CrIZ3 • —_-- : i ljg -Si la to rts very *Ole. into the„,riCh . 11 - tatAlgoll,T4fir . ;"04 - tilli'lltrigilV'expresse' ii . their surpyi4t,, Ire to . ld them that the Soil - there . wits I,.miteeri 41e - t deep,,l,and"wOuld. grow any 'quantity of produce fotf Ai Without • manu-,- , ring. ..lildetttgithey ,pa,,. : , ;through 4tepti, : , slid • corn-of :idle most : in*tr . btit,lutitet.*,.aprd i . : .Tre,isi n , !4'i t h e bridge of ',-,*: '-; rook , which - 'il there fell intttiltet:iver,; th 43 fonint themselves - in -der the!azabiaa ; by die ri4ifae• _ their l ay huge prose to trunk"Of ,a ' lent -glum, tries, the patttar,,ihs of theloTreit• which - had - fallen :and given:place to'the - acacia; and now re mai .W ; - e speetators ;th t ey were still; in the land of primitive woods. I : - '•Why - , Tattenball,' Said; Robinson, . to py .brothet I.7ijah,:‘ Trunipingtoa .Ciattage,- my dear fellow; would euta . : pporfigure after this. :I'd-ask:4oy lord or gentler show, me a . fe airier - or More . desirable I plaCe'in the 'tight little island:;, : Biggcli'lldnra..4harei.-may;_be,. azi4 , are, but not to nvl tond'vere-..doirahles. Po you -know, very large Itouses always, seem ine.a . ,. sOrt - of 'sylutftis ifor ",itlpernuMerary. : seryantsL--tlie - Master_can lonli'ciebupy a.eor ner there4he cuts 6116:••••quitii small. Iti - : . •the linlk.•- - J.Anil• as to fe - rtilifyithii beats • Batter- sea fields--rind 'Euillam ,; - bolloar. `. . Those . mar l' ketsardnerkpight , :plant , OA plant : -!n all e = temity,aliaia _t4kintent AO never putting in, oulartrOW - ge apricot', iches • undif they c . • grapeS; ; figa,',twiee i - year,'aridall t hat4s;ftne , in the open air as:they:A° in hot-houses; -and iell..their.bunchea of. Ors ey.;at.-Six-pence a piece, and watermeloni— athefed from 'any gravel heap or a ny °pelf 6421111+at five shillings •• a pieee., - Oentiru, as pli4ipkinS vcouldn'A they . .- astcnist themsell'es t: ',:;' '• I: •:• ' • ,: • , `•l . l . tit wliat, makes You ,all plat Bow- . .stead - I",contilitted Robinson, , : . l . sreaking'. off'a_ smairwattle-hough to 4wlukj the flies from - his. face, :•; Orr has named htsAldiotStord--- that's beeauSe lie's a .._%'....0t linpin •, arid we've got Cremorne:GardenN: and lichttond, and - Mb vi' t INirne,.and ' all.,:sorts of English ni. Melva • bout 'here;—but Boastead il I can't • make .•; i - 1' out.' -.. • .; •I 4. . . 4 You can't r said, I,Triall, • smiting;' don't Ton see . hat the:river eurves 'in a bow here; ' stead is a place!'. - - -.. • -; •;I --- , -•- ; ' - ol_ t that's it, saidßobinSon ; I fancied it ;was to .remind. you ofpcw Bells.' - -; _ . , 1 '-There:you La*; -0-.7-= ;;said Bob, laughin ' loa-iliells ! 'bat 'as there Was a bowaneno - bells; 'my rather put a--,Stold; to it;. that's in stead - of the bells,. you ;know': !:: • '.Bless rite'.' Said. Robinson'::`` now I should l never have thonzlit---of that-boil very : cloy- 1 • er ,, . ; . ; :.; , • ; And lie took the joke in -such perfect sim plicity, that all_ burst into., a simultaneous . laugh ; - for-every one elgp lknew that it was so called in honor Of-- - r24aria :Idowitead, • now -; the tiniver*ally respected Nlrs. i Tattenhall.- The 4:7llble;party; was try merry, for they had - good cause to be. ,: Mr. and Mrs. Tatten • ball, still in their Prime ; - spread out, enlarg ed every way, in b,: l ody :,b4 estate, rosy; hand- sotnely' tirs,ed, M . 'w around them - nothing but prosperity, - kparadtf.e of their: itieli , -in ;-; whiell they saw-their eltildre'n..already devel oped intothat manly and fetninine beauty so com-Ocuous - in our . -kindred 'Of :lbs.; south their; childisen.:_already; inking 'toot - in - the . land, -and i twining - their , branches amongst those of other . opulent 'families"; tiler:felt - the full truth _Of Robinson's rude ;salutation; as lie ; evlaitued; on coming _to a fresh and more striking view-of the,honse and grounds== - - - - ' Ali, Tnttenhall, - .Tatte'riliall;!' giving -11iM' one:Of hisljocose pokers in file side, didn't I. ,tray yOu knew very ,, well What you were about, when_ you ea me ltere, ' .el) I Alm lattenhall, • tria7am ! ' t Who said it l - EllObinson, wasn't-it eh I' "• : - - ' - - ! ! i . ' 1- , • • .. W lien th ev..reta rued Jo tile lionie;nnil had . taken teairga - .large tent Cn the lawn; and'the young people ,had ' play 4 a; lively - game of romp's or be peep amengStthe bushes of the shrill*bery, with. tent=h; laughter,' the , great .7 - arawing-room Was lighted up; and, very scion ' there was. -heard the; sOnfidS ' of violins and !dancing, : feet ' . 'lly- brOther -Urirth- and liii • : wife i were-at that in.)iiiniiti siting under Alin - veran4ab; enjoy in the fretsh esening e a i 1., ..1 he ecent of- tropical trees - and - &Wets.. wiJicil stole Silently, through, the I. tivilight,, and the clear . deep blue of tie skY l ,•Where- the m-ai•- •nificent constellations (•;;f Orion - and the,;scor pions were groWino moninntarily ; into :their full n o cturnal splendor.: Its she - music, broke -out, brother 1-; rich affecti ..*.nately. pressed the hand of his. wiregaichrui and . wise ; and ; en j - t onraginm .throilgti the ti - es Of. their ; - diffictil.;.' . ty and - d r epressibtt - and .- find 'Thank i GOd. for . . all' this I' the pressare- as _as affectionate,: ly and - gratefully return .. ; broth r. er and his wife;rose,•up,.aUd passed into, the blaze. - of . lig* . •Wltlett surrounded the 6t. and -youthful company Within. 1 .,.., ~ •: • - A VALrABLE PAINT. the sante that tommon - dry, pulverize, and run th mi with iinseed'oil.' - ' rate' fire proof taint, of , a rut it 0010 thick :is: may If any nue hiIC-inplot sl# M: /&u# gle for inStane4, and :let thaiii must be !p] - patet. . • , ! • Tiii" .. e. : ley• will when',fibt,l ducr br`i wet or damp ; Litt Fill' soon iiry i !,spreita in 'the „air, -tinder shelter i - Air if wanted iumediatels, -it may be thief in a k e ttle over she 6're. then \-,- dry it will be in lacrips,4l,:i., and cart be - pra: / , veriied - b.4 plarlng, in 'an iilron 'kettle set -a few' , - inches iii . th,! •rt„ronndi;' , aao pounding it: -ilrith.a :\ billets of hard ;I.rund.:.-thre;inehes in dinineto, - --three'feetlong,,dlie._ , lowek ., end,. rounded off a. little, 5ip... , T,1.0 sift.-' Aily. :clay will utakel •paint, hat Tii: ~..olr.)rs',niuf ' f lifft%;r, Which tnav I 14;4" . lye have received - Another eotnnini essilv•biea&certkined. IA- 'f i rVing it on it mini' I. eatiee, fur .„ jur, lai , t. paper, (real 014 v valued • 1- scale lis, nbot el indieatid.r , ily • h - urnincr shel is.s, id ittliti.,?; 3 , l,u,isttbiet, l ibehi, to. the .t rio, cbrrespondent,,at St. Joseph's College: , - - ~ 2 ter or deeper the 7 . 4 -1 lii..ary Gott.: \Ye would not for the world - ' 12 sa), Riot :!ti g -., 1 - ------- - . ‘ - '1 0 H"• --- ' ---- ID -eueourna - e .hopes in the L'' . f . c - Ts.i.:. Nri.w . 1 ; aria Ettsti:o Poa.---the, organ •' - * •- am . I ` lau -s - a -• a o f Li ke „1 - 4 , zi lhir6'n :Aviii' 4,g1 A' the .dentl:ieracy ) . , -a url writPr - thatmaY end i 4 41. 1 -saPpatitnieot, 'fot' we Weil- know witik what ardorsunli liopes - whitd....defeated:Gen. puss. iti l 8 , 143, , is- eonii . dent - alai, 4:: io'es Iltiolialaii , iwill ,he .the - bur - 410 ,- ..e*old of the .voting and sensitive -wind oessful ,e,--atkii•late, ,L,r,••.the.„ . l.tre.Ftdeney before and how bitter. is'the disa i (i tam-whi c h ' the CO ni-lia dati .014iI:iiition; : Au l d, - t)''l.6ll , a, l ich r ;l,, , ,[ th ' ", IP n. ent high e'riidit niion lii; dii) l l4`rititio - - 'nip 1e....i51a- -•", as- e Y raul' before' the .6tern re tive career. 'this ;moor 4 with' our% pigiille- alitles4Ql . 49 F ela4taltlife • j 1 40 yet . it is the ey, ant alt th..eletneti , cc.- dtsrupted , detno ! P • I li ?a) score the - duty of : the press zratio party of 3.-§•,22i oi4sy•ed' . in 4328, •0u- - to . encourage. the:devetopnient of genius .iti Arer AtlS.l4nr-.racj'Aotl,:soltile var',9.! 2 ', *. Sheile" - all ratiks of-society.. - hat:our foul friend `` 4r 11 3.9 novr sli;ticrd.l4llo,.,,racy %cll. rioi n to ii i iii;,d ,b at • • it i l Y. * ,elesx the Way' tor' a ? iykiiilou 'of its-, fanner ° I P 7 Y : 13 ur ' .l ' . - " In 4 ch 'more; than all streteli'•iitiklit l r. htinesli - liii g nanH' y -- 7 W .r. liett• a 'll , i ta t - I)l " d ; in, .. r - Yl 7 .r e r lic ' ta ' 4, ti, tr u g ; l e p4 w,• 11 pe 0 z, h . 7 ,, w ro lu rt . utd 4o. . " ire signs 4..ttio , ll6eliAita' , ole 'hi kid ' liz i s firil , uotaposition • • i • th ° efotere i it-it,felijr_4o... Jibut-_*Mir ..iyi:.g. ? (LW, Ir.ct -..gis . -01sir and &wino , Ter - ser i - 1 4 01 1 6w ' , :x4 h„ like the-A:46oa Tlepki,',o3: attoit a dander hi ly „f r om t h e 1., •••• ' , __.,- : , 1.:,. y ,,, ,-. 4 - • ~ ~ , , , . pep; r. 11} ' 114wraif ;VOL -OW , mot Is4ing aloe may; ''4 , ~, _., , n o s i nit e d 4,,,,,,,. , ‘... ... • . _. _ : 2 ... _ .... ,--_, - 21 _._L ' •.; - ' ' a--, ---4 ---: :4 , -4,'olop% we - ‘Mr.iicir,t l.ll e 4,l3l iut‘ l.------- ' -labt:4l-1' rthil 4 D ' ion -l'hall get ' 4° t4.-s4sf4r advice, but we uunuuki win the -eutue;taliej4:ooittil 3 4.44 lo l otiii p, ,Our young frie44l44, 44,14 i • which itity(bPiliduled - tlleW tittes. coNificti.P.itt :to fi r r •iglitly.Airegrted WRY Igi t lei ' ---- 't 4 Julf.fl. GI I'. the 21,4 , fo r . ,,Ay 1 - -- .. .. ',, .- -- - 0 CI 4an ~9ftvi., um . ~.1. ?1t,13: op _ :: , P. _:, *Me Do-ltion as - a -writer li K. ' next. . 1 1k.*,, , m,n1.1,0- be a : qiii!stion !Alt:tit - 4 tail 4 ,.„- ' - ' - `1, 4 • - - 1 : _ - ' 1 " 1: '• '' lig ' 7 It " . n°t'ilitTi twd' a'ciAT'inrios pill , 6 - 10",-;'eit iTheiiiii 114 -I ',w_, Ptl-b`l 'w'"'' , 169 i4P"0 4 31: 11, ,is 4. il. quite: will . eatikeTaeidf.steliSratUatiolls . f0r:0644a" ; "f? 4/ - 11/ fR i 030 r. of' TOstii.,- ,, 81i ••••yr.ritiug r 40p, 1 tail end 'Atirtiorditi-Stran .effieers. =. _;,:w , , , ,.1 01441 1 eyAbon.Airinte ottlyitn,,./eprodtmey....ii; ) Evy , ,r44 -:.--- , .. : 41 -.....-46. 11.1,:it ,1,.,:.,310iiert, :wall ul:i-.lli,#o_ fatal:. :::another (9/04. i.titennitio 4.b.. nugliti.;, ; .This int'. tank 94iyai*F.•,. thel'sii ..:"?''' sAily6(iit the " - amil ' 3411 P r.P . 4 0,4140 'and- 80PU•discoveriAi by 4.ite. ~;(, this _`year r*liiit..4, :- '')'-`,-. "llie 4rtll , P,t!bill4,,tUfieir,thitriittowcaloseillhi , redit , t l tey tukel4laciiritf•O‘ t£4iiiv ,- ;14 . 4 ;' , liold-iiio*l:= , , ha v e iii ll iiti#74.fisiited?.. -- .4" g wick . *.. nual - eigi pia nift;titeitilit.4 i ,r..„.'Ailk • 11111 .‘ 1 141 t*W-Aii,o l. 1' ;0 1:412 gal '- " 11teni' r' - - vh i bie 11e. ifi s atiii* ltitgriAlt- ,-- s f' 'or' . " 4 '' ' ' , ' 4 l7r--. -7-14;07",................. -'l44aikSee 4469 iw ott'lllollittlinf fail .. • = 4 - ; - - -..' -.:: . -,-"--.., -- Y's - ' 401134 .. v , 0: bi..rat a in . ths. !karma/ -,si ii , I .' l a •i---.--.1.. e ,.. , :- -, i : •,. :eri . :l 66l # , V4i )ofirikor cnU. -• . . _ ... e11in,,," t, I"bth ok f c)otgber s ,' ~.. - ► .. Fir ~• . .-110.400*--..pri-, 0)06 ? - t h e evee di s ." . .. : N. -. 4 , o ' • .. - ti ; , i';l-,:h,f;1.1.--54 F... , ;- . : , , i_t: i t tie t i , ; . 3 , 11%*..**44 . 4 .4 t0 . u - 04 , 44 4 - , , - '' - -•.- , - - -, ri ...-; , -:',.'y.'.i,"';'-.: 7 : - .i.'..l 4 , -1 , - - ,'l, •-:. ,1., , ;• - Ltiftvar - Vtitror raF. LAR&EST CIRCULATION IN It ORTHERNPEMIIIA... eB. aIrASI? W,ln the IfOue,tluiTill repaid Liquor Law of last — whitely tntsseolibe e'e''cO"tid reading by a vote of about two to one. , President Prenclt, has tee4ered the Mission - to Engisnd,in place \ of Mr. .Buchan an, to Ex Vice Pres. Maui— He.„ tic-, cept. AV - Jonathan C.. Sherman, long • one of the triost• actiTe end re . speotablehusiness of, our county, died et hie residence in' sup, - lat Friday of tiron. Ike coinmori clay;. aka are made •0, ..cough a seine,. and ,u ;have then, a first elicate drab color be practieablo. - .. tbta on the 'subject,. se'ale —paint, a Fein-., it, drv. -Recolivet eket ~ than common Tlointeosei Th:firmlai, Agit, 31,4 Jar A Bill liag been introditce4 in the Legislature to remove the trial of the Pirpie cution commenced by Passmore, Williamson against Judge 'Kane for false imprisonment s frchn Deleware county , to Worthy of-louitattots. Thepresbyterian- Congregation, at Great Bend, Pa., made their - Pastor, Rev. J. B. Me Cnr.Anr;a very generous Donation, on the 15th . inst., amounting to two hundred dollars. Accident and Death. ,Mr. Orrin Lester, residing a few miles north of , Montrege, was 'instantly killel last. Friday, by thelaltinA a.portion of an - out Ipildirg from the weight of snow on -the roof. Ile was eudeayoring 'to secure the building fr 4 m falling, When it ,fell crushing -him in .s Itokri bla manner. a . No one else wag injured. : , •A l'irinv Clock. - -)-11re tare seen a new_patent clock, now be ing sold in this county,by Truesdale of Liberty, which strikes us a's great pn prOcentent on clocks.' They arei : small, very neat, and made_ a beautiful shelf,braamentH lie informs us that be‘is 'making very . rapid ,sales.' Price 0, and at that they - are Cer tainly very cheap. Buy a clock. rians . ati Af fairs. The President sent a l.fes.sage to Congrnsi' last meek. devotettentirelpto the'condition of things in Kansas.:.We give a synopsis-, of,it as we find it in the Tribune, but, whether.' it. is cor•ect in the positions laid down we.can not say. Since Greeley has had a peep . .at the' . W .... darl.lantern" at, Washington., he has . gotiso that, he can tie just like I Know Nothing, hetice, on thh nigger.question, especially, .ve I , lace no reliance 'on what he says further than it is serroberked by ,other' evidence.. . n --7-7,-----.-Aso.-0.--..-....---. .:. SurverolGeacral. '!'. - COI. Nor. T.' ALEXANDER. of Clario 'we , hare seen mentioned fur tie above office:— ColAct.exander is the 'editor of a steili ng beni °era tie paper, and we are in' kir theiiafi..- But, aside from this ; !he Cot. is evaiy . 'WaY . ' a - superior man, fir Mott any Pliice. - We }idle the ..s - estern•Dem6oracy will unite on hirri,-- We are certain that:silo:aid/they do' 'so there Avi!l be enon„ , ! , li from other sections to respond. Cana! Cons turssi ones. NV° learn that. GEOR . GE Scorr Esq. of. Co luinbia county, is a candidate for Canal Com missiorwr. 'We served two years with:.him in the T,eg,islature, and can testify to hii ca pacity and integrity. He wouid,,make most capital officer, and in the_ 'general' dis triloutiou of he ticket over the State,we hope' the CouvCntion may drop upon old Cohum -1.4 has . had lame practical experi o'n.r;eldie )Votks ; _and so highly was his ositien in this respect appreciated 'in the . Legislature of 1854,. that, he was made Chair-, man of the Conapittee of 'lnternal Improve ments, -during the session when the Whole is}_ of °Ur impiove . iue . at system was to be overhauled. He is a aood.. man: That Libel Prosecution. Last rit*k the Grand Jury' igripred the In dietnleitt ease of the Cormimnwealth Editbr of this paper, David 'Wilmot- Proseeutor.i 'After the vote had been taken and the Bill gnored; 13 -, it before it was endorsed and§ returned to Court, the District Attorney ask ed to withdraw jt. This sr - as-at flrit t4fdsed, butstsbequently on'" - the opinion of Indge Jesstip, - Mr. Wihners counsel, that they could " do sTilega4y, the Jury - — permitted the with drasial olth Bill If the. majority of a Grand Jury , catracit. nine . to find againit With only; the nvidenee:of . tbe ivicaecution liefor' them, we thoytalike to know bow Mr. Yfilmot ‘ expects to get Jurylo ntro: . unatiitnusly to a con viction ;Of a retdiel, with both. eidal'before it. , • • • them I , ' Jo this county oan ncrer be done. 1. plished;ixietaiitifettiar4nost. 'finished compo sitions': ot **tots', antf.liisterlani. - . • They should 141 - ifietalirith - .`a, view; of acquiring Atyli..4.nd*iekatiO io(oxii . n.. ssi , sbn, "treasu ring 111). b el t most 4 r „ tt ti,, th e tt ts 4l the public ' • " in raid frith`-pleainte:whai , ha not:been '-'''''-' nosed''' . ltii '• - ''Til - s hould 1 _onl. l iF, :tater. "They il criticise I their Own articles with • the most :laborious c..% re, - .0 9 v e r -pe ruki tting a' line.t4 .paiss into an article,! .the ..eentiment. - and : iexiiroosio‘t of ibieli'-,hoestiOt:Satisfy - the inestloritical judg.' ment they:.can,common4. ' In short, they,nme,h refleCt : muQh ;and write r.Onlyslas-they' find - eubjects' whlehi:: ire easy, 1 1 , not gral.„ Lyerite;i4an....___,,.....--- . _. ;.: We moketheioreiparlte not ; in- a, personal I .sense,.but ta'getierol:sugmeationi,••voluoble to' all young z it.,. affords us,pleasure to,_ tender our - columns'- to..Onr piiitigitiond, whenercy.he mai l feet _disposed -to occupy them,; ,for,,judgitig i.qie future by : the 'paSt;.his articles will COth ~' ad 'public A ro?, and:rimva:hikhly -beneficlit,49, , more.n7ays . than one: - -- , i' , . , • .. -- '• i , \l3srr4ll, ....Grectey at Washiagton. Since:the Meeting. of Congiess Ipmuce .;- Greeley*.has ; been , at Washington, essaying to superintend ' tlikorganization. of the Llouse.. Tbere . ean' he no doubt, to ;all who have watelted:CongresS and the Tiibune closely, '1 that the House .would • Nava' organized long ago had it not' been for this : iaine Gteeley's . ravings . in that paper. Be . ussnmed. : a cen sorship over the.. conditct. of : the majority. in the House from r thofirit, and_ has not Fril led to pour out Upon the denoted heads of Dunn, Campbell, prenton.and , !others,the vi -ali of his displeastire Whenever they . dared, to think, speak or..:ict differently from what lie presented. Taken in connectionwith thfs, that Greelpy* is the most odious mania theUtt , tO•the Southern spirit; . and that he has persisted'in not only adhering to Pauks but in'atu.sing everybody who don't,. and'.it is. very. easy to see .that his presence and con-. d'uct atWashington:llas benefited the cause of :Nfr..Panks not one . iota. • Last 'week he took affront atthe.eourse of Mr. Bremen, ,a free soiler from. 'liana, and as usual dashed , . off a colutUti of abuse _of that • gentleman. for the TrThune._ When the paper reached :W.ushington a letter was -drawn up by a. . • friend of Mr, 8.. denouncing;the a , false and Sandalous : attack, Tlits, letter ; was signed . by about one tundred.. of. the Banks men : of the House;and fora:while . there - was manifteda good ;deal of a dis Position to ex pel Greeley.from the 'privilegk% of,the 4001: There is no . suckthing_as:keeping up with Greeley in politics.. He has' pretentlo to be a fierce Anti4inow : Nothing.,butnow he does tint lesitate to: coalesce with the I. N's, , in All . their managiag . to. elect . Banks'. :- A few clays'aftei the Meetjng' of Congress, Greeley wrote to'. the - Tribune • in refeence' ,to the Speaker-011P', ".I _ ,An eastern pitorcominentiosg, on tl a at),o has now turned out . :that. ifistehd iif nay- light, :Only saw the .glimmer bf a (lurk tan: Urn!. , . , I • In the 11.7 Reptibli - cun caucus:of the members or - the'Legitt•laitiie,ibeld for the purpose of nominating a candidate fsir. the LT: S. Senate tbe fullow in& resoruttobi were unanimously adopted Relolved,. That We are oppoied • to-,the ail-- ii ission•Of any more Slare' - St,iits into till's union :_tbWreforei. Reioltvd, That Kansas 'and Nebra4ka should4msly be, adaiitted iutoll the sisterhood as Fre States _ Resolved, That we are opted to Rornanism L or the interfeleuee of atiy , foroign ecclesiastical establishment with the pOlitical affairs of our country. -.Resoled, That - the - naturalizjition. lawn ought to be so modified as to eiorfect thievirS which the, present systenm ,entails d o the country, and that rigid measures'. should be taken toprevent the importation of foreign paupers and convicts., The twit remarkable feature l in connec tion with this 'platform, is thd, fact - that E. Joy 'Storris, tLe nominee of the caucus, (at least so far as lie has ever made his views' public,) is himself in favor of the fatuous section tbe cations! K. N. platform, *lnch is denounced by the Mpublicans ,as pro-skeery. 11ir.. Morrit - inade9 speeches lustsummer io fainiof the 12th section. If be ,‘ , . . were present at this caucus and: vot ed for the gist reiblhtio , lie showed himself to be a worthy,successor of Simon Cameron , the affections of the K. N.-party The,adoption, of the 4 r.st_ resolution--in its road sweepino;arhi 'general, tems- r was a' very cooll , h act. .one, who , knows the members of .the K. N. party will, give them credit. fur sinccr.ity in .the :promulgaticin, ,suchesiieme anti : 'slavery Was a sheer s;roke;:of ,dktated ,the adoption ot,tbe,voohitiutnd.. viewed; at such, in.our opiniop,,the pass4ge of that .ret elution in . conueetion with ;Shedt exipport - of theiug.)4% equivalea te+nging steel„ bout tbeifneeks and.innaping,intd.the - depths nt: the, sail. ;They- will. sink deeper sliaa pli:ripnet,erer toueded. - ' When' Texas comes to he crirideiteid Itiew ;Slav§ State asksloi...ndmisision'' into-Abe:o unints, its:.=.provided for by- t'est'y' , ands the • ::pligiitethfaith of the nition' i woireivill 'be; the supporters erehie rreciletionll;-Tlieit corer ',their loolitibe toitie. : utterly .unteeable, --felse,;folalish wain, Itiptrif • Fillatireiheilii the K. N: - .eanditlete for , • , Presideut.--ii; seems' probablin whatill , Sekag Positim thi• awpport erref4liis•plettorniltri thwiselies. •,! We4hould tam tie objeetion'to the' third lesobtraoe; preri•datl it wewatneed4ri'iii•reed ettellisrel• • :13t -"Reeeirei, .ieatiteieettisie; tieiTiieiiiterfe . roziesof any' (or. --.Ort(Qt=domestie) ench - 14stiMilt#Mblisimiestt , Ino.lB-P0A4*4414551.4 Itille!fiFo2th:s B 4 l .o9ol,, f,44, 4 4 # 1 1 1 - 41 1:4 11 e , ‘' P l l4ql4f/Staitt ii iiinft , f l / 4 . :1 7 4 0113 0 in- %AR., niiimoliz# l *** pagioxifeifcmottirwi 47E -4ting Ji4Fit• worthy pf 44401thalitioli , 1-:,4,it. soma its, mew 4pt r In ik- Lanacutkr Herald • • A N e w Plattibiiiii: The I:, ', li, I` tOA tfr:)rlebuttry,ii tit hand, i ij ri. possessin ! ,,„ et,:irrtare at l lions tor:_the Ladies. Aa,a 1114,7ezioe O ': ' digit Art,"_, Go4ey,,is, u t iritialed. _ The-": ,ahottdani . success has crowitied_hie efforts to make the Boat just :whit itiii and t%diapensible emu paihto for dna lady tags int refinement. Address-L. A. Godey,'Philadilphia. ' SiOgle copies (43,00. ; , Grasussislkikasziss for Febuary is also at hand, but. We have not bed the Januitry num ber. Will . the publisher please send it? TwO.'years ago We thought this 3iaga6"ne YY”?!aggingtl but.. the nuinber, 'before us is. everphijr . .'of = ille'stipeilerS order ''in littow,..wheu we have Spent,an ; evening more pleasantly than in rea ding this number of Graham. • ~ •Addltss Abraham Philadelphia.— Single copies 0,00. jr- I T New . subscribers .furuiShed with either of-the above magazines, and theldoutroie Democrat, ouo . year for Pir?°•.: In Court. Tc'Esnar; Jan. 2'l '• Commonwealth vs. Eira Strickland. In clictmen.t Rtpe , Sixlrina Goodwin, Pros. Deft Pled tint - Guilty.- Verdict NOt. duilty._ • - C'erumonwealth tq. Julia Dubois vs. As sault and Battery. The Grund Jitry ignored the 11111 - othd the Court sentenced the I.'rop., Henry Mock, to pay the Costs. Comfit6lmo:dal: vs, •Eiiis g. Wellman; Suretrof the' Peace, Jacob Wellman com plainant.: Court ordered WI parties to en ter bail in $2OO to keep - the jence.' • - Commonwealth s• P. Ilonhton, Indict. Malieion; . Mlst:hlef ill girdling 'sere:al apple trees' belonging.M Itentlen Beebe of A.polacon. Verdict' Guilty. Deft. to pay a fine of $3O, pay.the cost. of .I'mm:cation' and: mudergolif imprisonment iti the county jail four calendar Motithq.. John A. Smith ‘‘s, Isaac tyan, ;Verdict. for the- Phiimiri of ?"44. and Cotitk . Jacob Weliunkn'vs. Elias 11, Welltanu.‘---- Plaintitttook.a non suit. Si:COD WEEK. - —As yet no ji:rv.•bas beta seavout.. •'Tlie case of Amos Coleman, vs Davis Cofcuiau•i3 this, (T4esday,). aftetnuou ou .• • lluilae o[ k;i`~ ) i'i~L'ilC~l : ii'^i. IYAsritxtio, Saturduy, 20, 1 56. the fol. wing les ()lntim •. • :Resati' ' ed, , 'Tiat. riling - rega the poli Lica 1 - ezinplexion of the pre,ent'lloa - se •of Reple sentatives as •indicating the undoubted semi, ment. of a large majority of the people of the tniteB.- States against the act of the lost -Congress reßvaling the restriction against Slavery in Rio territories of 'Karig - ay.:mil Ne braska, imposed by the .Cotnproinise of 18110, no man- ought 19.64 chosen Speaker of this body: who does not .fully and ,heartily har monizediat sentiment, Or ivito will bee itatei to exert himself earneestly for the . restO 'ration -of th at restriction in terms or i n sitb stanee, . - Rexolvd,'Thilt • -said , revtriction ought to .he restore), as an ;let of Justice to ; all the peOple Uulied Stairs, ,a's a proper of tlair'wisdom rn.t .p!ighte,tl the - greht-siattnen' who ituposed it,' and as.a7nrces<ar y :antiv-ertaio /neaps of 'reviving !hat cotieord and hat raosy r.rnoo,; the States of the.Arneriran trni,ou; which ro eAseni ial to the welfare of our people. and the perp3tu itY institutionq.'s Revolved, That. its a usele,s and factions agi4,4tion of the slay . ery . questien,. in ori out of Congress, is_ unwir-=„, moist, tq.a. portion of the pervle,of tbis,..,e.ountry, !and to;i.Juleex tentlinjuriOns to every scCtitto, it:tbercfore . should tint be eountenartee:l . l, but • MisSonii restriction ' : of, have . l.>en restored, in faut , 4 in :substance : ,. to'. the' said Territories of Kato .as. tonud:' Nel. - 4a4za, 'fully and 'completely tO - the extent. and for that . purpose it is our -soirton (, the past,the present and the futii steadilyand firmly' to presist in our efforts. . . • The first - of the above- rejected: - hr. one . inajortty, the reeond adopted-,hy'one majori ty, and' the the third rojeetetti by -three Ma- "••• . • - Mr. Faller (Pt.) one of Jessup's appointees on' theltiriblienn . Stnte c9lntnittee,. offered •the'folhinrirrg:lleintion 121C11 . wra.s . adopted by orietrialbrit. 101 443 . 100. • • Reo/t.ill, That nny a;zitstion of tile ques tion..of Sid...3ry; in , or out; of Congress; is nn... yose,.unjust to a r'portion - of the American people,, ; injurious 4 every ! feutjoli •uf our 'oui)tfy, titerfOre,..,thould not be coml.: . ten:ineed.'• —•( ' • lia:Elosissinat _Tribute, ; to,Factcsoti. :1 In 3 speech recently delivered ht . . . Ward . Pickett, Jr., in reference to the Da no- I . eratte ytetaryin - Telinesxee, he silid t • • - 1 f" It is''irelt (Or - the nietnory of il,e irnmor tat; .sige , txfthe. Ilertnitag,e, that the. bigoted folei;zitera ~Fhould .receive . such a rebuke from the 'people a the State . beneath wtms.esoi! his mortal remains repine. Iwevery of his . bToofi, 'Jnek-son was' an • Irishman; ; :Ilis fi2lu r was' one of the Irish 1 patriots; nlxost.t.brox ttiotod nat4.!ti,ac,the,oppresp.ions and ittsults':, offered, inOiher'.cheeks ", - were faiineit;by,Ae hat' bieic ;over t 1 e :biun.has. ot:l)nblitt-, f tici wrenthd the Oast: on the geel;ii 'of Erin: But" if,:as,the„ - to.eof :Kew .Orleapsisas.asetTilitig the step. of the eitOtol.. takg,t4e,o74 'fealty to tire. 'United I, filit's,'" 'a tOnl ; Wlti,.4Per • had d his 'ear's ' , that the '.Vosident. elet cwa..4i an. itiShmair.and therrfore:an-anti-Ariteriaan, one.hatidiwcittil ot4l!Pr . v fQ). 4 , 4 1 1 .- h4 Yi gti s :1?f 1 .-4,1 8 .s wP r 4" a :YVY t P u34, LIF 414' .. ,`:y5.,111. e eery4rop,neiny."l,l<i&l 'nettleAif 'lily 'it hi, 'Ulan au fri4) - :` matf t 'het% Ati4fitt-is it¢ kineiie'an heart ; ithat, while jt beats, Will!•Jore ,, tha;:ennutittpr gl!si'PßNoo l lo 4vra is an."'Atnerinin oworfi 41:4 . SWall '"l.l l 6,*.;ii;rj:ta deteia thii arni Post lore;11,4 55. -45r w;" S iMkg !Td. l.- 'I'e InByli~ar~ra M02147 : s li"se . V.Reer B aziatiws ta.s ri.p*g iii:;ro'siti '1,4Yr4 4 tlie'State ' rennsyl rani* btivi !kg pr_ovid ea iti by Legt , bit4). l' r enaWkenlife4J4o 14 3 9/Mt P 63 ogei 1 41)0O 4113 C a Ponl a t t t r . nntiti Iii 191)01 4 /.4) E ;CPW iIfO 4 r f6 - or trap ito e liefp ben; of the '1.4it;, , i 7 -1461 re; and '!.16#43 tfie Pepait-' inetitr''ailiettatif Ithhiiigeift6; tartio; :iiritilidnUttakiPaShgaAiebir paid 1 xt. die Mail higecaPerAoul44 Oftt tokre l ,34 A15.40V 1 1, 1 ,41 Le*F I N/WißMi s tf be , ,t/Ito4the . yroPer, atigia4f t . of. postAge tai-biiinii4 aj gairtsburif„ wbtie 'for t‘ttaVviftnent - Tai lieen xoade."': Respeotruliyi , Ail • Arollt AgnaktitaeMiiit4s: -;• • ^ ' r• ;'11145.115.11P-ARANY*I)4I4. • .• Items: 1. - • . . , • Tlteittlitt na State Con v ention ; tkip ot atet • ! delegates to, the National Conveution,4antl' instroutfd them to auiliort floe. Jesse D.: ! - lirtiht forth .e,,PresitlifJoy: ~..i. - -..; • : ; .1- , '-, 'rile Ohio state .k3oltvention *etc: also op. . the titrkint.;';atiti appbtitted 4ellists tol Lilo - Nation:o .Cclnventudi .without ITlAirlietTollC . it, '. un4eht,Cookl, however, `Lays, :the :N. York •Ilefald, that a farde,,thajority of i ham . ate. iii favor of Mr; bitch:mart for the ftixradeney, The lowa State 'Convention elected dole- . gates to the Nationaf IConvention; who, It. i i said 'are,iii fai•or of Douglas for the Presldeo (l. . , • . . . chottors.—The contention assembled at, Milledgeville on „the, ...15th.•instant, and 81) 7 . Ptiinted - ,fotti delegates;; for the State at large to .represent the party in the National Demo-i eratie Convention . to • assemble at ; cificianati iii June limit; and the', several e. ongressimil ttstriOs•selected - theirl delegates; ' two, -from' each.. • . . . • • . KENTUCKT,—The:State,Conveiltion met at, Frankfort on'the Bth of Jsrauarv.. No :pref erence was expressed for the, Presidency. Delegates for the State at large' and for' the congressional districts were appointed. *A full ticket of electors was also appointed. , ALABAMA.—The State'Convention met on the Bth instant, and appointed tWo.delegatea for the,State at large., Appointments w-cre" also made for • the • cirttgressional-districts.;,, The Platform. contains 4erentern planks; thd last of 'which is in the following terms::; That the Administration of Pre l / 4 ident Pierce 'meets our -approval , ;• and the bold and statei‘manlikeenuneiation of rinei ples in his rOceut me saa•ve to the Congress of the United States-entitles him especially, to the gratitude of the South ; and .thiscon.- Aention earnestly recommend him-to thelNa-ti o n a t. Democratic Convention - tor • notnina'- [ion as' a 011.1 i -date fOrre-election to the of fice of President of theilinitedStates." TEssEssEs.-;-"The Democrats of this State alsolteld their .convention on the Bth iM4ant. Delegates were appointed to' the, Na 'nap Convention, and the *Ministration of Pres..' ident Pieree apitrove4 7 l - btet, no indorseinent forte-eleetion W 35 given.' The question vas len. open, ; • tout st.ts N'A.—The • Delia saps • (hat the - tr State convention of the:Know-gothing party of Louis' natt,whielt-lias ireeen tly been in see's ! ion :o appoint delegate* to the Natitinal vention, has_dechired 'Millard Filmore to be the ,Thoice of the ra)opl4.of Louisiana - fur the presidency. The dont'ention ineetS46t•Phila delphia oil the 22d. of :February. VIRGINIA KNOW-NOTIING STAIt:COrSCIi.. This 11051411 body, nta conveutiO held at Rit'111114)11t1 last Vita 4,. resolved to iabolitiVall ceremonies of initiation and obligations Of (..ereey. It also adopted the Philadelphia 'platform, and approved 'of the coarse Of. the Know Nothing. member:, of Congress. P.,A. Bolling and J.Jill. ImbOlen. were 'appOirited delegate: , at large to the National - °Quell:- ''Subs:ittne. for the 64 dat . g Caw." The .following is a synopsis of Ithe'biii of fered by Mr: Wilkins, ChairMantof thr Seti ate Committee. on Vice and ImrnOrality as.a -sul.otitute for the Jui , ..-taw 'passed last 0 ter. , . .",,The Committee on Viee and, Immorality of the Senate, through.: their ,Chaii inati 4 rc purled this morniuga. 'bill to. take, the iplace of the restraining liquar law. last session„—_. , '...,ection one-proVt - • d • ares unutw tut iw• all . tave . rus, iiinsale - aod -beer hOuseS, victualling houses, and r&turstits, as Well 'as all the publie places, or rooms' Itipt.fOr the sale of vinous, spiiituous, malt or brewed liquors; unless licensed agreeably to the act. Section two requires a Person' licensed liv the county tretu;urers to - tt4 citizen of the Uni ted:States, of good moral as sober'character, and the...assessed:lmm 'for. the liten-4'o, and requires him to give bond to the' ,Coni inonwealth, with one or more sureties, in $l.OOO conditioned that !I'm citizen shall not orZicaliti Wine, brandy, rum, whiskey,Or such like spirituous liquor renered min hole some: or 'adulterated, And . shall not ~sutTer drunkenness, debauchery, iu his _house, , Section three e s tabiislis two kings f-4 taverns; One to.sell wine, brawls, spi ri it: ri(i Malt and titkift4 liquors; and the other TO' cider, beer ale, porter, and malt liquor. •Set tion:four iitoyides that the. license . shall be ratglfaceording• to the estimated- valuation on the rental of the honses to .be oce l 'iipied i as foliows';:=-For the first class,4l,oooJwhere -the rental. is $lO,OOO 'or' more; .$BOO, ;who're -the rental, is between` - $8,0, 00 and $lO,OO ; $6OO, where therental is between $6,060 aid $8,0011; $4OO between $4,000 and $4,000 ; e3OO betWe(n s2,ooo,"atid $l6OO ; S2OO , be- tween . $l,OOO mil $2,000; $lOO between i l 5OO . and:. $1;000; ii - t5O between ..s3oo and' $500; $3O between $l5O . and'. $300; when the rental is under.-_slso. Set:4ll five . provides that. the tay.ern keepers who apply for license to %di-eider', beer, ;Ile, malt And. brewed beverages, shall be classed in-. the same- manner :as mentioned in' the :fourtli section. and shall as4ssed and taied cording : to,the class - in :which - they shall be placed„ at one half the rates above mention Other sections prOVide n , umerous:details-. One section enae:s that the law dill! not, be constreettto interfere with tlie . Sundiy law; nor the hi cv• of :MayBth 1855,-to protga cer tain domestie and :private rights, and pre ' vent abuses-in the sale and -use of intoxica thinks- ' beard Licensers_ isestab ai hire in Piliradelphia, to consist - of the sett'. inorCity - Comniissioner And two citizens, tip- . poiated.hy the ,Court- 'of. Quarter Session - R.!. They shall meet_ on the qiiarterly return days.' -of the said Court,alitl - etereii:o all the •ity thi.COurts of - Quarter Sessions other counties 'in .relation fixing the rate, :and -, granting r-reftisitig":litenses; sohjeet Ito An appeal to the (:)Lit . r. They (Jetern4e the Unuther of licenses to. be granted in the: 're.spZ. - .ctive ivrt"ids, having regard - to, t fie cenimattion.of travelers,. rind distinguishing • what . iteriortioe• ttia sell. spiiituous,'yinons,' - midi-unit liquors only. The , licenses ;ranted' to-aity liotel in the city. shall not authorize! - the sale of spirittious- - liquors. •Irtiusiout) callers front the street, oniv to,stran7ers anti t rarelerttor persbilS for-th'e . therein; or - upbri the:table''the'l<eitaki l fig _metals. i-Ther.--board of •..licuniens -to-• 64. iy4id QUI.. of; the ,State,Treas . nry. Tlie Clerk of,:the Court_ not:to, istue eeims **theta the eider, of, the Ifeitid. Nast 14th restritte . the ':tattle 01`ititotte:lting li qeorelneft the act thd '166, of 11 9 (1 :PrfiVjil.# 5 ,44 1 0 , eP:llgens6 , 4 ratty . tavern, ion; erlot . el t Oral!. ,hereafotr. gi.',rtuted.un hidis'ilttpet;:te the pniiiisieei EMS .4+-61 ' . 1 ' . ;11,0. ateihe. Africk!, of! A4ll.44b.rougb,tbe pwAs tvio/ dry fiipt ! , - 'Tbe 4re-4%i - every save,' they' . hare been arre.ted by the t r larp 'haml of erit!efie; the.heiry rain s the: -ttirreels *Ruh rindi thetintehis; haVe e(tonreiried.tluo , tel;-. fen - A1404 .1%' 0 4 141 ,4)4, 10 9 0 : 131 0 1 ° 4 0 1 . 1 1%7. Iviptt cor n , plto..,,deiitot,lte,. Stalin: or , 14E4: ettei inney'fiarts .the tine(' b#e . ridie siiihred much from. thkinutt i idiot); cif:. raiber froni the torienta, 1 . - reshing , 'dtkve the 40l i v i t i ethi b ave ,j4d. bit ra•444; Pe°P* arAj# Panrogriti,:: IMRE =gag= - .1:,74, - Opi nrottErle with IlL';;ltstid.',' I 'l'Liel, - coircliolident of.the Cuarrici and .E 4 n-i 4 irer, telegraphli alive ; • :- it „ .. . . i l'lliet t ifist..dtipatch' of Lord Clarendon upon , ili tilifititnetit.eases .a.a,t a very 10ng. , : and V ° . .y. able -'i:,argeterient, - Isis Lordship' ii: t i t u-it ~. t 4 .• iith'Conienendetble .frankness, that 'the oon i laet* , ot the British Minister and Consuls}l lit:this Metter liad been in violation of ..oni 1 .thuticiial larkiiriti a their Government, ttpclut. , .t • t gtr.e." for it. Ilia :Alm Minister went on to represent that. Iler Maje.sty.'a Government could nut reowi e nize the course, of their agents in they nited States as a violation,of nation . al,law,. which alone the admitted 'offence , , :having been atoned fur, could eruthiirize.,.tho. demand for the reeall . of Mr, Crampton ;And LOrd Clarendon st sees. tient ,he is iustriteted-ro request the Government of she. United States 14 review its position; --- -----.' ' ... . : :, .:- . - -L . 1 On the sth inst., Mr.- Marcy fer Warded ' a very 'elaborate reply, to.t 4is,.point respecting . international ,law, declaring, the explanation. of Lord Clarendon utisalisfactorv, and. repe,at itig: the demand relative to recall. . This , des- - ich ;will, in my judgment,'greatly .- protract, ,This correspondence ; but V 'still . consider it' settled-Chat:Mr. Cramptoi will 'be ultimately rec' idled or dismissed. - . . ' . - - .• Andmippose the British Minister . notbw remlled, and that . hei be 'diinibeied; is there disoger that •war or a suspension of diplOmat ie, intercourse will result ? In nry..;,vievi ' of . the stn,! jest. theic is none' whaltrer.l...lle ' Iliestion growing out , of the "violation, of our rintnieiral law is' settled ; that,ari.sittirin.dif fetrent eonstritetiOns of international law 'will remain in obeyanee whatever course he adopt -0 towards AlT..eratiptoti,. Divested, of con-. ,tiexion with the 4(11.4 of the ' Minister, :this lit i ttter is a quekt ion - of no censeipeence, and' • 001 not Pc. magnified . into a course of seri ous international difficulty. As to war, we hive befori!' dismissed. Ministers without pro voking it,und DritiA Minister Shave Leeniii* missed by this and other Governntents, with _ oat pr,Alocing war. his the duty of the ad ,!. . milo s t i ation to Maintain the most cordial re leitions with Great Britain, 'relations in exact. Mwortianeowitli the sentiments of the peo=ple of each tttountrir towards those of the other.— ' Itit it is absin - 41 to iinagioe. that the - stoi,oth and - cyan NI-tot:of di ploinati e jut ercoursu.Can not be.inturra pted V. it lion f', liability of War.....,. Baron_ Asusbel. :Mayer von-.ltotlis. 1 .1 1 . 1 . 1 e senior of he'celebrated banking firm of Ilothschild• & Sons, of Frankfort On the Maino, who died in 'this city on the 13th 'ult.,. has kilt a fortune whien is estimated at over sixty florins. • His- brothers ' Charle's who . died during, 'the same left yeSpeetivelV seventeen milli'oas and eight millioniqty:itis. - Baron Ain,:ehel itlischild died childless . ... Among ether of his will tine 16 following : • ear, fin t% M. li iteno TO e , itahlish- a foundation 'for. the-_ - , ,:-. porir of Frankfort,' to, keep up the we'tkly distribution of ithits'at the' -! t`r.)l.l .ItOtliseltild" house in • the. • ' street„of• the Jews dm, - - L 200,000 To furnish dowars- to Jevrbit maidens -_-;;. ... thi....•.ititerest. oh 59•,0 . 90 florins,. :: : •t-1 1 ? •ree years', interest fm% one pOr- trOrr.) . 4 ,4 • 2 -.. . " 52;000 For .JewiNh ItOspitals,.• - - .'' -..-- 25,000 .FOr.Jewislr sr-lax:ls. • . . - 5,000 TO t h e Suniety for.F.nno . tirrigin,,, Jew-. iz.:l trader: , and . workmen, I'Or T•ati6iis Christ a ti4ehatitablern ; •stiitittinn§,:, - ' .- -- - ' -•-• 20,000 TO'llray . Ter -Jewish -terviee.; in' his' -.-- : a4tiling . (as heretofore,) 'the in- .. t t on ' - ... - - . ' 25,000 in; fOund a m:ijorat ie . favor. of his . -, -ne, i pliew Au tern, son!" - of Solomon 4,000,000 TO lira nephtrai Maria Charles son of -- Charles •• • • . -..- 1,000-,000 1 T 4 a second son. of Cliailos . • William he gave his large •house . and garrions.'. Tire du- Mains :ma propertieNini-sessed by .thedeeerrs-. ed in different - nunneries are liketrise.distrib htedsniutig the different .. branches : , of the tZotlispitildscso 'that *the greater. bulk • of 'this "argil for tune. remains in the family: • • -' -- . . . " r 4. - YOU:11. S,dII9OI;TAN. WITHOUT G1:E , 3113- I.lll . o.—George:SuinneNa3f 13o.;eti. ' who has latel i rr returned from, - - where.hehase. , , .• spent. sere' al yeaiN delivered: .IC lecture .in . Nivl York; last , week; .on. the _educationO. Cliaracteris' ties of Europe, froro . which. we% - se-. feet, 'the following'pregnairt. paragraph: ". . • ,i.' If there he anyAnoraL - to the - tale' I have told! it Ina v be initialed:up in, 'a few words.' , , '1'0!; your school tax without yruoibii»g ;. , it . is:the cheapest premium of insurance on 'your property. You aye educating those Who are to, Make . .laws ;flit Yourselves tind . 'your chil . , - 4r,erL ' In . this State you are'edticaling iliose w ho'.you 'are . to - elect .your .Tndges. .Build • more.sehool houses, and they will spare yen: the.l.building - iriore jaili.. - Remember: that the experiment of other countries *shows that. the development of free and extende4educa- . 'deal has been followed . by -pt blic :and' priyate , `financial . . . prosperity.; thata . stiocos. and . . politi- ea' tranquility have blessed•the lands which . have recognized its importance. -Reitiemher' without freedom is (,Wien. in its results; that freedom without .educialicir, .'of the . intoral 'sentinients s'aoii runs into an archy - and deSpotivin f and that' liberty,' - eVei vi i milatit .- herself, .demandin.P . 'eetutele - ss' 061- ..,. , : )-, laille in. her yut a ries--.-liberty ; will not linger I(;nfr hi . !.hove. lands, where., her twin,.:ister knoWledgeis.necrloted." :, i .... „• ~..__i',....6....,- 4 2. ..i..- . :__ - -', . •' '' trite . . .. .. - ._ ite :Preside:te r- , i :.-- - • • i i : I. ; , iie.N.e.w YOrk Atlas, .of the •1.3.t.1t inst., '"ils . he ''siirei. Of 'the' tiinc.S L iMil - eate. that. Janies-..l3traninan:'•of TetinSylvaniti; • Will be the to.iirnitiee . .. of 'thetCitteirinati Convention,' an d : the - distiniiiislied men of the party, in ail. se9ons. of the Union, manife . t . a. disposit ion., to no in for . himfroin- the start: - .It isAiouht• kalif anf `othereatidid;ltti - Will' be pt'esfitell to. Jheiconvetition-:" ;'And iiiairr: If Mr. Bti. clinician isi. by. commoil - ;conceitt;: , o , be ' the' c4tis i 4j.late4.for . the, Presidency.-7-and . 1 hat -.:i =3_ thel.way : thingOook : . at the :..pre§ent . t ime-- ~- there will be no . further , difference between !thelllardit and SOfis•tit"thhi - gtirte.; .- iliith fae: itionS':will 'regarded 'Ad iegiilar bY'the.Mitional 11)ernocraey.—biith wilt approve of.the resolti. .. 1 !tons. 7)tkoh • way be Adsipt t 4-, 3 0,..h04.11.01i11 I ski pport one ticket,for the ,P.residenev. ... . . .. e ... Tht; prille'brOofik at itlie - - - - WM,' firt's tilfOis thill; - knii ihiiiiupply-latti. ..-Tho 4thia; il,l. frotti.KlitiNky 414% 101.1 - fittittx4.:l:, Iftel,rmt... .1 11 A . II.„)1 1 1( . , ?0 , I,lle...qapetp of bog"- nt,.,qln-- ; - kiiiiiiit:tc I I I ia if rlo,itli; - du ri lig; t1ii 7 j.,i .. 4.5‘.:,,_#e.4;i:,. ,; wit' 4 29,006', 'aliiiiiiie;botit 10,01i6 . tliii tiiiici-' Ou iweolci• - , Tho' total number - sfau.4l,triiia fa ,i?a4ki tig,-;at,Ci lioituin Li, i,4ct-fi t r i thi l t:s4 4 s6l4 - .iW. 25T, 1 0.1:j•P,-: 90 84 PIY I 3•F; laili itql-tv: -11:0M. 11 0 1, t. is , b 4i." - tli Cy . : tt,,15. 3 15 ik413.-.°2 ..iiolctit , ? I .ti• . L it4rt , i, +Oil , 4,0,11 e Tikmitp.4)a_utt FrizigT:Fdbi: 8t1.17. awl 0 ° , 4 IA ;1,11f.,tk l tf..*. nw0„:,,440 o; I : low:bo anl 14i,sooti - CC,e11pg,.411., ilit.t.Fist, ,Rt.. A1 1 1,4 . f ,, ,lftfthiViiis iiilbe. ei.iiiiiig';. I ;..- P (:-; -- • - - I . ~ :- - JO klitlYdali'-Feb'.'"Otliiit. -I '. l !:_i 2 : * 111 -I -bo it,itlown Ittstitotnif shoot -liblisiii '011 . 12;' I - - . in bwitsOu.‘ ..,! .nial:stboi4o*Niqiiii - g - ,, I 1 0 W! , P 0 1 1. 01,1 41 0 16 -Fs , 4r.PleVg.,lL - 45*' - i4 , ,PrPT 1 6t.„ - fOthiirs gym .1;,.34,0airti I I # ~lovirt4. _'l,?. '., 11 1 -:-. `tenkl I : ',--TnIVO - tivOliini,', 4 ooli r o"'"'ilit 4 .- ji'gitai t ;' a i R iidotivie4 tlioArititiinf.'forr(ll4.6ll-iritliCer 8410 0 1 , 4*, 41Leio:;:iltlfittitttentitplialqi* ?-ii* ,ropeatftaiy,474iikottv... .t a' .. 4 -;:„:,i:-.4. -. 'f-,..c ,t ';',;`,..,;,ti. .;:i • 1 -WILLA4g liteafßPSON VO-sPilt= :;-- . , I ,:,-.. ~.....1 ;5..;; 3 -.6'. r: t' ! I :4 (77 - i!_ , r . ~:,,,,i , ;.-2-.;.:. 4.7,,,,-: fay I t is not-'htitiinsing that In Abeibe days of travel; andofTerild-by land - and Sed,"the chap- '. ter of accidents and , castmlities for the post ),;:sitookiL - Le king and fia4.-. We-: base gathered fruit; reliable:source:l7=th* facts and figures whiCh : are appended, although it. is highly probable that thii ouniber " of. deathi by the fatality,,Ortravel sogypirhabt .great er than' is here represented. 1 - ititing the year-1855, the number of rail-, road accidents iu various parts of the coin try resulting inolossia of life and limb, was 132, by which 116 persons were killed, aad .• badly wounded. More than 60 employ es of the railroad-Companies ire included in _ this_number bf thb kilebl i of which, 20 were engiPects, and . 6 onductors. - . The steamboat accidents.have not 'been so anmerous; amblitnting to 27, bat resulting in -Ifii deaths; an ;incre:Ab,el. o f 00 oter those ciltis"eillby . • ~ ' -""" The i hiss 'of - proper ty destine! tive fires has been enormdus, a=mounting to *63,000,006..-• ThiS is the .estimated loss of moot 200 extensive conflagrations; the sr, ores'do not emlbrace the yast amount of prop erty destroyed by ahnost innunierablaSmalla fires: - - - Diflastrotti its these mutts worn to b e, are happily, far lelaro:anst.hose ofi the former . year,.1854. Puttyg that year the railroad -• 'accident's more, while the atm . ber of killed was 70, and "the - wounded 50 greater than.last - I s . The'steaniboat,reeidents of 1854 'were 48, i inishcd .in 1 . 855 - . to . 27 ; the 'lined were • • 587 1 ; diminished to 176.; 'the wounded . 225, diminished, t 6 107. • • • The_number of files. in 18.54' was 223,'. Which wasdecreased by 30 in 1855, and the loss..of .property amonnted"to•:s2o,ooo,ooo,. Which wan reduced, to-. 013,0G10 ; 000 during , •• the last year,'. • . . Arlrericaus 32tt:4 Mite Asakelica: If one not actptaintedi-with the tricks and fat eat ions- or.. the *K now-Not hings, - fshould hear the war-cry " Americans must Tule - Aneri4 , a,", a the Wio,itington Union; he . would hate strange feeling S,'us -exam ine into this empty . and se . expose a new ineOnNistettcy of tire - .know-N ; otlungs.--!- Congrerl, be - virtue of Our constitution,- has . the right oflegislitting, and be who legislates. - "rules !" ) The Senate • consists of . 02 Me m 7 . bers,.and the. llouse of . [l;einesentaties, of '23.4'. 'All these are natines of the anal's; not 'R single one is foreign birth ; yet. the .KOW-Nothing cry is, Anterieans must rule America.!". instead . of- lot eigti,lxlrn - citizens : of .in oountry . exerting .'a political - . power Nilnat tol their ssi?;;;difie ootter,..t hey are In this espeot,' net. epresen red in our national 'legis- • Valve at , all.; Our tuts!` population amounts, at present .to about -27,000000, of which . nearly, 5.000,000 (exclusive of their children beret ,in this country) are foreign born... If: thee - 2,hould be represented in Congtess _on an equal footing .with the*.ni- t i ve ‘ 1, 01 . 0, o f t h e _.Senators: fourteen,. and of the-members of the House fifty-three should lie foreign _born. Vet the ,linow-Nothings, _in suite of Ail these filets, persist in proclaint .ing' their : hypoeritiCal. &Kathie, "..Americ . ans mint rulo Aiberiettr? - FLORINS llorses Sholl witiatmt Nails. rMr.. of • New .Lt talOn t Ct., basin rented a horsy; ,hoe- that is- to be worn. by the' horse ‘A itilOta !wk.: , nailed. to his •foet.— • Ile' makes t lie As-hole - in : two . pieces . , employ- . iitg in addition, tern . sui:tll 's'erews• tii: 'aid in screw in t .; the. part; together. Poth are made of malable iron—the lower - portion, or sole, :being. very similar to the itorse shoe ordinari .l,y:employed, but with a grOove 'around.; its exterior, and without . 'n:til,:holes. The tipper ~ : portion, " is thin, anti has a- flange • projecting inward- front. -its ." lower, - edge,. to niateh the grooye in the sole;, ,These_ pants;: are:so arrange .1 as . to-secure a tight,A,tid ftrtg - . -connection, and the' whole is ixotde'addition-' ally -secure by the aid of - the' Set - seiresti fore nientiUned,. : it the heel. A - shoe - - ethis. kind .once fitted„ t va trip nnty , be- , made to', wear out a trea 1.• u taber :of ez teriOv mav be hi.rlit v r tiaished and ',tilted with :• winch gives t verytiashy appearance, : to, it . teaM of lii-erY horses, :or the. - shoe may .be euatnetted - jet black ,1 11 he.n'ititended - for,, White lir : grey ..attinials.•-: One 'pardon's - , •ad vantage to 'bederived frernAltis style eof shoes; is the facility. with which, they - .roar he . re- - tnOVect or exchanged; so that hostler may exeltangellie;:itcies,•:er rather sot* on every occasion when the pre.4enee of ice or the like-renders. it desirable, , und•may Ann be` :expedient i extreate eases 'eiliaustion, as with ,t Ace' horses, to Tyetii6ve amore shoes : al- . together for it time, and allow refreah- - fog-teat ''• 10,000 . GOLD table in . the report of 'the - Seeretery - of the.- Treastirr; exhibiting the - ai.nount of'gold, sit. • • ver,--anj' bank notes in eironlatien at - different per,iods, gives.the'arnotutt 9f, gold., and silver, sn cirettlationfor the fiscal year 1855, at over; 8'250,0ti0,p00 mut the, bat* . notes - in eircula tien at:8187,000,0.091 -rnaking 1;10On:or 8437-,000,000. - anditthowinglhat the bank.pote, eirr,tll3oon was reduced from that of 't -he preceet.liog year:aboat' The table tif.ii.uoitge for the vear . exhib;. . re&iVed : at the .tnint-nnd'bratneltes,'io-tli e tintt , unt Of $70,017 Olt? 82 =autl tlte;aa;Ule. ex i its eXhibits the epor(of g-01, .to the- mount, of '.i 1 .50,34d,30--sliotVino an ex : cos of 'receipts • (1 ". 4 eiilirts_.of 81 . 3.793,6 34 S 2 - ..'The table of-eXPorts'fer.the saute ti-seal year, in addi , tion to the eXpoit-of Doh!, e xhcbits*36,42l,s.:._ 1 €ll. ti tni4t . ures .export 4 -exclusive of sliecie and $1(.12323,899 of all. ot her articles, t. , making the - nt ludo exp - 0rt5..3'275,150,8 4 , - .7 agiiinst '1361;468.520 -iniportea, showin: , • t - nu oil exports -- i513,088,3.27 , .0veri1te imports. ; ,,,There is no return -or.,e3tironte;of' the gOIO, iiitiportnd' by etnigrants, -and_ 'turn estithate for the frehrhts of otir 'Ytik4ts - that h tie . ,coiitrilnnited to *TO STOPTOTATOV3; ItOl EINAL•7An experl eneed agilettitmist infot,ms.og that about sm. ,yea , rs ago he applied NineliF.4 to Rota:7 tOes` tllatwere Ir f. rtlj• au , ci ifinuitedh. ateTY' arre,lefl the fierily. P,otatoes . -thai werezptittly_ Vot tea ‘t hell the linie:wasappild, rthriltitied- as' they were the . rooms* of the rot sum litoppe , w e potatoes to which bk • the lime was. tug,: applied, epaqatuefli. rot and,'Were "Slave tlieWlte haS`Milile it a. 'von , :taat practie to apply slacked to .11i , 4,tiotatoei as he,takes thetw up, ' '.lle !apt" 41$111 layer of lime on the floor where tile pa... , are !,(1 awl Sprinkles, 's@ of. 1)1 ' 1 t iliAltitidriliit very tem •thei , •lttel!pittr:iitt)wn.: - .l.le!voushlritiaa :perfeettypivtegtiag them ilion totting sit; bo 4 1,13 ?,0 0 Wr. , 41 1 040:,:f0x41 0 1 0 ": ( luaill994b0 - .P1 40- 4 1 c4t 1 itlo, 4 ( lC t " , 1 / 1 1 !‘: uiekt aro cetelei•ed hette,r hy. i_ ie ai3tlo4 o r of e trio: fhota 4 l6ld* - iiiTii , itiena:oaAlif 4)6 trotifkhtigheitiall:' '-` gfr ciir4, l 4VlNPtherieotAl ke 4 P your, , .X?,Or 441.16.16-034 Of ot', ire 41ri thq ier4o maiditiiiialk - ittia it s iiiiportittit taiimict hate hay Irrthe - iiiprembrizt gave W . -;4o , „frie44 Ml4lta-r , QO jut wilico, Aid.Mits l l4 94 o 1 - 7 - 49 11 4M40X - #fi a * ra • i „, scsimx?r iiitatuitiOla 40, 4 .i - ,;;L;: - .!1-,..i.v( -!-t-':'.)'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers