor of his 'Crockery and House' Furnishing store. Como and he conyieced that there Cg no necessity forbaregoors: - - •'- ' L ; .J 4 -1, DE PEU: Dinsthamton,4o,Sept.;l4Bs:v; ILVER WARE.—Marge Inter silver Forks, sp9ons, Whin: Napkist Riot* die.; just.fin ialied and for salo by L EVAxs. July. 11. T • c,vid Chaint of all sreilehtst.. , - .Patterns. : House Builders Depot for Susque hantutVoutsty, nt New 'Milford. UICKERHA dz. GARRETT are giving es. pedal atte ntion to; they imptevetnent cob templated In this'Coanty = the eomeing season. and now , offer a hOping,-hand,,by keeping 'eon. stantly" for sale a large roatitity of Window sash , find glass, Blinds4Tloors, Maths, Paints and Oily, And a complete assortment ofbnilditre. Hard Ware, t ko l L Thowr going to put up Howie* in the Spring will find lt for; their interest to 'eye os s We can furnish every "thing- yet want and at the very lowest manufsetnrin_g_ri eels. ' DRIKERMAN 4c;•Pitlia4TT. New Mlifordi rel 4. U 15% S. H. - & D. SAYRE. £OVTROSE DEMOCRAT. TrinautsWi'vror- inumstatskiiimio sr tuaisC , advaneels2,o not paid within six months ; and $2,.50,a t the txd ofthe yeas. No pp . .) klike;4lo oiled usiii Lo*rt at a; gee ure paid, , except at - the option of the l'nb. Halters. All eockmunicatienseanpected with tl o oflice,toinsureattention,tntiatte directed (fest paid) to‘E. B. CHASE,XnaoßtAliontnoie,Ens quehauna County, Pa. • Rates of Adverliditip; Out square (12 Hues orless) Binsertioialll4 0 ' Each suhaequetitinsertion;. . o,i'b Onesquare threolnonths, - . .-; 2,60 One square six, months, . ;'.. . 4,00 Business Cria,foor lines or less,'.; • .--. 3,00 , Yearly advertisements,uot osrer4 squares ,7,00 One colarriii one year, .. . . Yearly advertisers will be iistriet $t the business in which they aro engaged atidare aen. 'sidered as wishing to continue advertising nzli s e they shall give special directions fora`..,isacatin. nanee of the same.' • • ^ 1 ' - 4018 "VORK. lar The publishers bevintadde, o their Job' Printing rnaterialell large_knd au erior MOM. - ment of lob Type, are no prepa edto,eneente Job Work in , it Manlier nn u d in tlfti als. lion ofeountryond'onthemet reasonable le yrs Blank. ofoveride ep ion keptionstant iy on hand or printed to,order.• '6usintess BRYANTHOVISE, Great Bend Vepot, Pa. Atansois Bad ANT, PrOpriet.Or; R L R ItOVIrS, spnouT & co., 3lassufacturcrs of SITOU:fIiCOME rs ED CAR RIAGE SPRINGS,. Hughesville, Lycoming C0 . .,Pa4 Springs may be had of M. S.Witson, Montrose. Wm. W. SalTfir do Co. •• Cabinet and Chair Manufacturere, foot lyfaii -Street, Moptroae, Pa. , • Dr. H. . Surgeon' Dentist,, Montrose. Pa. will be a t Searles Hotel, Mondays and .Tuet:days of ea e _ - 15y1 . , IIIeNILLAN di PA Ay - • Dealers in Dry 'Goo4s, Groceries, Harda•sre Crockery, Boots-and Shoes, &c., Pa. . 18yi ' • . ;I LIVTLE:it.CHASE,. Attornies det Law—Office. formerly' °ors ' pied by Little & Streeter,-Montrose, Susque hanna. County, Pa. RALPH B. LIT.TLfiI A. J. DAVIS, . . ATTORNEY 'AND COUNSELLOR AT LAly.--SPITIR G. , ! hanna Depot, Pa. Office aver S. -13.'Weet'a Store:— - 1671 • ABEL TlURBELl*Moicraosz, PA. - Dealer in Drns,Medicines, Chemicals, Dye- Stuff - 4, Glass-ware,Peints, Oils, Varnishes,'Win dow Glass, Groceries, Paney Goods,' Jewelry, -; Perfumery, &c.,--and Agent for all of the 'meet riopulur Patent Medicines: JOHN' Fashionable Tailor—Shoikunder Searle& 110.0 ? Main Street, - Montrose,.Pal - JOHN. COLSTEN,. DEALER IN Stoves'Tin, Ccpper and. Sheet boil - Ware, Lodersville,near Great Bend Depot.-6tB , tathrop, DEALER Jr'i Ready-Made Clothing, that and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Dry,Geods, &e. Store opposite Searle'e Hotel, 'Montrose . C. D. LATnnop, and w . th J. P. W. RMEY, I . • [A. I..IITFIROP Dr. Merit H. DRUGGIST aid CHEMIST, and'Deajer ia Dunds t lfedicines,Chemicalp,Dye Stuffs Paints, Oils, Patty, Winslow GIBS; .Camphine Fluid, Perfumery, Yankee Noions,ske., 4e. Loderaville, Pa.--10tf. ' FRANKLIN FRASER, ATTORNEXIAND CtaINSELLOR AT LAW, Montrosai Pa., will attend faithfUlly to all -business en trusted to him in the county of SUsqiehanna. Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will be done neatly, and charge moderate. Be will also attend to the prosecntion.of claire' of se). diers, their widows and heirs, against the U.S. government; fer-Bounty Land, Pensions, &e. - May_ he . found at all hours at the office forMerly tiecupjed by LT: Richard, Esq., north of ;the Cou'reiflouse.--185.11049 , Me c.. Tux'', • Interested with I. L. Hunt, IMPORTER AND DEALER In Hard Ware and C‘t• lery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs, &e. No: 215 Pearl Street, N. Y. Where his Mercantile friends in this ami.orkor Connties,are kindly invited,zindsarnesay_soliei ed to call and purchase ..:. n6tf.• HENRY S. IMAPP, ' - - • OF MONTEPSE, PA:.. .. . . ........ , . . With .. Rowo, Woodruff . ," & Cartier,: •WHOLESALE . - PROCERS and .Cpiliteaion . ' MEnCHAWTS, N0.17,3-Washington Street between Cortiand,and Dey Streeisi New Yort. ' 'March 8, 1854-100'. ~ - - ~• . - A. Bic .E.` Baldwin ,f AY be found in basement :of Searle'syo t.l. tel, 3 doors westiroulthe corner. - Notes and accounts that are due "us will. be eery lc coptable if paid soon. - • • ,-A. &E. BALDWIN. - - Montrose, N0v.22,54,-47ti 18--„ Parions, WIIOLEitALE AND RETALt. . DEALER. ill Cabinet Ware, Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables, Stands Chairs, Ike, • • . . , . - - No. 9 Wubington street, . - ' • •• ,`' Binghlmton, N. Y. ENT' Coffin Waro-RoOin.up staq",«- D 62 . . PATENT MEDICINE AGENCY. ABEL TURRELL,, • ' Montrose, Pa.,. MOIGGIST, ANDAGENTr FOE ALL I'FIE POPIIILAR TAVEMJEMEM/14.Rig 1 ,;,,:; -_,..(:)F,inp .DAT: COnsignments Constantly _Medved; New aud Cheapßoads• 11101JGHrst low pressure prices *nd will tie ,eeld accordirAgly.l4- A 11. - IitiRROWS dt. Co. Alitbion, Oct. 11,1854. _ • t • - , Carpets. AGOOD assortment and hand vista at very fow prices. • U. B.& Co. Oct. 11: , • DISSOLUTION: THE Firm of A. & Baldwin' in the die and Harness Business, 14 this day dia• cared by mutual consent. Notes and pccounts tbat)ire'dtiens must be paid' soon; The busi ness will be continued by G. F. FOrdham and E. - A. Smith &C0,, - wfloAr9ittlgiripetent to do all kinds otwork - Ontrastml to . them em in their line of = JLEALDWIN Ifentrose, Jan: •1; 1586.-30; Watches, Cliokei-.ll4insi' ite• New assortment hest IteciiiViCtiout -top 4111and,Switiortired,aantopYillte4 wltteb !Eio)d - bolow :the Now York prices. it SINGLETON'IIe - 004.1Cf1866:-41e • ' Pirtdorg, [Ezra IL Ciraiza