Tim iir ► BedopaadtbelliaMat tiorateady. the sectia: Volition of - s The Widow Bedatt Papers. ~ The utast staid and conservative Editors can.' cot keep their faces Mr:light. says the , Niro:York Obseerer:— . t A 'Owns me te full or genial humor. ani Yen: kerghanieter bits not Yet been niablisbed--atit e rn excepting the experiences of the ,renowned Sam ' We would not thus speak high. I of. a WOrk of mere humor, but the Pa. pets contain . moat matires upon many of the vices and. follies that infest religious so• cieties, and therefore are the more .free to com mend the book." Sap the : Portland transeript—.J7The Widow . Boidott is undoubtedly one of the most •amusing characteri in modern jitereture, , and this entice tion'of her Papers cannot till to set tho public u pon the broad grin:" Says the New York Evening Pont:—" Re Mrs. 'Stalls , " abroad' inWhich a Jiterary soiree is• described, is better done than the account of the literary party or Mrs. Leo Hunter In the Pick. wick Papers." Says the Boston Evening Gazette-1i Wi have e njoyed thebook most heartily, for it piovokes laughter front the i comineneetnent ,to the finis, . s ea we propose to give our readers a few ex , t r acts from a volume which contains harder hits B E the:soft side of human nature than any vol ume published if late years." Says the Portland Argus- 4 It contains the very cream of fun—genutne fun—and if any body can read these sketches without hearty l a ughter, we can Only pity him. His CMS is hopeless. The book is warranted a sure cure f o r all kinds std. degrees of hypo, and is worth six times its prier: Say* 00 Boston Olive Brunch—a The ierXrik is one that Wilf keep alt eyes wide awake: its ,author was a gifted creature.'the wife of a. cler ornan. and is now, alas, dead. Hers were the - keenest powirs of satire — her drollery is inimit able. The preface:is delightfully written' by Alice B. Neal." Saysthe NOW - York -Erangelitu—, A. book of genuine Kumor'and well directed, successful sar ,easm. 'rite foibles of female character, the ug lineas 'and absurdity ,of envy, detraction and insteh-malting, and other prominent sins, aro hit . with great point and shrewdness." , . . • Says the N. Y. Commercial Adrerliier t - 4- The Widow riedottAis a rival to Sam Slick, and in sometrespectsls - much the most ludicrous and mirthilrovolting.ofthe .two. She is made the medium of the Most humorous sketches of Yan kee charftetar e which it is-impossible to read without- bzugfting immoderately. 7 The:Publisher takes the liberty-of addiao the following. On page 31 of the book the Wid ow writes as follows t • ill never change my single lot— • • • t I think %would be a s'n— , - The inconsolable wido of Deacon Dedott' 1 4 Don't intend to get In a led agin." But after her capture of Elder Sniffles, she in. dites thn following lines. to him: _ "I rissilla the. fair, and Shadrach the Wise, Nave united their 'fortunes in the . tenderest of tie, And being mutually ioined in the matrimonial' ' connection, - - d have bid adno to,their previous tfllietion." - The rest Cif, dm "Pottle" the tinder will find on page 190 of the book, which can be found at ail book 'stores. Price, $1,25. • .J. C. DEADY, Publisher, N. Y. . Newspipers inserting the above once-are en titled to a c4.p9• CHARLES DICKENS' WORKS., The best and most Popular in 'the World— Ten different Zlitiems—go Library can be complete without a set of these Works— , Reprinted from the last London editions, and published by T. PETERSON, N 0.102 Ciatnat Street, J PHILADELPHIA." ; 1 • "PETERSON'S" is the only complete and uniform edition of Charle..s Diekens' Works pub. .lished it! , ,America; they are reprinted truth the original London edition, and are now the only edition published in this country. No library, either public or Apiyate, can be complete' ,with out havingin itn*complete set of this, the great. est of all liVing'authors. Every family. should possess set. of - one of the editions: The cheap edition is - complete in Twelve Volumes. paper cover; either or all of which can be paid separately. Price Fifty cents each. Bleak House, David Copperfielk Nicholas Nickleby, Pick sick Papers. ' Dnmbey And SOti Martin cb lankly*, Rtriabi Budge, Ord Curiosity Shop, Sketches by •• Buz, Olivet Twie, Christanas stories and Pictures from Italyt— Containing a Christmas carol. the Chimes. crick,. et on the hiarth, aittie of Life, Haunted 'Man, The Ghosfri.hargaity, &c. Price, -50 c...nts • DiChens New Stoiiies. Containing the Seven Poor Travellers,NineNew Stories by the Ciirist. mas Fire, Hard i*eit, ti izzie Leigh, Thr Mi ner's Da u,gtavis,rortune %%racked. &c. Price, Illy cents. - A complete set of the above will be sold or sent to any one to any place, f-ee f, postage. for Five Dollars. • COMPLETELIBRARY - RDI WON:: la five very large octavo - volumes, with a POI.- trait .on Steel, of Charles Piekenn, enntainiaz the same reading taattkr as the Illustrated Edi tion... and coteptising over lour thouiand very large do n.ti te col ass ned-pngea, an damn ely : print. ed and bOnatin earietM tovles. - • . VOL I CO/IWO* PICKWICK PAPERS Sad OLD Cu; BiOSITY SHOP, : ' ' l ' 2 " OLIVER- TWIST, SICETCRES BY lice and BARN All T -KUM. E: " 3 • • SICEIOLAS NMICLEST Rad MARTI, • - CutrzztEwrt: 4 DAVID COPPLIWIELD, DAMIIEY & SOS. &CIERISTMAS STORIES. • I ' . , 45 -BLEAK lioossood Mouse Ngtv 1 . &rousts. . - . Price _of complete set. Bound in biniVelotti.feilt gilt buck, Price,-$7 ":ft- " " scarlet eloth, extu,B 50 " library Sheep 9 00 ' 44 " half turf v morneco o l 1.00 ." half calf, antique, 15 00 I' ~. Y Illaitrated Edition, lim2 Volumes. This edition is printed on eery* Chicleand fine white paper, and is profiisely.illustrated, with all the original illustrations by Crutikshank.: Alfred CrOwirilll, Phiz, etc., from the origiita I London edition. On copper, steel, and wood. ' Eat+ vol ume contains a novel complete, and may be bad in complete sets, utifully bound io cloth, for Sighteeulhtllaraa et, or any volume Wiil be eold separately; as f Ilows:4. , • ; Sleek kkmee, , - , Pick wiik 'Papers, • Old Curiosity Shop, Oliver twist,' liking:hes-by ' lies,' Ilsniaby ftudr,e; Nicholmt Nickleby, Martin ChUzalewit, .- - David Copperfitid, , ., - --, Bombe) , and. Sort; ,_.- - _ • ...- , . _ "CliriattnakStories. 'Ser re n different ctrwut, • '', Dickens' Storing, • - ... , Kt 'w Price•effull and complete ea or the ll!want 'el Edition, bound in ll Vots.,inblade el4tif.trilt back. 'St& Allow! Sheep. 24 half 11)110 morneell ' 4111, 4.‘ - - halt calf. anti9ne, Ert All 40abswitint 'racks by Charles Dirk• ens will tv issued its uniform etv lei with the-shove. Copies of aav nne t utAny fist, ofeithrr edition of the above ir;wits4slll:4 aka, to :mi .perwiti• tO m4'o4 oftheVtrited - Statelt. froe poidare. fot their reettieing the price of the edhinti they may wish. to the publisher in a letter post•pala. Published hind fey„sale34,;_,, 1:•11." PETER ON • No. ;OS Chbion...,* m t*erfooti:Pbl.. 1 aft et* oat tlitl3o shilleNsela. 11111Sooloopil geotioind Alper*. wit I imilveliplie4 at: very iour tom , • . ihdhlo . - 1?-1.14cliiir.,atissii. taiss.so4:: -atifiriti iisolipit4iowtgiuit - b7:-.--,:- ':****;:*.;;ifii. , :=;_:-.:;•.,:-..--,: , :: , ' 7-;'..!: At the Large AssesnPiip Amax of'E. N. Bs cott,in-Nichidson Wyoming CO., Pa., on the 27, of December 1253. .The company o f all those that are fond of Cotillion dancing, aro respectful-. ly solicited to attend' unit. • • ;.2d do.--GORHAM.'3d, Clarinet. ' " 4 1 Tho Season . for Gifts" Is - chute at hand, and ttnustrnake alliesent.— What stall it bet I hate Oven books and buttons; candy crockery, #.hawla and sugar plums, rings and rubbish, till there is no longer any novelty or plea s ure in it. . . have know, • The thonght has just occurred to me, s And I'm • sure 'di most befitting, go to Deans' Dagnerrein Rooms . And let,,him take a,j sitting: • , • Then, in a fine gold locket, • Ora splendid Union case, • • l'll make my friends a prisent , Of a - reps of my f.ice." Thesengiiati-d end thus ejnenlated ' I consid erate ;lie has already, set wed the contlemplated c!.(ipy, and there Is no doubt that on ChrWinna or Nt4 Year's somebody' will be made very, very glad. Go thou and doi kNeicise - = .Auditor's Notice. TCIE undersigned, ail auditor appointed by ithe (.:ourt of Common Pldas,nf Susquehan na c eimat.y, to distribute the pro ceeds of the Sher ire 616 of the real es ' ttu of Lucretia Vun Itnrst Late of said dounty deed, will attend to the du. ties of his appointment, at' his office in Mont rose, on Saturday the 29th:day 'of Div. inst., at one o'clock in the afternoon, :it which. time and plnce^ all persons interested_ wilt present their claims nr be forevet btirrecV from comintr in up on said fund. FRANKLIN FRASER. Montnte, Dee. 4, 1855L49w4 ..itsiditor`ji. Notice. • HE nadersivned an auditor, appointed by the court of Common Flom of Swique hanna eotinty, to dstribute the fund arising from the Sheriff's Sale of the 'real estate .of Ezekiel [louse, will attend to Aloe duties of his appoint ment at hiS office in nontrose, : on Monday the. 31st day hf December. inst (kite o'ulock in the ailternoon at Which time and place all persons interested will prem.nt their elairnm, or be forever barred.fro6 condot is upon said fond. FRANKLIN TIRASER, Auditor. - . ".31ontroite, Dee. 4, 1855-0" . :. . • i Sheriff's Sale. - . , • ny virtneotsandryrwrits of to4ted out of the Court of .I— , Comtoob Ilea, dffiurquehunt , Collor!• and in-ma di. rotted, I rill espbse to public to. at the Court 110u.e1. , 3lcntrueie s 4oBituritti:l9diday of Decembers, all **duos P. P.M. , - , • 'Alt that certain pieee or 1.-.rcel of land, being a buildingLlot, situate 'lying and being. in the . Borough , f Sulluelumna lAN:pit, known and dispngnished as being lot .sn. 10 as the game in laid down and dr4ignated on a map of part et ng, the &To of Susquehanna, being 60 feet front 4.120 are ~ t o i ttlniotng, '7200' !sgrad re• feet of land, with t to' apptirtetomees, one . framed dwelt ing, house :did all improved. Also, one other certain piece or parcel of land situate as aforesaid, am bounded us follows, to wit-: being.theMirth east half ;of lot No. 5. as laid down on a map of part althe villa.g,e of Sus. gm:lt:lima Depot, by W W m.'tiotz, and recorded in'Peed Book No. 21. page WI, containing 360, tent with the . appurtenances, ' pne framed store building with dwplling in upPer stOry, -and ail improved. . . , • Taken in execution at the suit of Lewis S. Lenheim vs: Xathan Lenheim, 1 , - - ALSO—AII; that certain piece or parcel of land situate , vd bring in the township of Bridge water ire the county of Susquehanna and _boon. ; ded as foilows, to wit: Beginning ;it 'a post on the line of Orain i - Beebe's lot, thence south 87 east 86 pen.thes,to Moses Tyler's lot, thehce by the same south '23 deg. west 148 perches to a. post:on the line of Rollin Iloyt's lot. thence 'north ' B7 ( - leg. a6-st.ti6 prrebes ton post 4111 'Val. - ter nister's linc thence by the same north 23 dig. east 158 perches to the beginning, contain ing 80; aeres be the same more or less. being:the' same lot concrved by the b.te ito'. 13utterfield det'd: to Su -an Maria 13ottrifirld, by deed bear ing dale Dec. 9th, A. D. 1848 and recorded in the office for recording Deeds. '&e..i•ip 'Deed Book NIO. 17.1 page 470, with the'apparten.ances, one framed d.welling Mitzite, -One barn and ' 60 acres improved. . . . . Taken in eiecution at the snit of Isaac Leost & Co. vs. lt.s.:D. Butterfield and Susan M. But- 50 cents. 60 " 50 " - terfietd. A. that certain nitre or parcel land site to and beim? in the township of Bridge water in the e.onnty of Sn-quebanna and bum). dedAti follOws, to wit: Beginning at a post and' stones in the west 'line of hut& late of Abram E. Kennlra, 22 perches from the northweiq cor ner thereof, !hence south 89 deg. "rent 100 per. Cites to a 4take. thence north 3 dee., west 100 perehes to a stake.-thence Mith 97414. east 100 perches to a.stake in the line of J-etneel B•ehe's lot, thenee efou l th 3 del. ea-4. by lands of Leinit. ci Beeba and of Abram E. litmn-ird 1.00 perches to the place of beginning. containing 58 acres and 120 per c hes of land and t allowan , e of 6 . - per rent with the appurtenances, 1 fedmi , d house„ barn and hors* shed,' 1- orchard and about 40 acres improved.' j I - Taken tin executton at the suit cif Hugh Mc- Co_ Moses rd. - - F PA/OLLISTER., Sheriff. Nontrone. Dec. 12. 1855. - 1:=MI I' ,' , 1 I ‘fise IGeMI Time Coming." BY T. S. ARTHUR. /SE iiho wish to hear somethinz of that .ong-exVeeted should read this book. It is laving an i‘nmense , sale ; 5000 copies having - beer' Ordered in advance of its put We send airopy by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price, 1, - • • „ J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, • 48 Nofth Fliarth ti t., Phitad., Pa. • N. B Agetlts wanted to sell this,und other Opular bunk s. ; in 411 parts of the Unitesi_Stalea. Send for nut Pst and terms to Agents.-50w3 Q ILITERI , ARE.—A large 14;1 i,f silver Foam, 0 sprrn.4,' -.dies. Napkin ju‘t fin ished and to kale by ' A. J. EYass. July 17. 1 a '• • Chijng of nll weight,: and ritlrrig. Delan - m . . SPRING ARRANGEMENT 1 . . ... flx and' After Thursday. Dee. 6, )855, the X.../ ',Mail P.t4;ee,ger Train , will leave' Scranton at 11100 A. M. 1 Due at Great Bend at 2.10. i. a. • i 1 Ceimecting with the Dunkirk Exprtsi Train w ils r, , ard th e N f ior York Express East. on the Ni.; 'Vi c & E.R. R. PAniengers tAkint this train win - 1104-e in Dunkirk - at 11.1.5 p. 'm. and in New YOrk4i:ll.ls p. *n. • . 1 ' Return. will lerive Great Bet4tiret 3 P. m. due at *rant on - 5.50 T P. ,t. 'The Freight 11..-teninmodition Train. with paits tozeriar Attached, win tirfintt from Serantoo at 100. i:,,tit.." connecting with the 31a Tulin &lona W.,:t f and thi Night Express Trains both ... Eakt and WeNt. . .. Pa4sertgera taking this Ttain and the Nii , ht' Esqress East, will arrive in Nkr - York at 10 . 5 '4. al,_ ,By taking the Niyht.kxpres,* Went, Awiil. urtive in Dunkirit,iti 12 'W. or by taking . the Mail 'rrain West r wil arrive in Dunkirk•at B. 45 Returning ,wlii depart from . c I Bend at Al/1 48p 7.00 A. U. and arrive at Scranton, 123 a. Slay.. will be is waiting on the gird via o as. itenw.r Trains at Scranton. to convey pas gingers to Carivindaie. Pittston. Wirices.Barre, Philadet. phis via the . Re:piing R. 11., Eultton;andAll other . intormedhOe plyeex. , . . ..., ..,- 1, . ~-, D. it D9TTEItEIt r PsFot. .!.- Soet iMhdie. &rintonj, -,t., ' .. „- -- . mill A" $55 f 25tf - $1 fa - 1 NEW: GOODS: , ...I.lirzert,i4 ,Aol• ,waivili g nwer pint of GOOPS. which -will be. sad theap forelsb- .1 - - •- . Ito - - ‘fr V•AXKItE - Nouns ofirrini inietty. ' ":MASONIC BALL. - CElANagii. ' • • -- tr • Lackawanna & iy. Rat. HEM BROTHERF COLUMN. Yes! A whole column and REM HMI RAM Aed become satisfied, that a whole column is necessary, to nu4ke known the g reat Functions and inducements held out to purettavbrs to ex amine or NEW AND MAGNIFICENT stock or 'lard are, Crockery, Porcel ai is China•ware, Glass- ware,Clocks, *Bird Cages, Brushes, Limps" • Marbleized Iron Man. ties, &c.. arc s - This week 'Wine opened by us, at our new and beautiful stand, 2 Doors East of the Canal, Court Street, BINGHAMTON, Y. -(U Vgt. Ti Arb.gui READ AND BE CONVINCED . That like inducements to purchasers; far sur pass anything heretofore given the Public in this market, in regard to our ' CROCKERY Edwariis White Granite Wares," in particular. HEART HEAR!! HEAR! ! ! " A SAVING OF 25 per rent," to purehasera, may be !mule by - buyin:g Fkiward's•Ware . ."-- - Wlty 1 Brrauso they are one third finer, hesivi er, stronger, and the sizes larger that) any other %Vares toad», and they wi:l not "Cra:e or Fire Crack!' Warranted so, ns all the large Hotel and . -Boaroing Housekeepers in our Cities and lame towns will testify, for they will not and do not use any Oiler wares. .429 D. REMEMBER . . . At our stand alone can yen find an assortment of these Warps. They cost us more. oar ,i)rof. itN :ire less. than if we puriated the equrse of other dealers hi selling 111.3 light and fragile wares of thiithe day. Our Immo QUICZ : SALES, LIGHT PROFITS! AND GOOD GOODS." And once won: REMEMBER We sell them as low us the fragile wares of the day have ever beOn s4 , ld. FRENCH CHINA. " • A splendid asslotruent, of ufl the new and beautiful de;,i,trus• and dt.eorations, uf"'rea-ware, China V.ise., Tete a Tete setts, Candle litia &O. The astonishing strength, and beautiful trans parent.). of " AMERICAN PORCELAIN" ore too .n ell known for further comment. • GLASS WARE . . "CANT DE BEAT". Of the best Flint Ma:4, 20 doz. beautiful Goblets, from i s. 6d to 2s 6d. each; 100 doz. Tunilders, a tip top' article for 65.; .20 doz. ripid and Oil Lamps, of every style, a tioe , as'sorttnent .iif *Solar Lamps," a great ta riety of Gass Dishes. covered and uncovered,on and off, foot, Spoon . Holders. Pitchers,. Salts, Bolters, Sugats. Creami, Molasses Cups. Nap pies. &c. ar c. • " Dont fail to notice by far the most impor tant. Branch of our Business," that is HARDWARE . Consisting of,lßui Ming, Material, Carpenters Tools, Agrieultural froplements.. and genctal HoMse. furnishino Grind?. • • z - TO BOILDERS. _ , A rood MOrtice or Rim Lock with Porphry Knobs and :4crews complete for 35.; n good -Mortice Latch, with Knobs &c..eompleto for 24: .The Knobs mentioned, warranted three times as strong as the Mineral Knob, and;not to loos. en from the spindle. i" The `• Pnnen ix Sash Lock." a superior article no sprints to glet nut of order, ! lotting away the sash less. and ton be Tot otr in one half the lime of any other in too ! , front 6s. to ,18s per doz, " WONDERFUL.", -j' • Bt t Would von believe7it,s " BLIND BUTT OR 11P4," complete in all its parts, enabling you too nor close yon r- Blinds without opening', your 'inflow, and that with the greatest ease.— Ane irrention of J. C. Roble of.Binohatuton. It ill well repay . a visit to our establishment it. aloft'. , ANOTHER WONDER. • CA .ved IVnati work of every description con. sistink of Ca p:ta ls for Col owns, and Pilasters Cormees. Brackets, Newells and Bannisters for Stairs. Circles; &e., &e., Which we can furnish. to Builders a better :allele, and: at prices much less than they Can manufacture them,a fine tot e! sttuples can be, seen at our rooms. ON ,HAND, • . . A full assortment of . Boonton Nails, the best' made. at 'sc., Wrought and Strip Hinges, Blind and Door Butts. Screw... Gate Fasteners, Locke, Bolts, &e. POD.CELALN"-Door:Knobs very low,Escutcheons,DoorPlates, Wardrobe. Hooks, &c., . MARBLEIZED IRON MANTLE PIECES. Highly ornamented, articles of great' utility: in mans respect 4 superior to Marble.. and at half the cost, all sizes, with and withnut-rAtes,&c., from $l2 to $lOO each. • TO CARPENTERS. Our stock dr-Planes. Chisels, Saws &e., are as complete a money, iitne.and devotion to thls PARTICULAR branch ours can' make it and Prices 'as . low, Spear & Jackson..; Butrht;ns and other make. of Sa ws,of all lengths and kinds. 0f.141,2a t ,5 the world affordh, such as I3ensem and Crandalhi,4ObtrnetaseesA.--,- in - ail their varieties, Cast steel Augers and Au concave and .graduated, :from Be up wards; Firmer, Seeket,Turners and Paring chis obi-with and Without Handles. Braces and &its, late improvements from 84 to st.s; St übbis double.cut Taper Files, the gen oinr article, Warninted to do the work of 4 or dinary Files; and if once used will never b e .abintioned.. Maydoles Hananicrs, Mortice Goa gee, steel Square*, Pocket Rules. tiew Setts, Patent Auger lianile..4, Saw and Plane Handles &.r., &c. -- CLOCK AND WATCH REPAIRING By a very superior workman, neatly and prutaptirdune. Cluck material, Guards, Chains, Kevs, 40ways 4 .n ilo9 ICtoeimajust received, which fin. tile nl. real worth, beauty of design, superiorflnish and low price* never have been ecjualted In this sec tion of country.. . Wood, Iron, Porcelain, Glass, Wright, Spring, Alarm, in fact eYery style from gt np to $ in, and every cluck warranted to kr. cP good tame one year. . Nestor Acciviat of those beautiful Sap. paned BIRD CAGES, which for strength and beauty' of Fuish cannot he'ecellesi.in these hal States. and a much hAter' article than is usually suld, ; (rom $), t,a $lO. ' @pertain esaeraPiatoKilnvoliers.Pow dyr,Shot. Lead, Flasks, somethinu nice, Wad • Cutters. Melting Ladles, Shut Pouches nod ' Belts;. Fishing Tavkle, etc., always on hand: To lloasekeepersoa.aPiated Tea and- Table spoons,.Furlzs„ flutter Knives, dte.,Plated and Brittania Tea Setts. of 6 pieces each, from 11.f8 to 95ii. Teapots. Coffee pots, 10 doz. Fluid and Oil Britania !Arnim, 100 dux. Table Knives sand Forks. the tartiest assortment ht town. Japplaned Titsaterstre, - from a Nutmeg -Grater up to a Bathing Tub, Meat' Cutters, Aik pleTayers, Coffee Bule.• Krems Corn Poppers, Nat Criekent, Egg Bp. - stem . To.o.tent, 1444 steak Monk, in pit everribingypn VEIRZE' THINGS To be Ateanteutbeeewilemafst; our terms are cash; and one price. - • . 4d. Oar Swills:a warranted as represented. 3d. Anything - necessary to build- and furnish ehosiviiileass and'insttuct. the ;teeth, middle aged, and grey headed, ean hot fins! at 811EPARD.BROTHU.S. • . , THE. BRITISH 111fARTERLIES And Blackwood* Magazine. LEONARD SCOTT & Co..Nei York. cow. tinucito re-publish the following , British Periodicals. viz The London Quarterly Review,..(Colia ersat.l' The Edinburgh. Review, (Whig) . • The North British Review. (Free Chisreb): - The Westmianter Review, Liberal) Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. (Tory) i The present aritieal state of European, affairs will-render these publications wvusnally inter= eating during the year 1864. They will occupy a 'middle ground between tie hastily written news items crude speculatiene, and flying au. more of the daily journak, and the ponderous Tome of the future hi.torian, Written • after thei living interest and excitement of the great polit ica! events of the time shrill have passed. Itway.l It is to these periodical. that resd-rs mast look for the only really intelligible and reliable hist°. ry of current event., and as such, lu addition tu, these well established literary scientific, and the. ological character, we urge them up n the. con. sideration of the reading public. Arrangements are in progress for the receipt of early sheets - from the British Publishers, by which we shall be able to place all ourre prints in the h Inds of subscribars about as soon as they can be furniAcd with the foreign copies.— Although this will involve a very large outlay on our part, we shalt continue to furnish the priodi. cols at the same low" rateB as heretofore. viz: Pe,r Ann. $3 00 5 00 7 60 8 00 3 00 9 00 10 00 any one of thelour Reviews uhy two of the four Reviews any three of the - four Reviews all four of the Reviews Blackwood's magazine Black wood's and the Re‘iews Btackwood and the four Reviews Payment to be made in all eases in advance, Money current in the. State where issued. will be received at par. . • Cr.uniusot-A discount of twenty-five per cent from the,above prices will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or mere copies of any one or mo t e of the' above. works. Thus: Font copies of BlywkWood,.or of one Review, will be sent to one addrees for $2; four cOpies.of . the four Re views and Blackwood for $3O; and so on. NSTAGE.—In all the principal cities and towns these works will be delivered, through Agent's, free of Postage._ When sent kyv mail the Postare to any part - of the United States will be but 24 cent,* a year.fot Blackwood, and but twelve-c ents a year torrach orthe Reviews. Remittances and communications Should al ways be addre4sed. poy-t paid. to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & Co. . 51 - Gold.st., New York. - L S. & Co. have recently published, and have now for halo. the "Farmer's Guide," by Henry Stephens, of Edinburg, and Prof. Norton, of Yak. College New Haveti complete in 2 vols. .roval oetavo containing 1600 .pa,ges, 14 steel and 600 wot,dengtaxings. Price in muslin bind ing, $6. t riir This work is not thq old "Boor of the Farm." lately resuscitated arid throWn upon the market. '4Bw4 TO THE. Pttß 11111A.IfFENENT rri HE SUBSCRIBERS haying taken the Store and purchased the. Stock of GOODS of 11..• T. ASHLEY, are prepared to sm.! for Ready Pay on/y,a • • VERY FINE. ASSORTMENT OF • DRY GOODS, • GROCERIFAS, . CROCKERY. • • • HARDWARE.' • PERFUMERY, • • YANKEE NOTIONS, - • • IRON AND NAILS, BOOTS AND-SHOES, • - FLOM AND SALT, SOLE AND' UPPER LEATHER, • &e.; &e. ; &c., such prices as (they think) cannot fail to ,give entire satisfaction to all who may favor theca with their . patron:w e .. All' kinds of pro b dnee • taken in .e . .xchange . for • J. A. &L R. ASHLEY. Brooklyn, Nov. lA, 1855. • . , p.IRASOLS--Latest sty lea t •• • - - 0. NY. 310:TT'S Jnne 13. v 'SHE highest market price will be paid for all I. kin& nfprodnee in exchange for goods. Cnsh pnid fur gonil Dairy Butter .at Hopbott , im. Oct: 4th, 1855. - • B. & T. ESTRAY. • C AME into the enclosnre atilt! subscriber nn or,about the first of November. a dark yearlinz bull, with same wkite spots: -IThe own er:is requested to prove property. ply charges and take itaWay. J. F. GRISWOLD. East Dimnck, Nov. 23, 1855-48w3 ANEW supply, of Groceries, Drugs.. Paints Oils, Glass, materials for Liehts ke4, at Nov. 28, 1855. ! TURRELLS. NEW STOVES H. BURRErr has now in store and isreceiv ing a large stock of New Stoves, including the Star of the West and %Soyal elevated oven, Black Rover. Vide World and- Paragen Large Oven, to which he woul invite partkular attention as the best Cooking Stoves in market, with a ,su: petiorassortment of Parlor,Offiee and Shop stoves for Wood or Coal, aiso Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet- Iron, Stoves Tubes, &c., . This stock is selected, fiqm the best Foundries .of Albany and Utica for rash with the best quanti ty of Trimmings mad ,to order" for his custom trade. which will ensble-him in all respects to dery competition and will_be sold at the most reduced. p r ie en far cash flcapproved Credit. • . New Milford Oct. 1855. • G ' D Brood Cloth Caps for- 3 piece at BELL & TINGLEY; NEW ESTABLISHMENT. EDWARTYYKTri., A. Jra -Daiast4 having pun.thamed the interest of my - late partner, (M. Nebion,) and preparatory to turtWer changes in the business, I offer Abe entire stock flow in store at a • GREAT REDUCTION' Fi•om 10 to 20 per cent from prer'ion, Prices.— Parcha•cers will Sad at the coiner Store, La Fay. oleo Block • Grtit t Inducements Shirting% and shemings t yd. wide, from 5 ets. to 34.; Prints from 4 ctn. to_ 35.; _gnglish Prints, yd.-wide, Is.; De Laines from 10 cts. to 64.; Al; paess and Partmlettas from 1s; to 65.; Loplit's French •Mcrinos, from 7 to 12s; Woolen Plaids. front 10 eti to Is.; Colored:Plaid and Black silk, from 4s. to $2 a yard. • _ Embroideries arid Laces At very low prices, Collars from. Gets. to $8 Ernder.Sleeves., 11 indkerehiefs du.. at *II prices fine French :Jets, Iloniton Collars &c. A great variety of Laces, from the Cheapest Cotton to the real Val lone ne Thread , and G irnpn re. Rich Dress Trimmings • Brocite, Cashmere and Stella SIIKWLS, Cashmere, Gold Bordered and 13rorhe Scarfs, Misses Long Shawls and Gentleman's Maud's, Cloths, Cassitneres, satinetts„ Tvieeda, lienturky Jeans, Shrtivs.Grey, Vesting*, &c., at every va riety of priers. Eir Call and see the extenstre assortment or Trunks, Carpetsßags and Valises, _for they 'are received dir.rt from* the manufacturer, and are to besold it Vie very lowest Priers! t k , N. R—Any qnantity of docks, Wootiet Yarn and Rag Carpets wanted. EDWARD PRIEST, Corner Court & Water star, opposite Ameri can Ittittel, Binghainton;.ll-110:,titiiir.:1411145:T Nes% CiiiiimliMmalifoi Cask. W. MOTT kat jut mei wed 'nattier tot C • New Cif tedivatieh as Millis. Barge De Laitte, De Bags a, Gingham% Collars. Embrniantr. Lawns, itte, &e. WM= Ift OTTIM At-TrAt I.OW !mu.. SUMMER. MIA Wh.l.s now let ; Oat rereive4—beautital patterns at ter" ow.. anent!: aims CR A P.Swad BLACK SW/ SHAWLS as low sag, klastt. Jags It. , , TUEIIALTGRIDAY ausiaromkpowt Established August 4.11,1821. Weekly Edition between MOMS° In issuing their prospectus for 1866, the pro. priet e is.elthe Peet take it-furieratited, that the public are already tolerably well acquainted with the character of a palter that has grown strong during the storms and sunshine of THIRTY FOUR YEARS. Their object always has been, as it remains to' be, to publish a weekly piper for the family , circle, which snallnot only amuse, but also inatruce and improve, those who may read it.. To accomplish this object the hist arti— cles are selected or enndeesed from foreign and domestic periodicals, and original articles of ah instructive character procured, when passible. Letters from Foreign Lends; the most inter isting portions of the Weekly News of the World ; Sketches of Life, Adventure ant Char acter ; Selected and eirtgleal Articles upon Ag riculture ; Amount of the ?reduce and Stock Markets; and a Bank Note List are Included among the snlid information to be constantly found in the Post. - • But the mind requires a wider range:eft his faculties which delight in the humorous and the lively; the itnaginsOve and poetical. - These faculties slim must have their appropriate food, else they , become 'enfeebled, and, as a cense quenee, the intel:ect becomes narrow and one. sided, and is not able ,to taxa an.eniarged and generons view ofliuman nature arid its destiny. To satisfy these - heaven implanted cravings of our mental being, we devote a fair proportion of the Post to Fiction, Poetry told Humor. • Among oar contributors in the first two of the above Departments, are several of the most gift ed writers in the laud. We also draw freely for Fiction and-Poetry upon the beat-Periodicals in this colliery and Great Britain. • We design commencing a new Story by Mrs. SOITTIIWOBTE, author ni" The Deserted Wife," " Miriam." &c. in onefiret - paper of January next. ENGRAVINGS, illustrative of important pls. ces and actions, of Agricultural and other new Inventions—with others of a Humorous, though refined character, are also freely given. ' , NOTICES OF THE PRE:SS. - This is- one of the few large papers filled with life and thought, instead of lumbering trash. Its magagement is marked by liberality, courtesy, ability and tact. It. employs the best literary talent. and spares no pains or - expense. As a family paper, one - of literary and general intelligence, we cordially recommend. lt.—Cay ego Chief, Auburn. N. ; Y. Our . readers may rely upon it, that Deacon & Peterson will be as . good as their word. So far as we can judge by years of observation, these publishers do.rather more than they promise; - and their _paper is , marked with Very marked ability. kis singularly free from silly senti mentalism and bluster, but is of a healthy - tone on all subjects, always moderate in ' language. bat al ways mildly advocating the rieht. We find it one of the most generally attractive pa pore in our exchange.—Saturday Visiter, Pitts burg, Pa. It is the best literary and family paper in the Union.—Rock 'blander, Rock Island, 111. • j We leave heretofore spokeb in high terms of the merits of the Post, as one of the best papers on our exchange list, and We regard it as one of the best Siteriry papers to be found any Where. Its editorials are written with ability, and take a liberal, independent and comPrehensive view of men and things.- 7 -Ster , and Adeortiser, Wright ville,. Pa. It is deservedly one of the moat peptise jour nals in the United States, combining as it does, in a literary point of view, all the interest or the bent maeazines, with a vast amount 'Of t general intelligence.—/Opublican, Litchfield, Ct. TERMS (Cash ikadvance)single cCopy,62 a year 4 copies, , 6. " • 8 ". (and Ito getter-up of Club.) 10 - l e 0 e 1 5 10 " - 20 :Address, abeaus in advance. DEACON & PETERSON, ' No. 66 South' Tli ird st., Philad• far Sample numbers sent gratis to any one, when requested. Original Novel. by A. P. Wllib. ROME NEW AND DRILLIAXT SERIES. . . On the fifth of JaatiarY next, the-firat.,number, of the New Series for 18.5fi,. of this we'll-known Family Newspaper well be issued, with new type and new attnictions; the principal or.e Is or. the .kind European has been proved, by both American and European periodicals,to be the most accept able and popular, viz :—A NOVEL, IS &MAL No.tuias. The title is Or, Parts Parts ea Life Else Untold, a Novel, I BY N. P. WILLIS. , In addition to this new, feature,.a Series of Original Sketches, Songs and Billids, by G. Morris, and an original N , nelelie, in verse, loon ded upon fict, " The story of a Star," by J. M. Field, art; among the inducement for new subscribers to commence with the first:nuatber of the year. Beside the contributions and labor of the :Ed itors, the Rowe Journal will contain the Foreign and Domestic Correspet.dence of a large list of contributors—the spice of the European Maga. ziries—the - selections - of the •most interesting publications of the dai—the brief nniels—the pignanteteries--the sparkling wit-tad amusing anecdote—the news.and gossip of the Parisian papers—thepersonal sitetches of public charac ters—the stirring scones of the world we-live in —the chroniele ofthe news fotladies,---the fash ions—the facts and outlines of news-th e , pick hf English information—the wit, humor, and pathos of the times- r the essays on life, Mira- , tort, societiand morids, and the usual variety_ of careful choosing,sfrom the wilderness of En glish periodical literature, criticism, poetry, Etc. We neal not remind our readers that we have one or two unsurpassed correspondents In the oshionaide sbciely ofWere York, who will give us early news of every Dew. feature of style and eligatiC4 alltengTtiOJOilderw te-tive-tgay•world.- TEBNIS.—For one copy. SD; for 3 eoPle*: 85—or one copy fui Three , years, 85—always in advance. • ar Subscribe w'ithout delay. Address MQRRIS & WILLIS, Editors and Proptictors, I'o7 Fulton at. rIpIIE undersigned nn nnditor appointed by the ± Court of ComlnOn Pleas of Susquehanna county twin:the distribution of the fund arising frotu the ante of rear'estate of 3:1 - itton Tiffany. wilt attend to the duties of his_ „appointment, at his office in Montrose , on Wetrnesday the 2d day of January next, at one o'eloCk in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be forever barred friim coining in upon said fnmi. FRANKLIN FRASER, Audit Gr. . lontrose, Dec. 4, 1855.-49%1 ' • SEALED PrePosals will be receired at the. Commissioners' office. `in Ito:arose. until IVednesday the second day of January 1850 for the re-linilding of Bridge i.‘er th e Wyalusinr Creek in Kush township, near the house of N.D . . Snyder, said Bridre, t o h e heat in'a rood and workmanlike !canner, in all, re. !Teets siMibr to the new Bridge just completed over,tbe same stream, nesr-11. I. Champions in said township, and to he completed.on or before the first: Mondsr of November curt 1858. The Phut and Spovideationawillraids sons to ke seen at the Coatiniestonere elneo . in due. time. .. • A. CARPENTER. ' t J. W. c3311T111;:"- . Wm:. T. CASE,' Commlielaraiqs:*,. Attiftt - Wit: A. Cumuli,. 00rle. • , Commissioners' Office, broil:aloe, " 34* 1014 , 5 49,1 STEEL appeiar#:art,. meat at. reeve. Gus—Slagle and doilkla barren. all 14444 , " Warps frem 25c1/up. filakCo4. Ropi.llo - Clrillt Lldea."&n.; MAW. poSlattak Flerewa, a large asaartiWt. ' ' Pititta4 l / 4 giaghliptilaj(44,4lllW.,- • t; Q. W. UMW FOR 1556. New York. Audit4rs Notice. Ni r, -; ,/iniusf r amentatlingary's , ziaa ARE St,olllll (1 W. - GREGORY .113D931t el' having formed a co-partnership "for the purpose of conduating the Hardware" badness\ in all its - variourlbruches, would - relpeetfally forst the , people • Salqiiehattus , county: that they are now opening . at-Gregoils - Old Stidd, • opposite the Recharge Natol i ," doors from "'the= .Canal, Binghamton, N. Y., die Wiest, cheapest, snit beat stock of Hardware era' offered in Bing.. ,hanaton. Haying made amusements to import their EngliOrkimodrand purchasei.their American di. rest from manufacturer* they : eau and will sell CHEAPER. :than say other establishment - in tows I Their stock is nose' very. ortevallat, and those wishing to purchase are Invited to Call.— The followings,* a portion of their leading-ar ticles, viz : Tible anCforks, - ,Tai de., carvers, forks and steels, pen-and pocket knives,. bread and butcher do., bay and". straw dd., acts sore, shears, and razors, britannia tea andooftee pots, silver and britannis tea and table spoons, silver plated, bras*, and iron candlesticks, 'snuf fers and trays, solar lamps, lard, and suspended lamp. mantle-piece ornaments, bream and iron andiron% shovels and tongs,-&c. - Looking ',9lasses, and looking glass plates, to. gether with a general assortment of housekeep. lag articles. •• g HOUSE TRIMIONGS‘ - consisting of locks, latcheti. butts, screws, bead nails, bolts; patent window springs, blind fasten ings, abutter screws, and fastenings, A general assortment of tools for. Carpenters I and Joiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers; Masoaa and'biacksmiths.censisting of planes, saws, ham. mere, hatchets, axes, adzes. chisels, augers, anger butts and hollow angers, anvils, Bellows, vices, patent drill machines.: sledgei, stone hammers. brick and plastering trowels, cross-anti will and circelar saws. • A splendid assortment of Saddle and Hanel& makers' tool and trimmings. - . PFARMING TOOLS, - consisting of shovels, spades, forks.rakes4w/thAIN grain cradles, hoes, pick axes,. iron bars, grind atones, &c. • Also, _Agents for the sale of Whittemore. Squires & Co's . Agricultural tools, such as plows, hay and straw cutters, corn shellers, &c. Sole and upper leather, morocco and shoe trimmings, with a geneol assortment of findings. ~Wooden ware, willow , cradles, wagons, chairs and baskets of all descriptions. , • Bar iron and steel, iron axles andsteel.springs malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings of Al kinds, paints, oils, sash, glass, putty, &e., all orwhieh will he sold at the ;lowestrates. Please call and examine the stock for yobrselves. Binghaintoa, March 1, 1853: • - • The Manhattan Piro Ins. Co. Office No. 58 Wan-Street.' ,t I CAPITAL, -• . 9250,000 In . suree buildings, Merchandise FurnitureVes. sofa in Port and their Cargoes, and other Proper ty, against loss or dathnge by fire. Dutuctons.—Nathaniel iehardi, Samuel F. Mott, Peter H. Sebemelt. Wm. F. 'Mott, Edwin D. Morgan, Win. W. Pox, Sidney Idason, Etishi 11- L Lord, Thos. Barron, Russel'H. Nev. ins, Ang.' H. Ward. Moses Tudor, John Stew ard, James Coites, Thos. W. Pearaali, - Rie*d Tighe, Peter Cooper, Henry Elsworth, LyMar. DenisOn; John Caswell. NATHANIEL RICHARDS, Pris. WM. PITT PALMER. Sec'y. EDWARD PRIEST, Agent, Bine am : ton, N. Y. , Supposed to bu cheap 8404 worth, Ready made clothing, at 1. - DIeKRRMAN dr. GARRATTS NewMilired,seßt. 18th, 1855. Sspytoerrougad: - Don't be forgetful; friends, one and all—t. Aged or youthful, , grent or stuall— • - ,(it not too smelly.; -- That at Old retirs' = tko,pince to- cal `To gef your iiietdres done up ton. G. W. SEYMOUR & Are just receiving thoir and Winter Stock of Goods, which they feel confident they aro offering for Silo at PCLL AS LOW PleintES any establishment in 'OAS section. Our stuck is as Complete as is generally /mind, iu ci.untry Stores. , tiarford, Sept— 135 b. . A n ab Assortaa eat „of trfsc,itery - and - Glass Ware; sit . G.• 411. S. & pOp.CELAIN ; and Gr.lnitc Chios', at - I G. 'W. S. &Co BIi.00F)E and Bay - 41td - Shawl; all trieeo:, at • • •1 : G. - .W. 6. & Cu; BLACK and Brocadq Dress' Siits, for 5 find G, Shillinga per yard. it G. W. 5.4. Co- Do Lat,ne., " f the latest Strles. at ' l 2vl • • - , C. W. S. & 1111ACHELR0R'S Hit Dye. Laputaines Balm 1343 f a thousand ti.v.ve43, nd Pnrfirn+ry at G:W. S. & New Milford Steve-Ewiporum. ' 1N PULI i i BLAST. 27' STOVES now. ;fur sale at thckermans & Garrat:s. are in reeeipt of the Largest stock of,stoves • ver offered ;n Northern Pa. consisting of Cooking., Parlor anal size plate both for-Wood rind Coai, also s tall 'aittu*tr.ent of larger sizes for Churches iled Stores. ' Would call particularlsttention to the Jaffe!: sonia•Elevated oven the Most perfect mid : hese. jest stoves in market. • Among our variety r-of, large ovens would mentine the Empire State im-i prayer as ..being very histvy plated and a . .prfect finish and superfiner. Farmers Of Susqunann- CO: Yeti hive been in- Ili& ,tutlat of pgrohsiaiiiat light stoves, and light' trimtning and traYing as much agyon ought to ferhesey fates and heait triniroivs, We mattufaetnre our Own furniture Mid sell them at 'manufactured prices,let those who - pay, a makers - profit compet.i rith tis if they pet.. Jobbing-done-serruosia-on short-notice. DICKSRM.IN da - GARRATT. New Milford, Oet, 4th, 185, • - Administratiix' Notice. TOTICE is heroby glen that -letters- testa .L. mentary upon the estate of Henry Daily,, deed, late of Barford tp.. hav - e - been gran ted to the subscriber. All 'tarrsons indebted to said -estate ore- requested - to= make immediate payment.' and those having et:arm-upon said es. tate to' present them dnly attested for settlement. , • • AMANDA DAIJX, Adin'ri; -• Hayford, N0v.14, 185.5:-46w3 r• Fall and Wester &omit, - • ;DUE subsiribor viontl4 say to tKs patati that a. he hasjust vecetv4;its genend - assortnient„ of Fall and Winer poi 411 which_ he peer* to, sell very low for : sash- 1. 3. tielAtORD: - Prlendexiite, Nov. 3, 3 855-45‘i6 • New ;I- • • Splendid alisorttiientOnst arrived t •.n • Montrone. N6v.1., TURRELI4., • Clearthe , Track _ - "PORI am in it gm; Jtarry.'• Why:what 'the mattei I Oh nolithig. war their, at the Past OillonJota jest; ienelved by Riltßolai Express a nevillat of Book* and Sta. tioaery and I want some, before the i t o re all ante that's oaten* on he hurt Mart an. -The Hidden Patti. My Bondage an i d cot(DOall= lass) Bertha and Ullie, Rood' efites worts ka. itettivo74. Elea pooh, ft Tart. ety of sow Books and a 'huger addithalvt.,* stock orwritiot 61,14: Eprelopaa sad. hit t . Adi Of fifeliest, itaalitytasad-ahaap.forsba-lotairr.--- ,:::BAUOI I 2IIO 11141111,4111161* nod. simmiraldtfir - Wk` Ogsk-paid fit tip; bis t v isefit_StrawoolliskaNlMEWlloo4lo dionitiwitsAiwitracrik.-- vitt = Airciwittftn'ro l6l "74 - " * , 41v-tr I==l2 H.C. 'N, The largo of all kini TEN ail:s' of every ' sirbstonti. woOd Cms most Olt% No house above In initrulnem Which thi • iloa . ,aci 4, Z.Cl riallikt;r l e. , With 'or : ta?sersab,glirthaftlit ~ urprovei. 'WO haiith ta or scal r : i i• ;o n .. equist. W.-... - -the G K.- _ arintfatelkWo:4 ' rabilitinf stitictura of tile iquaie PianitTbrjr-•• '4 are justly pronounced by the Press ant•ifielteat i 1.4.. - musical Masters to be in* to those of any of AR 1 , or manufacturer.. They are builtor*theebestriMP• most tliarflugh *earned mitsririf,:' and :gimirini,%•••,i,/ teed to stand ;hr . ., action. of Vary:climate. • •-lride4v House has the Sole Agency • fT. Gilbert&Crielp• celebrated-Premium-Pia • • -with orwithont - titt :.---'- ,Aeolian.' Ifallett & -Cards on's, f IfittiOdiPaidAt Brown's, and Jacob Chicker ag's, and, other.BoOr. • ton Pianos: (iilbeit'a•Bott• •ir PialtoWlei&lig.:4:. - /- gant instrument fur suiall'r • •tneti ---• - "'-? , -:__,- - ---A, .-t ' Eachlustrument'gnaian • tii• • glint #ettilliei . 1 . tion or ;purchase money rata • • d. - Seenpit hind ':: *•.; Pianos at Groat •Itargains, ; onetantly ie - itrirtc - lf - : prices from $3O to $140:- • 4 l'• - :::.• •'.. ,`"••?- ''''' Sol& Agency of-S. O. & • -WiSaittiti3tOtto_ l •:- -' darrna,Ctuned to the equal to pernmerit):toWillit ''fil„, Was recently awarded. the F rat Pismiura;istMi - National Fair, Wiskinirtont I. C. flit* - *OW '' .l •:-. $45 to 8151 Double blink "rmilodontut,-.4 4 * - - 1 11 ; Horsice Water's Itelodeo • • -superior . liistrr.; meats in tope,touch 'and d • ribility of, make. , - . 11 : 11 , :(Tuned"tha eq ual tetipenun •• t) Astadenusinf "...: all other styles and makes: z - , - -•-- -- ' l . Martin's Guitars, trown's llarpi, Flatvii,ll tins, and. musicallatitrianen .: of - all - kfrols;" "'A , large discount to schools; to claers,thurcblis andi•. clergyinen. The trade su Ilea' on the mole liberal terms. ' -- rilintsle :- •O.ne of thei , Is eat mid - best select, ed Catalogues of musie"noir publistftitcoritpris.', ~ trart ing many oftlie:choice and sit ; -popular , airs "4": 11 -, the day; -smong them are found ' the tualvensitilf- F: popular productions of Thom as Biker. - — -1 Music sent by mail:to ail aof the country , post, paid: Particular and parsonol, atterition•-... 1 •*:, paid to all Orders received y mail.• r,Satiafit‘r:•.•: - -.., tion guareqteed in every ins nee. , Kakis anoL;':2„ Melodeons for rent, and ran :allowed , on pa&F, • ,chase. • Pianos aud melodeons for Ralson month. - ix:payments. Secoad-hand pianos taken irt. tko ehasge fur new. ; I: - • I .lEATI,3, C =, L,, Tt.oAPecn./ and ' 7 a u. . _ G. LEASK, (late ' tifferty . • keep% at the aid stand, on theOonler of Pet I and Chatham Streets -good an assort. , • tot Hats and daps as c4rr -be 'found. in .tbe . tyl; and at. the twat reasonable -prieea,ki. - Soft Felt Beavers, la grceti variety •,frein 83. , Children's' _ Fasies Hats, Sillf, Gingham, and cottou at mannfaeinrersEpreep.. 38m3 If. G:LEAbIL _ Watches, Cloaks, Gun , s, 4 New as t: ,snriment Just Received from Ea 111 land, Switzerland; Germany, &e.; which -WV be Sold below the New- York prices, at - Slontrose, Oct. 10; 1,855.--411 • • ' - A CA111).. PH FE . & Kriowvrori spectfully call the' attention__ _ pure 2 _Of :o a large assortment:llt4,lDWAliteittikt*:;., ceived and beingeased t hy arrivals froin different manufactures.' Hieing purehined 0 17". prices lower-than those for whirh - articles,bt tb4 samo quality have been Offered. during -the five.- ~. past years, they are enabled toe:take:quite dttetion from their former very mands, tonffer both and country, tradti**_.: ducements eSperior to thosa.of N. Y. agoo*.' Binghamtost.Aug. ' Fresh Arri;vill ;of" . Ntriv i:-41314044h '4l DICKFRMANS & GARRATT'S THE subscribers' woold-respectfelliittfogn_- the good poppies of Sgstprekana Co:-; that they are-now - opening their stock -of 'Winter Goods which is unosually-largiancl tractive- ail of whicifwill be sold for`'..-etisti.'.6e..:' approved . credit, cheaper "ban - orb} be . bOntitt 0 1 12;1 any other establishment in the 'County Virwisietitit just what we RAP. Please, give its a triill;*-- 1•":2• 4 ` - • • DieKERMAN-4i, NdV? ford, Sept: I tis6—_ Patent :Apple Pissershf ITIHE aulikiibera are A,, , rentalbethe car ! ,' 1 the above article, a largo supply of arbiebV they have jnat receive - a - 4litre! fronttbeir manu factures. Cottatry- supplied at wholt! , ;:r• sate prices. PiIYFE hamton,sept. 13,j865., - ••• " L , - :' ' ' • ' Vill Piihatte I- ,;.-r , :-..,-• , - -, 11 . _ rpHEY will it you ass the, fishisieapparAtpa.i .1. • sold byPhyfa & Knowlton, B:tfoopresiper.4 Chanting° Bridge-% A mew .lot last releivekkltts Express. . Call and examine their lartiiitaiort-'4 , meat. Woks,. LineS4 Reels, Pales;•&Ala, Arif 7 fleial Bait, &e.HYPE&RNOVirLIVICi:' N: R.-It - is• - ett ' It reported that - Pishrfrr , • - 4 this seetimx'orciitti ll S, wirViiiil: belVisiatlritif other.Taclde •0142 that a . 04 .14 04 alarl.,l 4l *.' Raiment. •;- -- ,-, ".-'.... • ‘.. , - '' -Biighaaitea.,Aig. ;14, 18* NEW OEI4BEO - • , , ~ i r . ; ! Ara. ,MOTTS. i,: - :''-'''".:; 4 113 ST received iii .0171§1 . 1v! Giii4e; Owls-aitilti V tainei, Derliac*Pi t yameitaik i rerniin.„4. 'paean, Gingbaps, RI nay: - PsinOm' -inid Shiloh: in Post a generat iniertniint of:Dry '-12noctiOortikli N will be sold low:".:. ' I ••' - ' --- , W ANTED—Si' mlni,*;Bill r;Unit,Clieeni l , F lannel, -31.0., any Oita in eichinternit'lkifidel t x at cash prices. '., , 1.: - - 1 -,:,-. v. w:-tam;i4it - Montrose: $ 2 .ll}:iELT3i • , . L f . ...,if' .., . s-t .1' Auditor s Milan-3's r P P i ,••••-i-,i,-1,0 _ fILIGTIMii - Eiteb - - i - velittutt thli - iindokar 17. 111 d irn . h atti' 't itted , ht On's' !Polio 16. Common. Hoag , of; Sw4oohnntia•-•' to' - -*Ashib le the flanriiiiihigficitit to - Shears, We of - ieel estdte of Aaronßyntiiroots; - def4' , ''''-iiitrift- 1 tend - to the - diltiiolOijiltittitiktilAt We. of &o of Bentroyaillitlit fit Winit.4,-;:n.o Fridi t i the Attediy of January; text it Ono , ' Ocroik lr . the afternoon - ; - et which" tiiiici , ,iihol' piecO =el eons interested ;will preftene , their- dohno•%Plifirk Ammer barrOtionloominiin npon - .44lunay.-. , -- ,': ';.'PJ . -• 1 ;`-• Lit. ft IVlVAltditOt ''''''ll Montrose 'Wit), 1:85145 , 0*4 - ' • ' I"*.7Qs'gr M . AE enbseriboi• iil-I,irt OW:dant itiiAirii.tlyet44: - ' 'Goods, in hls itnortt bnitini)*'nnaritivitrin weeit: 'The publievill find WonootititeutNiv4r..* and his,nitielos new kiad 1:1 gondqidite..r.l7oo staik ` consists al Otnind 'of , - - - - - -'-''' - - -- --'..: , 1 4 VrOlts,__M Itkii,i - Psdllio - Mitir' l ' - '''''' l o'-' 1 4 zi 01 4 00nriniw: 1-, 'rz- 1 - =-ik-,i4 Om*, 6"ifitlitir, ;? , -'1' 4 , 1 - 1.11•?.tc -- ' . ' 'Ake -- ,* ''- , ".i•tt ,, , - -cir,., --‘( ,t- , ,, , , , t Ettore' #lltiloyiis* "4 , . , as h, --- ". • , . -'. . • : -...; -••-- 7. '• - :-V ' r -:.: 4 ISEMEI It, -: ~ , =:, . ..., : c. -. *=,..,.5 , , , i , _ - , ,..i .Vi1k , ~.. . ' ri . -,•,;:-.,P=It'0,174, - , - ,:,,;t 4. -,;...`e.^.., - ., ..• ,-- ,'.-- . '., --- 4, -- : • - . 4 !•":`-':', - ; 1' -:; . -- - ..•'it , 2' . ;f• ' :-`,' YT,- , '... „ .„....•,. ,_ .„: _- 41 -0..:40=1: p ost - ...-.1.' _ : 174 -". ,-, .; - '? . .""Ti.i ' ,ki . „...;!' - ‘. •;'.. :. ._ ' ff*V o .4,M. ; * / : 4 .40 0 '''... i.' .j..Y . 1011.10)*%111...tior eat . ltiffitt.' ‘ , ' ',: . --.., -,. t .- . ,-- , 4 7' - ......,-'-''''''' , ''' •.' t 4 ...4 .t -14..7 :; ..t.f.lilattildt Oat'. -:, ilia . l!laufeerPk_a 42 4 044 . fir Rol*, te,.. to* - OtZ EitaisC• 4l lbs.„..t.i , "rm . ? Ted ~'~Ji:+~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers