The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, February 14, 1856, Image 2

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laghtad - berbeeereti die faithful .obset mace
"tall its covenant., she will not now dishon
sr hemelf by denyinit her boa, or violating
tiatrof its obfigationt; ° .
Tholaw of tetions gives the right of *ea-
My and, orderli transit`to high person=-and
property and that right is radfied end 'confirm
el by the CAlrmstitution, more especially in tbe
chaise which - reserves to Congress tbe nolo- ,
aiight to regulatajmnumerce among _ the .-",( I •
This resermdpowei is construed by • 'm w 4 th e a ir f
t o bring !ma_ to us, to bring tt.,2le t.t7 , men, L
the courts to include intercourse Sed - tronspor- , -' a - 9r ;-•—;- - 77- - ra i n
*sago tProPerty, and most:clearly excluded
the rit t ofindividuel States to ' prohibit in- the sleighing wilt be gone. .
temoutse and the transportation of
The question of property is bf course refered ..„ 1. 1 .:
to the &mu quo o r th e iir e d g o owner .— cm pmpose of V accommodating ou
The Constitution deelares that 'lthe Patrons as well as oufselres, we have aPP4in
of each state shall be' entito to till Ilemrstertd, travel!' neAgent.
es and immunities of citizens in I the_ severr.rsfill;isit the screraltowaships- , :fiw .the-:
States; and will ATI rom * Yfr an . i a.'t 4 PDY hi° ivse. of.makini collections, and h ope' four
own.tiglit to-nass with his proinity over en d -` •bim ; •
friends Ira be-prepared to see .
along the public highways Vi nut. I And• — •• •
if be wilt not, why are`tEe righta of the cid:
stank of the two Statet not 'Nelprival
Tour temp:time deny Ault rennsylvenia
has°,priwrid an unconstitutional lie, inteniic,,
ring a feic - able and ;frigidly' intercourse be--
tween the citizens of the several ;Sister States
of this U'aioni sad refuaing to -:permit their
property to aecOmpistr their polaris. The
act of the femisylvanin'Legislathre of 14 or
Maid; 11130, la explained by thi act of 26th
M rch, 1788,...recognizes the prior, right of
person with dmit dons:4de to. pals
through and arioura in. this. State (or Six
months, and does nit attetiiiii tOliSturb that
-right - fbat ileclares that all rilaves'ete be
free, who are retained by , iuhabitunts,
dents and intended residents. Thus .we have
a cleardistinction nutdeand kept pp-between
the rights, in this risps,iot, of passers" through
sojourners, and inlutbititits,!risklenui and in
tended residents. j ,
Then comes the act 'of ta litarcli, 1847,
which'repeals so Much of tbe act of 1780,,
as authorizes the Masters orsoWners of Awes
to bring and' retainisuch &levee Withia t _this,
Cominonweahli, for the period of eik
in involuntary seriitude, or any other period
, whatsoever.' We believe thafthigi act hop;
the wind closely, and sails ,betkeen the rock
of the Constitution en the one,.] band,; and
the and the whirlpool of . oits,open rept
dation °tithe other. It dotis not purport
take away
,from their masters, !the domestic
«laves attending upon tbeir pert- c.i ns, as they,
Omagh thin State.r It does not, prohibit' the
twinging of them Within it.: 'only forbid`
the bringing and rasing of them here. It
may effcct. the 'slams of I snjoitraers, but it
cannot reach persons or alaVeo in
. tranitu, be
cause they are not both brdught .irrod retained
within this Commonwealth: An,act of As
semblrwill not becerastmetedlis be uncoil
ititutional by implication,' nor ',whim a consti
tutional Construction - Can:be fairly given to.
This Commonwealth has properly abolish
a ad ebony . Withiniier, own bounds, but beyond
themlehe'hws tuni jerisdietiew :over it, Our
&whore lirethrea'areprotected in their• pop
crty by a droceiri,buhritilc than; an act of the
. 2 rennsylvania Lep - stature ; and Your Commis
tee cannot consent to disgracnour Common
wealth in the eyei of the 'civilized world; by
assuming to give that which - she has neither
the Power nor inclination to tOit4way. , •
Yiour • Comini ttee `therefore recommend the
following resolution,: •
Resaired, That thit_contnilttee, be discharg- -
ord from the , further consideration of the sub
-;atet -"'
.. ,
• Sir //WORT:a:if INITICi i TIO)I.-1 1 0i fipple
five - years past Mr. D. M. Sinitb; Of Terineylvi--
;Ida (now, of this State,)l an ingenious and
. ecieittiffc mechanic, has 'concentrated . his
mind and means upon an invention at length
perf ec tly paccestia, and .for :which letters pat
eutliave inst been_ issued by the doveniment.
-Cif the United States. -This invention is known
'MP Smyth'S Self- Acting; SentAiver Platioim
Scale, and as this is the rust! :pnblic entice
cat thismaul and `value:l4 inyrovement, , we . '
shall take the liberty of , expr&•sing • ourselves
freely upon its merits. The P r latform'ef the
scale 'is alsoutl2 by 18incho and the whale
*eale is about 8 ifiches high and; weighs ED.
tire only about 25 , pounds, ancl, while 'it has
the eztraordinaryicapecity of i weighing any
i 6 ' lsjectifnim (AO ounce to four bunlred pounds
Its form is compact and convenient, and is
applicable to eeery purpose for, which scales
of any kinj are *aired.' Under 'the plat
. form and attritclied to the leverage is suspen
ded a weighted .itera orpendulum.• To this
pendulum is attatched a point; which, togeth
er with the pendulum, tbeiinStatit any object
' is pliced upon - the platform, moves from its
point of bra to the pima; ' indicating the
exact weighl. — The scientific; principle upon
which it ac admits of Inn inaccuracy or
• 'change, and a giVenpreestue 4 weight upon
the platform must -id ways Carry the weighted
um ancrindicatOilo the I same ; Point. The
principle beyond, doubt! is the 'correct one,
and it has beenitroperly apPlied in this in
stance the lucky; inventor haaleft no room for.
doubt. He seems tet hare !attained perfec
tion itself—at least so 'far as' Platform and
Scales are concerned, and . to have combined
. in a remarkabindegree an invariable scientif
ic principle ' !mown of all Men,' •with com
pactness, convenience end strength of form,
' durability-andliCcuracy. I Sin the great and
important featuivin this Scale is the fact
diat,beyond all these merits I it possesses the
additional one Of being cheap, and within the
teach of every family. The{ , Scale / we, have
_described with capacity fur weighing 400
poinds will cost but about ilbree.;dollars. '
That this invention is Very., valuable , and
that the 'Scale4 made - under it must come in
to gen;ral use we can bard IY doubt. ' We un
' aleistana - the Scales will be intensively man
ufactured in this city, and that rights, as se
etared under the patent. Air the eaclarlivep.riv
:Hip . Of ;using and vending in the various
towns and countiesfin this 4tats, will soon be
offered to thosidesirous Oflobtaining them,
and upon such; terms as Willensure Success.
In a few days they will be . laced on exhibi
don in this city. . ' I
I - I -
sir The above is from e 'New. Yell paper.
_ ?be inventor is &son or I, .i!t. Sat' ytti of liar
- 1 fimit till . * coun, 4 a 1- no Yft Pmnlit aud gee
• tremit may make sling Ma ,
rk la the 'world Of
• i
invention. 1 .. ... 7 _. 1.... /: • 7'' •
- - PLOW .EN rr.
GI a A toe.L;*e ha - v - io learned
- front Mr. Warner some Ot the particulars of
a most slialsoliCalloutrage ibat occurred last
week about three mil l ets below, his landing on
' the Masissippi. Ituppears that a - Duch wid
e ower living at; that- -placis . lhas a fatally of
grown-up vie, whi c h lici-is anxious to 'et
rid of. The .oldest, sit Ookl -looking girl tor
21, is living with a neigther„ and has 'at
tracted-the attention of an Italian, who has
-bees ititying about the* aiid bits wanted to
st-ty her. Ilis suit haa ,hti backed up by
the Ad man, but the girl has steadily mimed
to marry bilt.l - Last •weekthe fellow, - "ealhod
' at Iknilexml requested tOee her 4 the.
-do Or.„ Vhenlehe appealo,'i he Gaul bet by ,
the *id* the now,. and 1, with his pocket . _
'We stint oft close'Op to the bridge. The
pair girl eartmen end fiiiited,.- end while'
the GamilyFent to .bersestatiMae end tried to
'.. eteelleh . the-hieed , the tetriee to*, leg.bail
semi lifitafasiimi, - And_liasriiot tithe been
Ileanta ' Nel; ;wink w 1 !ilcipes to , 4et die
' .
name and deneriptiOapi ikeienciw4 - ,0 %bathe .
gee- lie . .jetitejLhrevell T-irimiPeng *Up'
• ii0,0.....100, - .Roluot TriL) JY#ll.!Aelo. .. ~. . --- - ,
i . i' . 4f,iiiii . 7 . ,'fiiiiiii . l":
• •
. 1
__lL_ • •
uputrimse,,T,tait T., Feb. 1.1
j 3 11 nov.the-.llradford 'Urges, end
par:Weil fact)
. of
Judgn . 7itinot'e, prosecuting
~ttn. ; fin:
with no mnnh gusto ,before their ....resdera,;-
kind enough , to puldish the result.ofebersi=
Think him htmtatistill 1" •
tar i Bill-44 been ilgrOdUC4 at 4ar
rishmgehring.a 'snit of enor in criminal j" tit
ses tot - , llopremoCotri•t . ' '*s- the loyTroir
stands man .may have appeal from the [ de
niginkl Oi l Court behehere his property'
isiliTot 0, even thoti b e an i ns ii n ifi.
cant !monk, but *hen his life or' liberti 'is
,we must abide hii chances before,
perhapk a corrupt. - or ignorant ',fudge.
like this tendenCy to.wm*valtfeing life, lib
erty, andl rep.ntation Above dollars.and cents.
Anybody wanting to purchase a superior
irticle of pianos, would do well to call at
the e;tettSire establishment of Horace 'We
ten, 336, 1 BroadwarN. Y. They will find
Mr. Waters ono of those denials, upon
they can ilepend. His instruments •ar •
coming e most celebrated of any int this country. Jlis pees also 'are satisfactory,
and you will get just the instrument he rec..
' . i The Liquor Law.
There seems to he some inissppreh ngion.
in community about - ate repe:ad of ihe Liqupt
Law of ,
11 Isessioti by the;yresent Lc-gip:haute.,
many sup . 304
.ng.that the; repeal has weed. This is an error,- It passed the. House and is
noWswaitingi action in t Senate.- 1 . .
Its pasir 0 through , thitt y, without,
substituting a , Stringent Heinse act in its
plaCe is . deemed doubtful. The louse, we
learn i .is ditposed to fan back on the ol law,
and it is-thooght that theA repeal bill may
pass the Senate by a close vote with that un
derstanding. To our mind sce mj clear
that the tonttion will. no
,be _decided 'inuts' h
befure the Legislature wi , :adjourn.. - 1 . • • -
. _ ..... ,
llErs GroW, an d his...Vete* [ - -
1 -
it-kno-Aeaunt-Ymk for. us -te 'feel t coup
polled tocriticise the course pnrined by Mr.
Gasser; our member
of Congress; yet 1 there
are many reasons impelling us to do so.
Ever since we .hava - had :anything 4o do
with the piditinal affairs of this county *e
have acted-with him. Our political relations
bare 'baet . itf' the most intimate - kind,' and
. ..... . .. .
..,... . -
-our personal intercourse otonterruptri by a
single , -unpleasant - occurrence. We lute
been ftietids,-tiot iurthe inert') political dense cif
theterM, but in 'those nearer and; dearer
lations that take hold iipo,ll, the heart:. _Nor:
are we -conscious now that .cur persot4tl rela,
don* have at all changed. • We still teer to
wards Mr. Gaow thote..wartit 'arid lowing
impulses that elMilir around friendship's al- ,
tar—tbe me mories of: the past .time gi l er WI;
and, as we -write, it,,:is hard to feel that in
any manner thelink can be-broken or weak
ened. We have been so accustomed Ito take
the pen ioenlogy, not in condemnation, in
defense, not, in- rebuke, that we would now
gladly escpe what we feel a duty. lint we
cannot es c ape it. We with
in common-
many other of Mr (how's constituents, and
friemitc - leal that his zeal has blinded his
judgatent, that he has permitted hi/ fifelings
to be goaded to such a 'pitch on the Slavery
question, that he completely loses sight i of
every other consideration, sand ' seems to act
as thenglii be was sent to Congress ronly to
represent an ultrai.m. He does notiseera to
Appreciate that his constituents can have any
other idea than Slavery or how they can think
that their Representative' , should aleast, a
small portion of the time, give his ttention , ,,
to something besides niggers. i i
We cannot in this atticle come dtrectly to'
the point of Mr. Gaottrt course the present
sett:slim of Congress. We rather design this
as the foundation en tfhich to rear a mono=
tent stone by the rile of Sir. Grow's political
pathway, to which perchance be May look
back in after life and be reminded of a most
fatal mistake—the fontaking 'of his old and
long-tried friends—th'e.turning from the of
jests of . hip . youthful ,aspirations 4 throwing
aside the principles of which he has so long
been a champior, and fusing them down in
the seething cauldron of. Znow-Nothieg
' Whiggery. 1 - b 1
: t . There has been a time in Mr. dao" po
litical history, when he would. .have looked
upon a matt in his present pa I ties with ,
something of the feeling with which - he;
now regarded by many of his cc. stitnents.
Had he then been told that in -so &bort! , a
time he would +are been found ' a pi ng in Pn
orianization Of rditieians like Greeley' aid
Giddings and Jeteup. men. whose dangerous
doctrines he has so often -and so , eloquently.
denounced as full of peril to the iountry," he
would_ have replied "is thy serennt, a deg
that he should no these things VI A nd : yet,
now he is just! them-and not only there, but
,from the procetxliuga in Congress seems anx
ious, as young converts use apt; to be nil!
one, toMake himself a conspicuous per,son
nge among ! Wil seed clot -say that
somebody, rest wine real", has clumps% none
of our -fee4erell4fei! to "s thsit l p opOlilky
thosibithis'4 ;;00t," *to hove been courses -..
eat with ) 11 = 0 , 101 e'efelitiesi oteeer from its
eoniMencentent. - -ToIVA iiiin In=iths present
Centel; after having biei e lwitia ,:#o 44 , by
the De ' s !eye of A* Dieto o4,' 1 1 4. cu'iii
Pertizin with the ..mek4homr4. irineiPiee be
has always "prised 4 to fitii, 'him .. there the
pet of Greeley end theAeksider of Seward,
its theif,towAge of.W" higte' ty . ,' ia, to4isy' the •
b'iest,,iit *oily
• IpeCtaele' to those unfaltering
Democrats, :who hatle made bite what he is,
and bitior,whein he:Would eti s w be living
quiet tett - pia -tit',Gleiwood.j • And those •
Men feel this too. They fell thetthey rallied
around that•young mail like, it :wall of: fire,
"When, he w as beset' and wont' have been
• •c. . • .
crushed 'by- those in Whose embrace,nov
reposing. , They admired his Youthful ardor
iiil':the minis' of sound llemoc ratio principle++.
4they listened with rapture to his eloquent
("Cremes . of deinocratie mea=nress--to his hold
ihietmi l iatieetkAnii siii,:ring ..inveetives poured
otlt apon the. oppesitien ;, they
. 1 believed . his
political integrity could riot be:.shaker4hey,
as it" were, took hint is 'llitit mins, -.- a
mere yeitith as be was, and 'placed him in
theCongrass.of the netioe.;. Thrice was this
. -
does by .the store. toe* . and 'ie face of • the
Paine oppoei tioit - mt ' 'now, where is bef:- .
Not one word tir one Sete hint he 'to give in,
defetit'4 Of the 'thictrineti of his iiiili , °nib . cit.
more matured age., " All these .are ebselete,
andAie has fallen into the arms of the / rery
men - lie has so often werned_ the lietnecrecy
of Susquehanna to beware . of. • Always pro
fessing to be - a tiemOcrat,. and de:ied by .
Deinoe:ratip votes law:, :-every vote he has
emit, of ankconsequenee, daring the.struggle
in organizillig Congresi the present session,
he has - giveri for the . Meat offensive opposers of
true Denioeratic Men and measures It is
, . .
true that the old Whig. organization is dead,
bittifrom its retusimOiSs spiting up this still
more, odious plant of Hnow.Noriting Repuldi r .
sadism. it embodies ell of the old . Whi g
doCtrines and men thSt were. ;odious, with
noneiof them that CRII:, be called agreeable.
With ..this. organizaticin, composed (4 : ..he
.. , •
same nietwnot preten ding to 'have changed
their."piitieiples, Mr. deow has identified .
hitiself fully.. He litorpermitted. his wound.:
edl pride together with his hatred of the prey--
e 4. most enfortunatki Administration ' : of
President Pierce,to carry him far away from
the friends and the principles of ' bot h 1;6
ii . ..
yonth and his manhood, and to lead•laitein
tothe company of the enemies of the erinei.
• plea that controlod .his :'scihi.w.jtoigwnt,-
fleaeefortlflte is to: be the leader in:*thi. ,
. cotintY of the ' milt:widen to the Deinoeratic
'''P'llitY•_..nciWeforih to be found fighting
the hattfea - 4" those,. here :who; would have
Meshed . him down when . the Democracy
rallied to his• tide.- Henceforth those disitt
teretted 'friends,' Who tools hint frem the (pier
aVecatiotis of himible - life,.and phased lute in
an led 'station, may look in vain for' e
fe , A
111 his voice or active exertions.. Theo
• rei l luital..will, be found in - this - strength of Ili
• infiueneeee.tbe side 'Of- their' common ens
- •
t has *pate ~ q utte common in politico
in:ther.e dayrt, when a man his got all tilt.
polition he . : Can from one Bide, turn and,
join the other. We' do not give this as tlu
reason for Mr. Gaow's course, - and yet many_
there are who do. It iS natural thatCld
friends: should fort. chagrined ; -and Allutsl.l
therefore arty., unkind . ; .things. We accoun t
for the defection of Mr. Grnow;:by hts - death.
!ilia resod Wilinet;and,'Wiriit.:.. :.. .l
tile Shivery question. • Wiltno thus-been his
ntin—hass dtawr.- I ,himaway. - -fri?ln , his friend , -
and- hisirrittciplee . tinder . the guise. of s'friend
are not writing these ;things of, Mr.
GROW from any personal . unkindness, for..we
bare mineGtowards him. The' friendly rels7
`tforeethat have so lotig existed between him
aed, n 44,, so far as ire laxity, are entirely un
disturbed, ,ire . 'regret his fall from theliigh
- . losition which his ftiendt had achieved for
bin; regarding him with that : : charity whirls
makes him another evidence'ofthe &lability.
of human' judgment.
In another article ire shall point out in,
what mcpects We think Mt. GRow has errs.
etid what course we think his position requir
ed him to puisue.
" Iltyv r Allll,B Pennsyl
varcials pnblisbei - an extract from a 'private
:letter to a gentleman of this State; •in *Which
I .referring to the connection of Lis name with
);be Presidency; Mr. BCCHANO lays: „•
",-Thitki neither desired norespected.• The
movement in trig favor ha'S. therefore, origin
. ated AvitKout,nity previous kuirwtedge con
! sent, at,d I , should be quite tiatisfied should
another be selected. .They ; next will be tie
most itnjOrtant %rid responsible—Presidetutal
term since the last war with England,. ot,
perhaps, since the (Agin of the gmernmenL
Both our !foreign and otir . dome-tie -, affairs
will -require the guidanee/Of an able, firm and
skillful pilot to steer the vhivsel Of State clear
of the breaker's. .1 prity. HiaVen that the best
man .may be selected for the cri r sis,!and to me
it is a matter of ifidifferenee whether he
comes from the North, or the South, the East,
or the West." , :: ,; .
W e bare no doubt that Mr. BUCHAICAN,
hesays, in the above extract, .feels quite
different personally as to the Presideicy.—
The man who occupies that Chair the' next
.four years, will find it a bed of thorns. The
domestic affairs of the government are in PLICh
a condition, -the public mind of the countty r
has become 60 intensely iildalpeti with real
or imaginary wrongs,—that. the next Ad•
ministration must calculate largely on dif
ficulties and dangers. And then-the foreign
relations of the government ire likely to be
full Of dangers for some time to come. On
ate whole, the next four years will be the
'most important for this country since the
organization of the government. A skillful
pilot may guide the old ship 'safely over the
rocks and breakers; and though we do not
think hi - would get much credit therefor in
the present, owing to the morbid state of the
public mind, yet the thine will clan* when
with one voica and goodwill," the' American
people will do honor the. Administration
that shall achieve such results. •
Mr. BUCHANAN undoubtedly has been arD
bitious of Presidential houora,—tmt for the.
honors merely, but ambitioua to am well his
,part Mt the theatre of pdblit lifejo its most ie..
.apowiible - pea r oe ., Bet ramie no doubt that
•be look s priethe Presideeeiei witti its 4ksib
ditienk _ 4eladous.;;, with indlfferebee....
Whom Aletitit4u 1862,. be amdoubtidly oft
uP : tea Pt di* Or. 'Vibes be kft„.
Europe, he nix( knoin his intentions tui,in
titrukte *View's. • . return at the close of his
VissiOu and ret re to, the quieit iteldrititi....4
his tuime„andfiliexispe z iid, .t ... ,id, t . f.tits.
life in * *0•
*.nepoerwlitillt is * ndered d oubly:
desirable idlerOcineifnAiniii deiroie‘t to ti e
interests of his iuntrj
--to the anAnott.l: chi.
ties of Oldie *station; -. We; :doubt mark;
hOwevet„that tt, will be permitted to realise
tires soon the fuinesspf - his desires. It-s e em'
to .ul# thatthettliamtry is Calling- for,..his , ser
vices in the. most unmistakeable.. tones,. and
howeier great the p t lsonal sacrifice, patriot
iiin taustheallOwed* her panimount- clainrk.
Unless, we:can have ". an able, firm aud.skill
014' at the helm, the .
_Coming fiiiir::years, r
wefexrtheworiii . conftq' nences te."thli - . lionii-,
try. It is idle to suppose that the bitte4.44 , - ,
tility now existing
_and daily -growing in
strength, betwein the sections of. this con
~ .y;.Witi 03 ' on 'int:reaping, under 'the
gnidatiopfin kxeciiiive Wanting the cdnfi
*donee of the (Mlitry; awl not result in.. the
mOstlaments, conswPiencet. :The torch of
civil war will lit.lightekon every hill-top..
*mottling must be done; and that speedily,
kitties - Lille dliwnw ard • tentienei of the goy
mentsomeili)tig inust be done to turn the
public niradinlan Other 'channel, and give•ii
at leastw plauriible cotiSlence in the adiniiii.4.
tration of the! governitient. We know of,
r nothing so liketto brin g abOi#s'ncii . ai.,'ini , e
of feeling as th election pf , ,npo4ter ' itate*..
i c.
1111111 like Iluen*NAN to the If
this-cannot. do it' . , we' mai , as well , . make; -nip
•, -
Olir minds that 'the d4y4ofloti nitional gran
deur are ninotaired. : . - . .
,t . l pray Ileai•en,'.. . 11nclianti;, 41,
t he quotatt ll
un tit the head .oft..thiS- artiefe.
"•,that.the best !man way he selected. for the
crisis." The Philadelphia San,
riper, sai4:iliti" whole country ! sill re
,vork.l ayer. •- A 6. - so
. it
will. Let usititve no political tricks.: Let
the I)entoeracyi•plesetit, to- the country '• her
ablest:state:na!' and Patriotic 'itian;•.:ir. they
would sate filpini the hyttaitiation, 'to W1.1e.11 .
it Seeur. fast teinling.
• G.lnmunitaltons.
- •:: -. •I..eaklnn.l; Ft. I P.I 5; , 1856:
To the Balm:- of-the dfontrotte Dernoniat.
Stn :—A fej years since, ty,;4 Whijint!l'i:
. this 4,putoy 4.1 1 - 1 4 1 it , n e e e e 7 4,.nry. tc) . ehiet t ge
their Elitot: Iti,tter.t.Jim -.Chitpm4 l l. %%law to”.
enLy, too plaini: untied, - ' dia . :, xtMce s alt : t 4.10
truthfui in his klitioriai., io ' plehne •.the''. We
Ir.ndeni, i ' con4tietaly the el,nntly . ; rint,t'vhd=
rat's:inked to tiitd:sonte,one
,lio take
place. Seine ilue that could. be , A-eid :as A
"cat's paw atid lick-spit l'e." , that would' a. .
soon publii:ll fidsehisal its truth: and sooner,
if the ititerst 41 . the'part I , 'demanded it.—r.- ,
Se vOral indiviilbals were, applied to, toaceept
the important yositioa -;if Whig , Editor-- ,
AMoug them Was Geo. T. Finzier,•lint his ,
poweribl.intellect and•giaut mitid :fi ire.slusii
owed the •Con'seilueitee • i. to -- bun, 'anti 'ilia Edi..
'twin! mantle fiill i'm :his, hrOther, - I 1 11. Fm-:
zier. 4 That he has served. his employers well
and-faithfully, 'hose who.have /Loved , to read
his paper, _Whet ter •the oi?eginterat ludepew'
lent Republican, stre:ressly to give e,VTiretier - •
in his beloilflsind sbuttld.he be. Militia re' I .
a settleupint null fie,,eottiptlled to resort to a
pmsecutina - to obiain his just dues, he need
have no fears, fuir *am of evidence to: sustain'
hilt): With a r o os papers and the *pi
41' il' - ••'''
Aefiee of his dulled readers,..coulded :with' fil'
army of talent *id oratory he posfesses;'•atel
mould exhibit al a 'LaWyer,•'- the - graisecfor •
these ' and. other 'rids° . as.' would clOtilitlitai
charge the jury tin his favor, -- nail .. ' the result
must be an:, sward. for the •amOttnt . of : hj!..
daim. • , Though it is litie,he,,bas somethings
to fear, as near Oar whole of: the -Montrose
Bar' would opts** him 'catithe 06110 of in
Thus m uch
.11. way - of •SOlactr to: 'Er . '
.. .
' •
Frazier,•co-Edit4t of the lodepen .de t n .R ei i t 4 t ! ?-,
- • ..
B i
Bean. Though I - aware is and ..lias
been" expeetid.othim by •hia::emidOerii . ,-that •
lie shMild resort Ito any.' means haiever false.
or dishoutitable,And that the 'success if the
• .. , :
several 'him* be- represe•ms, and, appears to'hi.
B i ele in, depend oa the atiothatt' of. misrrpre, 1
seatationalie caP 'put forthT•aoil • also aware'l
that a " corruptl fountain .cannot put: fon lii,
, i.
pure water,°- ye l aiii not
, dispisseil to be
misrepresenteil iy• him' having given hint.
the benefit oft o or three. attacks „before—
allowing myself, to be governed by the saiiii..
.reasonirig:•Of 114. boy who: wait kicked by the
Jackass. • Ittc4. I%,,utit--i . utotii4s.-i6'.:134' be,.
makes of my uatrie in his payer ,of die ;IA:
lilt., under thet headitig
. of ' 4 .1 4 d: wipe vs..
Party," were it not for -the ever true saying
that " one side of a story is •always'good Un
•til the other is heard,"•noririarkt this prompt
:MI to write it, Were Ia _ rare none weuld read
his paper except those who kttO* ; liiiii.,,•..l.lm,
this is not the clise and it his sits.
scription list will show - .that many
,of those
who knoi him liest haveliati-it, though par
tial believers in iiiiiiiruS; have , 'ct uped . their
papers to be Ste Ped and their'fiaineastrieken
from the list.- •
f - ,' • • ' ••
But to the point.° In the aritele - referre..l
o, 1 sm. cluirgel, othent, as being
"Iserd-letekt4 deugliface'." anteing the ext &me
'roSlayery doliglifaces of this district,--
( known sit Wilmot's "district,. I suppose) Sus.
• lieving . l undirstand what is mean! .4-in- .
wiled by said terms, (irons borrowed from
Levu:Greeley, whom. he exhibits a groat
desire to spe,and from whom lwdrawit large.
y for his pmert ; sayings and.rittraets) I shall
ontent myself for the present, by an. uniineL
'fied denial. N 4 man ever beard me, atho . ,
to the-eztensbin of "Shivery, us utter an ex
restion, rightly; Censtrued,atl na meaw. aud
Wended by tni, th at would imply that. I
fished or willed S ievert' to extend, -....r that '1
ould vote" fur #' iflhtidthii power so to dd.
In the same article referred .to, he -says,-,
" Ward and the eastetu part
• the county for Bigler as * 'pm-Slavery
- an." 'This is !also fab;is, and I defy . him; or
ny of his vile end treacherousitiformants sr
'Lei in biilittgsgate, to make true.tetiti"
•rtieew. By ay et lightening ,bins, I
be permitted - e 04, that fiber . will truths
, .
iuutelf,boterlaWrdutek:With' the-Ward
(thitthieseuti .1 - ocid to mike - no*
' -• • ..110 ba , snide
Party:) he Might find :'rin . ne three_ Ur fnttr ;
than tlitise named, win, ire I)emoerats,: At
iwrhalti, if he auul.l giet:r
t that 1731.1tit'ACs 4 4 0 r jiffies' ,io In4i4are.f
-aLaye,;lltof his Sour. Aitirperbapi‘• if :be
rutillip ) ....back':. u .iienibstt t!le
pnlithtal.lietuty uf •t hefin Hy; be might 'fro,
mai aatisfy hL -s reaien that the .eder .6f - the
Frnzier foncd.. hsving
mistained, not ocry'ltyl4nltiple.and ri=les,
but pro itnils-Atr.ihfrert*.•
belated certain 4 4 Blue Lightsn,we read of in
the two . 4 history uf th - e-6`ottn,try. In con =
clsin" I Shall add, that lide . nut belietetrt
B - 4414C - In,
s F iWelyreads 14 i.4ipe I;4' ii;"'(!Att;
. . •
,it, on. the contrary,..l - bailey', that,. both in l
• ,
.his dream - Aand when a4bet,:he often regets
that, fur the defeat of a iidenty eflie.e, he for;
*auk the 114 of bemorkocy and iiiiii;pkite4l
himself with-th"4tiii be chn
netted with, and eptioiriliy„'per mr-Piitor,
th •
e Repablican, -Frasier/Ik . ,part
tier. Nur4loi tbist•to•'apPly••to any
of-those who tti •to Yrt thanif:of
leaders in said paper, o tier Whom• resides '''at
.SusqueloutnaDi.:p9l„ ajia somewhat n?Aori
ow as Writer and *spenber. Abet
4huttill not.; go - forth
misrepresented as tboy;')1 . 1" - ti?-1116' - writer'4
i . •
'PritiCiii6 v.. noy , foals in the itl;•
ptiblivni.,_.and trusting 111...tvatter if. nntit•ed
at all toy: saki writer, 'shit, it inly- he t h
;tad friend-hip, and 1 ii,li 14.. and all in
terested, that tify prinitipfe4hore a uere
ell since t It e
false isms (1f tbe day -heinlesl ht•
staire-seithers can urviie nue ehaege , .--
With the hope stint .youl,will give ihiss 14iofe
in your paper, and withlawilwnent desir e for
he succes: princikle4,lfre
reinnin—.lterpt..etfully, . .
EA. Winn.
Far ,the Demiperst.
To the - Public.
To shield my teptetntiots •ter - nmen,and ; my
pii'•fes..ional standing fi . ..oni''thri'•effects of a
tlnitis:Md falselloolls — whitAi'My malignant en
e ; leit?!, kn,Montmse .mOlOlllO- phices,-Ivive . in..
.du, tt4i4 to 1 , 441 y ion : afloat: in: this.
etounty and out of it, ti) nail my hartet€4.
ant e,;ll , triine'd
bfe'Oeti.e' r urje'itice 111 - e
.1•401 i: to
upon tliez , e.veporte v lttPtil the}'' hear •itiv:
of the ease.; I would -lay this- wlivit inaiter
befote - thO'tinblie now, but foetliit r - eiß4oti . 11011
im in; iirogi:es4 fur
an contetapt of .Conul. Couseion.
'4l.l;lyowe. ante"gri,lYl and ,seute.:of.daty
- cry. adt 1116 Affairjkat-e:nmionlit, Lshali lie
ltillv nixonetliol•from iti ilte filial:
reserlf;'' . I:shall nut be sati4lied - any-'
vel led, - by the. force of, ci at!uvis; to vin
dicate my 'abduct iotoie the public, 1 will:
then spreml before tht-tu the retold- or
the Of•reelaf. frosa tli iget . to:
gether with other - eviderwe, mud take' a •'ver
diet atAlteirhands: Laill leave it for theta ;
'to deckle whether I am in 'the wrong, or
1 am' n selected viptint of abase
~rotispiracy., N.
t The 11..ittesdnle Herold . after,copying,
the ',notice of t lie : action „of the. Jury. oe
cohnty tin juilge'Vittnet's Libel pritsti 7 l
eutio s against its says
"TheabiiiPiixtract !`bows very
rily`utt . the sovietnerule'd the aholit On twin
tletithei•s , =-Wilinot and 'itimanit, 'is ended in
80.410i:dins. Jui4re Wilmot prosecuted Mr',
Chase; the iiditOt of the Democrat - for rebut ,
king t tiid ell:eking-some of his estmjudicial
and dislinnorable acts, and ' - ex
Judgeletotity Via unte'eretl. as- Attorney for the
prte+ecution. Despite the influence of - the
President Judge. ,the ei-President. judge..the
1 iist rid Attorney, and' the Aletlition
'ilothitiO. generally, the..Giand Jury igisored
the bill, and - i - iitt`fOr the. quick . and .unusual
intiiitiv:ition of the . "-pruie cortege o f
• :oupsei; it- Would have - been 'returned to the
ASSoitiate Judges, with directions that David
Wilmot should - pay the costs of . - prosecution.
'Narrow esVape - that,
The seine firosecittOr hag also . 'ant%
fir - the Aim • ott
'lice, la lai tig .*I 0,000 'lain:l2es t9tt .1 Is t;r . :
is little- datt&er of his obtainin. , 'wit : fir.
Zuni; ;41 . .01116;i
.1 '
C o inc ! iiit 4irnin:Lizerne--iCottuil . 41i,"
:114,0i:tiro:tilt; instead' 'of tiolliers'lpid
rigree that St lie
rule of these two4angerons Men is about
de.l to thitt
some Seas, but by theaid,..olfWiltutititeil4s
been 'able to give ti:few . tiesth itruggleiceitiff:-
for a Year - or two irefiagain
iloisn;hoWever, and-.ibis time iakes
wink has been.fotilishenough to fall 'into : , hiti
ensbnieew 41.110Vir With shim: •, Vt, are informed ,
that llinot ;lief ilia 444 '
caught' ,
,r e g..up overlie►auatlpl hinr. Of rim rse ny syn..
iblenian.could atie Jcs,ttp- was :moiety
using Wilmot as a CALA-paw to vettc:•liiii'
,enge'sit iii., aid ViTilmot Bare :Agee is it
at tte start hid he - riot been totallv . :l;iiiid.
Ilseeins to us that.we newer ktt . ew Matt '.,%1 1
. •
lOUtir publ ic confidence as
.104 it in this county.:.,..Another Vbelh
onion, another arrest :if
. Allorney ttrcOnt
tempt of Court,' and another attenipt to Spat
a littlecirild from its anstheqyarm.,,,ntiligtog
men to go aboutour aetnitrpi s beg fOr nuio
1 to capon) it, as the negr.ies of the: S.tith
.are ninsomel, and he can Atialat an -"Wide. feet,
" 0. fur Ihr friaatit that' have I•iitipaaait I titt,t_i."
Firms Wasisingtosa.
.E.littirl.ll correspowience 1•04: Y. Teibune.
WM~liington; Fritfay;
Gen. Caea . was' very, Iseverely, but I tin.'
not dangerously injured by hie hill tioon
*ups or the Patentloflikul today. wilco
symptom is s tendency to drorraitweei iiis
advaured year* nee 03enterbalaseped by hie
temperate end' hi* rreovery cast. hart , '
ly be doubtful; vet it it probable that Iw
Will nut he atolefor same to to Attijine
6 .
seat in the Senate. pc reveived a
_very. :ee.
very blew *Meat ill the teettplelnen the, stone,
atep on which he fell. - and bhel
woo.brougla home on it litanies by be e rieo t
Win 41,0 r dik,q '
-„,-;•.i. i ' Alornpy, of the Rot+, Ito , . emu- '
', ilyiit 4 , oottsti int ti, nil .
• ,
s f,te
:tetnr,y 111tril• lop, nfreAli . pervons), bah%
l ir - I.:ro'relii , 4l.:inhint.entor Freno.-or to
*elate is.t alnyiray
tt4 the• Rivas- %Val ker . *
ernusen i, itt , Pr . ut ingua. ~ - . ..„
I ,pilti t kliiiiollntiny, F e b, 11. 185 g. •
, •I''
1, 0 „.Iii)1441 , : Couto ni t t ve 4 me yoo fi dently ett= ,
td to•mitifow meriting. There wen -'no
ter to-dniitini n'pottr look • for to-mor.
; =- Tfiti - S - eliiiii . 'ditl,/noiftitiitiiii7iitile
iiiip but'irinitirm Mr. Seumnu as St:perils . =
'lent 'of Printing.: - ' . '
406 , -Can6-ind - -:Mr•--Fierney—use- - tg:-
II ton informed that Albert Rust, M. C., Jinn
to-flny been eitell to appear at a . JuAine'l4;
Court, to-morrow -morning at 11 o'vtuek, to
, u 4.. -PA .. , -.-.l9i4eiritti--.44 , a tgo :- 0( iisoußr4t,on
-1.19 vo Gregity,—,Leki* MT.: tfilLit. I ,jitt R.
iii.r .
not promp,tedAor f Atleifed
... this pront A mi 9l) ,
nor have 1 vet. bien suottOred Ana. , witnettst.
L i 4neve the compluinnot is ilui , ryer. 7 -441,
ettom DKuste.k to-The N. Y, Tribune. ~
I - Withitingtott; . Miuldny, F4O. 'll', 488 , 41: •
Thu Committees Wili'be Renounced ti.i-troi
row,- . I'll . F , ln'tdier iltwOteil all,drif venterdn*
alone in the Capitol to iheir'TO - riAnibin; ,ffer
-bil:i iii . i . tniii . % ie or: , with
. 4...,: n. ,datiolibitlf of
`Olio th'ittrmorning, 'lnd tert4tired' to,hini fifii
frientill iniinne - r the ChitirtntrAiiii . or, ,Ilip
Ciamitttee of When 'fiat, M:-i4ii.' ,-,
Mr. 'Grow Of:lii4iiiriv6:!liiis4 - will
b :t
t• Ciminoo of ' bite bhintoll4;e:. Oil 'terriro
rie ' s
' '''' .•
'S "..-.
- .
. • 1 • '' .• .- 4.-'4-s- - • ' 4
l'lte clanivitinM.Sliii iifielte r r unpOrtnnt etTt-,
totittees:stretini yet i1 . :4:ii1e ., 1 gniryt`ntv Cititi
iti;. 't ire Si ,eiiker snine einiiiii4n.stieetil:'
iie . o,-.i.tifi'm Of .Pritile;: : Ili iii.f . floute -. t..
ri .
sill ii i a fog.. :.. --' ---.- :
i -
V:t -hi tigtott,...M.Al ties/ t•t v. Feb. 6. 1 ftil 0. -- '
r.•lftiOntitnis's leaser. by Ihn Aratnir'n;ii`'
resent iiie,l:gri;ilrli-,-iiiig iii. diet Britc.sli'.Miti
isitie•as:vesy sensitive rat. neriiiiiiiinits: - `,11V ..
11;4. received the re." le.t. fir Mr llratitiP.iitils.'
ren'til forirtneti. limits liefin-ei the sitiiiii_ir iif the
• . r s ~.:
itttWbt!f hailliot priteniett. it:up - Iry drat
l ei, : clII:Pt1411 1 1y iii- iittelligenee in reeeiv
of itsrifect ..i'-.1114, - ..l4ttehanaii • vriis inFortnell,.
vever, that a - .positive , iietnintl: viine-ilis-,'
' clued or tint•itrninible until*: liere . • oif , eii
itnettt,it,linil h a il -titruhtlek sounded
. .,,Loril
teistion. . Bence his misgivings.' ..." '
fr. Buchanan thinks there • iit'•retisiittable .
Mnd for eitieeting• tie' the , iiropto=
is presented in Rits . 4*, but; - env' Slintsteti
,1,..4 expre PA the Paine entilitienci3'Or liii . pd . •
6 precut Thin is regar,leil by .ihem as
lan* of preparation by
~ It,l isia.
nraittn.eftwrittlitrioN.-- , li'tlie early plat.
nit v: iti t itamB . .ior.4l.7frei.tiL• •
•y' Ne;il, I;lll,•,l . in ; _un .att;aot nititi • :%;'lBb.,e
n-i,in.MTP but havt 11,1 W fingmten•
'':arrested .4tl c;t l ietl I,,:fiirn - the
I,,,rities and liv - s hem d
11*e%! 'nights while 111111-4.1 f - Arid finial/
t*schted'ariittit , l die lir , . :IT, sink tiown
1 - -ain s srimehrti 811,1. I,lB..itig-•
11 tii
tniugn n 14414 in
content'. at him. ..rveritt4 hi, head
Ilia ltraitis ulwie the finin';'..killiniz•
p•- Au kltretri:, ivus• - fluule„ .
6114-•..lie- - ;ierpretiarnr , ; - I , f 11 4 i8
dent!, awl bring 118;in to.jiistitl.!. , .l,nr at
" wro „ iti t..; lB , ►rai.eBof t. hymn inld be fiittitd:
'Macon (Miss) -Stari
• Usual( Laws.—Au
pg . Ow 111 . 0411 t 5eV , ....11)11 jail' &at e
tine, to tcpeal, Or verr. eshentially. modify the
latx,4 relating In . 'even, years.
. ,
fni.tlttr.iti tempts have been tuadc, which have
inl i rerofore hes.* tinstseeessittl. • TO die unions , .
.Mulcts in large citiest. tlie.evlaws , ate said (I)
be urterous, ttrnl twin ihetn.•• • inattily,-*pringA
the agitation of thc.sithject.,, The : 11e,vphs
tit,., 4:ouittry,;, who art!) Nrptr+A'9k:to uni f;
no .interns!, are.etittrety
Ks.; hey. navy:. strt Their • ~ rol•ttttt.a;-..
• •
F. r Le
gor , at tire. be runty! .
.iii r t..ittg• into the hnnfin..txr:fitnek..jotbers and
mbnev brOk*int.• by voting fora law - whirl;
w i ll oppress the poor-man, whip it fills .. ‘ the
Bern of his wealthy" neighbor. - .1: •
....t.: , ..; :.-.. , il-
TONGUE•Fgozr.N F,air.—ln Cinei,nna,o„..Asi,
th! .-
e 10th inst., One boy . inibieed enotbet ;pi
pot his tongue against la ... fated ! iron , lentil!,
p&o—t he thertnoaneter 'itt,. th4t ti tile . itelicay
! • . ...
... , .
ing ntentpgratuntlar tallow:zero. I T Ile coegtte
.ite 1 11'41 ofuOitr.e . ' anti; trig poor tit)) , suffer,
ed gre.ot,agotip,- • Beieriti,,p,assolls . entleavoceti
to releasefikin,,ln vain: - ; . ll..terif were in. ibis
siiie - tion, for o ver five- minute a man'
-..ile niitOrt.TaylOr went into ate TelegtWeh.
Noise 'end toronght ll6tne Itot - Water:an , l win l: ...
key with .whirl he bathe.i!ihe tongue et ,the
seir..ring boy, finsil, , lioprating 4iset.9)e .1?plf
j,!•nving the other stivk;ng, to.,the Isr4:l;,.rl,!exe,!
it reitini net! the foi ! sliio4theilay>i,watl)Y!Nt
A) yotoori•er. - hOW thsi.i' ie.4;1,444y .:11 . (;1:. con.
• Iron-in j
fret.4llV . rten'tlier.'..„Ttleo . lcett, mt,.
,s :et. taken tit It, lionteitt ex!ret .3gottx., ,_,
rittie.'teßn CIIkNO2 ti Ttig . :l.AW CrIP tIRRL :
..A r . C:.-li,t i ii:ii itli'iri4lii'the II 0t , 45 HI Mir . -
!f:j.iisiiiii - 4iti ; / 01V Whielriiiirl3,A4 - 111 it. im she'
tvittl 4 iiit'liiiittittiN of virititio - or Litoltli,ling:
o libel, the tro,ll of ihe!tiiiiiereharaoti as ii--•
belbot4;ol•ty be given_ in: evitlenee ; Itn.l if
do. jory io :stir 'moll tuvie 41E111i fi tt-I tinietlie'
1 - i ' ' .
ne t -tit'. I t ha ii i 1 / 4 41 ' 14e - gpiimi ''iii!iiivei),!' . an..l'.'ail h'''
ti) irialiiio4l - 4 - in it•ltt ; - stiii . that 'itto 'iiiiit'ar'Si - ) 1 ,
.rloirgil i,!'inlejettlttill'olieritte t o link iiiiiiiii.'•'
til - .of 'tile iierentlant Oftlefertdottne„ , - -' : • .
i r Sar.When may - be.* - • - fair anti pastel t r ,Wistai it is/. vi=• - rlittle
Att.' - ‘ . " . " r:a . '!" """'
.111! embreciiilleumrM!eWed se,this oleo Ns the
,iyarloto sof Janisoripilt • •
- •
1/..744m4441, $1 5 1 1 Jas Ceti/ORB: V ;
11 1 . nr • 1.44414'; 1.60 R hxrd
• P Dsit4vm.. 1,50 41 11 Wright,
rub 4511144314.414 11 '. 1.00 R Rim*.
fiuittsd•l3, 1 h() P.. Vleenitunt.
• 1A141414414. 1 544 44444..4k tillab?. • ,
11r - nry %intim; ' ' 1 fin .1
',l;•tin tte414411; 1 0 1 . JAP 114 min,
Jima,. Vann, . 1.110 R. Wtsr,
`,60 R Y- Yr
4'..1 511 , Alillka,
Lisk . .
Joy. • elirieu t
11 0 1: A e*.irlti.;- •
•Pylver es Tyler,
IL; P Ile dirk .17
Jp, ni.riiir. . . . 1. 111 .Ml+ taylne . ~: ' ' "1.110-
111. I.olitrapi - ' ; '.., . ''.'. 'fli."4. I•ariorPonftta, •• .‘••.:' :.::CIO
R A .;Rlre.ar6l ..'. :. . 1.60 Siernt 4,19`.1,-- • • • •LSO
Et ;s4.7ninit , :•• • ' ' '' IC. 04. W: .Mier._ •'", r 6 .110
ot l'or nem, Inn,, -.-. i :' I.& _Joie.' kft m foiv foi,. - . 0 o a
. P Pltyrdo., , • . 1,. Wilit" , P. ersoi4al. . I.tio
11..T11nliii.' . • , , , - , I V 47,,,,,ar5,„.,,
~ n
Wre.fßavon. , • .. , •.! _ 1.54 P. , liv le.rtnn,. • ,• .. --; 4.10.•
Item em o„ . • , . a40,41. *-ishrp:li. . _ -:.1 . .5n
lE. Wrotall. ' • -. • • •'.:11.6" . : 1? ''W;47 , ` .14 .. • '''''' ' 1.34 - '
j a If Wer4, ...,•-• . "sta.-W. ( 14° , 11P 1 1!...1: 1-4 , ... ..1-flo,
I Jis. Vantrof .. ' , 1 I . ' l l!.'RiPnii..t.'._ - .. I 5 0
111 , 0 , 0 ,.. T74 ,....., , . - . ! 1.34 t I , liiiienekioffi, .. . - .......1 nil
i 7, M Ilf.wii!re ‘ 1
n• il. Ptlisf.til. , , I :. ',li il
19 . R ifs', ..' - . - . 613 Trim l'oloovAio t .-. . - 0 3 1
0-'l4 Settablor i , ; , • .. . IA 447..11fil ANfr. ~.... L I ~ 1.,: 41 . 0.,
I j .. orsin . - . ._ ,
,1;54t fouiple.. /10111; . - . ~ - 1.4,
I P. - X.-aria*. • -- - , - lA^ 'eqrfrOloi , 01.4114.. : ;- • • ' 1,11
'.01ifi.1...,...ty*.r • . . . . ...' , 1 A • 1 1 0. Ttiftlroth: .. .: -, -1 Jio •
R I' 17n.drookifiv.••, . 1 Sc. I. s'R - Prete... - . : , ~. too
6 1
Amessi'frotr.k. -.., .- .. . - liin Wm: e :w.g.i.- -i - .. _ . 1 .50
it. j Moro. . . - . . 11 iVpf. 411vintoarila.: •._... - . 7.r0
wnt 4..Mota t • • too %er r g r . WlRlaneo.• ' : - 7.1111'
1 J. 4.1:/ -"‘' : i . - i. tfAlk , Wßi Rif& r. ,. . ' ' 4,00 .
Win. IT:4lfrle . .. V.A6 II „Willard. . ,
..... : 1.16
mr *V.;RIIIiIIIIPI.. ' . - 1 Jts.rmr.w. white 44.• ... : Avis
a _11000 , 1%,- - , : . - -Ilc st siMier, - , :..- : .:.t.SS
wiir'ilstlO.: ' , 1 5 1 . T.'e e*IPP, , . •-- 4 MIS
Rai ' 041000. '.' " .1" '1.74 1 1 01. .4 • '• '- ; - 144
R. Mir,!rmr. -,,',., - ~ „. gpr,,R. 4111414 ~.- • . r ti.l 3 Jiri
. 0. ftenititte4. 7 ;. ' —.. 0 01 1 0 'eqs , th. - _ ': . 1.50.
14,41mileiimi,1 . - i • - ° -!- -, I ifierr.4. 44o i"stik,4'.. 4 !' ! ;It. • .11: 1111 '
11.11m5.. - -
~- -. • - IJO it. 0 toSisi : ; • ... z - -., - am,
1 1 r. f 1: forit . .... ••:- ~..' ', ''',- I.lo' q '''.l,nno4 --.- .; •''' '' • ffipt,
J:Tmeislidry. - . --• . ' '1.1 0 ' 4, '‘'' W 4 rdi --- ..- - '' INVI
.ir P. intwins.i.,,•:- „.. .3.4n-i.1 . 4:,..,. -. , i ir i., ,,,,- - . , 110,
J..N:slimpmew-• , ,t' -, --' TANI .-- Ten -.- - -- "i .--- '-- .-.:!---, I.lsi
i 111 0 , 100 m, . - .3* .-. _ ..- .3 - wows' ' ' itid0iij4pii:;i,..,......4i011
. k.:wfamisu...:' :,- : , . ,- 'll:s9l , :Airoger: , - ..- . -:.,-...- .: .--,. Pk
. - - -, Tiii...w.eotOw.`l lo ol; - It - 419**0. 1 1., teigll 4 *.For.
a44.1444431iir'5-* 0110,1* - ,4 - V.b 0440e
, .
-M's 41100111.1111011,101**1014:lajispit Ndew ....-.., : .
1.5 0 P - • ry, ' ,!Go
1.40 A. 444464h005e ; 4.44 i
1.50 4. 144 , 1 1. 4 11104 , ;:: f 43,
1 s:l.4i
1 4 J 11?,,rittwer,wi ," 1160
14 • •
1.14 • 1.60
t '" 114 1
p.6* 4,04. -; 4$
P liatetwin • 1 1;,I
U thli.ris, • •.'"" ;AA°
• i 1•4
, , 1 114441.1Litt ---:_); - -
-Fet,J 41 r - ,it: 544111,4,.(a14 - ify Ant. A. 'O -
Witrreol, li#r Ifigsnir —Edit 4ftenoic of Suque- . -
bunt,* #64. Et.ilitat.o"ll.'lLiii:a4 of thu
,41° 1 ( 1 - 4 11.• - • -.; - 1 • .
In ossupl
rlt.'"a! h b .li3OrkS. -Barter, Mt
NV tit.: kat .`Wii).Kiii; 10 XisrAtitil li. Bump
Dst4, t?otir it ,ksecope-..Te-, -, -'
• ...oa:the..lo.titittit. 1)14h0. Ref. S. Gi4Ony
SitievenWetk• itl:ls`dronaga at Laiteiboro, Mr; . '
ell APNIAN MAYO, 10 116.3 Li/11111nA. FANCil l a
all of Haria4ny. - : :
.•. . ,
fr V S 3 _ LETT ERS,
g La the: Illvntrag P9it 9f!ict Folo.
4th 146 e -
;11.1:176:65U lOhn $ t t r oy, Michael ,
Brrriniiaromis - - ifusltetltsC.-r-
Beebe.; Lyain4hipiel
BinlAid;/-• Ansi,* - bunt ! e f t;
Heniaiifiribirk KidinßiveLibrigtil-Atiosigt
Coyle iMisa Mat t'` tomtit John -
Consttentine r ßini,... Sa n (. / di alerf•Parielt 6
Crosier. Jana. - iiiest;l4ll J, 0. 3 •
Cook' Worthy or.:. aConnell.Michatil
Doh:, 4.o.srph 1014, ; DUNI,
Drake.'Arrbibardi 1114114,-,011,1111
1/avis, W. _7
Downing;Santeel ; IL*.
Goddard. Betalitio4. ILA S r -
Hart, 11. W. Vai l tVl7re. •
Thoirkatlit:: Ve4.- Ere. Phete' .
( 'net /dim Lth*
11;11 I.tirsry,3'-' E.
R • - G .M6 1 1.n.
- Johnson., 31iss . " - Wi lynx.
P. firttintrof-, the *beet
ph•ase Say fulyrllrw..l.-,- •
- ; A N. ttittAitD.
3100t054.,"-P::0.;4 1 2t; - . F.; 18116._,
THE submiriiter •.w4.414 -414811;00'
I.4meris 11:14 i p he, , , Poiitcjitiollglii•ti6lit Nor
e. in ti to ties e ittl -4::gaiti9m named'
below nt the prsia;itiarieir Per anriern; vis :
Harper,;,,k)-ntn t im.-,ftltp : Household.
Virords, $1,044 . 111akai404.52.25 : Godev.s3,lll ;.
I i o n j eu i tee. $3.50 Sorties).-
editinn 1100. Are.
Frunk t'hozettp,..or Jrudijoas,
83.•25'; 11:illossa $2.0 :Ludic.* itipoisi
t..ry, (Cinqunat,i)sl.6l; ICtiortal, $1,63; At.
u r ', 4 l I.•ol4 l 3liigraitis'or fit.
liCik prepared alan to Mk - odors for standard
arid iniace,thusamis hooka ,aratmirrent literatur e
.of the' day, whether from the trade 'oraother,
wi. I ka . of ind eat rie., .-I,4lving had an experience op:
- fifteen years in the tr9...k,1:5 1 ,1!Pti 0 .4t.4 Rade, he
betielip4 he can _ire e ntire Antiof.etion , to all pat.
ties entro4tio,Li orders:', - 1 •i
Sliticinienorirobi•riof the. - Nlatazinin ,
sent on
rev:4ol4Bk Rod 4Hfiee Letter Stamps, for the —
Prltfl $2 Mitr:Niipp, nfA z pr . p .o i lv h4st am i ci .
mi li t - pl e $5 or . works ' will gre'sent.
inquiry ii4ll,;(iiioitain a stamp for the
retnrmpol,ftele? - II:OW*04 (poet paid) on the
reeeipt of Publisher:a arivertim4l pricew.. Address,.
. 1 Wtl.l.lA It PATTON; '
'l3ribuketti AI J.
S. 4 . 1."
1 ) 11 1 )1i.hers new.ftpqms.,mit)f 'the
utp. vert i•o.frt , nt (with n I 'tier.), few. is-
K..rtii, vei o4, HO 114.444 ' tri!iiticd - ixttiftfi 'the' adult.
tu kine of the • above
• AND •
CLASS DEpplri OA can !;TSISTsT.,
• I Pll put rest*. Pesio* l. ...„ •
; • BY Dr. BREVMER. - -
Alt mizrs - - rnd in any •qnantity r
=deft° ordrr, ur tiirnixtieil nn the shortest •
tfre• it; •
YtALTR . k. ea 11.41 to the *inures
imanefartutrit by the Lodi • Monuftteturing
frninthe Sinks:sod - Privies of New York
Cloy land frm. from .i.ff;.m.ivt. exiled - •
Pandrette rottiptrird of two-thirds night
'mit end one third
.derompOued vegetablelhee.
thre4-inivrths night soil
‘antkene-foagth Peruvian Guano.
• Titertr tannorvtt rre ehenper and better adap
irit ,for raising Corn, Garden Vegetables' and
Gra4,lllun uny. otbei In market. Can- bap*.
.in contnet with the seed withilut iojory, and
vow+ Corn ned,!'reds to enme up sooner, ripe"
two and yield one third more than
othat,ittlittorAinnd is a preventative 'of'!he Cad
, Teo bbls.Pondrette or 100 lbs. Tate% sill ;
innaltre...Ml : acro of. Corn in ihe' hill. •Tofea
Ar i kniApor lb. Pandrette $2.00 per bbl., or
-11t*tfor any gaunt ity ovAtlAkiih o delivered on
beii.rvesitel or Railroad. treo from Ani . ohargo
Jiieleieloticr or eating% pampitict 'containing
eve/Information, sent post paid, to .any ono
semiine tbeii .
Cainrtlandt ati.,New
TUOSE WHO. •miss". JrAsits, -
'rob tve. I . P:ilk/Ands at a eiTaP Pricwaed es
•.•AL .. .j .r a ss o r per Attention• to called - tm
1144MY.,ForRt and erfa:,Compay. Thinota,
gyre!: ,er ppitr,,pp.tlon, are g i ven r m . wo t.
.payifhlrin 4,fsl tri:vh erl4 f or
mimth, ma
,It I* htad-in Elk roionte.iNtinailvs•
tbi.i.ievl has stir. Of h 3 tor Hamra tits Zusa*.
'l% L.,,mirpeireil for firming. asemuelli.!•' ,
•It hive :the bed element* eV ,
privTerity, to:kint arvlort4ii,hy tir o veiniuof
Coal, and ,wi I , intersected by four
railroads. Tee 0141.4 in'of-the mn4 valuable
kds.l." onreoeptitstinhty ivwd, and warred..
fee Ideed* are Orver. It. iimiient* end'
s ubsbmtifit•oppfgrtuntly' to.o.4iiintiamer tarmlegt
p'eniiding ter miXekuteldrirn nr making an invest,-
, rther [darn can be,ted from the
,iminplileht •wino' ;:re me; In totters •-
anairered pr.miptfi, Apply nr addtena SAMI*
wo Ari* . irtiry. 136 %V dont Street, .
.pt•ith" lirteiNM Fourth and Fifth set.. Phila.?,
dplphi Full infornvatierew contained in Ih,
pansphletn. . 7m3.
Helms for sll.sville• -
tvieurtn peei4ity....atAger lilillterde
ANAL; latieirrare giving
;1". 1
i. 11.1 :the,-inlprortnient cos-.
,tevlsrultv4l-,1 (.;•?witv ' the emoring
and n',w offer it help;ng 'hind, by' keeping . cnn.
stintfy fer mite a taw.. it,Windowinnu
:.n4 at ioo ty Milk. Paints and Olts,.
eumpb•te nAwnrttuent of build..fs
Hatd -
Tiro; Th,. , 41 pikng.t'u put .up liobsekizt
ttn Sprit4,wilbti , ,d. it fur their interii4 to give
11s , a v.ol4, f :Ayit.A.l3ll furnish tverv, thing yrota .
t andot ,tpe very. Orrn!, otatmr , el" 6 ! i gi lei "
- •
2 GO
1 39
„II: Loog .
plod ltserip:tit
kind in= fusek‘et. ,
0 E00 ,4 Rile „,. pkteil e Gerraan falveft
.Aligrats, ..041.70rit min ware , Aft* all
nr ilstitPr K9ite r s.. ' - _
ATRoenei...ll , pt and *it' the fiituiro,„
Finteig. "rntkinit-Pssits.dit.e. -
fAi b t.oin isaty_4. Flpiii., • ,(;nTpitepAl. l ,4o l ml.o(mg ,
, , •
GRocsitissA tikffmein; new
And gond. • - ?• ;.- 4 ,
n 4 PATWIT C IV A Snit nit*
n •
a4ortment 411 0, conine,
• l'AtiTs I.:lD'Otioar-.A.genoral asominiel*ine
lif 'panty: ,
igwEtxt'„ splendid variety, of thiitiesied
• ' -
;FANcr Coot:ls—Neal!' everYthble'llt .
; (Now tiopplhoe revOrNi••110IIIi V, ONINII, 111144
short..nostig eveikAleat perisonslvrant.
v44lo4„,Atork,itt'.k, - -
.1 • -Avr
I mgaitivAitit, , „4 - tootritivoriktwo, es.
ig r uitt - !.. tote*. Nfoth,t.
. - Migs,e44.2l!:_h.
ii ea amid forwili by_ . . , . 0 ~-;•,‘ A..3 iam.'
1- - of all wilibliteAgbfaik
• • . ' •:'-3: , -1 - ~;' +; ''7