The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, January 24, 1856, Image 3

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oliii - to ' ' .
lest on the o;uid lmlay',
. vaistn.attlitolUl• ' 2
'NI Monday evening, the 31st tilt., as - the
Fast ElPress T" 1113 ,,, u Pittsburg to Cinciri
•nsii i cl a s turning a -e.urve near Darlington,
l'a, e lfrightinl - Zollision teat place between
•this tilid the freight tram going „E4t, ';The
eollislen eras so - sudden that no time a l.
lolled Ito apply the 44 hreha." - The' buge 10-
contotlives tegieci Upon"-each other sa in des4:
ly ,contli°l, and hiving 'spent their giant'
p o wer lin one onset, i‘stilt together: upon the
:racks complete mass of mins,. The`freight
train i r6eeived competitively little injuries--
not. so with No - tither. The - baggage car
l amed enti;elS through -the first passen ger 43l .-:t`le bottom of 'the fornie! passing just
:lore Ai?. floor .9f.t!trlittter. sweepin . g, in die i
twiukilig 9f:an-ArPt e1f417-est from its place,
Land:e wiling '''PassenglerC *PP , OW/e s
ken piecetkot titatter in• a apace not
1 thong ' for Linte-*caiikAint .conenssion was
felt bntli fesilkeends, it'd all , was still ex
-I:,ept the'ltiirst4xitescapiug ateam. Almost
instantly 'the Atriekg or dying men> %yeti)
beard bove _the neise of the crushed engines
Three r four . -"inlay off to !one side, in the :
T h
, slow , me w broken arum, others with
shatter legs and bruise-1 bodies, cryingin
piercin tones of agony for help, 'Just above
Vs° fro, t end .of second passenger car,
where greavinass of fragments bad been
a,.....e up, tnnee tinvoltraseen, twowf then'
held u ) their legaotheihird showing oat of
~ . h 1
itt, IC 4 -of fttinvbtiVitia-head - and band,
crusli,l, slid llom congestive bloodt,siti liow ..'sleikkir .--
_l' dth 111i-4; tiint Do'liirti - for•aff
<ale. _
1061 . to these. hut, on the other side of the
earls stood *a brave marl--4datthew Kok—
ens 164 brotretoititi Ifis'ilerlii ism held firm
,ees , ,
Is n l atu the 'teary tim'oers of the bottom
of Lbwitggage ca,:resting upon the front of
l )
be : see nd pai,enger ear. , lie uttered no
emn plaint, though his, leg was broken and
his anti literally ground to pieces.; neirly an
bourelkpsed before he could, be released, yet
be slioW.erl'no impatience and lei no groan
3ese" ape hislips. The other two men were al
most equally brave, enduring their 1°11,7, con
fieniput with -remarkable fortitude. The
officers of the.trains, assisted, by some of the
passeniers, exerted almost stilterbutuad-efforts
to extrierte the wounded a nd t, pluce'them
in' the unbroken cam ;_but so, firmly were the
ruins , presseil togethe'r that it was probably
volessi than an hour -before all were. taken
out. The cries of the wounded for pity-I..'cians,
cian;, for water, for warmth., stud for wives
and sifters, were•suiricient_to rend the stout
et4, heir'.
' One poor man, whose t roat had been cut
eitberl by a splinter or by broken glass, was
laid upon the floor of the car, and afterwatds
propp. l, a upert two or three cents, but his 'uf
feringii did not last long—he breathed
• through tgtt cut in his throat for an, hour or
so andi then lay still in death.
il 11 - araung .to ..41n1hors. ... - -.
1 4 : parson in. the .'l.Cnith '.of'.Etigland • was
l l elated .1-. . ' i i 1 '
grail hy.t.,e" praise yes owed on one
of Isla 14erinonsliy..tho delighted . people, and
he reS4lved'-.40 have it „priniert: .ro,,ting to
LoietT, be sought the exoelent Mr. - Bowyer,'
at tha time an eminent puhlitater., Who, kind- -
Iv undeztook to brini our. the pamphlet, and
tiecird io Icno low atty copies -should be
print ' . The clergyman -.replied' : • Why,
sir . , I live ealeulated, as there are atleast 25..
000 perishes in England, and eel) pa. Isli will
certainly. wish :one,eopy, : and many of theni
6001. •
more shat, ...would answer. for the first .
editiOn;, , ..
arrangement being made be returned
and with
, great, impatience waited
reatimpatienee for taw o niontbß, and s
rote to tile imibliiiter for a. statement
with ,
of cconnt. Judge of his astonishment
when te received The account.charging him
r printing 25,000 copies of a ser
mon,l stBs 04 .:-..and giving him • credit
.f.or 17 opies sold, lbs. 1 ss. 6.1., leaving. the
poor Pw.rson in debt to . ' his Pablisber ,784 lbs.
This was a snip so far beyond the; possibility
'of bis i ever paying, ; that he saw utter ruin
,staring him tn. the face, and his own vanity
and folly in supposing tbatevery - mei -would
wait l it l o buy and read a sermon--that had
used the few good -natured people in h'is
own I)`t- `1.., After spending asle.tplor; night
and a;iiother anxiims day, be was relieved .hv
meeiVMg with the next mail the following
letterlfrotiPtbe judicious Mr. Bowyer :.
beg - your pardon for
innoently amasfrig . myself at your expense,
but yot, need not give yourself any uneasi
am..A knew better than you `could ds, the
sztent}of the sale . of single'senricnts, and ac
cordingly piinted but fifty, cOpiei, to "whiCh
YOU are'heartilY welcome in return for the
iiborti I have talen . with You."'
. . ,
/far Te-supertority of American :inven
tive genius, not only 4, over-that of our English
progesitors, but indeed of all other nations
tifitcoute.too tangible to be, disputed.—
It Irs.notdrious at the 'World's , Fair at Low :
•aon, that the An3etics,na far outstripped all
etherilia the useful inventions which :ley .
wopplied. ' We beat the - ,English ""in 'vessels;
'nitre:ids, telegraphs and Maniafactu by
• . ,
,power, "We :we beating them:in the scien-
Ids all
rts of chemistry and kedicine, us_ ace
long liave beat the rest of mankind. A new
and practical proof of thisasseitien is shown
is the l fact that the principle remedies of: the
allied, rtniesof the East are furnished front
theca ; ravily of our own ; countryman:-.Dr,
J.Q.4r.r.n, of Lowoll is filling. orders for itn
taogel quantitiei , of,his cherry . Tectoral and
atliat-tic Pills,for Witt „: the land And sea
forces in Turkey. - ' - ilis. medicines has been.
tried and; a pp rov g f.) . `y those in power silo
lave ipu'nd then t 1 ,4nOst reliable_. which
they !,,ould' procure' for:\ the exigeneies in
which tley'are to be einpice+l.—N. Y City
Times: . . - .
Va'find the' following invortsint- , pgragiliPh
it thelead of, the editing-4 - coltunti of the
Philadelphia Pennsylvaniiln r--
Gc;i ernorlli,,.-a n d James Birthant.
are authorized - by Go Aylvernor- ibajn
Bigler to say that the telegrapbte tiesPtch
Which' was sent over the Uni9n,,and pub
lishedyesten.lay in Philadelphia and -other
cities announcing h
election to: the:United
iolates' Senate, to be A triumph orGen Pie,ree,
,and aidefeat of _James' Buchanan iti'Penarli
nalae; for the. Presidency, is nuquallifiedly.
Senatfoltigler bits been, and is now,
the devot e d and :active frierulet Mr.'33lle.bun
an, and Will sustain, him fOr the Presidency,
With All the en - e - rgy And.intellect.-pf which he
master- preferenceler Mr:- - Ruchinan
- Was known to the demoeratic flietribgll Of the
Lep:Astute; twinel-tentlis,ofwboin sire:)3o - erhan
an wen;"before he received 'the eaneirs' atiini
Tbe Deteptes (lhosou thus car p to
asxt. :'Deliteciat.l4
meets at liariitibiirit "....on :the 4th
_of Ifirat..
seat t o nomi na t e a-Cant Cmitnissionitr, Au-
Surveyor General, and elect dein,
gates' to the Cincinnati Convention, stand.
14 fUr James Buchanat, b for George M.
Dallai - 3 doubiful.
liking ;it) ii iii 2 Asiii.tsfitii. - - ---:7 ioc .`" o kigl6 "
a ea . TreAPO - tident'Of the Ilichhiti (Vit) /?,e-.
pit6fican,lt Citizen Of Sinyth county, Geo, liV.`
Itichardsna,by .name, has for ' set: oral years:
•pest been pUrsued - byi malignant 04 Un
kanwri- fo with the view apparently. mut...,
441:rut:fin what ohject is 'a complete M,Ya:te,t'
. ty.: He has been , *nailed with .; rooks ,:,- fire d
upon, beaten with - it club, and had been stab
betl'acriug the hours Of-darkdeSs; . 'and yet
his escaped with Its life, although ;at tithes
1441 i lajured per aanY Last - auluiner - bisr :
b arn was - set o n um, and his oropi"destrued,
ppolmbly , hy the same- uiysterumselleilly , ',
and recently a package was aent?- to Mc. it.,
- *lrich was found to contain a :large apple;
tint be forebureto taste nittil he hid it exam-.
ined,'and.well for ji. was that be ',lid. so: --f, 9t.
She Apple was thorOughly PoiStmed with 31 '7 ,
seine. t
- Dtiring the last month, while Mr.' 'R.;-was
,visiting a reiative Mariatt.a,aegro left word
forltfm that Ilia limit its-lying danger:Ottsly
ill some three miles dkstant. :I.le - , immediate
ly repaired to he place and found his, : aunt,
petfectly - Well. ncluding that,there was.a
plan ftiway la, im on his return, he deter.:
, unti to rema where he was: Daring tho
' tug it belay wn .to sleep near 'a windo4r,
but. was isf.)o, fterailikened,hy the report of
aidstol, an a siusirt. sepiation of pain in his
repaired, :
face ai,id,,,b d. It was foOudiicovered that
he'had-been. fired - upon. through a brilen
glassiti the window, and that the ball : had
barely, grazed the skin of his head, and lodg
ed in thc:pillovr. This outrage has so great
ly aioned the indignation of the citizens of
Smyth, that ev4ry , conoeivable effort , will . now
be in4de , tti discover the' fiendish authors -of
.these foul designs, - Thitris certainly the - most
remarkablii instance of - persevering 'Stillainly
and ininicirlons presertatioti front death . we
ever heard of. , - - " -
ta". A singular accident took place at. the .
residence of one of our citizens ti day or two
since. Two of the:seicant .girla' on : _retiriog
Rt.night, turned off.the gas - in - -
A-mtmtent after shutting off thelight, one of
the uirls.=found ii -,shoe on or in the bed; and
threw it acroiis the chamber. rim its:flight it
bit the .kcy of the. gasburner and turned it
corepletOy round, letting on full head .of
the . poisonons 'vapor. Net dii.'eovettng the
fow-of-the gas,-t • hOth fell a4leep.
At four o'e 'ate next Morning anoliter
set vant, who sl t. in A. remote part •Of the
bonse, anise t 1 all them, and. attempted. to
light A .1a „).16, go to their room with, but af
ter using up theifel matches site had without
proepring light.:.she abandoned, the attempt
and wentto-their room-in - the dark.... On o
.pening the door; the effect of the vapor • w as
'overpowering.; and had - she carried a light
a terrible explosion and coatlagisation . might
have'eusned. The, t wo . girls were found' t&
moA . in the - agoidek ocdeatt, 40-;.we
that the.rnedical . adt.rier of the family was in
attendance- until nosh that day, constantly. to
work it) his efforts - to .eifiseitate them. -A
singular and peouliar•cause;Rud a Happy es
-cape from terrible consequencett--Buiralo
Republican.- • _ .
k Wnosta,S nmos.—Parcn' n Green is in
the" habit sometime s Of drawing upon ahirrel,
of sermons begceatled him by
. his father,
.who was also, ukninister: . ,Upon one occasion
he, got held ota sermon, by 'mistake, •which
the old gentle Man had once preached to . the
State prison convicts. It opened 'gel!, and
the emigreotiOn were becoming deeply in
terested, when all at once the parson : surpris
ed them with the information that bad it not
ben for the clemency of t,lie•GOvertior, many
of them would have been hungOong
• SENATOR Bint..En. , ----We are informed . that,
'a number of the principal stockholders and
others interested in • the Sunhory and
.I"tailitt'ad; in view of the election to : the Nni
ted -States Senate
. of President Bigler, Waited
'upon tint and. expre. -their .desire that the
-.Cotuttany kbottld nut thereby lose his services.
:lie replied that he would endeavor to contin
ue the penfortnance of his railroad duties as
President, hestowing upon it all the time not
:required by the Public business, at Washing
ton.. - -
Disco:muscly:a & Qiivost.--r" I was once
-opening 4 Speech - -from the stomp,", said a
distinguished western-political orator to us
recently, "and was just , beginning to be warm
with wyjsubject, When a retnarkably 'clear
andevieliberate voice spoke out behind me,
haying,: ! •:. • •
ties% he i wouldn't talk qtf4e ro hifaluti
natio' if he : knew thaihis ttuiwiers was bu'st
From that 'moment I couldn't .t
Th . people in front began to laugh, and there
*as a loull mar in my rear, mil I dared not
reverse pOsition for fear of-having a new
audience of my condition. I
,Onde, rather
invented an excuse for delay, , sae down.
The u3aliciotis scoundrel r confirmed ihe- or
ator; It was ionly a mean trick, after all
irsm-ndthing tinder heaven. the Matter
with my unmentionables!"
77ti , Saviorkunno 'County reacher', At&
cialiem will. meet af New Ilfilford
. on Satur
day the 2tutilf Feb., next, at lLeelock P. M.
:,.ty.oidefaiiie Executive Coimni tiee;
"A: Fstival for" the benefit of St. Andrews
Episnotkid.Churelt, be held
tionse of Spencer tlickoi on Thur-day
eve'nifig January, 21ist.
Supper will be served from seven till nine
o'eloek.and every exertion made .to render it
diserving_ of patronage.
Springville Tan. 22d. 1856.
The fiends. of Rev. A. o. ,. .Warren will
maie a.lDonation.visit for his henefit at - Un
ion Hall in ;Jarful4i on the aft4rnoon and ere
a Feb. 2d 1850.- A . tordial ifivitation is e.x all. '- (Per ordeiof ..committee.)
Lenox,lan. 10th, Mrs: Icy 13.; wife of
130; aged 41 years.
is thu s removed from earth in
the Tery nlidst of her us fulness: She was an.
affecticiria`le'exanPanion and mother. a gene'''.
Otis and-ktifd nelittbey;l3er.praise was , up :
on every_titnei - She bore her sickness with
fortitude and rt:vignntion, 'flied in h ope
of a blessed innnortality. Elhe;willi)e deeply
mourned ; II friends and all who.: knew • her,
bet, their:lose could not retainl
She t 13Ies4ed are the „dead .1,44
persereo,Activirittimpkt( ! vir ;over , attic-
XTotwithstsmding a 4estruitivi f ru, an Exten.: ,
IN tire ltraa, and - ,ltielimontlea ele.kneaea l
iias ,
completed file-New Btic - k Alton"; .(bnilt tp;
OTt the same ground ;oeinpled 4 3 e,i MC- former
,15 1 041}kit weesenanawk br;;Strit;-$Oll ie the_
NosrUl:4l-Bioxtic into ethietrint ',4*silrevioveP
insi,clll:44 goOde,
WaitArpnmpatropis. , An entirely awar.andenteM
sircrinstirtmentoripnfismill soenthe , added _to ,
. ..preert, atoek..- The patronage er Ike .pnb.
1 16 iiit , b4ted; ilinnesureace g the inter
est of pttrebannis shall be proistoto* , •
MmU, oll et 410 . 7 : 24 ; •
'tglia i i 4 tttilk,f.4 - I . o4Xle6ge
VLETENTiI Ed4lon, alolh, 30pa„,, , res,
.111'15colored engraving representing , all the
diseases of the genital-orgies of 'the :male-and
female, with the lidest,*discoveries_ le;ruirrcidue;
tiOb.,f,- The afflicted ehotild use - no retiediek _hes
fire,: learning from this iiinable work' the Sulk , .
tiority of the, aUther s S - Pails add -
_Landau .treaP.
rri,ent. of-private diseases .:: Botlimatried and" sin
glealiould consult-it; ' Said' at N). 11•29
and mailed - free tot $l, by_ the anthor; 14
and. Surgeon.. No. 42'
:,Iteade - Street,"corner; Ot) 'Broildway, where lie
.r.ureardi those tliseimes, fa ion 11 31; till 21'.
.111., and 6 . t0 9 in-the evening, Sundaya. except--
44; Address all letters, Box No. 844 New York
Post 'office.' Wo..eilneur with the other peers
in recommenyling Dr..LAILIIONT te, th••-•afliet.
Eicas (hag.' Slaws -Zritunc,
erot, AiN Eluiut, Courier, ilil . tu rd .
NeW'llruneurick rime*. °
Jan. 9 . 9‘; 11186.-40:
irinanTE. • •
W:11:‘ btilioirl tha preinjaes ct
Aicribei"-in-Soutll),tiridgewater, .tor Sottir.
duy 1 1 .1141 oj'l'l4.yrnaV next,' at *entluo,
Cows{ In •raiS. old Steers,, black
31nre,12:ono horse wad s, cotter, , harneks dm,
12:tonm of hay and otlici ivles too
to mention. Terms c. 0611. a. "to cominentie
At. to O'clock. - - •
:91511.10N. TYLER....
- ' • -
* .
Norarots,.l Rotaxy. rlaning: -Ma
-• I •
tr n F e Tr or T it oiil .. te rittn ßi i g it h ir tn
Y Y , Tpnguing
and Gnu9iiittg. Bfaithint;, Rota r y ; hoar& and plank, un
der the' Noreronn Patent. •. Also; the attachment
of •Vtei Moulding Machine, which
. wiW:work
whole bonni into mouldingn nt one.ppertition.—
This patent ha. 4 been tried, and decided in.iite;
Bupreni, Court itk :Warltinuton. to be no in
. friniz :
entent, r „
being superior., to Woodwortit's
thine. . ,
.. Itpplj to .14X DALE; 'Willow Street, 'above
Terclltit, Philadelphia, where . the Niachiben can
be seeni in - operation. E. W. CARR, Agent.
• r 4m3. - •
IT is!nti 41141 and true snyitigitiut short crcd.
iig tiinke king friends in view. of that fact we
Wmilp i pll the attention of those intielded to us
ItR we.viimii, to have our tuatte•.rs arranged to the
sitekfacto , n OF , ALL coneerned. S,) gentlemen
will plen , e call and Reit (! old accounts and open
new otitis if you what, wr waut giur • pay in order
to'do.juktiee to those we owe. Nlvw,gentlemen,
don't foiget - usfor we uhall not you.
VITIOIOLESAILE _Dealers in &Mons
V I Combs, Suspenders. Threads. Pane;
Goodc, ..%I'atehes,:-Jeweliv. Silver and-Plated
Ware, I.fullery,:nshiny TniUe, ,Cigars, &c., &e.
Iferehimts and :Peddlers • sopplio.i on. liberal
WM 1141 - DEN, • T R A 11:7,
"Nor Art-Refuses te.Ceurt . .the
Oix.cE mere n bright new year.
f.With.its' blessings and it cheer . ,
We have gladly Welcomed. here.
Now, as your plans you fix, - •
And eta earnestly, you mix •
In the scenes of Viy • • -
I'lea'c give yoursrlves the, pleasure,
At yOur earliest hour of l'eisiire, , •
• Of securing such a tress ore.
Au Deans; the.'" Man of Facei,'.' •
With a sunlight' pencil traces! • `•
And, to sUlt your •t.noy,,platics ; 41
Iu Lis neatly finished C3ReS. . -
61 till to-morrow . .
WaiOnot.forvam furrow
come with age and morn)* ; • i •
-But ; let. the,.. Artist tiike, you • •
Ere yontli's warm glow forsake you; •
And a eopy true he'll make you. • . •
The Once *here th 6 Can be done to perfection
(l'io'donbt - you. have bectl, tlue'e before) ,
IN (rm Aure you cannot in:lst:die the direction)
. At- . 0,14 pellow's.hial!, second floor.
New Tear Has Come.
AN'DWociruir & Ehired keep receiving new
StovCsi now Stock, and a great many new
articles. Which ..we think cant help hut please
those wishing to pureha4e any thing in our line
of ImSincio. We would call particular attent
ion toe ve'ry , large lulavy elevated oven ••
which is one half heavier and nne third tnrger
thin those Anld by. pedlars,. 'which 1 we will s . ell
for a less:Prier. and warrant ., in every res'peet.—
PlT•rise ran and eimintne. We are. prepared to
accounnodste our,
,eustoniers with any thing in
our line or hirtin.egs, with as fair an article and
at ail low .prices as any shop this side of the lea
eifie ocean. All Job work attended - to with
preniptneSu and fidelity.
• -
Gash paid for F'nr and Peits..
TElE'Firm of A. & Itsldwin in the Sad
' die a n d - Harness Bu•;dnesti is this day dis,
eked by Mutual consent. Notes and is-mounts
that-are due us must be paid soon. The btosi
ness will be continued by G. F. Fordham and E.
.A. Smith & Co., who are fully competent to do
alt kinds of work entrusted to them in theii H ij e
of Business:• A.
Alontrese,' Jan: 1,1856.--3 m...
Attention at Some.
DERSIGIIED would rcipect..
fUlly inform the citizens of .Dirnna and
the stir:minding counfry, that he'_hau opened a
store at DimoCk four corners, where ho intend
keepingeimstintlr on hnwl.a gcotd .and .w,ll
kilted ussortment of Dry Goods4Grocerfei, Marti
Ware, Ciockery, nod. all kin& of Merchandise,
tisually:lept in a. enuntry !tore, wi)-icli; he will
sell as lutv,if not !Over; than any other r:tatablish
mot hi • Northdr6 Vennsylvania, .Montrose not
exeepted.' ,.- Geotletnen and Larlies giro me-a
call. and examine my - stock of Goods; and my
prireal You I,•ill:save at.lenut some miles tray. .
-el and perhaps from ten
.40, fifteen - Mutts on ev.
try dollar vou pay out: • A good: assortment o f
Re'ady - Made clothing kept - el-m.0301f On lot&
All, kinds oreounty prodUcc taken iu exchange
for GOO& at •the Market price. •
- • ‘V3I. IT. THAYER.
Ditnoek, Jan. 15;1855.—y1.. . if-
- 1 1 4*,xEr KstrEs.--4 good assortment'of the
hest kind la market. Ahto Table Kiiives and
Sroo:ts.-Str.vEtt.Sitver MOM,Germ3n Silver
Albrats and Britsnia-warn Sjirions.: ` Also all
kinds of Batteri{nives. . ,
vi owg STaiita g , Bowe s , an d ail the. fixtures,
Aezordeona, Antes, Timing - Fork., &e:
nein Uniirs,Fluid,Cainpliene.; Candles Lamp
ni fi ty GitoctiEs.—A full assortment, n ew.
and;good. /
Datras'anii PATENT 3fainctirEs.-.-A first rate
aseirtine end genuine. •
ftiijara AND
OILS.—A general rssecrinent,
.I,istripay; - -AAptendid,variely, of the neatest
' . •
. favor. Gone -.-IStoarly , everything in this
Pence to*r:=A choice. variety-
stew ettppliee received: nearly . evefy 'week)
in , abort4 nearly eYerYti?ing Persona want; 4nd
iheisp, at the . Variety stop of •
Montrose io 1856.
New intef Beets and fros.Oet apdfoe . ale
11, ebtaP ic il4n•Orel by • Y .
A. 41k.10VILEY..'
1 44 •
. _
. ,
sui. SUBSCRIBERS hiving takei the Store
and . purchatied the - Stock of OOO OS of
T.' Amer, are p re paredtb•seil for' Rezak Pay
OF •=
oßir poops,—
- attopERJE, . - • • .
• . HARDWARE. • . ,
At such prices as (they think) cannot fail to give
entire satisfaction to all who may favor them
with their patronage. •
All kinds of produce 'taken In exchange for
A. dr. 3. . R. ASHLEY.
BrooklYn, Nov. 13, 1855.
.BURRETT has noiv,to store and is reeeir.
'lug. si,large including
and National. elevated oven,
I Thaek4over. Wide World and • Paragon. Large
Oven, to which ho. wool, invite.particular attention'
'as the best Cookint Stoves in Market, with . a . so
pe rior assort men t of ParlorPffice ntstS lop stoves
for• Wood or Coal, also StoVe Pipe, Zinc, Sheet-
Iron, Stoves Tubes, &e:, , •
s - This stock isselected from Ott best foundries
'cf Albany and Utica for easlr with the best quanti
ty of Trimming's mudo:to order for his custom
• trade, whieh will enable him in alt respects to
- ,,,i m p e t,ii„e' en a will b e eolct at the most reduemt
rives for cash or 12
. Now MilfoidOet. 1851 . ,
- 114 - IDWARD PRIEST, (late Nelson & Priest)
loarina:,purellase f il the ;Interest of my..late
partner, TM: . - Nelson.) and preparatory to further
changes, in the business:, I Offer the entire stork
nou'r:in store at a 1
From. 10 to 20 per centfrom. previous prie e s:.:—.
P-urchisers will find at. the 'corner tittire, l.a Fay
etet: Block '
Gnat infarceptcn-fs
Shirtingi'and sheetings, "wide, from 5 ets.
-to as.: Prints from 4 ets. to.3s.t. English Prints,
rd. wide, Is.; Do tainns frept 10 ets. to 64.; Al
ime.ts and I'ars-nett:ls front Is, to 6...; Lttpin's
I.reneli Merinos, from 7 foi Is; .\Vaolt n Plaids,
front 10ets to 1:44 C010rt.,4 - 11Plaid and Black silk,
'iron -1.4. to $2. a yard: • y •
and Embroideries Laces - •
At very low prices, CollarS, iron Gets. to $8;
Croier.Sleeves, Handkerchiefs &e. at all prit‘es,
tine French Sets? Ilortitoo Collars die. A - great
variety of Laces, froin the cheapest Cotton to
the real-Vailenciette Tlire n ail and Girupure.
Rirh Dress Trinunings '
. - - •— ,
Plaid, Brodie, Cashmere and Stella SIIAWLS,
ei ll ,hin er e, Guld Bordered: and. Brhohe Segfa,
)lisses Long Shawls and Gentleman's igatirs,
tlothsi:Cassimere.i. satinetia, Tweetl4, Kentucky
Jeans, Sheeps.Grey; Vestings, &c., at. every va.
riety of prices, . . -
•,14,7" Call•and see the ettetisive asso rtment of
Trunks, Carpet -Bags and 'Valises, for they are
receivnd iireet from the manufacturer , and are
to ho so at the very lowest Prices! ' • • •
N. R. .ny quantity of socks, Woolen Yarn
~. -
' rPelg wan E te D d ‘..V!ARD PRIEST, ' -
and Rag
Come ourt & Water Sts., opposite Auieri.
earl note , '. .
Nov.ltmghanitiin, N. Y., .1, 1855.
New Goods Chop for Cash.
. OTT has just received another lot of
G e New .G.lods, such its Challis. Barre De
Lains„ De Baaus,Ginehark Collars, Emlidery.
letwns, &e., B.C. WHICH RE 'OFFERS AT VER • LOW
PRICE'S. SUMMER SHAWLS, a now lot just.
treecived—beautiful patterns at very low priees,:
asfoir as ihe -
Jnue 13
, . .
Holiday..Riesents. : .. - ,
TAIA MOND Finger Rings and Breastpins from'
;.I.f $8 to $60.1 AJ. EVANS.
No. 2,'CkidiFeßoa's' Hall. - . -
Binghamton, Dec. 20, 1855. ' " - •
EARRINGS—GoId Stone, Cameo, Monnic,
Coral, Jet, and all gold e i arrings,in variety of pat
tern and price. ' •' ' ; . •
SILVER WARE,--einirprisint every article
in use. viz:- Spoons, Porka, Napkin Rings, Cant
Case, Pie, Cake, Fruit Dud Butter knives, Cups,
Sunp Ladles, dtr., &c., warranted
.aa good . -as
coin. •
GOLD CHAINS •,-A large steel:, varipne pat
tern*, and rill v.-eightii. • .
Plated Cake Basket.q, Castotn, C.indiestiekrt,
'Forkli,tiponng: Tex Isetts,' &e.. Plated. -table
atirtDt;sert - .Kitives. Another large addition tcs
WV !mner stock. - • H
• - GOLD SPECTACLES—AII ages,Conrcx and
Concave. Gold pens, sleeve Buttons, 'etuds,Thim
bles,•Crosses, jCeys, Seek Slides,
WATCH —A very' fine assorttnent of Gold
and.silver Watches, !hinting and Main. from $9
0 . $425, by •
• • , A.I. EVANS. .
13inxhamton, N. V. . . :. • • r ' .
: Pine Wooled •Slieeifor.Sale.
THE Subserib9rs offer for sale 300 French
Merino Ewes, 4 years old, and under: They
have been bred by ourselves .with great., care for
Many years and are • a very'superior lot, averag
ing the past year, four pousid.s of wool per head,
%% lid : s old for 40 cents per pound this year.—
And, also. I French Merino Buck, 2:years old,.
bred by F. M. Roteh, from imported stock.
We will also sell our Grist and Saw , Mill,
both in good repair.'with n House and three
acres of laud adjoining: They will be sold cheap
and on rasonable. terms. •
Also, a g ood D.Liry farm . adjoining the above,
? tit' tw o hundred and twenty acres.
Itierris, Otsego G 1. ,: N. Y.,•Jzt n; 2. 1856.
Administrator's - Notice.
Njotic;e is hereby :given that tetteti.of Aminis•
11 traijon have be . eo granted to the . sulm.ribers
upon the' estate 'of , A bet . glee, late of liarfo - rd.
dyeeosetr All peri:oris indebtA to said estate'
will pletiase make iminediate settlement, and all
persons )taving demands will present duly Mies.
ted to - tfa. 7 AAIHOT CAR.PEN PER.
rill FIE Subscriber is now rtieeivint, ti well se
_lL leeted assortment of Pry .Giiikls,,Grocerie:=,
Fish; Hardware, Crockerv„lten4Y;Stollo Clothing,
Hats, Bonnets, (# splendid assortment,) NAIA,
Paints, Oils, Dye l ptufrs, Yacibee Notions, in fact,
almost • everythint nanatiy imbed for at, a &tun
try Store, ineltulOg Flour, Salt and Meal, aft of
- which he is desirous Of 'selling (or Cad, or any
kind of Pitiner's Jile*ehantafr PiOduce, or on
good . approved - . Short :Credit- ili9 friends- are
most respeetfull V invited
. to give hint 01. mid
he will elitist! that, tke Ettebaik,!e is the
plaee-for 'farmers : ta trade. tiig,hes price
paid, in.eash. for Buttes. - .-
-. •
Great Exhibition in :Spri ngv i lle.
Ili .
atntost evei7utvle,and•quality,lineh as will he
awe t o pl ease:la d accoiamodate aii classes of
people=fiiiin the child:in the,cradle to -the old
and decrepit. - "These (roods are I:Knight:on the
manettv.nrable auras, ;ad mill be sold aceording.-, ,
w. Please give us a call and We will try to Sari,
ply all your wants in-the line a GOODS 'pray . '
kept in 'n country Store. You need - -ant te
New -;fork for any thing You 'want, because - We
hava‘thein fresh
,froin the.Citt. - • I -
' - A:".TMIRpT.:I4'
Hurford Dec. 31. 1865.-.-wfi• Adtdrs.
Boort NsON, & CO.
