MEM 1 1 4-"Fill4FoßPt..!; . 7 Shawl 4 . ,1).re,55.. Goa d s _ Enaporiiim - Fon. FALL t 65.5. - irjr itURRAIT ld inforia • hialrieritis and Lay , thliPablic; that lie hid now in store and. lx recoiriatTlattill fessnrttnent of Pali:and Winter Gaols, including a- great variety of Rich Fall Printyria /WV' stylex, Plain. and Fancy; De Lanes, Plain and Fa:tcy.lfoliair Cloths, Plain and Plaid Morinoc)r,- Paretnettas4)a:Baireaand, Poplins; Dark -Rich fiin7it-inti„ in Fall Styles; Black Broaaic,Plain-andTanev Wool, Brodie, 53isitaitire,- , C.rape and silk-Shawls: 'Rich *my, Bannetv and Flowers; Ladies Cloths and • Velvet+ 'for Olaftlts anti Mantqlas, Broadcloths, Caisiqi with a large asiortmenc of Stapre nu 1 Fan--at Gaodi :Ls usual, 'actual ig liard i yaro,Craekvrv. Iron and Steel, Paints, Oils, Sh-;es, - llots, - Clock. Baffalo Robes, CarPetiazi, ttc.„ with a new ass eirtm ent of Stoves and Trlicurning-4 of the best (panty. being mad e to orlior expre;lify forhis Custaint Trade and will 411 bt31.4c11 at tho lowest figure or a LITTLELOW. ER for'eash. nrcifinee, or approved-credit. 'Sacks wanted for which the highest iricus will continuo to be paid. Floor and Salt, constantly on band. New Milford, o,!tobft, 1855. Irving's Life of Washington. IV'inb a complet,tl in Three handsome 8 \ volumes—Tfins.rateif with Porrnarrs andrlans, at $2,00 per volume. Of elk Biozrop,Ly of the FATIIVE of his coat - try there q bat oue opinion. It is the most com plete 'over issued, and 13V the pen of one of the Greatest Writers of the Ago. Every family in the land shonicl poSsess it, and every rerson should read it. Azents aro wanted to Roll this anti several oth er iniportaiit Avarki. Terins are liberal. Ad. dress; C. T. EVANS,' 18 Gilsev building., New ;fork . : or C. IL SCRIVEN, 19;tist, • Ciu ennti3Ohio. _ Copies sent free of p4stale on r,eceiptof price. • .001.10, 1855,-11 w 3 • • NEVUIRASONiC HALL, Philad. A'MTS wanted in eery town 'and county "in . the United States, to sell the benutiftrl picture:of the Grand Lodge flown, • In the NEW If ASOXIC HALL, Philidelphi3. This,plafe is Rollin; very rapidly,tmd elicits the adrniratiiwn,of all, for the'eorreetness and fidelity with which the &aviary, Presto Painting and Furniture Are. represented,, and the artistirAzkeautv and bar inrwey,pf the. colors. Size of Phte, X 23.-= Price, 43,00. BoolfsellerS and. Picture Dealers wishing to takeAgencie:s for it, will please lb - hire-Is, Air fur. Vier informatiOn, L. N. ROST:INTL - JAL. __,43z;n3 - Lithographer, Grand, and Mignificont Display OF.TALL AND, WINT:EpI GOODS-- . J. AVI rTENBEfitInEd Co., bheS pleasure in announeinaja the citizens of Nl . :.ntrose, and thi• adjoining Counties, that they have just received the largest and Most fashionable assortment of, Fall .and - Wii3ter .Goods, that has ever beeti . -brought to this portion of the State.% The follotving - comprises but a small portion of the immense assortment to be found at thiS C3tabli3linient. • B 'and Gentlemens Cloth-log, in endless va rlets and - porusion at' mare reasonable -terms tn:in-ean bp ( o btained elsewhere. tad'es Dress Goods, Frencls Nferino,Pararnela part and all pml‘Delain, of mast any' 6 , ,10r 'and sh ;de.' Plain black and fprtired,charigeable - plid and stripA Silks. • Ptin't and Ging,lv,ms,. Banr.ets and Rlbbans, T.,,neesNi Embroidery:Shy:l,ls, Dlmble, and -sin gle Vrosbe; /aid dottl,le - blanke.t. - Shawls, also Cashernere and Thibet •Shaivis,,Glores and lio sier-orinurtiin Goods, I.7mbreltas.,-Table Spreads, Toweling,' ,Diapers, llu slin Satinetts, Casimera and 10000 other articles too numerous to ni4nti , kn. ) Gash Bu)ets will finT•it to their honefit to give us.a. - enli: We will fIGL be undersold. - On: - way of transacting busin:-..lts is to sell lot:. for eask on short time to goof! !nen, intending to be 'pro:nptia meetino.our.ohligatirm,And'expecting our eugti'onerß to do the sante with us.. . --110SENBALI.11,- WITTENBERG&Bro.- • 3iontrese, - Oct. 4th, 1855. - . ," New Spring Gcypd's. 11-. 'BURRiT7' would annniin4e. to his friend, 6 and - ,the public that lie isrnow opening an anustrillyllarge Stock of S.:T.l7in - ari'd SIT:4- mitt GOODS, Ith-indium a creat variety of Prints frout:4ets to 15... per yard: Plitin and Printed Lawns ; Barc•ge Detainc!i, .GinErharns, Brocade, 1 Black anF.aticy Dress Silk , ,- Silk DressTis . sucs I, .and Bare es, Poplins, &e., &c..: with a supt•rior l, c' ~assortinvi t of•Sit‘k,.Broelie, Csisivnere and Thiht- bvt -Shawl S , M.antill:,'s', Riras:ol4„ French Lace and Straw. and Silk Bonnets, Rich RiLbons, and Flow-.I era, with a large variety of other ataple.and fan- 1 . I DRY. GOODS,, Groceries.. ("rockers. Hardware. Iron and Nails, Boots, and Shoes, Ilats mid Caps, •Carpetinz. Walt paper. painted IN:indov.- Shades.; Floor Oil Cloths, Clocks, Stoves, Oils , and Painter, Pioughs 45:,c.; in short, the largest, kind of piles of rich and cheap Goods. too numerous to mention, but just the things to purchase. all of which will be the most reduced prices and on thf most favorable terms for cash, exchange, or ap proved credit. N. B. Salt and Flour constantly on=hand. New Milfor•l, 11:iy 5, 1555. • Vit t Delairare; Lackawanna & W. R. R. • _ SPRIISG ARIUNGEME,NT! lAN and after Iklontiay, May 7, 1855, the kfi . raa Patserger Train will !care Scranton at 30.20 A. M. Due at Great !lend at 1:29,-t. Connecting with`the Dunkirk _Express Train west, and the New York . E. press :Edst, net the N. Y.* B: R. R. l'assenners taking this train will arrive 1 Dunkirk at 11.114): m. and in New York ai 11.15 p in: Return, will ieare Great Bend, at 4 p. m. due at Stirantou 6.45 P. sn. - The Freight Ancommod.ition Train. with Fraas eager ear lttact.ed,sw,ill depart from • Sera st r. at.; connecting witht he.•Ma Train bound West, and the Night" E'spress Trains' . both East an+:lWesto • •• • - Fiviengers•tairing this Train and the Night t•t'st, arrive in New York ai_ 10' 5 a. td._.-Bv t,ittio: - .; the Night West, will arrive in Dunkirk at 12 211.., or hy •taking the 3441.Trai.u, West, wll,l aiiivein Dunkirk at 6.45 • .o, ! targi 4g , Will (depart from Great Bend at 7.00 .a. i. and arrive :Lt Scranton, 12:10, A. M. StagerWiitlYo iti:waiting on the arrival of Pas senger Trains at Strintnn, to convey passengers . to. Carttondade„ Pittston, Wilke4vAlaire,. Phil adel. phis via the Reading R, R., - gastont, and alt other intermediate.placei , . . •.. : D. 11. DOTTEREIt„Sup't. Supl;olraiti.iScranton, •••: . _ May 1 . 8 .. 5 4.'Ai2Y . • • ' YULEIFIRELTInt , The 'thrdereig,ned bits been appointed an afreni 1 or the, lATATs Nfurnat.„:: FIRE'INSURANCE • cOgPANY, ettlarrieb• nrg Pa. &id cor.upasy has reap - 1W of $500,000? • It is ns safe - and , cheap a..,company as any _in. - the. State and irrserfas the'Stf,oet and /Mita& plan,. -BILLINGS IirPROUD, Amt. -- Montrose; Oct. 9, 1 855.-"-4 tf We th e andeaignid bere.try state that ire hare • one halftime iwith the :there company, and we satisfied that it ie both safe and cheap.- - coth*ailm-Ye•Dergt.4Pivn a • ny • t•inta -L • - Jessup. F.. B. Chandler.- 1 AN:WM . , • A Pirkrx, nitiatttinir-Nef.; INION EWEN . , k __. Tholtittilvlicithinir,Expose. i •...f:', ''' - A NV person pitioanialift -tnii !et Ilier'lrOttt' - ' /I.upper room, on to Stored tely occupied to , .. M, C. Tyler, can ixelkciinittra actiording to to the LatealSaahiontOu the eat and snout iip proved manner.. -,.: :. . .. 1 . - _ ..,,..:, . Iqx worklismarnite.dlo fit if' properly. ratik. Cettia,7, mendinbi and in!, tact eery " branch of Tailoring. (lone .on the s ortest. notice, and that to the satisKaaion , Of 440 - concerned. ' Htf.,-. - . -..:: \:-..: -..-.-- 1.. SAUTTia. • Black Silk. AGOOD quality' for dresses. at 81 out. per yard-_ - U. IL dr. Co. Oct, 1 1854. • . - Wool I - Wool! Wool! I! . 1 A AA - A - POUNDS wonted at the ratll3- / U kn./ ets' .Exchange for whkli the high6t.tnarlcet Priee,willb6psid- in Cash by A. LATIIROP & CO. Jane 12, 1835, • SPRING GOODS.. • ASoPerior iot just refeived,•and now °Tering, - t the lowest cash prices fur approved cred it or Rendy pay, by -\ • . - . A. LATEIROP & Co. May 1. - 1;00C HERE. ' PorsET KrivEs..—A good assortment of the - I:tst kind is tnarkr,A. Also Talile Knives and Forks.! 1,1 Si.'9o)NO --Srtscip.. Silver Plated,German Silver: Alloata Opoons. Also all king of Butter Xnives. • VIOLIN STRING!! Bows, Ail(' all . the fixtures, Aceordeonsi Flutes, rl'ining Forks, &e. FLUID LNal Camplieoe, Candles, Lump Oil, & c . FA3in.t•Gr.ocznms.-2k lull' assortment, new and good. • DurGs AND PATENT alEnictsts.—A first rate assortment end genuine.: 1 • • I'mar.s asn'Orts.—A general. asssortment, ant; of ;plod quality. JEwELnr.— A splendid variety, of the neatest pati-rns. ' . . • .Faxcr Goons —``early everything, in this branch. • PERrrmErr.-A claire variety. . (New 4u . pplies received- nearll• every Week.)' • In ~hart, nearly everything persons want, and cheap, at the variety store of Montrose, Juno 14, 1355: Lanssboro Furnishing EstabliSh inent. -rilltlE-subscriber keeps , constantly on hand .IL . . and make to order, Doors, 'Blinds, Windows and t indow•Sash, Door and %Vindow. ,Fr::raes, and, all other :alleles made of wood and used iit building. Blinds painted . and hung on :short notion.. GIaSS f all sizes, qualities and quantities foi •itle. Flooring plainedlind match. .ed at from SIC to $n per 1,000 feet. Throing done to order. Also a eneral assortment of CA BLYET-.WARE. Bureaus, T.,i.ires and Stnnds; nf,all rnrictic•A:— Chairs, .Bedstends,•.s3etters, 'Coffins, ready made or ninae ikrder on the shortest no. • . lice. • G);)i Pine, erry or Whitey:o9a InniLor, grfoy or :nll kindA taken in . eichnnb for the above._ • .. . .. . ' :4r Tc.r...m.s-- 'llently nay ci'r three, nioaths i time . with npprfoseti .ert:dit. . ' . All order, :.tddreseti to. toe will receive prompt attention. , . Lanes',on), June IS,. 1855 Great Exhitpition in Springville. .111::.AT AN!) R.ARt: 1:XIIIRITION 'or .k:JE . FOREION.' AND 156MESTIC \ G00.1) ::t l , evrry stlle and quality, sneh SA will 10. sfttrt i. pion-e and tlet•oonnodate all 'elasies. of rrunir ' the e!iild, in the era4le to the nid chods " are I.,"otTlit on the favor„rblt ..-111 be sold aefeordinz- Ina ! wiii in lo I , ly nl! y 14:: ‘xtint, in the iloe of GOODS\ever k.litYou Hued not. go to l'or'K - f,.r any o;'n2 yoou w.tut, bet•nwo;:, we ftavt: _.__ • _ _ COs rr. JOriSSON,.& CO Pa., May S. i.z,35." GRE ATe AT TRATI' lONS, AT .T fIE P 8 ONVILLE XCHXNGE rp33E SuLscri:)er k pow receiving a well se ll: leet eti Lssort men', c,f.Ory Gorods, Groceries, FiNh. llGniwttre, taciv-7:lnde Clothina, ILIN, : Fpfendid ascf,rtinera.) I Probt Oils, 1) ve-S tu ValAoe N,.tions i in- tact„ afino4 everythina ealicti for , at a coun try Store, itritiding Flour, &Ili- Moal,"all of ho dt•sirous scilintr. for ei.zsh, or any kind if Taicsacr•'s.. - I.lcrehantable Produce, or on g o od approve-cl Skim friends are most r.r..spectftilly invited -to :rive OM a call atid he will gall:4 'then) that, the I:4!hanoe is the pla.-e for farri}ers• to trr. rho highest price paid, in for Mittor:r • - Ti . • .- J L. 7tITIVIIM.VkI .:ty 15, 1855.. PATENT MEDICINE AGENCY. ABEL TUR R-E L L,, Montrr.P, Pa., DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, ?OF. ALL 7 E PUPtIAR 7 P271:01 OF Tile DAT% 1 . Consignments Con;:torly Rea/red. English Drier 1 " atches. 19 - 111 E sub-criber hid jnst received by steam 1 j ship Baltic anothei invoice of hisielebrated I English Patent skeleton Lever Watches. making! fourteen differelit varieties, in Plain. and I Hunting, to vulilel) he wnuld rail th e atten tii,u of all ix , r4utvs wialting to p itchasti _perfect time pieies. I A. J. EVANS, • No: '2, Odd Fellows' Hall. 17.'1855. Bin7,llamt, „I c;tl„vr.r: PLATED TAMA ASIVE.S.---TireiVe dos. \.r.lort• of these Thee Tabl6 and ItlesertKoivea m.:de to match have: forb4, for, sale • A. J. P..r.L.ns. Bina,ktutOn. July 17 Large assortment of 11 Cameo, and 'Mosaic Breastpinv. just' receir- O. from the ,Ilantifsertork. A. J. Ev.ess. Ilinghamton. July 17.1 GREAT i'4kRG: 11.13. DRY ;GOO . N:AVI 43; Ci TIDETURN A heir , warmest nicht) /1,, to their enitotnerst •Sustuteli for past tles'ors,aitd invite,httention of - Western—Round:Lad Square . 1 Castateel Toe Cork Rods, New Spri4gGoo , , • 1 . Refined TYre Iron—all sizi•s, just opened: which they ' propose o replemsh t, -; '. - Baud Iron and weekly from. AUCTION, and the c enpest ,imigh I - . llonses ili tile City. , 1 : ' Spring Steel. . v of stapie i A large assortment of Mutable Iron, COB Chains, The stock embraces every vari Anil Fancy Dry' Goods, Yankee Traveling Bags. .4-i. Ail of which they wi l t be :ia'y str ... kt attention .. to the we hope to re. Notion, Trnka,.• Carriage 801t5.,&c.11:•c., :Tice ta a call, extremely CiIEAP for CASH. . • eeive A liter : share of the patronage. • All work , warranted t' dive satisfactit.n 'to those who will Pedlar., and other wholimmle buyers will find ~. ~. • , . mvor us. with Ow patronage. • it greatly to their advantage to give them a call. I. The Ladies - Siivill find an excellent assortment ;I ' Or'WAGONS AND CARRIAGES,iM of Dress GOod4,EmbrolAerica.Thread Laces, and i: ironed.on slick notice and stock found, or made T - mingi - of all Itinds,from AUCTION at very': to order througliuut,as may best suit our patr o ns. . ~ . - I; AU buAiness ransactions must be settled once low rates. . - - • •.. - a year. Short !settlements and long friends is , oar motto.. _,I N. B.:. A gopd journeyman wanted, to v, bum • steady emUliiyMent and Wei wages will be given. , - CARPETS-OM OIL CLAIM 1 A. E.lliewt*r., . , . ! J ERRY Jr-axa . . _ _ .. , - j - H. DE PEU would _call the ittentimv of 1 3 l.?ntrose -.5 10! 31,18 50- , . t ICttii; tAblial o lid Tage stc'elc qt Thr,ee Ply, 1 Q ILVER Will.E.--A largelot of silver Foilis, Ingrain, 'Vette(' rapists?, and BruSsels-t-FP 0 •11 0 of all size li ; also; Table, Deisert and Tea int.r.a•Whlc/114311aa Sass Weft-sett:at Art -1 7 0 ' i Spoons, just &fished and warranted. as t'.4 . 04 as and offers .at lower pricesi than ever offered 1:44 co i n. by A. 3. EVANS. 1 fore in the country: and a large . variety„ Mini' ,-•c i i . _29,,_ .. i ' 4: . his spacious Carpet Room oeenpyin\gtire•seeond is - ~7"w iNG BIRD% somi very ,. Gov. for sale floor cir.11111"-..Cailliill61:1344Thrtrnlifillth g 14 r t hesp by I- .--. •:, A. L EVANS. store. Coole'iod be',consiliW th at: th ere - 1i 'fift , - • ,I - • nteessity fortare'lloors t .; , ' ' ' ...- - vilt,i, sititS, warrinted, At. '. l t,..: 'l, ' ' f lll..ini PirtV jyt--- " --•. i• PHYFE:k. B,NOWLTON'IL -.4 / I , ,, listritos. in, lora •1554. -= -•- ' lliag h -amtoci liareb I, 11133. • W..N.AVII•SON, &CO - Corner. of Court nod Watiritts. . 3 - B . 4fighanitOn, N. Y., April 5,1855. _ =a= NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS-I A. TURRELL JACOB TA MOIL .ledgetrients nns Counly their itoek Vlaintoit*: 'Ait!..rt.lis;-.)41tt5.., T S'.! Great ilednetiou in.Priecs at the ONE PRICE .STORE: 113• C. EACON the . pleasure of announe- IlLaing to his Customers that he has just re. turned from the Eastern Markets with one of the largeit, and roost .eieel len t sKsoitment .of DRY GOODS AND CARPETS ()fir opened in thin market, which for beauty, variety and kyle eannokbe surpassed, which liar in been. purehaiwd for cash at auction and else where at:auction prices he will sell them cheaper than they were ever before offered in this or any other market west of New York city. rich :Inc, splendid assortment of DRESS SILKS is always seknOwiedged the best and chespest'in town, and includes Pain, Plain, Stripei..Broende and Glace—thC,. chtapes.t,as well IN the richest goodS,nt pricesivarying from 37.1-2 ct's to $25,0 per yard,-together with a great vat iety of BRILLIANT JET BLACK SILKS.- True Satins, &c., selling at least 2.0 per cent less than the cost of importation. SHAWLS! SHAW LS ! ! An immense assortment. of Silk, Crape, Thibet,. Cashmere, -Merinos, Brocho and Summer .Shawls, from 91 to e6O, together u ith a splendid variety of Riad; and Colored • M ANTI LLAS, of till the fashionable pattern": Sect?, Silk and Embreidered, which'will be told cheaper than (Ayr before: DRESS GOODS. De Las from 6 1-3 . e.'ts to 37 1-2 city per yrud:. Plain,Plaid,StriPed and Figured: Ainslins. Bril liantei, Bombazines, Chanibrus, hams. French, English and Atnetqcan Drills, from 5 c'ts to 25 c'ts per yard, and evet•v new style constantly on hand at the lowest pri4res. RIBBONS. • ' Ribbonds by tho peice or yard will be always iu our stock for 31 illincra and retailers. . .. ENIBRPIDERY. The richest and larget assortment oflEmbreidery. car. always be seen alit. C. Bacon's,:it "the lowet•t prices.- Cheminetts, Collars, Sle4es, skirts, Infants Waists, &sr.,•of every fasfhionahle style, together with - . : . . English Thread, .. . .: ' Valeneeinnes, , , •'. Honitor.• . . . - Ouipnre and Brussels I.nres in peat variety • LINNCN GOODS. • of all kinds. Irish Linens;Linen Ilandkeretliefs, Tabl4. , . Linen and , 'corers. of all sizes: Napkins, .Kylies, Linen Sheeting, :aid C;lse Linen from, unction at pqecs billow all comp.:titiom. The attention of house-keepers is .particularly invited to' our stock ,of Curtain Goods, among uhielt may be found - Lace Curtains, BroentelleA, .and evei-ytiiiroz in this line qf can not fail to plew,e in fabric, style or price. tolitsve coops Bledclied and Brnwn . Sheeting from the 63 grade np to the finest qualities. Ticking. - Denims; StripA 'Shirting., Apron Cheeks. Ci.,trkains and Prints, from 5 els to ht.: e'ts per yard, and all kinds of Cotton Got,dsf,,r men or I,..ys' wear. thir Cloth Skirts, (.Irazis Cloth Sinrts, . and Parasols,,--a very rich assortinynt. More Antigninl, Moss Prin•fe,a, Gdoonza, descriptioni of Dress and Mintiila everything belom:ing to tii D r y customers maybe sure of tinding.nt Baeon's,.it it can be fuund•id New YOrk. CARPETS! Ci*PETS !! 'Since the recelft'Tremendoui: -Fall in the price of 'Cm-point., we have purehasisi and have n"uu• on Itia nd. the hinieit and most beautiful assortment 'll . CARPETS ever-exhibited in this reelon; zst prices fully. 30 per cent, les. , then thi , y could be sold fur the. last year. : All ttiose who are in want iof - Carpets are invited to oar. CAitI 3 E'P:ItO):II where.thrytielig!ited with the beitity ertelpne.;,s .r the varioui pitterns, and astonished that so gooti.n e,,rpet cae 'ue so:d it) ehJnp. Br U - 410 61, Tiara, Ply. • :and carpetine 4 s from IE3 pc - 1r yard and upWard,--: Flow' and Table Oil Cloth. Matta, Drti , gQtt , , ite, equally cheap. - . R. C. flae‘m would inf-rtn these of his custn. rnera wha have nut already tirade th:,•n.,elvps (painted witit the fact that he has r..-n,v ! ..11 front the store formic utile , ' by him. in B righam oppositeC i ourt qnse, to the Collo' of the new block erected the Ink •suratner next east of • the canal, and having a much larger, conven ient and pleas :a store than formerly he is pre , pared to hold out even great(i.r.indueements to buyers than heretofore, and such as can' but be :,ppreciated, and admitted by alt. thoSe v. 11,.) are jl.o7„es. •' New Exchange, Binghamton, I • Mdys Dry goods and Carpets at. Cost. I,I[TICKtiAII 4 RENNET hive on land a V V large and well selected stock oll'oroign and Domestic Dry Goods and Carpets, embra-. clog almost every article in the Dry Good's lire ever brought into the*arket in view of the short crop of cash on hand, we I,tne corcluded to offer them for si.tty days from this dlte a! cast: Those perSoas to whom we have formerly sold Goods will at.encesee that this i 3 a rare oppor tunity and one which should be embraced im mediately. To those who have,never favored u with a call we would say Pry 14 mice and youtl will .be convinced that this is the - place t IchaSe Dry'Goods and Carpets. Our stool Iwatii replete with fashionable and • seas 'Goods and are determined t s keep as goo riety as can be found in this section of thi try, and !sell at prices which cannot please. - %VICK I I A3I tt. BENNETT Binghaakton,_4an. 30, 1855. ' • THS UGH ViiING EXPRESS ! • Fare Reduced :'Time Saved !! *hip? by Day Light; HAT/ifiElr & GENES, . HAITE formed partnership-10 .Ifontrose for the purpose ofdoing cz-trylitidg's at the old stand near Keeler'3 llotel. We bare purchased an entire flew stock of IRON, compris . ing a full -assortme.nt of all kind..., direst from the city. We 3101 krepcont,tualy on hand i'Musna Curtains, Cotton PUT in al nable a wt. r _, • SilitaiinfaNDEß - SIVJPES.. I . ': - " Man, ' Know Thyself:" ... ____•_ !TIVA NS & WATSON, No. 261 An breahlatar soak for?. a , eshts- 4 . Beery Arta' here atoms ". -.-- ,—— ~ . - -..... AL1U booth Fourth 11., Philad. - ,- • • ~,,s - - -, 100,000 COPIES SOLD-LS I c'lr iG ' GREAT FLEE. CHESTNUT .• ' ' 1 I : ' J i - 1 f-, ••\.V . ' L:' .1 ,'' -, •tEt 4 STTIAN A TSAR. All elf t &FIFTH . ' bts., Friday thorning; t ~:l ' 4. A rlCsol frAi r jk. 1 ,•"... edition reviaelaiiaiorprorra, i ' 'fit-- - '_ , I)ov:tuber :15th 1654 - E & :4"`•' . `'-' 1 ' ...71 7-44 kart lamed. i , , . . Fano ..,,,.. , - - ...,, , -- -:., ...:-.,....,. Watson's Salamander Safes Di . 111PM:taut, us-they always Irc . when pet to the test. • PrtitAttat.eats, Dec. 15, 11;54. • Memos Evans &, Watson; No. 26 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. .GESTLFAIIMA We take much pleasure in lac. omtnetading your Salamander Sates to Merchants and others in want of a secure means of preserving their books, papers, &c., from fire, as .one we purchased from, you :About seven mouths since has preseried our books, and cash in as good a condi tion as they were when put into it, before the great fire this morning. which fi.'strotnd the en tire block of building's corner of Chestnut and Fifth streets. - The above was in nee in* our offiee, on thi second floor of our building, from which place it fell into - the celbkr and rettrainied there until the fire was ne. The Safe was then removed and opened in the pm-tamer of at least 111110 portions, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired as we intend to put it in use again, having perfect aontidence in its fire-proof qualities: . • Yours, Re:pee:fully, LACEY & PHILLIPS. Evans and AVatson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hutidreds who have their sftfes iu use:—U. S. Mint, Philad.t.; Farmers and Mechanics' Rank. Philatini; Samuel Alien. Eeq . High -41teritT Phila ; John N. Henderson, City Controller; Caleb Cope 4 Co., No. 7r3 ket St ; Richard Norris and Son, Locomotive buil ders. Philarla.; Bancroft and Sellers, Machinists, 'corner llith - antbjanoll Sts.; Franklin Fire Insu rance Co., Philo.; Penn'a Railroad Co:, Phtlada.; Lacey & coo nor Sth and Mintir Streets; Sharpless tiro'. No. :12 south - fa:St.; James. Kent and santee, Nu I•l7'N,rtli Third Street ; W. If. !harm) and Sans, 'No. 51 North .71 , 1' St ; Smith, Williams 4 Co., No. 97 Market St.; J.& R. Orne, -No 155 Chestnut A large tissurtment of the above. Safes always on- i hand (warranted to ,6.. d 10 psi rent. tome Ere ; than any Ilerring's Safe now in iise.) EY\NS &1 1 WATSON, ales manufnettire mid keep for sale. Iron Shutters. Iran Doors and Iron Such, for mak • iug fireproof Vaults itir Batiks. Stores, public and private Seal and Letter Cupyin Press. es Patent SI tie Lined Refrigeriltors, &c. Plk , ase give us a erll;at N 0.26 South Foltrth St., Phi la• delphia —l3yl NEW GOODS • MILLAN & I'M*" ret u rn theirgratefal acknowlek , inctit.i to the public forpast ta. vors, and ins ito attentiotfto the very largef,tock of Spring and Sommer Goods they•are now re ceiving; and offer for sate nt rem ion , prices. in addition•to tilt* usual assoittnont of staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,' Crockery, Paint., and Oils &e.,.they are prepared to exhibit a large a l sorttnenl of • - S LAMES DRESS GOODS ' of overt description,. Fiffuresl, Plaid and lionnets.Shavv s,-RibbonA. Gloves,. i[osiery Ladies :.,ad Misses ho e s of all kind., l -..!al s ei a large stock of , • REAI.A" MADE CLOTHING. C:,,,,irneres: Tweeds,: Jvans, - - Summer Cl o ths,, Matslps, Bouts an•l Sho e s &e. &v. • rcr•pectfully nn rsr]r ' gall from thosc to. pmelmse • Goon Goons AT Low PRICES. • PARIti Springvilly, . fOct..R:Tliayer gpAKEs thil ruc.:lii„i ni•sayi7 ;: , l tt, his friends .1.. and enstornent tirtt he lets :173in resumed the pra. - !2 , 4 , o .e f 3ledieine at: his old +4toed ifl )11111 . trti.‘, where el:; , me be . found t.t ..II times'"miless prof,.”,sioottlly employed. Ile 'Would sit. to deist. him I,n old v.eeoutits th:d he %%ill dedtiet 25 pr. e kmt- (di all neenunts p:;1.1 hefor..,.the first of April nest, (or if ant`poor like. tnl, - ttelf,) I will 'deduct 'fifty. - . . . Moetri,se, Feb. 24). 1555-9 t-t: I flea' Jeivelry jtu4t ro,•eiv. o;i dirett frool the nilnuf:eturers, Anti con si,timf oft first rate .as,. - oliller,t of :and Gt-tiCeulern . ,(;. , l.l fin:zer p ro p, nr.4 !foOp.:, r.,1) Studs, Pens, vte. Per4ons . wishits.r ch Jewtdry.sflould certainly (.1;11 tio• Store of s • • • . A..TURRELL. Montroe, Ap r ii Is 55 Ilenaoval. . C. D. I):•ntist, fins rientove3 to n room o'ver V. B. Chandl4. 2 r's store, where it. aria bi. his rionsure to sr.e. his friends ••:z4itick as possible." C. P. VIRGIL, Resident Dentist. ,liontro , :e.',4l:: 2. 1855. NEW STORE, 4 -41 ;3 t GENERA!, assortinerst of titapli•und Fancy, 1 IL Dry (I,,,,•l4,Groe , ri,.s,Hartltv.,re,ll..ts, C3,1,s sn,lSit,tes. Paper. Dro•fs, Dye St 1 3 . tints nt,d &r., which wi;l be sold as rhea!, its the chtuptst for Cash yr appr,,verl ertqlit 1, . 11: JUNES. Hurford June 1. 1855. 1 .. ) LACK Gru 4e Riiine Silk of ex, c 11,. 1 0 .13 ties at 11. M. JuNES'..• Jura 1, 1855. 13 TIOCII.I. Ca4bniere allptict.4 ako a few Matail,bis by H. M. JONES. Jury 1. 18.55: jj EADV Made Clothing, at lawprive‘ , . by •IL JONES June 1, 1855:- ~.1. A[)TES will find a great. variety ,if Bonnets F- i and Itititeyns'at 11, 31. JONES'. Jtme 1, I 555. . . .A NV NS, Challis, Barge -de 'Lens afid Ging. liaM-s . , IL M. JONES'. Jonel, 1855. E 3IBILOWERIES Win/low Drnrwry IL M. JONES". June 1, 18,r)5 A (if stm,„: H. 31: JONES' June -1,.1855: IXTEEN Good Macio•r;•l 1; .; fme .11 kr in e. 1 ,11 by , IL M. JONES: June 1,1855. . . . r iii best quality of iti.tils at 5 et's per pulin.L - , for ! , ;:le by IL M. JONES. June 1,1855. I . . T US'l' receiving a frci,ll supply of line„4.%liton • Salt 11.3f. JONES'. Juno 1,1835. Caution, ---Lottery Frauds. . of ttie Haryliin4 , orivaidoel LoCtert.q., Itimintona,latyltod,Junt,'2o,lM. LIE Comniiasioner-of the Nlarylarai State T Lotteries h N deemed it his du :y to caution th e public. aglin t the toonerons swindlers who eiretil , ite by mail and otherwise, fraudulent Lot tett- schemes, a pretend to. IT iigent4 for the sale of ticketsl Lotteries Whieii are wholly fie. titious. : The 'only legal Lotte . r;es in Maryland are ‘ those dmign daily under the superintendence of the. Commissioner - elected by the people of the State under the new Constitution to examineand ap. prove the sett vnes . and attend to the drawings. • All the tickets in these Lotteries and all vet. tificate.s of packages of tickets have the litho. graphed sio:nature F..X. Br. E !CAS, General Anent for the contractor. - 011 ire of the Maryland Con. solidated Lotteries, Baltimore, Md. AB other's are fraudulent. For full information on the sub. jest of these frauds, address F. X. Baisas, 33y1 - . Baltimore, Maryland. FALL STYLF, OF HATS. One Prioe,.l9ttsh Store. rril-1011AS RAFFERTY N 0.57 Chatham-at.; 1.. New, York, Opposite. Chambers-st„ late of the well known house of Rafferty & Leask, la desirous of calling attention to hie stock for the fall trade. Combining elegance with durability, his flitTs maintain the reputation which for the last ten years he has earned II his assiduons at tention to the, wants of his'enstropers, and by the feet. which is well understood, thit, 'selling for cash onlycerery euatome, gate tits, worth re his moper. j . • TOW %%Man' ' Dr. lltinter*Oledient Uanns". . : and band nook fort itretitieted-• Containing an outline-of the one gio,progrees.treatmen audettee • • • • of form •of disease cone %1 %. 111 ! , 1 V k\s‘' granted by_ promircuoussegual self 'diner or by aegnalc with advice far their prevention. written in a ft miller sty e, avoiding all Tuvalu! trchnicalties. and averyt hing thatwould offend th taro t decency; with an outline of 'eomplaintstneldent to females:ft= thst = reenit uf wane tweet yyears• 21.1M 6 10• • o met 'tea tneduntively tte °Vol t th e cure of dist. saes tit delicate reorient, nature. To which la added reeeipt s for Merriest orate above litt !Wee , and a treatise on thi reuses ,symptouts and cure of the Freer and Ague. Testimony of Au - Prot - erre ra ( I/ hst et ric it Penn (11.31141.• Phiia•le; iis—"1111. IIITNTEWS M i DI'I.AL 1I V(114.1..'' —The anther 0 this wort...until& et he majority pf those , who iidrertire to cure the d iseases of whirl. it treate is a graduate of one of toe- hest Colleges n t lie-United States. It affords me plea ante to reeommend him to the attract's nat e, or to the victim of malpiactice • as a auom.“ftti ant exporhneed whose-honor and integrity they may pleco the greatest 11.11 e.. Jilts LOS(1:41I41IF.. tl If From A Woof:re 1) „of Urn' if i. Phibt. delpat —it rives me pleasure. to odd my testimony to the pr ofe•eionalablllrt of the Author ot the . " 'el Die L M !I -1,41 t.: ! ' •• races of Mee:lse of the ()mita I ttrgai.s, sr me 01 them of tong standing, hate rem, -under my no which hi;sitill has been manifest in restotung to perfee health, in some cases where the •patient has heen ennsidered beyond medical to the t rrltmrut weakness. ordisarrantenteet o the functions pro duce! by a' if ••T i:309,11s of rencry, T do not know I hi. seperior In the profession. I have been 4 equizitited with the &Nor some thirty years. and deem it no more that•justire to him a' well as Atroineseto .he unfortunate. :victim of early indieetetiou, to recommend him as one in "Ideate prefes , donal 4111 and trite:triti 'they may: safely eon aide thenieelvev: A I.4liliD Wet elitiVAttlt.g. " This •a. w.rimut exeeption. the most emnprehen sive and intelihriMe work utiblished on the. elesa o (disease of which it treats. Avoiding all technical term: .it adlreee efiteeltto , he re•a•mt of its readers It k< free front all objertionab le matter. Anernn parent however "aati.liotte, ran object to otseine it in the bands of hip oona. The au thor has devoted ninny years to the treatment of the r,tri• our eompialnts treat ed of. n lid with no little breath to' puff .1011..0 iittle aresunto don b. ttnpose, he • f;• th'e world. th• merely nnrniuv Wire .1f 2A eent • the fruit of some twenty yearr'most .izeressfu i.practice."— liamid. Vn 1.- adwr or parent tie t hou t the -, nowl.'d,to Ivor arte.ll• t'd•invalimble wort, f °.ul.! save y.. 41.1 .f rain.morff. c atier. and . , 'crow . to the youth under their clia•tre "—Penple! 4 , lr"rote. t l're.bvterian WO, writing of quo ter•• e•ii ed • flioll+a Ili/nn thous Rode .•f one eolith . evi! example and intlisene.e of the p...inn F. ha en broil e I into Lho habit withou. r' , 3l.l.r;tig -to and 111 , 711er , upon ntern'°! l •o end nosterity . ish.." .rirtit IlCiittS• trit 11 , 011.• an•la arboaremi.dity familka hay.- lo•en enfeebled, if not b reit co d.••• ',and they do nntknow the , 41.1,0 , or 'he mire. .41,ythine that -ran i.e :lone en to -WI eaten and influenee the publiemind tneheek•:•and 111 , kirttely o' removetilis wide-al'tead source of human wretchedness: would eonfer the rtmitest b'essine nes tt, the r J.,ans on the ore , cnt and • intemneranee , or th...tisent , ntogi:entior drink.), thermii it has slain Omits nvon not a - rre.‘ter •,..nrge to thohn man race .', , -cent Tits thanks on heli llf of the atllicted. end. ":11•Te tn•• yo or en-worKer in 11. e good IT c.f.i. you are sonetively enzakedir.." • 'One 'oo wiil he forward..d.frei,f postage If) :1 , 117 put oft Ile Itnite.l States fqr •25 rents. nr t post nail) (10511/kIN Pulili-bers,r_nol, 199. Phibtlefolita. _Tr?" il‘•oloteliers„.4`aurassers and Itoo' Agent iutmlied on the most liberal terms. • . ' 243.1 37 4Ka-iiitaWslitlVY. =En wfirri),/,‘ ' . 4,444. - -• 0.4 Now Lino of - Mail Stages r c , 17:a !!! " 4 34 , \• --.43 i•-:.. 4 %;•,- . - ,- ,..-- - - - -77.----,..- ' , •".=- o + ,- .....--4;'::• - • .. ' • :,„ -• %-t - 7,,,1izwk.t.-... rio . ' ' . ` , "l I . 01) TO MONTROSE. ar...b:;:kwnotl.patinpeltrouLl il.r , •tty,A.c.,ery mozningatterit.t.arri-. IP ofears,Lot h Sant awl We,,t,rench .M.. .. lIRKW A T OE wi1.114 hib yal c.fthP rral itagMontrose at 1 I I. ET U RI% t N G Li•ave'Montroi , ertaily,''tr'd at 2 P M• reaching KittAtor Ltuiv, to take the 3lail train!. If CarP•hoth Kast nod West. , reing the ii..areft arid ino<t fe•oiblt runty tnr,ach the New 'fork and Erie ilitroatt..: ThiLtlhio rater-eCtra ri-week :3 rot Dia),,rl,Sprithr ,oc6, Wyoming,. •.nri which tear elitiotro.y at 7 .1 •1 every - qt. - 111day We , 10e0th...3 kr .110041 Team. arra coinlQrtabtit , 7arriap:r are the Proprietorrwill , par.: nopairii.tottoconitoroltt.thvi'uli- W K. liATtlf. : sep 12.1934 is is ~I2) i' ~'~ ii'. s-rormARD sinPe tho wny .{).• fon,Alll the RAS ENT ENT. OF Sr-UZI-CS 110TF.L. No.t•Vi4l.oantilfili he . tilAirreori”nted 'with c. hi. it nur stick of "13q0r. , , Sho v mh r i.. wer a t ~tr'.in the toornins.! “r the lire, we 'still ("pit:tn.). and .hill 64,". "Aupprit..l . KT:T.:LER& STOTH)NRL)." montro.....X.wornber, 13. )854. " -Brocho Shawls. ITEAPER thin ever tA:fore "knuwri, fteanti ki fai pattern,;,.:lll.l fine quality of 8-4 4.3rotrhe ShatvlF. Impen's manuficetur'e, at S. (),-t. 11. - . • U. R. & ( - 76. • 'Shawls. T ONG and S, s ' %Void, Broehr :niitl Silk, 1_,4 very fizin , ! soine ,tv !Intl at +; Xlrtin.elvlute rives. °et• I Genuine Preparations i Ildatlpiti's, 11;4114 emireidrated C;nnpouivl Fluid- .E.rtrart Bitch u, For Diit,oa - =4: 01 th ,-111,./1,, yr,' Kl , lnpyl. ~ ,, , r 0.... T)' .c p. -trietute4. W.olknringe,! all I qs,..r.reg of the Sr.xu iv Orgari,i, -trio:Oar in Male or Female, "from whatever eauee filet' may have othrinnted and no matt..r•ot how Inn,: otantlin.r • • • If yon have enntracted the terrible whi. h. when once gritted 41 •t! Atlrtly .gn . .down from one I .p.nerat ion to an,,ther. undermi nine- the ~nn, tit nticm "rPina . the Veri , tt3l c.flife. , lo not trust yodrAetf in the bawl: of Quacke.vlo start np every day in n city like'thi. and fill the paper , with itlarin 2 f4l-eh-10.1., too well calenlated to 4.-eeire the awl thowe' ,tint ar ynatnted with their tricks ePurot he too rarefnl in the Peleetion of a remedy in then. easy. The finil Estrart ttneho his been pr , nirtuneed I,v PTTII. !tent Phyldeinto the efettlet rernrdlt - tree known. It if a yhedieint.peefeetty iqon.ant In its tatit..rttid very innocent. In it. :yr (ion. and let sn thnrnntrh that it annihrlat , .. t eiery r tAr ttelp the ?An y; . 07 4 poi .nnnn• virnr of this drea•trui di , ange; and. unlike oth.s remedies. It tines not dry on the di..tetttie in the Wont!. • • • etI , ;. , zTITUTION.II. DETIILIT '. htought on by Ic-,1,11Ne. rno , t diNeaNe. wide!: ha. hfoucht !tintv , and ,. .nr the- re7e to untioply crave,. thus lllNtruLt the brilliant hope, of parent.., and blittld‘r.c in the Is t the glorinne lit inn or Many a eig• yont h. ran he e.tre t by thi , b. e, remrly A njt toed Pine Whieh t front th e shr t ir ply d..lieate to the rontirp.,l and .le.pairintr invalid. no equal IN lobe found. cretin both as a rare and preventive Helmbold's Tricrhly Coneoritratld _.c.fpyrippind Fluid E.rtract Sar.zaparilla, forrurifyinr. the ttleml; ,renterintt all ,Iketee% aririnf (rem exree%4ea Aterenry.exp-ure arni nanrmienre in lii!. r`tr tilt eenstittrinnel dieva.mariaine GM an int ' pnre state .r Lot Mood. !Ind the nnly CPll3blis tint ef. r. , 111%1 SiTIP.II remedy for the gernfula, Salt- Rhentn.Seal4 Item!, of the . hreatamiLtnrat ' , A tria an I sterell , nia of the Doves- Tetter, Pimples tin, the face. unit all =cair Eruptinne ufthe Skin. This art He is now- hr some! of the troit . , ll ,;slimi i'llysietati% le the country. tint has heaved , nnre c4l •iiett i nraetlee than anv prepan. Sarrniparills yet ofter..l in, thn pubie. :Several f - tR , I4 of Arrtnn.inry ‘lerentint and ernftllntl. 41i4ra+rca have entirely rernrereitin the inenral.le of nnr lie Ingtltutinn% whn.ll hat far many rcw.isteil every mmle t roatmenti hat rms.,' he The.e ei fur. . Plated Ware. ni!", .rrikine example% ofthe ealutary effea•A of thie eonsisting of e-,I baikets, Cnstors, Emperi txte4l-: e j- rj s a 14 of Platk.(l tine in arrevtlmr ••11tP of the. mn.t inveterate dileaaps, f-.ii ter.s . thrf glands were AM' the henen realy at- - and Chamber C i 4;Milestiel:s. Tea slstiog of six piPo •5 extra rich; Cops •and Cott b•ts : also, Itrittania ',Vare. viz: Ti..l (Few fin awl six piee.4 , ,) Teri Coffee. Can &e: Av thr suliserilivr has made- nr rnm.teiynts with tha .itinnufnetorers ot 1116 above ~O ftilS. ht . IN I'llo/It'd io furnish tilt• n , ...!w.•5t pat terns nt the In we,!,! iftiver4,;,rtivi awtn Stl pply Iris eto,torners with extra or'pieres. of tiny ar... tick in the :11).)1e. iimi.. A. J. EVANA, • Ni,. '2. 0-hi Fellow's' itin;:immtnti. 'Aug. 29, 1855_ NO ITT. --Tot . tter. from re.nonsibl. Plivsirlamt P . ro• fesmorn of se•eral .Medleal and rertitleates of !cure• from atieo ts will be found ne:notpanyiog• both Prep. arat.limP 'PRICKS. Flnld tittraet 'of Boehm, per bottle or 11 Potties for $.5 ; sani. pr:ee, el nal hi :trent:li to nee gallon Syr rnp of Primared and # . 10,! h- it. T II Ei.nrot.n. rhonliFt. Che.toot St.. near the Gtr' d Philadelphia To he had of 4h,el Turrell, Montrose, Pa., and of Drug . , Zillt P. and .I.klera rytTrwlterr. , All tteTe'direetil to the Proprietor or Agent receive Limn -Cate at teut '23yl Cloths, pASAIIERES and ve*tingq," -a large am‘nrt_ meat and at prif.'!eß lower than we have. ever been enalded - toolTer them heretofore. Oa. 11. lt St C.,. • • g liOTlO 7 • • ~ S - hereby given that appliention will hem :do I at the next xe , ..sinn of the Ip t •fi.datorn for the charter of. a Danl.:; to he calbid the Firm er: 4. Jferletnies'-Bonk. Located at Sworiehanna Depot, Smeophinni County. Peon'a. The rir po:e and, object of the Bank is for diweonntino end deoo‘il. With a capital of $ .50.000 00. with the privilece of inzmsing to $lOO,OOO 00. Suitiptehanna Depot; Venn'n. July 9th, 1t155. ? 2tl—dim. A FITE.LOT OF LONDON Twist Donhto airrri•l Gnos,SinLdi do., and 'extra Rine*, ffw snip hv . . • A. LATIIROP dz. Co May 1. for ;TrY Kng. aaad 1 , 1116 i. ' • Califon Australia, V r plaCe on the (obe,eannot present jrealer • . • : S • Oen KERLEit 4. STOJ)f)ARD'S BOOTrSIIOE STO.IRE, it, ow filled with a now auil.6oen • -,sive as ortnient articles in .. thelr !ho e , onthrticinit a general variety of uew..and elegatit, .stylesOf Ladies and - Gentlemen's wear, arirenfg which are Ladies French, Silk Lasting and Pre.. nille Gaiters, Kid and Eitaineled Polkas, Kid Pat 'ent leather and hrouziul , Buskins. and•Tiort gentlemeies •Froneh - .and •"P l h'iledelphla onk-tanued calf Skin and tipzinoots, Congress and button Gaiters, Monterey and Washington Roots; toilet Slips, Marone°, calf. and Covshide:• guns. &r. Rays kip, calf and nOwhiriet Knots and flrogans: all kindsof :Hisses - and Children's wear; Also, a tronerai - aqsortment of Findings. whin)) con. \ elsr in part of lasts, pegs; *parables, ffarigarian nails.tacks. thread. wax; rtristies, shoe binding, awls ttaffpF, sandstones, shoes knives. &c. oak And 'teirtionk tanned calf upper and', soleloath. er,'Morneen skins and liniurn, : , • • ,Work made to order arid repairing nisatlyd,,ne,- • KEELER & S'TODDARD. ifontrose,'„Tuae 1.1f53. /PI IE , tubwriber wishes to call the attention) f JL iritods and the.: Publit; to his very large as:orttnent of STOVES. at his new .Storo Rooni in Lociersviile, flea to 1.. S. Leniteiin's Store, and near'the Great Bend 13e,pot. 11e has in athlition to his former !Urge variety of C.toliinz_tinii ni!rior Stoves, many new l'atterrs some. tVhich together with hi: fortner Mock' will he perhap. thy• Innsit extc.o..kive sod 61ried3.4Mortmfmt Stoves in the Cf.untr. • *** (Tinton Stowe; well furnished at low prices. All articles in' his line kept on_fiand and made to order as usti anti received at his old stand - in Great. !hind. -Buffalo Robes. LARGE ha i,f; i li-ids.mie Rohes, n part of tiwto wludr, Itidi n drest+ed, and.very supe. riur ec.l;as \ U. R. yet. Co. 0,1. 11, 1854. . Window Sash-. .. ci. 11 . . , .' 3,:,, ri.- t s.kvßE having beiin 'appointed I.ji. :trefii. , r,6l* 71f1 4:Xtt.ll,jVt! IS:l%h, Blind and, Door Manulatitory -are, prep.ired to furnish tiny :triieles in this tine at hiss rates' than they hilvt.. tiStiallv teen s. d. • • • • . 1)-e. 1-1. .., ~ Q 11AVI NG crtzA V —an article whith every ki 111.+11 . 51101}14 try, ri.r . S:i!V by . . . . 1 3,f)Itik , rzlicli3 Clothing, A VERY tit•Firulje stA•cl: at very !ow pri c es S. IL & D. SAYRE. 1k1 , .ntr415 4 0,, D. 14. 185-1. THE POCKET - _". 4, - ZSCT.TLAPITTS":' ' Or, Eeery on^ Iri. own Ph.y.irian. 'PH E F 1 F r t P. Tlf Edition, "i•''' T N , 1 eontainim: One;hmucired / a , • nu g rar,„?.„..howii,l)isertots 4. '" . ir •,, and Nlalformatione f the tlu . - ,1 . 1 35 - ; \,mau system tt ev ry shape -- ). i,. nd form. To wh eh is ad -3 1 • .1 . i ',..-,.' .• ded a 'freatire mt the Dis * 4:•;• rf j eases of F,• v ,, hpi oz of 4 :',„, . 1 , i. 1 ,Z - , ti l t. hizhest importance to ~.. k . .. 4, 11;10: .i 1. ~,/ .., marre d peopl;7:, fir those con .,. .- - "" - r ., .:. letripla title. irirringe. Ity • •!. ,Z . ,-.-::. ....4., 2 4./ , • Let no fa:her he prese,nt rt 'copy of the Aescniapius hit child. t .noty pave hint from an e a rly tzrave.. L e t n o yotint ! man- - or wo man •i•ottir iito the seeret oblictit hint , of merriedlife . , without reading the Pork et A escillapi uts. Lei no', One ;coll . -ring from ai hacknieri cough. Pairtin the nights, nervous feelings-. !slitl the whole tracit of Ovlp,eptir tioni,and given up by their pflysicittn,heanotherinemeitt 'ivithout eon i-ttlting the %if:SCAT!. 'k PIPS • iLtve. the married, or thkrie about to be married isiny . itopecliment.rearl this useful hook. a, it tins been the meansof saving thous/1111(4in( naafi, uttA't e ere oturerif rom the very jItWF. of fir affi ; Any person sending itnertty fire cents.en-,. closed in a letter, Will r,.;eeive, one copy of this work by mail, or five copit-e will be sent for One Dollar. • Address ',post • DR . WM. YOUNO, . No. I rtfl Spruce St. Philatielphin. . , "A pri1 , :t)1,1.41--:14.9 I.i 3101tP U. B. (.7o D.R. J. S. Hoyt; irroN's Pepin, :the true 16 ES rtvE GAsTI:w.JuitIF. stilt ludds thelirKt place anion 2 all the varion4 remedies for these liaitifol and deArnetive 'complaints. It is Nature.'s own t.pecifitt - unhealthy Stoin ach. Ni art of loan can CLUIaI its eurat ive• pow. ers; and tio.sufferer frion . Indigestion and Dyk iwpsia shoOld tail to try it. • • Sold by Abel turre!l; Montrose Byl.. TO nil lyeroon - eadliete.l cc th y fr tuat tIIAPPIAOS, ouch WV '8 , •3141.11 Impt.tenee. tioanorhoea. +3leet, Syphilie,:c.e..h.c. The lirintrd of Phila.lel ;dna. In view 01'01..4%11dt 1-•vr,v , tion of human life and health. CALIot by. r•xual .I;, and the d'eetOtion, which are liraetiee.l dpon the utifertutiate ..".etintorsneh , 11 - .. en.. !, by trzael..,..,have iroet ed their erin , uithig oargeon an 3 i.lieiltab;e-.‘et wor , by of their nl:ne. to Bike 1l• •llenl Atlrke Gratis. to ntl peeAem thixe atflietrd, (Male .oi „ un.l in en, erof extrrtnetioyerty and suffering to Enrol li Ifedieineft Free or Charge ' .Tbe hoa....votont In=titution, eft t•tb.liali,l by igpt,ei+l oflo;vrov , fit . for tio• rrtier .t.,lte 4lok. ante nfiliete4 uitla •• VitoWot:11411 Enhleatic ea..ra.•" and it: , ftin,h ran he n. 0.1 no nthar Pllrl , t , e It luta n•tw trpin. of in .awl...chleh the Dirret:)ta havo voted to n.lvrrth , r the ahn - ve notice. It is nee , lie.a to add that the A..oetition coinmand- .tt,e 'Ain or ow pnto. at will fatniNh the mr , st ap - trovi4- tandem troattnont Vittnah`ra4vlce4ivtm to AIC . Z Awl nervous fo nialep aftl;ried with abdominal weat,nest , , W'on . it. Com. C.,..tivene*P. I...ntorrhgra, ' Adder.: Gen: R.. eallennu. C'emeultiney j `lnwar.l Y.. 2 SoutiL Ninth Strett, Pa. • I By .order ne the Dirr, , q - nrP, 117,11 Tl. lIRARTWELL, President. enceett.u.Secretntyl 22y1 Stovelt! Storei !! Stoves!!! St .Vtistobti, Penc.h. lircinc4, Bird mr,ter,,, Troy, 3fo.'idiok Medallion, 131 ark Warrior.; Orient, Oak, E" StOV(., - - . JOIIN COLSTEN Great Bend Nt.r., 1853.- 7 -t f. Doctor Yours,llf: ,Younq:Jf. D HOUGHTO'N'S • A : "figaim Tal:Xataral Rotted y for • Adigestion ' and Dyspepsia. • HOWARD ASSOCIATION, - ' • Al3Etorincelnesitt. New York Prices ! A RE now twiny 061 he A. & 1_ 1 ! 1 :1 11 ht";!.. t•ori.ip.n their huttpr and product , to them. The'c havino made arramze. Inputs arp now en thliti to semi all kin-1:4 or pro:. (Nee to New York und to =ell thp at the hiv,tiest market mires. All tli - osn 106 wish goo,' prices :mil gulch r , :turm , we 'invite to call upon • A:IATIIROP &. CO ‘lontr‘,4o, Mav 1, 1865. - • recitelt Flowery - Part% Feathery taraw 41c. ;rlthinery Goad%. W E are now nirerin ta stock freneb q•tame. Flnorers,l . l .lrii: Feathers, anti ihinery Artielem, ef the most - aniline: st VIP 4; latest impartation. t* C*h. pareksmers at c great re dnetien (rpm. time. iniees, and .as we -bay° made arraeuements to reei;ive. ‘ tho' enminz itimemt ovary steamer.thOnewest stvies of gond,: in oar lino; we• - eineld lake; nee:million te:ielieit rash pa rehasers, examilii. -41 or stneki:•at :Hess. 64 &fl ,Ict!l.44t.',.corie.tisfVfiliiim, •"a ' fIOMMR - di KETCHUM: '~.tAa:.:~~jx , ..{i,:-Yt..-3`x~.-•e«.>y... ~~e-far.::#-.~ a~,.m. ~a ~~....'~ S. 11. S. D. SAYRE TM - MONTROSE MO PV131,181113) McigN GUAlia" 44 • .TEIIL.V4O:64I,SO,ensh in advane ; s2,9A t il not paidyrit bin nix ritonths; and:12,5,0 , It r -no! of tb e year. papitidiseetitinited upti i ges ate paid, except-at the option, ot the 'Pot,. lishers. Ali cora munientiond eonn4 eted With t.,14 office - , to insure attention; malt be directed (port paid) to iCitaSy. & DAy,liontru oa,Suiqo.oitsta Ccuuti, Pa. Halm 011 - Adtrertising..!;:: - .;:... One 'square! (12 linetiorlenn). 3 insertioni;llll,o6 Each suhsequent,insertion, - . : . , - 0,26 One square three month's, ..2,1141 • One square i Months, . . Business Cardi, four iinettor Vvntir naertiSemclits, poi over 4 square., 7,00 On,e eolutnn.oite4ear„ .SOO. Featly advertisers will' be'restrieted to the husineios in whieh they are engager) and are eon. sisleredaa +vislajng to enntinue advertising litiJess; they shill! givelrpecialdireetionn . fntn7discontin. • unnee of the Annie. • - • • JOB WORK': - The publis i hers hiaing ad, ded to theiaot , l'Hntiniz materials a large and superior alisc4f nient. of Job Tylie, are now pytOri,red tb execute Job Work 'in manner ,onsimpassefik this see. tion of country,and'on the most reason able terms. • Blanks of every descriptiolx,keptspf) on hand or printed to order. pitut - • nittYANT 110 USE, iAreat Bend Depot, Pa. 'Apra Oar ' ANT, Proprietor. ' . . - • •- . • lillattetsrt r tj, SPROUT it Co., :. :. Ivitentefactrirers'ofSpßotrr'aCostßlSlEDCeo . , I.IAG E Sral;iGs, II uglrestillv, Lyeoming Co...Pe. .Springs !tiny tit• had of M. S.Wilson, Montrose. 11'.i , S311T111 & CO; CabineVand Choir 31anufactarefis , ,Ipot.-111100 I .Street, 3141ntrose,,Ta: • • . L Dr. H. SMITH,. . ~„•- : ' - - •P - ' • 4i' . - Surgeon Dentist, Montrose. a.,• int eat A: Searle's'llittel,Mondays and TResditys a eitta week._ - . • • • 141- • ' 3 - ecYII2ILL.AIIi . & PA!littig Dealers iv, Dry, Goods: - groceries, liardwafe. Crockery, Boots ati4,Blioes, Pa. • _ • . • .• 18%1' LITTLE dr, CHASE, Ls - -Otlice - formerly sees . tiled be & Streeter, Montrose, &Nos- . lianna.L'ounty, Pa. • .R.At.rn M. LITTLE . ..I [EZRA 4,,CRASEI - . -.- A. Jr. DAVIS,. • - .1. ... ATTOUNEY AND COUN:SELLOR" AT LA W-T-SliilqUe , hann:s Depot, P it . Ptlice -oyer. S.. B. west's S'tore. ' 1051 . _ .AI3IEL TURREILL, MuNxitosE, r .. • Depler in Druzs,'sle.dirints, Cheinicalg, :amt. Oils, Dye stuffs. Greceries,- Dry Gender, 'Hard ware, Yailkee Nntitlng,Ac. Pliysiring script - ions carefully rampeunded. r, r • ' , _ JOHN GROVES, I . Irwin ioitabN Tailor-L-Shop under Searris Maio Street, Montrose, Pa. . - • JOEN COLSTEN, .+. DEALER ClTer and S cet: 'Tot ht :Ire, L •derncille, imr Great Boid 1,ep0t.40 . . ~, A. Lathrop, • • • , DEALER in, Ileady,`ll-41e:"Crnlidna, lots . and, c.t'p.. Mots and :.,.; hoes, Dry . GZds,-e. :',. —. Stare opposite Seitile's liotel, lontroi*. I s,. C. D. LATHIIOf, and i ~. i .T. P. W. Itit..z. - z, i "'' .--- - . . Dr.liTerit H CTITaill. - 1) • . . REGGIsT and .CEEMIST. and Dealer i,iry 1) R 111.; . S, llediiines, Chem icala,'Dye SUMO .Paiotii, Ofls, P.iuy. Window _Glass, campfiine' Fiala. PpriTimery, Yankee. Naleas,dt:e:, &a. Li,cler.svipc, Pi.-10it • FRANKLIN FR - ASER, . .; El" AND CorrisrLton 4r Law.gfontrose Pa:, will att••rui faithlully to all . buAinetis trusted to hint in the \county of Susquellaiirio: Conveyancing ind writing of all kiniaa. trill be done neat!}, and "charge moderate. will a 1 , 40 attead to the prosecution of - claims of Hot. Biers, their tVidowA and heirs, against l the govtrntnent, for Bounty Land, PenstPns, oStc. May be all hours at the ofnet , formerly occupied by 3. T. Richard, sq., north of the court jloutie.•-•1863—n49 . • . , .M. C. TYLER , - Interested with I. L. • Httnt, .-- blrOliTr.R. AND DEALER in llarau•Sire stid Cut. 4ry, CarriUge Trimmings. Springs ; &c. • %.' •• • • .• • No. :115 Pearl - Street, \Y6rre hia Mercantile friends. in }this slid other Counties,are.kiridly invited,..andearnerllysolicit. ed to poll anri•purehase. • n6tf. •' HENRY .S• KNAPP, OF. mo.vrr.osE, PA. With. Rowe, Woodruff, & Cartori AiTHOLESM.}I GRocEns -arid Comptiskiol! 1 V NtErtcg.lovrs, N 0.174 Wasi!ingtonled between Cortland and De) Streets, New York. ' - Maro 8,1854-10 if, . - - ' , Tedicat Curd. TRH, . F. Patrick; Jr. & - G, Z: bimoek fiaci lJ th clay', r riled a ca.parineraliip.for*tnen etNekin t4ueeeHAful prost-ention. of. the difer- I 'Fat traneln. ; ,. ;r1 thOr prol v aaios. ..• busine,s ontru,teitto thorn, berate- I ded to with prorninOe-and tidejjty,,, Their fli ,oce may, bo round over Eathrop:i Store, Ea“;'§irle Pub iie Avenue. : E. PATRICK. Jr. '." • G. Z. MOCK: • - .1 . Montrose, - Mardi .2%1854. • •.- • . . W. Singleton; • Can now: be. ftiund at his'new stand ,on Owe :zo street, 2 ileum West of-Searle's Hotel. where , he "(Ter/natty repairi . with. dixpatch, WnlvhfC Clocks. Gun,, Jewelry,. ages e%try ,deseritition of .tnaehiner . y. .Wbel cuffing, dun and:Wittch materials stippled to the trade.,-31 ' . E;'Baldwiri • Nir AY he foulid:io bisement of Searie's -ITIL-tol, 3 doors west from the'enrner. Notes ami - neeoonts that are due us will be very ac ceptable if paid soon A-• &E • - kLIINVIN.• . , • roaq. 214-18.54.—eiti • • J. H. Paisons, .witoLEKA LE' AND KtrAIL DEALEI: in r, Wnre.. Sofas, Bedsteads,. Tubles, StAndr, Cliairs, 1 " • . - No. - 9 Washinorton street; _ - - • Binghornion, N. Y. r-fr• Galin Wamltnum up stutrs.—rs2 , - . -7' New and Cheap Good S .-, I - - Doucarr at logy pro:igloo pries sag wili be ILI sold actoillin , rl3 , es ly • ' ~ .. . - • U. BURROWS 4 ea;. : . Gihsoh, Oct. 11.1854. -,- • ' - -;;•.,.• • Clrpitto. GOUT) ngsnitment and handsomeii,fernt nt . vc.ry low -prices. U. Br dL CO. I) •t. H., • • • NEW GOODS - • • •_. At • .. .•. rpHE anbarribent aro - nourreolvinz'a.Ogneilt . -stippir of Dry .G.Hada, .CrleketT; a are: Hardware: &e., Ac., GI) cif' whieh: *ill, be. sold ehraper than earl he afforded-'ets.atherilla tha'ancinty;. AND; Haan snul.-14hawatitnariii—`: : ttes and annitquality.. -. BELLIr: TINGLY. ',QII 4 X Plush Caps,* gpoit aettottat 71fd~i #t -40 ifertbotiont, OeS. 4, 1868, - 4: Litt o in • JA-. LAimsor
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers