M=!!=: .. :7[ , =NM .f•l.ott;Oc:',:'k ‘ l;it i ;',.. -- ftrqgicj,ol: '4:l:_:ti,:.i.f . 'l::: , ,lge:ti:tt. • , Fur the Detnoaral To' Et; - MEE tit CORR. • • • . Lift Yout.beatd...ths4 child.all careworn, Cheer! , thy xful desponding-heart; 7 _ •,3•Tiate:ta:syeartag. star bright garlands, titlootnrakiods. 1/1 .soon'depart. . • • .a.::. :,• . : - : • • Dark is this cold world, and dreary, Pall of obstacles thy way: Child orlabor, tired rind Avearh Time will brirg it brighter day, `zifoU,44ioiui B , but yet..the spoiler, , Markod thee Carly, for Ins, prpy: traccii!fihe filo! dc4troyer . /loop'ss en thy brow each day. . - .lFew - rnitihelp f or praise or heed thee But let - noihing daunt ken: : -For thou:knowest the tutuie needs thee, Be to earth_a treasured gem. Spring with heilinglikingt may bleat tire, Sting then up thy drooping frame: Zephyrs of the south citrus thee, Free thy aplrit, me*, thy pain. • Chained-withia'a - a•mine-of feeling, Mah3 a gern of rieheid worth : Where'll the ices, unlock the sealing, • Let the deep, deep fountains forth. Never mindthe_puLlie slander, Nor 'Sayings hard and rough, You'll outlive them a 4 l4-ith If your made Q r.terlin g attar. •___Vll:jl2o:4Alit,ogs . - . iititSiamia; CUFEI Thl_Mereatalle ST WARREN T. ASHTON. CHAPTER I. cottemptnble little jackanapeS! he had the audacity to ask 'toe to 'Pla}- Whist with him!' exclaimed Sophia to .her sister., t And why stionld'• he not, sister ?' said' Ma -11 verise, caimiY• • - "should .he , not Did he' think I would" demean by playing. 04)14 - 'with . a clerk- r ,one of; 4 father's servaLis r and Sophia tossed, her head. in -disdain, `Z can tee Pilety in iour nssocia , tiug with Inna, Sophia., Ile is : certainly haniisome;intelliglntand yoait than. Behave well enough for aught I A know; but.only think of it—a clerk in - a drawing room ! For My ,part, I wonder 'how father . ,could ever think of such 11' thing as admitting hijii into the family? - I supposed it was because he liked the . looks of him.' , • 'What will Mr. Augustus Fitzherbert say irben . heltirls. us associatingt . wit poor clerks . thtsE Of cOnnting . roo ms ?' It bat.ters.little tome what he: thinks; is a conceited .puppy,- and I ,wondei that yoti . eat endure his presence," _replied Mary stnatth': • . Rut he is 'the' leader of the ton . Mary,' said Sophia, astonished at the - plebeian no tions of her sister. nein a perfent flirt, for 'all_ that ; And in finitely inferior in all dint constitutes ot man, , to lir.- tiarlows, whom you ao,much Nffect to -desi4v.' The converlition s.as by the entrance of Mr. Danvers: How could 'you bring that horrible' cleric into the house papa I' said Sophitt,as the mar chant twines seated himself by the blazing grate • '-norrible clerk ! prai what is the matter vittr. film V asked Mr. Dativeraeviacing some surprise at the plain 'Tomb. of 1;6 datigh-, _ , . _ ter - - , Why, be. is..a ,alerlr.2, - Bat a respectable young man.'. • ResPee4ble enongit, hat not fashionable : • ;•:. : • - • I was °pee a clerk, Sophia I cmitnenc i. 7 .,,ssiye e pin g out 'a atom an d carry fnib n et:leti about ;he city: - 4 ,ll4:iss.alksurd you talk, papa.' "-'!Bat Mr: Harlow is a very estimable "ou - ni'man ; I. am confident ,you, Fill "find 'him very agmeahlte,,,ompany: shall haia flatting to Amy to him,' re- Sophia,; , until a sLiag of the Bewans;"Sopbia ;•there is an 'old ,pror. 7 erb, ou 1:now, about entertaining .-augels.un-, ,Swartz' Heartily at the idea of a poor.olerk.beiti:aii But whaieapr Maiy r:ltakeil the tner , Aehiot . t'urniug to gUntle daug e lo' •' - • - t-Ok v lilia has stry.in deb rani are-already.. Mitry,iatid a slight blush isititiigio t amplissize the remark„ ; ~filvst duce her, papa derleititititbeid over 'beets in _ lose with ' abotit that,' # 40 4 4 4 Nr• 4 ‘ r. ooh,Soi4lisip • 'a, 7 - w0rt..44;u1 *Mini Ca _YP.trit :Thelktettratitiy biting** "abe. spritir 4.titt i bei -111PRAVALiiik, ate efrair — waii:itow *l* gtwe dap slifigte4iimi.l,=- , -,.:(--' 1 4, - p ''Plat pats, wben toes your nevi inet- • • ! ' • . 5 • • . • . - .. . • , . . . ' . - • • ~......,—. ,' - - I r.(l 1)14 1 t ~,;,..:::,,,,, •. .„, ..... , , :,.,..... ,fte i" . t.,. 4 , ,,. i i,i, ~,,,, t . 4.1., ,, , : ~,,:.,f., ~„,,,,,,,... 7 , , .. . ~ :,.. ~,. .„.....: . ••• : ~. :, ~... . .... ....:- . ..,- . T - .!...,.....; .......,,, v ,_,.... , ~ ,:i ~,.....- ~...c .14 : - :; , , , i ~.:,...-: , :•,..,.....,, ; ..t.' ..,:,., ..„, ~-:: . q.,:, ~•:;:-;,-,‘/: ~.. ~.,:i. ..-; ..,.,•: .. ,. ..,:,....b.._....: "3: - $• , !..;;.,` .. 45 . - ify.,;•;'-: '.."'{" -.... , -.-L,,7270(/7fir• - ' 'L.!;. - I( : ' , -i - ..: . . '.' . `."-' --.. .",T,, :--'- ';' : . -.. I . - ".-. ' --; ' - ... - . - - ; --., ,t . I•'" _ • '.. .• .. t. .5 '''...l"im — .../7. , . -.,.-'..:' .:/r, ri; :. r. ........ , 1 * . . -- ..tif .. ' - , -...f.7.. --. 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':' ✓ i . . . , t f .,,., • ,, ' 4::,:., 4 ' 1••• , . t-:'.' ri• ,„ •. ~ :i: , •-..../S,. .., *:,'.,.7,?'p ,;‘,,,. p t,,;' , ,*.• s'', ..• 1. ......., ,..-.49,„ L.•••••,e' 7 , . . ......7, .. z . ~ -,,',. r . '' ... •., ,m, -4-,,, n ., . ~, „ , .‘,. , : ' 4 ' . ...":f, - '''. ''''';• '',•,,,.. •'' '.%. - : k'''''''' '' —•:— . . .• ~' -•' • • " - . ' ''' ' ''' '- • ', .• ••• • " " ''''.'q •• ... -,- - .. Z t IP, 55'1: :.; . :F7 .7•.1 ".' f . ' 7.••: " f . . .. ' •.. . ! . • • • . giaill Tier aid - • counts 'el' asked Sophia. • If, 01 the ac ,hare hes rd of his wit, gallantry and ti !act ions, are true, I. shall certainly tp,for - - . pemona set mV ' _1 rofill , oripear One of dies() days;' , iopli- , 1 611 Mr. Panveoi. , . , . - "I `lOpe 'you 'will not keep tills stupid tlerk the.house,ofter htl ; ,I cerotinly sball! - .‘ But, papa, eve _ stutirlose caste, if we do, it . is'reaftv abominlabie.' . Small loss, my child ; if we are depen dent upon the apes and 'puppies of fashiona ble life for our position in societ y / the sooner we loie it the betterlfor onr own self respect,'- said Mr. Danvers; - I ' Yon are absurd, papa. I - I Vow p 1 ; So la, you have given me al lesson let me give yon,one. The idol on +orship more genie+ than those of the Fetigee Is lands. Fashionabletits- as holhiw_ws a brass,pan ; place no reliance upon - it. The fops and fools who follow in your train are as soulless as they are btainlen. I wish, Mr, _4ugustus Fltzherbert could bear you say so . . 1 . Mr: Augustus Fitzherdert wine a journey man barber in New Orleans less than a year . ago. I had the honor .of being shaved by him last win t er when I was there. 'Oft horrid, papa!' whY'liave you not ex ! posed him f' -• .Why should I, my child I He is a good felloW, as' sensible a person, and, according 10 your statement', as fashionable a man as Fiustock, 'whose. great-grand fathe r .' was Govenor of the State.' 1.1 ' hit po" ble that. Mr. Fitzherbert was a barber l'-'exe aimed Sophia / horrified at the appalling , th. ' Nothing; else, my child! ` An itnPoter "added Maiy. ' Just,so, probably he is trying to obtain a rich - wife: , • , It is abominable, I declare ! one hardly kliews now-adays Who . is respectable: and who is not,' said Sophia.. Therefore,, my child, we aught. not to speak sc(disparagieglyiof persons in humble life, as'you Imre done tonight. Pooh, a clerk !' ' At this Moment Mr. Ilarlowe, the new clerk - entered the room, and, as Sophie icauld have expressed, had the impudence' to seat himself by the side. Of. Mary Dauverse,. Who appeared not.all 'averse to this close proximi ty with him. - Frederiitk Harlowe was, as Mary had said. a handsome, intelligent and. agree*huoung man. * And Sophia, if she could bi‘.forgiv- on him foi being a clerk, - .would hive ap* pre elated- his society quite asrliighly is, did.her sister. With her father's permission, Mary , accept ed anlinvitation from Frederick•. to attend Ai `bion's last concert. They had scarcely' left the. house before' Mr• Fitzherbertwas ushered into the sitting moul t This gentleman an exquisite of the first Water.. In his' personal aPpearance, he certainly.Wns sufficiently well endowed to challenge tile.admiration of the fairer sex : but unfortunately, he was sadly lacking in that necessary element in a man of sense—brains. §Ophia could scarcely refrain from express in& the contempt she felt for the Journeyman -I:rber,''in 1 1 l 'Mufti' ' The leader of "the ton' in 'her:e , tiination, was a ruined Man.' , The cla,ndy,,as a Matter. of courtesey, in ' I. quireci fur ?s,tiary, and was informed that she had gone to the cencert with Mr. Hatlowe. `• With Mr. ITait - oirit clerk—al' said the ek-jOurneyman barter, with a sneer :IS he twisted 'up - the long rat-tail of hit mous tache. - A very worthy young man,' replied Mr. Danvers. . . No doubt of it, saw, bu,t, clerk —aw!' Pray, was you never a cleft, Mr.-Fitalscr hest was.' _ - ' A clerk ; 'never.' - • - Did I'tiotizteet,you in New Orlearti last' . . winter r . .The dandy started / up like a parehitd pea. feoni a hot Tian.. - • I:have a faint: recollection of having-met you in /I harher tihap there, continued the merChanttorm — entingly. - • Tpatwonize, the haw-haws: And now Ithink of it, you wows a little white apron; laid if . I'lnistrike not, I bad' . the ...lessors or being f.bared - iq you . in Person' Quite 5 . ti;!istak4 saw, I sissuaw you.' Soddenly itir. Augustus Fitzherbeit, whose real-name was Jobti Smile, remembered an iTpe.rittive engagement, and hastened to take his leave. ; , - ' 'Wm)," seen to- . enter, the ears ' for - New . York on-the folloring day, and• nothing has been heard of bias • CHAPTER It Of course the reader understands tiinirnxi erickHarlowe:anii Mary, axe dearly,irrtriev 'ably in lore with each other by this T!ie'Prior 44rk . hela W , on his way to the tent bribe fair girt arnt-ilit lOW thing has Teen liY - the manly ittraCtionii the no-. - •- • ble soul ofLint mho offers incense before lan. • 13y,the-worid if. woad balleensed gram: trkted Afti,ne, for ninth. 104 wltli thirdaughter cif his artsfoehitin:enipliiy;.• Sc;inu yride:_iiptdd,skt it was ungrate tal, is. him Alas to,sp' iritAwa,Y ea:actions as csandiStr: girl 4;• slew his 3pOsition. and. joreereeiisiii4 noeiratteetibiieweithAega tabs her husband. The quagio areitillepea.to the twOit. 'WWELT 30MINAL—DEVOTED T.O POLITICS, NEWS, 4TER4TpR, ittGeNtrimix St:lll7CE,,,arrligfilatTAL- He may debate them to his entire whiffle: Lion); Slr. Danvers, either because be was more sensible than the majority of the ads , tocratic merchants of the-day, or for some other equally potent . reason, neglected to make any fuss about the matter, and suffered the clerk to woo and win his daughtd, with out even remonstrating against the base wick ed ness Of the-act. Bat Sophia was deeply grieved by her sis ter's folly, as she teemed it; and used all the arguments in the range of her shallow soph'- istry to - dissuade her from the folly and mad ness of wedding a clerk. . • • Mary win obstinate. The only exucse she offered in palliation of flagrant misdmennor, was that that she loved him, and if she loved him, and if she loved a scavinger, she- would cling to him with the last breath she was , permitted to draw. . A ring r 'exclaimed Sophia, one day *hen matters appeared to have taken a de cided turn. - - • Well I suppose'you are engaged. - ' We are, Sophia,' replied Mary with face radiant' with happinesi. • ' And you intend to be Married!' • ' Certainly we do--tbat is the end of an engagement: • My conscience to think that , - the (laugh ter,of a merchanCrince .should bee,ome the wife:of a noot insignificant clerk. • ,Nothing very alarming about it Sophia; it would't be half so ridiculous as another daughter of a merchant prince becoming the wife of an ex-journeyman barber'. I be lieve Mr. Augustus Fitzherbert was your beau ideal of what a fashionable husband ought to be; • • The impostor I • lam at-feast sure that Fredrick is not an impOstor—a' humbug, 'one who would not be likely to assume the 'character of a Perhapi not: But pray, sis, when do you intena"to becdme the wife of this counting,- room cherub ' The day has not lieen fixes. yet-:-in the spring probably. • • . , , 'And may I ask•what you intend to .do with yourself I Ilissalary is:Only a thousand dollara a year:: We . can.. get along very well on that sum. s Yes I suppose so ; and live in some ten footer in a dark alley 4.1 little cottage: a nice little cottage:" brawled So phia, in derision. 0 Sis. I will show Too how to live when . I get married. None of your nice little cottages for me.' But I won der when the new partner is"coming ' Papa told me this morning that. he had" deferred the -arrangement till next spying, and that the gentleman would attend to his business of the South, as heretofore. how provoking : I have been reserving , my affections on purpose for him; I mean to 'make a conquest of him iii _just one month' How foolish you talk, Sopby ; 'one would tbirik you bad entirely forgotten your maid en delicacy. Pooh!. I'm, jesting, its between us.'—and Sophia relapsed into a reverie,.which , we are almost.sure, related to the,aforesaid new part ner, who was not only a nice young man, but was to put fifty thousand &Hats into the concern when he became a partner. ' The win'ter passed away and spring came. Fredrick and Mary were to be married in a few days. Mr. Danvers to the infinite cha grin of Sophia had readily consented to the Match. The proud' sister, thought in the natural gOodnes.'s of her heart She would not have had a little opposition to save appeiran- - The brid,tl.day:c.ame; andaTteiTthe - i mony bad betn . perfortned, the. happy party -started for their newresidence in the sub'urbs. Sophia,: Who acted as bridesmaid, was to Company ;them. . • 4 That, la the cottage, exclaimed the Wide. , - That —a cottage ! why, Mary, it is a pal ace,:• replied Sophia, in utter astonishment, fur sbe . oerer bad interest enough her - sis ter's a ffair=, to - go and see her _ resi dence: , • The carriage mopped • before the door, which was half hidden behind a Fine-laced, Portico, and the party:alighted, 1 The place.waa a perfect paradisiond many were the econiurns lavished upon it by the bewildered S4hia. You cannot think how surprised I was when - I first -beheld it,' said Mary, when she and Sophia were alone. It seems more like a dreani of fairy lafid than reality. But Fredriat is so very- odd about these things' I should think that he wail why Sis,.it will certainly ruin hint, a poor„ clerk, oti thouhaud dollars-salary: _ . he knows- hest; he 'says the rent is nothing.' • . •• , 74: 'Nothin indencl • but it will eat ti • his poor pit:save; , Well I tome given him aiessoo CO extrav agance but be only. laughad in my faoe, ;and *Lid he knew whit' he was about:' ' • •-• But here ate Fredrick and Whir"; 'filth finre papa has been "a:vl4l9g k lekanese ,110 Afoot riot kook* , the had piodueed-lipoirafal . efit", I said Bittllcaleette 'sit:w:ber tniebizedli ismiEist 'poittiv What!' beautiful bower evishapi Sep. morose;. : s l.l4 . rolpinti' (iattittli,. feiptlit -• (C . tqs),il::,:r of,* i i,:',,V‘ro,ll4tet '4;'-::_1A,_5.,, We intend. to, live out of town, in a nice pb;a, as Fred riak ; Hiukrwe. 'joie ed litt* grou - • . • t,. . . . , - 1, A'fit nest for my pretty bird: replied' the ► husband gaily, as he aackled. ttie: blusbing wife nailer the chin.. . r I should think your thOuseud dollen a, year, would have to suffer some,' eaid,tiophia, bluntly... • - 0; yen' father boa ben,.very good as, to: elevate me a peg, , so.that I can w,ell afford t o . incur the expenses.' Yes my child,' interposed, Mr, Deavere,,, you know I said sostiethieg, =about enter, taining an angel unaware. Sophia,jlr:Fred rick Harlowl is the new partner !' r, What - an abotninable .areal, papa; Fit warrant you told Mery . of it in the begit4ng, and she has been busy.nntil thedied is done.," said SOphia, with an: abundant good humor_ " ay, she knew nothing of it _till a few days _before his marriage. This was all Mr. flailowe's whim. He Inuit explain it for himself." - r• M. Harlow() did attempt to explain his. motive in entering the, family incog, but. it a lame explanation. —Probably the reader; who readily penetrates the secret thoughts et the hero .of our story, has already divined -his motive. lie wanted s wife and 'bad-the sense to seek for genuine goodness in prefer ence to name and position. From the United Stares Review. A 'Yankee Pedagogue's-Ordeal. nr =luau) 'nos y B. S. Qy Ecrr • I fIAD once the hottor to act as the knight. - of the birchen rod. But an orcleal,had to be passed—the fiefy; trying ordeal of An exam:- ination. The titue-wascappOinted, and thith er I .repaired with ~the district ftinctionary i my employer. found assembled' the honor able Court of Judgement, ready to fulfil their august duties. Let tne,..reader, in language . of brevity desCribe the dignified committee, of consequential looks. The Presbyterian clergyman, wearing the deep SOlemnity. of the Sabbath time—the "%past; looking knowingly ftom 'oeith bis'.'specS; ready to immerse me in a sea of perplexities:-.-the Methodist, whose s..anntimoitious'bw scorned heavy, with ponderous tie t iught--the corpu : . lent Doctor, whose apothecary's ShOp in - his. . . pocket, grunting at every step—the 'learned Esquire; versed in•the blind abstractions_ of the. Old Lindsley. Murray, -and; the abbrevii 7 tions. Last ofall, the villiage who seemed .to lola binasait ire- hook: The room was thronged with spec-: triton, to `see the master go it,' as they_ said. The exercises wire opened with' - prayer by; the Rev. Baptist divine: , The. - conclusion . 91 . - off hand ejaculations was in - these words ;. Kind heaven, bless thy young servant. in in structing, if he passes examination to . which the brother Methodist responded Amen.'— I - concluded, in my own bosom, that a failure should equally demand a blessing. The Pres byterian clergyman Commenced the' exam ,- ination, with questions from the old '..Tohn Rogers Primmer.' Sir.' said he, when did sin come into the world When God gave free will to-u►an,' , ' I re plied. Relate the fall of. Sisent—the death of Saul' I declined doing so. lIOw so, sic t'said .lie ' Why, sir,' I replied,' I am not on examin ation fur khnissiun tu the ministry:. h Matters nut,' rejoined the - clergyman you should understandthe principles' •of . di , so that - you could satisfy the inqoiring mind, at request. Divinity should go , Wind in,hand with science , and when the mind becomes learned, it-will also be good. Sei- , epee bows her lordly brow only: to religion 1' Thai's my mind,' said the Baptist. i_4 l, artmalty_accord with your views, brOth er added the Methodist, Come, gentlemen, proceed, proCeed `don' t d night with ethiesl . said - the -Doe- The Baptist brother, after • arranging his dignity in the form of it . white cmvat. com menced. ' Sir,' said he, & what, is language I' • The telegraph of the mind, I replied. - ' Incorrect, sir, incorrect ; 'Os 'they utter ance of articulate sounds., and r - ' n:ish you would confine yourself to the•text. I was on the point-of informing him :•thato it would •be an approximation- toward better if he would take - his own tequest . ,fci heart and stick to the text. But,' continued be, what are Thoughts, journeying to do reverence to God,' I answered, • • • • Too Utopian for my. comprehension,' _re plied he. I was then delivered over; Methodist divine. Said , he, on a. high kph what dos e A. M. ataad for? D.D. ?:.$:-.Ll" _ eet., ect. - - : As-I was about to answer, a little red - haired urchin, suiting the words to a quinek Awry 1r• - • P*.o4er . what 4 Aram ; : _Shameful, shameful ,!, that ,ist thie ealightened_tra so little reverence ist . paid to reverend station.. The niiniiter'fele quite alAsbed 'at,SOsuiiden - an iuthit - 4ilo'ry, :and: gayersty; to cliliuMel..- - _ , litumpitkaii,:,ijetlnst sane, Ankeierlaryglipelaa, -.1:111k - lott ;this , imPortontstiestimne-tiO tripnesall l sria air 1 mind the necessity eit"ittitriktiitt'vAtii Irtil pils in the prineitliii - Or pliyaitili4y,' condo - t : • 4 11 : 11 atIR,0094LrA P. amatloalutOo.aohoutteeebregolvicrikitwoitee; concluded that they bore about th'Poiletriol latidit as talvatieu. • The, venerable Wing' the algal ty•Oflxia honorable iequiiitiod :to continue the mom :examination: Commen cing nt :the pieface Murrfe Gnimmarivith much panfloaity; &teemed not pistil , he had . interio gated me ibs every Such was his seal in Syntax, that: he leaped the.,Finis' into a giammatieal world of his own.: • Titei.4quire elcee4. his examination by-asking Me io define a period, to, eall up and see bii; guise, „.. ; • Thasilliage pet,tifogger, - full of: legal WM, &Mimes satid,_'Sir, who coricoote,d .the tee:Deelarationof Indistomdenr.e! • Who.an.; nibilated nulilleat!ozi in; this glorious . Union"! 1 Who was,the homortad Blackstone,. that con cocted taws for theindverse and - Grestitritaa I I should-have concluded. that oar lawyer' I 11810 an X, C., had .I :not beau otherwlse • in-' fortned‘.l The examination had beerrcotnple- , ted, the legal . examiners.haviug retired into an 'adjoining apartment to deliberate. Du- ring -their absence, whisperings arose aini-ma; :the crowd. ',".Wondei if , he'll pieta' they gin.him hard'un ;" he'll go it :" clang him, he's got the real ,Simmon-pure grit: Soou the committee returned, a perfect ittIOIDX atif law, gospel- and' medicine.; The . tetras:end Pmsbyteryian actor,' as chairman, or :rather as the oracle of_the tritanml of brains. Said he, Sir, after much. consideratieu and de libe ation, we have concluded to award you a certificate; should you not. succeed as an. instructo,,,wo shall feel compelled,e,roficio, -to diselkarge you from the position we have, conferred upou you‘' Hump I hump I one questson more, one question more,,''said the Doctor, with a med ical squint. - ' Were a child t,'› disobey, would you chastise him l'• 'lndeed, sir, I would,' I replied. Blast ye, you wouldn't .me, , ; growled an urchin in the corner. , _ . FlUtuph . !huruph .; stint up,' eir, shut up, or I"llphysie you,' replied the doctor ,gruff ly. 1„ Coine on, you can't 'catch me, ' you. old puffy pill-pedlar,' rejoined I"recocityl, taking a hasty departure. , - - ` . l3ut,' added the,Reverend 'Methodist ; ' suppose you will open your school with pray-, er The question was a stumper, as t the Iloo sier SUSS ; but. I thought I should be regard ed as a heterodox, if I refused to . answer ; so 'replied that prayers amonglittle urchins in the School roo`.n would be answered by paper w 3 41..-., instead of a blessiag. - Yes, yes uniph , added the ,Doctor, - • h ' the atuen would be the' echo of a popgun: continued Ole legal s...calmal am , , 'praying in school to diminutive -children is like proclaiming glad tidings . of salvation to &Vanilla infants in the tabernicle. I, sir, have seen ministers look reverential 'anathe mas at infants in the sanctuary' ' • Well, well,' said tbe Esquire,' it's getting late rather guess we had better adjourn! ' Let us iniplore.god's . hlessing,' Said the. Methodist.divine. I will giVe his ,ver batim, for the benefit of such township feactionaries:; Hisao- en, we" thankthee fur this p)easipg_itite'rview with thy young servitat give bfraielisdom fiona thy botility to discharge every duty' in the great dranaa4 ; make him in.strumeptAtin giving mor,ni , ton9 to Cheherp of life . , for spher es of. usefulness'and honor; aqd .when weary pilgrimage is der, re ceive.ls at thought's baugaet_iallparen.' _ . At the concluo‘on_uf.this elegant ~offerlngi each arose and bestowed-on -Ale friendly con- Ail o were anxi o us that I should find opportunity to giie thetiart visit Tot each was blessed with loving daughters, except the legal gentleman who was to pompons foica pid to assail: After' passing the evening 'adietis, took my departure with 'the ;district- cmimittee; my employer. - We . soon - Apselied his rebi .4...0u1., 1... 1 )4411 * MI L ! *bere'sun beattrA evirn/aWitd-.14 blasts. On entering,-tile committee introdu ced me toihic raisanct her eyes, nor -eVeir biuved Om Compliments of thi;e4n i og,- bnt sat cold' and gloomy ; (nailing mit.: rimonial "du tp;-:.rouki ng eraill;V .At last ;she' said, furninvo her bolo* (imam • what -9n airth Jyoli bring the school waiter' home fori-Hisky t didn't I toll yen that ther4i Faint ;nothing in - the house:west; but codfish andTtirnips I . arid. sei'for beilig torinentetil lei death; as tune n& I - buint got children' to iserid to schoot f t wont ; fa ,tiieill b Tam Aiscour siged, so ..,-;-lks itill i ' hush '.- 0, d-e 414 me!' ' continual she, !limb ; .or JO . boi your- ean r , addiessing tho jewel.: '.lcould, not' cauceive hoir_ such- a . littledelic.ate structure of birtitim . .. iti. eonld litandoeture-suelt. thunder. - .110 mole of,u-iiiolling 100011131` anti squulhai bit- by shouhl:beintroduced :xi- ,the' eirb , bitia .iii . , l nookurnal.esit orchestra... A , tornadd,toliowed bYAL , .) , Paie of , Lb kinder; Ofrruwaud - iive , ';noPft- : tab!oft.a!thquAkeir_mplijipiWid:by rho,nutters : don WA' would faikl‘o arrive..,nt, y rk ' , shallow:l of:ccgsWifiCtul:o3-11 1 ,4•11954, PorSIWI,Th‘ nxkleP APlW 4 ,94 l tifnled PA:Veld t :4aq; and 'ißrincY.4o linkiqt braid •fill,i-COultrels ci,u"9 OP agel4:4l o, licoll. if F.::•:$44C 'I :.,. .-{4014, ‘v , 0 an whets( 4ie 4that. it obilillvily- , ,- Fr• i tiilt44o4.RY4. , 44Pr.;; iv i ikt muithisns4tar Af-01,416f24.9kir i-.41!_ lesuw...oot...#kipip-rits lee4q-Ai*0rt...74.44PA1104017P0r 4wrttl-if, 4.4 - i#-.! 7PP1144.11fh4if.C.144 lltostrah,. Alatilic jOs 44*Pirlt.n fin 5 1)1et.V. , ,./!11,..-1.1 .17 1-'l , ',- _,...inliq4ChlnVM:i./0 1 444-1- I think it iookstAkislioger t ' 4ftidtibil!..... ' tile 111114M091442Zntr allr " Wn:s 1T04,44/444AtitiVOIllikare ,ciect* ,to tott kniti, airr if lidy while I prepare yon Bon a refreshzieonta;'`'.break*: Aliielnir lira& Atith and ter cheeks'were radiant - riityOnt breakftisf;'hittiseirftiM_hWa r enconiums will qii;.ll'fforieriiiiiWil , the titaehltii twi l it be charge of a scold's patent battery._ That ba:= 6 3 , 1 0 616 like:you tnicrridedtroi;cl4ol• eel! ly , for • ' I reat,dOifee - -hi;thi .hrossned.hotucgpwr The,soft soar/ banner is. unfit/led , 1 It 'rules- the heart,: it. rules-tha_swild: , .Who, would tear tiust;bigmez,clusstii.:, , ) - And write on woman%chgekTlA.frolci ..; .I, ;lucid clieerfull sg .re omepd l * to., • .jseda-1 g9gues genera l ly, that Osey hie; and inform, their minda in relation to-4ile baby_ parlance. A Pedagogut_weil veiled in the infant vocabOary will bei_deay- ! , ly Joied by dearly :beloved ceae Aubrie,,nza-rau'a tabirc tables; are the jahlegoguels Tefiqie in hour,. of need. God bleatithe.,,peciametue Taukee fa aCeal Screed: In order to load, the coal boats: - ob the Loy , l high Canal, a short but steep inclined. ' plane, of about one hundred and :fifty. feet,in length , is made at the chute whiell runs front ;st-sifil: tion on' Choi:slide Of the tztountsitt-04. si-farge cikular ; revolving. soNee, which three , -,bits , thre bugs chatolwro,:ibtougb witiob.cosi %any ; sizoo,is shot, by souppVrs, into• fast as n;arty, boata,waiting for different descriptions of the article.. A, few:months since, ,a Yankee, quisitive, !At more verdant . than n :Yankee ;_ , should heigained the station house_and.gafr. act with wonder at the 'contrivances. :Ho particularly admired the swiftness with Which the loaded car descended and' emptied: load, and the velocity with which itlethrued to give place to anothiir,. •,! -- Shortly his attention was attracted by see.... ing klabore.r mount upon thelull c rsabout: to'rnake the descent , - . • - "going to slider inc o ir g d " Yes 4 going to chute r wou't .3rott go:1" ." Wall, !guess I'll stop a.bit, and see how you do it." - - - - Tht; car saiftly deseentletl i and ere it reach- ed- the hopper, the passenger jumped off safe ly. "Do you do that °Len !" inquired he of one of thelabo!ers in the station house. "Oh, yos . nontinnaily, „"--:w . as the' . waggish. answex, " You know- most 41. the - . boatmen are single men,-and as they have, orders for fitrnily 'coal; we arrays -sentidowit a married, man with-every ear of that-kind, anti. te , :et 'ens know:' " Wall, acilv„ . siu tell,' uttered: the :ex tern wan. The mom the Yankee leokea. at _the iipp ractia..Ahe_txtore (14 1101).uorpe cenvjncedilmt it would be a great thing, . P - g0,,,,00wn the. steep in that way, something that he -mould tell "to ' - . Plucking up courage, he npproacheArtke superintendent. ~ • "That heats sliding down it i", I spoe it does. "tow couldn't let a teller go down could you r you • • "* Whv, do von thin Could itimp off in time .r • ",oh, yes, reckoned considerably of a. jumper—jumping doe& me good. I :once jumped off a' haymow thirty feet high, 'and it. Made rue so suple that ►am given ,in be the' heal dancerin , that ' 4 Well,'•get on,-nnd talcu,eare yOlifself." Stidclettly; the 'ear nioved off, and OM-friend found - the speed . _ so fearful, aiid• the deelivitl so treat that, he wit. 4 fcireed-to 'stoop idcmit . and g rasp the vehicle fof;s4port.: place where the taboter had leaped :off ens' reached, but the Yatiiree was not in' 'a:posi tion jmnp ; had to' hold' on ;•'atid run;: ,ning flown descent theetitries-rii•litift that which he had cnme, trsuddenOlitdeishot the bolt, anewith tt Violent - foiee, - - - outi''went the contently 'Yankee indludeai , into - the hop " Murder! get put 'stop cor‘tp - I" • ibutftetrourpr . o . „ - las' he. felt sii4tO g Jii the hopp er ; to the eilinder. stop the,consarnlTll . be killed ...the' motive power of .the conssute. was- water ; Which bad no'sympathi with those - Who pur- , sue knowledge under ditfleuitiei,: who. tlaW W43re.p 4 ; ine-inUch:Cen!„ vulsed with lingliter . to yield assistance.: to the screen he; blidlanding , ofit -, the,top. us: he' felt himself • revelvidg-: with the grasPed the wire in I hint4lf fronil being rolled -I" g - Around the wheel' ha weut and *fir Ai es( sensibilities were tontihed .4t" shower Hof th° 'teal' dist, Siddledthrough fro*: all 'Vie - ohinit;tlis , ••= !‘` managed` to: et, one eye opep, and :,•'• with 404, 1 4 tltal;kbe.aylinder,was,only ahaut: Afteetr . feet in-length, and. he-forced his; way- , f?iirittd . iti the . 0401* ju a 644 . 11 1.1 1 4 11 ,4t 11 41'.ki ‘ the next time he reaphed the L hottom;lte mak 'shot tint .of , :daiieuttpar into"litt-,-boat,lie -00t1r.4 the etteintsA.cet . litalibier,,lSVltfi' li g t ef !TO; a°_ol4 h nillg".z, 0 4.14,',u4034,1 ? the 4rt'pus , ,,C4iik:ofesr-Rudi survellifirhis eiresspfaimi and biaiaatti,,,hattl: . red, wretched and Cut pmbs, he " rsiie his' biflrogibiLi44fairtviiTliditrat )01ifillithParlirtik over -thP ' .its t Nbiabiti - ailtilWfby Ai x tt 7 =: t aiti , r) 1 2,4- trif.,m,i-: , q1;41, ier • r . 4i ';° lll 009 • * 41 f 0 00 9 -*: haa• a 4 telrlONWßia n iA hturit .09 1 1* le. liss mites :~ ~. !...47r.; ; ;';71.'ii, , 51:,i 'az* 1., y :% .. g chime : 12 - 4(Ager 51.z.. -'!"'T- .1, home mane tnat conies to you, ns osalcvt , Wrkze`-aig 'fl.atiOr z " 1 44 , - 111461,7:yelliiir;''leWeitly,iireei:Qt:! - iiio 116 r fiotiaiikcn:tl' .fa''v:t ; qt • - I . eni):4t.eoffel'js It,Oittoi*Or .4" and will:evitiiseiben i -alC:litiaiinfakii One :diawS *Oitiffij trir , fia6int for no entea tico' dies. ;1 -.t 7- Dot nTh t send a sweet °norm& %poet to. , -tbaliostnis." I _, •.: - •:••••'- The fonowingiffilinatnuttfitafrilik - Ariar tines Lepo t)tdiecittil vtiVietieitgaitti. fait) being , • druflk Ince the plipriWacilifsior. L aw i n blitw.york.: " Mr. Sappir%tcier,*! . Wdid you imrclias• your liquor. 't °" one place I VOW I wish to know is;' th pahieiilat ` c , St*' store;oi; Itote -- I,4terei - tier i" `‘ 6 Ton&t . iie ~TSa re s a out as many bat•TOOrns tlisi's'customeis" s" At„'-'how: Mit' - ii,raiat. 'did you drink r .-41-17 S i " '44 i : rUtiC ai :healotiank-Lbu t -liercirelit a tt. drzink'ivnuit or twiste out - ofri bottitithittl brought _ - the froth!. illenoy.":WNW I - did 'yon purchase the iiquortthat Yeulia4 - ie tifietied cOtiliroui Or-That 'Tatlittedi - Mit; union . ; the , -bar=rooms."'; M'Wir l at kinci of IL!? nor did ichtl:. - drink r""'ilfeortii: I never drink any oilier iand: `-Y sbbaldd' have drank tfist liut 1 'etas : most weak: I was right sick-Tor - Itwo efter"l set-here:. itlienglit ram, would I Warrii - Inisttimmuntr. " use of askin''' - ill,tll:4AnieSii - onar - "The rea— sou by..l4w'a..person fouri3 Aritnik" i oblige: topltateslhere lle ,prpogre4l4o9llAfti, .. ! if-he keelvs." ,' Well, I 490 1cq431-VU.,S you've got_ throug4.Nyi j oilfl,497 t':. , " IF.4_ quile r sir. i , You oro'tot*Ltenctollats t :i!, ; o:?% . 44. do voi, gall th.it'ir' doixii i ill% dein iiiitAlook, 1 t. 1,, ~ spiir, lyith., , ; _..tßgt,vp,il i ;,;,...P.,16„- ; d1k: , t '4applivon j.. 5 . ,.. tlt . -It# : !.. ,ff.7l4 7 ,i,jtkliff 1-1 9'sP -1. ": !',-.Tes C lr ib il P , P ; 4 2 4l4l A4 .l :4l 4reti 1.41!•5a4.,\11e.9101Fie handed 'th.e , elerkiP '1. ea a .' • • - "r g, V- "-I it'..Pc's'A 14atI L ,101 1Mr*,1 , ,ru;`; l' , - , t 4 . ii 3's all' ri ght, . sir. You ,ittfe:ciO'w free;', Efir, I.lOpe this 'wilt. he' illess4ftc67,c,ii.n7 - iirii;iTc 1 6 ), Judg e , the iPC3 -I *ne . 4 for tee'-,i4itiiiiiiiiii :El ' the West:to emigrate to T,i;it Sla4-.iiief . co!'eli 1 "" " P**l:4 . i . jiotl;',*i.'4o44;oll - S'iPiiiiigten 6 1i,ella th - d'O il iiil,l l 'fiiiiirit outside tt/elxii: _Pe:t en 9.,. e Y: AS. .: - then..,.. 4 , 4 41 4 ~.; f t ti p oi 1 'aria said--",4iiiii t e,' if ..th4r 0 snii : Lsiii44fisW chewin fobaeltei; I It*: - itii r i l iiciiat*iii, A' , more ill On ' l'hur:tjtft' * C.latil.". , '' mil: -.• - I til6t- ) iOu th.in ioixte *his 'alit% 'lig.ii . teiienc fa t)ir'huisOets, the 'court iobl= ii ieCeoi."'? -e '-," ° ,:;.. ~-_ ',..,': „.• ; , ::,...:CE ..i-ik.. , ,tozott._ . - • • • • . •• , Wi • I:km4a. ':=•:The edit& of thelfedinir• . J bitne, r ideilily lik:ne Celt A'ierabkiliAitisiii of Dunkiik' ' In - repit - to'''a ":finifewfart* ie`,iii;-iirittercbt.i brother . : lniiiiLiMiotolhittit dis'ectirsertli tins'e -'.,_ 1,- -:-'' =1 ,t10.1447,:-, itlq i;3t the edltbr`qiiii - . 4 ailist4naii.,i4i - night at' ene'etilie - Diniiiilf6W--Wit tali Oat . a - reiulir. PPfiltiii Inek -41 7 r -i fiff. kirk bed..witibiiiklikillif aid" r 4 614 btig% 'and' pay i - Dunkirib&Od Siii6li MOP kirk hotel-keeper`} l iftii,ltil.totialfir4 • has iiiii4to' lie hiiiitalto itiCtettiithitO - 6U'ilkiii:atimati,'4li t oiedAreadvihrldthik Bhantiea - ,4idetlionitlitDriiiiiiikatititilXikidi . ' . ' - at the peor;' Wretched 'Dun 'I r - liishnefi, :tiiiiii i fa'`iontatt cwith!•-Dtrakirlit - grabatera:—:•alld,'-alfer hi3 - iiinirtitut_iiike Atli rounds and seen lkinkiik takslia3ifier•kiail .. come home and writes Dunkirk lkilikfPf, , 4oiii dinisionis;:lif ‘wi.4l-rilia-apiptiirfer's bifill# anti-write with orty , ,it....aar , L it neigilber..atairj'eu der3rlagreemitlxrwthiti } 1) itiiki ii ii the . tnostGod-fehuarewmariglonag . thtititt a sioyiivgaik..iitits , lidiat• Csporgend . we iirilPretraer 'and 'aeknodiedgalikweitairicre o f 4 our re b o ki..it - :,..i'1:1 .1..}'•:47.!;' , -i--,..6 -el. , tam.ts • , . Bollix:, IlkoiTit -44 1.W* - cliik*-11* -- 0 1 1it - - dahlia-Zeck/cr,- • i_parappil,fatn:74lrM 1 4 - - k r - - - •• • ..... ~, ,,,124.Z.1.44 , 1" an y 7 ) . 4) OW. int _ t1. 7. 1 09 , gi P Cl, , f i $.1 ?,,,F 1e - . '•i-' ) , 4 4,• , V1V 2, ~ ,i tt olf .I..arAlpt,r,:: '. - ,-• ' -.- ..• „.,...' • -,-.. e ig h t r. pii . t r.fi r .dik 1 . , *440 ig.!l_.t...orfillmpp...p.-„,?!' : ~.; . .4- i ftioivfAiiti:prij4tio tonsiipliti t St k 'priAltoill ~ hate. ~, ....-,r..-,zt).4,1;;:,,,rr.,',,4 flk -I ;ql,kit - 4 31 111t:'- , 1ne,N..0rAttp.,,y4,,,.!'4,!..1re.—, , - . Y': - :, our''' Same ' iatii' triAiiiitin my - o them ek •4• , . „. _ • ,„,,,,,- :- , , ..: :.•'. .ofi '. `... , r.- 1 241t15. aN, h - 1 ' -'' . Taft . t lifit r itegeetwikig - r • ' _t o,e eot.olt,S) - i , ~„,-,„,.....rAe.4 r ii: i &. --44 5 . to entitle sndtpdurt S tomattlbeitr . - ,:. 1--, - ,- -I : ' ~:: ; ,t- 0! "44 1 1*.r6f,.....7 - I,tileci- .• • I 'ship; ;4:00t thoproped: . Obe 1 -01."-w -leagues-F.48 0 PTV -.-, ° I % -- - .4 r ,,,,,,,,k . , , at. ...•c-k VI ti le , - mem • :Bobtorkbolcoz!t knel4--it`t. • • .. - • - - • -. 1.. n.. • , t o r.......g r tr,,.. g reAk i: , ~ . 'gen . intetd 9 g en ! ,. / 1r In 72-4 I T ..A.:- • est i :all A ;1101E4 ' ilei*iilit °natal', 1410,,1r -: .......',- '1,, , „z , ..,. 4 '.: . Aqc,k3 .s iirKPECV.VO/84ideilka 'at Post4r l l -, • - i -9 . 1 "9 11 "7 1 7- -- - - - w' ' iiotWiteiliitiols t iftiriiiikiiiitoola . - %-; 'VC/ } ~...iCiLtt.. t'V 1- (4.,4:e....tZ f - 7'.V.l.atrilkieAi .. ,•;',..4 : , '.. e a stanwent 4;7 ~:,.1111„,., ,_ , Y , ,,,g,- •,,,,:"''' -'• 0 ,- (S to ft .4 , u l f b riaii i ii i rav oar r wav - i k 04,i,11:., iki.--. :.. .7. :, ~. T -,..• -. • • ;'-'--- - ' i. ekitiit eal,lai„TilOide44itiiii#Wllib*filel -' ,z• - „,! , ..0..e,.4.4.•--,ft.t - , - kilii, , ,viiiio- 1 01 -pi --; 4,o,,consurport7lu,- uv. - 1,! ) * 0 .-7-..•- , *-,,,,:- .-' -- . lai,ialii,,,,Awkiffriatliotioleliji t 11 (4! : t:r . lirr t , 10. 7,, T=l„,i,aviia l liii i tßi gi p- , - i t t: , tiet10y,40,...0gr , r ... ---- - -,-,-...;- ii #7 . 4 1 61v . ,..0 1 4 :.: .. */ ,... ::t,, _ -: , 14 •4•. - 7 , 1 : 4 A11.: . .41' .. 7. 7.7 i - ' ~. I:4' . riiiitivWait4 i# l o4oinniourrra*- i_.t '2 . s" -- tia ' - -L.: 4 _ Aeatt Pk .f!",r_ 4••, :- • . ,41 4: . • . - L" 1 If% 14i; bOViiiiitAiiisibei fitadifitfolK.. , , We•itt lid* cieO' i*AillfthoirtoB' ==== - „ j 4.7. • • - r P,-11 ,'- t ' iCr • .tz, • . 7 3t1A,11:::f..4.-*,4*..4:4 - PLtvilzfAtlro , it • <••• _ • .1,4 T . : 4 • NEM
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