BlainVillop Mar 0,1055 1 ,
_ _
i I-. -- . -7-- - ...-----, - .., --..--, '-,-7 :...,•-',.. :
11Sitt`iihiretlUtekii = ' • I iiii4g*Ai:n;
- iitENTI
Oig ilnd after Tharadit, I:lee.'6. ~ 1855, the
I Anil 'Passenger Train Will leaVeSerattlien,
at'll.oo A. 31:- ), ~ - ; :. • •••-: .4 . ,:iii-
Ne at Great' Bend at 2,104.114;.. . . ..1.: l= , l- "
tenneeting with the Dunklik e lreas Tiai - ii
wes4 and the NewA:ork t%ii - Oit'' a4,.' or, l PO
N;',. V. ik. E. R. R.. Plesengits tail 4, this irain
will ti•rive in Dunkirloat i1.13 . p. m . . - and iii New`
i'vic ni 11.15 p. in .: . t _- ;; af
- ''- ' .- '''.' ------ . '
' Return, will leave Gre t Bnd at a p.'-rn ~due
at'Seranten 5.50 PL. id. ' , ' ' • ~-,, - ,
. 1 1 ”) Freight-A=omm° ation Train. withikini.•
anger car attached, wilt il part froir! Sernatnwat
1.00; P. a., connecting wi# th,e.lierrein bound
West, and - the . ' Night ' ifireali "Train's both
E4siand West. tr' ' ; ' .-.‘ = ' • "
Tainiesigers • toking.thia Train _end , the Night
Esqipso East, will 'orris? in Noir York "at 10 5'
- By-taking . the Night F,xpreita ,West, will
arrive-in Dunkirk .ot
,•Or by biking the
West, will arrivo in Dunkirk . at 0. 45
p. m. •
'Rkurninr w il l deport from •Great Bend at
_ :impart DOM
7.00 A. M. and arrive at Scranten t
Singes will be in waiting on thearrivat,of Pas,
Roger Trains at Scratiton,A6 eonrey passengers
tr; Carbondale; *Pittston, Vitites i ttarre, Philadel
phia Vi 4 the Rending R: andall other
intermediate places.'
11 H. tcgnErt,.
Sap% Offi'ee, Scranton, -
• r Inv 6,-1855 (• stt" - •
• ',7VA, , ' For tho 'Holidays. - :
Ldl,. ~
LEANT piece 4 f r 1 remembrances. , f
the G llolidays. , PaParn Stattmry; rancy . Pie or ,
res - and_lams, Terri Cot i
-I- in-n variety of - bean. ,
tifa I articles, Hishben;.wiiremin itariellS' &signs,.
also elegant • Dresden atd !Prone!, China now •
open , fur inspection at ' , J. 11.1)E PELPS.
Binghamton, Dec. 2P i 1855. , - - -
FANCY Bi r 4SKET,S. -7: .
. .
&largo variety atm IWork stanils with Das
keti, Reticules Sze. at lojw priers.
Ladies Reticules. Port, lfo'nnaietk,eleg,antlittr
ses,land new styles of Saeeliuls
' !" 1. 11. DE l'Etr:-
Come one, come all' and your Wants shall . be
gratified from a penny to iiellars in "mire . from
qtir lame stock of Toys'lwhieh are nose:offered at
t .1
• ' • .- 1
housekeepers treat y urseives to a Now,years
Protein., with one Orlhelteautiful ietts of Cold
Pall i d or Decorated Ciritia now on exhibition at.
htlett's. A. really substantial Oft oft -to he re
, membeied in a social spay. Will you not act
upor the stiggertiart and seleittatqhe Croeliery .
andf house Fitrnisliing itore; bv -
1.11. DE PEEL
Binghamton, Dec. 20, 1855. • T
Fritz! FIRE FIRE!! •
The undersigned *as
COMPANY, of Hirridt
has capital of
It - is as safe - a ridcheal
the:State and insures
plan. BILLIt
Montrose, 0ct..,9; 18;
We the undesigned I
dodo bn 4iiiexs with the
are;are satisfied thatjt
In"9tar, experience wel
en a premin
F. M. Williams.
D. D. Warner.
'Orlimdg Eldridge.
4 . .
• NOTICE. • 4 -
BALED Proposals will bo received ot the,' office in 31ontroc until
Monday the fourth dity of February A..D.
1856 for,the of •ti Bridge over the
Wralusing Creek' in Rush township, near the .
house of N. D. Snyder,lsaid Bridge built
in ri goUd and workthltdike Manner, in'all re.
apect:s similar, to the•ntivt• Bridge just completed
over the same stream, pear 11. 3. Champions; in
'said townsitip,•and to b coinpleted on or before
Ithe,firat Monday of November Court 1856. The
!Plan and Specifications will liemarlo SO as. to be
seen at the Cantiiissioncae office in dne time.
! , . .•jA. CARPENTER,' •
• • W. .
Wm. T. CASE,.
- , • ; • Commissiciners* .
Attest—Was. A. CROSOIAN, Clerk. -
'Coinmissioners' Office, Montrose, j - • '•••
• December 3d, .
•• -43w9
Q:TEE[: Squares--A large and superor assort
:o merit at low price,. .
Guss—Single and doirlde barrel!, nll, prices:
Watrs.from 25ets lip: Sash Cord, Rope flal
_044, Chalk Linos, &L.., Wrought Nails, ali,sizek
Gimblet pointed Serews, n are assortment; at
A T BELL & TINGLEY'S. , A large aiid
Lll. well - selected lot ler. Crothery and 'Gloss
ware just. reeeived. , Alio 1 a oehr lot of- Teas
'which we are selling eheaP,V:
OATS wanted at 50 cents 'per boihel.eails or
uncle by BELL & TINGLEY.
nopboltstrt. Dec. 1. 1805.
Avid Nu ll 0,0 Come.
Book every - week.L Old'Santa Claus is,
round yet and will:be• 1 1111 after listew Years:
sn-please prepare fer hiin bV calling at the Past
otlice where you can get now, entertaining 'and
-useful hooks, cheap. " • •
The fluotere Feast:, or,Conversations around
the Camp Fire, Kate NlTstrin 'or to Will' and,;tfi
'Do; Ten Years among{ thfi Mail itigs; Family
Pa.stimes or home made forthe road
or Claude Duval Etc., Pi•teiParleys'aew tniver:
sal boOks,Mrs..Leslies„ Crewee
and lia!es New CookbOoktlotc:, and runny' (dh:
era I end mention here, but can' show - them to
on if you will call, and "s Willem low :for the.
Ready. u-;
- • 1N BULLARD..
• .
Montrose Pee. 26,1 855. I . • : . . •.• • '
riviE subscriber is in constant receipt of New
Uivuis, in his line of business; nearly every
'week. The public will awl his assoittneut• No I,
and hiis articles new and of Igen(' quality. ,The
stock consists as usnal or
Drugs, Medicines, Oils,
Dye-Stuiti; Oioieries, . • , -•
Fancy-0004 Ipw el ry,
. ' , ' . ' I ABEL TURRELI 4 t.
Montrose, Jan. 0,1056.
• Terrible ACiident - '-'
TirAPPENED to 15t, 0 ,en the other:daV.-- , `
i t
,1 - _,L He had bought a suit f re a dy-made clothes
at the . Store , and the first a. rif wearing the a&
eident oceurred, Flint. o f_ rapt hia rila, I
the , mere force of speeific avity, giving , in' un
foittinate roan the , appemneo of a - badly trimmed
craft with the flying jib: in the 'genii': and on
stooping over to pick up the remnanicthe drenci-I
ful casualty took place--the fountains' nr-ttio,
p aI
grestideep were brokenp ' reen's pan t 's were
suCdered froth ankle - to Wei t, and( 4 ,treeti.hlifisidt
:.seemed-to be. The only . Ay Ili prevent such
deplorable aleidents Is to patronize-a skillfuttUt.:
la!, who makes bp his woilitirith 4 : a= detcrmins;
Linn that it *hall , net otili t' 'neatly, but - Went
well.- ' Greettlbnys'at; the - r.lnthing stori NC:lOlM
b° thinks lie ean get 'his gearing's lillle elnialior:'
inl,alt brobability,the pants (that.
,served - hitn!sw
treacherously had l itassOd throdghafever;knapil
'tat, been striped from tichatorn patient; estrieds
home eight. nights inlths week on: a ahntttir;Aillit
'finally.bleached snit Nttried by *a
_ ia.
ti t
'Filatiebraait - f4 - ii atarket`let'tko couritryi,,,TA
warning' by poor Groan,' m shap, ' nnd ;g4. :to* .ik:
'tailor aftoplike -- that:lo 4 , - meat of 00,414,
Hotel If you want 101144., 111.. - -.. , :'/.:'. 1 ,, .
' `'Fir Catt(ng, di,>ne..l46Sust:' ilia ill - iialiC%iiii.;'
• innt*d. ... ' :' l ' . : - . -, :-• 'I - , - 4,4Mri GROVES. - '
-- Stintrtoiti Aug. tt p 'Sit } - -' • :
: -
.een appointed an , nvnt
arg; Na.' Sald company
a, company •as .any in
the Stock. and. mutual
I ereby state that wo hate
boye eoinp:inyi . and we
s both safe and cheap.—
:ice. never known any ati.
note. : ' . , • •• .'
Wm. jes‘up.
F; B. Chandler.
B. Chose.
ItOWALtiallgeMentit c .tilirftorfir'
:- ' . ' . HARZ! TARE 6 Y .T6.1t.g1. 7 .
111 . _ *: - GREGICItiI 'I4f:JUbsON timmi,
NA - . havinileiined'i'eii:pirtii . iialtfp - riir the
" Hardy iA - i/ttc*l „ t iq t
sit its VttfonS
l tobltiiveo l a B Pitto.i V9r k , ccen the pepCetailehanzy the
- they are tkow ekning;at„Creit'll o- fitim
'PP D Ailighanelatelisow*lnf t frZtb
an itedockittfAidittate-ikettiefteredin gltl,V
hatntoik....;37 -., '” 1. -- f';?: -'........,:.: --= ,t,---,.r:•, ....,„ --- 1 .- : ,-..,
ill , ~„, ,;‘,...„.?„..,
,-, , 7 . -: t: ~_r _ ..„- ....- r ' • 4.
.;:.:.• ......,,•
7114 frit:l4,47`fill r 4kg and& tbklytpitliAlit
t r i g i O'' ' 2 , 46 t 4 t , Sutchisetitti4iAlitt. , :i4o*
rectt4#,, tl;eqa -.and - 4rilt ltif
C 1 0 5 !! 1 1 Other;gaiiiituttint, ,
low4:4aol l *rituo*VelitelikkierMa
these. iiSlirrtg, to "aril - dee - are incited - to - calt:—:'
Thehililtittst a fx#4 . dt!afiWe ,- 10114Ing ar,
ticks, triz:—Tabre:kinves" arid' foikS; Tea 'do.,
gaITF.A i'V't.klitila,`-51-4.10-i'.p.,,, "ettd
,pneket i knives,
hreakatutbitehei-,404 hey., and ititraw de.;::icii
-sorsi-aheare,attairszera; britennla lii and ergr.4,).
poi:4-'l'4Wl 'and' brit'annia tea- and:, table laptoons,
~- 0 10444,IiiiiiKiitot iepn. candlstleks; sniff;
fere and ir4ya,itelite taiipa, lard{ and' attgpended
• lamps, tnantle-Piced ornaments brais awl Aron .
andirotiA, sh Oats' xnsl tongs; •at4.i.`,.. - - ,-
„ ‘ Leelang...Glaises,;arid : leoltimi , glass plates, to=
g uther w ith :a genehtl- ;martins:fit - .tif.hotupteep.
ling artielea. , .. •-'
- , '
lIOITST TRIM:1111GS, ' -•
consistm,r, of i lock, hitches, butts, screwtr, brad
nails, lofts, patent Window springs, blind lasCri
, ings i ttititter ss.trews, and fastenings, &c..:- . -- ,
. A genet:Ll a--ofortment of tooli for:-carpenters
and Join6.ll4:Catine.Cand : Wagim Makers, Ittasens.
iind bilekantitim, tensistin 2 (4i:dance, saws, hatM
mers, hatchets, axes, adze; chisels, augersotuger
hittilnad bellow' ini,gers, fttivil,s: Bellows; vices,
patent. drill nimbini..s,' Sledges, 'stone hammers,
1 brick and Maatoring.tEpuuts e+a-euti mill .and
1 - cirollarliervi;' - I." ' '-•*:
1 - A'SPfkairraikertrrient . of Saddle and'Harness'_
inakerst toolsand trimmings.' 1.... TY,
,' FARMING TOOLS, -- .. ::-- ~
~c on4oli, g :or sluivels:spades, fOrs,rakcs,scitherk
Ira in ci:adlee",lineS, - pick ares„lren:.barS,•grind
i _ Also; Afipnts'ior' the. sale-iof ,Vihitteiriern.,
I .i 3 i 1 1 1 lits 3&, c..s,A g rii•nlittral torils,sm..hasidowe;
hay and AtaW' 'after's, cornishellers, &e: ''.- '"
Sole and.....,...1iw leathei t .t.tuerocco and:shoe
I' triniminp, with.ll gv;l6ral a Aso rtm Oft tile findiag,
1 Woadon"
_warn,, willow eradlesi wagons, -chairs
I and baskets of alt,deScriptione. f'
,- .' -.'' - .
1 .Bar iron and Otel, iron axiesiandsl eel'springs
; malleable ca4tings, coach lace anti trimmings of
iall kirtd4, paints, oils; sash, gtaSs, patty; &c., all
of.which will be sold at the loWest rates. Please
i call and examine the stock for,foursefros.
1 . Binghamtim' s March -I, 1865: - . .
Tht MAtihsittair Fir©
• , • • Office N0.:58 rOai&Sireet.
.. •
,CAPITAL,,. :-
InSUres buildings, Merchandise, Furn;ture,Ve
kwls in - Port
,andificir Cargoes,- and other Proper
t', airaiiiStioss or , - damacre by fire. ' . -
PI EpToas.—Na thani el . ichardS, Samuel-P.
D. MI pip n, %Vitt
: . r %V. Foi.;S'idiCey Mition;.EtiAit 4
Rigg3, It. J.A. Loot T,hos. Barron, gusset .11. Nei;,
ins,Aug,.l IL- Ward, Mosei 'NO Jahn Stem(i
ord Jimes.C,)llo,:Thoi.' - %Y.:: Pea OSall.: 'Richard
Tighe, Peter:Cooper;
Denison ; JOhn - , •;.
' • _ N.NTH ATOM; 'RI CHARDS, Pret.. , :' ;7 - .
'Pit r .PALSIF.R.geey. "' •
W.:EDINA LID PRJES.T.,;Ageriti : Bingham,
to be cheap $lOOO .worth,
0 wade clothinz at -
. .
New Milked, sop;.. 18th, 1 55. - .
G. W. SEYbtOll2. &-
A re jn it rewiring their Fail innt 117 inter Stock
1 - I.of Goods, which thu); fekA•
are ofll•rinfr for 8.00 - nt vtrit l :; l l ,s Lim FIGURES nx
:in'estnblisluni!niin 004 . Seeqcm. - Onr' stock Is
ns Quintile-1e ns is: g,en4:rally:.fopnd. in country
81.0re.4, . ' flarfOrtt Sept., -1855.
A AiAprtment.. of Ci-ockery not! Crlqss
/ 7 1.1,Yare, at •-•
13ORCELAIN, ?Ad, GrunitclChivai..4 2 • -
- .
110CIIE and _Bay' Sui . 6 4 1uticli,.. nil
- W. 5.,„&
13~ LACK . 4n4 Brocade . Iress'Silli,4„ - for' 5 and 6
ran , yid, :i t s: & .Cn.
, •
',ACHE:MOWS ilair Dye: ladpiltaine's Mani
ILPof a thouian4 andiPtirrnmory at.
C W. S: & Co;
Y .
ANKEE - Notions of every Twriety.nt
0. W. 8.
. .
Nets, . 11l1Itnird Stoire'ETOOtortzra .
97 fr,',ATONT4S now for. sale at Dieltermans
-&,Garratts:. -We stre'on receipt 'of the
target -Stuck of stoves ever Offered in Northern .
Pa. cons.istirg of Cooking, - Parlor
. an(li.size , plate
.both for.Woud ; and arsqla tcfsortaient
o f larg e r j 4 41- 4 , ,5 4 for:l:lurches fa Stores. .
Would call . p.trticular atten tion to the •Jeffer:
sonia Elpvated-oven the niast 'perfect and - ..'heav-- -
iest stoves in faarket.- - Ametig, -our
.variety., of
largoa-yeas would menti I - t AVl St .itohn.. ,
prover as being very. heavy platted and a'. perfect
finish and saperfiner.' - ' Varnairif - of B,ll.4quhann.._
yon h.t.i:e - been 'in:. ilia habit df purcintsiti§t
lighi s for es' oild )igt) t nod,
Much as you for heayy idates and: heat?
. .
We teanufai•tare eat own . '4",uraitare - and 'Self,
them .at antnit faata red 'Psi e es; tef ‘r . ho pay
Makprii*rollt . compet with n's
Jabbing done as usual Qn Short.
New Milford - oot 4th - 1855 c' • - " •
pi.; Brix
wria-131 . 60c - miillllin• NOW:with
AL; '-' ,, e,tintilii.nojilAter, on Friday Svpning
25111,. 1856 it (.7004.k..
)Inutrose, Der. 19,-1855:1 ,
. .
tine nolidairs are "onilnit. - •
Tusto. (C 4 ll at the l'ostortee and get .von.
ei a new . Book for a holiday present.- ;:The
Old, tog o nT.ton, o r the raith-,
lekiGnaidian i - Seenea in the pratiee of a New,
York §nr,c7eon. Does( la's, The. _.Vidi4‘ BeAlott
Papers,_ltose Clark; (Fanny Firti!s- Now-
pafi(o, 11 - t:•rdarkable Adirentt4es Cetebrate4
perSoni. 13;iniel Been and thel flentera ot 'Ken
tuek.y, also lots of Miniature ` I Gift Books: for
the little'en . . , ,
Cone tit Lttst,— . -Proff. PtoditnriSerieis of
Aritloiteties, the - last in osii. the' doz
0., Sanders New Sirellint Borik- &e. - AL
)IAN,A anti DI ARIES for
' stYlesand
iizes,.even M 1064 Alaninnes for the Ladies!.
LAN - BOOKS-,-knew supply just- f eeeivedi.
Po rdeni Digest ionipletp - to I 855,-=beaides lob"
of othirplee thißgs noinerOhs to-mention, and
all for sale at the Ili ntrose Pgst Office
BY, A. 14;11UI:LARbt
, _lStotitroie. Dee. 18183.5..
: . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.'-, - -- , , , 1
, ,
oRDELAint, smyrn. - . C 0.,. would ro: -
Y . o .triiii s i,form.the mkt i kslillit they how 1
loirchased the interest -in At niiplafe 40,134175ec
'BoSineSs of F. 4 a noldilli:'Vtrib9Pet*.Stilet
'incnkfl)n to .lilo , itlOnito it!e#lirO .our'iltiiii - St
'Poldie,phttonnge..' Cons . 1 on briorhEhoidies;
'Bridles, Harneso, Whiii,. 'rr. kii, 7. Vallin*Art,
Csrririgi3 Mink*. in all. 611E14 iirnitniiiii wilt
41estlylAinie to '<mini,' on rells4itaiteriniZ:' l :
*- - r Shdp-NO. :1; Se tales 114spnie - nt'i . - -- -F-- .. --,
-!,.. :- • '--.. ',.,. - PORDHA'fitISMItit - ii0); * '
'" - 3foitiaio' Sal. 1'1836. '---: -- ' - . 1 - ,
virAttt,'..-A. Nig°of or ye rorts,f
spoons,Amdteic Iktaplon
'abed and for sale:br:-
%Om grail *atiintso--,f,:fint*niiiik''‘r.
^ 10th
• coPik, for
la - 8V•144 141WZGEE'r.,'
481 0 1 4,00,4 .
Mak , VOW- • • . • I s l ftr'l...;:mv.
tap+4. l <*qtt-'4.
_ ,14-4,tarmiriarz-4Trearz • ;
-..nor.arog .
-140 RA
j ei _
Thdrgeita sserften too - 5'
•ii....' 0 , it, .t.Pi ~;;ic.:-..,
Magda' tultriitiibitts *td 41tilliNkrieo'
of Ist kinds id 'the-araititiftW :4 ing***ll.4
TENVirlififitoosna 14106 - 4.pri
of oinryistiety of irtylevirpoellip , . i l
subgitaritia. e 1-2 seetsvoc hl Akkaut '
wood.ceeCeoffellkso,4 l, 9ll2o, . . • 1- .., 4 r
meet elagapi Cuilish up , tckflii9 .I ,
_juiri ...
NOloAtte.,l4 thit:Ummt - eau %Moe%''` ' , :- . the" : 7_
nboce i if4faroUri t r- 1 " 4-1 -' " i T
instittiffetitiOatili l thir ) , elm** #tiptikitilMl•
which tlier*" 4l : ' : ' , ',''''' - ' 1- ~ " ‘._' ‘ '',"':.''''''.. '' 11 :
uoitidi viriiiiie MoDstuttrniktpTAlol7 - „: 4 - ' -
with•or without you mes e ,
.. .~ - - t h e w
improvement of 'Over strings and,lielii7 l44ll lor.:. 2 '
Dr scale, poiveriaiWeemyinsb or UntereglifiV.lteill
the Gland tomo l imited sift tl4.beriutristt at ,
rability of structure' of cilia skilare'Est“Gt-rat i 4W - i - ,
[ are i ustiF prenounned by the.l i casApdtt*. . . 1 --, - I
=blest Masters, to.bolgoid to 14011;ofatirittli;„,4 ,
er manufacturer. They #re bulkiir Altit t. :., 44, i.'
must thuruugh'seasoneit lilaiNPlVailt • .., r .z., n s v 4p,•-
, teed to stand thU action 4 Uters-ZOit#
liaise hits the iiikitninny of ts Gil : . '-
cel ob tuft. d 'Premium Pianos, with itti' ,-;1 ./
Aeolian. Hallett & CuraidOn'WWoothriiri, - -
Brows's, amitstob Chickeing*itsdfotite
,ton-Pianos..: Gilberts Boudoir:n*os. imiii(Wit
"t -' LI ' :midi ' - le , - - - - - 'ir-'' :' gen t - Ms rumen or room A ..., -1.- .. J . ..:,
flaeltbistritmotit gtienultbeit.lo: gitasstioaki:: , _
awl or Purvhu*' 0 91 1 07Yehilki- Awn 440*
Pianos at 79r514 BlirgaiEW:gc,iiingil l l: #2 l ,r- 4 1. ', :t,',"
prices from $3t1t04146. -
___ „_,-, -_,..:z,
Solo Agency-of hi. 0... k H. ,3 , v. IS la i I ill I ra Elr'' -
deons.o ailed to the;,e l 4 l lftairs °IC -
— itil4etteidett .
was recently emar(jetiAbo r , m, .4,,r:,,. Apftill I
Nittionai _ hair IVAta '-oWn!.l •. s; ' , P c s / 3 3 i t '; , ---7
$45 to 8146..:ro)NoViAk Otaloaro l 44 . - -
. Horace Arafer's ritii , i4oßfistikitrir ~„ ~t r , ,-,
merits in tone, !Oita sid'irtiMintY-I* - oqfee"; '
(Tuned th'i elitialtemperinnetit.Y°AiteMOtt ultl r
all other- stylei and •Malmo. -r , "- -- -. 'itil -,;-- --, 51:ilali' -
Martin's Goitars,liimenlinihrits,Pintotillii4
linsiand musical instruments :01'4W kiedibir,-;W4 .
large diegeent 411ecbcfliklaeq. 401 45 o.ii
clergymen. Thu trade aupfilled on the mo at s,„,
liberal terms. -....---'' ' -.
' Music . fethilaigest riiia.besl:l4ief- `-
ed Catalogues of musk new pnblistia,e(opiritr' - '
in ropily of. the choice' nd most tieptifoi idti irl
the -day; nmnitgthem str► found 'thelntiterinOr ' -.7 - 7
popular productions, of Thcunss-Baliet; '- -- 4> .:1. 7 ..t-
Music sent by mail. to all par 1,04,60 Pilirrtrr'-' l .
post paid, - Particular and persooolAtteatiOs , F 4,
paid to all order* feceived - by that r' --Pu_.#4f,gerg.
tiou guaranteed in every instance. 4 4 snual'AR, 5=
lleiodeons for rent, mid. rent'-allo an;inir.Z...i
chase. PianOs and melodeon foliutiroutuonthe- -
ly paymonti. lifecondland Pliani Wien-Ina.- '
eti-trjr , for new,.. -
Boot and
Bnit u m
Shoe .
• • . , - sv-s-Uffla . - --... -,-
*t c 1 3:1,. • , .
r 1 3 11 E inlitiercher lien remo v ed his tolieittii ',-
L.; - Shoe storeinto the building reenneykotime - 12-
pied by bles.rillentley and_Rend,.Pablits.,;tt*„ l •
nue, first above the . ' Punt,:Oftet. "Where,iikot..
[ withstanding the" 'nixed 'state • of-pinlitiettra"-thk''
stringency or the money „ warlieti-the - , ,„tintsairleyV - ~
siintnics” Itail,-_Road
. - MotioOlieeitlltek .42l l , B , ,-..' .
ern' inducements , and! the' gr i nat'dOiughltboyi One ,
extreme - follows avother, rashl hutniut ''twhbil_llllr
ty,iwe shalt haven cold winter ~.. jtkeielltti;„ ' ..i-.;
state of things, the subscriher begn,leuve t ` .s
!lint !lint fit is preriared - - to tneeCilte 4iitittl , .4lll , :titti.-','
Boot d:. Shoe-wearing • publie, with ,- getiititidintii: .
''• =
stantial varieties of poots,if. Shey,/of Eastern t
or ll.:me 3fanufaefure, warranted equal MAO 1,
better) than any Offered in thlimirket. Hitt". '..
stock embraces :a geneigtviyietY itf.- L'adietiAtia -
Gents,wear. ConsistiOgjdynrkof,LidlokEing. - „;
Llkivrixo, Pat: Poi,: firel• daiteks i'AS:itic Leittir . '
6 inrryets - G afteiT; French Kid ban' ii4aiVisit%' '-.
ers,slarroeo.fiailees"Lqdies Marshrtifillicci-eitly:
.ifruk Bronzed ,Buskins,_ Earn i ld Bits*l i.J - 4Cii- 5 ,. : ,-
Buskin , , 'Pat. , Leather Buskins, lifioccao Lai:
litnits,:Qalf- Lace Bruns. Emoted '''lkusts, lisurf!' .l '
Ltuund.Bus t iins ctc., Misses- Silk Lacaing.Pstt , Q 4
flux Gaiiers, .Colored Gaileis:-Calf Lace 800t5,.,", : ,.
Kid Lace Haw, Jenny,Li, tids,.,Bip, ;Blois, %il- .
' dreu;. Gaiters, Billion gam As i de - Tie±F, 1'414
'Vamp French ~B uskifyi, Calf and - Ai ? - - Shoi s, -
31Exe'Preirc.ri-dslf, , iii and Situ:: Itoats,:Cilf
Bainsd, Kip and Caw nte - Bregs. - .` Bus*. rrirft:C.t . '
gr a Kip Boots, Yoalleßoal,s, Tftick ..# . 12.41wir..v;.
and .Pat, Leather'illin;: Ste., 44: - ... - , 1 .; . ... ' --;
Rtibbe'ri tind'Etandal 'a' genertilz-;intseirbiW,' , ... :.,.
Fin/Nast' Parablefts. - Thread, Witx,..Steerliii,
.ih4il47* -' '
- Pegs" Tacks,: Bristies,'Heet' •Ball,Bnot.'Weinht ; -
I Limmeksj i iiltiktS;NiOi Kliii 6 S; .- E4ge Btliatit 7
Goat- alid`Gatteiir %M Ylfil
int; ter- ProofLttlle = 4 ' 2
' ingv_Porli Bfacliing, GunkArubtleiGuin - f - IPAW lksr'?' '''
zirill, Edge Brushesawl ' paRN" Tetrg tl! . 1 . 11,.. 1 -
- S ewhig Awl Bitidesoke; -'''' 4 . ' ,' ..' tr ,
All kinds by tlie tide'or; Vinod.' to egit. , ilit&' '.
turners.: The public *rein - sited-4o esdit,'lstditez.,l ,
purchasing elsewhere. customers mkt 06 , 19",i-, 1
- on get.ting, what they.. baltaili 10i, 1i11d, 1 4 is, ,
better than' they' ear, do : in' some -eire*.i.!_ _,4lrt'''
they buy Eastern worit,they.,cal. hersteontsdated,:4
- with au gOod an article as
_cart 4 fou4di in Abit..,,, 4 -
• mnrket. li th o is'efer,ltoMe„lnstlgragitire thej .., ..
can have it without being l dit...
of mills inia to order " and' wittrarded Retort: - -
Inv' done doh short notice. ,'.., - , :1- - -- ---z- 1'1:A70
TIIANKFUL for past favocs,,ko7l lll lPclill.. l6 l4-:4
attention, to, business, to a esintitirtat*l„4„
.. the same. ' -` `- ',-: - '-'-',; ' ' ' '' 74 -e - ''''" -
• '' . , , ' .--- ,1 ' Ci- BL - EitIMMON&4I , ;i,
P: S. Oow Over a, year. sl9o,theloll4her-i4t
.imMontrose, nt , whiefi timelheinbsteribeihaiiit
met- with a 'great' lois, Iti-tact :fiii:,- last - his tinst2 4-2 , - .
'he Would say' to thoseindebted tolitkeith* kr;,:t. , a
Neitt : or 'Bonk. neentmt,,, that:the attar ; oust 10tti ; ,,,,
Seitleciwithonfftirther itiotiee.' ' '- "- - ' . " .- 7 ,- '" -- :-. ...
-- . y,i,i rai 41 04. - - -_7 , a BL.Bll****Li :,.'_,t. .-.... , -
Montrose ,'Jan. 1, 1856 ~ -J. '' , - 4 • ~..,•,...!,„ ~- ';
,•, 4.•
Ekro - unanco to zua , ttooas - -
• caoky
A L I*, inglnsiness for the_ptffecolotz in, -04 - -
_the spring takes thisLintilteitiot-tnforming
CURNltibT4'ithd galetally; that liat'inn
entire stock of 9 0 _ 0 4 atfC0 8 1:1114'. o#ll4,
or rea4y,'4;a y. credit, will bv gIiteA , I4IMAPI
flu weila Sly to thoitkiAelitiii OW; - 11 "
either by•itoteiora
boo siiesubt,
mu - so)e- - 1 1 0 0, 1 4 k
notice. Be. also offer* for, his iargo,- 21 1 1 4.-
be eBo,..tivp'Aiiieliiiteliolfaiii and ibe ap
eels therewith,together,•irith',Urialashil;.olol‘4: -
of whkh cb#*. , s; 410'
3l iddletown , Pa.; Yiin ' 3O, 1056,:.4t, - '
Watch and plocv - Makang
- ,
THE Subscribers with - pleOsawilifonkfibiliiikk4
again Made turitultetak4strAtt4zef*l, *it#P o ,l--
the above named It*tigge,W - Oelt;
of N;s: Yeiti, and lite7iift3fiseiatiiielthiiieT'
of extknione 6 otut
mend 4 a"a•Ar 4110.1,Kif
'Pees. , =
Wet 7 ' ar_ry - tit* 16 4 .1;i1feio 'that
wortc:Antrestedz--10;-lIfig24111 le
tOgghti, TlN9aßtiValet-IV'
tlioM4d4t 6 :
• _ . „BEWLEY 4. KrA . AT.' 4.; -Nil
*N.°.l3. Alt of
- 4•• -
Meetieiclee:. tar 40 6 ;--St •
,f - A'SPletd l 4 , o-trit, 2 bntti!,t
-m e
on t rqw
'llhmigiL%."-- '
. itz...yu--,443l.*Seirt T"wrstt... ',-1-:
--• urzidr,4o47-Ar<,!' ynitiatlicA6f-
A -—• IS ..--; , nthi - -2.0145t'.....,, •
~,4,,-, -,
. 411 ." PA l lit :':
t- ~.. - AY•I -
'' • w''' tate 154 ;
14 1
:fotr,-..(0.-crieid- tik A tiop ,, ,„„,f zii: ~, i fac
:AitAtitfro,tioind wyprw ora f ro ti*kitv'i4, 44: ,
-uscod, itkt,-,::„..,:„. 1 ,. .q...,.4ii0g0,,k.
....-.;,'...,...iiiit.„1941041.11.4*!,- 'lllll7 - . ._ *- : _ -;1:',
-I"ll,llB lr,,7 ';'=:''.-
~:, --
=-- _ , - , *F ,- ‘- . -.:-
.. ',. - • Corlileek- -',lvratt,"' -' '';',
1',4,-- oirldNlM - -, ._.: .. :, . 1 4 1 i4 1 ,T4,-,.
~....--r ri n
.-- •-,;,L,. -,..,-"';•••A',1r-
.'S.':;-• - - - -•
-14M1..(11-/" ' ' -
r 5..~