Pierce. The ttate Agricultural Fair tratt.,beld 'at. Harrisburg three weeks since. ‘7114.74#114,y,,, in all the.depariments, was largli l lind. veil tne, and attraCted an immense cotittenrse cif . ~ . people from all parts of th-State. - Tresidet4 Pierce visited the Fair on ,Wedtteatf4; b.r , 14; _yitation . of the . Society, lint wits !iv, initly' we'lL, corned. The . Bulletin - give 'tliefoltowing par:' • liculars of his reception : The President arrived here 6.0 m Baltimore stborrt:orteo-'eleek:ni-Avf;:-ftecompaitiet - Thy - - ri: numerous party, among whom we noticed the,Seeretary of the Navy, Afessra. • A. 0. P. NLcholson,..idney,:tYebsier r .L. H. P. Hentie,.', dy, J. Glancylnnes and John 13. 5u11i... a m... After *:punth ittr.• ttlfettli,f - patrol:,!liiy the Prbaentiht Orty,:the'rresiaiiit' was es• eqllec.Pktile.,..k4ir.vottud,. hy. a :eommitteitfef alias of'llarrisithrg, , ~, • , , . r r r . ' r , . ; At: th e . ni ii: - g ixioid a Stand . Irad .heenerec.: la at lEc'entranee to the 'Floral Ilan from v)hich the'lPrisident , WAS .*ekotried to - the lair Ly 4r. Gowan;' Presiiient of - 'th'e State 4,gricalutal Asseeiation, in a-very short speeeh.: . ~ -President - