81111PARt n oitoTnav COLUAIN. Yes! A whale 6.6lunin . and ' - • Alt& become satisfiTl, thata whole co!uinn ttecemaary,:tu make. kno%ka . Lilo great attractions batifirtilerinuents held out lo pureltas,.rm tft,i•x alafsequir,NEW AND,-NAGNIFICENT eitort,` of • Ilardware,- Craeker*, l'oreet a t u, Ch I u asuraire,: Glars-rra re,Clue K, nirmlCages, Brushes, Lamps, • Marbleized..lroas Mau. - - • • nes, - olke:. , .4; This wpck.,l:teipg. opened by us, at our new and ;,-y, twouliful gaud, “Vpoors Eisen( do:Canal, (In trt Street, m Ta y , N I •D - 7‘ Tat READ AND BE CONY:Mt-ED • tivit like,irialicetiej - it's to pure liii&keri4. for sur pass anything tierriiirtirit"giyen the Public in re g erdthis that er, ' ri 4)fir • • AND Graatte Wares" - HEAR! HEAR . 1 .! HE U.- • 25 per ettrit,"•tit,pureliatters may to niade by Ituyirrg. •• Edward's %Var e ,"— VVhy V Itt - vause tltcy are one third fincr, Iteari er;citronger,Aina tl n sizes huger t ha t. any mtner Woritts - -intni4;,',ltnd; t !City 46:1 ilt4 • , .pririet tir Fire Crack" NY:air:l ntcd SI I. RH till ILO ta rut. tel told flonsileepert in our Cities and te r gtiry.for they not ;nni do abi -Aim) . t"44.lter waren. - 1,7 ~ .;l ATD_ IiEME.VBER AtisUr standalone vat .vou find :in nslrt ;11 e fit of these Wii•-ec. - They isest'uk tn;;re,- II ii r pr, .l it* iii&leig4, than if we - iiiirstieti *the course • of (s• 6. Dttief den te .. in f•sel)intr, the light and fragile wares of t e - th Any. : - ~. ,Otlr.olo to I§ • . • ' - ' • • ~._ .. . 0-QUICK S-..4. - LES; LIGffT PROFITS; . '' .- '. .A.I.VD GOOD GOODS." . And °Deo more ' - . REMEMBETk, '.,., . i i 'li ..„,.• the ri:,..„._ Vireae.ll them a low- as the fragile wares o I f ' - tied it one of the most •I•tterally attractive, pa thc.:day have ever been 501 d.., 'pers o inour exchange.-- Siturday Visifer, l'itts- FReNT7.II C. 117.117.4. . - , bilv , '• P •a. • . . .• .... , A splendid ast molt; of all the aetv and I I; is the beat literary and family paper in the beautiful-tiesigns mid,. , • trations, of t-Pea.ware,.l Union.—Rork I:sl,in4er. Rock Istmd. 111. China Vases l'et.e a 'Pete st. s, Candle stick . s . „l tl'c have heietoforo sp , ,ken'id hi, 4•11 territs - of &c.', .`C.'- • . i the' tperits ,If tile Post, a s one of 01. 1)0'0 p 'pets . , The astnnishing strength, and beau: lit trans- . I on olir exehnna.e 'list. and tve . reg , rfi it a.; mst. !If pareney of " ANIERICAN PORCEI.M.." are I the. hest literarr papers to. t,t founii anytt here. too. n-en known for farthere o oonment. . " " Its editorkis ate written %t ill) ability,'Apt tlke a GL ASS W_IRE ~ 'bona, iniopelet-flit and e enri.-ohAosivo riow of • . . . - • • Ime Arid thin2s.-- - -Sifzr 41,tri A:ll.t. ,, tivr, W ri:• , ,t: "CANT BF II EAT" of the hest Flint ;,`GlasS. 1 title, , - 4 20 dot. lienutifitl Goblets. from J. ell to 2s CS, I, _ / It i s lie- rved!l- one orthe toost it +wear jour eachit-:400 dor.. Tumblers. a lip top article 'for , p'sls i n the United State,, eottibini, it ,i..,.... 6a.; •201 - oz.. Fluid amid Oil L.:M.IIIM, of i•very 43 le, yin A ht.-r;71• imiliNty View, all , s,• jrite•rt• lof t!,<• cfinetissortmont, of -.t .$.1:1 r: Lamps." a 2::. -eat Vli/i 6:4 , t i i i 4;p i z Zi ) , s. - 5v i i iiN,L,.. : ,, t4t ,„ : ,..,,i i of ~.,..,,,,,,, I riety of GlitsS Dishes, eitetred and uncovere.l.9r, ! intet . (..yeti c ,-- n0in.,04: - ;?71.'1.,itei.1i,.111. (fit_• and 4•41' foot, tip..m i liolders.. eitelu•rs. Sn!fs. 1 TERMS' (Cash in: dt4m...) , :te....1e e0c.v.82 a yef.r Butters, - .Sugaya. Creams. llotasrt Ctrs. 1 4 eopirs, , , " r I idea., &c. &c. /-, 8 ,• (:m,l I' tti go:lei...nit , if Clitb,) .10 " i " I)mit tail to nqtire by . ,ear - tho lnost itni)Or- ,13 • " " ,13 •• tent Brarich of our ..11a4;inr4s,' that is . ;AO • • :20 - u . • . 1 , I Addres. , ..thrrolx. ili rvlrancr. . . ' .Ti.• IRD I it! ,T;iE , , • ~ - , , . Dr, ACX)N & PETERS( V. , -.t.7onsibting. of Buildina, :11att•ria1. Cr.rpentiL i rs i . No; t 36 Smith Third st..l ) llitilad• Tool4:l4.trieultoral impli rut nts, rind get.et all 1 - 41r'.,Sampt: , numbers sent 2ratis to anv One, tionee furnishing GuedF, -- -. . 1 , when requested. ' -. , i . i. -.N . . •., TO BUILDERS. A. g,on - a hfortiee,or Rim Lod; with IN:rphry Kn 0304 and Screws rornp?et,. for , $.4.: a gond, Blortite Latch, with Ititiohs . &e. eompli.te for :;.!s: meat: f ined. warranted three times U stronz as the niiii?r.,l Kau!), and not to en from The'..l l lMen ix Sigh Leer,," a superior article niateptinr , a to get not - Al . order, eottimr away the sash leas and can be !rut - nn in one halt' the time, of any Otiterin..nse. frora Bs. to 181-per doz. ." WaNDERFUL.",- • . . ' But *Quid vim believe it, ,. "Bush y Burr on iiltiu.r..reritnplete in 'all' its I).rts,.ettabling you tAti, alien or clout ?lat r witlii.ut your wirt4tui. and that with the gfrn:vst vase —. A new invention. of . J. C. I:obi : 0 of Bititthintoe. It will well repuy - a vsit to our etabii.,hutent to see it.alone. • • ANOTIIER WONDER. - Carved Wood-work of every dtser . qpri,,n co n. iNtitif,r of.Cnpltifs. for +blumns, aryl Pilasters c'qriliceia:, Brackets, Newelts rind, Banni,tprs . for Stairs, Circles, &c.; &e., which 'we carp , fatnish to Builders a bettqf article. and: at price: - moat lesj titan they. 4c . ari'mari a.t acture thern.Ji - li;t of trauiplei:•i*.n he seen at our rooms. . • . HAND,' - • A full assort:Flint of Bolintn Nails. 'the best made. W•rontzht and Strap I ling - ep:. -131 ind -turd Door Hutts.- . Serews. Gat , Fasteners. &wits. Botts;-&c.- PORCELAIN" 14.w0r Krigibs very I loir.EscutcboOns,Duor Plates, Wardrobe •• . • • .• • . • 1 1 .ARBLEIZED'IRO.N1110.+ITLE PiEC.E 8 •.1 Highly ornarnentkl, articles of Treat utility: in many'rperets sciperior ILarble, arid at I the cost, nll sixes, with 2.1/0 without Grates, ! from 812 to sluoVacii. CARPENTERS.TO . Oar .stnek rs.-f Planes. - .Chisets, Sacs &e., eit• as-entnptete. as tri.mey, tinie, arid .n PARTIPULAR fit/1A .tan ninl,t. it P.rieet a 8 ',10 . 14 7 , • Sir - sr Beteivis d etbeem it kp ~r Sum s,t,t a;ilellgtlei and kinds. The-belet wc.rfil afford, such as Benson .aita.ersrt ist all. varieties; Cast -steel aaivAti ger Bitty euneave:i.nd I.fraclustist• front Sc 'tip; Awards; Firtner„.Socket, ntruers arid ets with and without Tl4nd)es. Staceiand Rifts. late merits friitn 84 to $l5 - ,-:Stubbs double cut the ifsn nine article, 'warra i nted. .du toe work of 4 lir, ,diaary- - and •if. once' will nevtir 1* abandoned. ISltiliOlex Hainteers, Murtiel. . gat, steel Squares, Pocket Roles: Sow- Sells, Puteut Auger Handles, Saw and Mine Haridlts,.. CLOCK - AND WATCH REPAIRING. • , 'By a very' superior ..worktuan, -nt 7 atly pr -tu and. -ocnptly done, Ci‘Araterial, Chains; JlLeys, &c.; alwaye•-on•• hand, • •, • .:100 Clackg just-reetire4,'witich (Oro-Sent, real wOrtli,•beauty of desig,n, *uper'ior Snip!' Ond,, low prices never ,hark boon equally,' in Vas Sec tion of 'country. Wood, trot Po . reel.tiii. GI MT. Woiglrt,„#pting, Alartn, in fest every :.Lyle front $1 up to 510,-.and. every - clock warranted ID , ,keep rood Lillie e. r. A-New Arrival of •Lcatrtifie.' fano:ill:11RD CAGErt, whieli-for sire : Dinh :mil Led of - r aisql cinftat sea ititrites;anot a 'nine,/ !wile( article- titan ix usually-sold, from $l, .to - Toltportsaiea..—Pist..6,RAiv(plrers.Poir _4er; Sbna4Leall, Thoik .. , ,,: 40010111 in t , . • Sicitinz 'Ladies, Shot Pouelles and Delta s Fie.hirtg,Ta,ekle„,ete.. alwlys on hart/ To -1 1 01asekeePers•-•.-Plated Tint and Table spoons, Forks, Butter Knives, dr.e..Plated onitarills-04.7rett Setts. of 6 pi: -c• ri tett. front 105 to $5O, Teapots. Coffet..pot4. 10 doz. and Oil Britain Lajnps,,lpp4,, Z . PAIL; Knives and Forks. the , larg.est •assort Atent in .1(1m:41. ` • Jappawaed_Tuliwstre,lron,o Ntittacfir. Grater letito TriVMeat .Cutterli, ; le Parent, Cuff s Sieves Corn Peppers.. Nat Crackers, Env Beater* Tti..blent Beet steak 'Mauls, in fact overrthion , e rn ireesi, • • . ,-71MEE Cab-pp - W*4li. ; prie.e. • • - :••• 34.:0er -Gnodaare'warcanted•as reiiielerated. Yi4inr.iwoerisar v to Build and furnitdt 10 1 Foil4 planaOand .imar.l3Cti 4b4 okokold r irp t do a m belound:m. :SHEPARD BitOTHERRi 1 A " titlit ' lis PCVENIIIIC 'MINT tiaZiss hod Patgatottat frnmix- - An 64.7 Umber Eritiebiodred uzunt 4th,1821. Frt r. 4.1; ‘l erinbs, from 7to 12s; Warden Plaids, 1 front It) kV% to Is: ; Colored Plaid and B 1361; 811,r 'Weekly Edition, elm cett 80&90,000 f rom 4s to 82 I 1 3 } IN / p ro. . lltbroideries anti Lice? In 1.8%11114 their proipt r tus for 1856, the prir tors of the Post t4lte it for granted) that , the , v , Tow rice.), Collars fro Ir r, tx. to 88; public um 'lire "3Y tnit r lb" "e" guquainte4 "I t t l d "I Sl P 11„lherehiel, Be. 4t nit prim', Me chv Ittet of a pa} 111 ' 1 hi . grown ' h. "- f 4 el- e l e%e • m. If n to Cottar4S,a:* A gre rt doring the stortn , sod sunshine of THIR' ry' fine Frene ) :Nets,nt n rOVR, YEARS Thl E ir object skapt has been. viriet% of Ilion the 4. folto.st Cotton to cc*, aY it rt mams to be, t Publi'll 4 ‘ t e t • k I V 1 ) Tor the real Vallenett no Thread and (impure. for tho laint4 (init., ouchAt &tali pot ittily amuse, Rich Dress Tiininiivs but 11,0 instruct and )toprore, these . %NIP) to tt• 1 pl a t 11,.,,,i,„ , c,,„1,,,,,,.„ „,) s te m, ,sti A wi,s . r ( a it. T., neeoluidt h this Glut Lt the bent to) , .1 c „ im , r ,.. G ,y,i Boni, rtti in I It cr, he Se irk, t I t s ..", m . ) ( OA a or er ole is' d trou t toreign atm i m : .„,.., Lono :31) txt Is and Croak inan'a Arita,. &int stir p. lonia its. 11141 original.-each '4 . • f an cloths ett.otim, re.., ttattnett4, Ttreert),K.titurke m ,tr prove I harm ter !toe tin • d. uli, n 15"3.4104.--• i t , , ~„, 6 , ,, L i ., Gro,, 14.40) 1; 4, &e l , n't in trry +a- Loters trolly Fort y) _binds; t h e fil rst triter. r,", ~f priers: t•. tinq p filltai 4of tit. Wet•lsir Ne ve.% of too 4, 0 :c d i ,I s , , t h„ ,5 ‘ t,,,,,, c ‘Vorld . :Asocial) of tato. Athr nture and Cd . ar actor : Seleottli and o i t • t:onal Arttelt s "Pon AL,- Tr un4s, Corp • t 3.1,:s and Vatote.., r, eet% t d dlll.t It friol 1 i l l . 111 Ittll G 4l. mutton., Amount or the Proonee and Stoe-k i t „ b e , , )141:It the Stet• fatrest Prier Market.: .tol I 'Timid Note List are mi indt d I ' T3-Ant quantal of ~..kt3„ amen•o the ..oltd infosiel mon to be vonstantlt 1 %%anted Ind Ittg t,'o found in the Post 1 EDWARD P p . 01 lint the mild regniiss a u bier range—it hay f • 4 -oo n r Court & Water at% , I:pi f.fettltfea tt • ldfl f doll 4it in ti, humorous Ind ' ran'm il , 1 , the Itv, 11, , the • imauin ilive 11,.1 (molly .1 The e 1 n n o i . 2 1 1,,,,. %. 1. , v ~„ I, ISS f feultit t , %NO must hat e tlo 1r .ipproprtata food, 1 els,•Vloy In come , • nf blot), atai, as a rony t e. quern e, The int it'ct t litt•omit. nar-oft and ono- Noird, and is not able Ito tut& an tnlitgr d and generons %it•t% of lonian Ji store and its .les'in% To k•tt Ist% tilt -e hi min unp'snt. d cravings of our no•ntal bt mt.!, tee 4,•, (it, n tar proportion of the P. st to Fiction, l' o trt and I tumor. Among on: eontrih 1 ors in the tit ...4 tno of the 1 :,here D. par \ lment-, -nk 4 %Nal of the must gift. cif writers in ill.• land W.• t'so dram froth for I ft tton Ind-Poor) uprfn the In .t Periodical.. In this t olio , rt, t nti (r-ill Britain We git ,11 , T1 t 11/11111( r f rot f rt• lt Start 1 1 Mt -. S't,l Tit 011 4 author of "Th. Th r.t•rig 41 11'11 . . " •• \imam," :Le in our tiist' n per of .I.3fotart nest. ENGR V% I\(1:- . , Ohl•t , - ftfte ot• important pla. e(s and acti o ns. of A., UM int. tl old oth r tn. w intentions—with of Itt a nlit IrielN - , .11n ugh A_ ...iU reit it d t It tr.t..ter, are )5,0 freely oft t tt ~*1 0 7'/ t 1:8 o 1 TIIEP I? I' N 8 . - TI IR is one of thq ttv. 1.4r.e4. pip, rm ti o • I with l u t e and thou Ati in anr tuvirvirvvvvitl: tra, I it• mi , a , i. :la 4l is tvi ..rk, dbd hto•ri'lt‘, t 0t0tr...) -lir Ill) liti t itt It e Ilplot , live 1,1 , 1 literary t tient slid mil•IP sno 111 M., or ex oen re . As a t and), pip, r, tltifi of literary "an •i 2.111. r d m'etit•retire. wr e•mir rltx rt rommend it. ---Cap - t u t ra Otttf, 1 uffurn„;\Ls 1' Our re tat r•i may 1.4 upon it. that I) aeon Peterson all hr as g(ioi as their word. • So far a. We ran jud24. by ‘oikr.4 of ob., rNation, 111, 44!.. putuls-1 ••r4 do rather dory , thin th, I, pram) ,t• ing their'inner is tifirlsf•A wish very to tar d nto'ite It 1. qlolol/r,t free from alts' rrt•nti num f i lom f and tdu..l rhu , is of a. he Atli) tone on all ..1) 1 11 ( ft.„, il% c Ing,d, raq. in laoguait. lint iln 1%4 noitd:y ad z t • into , ti .ht. 11,' • Original Novel by, N. P 'Willis. iron' 18.545._ NEW AND BRILLIA On the firvi ui Janu,:r.v n.-,t. the firsCnunibt.r (if the tar 1856, - 01: tniA welt•liwww . n Farnily.Nyw,papv.r viii Le issued. - with *new types :Ind HMV vltr.a.vons; the prineiizt! 0,-. 0 is of the kind a hiilt has:bei.n pr..vt.d. by !mai :I•nerie.a and flar.?p , an periodicais,ln. be Vie Int.4lneet•in...\ alde awl intpabii. viz:—_l NOVEL, 'SERIAL Nt3IEEII 4 ._ The title is ViIAT ; * Or,' Paris ofa Life Else.' Unt44l,a -Vara .IViLl.t c 3 In addition to This tv!l4' fe,:ture. a sorios of Oriwreal :vitt t11;:44. •by I'. an original Noir!efie. in verse, f.na d.•d upon. f0 . !t.,..N111,11 -.Tn. , story of a Star:" by .I. M. Flout arr ntitomr tho - ini6rs•nn•nt 'for n.•u ii.uhscritit-rs to conituouri. , with the first number til-rezr. Bes(de the it. , n • 1 ant ;ens ail I. Isir 1 , 1 the Ed.' it! - IN. the Hi.tllh Jettreal wilottta.n the Flireig-n And Ili:tie:447 C,,irespet dyne,. of .1 larre list /if t enntribtit,,ts-the iviire of the Europe ati 31,1,:fal , zines--.lhe• ".oleciii.ii4 of thy Itve:t iti?t•reAttngl pu;;li.;:.itotis . ol OH dny—tio• titief novei4--thie piiiie,nt i:toih..s.4--..the s - parktin7 vest and attittshatt ane e itine—; h.. news an,! !tte•ip pr 'he Parista , ,. I , :teer , i—therper,a4tial skeiettes i, pulitte etiar.te 1,,,. r „;,.:_1t, f . -il t rin, seen,: of the Aori.i we I:vi_. i!: —,lio• 'clironitie 14 ifte tiri,v4 fq , lddie 4 -- tle ta.,t,. ' ittn,....•thi. f ac t s : -, , !i,1 (SU 0;11 ,4 ...fi ii,...v4-1:,, p;,••k iir EipAiAl• iHruntiriti”n---the Wit. hatnt,r, and .patlins 'l.f 11,\, , ti:ik:-...-,—... he es-it vs oa lite, lizer i„. tnie. wietv anti ttiiir,ls.'latti the. usuAl variety °t-:r :-Ibl eleeisin , t-s tr.lo the wild - ernes.;.'.( E., i iii....l, periodie. lil.-rattire,.vlli;iisin, p wtry. &C t• ..d not retnind ~e rf.:,..?tios It at wt. hay, 1'.1• .` IV. , r :ut ,,, 10p:,.:.e . di5:. , 1101.1.1.d. fits in ,t ii• i, N -i,,.;,,,, (1 1,.: - iy;rieln I . ,:krtri Ent Ulitri wilt ! zit,. n, eivi?ii..-nis +4 '. . - e117..ey 11e1V1 t illinre, or -,..ty1..• witt rl;•g.l'o'et• litlicql;: the 4:athirst of the tray vi,- . ;.rt.i. .-- - :1 . E1)1,5".±.1 7 1 •r i.p tine ev, $3 - iip'i 3 eg , ples, t .3.3.5-,t, iine eepy I'••tthice years, $l5--akv tys in advance,. - • ar Snitserit.twithntil-,1. - -lay. . 4 , 1 ..idt-e...4 -- . moan's & WILLIS. i . : E3itt - trs - atid l i toptiett , ts,.lo7 Ettitc.ll••kt: • - •50v,-3 • • Ntiw.ltt,rli,, • Auditor's Notice:, TOTICE lierthy ttit , en that the undersi : .! . 1 rd nn :.ppointr• irs tile' Court Or C;.nttem Pleas ,if Sa.fitteh nna td di-tribnlt fund arising from Filteriff's sztle of thv re l ..tame tit Aaron Ittneht4in. decAl. will :It. tend to' the griti , s ..f bis opp,int went at the . of fiec of Bentiei & Pitch in Montrose, on Friday tht..ith day 4 Januarytnext at one o'cl , oek in , fterntem.'nt which time p37tre all por son'« interested will present their claims ..r forever b.rreci from cominl in upon said fund. I.;: r PI ei.,11. Auditor. • . . . i ire.M,, , ltti Dill 10; 18}55-50w4 • . • 1 ' 'NEW iiOODS: ' riNlidullo•writler is in constnntrecoipt of Nest , - 111 (i 0 4.v, in 11 - 1.4 line urio/..ine W ~. tat aril' 1 - Vt•tV mot& I .'fo. 4111,Fe tvi!! til-1 Ilif, :,..,:. , r ,,,,.. 0 N,, 1, ,t w r i 11,4 Artit.l,4l new- 'IIEI 4.1" ~- d . 11 , 1Alily. Tilt' Stilrk t ,, 11:1.i.0.* 11.. 11 , -. rhi ai - ; - - . it ila 4 , . 1.1.4%010P5, i'll - dii.., Oil.:s. . . i i , 1)V( . ..: . 4 11111* . . ‘ ;T.ii./..tig,... . • .., . .1 FIITIV..t • Ji ., O ' 4 .. Je'r-eiri s i ' . • I . i'1'411(41 ,, r '. SZ,V..q. '• Store A tilu 1 ,w..r I , n,i if 1 lie tiorne.i di.,t r i i ). I . , BEI; TURRELL ki "1,4 rft.i.. Jtirlt. 1. 185 1 . , . • t , 1)4.1,E8r.(i ng.puio.,seti Npl4on.) and n 'the Liminebe, ~,rip; A- ' V imv 14 tier pat ttier. vitalize,' it rtW 111 IS -: "REAT RE 0. ITCTION ..- i Fmnt • 10-li clo per ATMs fn atlifierrintis iirites."-.... Printhagt. %t-ift- find :stth :Iciorner'St;tre, L ic Fay. . - :....•' . 3 . '" - ". , , r. . - .s . r, -: - gria(int i 64oititild '.... 'Startipg ilaib.,44,4 1 6 ad . NM* ,frfet0.'4 . 1.4.5... 14304 , Pri 45 froici 4,ai109 ,3*.;. Eoglifib,erialck S 1 0 4 40!4 . .P1..i figUlifF6ol l l .10 ..etf...1* . ekl.W. • .turn t te . rf,t. t,i ::.14..;.111 . a pl.. 01 WI: .011 humor, Jr.;" Di s . comical pietert , :” . A:iliet , ,Lit it k toir to giro pr.toic::!. ni?ls.q• than . . tont : r.i,ntive we, in ,. IcriA that it 01:Ali:always wear a , rnifelat NI 'IA make it 41;1r:6:tit.. It, art;el,s are u-e..,.t1y thi.-3})ll•At Itt•n4 in the ewilitry: %tilde the o.4liti . r;al. Talent -ty‘At•;vveti upon itis Fri? stir') that 41 . W.,y 1.44114.a1;mi in Afflec:va.: i hia id Ulu r•eii whi:h are ,ri ve n iie , se ;.retrin;.. l r up clubs, rewards autufinttue: cner T *EWES. SHMENT. l ltit Nelmin &. Pritt4t) tiprest: - 1 1 - 0 teliarattlryl4) fOrilier the efqire 'elOek,; ALT by the tibt.sl3o6. , bv 0.. BBLL & The , are for the The Chkipest Readiny in th UN iTED sTATI:s IttA • .ANn I.:Nryinn STATES .301.1RNAL . 'For only one Dollar fterati . fire ents-a year! - t LIAGNIFIGENT FRE:11111,Z I! ETC . , ETC.. ETC., The faiteti SVatei , Magazine is•now in the second ‘olume, 11.:Vim..7,4111611,5; the first year, aehreved an iinpardleletl triuritpll. . IVlien the tirst iron iI t r appeitred.•so far as its supe-rior thing - ever h e lOre ; a th e ori , e, that it was joirdiete-1 on :111 limids, that it assist either he Mere.tsed ili price, or sarvl t fail --tint Atlf2.ll 111,1raZilli! COntit. hi! Mi..tititied at the extr.iorditi.lry IM.y pried of OXEDOLIiAtf.. :I At the same time the laudations Of the press trir.ruojimit the emnitrV were, utibottoded =ioligll . notices dowit: in iii by thousands. Ziubs,..riheri4 beg..ri tti roll in with •a rapirlity !reyond our most santriiine expertatiOns, The magazine has now re ,elied tl l'irglt Cirt'll thin in every titate_timl Territory of the thronglout the Provineev, and in the prinrijlai Eprop k : eitiet=, and Ia rapidly itterva4 .1 log it livr e ver it .is known'. It ..ieetr9typed nem- tyliccii...t. express. ly I;ii:the NIT ;tad 1 . 4 print 41 4 4 t1 3 .144• W 14n• proveli Maui; l're.g, malting it . mile ~f the tn,).l sik4i4i4ocoi of typography or :.ny seriol from' Ainerieari Tile hest prtiits engriai.d upi.ti its engrii,v :ma title:liter eproxiii f,,ur . 'stem* the -I.ity of the L.,t flit-tr.Lted %%ill' ever -;xty engturiog'• is niiw being riulilislie4l. and will be continued . i,lir.iiaLTwut six tintellers. A :•t•iikti of oi'er one hundro.l original desizil: seen,•ti ineldents to Anieriv,tri il,story., is bikin_ got up at an immense cost, and Are two of vneit puunlier ,n 1 vte ~evo•npanied jib interesting .and ‘•onn, et. d therewith 1; viem s ~f :•••• nor v, our::) •11 \r. ri.) liwe 'PUREE TIIOUSAND DOLLARA. . , will En aivru ti , ,pt..N. , ns ~ ,e ndltl2 !lir larget.t n- uns ' 1.111 . a titi: ,, c•r'lly•r... C:lr thit ....11:1• , azine. ...' r The t "ailed mt4ates Journal 1,4 Ane..f acknOtvls.•:l::, d 1. 44 he . Ihe istwa'w.t .rww.papor iho world. it k ptit.- I fished mlttltillf. rash tin ittlwr t , tntaininz FIFTY t:ie InoNt vathable Lt , id iiitt•rystintr 411:i11er, or 672 et I t;St (1,1- ring. the altiount sullrirrt til lid 3 Inr;:e uCtaCu volumes iif fiver hundred iniges A 4 a very intere.sti'nu feature. tiler, now Being nniilislied in the it series a bvnistirGily p•,rtr;:,its of .Ikii r„i,h,..d with well.writuin s. will. tx...0 of theca. app litiir,v)..anti I enplinued ihreu t z/1 set cral 'years. Tne Jintrtial litts pul l listiel six 3 ea rs. ha's renehill the eirea!ntiiitt iif One ;4/nat./red Th44;2 , apd and wear.. dt:wr .iinneili:ite;r t., i•-..reteie the Liircutitiiin tV o)iie lit/win-d and Fitly , tiiiitisand. Wu, ha% v.., t lie in.t two years. present ed to ti ,• 4,1 the 'imurnal two series of 81..1)00 e'lch, besides, over €55 .i.) uortil valuatoellooks, to 'tend. -, 1 6Ve 111,144 of r the third series of gif1.....-aqu ut ut. in ! z to over 8 L 3.00k), wilieh will be pre.,ent4 to t .•1 the Journal a•-•,' soon :is the eir 130,tizin. This amount wilt 1;e 'rue fir:t niii . wiii he 510 lit in money s to 'tie resented to on e ..111,:riibnr: the ten next gilt:c, ~ra.irlia”dred I) ,liars i.,ivit, it, it nn.-Y, will be iire., ,, !rd to-ter, ,ii!..e.erilti , rst and tf:e in' de et' , Ineiiii itf, wirier! sli!;•.Cribers sh i:1 tei.4.ll'e these S'itiihilliftliS giflS Wlil bt• :neti as to give each sitliseiitn:r an equal rimnen. - i .. :i . ,lltseriliers Liii:t.rv:v up .n nurthonor to see r • t' , i: arrir'preht• at faithfolic and fai Iv ea-ri-ri out _ tirni w.. tro:t that five vv:as f%ittill I dealing with tho ittlr'ic %%i' , l giye therii . _-iillieien C 4 altid'ill.ft; ill nor ion-trity and , bill ly toff/1 M nu eng:aurtitynts. Ther,r..re. trritv Pret-,cbs watii-1 7 :15(:)!InS AND PATS THE SMALL Sin! OF T`.CE:TTV-FlisT. CENTS 'will r..rviVe mie a Abe i:rv,e - .4 . anilm..,:t pnpulas nnwstraperrvid-the world. fur one r . i..ar, lni.l - also staolia eh:men to rthtairi a'nift. of 'ONE 'f tior. SAND nro.,LAtts ~ i nu.: of '\ine $lOO gifts, which we shall freely prevent to our sul k s c rihers, T. ,Wii.: One Thou'-mil OollarS . wi:l' h. di ridt.d into twenty Splendid Prizes, Wilieli will be pre-cntrd to the twenty pe,rsona sending the 1.4..-lity larg:ndunutiiitnr. - if siiietrrilkertt, up to the time that Alin ;:tili.:eripriiiii list shall rea c h the tiondred .;nd lift v timilmarid—Alivir talus. raliging 9+ follows:—One fiqur.), one $2OO. one $lOO,. two $3 , 3 each, ten $25 each. and five $lO rich. A: the eirriiiat ion hi rapidly approisetiing to 1.50,4100, those wishing•an interest in these are. nifieentprizes'sh.rold - avail thernsidYes 'pf it at pnee.. ; • . . . . OUft 1'4E111{731 BOOKS • 'ffverr ;Ti;t ting up a 4,!!ulb • ftiuror Itt or 9 N:i4 34 : T rhe n d, vill r(! ,• e iv e , valnable pretniitin bw,k .of 14.1ectiiin from a -rliedtife ill' the liext workxpnblishiMi t I.p.nahout lip. WOOL Mjitly per:l , lll4. hy :I little 011. rt in hiK. to thear.telree hatidesotne ri , i l l , :n;r.ft,itlivr Jotirrni those. nt ity :ran is at. our risk .. , . . . . O.Nr. 11101.:SiN1 . ? - 510f1i.: AGEN?S 'WANTED. T.. rnv.nz.,. in •z.;tting. 4..uh444eiriberA for (fur publi. cation:i f -mid .44•Ifitig the 4 A %If RICAN POItTR Air LI.ERY . . ~.fore.:4', 4tional work of nearly :4110 litindre,l pa , arid il.u , trated syltlt.nver three hundred and tiny engraved portraits. Oar agentm arlP nnt4ing fr9mlive to ten dollars a day in this pti2; , ant oreitpliOn. . For further yartieularts • • . Mdre-s. J. M. Elf,:itSON' 4 C 0..; Oet: N..Y. •• • iiiiftao)ipb ,• , . ch.ica „tot of Beirolo _Rti4es r(!zeived. and wili-,bts4lld;at , u low rigor.. by NNW Milford, Nov.,-1855 544,01,3411g4p4, a good article at. 7,5et5.. HeigNittam, Oct 4, 1868. T --lievrArrangement-atlifegury's ,...,,HAßDWAßE.- STORE! W. GREGORI' dc.' JUDSON SIIMI I • having,firined ni leo4cartnOrikt*:tar, the IPurpean.et conducting the flardwnre 'business hi' , all its various branches, would• respee. tfAlly form the . people of Snsgnehanna -- .entinty,,that they are now opening at Gregory's Old Stall; opposite the ,ExchaUge doors. from the 'Canal,. Binghamton, the largest,. cheapest, and best stock of llardware•eYer - offend in Bing banicon, . linein7 made arrangements to' import their English Goods and purchase theii Amerie:nn di rect from nt an n fact u rers, l the:: sari :Ind Witt well CUE:AV - FM than V any other establishment in toes!' Their stork is now very . Mctensive, and those wisMag - in purchase are Invited to The following are a portion of their 'leading ar ticles, viz :— . l"able 'knives and forks, Te:t do.. carver., forks and steels, pent'rid p o ck e t- knives; bread and butcher do., hay anti straw do., scis sors, shears, and reizors: tiritannia tea and coffee pots, silver andiiritannia les and table spoons,. silver plated, inlass, and iron candlesticks, snuf fers and trays. molar lamps, Lid, sad suspended !Mims. mantle-piece nrnannnts, brass and iron andirons. shovels and tongs, &e. ' Lnokina Glasses, and looking glilAg plates, to.. gether - with a general .assortment of hemekeep ing articles. iiOLfSE TRI1111INGS; vonsisting of locks,-latches; butts, screw , " brad . nails, bolt., patent window springs, blind fasten ings; shutter screws, and fastenings, '&e. A ;reneral assortment of tools. for Carpenters and Joiners. 7. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons and bi.teksmiths,censisting nr•pranes, saws, ham niers, hatchets, axes, adzes,. chiseli. augers, anger bi!rs andhollow".angere, anvils, BellOws, vices, patent drill machines, - sledge., stonel t mojers. t brick 'and . plastering trowel., crnss-eut, mill and ' circular saws. A splendid assortment of Saddle and harness' makers' tools and trimminms. • FAIIIIING 71'001S, . - consisting of shovels, spacles,prk.s,rakoveythes, er.iin cradles, hoes, pick axes,. iron bars, grind asortment of far , it ey are urer. anti 'aro • I;ouleit Yarn TEST, ii4itel Amer; €11.94, at x;i•Ers. eople, Horld ! ! AZIAE stories, &C. • • Aments for sale of Whittemore. 1 - Squires & AgTicultitral tool s ,stwit a o plow.s" Iha and strtw cutters . , Corn sherts, - &e. 1 - - Sole and upper heather, ntoroceo and shoe riniming.Q, with a general assortment Of fintitng-r, I ware, willow cradles, • wagons, chairs an l trtmliet4 of all descriptions. . Bar iron and steel; iron axles and Steel qpringf4 Of:010:11de castings, coach Mee - and trimmings of luiraK, oils, sash, glass, putty, &e., alt of which will he sold at the lowest rates. Please call and examine the stock for yourselves. Match f, 185:71. , Tho Manhattin Firo Ins. Co: 01,11 re A r o. 58 Wall-Street. CAPITAL, - .92.5a,00n Inoirer ft•reltandise,Ftirn;tiire,Ves- Qels in-Port :Ind I heir . Cargoes, An.iother Proper ty. loss or di:it:age by fire. •I irhards. Sninnel F. Mutt, I'••ter Sehi•itek. Win. 'F. ;that, E•iwin I). .11iirg in. Win. W. Fox. Sidnee -31:1 ; tim. Disk/ It. 1•. Lord. Thiis. in., :1,1 : 11. Want, Mose.t T.trlur. John ard. iittnes Timv. cv. Pc insall, Richard Poer E%iiipi-r, Henry Elsworth, Lywar. Don't - son, John Owevell. • 11`11AN1EL RICHARD'S, Pres.. WM. Pqr ED'A'Attl) PRIEST, Agent, Iting,iinnt. t..r., S. V. QTEKI, lart!altd ....up'ror assort (7l.- in t:t low pr;e..m. and d.tulde barren. all prices. Winrg fnott 2. - u•N up. Sash, Cord, Rolle Hal ters. 1711:tik &t-. ‘Vrotiobt sizes, .thiubA puirao.l Svirw : 4, laree :I , :moirtment, at PuiTE & KNOWLTON 4 .S. 11:J14U:totem, 1855. APPENED t: , Mr. Green . the dther daY.— i_JL • lie had bought:, suit of ready-made clothes at the Store, and toe tirsi day's wearing the ac.. - .eident occurred. First, off drapt his e i.at.t.it by the mere force o:'.srecitie. giving iaa un fortunate man the apperance of,u b idly trimmed iraft MO the living jih• in the stern, aud on Deer to piek up the remnant.t he dreail ca,ullty took • pLee—the fL,untains of the great-deep were biniien up—Green's pants were mimilered from .ankle to wsit.and Green himself seemed to be. The only way to. prevent such deplorable a-cidents is to patronize a t;%11!ful ! tor, who inlkes up his work with a determina. ! lion that it shall not only fit neatly, hat went well. Green buys at the clothing - store becahse he thinks he earl 'get his gearing a 14110c:waver. In all hrobability the pants that' - ser•ed him so treLchertinsly•had passed throunh a fever hospi. tat. been striped from a cholera patient, carried home eitzht norbts in the week on a Shut ter.nad Ifin .ny bleached ani by an ingenious Pronelorfin for a market in the ,rountry • Take warninff Tinto. Gre-n's mishap. and on to a tailor shop like that' in the basment of • Searle's ! Hon.t if r u want to be suited. . 1 7'-i3"" ti . gt mg d....n0 as usual, and gi I `work .war rani d. - - , JOHN GROVES. 1 .31olitro-t4 Aug. '27. 1855. WIIEREAS my ‘vift• Aflitritiaßeebe has left . V ray bed “ t id hoard withuui catptitttr proy. tte::ti , itt. I therefore forbid al! pet-moils front h.irtioriOg tr trustinz her on, iny account. as I will pay no debts of her eisntr:etinz. after this date., • LEMUEL BEEBE. • New niif.lrd, OA' 9. 1855-49 x3* rrIIE undcr-,.igned, an an3itor appointed by lb:, Court-Of Cimmori Pleas of Stpinehan. na C!•tar,t . diistrilitite thoproc ce(l,l of the Sher. itr, salt& the real eat ate rrf Lucretia Vim Vorst Fate of .;:lid county ilee'd, will attend to the du: ties of r.pp , )intinent. at biy office in Mont,. Saturday the 29th day of Dec. in-Q., at •A•lio o'clock in the afternoon, lit which time :Ard p!;nn- att tiersomi infrre,ted will prA.ertt . their alnial.:b. lk. r.ruiroe I`r4list inizainl in Up: ort.-",,nid fund. • FRANKIAN FRASER. • Sl , lnir+Ne. Dee. 4, 1855-19:1-4 rp HE; tit.dersivned an auditor,• appointed . 1w Court of Common Pleas of Sitsete hanna e , onity. to di!ribute the fund ariAging frutu Stiviirs S:,te of the re.tl cstate of Ezekiel will attend to the duties' a . ment at his ofliee;ia AlOntrose, on 31ohdav the 31st d;:y of December inst.-, at one o'clock in the alternnn. at whieh time and plare persons 'ntereitill will 'present their cluitns, or be foh!ver cared front Volaiwz in upon said fund_ FRANKLIN FRASi:Ft, Auditor: -Montrone, Doe. 4,1855-49W4 - - r "HE. nodersined an auditor nppointed by the .11 Court or Common Pleas of Susquehanna county to Make distribution or tho fund arising trim the Sea le of.real - er.tate of Milte.rt Tifflaty. will attend to the duties of his appointment. at Itiv office in Montrose; on Wednesday tt:e 2d day, of linnary next. one Welock in tlie afternoon. at whit!) time; and plane all itersons interested prreht their . etaints" or be forever. bayiid frotn coming, in upon said fond. • FRANKLIN FRASER, Audit - cr. Montrose, Die . 4. 1855.-49w•1 . • EALED I*ropolols will received at ,the I. C , ltitnissionepe ofrnie in Abitatrria nntil Wednead ,y the second day ft( January A: D. 1856 tOr.thu re.buil4l;ntt tit' a Brad:re . over the Wyaiintine Creek in ROI township, near tlte hoe:se : of N. 1) Snyder, /laid rirititie to be built in a . frood - itad,...workmanlike manner, in all re. speets sitnil.,r to the; . neyrllridge inst conapleted '.Clo lbe 1 "- 161 ."`tii'am%Airi t t ; I;• J,. ChiinPi n n 4 in \ said tsiiiiiishitt,and'tokiil'i.implott4,l on tit bkiore the first .)1 with's. of NOVinftber pairt 1856. Thi Plan and Specifies:llion - it will lut at:00 sr - as to. be seen at the Cutetniseionersr officer in dne - thbe„.. ' - * A'. CARPENTE4,-:. • • '''-h••••• : • , • CASEi •• • Commiesidnera.• itesttvar.lt. extiTsicelc cloik • dainuilm lo !),eis'Offieto - Siorr,te; Videolgivalt4f' 1,• H: au a arrt Terribl© Accidont, tud6:or' t"see. Auditor's Notice. Auditor's Notice. NOrrICIE. • Alitrican iironthig • 41821—Dcootnt to' Likralskie t , Art and ;. • .0, 1 .4s. THE N, New Volume, coturriencing with the Jan. aarv_sturriber, 1846;wil1 contain over.tw.elea hundred a the . - ehiiieemt. roadino-- matter,- Steel,eud Wt ed En;trasin6, and JLuair. ' number will contain a tipleadij. Steel Eneravin ,, - a plate Of . the Paris - Fashions; on 14lcel,' elegantly colored,. one or- mare • articles, richly.. illustrated with wood engrarlnv i s; Miscet I:moons: Prose and -Poetry': nirfltlitar's' !Reviews Of 'NeW Manthli Suitimacy; Pashirm. and Fashionable jntolligenee; P a lt ur ii s f. r Nre,dio work,. and new 31.usie: - - The Steel-Engravings. • embraee finely cxeented 0 , 0-traits of the eel. ehrate4 laciv.rit•ri; es; 4 , 1 the dav,interspersedvith a variety of other subjects of general interest.; . . The Faihion Plates • ,•• are . engraved - on Steel, after the latest Parii Fashions, giving out and' in-door 'cos:nines for the month. They have been pronounced • supe: rior tti those published in any other 'American Periodical. .• - • The TVood - Enyrarings wit! tpi of the highest finish, and by our best 4rf ists. The Literary -Huffer ill enn.i.,,Cof Historical, and Lit -rory Esmy4, Skotch . e4 of Tnivet,' Pine Art:4, L'ort4 Ronutrices, etc: ..The . Novels and Rpnll4lt* • - GrAtaln7 ore: universally ac -n edged to excel in beauty and interest!any others published in America. The leditcir'o Table is.mitie lip Pr I Ininoi,./ui i§ketches . and Mee,. flotes,LF”reign,Dognestio. :Ind Literary Gettlip,ete. - The Monthly SiOnna:p of ~ rent prepared . by Winilm Dam.. 0ie7,1 1 11 condi:used aceonut . of the Principal event. 4. which have tat en place in the world, during - .the - - preeeriiirg month.• . , The Revit;ws'of New B•ueka ; frotn \ the inm of. thc• areat 4 rilic, E, P. Whipple: The FaAtion Article, by Gen'LPG. Seot,t, pre 'sents•a correct awl comprehensive (ir the new , ityles e f Dresse , Bonnets, Shawls, Emhr.t . deries• am( everything relating . to Fa.hit,n, of interest to' ladies.. The Neetit.)worizilatt,•rtis for Call:ant, !littler sleevps, Caps. Berthas, Skirts. Embrolhierie•t fnr liandkerehiefs: and general Noedlework,, 4 are nu merous and beautifully designed . : "': MUSIC This alone at a . .‘iusie Store, would cost more than a year's suL,eriptioh. • . . enpy,nne year, in adynnee. $3 1 . 1 eoples,Bs. 5 eopios, (and one to Agent nnd, getter tip of (`lub,) $lO _ll copies, and, one to' Agent, $2O: for.s6, one copy will be sent three rears.. Additions to-Clubs at the same rites as Club sent. Spei•inivn erpiei serf gratis to thi)se desiring t. !'!..t tip Clubs. . -- AU emnimtinientions to be nd.iresae.d • - A BR AIIANI - H. - SEE. Nn. ISO Chesthat-it., Pitiladetphia. THE QuARTERLiEs And Black*ood's Magazine. T EONARD SCOTT & C!). Now York, eon- Li tint**. to republish the followtp . g l Erttish Perindieltli. viz : • The London Quarterly Review, (Conservative) The Edinburgh Roview,•(Whi t y . ), The North Review. (Free Church) The Westminster Review, Liberal) Blaek;tood's Edinburgh liapzine4Tory) The'prosent - :tritical state of Enropoan affairs wilt render- these pnb;ieations usuSualfc • inter estirn dtiring the year 1854. They will oc cupy middle groUnd L: twee n the hastily written news iterns erudo apreutatiuus.. and lyingA nn mnrs of the daily journals, and .the panderuuS Tome or the future historkti, written after the .living interest and excitement of the great polit ica!,events of the time shrill hare pass e d away. It is to these periodical• that readers must look for the only really intellipible and reliable hislo ry of current eveas,,and iu addition to thew...well established literary se and the ologieal elsia:reter, we urgo them own the con sideration of the reading public. Arrangements are in progress for the receipt of early sheets 'front the. British -Priblishers, by which we shall be able to•place all ourro.prints in the hands of subscritors about . as soon, as they can be furni,h( d with the foreign copies,— Althouott this will involve a very large outlay on our par:, ive . shall continue to furnish the priodi eals at the same low rates as heretofore, viz : .. Per Ann. , . , For any OrN't of die.four Reviews _ tp3 00 For bny two of the fotir Reviews 5 00 For any three ()Nile four Reviaws - •7 00 For ;11l four or the Reviews 8. 00 1 . ...4 . )r Blaekwood's inagnzine ' . F..r Blijek%Vood's and the Re%iews . ' 9 00 For Rnekwood and the four Rei,:iews - 10 00 Payffent to be rude in all eases in advauee. Money ,current in the State where issued will, be rt"Ce: Vt.& at par. • • CLustiso —A discount of tWbuty-Ve per cent from the aLove priees will be allowed to Clubs ordering four or ni t meanies of any one or inure of Um\ above Works. Thus: Four copies_ of or of one Revlew, will be sent to one addre•:s for $9: four copies of the four Re vie,vs and . Blaek wood for 'O; and soon. PoSTAG E.-1,1 all the principal cities and towns IlleSe works will Le delivered,. through Azents, free of Postage: When' Rent by mail' the Postait.e to any part - Of the United- States will be but 24 Cents a year. for Blackwood, and but twelve vents a year tor'eacti of the Reviews. - Remittances and corantunications :should al ways be, addressed, post paid. to Vie Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO. 51 Gold.st., New York. L. S.:- & Co. have, ree \ ently published, and have now" for solo, the "Yarruer s Guide," 'by Hi•nry-Stephen, of Edinburg, and Prof. Norton, of YAlt. College N.ew Haver, curnplete in 2 vols. royal octavo, containing 1600 pager , 14 steel : .t rid Goo wtiodeagiavings. Price In umitin bind ing 96. - • . . rlft.7 This ivoik not fbe nld " ihmx (If .0:v Farm." lately resuscitated and thrown upon thi• marke,t. 48w4 , . , . . ' .- ' ESTRAY: . . ClAME'into the enclosure of the subscriber on .k.) or , aliont the first. of ' November,' 'a dark yearling' bull, with some wkito spots, --Tho . own . ., er is reqU'osted-ko prove property, -1 pay charges and lake it away. • J. F.,GIIISWOLI),. East I..!iniack, NOV, '23, 10.5=-18%9 '- ' ' A Nl:;:lt,supplk. of Groceries, Drop; Paints I. Oils, Gta.44, materials f Light.' &e:, at - Nor. 28, 1855. NEW STOVES . BURRETT has now in store and is reeeir.. in;; a larze stock Of New Stores, including the Star of thi!:West and National rlevated' oven, "Black Rorer. Widti World and Porsgen Large Oven, to which he wool invite particular attention as the best:Cookin4 Stoves in market:with s Su. perior assortment of FartOr,Otfice and Shop stoves forlVOod or ecial;siSo Store Pipe," Zinc, Sheet= Inlo, Stores Tubes, &e., -- This stock is selected from the best Foundries of Alban v and Utica for ca4h with, the beift'quanti ty of Tritninimps niade:t . o order for . his eastern trade. whieh'Will enable himin respect•to - defy compelitiim and Will bsnld at the most reduced prices for Casb.or approved credit • • ' •-- - New Oct. 1855...„ • • • D Broad 'Cloth Cali* far 3 pima at BELL,& TINGLEY.. .Neiso Goods Cheap for Cash., CW. 'MOTT has just reerired another lot of • *err. Goods, such ae. Challis. Barge De DelOges,Gingbiuns, Collars, Embroidery, Layne, arc., ate. Willett HE - OFPECIS Arließr :LOW -PRICES. SUMMER S'ArA WM. is Row lotiallt roeeived—beautiful patterns at very tow prices, also CRAPE and /Mt CA' SILK SHAWLS as kw as the lowest _ ' Jnne 13; 1; IZuBt Received .. cligiAisloi of armts andleather, thever than.ever by • = • Eirdolitm - - . . 4 b , uindo eltithilleP itt ' " • Now .IrdOftd; sePk - • tath•'; l 4 s - • • . •••• - , Sepytoerreuvid: _ be . C.,rtretrat, fr;eida, one 'aid All Aged 44 youthful, great or M stu l 2 lOgir SOW!) That at 034 yi,4ll4Wellati . : the'plaeo - 417011 • . . • • To get your_ pictures done up talk . • • G. W. SEYMOUR. rr jait receiving thiiriall And Winter .Stock .of Goodi; "which they tact • confident they are offering for Sun. :It 'FULL AS I.OW FlSSSl.:*ftelit tiny .entniyiintoneni in this section.. Our :sleek ittl ns Complete as is Inneratty. found in country Storen.: • fi : atkidAept«. 185.5. - AlYnrv, gond Aiiortrne,nt _of ,trcictiefy ILO taas A • G. W. S;dt Co: portc.t.:LAN - ; and Granitc Chitin; at ' G. W. S. Sr,: Co B. it t OtllEy.nti:B . iy : State ITV, '4 6 111 i pies, Co.l. BfqlCK and Brocade Dress Silks, far 5 and 6 Stoilliagiper yard, at_ G. W. S. & cp. Du Laines, yf the. latest Styles,at 12 ACM E LILOR'S .11Itir Dye. tApnt,aine's Ba .1./ of a thousand fluwors, and tiorromery . • . - G. W. & Co, New :Milford Stbie Fr:nlo4,3ntm . - . IN .1 ULL BLAB ,• • . new ferisale at, .Dicliernians - , 2' ''STOVES v.Y & GarratS. -NYeAre in r eceipt- of the. lar7est st4 e lc of stoves ` 'ever offered in Northern , Pa. - congisting..ofcookiii,ct.' Parlor and sizeplate. both fir Wood and. Coal, also a toll assortment of lerger.aiiislor Churches' and Stores. ; r• Wilnld cal l particular attention to, the:"Jeffcr oinil Elevated oven the most perfect and heiiV.:l; lest_ si ores in I!vy-1a nieritet. Among our :ariet thrall oven,.. %%vela mention the Empire State int-, 'Prover A. 4 being very heavy plated and it perfect. fiaihit'and •• soperrinqr. .; Parlous of Swaythann.. ;c o . von h ‘ve been in ths habit of pun:knitted.- liqht stot:Ps and light trimming., and`,-- -paying as much'as you ought toter heavy plates and heavy -trimmings. - • • *_ We manufacture oar own furniture .and sell . .them at, crumUfactured pricee,let those-who . I pay A makers profit 4:mulatto With um. if they.-,ca*.-- Jobbir o , done as uqual - on•ahort notice. • DICKERMAN & GA BRA IVew Milford, Oet, 4th, 1855," • - • Adzeinistratris' Notice. IVOTICE is heri:hv given that letters . ' (•stat, lr mentery upon'the esiatti of }leiir.y . Hy, dec'd, leto of Iferford . Vv. have beim. ...ran ted to the subscriber. All persons in - te. to • said estate are requested- t 0, ,; make. }mut , iate payment. and thesehevingletnitels upon'ser.• tate to present them dilly attested for riettle •. sots AMANDA DAILY, Adm' ....' }fedora, Nov. 14,.1855-46w3 GREAT IiNiOE,CEMENTS For 1856 Now is the lime to make up • übs • PETERSON'S MAGA milt best and. cheapest for Ladies! Edited by Mrs. As StEruEss awl tt.attz.f.s J. rETrnsos.This popular Magazine, blready tho. Atheapest-antl - . best Monthly. of its kipd . the world, wili be greatly improved fur 18A6. contain 000 pages of .donble.eolutnn reading matter; froth twenty to:thirty, steel* platesl and. over 44)0 hundred wood- engravings; width is prop.atinnatoty more than any Re:Malt:al, of any price. ever yet. gave. • . ITS THRILLING ORIGINAL STORIES Are.pron umited. by the press, the best publish; ed anywhere. The editors' are Mrs. Ann S. Ste. piteas, author of •!_The Old liomestpad, "Fash inn Famine," and Charles J. Peterson, au. thor of .Km.e Aylestbrd," -The 'Valley Fokoi7 etc., etc., and they are Lssisted by all the 'Most pipular female writers of America. New talent is continually heing,added, regardless of expense,, so as to keep "Peterson7s Magazine" Unapproach able in merit. - Morality and virtue arc alwayi inculcated. Its Colored Fashion Plates in itlvas2ce. It -is the only Mnpzino /whole F4,,liion Plates can be relied on.„,fiti •rh numbei contains :Fashitin : •Vlate, en. /. graved on Steel, colM•ed a 1 I mode, and of unri valled beauty. 'The . LOndow,Philadel-phia' and NOV York P,Lihions are 'doAcribell, at length, each month. Every 'number also'cortaitis'a doz.. en or mare N e w \ Styles, eog,raved.an Wood,— A150..4 Pattern, from which a, droms, mantilla, or child's costumc, - can be eut, without the aid of tnintau,makeT, so that. each number, in thin way, will sage a year'lt sitb4cription. ' It, superb'Wezzotints , and other Steer En- . . Its Illustrations vxcei these otinYothei nag. azine,'each number eOntainini a superb eel En. , ravinv, either mezzotint or dine, .beside the PaShim: plate; and in addition, tiumereus•other Engriiving,s; Wood Cots; Patterns, &e., &e. The Engraiing,s, at the end. of the year, alone -Ure worth tie subscription price.: - - --- • - Patterng foi Crotchet, Nee4leinork, cte., In the greatest profusion - ,•are,giren in- every No, with instructions how to work them ; 'afar), Pat-, terns in Embroidery., Inserting Droiderie 'An glaise:- Netting, Live:making, i.e. • •.Also. 'Pat-- terns foil. Sleeves, Collars, and ,Clietzdsettes.: Patterns in, Ilsad-worh, llair•work Shell-work ; llandkerehief Corners; Nantes for marking and Initials. Each nuntber contains a Riper Flow! t..r; with, direetions low to makolt: 'A piece of new and „fashionable Innsie is also .published &;, ery month. •tht the whole, it is the moetc,otn pike Ladie's magiine in the world.: Tryit; for one-yte,r. - TERAIS--ALWAYS.IN ADVANCE; One copy for one year, $2; 3 espies -.for one -year, $5; 5 copies for orie year, $7,50; 8 copies for one Year-$10; copies for one- Yeiii i -1140. Piientitrirasiciigetting,b.p Ei,glitror.,sisteen eePtes, ma e Club. To every purses ; getting up a cltib, our Port-Folic of Art," containing, 50. Engravings, will- be given gratis: or,-if preterred;:n- copy of the-Magazine for 1855.-: For a Club of - 16; an ex,: tra copy of the ma,rzaaine-for 056 will; be. sent in addition. Address, post-paid, AS L - PETERSC,'N; , Nn. 102 - Clrestout-st., Philadelphia S.pecimens sent gratiii tonsly, if 'written; ' fot;'. post-paid. . All Postmasters - ~cotistituted, Agents, • Persons remitting will please 'get the; Ptistina.ster to regiater. their hetters,itwhich ease. the rerruitt a:nee' may -he ;et. our risk—. W ben the sum is large, h;draft - should be - privtire4the cost of wi l ieh r may. be - deducted from. the amount.:- Tif TITE, PTIBLIC. lEWktelittEttElT HE SUBSCRIBERS having taken the Store JIL and Ourefiest4 the Steeko(C.olDDS of R. T. Astrt.r.r, are - prepared ' sell for, .Ready Pciy en/Mt - VERY VINO ASgORTUENT OF: DRY -GOODS; GROCERIES, • CROCKERY, -•- - • HARDWARE, ' • - . PERFUMERY; , - • YANKEE NOTIONS,. _ ; • IRON AND NAILS, - 'BOOTS. AND SHOE% . , FLOUR, AND SALT e ; SOLE ,AND UPPER LEATHER, &&,446., &e. - . At ei4h pricesi as (they think),tanittit NI to grie entirts satieteetion who luny fitvorthttin imitW their Wm4o, , -•-• • Alikiideotitioitten wee itr eseiiead!eµ. or. - L A.. 1& - .I: IL 7Brimitlyni Nov 15.1855.:;.• .C. W. 'MOTT. 0.4 4. 0401;4494,iiti11iiii lit ;,-:::, ~e'til-',-.".• hlgbasfinsaertiriiiii4ll o pfid ilia* et fifitilibtiritOl r ip#44.'y' . .. daabigdd,for.gcsad Dal 14tte' S. Co. 97VV1,1123 4biwri The' !Petit, l!lithorliiitiodOsiliiitt,• - • 'or = 14 0 RACE-ANATERS.t The I.trgeit aasortutant-orPianos,-Mod _ , ~.,.i Uttietitt4 - Musical India:pent* and Mutant - Illettititudist. l, 4 - f, of ail ".kinds in -the J.lnited Stateat.., ? !Piancla from ',), : i TEN different manufactories, 'comprising thorn ' 7 of every variety of style, from";theplaini neatteact.' '' . substautUl 8 1.2 octaves, in,.Walnat Or Rtateil`., wood Cases, - from $ll5Ol to $2OO, tothaan of-tbarz? ; 3 4 4 most elegant finish up Ono Thottsand litilihirik .1 i r:. No house - ia :the Union;: can compete -witit..'lll*-(- - .:"., above in the number Variety and celebtiq.edite I instruments, nor in th Jcifroady l iow prmar.. "T which they art, .. sold. i', - • '.' - ' ..,-' :. -." HORACE W ATERS ! a Ettgx bintoiriurPtaMol , - '2 . -- . with or wq tliout lion ! ra Mem, posiesaing in . - ~ ir . ~ improvement of over rings and-Mien,* lettitth: 'y-, or settle. power and,' vOrnpass Of - thileequal: toi, !:•,. the Grand Piano , united with th e beanty ututda:4. .. ?ability il structure 4;r the - sriti,ro: ,. .pin . np. , -, , ',They: .:".. "are jus' ly, pronounced by the Press anirfhe:rina .. , mtsiesl' Masters to 1.,' equal to Ihos'e Utility et& '...":„ i ' er manufaCturer.", T 1 .y ale bull Cot tlii tieiiiiiiiit;: - 1 pobt. thttronih sense ed,itutterial;, and : .lase teed to Stand the. aet*kn of everi, climate, , -. .. - Thii,:_. ; :i . . [loose has the Solo Ag.eucyerl..qlbert.4Cii. ) *,, 7 celebrated Premium Pianos t svithi.o,r`withAttt tiler , eolia li n. ' allott t A r..,fCunietionaE' wi ,6 awsni 4s"` BrownS,ifia Jacob; oehrel‘ctiingi4;fi and otheilroi.,:t . ton Pittios.' Gill:ld:fa Boltdoir_.ll4los,:andelst.;•- mant instrument for small reema. -, ; ' --' ' e.• • Each bean:lntent gasranteed' to - 'eye latisfir;i;_ - .7 lion or purchase:money refonded:7 SecOnd - hind ,.. Pianos at Great Barkaitts, conitnatly In: at**. : • ..prices frotes3o to $14.0.-. ' '' _._ -.. -' '-''' l: ),' ,' Solo Agency of t 3.0. & H. W; Sulitrolitelo deans:(O:Med to eritrafteinperationt). tn.v.tilek'.- ' - wars recently award ;the First Preudittunt:tbri. '. :' Nationat Ftar, Waslitligtom.D. C. i Price-- iles , $45 t 0.5150. Double hank meledei*Lwi. :. . :,.; fforice•Water's 4felhdeona,,ltiePerioa Instrii:. '.'. . -ments in tone, touch 'and' durability of Malte. r .-:::.:!:. (Tuned tho equal temperament :} .lifeloyenanit :4, all other etv les and makes, .. , . ~, ,; , . _- Martin's iiuitars, BroWn!s ' Harps; klutet‘:lCrc4, .„, lins, and , musical_ instruments, of, ail:- kilKlCTjdir - large discount to schils, teaehers,e.hurchlminti t clergymen. The' trade .supplied 03 ;Ili° , miats•:- liberal_terms".' ~ ' - !Music l'- , ..Orte, , ofjthe largest and iiinitsideit-. i ed Catalogues of mate new paldishedkvenspris. . ~: I ing many of the choie 'and most popnlar :Ore of 'c' I theday ; amongtheni are-found the oniventally r , ...., poPular. productions • Of ThoniaiSaker. .' . ~., -. 41/usic sent by.mail to all_parts of the-country post paid. ' Particular and personol attention -- paid to all . ()Meta received by mail. Satiate- - r Lion gnaranteed in every instance. ' Pianos:and- .... Melodeons for rent, and rent allowed:4)&4o:- "r chase. Pianos and melodennifor salami month-' , ly payments. Second.hand Pianos takeitin itiA --` change ftii"new. 1 - ' 7 - - :-+ '. • „ . . - - EATS CAPS Corner'of ...Pearl and ehtithant 1 9 . : G.. LEASIc (Tata:Rafferty' tk ;Leattk) -- II • keeps at the - oid stand,'-On 111%ton:re! 4 . 0 1 Pearl and•Chstbant Streets as • good an- assorti sent()) Hats and Caps as can be . fonnd . in Viv . eitv„and at the most reasonable prices._ Soft Felt Reat-ers, in grcet varlet); from-llH:taiz. 8 L Childreak' Panes flats, litobrella..S Silk s andj , •ttan at inannfactarers'-prtzetr. 38m3 IL 6. - LEABE • Clocks,c.thuas; dr" - NeW Assn/la:tint Just Received- 'from- F f rqk land, Switzerland, Germany, c., %Oki(wilk be Sold below the New York, prime, at. . SENGLETON'S.: • Montrose, Q.t. 10, 1855,-41. A CAltik . ~ . , . siDnyFE & KNOWLTON, aroisld = tanat.o.- -apectfalik call the attention of • Parchniativ,`•3 to a Urge assortmentiof HARDWARKjuit*: , ' cetved 'and increttied by arrivals- frrifik--11 different manufacture*, Hiving prices lower thin thos4 for which articles oluuk same quarit?'" have bet.* trffered -, daring past years; they are ettaalmi to make• quite a ductinn- frota their fo4nor very. Lseasonabl'de,- 7 . • mantis, to -Offer bo th . town and country:trade:in: , tincements superior tei• those of N.. T. tigeiitiv.:::••• Bin7lnunton Aug. 14. 1855.. -• • • - - . Freliti- Arrival of New ;(iloods•_ftit DICKFR3I4,NS &GARRATTS MEM subscribers would: respeet.fatilk,irifortrt tho good people " of 'Sasquelinna thili they are now_ openin,g, \ their stock of Fall and:' - 1 - Winter Go,otis whieh is .unnstirdly large =i af f ;, tractive all of which! will bo Sold for crush, 0r... approved credit cheaper than be bought.ait,:..,., any atavr establishment in thti coiaty.Wa just what we any.. Please give us a trial, •- • - DICKERMAN . kGARRATT i 3.: New , Milfuril, Se* '13111,1&55.. . To -Diiryinon, . gI•UTTBR wnfiteti. The }nhet IL/ eei .will ~be p?id in _cash fur Mood Pairy Bat- ter, by S. IL 4D. SAYRE. ' .o Jude 2Gtll, 1855 , ..„ Patesst Apple Parersi • • subv_ribers are. Agents for the 'Bah) 1 the above artie)e - ; a large ' they have j4ist receive direet,:frotn:theirlmaattu:. factures. Cotratry merchants etipp sale prices. ' •• PHYF} & Bisighmutop, Sept: 12; 1855.- - ite . rptiEv will if you use the - ft'Shing - apparettair sold hr Phyla &Knowltoni'.3.44orw,erletof Chenangallriilge. 'A ne*l4l.lest 'receive4.§,y Expres.g. Call and eiaminn - their !tient. Iltioki,.Lines;lteets, Arti ficial Bait, &e l : PiIYFESti.NNOWLTON• . : N.B. It 14- currently .-reporteil that lit) this section of country, / will not be -might- with - other Tackle than that sold at the above llshitient:. Binghamton . . Aug. 14,' 1855; • •••• NEW. GOODS:C HE .AT .3f0T275.,". „ UST received a tot of New Good.; b t./ L4itseseDellsol.. Puritatettat4 Poreburi paeie,. Giughluue,- &twitters. ,Printe. aud. Sbeict*,_ , fact iteuelul sarartmerit of Dty. Otoode, ail! be eel& . . WANT.EO--S'ecks.Vggs;Buttertt•li4fActi. Flannel, dr.c,,apy_quautity iu .eschougiVriurz'Oriddi'l at - Casliptieee. - • 7„ 0.. 1 V%/91 - 0.7r; MOgitrol l er Sept. 18.154 Fall and Winter 00048. odio;ori6or - wotila'itiy.to . theiublitithie j, 1, - , ,ho,lyisjust receiv e d a gpn*al assortin*s 4 of Fon and - Wintei GOOds.whictChivireow-so- acll.very'low for cash or produccw. , - • • " rITOSPOTITC Friendivnie, NOV, I; 10.1451v4 Splendid , assorlinant, just airivoct at • , ' TURRELViIw • . • • Clear, the4rtiek ': ':',,;'' - , ._,. vOlt. I em iii`e great hurtt, .- W 4 what% tile - - 1 1 neater t- Oh -mottling., eityallltitt dover i • there at •OM Post • Ofitc e ime. just - reee‘ved ;bp .: Rail Read Thriti&mis a new 14 of Book 4 andStii. , . tigtery• wad 1 want semi tof4wwth YW ,-,. e All - #010,,, - that's so. come on hnlisiet Mmy lirsionvOts:4,. -Bidden li PathOltitondke t it-ond.FrotidoloPong- lasi) Dertintind ,Lititev l tioia'**holecworitl! f ..; SoUsAV ol . 4l 4l e lui tu irelki g i ee 045 0 4 .: 11 : 1, 0Y, .gky 'of . Stlng'itooks • n; taw 4itlitiote - , tii - -;01 itoek at Writing Paper, EMT** smt,..jic . ; JO 1,5 Of ',fib . best qtudityi end *eitpliketheit*iy; :..: : .•=, - , .-• ~-. -., A:, A. Vit11,441,0: - ':•`.. - : uothrode'SePt, 10,1 5: • . 1 -1= - - - fs , • BiLtitlW/N, ',PrkIUMMV, lefecti Rittail &site's iti4 o .laW Meal, Graw,Foikdierodlirs.-itta Wilt • k: Perk..for;ate. • (Urtioust`ehreat.— , - 411iO4!!4)19iitige.fit?-f Ili=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers