• peamnce. At an early hour crowds wended way:,to the Capitol, and the galleries ' particularly thnfof the House, are crowded to exceso. and many are not able to find ac conuidittions.' . The United States Supreme Court 'niet thii'merning,, all the members but the Chief 7 Justice :Wing present, Dispatches by the Atlantic: represent our affairs. with England as wholly unchanged Once the departure of the Canada. Mr. Du. , ichanan•saya•thet. Lord Clarendon and tile, liritikfti - Cabinet are endeavoring to patch' up a reply to our Government's. Comilla/Elie:lt ion, in reference .to the violation of our neutral- . ity laws by-British agents, in order,' if ws-, sible not to wound our sensitiveness., and 'at the same . tiMe shield Mr. Crauipton. • - •Our-Government has forinany acted on Oq tutnnoriat of Denmark; prOposing capital.; ,izsition.or a tax according to the value or 'the . (faigo, in lieu of the present Sound/, dues;. and rejected. the proposition: _ -:idancttsses are being held to night. , It is generally understood that the Republicans and Free : Soilers will concentrate to-morrow ea, Banks, and numbering .123, they will - be . autiteimit to elect him. 'caucus of Southern Know-Nothings and National Dernoeiats and Whig:, numbering 73, resolved to,rejeet all fusion with the.Fa e- factiaas Oat' have no hope. of- defeating them. ~ Messrs. Greeley, Weed and Seward ~ h ave been working all day to fuse the 4ctions, and are understood to have succeeded.. ' look-for the organization'_ of the !lon's° to-morrow, and the Presidents Message on Wednesday. • - SECOND DISPATCH. .-, The National Americans will s to-tnorrw vote for Mr. Fuller, and endeavor todrawth entirepetnocratie vote for hini.b:F conceding, to* . thent Abe' derk and Printer, tltu..fortnin7, attraiin party., tt-ainst the Free-Soil factions . a the Republicans can - by fu sion poll' more than one hundred and five votes,. while one blindred and thirteen areice-) eetsary to elect. The President persistS in refusiiPi. to print the Mes'sfig,. 340 .)iiiiqrris.--7,;ififst_.'ts,sicoi. . WASIIINGtON, Saturday, D e c, t, tB,-;&. . At a Meeting of the.Dentoera.tic tnenabers of the Thirty4urtia Congress, held in the hall of the House .i . if Re.presentati yes on the evening Of the Ist of. December, 1855, lion. George W. Jones, of Tennessee was elected Chairman, and Hon. Wm. IL Knglish and Thomas Ruffin of North Carolina were elected. Secretaries. The following, resolutions; introduced by ' Hon. '-Glancy' - Jones of Pennsylvania were . unanimously adopted : . • - Resolved, That the Democratic . members of the House of Representatives, though a . minority in the body, deem this a fit occaSion . *o tender to their.felfow citizens of the is-hohi Union their heart felt congratulations on. the triumph, in the recent-elections in several of the . Northen,-- - Eastern add Western . States; Of the principles of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and their devotion to civil and religious lib erty, which have been so: violently as:Tiled' by a secret . politica: Omer, known • asr the, Know-Nothing Party; and through in a tnin-1 ority, ever hold it to be our higheSt duty to presente , aurAagai3iiation, and continue . our .efforts in the rnaintenant*and defense of these .principles, and the, constitutional_ rights of every section and every clas.of citizens, a .gai n.st their oppnents ofever deli; ri ption 'what ever; and . to this end we look with confidence -to the support and approbation -of all good. and true men, for friend 'of the -Constitution .„,and the Unio lirotighone the Union. The meeti g then proceeded to seleet,can- . didates for nous offices connected with the organizatio of the -House, when the follow ing gentlemen were nomir.ated- by aeclain ation: . . . For speaker—William A. Richardson .of . . For. Clerk—A. P. Banks of :Virginia. Doorkeeper—Mr. MeKnew. Bergant at-arm,s—Mr. Giusbrener of Penn sylvania. ta.s - Postmaster—Mr. jolnfs.cin. • Printer:-- Cornelius Wendell of New-York. 'There were between fifty and sixty mein hers present at the caucus, and everything went off harmoniously. It lasted about an hOur..• WASHINGTON, • pee, 3, 1855. SESATE.-The Senate was called to order at neon, and new' members were, sworn -I n; Hotss.--Mr. Forney, the Clerk, called the House of Representatives to order At .nonn. The confusion which exi,;ted up to this time abruptly terminated. •- Two hundred and twenty-five Members an swered to their names. On motion of Mr. Jones of Tenn,,, tile House proceeded to the election of al4tkaker.. Viva voce norninations were -made with the following result : Mr. Richardson of Iliinois - 74 Mr. Fuller of Pennsylvania....-.... 17 Mr. Campbell of Ohio_ ' 5:3 Mr. Perini - O . gton of.l'S'ew Jersey • 7: Mr. Marshall of Kentucky • • 30 Mr. Banks of Idas.sachu , etts 21 Some others were also voted for. No elec tion, 113 being. necessary to a choice. Much interest is manifested in the contest. . • ' The &Bowing is the vote on the first ballot • , for Speaker: • ' :', For RichardSon—Messrs. Aiki ii, Allen (I 11.), Barclay, Barksdale, Bayley, Bell, 13000ek, Atiariii Boyce; Branch, Brooks. Burnett, CA walader, Caruthers, Caskie„ Clingtnan, Cobb. - - (Ga.), Cobb (Ala.), craige, Crawford, Denver, Dowdell, Eduiundson, Eitiott,'English, Evans, , 'Vaalkner, Florence, - Fuller (Me.), Goode, Greenwood, Hall, (Iowa); Harris (Ill), 'Her- . belt, . Hickman; -Houston, -Jewett, Jones (Tenn:), Imes (Pa), Keit!, Kelly, Kidwell, Letelni, Lutiti6n, Martha!! (Ill.), Maxwell, • McMullin. 'McQueen, Miller (Ind.), Millson, Oliver (Mo.), :Orr,. ,PaCker, Peck; Phelps, Quitman ...Rufflti, Rust, Sandridge, Savage, l ie Sh ' ritnti th (Tenn.) Smith (We.), Stephen!, St art,' Talbot, Taylor, Vail,. Warner, Wat ll :Wells, Winslow, Wright (Tenn.), Catitpl4l--=Meism. Albright;l3arbonr, • nett, Bini-on, Bingham, Brenton, c'.ark (donn.), ColftgiCnenback, Day, Dean, Dick logii Dunn, Drift*, Galloway' .Gilbert,-Gran . ger, -Marian, Ifalloway, Horton; Howard, Hugliston, Kelso:, King, Lester,. Mace,. - Mat .,--itftotaddloCartv,'filler (N. Y), Moore, Mor gatcliforril , iinrray, Norton, Parker, Pelton, Pati.Pickfti",Petit, Sebin, Sapp ; _Scott, Slier man, Suipmcipt, ,Stanton, Walbridge, Wal *dm, iWasidatroW (ill), Wn shburne (Me.) Weston, Welch, Woodallff. Woodiorth. fOr Mr.' Ikaehall Qf Kentucky —.Messrs. Campbell ,(Ky.), Carlisle:l.:lark (N. Y.), Cox, Cullen, DieisiMd.), - Etheridge, Eustis; Foster, Harris (Moil, Hoffman, lienitett, if Li nds- Mainktall, Paine, Porter, Pur year, Reade . ; :Ready, Ricaud, Rivers, Stilith cti:•)• 17.tiderwood; Valk, Walker,.Wlttriey;Zollicoffer. For „Ilrattalte of -Matailobtletts.,-Mes.sr, 43‘011!igsou,'• Burlingame, Obligee, Comank i Cragio, Oitinrelli: Davis (Mas. 4:)- DeWitt, Pod& Enprie.,- Ralf (M ms.); Knapp,, SAM r itratt Pent', Pike, Sage, Tappap, Paiikr" —.Messrs. Bradt - 418w," Brko, dampbell 0f,P40,, chide, Dick, Elie, Eniel *, 44.7 , . • - llunkel; Millard Pearce, Purvionce, Ritchey, Roberts,; Robi,oso i rt, Steed, Todd, . Tyson. ForPenntiagtqa--lies.srs.Bishop, Chanson, Fuller of Perm., Veachem, Robins, Striushan Wrtkertutn;•• Fbr Nichols-i Grow, • . f 8 , 41,14,18 e• Icyliririg , ' ran, n.t.ffe ;27th tilt, by the Rev. J. F. 1.4.3n4Me. 141'..E*"AliT MEAD, and Mieul SARAH fkli of 13ridgewater: - • ' •I Lei l ovillo,Sti.,:gitelmiti Co., `Nor. 29tli Lsthe Iter. Shrlii, Mr. Notc/lAN *DITE, of Proviclace LuOroe Co., to 11i..1 , 5• I.Rosvti.cott, -of Scott, Luzern° Co!, , . . : Inll t, . i In LtiinCS.wqueliautri 14 Co., P 3., on Sun day tie? 2:itli of, ISTro% •1.855. ANN . - SIORIAII, f'wif(` ' Or.Lyman:lc.napp,'ag,o 90. year, fear ini; a loishand and font,cliildren, to rueet the sorrows of life and share, in the, tuercies4pf .Leaven. - . f NOT LC la. TILT IiEREAS' ;my ife MTh rina Beebe has left '1 V My bed :trid board -wi; hout (.I;luse or pros.. ocati,-9,n1 I i therefore forbid all persons from harbOying or trusting her on my aeeount mi no debts or . her rontraeting after this date. • • - • LI:NIUE!, BEEBE. New ,Ifilford., Oct. 9, 185'5-49w3t . • Attiditer'm Notice. , • riNTlE:indersiLtned, an auditor appointed by tli-C Court of Otratnon of Susquehan na ett11111 . ). diet ilgitv the, pruveeds•of Ibe Sher. itr's Sale,.of the rill e4t. de of Lucretia Van Furst late of siild ettutity dee'd, will attend to the:An tics of his rppoilittnent, at bis office in Mont. rose. I , n Saturday the :29th day of Dec. instit at on e /Alia* in the afternoon, at which titnelhnd place, all porso - na, interc,ted will present Peek chains or, be forevoii barred from cumin , / in,t4l.- 00 fund. PRANK LIN FRASER,II - I liottirose, Dee.:4, 1855-19w4 I .I _Auditor's Notice.. T HE : iindt;r4ii2ped an tuditoi, appointed by i • ine Court of Common Pleas of -Susque hunnaleolinty, to dstribute the fund wising from f the ' Sheriff's Sale of the real estitte of Ezekiel House, - attend to the duties of his appoint ment atfiii office in Montrose, on Mondav the 31st day of December iota. at one o'clock in the 1 afternoon. a(whieli time and place 4,11 itersons riptPrestud will present theirlelaims. or be forever birred f ( rota eominz In upon said\ Iona: 1 - :1 • FRANKLIN FIRASER,Anditor. I Montrose, Dec. 4. 1856-490..1 Auditor's Notice. ICE ttndersitrned an auditor appoittted,hy the Court of Common Pleati of Stil4qttehanna lettuuty to make distribution of the fond . arising from - the of real ef.-tate of. 31iit(in - TifilinA., will attend. to the dttties of his aiiPo 4 itittent• at I his oilier in -Montrose. i on Werdro sday,ithe nay I -of January next, at one' o'clock in tlic!afterao , n. at which iiMo and place 4111 persons :.interested will present their claim% or be rorevjer barred frotri-coinINT in upon said fnnd. FRANTLIAN FRASER, Auditor. Montrose, Dee. 4, 1855.,49w4 • • NOVI CU, • I QEALED Proposals will bei -- receive' d at the `Comtnitimiotkers! office in Montrose until 'Wednesday 'the second day of ,January A. 1 . ). 1858 for the re-building of a Bridge Oyer the Wyalusing Creek in Rash township, near the house of N. D. Snyder, said Bridge to be built in a good. and workmanlike manner, in all re. epeos similar, to the:new Bridge just completed over the same Strewn, near H. J. Champions in said towhship, and to be complest.d on or before the',"first Monday of NoV'embet Court 1856. The Plan'and Spet.ifieations will be made so uw to be what the'Commissioners' office in due time.- ... , • . .A. CARPENTER., • S. W. rnilTl4. . • Wt. T. CASE, -, •. , , • Commissioners. Attest —Wm: A. Cuossivii, Clerk. Commit s sioners' Office; Montrose, - Deceinber 3d, 18'55. C 49w4 • . Just Received • 'New Int nf Boots and Leatl;er, and Pa' male i!beap'er *shag ever by & J. a. ASUII.CY.. Br l noktv - 0, Dec. 5. 1855. IA 11 , TOLIFYIE, 1±456. ir. Alnei:irczn Monthly Ofagazin4—Established ingB:27tnevotrd to Literature, Art and . Fashio : . • 1 . . . . . , ._ T HE New Volume. commencinz wit 11 the Jan. nary nuinber, 113.56. e. ill Contain over twelve hundred pa,7e4 of the choicest reading matter. Steel and Woort.Entua4ino•s.-andlMusic. Each number! will c4mtain a splendid' Steel I:mar:Wing: a pfate of ;the Paris Fashions, on steel, eleaantiv Coloredi one or more artieles. richly illustrated with +:,d engravings: Miseel. -I:Tier.uss: Prose and- Poetry,: an Editor's Table: Reviews of New hooks; Monthly Sturm o. : Hints on 1 7 :,ishien. and Pagtionable Intelli , Tence: Patterns for Needle wo+,.and M.w Music. ! " --- " . The Sled Engravings. wilt embrace finely exeChted portraits of the eel ehrated lady-writers of. the day,interspersed with a Variety of other snhjecks of general interest. • • 1 ; ' The Pa sit, i l On P7.;r fra -re engtaved on..Steel.l . nfter the latest Paris Eashior s, giving out arm( in-door costumes* for AM! morith, They have been pronounced taupe. r i,l o . t,, thtose published•ln any other American Prioilitl,al. i• • t - 1 1 The Wood .pngratings - will be of : the hifflu-st fin6h, and by our best art !. - I ists.- 1 The Literar i y 'Matter will consist of I - lb . :toy-it:A Diner:ll-mica! and Lit erary Essays, Sketches of Travel, Fine Arts. Novelit, "Irtilc . x: 'Romance^. etc.. The. Novels and Romances - Of 'f Gr•hani" are universally - ac line'wledaed to keel in beauty and interest any others Published!in America . . '• .: Tli. Edito's Table is made vp of Ilumorouls Sketches and Ariec 7 dotes. F4l44fZti,Diornest it and Literary Gossjp,etc . . The Ifonthlyl.§ummary . of Current Events , . prepnied by William anvil. &cos a condeeSed accuant ofthe P incipal events, which . have Mk. en. place in' the world,.-durinir, the preceding month. , . 7.1-e Reviews f New Brinks trotn the pen of the great eritie. :, P. Whipple. . • ' The Fashion A t rtiele, by Genio C. Scott, pre sents a correct, TA comprehensive account of o Dresses, Bonne the new styles t/4. Mantillas, i e Shawls, Eatibs w l ries , and everything relatiria. to Fashion. of inte , et to ladies. The Needl4wo k Patterns frir Collars, Under= sleeves. Caps. Berthas, Skirts. Embroideries/ for Handkerchiefs: and general Needlework, are nu merous and beautifully 'designed. - . ..ifUSIC. This:alone at a 3fnsie Store, would 'cost more than a cear'ri subscription. - :TERMS---One copy.' one year. in adynnii. $3; 2 copies. ss', 5 copies, (and one - to' Agent and getter up of Club.) eio t it copior, add one to Agent. $2O; 'for. 86. one copy .be sent three year*. Additions to. Clubs at the game rate as Club sent.. Specimen copies sent gritis to those deiiring to,get up Clubs. Alt communications to 'be addressed to • A#iftAIIAM, 11. SEE. No. 106 rhestL T ut-st f • • THE 11111SITISIN QUARTERPIES And Blaitkwood's T * HoßotittlMT Neiv'York. eon. - tines to refpnblish_ the following ttigtish Perincleals, . I . 