The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 24, 1856, Image 4

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Ficis'imoiiv=73l444o,ream: - cannot v./
through a -great, depth' 'of Milk._ tlmnfot
Ma IS desired 0-retain its cress ) ; for; astiit}i,
it shotale pat:,
_into a; deep, narrOw_dish;
bat,Jl it " be desired. to: free it. Kett compl etely
of tritati,jitiluiuldbe pouted intis TOW,
,4:4.rAiding one inch
depth.,l l lo - evOlation of cream is lacilita,
by a ris4 and' "retarded b y depression '
tempatature., the 118U111: tentpenttiire
the,daaryfifty - Aegiees lof Fahrenheit—
the cream will probably rise in, (liiity
hourn but,t4 seventy degrees it will perha F . 03
rise in half that lime; at . id when iho milk is
, kept near thifreezipg.piimt, the cream will
tie very slowly, becansot becOmes solidified.
In wet and-cold weather • the milk is less
:itch thanin dry and warin, ,'Red on this se
conitt mem cheese is obtained in-eold,than in
warmi though not in thandeiY weather. The
seteßni_bas its The milk, in spring,
is supposed bk AU?, bfillt for drinbing;benee
it wo uia be-'tbeest,foi , calves"; in summer it
iskestAnited for cheese; and in autumn the
butter_forkesping - is, better than thatorsnm
mer-,4he eowkless frtitiently milked; give
richer ',Mac; and oolreiviently more\ butter.
1110,morning's miltts Ocher than the even
' The . -lastdrawn milk of each milkitg.
at alttitnes - season' ? is riehor than the
first-drawn, which is the poorest.-- Western
` Alratuitati-Pstsr.-;-/-Take common elay,
theattatelhaf Contraorilbrielcs are made of,
dry' palyerize, and run' ihrough a sieve, and
; miz'tithr litisZtd oil. ilia have' theti, a first
rate firiOoof paint, of a delicate -drab color.
Pet it on as thick as may be practicable.
_ If any one Las any d' i nbta,on , the subject,
let hint - try it on a small- le—paint a
,shin ;
0 ,
for instance, and le it I dry. • Becollect
Ik ea
that* must be miffed th cker than
paint: -:' - - ' ' • .
The clay will, when ' rst'dug, be wet or
danip; but will soon ' dry, spread in the air,
under slelter, Or if waUted , immediately, - it
marl* dried in a kettle , over the fire. When
dry it will be in lumps,l4ke., and Can be pul
verized byplacing in and iron kettlO'set a few
inches in the ground, anal pounding it with a
-. billet of bard wood three inches in diameter,
. dime' feetlong the lower end rounded off a
little, area : . Then sift. Any clay will make
paint, but the ,
colors May differ { which can ascertained by Arying it on asmall
sealeas ablate' indicated. By burnitigMlie
clay slighily,yo get u '; light red. arid the
• • greater the heat you isubject them 'to, the
brighter of deeper the red.-- Country dent.
ikuir, t ray in; :THEIW; IDuz:G.—To promote
the laying or your hemi in winter,\ feed them
1 -- fiiee . a day with grain, l alternately between
corn, ; oats, arid_bu tilleat-- 7 -two or : i three
_ times a isrt -- give th re mews of fresh meat
• or fresh fisli, chopt very fide. Keep under
. cover; always semi:till: to diem, old mortar,
. . chalk broke One ) or li o that baa been slack
ed=oystet-shell lime sibest- - or - bones fine
ly pulverized—also, nd and ashes, for the
• .
• hens' to •dust themse es in. ' Watei them
- times a day. 1.
- < Clear out your poultry house three times a
week,put the dung ini'a Land, cover it with
a slight covering of earth, and sprinkling of
plasterknelt the ha ilrel in a dry place, and
every tielostrtels of hen dung thus preserved
will be sufficient manure to grow you fifty
bushels of corn :or mere.—..lmerican Farm-
YiezraNcsass Suersa.—Thee are
made of eggs, flour,* milk. The just pro
pOrtioris are , tablesp4nful of'flour to each
„ - egg. • TO Make imalllPancakes, beat a coup:
le of eggs thoroughly4l and add sweet milk.—
Then - ,take-a conple offiablespoonsful of flour,
workinte 'A thin paste and ductile batter by
adding-16mA and eggs, and a litYle salt
Grease the pan with n, Piece of sweet 'Ara or
butter, and stir briskly to preterit' adterinfr,
•to the bottom. ;_,Wheri the under , side is suf
ficiently browned turn it. Leave the cakes
folded, - with sugar or, honey; and butter be
tween the folds„or 114frar alone.
,If this be
fonucttohe : to,SOfid, add more egg and use
- lees flour. - A slight Orinkle of grated nut- -
meg will be an additien.—Maine Farmer.
' eal,xpo'Conx.—'Ree -following remarks in
regard to selling cornhin the ear, we clip from
the American Fartneii:
~ -
" Don' darn sell your on the ears but shell
it baron deniosinq of it. By doing so you'll
lase the; freight whi4h would have to pay'
y the r,o i you icon the cobs,
`for bi„ t 1311 •be
aides the robs' to have ground Into meal,
which, when thus Rrpared, if mixed with
cut straw and lay, makes' most excellent food .
cattle ;luslf a pee ofenhmeal, two quarts
cite zneid, sad hal a bushel of cut hay o
Wait, makes . an 1: miratde mess, when
'broight i t c slop by the addition of hot wa
ter fcc **lob cow." '• ,
Boit Dtibtm.p.ros.—Alake a batter of si.
* 11-beaten eggs'
ir i
pia of milk, tic' it salt
- troentful of Wit, an flour enough- to make
it Vatter as thick as t ifor poendotkel have a
eleatisateepai of bojfing,water ;• let the we
"ter,_boil fast, drop int the batter by the table
..., spnonsful ; fent. or .6 Id l e inimites will boil them.
Take - them Willi a a ski l mmer on to ;a slish, put
a bitof butter and peper over. and serve with
. --boiled
.or loolaineat r l'i Fora little tiessert„ put
tutter and gritted nutmeg, with syrup or au
' sar.over.--4aine „Orme,. - r
- 'lralitEe•-- We knovv frozn.
persona 911442Mti0d, Olathe , pen'ons are no
irt*pte:livl l / 2 14,410 best •nietitod _of preparing
iip*ealor .. ,*tabit It is 'simply this:—
: Nake4biaaova ?the skin, slice and serve
timozi_44o c r e a m and sugar. If you have
sievereal;!int,funii - prepared in this way, try
by ali csti and YOU, - gill' thank • 1 / 5 for
theleigges - the . .tartner's Mir,
Arm, ,
• Taa Mardotttsiattica.-9x. Wright
_imulaU A; says cur-grass crop , is not
iwoporly:appreciate !o.• crop, kerifir, 4 l" - ,
aso near ~stpspcintsneous -• aad
moss ,yiol4 so profit.= The• hay iwop
orthaV"4";S4te4! 1859.1 14 3
13"090 - tou;::111at for il3ss:te 4aimMet
T o t ishog„tgO, tons; 'Which is worth *iso.opo,_
voo ; Au ttkirrh.lo cotton crop is valued,
-• ••
at OillfittiOPOO, • Ana ,-crap more
• _than haltla'oosl47. lis:iberour at414*":41,
Tark;•.(libickyaildifoaatfOirth of*,.irlsois)
Ohio, 11 44 64 " eud-14 1 40 1 &" Tte `tzlis''cr 6 o"
ais - least,' in
la,•-,*&tisaglifterkif, - yrorth arum-,
ally overiMoo,ooo,4M. -- Vo"9tpe**44ll be
lievelliit the grawkflop" cc VoirT:TprkStatP
is worth!inore'than
tio shows that such is the fact. • •
PBRATB by their poweifil indigence Via
internal viscera to purify i the bkrod and
late it bite healthy sal* tremor She
obstructions of-the storrisch._, l .banittit iner m ksimi' th6r
orgruas of the 'body, tads bY
etch .
action to health, cartwet. l .
derangements as are Milk*. Muses Dr
An extensive. trial of their virtues. by Problems,
Physicians; and Patients, has shown eaves of din t
gerous diseases almost beyond bellef t were they not
substantiated' by persons of Melt !exalted potation -
end character as to.forbid the stutd on of untruth.
Their certifleat srepublished nay
_American :
Almanac, which the . Agents below named are
pleased to furnish free to all hieninns.
Annexed we are Directionrfor their tie in the
complaints which they have been found to clue- 60
Fon Cokrivroissa:—Take one or two Mr, or ,
such qmintitv as to , gently move the bowels. Cos
tiveness is frequently the aggravating cause of
Pais land the cure of one Complaint is the cure
_9S-beth. No person can feel well while under 's
costive habit of,body.. Bence it should -be, as it -
can be, promptly relieved. . •
FOR fafFPSIA, which is nometimes the mum
of turtireness, and always uncomfortable, take rand
doses —from one to foue.— to stimulate the stomach
sud liver into healthy action.' They will do it, and
the heartburn, botly!arrn, and , soulburn of dyspepsia
. 1011 rapidly disk When it has gone, don't
feetwhat cure d yen.
For a Fort Srosisen, or Morbid Inaction of lilt
Bowels, which madness general depression o the
spirits and bad heal*, take from foimto eqhtFilLs
at Snit, and smidder:doses a ft erwards; en activity
and strength is restored to the system.
Fon Ninvormons, Stet HEADACHE, Warm.
Rain inAe Seabee & Bea, or tide, take from four
to eight pills "Ongobig to bed: If they do not raper
' ate sufficiently, take more . the nell, day - Until they
do. These complaints will be swept out from the, '.
system.-Don't wear - these and their kindred din=
orders because your stomach is foul.
FonSesonies. Fairstesiss, and all Diseases'
of the-NUN take the Pills freely and , frequently, to
keep- the bowels open. The eruptions Will gener
ally soorvbeginto diminish and &appear. Many
dreadful ulcers'..and sores. have been healed up by,
the Frights and-purifying effect of these" Pills, and
some disgusting diseases which-seemed to saturate
• the whole system:have completely yielded to their
• influence, leaving the sufferer in perfect health._
Patients! your , i_duty to society forbids thlit you
should parade. inurself amend the world covered
witYpirriples, hintches, ulcers, sores, and all or any
of the unclean - diseases of the skin,ireciaise your
system wants cleansing:.
To Pester THE Betion,lbeY are the lest' meal"
eine eser discovered. They should he taken freely
- and . frequently, and the unpnrities which sow tho
seeds of incurable disesseri will be swept out of ,the
ecstem-like chaff before the. wind. By this property
t cy do as much good in preventing sickness as by
the reMarkable cures whi*they are making every
Where. • . • -
Affections 'arise from some derangement,- either
torpidity, congestion. cu. 'obstructions of the Liver.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and-render
it unfit fot digestion. This. is disastrous to the
health, and the constitution is frequently• under
mined by no other cause : lndipastion is the amp
tom. Obstrection of the: duct which empties the
brio.' into the stomach causes the bile to overflow
into the blond. This produces Jaundice, with a
long and dangszions train sif erne. Costiveness, or
alternately costiveness and dkurlum, prevails.
Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness,
restlessness, and melancholy,..with sometimes in
ability to eep, and some:timer - ond drowsiness •
sometimes there is severe Porn in the side ; the ski n
And the width of the eyes bemme a greenish yellow;
ithe stomach acid: the bowels sore to the touch;
the whole-syetem iirianble. with a tendency to fever,
which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, biliona
diroThria. dysentery, &e. A medium dose three
' or four Pills taken at night; followed by two its three
in -the morning. and repeated a few days. will remove
the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to sutler
inch pains when
. care them for 2.5 cents.
RHEMAATtaII, Gorr, sort all foilitsontatory Pe.
eery are rapidly cured by the purifying effects of
these Pills upon the blood, and the stimulus which
they afford to the vital ri
pnciple of Life. For these.
and all kindred complaints' they should be taken in
mild doses, to move the boivels gently, but freely.
• : As a Dts, , tr.n t this is both agreeable and
usefuL Pilllean be mode more pleasant to take,
-and certainly none has been made more effectual to
the;purpose for which a dinner pill is employed.
• ' PREPAR-12) BIN '
DU. J. ,C. 4*Eit lie s C 0.,•
Practical and Analytical Chemists
TUST received a . lot New Goods, such its Ds
,14ineii, flagrs, Pa rairettas, Persian, Al
paeas, Gaigltatus, 11144n01. Prints, aud. Shawls,
in fact a g•Pueral assartment of Dry Goods z which
will be sold low.
W ANTED .r -liOcks, Et gs, Butter, Lard,Cheess,
&c., any qoautity!iit 'exchange for Goods
at cash pr ices. . C. W..110T,T.
M tutrost.Sipt.'lBs.s. ' • . / •
- - Will fish.tite 7 • • -
TIIKY • will _ if you use the .fishing 'apparatus
sold by Phico Knowlton, 3 doors east of
ChenangO, Bridge: A new lot just leeeived bJ
Expre,ei Call and examine their iarge assort.
mem. Hooki3, Lines: Reels, Soles. Shells, -Arti-•
Glut talt,Me. . dt•KNOWVON;
N. B. It is- currently' repcirted that Fish, in
this section of country, will not he caught with
other Tackle than that sold at :the above estab
lishmect. 1
Binghiniton, Aug. 14, 1855' t •
DHYFE dz. KNOWLTON- would most re
f spectfully call the attention of purchasers
Lo &large assortment of HARDWARE just re
ceived and being;daily increased_by arri v als train
different manufactures. Having purchased at
:prices lower than those.ter which articles of the
same quality have' been offered dufing the five
past years, then are enaiale4 to make quite
Aluctittn from ihoir former very seasonable de
mands, ttioffer both town and country trade in
ducements superior to these of N. Y. agents,
Binghamton Aug. .14.1855.
Fresh Arrival of New Goods at
TIE subscribers would-respectfully inforth
1. the good people of usquehnna , Co. that
they are no* opening their stock of Pall and
Winter Goods which is unusually large and at
tractive all of which will be sold for. cash or
approved credit cheaper than can bo bought at
any other establishment in the county Wa wean
just what_we Say. • Please 'give ns a trial;
New Milford, Sept. 18t1t1;1135.5.
(BUT 'Nails and Spiktis.—Booaton, Parker
%I andbld'Colany , ,, at -
Binhlußten,Nov., 1855.
Pall and:Winter Goods. -
rriliEslrhseriler would any to The public that:
just received a general assortment:
of talVanil Winter Goode whit+ he offers too
setr very iow -flit.' cash or produce.
Nor, 3, 1815-45w6
1 ~ItA PL$
7nne 13.
. - Buffaloll,
A Aoki!, lot'of Buffalo :Rots just.r e ceived
. 141111L ' and wittlie sold at a low agora 14_
New 3111 fard;Nov-2. 18 51V •
Q MYER WAA.E.—A large lot of ailweriorka,
SO °finish , - es also, TaW, ,Dessert and : TO
Spooasaa4finfahed an!! -warranted _ good as
eOl l 4 Iv- • = , EVANB,4-,
Aug. .)
S EW I I WIHP BI,I agi* , Tery floe,' for fu4o
. A. J. Evros,,.
it `ti
Tor • ALVIEBB iseair -4:lfteq.4,_sinte_iso4l ~
4 , 4411
ply.,orGoODS) _ • •
i* tio#trwier, P.- is 8 •
—Latest stp6i at
wiolos 01a1t1A bpd.
11E1111% lUD fl ft
,- Aid iieComemithifiAl.::tliat n whole colunin
I necessary, to tialfe_kociwtrihe - gient attractions
sa4 inducements held,put to
amine our NEW A - Nti AIAG tractriT aiooi
of - .
. ,
1111iTeiwnre,, - Crockery, Voreeln in,
C'lsinti.wnre; 9lninvivare,Clocks;
Bird ICntsu, Druidic% Lamps;
wiiek being opened' by us, Id` our now and
benntifeanytia, _ •
2 Doors Eastqf the Canal, Court Street, r
13INGII21VT021r, N.
' Tiint iike,iOurefnents to-pnrehastrrs, tar tiur.
I:awlanything heretofore given E the : Public in
this market, in reorti to our, ,
, A h'D
K Edwaztds Whit e Oranite-Warcs,"-
n particular.
TIEAR! „I.r ' EA 13 ! , ILEA !I 1
A ,SAVING OF 25; per cent:' to purchasers
autY be,nintie by buying !I. Shenrd's Ware.". 7.
Whs.! &vans° they are one tbird'finer, heavi
et;:aaronger, and iho sizes larger than any other
Wares made, and they will not Craze, or Fire
o.ack." Warranted No v ais all. the taro 'lute!
and 'longing lliittaekeepers in our .cities and
large toivni will testify, for. they wilt not and do
not use. any other wares. .
. .
At our stand aleino can you find an assortment
otitheshWares.; They cost us more, our prof l
its are lefts, than.if we pursued the courso of
other deattVs in selling the light and fragile
wares of the the day. . . ,
.- - .••
Our motto •
And once more • • '
RE.3IrEMBER •• •
We sell them as low as the fragile
. wares of.
the day have ever been sold;
A sPlimdid.; assortment, of all the new and.
beautiful design's and decorations, of Tea.ware f ',
China. Vases Tetea Tete. setts, Candle sticks,
&e. -
The astonishing. Strength;tuld Imiutifill trans
parency of “. AMERICAN. POIICE!..AIS" are
too well known for further comment.
'°. CANT BE B.flAr'. of the be!St Flint. (lass;
20 doz. beautiful Goblets,' from: Is: 6d to 2s 64
each; 100 doz. Turnblers, it tip lop. artieto for
Os.; 20 doz. F,luid and Oil Lamps, of every style,
a: fine assortment.. of "Solar Lamps/' a great ra
, riety of Glass. Dishes, covered and uncovered.on
:old off foot, Spoon Holders, Pitchers, Salts;
Butters, Sitgats.Creams, Molasles Cups, Nap.
- pies. &c.&e.' i -
Doßtfriii to notice by-far t 4 most impo r -
Braiick of our Business ; " that is .. - ,
(.7cmsisting-:rif Buildir Material, 'Carpenter:4
Tools; • A.grieultural .. Implemects, and general
'ouse furnishingiGoods:
. A good MOrtice or. Rim Lock With P,orphry
Knobs and Screws Completefor • 35.; a .Tood •
MOrtice Latch, with Knobs &c:. complete for . 25.,
The KnobS mentioned, warranted three times.
as strong as the Mineral Knob, and not to lops-,
ed from the spindle. . • .•, •
The"Phoenix.Sash Lock," a Superior thick,
no Springs tor,get out of Order, euttitig, away the
sash less, and can Ire put, on in One half the titue
of any other in use, from 6s. to 18s per duz.
.1 I
Bat wou ld yon b elieve. it, s‘ l BLIND BUTT OR
lltsaE," complete in all its pearl: -enabling. you
to open Or close, your , Blinds without opening
your window;atid that with the greatest ease.—
A new invention of J:. C. Roble of Binghamton:
It Will well:repay a visit to our establishment
to see it alone. • . - • • .•
Carved Wood work of every description .con-4
tasting of Capitals for Col name, and Pilasters .
Cornices, Brackets, Newells_ and Bannisters for
Stairs,Circleir, &c., dre., which wo can furnish
to Builders abetter . aiticie,and at prices much
less than they cad menu faCture them,a tine lot.
of samples can be seen at our rooms: • •
. • ON HAND; • .=•
A, fill assortment of Boonton Nails, the. best
made, at 5e., Wrought and Strap Hinges; Blind
and Door Butts. Screws, Gate Fasteners... Locks,
Bolts, &.c. •PORCELAIN" Door' KnohYs• Very
low,Escutchtions,Door Plates,.Wardrebe Hooks,
fee« 4c. :* • .• ••• • •
Highly ornamented, drtreles of great Utility, in
many respects superior to Marble, , and at half
the cost, all sizes, with Auld without Grates, &c.,
from $l2 to' $lOO each.
Our stock 'ef Planes. Chisels, SewerVec., are
as complete as money,lime,and devotion to this
PARTICULAR branch ours can , make it and
Prices as low, -Spear & Ireksons, Butchers
and other mike of Saws,or a) lengths and kinds.
°:.Tlit) best wake of planes the world afford*:
Such . as Daniell and Crandalls, John Rcids, &c:
in all their varieties, Cast steel Augers and Au
ger Bitts,*concave and graduated, from Bc. np;
wards, Firmer, Socket, Turners and Paring c h its:
els with
,and, without Handlei.
Braces and Bitts, late improvements from 434
to $l5, Stubbs double cut Taper Files, the gen
uine articl6,warmted to do the work of 4 or
dinary Files, and if once used will never be
abandoned.. Maydoles Hammers, Mortice Una
gels, steel Squares,Pocket Ruses . - : haw Setts,
Patent Auger Hanles, Saw and. Plane Handles
Stc. •
Br a very sitperior workman, neatly and
promptly done; Clock material, Guards, Chains,
Keys, &e., always on hand.
100 Chicks just received, which for extent,
real w orth, beauty of design, superior finish and
low prices never /are been equalled in this sec
tion of country. Wood, Irprt,. Porcelain, Glass,
Weight, Spring, Alarm, in rfict every style from
el up , to 310, and every" clock warranted to
keep good time one year..
A New' Arrival of those
paned BIRD CAGES, which for strength and
beauty . of F . nish cannot be excelleilin these Uni
ted States; and'a much Setter article than is
Inia* sold, from $l, to WO. • "
- To Sportsnien.--Pititalg,Rel4)lv!rs;Pow.
der;Shot, Lead,,Fiasks, something nice, Wad
Cutters. Melting. Ladles, Shot Pouches and
Belts, 'Fishing Tackle, ete., always on hand. . .:
To Urosasekeepene.;-Plated Te..a and
spoone, Poets, Butter Knives,
and Brittaribt Ten Setts, of 6 pieces each, from
to 4,504,! Teapots, Coffee pots, 'lO doz. Fluid
nod Oil Britania. Lainapi, 104 doE,Table laniyes
and; Forks, the largest assortment in tonm.-
- .lruppiltuOilt Vitzpware, from a Nutmeg
O r der up x. 0 .2 Bathing. Tub, Meat Cutters, Ap.
Pie Patera; goffea ilfilla.- - Sistes Corn Poppers,
lint Crackers, Eggßeaters,Teasters, Beef steak.
Maule,lia fact _everything you need. •
• THRZE.rontras •
our terms are
eastiltua owe pieta. - .•
3d2 . AnYthtng necessary tnlnild
_end furnish,
a brit*please and ' , intik, Middle
headtid:Canbe - fennd at
- SHEPARD -111WrILERS,.,: ,
- Binehattiton, Y.--00m3
. _ . .
SAWN& .•
AtiifON;•NOA6 *
th,al4Phitad. - •
154 Pailatir&
_aglitter: Safes .
utopia:at, as they always are When put to (tie test._
• • • Pait.stizErnta, Dec. 150844... :
• .i.
'Messrs Evans & Wattiou, NO. 2q1400-potorth
• •
Gy.s.rt.estea:—lVe take mach pleitsatelawsc
nintnending your Salamander-Sites tolUrefiente
'lnd others in want of asecure ineans'Orpreserving
thei books, papers; from:are,: ;a the one we
,parelissedfrontlotiabout seven months since has
preserved ourhtioksfand cash in as good a condi.
ton es they
,vacce;wheis put into it, h-fore the
..itreaf fire this moaning; which destroiied the Cu.
of.buildings corner of Chesttintand Fifth
Streeti. • The above was in-use iu oar office, en
theilincend near of our building, from Which plat;e
jt (eiliato the-cellar and remained there until the
Are Was The- Safe was then removed aitd
opetteA in the presence of at least 1000 persons;
1-who wittieseed the good condition of the. contents.
Will-you please have the.Ssfe and - Locks repaired
as we intend Id pat it iu use Agaiit..having perfect
aonlidencein its firoiproof qualities.. •
• - • Yours; Respectfully;
. . .
! ': ~-
Evans and Watson take pleasure in referring- to
the•follotvin, arnomg the many hundreds whohase
their safsiii F. Mint, Philniii.; Farrows:
and . 3tecloinics' rhilada.; Samuel
F. 11.; High. Phila.; John N, Henderson,
City Coutroller; Caleb Cope rj- Co., N 0..183•41tir.
ItetylettOtard Norris and Son, LikoniotiVe
Acta), rhiltufa .; Bancroft and. Sellers, Machinis.ts,
`corner 16th 'and James SIP.; Franklift Fire 'mow
mime CP., Penn'a Rtiilroud C 0.,•
Lacey St, Phillipsaniner :ith and Minor Streets;
•.Sharpless,-.Bro ..No. 32 south 2d :44,34M - es, .Kent
and Santee-, No••• 147 North Third Street ; W. H.
Hortstrian and Sons, No. 51North 3d St-; Smith,
& NO. B 7 Market(St4 J.& B. Orne,
No 155 Chestnut St. •
A large new rtmeut of the Safes alwayson
baud (warranted to stand 10 per cent. more,fire
than any Iler,ring'S Safe now in use.) EVANS Alt
eITSON, also manufacture: and -keep for sale,
Iron Shutters. Iron Doors and Iron Stash, for mak
ing fire-proof Vaults for Banks, Stores, public-and
priirate buildings. • Seat and Letter Copyiu Press
es.; Potent Slate.Liiied Refrig,erators,-id.c. Pleraffe
'give us weal!, at No. 26 South Fourth St., Pliila
& PARK return - their tratefal
. neknowlvd! , lnents to.the public tor iniSt fit.
sots, and. invite attention tWt he very large stoek
of Spring and Slitirnier Goods they are now re
ceiving, and ofl r for, sale at very liar prices. In
addition_ to their usual tissortnient of staple Dry
Goods. Groceries. Hardware, Crockery, Paints,
and 0;1;.. &e" th4,are. prepared to, exhibit large
assortment of
of every description, Figured, Plaid and Plain,
13onnets.Shawls, Ribbons. Gloves, Hosiery
Lailies and illisses - shoes of all kinds—also
large stock of •
Cloths, Ca r ssime . res, Tweeds,. Jeans, :Summer
"Cloths,. Vesting, - Hats and Caps, 'buts mid
Sbries &e. . - •
Tlwy revectfully solicit an early. call froiri
no . se wi:th to purchase Goon GOODS AT
.owPnlccs. • .
. • "- Mt:MILLAN & PARK
May 2, 1854. • . • •
.. .
. Th.a , ..
Doct. B. .or
rfIAKES th . il4 method or saying to his friads
.11t.: and customers that he Ita:4 again resumed
the practice of 'Medicine at his old Stand in Inn
trose, where he' may be found at all tinies unless
professionally emplaced.•ouhixaV to those
owing him on old.aCeounts thathe will deduct :25
'wr cent on all accounts paid before the first of
April next, (or if any poor like myself,) 1 . will
deduct fifty. • •
Montmze, Feb. '2O, 1855.,9nf
.C. D. Virgil, Dentist, has removed to 'a room
over F, - 11. Chandler's store,Avh - ere it. will be his
pleasure to see his friends as quick as possibl&."
C. D. 'VIRGIL, Resident Dentist.
Montrose. filar 2.4855.
A GENTII AI. a_4s,Ortntent of Staple and Fancy,
LA. D 4 o c Greris, Gartiw.tre, II As, Caps
BoatssndShots, Wall Paper, Drugs, Dv.e Sfotfs,
Plants ar i d Oils, &c., - whieli will be sold as cheap
as the cheapest for Cash or approved credit by
• M. JONES..
Raeford lone I, 15.55.
IDILACK Gru kid Rhine Silk of ext•elli•ot Arvin.
.1.3 ilea at .• • IL M. JONES:
June 1,1855. • • , - _
D ROCI-1A aaa Cashmere Shawls, at nil inives,
1.1 also a 'few Mantillas by 11. M. JONCS.
June 1,1855:
~17' • •
EADY Made Clothing, at low pri'reA, by
H. 31. JONES
June 1,1855. • • S •
ADIES will tind a ,gTeai variety of Bonnets
and Ribbons at . 11. 31. JONES'.
June 1, 1855 \ • •
JONES'. L "1 1 :11 1\ ; 1 ; tIL 31.
Jime 1, 155. •
- L - I.IIBIIOIDERIES ana Windo Drap,Pri , nt
• 11. M. JONES'.
June 1,1855.
A good aso:tment of Boets-and Shoes at
• 11. 31. JONES'.
June 1,1855.
SIXTEEN lbs, of Gobd Mackerel for one dol
lar in encb by N f M. JONES.
Juno 1,1855.,
TBE best quality of Nails at 5 et's per pound
, for sale by H. M. JONES.
June 1,1855.
9 s Sl t. r i ticeiviag a fresh . supply !. o n f l o nr ‘i ls s flon
it j
IP illilo 1,1855. - • • • .
Grand .and Magnificent Display
J,4VITTENBEaCcand Co., takes pleasure in
'announcing. te the ititizens of Montrose, and the .
atljoiiiin,g Counties, that they have_just - received
the largest-and most fashionable assortment of,
Path:and .Winter • Goods that has ever been.
brought-to this portion - of State.
.The folloWing'comprises but a small portion
of the immerse be found at this
establishment. • ' - . ,•
Thy' and Gentletnens Clothing, in endless va
riety and profeslon at mitre reasonable terms
.than can. 1e obtained elsewhere. •
• Ladies Dress Goods, Preach Nforino,Pararneta
part and all wool Detain, of most any, color= and
shade,. Plain black - arid figered,changeable plaid
and striped Silks.
Prints and Gin hams, Bonnets and Ribbons,
Laces and Embroidery. Shawls, Double; and sin.
-gle 'broshe, and double blanket. Shawls, also
Cashemere and Thibet Skawls;Gloves and Ho
siery,Curtain Gi - Mds, Umbrellas, Table Spreads,
Toweling; Diapers, Nt;slins, Satinetts, Ciotti;
Casiinerit and 10,000 oilier, articles too numerous
to Mention.
Cash Borers fimi' it, to their benefit-to
^ive ui a call. We trill not be undersold, Oar
wayy;rf transacting business is to Sell low for
Fast .on abort time togoori wens intending to be
prompt in tneetin.7 our obliritiOns,and expecting
our Custioners to do the same ivith-as..
Montrose, Our 4th 1850 •
The Know Nothing Exposes
A' " Pe"
patronising me,' at the - front
upper room of the Store lately occupied - by
C, Tyler, can ocenomodnteil according to
tattle Latost Fashionts in the best and ruoilt ap.
3:moved manace. , . - .
Mw ; work is worreted to fit if properly 'Ode.
rutting. mending and in fact every, branch.-of
Tailoring. done 'on the shortest notice, and that
to the utistaetion of these concerned. -
I 4tr, J. SirriE2.
_yeo .
Jot lweviluable Book fo r t lls',cfntsie ,4 . 2 E/Sry.flissllp should
heive,ci copy Pe •
. . • ' - • -• • .••• '• l• 100,000 .COPIES SOLD IN
. ..•NV : N I .••• L 1 I ,_ - ; I 1 f - r . ..„ :- .g.ldit. VIA II it Y Ella .4- new i
, ~',la: ••• - 4 1 ;m.7.pft,_• 6. edition .-. reelect! audtta proved, l
•':iliV . "I; 743tist Isatted. -- -
-- "Z." - ',;•''' -r • ' 3.' 1 Dr. tiunter'stledical Alum:tali
-.."••• i ~.._ ,-:::••• ,•
. 1 .7 wed band Book for theattlictod-1
:" _ ' • ','• ~...!.: tiontainiogan outline of the oft. l
, , ~.,..
.... , 4 .. gin, progreig,treatrai
. _
•••?/.. ... i \ 1., . 0, r erer7 tarn of" nou.l
_ • 0/ .. ,,T . , lir ii.! I %..• . ,:'. trtteied by, preiniteutlussexuall
Lateruoufee,by sell' eh urte tot by sexual einem., ~with h irlrlee I
.forthelitereirenting .wtitteb In a fataillar.tyle, avolding
alt medical t velinlrailtiell . and every thing t ha t would Offend
thous! or decency; with . au outlinc.or ewe-plain taineldentl
to vow ales. front the result et sump Liven ty y earr allearri.
nil priittlet t 2 tintittLY:iitrotba /0 tlit dhreofdlitaseiot al
delkatal er private nature. • -,..• 1 - I
To whlckla added rectintsfor the pito ofthleabOye
easeti, and hAreative on.the causes,symptonte and ou re or
the Vceer and Ague. 7' -
I.;Te woo". yof the 1 1 rqfetioraro.siUtrirA to Pepin Calvet!
Edtilrafilphia...”.l)ll,lll.PKl'Elt't4 )180 WA I. 11. 4 ‘...N1C1AL,"1
.. 40 The author n , . this work. unlik e the itiajoritY of tr °ga
itt)./61arertift ICI mire thel homers tif 1414 I t teride la it. r.
'graduate opine of the brat Collegeilit'the UnittniAtites.l
Et Affords me pleasure to recomm cud ,him the Unfortn.l
' vitae. or to the victim of malpractiei.'as Wattecesifut and
tt/IltirliMetot ptactitionerin.whose honor find t ritegrityt,
ihey;mity place the greatest conildehtir.
' 341.. $. imasnont,
Profit: A. Woodward, .I,lf. . ,of Pro n
delpha.—lt glees me Monitore to add my teatime of to the
professional ability of the,A ;Oboe of the" Altfotna Mincif
' N entered!. mots of Disease ofthlAferlital Om:mai
genteel them of long standing, hate enMe *tinder MY not. which his skill hal been tuAri a lfest In leatoring tO
perfect health, in some twee the -patient hai been
tonshfired beyond medical;le.. In the treatment ofSerni.
anal weakness. or dhoti-ran ement 'of the functions prop
duced by a elfab renery. T . do not 'know
his sei7crior In'the profession. I hate been' acquainted
with the tailor., eine thifty yeara. and demi t no. More
than jtlAtiee to hint as %refill,. kindness to ehe unfortunate'ofoariy indiaeretion , toreeoitititend hint as..ene in
whose professional skill and integrity they may safely,
connde themselves. ' ALFRED ItYttODWARD.M.
" Thists. wlthent'eaception. the Most comprehitialve•
aed intelligible work published on
-the elm:e'er disraim of
'which It treats. Avoidingall technical terms.' t address
ee itaelf to the raltann 'once readers- It Is free from all
ohjeetinnahle matter. and no parent however fastidioatit
can older' to placing it In the hands of his suns. The an
thor has devoted many years t o the treatment oft be sari.
one complaint'. treated.of..and „with toe littlehrirrth to'
puff. and too little prelumption to impose, he laso.ffered
',lithe world, atthetnerely :nominal price of it emiit., the
fruit of some twent) yeirs'most-suleCeitsfo I practiee."-;-
. .
"No trnehrr or pitreo; Amul.The without thecfeowlPilge,
impartedir this inesittable work. Tt would save yearsof
painanortig r ation anglsotrow to the youth ugdor their ,
(+wee "—People's Ailregrae.
A Preshsterian elea.yinan in Ohio, writing of "linn-
ter•iffe•llenl ‘1 tinriftityt :—"Thortsantls open *bons! :
ands of our youth. example afl.l inltoence .of the
Passions...have !monied into •t he habit of.self pont:L .lo U,
,nititottt renlizingtho sin and fenrful ennsequenees upon
- thomeelvss find their pOsterity. Theenne.titutions of thous.
' s ands a - boater:tieing families hare been enferbleil,• if not
'broken flown And they do rintknoat thermos': 'or the cure.
:Anything that esln be firmest} to f 4 nlighten nit 4 induenee.
the public-Mind ex tOcheek.nnd ullimntely to remove this
afflefscrend mores nrlllatnan arretrhednesn• *null
the trrentest blessing nentto the religion of inane- i ehrist,
nn the.prosent and eq,nin r generation. into perance (Of.
(1, (I.t. oNintifing' think.) ihobgh it has 4lninthoun;
ands upon tlfouellltilk, is. not a greater to thebn
man rnee Arrept toy thanks on behilf of he afflicted.
' nnd. believe me f yrfnt eo-worker in,the good ork you are:
sonmticely enpfgeflio:.".
(.4er gr ely once; ntied) will be forstnrdri.freenf
postage. trf any part ofthe fruited Starter for 25 rents or
roples for 31. ddrete. (post paid) COSDEN ;Ec. Ca.,
Pnlfli4fer , .or )ton 19d. Philadelphia. .
itooknellers,lllanYnrs and Book Agentsfopplied
on the most liberal terms. - 24y1
New Line of Mail Stages
- raOrd
'fa_t:l 6 ., its ~.."''''- --.N .,..5...,_
`. -.: a."4 -.1g... --
t 4
- -,,,Y-:±'--:,;',..0.44,..,,,---. . Amp r .., ____ _
4- - isr-f-,4t1V...ff441 'F- 1 I r il il-S'
- ' 'XI• vi(''' : fyl , 44111 R
-A STAGI.: le.tve girkwooil. pafsitiktliroi
eitssille, Liberty .d - c.,ev«ry morningaftert,
1r al r:f the Mail ("rains o feaks,i.oth East awl W.L.5
iogNotitrosk at .. . 1 P. 31. ' - • .
R ET. U F . l iNi
.1 N P ,
LeareMontrosidailf4Stiaday a e*ceptird) cl l 2
rearhier Kirktrociii.n time to take the IlaiiTraini
eirs,both East and IVelit t heing the nearest andlir
folsible routt:to reach the New York and Erie itisiiroa
This line, sit ereeet:ia i ri-week sylino.fOr
t'anUmnaock ,; ;Wyoming. owl Wilkiabarris: whtCh,
lears4l4ntstroee at 1 A Al.• every 'Monday., Wednerday
Friday. Alen, a i ne",,a Friendswille,Lerayerills.ite.(lood
Teams and cOmfartahletlarriagon are provided ;Rad the
.Propriet oreolOkpate nopaisistosterommodatsihePnb
lie• K.
i •
Sep. 1'2,1554. - M0146.A 24.WESTi.
ILL:3'IOV Ai l ._ ••1 H
,T ik 7- 1 7 ,1:1: 1 CR & STOPDARD .Sine .the ihtertie,
Al 9. may be:fottral in the lIASE:IIi: , 4CT
114)TEL. , NotwithStanditig. the nniireeevientt;d!ra
pidity stotik of ilootsl,
wen t „IT" on th,* - miirniw , of the
have some on hand. and 24 1 / 4 11 soon lie s;
again. • KEE-Lart & STObIMRD..•
Montrose, Novetnb.or, 13, 1854.
• . Brocho Sha;fris. .1
oFIEAPER tinin ever belore knnWn,
rui patterri.s.a:mi tine quality ofLB4 Proclif
Shawli4, Lupen's -manufacture, at *7.1
Oct. 11• .j U. P. • &I Co:.
, .
. . - 'Shawls- - -1
..Square. Wool, 11rnelli , nnfl Silk,
J vury handsopie styes, and a.t. ex, mutely low .
K 4.4.4. _ U. , n. 4 Cp.
Oct. 11. .
, i -
. .
• • i •. • .
Helmbold's Galinime Preparations.-
.:, ~...., 1,,,
ireimixdits Ifighly COarCisertlcrce . it.,o7lirMitaii
. . Fliti . 4 * Extract Bachu,l
1. , •
For - Diseases o I th r Ithulder mud Kidneys. legrot pi - sense*.
:ctrictut es AT,'eaknesses and aldthseases Of the S,exual
Organs,, , i -
WhelheJlia?Mate or Fern it , ' f • ', '
frornwhatever rause ;they may have origtrated, and no
matter of how long, eitinding, • -
If yen bare contrinted the-terrible diseasesthieb.wgen
once seated-in thr.syittem. till! surely go down froin nue,
eenerationfo another, u inferred nine the cottit talon And
sapping the eery vitala .edts tiiiidS of ilfe; do not rnst'yourself
In the hand. of Qu, sit o start up every ay in a city
Tike this. Anil fill the !papers with k - raring falsehoods,,too
well calculated to dereire the Young and ;shone Tint nr.
quainted with thelrtrieks. Ton cannot, he too Careful hi
the selection of a rPvietty,trith.Fe Caere; - ; ; •
• The Fluid flet met :Biteitu bag been prenonneedlty emi
nent PliyAcione the greofest remedy erer known.? •It is a
medicineperfc;rily plineant in its tast= and very innocent
in its action, and yet So thorough thatlt gun fitriefrt every
pirtiele o! the rank tind pni mums virus of (this ylreadint
ilisaase: and. unlike; othes retnedics, It ;does notr tlzy; tap
the ditreltett in the hino;I: I ' i
brought nn by s , lr;i ' liuse. a tito•t . teciible. disease, which
has brunght thousands of th'e !suntan rde !to- .otitiniely
graves. nuts tdastini,the hrllljant hope.. ufl
Pilie"th!, ilind
blighting its the hu 0 tlie glieloua ambitfurt r matir wino'
We yonih. can be env+ lb) , thla infelible renietly.,i Ana as
e medicine whieb nrifft benefit' eveiyikidy, prom the rim
ply delicate to the ennfined and , lc.iiitirinig ttitialid,ro
• equat Iv robe found; acting both as a cure 'a'. d prktroneire
•Holtabold's= ighly Conc,ntTato
- Compound Plaid Extract Sars - parilla;
Tor pnrifying the. lik!. removing' all dirteses arising ,
from excesses orttereury. exposure and imarudence in
life. chronic eon stifutional.disease. arising front an Sm.
pure state of the Wood. und the only ieliahlel and' et.
fectual known reined) , for the eure of lter.ofnla, Suit
lfhenm.Scald Head, Ulcerations of the 1 hrott trol Legst.
Paine and of the Bonen, Tetter, Plotpleiron;
the faceoind all4cSly Eruptions of the Skin. - I
This alliele •ii 4 now. preseribed - by silrne of
the most , tistituruisho ['brief:mein the rountry. and ha 3
proved Tneme ellelentia practice than soy preparation Of
Sarsaparilla yet offer e,l to the pub' ie. Several! cases of
feenndary, Syphilisti; tdercorial and Scrofttinue!diseasess
have entirely'recovered in the incurable wards otio , trli üb
liclnetitutinne whmh had ft.r many years resisted every
mode 'of treatment Wild eortid Itedevised. These eft see fur
nish ,trikina examples ofthe salutary ettee' r e ef t', , his '
eine in arresting tome of the most, inveteret diactiSPP al.
ter theglatels were dies*.royed and the bot es at esdy , at.
feeted. • ; •.
NO flcYri —Letter. „ rn rssponslble Physiriart and Pro.:, of several. edictal Oolleio,s, anti les,rti of
cures from I alien ts be found accomitanYingb gh Prep.
Es tract at ttuehn, 81 p i er bottle, •or 6
Bottles for 95 • 4 rttrtrillasatint pr:ce,c nal in strength
to one gallon If i ykrtp*cf Sarsaparilla.
Prepared an 'told by li. T. ILELMBOLI)I, Che'raist, 263
Chesnut St.. nearNtp flint d !louse,, .
. To he had or ACettfurrell, 3lontrose, Pa„attell of Drug. ,
gists and dealers ikyrtvat ere..
All Letters directs #to the Proprietor or. A ti gent retelve.
Immedhtte ettent inn; - 1. I 23yt
& Atio_ss.,q,,c2lds_Pup
..•-uoa9 ZO,
FOICIAI.I. 1855. I '
_II ' BURRI*I7 would'infortn kis frig
- VI • the PuldhL that ho has now ' in s
is receiving a rotliassortment ot Fall anil
Goods jncladingyt great variety ..of R.
Prints in new "styles, Plain and Fantl,D
Plain anti F 4FIF .y lgolviir Cloths, Plain al
lierinoes, ParemOttas l ,, D,O Razes and -1
Dark Rich Ginithi ms, in -Pall- Style
limeade, Plain an.!Pincy Silks: Wool
Cashmere, Cmpo - and Silk
bons - , Bonnets and' rowers; Lsdies CI
- Vetvets for Cloak's -, and ..114ntillas, !Br.?
Cassintere, dte,, 4e . .,.. with a„ larko. Ttsor
'Staple awl Panky, GoOdi as uslat,'ii
flardware t erockire, ;Iron And Steel i PA
-Roots and,Shoesi 11atat .Cluet . r ilfrat.
earpetings, 4.e., with ;a n'ew assofinl ant
ilia TrituminVnltho best_ q uglify.' - 1)(1
to oide . r oxpres=sit Tor, hilt Custom 'grad
all he schl at thelowest figure nr:a trr
`Pit for eash:froities,-dr approved: erOdi
.N. B. - Wool Baek s wanted' "for - 11
highelit irie,k-Vvidf - continuo tkka. paid`
, ond Salt constantly on han4l ' ,' 1
1 N e i v Mil ford , October 1805 •
_ ai orn _
°rang piece on the Gtobe,eannot present; neater
indueertents than
Xx7lllCll now:Tilled with a noir andeztin;
•V sive assortment of articles - in theiiliine,
einhrricing -st general satiOy of., new and elegant
stylasofrissdier Ind -Gentlemen's wear,.iimong
which nre, , Latlies, French,. Silk Lasting and,Yre.
,andt. ssans ..t hld 0 4 a ,, Ki i t ho .,
eat' leatlser,:altd tiOused.Joriny, LlndS,"
arid Ties; k'ehtlethetes ensiles .arid -
oak:tanned - entriskinsaid tip ilsiots;Congroi l i a nd
button:Gait eri",• •Mantetey and Weskit:llton Biagi,
toitei Slips,; Marone°, nalf..l and ; • Cowlside- - .Bras.
• ilans,•Ve• VP;allif and aanlikidi. 4, l l aata.aed"
Brogan kinsisof ;Miami and Children's wear.
Also, a genera ssnrtment of Findings..
sist i n . - . nart•ot last*, ' Ift,inZarlan
th r i pat.: ',pax ..11nottes,,shne'lfindillti
,asrls r -rasps; sandstones. shoo kniyrs. &c.- Also;
ask 4 tail hstnhick , tahlaed,lGUPPar and , solelesth-
Htire,Moroecri skinf ,alO.- I n)na's- - , •
Work made to order an d:relief dsno .
ifentrose"Joise 1 18.53- , - • - "
Stovod Stove* Slovesl _ -
rrtHE subscriber vriehee to eel l_th nttentiona 1.
.1: his friend,. nod this' Public tip., hie very large
aesertraeat of • ' ° , •
_ .
• " STOVES; :
at his'nowStnie ancin in: next to
S;:Lenheire's Stpre; 'atidfie - ar the Grent'n - iia
Detiot. to foimpi Tarp
virtety of Cooking find-Patine Stoves . ; mney new
PAtterns;- finale Of which me 1 , - ez
se Nwhotas; ..- 1. -li4eiclßifitivek,. I • Pire !Ti t
Aforierm Tresr . Jiro/puck, . Medoilios.
[Hack Warrior, ' .• _ Oak. •
Which together 'lra hii former stock still be
erhaps the most extensite and varied assortment
welt heleeted Stoves in the County.:
*** Clinton Stoves well furnished/1i IoF pripes.
.Ei "Alt nrtielem in is line kept ,on hand and
Pde to order as us, and - Orders received tit his
id stand in Great i end. —; - •
-Liidersviite dr; Great Bend, Nov.; i853.=4.1%
Buffalo Robes.
LARGE lilt. or handsome. Rtibes, a Part
.11L them whole, Indian dreamed, end very impe
ior ors'atad quatilr.•
Gibson. ns•t. 11. 1854.
Window Sash.
& 1).. SA YU; having beint '-nppoint6tl
S. agents for inn etensive. Sash; Blind nod
Poor MannfactorY are prepare/1-'ln fairniSh any
artie•le•s in this line at les4- rates than they linve
übtiallylbeeit . : - .•
D .c. 14. • •
SHAVING CRE,All—an article which every
man shOuld try for 4:11e by •• .
-S. 11. & D. SAY RE.
- •
. - Trtlady-ItlaAti Clcithiitg,` ..
VERY desirable stock if ferylnw.prioo
• . S. 11. & D. SAYRZ.
Montrose, .Dec. 14, 1854.: . . f , - •:., - „
.. ..
Doctor ; :. .... -- - , - 1
. . Or, Every ow Ai; owti Physician. : ~i
. 1 ."..... :-• *- -
7. •
~. TIIE 1
-conl :;l i F i l l ' i t ro .T. u
ur if:dit.:o-n.,3/4
,-...,.. • Ei, g iivi,,„„,,Nowi„,,Diseiise+
.., . . 70,. t , . aid Mafformatioue of kheitiii.
... .. , ;;:rin, s. man .sys tent in eeery;shape
~..,2 '.‘,-;.• - 4 1' 1 ari - dlerni - : Tecwhieh is a 4•
, u .f ,,,,,,,,,,,i.,...i- on 'the pi,4.
..1, . . y-p ; . . , /AY eases of. I , males, being ',cif
• Y421 ; a 1 ),5-;; the . highiist importance. to
' • •. ...1 . /.- k,;_;„ An'. married those conk
N o.•
.....0.! .- ..teniplating Marriage. Dy
.. . . ,
.- - • . ,
i : William Young, 111., D.I • -
• -
Let no !tither *be present'a Copy . of
the Aescolapios id his child:. It may save him .
froM an • early groves ...Let no, young man or w -
man miter mkt theneeretobligat ions ofmarriedlife
without reading the l'ott:;ket A eicula pia s.• - Let tar
one suffl•ring from a_lteekuied cough, Pain in'the
.side; restlenighte. nervous feelings, and the
whole train of DyrpePtie sensi tions , ,a ad. given *tp
by their physician;heztfiathermoment withonteon.
trditillg the A ESCULA:P.IUS. ' Have the married,
or those 'abou t t o.he married an y i mpediment„read
this truly useful book; Asir. has been the means of
,saving thousane 4 softinfortunatecreaturesfromthe
very joweof &nth.. • .. .
. .
trr Any persolysencting 1, teenr . irAce c'e . fati:ercr
closed in a letter, will receive' One - copy of:Atio",
work by mail, or five Copies - will be . itent ter' Otis'
'Dollar. '. Address (post pnicitlz• y : ..1
- ' - --1 '
\ ; - ''.. • ' , .DR.AV NI. YOLis (2,1-
. . .
... .. i , No . . 15*prile'e St. ihi itailOpttici:
' . "A\ prilt3th,l.SY-14Y I. '' - . - • - - -1. ':
t. 3 06.
he med.
• \
• •
- •
Great IVatural \belga& fur Intleytstion
and Dyspepsia: •
DR. J. S. ilotrouTOes Pepsin. the true Di-
the first place among alk \ he ,various.remedies
for these , aittrui and tlestruivo complaint s.,
is Nature ' s own speei fi e lor an unhealthy Stom
ach. No art of am can equal \ its curative pow.
ers; and no sufferar from indigestion and Dys
pepsia shfluld fail to try - N .
R' Sold by Abei Tarred; Moritfoss - 13y1.-
. .
•. . , PHILADELPHIA. -:- -, ' a ,\ •-- --'
Impor_tant Announcement.. ,
TTO all persons affllisted w lb sexual iiseasesi S. ch as
Sentinel Weakness: : Impotent:o r titonitorhm*,, oi,eett
Syphilis...te., Ste. The Deward Association ofi intliadel.
phis: laciest . of the toilful desittiCtiott of huniatellte'isid
health, - eatited. Gy N - lilla I diSlolo444l'olllll - . 34 , 0W/oils
Which are practiced upon the unfortunate, etimsofsuch ,
diseases by (Iliac** i- have direeted the noon lilting : ettrieon
as *Charitable Act worthy Or their n ame, to give Nledieal
Advice Gratis. to sit persons thus. alfficted, (Male *et Fe.
male) ecia:;antl in eases of extreme poverty and suffering
to Surat h:Medleine* Freoof Chattel.- - -...---.. ' .• /
The ileword .iS4oelatiOn Is a benevolent fnatlttilinn, es-.
tablished by special endirtneitt.ifor the reffefof the sitrit.
and distressed. a ff licted with ' , ...Virtz ion t anti SpidelnieDis.'. ,
eases," and its funds catobe used for no other ti urposo ..-
- It has now a sniping of means, 'which, the - Director* haiii
voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to Add
that the Association commands the 'highest' MettiLal *kilt
of the age, sad will furnish the most npproveil modern
treatment. Valuable ad ride given, to sick and -nervous re
males. afflicted with abdominal wealtness, Womb ' Coin
plaint: Costiveness, Ltmeorrhtaa, 4 . . --- , • ,- '. - • :
Address' (post-paid,) Dr. Geo. 11. Calhoun. Consulting
Snrgron, iloward Association,No. 2 South SitithStrest,
Philadelphia. Pa. . . _ . :
fly order °Ube Directors, , • , . -- . :: ;
piStt. i D. III: !ULTIMO., President.;
0 to. VA tacniatt,Secretary - ' 22yl
UST received a larfre - lot of Plated Ware,
t) seomiistinz of take haskets, Ctistom,linperi
al and Chamber Camlicstiekst. -" : 1 1 ea Setit, con
sisting of sir piece's extra rich; Cues - and ob. ,
lets; - also,Brittania Ware, viz: -Tea setts, our
five and six piece%) Tort Pots, - .Ctiffeti- Potti,'Can !
dlcstieke, &e. As the'subscriber..bas made ttr
rangements with the manufacturers of the above
goods, lie .is enabled to furnish the. newest -pat
terns at•the lbviest (prieei, and 'ids() CO supply )114
customers with extra or single pietiek. of any ar
ticle in the'above tine. • E.VANS,
, No. Odd Fellowi'
In,gititattert,- Aug./11;
. .
ore And
eh 'Fait
li rtctolitaei. i Flour '4' Fat., POrlis
Meal, Grain. Fred,C , upoles,n d ear snit far pack
iozPork'':'Ciieh'pffdilitDit`tir;Rrfrnd'tfni: `° f:
Ors (Mesia t S'Artiett e i-Puttenda:L-ykon. & Chan -
tiferostore, !‘loittiofits
- • " . " 4 - AT;VRE LD WITT
M0ntr01e.0ct30,1854.,:-$ 4 ? . . •
+ . l..inefi,'_
Id Plaid
0.10 1 5..;
:- lliack
Brock ,e
kb iiibt ,
WA' and
molt. cd"
rnelnlii. , g ,
ids. Oils,
i ROliee,
r )ratovi.s
1 g Made;
In 1,0r3v-:
T.: ..n. DE PEEL *mild: mil - the' atteilt
41 - . •thti pnblia to his Jorge stotticuire - Pty,
' ingraini,,Yettst,TargefYi‘alt nriisVii:Cliil o o.
ingswitick ho halvia" Purefused - ,itt Auvriiitil , ;
and otTers et- lewer:prices- thin! - ever ofreiett tie.';
f ore pin.ths-eouottpand a eikze 'variety; filling
his spacious Comet Iteem ot 'Wog the second
floor of . hts :Cretater}i• -*rid Innso Furnishing
stoni , Mi
-Come ff IMOOIIVi -'d that tkere - is' tio
eaccoilty foihertillotmt. N •.. ,
i .. -,... ,z-, -. 4
* BingbAintort, Oils Bert, 18V8.
kV the
UAL d;. Co.
Pip.tod Wate.
~ aa.3- ssses
rusugump whncr wygourt Josimie4sT
One Sal A. tams.:
in TOSCO" 00
notpaadrtlnn stx tno , a 0, atib aid
ofthe year. No patter tliattiiinnen nnti latreat
gox ato paid, - except af•sbi trittitm et , ti. hid.
'liettera. All corn tattnicAkils ediglittifihrith tl
ItotSee,ttr,insitro atteittion,tottai bv directed (pot,'
'pout) to g. CHASE; Entrit i liOntioah,
I ,4l:iichania County, ' -
• ilfoC. ll
One, sq saie (12{ lines otless) iiiikset2l924,llCl 0
..-Eseh'subseitneittiniseition . -; 02b
Paekaar months, :SA
(lneSqtykiesiiffienthr,' ; . 400
Businesi Cirlis f irour o ne , too
Yeiriv sdiettlietnenti4not tivet4nqualts;l,oo
ofro, e`niunin nee ran ,
}. Yostit:tdratilae r a'w ll LbaxiabicttiAktha
basiziels intsbialvlbaYaraaaPle4 ; 111 1 410 .4100•
sidoreilak atialslV CPl*-teAlath.billf
they skill_ e. s ive,irl# l.2l dilia.t lo !tarat a dia4oitlil:
=re Of th e - • •
• -woulits
vir:krkiiweiheistavingsadetto their I .. et
pontivtaniteriala If; large , and' superior *aloft:
meat or Job ,Tif),e; ar - o' now 'prepared to eseeito
,T6t, Wory m
in' a anaer-uniarimisied thiskaieez
tion reoantry,and Mthe most reiao#a le r 4
-c-nitiiiiitviofavery . deeeriptioalteptcoastastly
band , ori-priateitto order. -
ofitsintss gitttterl.
. . .
• ' 11011;11116,
•, . ,
Great , Rend DePot• Pa.. 4714 11 1 02
ANT, Proprietor. .
utritinows, SPROUT & Co
mire Simians, Elntglicsville.Lyeotning
Springs may be had of 11. S.Witson, Montrose.
Wm. W. glarrirtk Ca.
Cabinet anX.Cliair Afantitsct.ircra. foot Maio
Street.,,notp,e, Pa.. : _ .• 4
Dr. nr.-simrrui,,
iestiit Dentist, liontrose:'Pri.,
Searle's Hetel,Mondsfys and Tuesalys of esik
week. • : I'4l
Dealo,rwin Dry Goods,-Proeeries Hardware,
Crodcery,Doata and shoes,
Pa. - 18 YA •
Attgirasies ILaW--Ofrwelprnu.rly pen.
, .
pied by Llttl'it Sti6eter, Montrose,'Snaque.
'•i artnn Gourity Pa • ' •
, _ .
5.1,3. DAMS;
hanna Depot, P'o. Office over 5..8. West7e
. „ • - .• • -
AlEttiol.i T II RRICLIL _
_MitiTuosE, PA.
_ 7 7.
Deater.lePTPgs,, Medicin e s, Ch , mice!, Dye;
Oils; V4initifkii; Win-
their !itost.
p•iputir Ptttent •
.101.1 T GROVE* "
. - -
ra-Ch ioitable Tailor-8)14p n4der Searles
"Slon;ros!, . •
. . .
DEALER SOyes, Tin t Ccp Ter and Sheet Iron
W t re i lmdersville; nett r Great Bend.DePot.-60
_ • A. l o athrop,
DE.t.t. En: in' Ready ~'"4l;tde Clothifig, ' Mats -and
Cvq. Boots and Shoes, Pry Goods, de.
Z, v 7" Store opposite. Searle's Hotel. Montrose.
J. P. W. liu.rr, •7”.
• Dr. Merit It
TNIttIGGIST, and :CfrEMISI' t mad Dealer in
Daiios; lltcdieines, Chemicals, Dye Stu&
Pantia, Oils„ Window -Class, Campkiss
tYriumery, Yankee NeloasoSte.,
Lodersviilee, ' • -
Pa., wilt - attend faithlolly_te - boaineier -
:trusted to. hitn in the county ,
Of Ba s ignaisina.
CoOveyeneingind syrititig of all kinds sill be
done neatly,. and cbargo tnederater.lle will
also attend to the prosecution of clidinsof
diers, their Widows and heirs against the U.B.
govatnmeni,, for Bounty 'Litnd,Pensionsi&e..
May be found at all hours' at the office formerly
occupied by J. T. Ilieharti,Esq.,: , north of the
Con rt•Ffouse.-1853-n49 -
- m,..-c:_i,TYO4;
. .
„ .
Interested with lat
INPoRTER AND Dzatin in liaraware and
lerv, Carriage Trirnraingsjtprings, &c..
PearrSireet, N. Y.
Where hid, hfereantitii . friends, in 'this and parr
Con ntic Fe, re kindly i rivited, and . eaineilly split i
ed to call, and purchase. •-- n6tf.
With It owe:, W oodruff, - & Carter,
MEnetissts,,NO.l73 Washiqgtip Street
bitween prtlind and Doy Streets, New York.
Mareb r il,.:l§s4--10tf. '
- --- - - - ' IttediOal Card. -
E.. Patrick,- Jr. & 0.--. Z - Dimock hares
.\.,ll..j,thisi day, formed a capartnership,for a mOre
e !len t iMil successful prosecution, ofthe differ.
en - bra profession. , •
l‘ i
1 A I busiheas entrustedto them, will heattea
ded tok, l wlth.promptness and fidelity. '
'Chew Ace - may he found over Lathrop's
Store. -East side Public Avenue. - •
==- \ E. PATRICK, Jr.'
\ 4 ! G. Z. DIMOCK. '
Montrose,` arch 22, 1854. .
- - ' Singleton,
Can now atliisrie* stand
.on Ole!
go street; 2 doorswcrit of Scarlet' 4otel, where
ills - Filth; Watches,
Clock s ., Gans Jeweiry;:and,fverr. deitcriptiOn of
Wheel _cutt ing ,
,Gtott, an,d-,Wateb.
-IfiatCrlaWspyiplicd to titC'trade,—:.st_.
A. & E. Italdwin --- • .
fAY be found in basement \ of Searle's Ile
if 1: lel, 3 doors west from tbe \ eornei. Notis
and aceoirta that ate dues wt WW. be iery *a
eeptable if 'paid seep. • \ .v
Montrose, N0v.28 - ; 1854-47tt
LW. Parstaisi: - .
Wsre, Sofas, Bo4steads; Tal4es,
Chairs, &c. = ' •
Na• 9 Washilititon street, \
, :-Binkhamteitt N. Y. \
*ars-flogin up stsirs...-siit,
it-t . tit U *CR Ell?*
jot:o66oT Atiftilaftr
orEgr i ay. TAM
Co - Itseipitnp - -14reired.
itnd: Choi' - 0
- 13 OUGHT_ at josipreitsfinip irlo i llitflott will 1 4
011 4-ieeiiiitingly " -
- • ; U. suittriowig & Co.
Otbsoti thti - - •
-Varpolll. .
GOOD assortmon n :1 1 0a:sole vkierDl
IV at very tow - 1):?ar Co.
gocti, - •
tA. Liattßor