~'"~ .:-..., i'-' ' bit — "litlit :-. 111 .-- 0 - 1 ;• - i' .:44, • &Weir' 1 ~L = ihaiß'il l itrb °albs , 60ia 41 ' 1 POlVPAtnittl: PURailiKWoulde a non! irtform,hiafriends an& ' tdatotWand r 6 heif l o44:4 ll r4iOrtitiaVettritiVia,d - Wiiiter: amili - 'tteltii - tig ginit:" NogetY, Rih Prl44 t d miketyle.s. Plan t ifid Fancy ? Do Lanes,: lifohair - gon," Phu a and Plaid ldefi.* 4 ,lP3ronrott,aa r . DE4Bigaa Poblice• DlticsAli hall* :jilt St ilea Linneft lictree4C, andFanily ¢;: Wool, ; 1013 0 4 . ettsSitNir." Crape :04 , .Rib ban ftries Vel Cassirnere, dte., with a large - aaritrittirtierfecr Staple" WO* innef trotai 'es Hardwitre.errickerv,llcon autSteel, Pain* Oils; Book And Brinert f liata,..Plook; , .. Balrale• _Robes, Carpetibgripte 4 with a inewassortazenforetoivit alta-Littnaings - of this bent qualitv.' battiest:Lie to otdoinanwelutty for*. Custom Told(' end still: all bedicid kit•tborbiwastilgute or wurriziovi 7 SR fortessia. oroduee r orapprand tredit..l . ficaz.-:-.lV444t3oetri 'wanted - for • which • the highest tainea will continue to be. paid. Flour lad commit:alp Oil hand.. _ Nam lif fkLoheroBss. _ - Ii ving a Life.of Wasktuagton. , dismioteted'in Three handrpino" 8 me. volartiii:4lloetrated• - irith Pnirnatrs and Mins at slbo per volume, ' Of this - Biography of the FATIIER of his . 001113. 14 3' Were ociasopinion. • It is the moateom, plete,ever itume4, nod by the pervof one of the Greliteet 'Writers of the Age.. - Erbry ; family-4o the Inndnito*„ -- ,,posseen it, and every.Verson ehettt4. ll 4 l tiA;;•- - • A1L 6 314 ite w w4l)V.4 . o itell, ibis end nos.eral er iaaportant, , rorks.-...Terms- areliboral; dress,R.T . ., cileey York; ; or"" -11,AGAIVE4. 19 !st- 4 that, CNA! . ennati 3 Otio. Conjet pent free. of postage receipt of price.. Oct. 10. 1855.-41w3 . ., - WINAL9 I O4IC,JIALL'IL, • 41 . 14EgtS tcl in every ,:town and county wane UttitUd States, to eel! thp beautiful pietUre of the .Graud.Lodge Room, In the . • NEW MASONIC HALL, Philidolphja, This Age yery rapi4, and elieite the admiration of afl, for the eerz,Veteele and fidelity ;with llie r • , Swim: y. Fresco-Painting and Furniture Are , terminated, anti - the nrtintie beaniy.and bar: mony•of the colors. Size 'Of Plite, 22'X 118.— Priae4.B3,l7n. . • Booksellers and Picture Dealers wishing -to take:agarkies forit, will please address, for far therinformation, L.N. ROSENTHAL, 43m3 ,Lithographer, Grand and Ilagnzfl* cant- Display OF FALL AND. WINTER GOODS: J, WITTENBERG'and Co., takes - pleasure in amino:icing to the citizens of Montrose, and the adjoining Counties, that they have just received the largeett 'anti moat fashionable assortment of, Fall and Winter: Goods; that has ever been broughtlo - this portion of the State. The - following comprises but a small portion - of the immense "assortment to be-found at this establishment. • • • Bois .340 ,Gentlemens Clothing, in endless vs. riety and profutioa more reasonable • teitns than can be obtained elsewhere: Ladies Dress. Goods, Preach Merino,Pararneta pari - Ad'all wool belain„of most.any - color ,and Piaiir-black and figured,changeable plaid and st'ilpid Silk. - • -• , • Prints and.Ginginins, Bonnets and. -Ribbons, Lacesani Embroiderv.,Shawls, Double, and sin- • gle bresbc, and 'doilble - blanket Shawls, also Ca.sh,inifie•and Thibet Shawls; Gloves and 'fro: sier:yiCto.4n Goods: entwellas, Table 'Spreads, Toweilfig, Salinetts, Cletb, CaStfrier4 - tuid 10,00t1-olher articles too nathero;:a to Inentihn. • -; 1 C,Oll . Boyers will find, it to their benefit to gitt? tisa call.. not benuderiold. Our way ortransacting business- is- to sell low oaslllisbnit, time: to go Od, wen, in te ndi ng. to be prtinfplirt.ifeetitig our obligatiOns,ana . expecting our cuittomels• Aanirt WittkUß: ROSE NBA t. 7 M, WITTENBERG & Bio. 1 1 : r iritilt: 4 * -- i-,4t, 11 11 8 . 5 5. • • • -' New Spring Giiodi3.. low BITB:RITT4woukI announce to his friends , . LI,. and the / public that he is now opening an unusually large Stock a SPRING. and . Sum- Vim GOODS, inanding a ureat variety of Prints from acts to is. per yard; Plain and. Printed Law a, Barege Delainea,_ Gingham% Brocade, Black and Fancy Dress Silks", Silk Dress Tissues and Bareges, Poplinsci„dtp., with .a superior assoitmpnt of Silk, Broche,Csainnere-and bet Shatvls, awlaatillac, Parasols: French Lace and i Straw and Silk flonniets, Richaihhons and Flow. ers,•with a large variety of other staple and fin. e3V DRY GOODS, _ Groeeries, Crockery, Hardware,: Iron and Nails, Soots gal Shoes, Hats and Caps, Carpeting, Wall •pstrer. painted- Window Shades, Floor Oil Cloths, Clocks, Stoces, - Oils and Paints. Ploughs ate:; &e:; in short the largest kind of piles of rich and cheap Goods; tootunoi,iiiiii to mention, but jest the things to purchase. all of which - wilt heisoklatithemost reduced prices and on the. most favorable terms for cash, exchange, *rep roved credit. • • , N. B. Saltand Flour constantly on hand. New.Milfoia, May 5, 1855. FIRE! FIRE I 'Fizz!! rlnderaiined has berri appointed an spent of tbe'Srwrs Murtmt, FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.; of IlairisbUrg -N.. Said company has a r capital of: _ . --• . It is as *life and cheap a -companr.as any in the Siate and inau'rei nn the Stn4 and mous& BILLINOI, 'STR.OUD,' Agent. litontinsf;:Oet 8;1(1§84'.4.4110 atideAkaed hereby state that we hart dOnOttisineSiwith the since comp:Any. 'and we . are are ea.tispeftthat it is both safe and (imp.-- frigar Tiperienee vre 104'neiet known any as sessment-wona premium note. F. M. W lliams Wm. 1 . 81113 P- ' D. D. Warner, - --- F. B. Chandler. , Orlando Eldridge.:::' E. B. Chase. COM — traila and Splltea,--Boonton, ParllEr NA' Bali and ou Colony. at _Parra di. Itsowiroes. -14 1 400 0 0 1 44 14 °F-.L 1 855 -. , • . . .. ;;..:'Terrible Accident, IDIrAtIi.ENED to Mr.treen - the otherflay.--: . J. 41 14 He hadiaou gilt ainit .uf ready-made clothes 1 sit-the : Store, and the first day's wearing .the 44dentrAerturrezi, -First.lotf drapt his euat 7t ati,hy, the wen foeee of epocific gravity, givin. , " to. un- fortunate man the finieranso of n badly:L*4ood via with -the lain-41W 1 . 4.414 _Steri,„i'zi :ah. - --1 , stooping over to.pickinti-theinduniiit. the dread.-1 fai --inutalty took -place—the fenatians, of the i greatAtoP were /MAAR eP7.4reen's , Pßlng- Fere I antidered &Ow ; anklet*•wripAnntiOreen iiiinaelti . seeped to. be .. The- osily,i.uay to prerent,e4, depiorahle accidents la te, patronize as - hi/41 tut._ lees Irbil mukf=me, ll 4-Iwerk , •wOh '- a deßtrninn. 1 • thin thairit Alta ant.ntihii-±iiiaily. but went I will. 0 pen buys it.thi44l44,steh3 because I lie thin he crin get h!rijratiiiits little cheaper. I In 41 1 1, * " - , 1 # 1 44049knie „that ' *Wed ,11*llw I ..... , ' .. peimiedlfiroligh"e feral hoipi. t - • itliVititi" -- • IFeeilitiOlere PO" 4, , eerOPi --: lionnini :4. • .C. • ~ , 'iliiiiVen Laliiritk i.bil finally b_eaeli ~ ,- . . 3.o.l*llloll=oyait ingenious 5 7!0,11,1-,_;:sr14—.-(0-0.1„;,,,,,,,,,i. .., _wvlrd %r or..w.tAitk,w,io,.io,-to ; - te ,_.,04-4.*:basmot,J,?tgef.ir 1 .vifoovitctovirtifiow-._-...,.:...:,.....--. ..- , 1-:o#tiftfo!xvioviiiAr.4 o , l A**--_, •. * 4.44;;;:.7.,:';•,,,j:' • - :ItrtearetleAtii;lo.o.„ ,- ',..,. 4 . :. '-. .. - t:6_ i Spring Steel. A lary aesort picot of Mutable Iron; Coil Chains, Carriage B..its,i&te. &e., !rite us a call, . 'Di strizt.uttention to bliginefrks we !lope to re. .eive a liberal +ore' of the!patronage. Alt work warranted t-1 give satisf.-ietiGn to those who will favor ns w' ! t h . their patronaie. ~ . . Eir WAGONS AND CARRIAGE ironed on sliort inotiee ands tock found, or-tnade toorner thriingliout,sa tna best suit, our patrons. 4 • • All bu , lne.e; tnisictioni malt be settled .nuce "lent. Short 444-10.naint4` and long friends is our motto:'..-- ° - ' -', N. B. A.:..4ned journeymen wanted, to whOnt . sten& entotoxinent,ntid high wages Will be given, CIiFarrEVAND tris"CLOTE • • A'. 4 tliatin4l' --- • :. -,., - PastityJpws., Ar - - -, , Mon t rose,llta-'3 -' —• • • ' leritt ielie7 '-`a - -hf , Y,111 3 * H. DE . PED wod _ . .. , -. ._. ... • IlikeTtla:fars, be:, 111426 47 -Si :0::.11 6 1 " 4 ".. , : 1 - : .L - -, 114111041irtkePeta00111illetilWitledit 1 latirtnal 1 , 1 , ' ' ''.: - k •-- .. ' : ' • I li t i . l l t-14X01:if Urne.,,keaPl443ooCl4l"ll4l ..11, tieetwill be pia' Micti* . : r.IL%!d. .. 12mv . litort li titur•aiieed tiOnt then' 110 no .10 i 4.4-Ril-WkW r ' .., . r° 7 "4"r".' P"1 tirerVErY 4 1tme SO, .I.sft, . , iliaghiiittoi, rth e lilitpt. - 1655, .--- ** * lflrr.. tl 0 • •st• -,..,-,, . i. -- ' . 4 4 04 . 140tiliie eA4 nts . :.aks4 l 4..ifiim ilioixol.lo?ii. ill -Ara ', 9 44 !!'• 0 0 3 , 0 1 111110 " siteor4vir4sl. 144 4 ._ i.# 0 114.91 1 .#04.40qia . 4r:4r4. i OP Pt 1 .214, aRn. 11.Trt. •,-....,:d - '4 ~ ,,7.,4 --: , . ~7',; - , .1 3q%*55.•P . 0,41410C.P±..r1t:tua44 cutuugr.Pe., 40n lii' - fit*7'eßr...o?nknizti 54 Tailorsg airio.:toatikatki,44l;poticti 00:44 to tiro Or ihtise concerned. ....7 , - - 1,1tf.-_ ..... i *. - - ..I. % % Luz -xis, -.4- , • 1....0,.„, ~. - =: •: kuu‘P .: ,:4l4u4 l 4Y 4Prt'4lrfisitti4Ottli ECU per ; . - Intrue,:•,•-• :7....) .1:-.A7 I._ 1 .• .;•., -,.:X;.. - a.; 45‘ . .V.0; .4 .' 1 -, Get% 11•0106.4ri.- .1 ';`•••• - Z '.....1' ~ . . ~ .., .- SIII : vriat_ t ___ - viteaftwoolt it . r. o ': , lottiorvitfiNDSoivatted at th e iii it tf. 'NJ' :ere.-Ztelaulge ....tor • *hi' the ihightektnitrket firke - 4411 ie . pai'd- icis in Csev - •- •:;• , t" ,- i' •:-' - : - ' ; A. LATIiROFfi,' Co. • ..,.. . , ,Joee 12;1855. - v • • •••••• :. .:: 7 - ,71.: liPIIIIII6 . II9IOODC - • ' Superior tot jukifrettited.!and'now 'offering finite I'Oterit,e444 rice* Tor: approved cred. It or- - . tently 'May t: LooKlnm. l'ocKEi• ICsives.—A' gond - assortment of the beet .kirktinlinorket. , -•Also.Tablo - Knives and : Spooss.—Surcß.Silverillated,genisn Allstate and Britsbiamare Spoon& 'Also all kinds of Batter 'Calvet. • ' _ I Vlotrir Svicamai Bows :and sit Out fixtures, Aileoidorms, 'Flutes. Tuning . Forks, &c:-. FLUID L.%*r.s, Fluid, Camphene, Candles, Lamp -Roust- GUOCERIEL—.A full 'asiortment, new and good. _ThenIis':LXIY•PATENT ItrZnICINES..---K , first - rate assortment-sad gonsiee.:4-i - ['mars AND Ofris.—A general assllortment mu; of anod ' 6 lewstarr.-2-A splendidvariety, 4f/the neatest FANCT Goons s-Ne'acly• everytLiing in this branch. ' • • Pantrirmssf.—A choices - variety. (New supplies reec4ivt.4 nearlY evefy week.) In - sfinrt r newly everything persons want, rand ehebp, at the rark:y storo of • Montrosa, JUE6 14, 1855.- Mitneslifira . Furniihing Esteiblish , _colibtanify,,,iw hand: mid'' 'make- to Dount,; ,431ihd:c Windows and tt n d ow. Frummi, and,all other.artieles4tnade of wood and Blinds painted and ; hung on short nOtiee..T.Gruss of all, gtialities, and inantitios sale. ,FltiOrbig plaioed and -ed at from $l6 to . $:2O per 1,000 feet. Turning dune =to ardor. :Alan :k Rani:raj assortment` of .• Bureaus, Tables and Stands, UT all Varieties.— Chairs, BeciAteads. Settees, &e. - Coflins, - ready made or made to order cia theihortest no 7, Good 'Pine, Cherry OrWhitewood lurnber.and \l , grain . . , of f...irviosehinkti _for ttie above. . . ' Rir Torus-=--Ready pay or ith ree months time with approved credit. - All-orders addressed to zoo ill receive-prompti attention.. - - - JAQOI3 TA;MOR. • Linesboro, Juni: 18, .1855. 115-6 m.. Great Exhibitio-in.lSptin;ville GRF:AT AND - , BARE , EXtfISITIGN OF FOR EiGN• esric Goods, ; of almost every s.tvle andluality, such as sure to . p.lea-4c.ind accoUttoodate all 'classes of, 'peoale—aom • the. tradlo - to the bld trig e*.?i;d4 are 1)4111;21a -on the tnet.r:,vo ral)le torus, a 4 a illhe sold nei'ording,- lr:. _ . . 'ma call pitive•vrjll its to- Sup r.ll your •wants in tlto Doe of _,Qoods ever . kept in a e , 4aa:.ry storei. You need not, go ta New ..York f,;rguy thiogl you Want,hiteituse.we 'have theta from eatt city. - - 1 SCOTT,.JOI - INSON, & co.. - spritigv;;!.. - .P-a, )141v 8; 1855.. • • GREAT , .4.TTRA 4 JTION3. r A7 i 'Mr. :17',P51):211711.L . E XC11,411 7 .0E, Fl F,. Sulaseriber is. now receiving a well se.: . lecte.d lissortntent of Dry Gi;ods, Groceries, Fish, Ilardware t Croekerv, Ready-Made Clothing,. Hats, Bonnets,- (a splendid 'assortment) Nulls, Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Yankee Notions, in fact almost - eVeiythinz usually -called for. at A court ' *try Store, including Flour. Salt shrillest, all .of which he is desirous of sellinz 'for Cash, or any kind ^f Farm s Merchantable 'Produce, or ra) good approved Short Credit. His friendS are most respectfailvinvitedlto give him_ a call and he Will satisfy them .that the Exchange' ,is -the parr for faraters to trade. The 'highest prim! paid, in Cash for: Butter.; - • J.L. MERRI3tAN; Uf - oi - pris:ile,May 15, 1 " i t PATENT YIEDIti NE AG NCI'. ' ABEL TORREL .. Month:me. Pa., - ' DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, . - _ FOR ALL THE ,ropinaz ' . r kiaTIIS7 MDT - LM' . -. OF TUE 'OAT. ' . ' , Censignmeistf. Cor#lastly ledieired. - English Lever Watches. , 17,14 E stilimeriber bait just Teceivell by steam ship Baltis another invoke of hiscelebrated Zntr.lish Potent ;,And skeleton : Lever Lever Watebei. mskisir fourteen different vorieties,,in - Plain and tlun!ing rases, in which he would cull the atten tion of all perioila* w irian, parnlisuao4orfuct. - me, pi**, • "EYA Nl3, 13inte,albtor..iJelly 17. 1855 ;T'Actl.r-ivirvt's—irrikelift doz. k - ) I troire of ;hi, fin ..*To 1 .1; e . and Dok.ost mude to matelikilrer foyko4, fot •,,tdti by A. -T. Eva.ws. Ilitigh:.mtort.iiuty 17. 'n* BrtgliTms, A large ansurimpnt of GoI4, , Cameo, Aul lusnir Breastpin*: dad , retteir! ed fi4sn , t3mltiktiufactorr.. ; A. J. ETA's's. • Btrigitatatton. 3u!s- rt. • - • : 'T .- - Gale- BARGAINS :174i . ixtvir, Cr 41 OD S. -W. N. WILSON, ifc CO.- • ID EVIAN ihe* 41inovriedierp6et. „t.o-t_buir cliatomere Sr.sgeettinna-Count . t" d ti tor paehailiod - iviteatteation to their stork Inst opened,• witie.'fi' tiiev proPciae, to . rep 1,01,6 weekly frotii!ATIcTION, ;and elipapest cash The .stoek : pm htms evory jarlitti Ca gi - xiple and Pettey Dett4ieitit,`Viiiikee trlnka, Ratrer%e. whiAl key A r ia-ioil ettetncy - fneCAMI. • : • 'Ffedhul. And h'er tvtii , t6m4 boyitre - arm filtd it rieb#4ll,ideir lideentage to. fiVe Vff'lll . ll42/V 'The MA an- eaot.flett o;4**i:tient offiiesi(kki4kEtttbriglieriims,ThirreillAeke,itiii TrlmitifijriX - stit AikjeTlON - it yerr Coria.roto44-116d . wid449144: . t.:: A. LATUROP A. TURRELL...-; -.i !filullOiiii*,.l4oii,tisiiiiits;:, Nov3llloo'l DRY .Goopsi .7., :' A : C . ' •„ ...AND ; - -, - • ..L. ... 11=P Et T S . _l-! 7:6,404 itethectiouin Pa:lK•es at th -''''' -. ONE PRICE STORE. H . . I: -o,.}3Actix . ll3l the pleasure of arinounc . ft tte idi Crietomers f hat - he las just re‘ .I,orneil.fronfithe Eastern 'Marken ' with one of -the'hirges s t and most excellent assortment of ' . ....- DRY GOODS AND,CARPETS ~--'.. . ilver , 'opened in :ihie:marlre,Whicit for bra uty, Variety 04 style csimot besurpassed, which hay. ing-inert - purchasel for cash at auction and else -where. r•al, Auction prica Ile will sell t 4 iu cheaper - "than they-were ever before uttered iu this or any othetmarkot west ofNow . York city. His rich and splendbfassortment of • . • .' • ' •- • - • DRESS SILKS is always ueinovrlodaed t. o . s and icheapest in 4. 1 3 town, had includes Plui ~ Plaid, tiiped. Ilmode and Ghee—the chest. • t as w 11 as the richest goods, at pricesvurying . . 37 1..2 e's to e 25,0 per yard, together with a great atiety of f k aiLuorr JET BLACK 'C'rue Satins; ii.C.;.selling at 1ca41. - 20 per cent Weiqie coat of importutron. SHAWLS!. SHAWLS '' !: An immense assortment of Silk, Crape, Thibet, Cashmere, Merin6s,Brucho and Summer. Shawls, from 81 t0,e60, together with a splendid variety 'of Black and Colored - - . . MANTILLAS,- ' the fashionable - patterns: Snee, Silk and Embroide'red, which will be sold cheaper than aver before. DRtSS GOOD S De Laitta. from 1-4 c'tm to 37 1.3 eta per yard : PI aid; Suipod and Figured. 3tuslins, Bril.' .liattes, Challies, Bombazines, Chambras, Ging. 'hams. French,: Enizlish and American Drills, from 5 ets to i.)sets per yard, and every new style Constantly' on hand at •the lowest prices. . , RIB/30 4 N S. , • Ribbonds by the pelee Yard will be always In our stock for Milliners and retailers. . 'S. EMBROIDERY. ."- 'The, rie,hest and largest assortment of Embroidery ean - alwarit be seen at R.C. Baeon'S,at the lowest I.3bernisetts; • collars, • Sleeves, Skirts. Infsnts'Vaists, die - ..,"ef 'every 'l24bionable style, togettier-Uilth' • • • English Thread,: - . Valeneeinnes, . ..r - Guipure. and . • • Brussels Laces- • . - • in peat variety. LINEN GOODS: ' • of all •kinda. Irish-Linens, Linen Handkerchiefs, Table Linen and_ ebveis of all sizes. Napkins, Doylies, Linen Sheeting and Pilloic.Case Linen From, auction at p!icei below all competition. • lheattezition aifhonse-keepers is particularly rwited to -our ,stock of Curtain Goods, among t\Larly . be ound L •0 Curtains, .Br everything in this line of goods, which can ko please .. in fabric; style or price. DckLESTIC-GOODS. . • Bleached and" Brown Sheeting from the Gd grade op to the finest Tiekings, Denims, Striped Shirting,;Apron Cheeks. cinghams and Pritits; frent - ,5 els:W-12 1-2 e'ts per yard, and ail kinds. of Cotton Goods for men or boys' wear. Hair Cloth Skirts, . 'Cause Cloth Skirts, and Parisols,—A very 'rich assortment. ' More Antique, Moss. Fringes, GatoonA, and an descriptions of PreSsand Mantilla Trimtaing,.and c.erythirig belonging' to the. Dry Gobds' trade cnstotners may be sure of finding, 'at flacon's, if it can I,i. found in -New. York. G" C.ARPETI!3: CAR prrs !! .ince.ilif recent :Tremendous Fall in the pi Cztrpeting. we ha - ve purchased and have nun h.••:nd .tho. Inntrat :And mostbeautifol rtssorl ,i cif CARPETS.evi exhibited in thiS rel, , ,i_i Rives fully 30-per cent. less then they con sod for the last year. All those who are in Of Carpets are invited to our • CABPET- R 09.11 'll to 1 - g -1 7t-oa it': th - th'i h • where they let 0 t . cavit . cheapneis ot the various patterks, anti aston that so good a carpet can be sold so cheap. 'Brussels, . . . . t'• • . . . , - Three Ply, - . ;Ingrain, • . . Union, ..- - ' . and Ilemp Carpetinga from I 6 cla per yard and upward%.— Floor and Pahle Oil Clotlit. Mutts, Dru.lgt•tt4, Ste.., equally cheap. R. C. flacon would Inform those of his eusto. mers who have not already' made themselves ac quainted with the fact that he has removed from the 'store forint:) , occupied by, him in Brigham Block. - opposite -Court House, to the corner of the new block erected the last summer. next east of thi canal, and having a mueb larger, more eouten ient and pleasant store thin formerly he is pre pared .to hold out even greater inducements to buyers ,than heretofore, and such as -can but be iippreciated,ind admitted by all those who are competent judges.. . • , New Exchange,Binghamton; • • ' May, 29, 1855 . . . Dry Goods and Carpets at Con 17ITICKIIAM & BENNETT have on hand a V V large and well selected stork of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Calpets, embra cing almost eyerratticle in the Dry Good's line ever brought Into_the market in view of the short crop of cash on hand, we have concluded to offer them "fur sixty days from this date at east. Those pe t raons to whom we have formerly sold Goods will at once see that this is a rare oppor ttinity and one which should he embraced im fnediately. To those who have never favored us frith A call we would say try ux once and you Will be convineed•that this is de place to par- Chase. Dry Goods and Car Pets.. Our stock ig al. ways Tree t e -win • Itrantattunrsnirliessilinsti e Goixii and are determined t) keep as Zond a ye: riety mean be found in this section of the coun. !try, and sell ,st prices Which cannot fail to please. • t • ; WICKH.kNI & BENNETT. Binghamton, Jan.• 30,1855. THE LIGIITNINiz EXPRESS Fare Redaeed i Time Saved!! Tbro' by Day Light!!! IlaTiffZET & SEW/LS, 11 Avr. ; . .. ra4411 z phrtnrsttip in •llotttroso :or - the ii4rpol , ,e-of doing errrybudis BLACKSSIITHINti 1 h • at trit! cola •.t-ad pear Reeleffs Hot Cl. i. Wo taro pir: t relisoed an entire 'new xtnek-nf I IRON, en cipriStna ft " full nasortment of all Undo', direct froni.anSify.. We shall keep eda.stcntly on hand 4 I West.rn—tßound and Square Castmoell'on Cork Rods, - Refined Tyres Iron—all-aizes, I, s Band Iron and FALL ST'ILE•OF:HATS, -- Ihstrirrterreistrition n - : 77 FTI 110 MASOfT.14., 'H C 'Hew Yerk•iposits Ohninhers:st., tato of the well known house of Wetly & Lesitlrt destratin' Of aftention' tet JAtetoek ftlr the fdl •title; aomhttthig Meted With 4 arability, hls tints maintain Abe reitutstten; which' for the 4st len igsrs he hit esreed . ll his ef!aifturma teathili lint* sir 40400 riserni IWthe' r• feet. which is well undarstoodrlhelmielSorf'fer- - a. -_ . ,„ issh'ractOrify ihstomer gets the worth ' ABll pnid for Niry4tuttpr PHYPW 4 - r"neY• THOS. RAFFERTY; - 10 • • 11. Dr. SINES. • P i nlthino 66 4 I !Arsh , • 3 . 7m3.. Chatitant-14., N. Y. June i t 11154. rftlt wilitE.,/iVrronfo , '4Porkc, ~.4 1 1 1 vzo9; sIoicNBTK - Peti - e; "ea ---'' onic;j4l44lllslq 4n4 to r ii n ted g iira i t 99 ii'lifiY.',... -,, .- ~ - 4. F.OYANs.: - . Apir.„29:4' , -,:-.-,-,:.,,,, ctliwnik-8144.4iwie -ivy kr. , (or ma. 1'•4.. #044Y..... , - A. L,gymiii,, .4 lluAlia Curtains, re ef w on went n, et t - 1 in! ivant Cotton :sat. ivuumnsArga , ~. _ -..-- vv.64s.ii..NATtiopG.lsio, 26 ~ . . -..... ,A,:,,i bond; Fourth,st., Pitited. ,4....-'....; GREAT . FIREXILESTNUT. I pit: FIFTH 'St.:, Friabi itiUriting; ... ~.... 'I Tabemtbiii f5tc , 1854.-=, ' tinge' dr; Watailitie Aalibuinifir"Safei tri: . . , itiophantilithef Mirka* ire when PO to the test: 1 ' ... l'uit.ttittints;•Dec.4s . .lBs.t.' ; Messia Evans &'Wititia,'NO.l6 - Sonth Fdeirth. St.;-Phllidelishisty -- •: ' -- : '-- :•• -- : '..=.4. ---' -,., G stertawitn:--; We like moth plivastire - in rec,i ommendint gene Sarairminder Safe, to Meraliatins.. and.othera itt want of isestaremeans ofpreseriitigl :their hooka; papers. &c...from 'fire, aothe one .wo:! purchased from you about 'weep mouths since has preserved Our books. and cash In ita,good a. °midi- ' 1 ; 03 as they_ were when, put, into it, .b Mort._ the, greet fire, this morning. Which .destroyed, the. en tire block of building. corner of,Chestilitt.and Fifth streets. .;The above was ill use in our office, on - the second floor of our building,' from which 'piece it fell into Hie e.ellarand remainel there until i he e fire was out: . The Safe was t hen removed and opened is the preseime of at :I Ft - 1001) 'persons ; who witnessed the grind cooditien of -the contents. Will you Please hale the Safe - and Locks repaired as we intend to pat Win use again. having perfect notaidenne in its fire-proof qualities. . ' Yours,. Respectfully. ‘ . , • i , " - LACEY & PHILLIPS. Drina bud Watson take pleasure la. referring to the followiog. among the many nuodreds who have their safesi iu use:--U. S. Mint. Phillid.:•;. Fanners and Mechanics' • flank. Philitila.; ' Bllllllla Alleii; Fleet:, High Sheriff - Philit.; John N. Iteudersou.. City Controller; Caleb Cope 4-Co, No. 183-Mat. ket St ; Richard Norris and Son, - L;cumotiie buil ders, !Mandel; Bancroft-end Sellers, Machinists,. corner Ifith and James - StICV Franklin _Fire hen.-- ranee Co., "0%4 Peim'a Railroad C4,...:Philadit.: VIVI & Phillips. co'*Rt sth•and Miner •Streets; Sherplees Bro.; No. 31-iooth 241 St.; James, K en t and Santee, No. 147 North Third• Street ; -W. H. Hartsman apd Sons, No. 51 North 3d St-; Smith. Williams & Co., No. S 7 Market at:; J.& B. Orme, No Dis Chestento l -- - 7' - - - ' • • . 44 . large. assortment of the above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand AO per .cent. more fire , than noyHerring's Safe now in use.) EVANS, & WATSON, also manufacture Mid krep -for sale. - Iron shutters.' Iron Doors and Iron Soshjor mak ing fire-proof Vaults for Banks, Storrs. public and 'private beading'. Seal and Letter Copyin Press les; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators: a.c. Please give os a 'call, at No. 26 South Fourth St., Philo ! delphia - --.13y1 ... ' . • . . , NEW: (MOODS. I,fc at PARK returek their rateful acknowledgments to the public fir past fa- VON, and invite attention to theory Eire stock 61Spring and SoMmer Goods they ire . now re. ceiring, and otTer for sale at - -rery low prices. In additifin to their usual tassortenent. of staple Dry GoOds, Groceiies, Hardware, Crockery, Paints;, and OA% &a., thefare prepared to exhibit a large assortment of - • • LADIES 'DRESS GOODS of evert: description,- Figured, Plaid and Plate, Silks. Ilonnbts,Shawls, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery Ladies and Misses shoes of all kinds—alsoA large stock of READY MADE CLOTHING Cloths, CassimereS, Tweeds - , Jeans, Summer Cloths, Vestings, Hats arid Caps, Boots and Shoes &a. &a. • • Tlicy respectfully 'solicit an kirly call from those who wish to purchase GOOD Goons AT Low PIIICES. rtfolliLLAN & PARK., 2,1 854. , . . - •, •- -Doct. R. Thayer MAKES this method' of saying to his—friendk . 1 and customers that he has—again resumed the rife:ice of Medicine at his old stand in non. trose, where he may be found at all times unless professionally employed.. He would saw, to those .owing, him on old accounts that he will deduct 25 per cent. on all accounts 'paid before the first of April next, (or if .any poor like myself,) 1 wilt deduct fifty. . Montrose; Feb. :10,1855-9tf EWgLRY—More new', Jewelry jnst reeeir J -:: ed direct from the manttf3etorers, and eon ststipg of a first rate assortment of 1,•)41)es norl Gentlemeti's Gold fin,ver-ttinfp); ilref , st Pins:F.4r Props and Fpb nod Vest (hni - ns, Slides, Kors, Btnds, Pens; rte. • Persons wishino. to por ehnse Jewelry shottld certainly call at iho !tore 4)f - A: TuRRELL. M0tate04444,41-pril 12. 1955-, Removal. C. D.Virgil,Deniist; has removed to s room over' F. B. Chundler's.store, %i•l!r re it «ill bu hi 4 pleasure to see friendi " quick as possibi e." . • C. D. VIRGIL, Resident Dentist.. Montroe, May 2.1855: NEW 'STORE, 41.13'5 &al? 4.1 AGENERAL wine Moil of Stnple find Farley, Dry Goods,Gmeeri4llardware,llats, Caps Boots sod Shoes, Wall Pupil, Drug y, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, &c., vetch Kitl.ln sold us ehenp as the .elieipest lur Caskur approved credit 6y - . M: JONES. - Hartimi Jane 1, 1855.1. 1 . ) LACK Gro Jr Rhine Silk of elo:rilent I) ties itt • 31. JONES'. Jane 1, 1855. 1,R0C114 and Cal ! lnUeiv Shawls.:.l:lll priors. LI, al to a few Mantiil4 by IL M. JONES, June 1.1835. • • EADY lia,de (Nothing, at iti‘v priep. by n H. 31. JOES'. Jane },1855. • . •• ADZES wilt !find a great earit•te of Bonnet,. 14 and Riblxmi at • H. 31. JONES. Jane 1,1855. LAWNS, Challis, Barge AO Loins and Ging hams at J 'IL JON S'. une 1,-1855. IL , MBROIDERIES and Window Drap-ry at H. 31. JONES'. _124 June 1,1856. A ~,..I,...eutitnent. 01 Liutit.s . nnd'aliiic 7 ;Cnt - • H. M. JONES' , .Juno 1, 1855. • • - Q IXTEEN lbs, of Good Mackerel T,,r ono riol hr in eit , 4l by IL M. 'JONES. Jane 1,1855. , TE best quality of Naha_ at 5 es per pound, for sale by, - H. M. JONES. Juno 1,1855. tniT ree6iving a fresh supply of fine 'Ashton JSalt- Junn. 1, 1855. • Caution---Lottery Fratids. . Oak* of the Merylantfenstenlidete4 Let t . BA vtriutag. flaWand, Jdne2.o, 1833. HE Commissioner or the Idnrylnnd St•ue Lotteries hitt deemed it his duty to (motion the public ngainst the numerous swindlers with circulate' by mil and otherwise.. fraudulent Lot tery schemes, and pretend to he agents: for the ante of tickets in Lotteries which are_whollY fic titious. • The'only legal .Lotteres in Ntarsiorid are thoee drawn (Lily under the superintendence.of the Cnmmikskneieteeted by the people of the .8 Lve undo; the new Constitetien to exntnine : and lap. prove th'esehemes and attend to the w%i n All the liekets in these Lotteries 'And all err. tificates of pnekngeoi tieket,' hare' the litho. graphed.ttignaturo F. X. BnEx/I.‘, General Amen!, for the contractor. OfNee of the ItLirylaud Con: solhiateriea, Baltimore, 3111. 'TAB other are frauds , K...Tor full hiforniation Wit:the 'sub. jcct or theimic444,addriiiii , P. X. Banwatr„ 33y I . Baltimore, Maryland. • - ell k in , ~, . Tio * lf . • ~,. u - ...e...- ' 'r...... AN rfilfdlefthif BONA 'f9r..#s:, ceuts....“ Lodry'family #hould ~., - :Isiltiatalii -" L : . __,.,' '. 7 1 " ~ ,, i, , r, ...i.... --, LUG , OKSt.:c O t Pizzl SOLD IN ... ' 1, . \s :. - 1.,'..: ', 4.1! t, - .7., .LICrihTIIIIN AYNAII:. A new .„•14‘, ,seorl?.f? fr A :';:_;irditian. realised angler preiteily Aeri W '.n,rt x i. .. !, ' ' ' ,- VV., nstlestced._ : i. % " ,' " ' , , 7 1Pr.! 1 tte# 31,44 ntsvlSt ,•:-/- ,' . - .v• ..- cid bentlitoott for theat510 1 ,,;...., .. , 7 Ciiiitiitiingito outline Oftho gals ' • , '• ..-, ' ' •!••,`,..gly,progrites,tritatalerlialideloel . e"://j • . ... . 0 4 0 ,\ s'l'nf every form of disease coil ' ~/ " ' ".• •-. :rritated by 'proinii , mtuntkoexual sit e Intereentie t ty'Relf ibta or by stextial exeers, with ' advice for their nreventhin . .atlit : tLi IL alangiliar , •tyie, avoiding. allmedlCSlAttilDlrliti ties '.cod everything t ha t would ollend .the ear of decency ;.with in outline or complaint siocident to Yeitates;frtast the ?exalt sit &one twenty yearrtintesoe*l .011 practice explosively devoted to the cute ofdiseasesof ilk delicate er Prtvettslisititc.......rr;:. - .- : ~. L' -.r:,•.. -.-. - , To whit] is Wed rrocipticOr theenre of the 'boy tr.lls 'eases, anlT a tfilitTheoft . tha - ratise CsYmPtuttle sail d Ore of the Freer land•Agrwe'i„ • !". : "••••:....., - , ... • _-..... __ • . Testimony of the Preitsoro 4 Vsllericsiii Pelell fjollege; Philiviephia—"Dit: HUNT - Elm AIIiDWAI.• VAISIU A L,'' •••Tbe.authorn this worx.nnlikethe majority of those • Who advertise to core the dllifil - ses of 'bleb It..treatairCit• araduate °fon. of toe beet:Colleges in the Iluiteditilles. It affords me pleasnre 'to recommend him to the onfuKtit , not e. or tii the victim Of tifa !practice, at "sstaticessfut no d exp.mi, n red practitioner.ln nh , . , se. lion or. and a ntegrlty they may place the greatest eotillidon6g. - . - . • 1 • JO* 'S.4LONGillilitß. M D From A. Trnaltrard. M. D . iti: tient, :114iierfily,Phibk._ - delpha.—lt oleo. me fll.iieU PP i e'llitl. Mr Lee tim..iiy to the prof...Menai ability et the Anther ot the*. Meolcat. :dam,- pa k." N timerons rise's of itiinosse rA tho Genital Grimes. ' . • dtilie of then, of long standing% have come.. nosier my n 0.... tice.in which-hie skiff has been manifest in , restoripg to 'wirer , health; in come cares where the patient bag bean ton tailered beyond medical aid. In the treatment otSeto• foil weakness. or disarrangement of the funetionS pro duced by so Ifatinse or Harem oreetiery„ I do not-know hie saperiot in the "rionitision. : t her , ,heety acvsafnled with the II etbirty y v 'rind "deem iettn More - .thatijustire to him as well as kindness to ' , he nnfolunate riclim of early indisreetimi, tareeumniend him as ono in . *hoar profe,laionsi skill ;and integrity they ma y . safely ennede tirtatreh•oe. - • • • A (WHIM Wes ATI W AIM. lii. D. , • . .4, Th 1 14 ,11. without eXeeptioll. ale „101 l enmorehensiv,. ' anal intelligible week published on the class ofdisease of which It treata t ., Avoiding oil teehniesi terms I t address esitseif to Ille reason ofi to reader*- .It Is free tram ali objectional.le mat ter. and no parent however factitious, ran object top lasi uo it in the hands of a lesiontr.: The wi thin hasileirated many•yests to the treatment of the earl. fel• complaints treated of: and with too llttlibreith to pee and too little 'presumption to fiulgoge• he' , " "'fr'iTP`l io the world. al th , . tnerely nominal priceof 25 cent., the • fruit of some twenty years'asost soceessfu I practice " . Ilerutri. . . , tvitelivr or parent ghoul dim id thon t Ihe't nowledee Imparted it this invaluable work. 'limy:lld save years of rein,mortifiestion antlsormw to the youth nutter their, chive.. "—Peoples Adrocate. • A Peresh‘ferisn efereyman in Ohio; writing of "Ilin• ter'e ltledien I tint/intl . ! stays neon thous ands of our south. by ark , example atut iittiottoce of the yoo.loro, herr been ' iUto the habit of *elf pullu iou, without roallein :h. •tln and (carrel cmtsegnermes apl.n them.elvcs and their p.e.tetity:„ l'heoon !MU' lon*onhous. rand* who a rerahinafamili.. have been enfeebled, if not hro"en.owti.an4 thee-do notknollt the cans.: or 'he eure•' 'Ahrttine that enit - be done in to -.Migno' and influence .the puhtlemivitt re f svi.hisek tOtbnitely to remnee this vride-sprestl *nitrer of hu man werteliedne,c*. would confer the ernoteet•bie*alog nex tto the I.:Ill:Ion of .Terns (Thrift, .on th e present end , ft , rterarion. int;emperanee tor the use otin teticating drinks)- r thon - eh ll,hai-4gal). throne wigs upon thAngantb,..ip not a erenter ..courtfts-'to-thehn,' men race Aleept tet•rthanits on ht.h . fif of the nfilieted. * rt. believe von ri..t..worker goo.lwori, you are anactively engaged . • 14 j) ( y. eoreinnedi wilt be forwartleCf (CPO f posts7e. to env , pirt ofthe united St at es for 25 cents.. 'or six ropit's for 7.?.d. A , itiresit...(post. paid COSDEAC CO., Puldi•lirro,or Box 191, Philadelphia. Itneksellers,Canvaesera and Tlnoit Agentr=npplied on the most liberal terms. New Line . of Mail Stages rhore . . - .A. 4, • • 0111-er „Ws., KIRKW001) MITONTA - 05E. .. s . STAGE *lll leere Kirkwood. pai‘tzlitt It tonlit IlDr 4-1-hezt...villo.Libert,y42.,ernymotnitvg4atert..bt arri val oft Its Mail Credal otVairs.hoth East an 4 tug slout rost all P . . • - RETURNINp .I - LeaveMentrogedally.(.iundayeezerpted) at '2 P M. reachinghlitkuoovin ttme'to tate the NlailTrahlte Care.both P.a . vt and Weetoning the nearevt_and oto.t fe3vild,"routi toreach the New. York and Erie , tulromf. nit tine ntereeet..atri.week iy tine fm DimeekSpring- Otte. l'unXltaulock. Wyntoirt;...nd .Vilkesbarre which leavrtNiontrose at T 3. 51 every Monday. Wedtserda:i and Filial. Alvo.attne`o t t.e.Goott Teanit arid comfort a.blv .t.trrlageF ate tssc;vided . and the Preprietorte.lll , pare nopotniteareonvntothit. the Pub lic. • - • W r if..•IIATCII. zie,p.12,1851. MORGAN; fc.WP.ST • - ItErtIOVA L. EELE &. STODDARI) Since the Intel - 7e, te:ty he found in fire 11 , ASf.A1 VAT OP •St: ARLE's IIoTEL. Notwithstanding the unpreeMonted with which our stock of Boots, Shties,&c, '• went t.IT" on the morning of the. fire, we still have settle .on hind, .411311 - soon he sell - plied again. FEELER & STODDARD. Montrose, Novetnber, 13, 1.854. •. , . . .. •-•-. - Biocho Shawls-,_ . - CHE,NPER than (aver before known, Beauti. la' patterns, and fine quality of-8-4 Brnche Shwalti. Lapen's manufacture, at $7. 0et..11. , . - U. B. & Co.' Shaivls T4ONG and Siiiinre. Wool, 13roebe and Silk, I very liantbotne styles r aad at extremely low price:4. (Jet • 11 Helinbold'ilGenbinePiptiatations. Han:Sous Conrentratert Compound Fldid Extract Byelot, For rligelPf ." l. 01 the It Irt.l.lee &rid Kitlti..ye.Seerot'DfA..iees. Weakuenes, antVall Viseases of the Sexual Organs, W7zether in Yale or Female. noin wtraewer tinge they may .have otlzioated and no !Da rt er f t now h.no. etandino If you have. contracted the terrible diseavewhieh. whi , n oneeweated in the *viten.' wit; rarely dawn frotu one reiteration to another. it nilermintur the cone tit utinn and vappliir the very vital tluidv of life, do not trust yourvelt la the hittulv of Quitelia. ato start. up every day in a ;vier Cite this. and 1111 the piton* with alerita falvehood... to ,, vretlealentil ta ileoeilver the lotion end thote not ar iinainteil With their triekv Yon cannot Le too careful in ;the veleetion of a remedy in Melo.. cavil, The Fluid ICittritet ni/e,nl hto been prmnstneed ift.t !Min pent rhyniriann the create.? reineiy erer known It 17.1 a tnetll( nbointint in iii ta+l. and ver'y inTIOCPUL Irl its af den. and yet sU thorough tbatit annihilate , ' every mirtiele of the rank and nei °noun Niro? nt thin dreadful dinaane.; and:unlike Athos Vemedie•, lt, does not dry up the disease In the blood. CONSTITUTIONAL i)EBTLITY. brought on by nrif.film•e, a molt terrible dine L .ltsp. which has bioucbt thon•andit of the human enc. Si. untimely c r thus blasting the brilliant hope.. al patent!. and blimhting In the hut the ttl.ninuß 30-bit inn of many a no ble youth. ran tot novel by thin infatible reintly. And en medieine "Odell mint beneftzt eve-yhe.iv. from the nim• ply 4.liellie to the confined and tte=pltiring nn equal Is lobe found, acting both a• a cure and preventive . livivibuttrr Inghly" Conctrntr ate d ennzpointi Fluicl . Eitract Sqrsaparilla, For purifying the Mood- removiott all dkeattea ariring from .se«xevs or Sterenrj. expoAnre and Im - nrn.lenrie In life. chronic con rtitu , tonal distort.. arisirm ova . an Ith. purr. %tate of the 'Blood. rnd the only r.ll,ble and- .r. - fro nal known remedy for thr eine . . of gorofttla, Salt Ithonm,.Qesl.lll.ol(l. VirtrlitinTlP Of the hrnat ard't.ersk Patna and Swell.tiar nf the finny*, Teeter, Pimples on; the famt, mud all eAly Eruptions. atilt , . Skin. Thi. nrtiele is now pre . seribed by some of the mood diodirocuished Phynirinna in the country. end ban proved wore C'filcnt in nroictice thnri any foreronrstioin nt tionennonrile yet offerod rn the 'pub in. P 1 evoke... a neennthorn wphiltj, itnrenrlitl And Perofulroun di byre entirely ferosere‘l to the f nenralolp lintrol• of one Pub-, Ito Tnntitonflonn *honk had f, twiny yoinelo - reninted every ' n ode of ryt 'Dna Iva con. 4 io•derined. Theote eines fur ni -triking esenoplee ofthe nal utnry green of thin rotedi, * eine in evrentinP Anne of the . mont inveterate Miocene.. inf.. ter theglanas were deetroetl sad the bonen already sr.: . • tented.. vr) rtetft -:tetteie rem; reevinetelhin Pbvirtelare Pen rees,4ll nr swleeel Medical eeneeee, *lnd extrtifientel 'et cure! , fro= atl•ntawillbefonudaecompaniTing both-Prep.. geet • IMICV.A.IPTuId Itittiatt- nt ;41 'Der battle' !ire tar aS 4 rirrs , ottilim,strtmn prit.,eiptia ln.tronath to one gallon Sy tar. rbf SarAstmrilin pr.rare.l and iirad f'ps Ti. T. nr.1.M1301.T. 263 ch•alnat Pt..nrar tbo (qv; rtltott‘a. Plttlndrlphla. - To tie tuui,nf Titarrll.Nlontraar, Pa.; and of brag gtata ar arnlrro evcrrtstir , p. • • Alt I,elt..rsdirertratat.a Trnpileter nr -Scent reret►e isntnAlat• ittent.on. ' 23y1 . Cloths, CASAIIERES find velningn. a. tnent stral'at.isrieen lower than we have ever been enabled to otter them heronfnre. •-• Oet.ti. U. R. & Cn.• • - • NOTIO berebjt giren that application will he nt.le- 1 1 'at the_ next session of the Leffislainro For thA elisiter. of n Tianic to he called the Penn. Mx4-111 , r/ianirs 4 Bank. lenenticat S'lnaltiebnntin Dept, Snsgotplvt nen C- - io - nli..;l l .enrs'a. 'fle piir- Polle,kni 'object of the ILIA tor itiseonnlB4. and fteposit. espi . tal .of $58.1100010,' with the privilog;re ar'inerelmnir t 0 . 5 1 ,00,60 0. !. 991 . , Busquehnnna,DegetPftnoo4:,, • - • Juir" 9th:1855. • 28--61 n, risk' ILO ;iikiP' • traNDol4l"wiskt DonhiPlinrrrei [ QOM; Inelf 404 014 *lnk Pine slam for snip, .. . 7 > ---: -Adistralis, Califortuav 5....', 1 1 A Oitsity piacepti Me bflobeicarinnt ?ideas/v.4w . •. ' - ''., :. intinceuente4hasV•c, i•• ' •, ''./CEELER'it 4 TODDARa 6 ! , BOOT AND SHOE, foTODE. ;‘• AXTHlCll,ittpow til?ed.:.4o/41i s a nOtir ondorten ::- it V' stye- -iiikieitiment or - aittCiiii7in their-Sin - e t embracing a general variet3soutitreiTlind elegant' styliiiiirradiwit - iid - .Gettflenietei ' wear, - among which are Ladititrf rmibit;T e ioiik , LestinfAtid Pre ; nine Gaiters, Kid and f f 'natneled:Potkas...Kid.r!tt. -estt• jeather' r and . bronzed -..leonY ,Lizi4o; -0E4104 ; and Ties; geutlentOu'ii 'Fritudli istid'llThillidOehit oak-tanned callskiti and, kii) . Baits, congrees and -Imtton'Gailers; Monterey - ;and Virtudiin;iton /bate ? toilet Slips, Morocco; calf. soil`" c p t w hi f f, ' ~ .8r 0. .,, ran., Or c., flays k ip , cliff ;find carWhide' , ll.loOte and BrogatiSt . .altkindetot Miripi, itnd*Chitdien'S wear.' Also. a genera ra,mortmen tof Findinis; wit - tills con sist in "part of 'I aide; pegs, a - purist:dew.. ifutigitrian 'naile.tacks, ti;ieed. wax. firtsttes,•:ihoe binding, awls rasps, sandstotterothoe kniseS.l4ce." Also, oak.aod 'initlock tentrfnalf sipper!tad solideath nf er,orocca Skins and 'linings. •• -I. ='. ,I Work rn ade to order itti d re pairi namoatty di.ne • . • ".. :,. 'KEEIX it. St, zirq D tiA 1.i1);:: 1 liontrome.inne 1.1A5.3. U. B. & Co Al-j i NTIIROP;4Ir. Co. :f •-• t.: , `. - . ;IA! =ISM Stgves ?..51ais'es !I 'Staves!!! IHE subscriber wishes t o call the * attfmtionit. his friends and the Publielo hi 4 very laigio ;nitsortinent. of , STOVES: at hiss nee Store_ Amin) in LodertAyille, next xo L,S...Lenheim7s Stare, and.tioar, the Great* . Bend - Depot:. hits in additiOn to.' his l'#rrnei: - 'large, variety--of GoOkinsr, o'nd . Parlor Stoiron;,tua4 neW• .Patterns. soin.of Which are— . St Stchotaiti- Poach Branch;./ire Fi t ; Midern Troy' Mohawk, it Motalliots; Maik Warrinii Orient,- • 4:04k, • • , Eait! Stave; . - Which together trial his former stock will be• perhaps the moat exte'nsivo andmariedassortment of well selected Stoves in the County. • . *** Clinton Stoves' well furnished at low pride's. Ver - Alt articles in his line-kept ion hand. -*MT innde to order-es usual, and iirders - received old 'Bo„nd in Great Bend; , JOHN COLSTEN • .1 4 nderaville & Great Bend Nov.,' t0453:--tf. . - -- ',, Buffalo Robes. 1 - _ A LARGE` let of handsntne Robes,- il. part of ..t1 them whole, , lndiati'd,ressed r andvery.supe. rim' eolors and quality. -1 . - - ' V. IL • & Co.- : Gitrlon. Ovt. 11, 185.1.. - . - ' '-> ' - Window _Sash. - Q. ti. &D. SAY RE having been appoiritiid - Os agents for . an extensive Sash', Jilind arid Door 51:ma:minty are prepared toi furnish any artieles in this line at less rates than they have - usually been sold. Dee. 14. S , HAVING CR.E.i.ll—tin article' 'Which every. wan shuuld try, fur Sale by 1 S.-. 11. & a SAYRE. ;Dec.ee. 4. ' Ready - Made Clothing, .. ‘. .4 . VERY desirable stork at, very ;low_ prices. • • S. IL & /Y:SAYRE. - fentrose, Dee. --14, 185-1. - - - Doctor Yourself ; THE • POCKET JEESCULATTOS: Or,. Erer.el one his ow Physician:. MEM FIFTIFITH . EtIitiori," containing One-hnadred , Eagravitsgs,aborhi2Disetie!re., N . itd Alalforinatioae. otthe Hu !nun ey4etti in every : shape ,ild fork'. To Which isad- , led a Tre.ative ,ort the Dia-. !ages of Feinales..heing :of .he highest iatportatee to, atarr;erl peai)le,er those . ealt:.. .t.rinplating marriage. Ry- • • William.. Young, ‘.. ,Let ito father be ashamed to:pres a ent copy - of ,tlie Aesculapies to his child.. - It may. save-him • from an early grave. Let no. yciting, man, or wo-: maneuter.uto Ole secret obligations tif marriedge . without reading the Por.ket Aeeculapius. Letno ono sutilling from a h ackuied cough, Pain inithp. Side, teettees : nights. nervous feelings, and the whole. train 'of Dyipeptic ee'reatious.and giyeu. up by their physician.tie motile r moinent:withoutcon., 4111162)g the AES.CULAYIUS. Have the Marrted, or those about to be married anYimpeilintent,read this truly•ngeful book, as. it has been the means of sevittz t honsitn& of nu.fcirt imatecreuitireefromthet vqi.YjaWs of di-ath." - • Er' Any person sending twencey five tents 'en.' cloeril in ato ter, will receive one copy of this wink by mail or hive -copier: - will biesetitcor One. Dollar. Adiireris(post paid,}' - • :1- • DR. WNI:YOLTN G.= . • No. 1-52.'S'Pruce . St. A pritSili,ls3--1 4y 1. DR HOUGHTON'S Epsi N it - , . Great .Aralain/ Kennedy Ai. Indigestion . . • and _Dyspepsia. . . . R. J. S. IlotcarniXs Pepsin, the tree Ih. 6 E.STIVEFLUIO,or . G.ASTMC JUICa still ,holds Ilk; first Ware among :al the various reinedies lOr these pslinfol and destrue,tive i9ithplaints. - It is Nature's own spcit6 for an tir k lia.althy atom rich. Islo art of man:can equal its edrative pow. ers; and no suffererfrom Indigestion nndllys=, pepsin should fail to try' it.. .. .. ..., . . Pir Sold 4y Abel Turrell.,.llouToser Bgl. HOWARD, ASSOCIATION - PIIIL.ADELPMA.' Importadt Aunouncement. rro all perrozinstl . Met..l-W lb sexual assesses, ',itch its Seminal treZtml.44. Impotencre. Oonnorhoes, (fleet, Syphilis, he., .te, The iloward Association of Philaitel. phis in view of the awful •icstenction of human life , and heslth. 'caused by al gust diseases, and the deceptions which rare pcsatieed upon the unfortunate victims of such oi:eks. sit% Qintalts, hare directed their consulting surgeon as wOharitable Act wori hy of their mune, to eve M. Wool Adviee Oratis. to alt persons thus afßieted: (Male es Se male) &a Pied' 11l eiorl. of extretnaporarty 'and suffering to rural ft , siedicioes Free of Charge The 11..‘e4t41 . In.tjett: ton, es. tAtollah•ml by atutelat etillworment rettetat thegletk and dlstressett.'aglicttni lettlo. Vlrnientatut eases." and Its funds col be used for no other purp=„wit. It has now a sornlns of os-aus, which ( thri Direct:me - have rot ed't o advertise the above notice. ft is needless to add that the kometstion enmtnantl , the hl.then M. - 4114.41 skill of the age, and will' furnish the mast' approved I attoderu treatment Vaidable afITICP given to sick and nervous fe malesftlirt abdominal weakness, Womb — Com, Nein t. Oodivenelet.f.esseorrheen, Address. (post-paid.) Dr Geo. R. Cchours. flonsultleur, Surgeon. ( Inward Associttion, LIM 2 South _Ninth Street ' Philadelphia. Pa. lly order of the Direr tars, 1.121 t s iItARTIVELL, 4rtfi dint. 0 co •Vs taolotu.Setwetary 2271 Plated JUST roceireaa -latiro lot .of tilatd Ware . eonstetin2 of caliehamkeS,..Cn4ors. Itnp ii_ al and Chainbei_Conillcsfkka: '• TO , • Sett 9, .elln " eleting Qf aiX.plee - n4 extra rich; Cups 'ea &Ai'. letm; Also. Brittimia Ware, 2 vii: Tow.sotts, - (four five and six, piecotO Tea Pets; Coffe - Q - . Pote,-.Can. dleetiche. As the gohsciVr- hen made ar.s . - magemente witlkthe mansfaetiTfiers et the ahote . goode, ieens - Red to fu .the, nesiost. term at theloweet Ohms., and ?Aso Iti.enoply hie easitemers 'kith extra or single pierce. of any, at. , ticloin the ebove . A. I. - EITANK. No; 2. Old • • Ilinollaraton, Aug. `29; 1855. •• • - itelol%mt: - .Prieeio A Itg 'K. •dt. .Cl to all ithplte. who conAgn . theli:battt;r pmtitief; to - theffi- 'Thew • Itiiv;ri4 menl4 are now_en•thlerl t - ‘) send Of: kin of on doe° to 'New Tork 4 ind to Aell the sianieitt . highest mikrVitt prii , e4:' All thoAti :who good prices and rettlrna..ttp' - iniio',lci coil .uptin - .