6 ridonQiiiirtPt 4 Y ft*vfow•(e+terratire) TheDiintiory.t. IM review. (fg) , The North Britt h Reviear. (F i reeChureh) TheWeefrnitiatO Rerietv.i.Mrp).) - Elaekeihed's Edtaborgh lifnenzine. ('Fory)' :The present tient Mite of European - affoirs win IVAN . th p*litittuto *trap, hot. eating during the y ear %U.- They will occupy " STOVES ti middle ground 'betwecn the hastily written TT. BURRETT has now in store and is melt-- news items credo speculations, and flying . nu- LIL, ingA large atoek-of New Stoves, including mars of the daily. journals, and 'the ponderous' the Star of the West and National elevated' oven, Tome (Witte future historian, written after the. Black Rover. Wide tllfirld . and Paragen Large living interest and excitement of the great polit-i Oven, to which ho woe) invite pnrticularittention ice! .events of the time shall. .have pastiest away.l as the best Cooking Stoves in market, with - a .13 . !. it Is to these prriedienis that reach rs must Maki perior assortment of Parler,Office and Shop stoves for the only. really intelligible and reliabiehisto-1 fer Wood Or Coal, also Stove Pipe,. Zinc, Sheet- I ry of current events, - and us much: in addition to, Iron, Stoves Tubesoke., these well established literary scientific', and the : ' This stock is selected from the hest Foundries °logical character; we urge them up et the con- . Of Albany and Utica for - cask with the bestquanti sideration of the reading public. - ; ty of Trlmtnings made:to order' for his custom Arrangements are_ io progress for the receipt trnde, which will enable him in all respects to defy of early sheets from the- BritiSl3 Publishers, by l competition Atli will be sold at the most reduced which we shall be able to, place all of b re-prints j prices for em4horapproved credit. iii the hand"' - or subseriWrs about as s.on N ow llitf orf i they can be furnished with the tereige copies.— Althengh this will involve a very lartte.outlay on or part, we shalt continue to farni.h the priodi. eels at the .sanie lost rates as heretoivre,. viz. • For any one of ilfe. four Reviews , For t.ny two or thefont'Reviews For any three of the knit Reviews For all font of the Reviews - For Blaek wood's niagazine For Blackwood's and the Re% iews For 'Thael.wood and' the tour Reviews Payment to be ninde,in all easel in advance. Money ctirrentAn.the state where .imued will be reee;ved at par. Cr. immo—A di4onnt of twenty.tiveper cent from the above prices will . be allowed to Clabl ordering four or mere copies of am oneor more of the above wort* . Thus: Four .copies_ of Blackwood, or alone Rtvlew; will be :5 eitt to one address for $9: four copies of the four Ite vjuirs and Blarkwocid for $3O; and so on. \ PfiST.AGE.—in all the principal cities and towns these works will . be de li vered; through Agentg, free of . Postage. When sent by mail l the POststre to any part of the United States will be hut 24 cents a - year for Blackwood, and but twelVe cents a. year for each of the Reviews. Remittances and communications should al ways be addressed, post ( paid; to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & Co. 51 Gold:st., New York. L S. & 'Co. have recently published. and have now for sato, the "FarmeesGuide," by lienry Stephens: Of Edinhurg,, and' Prof. Norton, of College ,New Haver , . complete in 2 vols. royal ocitavo, containing 1600 pages, 14 4teel and WO wood engravings. Price in ennalin bind ing $6.1 • .„v • r i :•o*. This work is not the old ".Boox of the Farm,'' lately resuscitated and thrown upon the market,, 48w4 , . ESTRAY. • - A 111:: into the enelOsure of the.subseriber oh or about the first of November, a dark yearlinz bull, with some Wkite spots.. The own er is requested to prove property. pfy charges and take it away. J. F. GRISWOLD. East Ditnoek, Nov;23, 1855-48w3 A NEV supply, of d roeeries. rap, Paints /11. Oils, Glas., materials for Limhts, &e.. at .'_8.1855,N0 TURR.E Administratrix' Notice. \ - rocE is , web) , gii•en that letter 4 testamen, I Lary upon the estate of Thomas Foran. de ceased, late of. Cltt c teonut township have teen gran i 4 to the stibseril)er. All persons indebt ed to &aid estate are requested to.make intmedi ate payment, and those having claims Against said estate Co present them duly attested for settlement. • JOANNA FORAN, Adin'rx Choconot, Nov. 20, 185.5-47w3* LITTELL'S.LIVING AGE. PROSPECTUS. 011111 S. is conducted• in the spirit of Littell's Museum of Foreign Literature, (which was favorably received by the public for. twenty years,) but as it is twice as large, ana appears so often, wee not only give spirit bnd freshness to it by mane things which were excluded by a month's delay, but , while thus extending our scope and gathering a greater and more attractive variety, are able to increase the solid and more substan; tial part of our literary,'historleal, and political harvest, as fully to satisfy the wants of ,the American reader. Th e elaborate' and stately Essays of the Edin burgh. Qt:orterly, and other. Reviews; and BlaCk wood's noble criticisms - on Poetry, his keen Orr laical Commentaries., highly wrought - ,ales,and vivid descriptions of rural and 'mountain Scene . ; and the contributions of Literature. I iistolry and Common life, by the saoacious Spectatt)r, the sparkling Examiner, Inc judiciou l / 4 Atheneum, the tu-x and industrious Literary Gazette, the sensible and comprehensive Britania, the solier and. respectable Christian Observer; these :.tre intermixed with the Military and Naval reminis cences of the United service, and with the „hest articles of t h e Dublin University, New Monthly. Fra.er's, Pairs, Hood's, Ainsworth's and Sport ing Magazines, and ot Chamber's admirable Jour nal. We do not eonsider it beneath . ourdi , mity to borrow wit and ..cisdotu. frotri Punch ; and when w e think it good enough, make .use of the thun der of the TiMes. IVss .shall inertase nun varie ty by itoporMtions from Eorope, and ircan• the new growth Of theßritish colonies. The steamship haS brought Eurupe..Asia and Africa into our neighborhood; and will , greatly multiply connections as Nlerehants, Travei-\ lers. and l'oPticians, with all par of the world, so that much more than ever it ow begotnes ev ery.intelliged American to be informed of the condition and changes'of foreign countries. And this not only, because of their nearer cOnneetithi 'with ourselves, but because the nations seem to be hastening through a rapid process of chailge• to some new state of things, which 'the merely political prophet cannot compute or foresee. Geographical Discoveries, the pro2ress of Col onixation, hich is extending, over the wh o l e world.) p.ytd Voyages and Travels, will be favor ite matter for our selections; and in general, we snail systematically and very fully acquaint our readers with the treat department of Foreign af fairs, without entirely neglectiug our.own. • While we aspire to make the' LIVING , ,AGE desirable to all who wish.to keep thetnselvesin formed of the rapid progres.s of the movement— to Statesmen; 14.04 , 170rta and Physicians —lo then of business and. men of leisure—it Is stronger object to make. it attractive to their .wives and children. We believe we can thus 4,, some good in our day and generation; and hope - to make the work indispensable itt.,ev cry welt informed- family. We say indispensa ble. because in .this day of cheap literature It. is not possible to guard against the influx of . what is bad in taste and vicious in morals, in any oth er, way thin by furnishing a sufficient supply of a healthy character. The mental and moral ap: petite must• be gratified. - • We hobo that, by ivinnowing•the whest from the chiffi providing abundantly for the imag ination and by a large collection of Biography, voya g es;, Travels, History, and more solid mat ter, we may produce a work which shall be pop °tar, whild at the same time it wilt- aspire to - raise the standird of public taste. The:Liting Age is published every .Saturday. by E. LITTELL & Co., ' . Coriter of Tremont arid Broomfield sts.. 'Boston; price 12 1-2 cents nntnber, or six dollars a year in advance. Re triittaneeit for any period will be thankfully re f ceived and properly attended to POSTAGE FREE To all subscribers within 1500 miles. who remit in advance directly to the office of publication ut Boston, the mini of Six Dollars, we will contin ue the work beYond the year, as long as shall be equivalent to the cost of postage, thus virtually carryingOot the plan of sending every man's copy to him Postage Free.. - E. LITTELL & Co., Boston. CAOOD Broad Cloth.Cipa for Waling* 'a kir piece at BELL dt,TINGLEY. Now Goods Cheap for Cash. W. MOTThas just reueived another lot ot ••- Nei Goods, such u Challis. Barge -De Lains, Do Bagts,Ginghtuns, Collars, Embroidery, Lawns, WHIM RE OFFERS AT VERY LOW PRICES. SUMMER SHAWLS, a new lot just meived--boutifut patterns at very low prices, also, CRAPE and BLAcK SILK SHAWLS; as tow as the lowest. hoe t 3. YANKEE Nodal:wet - Oar variety. at V. W. S. Cosmopolitan 'Art: Association. ' , fiecisitil Year. . . ~, ... A 11.11. 1 0:0E;3111,NTti for the Seetnad Annual golle-rs4fi I 1 of till-new and pnpu:sr Inntitution for the, difrn.ion of Litnratuicanditrt, have been mad.' ori ilia niest'exien• rive smile- - Among the works already engaged, is the feu:- famed .• - - . . . . - Per Ann. $3 06 5 00 7 00 8 00 3 00 9 09 10 00 *GENOA t;k/7C/PLY," • which originally rota Ten Then sand Dollars Io forming the now Collection, the diffusion of work of American Art, and the encouragement of American genius. bare not been °refire ked. tlornmi•slons bare been issued to Many rit the moot di , tuagniclied American Artists, who will contribute some of their finest productions Among them are three Marble ousts. exccuttsi by the greatertlir ing l'owp.aa . j . WASM.NOTON. The Father of las c:orintry • lIFS7.IMIN r NAIAKLIN. Tbe Philosophar ;; DANT Er. wyliSTEn, Thestatesmsn. • - A Pperial agent has visited European,' made careful and judicious nelettloos of foreign works of Art, both in Breese an 4 Marble; Statuary and Choice Paintings. The whole forming n large and valuable collection of Paintings and Statuary; to be distsibutol raga nuoing the menibere of the Apsociation fur the Second Tear. / .The payment of three didlars eonstitutev stay one a triernbiT of the Aseociatlotr. and entitles hitn to tither one of the following 311c:trines fo One year.- and oleo a ticket in thr di7-tribrithm of the Stetnary and Paintings. .The f l it rat urel . emed to'rubreriber.' consiet, , vf the fol iose:lr, monthly micarine. : flarper's , P u!glarni'!..l finicker"- hoNer. Iliac: mood's, Gr.ahanita,Oodcy's Ll4'l. Donk.athl Ifommhol.l. Words Pereono takine five memher!•ldoe are entitled to any are. of the Magna!nes for one year, and to Svc Tiekete to the dietrihation. The net proerede i l le,rired from the• sale':or montbervhip e ;are der rt Oil t the purelnee of troika-AT Art fcr thiPlllMilil. year - . - . - TIIF, ADVA. TACK.' SFAII - RED , b,' becoming alp...other e , f ill ie A.,xeneietlen. are— - let.' All Tereona reeeire tin !n)l rain.• of theii.eubeerlp- II ons at the st att. in the Rh pe of aterlive 'afoir. literatur e. 2.,r. Fneh trterlan rle erne !bating towards purchasinz choice Wethe of Art. which are to be dict.ihnt ed ninon{ themaelree, nod are at the enme time eueottraping. the A rt lets of the ennotiy, W./burr:mg thotutande of dollar's thro' Ito 'teener. - I . . Pers.n• in rentitiitur funds momberthip, will please glee their poet oMee addres• In full, stating the month they' wi.ll the Magazine to ellminener, and have the letter reeistertd at the Port Ottlevi..to prevent lose: oft the m et fpr of which, a ecrtifleate rl'tneinbetphip, together. with the Martzlne desired, will be forwarded IC nnryiert of the country. Those who purehneMarrasines at Boca Storer: will .. .been - 0 that hr joining title .tamoriation, tree receive the Ile, , tazine and fr. e-Ticket in the annual di.t7ihution, all nt the same price they now pay for the ,Ingazino alpne 'Beautifully illustrated Catalogues. givitig full - desetip tions,sentfree, on application. For memborehip. attires:. C Actuary A. A. At either of the principal offlee.—" Itniekerbocker Nrltall• siee" olTire.:l4s Broadway, :Sew York, or 'Western Often. ICA 'Samluelty, Ohio.; Insert Ist and 3d week's of Nor.,Der. and January. STEEL. Squareg---A large and snperor assort tuent at low prices. Goss—Single and dOnble barrell. all priers. \Vuirs from 25ets tip. Sash Cord. 'tope Hal ters. Chalk ',inc.+. 8,:e.1,-Wronaltt NA:, all sizes, Gimblet. pointed SereWg,• a large assOrtment.• INty•rt KNowt.ros'i. • Bingliarnton, Nor.. 1855.... • . • Terrible \Accident, HAPPENED to. Mr. Green the other day.— Ito h a d hotoitt a suit ofready-made clothes at the Store. and tite-first . das wearing the :le eident'occurred. First, off drapt lii coat-tail by the mere force of specific gravity. giving to un. fortunate man the apperance of a It idly trimmed craft with the - flying jib- in the stern, and on stooping over to pick up the remnant, the dread ful casualty took 'thee—the fountains of the: great deep were broken up --Green's pants were sundered ['vim ankle to waist, and Green himself seemed to-be. The only way to prevent sifi:ll deplorable necident'cis to patronize a skilfful lor, who makes up his work with a determinn tion that it shall not only fit' neatly. but went well.- Green buys at the clothing store because he thinks ho can get his gearing a little cheaper. In - all.brobability tho pant.; that ser-ed him s o treacherously had passed through a fever. hospi tal,-been. striped front a chidera patient, carried home eight nights in the week-on a shutter, and finally bleached and tarried by an ingenious "Frenchman for A market in the country Take inirning by poor Gter•rt's..mishap, and fro to a tailor shop like tliat in the basMent of 'Searle7s HMO if you want to be suited, air ..7uttin . g.done as usual. and all nark war ranted. . . .3011 X GROVES. 3loptrose Auer. 27, 1855. Now Arrangement at Gregory's 1 ARDIVARE STORE! W. GREGORY At itID•:ON havitrz formed a eo.partnership for the' purpose of c on:Moira the all'its varlets brunches, would respectfully. in forth the people -of Susquehanna. county that they are now opening .nt Gregory's Old Stand, opposite the Exchamie liotel.2 doors from the Canal, Birighamton, A. Y., the largest, cheapest, and best stock of Hardware ever 0111. red in hainton. • made,arrangements to English Goods and purchase their . reel fr..oa manutacturcrs, they can CHEAPER, than anv other est:, Omit. Their stock is now. very those wisiiing to purchase are ;twit The fillou•ing are a portion of the' knives andfOl carvers ; forks and steely, pen and. p., Bread and butcher do., hay and sari sors, shears,•and ra7.ors, Britannia t pots,Silver and hritarinia tea and ti silver plated, brass, and iron candle fers and trlys„ solar lamps. Lard, an. lamps, ern:intents, br: andirons, shovels and tonr , s, &e Looking Glasses, anti looliinrr h a general assorriment 0 ling articles. HOUSE TRIMMINGS, (consisting of locks, latebes, butts, screw, brad nnils, bolts, patent crindow springs, blind fasten ings, shutter screws, and. fasteninws, &e: A creaeral a4sortment cd" tools Tor cirpenters and Joiners . • Cabinet arid %V . :170n Makers, Masons I to., eemoma.. o ..awa, ham. mere, hatchets, axes, adzes, chisels, augers. auger bitte, and hollow angers, anvils' Bellows, vices, patent drill machines, sledpiii, stone hammers, brick and plastering trowels, eross-cut, mill and circutar saws, - A splendid assortment of Saddle and Harness' makers .- tools and trimmings. FA RM !NG TOOLS, consisting of shovels, spades, forks,raltes,serbes, grain cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron bars, grind stones,„&c. , Also, Agents for the sale of Whittemore. Squires'& Co's Agricultural tools, such as plows, .hay and straw cutters, corn sliellers x &e. Sale and upper leather, (morocco and shoe trimmings, with a general assortment of findings, Wooden I ware, willow cradles, wagons, chairs and baskets of all descriptions. . liar iron and steel, iron axles and steel springs malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings of all kinds, paints, oils, sash, glass, putty, &e.; all of which will be sod at the lowest rates: Please 'Gall and examine, the - stock' for yourselves. Binghamton,'March 1, 1856. The Manhattan Fire'lns, C 0... Office No. 58 Wall-Street. CAPITAL, $i50,000 Insures , bu Idin,gs,Merehaiblise,Fumiture,Ves sels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Proper-. ty, against loss or damage by fire. Drascrons.—Nathaniel Richards, Samuel F. Mott, Peter H. Schenck, Wm. F. Mott, Edwin, D. Morgan, Wm. W. Pox, Sidney Mason, Etisha Riggs, It. L Lord. Thos. Barron, Russel 11., Nev . - ins,Ang. Ward, Moses Taylor, John Ste*. ard James Colles,Thos; W. Pearsall, Richard Tighe, Peter Cooper, Henry Elatiorth, Lyman Denison, John Caswell.. ," - =. • NATHANIEL RICHARDS, Pres..;' Wx. Prin. PALMS R, Seey. 'EDWARD PRIEST, Agent, Bingham - , ton, N. Y. • . Miralo Robes. Achoice lot of Bairiki Robeii. just received And will he sold.st a low figuie by C. W. MOTT; - H. DURRITT. Niw Miltdfd, N 81100611; • 0 TERM OF MIENIMRSTIIP Supposed- t o . M . . posed to bo cheap SI worth, Ready wade elbthiag at I . , , DICKERMAN & GARRATTS3 New Miifired, Sept. 18th, 1855. - ...• ~ • Sopytcterrougadr- ' ' Don't be forgetful, friends, one Anil Aged or great or small—. (it not, pa ,mall) That at Old - fellows 1141 Is Vie place to call ; ; To get your picture, done up tall. • • O. W. SEYMOUR. & CO., rejust receiving dick Fail and Winter Stock Goods,'which dia r y feel confident they are elierimr for Stle at f: ALL AS LOW FIGURES AS any establishment in this section. Our stook is as Complete us is generally found in country Stores. . Ilarford, Sept.,-1855. Enud A t :isortm9at itf C G roc. ‘ k;r7aV i., rim pORCELA IN, anilGranitc- Chitin, At .G. W. Si& Co 4) RUCHE and I3ay.Stato Shawl all prices,. G.' W. S; &Co. I.II.ACK and Brocade Dress Silks, for 5 and Shillings per yard, at G. W. S. & Co. ir De Lnines, of the intent . Styles, nt G. & Co. 1111AilIELM)IVS llair Dye. laputaipo's 134 1-.1 of a thousand flOwers, and Purfunin.y at Q. W. S. & Co, • Ness - Milford Stove Euniprimn IN FULL BLAST.. • OTT STOYEN now for 'sale at Dickermans ~rr) Ggrrat:s. We are in receipt of the largest stock of stoves.evor offered in Northern Pa. eonsisting of Cooking, Parlor and site pgate both fur Wuod and Cual, also a lull u.SsOrtnient of larger sizes for Churches and stoyeg. Would call rrticular attention to - the Jeffer senfa Elevated, oven the most perfect and heav iest stOvs in - market. Ahiong our .v.,riety 'Of large ovens I.vould menti4)u the ,Empire State iui : prover as being yory. he:lvy plated :dui perfeet 'finish and sopertiner. Faimurs. of Sitsquhann- Co. you have . been in tha habit of purchnsiust light stoves Lnd light trimming, and Tr:trim ,- as much as you ought to fur heat t' plates and hasty We manufacture our own furniture. and sell them at manufactured prices let those who inly a makers profit compete With us if- they can.— Jobbing done as usual on Jon notice. DICK ERMAN & GARRATT Nip; Milford, (NI, 4th, 1855, Administratrix' Notice: - I\TOTIGO.is hereby given that leiters testa inentary upon ;he 'estate of henry Paily, deed s late of Ilarfo.rd W.. have.. been • gran ted to the . subseriber. - ,.1 p,irsoris indebted to said estate are requeste to Lti:lte immediate pigment, and those having etaims uFon said es tate, to present them duly attested for Retiment. AMANDA DAILY, Adru'rx. - • tiarford, Nov. 14. 18.55:-.46w3- • GREAT INDUCEME:\TS For ISSO • Now is the time to fitake.supClubs ! PETERSON'S:MA:6AZ= TIIE best . and Cheapest for Ladle's! Edited by 'Mrs. Ass S. STESTE:iS SIM CHARLES . PETERSON'. This popular Magazine, already the cheapest and best Monthly• of its -kind in the world, will be greatly improved for 18.56. It will contain 900 pages of double-coin - Mt] . reading matter: from twenty to thirty steel Plates; and Over. .H.O hundred wood engravings ; ' wlrichis prop,irtionately- more . than any'periodieal, of any price, ever yet rave. I• TIIRILLING ORIGINAL STORIES Are pron mr:ced, by the press, the be.4t Publish ed anywhere. The editors are Mrs. An S. Ste phens, author of " The MI Ilome.stead." "Fish. ionand' F and Charles .1: Pederson, thor.of "Kate AyleSti.srd," "The Vxliht .Farm," etc.. etc.. and they are assisted by all the most popular female writers of America. :low talent is continually being added, regardless& expense so as to keep "Peterson's Magazine" unapproach able in merit. Morality and virtue are always' inculcated. , Its Colored Fax.hion Plates in Aanance. W' It is the only Magaiino whosti Fashion • - : Plates eon be relied on. a gi : ll - . 1 E..,ch number enntainm a rashlim Into, en graved cm Steel, eoloeed a la rode, an.l of unri vatted beauty. The Paris, London, Ph ladelphia amt New York Eathionnare described, t length, each month. Eery numberlaisocont4 ins adoz. en or.raore*- New Styles, engraved on Vood.— .11mo. a Pattern, from which n dre”, m ntilla, or child's costume, can be cut, without the aid Of a nt Int:at-maker, :zo that each number, in tbbi way, will save a yeat'ii -subscription. , 2 Its superb Me:zotints, and otAer.' S"ted En- Its Illustrations excel. those of any other Mag: azine, each number containing a superb steel En:rraving, either mezzotint or line, beside the platy; and in addition, numerous other Entiraving•s„ Wend Cuts, Patterns, tite.,4e. The Em.rravingl4, at the end of the' year, alone are Worth-the subscription price. - ,Patterng for Crokhet, irecdlework, dc., In the greatest prefusieti, are given in every No. with it,tructions how to work them ; also, Pat terns in- Embroidery Inserting, Broiderie An "ginjst."-- Netting. Lace-making, bee. - Also Pat terns for Sleeves; Collars, and Chemisettes ; Patterns in Bend-work; Hair-work, Shell-work; Handkerchief Corne.is-; Names for marking and Initials. Each nnuther contains n Paper Flow er. with directions hew to make it. ' A piece of new and fashienahle music is also published ev ery month. Oa the whele,"it is the - molt com plete Ladle's magazine in the- world.' Try it for one Veit.. import th . eir American di. • nit will sell I,lisliment in trzisive,-and to call.-- lending, nr •Q. Te•a att., w do:, seis ,a and coffee spium9, ssnPf ii sti,Tended and- iron ss plates. to. )t hou,,rkeery- TERMS-ALWAYS IN ADVANCE One copy for one year, ;512; 3 copies for one Year, $5 ; 5 copies ro r one year, $7,50; S. copies for one year. $10; 16 copies for -one year, $2O. Premiums for geltluai - up Clubs. Three, Five, Eight, or Sixteen &Ties, make a Crnb. To every person getting up a club, our " Port.Folia . of Ari," eontainiug 59 Engravings. will be given gratis; or, if preferred; a copy of the mao-uzine for 1855. .For a club of 16, an ex tra copy of the magazine for 1856 will bo sent in addition. Address, postpoid, • CHAS J. PETERSON, No. iO2 Chestnut-st,, Philadelphia.' s :;..V"Speci mens sent grot ui Cously, if_ written, for, ost-paid. All - Postruasteis constituted Azents. Persons remitting will please get the Postmalter t to register their lettors,io which case the remittance may be at our risk. When the sum is large, a draft should be procured, the coat .of which may be-deducted from the amount. ..,TO THE PUBLIC. LEW Iminifftr, r 811.i3ScItIBEIU4 having taken the Store arid.purchnsed the Stock of GOODS of R. T. ASHLEY, Ire prophred to . Rail for Ready Pay only, a_ • - ERY FINE ASSORTMENT OF DRY GOODS. GROCERIES; : • , CROCKERY; HARDWARE, ' • PERFMIERY,'. • , ' YANKEE NOTIONS. • IRON AND NAILS,. • • BOOTS AND.SHOES, • - FLOUR AND - SALT, SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER, ' • /4 4 dr.c., Sto.* At au price* as (they think) cannot fail to giye enti • satisfaction to all who may favor then/ with eir patronage. • • , kinds of produce taken In - exihaago - for goody.' • • . J. A. At. LR. ASHLEY. Brooklyn, Nov;ls, 1855. TIARAOLS:--Latest styles at jL: . , C. W. MOTT'S: Jane 13. . rip HE:I4OmA puirkil: pile° be ,d tor. •./ kihd4' prna nee in is xehange:to t';' 64l, Cn.'h paid for,‘74o•Dnity IButta at . : • t' - i 10,010,034400. A*. /OS& - 8. 4 gra t ings " •-- , Clear the-, Tiaor • v9iti am in a great hurry.- -Why what's the 1: matter! Oh nothinir, only Bullard - oVer there Lat the Poet Office' has just received by Rail. Road Express a new tot of Books and•Fitts tionery and I want somo before they are -all gone; thane NO. come t'n lie liss'got Mary Lyndon. The Hidden Path. .Mv Bondage and Fitiadoth,(Doup lass)' Berlin and Lillie, Hood's choice w_orks in setts - 4`'o+. Sze, Young Folks glee Beck, a TIT!. ety of song Books and a large addition -to my stock of Writing Paper Envelopes and Ink, all of the best quality, and cheap for the Runt% . A. N. BULLARD. • Diodtrose Sepi,l9, 1855. • r_tRtIAT variety of Itondy, Made' Clothing I„X arty at - - ..; B. & T.'s . 1 itegister's Notice. _PUBLIC Notice is hereby given to all - per.- sons concerned in the following Estate, to wit , : . , Eistate'of Airon Rvnearson, lot of Reflex, decd, Amy Ryncarsmi& Isaac Ryneamoii. Ad. ministrAtora. , That the accountant hass settled - his a cco untst in the Register's office in and - for the county of Stiiquehannn, and that the same will be resent.' ed to the Judges of the Orphans' Court of said county, on Saturday the first day of December' next, for confirmation and Ml:mance.] , - 1 1. W. CHAPMAN, Re r. nuntrow Oct. 30 1 1855. - • CARD. - , PHyFE & XN6I.V.I.TON would most _spectfally . call the attentionof. purchasers to 'a large Assortment of* HATI.DWABX jest re, ceivelood being 'daily increased hy officals from different manufactures: iisring purchased at prices lowk• than those for which articles of the" same quality bare been offered during .the fiyo pa4t. years, they are,enabled to make quite a. ie• ductienfrom their former 1 - ery reasonable de— mands, to offer both town and country trade ducembnts superior to those of.N. Y. agents. 'Binghamton Ana. 13, 1855. • _. Fipsh Arrivol of New .Goods at -. • DICK FAMANS & GARRATTS Ti IE subseribers. Would :respeetfulty inform the good pttopfe of Susquehnna Go. that they are now „opening: their stock of Fall and. Winter Goods - which is` unusually larvand at •traetivoi.all of which will bNold for cash or approved credit cheaper than van be .bought - at any other establishment in the county W.,) mean just what we saw. Please,giVe 11,4. A trial, DIKER.MAN a GAPATT'S. New Milford, Sept. 16th,180. . • To Dairymen.. . 13UTTER wanted. The,higtiest market pri : ces will be paid in cash for gooci \ Dairy Rut ten, by . S. H. & D. SAYRE. June 28th, 1855. ---- - • r Palent Apple Parer& • TtiE subscribers are Agents for the sale of the shove article, n large supply of zrhich they have just received direct from their Manu factures. Country merchants supplied at itole. said prices. PIIYFE & KNOLTON. Bingliamt("Sept. 12, 1855. • They are for the: People, The Cheapest Reading in the World!! ICNITED STATES ITTAVAXIIIISE • Am) UNITED STATES JOURNAL For only one Dollar twenty-fire ants ci year! • MAGNIFICENT PREMIUMS!! ETC., ETC., ETC., The Gaited States Mat aziae ismow in the second volume, having, during the ;first year, Achieved an unparalleled . triumph. . r • • W hen the first number appeared.,s,o far ,as its superior to anything ever before published at the price, that it wa.s-predieted on all hands, that it Inuit either be increased in price, or surely fail .-;--that no suchmagazine could be sustained at the extraordinary low price of ONE 'DOLLAR, a.year. At the same time the laudations of the press throughout the 'country!,were unbounded —complimentary nottces.flowifig in• upon US by thousands'. Subscribers begat!' to roll in with a rapidity beyond our most sanouine expectations. - The magazine has now-reached s ; large circula tion in every State.and Territory of the Union, throughout the British 'Provinces, And in .the principal European cities, and is rapidly • increas % ing whereier it is known. . It ikelcctrotyped from new type cast express: ly - or the purpose, and ii-printed on a new im proved Adams Press, making it one of the most beautiful*Veimens of typography of - any - serial publicatiop, ever issued from the American Press. The begbrtiAts are engaged upon its engrav ings, rind, each volume will hereafter contain :taut four hundred illustrations. The celebrated poem the 'tLay of the Last Minstrel," illustrated with over sixtYV , ngrnvings; is now being - published, and willl be continued throughout numbers.. . • • A series of over ouo hundred original designs illustrating: scenes and incidents in -American History, is being got up at an immense cost, - and are published, two of them,_ in each number of the Magazine, neeompanied With interesting and thrilling' sketches connected . therewith. • •It also contains, from time . '•to time, 'views of cities, public buildings, snenery,curiosities,flow.- ers agriculture, natural history, portraits of dii. tinguished individuals, etc., etc., to which is ad ded eu'h month a page, of wit and humor, from "DemOcritus, Jr., .the Laughing-'Philosopher; with his comical "picters."-. • Although it is oar object to give the magazine a praCtical and instructive character, rather thin_ a light; imaginative and sentimental, yet we tend that it shall always wear a smile that will make it attractive to all. Its articles-are mostly original and from the ablest pens in. the country; while the editorial talent bestowed,npon it is.un surpasSed by that. of any publication in America. • In addition to ‘ the rich Ptent!itm Books w . hiih are even to those getting up clubs, rewards amounting to over • THREE THOUSAND "loans, wilt be given to persons sending the largest nun •4er of subscribers - for the Magazine. . The railed Stateg Journal Ili one of the largest, and universally acknowledged to be the cheapest newspaper intthe world. It is pub. lished monthly, eaeli numbeVontaining FlFtr sa spacious columns of t ost valuable and interesting :ending tnattafff 672 columns du ring the year, an amount sufficient to fill 3 large octavo volumes of over four hundred pages each. As a very interesting feature, there is now , being published in the Journal, 5 . series of. beadifully engraved portraits of distingtilithed individuals, accompanied with well.written biographical sketches: These will, two of them, appear each inonth,and bei , continued, through several .yeari. The Journal has been published, six years, and has reached the triumphant circulation Of. One Hundred 77fonsand Copiesoind lwe are deter. mined immediately to increase the circulation to One Hundred and Fifty. thousand. We have, daring the last two years, presented to the . subscribers of the Journal two series of syilendid gifts of over $l,OOO each, besides Over . $5OOO worth of valuable Boolis, to those send ing clubs. We now offer the Miniseries of glfti,exitount ing to.over $3,000; which wits : ' be, presentsd the . auticribers of the Jeurnal an soon as the cir citlation reachee 150,000; This amount Will be di:AAoutsell as follows:-- ' The first gift will be 6101?0 In money, tdhe Presented'to on subscriber; the ten next gifts,. of one hundred Dollars eAcfr, - in• money,:will be presented to ien subscribers, - .and the Mode of deciding wlnctt Subscribers shall receive these stupendous gift3wili - be'such as tp: • give each subscriber an equal chance.' - - - - SahseriVer.s. post rely upeill:ont honor to see this arreewnent filithfolly - and fairlfeinied Out, and we trostihat Ito years faithful dealing, with the public jiltgiVetbem sufficient nonflemee in our integrit y audibility to fulfil our engspments. I -Therefore, &env reason wiz° remnants Ann , PATS Plll.lsllAtts MIK Or TWltllThlrtrit CEIIIIIII4I receive one of - , the Jelled and most' popultir newspapers - in the World, for ohEyeir s 'and - also: stand* haneo to-obtaln'n gift eflONg . THOM ; SMIL, IX)LLARS or one of, the 9 100 ‘which w OaKileely DEtstAtViotApatatitim TOWM W 4 TftlffitirMO la Vett • .0 :<t;; 4"; t-r „.. _ Tided int? Vietity Splendid . lute pr,esentee -to - the twenty, pensous , "gutting „th tlienty nutubefor fiche 'that; the- subscription -liaVl'aliall the htindred and fifty theusand—their _yalnejapxl4l; ai follows :—_,;One $360, (AO 'll;loq,'opt - VOO,. tWo $5O enett;ten $25 aseh,inul Aso .10 Sash.' As .the circulation is rapidly ,ipprow,blop . l-$.3 , 150400, these wishing An:lntgreit thatie 3Uag• nificent Prize* Should avail- thpriseives. of it at BOOKS: 'Every person - ,getting cirsul* subscribers, will receive, pttst-psid, isjOsticab4 premium book of ow ii selicttori'fOuti schedule of the'hest workspitaishidtheoMbi* tho w.otid. MAY . perions„, by a -- litileirittrort. this way, have secured to thentet* hitudiesua Specimen eopiei of either Jouriat or" blsg+r sine be sent gist's to those wishing .to p$ up clubs. pr Mt money sent, mail Is—'at%!iir. • , , , • ONEur.s . AGENTS WAIIIIIO, • ct_ To engage- in gettinollobseribers for onr-:titilsito • - im_tiona t ttnd se mg, t ••, - • AMERICAN PORTRAIT-G4LERN - : '— a great national ivork.oene - arly eightshundresting ces, and iEttstrated with `over three hundred,and utifolly en,groved 'potlraits.• Our spots - are nitiking froth live to, ted.dollaria day !... - n•Mtis plett..tapt getupatiop. For farther, PorfietilAris.. Address. J. A, ZSiER;sON, sc., . _ • Oct. ist, Dee. t it.' - I Spruce - st., Will Fish Bite if --- • rirtury will ir.von use the Bite (Appel:taut . sold by Phifn .Sr...Knowltem, 3 doors,eastof Chenango Bridge. I A new let jutt ,receired by Expretia. Call and ,examine their large assort: ment. Hooks, Lines. Reels, Polea, Snails; - Arti- Ocial Bait, &c. PIIYFt& KNOWLIVN• - N. B. It is etirrently. reported that Fish, in this section of country, will not-be caught_With 'other Tackle than that seta :Oahe Abort math.: • Binghamton. Atig. 133, 1855, NEW' GO 01/12 GOODS CE • • , AT aW. M(IO.T.T'S. TUSTreeeired a lot or New Goods, soar_ tut'Der ti ',nines, De Sages, Paramettis, Persian, :21111 picas; Ginghamii Merinos. Prints, and Shawls. infect a general asiortment.of Dry Goods which will be sold• low. WAN TED—Socka, Eggs, Entter,Lard,Cheirae, Flannel, &c,, any . quantity . -in exch age: for: got* at cash C W: _ • Montrose, Sept. 1855- '• -Fall and Winter e T"Etinbscriber would say to , he has just received •st. gene !! of Rill 'and Winter Goods side. sell. very ow . fo,.eash: or prods - F r riendsvilie, Nov. 3; 1855-45 W New Jeweirso. Splendid assortment ; just ;mired:at: A Montrose;Nov. I, \ TURRELL'S. • Executois' Notice.' - x - ToiltE is herebiliven that Letters Totte, men,tary upon the estate - of Garrad Stotts'. dee'd, late of Middletown township, have been granted to the subieribers. All persons indebted, to Said estate are hereby requested to malteimrne. diate payment, and those having any deltas up,. on said estate. to present them duly attested for settlethent. The Notes .and , accolade: will be found in the hands of B. Olidden of Frmodeville. 4 R GLIDDEN, . t- GEO. B. JOHNSON', < 'Middletown, Oct. 25, 1855-43w6 • • BALDwnir a, PERKINS Wholesale end Retail dealers in Fkiiir; . salt; ?ark; Meal, Grain. reed, C solar - salt ferfack. in Pork. Cash paid for Oats, Rye and Meat . . On Ch esnnt Street ~ - -East end of Lyons diers attire, Montrose Pa. - . -ALFRED - SILAS • Montrose Oct. 30.1855.--44. : . .4( - litiii - fO.rit.iAbittliitiiitito The great Piano, ittelodeais seat ?lade Estabusbruent HORACE WATERS, No. 333 Broatway, New York. The la Best assortment of Pianos , Melodeons , Musical Instruments and Musical Merchandise of all kinds in the United States. Pianos from - TgN different manufactories, comprising those of every variety of style, from the plain, neat and substantial 6 1-2 octaves, - in Walnut or Rose. wood Cases, filim $l5O, tes2oo,, to_those of th4: - most elegant finish op to One Thousand Dollar's. No house in the Union 'can compete with the above in the number, variety and celebrity otitis instrtunents, nor in the extremely low. prices at which they are sold. \, }lotses\ WATERS' Menstts . Isintevrir Pusios. with or without Iron, Frames, possessing in their improvement of ever`strings,and actions length_ of scale, power and, compass of ,tong eqial ,to the Grand Piano; united with the .beauty and dift. 'rabitity of structure of this square,Piano. _They are justly pronounced by tbe Press,andlbe Anti musical Masters to be - equal tt.'those Of any . Oth . er manufacturer. Tiles , are built of the.best4d most thorough seasoned ,Inaterbil, .atid paan. teed to stand -the action of every clinitite., This House has the Soli Agency of T. Gilbert elt.,Co.'s celebrated,Premium Pianos, with or without the Aeolian. 'Hallett & cemston'e, _Wciedviard Brown's, and Jacob Chickering's, andlisther Bos- . ton Pianos. Gilbert's Boudo ir Pianoti; aoeley pant instrument for small ' Each iestrument guaranteed to "gt ,e satisfac tion or purchase money refunded. Second hand, Piano's at Great Bargains, conttantlY in: store, prices from $3O to $l4O. 'Sole Agendy of,S. D. II & .W. Smith's Melo deons,(tune4 to the equal temperament) to which was recently rewarded the First Premium, at the National Fair, Washington, D. C.: Price from $45 to $l-50. Double bank atelodeo4l.B2oo. Horace Water's Ilelodeons, superior insut: ,ments in tone, tOneband durabilityr , of . utake:s: (Tuned the equal temperament.) Melodeons ofl all other styles and" makes. Martin's Guitars, Brown's .llmps, Flutes, Vier Has, and musical inatrnments ofall kinds. A large discount to schools, teachers, churches and' elergimen. The trade supplied- on the:Meat- _ liberal, terms.:, Music 4.-....0ne Of the largest and beetsele& ed Catalogues ormusianow publiabed,imnprisn ing.many of the ehoice and most pitpular airs of the day ; - amongthem arefomid. theludverially -popular productions of Thomas Baker. Music sent' by mail to all parts of the country'', post,paid. Particular- and personol' attention: paid to all orders received by mail. &these. lion guaranteed irt every instanced.. Piannit-and. Melodeons - forrettt,,and rent allowed on-.pan. chase. Manes andmolodeolt* fer mkt en month lv paythents: Second-hand Planottlaken Change fornew, - - * HATS; 'CAPOi - Corner of Pearl and Chatham St - TT =AM - AI - ate - ReffertiCar,..* Le sa k) * Jul:* keeps lathe old..standen, theinornef;of ' Pearl and Cbet h e.ifiOtree4. le good-- an assort , pent ot Hats and Caps tut.sanbe.foned:'in z they city, and at the most reasonable prices. Soft Felt Bearers, ii..*reistlisrietr froth' 1617 84. Children's' Faitelk.Velei Httihrtollit,; Gingham; and e.pipiti4,,,nuracture*- .38MS Nratehair cwt.. awk -1)441 "" )11640 11-114eilfriorti m *1- '" ..11 ' 24 1110teiVitSerial t ;:t, ' OerailiCalp *W.liTtrai 108014 WOW N f i v o prwek5t.,, , ;,:;, , ,—„,-, ms, •RINGTXT9I4'it AQ 1855.4.41 7. "I. ‘ : 'r .47 -•4•45.1.•-• - ' V , - ~i , „,r „ SENV 'GOODS - p_ _ *- . :64 Ana', c Pt.? GOODSf.Aoleii - 011 . 106'' v Montrade, Sept-, Ida "1-IX% 0-ptibli4•that ..1 'ailiortaiont fie: ofers to OSFORD.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers