The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 25, 1855, Image 4

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    Montrose pmarrat.
E. 11."C1!ASE 41; L B. ?deCOLLUM, EDITORS
A L V -I X D I A.IF Publisheri
31wittrose, Thursday, Oct. 25, 1855.
e Hits.
- borongh , correspondent of the,St. Louis Be
publican..: rayi :
An elopement of the most extraordinary
- chartater took place on or about the 7th inst.
atkithe Sulphur Springs landing. From -all
thAtl: can glean from the 'flying report in
ehcidtitian, the faets are about these :
fiend in the shape of a Doctor, by, the inaine
of Cheatham, came to the Sulphur Springi
tO : hirrt a location as a practising physician.
Being . short of mear.s' and a stranger,• be was
takeatt.. - under the fostering care of- Mr.- Bond; a
merchant of - that place, who.; gave him the
hOSpitalities.of his house, taring the utmost
confidence in the Doctor, and stilt more in
his.heloved wire, and considering her not only
freelrem crime, but above suspicion:. What
must. have
.been his feelings,. to find the wife
of-his bosom had eloped' with • the base' de
eelyer'who wound her like a serpent. in his
fatal coil. She - will regret the day she was
indeed tb leave her ;:nee happy home; and
desert a -fond and. loving bUsbitad.
A Cprar I.CXL"RT.— AG a i weary traveler was
wending his way through the mud, out-in a
far west region of the country, be discovered
abroad, a‘young maiden standing in the door
of a small log house. He: rode up in front of
the' house and asked the maiden Tor a drink
of water; he drank it, and she being the first
lady be had seen fOr-seVeral days, he of tired
her a "dime - for a kiss." The young maiden
accented the What ) , and received 'both. ki-s
and dime. The .traveler was about to re
sume his journey, bat the maiden, having
rieVer liefore seen a dime, asked;
• ►' \t hat am I to do with the dime!"
You may use it in any way you wish," he
replied.; " it is yours."
"That being the ea , - - e;" she replied, "I'll
give you Lack the dime _ and- .take another
gar' :little girl At , school re:td thnsi—
" The tvidotti lived on a small /imb3nerrleft
her by . 71, relatiVe;, " What call that
wordy' asked 644 teacher; "the cord is leg
,aey not limbanc'y." "But Miss J01t , :0n,.7
said the little girl, "Pa errs I must say limb
and not leg."-Lift
littsittess men, eight}' have to die poor, ten
only acquire a moderate 'eompeteney,, five
handsome fortune , ;',.anif but one—that in one
per.cent turns up a millionairq,;—Tliese fad_
ures ktre imputable partly to uiistclitune,. And
partly to e•stravagan'ee. •
Mr: Brooks recently made a bal
loon ascention from Rockford, - Illinois.', Upon
his decent,' being asked wilatln* saw beneath
durini, his elevation, he said," Noilting; uoth
ingllont corn."
• i 3
Tnt Pumosoruce.. A. well known tav
efnlkeeper Lone Cana, was
speaking about his brother Ben, who. is also
his partner... " Now," said' . he,: Ben can't
stand all—he has been. used to
the way they do things LIP North, and if a
ftAler calls' for a drink:, and StlyS to him,
" L ehargo that; Ben:gets mad, And feels like
• '1
walking right into ilith. Wed!, that's not the
way with me—l merely sigh v'ery faintly, nntl
then pour - another pint of Water into the
brandy eask.".:
Delaliare, - Lac awa a ° 4!ir. W. WIZ.
. _
i*NNand aftet' Monday. Nlny 7, .1855, the.
Mail Passenger Train willieay . e,Set:Ant on
st 10.20 A. M. .
Due at Great Bend at 1. 20. r. 141
Connecting with the Dunkirk ENpresi Train
WtSY. and the. ew . York Expre, E . :vit. on the-
N.. Y. &E.R. R . Passi•noers takin! , this train
will arrive in Dunkirk at 11.15 p. w. and in Neiv
York ni 11.15 p. m.
Return. will leave Great Bend at 4 p. m
at Scranton - G.45 F. FI
'Tne•Freight - Aecommodition Train: wi;h rips.
enzer car att:leheci, will depart from S.•ranten ::1
1.00, P. nt., crnnt•cting With tile Ma Train - bound
West., and the Nig.ltt Express. Trains both
East and - West: - -,•.• •
PaAsengers inking this. Train an th e Nl:4a
Exciress Eapit, will arrive in New YOrk at 10'' _By taliiror the Night Fxprewg' Wr.t.• will
arrive in liankirk ate 13 M., or by MOH!' the
Mail Min Wee., *EI arrive in Diankirk at G. 45:
Retnrninz, will depart frot - n. Great Bent at
7.00 A t. anfinrrive nt Seranton, 12.10. A. M.
" Stage% will im Itie rrit:ll.if
senzer Traia%,at Serpittin, In e.invey ros-on;if.r.
to Carlpinrlale..
nil itl ,4 rt”nditl.f Dtsti , n, and :1111101er
internmlinte . • •
Siipl °flier. Serntitiin,
Mw 7. 1855 .c .35tf _
iIITP" ..
IS hereby given: 0r... application W ill b e , fri d e
nt the next ! 4es.ion of lilt•
the 4,1* n• link; to 11. calt.a the r4r721-
e-rs :.IPclianirs' Bank. 'Located:it Su-sochaan
Depot. Sosqueit ;non Cotinte.
pose and' object or the Batik is for discounting
and. depf.sit. ‘Vith a capital of 850.000 00,
with the priyileze of increising to $lOO,OOO 00.
Susquehanna Depot, Penn'a.
. . .July 9th. 1855.
HO g
SIER.Y—en; 13,iv14. _ ladies and Chit.
dr e n' s HI M . and Collars., :.t N. & P.
French Flower*, Puri , ' Feathers,
StrncrWinery Goods.
WRare now offerinz a large Rock, of_Freneh,
Piowem, Paris Feathers, and . Millinery
Articles, of the mcist .unigne stylm and latest
impOrtution„ to Cash purchawra at a* great re ,
ductinn from time prices, and as we have made
arrangements to receive, thereoming :season, 1*
almo - st every steamer,the newest styles of goods.
in our line, we 'would take 4reezz3ion to solkit
cash purchasers,:to examine our • stok, at 'Nos.
64 *66 John•at., Conier of William. N. Y.
31tf • HOMER, &.KETCHUM.
ONDON Twist Donbl.• Batirel Guns, Single
.11..4 do., and extra Fine Rifles, f'r sale by
May I-
AsEi paid fur.Duiry Batter : .
Jape 1,
.Lver Watches.
• •,
rriNE recojved - tiv mtOrun
I_ ship Dal:ie hiseeleikr-tell
En2li,.!l' Patent nn,l 1 4tti• W4l/01"m
-inaliir,.+ foiirtee9 ‘l7ll:•,!ent vnri..tieit, in Plain r•.d
ea‘ es , fn nhleli he waalit eall the at ten.
ocishi . ng , •iaa.a• pert< et
sitne qvA s.
• • • 2. o.hi Fplltiws'
r 77: 185:i :
F. S
-Ind D.;
A. LATHROP 45:: Co.
The:lol'o'WwN~ thin N~ thin 'tzpose.•.-
ANY person patronising -me, at the front
upper rooropf the StOre lately occupied by,
v: C. Tyler, can .be accoMmodated according to
to the Latest Fashions, in the beet and most ap.
proved manner. . . -
My work is warrated to 6 if properly Made.
Cutting,rnendiag and in fac,t every branch of
Tailoring dono on the skorttst notice, and that
to the satisfaction of those concerned.
141 f. r • J. SavrrEß.
A GOOD quality fur drinses, nt 131-eta. pert
11 yard. U. B. ar., co.
fa, 1. 1244. • - F
- Wool! Wool Wool!!! - . •. '
A POUNDS Wanted at
I. 0/00‘) ers! Exchati,ge for which the;
highest market "p*lf will he rid in Cash by .
June 12, CO ..
1 A. LATIIROP & . -
1855. 4;
. . .
: Simerior Int jut receivd& and now offering Aat the lowest c sls pticei fur approved cred
it or Ready pay, byl I - -•- -I - - ,
• ' • I A. IiATIIROP & Cp.
May 1. i
' I
-•i •
I.O4IK . BERE. ! .
. voczET KNINEL-FA good assort env of the
het. kind in market. Also Table .Ifniies and
Forks: 1 . ; • • ; ;
Sroois.—Srt.TEn. Silver Plated,Gerninp Silver
Albrata rind Britanie.ware Spoons.. ALM all.
kinds . of Btittt knives. . . - ~_i
. VIOLIN Stnikus,• Bows, and all the fixtures,
Violins. Aecordt ins, Flutes, Tunitur Forlis. &c.
FLUID LINIP.I., ' luid,,Camplienc,Candltfs, Lamp
Oil; &c. 1 . . . •
FAvittx Gn RIES.—A full assortimint, new
and good. . •
• ; ;
assortment !Ind genuine. 1
PAINTS ND O.s:—A general asssortr i den t. ant:
of _ I quality..
1 i
Jr.wmttr..— A 'splendid variety, of the neatest
-1 t.
~ .
FANCY- Goons-Nearly everything, in this
branch. • i. - - - . . ' •
' Pe.nrgatnnv.--/ choice variety.
(New supplies ri•ceive I
d nearly every l eek.)
In- short, pearly everything persons want, and
I -
ch4..;loat the variety store of
Montrose, June 1441855. 1
----- -
• .
Lanesborii Furnishin Establish
thent. •
feHE sithsariher keeps con:; : tantly on •hand
And will - make to order. limrs. • Blinds;
Windows and ll indivw.tiasit. DMir and_ Window..
frames, and al/ otter; articles' tiMile of wood and.
used in imildimy. Blinds paoito And hung on
short make. !Glass k.f and
quantities nu sal .. Flouring ptaimeil and maid).
ed at from SW, to $2O pt;r .- 1,000 feet. Twning.
-done to order. ‘Also a I:eller:11 a•::rortmentdf
DarenuA, T:11)leq and Stands, of all varieli(”l.
Cha!rs, Bodste:idK, Se tees, &e.,
ready made or made to order on the .slOnlest no_
Good Pine, ritt‘rry n Wlite‘ . vond larnber, and
“rain of all kinds, taken. for the
, 1 . E inlS—Ttentiv pay . or three months time
wiih :.pprovoi
?lit ortier"sidreaseti to the will receiq prompt
;jsneo)nri, Junn 18. 1855.
Groat Exhibition in Springville.
ur al:niesl every S;Oe atulip/..!'• v. such as will lie
.! . c•io .p;, a 7 ,. and Lcc"iunite.d.i.t . • :01 elast , es or
popl..—C,4un, tltc e!lihl in ilo...craite 11 the old
and t - L_c‘i.;* 7 :l. Tju.•e f1t.. , 4 . 1.4 :I ....! I.),•jutit on the
a);,st fav,; ! ralile terms, a :10
. .v. ill lie !sid_ci accor,ljng 7
. Plens , :..,l2lye , vs a call IILII we w'l! tcv to sup
ply all your mints in :Ih . line of GOODS ever
k•-pt in a eoriqlry . .utore. ;Vull nve,l ' tintl .2O to
New Yerit for ar , v ti:inz jua - want, beet se we
:lael . :•.:liern fic•.-lt!‘ . lr-n1 th
•• • • i;(:0
I i
rpIIFI sill.soill)'(;r i is npv .reet•itingla well se
.,• I. h•t-t pd as•o'rt r tn,nt of Dry G,,,i,l,,, ; Gra c e r t es ,
Fisk!lardtvare.',Cr.lekery'Readi . ..ltadeClothin2,
fiat.:,,Bonr w i s , (a .c,nloniiil assorNeitt„) Nailg,;
aints, Oils.Dvi.-StotTs,l l ankeviN4tions, in f;:et.
almost i•verythiaz' , milky callid for at a ennn.
ITV ti7o - r hi
,-. r , iuding Flo Me
ut. Salt innll al. all '4,,f
which he is 'des - iron -of sellinzt fortpa,h, or toy
kind of FarnvY's .I.lerehtwahlri, Pi-odnre. or rin
aood approi•ed :S'h, rt Credit. liliii friends ari•
most respeciThile in'tited to Ltivy hltn a call and
Itewill s.tti-ry 14111 that tile•gxeliln , re is ,he
pla,".e for Iltriners 11!) trade.- The .11i!zhest, prime
paid, in Cash fur Biller. :
i , - • I , J. I';...MERRIMAN. •
~ iTir.:.??vilirs, !kinv 15- JSSS. - . -
.3i4ttri - ole, Pa.,
• ilOtt L TIM rorrLAR ' •
1 ) 2 . 7,212;1 1
-1 -1
CptiPifintitents Csnntantllhßrecire4.
riA4.2 . ...
I..)..•ft+r)re . n!' l i 1 ,..!.. f,1 ! • "nit'de and .a.sert Ktkives
made to. match r forks, for sa .. by
. • I -:A.j. Ev Ass..
.• Biwzimmttm. 17. .
Bur:AsTriNK.___A latze assortment or G.M.i
- Gather., mil 1% loglic.. Brcaittpinu. jii , ..,t receiv
ed from the Mariattory. . •A. J. EVANS.
Binghamton:4ol 1 )7. ~
, laritY G:0013g.
- W. N., WILSON; A: CO.-'1
• •
ETURN itheir tturmest acknowledgements
11 t tfusloine - rs inSasytie.hinnu County
lust. and inviic attention to their stuck
• low Spring Goods, •
joct.opened: which flier propose to replenish
weekly {icon AUCTION, and the elle:peat cash
!louses in the'City. _ *
The. stbeic
. embrnees. every variety of - Staple
nd Fancy Dry Goods., Yankee Notion, Trunks.
- Trdvelin!: - All of which they will sell
extremely CHEAP for eASII: • :
Pkilare vend flher , wholesale buyers will find
it greatly to their advanpge to give them al, call.
The r•ndjes will find an excellent assortinent
4)f Dress Gticids,..F.tnbroideries,Thniad Lact:ti and
Trimaninfrof all kinds; from AUCTION at very
loserates. t• • • •
. „
W. N. WILSON, iSt.
Corner:of Court and .Water Sts. j
. Binghamton. N. Y.. April 5.18,45. I
T H. DE PEU would cOl the 'attention of
• the public to ;large stork of Three
Ingrain, Vette', Tori:etfy, and nrusseti Carpet-
Imre which he has just finrchased at Aucttos—
and offers at lower pr i iees than ever offered be.
fore in the country. and 'a forge , variety, fiping
his spations . Carpet Rime' necupying.the second
floor of his -;Crneker`y; and - House Furnishing
store. Como - and be Convicted that there la no
necctisity for bare toot& •
_ DE
tualittalstoilsethp Sept, lobo.
PEU. -
Nin.,gamtein ~b. l !_iFti. s tmitts. . .i
Great Reduction iu Prices at the
RC. BACON hns the pleasure of armoune.
. ing to his Customers that he has just re.
tarried from the Eastern Markets with one of
the largest aid most excellent assortment .of
ever opened in this market, which for beanty,
vat-it:ty and style cannot be surpassed, which hav
ing been putehased for cash at auction and else
where ta auction prices he will sell them cheaper
than they were ever before offered in this or any
- other market west of New.Yorit city. •
His rich and splendid assortment of
is al wart aeknowlehed the best and elq•apest in
town, and includes Plain, Plaid, Striped, Broesde
and Glace—the cheapest as
.well as the richest
at prices varyinz Glom 37 1.2 it's to $'23,0
per yard, t!igetiter. with a great variety of
Trne Satin 4, .&e., selling at•lkist 20 per cent
leas than the. e ,,xt of imp‘irtation. .
An immense assortment of Silk. Crape, Thibet,
Cashmere. Merinos, Bruglu and Sitinmer Shawls,
from $1 to stin. together ‘4 ith a splendid variety
Of Black and Colored
Aif the patterns: Sare,\ Silk and
Enihriddered, wiiien will be svild cheaper than ever
D.L'iina from 1,4 c'ts to 37.1 2 ifts 'per yat d :
•Plain.Plahl, Striped and Fienred. - Muslins. 1161.
Cha'lies, Bombazines, ehambnis,
hams. French, dish •:airl
trx•tit 5 e'tw to 25 e'ts per ard, and every new style
constantly•on halal at the lowest prices.
Ribhonds In. the peke or ylird will be always
in our stork for- and retailers.
The richest and largest asse.rtinent of Embroidery
eat: always ho 'WV!) at It. c:..Baeitn' , the lowest
prices. i.7itemisetts,. Cotiars, Sleeves, Skirts,
Infants' Wai.ts, t.te., of every fashitetuble style,
toiretlier with
"Er_zli-ii Thread,
alone -inae~, ,
• Honiton,
- Guipure and, -
. llrtissels.Liee4
in 'peat variety. •
. • LINNENGOODS. I of every description,. Figured, .Plaid and Plain,
of all kinds. Irish Linens; Linen 11antilterchiefS, ;•Silk . s. Bonnets:Shawls.ltabhous. Gloves, Hosiery
Table Linen and covers of all size S.. Napkins, j Ladies and Misses sbot..j.t a.f all - kinds—also a
Doylies, Linen Sheeting and - Pillow;Case Linen i large stoek of
from auction at priKes ih-low all competition.. ' REA Dl' M ADE CLOTHING,
Tin( attention ..r i.. particillarly Cloths, Cassimeres, Tueeds. ji.:IDS, • Surhmer
invited to our stock of Curtain Cafods, amon g I Cloths. Ve-aings, Hats and C;.ps. Boots and
which may be found
: . -e. • .
Mus:in Curtains, I -They respectfully . solicit an (-ark call Iron
Lace Curtains,
Brocatelles, • \ ' - 1 those eho eisli to purchase Goon Goons AT
and everything in this line of gook which can I Low Pnicr.s,
not fail to please in faluie. style or price.
Bleached and Brown Stn;eting from the 6.1 grade
up to the finest qualities. ' Tiekings, Denims.
!Striped Shirting, .Apron Cnr•eks. Gingteons and
Prints, from 5 e'ts ti 1:I. I.42,c'ts,per yard:and
all kinds of Cotton Goods Air men or boys' wear,
flair Cloth Skirts, Grass Cloth Skirts,
and Parasols,—a very rich assortment.
More Afifigite, Moss Fringes. Galoons, ;and all
descriptions of Drt'Ss told Mant lila Trimming, and
everything belonging to the Dry Goods trade
customers may be sure of finding at Bavon's, if it
can be found in New York.
. .
• • - CARPETS: CARPETS: i'• •
Since ttte recent-'frenirnd o us Fill in the price of
Carpeting. we have purchased and haeu . now on
h - and the lao
ret - (t. and 4.4 bulutifal assortment
of CARPETS ever exhibited in this region. at
prices 'fully 30 per rent less theri they could be
sold for the - last year. All those who are in want
o f Carpets are invited tii our
CAI:PET-ROO:11 : • •
;hey will . he &lig Ited with the lieant
ehe.ipnes , i-of the varioul pit...enl4,4nd :P.ttinis.hed
g 4:al
that so a nd a Fe!. ealidh , :sold Ho cheap.
Brus , ads. ,
Three Ply.
. and Ilemp
Carpcl;an from T 1 yar4i apward.,..._
Fioor an 1 "rthie Oii CIS thx. Matt , DroiggMt...
• R. C. I.3:Jeun Avutilil faff , rin th.isi; of hi• eukt..-
niers lrho r:2.l;t• n4vt. :Ikea:ly invle thernselvv . s ne
qqainted with the I.t t that he ha: r..ini ! v,•ii i'rotti
ihe sloro for:WY icy !itple,l by him hi 116.•tialli
1.3141ek. ~pposite i'24‘ll il..11.,•,14,1111. vortier 1.1" ti n
new ti!iiek. ewetited th last siitniner next tqkt of t
ht• c:inzil,:ttni lia‘ - in ,, a in iteh hireler. el ffivi•n
irrit, and p1:-a , ::vt , st ,r..? , th::n I;irinerk he k lire
r i ,
pared to hold mit ri•eri zreater irnineeni..lits to
buyer; th:in heretot" , ,re. :old siirh 84 can but lie
Aiiireehted., and adii4 tted by all tiicke uho are
4...m11,i-tent judtp•s. -
Nt4 Exch milt.. lii
Dry Goods agd Colcl f.
Eat (c ' :
71c.101.1:11 & tENN,hI - 1 . hate on hand'a
lar ,, e and terill selectial r:trrck 0f:F.114..1s
m i d . Dome-sic Divl;.,,,k 7,T11/ . C. 1111 1 .1,, (.1111,ra.
711 , 111,51 CV, ; ry - Rill' 17 , the Div Good's
ever i;rosi ! rht into thii riiiirket in viicw - ril Vicsisois
!r..4&.:-i. 141 I: rd. Are I :ire era (hiders It.
~tre-r ;hem for sir:lj days from this' d
.I"serrse per.ons to whom we tmce formerly sotil
Goods trill at once .cr: f,11.1t Oil. is a rare irmfor
tunitv :ind on e which rrlrould Ire ern:waved iris.
niediately. Itt.t• havr• net - err:lvor-m - 1 us
-with a cull we would s•iy try us on :a] you
will i.e essnvineirrl that this is the ',tare to pur
r-base Dry Gawk and C-trpt•ts.. Our stock i. al
wads irt•pktf. , With f , ' 7 1117 , n • 7171(/ herl.oll.l,le
I_Gmodm and aror ilttkrmisied t r keep as frond a ca
rimy as can be found its this sestion of the morn:
• try, and sell of prices which cannot fail to
Binghamton, Jan.
ME UGH i .
Fare Reduced !
by Da - Ligist
' SariWLEY & JENIES, •
TJAVE formed a partnership in lontrose for
JLI the imrpns,v of doing* erPrybody's
at:the fild stuad - nearKveler's 11(rtel
We have purchased an entire new stock of
IlkON, comprising a-full : assortment of all kind...",
direct from the city. Wu sha!l keep constantly on
hind . •
Western—Round and Squire . .
Ca:A t tle e ' Toe. Cork Rods, •
{ . Refined Tyre Iron—all sizes,
- i Band Iron and
. .
Spring Steel.
A large skSortment of Malable . lron.Coilthains,
Carrial.te ltsilts:&c.4-.4.-.., gire us a roll,
By striei attettlioii in business we hope to re.
c'ei v e a. liberal share of the patronage. All wdrk
warranted to 1-'4ll ttalisfai, to tboce who will
favor us: with their patrona , re.
. _
ironed on short notice and stork found, or made
Loonier throughouLtksi may host suit our patrons.
husinetstranslctions must bo st•ttled Once
a year. Short settlements and long friends is
our mot to.
N. B. A good journeyman wanted. to whom
steady employment and , bigh wages Will big ,gi yen.
A. E. ILtwt.Ey. 1 • . PEtULY JESKS.'
on tr se: M iy 31. 1855..
SILVER WARE.—A larzo lot Of silver Forks,
of all sizes : also, Table, Dessert and- Tea
Spoons, just finished and warranted se ifand as
coin,•hy . . • A. J. EVANS.
Ana: 29. • -
SE e. W hc: l 3 N p g by ll ,, lßD, strip ve A ry .
vrILL SAWS, warrvntod; at '
Irwigbagain, Mona /, IW.
0. 1855.
ime Saved!! Th ro"
uivANO & 'WATSON. No.
- 26
~ z- -....:111 south Fourth st., Phitad.
i ,L 0....-;;!. . GREAI` FIRE - . cuE.s-rNuT
• ; &FIFTH btu., Friday meriting,
---. December 15th. 165 4 . - Evans &
Watsou's Salamander... Safes tri
utuphaut, us they always are when pat to thrt4est.
. pnit.4o,utigia, Dec. 15, 15.54.
Messrs Evans & IVutson: N0.:26 SoOth Fotirth
St., Philadelphia. .
Gas - We : We take •
much pleasure in rec
ommending your Saltunandar Safes to Merchants
and others au want of *secure means of preserving
Owl r'hooks, papers, &c., from fire, as the one - w e
purchased front you about seven mood's since has
preserved our hooks, and cash ill us Rood a condi
tion. as they were when put into it. b-fore the
great fire this morning; which ii-strnyed the en
tire black of buildings corner of Chestnut and Fifth
streets: The otiose wets iu use in our office, on
the second floor of nut building, from which Matte
it fell inm the cellar and 'remaiued there until tilt
fire was out. The Safe was thew realm - fed and
opened in the preseMte of at leiint MOD Fivri‘nnt,
who witnessed the : wind' eourlition of the contents.
Will you please have the Safe I Locks repaired
RN We iiiteurl tn 110;4 in tier- nviiti. having riled
noulidtlice in its fire-prot.egionlitire.
i Yours. lb-sportfully, '
Evans and ‘Vattion take plealttire in referring to
the following. auttiog the - many tiondrede who have
their .afro in Ilse :— , .-17. S. Mint. Phil.,d;.; .r.triii,rs .
and Mee!tauten' Bank. Philittla : Sllll l lO Allen,.
Keg ;High , lieritr Philn ; John N. lAotiderPoli,
City Controller: Caleb COpe 4. Co.: No.l-0 4 3 km.
kr. t.St-; Richard Norris and Son. Locoin' five buil.
dera, Philida ; Bancroft and Selk-re, Achinkte,
co6er 1 fith nod Janie* - Ste: Fronkl;n Ire lost/-
rat ce Co., Poila ; Peurtlt Railroiid Co:. Plidadu.:
El .ev % l'ltilliit. co. tier fit h,t.iiii ;Viet, . Street s :
Ni, itpk.. Ilto . N'..).•:13 tomtit i.ld St ::Ja. res. Kent
aft I... , :ovitre. No 14; Nr.irth Third Sire,-! ; VV• 11.
/I. it , intill nis ,l 5 . 0 1 ,<, NN't. 51 N,frfll :If! ;44.; Srtrif!i.
IV lltzfitis :1: C.*, No. :.....7 Market .•...:t.; ./. Al, li, Orite,
:V, I :...:1 l'it,t , t Wit St. .
4 Laze assortment 'of the atrie,.:-:at•is aluays nu
ha id cwittrindi , d to stand In Pi•r emit. mor, • fir ,
thi;n any Iliirnmfs Safe now id.tise.) EV N.
Xr•;()N. ahe - i tovinlriettire and keep for s ale.
Iron Sh liners. Iran Mr) Mid Iron 0,11 for in it
ioz tire. p ri .eif Vaults em ifiankrY, spores. pithhe and
lirivote boiulni t t. Seal :mil Cej;yin Pft:sB
es ; rat-iit ?l it , Lined R,lrizor atom. Plimse
•ztve os at No. 26 . outh , Foiirth, fit., E r hilu•
f!..i ph to —l:iy I
AN retun tkeir .-atefol
1‘1 (3 a4 3 :l l i i n i c‘, l vetloinehts to the fotl , ; , st fa
vors. an.l :att.tition to the lery lar;ze stock
of Spring an 4 Satottwr Goods this are now re
ceiving. atal otrer for NAIV 5t rtry, ion' prices. la
addition to their usual assortmetlt of st tp;e Dry
Goods.. Groceries. Ibrthvare, Cro v i s erv,
and 0".1. Sie., they arc prepared tit exhibit a large
asortrovh; '4.r
:4lay '2. 1854. ;
D.oet. R. Thayer
rrAKES this coel hod of saying friobls
IL • :1: 1 d vll-I•ltiler-c that In,. again re-aunt.ll
i t. p Ali•divins• at 'Nig , --
triv,e. LI i,‘• in.l%: 14. at atl titers
I tyr•l.';t% lu 010. W
OW' IP , i i ris .4youti:s I hi• tiet!urt 2.5
p,r ei.rt 11 , 1. 14'4 . 01
A ! .il \:, or if any poor I will
ileiitirt lin v.
NI on: Fell. '2O, s—!"
E \VELlty_3l,r e w Lex
ne fry iti-t
ft diryvt f,uin tIP lIVIIIIIriethrtIS, :tn.!
vf 1.1 t,• a•-•-“riti.l•N3 of
:Uni 1c,t4.4. Fob tud Vi-st
I',•ir4, etc!. .1 tS.,nc~ticivhitig t.y1,1l r'
clt.:se Je . we:ry enl%
Niontrosti. April 12, 1855.
. 'Remo:val.
C. D. Viroil, DilICP:r. !;?v r , fl.rated :0 71 ril(IM
QVCr F. It. Chautt!el - m . s;o:(.. rt. it w;11 .
prvasure to ~•t.
• C. n. VI
M• tv 2. 1 5: 55 .
A GEN:FA:AL 4.lrLment nil Fano-,
1 1 1 Dry e,..r'es. I Irirtiw .11 . • IICAP.
ij ~,, .S.lrri , *. POP , r. DI (Fr,. 1)C1.
r•itos Ad oil.. &v.., will 1).....m141 ebeap
as t he eill•;lptS approvv.l-er...i.t I.v
11.111.:1 - 1 J•lne - 1. 1855.
.1) LACK Gratit..-Itfeinelk ex.-4.1..t0
I *al 11:31. JONES.
june I. 1855. "
1,) ROCI I :tin! ra,htnert• ` ha
I f , tv • Matit 11. M. JONES.
June I. 185.5.
Cluthing, at box prirru. by
It. 11. JONES
- t hine 1.1835. •
A1;1 •'l' ti ;d a V lilt: V of 13'.9,•ts
nd 110, 1 1,n1Int .'
Irtin.; tit ' II. M. JONES'..
Jline I: >355.
1 11311011.)Elt IES and VVitp!ow I)r:T. , lry
iJ., - 11. )1. J Es".
June L, J 8,5
zu:0; tmeht of Boots ond Shoo. 7it
Jim , . 1. )855
11X1 lhs. of Oi,od 311n-I:vrel f"t• 'no ,i 4,1
,A=l., Jr in 1.:1-1, by - , 11. M. JONES.
June 1, 13..53. •
71E bl'94 . (llfality or sajk at 5 ers put. puini,
fur ,::le by 11.. M. JONES.
June I, 1855. . -
JusT tweiving a freA supply (.1* fi i IV.llton
Kat :it • 11 . N. JONES'.
June 1,1855. . • •
Caution—Lottery Frauds.
(Alice of the Mrßrylurl eon,tolhjated Lotter-h..,
• . laLr) lam!, JUnc2O,lB.:Z. •
ITE . Conunissi,dier of • the Maryland State
Lotteries h deoped it his - duty to caution
the public.oglinsti he tuitner.Ols swindlers , who
circulate by wail and wher4ist., fraudulent Lot
tery. clu'ques, and pretend to he agents for the
sale of tickets in Lotteries which are Wholly fic
;The only le: , al Lolter:cs'in Maryland are those
&awn daily . finder pe.4' .luperititendenee of the
.Ciontoh.sioner etreted by the people of the-Sia:e
. under the new Constitution to examine and :IP
prove 11144 x 0 4 .14144.44 and attend in the dravking . .4.
All the tiek..(.4 in thirnie Lotteries and all eor
tificatel, of 0.1c1 , 61.744‘, of ticket., hare the litho
goplied .d.tinat tiro F. X. 13P.ESAN, Conl ; r:1 1 A gent
for the colitra“or.' Orfiee or the Mary:land Con-
Lott4 2 ,rieg. Baltimore, Md. - All others
are' frandnlent. j For full informltion on the hob
ject of these frauds, address P. X. INF:NAN,
33y1 - Baltimore, Nfarvland. -
One Price'Cash Store.
THOMAS RAFFERTY. N0:67 Citatliant-td-,
Kew. York, Opposite Chnrelher,4•kt bite of
the well known houge•of Rafferty & Letajt, is
deftiroul - of elilin attention to hisst.Oek for thS*
fall traae. Conthinintr eleaanee with tintabilitr. -
lib traTs innintftin the
,repistation,, which for the
livat ten rears he 1 eirnell'l)), his assidunnii
tentidn In — the vranti. of hh etednmerti, and by the
Get, Wife!' is welt under%tood, .for,
cash only, every
_eustomer getfethe worth of his
money. ' Tl-OS, RAFFER,TY,
in mi. 67 Ckalf N. ir
" Man, Know Thyself."
ts hisainabit Book for 24 unit—::Eiirry fiensgy shoski
100 ,000 - cortss or t
• • •
•••!• , ItIf•ASTIIAN A 1e134.11, A new
On r•S' • nu thio revised and improved,
' 4 ,11,1•Z• '!; Jost twined.
• .•
a, Dr. Hunter's Medical %faunal.
A4S2 , e - •and hand nook for theadlicted—
.44lt.ft 7 Zl . • Contaluitigan outline oithe.ori.
• •-•=e 4 ww4' s • giu.progress,treat mew &odours
• • 1 / 4 • - \-` .of every fta of dise•sse con
://., ti • t
• •
• tracted by e routitcuous sexual self abuse or by aernal exeees, with advice
for their prgrentlnn ; writ ten In a fitniliar.ty•e: avolditirr
all medical technicadties.tind everythingdhatwpald offend
the ear Of dereney; with an outline of complain tsincident
to females. from the restilt &Mile e'en ty years* success
ful practice exclusively devoted to thlreure of diseasesot
delicate rt. private nature.
• To which to added receipts for the Ore orate above dis
eases, and a treatise on the canses,symptorns and cursor,
the Fever and Artie-
Tieqintanyofilie ProfeesotorrPottetrietin Penn College - ,—' DR. ItUNTER'S Mtant! AL NI
*—The author... this work . unlik ethg majority of those'
who advertifeto cure the di eenses of which it t rents I a a
graduate of one of tee best. Colleges in the ilnitedzitates.
It afford' , me pleasure to recommend; hi co to the anfort
mite. or to the rirtim ofmWlpruetic••Jaf suceteod . nt and
rap-Tient:tt prarti whose honor and integrity
they may place the greatest eon tidettre•
.1.11 S. up:a.zitoßE. D.
From Trotettra 11 D ,of Per(n .neirerilty
rielrbn —lt glee. tar pleasure tr add Qty testim-ny to the
profes.ionel mid at the A tithor at lire". Genie-AL 31Aa
t•At. " Numerous ra-es or tiblen.r t ithe G mil al trga,,s,
actor ol them et lons etandi nu. hwye f.eme. under my nO arbirh hi. 'kill lola been mattifrat it, ree . tortag to
perfer health, in 41/111e rare. where the patient ho. been
rnn o.lrred beyond medic-al aid. In the treatment of Son..
inal wealsnt•. di - ar ra n ge ni en t (it the functions pro
tinted by a• it oh ,f4e nr Eteess nf eenety. I do not .110‘ . ..
his .I,llPrfer in the prof. s-ion. I lvite kern acquaint...l
with the 1 uthor 'tattle thirty years. and drettilt no more
that, jtt st ire to him a. W,ll A. kill Ine4t , to . earth, ' t un.tte
Air'int of carly,indleeretion. to recommend him as •otte in
peofe,,itional shill •aod intritrit,.‘ they may: rarely
- ronade ny•elito , . ALFRED tVoODWAIIII.M..D.
I. This , .. without exeention..the most coinpretien•dee•
not Intelligible work lonioishrd nn the class of disease of
which It treats. AT.kli ;wall technical terms etildress
ciitpelf to ille re ton nitta reader? it Iree ?dent all
at .t,eminanlo I r matter. nrl.l nn po relit Ii aeri*er
ran eil..jrrt to trisei IV it in their ,n.l. , L"'
h....devoted nt/V year. Itth,.trcntuncut of the rati
on- ,matrlatotlrearel 'T. and. with Ina iit tle hre , Ith to,
puff • , n•I t... .I••••otnio . ..ion t • 1.11 on•e! .I.l: , ', , ufferel
t. the aeoeld. It- 1,101,:y nominn , price of • emit .• the
fruit of come twenty 3 ears • we-t eut•ceesf u 1 Pr.t , th.
• - •
‘• Nit Jesa rhar 6rnarent Ahrinl,llle witlmut t n
It w.ull A3ve yen:, a
14:13ti.m.rfir , rnf and to Ihe youth under tiwie
the •*—Prop;r',
A Prt...1 , , , tett. n ch • r/t y ninh in Ohio. writing of " II
//n.•• arnill `' tyi/ :—•‘ • rhon:an.l. upon thouf/ •
31/.1 3 • ' our youth. hr or; •ix . trupi 311-1 i niliwuro of the
pn.•ion • •.. 1.0• e hren te 1 into th... 1 / 3 1)it ot 4-• if poilu Jon.
uith/oo r - 31:/in - ..1 • -in 3n.1 r•••311/11 upon
tt, tn` ' 'lv•o- 41 / .1 no •- torgv. ni.•• • ••ll3rtir lir k'< of rho:) ,
- 3i-inv run iliA% havt fie../1 onfe , hg . i• if not
h en .1.40.3 n Itin - p To not %now ti1t...311F , or cure.
Any/Lir ", th. • run hr nwl i ntlu , nee
the puhli , ntind r 3 Owlioei..3n I •11•itg-ly to remove/ hi 3
3i.tir.33 of lognnn wreh •- hr.lne . /...tie onl/I,3nr , r
h'..3 4 ,ivilt no n 1 •.) tir o r of .! Ohri‘t,
nll.l l lO Prir•• .it •• •1 : •1 • .1 • •/`•••ItI , O. I ot•••n:wr /r. , e• , :or
ihow./h it lin:
nod,/ t . . 1. 4 -11 nom: 41,1.'14, i. not 4,• ourt:r trt Abe 1 0 1-
tr. h . r.i ••4•••;• 1, 4 1, •1 f the nfilirt. • .l.
a nd
rot ye Inv. vont e.werker In tlor gv/ol wuri. you. ono.
n ...tit:a:1 , 134. " •
nnr.ll will 1 11/ forwatol fretoit
po/0 . np... to Sqv part oTt Vnit•ol Stu/ fir ''
_>S . or
six c.f.i.... for • 31- Vhire • .. (Not toti/f) COSDEN & co.,
rooi IS,: 141 Mns% 1.1p41,1.
11. , 0,1•Cert, Vinvrt‘srrtv [lntik .kgenti“:iptilled
on 111 , mn%t liberal trrms. '241
New Line of Mail Stages
Ad. we
AsTAGE will leave Kirkwood. paf•Fing throLll.l Cor
bet Liherty.:. - e..every morulnrafterthearri
v,-V, f t %lail.rr Ain* o earli,sot It Bast and Wl....,t,reach
-o,47Atont rose at 1 M.
•TwateMontlos•dnil3.:Sunday: , excri,ted' nt 2 .P
teachit._ time to take the Uaiilrains
1:a•t and West...lns the nearrst :tn.l most
fe•11 , 1 , rout , tor...tolvt hi,. 'cow York and Erie ,t•tOroa.l.•
, it.:4ect,.l•o...aeekt;llll4 tot Dinpul.:sprinz.
!iiu....'•in,h3:l lock. Wyoming. •.nd -Vilke.tbarro which
lu r aser lotarco•at7AM ,•very Ntowlay- W,lneida:t and
Frilar %J."... ine'n 4c./.;
Tenorrcui.t .-oni:ort able , larr lacer. Vre . t. int iard Mral the.
er•Trietotrwiii+pari.,lloVoill!to:ieCOMniv.lrt Pub
lic. K IlATC11:
50p.12..1351. &WEST.
EF.I.ER STODDARD sinee'll)i• tote t;rl...
in tiie r;,..snm - F.NT-or SEAl:Lifs.
lOTEL. N..tNitlistareli...l7, the unpreceilentisl
itli otti stoek of 1300 t.,„
went „fr - on the inornin , r or tiletire, we still
ha( sumo lit ir.171 , t. amt qT•111 b.. ..ttipp!kxl
Moult rose, Niiiveinliet. 13. 1854.
• Broche Shawls
ri!lF:APElt th,n ever before .f:noarn, Bea,rti=
triqerre-;._ and fine finality of 84 Bretht.;
Sha , vig. Liipen's Inanttfizeture, at $7.
Ort. 11'• U. B. & Co.
T ONG Arni tignare. Wool, Brnehn. and
I 1 very handsome ,t) ics, and at extreinelv low•
Ovt• I I
Heimbold's Genuine Preparations:
ifighly• Cimrtiitrated Compound
.. .-.
Fhti,l Ertrort Bur' lot,,
For Di41..1F1. 0 , the 111:1. I ler atol 1i. 7 ,111.1,.i ,, eeret trselse it'.
-t rletme , . Weatole!.ae , . am! al: 1 , 1 , .ea.1es of the Sexual
0t g . ins, . .1
IT 7:c in :1171r en' Female,
nnn, tno",r tli••• may hare oriLTialitted and .no
mat h.r oh hoar 1;%tio: - t•rtrt I.lh -
If ycn 11:,,, rout rootetl the terrible disenne which. when
,ore %eat,: in tho .vst.dn nil; nutely nn ,horn from fm«
zelirT:ttrooi to ;trio:ll , r. It ndertn*,nint: the con i•tit ntion and
.91,T.'n.,t the sery Tital !WI: , of life. do not trurt yourselt
in the hand , of 1;1111,44f WI.O stnrt up every day in a etty
tit.e this, and fill, the paper , with clarin2 f4:l , rhond.. too
well e.ilen;;,ted to 41.1 . ei% e the %,oung and there net ar,
qiud.ted with their triel,.. Von' cannot' he too enret of ili
the •rlerti.,te of it remedy in thesj, carts •
Th... Fl Ilia F:Ctrtrl flUe'l l l kis tiecn prlnouneed by emi
nent l'hY`ki. , " t!'e .Treateg rim,{l.l rect . I.),men. It is a
to erieinc nerOcd lv plcn.ant Io it tn:t -.014 Very innocent
in it= n , riot,. no.] vet .n th ,, relti2l th.nt It ontiii:;l,,t. , every
ncrticle n• Vie etok nod nni•Onot . virtp , of 'thin dren+ n 1
di-n•,-c: and no:itze nth ,, s reale( ies. It does not dry up
t 10, akea,C. in tilv•Shl•In•l•
I.ninglit nn ty burr. 1.71.1•1 ernb:e diFcaFe, rhieh , l4 of the horonn rn^e to 11,ti . 1110y
rgtn<, rhos "..1<i511:: 010 !.rillilnt hey., of ontent
b:ivitt;ott in the hu • the gboinua'n:. bitlon of runny
vuot 1.. ran 1.. cute ll.c tlt i nfra.;.'.;e re rod y. And n.i .
n re. h:dne uddeb most .ei frein the
ply rehear to the ronfiro,l nn.l glo.rairlyrz rtn
eqU , ll9 lo be route!. attioT both an n cure nod preventive
Trolmbold'q Concontryted
ern:T4 7 l77 , r Fluid Ertrart Sargaporilla,
For purify:nr; the remorimz nH , 11,once4 nrcinC
from .[recs. s or Torcury.clon , ure and lmnrivlonrc in
111r:ehronle ronrtittylonol Worm, own nn inl•
purr. .ta to or ff., , n , f the only rolilhlr awl
ferwega..4;onnu rrnu,lv - far tho of Serofula. Salt
PbMiin.S - eald lerrot o 1 the- hroat
rain , Sarell , nza of Ilto •Tet , isr. l'impir l l on,
the fire. and ail -rely Eruptlon• o f rho Skin.
TIII , 'llrfig•I( 1 . -Pinw pre , :pribpel by §oirw .
the moct •fistioTulolic.ll . llv , irinn, it the country.
pr.,ml ell nt-Aerirt•r h,n any : preparation v.,'
S,T , lp , trillyt :vet 0ff0r...1 to the mil, ir.. SMyerol of
•tz., 0 1,1114. Strrrorial . nrol Sernftilou. 11;.•;1•4*.
Meirrly ihr incurable wa,l. of rotc
furtit utinno whleh had ,for m,nr yelcA !re4rtell 'every
mmle of t•ra , ment that coU.4 helryirra, Tho. o c,gpm fur.
014) • t rikitur.ratimplre oflhe rlTcrta of thi, medl.
nine In arrroinz rsme ni
the,n.t inretrret
ter the Blends were deV.royeLl an! the bnnee already cif
Vri IT7P, from regi.onelhio Theeicrant Pro
feik•,re of ileAal Ifedicar and cortiiicat eq. of
cuie+ from atien t will be romp! accompanying both Prep.
I.I:ICFS. Fatraet of llnehtt., per bottle - or (1
Rattle. for $C.z , Arciogrill , l..Arra” oinal 1.1 •trenalh
to OW' t n •=v r up rf Sarotpnrilla. -
Trepare.l rind erfadh ,- 11. T 1111.MTVIT.D. Chemist.. _T.:I
Che.tont at.. near the Girt .1 tronqe.,
To he had of. Irel.T rrell., )Itavt row, Pa.. and af Drug
.gis,e and dealer", evervNehere.
All I...ttera .1i..(4,41 to the Proprietor or Aro.nt rrh.elte
initn , Ihte attctit . 23y1
CSAMERF,S and ve:oingw, n large
meat rt:zi at nriees lower than we have ever
been mible to offer them heretofore.' .
Oet,ill. TL & CO.
Arthur's Patent S alit* Cans,
Far presot ring FrOsi Tonrthes, 4.r. by
. .
Senling.' .
r Catn s which are sealed by the house_
IL ketipers without the aid or a , tinner, and
opened easily without injury to the C7m, are rap.
411 . v cumin,! into 2.lmeral use. . Full dirt etier4
for putting up fruit hee-impaning the Cori 4: and.
the . work is foi . performed, thrit •by their
use, ipiery f rmily in•iv h iye Preis!) Fruit and
platoon on their tables' all winter, at mummer
• PRICES.—Pint Cami, $2.00 ;. Quart. $2.50
f41:1111)n, $3.50; Three Qtirts, $4,25; Gallons,
.0,00 d:pzen. The ditlfcruiL: sizes nest, in
iiirdtr, to mecum - economy in . trimmportation.-- .
Ciitifitty,Storekerlierm will find this riow nrtielit
-01411060 - Idy mite. Niunittlictund and 'otd by -
60 SouthVENTII Eft.
"IT 18, 18/4-40m8,
Australia, CaMOOR, , .
Or any place on Ike Globexanioit resent Ereater
inducentents thaw
UICN ie now tilled iwith a new lend eaten.
sive assortment of articles in their line, .
embracing Ogeneral variety of new Sand elegant
styles of Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, among
whiCh are Ladies French, Silk Lasting and Pre-
Mlle Gaiters. Kid and Enameled Polkas. Kid Pat
ent leather and brained Jenny Linda, Buskins
and Ties; gentlemen's French and Philadelphia
oak-tnnned calf skin and kip Boots, Congress and
button Gaiters. Monterey and ‘Vashington Boots.
toilet. Slips, Morocco. calf. and Cowhide Bro
cans. &c. Boys kip, calf and cowhide Boots and
Brogans; all kindenf ;Rialtos and Children's wear.
Also:a general atiortment of Findings, which eon . -
sist in part of lasts, pegs, sparables. HMl:Arian
nails.tucks. thread, wax; Bristles, shoe binding,
awls rasps, sandstones, shoe- knives, &C. Also,
oak and 'iemtock tanned knit ripper end soleleath
er,'Mnrocco skins and linings.
Work made to order and repa4ingnently
' Montrose, Jnne 1.185:3._
Stories Stoves: Stoves: •
T"E vo).:criber.ww. to call the attemtion)
. his friends rtnd the Pciblie to his very large.
assort ment'of
at his new Store Room in LOdersville, next to
L. S. LenheicresStore, and near the Groat Bend
Depot. He liasi in addition to his former large
variety, of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, maey , new-
Patterns; went. }0 which are--;
81 Mrhottat, I ReackEranch, l - Fire Fly, •
Mcvlern Troy, ! No?,fork, Medallion,
‘lllack Warrior, • orient, . Oak,
• store,
Which together with his former stock wilt be
perhap.: th e most extensive and v:iried assortment
of welr seleeted. Stoves in the County.
Clinton Stoves well fornished at low prises.
" . 41", All artieles in his line 15e . pt on hand. and
oir 4 e to order as natal, , and orders received at his
old stand in Great Bend. -
Lodersville & Great-l3end Nov.,
Buffalo Robes,
A LARGE lot of handsome , Robes, a part of
11 . them whole, Indian dressed, and very supe
rior color.E4 :Ind quality. Lt. B.
0 , t._11, 1854.
11. &. D. S R
AYF. having, been appointed
CI. :otents fir an extensive Sasi, - : Blind and
Door Manufactory are prepared to furnish any
nrticks in this line at less rates - than they have
innally Li en-sold._ . .
'Xt.., 14. - .- . •
cIII/VBING CH.F.',A)f-,:-an article which every
1 , . -- ) should try, for sae by . :
. Dec.'4.
.Ready-Made Clothing, •
A VERY desiraldo stock :kt very -Few prices
• S. 11. & P. SAYRE.
3ltintrose, Dec, 14, 1 . 854. -
Or,.EVery Oli," him own Phyvician.
' 1 TIETII F:clition;
1 . - -... r r i EI
I :• E i F in , * One ti n ad red
.' t' l r zi, .u E n n tlA ra l \ elf ' s( ' Z r s rn . : l t ' i ° o t ti v l t Tf U theisaliKaes
. A.t.; .. 4 \
.than system in every shape
rli ko,„
1 : ‘l4 , , ft ( 1 : t ad form. • • I o which _is ad
7iii • ' - $ tied a Treatise on the' Dis,
, • sl
•- ' • ' .
/4 „r t; , :i eases
. rif Females, being of 111 . "4 / the highest importance to
_/,-Y/ marr'ed people. ortimse cots- -
ifre e t / I je'tripla Ong marriage. By
• Let no f;cher b.e ashamed to present a ropy of,
the ..lesculapins to hiit ehild. It may 'save hint
from an early crave. Let no young man or wo
man eater into the . seeret obligationsof marriedlife
without rending the Porlet esculziplus.: • Let no
nue . suff-.ring fro n t a hacknied cough. Pitinin the
restless Ili:tilts. nervous feelincscand the
whole tram of Dy.ipelitie eettcations.and given up.
by th..jr physician,l,eanothermoment Wi thtm teon
suiting the A EACUI. APi US. flavetheMarrted';
or those trlront to he married any impetliMent,read
title truly Useful book, as it h a s been the !II e ns of
t house nesof unfort unatecreuturrifrom the
very 1A WF of de alit
Any person sentlinz twenty fire cents en
closed in a letter, will .receive one copy of" this
work by mail, or fire - copies trill be seut.for Oue
'Dollar. Address (post paid.)
D . I* OUNO,
N 6 . 15'2 Spruce St. Philadelphia.
A pri:Sth.l9l-7.14y1.
U. ft. &
Great ..,Va:twat I?eincqy for • Ii diyestion
•I — ‘R. J. S. flouGuTos's .Ptlisin; the true Di-
iltc fir,t. ntoong alt 11ie various remedies
for these painful :tad do:tractive complaintS. It
is Nature's own. slieeitic fir an - nohealilly stom
-No art•of twin can equal its curaiii - e pow.
'krs: and no sufferer from Indi!lestion and Pys
petN;a should tail t 4) lry it.
Sold hy AberTurl'ell,Nontrose Sy". .
Wiigpn Making, Blacksmithinn b .
ant - ..71.1rnag0, •
rroir, suiNeriber havittl Himself
a rev: rody; south of Dimnek four Corners,
is pr, , nired all kind; 111 work in the above
hronelies of btrAines.; on short, notice and the
thost..-ma , 4onlble term 4. He flatters.; himself that
with thy help now in hi, imploy, he will be able
to .sire vnt;restitkraytion to all who - may favor
him with' their custom.
Dirnoek, Nov. 23, 1854.-4Stf. 7
:-"W" N. 8. Most kinds or liiinber and all kinds
or r•.mritrV produce taken in pnymeni:
Impor:ant Announcement.
/ . 41 persons atilicted w tit sexual each as
Seminal Weietness: fin7 , ;ltenee..llonnorhlea, (fleet,
&c. The !Inward Association - of Philadel
phia to view of the awful de4truction of human life and .
health. caused by in coil diseases, and the deception•
which are practiced upon the unfort rum te victims of such
nines., shy Quacks. have directed their consuiting surgeon
as a Charitahle. Act worhy of their name, to give .).1.-dical
Advice Gratis. to all persotis thus *filleted, (Male 01 Fe
roale)4tc..apil in cases of extreme poverty Anti Suffering
icPurni Ii Medicines Free of Charge
The ll.srard . 1 1440-dation is a h , nievolent Insfitril ion, es.:
tablished by special endowment..for the relief of the aick
.and distresseil. afllir.ted with" Virulent and Epidemic Die
eves." and its fonds can he used for no other purpo-e
It lots no,* s t trptns of means, which the Directors have
Tot ckt to adverttar thy ahove notice. It Is nee.llo.l to told
that the A.sociation commands the hi,thest 31.•dital akill
of the age. and will furnish the 'most approved. modern
treatment Valuable ailvicegiven to sick And nerruLlS fe
males, &libeled, with abdominal weakness, Womb Corn.
plaint, Costiveness. I.eneorrhma,, •
Attlersr• (poq•p.ti , l.) Dr. Deo. IL. Calhoun. Camsultlng
Surgeon. ilowlrdi Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street,
Philadelphia. Pa.
'By order of the Directors,
Cto- FA Secre:ary 22y1
UST reeciVed alarre . lot of Plated Ware,
e consisting of eke baskets, Castors, Imperi
al and Chamber Candlesticks. Tea Setts,.con.
sisting of six pine extra rich; Cyps :9t d• Gob.
lets ; also. Brittania %%Tare, viz: Ttia sett. 4, (four
five and six pieces,) - Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, Can
dlestick... &e. As tiu.•.suly‘criber has .made
ranrrements with the manufacturers of !hi+ abilve
goods. he is enabled to furnish the newest pat.
t erns at th e A,,west priees,aed also to supply his
enstomers with extra or single-0(.14. or any sr
'tick in the above' line: A. J. EVANS,
Nos. Odd - Pidlows' .
Binghamton, Atiz. 429, IFias. .
A RE now heinr paid by A: Llthrop &
brill•those who vorisig,n their butter and
prodner to Orin. :They having; rondo" "arrinO,
reonts am now rn.thled to send all kinds or pry►.
dner - to Now Toils and to sell. the same
.at thO
hif..Thest - market prices. All those who wish
s gmei prices and. tipiick rsturns.wo inyito,to call
!Pon , 4r.
Montrose, Wan. ism,
Window. Sash.
Doctor Yourself:
) - oung, 3£. D
_ .
. .
Plated Ware.
New York Prices!
- 013498- .411T:'..
TE111,Y14...51,50, cash in advance; 82,00,if
not, paid within sir mohtlis; and $2,5U, at the end
of the year: No paper diSeontinuedtintilurrearit
ges lire paid, except bt the option al the. Pub
lishers. All communications connected with the
office, to insure attention, must be directed (post
paid): to CHASE & DAY, itiontrose,Susquebanns
County,. Pa.
Rates of , Advertising. - T -
One square‘(l2 lines or less) 3 insertions, 61,00
Eneh subsequentinsertion,'. ... .... .-.-. - 0,25
One square three months, •. .- . .. -.-. ..;\ „. 2;60 -
One square six months, . , . -„.... . „: ..,,. 4.00 .
Business Cards, tour.linesor 4181
~ 3 . .00.
Yearly ndrert*ments, not co!er 4 sqUare4, 7,00
One cniuMn one year, ~ . . . , „- .. -.. . . 30,00
Yeinty . Mir -rtisers will be lestricied to the
business, in wl id,' they nre engaged ;arid are con
sidered.rts wis ting , to continue adverthiing unless
they shall give special direction - slur stdiscontin.
uunce•ofthe Flume. • - . •
-,. 4, ,i0n WORN,. • '.
The publishers havipg,added to their Jot
Nit) ink► materials a large 'and-superior assort.
men of Job Type; are now prepared to ezeente
Job' York in a manner ansurpassed•.in this see.
t ion of eountry,and on the most reasonable terms,
Ettank4 of every description kept constantly
on hand or printed lo•order. I, •
NllsilltiS pirectorg.
Great. Bend Depot, Pa. A.Dinsozi'
ANT, Proprietor.
. •
:Manufacturers of SPROUT'S COMIIIN ED - CAR.
* MAO 1114. 7 ,1tesVille, Lyeoming
' SprinFstnay be had of N. S.WilOn, 3101:arose.
. Vuz.liiir. STIITII It -. 1 • -
Cabi:ie and Chair Manufact4rers,.iooV Main
Street, lontrose,
! Dr. H.
surgeo4 Dentist, Montrose. Pa., ~ill.•be at
•Soarlp'4lotel, Mondays and Tuesdayssof'gach
creels.• 1".5y1
in Dry Goods, 'Groetrits, linrdikary;
v,3300ts and‘Shoes,
18y1 .
Attornies at
.Law-74fflee.,formerly nc!cti
pied by Little & Streeter, Montrose, Spsquo
hanna-Ci.unty; Pa.
- • A.J. -
hannil Depot, Pa. Office over S. 8.-West'.
Store. - 16y1
Dealer in Drims,lledicines, Cheniica)e,Painta
Oils, Dve.stuM, GrocerieS, Dry Goods, Hard
ware, Yankee Notions, Sze. Physician's Pre
scriptions carefully compounded: ; -
Rif i rft 11 GROVES, -
Fashionable Tallor- r Shop under Searles
Hutel, Main Street, Dlontrose, Pa.
DEALER rM Stoves,. Tia, Cz•lifter aid Sheet Iron
WareiLodersv;lle, near G.rebt. Bead B.epot.-6tf
- A. Lathrop, • •
DEATiri- Ready.M.tao Clothing, Hats awl
. Boots ,and Shoes, Dry Good", Sze., •
Store opposite. Rarle's HoteLlltontnite
C. D. LATuRor, anal
J. P. W. RILEY, S •ith
• Dr: Merit . H. C. Vai . .
- r - IRLIGGIST and CHEMIST, anct Dealer in
1J Drtt..s, Medicines, CheanicalsOye . SOffs
Paints ; Oils, P.ltty; Wlndow Giass„ Camphine
Fluid, !Perfutneryjankee t•-
Lodersvtile, Pa:L-10If. . •
l'a.,Will attend faithfully to. all en
trusted to him in the L eounty i f Susquehanna.
_ and writing of all kinds will ;be
done neatly, and charge moderate. He w,lll
- attend
. to the prosecution of elairngt , f sol
diers; their widows and-heirs, against the U.l.s.
government. for Bounty :Land, Peosions,l4„
May be .found at all hours at the office formerly
oecupiedßiy J. T.. Riehard,.Esq., north of the 03—n19 •i.
'• ; M. C. T YLER, •
' •
• •
. Interested with ; -I. L. Hunt,..l; .
IMPORTER AND. DEALER In litarawar . u' and Cnt.
ler!i,.Carriage Trimmings. Spring§,&e: .
No. 215 Pearl Street, N. 1
Where his Mercantile friends, in this and oter -
Conntles,are kindly invited, and earneit/ysolieit
ed to call and purchase. • • nfitt,•;
With Rowe, Woodruff, & Garte r ,
HOLESA LE G r- riocEns - and "C( - 4rt,tisszo:r
tr . IVlEntt
eAlvis, No. 173 IA p.stungtop Street
between Coilland and Dey Streets, NeW-York.
March 8,185-1-101. f. - •
liedlea! Card.
RS. E. Patrick, Jr. & fifintiek hare
this day flirmt•dn empartnershipifor a more
efficient and suceessfol prosecutien ortbedifer,
ens hp - :inches ort heir proreggion. '
All busines:s entrnstedtO them, will be atten- ,
ded to 'with promptness and fidelity.;
Their 014..6 may be round . over Lathrop's
Store, East side Public. Avenue... ' • .
- •G Z. DI3IOCK.
Montrose. March §2 ) . - .
W. Sifigleton, _
Can now be found at his new stand"' ipn
,;o. street, 2 doors west Of Searle's Hotel, where
he effectually repairs with disprieh, Watches;
Clocks, Guns, Jewelry, and every deseription of
machinery.. Wheel cutting. Gun and Watch
materials supplied to the trad e. 'si . • . -
A. -& E. Ealdwin
{AY,b 3 e S to m a nctid
. 1.1 ( s h t n s fr e o t n t t
et S r
n e :r r . 1 e otes
and aeeoonts that pre due us will be very ar•
eeptable it paid soon.
• A. & E. BALDWIN.
211ontrose, Nov. 22, 18.54.-47tfr-,
J. H. Parsons, 7 .
Ware; Sofas, Bedsteads; Tables, 'Slasaiii\
'. • .
No, 9 Washiligion street..
• - . Binghamton . , N..\
Tin Ware-Roorn up stuns.4r62
- -New . and Cheap Goode. -
"D OUGHT at blw pressure prices and•
J-3 sold accordingly by •
tibson;Oet: 11,1854. •
A COCA) assoknient and handsomti prifertm
' nt very low 'prices. U. B. &
i)ef.• 11. • '
CAS!' pid.for Land Warr:m.64. - •
Junci 21, 1855
PRASS Reifies, 811 Am.*, At -'• • . -
HJ. VERB i 4 now receivini a new sap.
,ply of GOODS, which will be sold cheap
for cash. _ "
Montrose, Sept. 18,
[Ezne B. CHASE:
, • 1.