-'-• 'f• • " •••••:'. • ' • • ' 0:31:l . '• Alontrniw, 31ny 1, 1855.: -. •z• •• , • ' ' 4••• • ',•-•• Freacis'lrlevvr. _ e, Viirta ItesttOprr, • - Straw & 314.111404 ; V.E_ataltunir Q ruin n.iargeci agitticitervnib, Fl,ggwertg, jittrigg 4 resgthoti,-vil Mitiirgery A rile I ing. of the inntgt 10, ft*N- Ime4 t pith ~tigitchtiggttnf. . .'pu t 'Octal dtietttlh'irigin'ti Orig . . igiugttrelingoier arrsortementt to receive . , tht! rotning ggetwitivtgV _ idmingt ev ry litengner.fligg'iteigt.stittlleterifittirga. . . intßit purithitmeris,, , trtimmbwrinitiAcialVAitt 64 454401,41(:)0rner rif•William. ' N.Y. 370 iOMER & KETCHI34: ; HE MOITER3 , ifusna'kvitir IPV files nit paid void - i#o l lll4/9; a!•, 1 4 1 4 (kfle.ar. No PiiPerdit* . °ool4-Pg, uixratir paid, , exaept,,itt.•t4-.914k41.-.0-411 0 ~" Ushers.' Ali communicallepacaPie*dili odic% inaura attention t ivPS lorditer (pas, paid) to-tidAss-.44.1)4,y, 3ionire4e t ,3uso4 8444 CoantyOlg.: _ . ,Ikates of Adyextf l ifistr„, - Olin smiara()glipaa . bileols) Sia,ol . 4 n k l ;ilfolry F4O? 0,0 Oiii,squitre" . three Uieuttis;', . 'On e squire months; . . :Busiaexs cards, four tines.s_if .240 Yeiriy7l - avettbielni"Pi s !i;.t.et, overqtiar4, 7,00 Qui! stellieu,i 00,o0: Veallij:44rtitie'r B will be 00614 ; 10:AN' basin - tits (144 . 8 trtg4t:d i'artd*o sidgroi ns . W iOting itdvettislopoi :se th4y:itliAli give, specaut iifreetfl)4l4)en 4 40401- uapc,e af.t4; - 1 ' 7' .—' ‘. '' ' JOH Ilyelitiri: , -,... • , 4 ''.?- z - ,.._„. , „ . ..., ~ , . v ~s!:, ~ , ,r i.: ;11 , Il e kir! ...E074' 6 3 P9illisgra - kataliPS iicic.l.ld__, l ot Y :.1 6 1 rrinti!tg'rnatorioli ,i igrxe. ;put, stv.rri. urAa l l 4 4."' i f numt r,lcili Type, are n 4 1 ,-- PrPtile,d.to; tt efufe, Job VoTli..iti_a4nottoei:,-titismlptssea 41,44114! .. ,14 - 4_,. tit) ( 1 (- 0 SiutrYtotialith (1 4" 04 t,TV*44 10 ,ieriPt • ' ankoil of every dettiription,kepfeonstanVy, on band or printed ,!o-ortich,,.l '':;' , -, , ,, :`... 4 ., 1. ~Nolt:65!: Piiitt6t.',_. _ BILYAIIirtIOVSE, # - O ' keat. Rend Del ) ol,ps-',.-4Dloyioli Proprietor:ANT; Proetor: • /;0 111 , 11 0W.**PAO.P*A:Oi41."..: Srtas as Ifught4wille Lyaomink ' • ' • • ~ioojL ~Springs ni-Alontroso, Wm. :``V. sivirn r 0.-. • ac.-t . Cabinet and Chair lianufatorers x Not littin Street, Mnntrosn, Ita. - . ' br. ILIC_SITUTB,_ '• - Suigeo Dentist, Afootroae,Pa"., 'will be at Searle's ()ter, Mondays. and Tuesdays of each" IIfc3IILLALN & PARK,- Dealers in_Dry Goods, Groceries . -Herdware r Crockery, Boota - und Shoes, &el:Springville, • - TTLE: - &CIitASE, Attornies ait - .Laior—Qtfice formerly 'emir. pied by Little & Streeter, lif-ontrose, Susgie ..hanna RALPH B. LITTLE.] A.:J. DAVIS, .AKKorrsii :AND COUNSELLOR...IT Jusiv—misoe. Vinod Depot, Pa. •OffieeroyerS. B. West's _Store. ' - _ . AIME. IMIRItEIM Alotlito'sE, PA, .: 1 Dealer•in DrusrfiDiedietrie -,' Cherikicalelliiiii 4 Oils, Dve.stuffs, Grucerie , Dry. G'crolia;' Ha - wd.r.e i Yank ee , IN9ticr,rts, . 4 1---- PhysiOankkrif. stiriiitibtig earefully - etirrp l ridnaea';' ' .. ' '''. '. . . .... .1101 IN 611.1VEg, kashicmable 'inner , hop ander Searles ;Hotel, 1111 in Steee.t, font °se, , . JOHN COL .TEN DEALEn r stmes,zn, C R eiter and Sheet Iron. Wire, Loderaville,nearrxreatilend Depot.-6tf . . . _ A 'Lathrop , _ :, . ~,..---- t DRALEI .iri -heady-31.9dt) CLAM lig,i`- Hats linti Cops boots- t nd.Shoes;Drv , Goods; li.-& (I ..,:. — ,Stoie ppogit e - Sentle's - liotel, Bfeittriire. C.' 0:IA311110r; und k.. — i - J-. P. - 131. RILEY ‘ • •• fr i t h .Dr.Xerit E C . Vail TNRUGGIST - -nnd gnEmtsr, jand Doiter ID! acs bfedieines;'Ciieinic:i7s; DFe,t~tii!!ti Paints, Oiis, Patty; Window Glnss, Pimp - M . 4 r e Fluid; Perfninery, Yankee Noignsadec.;&s.,. Lod'ersvitte,Pa,--10tf. , . , • FRANKLIN FRASVTL = Ati•OuNEY'AND CoUNSF:LLOR AT LA - IC' t • ?a.. Will attend faithfully to till'hiteinese, en. trusted to him in the county orStin t 4tiinina,- C 9 ti'veyincin g anti tvritinig of ittl.,kinde: - ‘t - ill he whine rmitly, and charge. modern'te. -He 'will . , also'etteild to the ppseeution of claimsof sof -diem theiF.widowi; rs, - tigainet the U. S. goVernrrient, for Soutity`tend, pensions; May,beTo - und t;Ppll hours it the office formerly , occupied by J.•T. - Richard,'Esti:, north of the • Cotirt-trouSe . .-=-1853-nl9' • - • • ER . Interested with I. L. Hiult • IMPORTER ~:A'SD .DEM ! ER in Hardware and Cut lery, Carriage Tri timings. SprinO At , t. • - 215 Sireet. N.i y. 'Where his ittorcahtile-fr r iends, in - this other Connties . ,art; kitnity invited, anclearnesitysnliCit. ed to eallAnAl purchase. ' . n6tf. HENRY S. KN A IPP, or - mOyrn OSE, litith 2 Rinve; . Woodruff, Or, Carter, GnocF.as and Comussroi, V V-- Wawa:l:yrs, NO. 1.13 Wa....hington Str'eet between Cortla9d and Dey Sttezta, New York. March 8,)654-101S. .3tedic a 1 - Card. DII.S:. E. - Patrick;r..& 0... Z. Ditnoek hare -this:Au fitrntedmeo:partiterblitp.f.et a Ver.e., efficient Atnd.tnie:ool4sfut prosecution:A the Ore i.-.- flt bramittes ditttell tory . a&aaion. - ' - ' , . • ;Ait boiliteas erifrustedto them;.ivili;be4tten- - deli t0... w j6 promptikowand fidelity. • ~. . (), . The,ir. Ace- Ditty - ,ho found 'over - LathriiVti Store; Ea taitteri'aitii4i. Avenue. - ' ' .. ~- .- E. PATRICK, Jr:- b .)..'. .:. . .-- -G. Z.l)l3.loLii 3lontro , 1 1e;,Mttrefir.28-,--t 854-, ..W. - 'can I)4' be foinditte:his nor stand • on Owe , :. goistriet,l2'dotritt 'west IS SeSile's Hotel. ivhere ho effechealkiepairti %Vial diipalds. Wetafes, Clocks, Gins, Jewelry, and every rtiseriprion of : machinery; ' Wheet -cutting, Gen - nrid Wateh, orsteviais' supplied to the trade.-5I • __. A. ik - E .Bald*iit :luny be fo . andiin- bamement- of Searle's Pe. .1.1 1 1: till, 3 doora west from theeoitier. Notes andleeounts that are .due us, a ill 'be very :se ! eept-obteif paid soon: " A. & HALDW/N , r,... lifhntrose. NoV. 221 18_54:—.47tf J. H:Parsons, , r , WITOLESALE AND RETAU. DEALER 'di Wore, Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables", Stand r, Chairs, &e: •r. - • - No. 9 VirsSlantion - M reef, - ' ' 'l3logbalutho, Eir Chitin AtVa :up r 52 •,! ,Nevrand 'Cheap Goeds. BOUGHT' at low - prpssure' prives and will b soldaucordinglphy - ' 11..8u w -&—c wvo,o, otixpetv Goob ortinerit acid Weft , • - - • -• ; Pricftf- . ,•• IfEWI3FOODW . _ 'At-Tlopipattont ifffisilbtetihett(vir6 - witt.re ytyktyi jA f fmattal , 0%rc4414, c:kotfriTk Otot , iv(tre, AI Aettper iv the county. SW/ofod .ist ii ?t i lii4tios . itt'ilinditik_ ••littt, t - ' ' _• '" gond 194,405ea v at, 'f!cp'bcot t totn;porcits3s::, - ,.--s_lT:v7o 7 .r." - •• -; - • f._ ..t y ! [F7,zn A -0: CHASE [A. lyntsor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers