1!:=2 t" Oa .„-,-,-..-.--_-, Atjp - .440 .--,i..gto.oet#i, • • 1 E. 13 :CI 'SE, • Montrt) , .le, Thpr day - • - - tir TUE PATENT CirPtcr:.--:Preaticlloit of. Nita Vorielies nj sweet Pottitoes iron. Secd.-;-:A gentleman of i s IpswichNlassellusetts, has, written to tin Ccann&sioner of Patents, I:ripe:sting to he -fnruish,ed it ith Seed of the common sweet po tato, for the paritese of cOtivating them in green-beim and obtaining new ,carieties.-- ... It is dicult ty to ges seed iiltbiscouutry, be :cause, softr as is ascertaineil,' tins plant Will nbtilower here -The !same; is tine ttith te eitiect, to't he potatki,. nlthotigh- ft tilyle' species, such os the red I,or pink-colOied from the East Indies and' the islands of the Paciih., !ite I been hrugftt to Ipetfeet maturity in France, and neW - inrieties fume ben- obtained from their seed.' Potatoes of thiS kind will , flower in Cats mid in the. EKintherni'States. It is (leSitdtde ohtain the seeds, , of such ,species: of the sweet potatoes as can be brought te't ITliittlYity in sonibern , - • -7,- Coal fanners who - reside in the coal Tegonstare not tried the benefit of coal ashes on their cheny trees t_Tte-ooner they do so the better...• I reeofiect 7 ez.• o he a bov, of earryinglhe from the grate and tbein aronn I,a tre;hich was knowit aii.the as the oriiinth; cc ,tint of its 'sprouting, front the roots'of z . ari LI,I tree whi - ch fiLd died, the haid time it hadlit endear4in;% to reach the . , ~ . i statureiii.,:ven . a btrsli.. The intim:ter . after 'the 4.;O:11 ashes.v.-ere dei)psituil around its ha...cp‘ it put ft.rth,%ig - ,4)rott , land:iii three years w luito a thrifty tn:...!?, lioaily I. iL l q . 3 wit-h.; 4 : 1 : ,3-. . ons fruit.' . My fathei,seeinkit 4 good - results 1 . - of the :I.sfiv-i,; .1 Wligon loud WiiS thrown around I i. thc.:ba:4e of eaillt tree on the farm and the , et ',. fee. t was • ast'On isl 4 itim.'. Old 1 trees , that' were 1 Ost decal ing inriresuScitat4;..alzd.sent forth : now hrant:heA, and 4ore ..fruirnbundantlr:—L Let those 'who h:i.re coal 'ash upon - trait trees.! lad., 1855. ..... jai): 2 a Pea r .t4-4. bought fu , • this siiriiig,:a'foi seeds of i of pea a cent , apiece. • 'lplau, ing nothing 'of - their ' habit, I: kia t) our,comiri . On pea. :(liircrchf. ~,,,It groWs tip - si tan!, from three to• f ) Jur feet! hi; I. , ra n cii t.,s ii lie a tree: ,Tile,,,i;! entl:iif the. season': betiottieLl with d)way.,4 pd.?, aboat One. °sin, lenrrll) con taitiiwr tai I r• - !sciaSlitig V m ery-uch our ea ivhiCli -.wlaea boiled, changes et4iiely, becoming esaCtly Ili burin. .• , i • • ~,, ~,- Thisik , it 'will worl; its tv4,llf believe, l ints c..- - ..• - tensiVetVor. ,' , -It is'exceedinr;lV Fl'roductiVe 1 ;9 is nn - : . . *excellent Winter., food f or, man, and no -41 onbt for:annimals also::: is easily . eultiTated ; is hard v, and gro' WA Mi:bath] , ikinr.-- and 'rich E0i1;1 1 1 planted Mine. 'tithe bOgioning Orktay. which',,l,liclieve,is the best 1 -lime,-. ripening witletherenily• frost, in 'mica thipo' fi,et apart, one Itiot betwee‘ each , s'oed.l I,- 1 . , D.ELi'/N. ' ....._ Elrcz xrDiS,N. Ng.' iiiin„.---no !fl'Alowinci •ncitu al•thaltyrue,occurett in a Court, in a Suite not • e.... , two thous:ma mile from New !Englia A r l uoc i l; doctor - Of !the l'h em — p+ i nian order was. called, to tbe-stind •as a• - witti4s; and after lie. bad:tu;tifieil to the haVing timcle. a night 'i*- it, the - ProieCutinn• Attorney die , ran the cross exambuition thuS : `fir Dolor, to whit sell' you •I:tlenig "." i 0 ; -1' . • ,-‘ I-don't- belong to i:ini , weiit i6 = • any School lin' u vtlpu. , i 1 t ' 'II/it - 1111a is Tiotquite win' ' -t In eau fo \ l‘vllat ',school! of -ti heintig,f - • 1 , ' = 'l tell.„yOU sir; I never we Of mclieip2.; or practice; or i f I :i:n •!.:-.. --. .5. ,- -:eiilli :ion, Sir; and ;•6 sell - mi.' ':• --•• .4 ... ... • . i `-Udell, Tref I, -What ststent TG‘prnet;ge .? 11.-Jil,. is .*liS (514.;.:! (lo you rue l'''' , 2l - .- ' 0110161% wlait. you wal -I gil e, the itrutailie tmaliein cry where! 1. .' • -'' ri ' -`, The Drutnnio I - : You in '-, -- ,-tena don't vOit r e.. s i„ sir, ifte - --bi utaiiie., I . Notv .- ti' iII yc i ? :1• 101 'rue ilea roi.i. ', OT in DOCterllzlll V;Siti . . , .' Jpeet iv .inform. ; /prove- _row el = ir,''(te.iy ligliguently) 'X dun t ►give atm Lih e 0 00 d p eo pt f s . ain - h n a "Ch. 2 11 t0\51,5 2 -Stubbs double cat Tap.r - Files - tli .op :14-'ll Inedivioe. : I practice. as I told sou' to th e y aie''now "Op e nii e g o . thei r 'l ' stack: n o f Fall u t a t . i d- 1 nine article, warranted to do the . Work' Of t. 4"e n r: thelltnianie syaciu, and Fil have you Mid Winter Goods whirl) is oriusnally - large and ,at_.; dittary Files,.and if olive used will never be this Courtie virderdancl I don't' give ;Inv sp e l l tractive cill rif which will be sidd for trash or' abandoned. blaydolea Ilarnmers, lilortic'e Goa- . lnedicitalis /bl i t horrid Muir : - , I approved' relit cheaper than ran be bought at rEetiattei - Squarce, Pociret Robot. t4.lw ISette, co neat. . 2 , 'S , , k i a r ? IT any otise estildishtnent'in the countyCWo mean I l'atent Auger Handle's; Hate and Plane Handles I just ilia we say. Please give . us a trial. .- I 4144 L, ate; •.- 1 . • - j ' choateL mft-r ° 'l3... w 1 7- ." e' .----' ......._,_ , ___ __, __ i. , ..._ .., . ~ DiCKER,IIAN & GARKATTS. ', CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIR,I9G.L. ~ -, - ' l ' ''", 1p; • , 1 New Milford, Sept. 18113 1855 : '- - . . . . "A.,x - :? .. 4:4:Frspz vr,rru l'el.iins.—' l A him- I . 1 -., • ' '' . " ' By a ' very superior- workman .ti d —.........,„ • • 1 -,. , act I r na , er,' . iu the - couniry Geizi4nl4?3,:offers the „ftA- , riinv' . S a il„ an d s p ik es „:4 loo a tn - , Park i. i . I promptly done, Clock material, Guards, Chains, i ; 011 -i n.7% , re Q , ,c fill:r preveutiiiiirabs, and mice I .A.../ . Mil s and Old Colony', at . - ' ,„. , , - p aws & K xow i iro e s. 1 K Tlo% &r elOC al liTilt o e n t fitted, whit:h for e ' xtent, } : from mestrby.ino rt:oUng‘rfr i - , tre.i. - ` • Take , ILD , t real worth, beauty of desHa, super:m.l;l9W' and lin or tiietAirony,Xent rob 'likes stove- Ape l Dm g ha - . t ' c l l ' Nov ". 1855 : - ...4 • 1 low prices never have been,equalled in this see. ! ''*ix. Pr (4.'oa-inches' loin' Ito - Setdered or t 1 .- .'- an uttet i 00de ---- 77 . 7" j Jinn of Country. „WoOd, Iron, Parer kin, Glass, I * , 0 , as - 1 11 — d 'Sr .0 ' , Weight 'S.Rrint , Alarm in fact every itylo from ' + Ivied' t?gellier---41et that 4 e s ' l 4 - b i t3 eh i TrillE üb!criber won_ld say to. the public that ~ i, Si up4o . eto7 l unit ever ' i clock warranted .to I 14'or'la • . d". ll ' ott _ , pot tr, s 1 ...Ge l tree grows .it can e a just received a genera assortment i keel) good time , ne year. , s ex ,....,44 . diew s p r i g apart on d set i t need , of Fake 4 Winter Geode which he offers 'to 1 ' A New Arrivat . or th - ese 'lleanatt! 3ap. ' 1, n , ..sell very low for cash or produce ) nati-d BIRD CAGES which for afrenath .1 the bottom-of the • lice, on :i 'i end eroWded a-, L . ' • , ,- • 1 produce. 1 twenty 'of Fnistrearion't be excelled 'in iliesb U . n u i.l i 44 ie arteo-tbe.gtmind ; 411- t npl With. pow- i, Friendstillo, Nov . il; I 835-415w6 - .:' i teti Stales, awl 'I - much Seller ertlele inn is i eased.'. c.taicoa . Ile sure - have no :grubs -! ' • I usually suld,from $1; to el°. ', 1 in n' mi 'the (Aare . 3 iipplicd. This• I .''' , ][X. RASCILS --1 -nted eblcs at ~• --: ,-" . l', To Sportiniseao—Pistols,RevolvemPow: oil a' • • -1 t l ) c w Idoi.rs i der, Bbot,-Litad, Flaska;aomethinl nice,i Wadi think:all] iie - /t eilre Proven ie ) ' ' L- C . .' . ' . ' . -•-44 J Jane .1 1. 3. - --. , , - , I . - Cutters, Melting Ladles„ ;Shot , Peueheit and . t.Relts, Fishing Tackles, etc.. Alwarsall balk '- ' 1 rill qi At ulocvyntE,-4.liooettpondent of ! .:, j - -- - ' - - . I ' Tat iltosueketmerir.. - Plated' Tel she Bnifaloßobis: - - tlie non tunes rune 4,4 , 4 tuirmion th e I. 1 . 1 *- , ,' .1 Table spoons, Forks 4 Batter Kniveti, &c., fated A eh we lot of bad° Robeitjast received I and gAttania Teirlatesta,-4-6 ' ' ' 1 :from iiregrekiTqiutli airrieultti latttlhA'Hilit'dit- I XI, au will lie sold # a low awe,* b* ' • -: Situp $60, - Temints, Coff e e iloPts,leero each, „, eing. , ll*lmst Tontteen T eem chnesdeer4,farnt ,- - • ”. DIARIrn and Oil Iliftania Lamps, 100 doz; Table 'Knives . . :' 4 • - - ''' '" - ' Sr 3! 'Word - Nor intro - • -- - Stock ~in Ireland I t a s i n ~ - from 42p00-- • , • ~, _- ' "_ .. :', ' -- - and Forks, the largest assortment in town 1 I • i tltf , , 4 .,,, I 7-- 1 ,7 ~- • _ . , . i 41111111121.11ted Titiwavtarle, from a Nifitnes 00.(t/b00 A 5 PP 04.1 4nlittig — atid thiti,:lite -VILV WARE:.- Ater , el t of - "1 Ir e -t * l'Orat t - Bashi A' i .Meat C ii, ' - aal rer or a, ertlP 0 11 int d atte Ap- - I alltn!YeTl:4lrUittned,vatt4 ,)iiii Asp') from 2 4 000 4 - ,-4,3 -of I sizes; . also, Table Dessert ,snd Tea IPle Perim, Coffee Mills: Xeres Corn PoPpers, i 0:01 . 1,„:,:ii.6 0 536 w hil e A l i ni k lit l i- , ~. Simies, sittliaits - bl)d - and srarrantkr WV vial "as Nut Crackers, Egg thaters,Toisters, Beef *teak I < - 4 ;,.,_ 4 , :.- " - aa ,eoln, lit '-- ..- '- • -' A. Y,..) - 1 Mattleiln bet ererythlagymineed. -.' I'i j teit Pond i n,4 ll .ntirar'; ' 'at Ikowerer -tie Aug - - '' I '''',..rlloll2 . I'lliNgS ' I the ;,000;000 . foronno: f' , z. - Arelanil' - ' QE - V ` exin Tao be and lle ,4n /111 .41deti. 11111112Pe .,.. rd••••1"tC11! termsnre prlBo, juts:About uitle‘unillili: under idini e t. 1 ".-' ;el ,_ ..,.. . finte, and cuilfenimhlrilit pasture. r '.• ~. .-24:-..Our - Genitive Warranted as represented. ~, ..- -..-. . , NEW 000DS 34 . :11 : 2 1 1611 4: Mee 4lB o: to:build; and turnfidt' )4 . - voritlf Isimem 4- V-Mnr-lo low 4 tegfatrferalieliserw II 4 " i tyeue it:nd lasiguitt, Oa youth. W4Ol -- , •-.• CAdttortr.', mining, - 011 wide* trlltbesoldebeap art!, grey beaded. esnbe rand ' - - - -' '.. '' '' '— ' SHEPARD ' '.. '-'-' --- .- - , BROTHERS.= - Itvikt,' r' 's ether it is tskto.. -4 ' t ? The J: 011 . 3 / 9 1856. TIMM!!i!I " CANT BE BEAT" of the best Faint Glass, 20 duz. --. 'Willi Giablets; from Is. 6d to 2s ad. each; . 1 cm%. '.'l'umb'ers; a tip top - article - for 64.; 20 . ,do'Fluid and Oil Lamps, of Cycrystyle; a fine •risso . emit of "Solar Limps," a gr e at ea. 1 riety of Glass Di,hes,mmvered and tureovered.on • i: al d off toot, SPoOn 'Holders. Pitchitrs, S.mlts, Butters, Sitgais. Creams,. Molasses - Cups, Nap. pies. &r-du. ~'. - • . . - "Dnirtioll to.l/oale bylar tie most impor tant Braqh of our Business," that 4 ft . _HARD IVARE - : 1 I . - , Consisting of :Building Material, Cirpenters Tools, •• Agriemiltural lieplenichts, an, genetal !least furni,hing Goods. TO fiIUILDERS. 1 - - . , A _solid Mortice - or R . im Lock with tPorfilmry Knobs and Serews eomplete for 35.; a Lf )) NI , Nlimilice Lati-h, with Knobs &v. complete for 24. . The Knobs Mentioned, warranted tbiee times` as M•lrOng as, the llineral KnOb, and not to' loos. en fronillie spindie. • , . ' . I :rhit.t.:.P.ht:_iir.....P1.441....-Ltd.A..“............,......]... , ..rs-01.1 4#- rifo springs to get out at order, cutting away !hal sash leas; and cart,be put . on in one Italf the time! of any. other in nm.e, from 64. to IS.. pier doz. ". WOXDERFUL." . • • But would yOn'beliete. it, a 4 Bust] Burr on' lime," complete iu ell its parts, enabling . you to open or close Von r ;Blinds wiihont opeoitmg your window, AO that with the greatest ease.— A new in'tentiOn of J. C..golmie of Ilioulineiton: • At will well repay a visit to our establi,lonent to see it alone .I , 1 . ' - '..-EVOTHEi r mi WONDER. 1 • • . , • Carved %Vocal' work of every deseription.con skint,,, of CaPitals• for Cortiminis:-_and Pilasters : l , - F - 7 -7----------- 7 ---- .t - 4 - 7' -- 7 -- 1 Cornices. Bracketim,.NeWells and .11.toni4 ,, ra for i- ' t. Will Fish Into.? - Stairs. Circles, &t., &c., which we rani turnish.l , HEY will' if von use the fimmhing apparatus 4 tmr-Bnildos a better artiele,•and at -prim4 much 1 salmi b Phi& &. Knowlton, 3 doors east of i less than they on =norms tirom'tlietii, - a 'fine lot 1 Chenango - ridge. - A new let just .received by ;.oi samples can be seen at our rooms. . I 4 i• . , . 3 &prem.*. Call and' examine their:large iSsort.4 l .. i • ' 1 ; 'UV HAND . , 1 - 4k. " L ti t' Lin "' wee k " 4 " . 894.11 "' Art ' . ! A full tit 5c., of I):totiton Nniis. t... hest ' fieial Bait," ..- . PIJITE it K :IIOSVIRON. . 4. . - • 1 , m-nuide.st bc., ‘Yronglit and .Sir Hinges, Blind 4 N. R . : It ill earren,lY will that : Fi4l " n ' and Door•Buttt Se.rews. Gate Ftsteliers;;Loeks. 4 this - section of country, will ant,Jm Caught with t, n it & .. ;. m .. uRCELAIN" ll:ior Komb t• t s very ' other Tack 'e than that sold at the Above -Oita]. I " '4 ' • e! I' Ai low, Esenteheons,Duori fates, Wardrobir;llmioltmi, lishmenl.. . , .. • ,i _ * - t ' 1 &A. eu.• ' •• • , Binghan 'ton. Aug.-13, - 1855. : I 1 / ' . MARBLEIZED IRON MANTLE PIECES'. .1 . - .- • . AIL CARD., -,. h ~.., . ......._ , - - : IliHily. Ornamented, articles of greal utility. in . - i. c * .t n'anrs 6: lai9 ll ; 11111 FE 1:t KNOWLTON would .. most re. rmany respects supimrior to- Marble, and 'at half i ' avtl ' i ''''' el 'e . " -- t 1 - apeequlty call, the attention of purelmsers t• time ,emistall sizes,- - with and without Orates, &e., I didn't need :to 't o a large assortment of - HARDWARE jest re- .; from $l2 to $lOO mit., , m : f" - i eeiVed andlbeingtelly increased Varrivals from; • - ' Tirj : •cAß,FiESTEits i ' ' ~ • •of medicine lio• ' , different Manufactiares. - . Hiving ,perchased at , ,-.._ - - , ....- . - ...,, .', • , . • vor_stoca cf rtairea, ‘...niseis. Saws ore.,, are it! lint o f.. ine di. 1 pricealciar than those for which articles or e l b am complete as money,titne,anirdevotion tim . tis H-, - . ' - lsame quality hail] - been offenAl dn'ting • 1 :4 •- ' past es 'tiles , are 'enabled to Malie qui t t i e lt.' a u r7. l . PARTICULAR ;branch . 1111V7 Can make Wand lit' is ' It; •Vi by 1. 7 I '4 •-• • . . .. • , ... d i Prices other ...Spear & • .I.mcksona, Battlhers ,Aloetion frorn their. former. very • reasonable e• , . and lei - always, and ev- r:ke of Saw ' of all lenotlis and kinds mands, to !offer hothAown andmeountry trade in- 11 "' fm • - • ' l . ... ' , ' • . „ _ .• . ; dueementi superior to 'Arise of N. Y. agentit • ~. The. best mater of planes the Worlot 'affords, leati. the :OtA tiniel B inghainten. Aug. 14.1856: :.. .. , such as - Beusou.a!td.Crandalls, John Reins, &e. 1-- . • t . • . • ~..... in all their varieties, Cast steel AiL.Ters and An. • 4 1 ger Efts, coneave.and graduated, from !Se up. • 4 .5"47 . r ' : . • I Fr e . ' 4 Ili " . f f Ire W . '"""'"" n u -; wards. Firmer, Soeliet:l'urners and Piiritig ails bow . ,intteh: you, t - 'DI KFII.3IANS &GAItitATT"S .. Q 4 . . I els with and without Handles. Itr., ..,•1 - • ' . . 'IE s *aim would reef !.tfullv info- ' , (vs and Bittai late tent -i!taents fr T , i . - 'OS i nu an 'extortionOr this new variety diem, know 1, . supposino. it found it very 110 e, strong 'stalk igl4 putting out ,1 1 )rpnee4 at the 'profusely laden and Ik k balf inch "ar three- peas, Ituailn - ye-i, bat. . - 116 81)11e:iv:ince . e n small ball' i l l et' pratice do pohpol. I - Dever i 7 life I thank ;'t ; !Avant to , itqicim: du roil xtbedistnituts. AYER'S . •. •_ ..,...,.. .. .... ... _. . , . . 1 . ... . . .... ..... I. ,_ ./ite'eirlitilie Mel tiiiieitekixeiti . . - • -before "mews 01 ant illk ite. • ' -. IN VILIDS READ IND JUDGE FOE• I'IIIIGGEL . TEG. i JULES 11AIYEL, F.se i .the _well Main iwfitrare. of .. Ch stn Philadelpida,-, *brow. choke Pro!ittetti ~- are 'at almost linty toilet, says: i • "I am hippy. lev.«4 of 'RR? CATO/Mlle . 1 . 04.11. that I `lee flund 1 them 1i better family medkinr, for routnum pa, than any other within my knowledge. Many of my friends head realised marked benefits frau them, and co. inside with in. in believing that they possess extraordinary virtues for driving out diseases and curing the tart. They • are ea eeltallectual, but cafe and pleasant to he taken . - - *Wilk, which *nut make them valued by lii. publie, When they are karma." • . :. . . • The venerable Chancellor IVAROLAW writes horn Rah. • • . 'theism,' 15th April, 1854: ' !‘ Da:J. C; Awes ..,. Fie: I hire taken yaw' Pills with .Itreat . , , benefit SO the listlenmen, Magner, tom a appetite, and Bilious , whkat has Cif late years overtake* • , me in the spring. A - fine dose, of your,,Pills d i nedme. I' - have used your Cherry Pectoral many years in my.famlly Int coughs sad colds with nufitiling caterers. You make Medichieswhich ewe: end I feel R a OlelollllB twirtromietad. - - you for the good you have dune and are doing: , JOHN. F. BEATTY, Esq.,Sec. of the Penn. Railroad ro., my. r L • • ' •t Pa.' R. fh Ogee, Plulefelplidd, Per. 13, 11 4 .13. "Sir: 'I take pleasure in 'adding My testifitony to the of of your Medicines, having 'derived. very material benefit linen theme of both your Pretreat and Cathartic Pills tam never without them ha my 61114, nor shall*, - - ever connote() be, while my means will procure them." The Widely renowned .5. S. STEVF:NkI, M. it., et Went worth; N. 11. writes: • "(laving la id your Carne vac Nue'itt toy I:rite:ice; I certify frum experiettee that theyare an invaluable porra- . five. lweattei of dieordered fintetioui of the lives, causing headache, indireetion, etedivenese, and .the great variety of diseases that. &Haw,. they_arn a surer.'retuedy that, soy doer. In all CAW where a porptive remedy is P 1144144 : I .eonti.dently rerominend thew Pills to the politic, RA superior to any other I have ever found. - They are pure in their npeiatism, and perfectly safe..-tratlitic. I, hit*. . make them an invaluable article kr Piddle use. I hare fir Many yenta kociwn your Canty ?Moral as the lust Cough medicine in die world; and these Pills are kr no 'nice inferior to that adndraltle preparation fr the treat• - : - , . meta of diseases." - - • , I 1 ,' tt dlehot, Xe., Nor fis, 1853. ; o Os. J. C.Av se Deal. Sir: I bave,been afflicted foot • thy birth with .scrofilla In, ite wont forth, and now, alter twenty yeah! trial, and. as untold of amount of mailing, toter been completely eared in a few . week. by yourrill... • With what I kelings.of rejoicing I write can only be imagined when you•realize what I hive mitlremd,astd how ' long. 1 - : . . . • .. Never until now have I been free (trim this loatline diem,. in eve shape . At times it attieked nor e3e•Auld me' made e Ailninst blind, besides the urehditrarde rain t at . others it settled. in the scalp of my head; and deotmyed my hair, and loakept tue.partly bald all 'my - days ; nanetimes it came out in rem fare, and kept it for months a raw sore. : - " About nine neeks ant I cononenced taking' your eil, ,thartie Pills, and now am entirely free from the complaint. My eyes are well; my skin is fair, and my hair has emu- ntenced a healthy growth; all of 'thick makes lee feel , already anew penal. • .. Riming this statement way be The means ref exaireyin; -• I,lM:undoes that shall du good to others, I am, n id, terry eeutitnent of 'gratitude, - Yours, hr., MARIA moan.- • - • 4 1 bars known the above named Maria. Ricker fr.,to her childhood, and her statement is strictly true. • ' . . 1 ANDREW 3. NIESERVF., , • - Overeeer of the Tortoutouth !datutfacturior Co." : . . . • Carr. ALE!. I PRATT, tof the ship. Marion, n tilt-sin-us . . Roston, /Mir Aprils Ito : " Your Pine have Clara ate erten a bilious attack a licit •,. arose ATM derangement of the Liter, whit la had become . . very serious: I hat failed of anylelief by my rit:tsician. . - and from ev • remedy I. multi in ; int a few dosses of • your Ping 1 ' eignideter restored we to health. , I have ; r i t; t e s t! Ahem in my childnen for worms, with 314' be.t ef alp . . They were ;inutility cured. _I renvontended them • to a friend - for etistireuers, which had troubled hint fe • mouth; he told me in a few days they. had cored him. • You make thellestencdiciue in the world:; end lam free '-• to g saY ate.'" . Read this from the distiognislred Solirili4 of the Supreme ' ~. . Court, whine brilliant abilities lace' toad, him well know tt, not only in this but the reighboriag nail's.' ... .U.Alle Orleests,.sti ailpeil, lett.. . "Sir: I have great satisfaction in Maturing yon that myself and family have been very lunch heneflted b: pair - medicines. My wife Ca, cured, two year. shire. a a re. vete and'dangener efingh, by pew I'!or'euar Pec-r.a.m, and since then vas enjoyed perfect hecilih. lily rhthirtn have'severaV,thres.been cured [non attacks of the Wo rn= and en,.up by it. It is an invaluable remedy ft • these ccestphttats. Yonr Carm•orric Ticks have entirely 'rtired emit fettm a' drepepsia and costirenwo, anich too mown r - npon 1 we fur NMI* )1011. e r• indeed, this cure is much riots important, torn the tact that I had failed to get, relief Grin the Nest rhy.iciamt which dd. section of . the (smutty afFard., and Ines any 14 the nomenes. mule -Vie. I had taken. . •.. “ Yon seen, to us, Dorn*, like .a prOvitletdial hte.-iii r« nur.fatnitti, and you may well ewesuppw are not tan- ' ritindtril of it. Yours re,pectfully, ' ' T I.E.eivirf.-THAxTEn." •- - “ &rude Ckesfrice, Oki., .ffpritsth; !S&L *. Da. J. C. Al ea -.- Roomed Su: -I hare made .i . thou ' Ralph trial,.( he Cayuga:* Pius, len We In .1.411" atet.i, ' and have been cured by Olean of the dreadful Ithetonath , to under which lite found me suffering. The first dine re. tiered nue, and a few oruhrequetth Awe. Lave entire!y removed the diMta.e. I teeth, better beallh ro.w ti an Cr - 'sums irate before., which I attribute emirely to the effect- - piper" Carnitaric Pius. Yours with :rem resin-ct. . . Lrelt'S is MI:TrA IX." The above RI" all fr m per;on. who areTpubli..:3 hi. et h • where they melds., and iii Is siwt . l.l ma tuake. th r-r ,%Air useuukwithoUt a thorough convict ioti .th:4{_thgt:.ltx,Fr..V.lo , ,,,_„„ -' s ''' I r retittr,et by1)11. J. C. AYER &CO., ' _'Practical aid jiaalytital Cicadas, 'creep.. its Ali _I • - 1 .. Li :: 7 J 00-33 CHEAP • 1 . I'T C._ W. lifOTT''S".•. ' 1 Tn.: T rtePired a lot or - New Good., S'ncli sic D , 11 Laines. !/a Darr", Pa rumet tas, Persian, Al; I pscas, Gorgl,atns, Merinos. Prints, aty Shawls. I in fact a rseral atworttnuitt of Dry ,Goods which will be sold hic. . .. . . W ANTk.lO Socks, Etv.r,s, Batt er,(..tr,lllheese. : Flannel, &cf., any quantity in eschange for Coml. at cash price s. - • C. 'W. MOTT ; Montruse r 4 iept. 1:455y , „-09- :•' '' ,'- ,- t . 74-mium: -.. ...4104ti • - 41 . ; - ' i -- - ..,.,..„.:,.., ~,......!...,..„..,,..O...TiTy . 0 .- or asio F.‘'----.. -:-...;-.,-: , ...' . :-...- 1 : A. LIVA,Ns.'.. ,:- . • . .. , .., ~ . .. .. _ 411,001 _ 4 4ii:1 ll 4' -;',.": --,,..-• , • ~...,,,„, . ' SiIBPARD BROTIIHRT Yea! A lihule toltimti and • • Kat 11€111.41 • And become satisfiedi•tbst a whfile coinnwi is memory, to .ntoke known the great attractions and inducements held but to . purchasers to ex iimine our NEW -AND:MAGNIFICENT Mock • liardwnie, ! .Crp . ciery, Por a t*l . I • Chput.eivaii,, Oniqea t Orastirs, Li imps, ! ' • Marbielz44 lion Blitu- • itt:; Oice.il • This week behi open'ed 1g us, at f )ur- new and bcautjliil stand, . 2 Davi Eitailq MO' Canal, Coup! •11IhW 1 f f t!! TON, s' .121 READ. AN.O. BE l e ON FIN CED • Tilsit like inducentents to pnreliniers. farisur. pass nnvtlung lieretoeoro given the Public in thia•runiket, in regard'to our "' ' CROCKERY I_ .1 , 4 Edult rds Witit:teranitel Waee_i;*. in particular. I\ • /MAR! MEAR . 1 'I HEAR!! • "A SAVING OF 25 per cent," tol l purc4l' sers may be made by buying •"111ward Wnre.”— Why Treatise thq lire one third inrr, beavi erostrongeroind the sizes larger tlian 41nyr iitaer Wares made, ::nd they wi:l not " era= or Fire Crack:" ' . .Mrrailted ivy, as all the 1: 1 ”.ge Hotel and _Boar 'big 11.msekeepeN in our Cities and' lar. , e towns will testify, for they will : Mit and do not use any other wares. ..1,1 7 1) REMEMBER . • At nur,stand alone eaa von - find an assortment of theSe Wares. They cost us more; our ; prof. it s a r e ,less, than if we por.gued the conrSe-of other dealers in . Kelfing tin light and fragile wares of the the day.. Our - motto ; " 07 . 1C1t7 SALES, LIO ITT PROFITS', Anti once more We sell them aS I.lw. as.the fragilet wares of the day have ever been sold., • • FRE.A.TIT CHIAVA. • A splendid `assortment„ of all tbo new. and beautiful desi,., , M;i and decorations, of'{ Tea-ware, .China Vases. -, Tete a:Tete setts, Candle .Stidks, &e. • • . • - - : Tho - astonishinz stronot It, and beatitilitl trans pareney of ." MIMEO:CAN PORCEI4IN" . ore too well i known fur further comment. • GLASS WARP, • 7 ' .. ,; ',1 ,_, , , -;.•..__ : t-'7`::4-14*; COLUMN - AND GOOD GOODS:' R.E3f1 , 4 7.1T8ER • SAZILIMEANDEIrSarEs; _ _ - I, ...A.Ns a, .wa • t SON, No. 26 -,_ .X 4 ts4lli Fourth it, Phila. • . -,a- , ... . GRRA P nal:. CHESTNUT s t Firrif Sta., Friday morning, .$,:- --- . December I.Silt, 1054. - Evaus-4 Watson's Salamander Safes tri . . • . umphantot, thes.,eivrays are when ppt to the test . - - Pintaioi.t.ruts,Dec.ls, 18. i;.• Messrs Esau' & Watson, N 0.26 South Fourth St, Philadelphia. ~ t . . . •, , . th„.. n ., : uvi:-... We take' much pleasure in rac ommending your Siiiit;nrinder Safes to Merck:tuts and others in want Itil ' a secure menus of preeerviug 'tin& books, japers; &C., froM fire, its the hue we purchased from you about sever' 'moults niece hai I preserved our s booknt nod "Fla in as Rood o cooili. ODD as . they . _ Weir -when put into it. ti -fore the great Oro this morning. which . -d-stroyed the en tire block of hniiditag F corm•r of Chest nut 'awl Fifth streets. The..above was in use in our office, on the.secoud floor of ourhuilding. from which place it faint.° the cen.l, and remained there until the fire was out. The Safe was then removed and opened iii the presenue of at least 11100 persons, who witnessed the gooti condition of the 'contents. IWiil yon please have the Safe unit- Locks repaired as we intend to put it is'ose again. having perfect aoulidince init. fire-twooftrolities. • - - Years. Respectfully, • s LACEY & PHI ha Ps.- • Evans and Watson fake pleasure in referring to the folio - wing', among the malty nundreds have their sures in urea—;-U.. S. iliut.lad.t.; Fortner, and Mechanics' Rank, Phil:lda.; Santnel At Csci., High sheriff ; John N. [lender/44, City Controller; Caleb Cope 4. co., No. s 3. Mai; .ket St Richard Norris end Son, Locomotive den, IP-Libido.; Bancroft and Segers, .M tchinists, corner Ifith and Janus Sts : FrttEklin Fore In t io. ranee Co., Phila.; Penti's Railmad Co.. Philada.; Lacey'& Phillips, co. liter sth and. Mit:or Streets; Sharplera Bro . N0.:12 ioath '2.1 St.; James,. Kent and Santee, No 147 Norill Third Street ;,W. 11. flortstuatt and Sons, Nd. 51 North.:ldSi; Cp:,No:_S7 ,Varket St.; j..k. R. Orne, 11!o 185 Chestnut St. • A large assorttnetit of the fee olwayFon baud (ivarrunted - to : natalln I . )er neut. :more fire' than any (lerring% Safe tinr: io use.) EVANS:4 WATSON, also manufacture and keep .for Iron Shntiers. Iron Morn and Iron Sash. for mak ing fire,proof Vaults :or Banks; Storni. Roblin and private buildings. to.tter Prelql cs; Patent Sl4te Liao( Refri..erntors, &C. Please give.na re - nil. at No: tlti t:101 Furth St, drlphia—llly I . . _ ! NEW 6 siaDs. ~: mc n . ek l n ll. o .LA ie:i N . :& lin, I n ' t A s l: i l i l i i , t ti, liirn tlo;ir ~ T atefat public forjuist fa. coil:, n n incite sittenti,iti tOilae very -large stock lof Spring and'uninier Go 4, 'Alley are, flow IV-, •eviving, plifi o ff .r for sale at ; vty imp prirt. Ig. En' 1 - I :OtlitiPn, to their usual :ow irt , ::.'ol of staple Dry i Goods. Groceries. 11;:rdware , , Cllickery, Paints,: and 03,, 'ite.., they Are prepared to exhibit a large as,:ortini nt 'of LADIES DitEs- GOODS I, (if every description, F'i!!ittlii. Plaid and Plain, • Silks. Bunnet*.Shawls, Radials. Glove 4, Ifosiery, • 1 Ladies and aliases shoes of all kinds—also :1, I large stprk of 1 _ READY MADE (AOTEDNG, , ~. 1,.. . : , -,•• 1 I Clot UR, :,, k , •lNxiniii res, i %%vete. Jeans, Summer! Clot ;Is. '7 Vesting*, Hats ,and Caps, Boots ;mil. Shoes &v. IS: c. . . . Tiwy• respectfully tpilicit .:-..1n early call from those uhn ‘vish . • to purcbast GOOD Goons AT ; 4 0 W PI: IES. . : ' • • - • 31eNtIlil..kX St PATIN,- . . Springville, May 2, .18 . 5:1:- ' - • • Doct. R. Thayer reIAKES this metittsl of sasitg, to his friends! JL: and customers that he 14, again resumed! the practic e of Medicine at his ild stand in Mon.; trose, where lie may he 1'0;1;144 all times unless; professionally employed. • lie-uttuld say to these 9wing :!ceitunts that be - deduct 25; pi..r cent on all aceounts paid heford the first Of : April next, (or if any poor like myself,). I will! deduct lifly. • Montrose, Fah 20,1855-oif emoval. • C.l). VirrziL Denti 7 4t, Intm . remoVed to . a room over,F. IL Chandler** store, where it. will be him pleasure - to see his' friend*" am quit I; las possible." - C. D. VIRGI1 4 ,'Residtkot DentimL • . Montrose, Mtix !. 10,5, • • • . . -. • . NEW.STORE, • AGF ! SiEßAL:i..w,rtment tir Staple and Faney, . Dry . thiocis, I; 4verit•s, ilardw.:re, H kis, ,CaitS 1 - lootwsn4l;itmes, Wall Pap,T; Drugs, Dye Stutr,c Paints awl, Oils, &z., which wi ll' br;sohj. as cheap as the cheapen! luiei,sit or approve ii eretlit by .1 . . 11. M. JONES. liarfurd June I,' 05,1 . ~ • . . . DLACK Gro de Rhine Silk or excellent quali. _LP ties at . • • .11. 11.. JONES%. June 1..1'855.. BROO and Cnicluncre Sltawls. nt all prices, also a ll.w.Mantillas by II; M. JONES. Ji4c! 1,1855. • . R EADV ' . 3l:tde Chit!flag, at I June 1,1851 AMES :i and . Itibhgni at . June I, 1855. N AWNS, ChM D.;rg e d, J 6:im4 at 7 1. . June :1,1854. EMBROIDERIES and Wi June I, 1855 good awn tment of 800 • Junil, 1855. S . IXTEEN 11.)!5, of Good gnekerel for.nne do!. inr in enA by I H. M. JONES.. June • 7' HE hest q play Na; for Ante by June I, 1855. ' UST ri4,viving a frel .tit at Jane 1;1855. • • Grand and ?itimiificsnt Display OP FALL AND IrINTER GOODS. J. wurrENnERG .1d Co.,lakes pleasure in announcinata the ci , ize sof 31ontrose, and the arijoioinireorintios, that they have just , received j the largest and . most f: hifunibie assortment of, Pall and Wiettr G o 11, --that has ever ken , ronght to this portion' r the State. The following comp es horn smell portion of the immense assor lit to be found at this establishment flops an'i Gentleme riety and proresion •ru than can he obtained el leul;es limas Goods part and all wool Del shade.. Plain - hlaek and striped Silks. ' Print* and Dinh i - La eis and Embroider glo brosbe„ 'and' do' Cashmere and Thi sieiy,Curtain Goode, Toweil i ng,- Diapers, ii Casimera mut 10,0430 to, meation..; • 'Cub Boyers will give tl4 a esti, We wok of transacting b cash on shol time to ~ mptin'titeetingoui our et:Women 4 1) d o ii ROSENHAIT.if t • Montrose, Oat. 0 ind it to: their benefit to rill not be undersold. Our Isinese ix to sell low - fee mp :good a, intending to b e r expecting he minim with mt.— WITTENBERG& Bro. . I, 1855. 'The Know °thing Expose. A NY Pencut patronising me, at the front /1. upper mom of die Storelately occupied by M. C. 9 1 ).iler can be rommodsted according to A to WL:deal. Pashis s. in the best end most proved itianiter. "milt iskiarra6ed to .At-it,filoPertY Made, 6 1 tting.vainding'end in het every braid) of tailoring,dono !be shoete e t nutico, and that ,to the sathltietion of those concerned, litt - ' w prire•it, b 11 M. JONES. rkiv. of Ronnetb f. 31. JONES". I..nins and Being- I: M. JONES'. !f.i4. Drapery :it M. JONES'. And Shorn' nt H. 31...JONES'. 3 at 5 e e s p er pound, 11. M. JONES'. stippli' of fine Ashton • It. M. JONES" Clothing., in 'endless va• more reasonable terms ovhere. Polo) gerinn,Pararnola . kir most arty &Jar and I figured,changcablb plaid . T lneint ts and -Itil;bons, Shawls, Double, and sin. le blanket Shawls, also .Shawls, Gloves and . H.). mturo, lias, Table Sfreadi t tuslins, Ralinetts, Chith, her articles too glamorous . • • . . 64 rilailtha*.ThYSO/V2' AH Intahabie Book for 25 should kare4 copy " . ..- . ' ''(00,000 coPiEs-SoLn IN ,:,...,.,‘:.:;%`. :!;,:;; ~,.., Lv.ss TII AliA. if Wan'. •A nevi •= '...40, ?,.. E. iii . :A:.,_.' riiitron• ratites! And .nprored, .4. lT ' / V. • 7 4: just issued. ~;..".. ~.,• err.erk.,..... l Etr. I Itt nter ' snit:dice lIIa ti ual ••..'.` - tl'asta.r. ",•,-- and band Hook dor thealilleited __,. ..,'; .v.w.vaa..... ...:, Containing Ina outline ot that:Wt . - - . ...---: , ~ ...,•.• gin.pt•ovess,treatmeni endears.. '.'",;•',.•• 4 .... -,.. v .„ .. \\`' of. every form of (finesse' eon •, • , .! it. I. •0 s.. traeted by proutitettousSocual intercontre,by self abuse of by sesual..zoess, with mildest for their preVention . w tit ten in a Tam Mak .ty a, avowing all Medittal tiechnicadties . and everything that vt , tuid Olen& (heats' of deeency; with tin aniline of c•impleintslaclde n t. to !telltales, front theresult of l h twenty years' success fulltractice esclusively.tevitte•l to the cureof di essesot a delicate cr private nature.;' • ; . •To ethichdy added rercipts for thr cure oft II e hove die... sales, and tttreatise on the ipaitscs ,syntpiot.is au cureof the Fever and Ague. _ . - Tealintony of Iho - Proftesararahltetrics;., Penn ,ollegi, . Philarlelp4ati—"Pß.llUNTßlO; NlErili.; Al. 1 . ~ UAW' ••- , The author 0 this work .at nli I: et be majarity of •.;s4liit who advertise to cure the diseases ..I altieb it treats is it cretins te . ofime of the bra( illeges I ti tit.: Unite iStates. It affords me pleasure toreco Intend hint to the untyrte. nate..or to the victim of malpactiee. as a succe.sfut and exporleneed practltloner.in hose- honor and : ntegrlty` they may place the greatest e Widener. i , • 44 IV- $. LtitSGStIORII; M . ' D Prom A Ttittehrti rd. M. p.inf Penn ./7 , arsrsity•Pltilas elcipha.-11 siree me pleasnre lc add my testimony to the prnfessional ability of the Anther of the NI anicat. Maw. us L.", Numerous cares of Disease o f the Genital Organs, scale of them of long standing t have come under Amy no. tice.in which hhiskill has been manifest it. restoring to perfee health, irksome NIPI4 irherP the patient has been contilderestbcyond medical aid. In the treatment oiSsan inal weakness. or disarrangtonen I 01l he functions: pro. littera by s• If ah nse or EXCePtii)rrynely. I do it t'. know MS sepecier in the profession , . I. have - been acquainted withthe t utilllT sometliitty years. and deem i t n.. - more thatlinstiee to hint as well at. kindness to .11 e dttfin•tunitte victim clearly indiscretion, torecomteeint him its one in whose professional skill and integrity they may safely confide thentselves. - A I.Fli ilt) INts • i 0 - WA it 11. NI- It. ‘• Thitils. without exception:. the tunas c .inprehentive and inti•lligthie work published on the class 0 tdiseitse of %bleb it t rents.. •A w oldi ng iti I technical ti•rtnic.it. address esitself to 'he reatan ',fits ' I's...niers It is free from all cairetionaltie matter. and , y 0 r‘nrent imwever "a.thilmte,' can object to p Iselin: it In the li Inds of his u"nit. The ita- Ow hardevoted many years to the treatment of the rati ons consplain ts treated of. and . witht cei little breath to puff end too little prestimptlon 5,• imi,o,.. 1 ie . , 3 , ....iw cre d to the world,a. tit merely amnion prii•e • 123 . cent-, the fruit of scime twmityyeartOtanst suceo.ff u i or..ttice."-- lierej/ft.. . "No teacher or parent slitiut.ilie without the :nowled_Te impnrtedir tbisinesilualtlew.lrk It.would sure year - sof .pnin.tnortitiration andsorrow to the youth under their ellawie."—People's .Itlroevilt. • A Presbeterian , cienlyninn. in Ohio. writing of ' , lion• ter • iltedieni.‘fast dal" s•sys :—'• floti3:104: npon! thole ands of nit r yonth. by eel' , example 3.1 1 . i it3,tenee 'lathe passions , . hare been e 1 into the habit , •f 4 elf.los)l ( I 1011 1 Withl l lll 1 . 111111131111.111 , 1 sin nod fearful e.ntse ',tenets Itpoti thetrrseireiand their posterity. Theeon.titutionstittliGLlO nndsulionrefaisinu curtail , * hare been. enfeebled'. if not. broken down.nn.l they do nottcnou the e.onte or the Mire. Anyildnr that enn be , lone so to etni4hten and in:Nene° the puldientind , osloeheek.and tallionntely to renlw,rethls wide-spread source of human vreteliwiness. would confer the eriatent blessing nex t t.,-) the r e •1i , z1,411- of .testis 'n the present and P - 1 11111 T - .r . 1 1. 1'41.11111. f ntem per:it - we( or Ihr use ofinto.xientlnedrinks) thonalz it has slnit, 01011 i. nods npon thousands, is not -t reater =courts , tn tile h ns. roan race Accept my Omni:ern belt Of of the anti:tett, and.indieve me. youreo-wnrterh t the good wars you are Sonetirely enungedin." hrt•trby Atte tirel y •oreolooefl) will h, rwt•wat , lt•Ll.froi• I r postnfe.tninnypart nfthc ITilite , lStntre for '25 itentg , or tixrnpirrfor jl. - A ldry a. (Bost paid) (10EIDI:N. 411).. • Pulill•horr.or Ilnx 19fi: r 7- Book/tellers, (aorattrrrs . 11nalk Ageottf f::91111cf1 on ihr mort liberal terms. g4yl. New Lino of retail Stages . Rao= • • • • • ,re, • 4; KIRKWOOD TO. MONTROSE. • A STAALE wilt leave Kirkwood.pattins throur.:l Oar- Libarty.4 c.,er«ryonorningart'etthe arri •altithe CrainA'ofeatt opt h Hata aud We,t,reack ingAloattare at 1 P.U. • R ETU RN ING H Lean Montrnsedaily,,S.: •Ixeep ed et 2 , P •reeeltinpliirkweeq i,e rimc :;41 %, the Mainsa .61 .cars,buth East nlid West,aelk: wearest and uto4t feasible runtriereach the New rf PC.% and Erit-Railrbad. qteesectsarrl-weekl3 Ilna.f or Ditneek.Spriug, runiihannoek. Wyentle . g....nd Wilkesbarre, l wieh leseresllentrose at 7 8 31 every. llouday. Wednesday end Friday. Alsa, Friendsolle,Geraystlllo ..k.a.4300d Team P. and entntortabietlarriages arc provided .and tLe Proprietormrnapare nepains t tieekentralat it he P üb;•i lie. ' • •1V K. MATCH,. 5ep:12,1851. ' MORE AN. ELIVEST . . ICEMOVA - EEI.ER S. STODDARD since the late fire, may Ire` horrid in the BASEMENT or SEAELE's 110 TEL. Notwithstanding the 'unprecedented rir . :! phial; with which our stock of Boots,"SimeS4e, "went on — on the morning of thelire, we! still have some on hand, and strsll son tip . soppiieti again. • KEIELFR. & STO.DDAR,D. • Montrose. November,;) 3, 1854. ! • Brachs' 31:tavnt• — • • • • - • riIIEAPER than ever: before known, Tleartti; Ail patterns, and rine! ipralit; Of 8-4 Iliochq StraWls, Lnpen's manufirelure; at 47. Oct. It- U . B . &to.' Shawls. I T 4 ONG. and Square, Wml, Brorhe and Silk, yes's handsome stylea,4tod at extremely IOW prtres. r U. B. & C n. Oet • I I • . . lielmb old's Genuine Prepa,raiions., lidni6ohrx I-liyhly Concentrated Compoand F‘lcill-Ertract For Diseases of the Dialler *rot Kidneys,Secret Discsse, strict sues, Weaknesses, ;soden. Ilseases of the S'exul Organs, • . Meeker in Male or :Female, front whatever cense they may .havc originated and no matter *thou lung standing - , If you hare contracted the terrible disensewhich, when noes seated in the system wilt surely go flown from one 'generation to another, n ndertni rang the o:on:Mutton and tapping thievery vital tlithls.of lire, do not. trust yourself in the hands ofQuarks.ato start utierery day in 0. city like this. and fill the papers with glaring falsehoods. too well calculated to deceive the young , awl those not ay. nnainted with their tricks.: Von cannot be too careful in the selection of a remedy's) these eases . • - The Fluid Vostrset anchnds.ts iiftetil pronounced hv erni. sent phyriclens the frealrst reinedy ere khotro.. IC is a nualicirseperfcetly pleasant in It.. teste and very innocent in its action, and yet fles thornOgh titct3t nunihifate..s every particle or the rank and poi orient vim?. of this dreadtut disease; and. uhtike °them rmnedies, it does not dry up thedisease In flit blood. CONSTITUTIONAL Dy11111:TTY - • brought 013 by self Anse. teronst .1 errible disec.se. wbreh has blonght thousands of the; human rites to untimely graves.. - thns Idaelfin the brilliant hopes of parents, and blighting In the hu I the gimlet's an !Mien of many a no. Wyman', Can be Mire! by tidal:Vali/4c remedy. And as , a medicine which mast bona_ t everybody. front the 'lna ply delicate to the confined and. despairing Invalid. no • equal Is lobe found, acting both as a cure and preventive licilmbold'sllly Cone3ntratod _Compound Fluid ErWact Sarsaparilla, For'pnrifying the Stood.' removing all diseases arising from excesses of Mercury. ex - raw:ire and i ntpraidenob in life. chronic eon stitnt innel Iffrease. arisla Ft from an i pure state of the Blood. and the only reliable and cf.. fergual; known remedy for the cure of. Scrofula. Salt Rheum,Scald Bead, illeeratiOns ot the ' ham tandlegat Pains and Swellings of the Mines ! Tette?, Pimples on, the face. and all ge,sly Eruptions of t Skin. . Thin article is now prescribed by some of , . , the niest distinguished Physicians it the country. and has proved more etibient In practice than .any peeper:lo;u of Sarsaparilla yet offered ttli the j nth' le.• 'Priem! eases of secondary Syphilis. Slerenrial end Scrofulous disease's have entirely recovered In the Incurable word, of one Pule lie institothms whgeh had for many 'years resisted every mode of treat mentthet conid belevisegl. Thee/. m Nee cur..; nish ;taint/ examples. rattle salutary effects of this mein. demi', arresting *me of the mest invetirate diseases., af• • ter theltands were destroyed anti the bargee already at.. fecteff • - ricß.—Letfer. from raspensible Phyalelene and -Pro. ' fervors of several ' Medical CollegeS, and certiffeatel of cures from; attau twain be found accompanying both Prep. oration,' PillittP,S, Fluid retract- of, !tuella. till per bottle . or A Bottles for 13 • Itarmanittlibk; same pf.ce,r4nellitarese.th. to n ue piton ti top of Sarsaparilla. - Prenatal oh T: lIELSItath. ehmnist' t 263 Chestnut Bt..titar.the ins d Irons*, Philadelphia. • • To be had nf. Abel Turret', Noniron., Pa., and of. Drog-" . fists and dealers everywhere: All Letters directed to the Preprietot or Agent receive _ inuriediat e tit tentton. ' r . t . t:^ • 23y1, NEW MILPORD I Shawl -d: Dross Goods Emporium • FOR. Rill!. 1'835. utlaßt•rr wooldinforrn Idg friends'ind RA • the Patine, thtt he has now in. store aand.." is mehting a full aitsortment of Vail and Winter Goods inclu,ling so:ore'at.' variety, of Rich Full , Prints in new styles, Plain and Fancy,:) tapes. Plain and Fame* Mohair Cloths, Plain and Plaid Merintwi, Paremettas, Da Razes and Pooling; Dark Rich Gipghlmg, In Fall. Styles; Black limeade, Plain and Fanev Sag: 'Wool. Brnehe, t:ashmere, Crape and silk . Shawls ; Rich' Rill boas, Bonnetg and 'Flowers; Lidies Cloths end Velvets for Cloak-, and If intillas„ Broadclol.hq. Cassimere, &e., dze., - grith a largo asSortmene of Staple ,aud Fancy Goodg as usual. tnelndl Hailiivare.Crockert. Iran and Steel, Palntg, Gila,' Boots and, Shoe*, !tap% CroCk, BA& 'Robeit,. Carpethigs,:4e., with's new nasnet.n!ent of Stoyes and.Trlonnings of the hest finalitY: made! to:nrdcr eipressly forhis Caitlin Trade and will , all be sold At tbit lowest - 6,71m0, ft an for smite produce. - or epinered credit; -N, B. Wool Socks ,liaated for - - ,Whlch highest vices wilt continue to be paid. Fleur Snd Salt constantly one hand - New MIN*, October; 185.1.- . . _,l. • , Anstraliii;Valifornia, u ranFplaceon the litobe i cazinot present ritetitte .1 ~.. s inetwersents•than - • . - 1 , I' KEELER 4. SI1 1 0,011AR.P'S ~ _ nowir Alai D.S..1101:: - STOP .E. ' - i . - .. , , W i a l 'i l v U e ll a i L i arn w me l! i i i l i ed ai w i t il t i l l i C 4 l e"; Wuk ailide;ifitieuite... . enArsOing ii general var iety` of u. w an d ii 1 !gun t stlylit:of Loftier. and Griith;tnen's :weer, ttnong *pick:are' badion Frencili :title taggin'q and Pm. n in e. c ml i t ,,,, , Kid mud I, lntitnelod,Polka s , lad, Po.; e il i t f ru it i er On& br•mzed Jenny Linds, Buskins a 4 Mpg; LtnattompieF Fraaah :And, PliiindOphi al ti: k-finued call rein utnl kip II mts.Con2reep anti b ttnn AII nit ern.. Monterryn II . 1 ‘VUSlliilgiOn Rootp, tOilet Slips, - liorocco, call'. and .Couthide ! Bro. ginse.S"c . Boys kip, on:f und I.: , )whide Hoots" and prop); S ; alt kinds ol' Miset.s and 171iildren's wear. Aliso, a ;ten,. ra I•untortment of Findings, tvitiell sil in part ..1 la-ts.P-ns, =parables. 4 /inn g n ite.txteks. thread. sin's, ftri.tles, ilia ! kin tii , Is mewl, .sandstonrs. shoo knives. & e. cnikk 1.114' , 4:rtN0; tan:l.4l;llf •iipp•.r Ind solei er,`Moroore skins. :it'd linings. - ! Work to.tde t , irder end ropairinr Ilian: ri b: I K s EELER .& ATODISA Montrose, Sitne .- 1.1133 - . -1-- . .... l• . .StovCit t . gtorei 2 t..Stovesi i.l • 9[IHE subserilier'ivishesin call 110 atteliti 1. his friends - sind the - Public .to his very' nioortment of . : ..: • ' .: - ' "- • - ... „ ',... - -.. ST.OVES, at bis,netv Store Room in Indersville:n I ~ S. tenhebn's Store.,iind near the Groat epot. jle hits. in.aildition to Lin foriner viiriety of Cooking end Parlor litovesonaii Patterns. X (.111e of %% bleb a it . •••••.- - : 1 - St A f iChtlittA , - Peach Rranch,i l• ire F. i ..ilultras Troy,, . 1 10'ititrk; - - Mrdell flacku'airiinq nrieilt, . Oak, . Fro! Still'e, Which together wish: llis form e r stork wi p'erharei the roost extensive and varied assort of well seleeti;it Moves in the County. • I * * t Clinton :;roves well furnished itt low prices. `I VO", • All articles in his line kept on hand and nude to order :is/pin:A, and orders.received it his obi stalid in Great Bend. 1 • JOHN Colol* qlorsville &. Great. Nov., 1850.=-1 I: - • ' Window. Si.li Q IL & f): sAy4E haviti 3 O., born -n1)0640641 0 • agents: for an • ex ten:Kive Sash, Tilindijind. Door 11 - aouraetory :La; ‘ prepred to furnish:4ny :iiti.des in lids line atless rates . th.n..theyijitive u !smaily been, sold. • . HAVING r , ELEAII:--an - article which keery ' 11) Ili in should try,- for sale by. - SAYfi ) S. II.& D. E. i Dee. 4. . . • - — Roady-311,de Clothing, i _I A :.YEll.N.de , irable - htGel: at very row : prices. rx . •• S. H. & D. SAY4E. 1 3L - in'tiose, Dec. 14, 1854. : , - _I , 1 .1 ..- Doet,Or Yourself : HE POCKET ZEEoCITIAPr or, Reel ? , .olathis. own Pligskian. . dmi,taimming One hat Rog,rar ings.showingDis, antritalforomr !low , of tlm. man system -! very s; and form. Lied .Treati e n the .eammes of Ve.lates. beitm importandi married peciple.or those eroplaringniarriage: BI: 1 : .IViniara. Young, . 4 1f. D; • • I Let tin failier ' , ...4ltartiriii to present it copy of ape Aesentapius, ". is child. It may snveLltird limn an early,e'ra .....• Let iv., yennif man ' or wo -1 . _ . .. „. . trial/ enteri-ito trile secret iiiiii2at inns of maul Pt Without reading! tit:: P.f.icet A eimulapin, I, r , no one suir•ring from n I•acknied con iili , Pa in ilt the • Side. restiess . urarhts, nervous feelings, and the nijiole train of :Iy4 peptic-sen.ations,and giveil op bY their_ ph ysician.be atiot her motneut w i thou i con snlting the A. liSeI.CL U*l US . Wive the Inairterl, o011ose•alsout to be triarri4atipitaperfinieni read this tray usefu l ! lininr, as it has been' t he means 0r..- .. 4 . 4 ....at.......... 4 .—.e.i.tniviiiiiiitiThli , litiifFirfoiiit lie A7try itILVP of ifeathl .', • o:_i L Any •iier,mt grading; f socuty fire ee'irf it en-. closed in ii leiter,. tvii i receive ,one copy al this wtotli by nut il, o r-fivc copies will be sent NrAte: DOilar. Atiiireci- (post . ps id.) • ' - , 1 1)12. W ‘1: YOU.NO, . No.15:1 Sprite - O.Si. Philadelphia. A pri1311033-14y I. E.OUGIITON'S • 44 • - - • - Great Natural Remedy . for bade;ie.reit;a _ • . - and Dippepsia. I .. -,... . K. J. 8. Houoirro:Cs Pepsin; the true.Dt , _c-r.srirn FLum,or GAsinte JUICE stilt linlaS Itir .first plaee". among: all the various :reinedie's for these rand and giestruetire - eomplaints' it is Nature's own spt.eiflit for,an unhealthy store= :lA. '\o art of in:m - estn, equal its' eurntive'pow:. erk., : and no Auterer from jncligestion" and Dys. pepsimshould fail-to try it. . , I: .- I:_.V - • Sold by _Abel 17iirrell,3tontrose , tiv.l I . HOWARD - .ASSOCIATION ,:; - • • lirtiparatitt Auliotvzicement.! • 0 all peratittaattlieted wth arttial disteaaes, sulh as 1. Seminal trea . .tocas. frattotence. Gonnoratett, Gleet; halo, &[c.. Ito ward •A at 41atio of P 1 st.lel• a. in rievr-urttrUawfut .lerctui , u!ou of hellion 11fe; and nk, caused kw a anal-diseases, and , the deereptioha eh art practiced upon, the unfortunitewletinfitofauch be quarks, have directed their c‘ottroiting targeon , Charitable Act worthy of their tinnier, to glee 31.-dical . 1 , - - - . Ite Grath'. tO OD llersol3} thus fttniet.:4, ( '. 3late - o;ltZ ' t 43' ifieletit• a ntlsureesti - fu I in'O iseetitiiin o f the diffet- I ari . 4d te . Me dielo and in "s Frer nit remnrge ". verl.7 'and " l ! rill g i int brans-heti-Of their: prat: l esion.. •5 . . : --- to 'rseol: Cha .-._ . - '., • - • The 11.e•tr,1 .1440 'datum la a hmievolent Initlttillon,es- .' All - bosiness'entruntedtir thent, wilf.be rater! . ..,1 to fished by apecial endontient . for the rellerot the. arch ded to s - kh promptitePs And fideliii. • . • • and di atreaxed, allileted lapilli yiritleilt and Epidemic Dia- ~.. :. . h• r d-Or r .11tftro - p'4 eniea " and its fonds ran he need tie no ether perpe4' e " . ; 1 ,4" r °lne- 0 . 111 V - 55 o "gn. . e -•, „ It liasnOW.levirpini of in , ttns. whirl. the Directors. have. StOrg,. E: . tht . 8111 P PuWio \. Avenee; •_ . • --- . • Toted to adr ertire the *bore notice: • Tki a - needheottei add' , •-'. • • . - . that the Aaiieciathut creematidt , the hiv,trett .11* . ilkaracill: 4 •--: ; ' ...":-. - . -,•• -; ' .. A. I'ATR !CR, Jr:`.' ` of the frm. cad wilt - furulAh • the most approved. modern. .., • . . _ . ~..1,1. Z. DI MOCK. ..,... trehtment, Valuable advice given to sick and nervous , re- 3f onl rose, itlareh ,22,1 854. ' . N., • - mae*, Mahood. with ,abdotainal weatinteri Womb . gore- 1 ' - plaint. Costirenexo, Leneorrlota,'4.., - , Aiddreetr(poitt , paid.) Dr. Deo. 11'. galloon.. • Oen - suiting Sllntenn. Howard Argoclation; No. 2 Si/nth Ninth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. ..• .' .: ,• • ~ .' .' ; 7 By order ortitiniroctors, -- - - - ' .-• ,:, • ..Ezit + D..llB.lRTwr.t.t, Priltidet. ' . ...1 .' • ,. ' - t Ware ' . .„ i -. ~ - Plate ( _ . . - T US T received i'latize lot . .of 'Pinta ..Ware, e 4, eon - listing:a . eake InisdietS,...ca,tori, Iniperi- al 'and :Chamber (Ittellesticks. - ~.Tea..Setts, con.' mist ing' of s ix. pica .s'exti:a'riCk; Cups and Gob . ; lets :. also, lirittania. Ware, viz 1 - 't'ea setts, (four five. and 'six' piecen,) Tea Pula, CetTee. Pots, Cas ditfsticks, 64f.:...._ I},n the suly•perilier has • made ar magements with the :mitnura,iturersot the 41)11Ve gabds, he is'en:ilited to - furnish' the, neWest pat t etins at loWl . .tit 'prices, and alsoln supply'. his .1 • . . . _ (*tamers with extrir - orrsingle•pievefc'el _9nY. or. tic e in the - above line.: - ..; ', ..A. - 3,•EVAN:4I, -' .-. No. 2. Odd follews'llall..: • intzhamtoth - liug-'29; 185 5 : ' - - - - •: 's. '-' ' ' 1 -- 'I3AtDWIN et PERKTN'S. - ''' , . firinileitate and Remit deniers; n Flour, atelts Pork. mi t e ; Grain, , Essd,t;antlfrookodeolAisait for picky itlPork; Cash paid Kr Otos, lly e a n d ih a t. - neh eviiii St rest ,---Earnpuo of I#44Bc.Cho a dl rsstoreOlontrOse Po. . ' . _• . ALritsm nALDwirt '- 1 - it • - - • Stir A.rl- Pnakis.v. .. ont rose Oct. 30',1855...44. _.: '* - • CAILPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. ' - „IL DE PEU'wn . Ott CAI th itttntibtf ' of t e the puliliti to hii torge stoek . nr "" ree Ply,. ilOwint Veirot, Totory, :pi iffurreti Ostrioo ,n. - which ho bait,' am nominated at Ancifna an 1 (defeat tower priers thm: °ter O ff erer, bo, 'toe ikthe 'country, and w Izo:p kariety, , lining hili spat:lona Carpet Room Occnpying the aoCond lificir of' his''Crockety imiillouse FtFtsielthig iti, r et, Como and be convince& ihnt . El'ei.o . bi - no' ne,cessity for bare loins, ' : - - . , • • ' J. IL DI P2U Pinihamton, flth , &pt., ins. ' TEIEMOETROSE' -- DilipCBAT., prsiamixEvslcullitriz q DA-1.-- MOR $.1210 ,inf , :elge %X 4isit =AU. /it TE,11314....;$ Et 0 cash itfielviicee oo ; it not paid within six niutalis nd1i2,60:0 t the 0.11 ertheyesr No ripe rdiseontinite esti its rttLl - geiat# paid, execpt at the option _ us We tat,. fishes. All eounfinoiaationseoineetea "elf! 0 e officutto insin re stteation t aia st by direr ti:d is,t paid) to E. IL CIIASE, &mot, !dontrose, Sut iitiehannsi County, Psi., : Roles of Advertllisivig. One square (1, lines or less) 3insertiong.6 1,1-0 Each subsequent insertion, . . . 0,.5 One:square three - months, ..... •• One -square six months, . . 4.GO Busint ss Cards, f44lr Ih:tenor tear,- , . . 3,00 Yearly 31 dvertigerointsiolot ore! 4 atinares - „T a t One eotamn ope yenr, 3 0,00 . advertisers will be restrict( t" the businemwhieh they are engaged ;111,11 are'ecn. sideri.thfs wishing to eontinne *dr ertibitO 111.11. as they. Shal: glee speeiatdircetiolks for a diseetitin. ounce of the saint.. ' , • arum ditm, A lign. eath. . . .rar The publiabens having °data to atit Ji piintink - materials. a large and svferior, reartt. nrnt of Job Type, are now prepared to execute Job Work in a- manner unsurpassed in ail , 11114. lion of conntryond on,the roost reasonable tern a I x( to Bend lar,ae new . . Wanks of every description kepreon slap t ly on hand or printed to order. . ustittss irtttnr • _ -• *MANI' 21014 E, - Gicat Bpad *444. Pa: • ADDION Bity , ANT, PpiplietOr. : I,tpuittuoifirs, SP.IIItHUT, & -Co., Manulacturers of Srnoues COMBIIcED-CAR IUAGE Sramos, finghesville,Lyemning . Springs may be had of M. S.Witeon,.Montrose. Wm: W. SMITH & Co; • • • Cabinet 0114 Chair gantifactaiers fooi Maim Montrose, Po. . . , . Dr.'ll. Surgeon Dentist, Montrose: Pa., will be a t Searte's Hotel, Mondays anitTnesdays of eat h week. • • : -15y1 IicYIILLAN Dealers in Dry Goods Groceries, Dar-Aware, Prockery, Bouts' and Sloes, &e.., -.18.1. LITTLE & CHASE, Attornies at La*--Ofnce lornier,ly urea - pied by Little & StreeterAlontyose, Snsque. halm:1.0)6;0y, Ps.' RAUH LittLE4 • J. DAVIS; ArronsEveim CoilssELLort AT LAW—Susque• hOrtna Depot, N. Office over S. B. West's Store. • • • - • 16y1 r two. I deed uses-; flu liape ad- Dis gy. of I 'e to con- BEL 1111 . 711 D.EILL;lioarnasn,-PA.., • Dealer hi Drugg, Medieineii, Chi taicalv, nye- St tiffs; Glass -wale, Paint 4, Oita, Viiinighes, Win dim Gin ,sec, Grocesiex, Riney Guedp, le*try, - Perfoinriy, Aitht. for all of ihei moat ' pupular Patent 31c-4:Wines. - JOlllll GROVES, . Fashionable Tailor—Sho und er Searle.: Hotel,. lain Street, Nontroffite, Ps. •'' JOHN COLSTEIT ~‘ • , Dtatkr: 11; Stoves, Tin, C:prer ana,Sheet Tide Ware, le,dereville,nearGreat Beiad Depot.—Gil • A. Lathrep, DEALER in. Rendy.MAo Clothing, Hats; and Caps. Boots and Shoes, Dry Condi , : Et r. Store opposite Searlees h otel, Montrote. C. D.-LATHROP, wit h .si J. P W ~. RILEY; fA: I.4THEOP Dr. Merit H. 0 Vail. . . , •,.. . ~ , • 'VI ItUGGIST. tied - CtiEsilsr t . and Dialer' in 11 . DE tros,Medieines, chemicals, Dyi SION Paints, Oilis Pitty,. Window-. Gross, Cumphine. nitii,- Pyylutpt•ry,-Yanlav Noions,'ltkr.,Fi.t., .. Lideniiille v •l• P •- • -tulf.. . . - . . . • PRANIMEN - ERASER, -- - ATTORNEY ANTI CbENSELEttI: 1...it , e - ;ltinntroecr PO., 'will attend faithfully tn - all businens en. trusted tolain in the enunty of Fusqui henna. Conveyancing and writing of all. kinds till Le.', di , tKt:tteativ,tutd i•lia!ge tunchiral e. lie Kill also attend to the. pr.,4,e r .joi on or, r fi t tni g! ,f. so y. . their tWidnwic arid heirs - ,.noittstftlit• U.S. gcrcerninent, fur 'lleunty Penident , ; - d e.' May . be found at all hour* ;it the-eft - ire Ott n•erly. occupied ty..l: T. 4iti)aril. of the Cpurt-liouse.-1853.4,19 M C. TYLER Interested withi.. L. Hunt; r. IMPORTER AND DEALER in ILl:Altura and Cut lery, Carriage Trimmings, - §pritigs, e. • No. ..41 5 Pearl Street, N. Y. Where his Mercantile friends, in this and oihri Countiesore kindly invited, and earttestlysolielt. ed to call and purchase. • • n6tf. HENRY S. KNAPP, _ • _or 114TIIOSE, pA....„, . With Rowe,"Woodruff, & Carter, IrousALE • G . 119CIRCS nod. Commisstol ,31often.arrs, N 0.173 I ,Arnt.hing,ton Street between Cortlatd.and.Dey Streets, New York. kart+ - - - ~ . , ~,- -7--- " , ! -------- "7. 7 7 --- 7 - 7 - . •- ' ' lllfed at Card. . . - . , - - 'TARS: . ' • Jill: G. Z.' Dintock built fi ./ thig ay Ointiql 'A co4iirtnership.for i in i - .) re , . zngleton, ! • Can, now be found, at hiii-nen , stand on Oide . 7! . :go street, '2 floorsAvest. et Searle's Hotel,- where ho 6 , iffeetuatiyl.repidis. with dispatch. Watches, Guns, Jewelry, and, eyery deSeriptlott, o f Wheel cutting,, Gue:and W,eteltr materials se otied to the trade.,-51 '.„-‘ A. &E. Br.ldwin ., • xtrArhdluund in hitsetuent or Searle's HmR I.IIIL tel, 3 - clomp west front the corner. .Not , e. :` and`accounts that are duo, us sill be ritzy:. ne., ceptablc pnid soon. • ' . A.'& E. BALD .W Nov:2 1854.-47rf *. • 47.11. Parsons, --- • vv XIOLESALt NMI RETAIL DEA LEII ;CM iaet Ware, Storag e Rtligteadg e Tigtegi Choirs; e. - - s-;yl.-t No. 9 Washirp.tpn 1t3111,, - • ii,t4thinittoit t Yi par Coffin' Ware-fitollit:tipstano rti" r. PATEN T 10111EDICINE A IMEITIC .. _AIt:E.L-.T.1311 , RS iL i j t -, •--1;::!:-,: gcßtziO, - Pp.,' : iDßUateitS i t: AND:Acf. Rawnv anattilan OP THE.DAT. , conill:papienft - Conotnit4 , ; - t ypal, • i - r) out; HT a). low ,pro*li.l- -gold sectirdingly ' • ‘ BURIOWS Gibson Oct. tki kaa4 ! - • ' A GOOD `fiasortaient lo!tdioljleypi:e!..„ at very low_ prices: D a V °Ct. IL • JOU wornft: [EZRA B. CHASE. MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers