The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 21, 1856, Image 2

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k JUSE lost her friend;:your cousia.
• But Aleck did not understand; thriLi. lere
are mothetits when a wbisl, a tduch,will niake
the full heart ovectlew.;,!, - 11e 041114
'the strugglin thoughts which , arowded
• up` at that sight .of death, and 0404 m r i pPlY
to Cecil's appealing; look.;' 110 1 . ;:turiteil to
Mary. Gir-poor pussy to 1-rap.
- quite dead, you- see- a little
grave for her in the dark walk; where the:Vi
olets come so early. It must hav e beenikill : .
ed initantly ' be' to ok' it Troil
j her knees,--' and most likely wi'thout even, see
• ing_the dog ; for it seems to have_ been heiz
, ed- by* he backof the ;neck:. '
am glad of that," i said it
was s"73,4TA,timid.
repeale.ll rafher. ert-A6rq ):
t no usky ? „-', why; ill , nro - tirtiarilS Mid
st combat with Watch 41:10: joke I
can tell -;• • ": 1 •
'lt was unusually.: timid; rill ateveri i you
ratty %.S3', l - - replied Mary ingrilY, Its , moth
er was aniAligera cat ; and they. are, Much
• More easily frightened dud more-affectionate
-than English cats,"-- - ,
Meek lautrhed. -‘ I.dou'Vpretend
. te un
n • ,
dmstand the family - peculiarities of , cats; I
-confess.'l leave that to you and, Mr. Norton.
VOit a ridiculous muff the Man looki,'
contiritletit pointing ourof the t window. At
another. ime_Mary would have‘miled, forshe
- had ahem sense of the humorous ; andithere
Ivisatomething funny in-Mr. Norton's, grave
, faseand deliberate walk :.lcrossed -the
geasv .. -4-ii spade under his arm, and the little
- zit held wi th an- awkWard c,arefuluesi i both
.his bikiis. Now, however, Aleek'S ill-ad
-sised tone hat,.already iritated her. ' Yes of
courmhe is i'culoutt, if he is doing pie a
• kindidss i ' she replied. ' Everything isiridic
tulotis that shows a feeling heart ; I wonder
• irtrat you have not found out-that loving me
is a rulicidous Weakness:
' You are very unreasonable Polls l -,'.
swered Aleck, looking annoy.d.l -` i ' da ; nnot,
. understand these stormy fits all about . LnOth
ing.' -1
• No, you never can understand 'anything
I feel. Whether it is about Aiehy's • illness,
Amay's marriage; it is all ihe same' am
- checked and scolded for eve rything I - 'Say or
, •
'Scolded - _Come, Mary I. en , tt , ink I
do much in that line, though -3T do so; 'often
contrive to vex you.' ;
Mary's momentary hastiness passed away
.beneath the greater kindness of his tone.
, - `..Ntit so ver y often, dear, and then through
-twine foolishnem of aiy own, '
she said; hum
- , clay • and stooping, she kissed , his hand as it
'!duty upon th e chair. The young , man did not
return her caressi a sullen !ex pression had
settled down over his handsoMe face.
Shall I come the day after to-morrow or
not?' be asked, after a pause.
You have always spent the eveeing, with
'me on my-birth-day, Aleck.l Are yOn too
• - waxed with me to come this time
'Vexed ! I have-not been Vexed at' ll that
lam aware of. Only, as lam not finite
easily riled up as yon, Mary, you _must allow
- • me the privilege of not forgetting hardiwords
.Mtiry - sighed. will-try and cni,.e .tnr
-self of being passioliate,' she said, taking his
hand ;in herown ' again kiving it.--
'Young Laurence toiikno notice of the ges-
Aare. tkitall. look in if I have -time,'
basii(l,:titin to go. Good. by,
By the bye. I'quite:fort,rot that, Arelly wan
ted von. He reallykb, ca look bud to -day.
•-• Mary flew past hini to her brother'S room.
Me was Ito:wand She was struck by his tip
ipeamarte. His !yds looked'unnaturally large
maftlis face 'had a drawn and pamful express
_ With :a strong effort she swallotrechlie
rising tears. 4 1:11411-you
'she a.sked. '-. •
—"- teach me resignaticiii,si§ter of :iliac."
I teach you: Achy
4 Nay, poor child, 'tis true yon cannot.=
Yon will-Feed a coinforter youri.elf: Ile rod':
ed.nneasilyori his pillow, and lOoked at her
loniandr-wistfully, j 'AM L muc h altered r
_ asked abruptly. -
:teary tried in rain to steady her ;voice."
- Why. do yint ask; lore?'
" shall I•tell You, weAk woman ? Shall I
.confess tn.; 'weakness 8 Yon know,
thaflteve"--not herstoford been walating in
-regignation.. -- Freon) rely birtialnreibeen but
a poor creature, alwais - yet; I have
:/yoon:paatiefit—haVe I acid N,sw, I wltpn I
-asost.need . it, I can sumntea strength no ion
,. ger, t& er; and a rebelling against a God of trier
...ties. nit:that I !Would Um.. I know that
c.ant.:4 be v-but ci,!, I would not die' 3-et.—
Do -. y.ou think that .I must ? that God will
not spare me a little longer I'•
Mary shook xcith sgrip, - assed sobs s.: she
• ..r,oUld not utter a single word..
. - ‘..You may hare forgotten it, den ; be re-",
.tamed, as
_l tossed restlessly onithe bed,
‘-but if I only AVe till thei spring—the 7th of
Felauary, is it nut I—l shall be of !age, and
can leave my mother and you comfort'
I : and pltaty. If lam taken before then, there
will bedowerfor my 'little sis ..;!,.at.d fay
poor mother ;her lonely old age, mast
• want for all the comforts she has been Inc
r. enstomed to. -This, Mary : is the bitterness :of
.death„ Like the dying g
;girl in Tennyson's
-Aong- -4 I only wish-to live till`the snowdrops
„Dome, amain.” _
_ _
!Z -- £. COYANTED;
. .7Ertii
Vashington. Sato lac, Feb - 116 2 '56.
Goy. Shannon leaves bete this afternoon.
Stint for St. Louis and 'llion ccuto ',Kansas.—
lie will irnmediateiy renanve his office to Le
compton;the centre of tlite prevailing diffictil
Quiera will be issued b; the War I)ePart
-meat this afternoon, and:they will probably
- be ecinveyei by Gov.-Shanuen to Cul- Sue
met. There douhtt will be in ae
.cordanee with the. irpsii/016 1 vi .: 1.15
.1 all ex
pressed in. his Special geasge regard' to
lamisas and in his hte: Proelarnatitql, and
11114r4keetienS will be given' to i:are ii?em
finitly es:forced.
There 00 800 troops at Fort, Leavee*orth
and= 00 at, Fert'S'iley, to be called out if
cirCttffißte ees ilegrand. `.l
.lair-7110- Grand Jury of. Simquehanna
',county hest week ignoied the bill of Italia.;
omit for libel - - preferred .: , agaiust Chase,-.1
the . Aliter - 4)f - the - :Alai from Democrat, by;
;fudge Serked the prosieutin right.
If yeditopre are to le,proseouted Ind convieted'
for telling - the truth about public, men, .there,
is =tad icithe bciaet&l freedomlof the pres 4
iipubliean-eSun UT of otrtad—,,Lancrts
terdialeftrgenitr. =
AttiAso ustmcie-+The
otOriocit.tniiiint:pr have invented a boop
' o f I n dian plialo,-ti tbkn tube la- point-of fatty ;
whitlaan be- - bli4oc-- up 'Or -cot aPSed with. . ;
Ireat thO , OoOvonieueo of 41te. '
wafer. Whoa aladi wilbps topass through
a door , or tit* a .4rnog: f or advAather nar:
• row. -01see,44:11104;Olirifig, oPens -, '
4 , r4v6,201 , 411,pi0ni Sir p.iolipe: . Wheu
the, lady . enters*, Rlsee-fiemplienoutli for
tholoolociii* ,only- -,74Tat::ll,tdolicate
little pipe toiler mouth' and hiovr
\ to tho.legOlioa , -Aripe.- .: Coitil iffytemg 1,41
Tit• L.'
Ix on tro!e,', sc4irt F
• •
- Now is the t ! mo fOt those 0.10 aro going
to bring wood. to us, to brhig it. Pretty soon_
the 15 - 43 ionb.
' 'Panted. - • ,
A-rottng front - AB-to 19 years of age
to learn the printing business. Good amour
ag4;t:nent given, at ads office. .
Fertile - purpose of necominotlating our,
patrons as well !:ts ourselves, we hamappoin
ted. S. A. IlemPstesd, , travelliog Agent. Ile
vrill visit the several townships for theipur
pose of making k olleetions,, and we hope ! our
friends 'will be - prepared. to see. Jilin.
VT' The rep al of the Lititier Law still
hangs 'on See.on4 reading in - the Senate, .
, . . : ~ .
RH: There were, seven cc/auctions in trre
Wayne Countv 'Court at its last session fair,
' 1
selling Liquor contrary to the -Jug-Law. Tile
defendants werl3 sentenced 'to fines ranging
frog 10 to e5O, and imprisonments ranging
from one to teal days. About tienty more
are under indictment. ', _
Ainr This . (,l'ursday)
.is the fifty . seventh
_uuinteiTupted good sleighing., and se !
ire cold - thiS'Arlinter. At .45 miles pot-da+
. • journey of 21565 miles could have been .per
foimed-on runners.: •
„, • -•Irlajorl - 41 - ottes
Xlie, above :is tile, title.,,f,a Series, of letters
iOW in press ley - 4 1 17.11:PETEnso,N;Pliiladelphia.
They make's yOlutue‘of 21 1 7 pages, • co-_
pious illustrations. Laugh and grow fat”
• •
shout be the motto • of;tliis Book ' Buy' it
ye loverS off:tlielndierous-
'ir:r The ja:liciary - Committee,, in the House
his reported adversely. to the
Bill removing tne :trial of the suit of Puss-
wore Williamson. vs. Judge Kane. from Delo
ware' - Co., to Phildelphia." in the Senate Mr.
130kalew . :rqade short speech ngainst .
the propoSed.,Billl when it was introduced,
and the leading S f enators declared themselve:s
Of his mind. - We suppose from this will 'be
deduced :anothel E argument of the pro-slavery
tendency of the Peinocratic - party !
_ .
• -' - Prbelamzition.
Finally we have a proclamation from the
President on affairs in Elansas...lf the Presi,
dent will see that the ileelaratiens he has put
fOrth are roally ? carried out, if he will . take
maasures to cow, ince t.:e yillams of the
sOuri l3order,that they. will be met by the bay
onets of the . United IStates Troops if they
make another in,rasiort of the Territory, - all
trouble will very soon end there.L. The pee
ploofl;ansaS unmolesteid,...behave .well
enough for all tbat-we see. They are piespar
ina,to resist invasion,; and in- that - they are.
.right.: 'We the President isitl at one
meas.urcs. t`O' convinle
_country_ that
. -.- •
:the. persons; property, and civil rights of all
'territory, shall linive ample prote.ction by the
gencraFgovepaineut.'.„ .
i --
Zr. Gr l
ow and hi % Totes:
As a young man MI. Gnow possees ready
parts.- lie is ain extemporrineoes. speaker.—
He expres.-cs lamselfwith case and ,fluency—
often with force: Liklmost brilliant youny
men; however, age does not seem to ripen
his intellectual powers. They are already
ripened: He was .‘lr. Gnaw at twenty-one,
and is Mr:Gniow at thirty-two. Public life,
however; has its,naark upon. Limn. As
a politician he has been sin,gularly fortunate.
A. mere youth when he entered Congress in
1851, he is young; now, after having seen ns
ranch of public - life as most_public men do at
forty. ' Abov' other men - he is not proof
against the actions of place ancl
. flattery.
Ills elections aye been of the morrinm
pliant kind, far lie leas been'taken p by the
united Demoeratic party of this District,anir
by them supprted ' with earnestness and zeal.
The oppositioh—in whose ranks he is now
' I
serving—toolweak to accomplish his defeat,
have general y contented theipselves with
ridiculin e ,g. his, talents and position. Headed
by Jessup they have laughed at the idea of
the Democ,rats being represented in Congress
"by. the selieol boy Grow,"—" the parrot or
ator," &e., &b. 4 tre have now in our poss
ession an article vi.ritten by Jessup, and pub
lished in the,opposition paper . in this bor
ough, made ip entirely with this kind of rid ;
icule and invective. But it amounted'to
nothing, for "ifr. Grow had true friends at his
side,—menwhowere willing to sacrifice per
sonal ease, lcomfort, aniiihing in his d?- ,
fense,—men ho do' not change,—tnek u Ito; where they were then,—mea 'ulio .
loye tI4, simple andsublime truths of Erernoc.:
racy, and who could,. now weep tears of joy
if it would bUt. bring Mr. Grow back from
his wanderings, In the camp of his enemies,
to the embraCe of the friends who have lived
and labored to - make himi what ; lie is. Af
ter laving heti tFiee elected;" thus . filling
tl42,l.l:llusaiu-ot. the party, it, was seen by his
f r i en ds tl he 4. was still be con
tinued ill dotig.i,l3ss. The Administration .of
President Pierce .was about opening, and,
Frith that Administration Mr. Gr.ow Lacle fair
to be 'popular: . Mr. BuctrAxix . and he had'
Ispoken from the same' platform at. the great.
'tnectiugsin Sroudslitirg - nrid ?Bauch Chunk
.duriag the canvass, and after the . election Mr.-
:Buchanan igid spoken of him' , in the wurrq
est terms to. the PreSident. Judge Cathpbel I,
a most - devotCa frieud. - was ",.in the Cabinet,
L E e Le could cotninand en array Of outside
A,KlAtriel4o 11idly-{.:second to any \ '\ , Maruberat
.. ~
-..w iut hi n gion ; .... When therefore *r. - Grow
took his seat In the last Congress, Le foand ,
ifiolietf o6eupyhig a;..strong position. ' J.lis
pride'rogej4iov4 l 4l?9begart t'9' think of a
re:electiou -41.4 Methiortoo : rei 3 ieed in - hie:;
511C1. :11- aaa . -- .#etekprour, , h accumulatingis,
proud f
lioueii:- . --IVhite raatt, i. Were in position
,thel , l;biislita' :? :Bift - %is l iiitro 'dilt?ed;" - `aiikfit
soon - he'eaMe iiiiareit du i : ethe `A+,iiiiikt4soa:.
'in ins fivipr.; that
trout break triaibtoinisiratien or with I
consthuentit, 41144 t 1 a fcirmer, and
c'ti*lfaitte. 41AIcrate for re-election. But
iisitae-rhotnei lin
tiro= Orikatetl, bitter
Iwith i dliippAnifnent, and ',.#ring little but
toihlume . If. 1. 1 Irelitt r .thrittlie.-.11 - dministration
`had .al-eo a bourse 'ungeneroui ,to many of
its friends,-4hat La had been sacrificed ' at,
-Wasaington,-z-'-ttiat-his commanding:pasitioia
there'l had - been lost . and in short he was in
just i.he-moodfor retaliation. But as yet he.,
was politic. profestO a sincere at
tn:Chirient, to the Democratia, Par , ty,". and
dared to' his 'Democratic friends' . that t he
should support theirticket-Goveintii - Bigler
included: Ha waS'again nominated for Con-
I,gress by the DCruOciacy of thii county . , and
• B (1
the nomination was concurred in y -
I ford: Now it was that his . fvieuds here first
noticed a disposition to resort to the
arts' l ofa . PolitiCian. The canvass yolsexeited
And (angry, hCr. Grow ` to ...thec . l'DertiocratS
profSssed just euongli attaehtnent to the dem
ocratic Party, and-its standardbettrur, Goy
ernor Bigler, to prevent the,Demoerats from
refusinerito oive Min their • inpport; 'and, to
th e opp(isitli,)ll, he prbfesied'ju.4t, :enough -in
difference to the success of. the dniocraey to
i r 1 t t ra •
sat.s.y t leta. no o run a gang a r.gninst
him, Thus l receiving. the Democratic rote
of the Distnet he was elected. The opposi
tion leaders; after , time electioa paptirned bit
terly that they did not
- ruin a . candidate
•,and defeat Win ; for they found n•hen
to late that l jhe strength of-the Kabw Noth
inilf machinery would -have carried them
thrdnalt. But it is just as well for .thein,now,
for Nr. GroW has -thus far done -just as any
good 1 ... ri0n. Nothing would. They could
riot have elected' a man ill° would have :lus
• • •
wer t
cd their
_purposes better, for every vote be
has i Ltast since the present Congress,'.,bas,
eireept a few scattering voteiat first,
so far as we hard_ seen, hits been given'tor
Know Nothing men :URI Know' Nothing
measures. But we have: not' ye( do
Grow's'course before the inetting'of Con-
--. 1 -
After be Ireturnecl from Washington lvt I Thing% art itixey are.
spring, while. the Know Nothing organiza-
„Simnet . , sweet summer bac gone, bearing
thril l ivas ao its beierbt in tliis county e, hen with it its su tediine and flower,lis music mil
all' aroundevaseonsternation and alarm, %then poetry of Nature, its green sward carpet, its
the l eemott principles of civil and religious lib- N erntil leai eslend shrub., its sparkliug foun
ertyl were assailed by a secret combination, thins nn ,l darni ng r ok, pe,,,,k w i nter, eo n .
smog in its invisibility, and 7, parently reek- ing his rice from the frozen-North, exhales
leks'of fir leans of obtaiuur power, Mr. upon us his icyreatli,strift•t
ie. P
in that Ct'llebA
GrOw nature enough waft applied to by hi , 1 flower of its tints so fair, ated conoealire , the
old „friends for his views, and also to takirl face of our beatuifill'eavh into a .7iii.frice tin
sonie decidea stand, to throw the weight of I couch and rough.' 4 col•l, white .sheet of
Lis_influerice in favor of those?. riples or l i death is thrown betwixt us alla the once
'titlll and religious Get r , 7 p•traaug pillions ofc hil dren
Jona Mitch lie at ;lie 1 vrai mN r 11 , 1 :t: '. "
f.enndation of aria nation's greatness and glo- I (tom theirconimon parent. earth, as death
ry : i He talked upon the subject in prit ate t divides the fund mother from her darling,
with his friends ' with Sincerity aid feeling.— 1 , Labe.. The time for tried has come,.the hour
I,- ' • -
He l was-invited to addiess the public upon lof retilbution s• -• drawing nigh, nnd " 0,:1
these ilbsorl:•ing questions during the coking -I God : I.4:Member the poor,'' is piously breath
(April) 'Cou'rt• Ile was understood to assent led from heart and lip. el:ocieties to clothe
to do so, and a meeting was no,ifiLd‘thione,li 1 the naloesl e to feed IL e hungry, to look after
the Press. he evening, came, r...ple left, atul pro i. 1 ., for 1.11.: it aor,,le.,titnte, Matelering
their business and came, some a distance of l orphen clad are in 'eusy keeping, and vg i t i,
1 -: - .. ;talks to hear Lim but no Mr. Grow nn- ," reeent: le .e and there, eclieltiug in tones of
I , eared. The next week a letter app '-'area in heart-a 1111.11 g vlotitlCtlei, f' r the so much de
0„„.,0. — AL..I - I -L..1 ....I;tm-itry er.l' t 4 ~ory ~e tis,6
LeeKr,,eede , A
Triikhannocle creek, written by a .E..a...w 1 pliilantla-p : ,... pi :ins. 'A few peunies, sir, if
Nothing, bolting that Mr. Grow was there the ' yon pl....ase, to l.cip to leo, yron, to loot hoer
evehing the Meeting was annotinced, end 1 stocking" to cot er a ..core Of little, bare feet,'
who:. asked ,why he was not at Montrose Co I was the pious el , p , al made to us the Oth-
Make an anti-linow Nothing speech, he sig- 1 er day, foon one of E%t2'i fairest daughter..
nifid that he did not speak on that,. subject.} . We. g excel for :e moue. :rat upan those great
It is needless for us to say that Mr. Grow's 1 brit tut eye,, as they Isere turned upon us
friends were most deeply inoftitied, at this lin mute eloquence, the ruby • lip, the round,
result, and that many of ilietncgate volt to 1 plump 'Austen:: fe;.:ares of the petitioner,and
their disappointment in no flattering lar.gueg,e, I 'then gave the rr-keel I for p'ttanee, wondering
lifitt still, most of them tried to co eilook '4 ;no loner that A lain fell' \'r gate, it as
and st.II excuse his conduct, for still he pro. we have given 11411,1;01, of 'other Eke dona
fessed td them all the abli'oranee for the hate-.. 1 tien , , 5% iilleut a thraglit of the fun re wbeih ;
fu'l Idoettines of the oppoeition thrit he had lor the bread cast upon the waters could lee
ever professed. He soon sailed ft Eure I pe, 1 foetid after many daps, we only hinted that
and it, was then.hopecl that Ire would return i u Len u the ~ rk . w r.s acne, each'Ceinier
with renewed Tints, in better lacer, and 1 should turn I. I ~ ..r es es to and LOMC 'to see if
that he would then define his 't . 1.1. • I there were not litile b„ire feet or naiad tei(lS'
posi ion on a. , -
important principles dis Wing the ;parties of .to coyer, e'er they were giN en to stranger
did day.' But still hoclung to 14 " Let,%%iXt 1 el:larell ; for in slate of our, better feelings
an 3 between policy," and as such took his 1 Ice hate but a poor opinion of charity fair.,
> ,
seat in Cengrees in December. before leas- , and: ,
are often forced to call to mind the fa.
tug here, however, he declared a,preference I miliar anecdete of the little urchin,. George
for t Mr. Bairk.s for Speaker on tlie shivery Ties-1 Wash ;:t , ,• ton Nal cic on Bonaparte ,lonc I
tio ~b ut on account of Mr. B's wehl known i wallet% ilig in the street ha lf :naked and bare
• • •
v...e.e -Li ., ineolier,‘Mrs. ;lento, was run
- ow 'Nothing principles could not feel it a i toot, 1 I 1
dUty to vote for him. ll© conlmenced vo- I ming from house to I'oll4 in highest strains
tine' for, Mr. Nieols, a free soil Anti', K, N. of eloquence, to procure clothi rig.' to send to
Democrat e then,all at once hie scruples on i ' little I,!sfatlien children' in distant lands be
-1 Know„Nothirrism gave war and•oer he ,)'end the sea.' 5,,111, seei 1., t :0 , , sew ing socie-
I '
wt.tit to. Banks. - Mr. Banks was finallyeleet- I ties,
u t hi
societies, and charity fair e and,
ed and 111.1 Crow was made Chaiiinan of the' all that e are, rte;beliete, fire times in
CAnnaittee' on Territories l i r , 1
up more to mak.° little lions out of Some of
Next came the election of •Clerk, and fur its members ; it is only encouraging beggary,
this office this consistent free soil party nom- I pauperism and crime among us, and tirtual
i4ted. William Cullum or -Tennessee, an Ily displays one of the existing humbugs of
original Whig, and a slaveholder,. who Lad , the age. For, though this may \ be called_ an I
r • an for re-election to Congress on the Kirw ! age of implotemem;yet it, is, uithall, one of
-'Si 1 theor- •e. -of •
.. °thing ticket and been defeated.; Here -.. r, 1
~„ Laust ,i . ,e, imposition' and humbug-
row's policy of" betwixt and between"., gary that ever di.egrziced the 7 wolld since the
c a me to'his aid: - Ile :was anxious to pi.q.,,! fall of Adam. You daily witness bigotry and
• i
servc his standing with the new, iirirty, and i ignorance triumPbing over genius,, the rich
Yet a vote for an old broken dowuKeow Neill- I ari , tc , erat favored and stoitig,ed to bv fawns
iko. Will.' slave holder would,be a hard vote . and evconhants, tiO . matter how 'vile his per
-le' t' .., •
to explain to his anti K. N: ;Democratic j son, or how dit e gustingehis demeanor, it mist,
(clench Who had elected him. . So / he toted to the poor man is, pas,ed neglected by, thou , , , sh
. I
bring the Resolution, electing Mr. Cullum behind his coarr , :, Brown shirt there heats a
before the 110Usel with which,hecibuld satis- earnter beau than ever knoeked against fine
Ey that aide, and then on, the triet,,,, vote for linen. , 'lf feat a bi t agadoela hasgold in. his
Mr. Cullutn hedi4 - not 'rote at all, , * I god:et, a Etas . coat.; on his back, and, plenty
We suppose that the other side o a
ght to be i of brass in his-,filecs e he'll go it, th e re"; n & in i e .
satisfied thathe,did not vote for him l. But I take about it, whilst the unassuming, triau
the day for thesesmall shiferlas l i gone hy. will be,pa,s- ed by, thoiigh ho may be as
r. Grow's -constituents Are top intelligent, to , inueb Superior to his: blochbead competitor,
. ~Ided
t , J)v . them. _ Ile might better have as the brilliant sun. of noon 'outshines the
, '
-cited for al . .r. Cullum, after haring voted / for 41imeet star of a enninier's eve. But in this
. ou
an the 63e rote;c ,,
f c it, _wits k e fifii ng _ age of toasted improvement., all these thiags '
u 2
climax to the election or Davits, tin act war: 'Mat be swallowed.u 'W
ithout a scowl. hat
by of tbe dem;mues - who e3 , cted hint.— I. more c,)uld we expect, when we consider the •
r. Orow, after tanking up his mina to desert I governim:nt of the . rising generations l or
the friends Who base made Min - what het is when We consider, rather, that they bare no
and !east hi& lut„ yith his old enetatesstmla ,government at all I The truth is, wo aro a
lave tad so scruples about voting' fur Cull- hundrcd Years; behind the ago of the - world,
Fs i
iuni for I e Avll t erytoon learn that that par- as regards education,. good taste, •rennement,
and improvement- of polite cations ; we will
ii,.;• lit mad - itip of all the profligate and •eor.
t rupt, men oftbe paporo,, And •that It he stais Lin. and - applatrd *at .a frothy milk-and-we- ,
l w lth,tiem i Qin' 144. i e. p4t4ntly - he`Oille'd On to ter -expression or some silly, hair brained'aitn -
I ,
[aid - ivelcvnting thez to powqr„ Oy the ca
•si pielpu, WlijtSt _We : iet to ileep . niider'' ' a, end
joil-Polliicitirii,of hoth - tbe Olt political =par, ,ied fermon, preeledi . ng front the worthy .vice-,,,
t,i(; iVai this it, N. p . arty - forpW,.fur:the'Ole Pliut of neavei% .tx:uoMit.iiotter'vitaLr, oi I. '
. .- ...... u ~... _ . . —......... ~_ :.,..,- , 4 ,.:. ,
~.„..1 ., ......,...,_ .....t„,0..... ~,... :..,-..._ ..,..,,... .." 7 ..4../.:,-.1..., - ~..m,sc,,--5 ..4 ,,..".
IA? 'AbeHntptkr'erttn — pluttilat - regam ags—OT 'lm, 'tin Atotity - intliargy .Tinnenth .1 labbrew
the moans. of iti:attaintnent. No man 'there- 'Complitiott of an intelleettiat-t brain. -'-tbefi
•' - • '-' ' -
fore - .who niake.t„,up.l3is ' mind to co-of,rate; Child- i ti tai.tglit that it - is-snor e cunning. 4.6
with them shbuld exhibit Any.xtiscientiyi say-2,l„ittiA'szhig o ......l lop,: "" a '*n-liurner 6.
seritples;Jor- -- itti' - 0.4• " $ll--.; nit madly ilettacC know-nothing,lb:ti:4l . 4ot4 ft4i-efice. tin •
ft'oreilti'S itaildini6inti, iMportaitee - 4 in; , their . , Kirkluitn, "or soilVel a 'roblent . in i . l -.ttilid. - -T140"
.ranks. - toniciniteolitnitit!iliare tare if he ' is plaiii . ,' blunt' ali w - kin'oveln4 siift .tocii- .
stays mitt( 'thatiptirtf-. , _ - _fTheit,,,Lonly - , ltints:._ja .i . t!g yarn forma-114 %- o
wrk ~Pour .s a,
power,. and to aeqttlre 4 aiid retain it:they:con: -- --gt', we ate 'forced In f tett by pressing 'cl - r=l
ceive it-necessary to keep the public wind cumstances about us, and wo '.well - know td•l
i,in - -eonstatat.exciVment.-- - llende they to:ttii= =Windt - 6 - ire'fire: - lalliiiiertinitfif:filrfo - otir'broth.- - '
ife6t. great .aymPathy And feeling' on the: :old-' - ars, our sisters, our' amines Andr fr . ienchi,i4.nntl •
Very gunstien, and for the Welfare of the prof:: Whoni th a ties of hireCti on ... _and -'humanity" ••
est:tilt" religion,"thottgli" the lenders of the par- se - mph:in:li to . unite us, and With - WhOin,We
ty . .are- generally mda 7whe" • dnt believe :in iltape to ; t!petui the- , briff ti:elfiffp : to,*. cterm ty's.
I r. any: reliniOn at all; B u t these hobbies are tinsolveA rnysteries, in the world of probation-_
indispeti - mble in-keeping them it -. office; • - be - ;. - my hif,nrwtie*rtAdwiti'lelk-4But-wiiere•licer
eause‘they-can;essily- it'll:tine the minds of the-evil'of- all tbisi Where is duo incubus. that
the people OboOt 'election time, as., , though threatens - to involve Its inittPerStitim; '4'night,
the,.blOodysln'yC holders' ; we le
,about to--tUrn• ) ','.:rgtilplting us : i,T.e - allte's - "cil,liyiott.s, ',
the whole con n trY. i r.,to wen vast . negro pl:irl- I Where -we. a,Ol float II uggialli,y Idowu the tide
nation, and the Pope of Londe, who. is • too-Y of time, into the sea:of duath--,Where , 'eternal .
, 1
Weak Co'Stilstain' his joky n 'Etpvernment ivitha/t; niv.t.criesinvorte the c..ene, , tlropping - the cur--
the. ..
. , , ill
aid orneighhoriti y nations,
.is" going to tam between time and eternities vision? .
march an army .str; tig,lif "to Anteriea/burn Can we graSp thn . sinrdy Oak Und tend it to
all th e bouses,tear down the fenees And.mur 7 - our will, can wetnove ' the coral trionfitain'
der all the protestnnts t - These/ridiculens from -it's cieenu:se,at,..or litirt..•the h mammoth
ideas embod:.•:the -- prbici'pfrs o•flil opposition rock frOm , its bad 4ef-liges I' ThenAttstead of
party . . Of eourse no higliMitiilei statesman saving to the drimkard, - Wo'We : -will'clothe
, ... •
-no true, patriot,—no lover of In ; country's you, to the Slugg;irdrlie :stil), In liarve_st; we
peace -quid happiness, wfil-stoop to these,. low will Coed You in : winter ; - let ottr, Attention be.
.resorts for power -4--d --{ I: But there draWn 'flout -children'sleet tn.their Itead's,and
are enough Men wll - will stoop t -. it,tii ! 'd they- instead of covering neked : toeil let us spend
will be: , .-ucenssful just so loflg., as he 'muss of our time - arl' cultivating the - brain
voterOvill.allciyv the - instill-es to be . imposed Of the:litile'shifd,.inenc:Oit"r"ing :schools of
'upon by_ tbull'l'llonsonso, eondo ti ted,, for. the learniror.ainOng us, and - eSt,:adisliin!" , ' libia-:
~.. , q • ,=
mere purpo4e of getting; roes. ' klrt . ... trust th e r i es f or t h c .ir; infttnt.; minds, . ~k,'4l) in, :SiPiday
day is iipt, far 'distant ulen . thel i ileorle'...wsll i schools, and schools of the wei4k ; ;for educa
'meal; the shaeldes- of - . pri , j9die.e.,---wit . c:n 1 tion i's'i litkcid I.ll6,stone orate! alehytnist, the
they will see for'titeinsecc's in "what ' manner d k i,a Of tlieSnitistli = e.' polar , 'tar . of . a `na
desirrnitt.-*:ls men are imposing upon them.— tion's funs'. ;'" '-. ..', -E. F. WILMOT, M.-D. :
When tiley . sliall. - seethis and no longer sus- A Great Bend, Feb., is G. _ 'i•
taro the miser:ll4e, creatc'res 'who are thus' i - . ,!! .
-fleludiug - tla, then
,will the emblem deve"of . •'
. .. Ou Dancing:: • .. - - .
Pr. Fikh, in One:of his . ieotores on the
Ponce agnin fold her ' white wings around the
1 tises'-of the lunrrs, ant, on - the mode , of, : pre
Aline of our country's.glorv. --. . -
------ "------..,.----,----------_- ! serving the.hetdth, Ea. ,
• ;- r
oninattnitat io
Fur the Dernocrizt
.'l)aneing is the ki`n,g' awl? queen of in
droor exercisise. It is huitatUfOr all chases,
ill 'n , e.s both exe;. one or the tnost
ancient' and vne of the most l'salutin:y
cises: iiot spank of
but as exhilerating and valtnitde. exercise.—.
Among the'exerois es ;it is sec4rid , to ncitie.—
_ _
It is extremely suitable to ,itivitlidig And• fOr
ii - - •
consumptivei,, I have • known one of the Worst,
. of.consamption.l . ever knew cured - by
,Oanoing alum, taeticed daily, for: months.-
The ente*-asp4rniment and 'Complete. 2 ' ,
It is deproiiiLle that dancing . and : inose- -
Inents,ofall kinds should . 118;.. '''fallen 'under
the /kin of Ili eleisy, and s:IrOnlel be preached'
arrainst at•sinful.-- it. is doubted whether the
morals of mankind . are Um . , flted by ' forbid
ding all amusetrient ,_a'nd it Is' : most eertaip
the health of thousan4 is it. ! ---
• Who are those :who -sink earliest llito coh
samption among the larl;.es .1 '
M ow me to
say, thosewho talc'e the leastles;ereist and re
', flain• from all .itmusentetits-,4Who at school,
at church, at home, are marked as models ;
whosl, looks are demure, wllOse - walkls slow,
1 and whose conversation is alWlV . .son serious
oljcets.._ • .
In a few years death does i his work, and
} ihc;r long prayed &h.e'aveniiq obtained. No
greater truth • Va ,- -r&v uttered than ihat--,
. . "Ite . ir - wirer wig (ies.irrura
'f fu.ilit - ; our plvasurc' - !"
Neither in its. letter nor ;spirit
. does-our
happy and blessed religion the. religion of
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to whoui
be eternal praise and. obedienee-H-any where
forbid pure„rational pleasures and gratifies
' Use the things of this. world • as not
ril:2lS;ng - theill: is the Njunetion of the Apos
tic, and is a complete summary of - the teaqb
ings of the Bibfrupon the subject. -
• -
The, Township Elections. •
From the elections held! last _Friday we
have returns from, but a feW towns.: So far
as we have heArd theag,7l thq resulted high-•
lySati4actory to the Democratic ticket.- T.
In'Bri , f4ewater, Pan 1 1 IreWster (Dem) was
elected Justice of the 1 1 ,Ort: IL Coon
61iern.) Constable, Reuben Tiells • (Dern) As:.,
s e sser, Latham Gardner (Dern)Supervisor.
Tia Mgt of the eandates we ido not remember,
but they were. all we believe Anti line :w,
Nothing. In Dimock - the understand : llre :
Demoerhts elected :footle. half their- _ticket. • !
Iu New Milford - the' cOniest was•animated.'
A very full vote of the to was - and.
a friend writes us the fOloWing result.
-Milford ROdeemed.
Irr. Hi for :
At' township eleetien - yesteaday, . the
Know Nothing, were per4tly routed, horse
. and- dragoons,. notvolthstandiug their ;
,E ' •
previous drilling and engi s tipering in thfi lodge,
MI the - offices they - got wiis Sexton; the man
to , dig theii graves, and 41 a Mancatvre
obtained the Assessor-by 4ne illegal vote.Hi
,This is proof positive that, Lhey jbave seen
•. • • •--. • .: -• ,
From Middletown 'lye 11,4 - ce the folloWil4
n'ood news. , 1; , •
t, - :1 - . .. I
• '' - . . Middletovati Fe1i..15 . 18.56. I
:1 • I
Friend Chdse :--=
- •1 1
Our to%;nsliip election ryas to. day,
• and .totulted comple(t.,.ovetilitoV of the '
Whig, Know Nothing, 10-publican, or Colti
:fusion' party. I say Cj i ittlisfon becausn . !
think it is the most apprhpiiate tutino.i They.
:have not, elected 01113. Single - o ffi eer excel)
patlunister e r two.. .The !iestl4 , ,f 13 49‘ 18 ..
lloytJudge election, John I , 4inn.
and OtiS Rosi„ Inspectors i l Judson Stone
ei . 13tister and NV illiam : 43rolden;Seperrisoiii
C. D. Cobb 41 uditor lei }Bald Cottstable •
atunel Taggart Cleik, Nilson Camp Treasis .
ifyirecitp,rs . All of them t!id lletno'ord(g;
that, have always stuck - to their tine 1."16ii:M.:
cratinprinciOesthroogkall.of - our
w itli Alto opposition,. .
Th 3 oppoiltion , Made t4roitgletrorts -
vide and aefVntt the-relitt(ar . lieket, the
ticket . elcotedi.hyl',a ban , !'trziine'rniajr="
j; 4 1:A= 0011, Y,, ,
It'llerford the Demierati ~ were - . -largely
eueoessfui; cleeti% theiri whole • ticket loy , a
, tiai"in rijoriti: Alla Gicii Read - 44 t'irinklin.
• ,
, uenu.a fetron,
ritetnbera of ite Maine Le-.
glSlturerwhi? tvero empowered by the State
Ceitvention try July to :elect Delegates at
large tol",the -Cincinnati. Convention, on the
gflillinst,.,selected four gentletnen 'Who are
pienkto James Buchanan. They are - II;mt
Moore,'of Waterville„; Dudi t ,l
4iavit, ofltingia.;• Wni. K. Kiinbali,
Ci Talbot,. of Sable, and
were elected bP a very large inojority.'
,t'l:l44i . or Apne .. y)Ara4s43 ,- --14e-keliiPg ill
.tliiit ;state,rnns strongly in ilki•or of - Mr. Bu
ghtmart,l9rAteTre,,iduncy. . -.
--.-;,ll6•_Chestor- CoAnty,,l)iamopratie l -opYeq:
tion met at West Chester, on - TneAday Jast,
and appointed 'Aiessrsr. S. Ilodir,son, '..1. D. Eifr
tins and Ralph Mari,h,delegates to the Fourth .
:s:f...M4,rgh...C9. l CMitiq. l ):=o.l of whom:. are z%1.1-.
ens, and devoted hiends
. 9f. Mr: mi,i)-ailaii..-....
Tiro Clunberifini,COnnlyil)eyiKinratOti. Cork
vention met at Carlisle ' on the 28th•tilt. v. s.nd
tedaon ti :Stuart,-.Senatorint,f . ism"
11QUI118 Uldille.,! ` : - ,agil.,Moseil3riaer Re.p
reFientAtivo Deltlgates,t r g,,tite ..State ;Conven
tion, with , ulotninion3 in§truotion : for 3tr:;..134-
elianan. : . •
There are ;note-90,4eleyites electea to. the
4th of March' Coureution,- of whoifi 90.. me
for. NT. /Snub:man, mkt disrA for Nir;"l.)allas:fiftr
thol l ivtikloJtey. There,farW th,irtywven vet
to elect, all of whotn, i ive Lave; reafltt tole:
he,lot , Atr.:].flacliantta: :
r Indeed the tiadigationtare , that. Mr. •••Ba
cilititsin will be;the,loornimotts choice 'Of the
t't'lonvetstion, as -it ie.- hardly t)e -Suppose4
thatstlic live or six kettiletnea elected for. Mr.
theinseiges in
opposition tom tokr - issajor,iif '6l the _Con
yetstionspeit is 4icsititbat sev
eral a them preferl%lr. BucitijiiikalthQugli
ins-tructed.for Air: Dallas. f
- 130cit.i.Sis Virginia
./?;,77/ibticurt. ftrOt:s.- the nomination of Mr. Du
i!hanan fOr the Presideucs; ittlitSnys that; if
the f)opuler, voice of'Virtnia,:he representeil
to the.eineinnati coni, - entforqihies lincinn;
an, of P01111:y1Ylia, will receive'th&„endl.iiie - -
inent of the oici 4iotnplon.realth, - as the gen
ilqrnan eminently worthy tobear -- the'•l3cipoL
oratiestatitiard. in the next-Presidetitial'con-.
. .
'The Centre.,oounty 'Democratic CoUventiOn•
inet h& t yveek an.l appointed Yr:. S:imucit
itrobek.c . r, their Di.;' leg,ato to , die 4th of March .
Convention, a . nd;unaninibus4 ..instructed iiiEu
fur Bochaintn.
. .
•• The Camden (N. J.) Dentocixit says:—'ire
drink the sign of i he - tittieml.point with un-
- errirt- ceitaintv to Pennsvivania's -noble, on
asthe'standard bearer in 7-tho'great• stru, , igle
of 1856.- .We regard Mr. nuebanarf am - one
of the• greatest, livin7 . s.tateunan,and•welmow
; the 1-)•• tnotraer.of .N..Jersey,vould be proud
itd, do him honor, . . •
, -
-hi P 0 ItT A &T. TO PO ‘7111.t srF..Rs:--?-Our
tion , has been called_tn , • ilia. fact,lthat... stone
11 . ostmti!'ters are in the habit:of, seadr k g. ba c k
to the mailing oflicelettemreaciiing them.for,
,delivery, because' they were s'notcprepaid .by .
stamps ; but - hOnoney". - This:is .wroug, and..
II rises front a inisapprehension ..of the. law . ,--..*
Jn_tio case shonld , a lettety afterit: has. teach- I
ed delivery,,t)e'returned for post
age, ' much. less should it be returned because
the postage. Was not .paid.: by. stamps. It is
the duty of postmasters to-see - that letters .
are' •prepaid - by .stairms, but when - (having.
been pi:paid in cash, either through igno-.
ranee ofthe law, or inadvertance, or want of
st2aaps, on the part of the mailing. - postinas-1
ter) thrl'reach their i , h)stination, it is the du- 1
tv of the postmaster ti) deliver them the same 1
1-as tbough prepaid by stamps:.. it will neces-
I sarily happim that in the introduction of the
Stamp prepa):rnent system, that the supplies
r of stamps will fail to reach all the .4atil and
I remote offices at the proper time,. and it
[would be doing - violence' t) the citizens of .
1- 0264 localities to return, and thus delay their
correspondence, because of circumstances so
unai•oulable. Entertaining this .view. or-the
sulject,.the department has .instructed post- .
masters, not, having stamps, to forward.',let
ters as heretofore when: prepaid by -money.
If an iinpaid . letter, from any-cause, gets . into
the maiband.teaches its ‘lestinatirm,it sheul4,l
he delivercd-on payment of postage. at pre-
Paidl . inte...---:-.E.releahije.. •
" FnEsnoit Fon: .K A.Ns.ks Western:l
cxchan~,ts well ash, why this ,cry
dorn for Kansas,' when it is :knowrithat Kan,
sas.h:ts - already fur cd a,COnstitution.prohib
iting slavery, and that all-the chances are
favor of her admission as,a- free State.: .
The disresNct shown to the common-Sense:
and intellig,ence. of the peeple is not among .
the leAt of the reprehensible acts of-the ' Re-_
publitian' agitators; They : notonly deny the
right of self-governtnent,Thitt . they attempt
deceive the public with :fnlsehOoda so trans
parent that even a - : child may see .through
them. • In-,theirstimation,the _white. man is
bat an ndetferen t i uSti _
t he is, fit
. for is to vote, and not fit for- that 'unless he
will vote. inure for than he will fps
There is; however; a conservatiVe sentiment
abroad among the peutle, backed 'up by pub- .
lit iutelligetwe, Which will •ever prove 'More
than a match for the
. cunningly contrived
schemes of unserupulpus politicians—lt en-.
tiruent and an intelligentie which ensures_ the
integrity of ? le. Union against the attacks it..
all enemie , 'whether those enemies be North
ern fanaticsor Southern tiullifiers.—News.
Feb. 16, 1850,
tom' The :Tamaqua gazette:says that Fi v e
dollar notes of the 13ank of Susquehanna
at Muntro . se;-Pa., ?re . in circulation, and Warns
its readers ng,r:tinst such -worthless notes.
Our friend of the Mu? Arose Dcimxret, : had
heiter scud to Ta►naqua Cotetnporary -
tew lu►;pers from his old files, from tho,
latter could copy a few articles )ou the S,usque-4.
hant►a.Dank atfaiks, that would pretty effectu
ally stop the circulation of the notes within
the.circulation, - of the Go4eite „ r•
We - clip the' above from the lion • esdale ;
Herald: It would afford. ns - great.pleiOu'e :to
enlighten - . the. readeis. of theT_Umaquit - o . niettt
on the subject:of the, yalne of the notevorthe
Bank.of Suiquoliimmt- - .nit' how came
the notes in circulation down - among - the.cOhl
- lias Judge Jessup been- buying. ' - coal
hinds tow there preparntoif 44 `ran=
other :Shaft • . •
• One *Veek, Later from Eiker
Arrivad of the.Caitada,qt lahfaa. Tow Le
/wen- me...ituehirfria7r'aiul-Y,Qol,Outlitdceit
.—Ptospectsql.Peaer in .Earojx- 7 -A r o ti
dirtga of the .4q4cific, .
' •
• •
The :11j0 I ' tst.e.aitiqtip Ottiittlti; Oipt.
from 'Oct-noon,. of
Fehr itary• 2d,'-artived.lture at,
moruitig.„ • . • . :
- •
'She htin 4 s'tiet intelligence of" titt,
:Thu OollittsAthltiOo' Oen*:out
at %70poopl CT: 15. tittiThtir.:44i the
'alet , of January • • I
T . b*steitriteT - lielgipte)ya.
- .ngtnts : ka4 t. 11 6-
4)assago,mOtioy and oui pelt sitti : on; ,ea
go bad been-ttikeo.*itari,t:ivitt found to be
but Nitta injured; = She vas `t4: pct rota t e
eirliSit!ii deck I'4
"E" M t * kT ; " 81 5.P. 4 1 CAUPAn
• The Lutylottlamostry — ,A4tterfaser has the
following 4n,gouritementr
" We rtrit-to . fearittlint at an. interview
claret dorihad with Mi. Buchan
ai the Foreign Oilico on Tuesday vdry
angry words 'passed betjlicett them relattre to =
the:Vential Anaprican - que.stioO:"
iv inn`rEAca,lsauotivrnyss.
'The dispatches of the - Russian GovernMent,
_comPleting - and. confirming_ thi telegraphic;
an nou ocement: _of . the- utkcoodition'al- . 4 gmetr
arcs of Austria's propositions, were receind
at Vienna on the 23d ult., awl- a courier siln-s
medintely conveyed them to Payia and_ Lou.
me„Ner l lmluFt. embodying f the propota
tionS'hadleen thyned nt Vienn4 - and sent to
Paris and. LondOn...
"Itis - .YeliarteirtlinTibe: Cr i s ,lit - iyi- d e l
ri l
. lit Pal , .? ca 4 Rhgpf .17tir.; 4.4e.1 ye little'...
time, %till iNi lOstti e dikou)slow. c t f su b.
. ject, aryl that then nle matter will in bro't
to a conclusiou...bykFeb 2.5th,.-.-_.• • _ .-' -1. ' -..-...
The signiukof.of Alku g pre . ..l#naries prior
to tjle ope.ningr.trad"(.7otiferenco now_ only
awriits'thei::trnval Of'tEeTtirklitlt:tleitirioten
. ft - is itated-tbat Piussia'refint*tccigreetii
the conditions exacted •bir , the Allies4tniimr.'
-nary to her admission". iitto itilit 1 1 .00:,Qoaz .
-ferences and that consequently An ,will . be: -
exolode:l , ft em the..Conferenco,but.he invited'
tosign,tke pia/ deed,_of . settlement,,_ .
Baron llrunow and Count Orfoff are" the
.IZeiqinn Plenipotentiarieso4sisted by Messrs.
Ti off' and . F\:nton. :40i4-ici i. -- endort represents
'Eilgran;lf :1), fa rqiiis "D'Aiiglie, Sar4inia i-;--
Coub't 13nol, Austria ,'M: Whld*s_li, Fran*
Deverish Pasha,.'furk - ey.. 1 ,-
A' short iumcsliee, it .is thought, .will b©
forth witk.sgreed np9rt:' _ . . ' , ..
- Thc Brittslk Parinuotit bad aSsetfibleil.,` ',
l'lle Queen'sspeech:. is 2 qiiiti — meger,• and ,
(Joel not A
ion thertcall affairs. ' -
Fr Before ' , vino to prem -ve-leam
Mr. Wilkin's ',wens() passed to third
reading in tiie Senate.. ,
The annual meeting of SuigeAdizita!rotiitti
reecl;.cr's Assdi;latiini *ill be held in leriop
(near Dr, .qgnell's) r on
_Friday inst.,-
'at•preeicely one O'clock P. M.
A , ppuctual att,andanee of all Alie tnember!L
is desired. 'A lecture riafbe etpeefed in ite
evening from Rev. A. 0 Warren:
By order ef the::Parecutive
.11ontroe• - ,'F'el). • •
?e IL Notice:
The ' , George . sandon
,preach in th e
.11.11 `lin reh in Montrose on Sattirday • and
Sunday. the 23(1 and
_24tlt ,Ip?.t. ;,'
Alt gags
_ In .New'lllilfold Feb. Oat by Wm: C. Ward
ir: 'tiioll . F. Tt i n i, to to. Miss
cis A. all of New Milford.
' 4 ^Altelltdierlfstet- - tett - tbel7tkittst.;'hy:thi .
Env. J. B.,y,..grea ry, Mr. R9l3EiTt_l l . Ni x
md, of 91,i:4;01 PADtlint
O { . >.Tew. Milford.
NI At the ssme time and plies, ,I:ty Abe wane
gr.-1). C. Piro; iittltitirs, N. Y. -to' Miss M.
J. Plmtek,ltif 't",
- • W. Singb4ol:l,
AN now be found .at his now stand on the
corner of Turnpike . and - Chestnut Ste., a
few doors - east_of • Poses sto're, *hers he
etrceltzallyl repairs with diiiicach; Watches,
Clocks,Gun, Jewelry, and every description of
rnaehinerv,. .Wheel cutting, Gun and Watch
rnaterialiSupplied to the trade. -
'y Goods. at Cost.
AND lower too. The su b scriber intends lea
ving thin mercantile business tho.first of
next i onil is desiFous therefore of selling,
ell: his present stock of -
, .
For CasivOr ready pay the public - may, be assur
ed that tiiey can nowparehase of mo towel than
Gootk were ever before seld,iri Bmoklyn= Dty
stock eun:istn of.a.-generai• - variety store.. Ors
ute a cell !and you .will Make great -,•=-7--bar-
Brooklyn, Feb: 200856.-784 W
. •
virtue of
• ".
. . •
Tly of .a writ of/Jct.:l7a: ikmed_out 'cif the
11 . , Court of cummem Plea of ';StiSquehanns. -
caueir and to pie direeted, 1..wi1l ofitiSe to hale'
by NOW :.v . eitdue - at ;the Court }louse' in' Mont- -
rose, - 'on-,'Sattirday the 32d day.' of March neat,
•at- '.• - • - • . •
... . ,
lALL - Abat eertainpicee or parcel . of land
Ate le-Great : Bend township, and in the County,.
Sufluehanna, ...bounded and describe& as fp!.
to wit at the south west corn:i'l
er thereof, .at the, line of Lowrie Groen; and'
the nortli , lino. of the Depot 'Grounds of the lie* -
'Yerk and Erie RfAl-R . .oati.--Co;; 'Thence by said . •
.Conirisay's ronntisi_south.- degreni - east; 60
ftetithanti.o.hy other I,ands "of Addison Bryant; -
north Al. ,actre, AS east 204:feet, - to the south aide
traveled, Pith pf the _Old :tttrnpike.road,. thence by. '
said road no-tbod - d w t; . 60
-feet IV' the
eo • : cs - -
corner of said G'rveti's'lirie thence 'south 51 dev
west, v2.3..1 feet' to - Ithii - boginning. Containing'.
about 12960 square:feet, .‘ and having erected'•
thereon:a hirge - Hotel, knoWn as "The Bryant •-•
Muse:' , with barn sheds and other out houses •
and.all improved... •. • - - -
Taken in extention at the 'snit, of Elmee
Brighaw vs. Addison, Bryant.•
HOLLISTER, Sh'ff. _ •
Sheriff's Office, Mentrosr, Feb, 1-8; 11356.
TO' Fariners: and- Gardeners.
YOUR attention is ealled;to 1.1v3 Manures
ruanuf.mtureil by the •Lodi •*fonufacturing
Co, froth the Sinks :Ind Privies . of New York
City onif free from offensiro - oilor, called
Pondretro. is composed of two-thirds night
roil and 'ono- third, decomposed vegetable fibre.
Tarett is composed of three.tourths night soil
and one-fourth No. .1. Peruvian Guano&
TheSp manures are cheaper and better.adap
ted for ' raising Corn, 'Garden Vegetables mut
Grass, - than any other in market. Can be pat
in eontact
„with.•the seed .without- injury, and
causes:Corn and.seeds to•come up .sooner, ripen
two,weeks earlier, and yield one third moroAaa
other manures and is a prerentalige qf 1.4 e" cia4
tbls. Poudrette or 100 lbs. `Teen, wilt
mantirOn acre of Corn' in , the Toteu
3-1 rent per lb. Paudrette -$2,00 per bbl., or:
$1,50 fot any qu notity over 1 bbls.; delivered ea,
board vessel or Railroad,-Iree . fromany .eharger .
for package - or cartage. it pamphiet. containing
every information, sent post paid, to any ono,
semling :their address to
;-6 . 0 Courtlandt , st, Neiv .York.—lnl e •
po fitivo., fertile Lands at tretteap .pr ce and on
L: easy terms, yourlittention ii.callod to the
Ridgway Farm and-coal Conipany.„ .. - Ticenlytinr -
acres or more, in. proportion', are glyen for 11200,
payable in installments of el per week or 84 per,
month. It, located in Elk county, Penneylve-: - ,
niu;' , 4mi has olio of tho bust markets for its. Pro•
deco'ilitheState. The soil is a rigs Meng, And
is nett to - be surpassed for firming, as ox.atnina
lion' will Rho*. It ', has the boat elements
prospUrity, being underlaid:by tvnfrlelf'4eins of
Coal,rand-4111 shortly . be intersOted by four
railroads. "The timber is of- the most Talnable,
kind. , Title u nexceptionably. - good, ..atid warrens.
tee deeds. are given. - .11 presents si; good and
substantial opportunity - :to 'commence - filimlog,
providinft for ono'ailethfron-iSi making an him&
had from the
pamphlets which ere - sent to i n , irers. Letters
answered prOrnptly. tiddtess%llAlll4
W. VATTELIA; Satkvetary, 10 -Nirstlicl.-Streett
north lido betWOeil Fourth nod FIAA ste4Phila*.
infonitati# ixtatiqied 'JP lot
-, • -
, •