,btcrtistninits. NEVI?' NItFORD ec Dress Goods Empbrium • . FOR PALL 1855. ar— HBUR4ITT would inform his friends and •t h Pulilic, that he Ims new- in stor€. and is ree.civial.: a full assortment of Fall tt6..1 Winter 0:)(0, including a great v,triety ,fif Itielt Fall Prints'. in'tie* styles, Plain and Fancy, De Lansis, Plitis_and.Flacy Niolr,ir Cloths, Plain and Pl,dd, Pr.rentettas, ,• Baes ant 'l'oplins; Dsrlt; Rich GiaLthi) . l3. in Fall SlYies; 131in:1; , Preen:le, Plain and Faney Silks •,; - Wet,l; Ilrnehe. Crap, - . mil silk Shawls; Rich Rib.- Irm,S r ,B,iniets an.r ':Flowers ; Ladies Cloths and Vt~iv .tit .r. Ci4i . alt 41' anti. . Broadcloths, & • , &.c., with a large ;19goi•tmi.nr of Staple Fancy Goods .as' includi•:g ...11ardware,f.',.rockerv. Iron and Steel, Paints, Oils, . Boots and Shoes,. Trats, CjoCk,, Panic) Robes, ' Cartietings, etc., with a . new assortment of Stoves anti Trimmin4s 61 the: best.quality, being. made to order expressly for his Custom Trade and will all ber acid.. at the lotvest • figure of a Lrrpt..n Low- Ea frtr o . teh . nraince, or-approved:credit.- • %Vont Socks wanted for which the :higit'eSt prices will continue to be paid. Float and Snit constantly on hand. oo.triber, 1455.. Irving's Life of Washington. Will be completed in There hands/me 8 mo. ioliiniei—lllostrated with PoiTgArrs and Plans, at $2,00 per volume. • - - • - Pr this Biography of the FAIITEft of his coun try there is but one opinion. It is the most com plete ever issn&l, and by the pen of one of the Greatest Writers, of the Ago. Every family in the, laud shouid possess it, and every person elinuld read it. - Ant are wanted to sell this and sever:anth er important . wnrka. Teims ere liberal. Ad. dregs, C. T. EVANS, 18 Gikev . "buildinff, New York: or C. H. SCItIVEN, 19 East 41h-st,Cill ennnti, 0!)io. , Conie4 spot free of postage on receipt of price Oct. 10. )855.-4143 g NEW 1111LiONIC HALL, Ilia lad. GE' TSwanted in every town and county in the Dniteii States, to sell the beautiful picture of the ' • • Grand Lodge Room, • In the NEWORSON - IC HALL, Philadelphia. This plate is selling very rapi4c, and -elicits the adniiration of all, for the correAness and fidelity . - with which the , Statuary, Fir Painting and Furniture Are represented, nd the artistic beauty and bar tnony of-the col* Size of Plate;22:X 23. Price, 83,00. ! -Booksellers and Picture Dealers wishing to take agencies roc it, will please nddmis, .fintur ther,information; L. N. ROSENTHAL, ' 43:n3 ' • Lithot!rat'her, Phil:id.. Grand and 'Magnificent Display OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS. J. WITTENBERG and Co., takes pleasure in . . announcing to the citizens of Montrose, and the adjoining Counties, that they have just received 'the largest and most fashionable assortment of, FHB and. Winter .gh Goods that has ever been bront to this portion of evere State. • The following : comprises but a small -"portion . of the immense assortment to be found at this estahlishment. . Mips and Gentlemens Clothing, in endless cm. riety and .proftp , ion . at more reasonable terms \ than can be obtained el . Lewhere.' . ~ Lades Dress Good‘...Frene .! . rerino,Tiararnefa ptitt and all wool Deliiin, of any dolor and stride. Plain: black And figur' " hangeable plaid Ind striped , Silks: • - Prints and Gingham, Bonnets and Ribbons, I...seesaw! Embroidery. Shawls, Double, mid sin gle • ;bnishe, and double blanket. Shawls, also Caslientore and Thibet, Shawls, Gloves and . 110.. • - siery, Curt tin Goods, Umbrellas, Table Spreads, ToWeiing,' Diapers, Muslins, Satinetts, Cloth, Casiiners and 10,000 othor articlesloonutnerolN .to mention", . ' Cash -Buyers will . find it to their benefit to giv.‘i t i ts. a call. We will not be undersold. Otir . wav,of transacting' budineli is to sell low for Citill on short time to good men, intending to b e • prompt in meeting our oblig,ations,and expectint: • , our customers to do the same with us. . . :ROSENBAUM, WITTENBERG & Bro. . - Montrose, Oct. 4th, 1855. _ , • Now Spring Goods. • la BURRITT wou Id announce. to his friendF 1.1.• and the public that he is now rpeninu an ummaallv large Tock of SPRING and Sum- IttEIt , GOODS., inclu ng a great varktv of Prints /from 4cts 'to • Is. per yard: Plain and Printed Liwns, ilare(*e Th.:taints, Gingham,, Brocade. Black and Fancy Dress Silks, Silk Dress Tissnes and Bart es, Poplins, &c., tkc.; with a superior assortment of Silk, Broehe, C-shmore and Thib - bet Shawls, .Mantillss, Parasols, French Lace and Straw and Silk Bonnets, Rich Ribbons and Flow. ers, with a large variety 'of other staple and fan cy DRY, GOODS-- , Grockries, Crockery. Hardware, Iron and Nails, Boots and Shoes,. Hats and Caps, Carpeting, Wall paper. painted Window Shades. Floor Oil Cloths, Clocks, Stoves, Oils and Prints, Ploughs &.c., &e.;' in short, the largest kind of piles of rich and cheap Goods, too numerous to mention, but just the things to purchase, all of which will be sold at the most reduced prices and on the most favorable terms for'eash, exchange, or ap proved credit. N. B. Salt and Floufsronstantly on hand. New Milford, M-sy 5, 1855. TIME CHANGED. Del6.ware,. Lackavinnun * W. R. R. SPRING ARRANGEMENT! IN and after Monday, May 7. .1855, qui ' MailPas.tenger Train will leave Scranton • at 10.20 A. M. Dile at _Great Rend at 1.20, P. N. Conneeting'ilth the Dunkirk Express Train west; and the New York. Express 'East, on the .N. Y. & E. R. R. Passer.gera taking this train larrice in Dunkirk at 11.15 p. tn. and in New York ai-11.15 p. m. Return, will leave Great Bend at 4 p. oft. due at.S.ranton'6.4s / P. la.• * Toe Freight Aecommodntion,Train.'withpass. anger car attached, will depart from Scranton at .` 1.00; e. at, connecting with the As Train ~,boatid • West, and' the Night Exprtis Trains; both Esst,and West. . PaAsenaers taking this Train and the Night ExriresS East, will arrive in New York at 10 5 a m. By taking the Night Palmetto - Wet, will arrive in Dunkirk at 12 M., or by taking the Mail Train West; wi.ll arrive in Dunkirk at 6. 45 p: tn. from - Returning, -will depart r Great - Bend at 7.00 a. AL and arrive at Scranton; 12,10, A; 11. Stattpmt win be in - waiting , on the arrival of Pas. itenczer Trains at Scranton, to convey passengers to C4rbondale.•Pittatois, Wilites•Barre, phiaitia the Reading R. R., Easton, and all other • intermediate places. D. N. DOTTERER; Sap't.. - ' SaplOffir. Somata% May 7,1655 251 f 2' FIRE! 7111.11 I TIRE!! .•Th' e undersigned lum been ap ointtd ant area or the Sr&TE • littrrvii; rittp. INSURANCE cpmpANY, oullarrifiburg " Said colizirmy has ;capital of It le as - safe and (leap s patupany se any In the State end-inenree on the Steck and mutual Edam- i BILLINGS - STROUD, Aleut. Sontrotie, Oct- 9, 11353'.-41tt Wti ibe nocienißsed hereby stateAst relieve deneleinose with-the above compsnyv afilaret4tiefied that it boi l h safe enifeheitiL•ift , Itiliitsr, experience we lutve;neveritnown any es gkedulteOnts ion* prtanion? note. 111.1Witlitivis. ••. ,Winaciewoli; D. D.- Warner. "-• F. Ctutadler. °chin& Mark*: - these. . - - N4ils and. .s pikea .-- Boontoi4 Parker 14Eilftiad Old Colany.• ' .•• - . I ° Paus & Karowsioies. BlDlChala*Likv., ' The Know Nothing Expo- - . IcY person patronising me, at thi front il,..upper room'of the Store iately oven n "e 4 by ,i1.,t1. 'Prier, eari2be accommodated ace°. ing to to the Latest Fashions, itt the best and or up. ;I .proved manner. , - '.1i . !..' :cork is warrated to fit if ploperi, made, Cutting, mending and'in fact e%cry hr s uch of l'aitoring done on the shortest notice, /tad tlmt to the satistaetiou -of tituse conc - erned.. ; 141 f. . - • -; --- - - J. SA.L'iltit. ._ . . Black Silk. . 1 - A GOOD quality fur 41resaus, at Mkt... per ..Li yard.' , 1 - J. ft. • Co. . Oet, 11; 1854. • . . Wocl: W 0617: Wool::! `' 10: no POUND S wntited th am. - Exchange , for wli;eli the highest tutatet price will 11(! pai i. in. Cnsh by . LATHROP & CO.. t Jorin 1855. SPIUNG GOAD 4. Superior tot just received. Sind now offering n t.approvr;cl cred it or Ready pay s by May 1. • LOOT c HERE.. )od assortment. of the best kind in market: Also Pablo Knives and FOrks. , . 1 Srooas.—Str.vvi., Silver Pl sted,German Silver Albrata and Britania-ware tjpoone. 111lso all kiwis of Butter Xilives. • ' t_ Viowa SPLING9, Boa's , and a ll u - t h e oxtures, Violins, Aegordenng, Tnninz Nrks, &e. FLuin Campliene;Candlea, Lamp Oil, &e. FAitttti 'rEOCERTER.-A_ full assortment, new and good. . .1. DauGs ANTI PATENT 74.1antaar.s.—A first • assortment and genuine. . • • PAiNTs ANriOtt.s.—A general asisortraentain: of good quality.. . . JrAer.tr.y.-t--A splendid variety, of the neatest paterns. Faso Goons.—Nearly everything in this branch. • • PEEPIMEf . :T.—A (gullet. varivty. (New supplies reeviviA nearly evelF week.) In s .hort, nearly ••veri•thinff.persi.lns want, and eliesp,•ai the .variety store of . A. TCRRELE— . l‘tontrnss, June'', -1. W 55: • - Lanesboro Furnishing meat. -• r LIE subscriber keeps . constantly on hand . and will make to order; Doors. Blinds, Windows and Window. Bash. Door and Window- Frunies, and all other articles aiadi. of wood and used in huilditY. Blinds painted and hung on . short notice. Glass of all .sizes, qualities• and tirtntities.fol eels. Flooring plained and mateh ed at from $l6 to $:2O per 1.000 feet. Turning done to order. Also a o'eneral assortment of • - CABINET-IV:ARE, -BUreans, Tables and Stands,.of-all arintieq,— Chairs. Be;lsterids. Settees, &c., Collins, ready made s ur mrde to order on-the shortest no tire. I Good Pine. Cherry .or Whitewond lumber. and grain of-x:11 kinds, taken in excha'rige- for the abuse. • 1 Tterr dy pay or three months time with approved' credit. All Orders T "ddr‘.\ssed to me will receive prompt • :ate:l:io. • . JACOB Lane.shoro,lJunc IS. 1855. tyre a t F4hibition in Springvillo., GREAT (AND gARF, 'F:XIDDITIGN OF toREIGN AND DONITIC OOODS, f alinced elry stt sneh ns will be pure to p'en. e and ne.ommodate nil elamses of p..tiple-froiri the chill in the cradle to the old itni decrepit.: These nre . bourtht oti the , no.st,fa‘ term 4, and will be sold necording ly. Pleteze •-tve tin i w ( e try to Isnr: p ail yotir >viints in the line or - f;OODS !ever I :ert in e. , nritry **tore. Von fieeil not 14., , t 0 to Ne.iv Yoe:, f.:r tini . thin,: pin want, bz-eanse we iluve tl - fern frinh th:.• cltr. •NCO rr. 3011:4 t SON, dr. CO. Spring - Ville. Pp., .I . lny-S, 1%55.'1. GREAT ATTRAUTION3. - AT THE UPSONVITZE fXCILLYGE . ~ rri FIE Sotscriber is now receiving :I well se ] 1 ,- TtP. - I:isQortravnt . orDry Gi4ods. Groceries.; i t . Fish. liardware, Croik ery, Resdy Made Clnthina, Hats, Bonnets, (a .r. , iendirl ass rtmeat,) ISLit., Paints, Oils. Dye.Sttlffs, Yankee . - otions, in fact,: almost everythin7 !!Annliy called for at a coun try Storf.„ includirig 'Floor. Salt and Meal, all' of which he is deSirons of selling.for Cash, or (Fity kind of Farm-^r's -iferchantable Produce,- or' on good approved Shirt Credit His friends aro most respectftily invited to give him a call and ho Will Satisfy. them that the Esehanime is 'the place for , farmers -to trade. the highest price paid, in Cash for Butter. i J. L. IIIErtRBLV.I. lay 15, 18.55. L7pgonville r.vrrAT MEDICINE AciENCILT7 ABEL TURRFILL. 31,antr(i - xe, Pa.. DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, TM ALL mE VIYULAT: • l ißanT2? atDirlelino .OF 'rim. DAT. Cow?ignm;iits Convtan fly Rereiveti,' Erplioh Lever Watches, THE sotecriber has just received In steam ship 13altil ol an iher invese of hiseelebrated Enzlish Paturt skelrton , lower WStetwo, nylkin_ fourteen different I-mit:ties in Plain and fluntinc cases, o which he would call thelatten tiot (.1 sil•persits wistiirq' to purchase Perfect time piseces. A. J. EV ANS, 2. f)id Fellows' flail. Bineturt.t4 - 41. Joly 1453 PLA I D TAAL,. KsivEs.—Twel, it. doz. mare of theSP fine Table and Desert Knives tincle to catch ailvtr fortw for lisle by. A. J: Buss; Ilipgbanton. inly 17.. B l'taarriss.—A large assortment. of' Gold, ' Cameo !ma Il.'4,lostie. Breastpins. just receiv ed from the Manufactory. A. - . 1; EirAss. Bicemunton. joly 17. . . t GILE&T, BAAGAINS IliktlC 1110.11%. . . . .W. N. NyAisoN, é CO. RETURN , their Warmest acknowledgements' It to their fee:omit% in Susquehanna County for put favors, and invite attention to their stock _ New. SpringGoode, just - opened, WO' ithey propose to rep enish weekly from AUCTION, and the cheapest, cash Limnos in the City... l i I; The stock ea:Aimee' s every raricty'of Stspk. and Fancy Ory Goods, Yankee Notio Trunks, *Traveling liara,_44. / Ail of which y will sett i t 'extremely . CHEXP for CAM'. , ' Pedlars, and otherivrholesale Imy, will find it greatly to their advantage to give Oyu e'en. The Lsdies will fi nd an este*ilent . ortinent of DiesiGiicids,ginbroiderTliresid e, a n d Trimmings 'of illfrom AUCTION at Very low rites. ~ ~. . , ' , - . '• • ' . . .., N. WILSON, ) *,,(4 • Corner of: ourt in ; YinterSts. t :. Binghamton, N. y.,*prils # lB* f . ' • .;CAUIP,EIII AND ortmonrs. 1r- IL DEPEU would ,istl T ltiM , *s. of pi))lie his brie atork of- Ply, ingraiss. s , and Smooth! Carp* Jogs which he has jaat Ourelmsoi at Awl:Mori." cad offe r s at.l lower . . ever offered be fore in.the emmb3t4 Mad a urge variety; Olio, his sparions Carpet Room occupying th 4 aaeoW floor- of hisl Crockery and. House.. Fatriishiag. store. Come and be convinced that ',brie no ucceesity forlhare Bovra. - 1 , 4 -1-11.;DX:PAU4": 44h, Wsq4oll.l4k t ' A. LATHROP & Co Viittillauttou 2.:4l.lertis..Clunts: NM nom OF DRY GOON! • . - - CAR C RE TS! !--\ Great ftli , daclinu in Price* at the ONE PRICE STORE. ID • C. BAC-ON . hro the plea...tut:6.of amir,une.. ..a• tog to hiA Cu ...towers that hp has just re. turned from the :Eastern g.irketts uith one of the hirgeztt and most exrellent mo4ortmetit of * • DRY' GOODS AND CARPETS overopetml in this market, which for b , anty. vaiiety and ~t) le eatipot bir stirpassed, which hay. init been purchased for cash at anetir•n arid els.e -u hire at aurtion rrices be will•seil theta eheaper than they were ever before offure . d in this or any ()time ritarkot west of New York cite. • Ills rich at:d splendid assortment of DRESS SILKS • ' is:alwapiacknowled2ed the best and ehcapeAt In torn, and include?, Plain, Plaid, Striped. Brocade add Glace—*h-a eht.apod'as well 11.4 the richest goods, at prices varyin2 from 37 1-2 et's to $25.0 per yard, tivgether with a gre,at. variety isltallANT JET IlLilijK SILKS, Trim Satins, &c., sellinf , at least 20 per cent lens than the cost of importation._ SHAWL ' S! SHAWLS n An immense assortment of Silk, Crapo, Thibet. Cashmere, 'Merinos, Broche and Summer Shawl% from 111 to SRO, together with a splendid variety of Mack and Colored . ' • • MANTILLAS, of all the fashionable patterns: Snee, Silk :Old Embrojderod,wbieb will be sold cheaper than t ver before; • DRESS GOODS. Ltins from 6 14 c'ts to 37 1.3 c'ts per yat : Phin.Pinid, Striped and Figurrd. Muslins. liantes, Tkanluizittes, Chamhr::.•+, (41,r -hams: , French. English anti American Witt... from '5 c'ts to 25 ets per '1 aril, and even• new style constantly on hand nt the Invest prices. • ilibbonds by the peke or yard .gill ho always in our stuck for .:Milliners and telailvrs. • - • , ENIBIONDEItY. The richest and lar;!eit aseo.rt molt of Embroidery ear: ale-acs be seen at R. C. Ilaeon's,at the lowest prices. Chemisettm, Skims, Itifnots'AVai*L=, &e., of vvery fashionable style, together %kith English Thread, ,:tralenveinneq, 1I mitoa, Guipure and Brussel* Laces in gteat ynrivty LI NNEN GOOD'. of all kinds. Irish Linens. Linen lliindkerehiefs., Table Linen and cover{ :111 Si Doylies, Linen Sheeting :Ind fill w-Clse Linen front auction at priers below all eomp..titit - sn. • The attention of houseAteeloacs is particularly incited to our stock :of Curtain Goods, among which may be found • ' Lace Curtains,. • Brocatelle*. and'everything in this line of godds, which can not fail to pll'aSO in fabrie, style oT price DOMESTIC GOODS Bleached and Brountiocetin,g fr,,,n) the 61 "'rade /. up to .the Anest,qualiting. Ti"king. , , Wolin., Striped Shirting, Apron Checks. Ginglinrns and Print...," from 5 cll. to 12.1-'2 c' -t per yard, and all kinds 4.f Cotton Goods for web or bey.,' wear. ilair Cloth Skirts, Gra"! 7 +s Cloth Skirts, land Parasols,—a very rich . as4ort !tient. 31ore-Antique, Friages. Galoons. a , :d all ioni of Dresl and Mant lila :Psi mmin.r. ever) thing belonging to tbt• 'Dry Goodm' trade customers may be sure of finding tt Bieon's, if it can be founclia \ea• York-, CARPETS !, - CARPETS !I. • . , Since the recent •TremendtAus Fall in the price of Csrpeting, we have purchased and have now on, hand the largest and enost beautiful assortint4lt of cARPE'CS ever exhibited in this reolon, at prices fully .po per cent: leas then they cOuld be sold for the I;tst year. those who are in want of Carpets arc invited to our CARPF.T.ROONI wlicre they Will be delighted with the beauty and cheapness of the various 'pit tiqns. atul a,tonished that s4O gcusi carpet Nan be sald so cheap. Bru,o4ob, Three Ply, • Intrraini Union. and Ilenip - Cal - tell:lca from 16 'ts per Yard ;,,r.d upwhrd=.--, Floor and 'ruble 01 Cloths. Mattm, Druggetts• equally "cheap; R. C. Baran won d inform thin s of his custo.l mere Who have not lalready made themselves .quainted.wtth the fact that he has removed from, the store formtv occupied by him in Brigham 411 0 ek, opposite Court House, to the corner of the new block erected the •last -summer next east of the canal, and having a much larger, more conven, kept and pleasant store• than formerly he is pre.' Pared to hOld out even greater inducemsos to' buyers than heretofore, and such as can but be i.ppreciated. and admitted by all those who are rurnpetent judgcs. New Exehanze.Tlin . ghtimton. 7, 'May, ' 1855. • y 4loods.and Carpets at Con r,c,,77 „Am& BENNETT. have an hand w V „large and well selected stark al Forerm and .Domestic Dry Goods and Carreto, embra. einz almost every article in the Dry Good's line ever brought into the market in view of the ilhort crop of east] im hand. we lave c( (eluded -to (;tTer them for sixty days from' this date at cost. Th4e_persons,to whom we _have formerly !odd Gorsiii, will at once see that this is s rare •ppor tunity and one which ,should be e rnhrseed iln turdistely To those who.have never favored as with a call are would sit try us once and you will be ionvinced•that this is the plate . put.- chase Dry Goods and Carpets. Our-stock is al. wawa replete with •fashionable and . seasanyttile ci0.'0,3., and are-deterfained 1 r keep as good a va riety as can he found in this section of the ...ma-- try, and sell at prices which cannot W to please. - WICKIIANT & BENNETT Binghamton, Jan. 30.1855. THE. LIGH fi4ING EXPRES Fare Reduced :Time Sawed!! Thro' by Day Light! 'Bawl.= a 3Z NES, AVE formed a partnership in Montrose tor" 1.1: the purpose of doing ecerybody's . • BLACKI4MITIIING! at the 61 etand near Keeler'a Hold, We have parehased an- entire new 4 tock of IRON, eomrieing a NI alsortment of all kind', direct from ;be city:. We shall keep constantly on hand Weaterti—Round and Square Caitstepl Toe Cork Rod*, Mit* Tyre Iron—all sizes, B l ind Iron and t ' Spring Steel: A large amonrtment of ?datable Iron,Coil Chains, Carriage Unita. &e. Sze, girt us 'a call, By strict attention to bit:dams we hope to re. eeive a, liberal *hare of the patronage. All work warranted to dive matiafaetit.n. to those who will favor ua with their patronage. , • • Iigr'VVAGONItk AND CABRIAGES.OI ironed on short notice tad stock found. or made to order throughout,as may beat suit our patrons. All business transactions must be Nettled once year. libort settlements and long friends is oar motto. • N.B. A good journeyman wanted, to .whom steady employment and high wages will be given. -A. E.-Haw-LEY. - Peass. Juti. Diontrinie, May 31, , 1855. Q 'MEE WARE.--A luau lot:of silver Forks, 1 , 0 of all sizes; also, Table, Dessert and Tea Spoons, just firriabed'and warranted ilia good ai cola, by . A. J. EVANS. Aug:. 29. QEWING iSfkIYS, some, very lino: - for *sato 1.7 ebeap by A. J. EVANS. #AWS. witrrefited, n i t towtivn - ag,„ tm4 ' PHIPPS Se K. 4 b . Mato bi 113 S. Ainhava • ala - .4411.1 1 41) . :t7. a. liiiil l Eti. ,_, . - -".-- 1 - 7 4 1VA.V.-; & *.A.T.130,41, No. 26 -- - ...fii. 3; .: ":, l a t• ,, tith roan!' st.;Phitud. , i p1.r . .... , G . Rt.L% l' Flll,E.CliEsi • Nut : ( T r ,-- , Sr. klt 11l .ms. i Friday !Doming. ... I :r*.?.t 1 Urcentber 15th, 1P. , 5 V. • 'living &. _ . Wattues .Salaiiiiander Sides tri. .lust,in,Ctirtain9, Cotton Linn lion! , , tie they always are when put to tip , teat : Pitman, launi, Pee IS,. 1554. .1010ra Evans ;St. iVattiou, No. :26 - South Fourth :i Si:, l'hilatleivhia. : \ GitSTLEalr.s :•: We Jahr much pleasure in roc• an nananling your Salamander lairs to AVrchanta a n d inherit in a;ant.of a secure ilieausof preserving. .their hooks. pap. ro, ~16:1!„ from fire, as the on e we purchneed from you übout ',even months since lino pr e ieryt : d our btaittb, anti cash in "as good a 1n 0 1 . 1._ t i on ti p they were • Vl'i r n put into it, ti..fore the 'crew tire shit. moronic. which d-otroyeii the en tire blocik of hoildin go. corner of ('heatum and :F4th. streetm. The above was in tie• i n our Oinre, on the . grentld tionr.of -our huilditic; Iron. which 'like.. it fi.ll into the'crikr arid resn:nued there' olitif the fire Wt.* out. The Scam was then frnintled and oprlied in the rireseite• of at least ' thin) te , rerinss. who witneiteed the court colAtion of the eAlutente. ‘Vill, von piece.. bac? the Safe :Lied treks rrpaired as we 'intend to put it in i!lee at tin. tiayin?., - . perfect aotieMence twits fire-proof qualit leii. • • Yours. ne•pf•rtflltlV. • ' 1.A(...EY & I'IIII.IIPS. : . . Evans and Watson take pleasare in referring to the. IVAlowing. among the matiy Hundreds who have their safes in Ante :---U. .9. That. Fetrin..rs and j/echunics' Rank.: Philada.; tsit marl Allen; fief , High Sheriff Phila.; John N. Henderson, City 'Controller ; Caleb Cope . 4. Ca.. No. 1 , 4:3 &rm. ket. St-; Richard Norris end Son, Locomotive buil .ders. Philada.; Rancrofrand Sellers, Machinists, corner I till) 'slid James Sts : "Franklin Fire Insu rance Co.. Phile,; Penn's Railroad Co., Phtlada.: Lacey & co• r mind Mivor reels; tOtrirpl,sr. fro. No. 3!.? south 2.1,5 t.; Jame*. Kent and Santee, 1.17 North `third Street:' W. li /fortenisti and Sang, No, 51N.,ritt :id st Viniams .4 Co.. si Market St.; J.& 11. thne, No is:, Chestnut St A larce ussortment of the :lb , ve v>< nn hand (witrranted to +.1 , t041 111 pr.: relit nt , rr than nnV Ilerrine's Safe now op ) N.-, 5: WATS9N, also innnufsetnre and kto'n n;de, Iron rzlittlirr , .. iron floors nnd Iron So-h, for tn. 1.1: ine tire proof Vault ntliitiri. Storer:. public and private. hauditize. •ta.llwitrr viii Pmts v.P.tteni tte Lintrl s•c- 11 " 4 " i ice. ne a at No. 21; South Fourth 'St., Phi la ii.-11,Lia —I 7,),1 • . .NEW GOODS A.rC & return their !..... - :v.efut atdio, , ‘‘ leaf olcrit 4 t!,t . put , '•:c %ors. in: it.t• tt.nt i‘oi In I or 1.1 tick of Spring :old S;moner Good. this 11 , .W and oiler tor salt. , It trrt/ ;Tice.'. • 'ln tkeir !Isola . .ti , ,rt.tn.rt:t Goods, Grocerw ,, , Cf"rkerv, P /111 d 0:14 are pripart - til t.. i.xoildt a I,ir:ro nmyortmt•tit i.r • LADIES G.0(1)1.1 of vvitry- &seri t4.r!, and P'.lin, flontiom l;:ok 44iery ..mt 4.t Kii . 4.—..1164. huge :Atiek READY M CLOTI I INC t' s. Snainle'r Cloths% V(-tin!..4., Hats atid ilm•tm and an early e:!li from whis wish: it) plirchqse;' Goon Goons AT I,ow Pi:lcrs. Me NI ILLAN"Se PARK.' May 2, Issl. Doct. R. Thayer, 'inA K ES liiM t hud to 116 friend and etistettsers-that he tt•gotee , t ihe prnoiess ssr.):J.edieine itt hss old st esti its l'sitta trnse. t!,'heres tray be fetlittd tunes n rtie.. prt )t . ,•!. Sil Inn y TV would say ,tt.s ;•trins him ssn 4.14 ssesseuntslh4t ht. siolstet rs...r (Tat on all assonants pail beferts the tirsst of tsext. ( o r if tiny. poor like. mysell,), I wil slvsluet film FPII. t'ld, R55--9tl TEWKI,III-=-111"re Dry; Jewelrr. e." ed direct (Non - the tronnf4eturers, rind eon se.tintr, of n first rue sssortno•tit ot, L .flies Gelitletneris finvr Rint!s, Bre:lst Pins.TAr Drops and floopa, Fob. and Vest Chlimi,Slide , q Keys, Studs; Pens. etc.- Person• wishini! to pur rh:i Jewelry should certainly call nt the Store of - A. TURRELL. Nlon:rw.t : April 12. 1:)5 =MI C. 11. Virgil, IVntist. has removeil to a room over F. B. Ch4n.Por's.st , ire, iyherelt kill bo his , pleasure! to leo uss tr;eucts 3,1159. 4 411111... " viruv,r„ Resident I),.nti-t. - .)Tontrose. .r - NEW STORE, am . 24 . : : : ,: r217 4s . GENERAL aqs(tr4tuttit of titaptt.,nd .f 1; Dry Ltrilw ,ru. II tom. C Y;(.o%* Shoe'', Wad Pap-r. t. wilivh will t,t..tulci a-chent. as the cheapest tur Cash or appr..re.l ertAit 1. .11. M. .IONE. II rf Ertl' June G r!.) de ; ; eS: ; k B June 1. 1855. . 13 ROCIIA and C:e4lltnere 1 4 .11titvis. ;it :01 tithes .1140-ft f. , w Mantillas by • H. 31:7ONEM. June 1.1855, 4 . ) V:ADY Made (Nothing, 14 It.w. prim; by • June 1. 18A5. ADIES will fiad a great varivh: or tion,-1,, ta * and Ribli,,a.• a t 11. M. JONES*. Jan , . 1.1855. 1 A WNS. L. ham. at Jiinr 1, 185 ''ilalii:4,.l3:tr,re r 'HIES and Window Dr4 ,, rl; nt H. M. JONES'. E MUM) Jane• I, 185 fitment of Bootl,did :41,0" A aiod Juni..l. 1855 QIXTEEN ills. i f Good Maettert-Vfpr ont , do! . ‘,121 1 tr in ca.ft by . : 11. M. JQNES. • June 1, 1856. • r I 'HE b4-mt litiality of.Nuilm at 5 4.“'m per p... Anti for .aletiv 'IL JONES. 'June 1,1855'. y usT *receiving a fres,h Kapply.t.f tine ,I , llton Salt 11.3:1. JONES'. , Jane 1,1855. • Caution-Lottoiy Frhtids Once of thri cnnsolidlitc,l Lottorirs. 1 41rrylA114, JunP20,1853. - rr IlE 4 Commi . 44ione.r of the. sNinrvlsod Star I.otteries his ett-ettleci it PIIS dn:y to eantion the public :47.,. , in5t ttio tri;nee ,, ns .windleen wfio cireol:lte ley tosit smi otherWl.e. froplotent Lot tery ech-roes, and preto.Oli to he agunt4 for the mile of tickets in LotterioN, which ore wholly fic titinos. . The only legal Lotteriea in Nfaryl.,nd are those drawn tisilv owler the enperintendenee ; of the COmmissioney elected by the people of the State under the new Constitution to examine, and ap. prove the schemes an attrnd to-the dnivring4. All'thetickets in the4e Lotteries anti' all e'er. tiOates of pick:mos of tickets have tile litho 4rraphed ;Nignature 1 0 : X. 8EE3.411, GenPial Agent for the contractor.. ( 11)fire of the Marylltod:Con. solidated, Lotteries, Baltimore, Md. All others, are fraudnlent. 'For full information op the sob. ject. - of these franda,addreas X. na#Pota. 33y I Baltimore, Maryland. PALL' STYL E OP HATS. • One Price 'Cash fitore.i 110)f AS • RAFFERTY. No. 61•Chsitfilen-st., N,..w ► York, Optiosite Chatibets44 late of the well known hones of , R.sfferty & Leask, is desirous of callinTattention, to- his stock for the f.lll trade. Combining eleg ance with durability, hiiitATs 'Maintain the reputation, r which for the last ten years he ha* earned.ll.his , assidnona at. tention to the wants of hid customers, and by the fact, which is wolhinderstood, that.° senior for cash only; every customer gets the worth of his, money. TROVRAFIPERTY;;" , • flag. l7 Ilhathass.d., N. Y. - • ' " Man ,. Kn ow Thyself." .1 - An intatfuabirßotik for 115 eanti...“EZery forttify altortid . •.- - '. , have a copy . " . ~ loo,uou. COPIES SOLD 111 1 .., •,•, t ti •, i., ,• •,,,___. ~.* I L L , /,- ~ Lliclt; Taft IV A i - tlfitft. -a" new • , ss eltWi i !" o 7- f' q4";:' edition. revised . attd I lit pf n'erd, VT \ ' : '!;!'..'-.eje jut...Riot:tad. .. s` ' ~...";,... • , 01., 4 %. ./.... Dr. itunter'sMedical tlenual , .O'44E, • / 'l' - and haltA flunk for fheafflicte.l— —-- . ' atstatt444- • Z• Containing au outline 01Shij Off. _..... N . L .„>•' %,..".. gin, n in4rinkA 3 reit Inen ,an de. are ..",,s'a , . " •.,!, , , , , , , ,. ; iiio 0 ~•`, ..5. . .... .0(., V . I.'S, form of dile' Ve Cot. • s treated by proadectioussetutl - Intercourre. by se . lf abune or, by sexualcierrn,eilth malice fir thet I . .oeventlit . w tilt en in a familiar .17. e, *Yobbo.; CI mesh Cal C.Chnir3iiti.n, and errr,sthing tbat ionld offend the eat 01tlerewcy ; xit h an i) spline nt aomplaint:, , iteridont t a . Yr qusl es „from the result i.f n•-tne twenty yenta - suceeses ful Practice etc-Stu-fat* devoted to the cure of cllsetuier of • ... .-, delicate rr private nature- • .To -which le 4103 ed reeripts for the elite of kite above lie ..sees. and A treatise on the v2t-tf+en,syniptome and cure of the Vever and Ague. - . TesVoit, vof r-e P,ofresot 2 , ' ,. /7+fetrice , n Pine flotrege, pi ih, . e , .. f.. , , ifS.•-• ' DR, lirsTrt;'• 4 mr.olilAi. MANI; 4 l:,"' —The with - nen this work.. ord.] , ...the majerity 4.1 thuat alp. advert ier tu eure.t.t.t. di sea ~... of • lvel , it treats lea, gredtivite ot rne'ot f ~ t . b.,n I`...;:eges in t he Calera .t..tee.f ItafTi.rds avr 1. , e,,a silt, to rer..tranend bin! to the unfort a - nate...rto't b..* irt L im of ita a apractlet, ai a nurcee•ful and ' ei1..9 . 1. err. , penrfitioner,ln shone honor aria , uti!grity they Tay Ozer the gretitegt ecolgdene•. 30. S. lANIWToIItr... O . 11 - Ft '.n. 1 1 - l rag , Iwa Pl. . 11, I) ,qr Pr ,, P .17 , n rrrmrty. Pa au dr:g;in --It gives me plraillay e I e Odd tni tesflio:.hy to I he- Profe , :ionsd sl.ilit) or the Author r- . the' , Mahan/I L ILAN.. vii„ " ;-r N 1 itrt pron• rt.-es of taises..e of the tlen!ta) targas , as, Petrie of then. of leng ate:taring, Lave chme tandar toy ho• tier .In which h... ski it has br•en rin II Mile , It In reStor.har to peeler health, in don.r enses whet. tfie oari:utt h'., been eon .kfrred bry..rth t.....iirnl rid. In the treatment ot Sent inal,,sealt nest.. or dip/arrangement Ot the NalrflOns pro• duceil by stif aho se -.1 - _F. ccesn of yetiety. 1 ito net know lila inprrior In 1 tiP professfon• I have been acquainted ninth the ‘ntlicir NOMe thirty yearn. and (teem i r ne more tbattinstice to,,hirn an well as Itql , lneen to .he unfortunate eiefini of early'indiscretion, to r ...eon:mond him as one in whose profee•denal Akin and intrgrit. they rusy, 'safely confide thenieelvee. . ALIFitED 11itintiDWARD.: 0 1. D. •• ThiPs. erthout -Aception, the •nont comprehenoive end intelligible work. pu hashed nn the of nig kit di. f. whirl, It treats. Avoiding all technical terms, t whirs-as. enitnelt tO , he roason refit, re4ders It IS .'rte from all ol.jretionable - anatter.anil no" pareit however , - a.thiloue. raoohjeet trlpti.;•inbr ?.. in the ihmalsnf . ' his eons. The offs thoi Ilea devoted many y ears to the treatment of threarl mincninplalnt, treated ..f.s.tnd seat :1 'on little breath to N OT pn,l . t , R m .. 411;1314601'.t.• m.411;1314601'. t.• nn pose. lift . tes - , flcre.l to the w o rld. a' th• morMy nomitia. Pert...of 25 . rent , the fruit of Come twenty years'-most * succceefu I prasetler " jfe t u/./1.. . . .. , ci. tea rher or perrnt +boxed), o set ho ut tire -nottledge itntrartrdi•. t".l. invaluable wink "-ft would Nava. yeareof rain. nor - tift eation eml , rrrow. to the youth Under their elawge "—R'enple's .4drorote. • fi Pre..h.terfon• clerzymen in Ohio. writing of "ll un• "t c' ‘i• - 'i ^ A + ` tuna - ' 1 " , I>s 7 ....." iliOu=sond. upon thous &to,. f our youth. by era. , exam pie •:1 wi I ulluener of the pa ahrt.s. have• 1... en , I into the habit or ;rat padfu ion, &thou , r..51l rill es 1 11 , -in +n . .l fesrfte rAnsequenres upon them -elyr• and th-irowterity.. i'he 7nnetittitlone 0 1 1 ml-iv. ants who nil- .-li-41,..t rataliti .. he et- hesri enfeebled. It not hrqt f.” .....en.a n.l they .to tlet at ra ow the noinr , nr" 'he flute. A r s- ihi e , ea,. eon he too.• so to 'Wheaten and influence to; tuibile nand es torbeek Awl in bianAtely to - remove+ bin sai.le- , t•rerd s-nrre of ttnanyln sttltelaednr.... , ' would penfcr tile grestest ..'esstng nen t•o- the e•-tigioii of .Ie.UF ehrh , t, nn..l l,e pr.,,nt end . i •i , t , :;.tv•r-Ithrl. irit. , nlrwranre: or the Ilse nainti.xl , •atint: drialla,l though it !lAA elaii , tlinAl.“l e ,, '. ~ T , ,e t1i , •‘,.,..1.1. iq rOl a trewif .•r -,elirtte trCt lIP lin „,l, rn en . A erept ins- thaut-,,, n o h.), .1f of the stllieted. a nt!. believe mr.your e.•-worker in the purl-wort you 04. cnio-Neely 4.tlt.r.l:e•lli. ”- + , 1:) . i...", , , • .-....i..... y one. , " rt,el) Will h. fnelllnedetl.fr.4.l.o( Tl, (01,0...t0 ',lv paat ..t •he I Tnit , A States foi"2s rents. or (r. , - , t ' , AO) COSDEN :lc CO o!- ~,r jo. for 1-?- 1 . A -hire... . hit.t,Ne•,er 'lox lnd --I'lola relphirt. - ,1 ,-. z- - --. pent:sellers, tlattya...ers and Book Agents 1 ibe too., lihoral terms. ; . Wow Line of Mail Stages - .. . ,--,, .: •:-::..- ...., . , . - 1,13..f.i - ' .....- ;...- - " e''`. - 7- 2 ~.- . • .--; KIRKWOOI► TO MONTROSE, :rum] IC wilt loaf. tarkwood:pasPinp Cor -C?!!ert,,vllle.Liberty.4 e..rvPryitiortkingarterthearri rat c,f the ' , tail rralne of Cars,lPoth Etatan3 Wev.t,reath- IngNlontti”. at . 31 . LeaveMontros.-daily,tiuudaysexcepted. at 2 P rearhini, um, to take the Nt•i IT taillP 1: - a;.t and We•t,oeing• the nearest and an0. , 1 {evsiLlrrotiletorrachthe New York arid Zrir.taitroad. Yhir I ine • ntereert,a tri-weinOy lino for Dinincic3iirin4 , Tine l'un , shaonoek Wyoming ; and esharre which le.ivet• %I.lntre,e at 7 A M every Monday Wednesday and Fri tay Al.n, a i ..4tr , 3140 , 1 Teneakand .. , ....erntortahle(Nrriaires.are orovided..ar.'d tbe Proprietortvidil.pare n opaiur t otteColll Ipf.ali , tlt be Pub. , W K. HATIMI. yep 12.1 SSE , 3101tGAN &WEST. EELER & STODDARD since the Intl. fire. IV l i nt y fotimfin the BASEMENT :OF SEARLE'S Notwithstantliog the unprecedented ra pidity whiett our stock of Boots Slt , es.&e. Went ofr" on the morning. of the'fir., we still Intro some on hand. and 01111_1400n stippiled \lunt•rnv',Novrmher, 13, 18.54 Broche Shawls. IiF.APER that: ever bef,,re knr4n, Beanti• C rful patterns. and fine (ptalitv Brodie Shatvit...lmpen's manufacture. at Si. 11 B. 'dz. Cti.- . . Shawls/. LONG :ind Square. W. , *01, 'Broehe and Silk,. very tiamisome -,t les, and at extremely low priee 7 . : 1 U. B. & Co.. Of.: • 11. Helinbold's Genuine Prep rations, iri7mbotrx rib l hty roperntrated Compound Fluid Erlrare Barhu, For Di <ease's of the Dint ler a+. , l fi , llP•yo. Secret Die Pases. - t Hermes Irealitießes, and all l'iseaees of the Sexual Organs. (ion, wbatecee cause they may hare originated and no matter of oowl•mc otandinc • If you have contracted the terrible disrafe which. when once seated in the ss st• ot will surely co down from one generation toranother:timlerrnininr, the con.tit Winn and sappinz the very vital fluids cf life. do not trust yourself in the hands of Quacks. wtn start up every day in a city like thi:. and tlfl the papers - with clarlthr fal.ehoods. too well ealetttatrd, to d. reive 'the %flung and thot • not R e: on/tinted with their tricks inn cannot be too 'careful in the -election of a remedy to these case* • The Fluid Extracv has been pranonnecd by mai nimit Physkians the erratexl remedy erect known It Is a 111.lifine'perfretly pleasant in its taats and very innocent in its at titan. and vetsn thorough that It annihilate t every r.etiele co the rank and tni (moue virus of this dresoltul di•kase; and unlike othes remedies. R daes not dry up the di **** e iii the blond. • • CANSTITITTIOVNL DEIIILITT. brought nu by a..lf- , toi.e. A 1119 , 4 terrible, iii!OASP, which baa tonitlbt , hon.and. nf the• humln rare to tritionly trati.P. thua the hrilliant hove* of, parente. and bliehtinz in the bit the %lotion. bitinn of many a no. I,ottli. ran be core) by thin utfalible remedy And as me.tieine shieti mo‘t beneti t eirtoybody. from the aim de!icate to the confined and tle,nairintt Invalbt. no till le lobe found. itelinz both as et . eure *D4 preventilrf' 11. NI. JON ES' Itnlinbold'<t Hiohl4 Concontrand Compound Fluid - E.rtroct Sarsaparilla, For purifrink the nil di.exeve Relying ream exce‘ers of Mercury. expo-ore and im . ornitenee in • lite:chronic roof titwinnel 4 4,, resr sesiiin from an ina rote oate of the Oland. and the noir retishir and ef. fee , nni known reme..ir for thr cure of Scrofula. Snit itheum.Senril Iliad , ticerothititt oi the hrnataiol Leget Path. and S,rell•rieti of the Boor., Tetter, Pimples on, •the face. Mn! ail ' , catty ll , :rurions ofthr Skin. Thin artieb , in now t)f..Seillat , rl by spine of the omit di-tiocuithed:Phr.drieng it the country: and hoe' 'proved. n Ire -11.i..0t i 1 nraetil•,r than any yireparation of snt•xpiiride yet otTered in the pubic. Several 'cxxrit,.rit recondery S OWN.. itercerial en! F.' , :anion% ,licti.;49e here entirely recovered in the incnr.ible ward* of inAtitution. which had r..e mnriv year,' vaisted every too& tit t . .fit inert first coo"! be letived. Their olgt•PI fur ni .11 trlkinr eximidee .xiotlry rifeeri eine in urre , tinz srmetif the moat inretvrate ditetviest. nf. ter the 4tanda were del.royed and the hone!. iittently'af reeled -I',..•ter. from re.0 . 0i,.41,1, phrrici A rm.o.t.p ro . feee.r. 4/..r"ral M0.r,0..-1,(fo:14.1w, and eorrifleat es of curr. hots atlentswill tot intim! nerontoanying.both Prep aratton• • PRlel'fl.)ll2l.l rxtrnet of 110Att, gl per bottle 0143 11.,..1ee Pie , 45 ; 4 ttrvu.-tritlt. .Imo price, eqttal In etrearth to rile rallon, 4 yrrip of 4 / 1 11 , Jit , Iltilin Prenare , l tied meld hv 11. T. lIVIAIROT.D. tihemlst, 214 ehe.tnnt 9t., near the flit., emiNaophia.. To fld hod of .t •t! Terrell; Nieptrnfi., Pa.. vet of prag 'lrbil* and dealers eterrehere. Letteridireeteol to the Proprietor or Agent receiver attentom. 23 3 , 1 Z • . - Cloths, CASAMERES and vemtingn, R la me motort. ment Aro; :it prie s t:44 we have ever been enabled to offer them Heretofore. Co. o o-.1 I. z" U.B. St, o • TS. hereby. given that application Will lot IMlrle at the next iennion of: the Legialatttro- for the ehirter of a flank ; 10 he callod the rtiin , ers cf-Mpehanies' Rank. 'Located it Sniqoehar out Depot.: Suannehinni County; Penn'.a. The, -pore /tad Object'of 'the Bank is for and :" tlepoliit.. With a capital oft 1,10 - 4 0,040, 1 0 4; with the privil..go of increiming to P...100;000 00„ Somaehanid Depot, 'inty-Attl ! 1 855. 12m.4rt1: • tA FINE N. 401. or ONDON Twiat Dint) laurel finny Singh T4 do., and extra rine Rifle,. far outTe by ' • ..A. LATIIROP &Co May I. Cri 11414,,forlifri &am, H.M. Jew I,lllsll. riETURMNG 1111:TIOVAL. KEELER& STODDARD Whether in 3lftlejw.Ftn:n4e, NOTIOU • Australia, California, Or sny placeAyti-lhe tilvb - t,cannot present Irialer _ , inducerarips than KEKLER SI'ODDARD' . .SI -1 MOOTS 1 DaUO . flyo t t., with new vv. wive avaortment . ot articles - tu theifliue, enthroning a. general variety of new ami elegant etytee of Ladiee and Gi:mtlerrieu'a wear , . among .whieh ore. Ladies Freneh,,,Silk Liti.tingand Pre 7 ' .uille GaiterPtEiti and Enameled Polkas: Kid Pat. ant leather dud hriluzed Jenny Linde, and Ties; geutlonteteit French ;and Philadelphia o ak.taanert call Orin and kip ',loots, Caallrell3' button Gaitere. Montorty and . xVoshim!,l.n. Route, taifet Slipe, Ilorenio, milt. and :row hide Ifro. c. Boys kip, calf wad aowhida nointte aud: - Broraur: kindP:4f yfiNKPP nad r:hihire&r•tvear. Alin. a. genera 1 i:qnrttnrnt 01 p,on eiet :ft part of ta.lo, wparahl*. Frattlarian aailm.raeka. thread.' anix, firattle•, AWIP 1...3t1fiNt011,,N. karrem,..ke , ;. 41 0 „ . Oak -In4 f11111) 0 . 4,,, tif 110.140)eletttil- Pt..MOlVeril ckirl• 11111 . 111r.ti. Work made to order ?tug , "eptiiring neatly dr.ne & AT()i)DARD. 'lflatinge,. June Stol'e4 Move:, ' Stovek: - rrlf E 4ab;eriher•wisb..... y. e : 111 the Stt.fit.l.,,ti ,t• • iis friend,' awl the rublio• to his very large v assortment of STOVES. . ~ • at his new Store Rooth in Loderevilte, next to 1-,. S. Lenheim's Store, and ne:ir the Great Bend thipot. 11e•has itraddition to Isis former laige viriety of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, mary new Patterr,,•sothe.of which ale— • . _ St Nehola*, . Peach Lire Fly, Modem Troy, No • .11 ., ,raition, - Black Warrior, Orient, Oak, E;r1) Stove, • Which tOgmber• with hl4 former stock will be Porhap. the most i . .xtensive and v:.ried assortment of welt st,!leeted Stoves in the County. \ * * * . Clinton Stoves well ittrni4hod-3t. low prices. • nit" All articl.!s in his line ;: , :pt Om hand and made to order as n4te , l, and girders received at his 'old stand in Great Bend. JOHN COLSTBN ct*Grent Bend N..v:,1853.—tf. ALARGE 114 hmosume R1)1)04 pan. of tl. - t.mdre,oo.al. and very solo , ri.o. ',odor:. and qua its.* U. 1f..& Co. OA, 11: 15542. ' - L.r . ! & D. 5A) . 41.: been appointed 1 7)„ ~,,cr y i t, r for an,vgterisive Sash, Blind and Door, Mat,ufzietory. ;ire prep 4red to furnish any. Art . relvs in this line at less rates . than they have usually' been Kidd.• Dce. 14. • Q [LAVING CREAll—nn article which every 1,3 io-at Attottl,l try, for salt ! by , • S. D. SAYRE. • D! , ti . . i. . • - • nnlird _4yl It. , )..itiy . -711.vis Clothing, • 4 VERY de,irable :it very low prey -• i• S. 11. SAYRE.. Ifv,ntrrbße, Doe. 14; 1854. . • Doctor Yourself : TEE PICKET - 7EESCULAPITIS: - Or, Eery one 11.4 own..Phys;rian., HF: nETLETti containing One hundred ,I:ogravings:showingDiseares ,nd - Malformations of the Hu man system in every shape Ind form: To which is sta led a Treatise non the Die .ases of Females. being of he highest im portance to married people.'or those con ernplating marriage. By roong,, if. D • Let no father tie %it:laird to present a copy of the .lescuiopiti to hie child. It may save him from an early grav ‘ e. Let no young man or wo man'enter tutu the secretobligations of marrietilife without reading the Pocket Aesculapius.. Let uo one suff•ring from a hacknied cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whniptrain of py.ipeptin 11Pa tions.und given up by their phyttieiuthhe another moment.withoutcon pulting,the A EISCUL APHIS !lave the ,named, or those about to be married any impediment read this 1 111 y nsefn l hook. a s it has 'tern the 'm enrol of saving thousaittli-of unforl allay creuturesfrornthe very laws of dee th• •. .11 - X Airy person sending twenty fire cents en closed in a letter, will receive one., copy of this work by mail * or five copies will be sent for One Dollar Address - (post paisiJ DR.IW YO.LING; • No. 152 Spruce St. Philadelphia. • .A.• priMII,IP4I-14y1. • DR HOUGHTON'S EPIIN • 111 . Great ..Veztaral l l?einedy for. Indigestion . ffnflbympepsia. DR. J. S. 110 - nouns's l'epNin. the true DI . uistivt FLuin,or GASTRIC JUICE gin h o lds the tirNt pee :tntonz all the various remedies - for these painful anddestruetive el It is Nature.:s own specific; for an .unhealthy stem; aeh. No art of own-can equal its clirative pow. ers - ; •and no sUlterer from Indigestion and Dys. p e psin ..hould tail to ',try it. Sold, by Abel Turreil.gontrose Byl. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIILADELPIIIA,. Important: A unotincoernent. . .rrifi all pereonsdlllieted . th ~lariettaea, - such as I: :Sentinel Vrea - tnesv.• turt.ltetice, - Donnorhces, fileet, Syphilie„*.e.. , ltc. The Ihiward Avseciation of PhiLidel. phis. w view of the awful .Ir-trrietion rd* human life and health. cau*ed. by s. itual diseaFes, ..1 the deeeptiont , -which ex....practiced n, on the unroll it, ate rictime of such Q decks , hiire directed their cew , citing surgeon as a Charitable Act worthy of their name, to girr \I-.tie/k1 Adriee Gratis. to Rh percent, thus a%irt.d, (Male oA male) &c.. and in carer of extreve porexty and Aafferbis to Fund h Medicine: , Yreeef Charge: The II oitdr,l fiend \ton i 4 a belerOlent fivvritu t ion, es t ablißbed by spe.dal endowment - , ror the relief - the.eich and di.treeeed. alliicteA with'. Virnlen t nod Hpidenite Dis ea4ea." and Its tomb enn he.itsed for aco•athar panarp— It hag now a virplu. otmeans. ableb the Direct: r 3 have toted to advertiee the above not ire..rat is needleSs to edd that the kotociation erimmand.. the hizheg Medicitl akin of the ace, and will furnish the moat approved-modern treatment Valuable advice cirrus - to sic, and nervemz egrjeri.d with abdominal areakneps, Womb Com ph& t, Ce:divenepc, Leneorrlicea, 4, . ' . A .14.re , .'be ltio.d•paid.) Dr fleo. It. Calhoun; Consulting Surgeon, 'lowan! issocifition, No. Z.Soutb NintbStroct, .rtiiiadeltAiist, Pa. ord.kr of tho Direetc:ro. • EZlt - O YUFAH,TWELL,Prfnictout. Pao FA tnotif:ti.:focrkofy - f..1y1 • • PlatOd Ware. rusr ii - Litzt, lot of Plated 'tVare,. ey • consimting of eake hamketic Castors,. Imperi. ard't ;hattiluhr CandlestisAS. Tea. Setts. eon: sisting.of six piee-s ext.-4 rich ;, Cupit and Gob. 'eta; also, Brit tattiaWare Tet setts.'(fotir five and si3 'a Pots, Coffee+ Pots', Caiy; 4114>Atic . k., anbmeribpr has made ar- rangeMenti ,nanufaetorers of the abeve gonfit. It' is •tiamed to furnish the newest pat. termkat 01_ „ 14:vest priees. and also to supply his co - sum/4s with extra or single pieces. of any ar. tiele in the above line. - A. J. EVANS, J No. 2.'.odti ,Fellows' Binghamton; Aug. 39, 1855. - ‘. New ! ' York Prices ARE now being paid by Llthrop' & Co. ! tO l those, who consign their hatter \ pt d produce to them: : They hiving made arrange,,- merits are ; l ow enabled to send all kinds of Fro:- 4, 11 kt0 to 'New York iirst to sell the same it' the hilliest, market • prices. AU those Who - wish nod prices and quick r returns wilmilte :to 'call A.IiATIIAOI I & ca : _ Montrose, May 1, 1855. . - FrenCh 1411111 31 eiir, 6100dik fi WE arri now 'offering, a largeoltock.,nrPrenish Flowers, 'Park Felithenv- Miliinery Articles,. ef Ore. meat neigna. style*, and . latest imPortation. Caelte parekalgers at gMitre &alien from I,lmrcprinea..and 113 we, have_m ad e ° 7 l riglimentiiv to, rfeeire, the . (m finin g sewn, hy ailna4-4very rjeamer.themairtult atylti#or r geoila wir line..mte:viong take eneftainn .4101 ittiek% nt No& 64 <elohn,st., HOMER & ENCVNIXI Buffalo Robes -Wiudow Sash• DEMQMAT. 101141.4t81f '-''- - 00460.4'.04744 TEuns--81 59, eash in advan a;s2 QO d not paid.within six months; and 04,6 ,attlitt end orthe piar, Nopupetdisco{itinucanntittati>,ta g~ art , 't!Neept •10. the optio lisheis . :- All (7.olurnunicutibrtscantwe edvrltirthe Olive, to itisare' attention; must be di neted(pobr. paid) to Caatin & DAy,)lontrose,SttistineliseLa :C . l',Uti.ty, Pa. • ' _ "! Rates of Advertistligi-- ••• •'; .', - • / 1 e (12 linee•or less') 3 iitserriene; sl,titt • bsiviertt insertion,. .. .. . . 2 ... . ..4),(r fl, e three Trzerttlitt,„ .. • ... ..." ..-.. , ,.. 1t.bil I 'tt six month~, .. . i ... ..: i...- - r.•,. 4.te, - arts. four linen or lees. ...,...-. 3.0t1 - - vertisentents, not . over 4 sqnruiti: 744 r• fill',.,rie yenr. . . . . •. . •. . ..,... . 3{400 ticit'ertisers will be reetrietedie the ti which I hey are engaged ; aid sire'e n o . . wi4iiing to eoritil:tie ndVelliMilVe,'VLit ik I I give bpeehd directions fdi a:diereorttin, • lance, of the sante. • .- •' ... - . 7 •-• -7. • . . - One Rion . Ettril 9fit , splei Ons' tqllat N't 00(. illt , lllt ,; .;al rt a a. tht.• • .41111 JOU Wollif.. . .. i . .Fir The publishOrm•baving addedto O . mt Jot Printing materialm a large and superior arson. nient of Job Type, are now prepared to execute Job Work in a manner ananrpassed in tidos ate. 1 3 lion of country,nnd on the mire neasonalide terms, 'Blanks of every derieripti n itept tonitasitt) on hand or printed_ to order. , 7filisillts's.... 'i it,t,ttil.l. BRVAINIT 1101;151L,' Great Bend Depot, Pa.• -Apeawii Bar ANT, Proprietor. • ItURROWS, SPROUT 411eCO. , lac tie rev& ilfSrßoufs Cospitizb CAR RUG E STA U t;he„ Ville, I.yett ittg Co..Pa Sprints may be ILA 9f M. S.Wilson Pt/mut route SMITH at Co. - CatbitiCt and Chair Marini':letdreta r . foot Main gtrprt. ontruse, Pa. . --; Dr. IL sy,nlrti, , . Suirgeon Dentist, Montrose. Pa.,-Nvill be atts , Searte's 111)tet,Mondays'and lifesdnys of each Week. - t ' • . 15y1 . ',. TfIeMILLAN & PARR, Dealer% in Dry G(io(is Grnevries livrdwriie Croekery, Boots und.dhoes, Pa. \ • ' • LIT ALE Ok, CHASE, Anomie% at ilAlv—Office comedy . Deep pied by Little & 'Streeter, Alobtroge,' &mine hanna County, Pa. 11,114.11-B. LITTLE,) I - A. I. DAVIS, • ATTPRNEV AND COUtiSELLOB. A.T•LAW—SOsgDe. Fianna Depot, Pa. Office over S. B. Wien; Wore. 5.16Y1 ABEL TURRELL., Mommoss, PA. Dealer n Drues;3ledicines; Chmicals,paints Oik Due.stufts,,Groc e ries,' Dry Goode. Hard ware, tinkee &c. Physician!, Pro crfpOops carefully Compounded. JOHN - GROVES, • i'avtii6i a b le Tailer - --Shop on der Searles Isoin Street, Montrose, Pa. JOHN COLSTEN; DEALER IN Staves, Tin, Copper and Sheet trot. Itiare, Locieravilte, near Great Bead Depot.-61f A. Lathrop, DF.AIeER Ready:M . ode Clothingt fista:snd Caps. Boots and Shoes, Dry Goodi, Store. opposite Searle 51i0144, Montron e C. 0. LilTatOr, with II J. P. W. Rthiv,; , [4. luirtßOP Dr. Merit K. C Vail . , DRUGGIST :end CENDir. 114 Denier it. Dnuns, Medicines; Clittnittili, Dye Stuffs Paints, Oiltii Piny. Window glass, - entniihine Fluid, Perfumery, Yankee Nnions,&c.oki. ' LoderSville, Pa.—iotf. - : . • • FRANKLIN .ritAsE.R 2 ATTORNEY AND CoDNSELLOR . AT La*,.llmontroalt Pa., will attend faithfully to , all :business - eat trusted to him in the county of tzhisquehainha. Conveyancing and writing of all kinds sill he 'dune neatly, and charge' moderate:: 11-1 a • will also attend to the-prosecution of claima n of Rol. Biers, their widoWs and heirs, agairimt the. U. government, for Bounty Land, Pensions, &c. flay be found at all hours at - the Office.fortnelly occupied by J. T. Richard, Esq.; north of the .Caurt-Hou'ae.-1853-n49 - -‘. Interested with I. L. Hunt, . • IMPORTER AND.-DEALER in Hardware and Cut. lery, Carriage Trimmings, SPringw, &c; • . • Nd::,11 5 Pearl Street. N. Y. -Where his Mercantile . friends, in this lind oc h e , Counties, are kindly invited, and earnest/3 , solicit ed to call and purchase:- • HENRYS• KN'APP, , .O 1 NO:STROSE, PA. • With Rowe,, Woodruff, & Carter, COmmtsgror. T TIE L n E e S ti : At E -G s„l'o"cl7 E 3 F :ZVLbin g ton Street. between Cortland and Dey Streets, New Yotk.. March 8, 1854-10tf. . " Medical Card. r%RS. E. Patrick, Jr. &GI Z. Dimock hate I this day formed a eo.partnership.fos it more. efficient and successful prosecntipn the differ ent branches, of their. profession. - - AU business enti.usteeto. them, will berates: tied t with promptness and fidelity:: Their elites may he found oVeii.Lathrop'f• Store; Dist side Public A-venne. E. PArtlelt, G.Z. Dl MOCK: Montrose, March 22, 1554;, • .T W. Sing ' leton, C:tn • now Ile Anznii :It his -new stand on Owe go street, 2 dciors west or Searles Ile (0. wtrere' Ire .Irectually, rensirs• with 'dispatch. Yak-hes. _Clocitic•Gups; 3ktcoiryy and every description pIL-. Innehiners.: ' . Wheet • cutting; qt 1 P' 111 4: 1 6:00' niaterinli supplied to:the'trade.—,sl • . , A. &E. - 1„f Ay be fotind in basement ,of Sear'le'a• HO -I.Y I. doors west from the corner.. Noll& and accounts that are due us, will be very -ac— ceptable if -paid Um).— ' • - - A. & E.BAL.DW/N: 'Nforitiose, Nox. 1864.4'7tt • . • J. H.• Piers - one, „; IoVIIOLEEALE. AND RETAIL DEALER in `l..nolutt" Warn, Sofas, ' Bedsteads, Tables, r Stand'r Chairs, - : •• • No: 9 Wnst;ingtop street, - 010 . 1 • ..- . Bing banitqn, N. Y. Coffin' 'Ware-Room up statin...- n5O . . - . - • , Nei and Cheap Goothl:' 2 -. ' - '' lIOUGHT at low pure pijitis - asd will , l!e' - sold ttScoidtinglyily - .• -' ,--,:',--_':- .'.--!.-.` ''',' l e - - .11.1lUitROWgó 'S &- .Gibson 1. , 11 . 18i5 , 11" .- '... - , Carptlte;: . -- ~`-' .''.'"'--- - A.... G00 sssorttnent And hiardsssoo o pstirsr at. vi.t. loti.prlces..:,. :. f .. .U.B.ilt. co: • oet -ii - • ' , .•- -: ' .-i -- , 1, ,. ..1). —-, At Itopbottornetaticar. , _- --- _ ,rrilDsub aril- now reetiivintrit aupplv I ,or Pry 43oode;..erockiti,v01 , Zyttro, fiardwara.'te„ ate.. al! • nrt Will ; _4(O cheiPtr l than ean, be affitidoit 4+laandte! l ts . in , tha county . Thiota . rah and , good quality . 6 r 4.,vgona , arti4simai; l :At 1 - 7 filibokotAi 04, 4 1 - fit a lit . [raRA. B. Goat.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers