The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 21, 1856, Image 4

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    The:sieat.Pitino, Steitk•fe4s4 and
No. 333 Broadway. Nebo York.
• The r Piano s , is
largest suortment o Melodeon
Musical Instruntents and Musical Merchandise
of all kinds ill Mtn United . States. 1 Pianos frOta
TEN ditTerent manufactories, comprising ',hose
• of every variety Of style; from the plain,.neat and
substantial 6 1. _Octaves, in Walnut di Roos.
„wood Cases, from $l5O, to $200,10 those of the
most elegant.finish up to One.Ttioneand Dollars.
No house in' thel Union can compete with the
abce. in the number; variety and celebrity of its
instruments, norin the extremely, law priest at
which they are fold.
iloitia r a Manes' Nfi)DERIt IMPROTED PIANOS,
with or without Iron Frames, possessing in their
improvement of ever strings and action,a length
. of scale, p‘tver and compass of tone equal to
the Grand Piano, united with the ,beauty and du
rability of otructure'of the square Piano. They
' are justly pronounced by the Prijss and the'-first
"Musters:o c be equal to those of any oth
er mannfacturer.liey are built of the bestand
iaost therougl seasoned material, , and guitrna.
teed to , standthe action of every This
•flonse has the Sole Agency of T. Gilbert teCo.le
celebrated Preinium Pianos, witii or without thif
• Aeolian. Hallett & Cumston's; WoOdward
Brown's, and Jacob Chickering'e„; and Other Boa
_ ton Pianos. Gjjbert's Boodoir Pianos; and-ele
gant instrument:for entail taunt:
Each histrumentione mottled tO. A give ratiorqt--
tion or purehiee'tnilVey refunded: Second hand
Pianos at.Greeti Bargains, constantly in stars,
prices front 030 to $l4O. ,
Sole Agency of S. D. & H. W Smith's Melo
../deoits,(tuned to the equal temperament) to which
was recently awarded the First Premiuni, at the
National Fair, Washington, D. C. Prices frUm
015 toolso. Double bank melodeons, $2OO.
Horace Water's Melodeons, Ouperinr instru
ments in tone, touch and. dttrabillay of make. 4--
(Tuned the equal temperament.), Melodeonsof
all other styles and •makes.
Martin's Guitars, Brown's Harps, Flutes, Vio
lins, and - musical instruments of all kinds. A
large discount to schools, teaCkers,chorehes and
clergymen. The trade supplied •on the moat
liberal terms.,• A • r •
illttsiic :.- , e•CF:in of the largestand best select
ed- Catalogues of musienow published, compris.
ing many of the choice. and most. opular sirs of
the day; among them are found the universally
popular productions of 'Phenls Baker. .
Music sent by mail to all parte of the country
pest,pla Particular and perSonol attention
paid to all orders received lty mail. Satisfac
tion g, naranteed in every instance. Pianos and
Melodeons for rent, and rept allowed i on pur.
chase. Pianos and melodeons for sale on month-,
ly payments. " Second - hand Pianos taken_ in ea
ehanoo for new.
Boot =ad Shoe EmpOrium*
. • ' OF ' -
iIE subscriber has removed, his „ Boot and
Shoe store' into the building recently occu
iiied by Messrs Bently and Read, Public Ave
nue. first above the , Post Office. - Where„mit
• withstanding the mixed 'state or . politics, the
stringency or the money market, the " nough
anntbins R.lad Moncipolies, Jack-O-Lant
era iadacements ) and the great droughtb, as one
extreme follows another, in all human probetigi
ty,4we shall have a cold winter. i ln view of "Bs:
state of things the subscriber begs leave to say
that he is prepared to meet the wants of the
Boot S. Shou wearing public, witligeod and sub.
fttantial varieties of boots 4. S,iries of Erstarn ,
or 1-13rno Mannfauture, warranted equal (if not
- batter). - than any offerQd in this market_ llis
stock embriCes a general variety, of Ladies and
'Gents wear. Consistingpart in of Ladies-Sax..
sPat. Pox - Ike' Gaiters. Silk Lastinge
-"Congress Gaiters, French ,Kid Congress Gait- I
ere, Marroeo Gaiters Ladies Marshall i Ties; City
:Male Bronzed Buskins., Enns'ld Buskins, Kit.
Buskins, Pal. Leather Buskins ?
, Morocco Lace.'
Boots;Call Lace Boots'. Emir(' di Bo,ots, Put
lbw:I Buskin's ttc - .4Milises Si?i Laceing Pat.
fir C fsiters, Colored Gaiters. Caifi.Lcce Boots;
- Kid Lsce B4ozs..Tenry Linds Kip , Shoes, Chi/-
areas Gaiters,' Button Shoes, .24'ncie Ties, Pat.
1 - a.ap Fretnit Buskins, Calf and Kip Shoes.
?fuss' Prenal Calf, Kip ^ and Steger, Boots.' Calf
Enaid, Kip and Coirhide. BoTs
End Kip 115 , 7,%Y0rA's Borg's, Thick and Kip.
and. Paz. LeaTher cf-c., 1 . .
• Mihbera and Sandals a general. assortment.
Firrrans, Sparables, Thread, Wax, Steel Nails,
Pegs, Tacks, Bristles, Heel Ball,. IBuot Webb.
Hammers. Pincers, Shoe Keives,:,Edg,e,BlaCkin'g,
Goat and Gilocrt Binding, Water Proof Thiel.
laZ Paste Blackiig; OnnuArab4c,lGurn Trager
kin th„ -Brushem, awl IleAs, I Pigging and
Sewing Awl Blades, &c. 1
- LEATR 'fR.
Art ilia); by the side or -pound, to snit en.
tourers. The pub tiCate invited to call before .
purchasing-elsewhere. rCiistomeramay rely op
- rox.getting what they bargain- tor, and that is
biter than they -can do in 4` sciite place:." If
they bay Easirrn Work, they can be seconiodatili
' with as'tood en article as can belfolind in this
market. If theyprefer hOme, mannfacture then
esti have it withAt being IncnbuiA. Ave kind . -
of-w; )rk mode border and warranted. Repair
; ing dine on short notice.'
TfiINISFrL for past favors, be hopes by strict
attention to butmess,to merit a.continnsnea of
the apt e.
, C. M lt. NKMOVA.
It is now ifief.a year since the ereat Fire
in _11;)ni rorte; at which time the sitbseriber having
Mit with a',zrent, loss,• fact he, lost :his ~ nrtz=l,
h e ityte those indebted .1 him, either by
Note - or 136 , 4: ne:Count, that the same musvbe
settNd 'without further. notice..
1 YO
l AcVl:74tie.; Jae. \, I 856.
A Bare Chinee to —tiny Goode
100 , 4 _ Cheap.
[U". WRIG 3,1 r being desirntis of cloy
s i:ngbutoesafur the parpost!' of let!ving•i . o
the .print ta ell this method of ,informino b
-cu - stowrat and tlmpubtio ; general)y, that be aril!
sell his entire stock of Goods: ate cost, frr ens} ,
er ready pay. No credit will be given after this
'date. Ida woold_sly to those indebted tr, , him.
either by note or book account, I that are same
mast be ..etlled -immediately; Without further
,notice. IL also offers for saWhis tanery. store
, hair*, two duelling hocfSe% mid the apprirtenike.
ees therewith; tosiether with Ores of land.
All hf. "will be . soltl'eliesP
- 3110..t0Wn 1 Pa., Jan. 10. Ildsf3,—tf.
And stifilLthey Going.
R Hal; every eek. ltiSanta Clans is
round yet and after .New Years,
so-fp1a".. ,,, prepare for him by r Iting at the Post
vrtmre you can get nevr i (entertaining. and
! t oo': , s, cheap. • t• • ' .
'ti i Winters' Fen%t. or Coorersations around
theZlMp Fire, Kate WeUicin or to Will and to
Do; Years amonz, • the Mall Bag, - Family
Pripifitisti'or home male Rap* Life on the rood
or Clatvie Dural: &e. Peter Parley's' hew Cokr
ant 1414tory and -gi ft books, Li sties, Crowe°
and iii!es Cook books eic., and matry
era I evil mention hero, but elm iihour them to
youif yeti wilt talk and tielli4bein tow for the
• • . • "
I •
Monteosp Dee.-245, 1855.
Novir Tewoll7-
A Al gOetriid assoliasent,, just anired
£36- - - • .4 TURIMU,II.
1866. -
:1111E Sr StOPILIr, offGroc . Dry"
• 11; Rants, Is, Glass , m6eria's foilights,
4.16;41- ' ' •l TPRIELL 4 S. -
13,c1. 101 141,.56..f
'II , EIXWTINetzr i A largo and
kwoil,selacted iot - 43f "Cr iced •and Glass
reisirod. AlsO a '?ear 1o: of Teas
whielf wit ireihalling tOlesp,
OATS minted itt 50 : cools r bkislielecash or
trade 4 rgiouy.
uo7l.loitom, Ilte. 14, 12.55.
C. ,51.
. I .
fjPERATE by then' powerful influence on the
kl internal viscera to,' purify the blood and stimu
late it into healthy, ! action. They remove the
obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver ? and oth er
organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregi ar
action to health, correct, wherever they exist, such
derangements as are' the first causes , of. diseise.
An extemille trial of their virtues, by• Profess Ors,
'Physicians, and Patients, has shown cures ofdan
gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by peeions of such exalted position
and cliaracter as to fOrbid the suspicion of martial.
Their certificates are published' in my Anieriesua
Almanac, which the Agents below named Pre
pleased to furnish freely all ingniring., [
_Annexed we give Directions for their use in ,he
complaints which they bare been found to cure.;
Fun COSTLY/MR/4R. —Take one or two Pills; or
such quantity as to gentle move the Lintels. Dos
titeness is frequently" the aggravating cause, of
Pitts, and the curd of one complaint is the cure
of both. No pereon can feel well while untidy a
costive habit of body.' Bence it shoiild he ifit it
can be, promptly relieved. . , I \\ i. Fon DYSPEPSIA, which is sometimes the cilium
Isf Costireneis, and always uncomfortable, take ipild
doses —from one to four —,to stimulate the stomach
and liver into healthy action. They will' do it, 'find
, the heartburn, bodybrcen, and sroulburti of dyspepsia
Still rapidly disappear. When it his gone, 71
forget what cured you.
For a FOUL STOMACH, or ,, Worbiti Inaction o the
t est
Bowels, which rodnees general depression of the
spirits and. bad alth, tae from font to eight ,ills
at first, and =al doses afterwards, until activity
and strength is res t ed to the system. -
• Pain in the Stomach' Bark . or Side,, take from four
to eight pills on go gto bed. If thet do not over
- ate sufficiently, tak more the next ay until th ey .
-do. These complai is will - be, swept out fromlthe
system. Don't w these and thei „kindred "dis
orders because your stomach is foul. 1
FOR SCRHPCI,A. ERYSIPELAS, and all Diseases,
of the Skin take the Pills freely and frequently, to
keep the bowels open. The' eruptions will gener
ally soon begin to diminish and disappear. Many
dreadful ulcers and , sores hate.beeni healed nii 'by
the purging and purifying effect of these Pills, land
some 'disgusting diseases which seerned to saturate
the whole system hate completely yielded to their
. influenee, leaving the stifferer in perfect heath.
Patients! your duty to society forbids that lyou
should pariide yourself around the, sc.frld covered
with pimples; blotches, ulcers. sores, 'rind all or , any
- of the unclean diseases of the skin; because your
system wants cleansing. s
To PURITY TILE ELOO - 11, they arc , the best medi
cine ever disenvered; 'Then should be taken freely
and frequentlY,•anel the impurities which sow thz
seeds of incurable diseases will be sWept oat of. the
sistens like cha ff before the eind. By this property
they do as-much good in preventing sickness -s by
the remarkable gates which they ard making every
where. . • . . i I
littea. COMPLAINT, Jsrstruce, and all Bahms
Affections arise from some derangement —kith&
torpidity, congestion, or obstruction's of the lii;`,er.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and refold
it unfit for digestion. This is disastrous to the -
health, and the constitution is frequently under
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is are symp
tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the
.bile into the stomach causes the bile to otettlow
into the blood. This produces Ja i iindice, nVh a
long and dangerous train of evils. Costiteness, or
alternately costiveness and diarilicea, preyeas.
Feverish symptoms, Languor, low spirits, wean less,
restlessness; and nielatitthely. with sometimes in
ability to sleep. and I sometimes great drowsiness;
sometimes thereis severe pain in the side; thci skin '
and the white of the eyes become a greenish yellow ;
the stomach acid ; the bowels sore to the tOncli;
the-allele system irritable, with a tendency to fetes,
which may turn to-bilious fever, billet's colic, bilious
diserha•a„ dysentery, &c A medium stoic of t three
OT four Pins taken at night, follewedl by two or three ..
in the reortiine, and repeated a feu- days,u ill remove
'the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to riffer
such pains when you can cure the for 23 cei ts.
RITECNIATn.M, GM T; and ail hrflananalary li
rasa arc rapidly cored by the purlfyir.g effects of
these Pills upon the blued and the stimulus , i,,hich
they afford to the vital principle of Life. For these
spiral kiridred complaints they shead be taken in
mild - doses, to more the bowels • geotly, but freely.
As a Dixxun Pits, this is Loth agreeable and
useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to take,
and certainly none has been-made more effectual to
- the purpose' for which a dinner pill is employed..
- PREOARED Ill' ' _
DR. J. C4AVER & CO..-
Practical and Analytical Clietaista
• AND Stu n ror •
_ .
AT C. W. AT UT 1':. •
JITS T received ilot i or New Goode, snob AAA:.
' Laines. Bar& Parameans, Persian. \M.! .
pleas, Ging:lams; Merinos. and Shah Is,
in fact a gelieral itasorimvnt of Dry tiooda u 1,, h
Will be 4,1,41 kw I •
WAN TED—So4s.I rgts, rlnt!er,Lard,(Theep,
thrineL &c., say quantity in exchnnze for Coo&
_at asih prices. IC. ‘l'..
Montrose,Sept. 1E55. I •
.'' Wilk "Fish Bi ,
"VIIEY will if you use tar 6
1 sold by Phife & Knowlto
!enan i go Bridge. 4 new la j•
press.. Cali And (. - -::rnine th
- .nt.. Hooks, Liaes, Reels, Po
`tieinl flait,'&,e. 1 1 111 TE& .
N. B. his currently report
this sf ction of rountri,•, will no
other Tackle than thri l t sold at t
Binghamton. Aug. 14, 1835.
spectfully call - the attentic
to. a 'area assortmpot of HARI
ceircd and beim?' daily increase'
different manufacthres. Aisri
prices lower than those fo'r whi
same quality hare ben offered
past years, they are enabled to
dilation from their former rer,
mands, to offer both - town and
ducements sup. rior ter those
Bivhatnton Aug. 14. 185111
Fresh Arrival - of N• w Goods, at
TITI7K FR .11.1kriS & p A RR ATT'S
T •
IIE subscribers would r 'spectrally inform
the good people of Stis.nehnna Co. that
they are now ,opening their .tock of Fall : and
Winter.Good6 which i 6 iglus ally large'and ab
• ril'etive nll of which will be old for cash or
oproved credit che w er than an be bought at
• O
other ostabliment in th eoantrWa mean
just. what we say. fleece ere na a ti•isi,
New Milford, Sept. 18111,1855.
.. ,
CUT Itliiilei aad Spikes.—Boonton;Parker
Mills and Old olriny, at ,
Peru d, KNowyros ,i,
Binghatoton,Nnv I 7
1856. , -
-Fall and Winter Goode.
IIE subscriber Would say to the public that
.11.. he has just reekived a general assortment
f Fall and Winter! Goods which he offers to
{ell very idw for cash or produce.
• 3. HOSFORD. •
niendivillo NOV
-Latest st 1 • • t
Innr. 13.
ILVER WARE.—A large lot of all yet Forks,
43 of all slzeis - ; afno, Table, Dessert and Tea
Spoons,jast finished and warranted `good as
coin, by I A. .T. EVANS.
Aug. 29.
WINGSWD, some very- fins.forAalt
cheap by i - A. J. EVANS.
hivai i ile
N* l 77 fIOODS.
lior .1.19E88 iii now reeiving ' r im i...-
ply of,GOODS, iv 'eh soltbesp
Montrose, Se*.ilB,;sss . i l ''', •
..ta'ond Iliather," fmir
- '
a. AS.H4Y.
Yes! A whole column and
.11 1 E10
And become satisfies!, that a whole column' isl
necessary, to make known the great attractionsi
and iodUcemehts held out to purchasers to evi
amine our NEW AND MAGNIFICENT stock'
Hardware, Crockery, Pored a I n,
China-ware,' Glasn;ware,Clocks,
Bird Cages, Groan* Lanips,
\ Marbleized Iron Dian-
Hes, &c.. ace.,
we \
This s eit b eing opened by'us, at our new and
beautiful stand,
2 Doors ast of the Canal, Court Street,
""Tilll3 di k - \ 5- 101
• \
That like inducement s .% Wrchasers. tar sur
pass anythini,lieretofore givn the. Public in
this market, ittlegard to our .s\
4.4 :EdicardilWhite Granite Ware.s,"
in particular.
REAR! HEAR: i . 1. 111 AR! !!
" A SAVING OF 25, per cent," to purchasers
may be made; by buying “ - Riliard's Ware?—
Why? •Beeapae they are.otie third finer,
er, stronger, and the sizes larger than,any other •
Wareh made,:and they . will not Craze or' Fire
Crack.". Warranted so, as all the large lintel
and Boarding Housekeepers in-• . :Our Cities and
large towns will testify, for they . will not and do'
not use any ether wares. ; •
At our stand alone can you find an assortment
at these Wares. They cost ns more, our pr f .
its are less, than .if we pursned the course Itf
other dealers in selling t i lw light and fragile
wares of'the the•day.
.00 moito'iB—
And once more
We sell them as low . iIN the fragile wares. bf
theiday have.erer
• 7
A splendid assortment ; ef all the new and
beautiful designs and decorations, of '.Tea-ware,
ChinalTasesTete a Tete setts, Candle sticks,
- . •
. •
The astonishing strOngth, and beautiful trans
parency of 4 AMEttIAN .:PORCELAIN" are
too well known for further coo mroent:•
"CANT BE BEAT" of the. best Flint Glass,
20 doz. beautiful Goblets,. front Is. 6d to 2s 6d,
each F 100 doi. Tumblers, a tip lop article for
65.; 20 doz. f'l'uid and Oil Latnris, of ivory style;
a fine assortment :of Solar:Lamps," a great va
riety. of Glas's Ditches, covered ttnd uneovered:rin
an d ~IT f.'ot, Spoon liold'ers. Piwiters,
Butters, Sup's. creant4, Molasses Cups Nap
pies. &e. &t. •
" Dent fail to far the most impor
tant Branch of our Business," that is
Consistinfi.of Building Material, - C irpenters
Tools,„ Agricultural Implements, and genera,
House furnialiingiluuds,
i t.
A cood Mortice or Rim tLrwk with Pcirphry
Knobs and Se'rews complete. fdr4. 35.; ' 'good
:Nlortiee Latch, with Knobs'&c.ci4:plete for'
The Knobs mentilned, warranted three-time.
strom; as •the Min . eral Knob, and not to 1..50.s
en Imp the Spindle. •
Thi" Phoenix Sash Lock," a - Superior
no taprings to vet out of order, euttzmz
sash less, and an be put on in one half t hy-tino
of any other inrse, from.•64. to 18i per dol.,
But woul&you it, " BLIND BUTT or,
Hitt . cE,''contpleto in all its parts, enafiling yon
to open Ur close you r Biirtds without .op(Fning
your window, and that With thi greatest eatte.—
A new itrention of J. C. RObie of Binchatnton.
It will we - 1? repay a visit to our estatnislimen.
bee it alone.
. • .
arced WOod work of 'every description
si ting cif - Capitals for ColumnA. and piliqers
Ciienices, Brackets, Newellis and B.inni.ters for
Siairs. Circles,. &c., &c.; which we can furnish
tolßuilder4 abetter article, and at prices much
iess than they can 'manufacture them,a fine 16t
of saiiiples can be seen at our rooms. -
• .-
. . .
. .
le t ,
hin Cr a pp aTat i 4
, 3 rionr.s east ol
st reeeied by
!ir larffe 'assort
los, Sia:ls. Arti-
d • that Fiiih, in
,I)e caught with
le above estab-
Lull . assortment Of Boonton Nails. the be,t
made. at 5e., Wrought and . Strap:llinges. Blind
and Do - or Butts. SerewK. Gate Fasteners. Locks.
&e. «PORCELAIN" Door knoll 4 very ,
Iniv,EsCutcheous;Door Plates, Wardrobe HoOlog,
die, Su.
Highly ornamented, articles of great utility,
I -
many respects superior to Markle, and at h.ilf
the cost, all sites, with nail without Grates,
from $l2 to $lOO each. •
would most rt!-
n of ,purchasers
W4REijnst re.
by arrivals from
g purchased at
article's a the
during the five
make quite a re
' reasonable de
country trade in-
N. Y. agents.
Onr stock - cf Planes—Chisels, Saws &c.,
Jas complete as . money, ti4e, and devotion to VA.
PARTICULAR branch ours can make it and
Prices as low, Spear & Jackson,, Butchers
and other make of Saws,of a/1 lengths and kinds.
The best make of planes the world affords,
such as Benson and Criindalls, John Reids, &c.
•in all their varieties, Cast steel Angers and Au
ger Bias, concave and graduated, from 8c up.
wards, Firmer, Socket,Turuers and Paring chits
els with and without Hand/es. •
Braces and Bitts, late improvements from $4
to $l5, Stubbs double cut Taper Files, the gen
uine article, warranted to do the work of 4 or.
, dipary Files, and if once used will never be
abandoned. Maydoles Hammers, Mortice Gun:
ges, steel Squares, Pocket Rules, Saw Setts,
Patent Auger Handles, Saw. and Plane Handles
&c., dtc.
• 1.
,By a very superior. workman, neatly and
promptly done, Clock material, Guards, Chains,
f(efs, &c., always on band.
x .lOO Clocks just received, which for extent,
real worth, beauty of design, superior finish and
low prices never have been equalled in this sec.
tioa of country. Wood, Iron, Porcelain, Glass,
Weight,Spring, Alarm, in fact every style from
gi op to ,$lO, and'every clock warranted to
keep good ,titne one year. •
• A New Arri calf of those beautiful
paned BIRDCAGES, jwhich for strength and
beanty of Foists cannot be excelled in these Uni
ted 'States, and a much Setter article than is
usually sold, froin 81,' to $lO. •
To Sportscoess.«..Pistols,aerolrers,Pnw
der, Shot, Lead, Flasks, !something nice, Wad
Cutters, Melting' Ladles, Shot Pouches and
Belts. Fishing Tackle, etc., ;awayc on hand.
Ire iloOlsekeepeili: —Plated Tea and
Tablespoons, Forks, Butter Knives, dw.,Plated
and 13rittania Tea Setts. of 6• pieces each, from
$8 to $5O, Teapots, Coffee pots. 10 doz. Fluid
mad Oil Britinis Lamps, 100 doz. Table Knives
.snd Forks. the largest assortment in town.
Oappstned Tini.ware, from a Nutmeg .
Grates op to a .13athivig Tub, Neat Cutters, Ap.
pie Paters, Coffee Mills. Sieres Corn Poppers,
Nat. Crackers, Egg Beaters,Toasters, Beet steak
- Mauls, in fact everything VbirliAki. •
TRIM 1%12MS • .
To boßeaseas*ered:osiilst oar terms are
cash and en. price. 1, •
gd.'oa r Gondnitn4warranted as rtwOesented.
.3d. Anything necessary to band and furnish
*.bonocipolease and platraeti yiinth, middle
nadottl - grey beaded. MI be found et •
• ,
iolbestok N. Y..-11002 2 ' •
HARD 1V..412E
. . •
rIvA Ars & WATSON, No. g 6
.. ,,..„ . „-......-tra :.;‘,,th Fourth st., Pliilad.
c" ' • CeREAI' Fkßkse. CH itSTNI/T
l 1 &Fin% its., Friday moraine'
''''"— December 15th, 1r , 54. . Evane &
• Witso - a's Salattiauder • Safes tri
utnpbtaut,as they:always are when put to the test
. PUILADL.LPRiA. Pro IS, 1554. -
Meanie Evans . & - Watsou, N 0.46 South Fonith
St., Philadelphia. . . .
GENTIAIIIEN:We :take Much pleasure a rae
ommending your Salamander Safes to Merchants
and others in want of a sec ure awaits of preserving
their books, papers, &c., from fire, ite the' 00e . we
purchased, fro:myna about eeven months eine , ha s
preserved our books, and cash in us good a condi
tion tits they were when put into it, before the
great fire this morning, which destroyed the ea
tire block of bitildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth
streets. The above was in unpin our office, on
the iieeond floor of our building, from which place
it fill into-the cellar and remained there until the
fire7 - istaiout. The Safe - was then removed and'
openedin the presemie of at least 10011 persons,
who witnessed the good condition of the contents.
Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired
as.we iuteud-to pot it iu use again,. having • perfeci
aontidene e i OW fire-proof qualities. • i
.Yours, Respectfully,
Evans and Watson take pleasure in referring to
the following, among the many hundreds who have
their mites in use:—U. S. Mint,- Philad.;.; Farmerii
and Mechanics' Flank, Ph arida.; Samuel
RM., High Sheriff' Phila.; 'John N. UrnJerson,
City "Cdturoller ; Caleb Cope 4. Co., No. 183 Mai.
ket St ; Richard Norris and Son, Locomotive
dere, Philitda .; Britteroft and Sellers, Niachinistri,
- corner 16th and - Jathen, Stu.; Franklin Fire Inpu.
ranee Co., Phila.; Ritilrond Co., Plrijada.:
Lneey & Phillips,. oilier sth and Street t :
Sherpleee Bro . NO. 32 snail 2d Sr
and Santee, No. 147 NortlO'lliril Street ; W. 11.
Hortsman and Sons; No. 51 . North 3,1 ; Smith,
Williams & Nn. 87 Market St.; J.& B. Orne,
No 185 Chestnut St. •
A large altgortnient of the above 'ales alwaysnn
hand (warranted to stand 111 per cent. more fir.•
than any Herring's Safe now in woe.) EV %NS &-
WATSON, also manufacture and ke. p for sale,
Iron S'hutters. Iron Doors and Imo .'tratil, for mak
ing fire-proof Vault or Batiks, Stores. public and
private building:ft: Seal iind. Letter Copyiu PreFs.
es; Patent Slate Ljnod Refrigerators; &c. • Please
give us a call, at No. 26 South Fourth SC, Phi la
de Iphin-15y1
i N k l I n l. ol L .v . 11. e N d
t A s
1 1. 1 (. 0 4 r u n b
for ; ft; f t. 4. 1 1 ,1
corn, and,invite attention to the very hirge stock
of Spring and Summer Goo - ds theY . are now re.
ceiving, and offer. for sale* at. rery lore prices. In
addition to theirusual aNsortinent of staple Dry
Goods, Groceries, 'Hardware, Crockery, Paint.,
and f) Is they; are prepared to exhibit a large
. rialortmerit nf
of every description, Figured, Plaid and
Bonnets. Shawls, Ribbons. Glove.. Hosiery
Ladies and Misses 'shoes . of all kinds--..lsmi
large .Stock of : - -
Cloths, Cassimeres, Tw'ecd4, Jeans, Summer
Cloths, -yestings, Hats and Caps, Boots: and
Shoes &e.
They respectfully aelicit an early eall from
those Nho wish to purchase GOOD Goons AT
Loiv PRICES. s ' . •'`
Springville, May 2, 1854: ' •
Doet. It: Thayer •
TAKES this method - 4 Navin!! to his friends
and customers that he has amain resumed
the practice of Medicine at iii. old at Ind in Mon,
trove, wherp hr may be'fOund at :ill times 'links:.
profes.sionally employed.. lie would say to thos,:
°wine him on old Icon tits that he u ill deiluef:2s
per cent on all areounts paid- before the first Af
April next, (or if any poor like Mysidf,)
di . dilet fifty:
Montrose-, Feb. 20,1”5-91f
C..D. Virgil. Dentist. lias-rornoved room
over F. ILA:bandlee"; store, wln ri.• it will 'b.. him
pleasureto sPe his friend. quick We."
_ C. D. VIRWL. flx,idt•ut DoAkt.
Moritroge. :Sh % 2. 18:i5
1r. : ;4:196 _ t i t
A :
VDry O•poi , ,Orort•i'4-,. i
(:I.ots I.
lid Oil , . ike.,
a 4 tht• eficapest for
llarford Jane 1; 185.)
LACK Gru ch. Wiine Sitk, , t • "
b •.,
ti.-+: • 11. M..11/%11;
June 1; 1855.
I3ROCH A and Cashmere Shaw Is.:tt all wirre
also alew Mantillas by 11. 11. JONES.
June 1.,- 1855. '
RF.ADV Made Cluthinz,at,low prieo4, by
• .11. M. JONES
Juno 1, 1855.
• :ADIFS will find a great Ronnos
S 4 and kit)honl 4t. li. M. JONES'. -
June 1, 1855. .
AWNS, Mage dP,
II 4 hams at: H. M. JONES'
"14 • MBROIDEItILS an 4 Dratiory
June 1,1855.
A -r „ ', good aso:lment.of BootN nd
IL Nl:ioNi:s
June 1. ?855
QIXTEEN Ibs, of Good 3ttelierei 'ito. )„!
hr in va:-:11 by • 11. 11.-10NES,
June 1,165.
rr HE best iinalitY or:C.I2IIA at. 5 rem
I. 'for sale by • H. 3i. JONES
June 1,1855.
T UST receiving a fresh supply of fin,. I.6te:
V Salt at • . • H. 31,JONES'.
Jane 1, 1855. • • .
. , Terrible Accident,
D to, .
Mr. Green the other day.—
II b ou ght a stilt of ready-made hes
A l P fe P "b E a N d E
at the Store, abd . the 'first day's wearing the ac.•
cident occurred; First, off drapt his coal-tail by
1 the mere force of specific gravity, (riving to tut
! fortunate man the upper:ince of a badly trimmed
i craft with the. flying jib - in the on
! stooping over to pick up the remnant..tho'dr.:ai
iful 'casualty took place—the fountains of the
great deep Were broken up—Green's pant.,, were
I sundered from ankle, to waist. and Green himself
seemed to be. The only war to previmt such
!deplorable accidents is to patronize a skillful tai
lor, who makes up hay work with - a determina.
lion that it shall not only fit neatly. but wear
i well. Green buys at the Clothing store becan4e
1• he thinks-he can get his gearing a little cheaper.
On all brobdbility the pants that ,zeroed him. tot
treacherously had pas Med titrouzh a lever itospi..
lAA been striped balm ti cholera patient, eafried
i home eight nights in the week on a shutter, and
finally bleached an' carried by an ingenious
I FrenehrnaU fora marliet in the country Tolo e
i warning by poor - Greeuts misli.ep. and go to a
tailor shop like that in thti
.Irounent of • Searle's
Hotel if youjvant to 1,-;tattited.
. .
"Curtin; done As uloal, and ntl work wne.
Montrose An1i.,27. litss.
The Know I§Tothilvz , Expose.
A !STY perm.ln ;•tornilking .me„at the fromt
ja, upper room of the Stroe !atelv neetift4.4l
lit. C. 7'ytpr.,•-.ln aceetmrnminteri fe.erpriliarr ti.
to the Voghinns. in 11;k , twat and most ap.
proved in:tuner.
'At v'wrak is warrate4 to fit if pinflrrly "i;iaao.
Cottintr, rocto . lino and in fact ever: I) neh of
Ttiloriog done on-the Khoitest • notice, and that
to the sati;sfotion of ; those COTlOettikti. . .
- - 14tf. •- • . ' • •'• ." . 'J. St.trTTER.
000 Brirad Cloth-Caps for- 3- 7 - abillinim "a
‘I Plow a* 11E144, TINSIAY.
, .
` Man,.Know 1'
._ .
An Intaittab/ellneArfui 25 ceat4.-.4,
kaie a copy
tuti t uef .
....; .q
:sk. Al' '.. . k,,4i 4, !
~ Lltlth TO
.L 4 t v '' ‘,l ' 4%; it".." edition t 4.
~ ,. 1,k1 .. ..
s,c,k, int•ii..%4
....... • , .
. - 7,:4 , 3 4 .0,, rxre , - .... Dr. el, ,
:dz .4 . Artivau 47.6.: and Ilan/
'-. , 4/44 14. , -:::si Containi
"• r t i . IN\`\ f ever.
tr .
acted log abuse or by as
fOitbeili prOveDMOC LIN littib in a .
all rotdiaa I t rebid ealtlia. and ettil
the pir of deieneY ; with an D ubin,
":"/> 4 . 1" - •
• //iilti
to ?ems' ell. from the reeiti
titl practice excineirely 51eirote4 to ,
d ;trate. r private nature;
, ~ . ...
o which i P added reeelptefor the cur e a above Mi. ,
es re , an;.l a treatise on the csupoodociuiptotur Rude:olW
t f
the Ferer anJ Ague: , 1
Te gismo my of the Pro feesora fOb tarir Ai a Penn, CeileAte;
Philta elpbia —" DR. filiNTEff 'M 1111111ilAI. ‘1 iNUAI.."
—The author n t his work . 'milk eltbe majority- of chose
who ativertit , e to cure the di i ni ri Heil it treats's a
itradnate of , :ne of tte beet lojleitk , sin the Mated:it:des.
It effordeme pleiteure to recommend him to the nnfortu:
larite.'or to the victim of melprietee as a anectoisfut and
experieneed practitioner.' n who p : honor and nteerity
!mull enee.
they may plaee the greatest
1 .
Jai,,oxastiort,E, m.!D.
FrOM .4 IVocifirard. M. .1).-,of 'tun .Uniresii y., Phila.
delpha .—:ltgircAne pleec u re te , add my testimony to the
profespiOnaiability of the A n thorlot the" ',its - meat Ilan-
VA L.' ' . Niutnerous cases of Disease aft he ',its-meat
acme (Affirm of tone Mending, italve come under ray no which hiiiskillinia tmeu rplanifest in restoripg to
fierier health. in some eaPet , whetle' the patient has been
,beyond medical aid. in the treatment otiiern
dnatireiskaisolc or diligent:mem - MA Wale funetions pro
dueed by selfabtve or EXceva of tlehery: I do lint know
his Aqprrior in the profit/talon. II have been ocllusinted
with the tnt tor some thirty years. and deem' t no taorti
than justice to him as well ae kindness to the unffirtunete
victim of early Indieeretion, to recbMnimill him al one in
whnve profersitotal skill and Intetite they may safely
eonede thetnveliveg. ALFRED' Wu ODIVA RD . 11,411.
" Thisis. wtthhut exception. thelmost comprehrtsive
and int elligibre work published nn ,the clays of disease of
whirl, It treats. - avoiding ell technical terms.itlnddrePP
' lePOPPlito the reason off ts re:titre ft is free front all
objectionable matter. and no par tft however fastidious,
'can object to placing if in the hon is o ktila sons. , The au
, :titor haS,lley -tea many years loth treatmeht of thCvarie
nue eomplaiots treated of. end 21t.b too eatie breath to
poll end too Li rtic m
precoption t 'lmpose, he has offered,
t , the troth!. a' th , merely nomitlypriee of 25 tent.; the
fruit of some twenty yeare Inctet sneeeSif n 1 piaetiee."—
/Pro Id . • I'• ..
feiteher or pnrenr honiilli without tlie . linowiedge
ifarartedi. t :.le rnrallfable work It witiil.l na . Te.ylitit , of
pain onortifiratlon iiiitdiorrow to [ llia youth. under I their.
eha• "— People'. 4./rof . ole. 1.1
A Preeht feria n g elergyannnin.(ltein. writing of "llun•
ter' , Alielleal 11ntannl" gay, upon tbrina•
*nil! , if out vont!). by eri extimpltfl and influence of the
p21.. , 1°11P. firm . 4 into nil' habit of ..lf poliS ion,
ein and tearful‘f.'oll'ntes jutoini
them.etreeanttheirpo.lority, Tire , nrtitut ion Oft Itous
an,' who are-IA.1ot! rootlike hare, torn enfei.bleil, If not
bent. en 1 they an not lf . olorr I t be .:en 08, or the vare,
Anyttiltir thal can he lone so to Hrilighten and intluence
the tiuhlfenitilil es to ebeet Andifi t ltimately to: rririeoye
wide-.f i r eil ronree albumen Wlr. tile.,lnese, would confer
the frreat'eet loyerltig nyit Ito 4 : ilitrion of .t.:+llA.ClirlPt,
on the and •-, t.tq r r.nerarfolf, intemperar.cetor
the n'entintoxiPfaing ' , Hoke) 114ogli It has tboure
n totr not a greiter keiitarge to t
1 roe.' • Accept my thank,' 491 hell .If of the IYMleted,
enet.hetieve mo,rnuren jsorl erinthe good worljyou are
Cloe , .n.or - A , •^-i-ely enveloped) will be forwarded .f reeti f
nott,nre to any part of the rilifeilS tater for 2S eent . or
vii•opie. for .IR . 1. I,lrecr. (poet old,) COSDE:!i
rtoi . .
rf - g - Wriktell.:re.rlOlnesers anti: BoOk Agentrt applied
on ihe nitvy Ilbyral ter am: 1 - I 24y1. -
, 4
• - - i gm t v a r .
4 - 15,
"Alltekj ,
A STAGE will reave Itirkvsc,fici.pangingthrnuo Cot,evilyntornlngattertlleArri-
val cf the %lair ['rains ofCars,hoeb East awl Welit stesch
ogSloutroivt at I P . 1 • -
LeasrMontrosedaily.(Suntla.ire excepted at 2, P M.
reaehinr Kir)nuot . in tttne to take the MailTraina of
Cart.hoth Cart autliVest,oein'F- the nearest and, merit
feasihlf routt tortach the" . S;rw Yiurk z and Erie dailroad.
Thiel ine. ntervittra t ri-weeloy flea for Itimee.S 1
-•Ilie. reolthennork -Wyoming Wilkeabarre 'which
Ivevrellentroee at 7 A :11 every Mendel wedr i eldeyeed
Frliap Alen.allne o Frienle , tlo,berayvvill. ke..(10(41
Tearer end enmtortableklirriezet are provided Avt,;,.l the
Proprietorewlll4parn nopalur tpaceommodatt t tkrib.
tie. • 1 1 .tV .K. It A Tell .1
Sep,7 2.185 i. 1 1 ~ 1 4161:0:4.*1 erIYEST .
it 1.3310 V AL.
KEELER & STOODARD sinee the late fire'
linty b.• found in the 131SENTENT OF SE A, O.F.'S
lit/TEL. NottVillistflilaillir fire unpreeecientt , ',d r.,-
f/idity :wit li which tint stnekl cif Root s,-Shoet:.&t:,
-went , ft"" on the tito_rnin zl oil' the tirp, w' still
f;,,,.., ..:(0t0,.. on hall. :1 - voi Sidi?l K-t , /•t lip stirt f t;ioti
in. K. EEt.r,i &. STODD A RD.
'..t on t ,-“,;•. No ve rn her, 13. i 11;54.
Brochcs SI Rwls
:h. nll,ef,ry TI,
tiqv 8-4 fir .q!it,
1.! , ; ,, •(:; 11l Le ti n t(', :it $7.
J ••••:.ri
1 Shawl: & Dress Gloria • Emporiuni
111;r1fRITT wonld firm friend and
I . Puhli(!. tint hel , :tis now in store, and
i. 4 n woo
rul-tine t of, Fail and Winter
ineln•iinff a .mat net Riell Fall
Prints in now styles, Plain land Faney..De
•th,, Plain and Plaid
Tiarzes and Poplins:
Stvlos: T112e1;
Won!: Ilreehe,•
I :'ihawls: Rieh
+:.Ladies Cloths and,
fint'llas. Br:oath:l l 9th%;
CI large assorttnene.of
as u‘ttal: riniAndi
Pnintm. °HA.,
r :issortment Stovvs
hPing, made
instom.Trade and will
, n• a LITTLE LOW.:,
n , r,)ved efedit.
intfil Eno. flip
•to he rfaiii. -Flour
Plain and P411"1 NI A-sir CU
lierianr4, PArwnetta,:‘, nip
1) irk ilia on 4. in'
1.1r.t.a.10., PI in and Paley
,41) -
(3 tAlyni•re.„ Crap and silk!
11,014. It.nopt4 and •Flowpri
I'(.lv..t* for 0.i:0;4 awitlti
("n:.,imi.rp. 5t: , ... & A.., with 4
sthrik .“.41 .ran.v 0n04141
flartiwnrp.l'rnekerv. Irqn 1
Roo!N And S'hoe4, riat4, Ci
r'...p..tin,....4q. ,7ith a new s
an'! Tri Iloirr:±4 of th... hoßti
+•• ,r , i.r . ..viiroady rof•IIN
Al l 'I• , 4 . ! 1 It et° i n west nil
r ,f t .e)- •• ,:h. llootiole,.. or ..rt
11 W.,“1 I,,veks ,v.l
:.; , It•••••• nr:ri., Wli • ll'ino
..-,-7 4, 't ~ • -, .l:rfit!'.4•r• i'f.121 , "
. ..c. , Vi \ltif ,r.:. (1-I..her.
. . Att.4ltion at, Home.
rip 74 t: - .- , IDEL7.f4IGyED would'respect
tt tor.,rin the eitiikns . of Dimwit !and
the %tirrounding ceuntry, that he hits opened a
-tore at Dim..ek four corners . , wfo re he :Wendt
ronjit,llily on hand a ;rood and well se.
,„5. , ...arr.-nt. of Dry Goods,.Grocerica, nard
Miro. CriAerv, and all kindS of Merchrtniii?e,
usually kept in a - country I stole. which he will
. 4 01 as l o w, 11' not lower, than any ot het establish.
Meat in Northern -.Pennsylvania. Montrose, pot
excepted. Gentlernen . and Ladies give mo a
rail. end examine my ,stecfc of Goods,
priifets.' You will v•ave at feast some miles trar.
el and perhaps from ten to fifteen cents on ev
ery dollar you paV op:. A .good assortment of
Iteadylls . .de clothing kept constantly on hind.
. ..
All kinds ofrountv prodneft taken in exchange
for Goods at the Market pried.
- . WM. 11. THA YEFL
, .
Dimnek. Jnn - . IL 18a::—Hyl. - - ,•
The liolldays are, CoMing. ": .
7 int in. ( Call at the P l ostotllee and get you
-a new Book for rt . holiday present, The
Old Ilotnestriati, Geoffrey )loneton or the Faith
lesGnardian, Seettett in tbi-practice .of a New
York•argeon, Doestieks,lThe Widow Bedell,
Papers, Rose Clark, (Fanny Fern's New Bitok,)
Caste, . Remarkable Adventures ee l Celebrated
persona. Daniel Boon and the.fluntprs of Ken. !
tovkv, also lots of Sliniature Gift; Books for
the - little (tries. - • _ •
Come at Last,--PrOff.Stodard's.Series of
Arithmetiem,the last in utie. by the IPus., o r sin.
op,-Standerit Kew Spelling Book 44 1 . AL.
ANACA and DIARIESIfor 8 t; tlstylesand
I s tz..s, 'mien Peek et. Almant4o; for the .
LAW BOOfig--A new', supply .I+4 ri•ei , iroit eompletetfr) 1 4 35.5.-I)sides lots
o,h 7 tllff .r iticlloll4litt trinif)ll,
for at the 11 , r01tr".4-.Pir4t
flY l t N. 1310,1.,V1D.
Sft.ntr , ise n Dee.lB,lB.",fi • I
Wa,tt l losl, • , 1111 •
New 34 4 ')ritiv.rit , I'Verived from F.Og- -
land. '8: , whidi
Le Sold below the Noy 'priees A t." •
Itre* Line of ail Stages
S •
1, S.
.T3rorlie and
eso. and at e;ictiergiris l tow
• . ' U. B. & Co.,
UNti -
_ _ _ _- - 1
Montrose, Oct. /0,1856.-4/.
,defy family should
corAza sot.r•
Al: A YEAR...A tiew
aritev and m vroy.e4,
' BOOT 11.N.1) , 5191.0.1E- toroice. •
'fib l;tlCll.irllUtr lillod
t withanew and exten
II :sive assortment art i c l es , to h,.
en a, ac i n o r vainly -of new and .Infrant
stdi eof j o i,-,. and Gealleineo's wear, among
h are Ladies. Freucit. Silk Lsstiug and 'Pre-
Crajters, Kid and Enameled rolkets. Kid Pat
ent cattier and hrouzed Jenny Liuds, Buskins
lihd Peal geititlemen's; French' and Pliiladelphie
ouklunue4 calfskin and kip Roots.o,ongress and
buttim Gaiters, Monterey and Washington Boots,
toilet, .M orocco , ball , and "Cowhide Bra
lona. Are. • Boys kip.calf and cowhide. Boots and
Bro O p -s; all kindsof ,Alisses and Ohildren's wear.
Alan, a genera I assortment f Findings, which con
sist iti Part of lasts, pegs, „ sparables. Hungarian
. ,
nails.tacks: thread,' wax, linstles, shoe binding,
! nwlti rasps. Pantlitoieri,shae knives, &e. Also.
eali' l tud'remlock•tinnsd calf griper and eoledentli.
er,o'Nforocco skio.s. ti n- li nings. • - -
Work made t oorder and repairing neatly dime
.irptitrose, June
‘ 1.,1853- •
, lipt , 4olclica I ‘tartual
Cur t 4:H . 1 Ittitar".
outtoik oi tho o.
re4s,treef men- an dqore
fOtitt of ..I;ses et .eun
fl iesoi , wit!' adviiCri
at 1r.., avoiding .
libitvirthatwoilld otretld
• lit endiplaiiitsitieldant
• t:wer ty yoariv . stiEreßS•
Fhe allege - 1' diatilltsbidt
t` . .. sl a
i bietralia MalitOrnia: . ,
nip - lace - tin:the Gl44;eatifit pre-Senliiiiiikr
1 inducer:sent, than
Stoves! Stoves!!.Stoves!!,!
mubscribei wishoS to call the sttPhtiorof
his friends, asd - thel"obiie to his very large
assortment of
. . -
" • I: . • .': t • STOVES, , • t . :-• ,
tit his new Store, Room ;ip Ledersviiie; next,to
L. §. LenheinesAtore, hnd near the Great Bend
De Pot. Bo has in addition to liisformer large
variety of Cooking and Parlor litoVes;.umejr new.
Paoerns, some efilvhieh are—
A NichotaA, Pegch Dratietz,l A irelly,
ra f ter?, Troy,'- Mohatak, '- . Meaellioti,
f l
. .
lack Warrior, Orirni, • . Oak, •
, :!,,g,' Store, ,-„ 1 .
- I
Which together with his foriner, stock will be
perhaPs the most extensive and varied assortment
of Hell selected" Stoves in the County.
n k *'Clinton &byes well furnished at low prices.
ir t .o7 All articlo in his'line kept on hand and
-made to order as usuri 1,. and faders received at his
oldistand in Great rend. -
• . Il o OdersVille & Great BendNov.,lBs3.—tf. -
- Buff, alo Robes,
LARGE lot ))f hand'Siome Rolips; n part of
whole, Indian dressed, and very sups
riot colors and qualify. - U.S & Co.
• GilAon, Oct. 11, 18541" . . - •
• Window Sash.
Q li. & D. SAYRE having been nppOittled
Oil, 'agents for-an extensive Sash, Blind - and
Doltr 31anufaetory nre prepared* to furnish Tiny
artielCs in this line at less rates than they have
attally been sold.
Dec. 14.
QO-IA.VI NG CREA3I--arf artiele''which every
0 than should try, for sale by
- S. IC& D. SAYRE..
DO. 4.
Clothing,Ready-Made -
A ti ERY,depiralile stock at. very tow • prices.
- , S. 11. & D. SAYRE.
itontrose, Dee. 14, 1854*.
• •
1 I Doctor Yourself : . •
9r, ,Every one ids own Physician.
_IL coutaining One hundred
id 31alformatipar of the Hu
tan system in every shape
id form. To which is ad.
.d a Treatise on the Die
,ses of Females, being of
le highest importance to
iarried people, orthose con
mplating marriage. By
Young, if D.
47!1 no father be ashamed to prettent It copy of
th o to his child. It redly save him
front an early crave. Let no'youni'inau 'or Wi - t.
malt etiter nto theYsecret obliga'tions Of marriedlife
wiOinnt readi the POritet - A, escnlo pin s. Let no
one suf-ring from a hack tiled 'coital'. Paiuin the
Side, 'restless nights. nervous feelings, and the
~r 1 4,1,.t raw of D : vispeptii4.engationsatud given np
bYI II-1 1 i" 1 0 1 ysieia n.lte amit h flr Clirte.llt without eon.
ing tlie A 1..:5C1.T PI US. !lave the married,
or title alien ito 'be married unv
thii t - .useful hook, as it has been the menneof
seen: t iiensen tiro( uni fun u fluky ere tprtsfromthe
Jrver ff J we of death l
- 1
,cl L r Any tit: 4 .6mi sending twenty fre.eents, eti
cloted in a letter, with receive one copy of this
wok Mail •or five copies will be sent for One
Dollai. . Address (pilot paid.)
*DR. 11. YOLTNO,
.._No. 15:2 Spruc e
eSpriil. • •
E p s v,
, Grica 2uura/ Rem
edy for Indigestion
I •• • . and Dysimpsea.•
- ~ •.• -•
%T: S. BOynitiO s Pepsin, the true Dt
ni:sriVE F.r.eln,or GASTRIC JUlCEl3llllhohis
ili”,ltirSt place among all the various remedies
fortheSe painful and.cletstructive complaints. It
is .. , iature.s own sp,ccific for aniunhealthy stom
ach: -.No art of man can equal its curative pew.
ers.: and no sufferer from. Indigestion and Dys.
, , . .
peOsia - should fail to try it.:
i r ,V'"'Sold by Abel Turre!l,lilontrose . Byl. '
• ,
iumiDELpillA. •. . .
, Important Amioancement.
i' , ,
all personsylli:eted wlb sexual thseases, such is
iScluinal ltirakn WIS. Impotence . ori naorbata; (lest,
Syp iilis,,tc..k.c. - The Ilnwarkf As/lodation of Philmiel.
phis t . 10 view of tho awful Ic...traction of human life and
heath, cause d by lo ival ‘bseases, end the deceptions
whi Li are practiced upon the unfortunate vietimsofauch
dice ...shy Quacks . hp'e clirrelml their consuitlngaurgeon
as a!, :huritable Act worthy of their name, to give 31s Weal
Ad.elc.- Omits. to all persons thus afflicted: (Male 0/ Te.
m 3140 Ice., and Lin 'emirs of extreme : poverty and suffering
to Vitrol 11 . ..Almtleines Freya Charge.'
le Howard Assoolitioni 4 a benevolent Institution., es.
ta Shod by speolatemlnwment.for the reliefof the sick
and distressed. &Meted with' Tirulentand Epidemic Dia
easea,". and its fund* eau be need for no other purpose--
It hive now a s Irvine of means, which the- Directors have
voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add
that', he Association commands the highest Mrdleal skill
ofte age, an will furnish' the moult approved modern
Area mew. Valuable advieegivenin sick and nervous to..
tonics ctilleted with 'abdominal weakness, Womb plaint. Co
m Lencorriers, A.
.A•tdrese . (pnst-pald) Dr. Oett—R. Calhoin. Consulting
Zurgeno. cfnward Association, No. :South Ninth 1460,
philidoPb is. Pa •
Dyorder otthe Direetory '
1 • • ..EZR tD. TIEMITIVELL, President.
fi 0 Faiietrixn,Seeretary _ 22y1
, . Plated Ware. •
;. TFST received a large lot .or Plated Ware;
. 7 11.1 (cnnsisting of eako baskets, Castors,
!Al_and-Chamber Candlesticks. •Tea Setts, eon
gistiniersix piecim extra rich; cups 'and Gob:
lets! '
filso,"firittania Ware, viz : Tea setts, (four
!fivers nd six 001.04) Tea Pots, Coffee' Pots; Can
dle Sticks, it.c. As the subscriber hai made tir
rangetoenta with the manufacturils of the above
goods. h'e'ir enabled to furnish. the newest pat
terns ot.the lowest prices, and also to supply his
enstoniers with extra or single pieces; of any ar
ticle in the abovelline: A.. 1, EVANS,
N 0.2. Odd FellOws' Hall.
lingbantton, Aug'. 29; 1855. ' .
Wholesale and Retail dralermin Fleur,salt, Pork,
Meid, Gram, Feed ,dandles, and solar salt forpack-•
ing Pork.- Cash paid for Oats; Ryr and Meat
On rhestmt Street,—Eastendof Lyons &Chan-.
dlersatire, Mantra*. Pa . . • •
Montrose Oet. 30,1855.-44.
• •
T - . li. DE T'EU ii nitid call, the attention of
e.l a' the 'public ti 'his'. large stork aY Three Ply,
n„Veli'el; Tiirstry, r!-,e5-, , tels 'Carpet
iv,. 1014 j11:91 ptirelymeo - at A TjUrtriN..-.
, r)tl'iL4l4 ;14, - .low ' er priilfer;thhrt offered ; hp.,
r r ,ri , in ihf< e.)unt,ry; , and.a large lifig
1j1313P3i1i,011.: efiffirt iroum oveopying the aecond
'of his CoOcory And 13ou0,.Puraishing
Cotno . qo beeoiyin - ee(r.that there, is . no
nc,aeoriliitor.barti •
. U. DE PE U. •
Mothasitia, 00,11.0 4 en..
runtismcif Isysat inußsisiy
eatesma soma,
• . • _• • -
TE114311!• , --81,1;t0,ca , :itip atitrbnec,*2,t)(
ri •
ot paidi - Arithio i*otithii)4,nd 452,50;u t tht
of the pAtr.
_No papoi dist'.Ontitto coviati I itri* , Lf:,
go§ exeypt al the optitroil the i bt -
limbers. Ali cottptarilei.ti otmeormeele wit Ft,
otlico, to i nburt: attilltioP 112 6 .4 l ree . I '
paid) 4)E. ti. CIIASE, Al
EhtTpit, oiittose, k'lit
Hates of Advertisinig.
Ode Itquare (12 lines oriole) 3insertioce
Each subst i •quent insertion, .. . . ;
Otiestiusre tfireo . tnonths, ... . .
One square six Months, . . .
Business Cards;four linewor • 3,0 1
Yearly advertisements;nO t over 4 squares 7a;
Ono column on year, . .=
• - YOttly- advertisers win be restrWet: se
business in which they ortiengsgettlanti are et v.
sidered as Wishing to continue advertivint cMt • r
they shall give specialdirectionsforit disecitit
trance. of the same. ,
.1101/ WORK.
Efr The publishers hUeing added tei thtit Jii
Printing . materials a large and supetior asecit
inent of Job Typeove , now prepared to esetesit
job Work, in a moaner• unsurpassed in thie ate.
Lion ofeountry,and on the most reasoaabletrrn
Blanks of every description kepteonstairtl3
oftend or order.
06usintss pirtdori
preat,Bend Depot, Pa. - Annisos Bay
- ANT, PrOprietOr. 4
'• 9
Mau iz f &Closers of Spam:yes eCiIiBIN ED CA ?
URGE SPHINGS, Hughesville, Lveoming Co.},.
Springs may be had of M. S.Wilaon, hi ontrohe
Wan. W. SMITH & Co.
Cabinet and Chair blanufactdrera, foot Blxis
Street,Aontroae, Pa.
Dr. 11 ! ;,81111 . 1(111.; • •
Surgeon. tterntist,* Montrose; Pa. ; will be •A
Searlei.a hotel, Mondays andTnesdaya of eat I
.week. 1571:
Dealers. in. Dry: 66ods - ,l.oveeries - ,..l.lardw are
Creckery,Doo4 and Shoes, &e., Springville
Pa:• • -18y1
• - LITTLE & •
Alto's'les at" Lewr—Office formerly flees
pied by Little &. Streektr, Montrose, Simms . .
henna Conaty,.Ps.
harms Depot, Pa. Office over S. B. West's
Store. 1,03'1
ABEL TIVRILELIA, blorrnosz,D a. •
Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye-
Stuffs, Glass.w,are,Palnts, Oils, Varnishes, Win
dow Glass, Groceries; Pitney ',Goods, Jewelry,
Perfiniery, dic:,—and Agent for all of the' most
popular Patent Medicines * .
Fashionable Tailoi—Shop underSearler
Hotel, Main Street, Montrose, . Pa.
DEALER IN &oyes, Tin,Coppet and Shut Ira*
Ware, Loderaviile, near Great Bend Depot.,6ti
.• A. Lathrop,
DEALER in Readpitmlo Clothing, : Hats, anti
.Gsps. Boots and Shoes,:Dry Cowls; &e.
' Store opposite Searle"-s Hotel; lontroPe .
C. D. LATHROP, and
1. I): W. RILEY 141"
[A. lanutor
- . •• •
Dr. Merit K. C. Vail.- .
DRI:GGIST and. CHEMIST, and. Dealer i
ucs: Medicines, Chemicals, D)e Stu fra
Paints, Oils, Patty, Window Glass, Camphia
Fluid, Pert umery, Yankee Noions,atc.,&c.
Pa.--10tf. •
• Pa., will attend-faithfully to all business en
trusted Whim in the county of Susquehanna
Conveyancing and writing of all kinds will he
done neatly, and charge moderate. Be. mil:
also attend to the prosecution of elainia of 101.
diers, their widows and heirs - , against the U. S
government, for Bounty Land, Pensions, ke.
May be found at ali hours st the office forimari) •
occupied by J. T—Richard, Esq., north of the
Court- i iouNe.--18534149
Interested: w i th LL. Hunt,
bIrnETER AND DEALER in Hardware ard_Ck t
lery, Carriage Trimmings, Springs, &c.
No. 215'Pear/ .S/reet, N. 1"-
Where his Mercantile friends, in this and - ot/: I
Counties,are kindly invited, and fernestlyiolicit.
ed to call and purchase. • n6tl. --
With. Rowe, Woodruff, -& Carter,
No. Washington Stier t
between Cortland and Dey Streets, New York.
March 8, 1854—IOLL
. W. Singleton,
Can now be found at Sing leton,
new stand 4tl ( awe
go street,2 doors west o . Se:irk's Ilot,i, riLFIG
ho efeetually repairs with dispatch. Wutchet
Clocks, Gunn, Jewelrx, and every description i ;
machinery. Wheel cutting, Gun and Watch
materials supplied to the trade.-51 _
A. & E. Baldwin
ATAY be round in basement of Oearle's Hts
/VI. ; tel,4 doors west frotnsthe corner. Hotel ,
and accounts that are due us Will baNcry 's.c
ceptnble if paid soon.
• , A. &E. BALDWIN.
• Mpritrose, Nov.-2 3, 1854.-4711
J. H. Parsons,
Ware, Sofas,. Bedsteads, Tables, Stands
Chairs, dm.
'No. 9 Washington street,
Binghamton, N. Y.
sir Coffin Ware• Room up stairs.-- u 52
Montrone, Pa.,
FOR ALL Tog yormts
mianir Ex:mama
Consignwn/i Constantly Received.
Now and Cheap Goode.
BapGfrr *t low preimure prices and will be
sold accordingly by
Gibsoq, Opt. 11,1854. -
A GOOD asiortment lrnd , hindontrip wens
Cl '4l-very low prices. . tI, B. 1,,,.„(70.
rr 4 Fi r m A.. At. E; lan win' ins
1, 114t-';inci finnte4s .tis is this 4111iis rant nal - Oisilt : : .Notts and ,intn . onata
ilint du.; as tunst,V pulif bust , .
tots , hs'eontiniled - by• Fordimingnd
A. Smith, dt. Cr;„ 'wilt - 1114 - 6:11W t 6 do
all - istnd,e of worit entrusted to them in titoirlinct
of Business.. - A. nAta a IN,
MOntrose, Jan. 1, 18343:—.1b5.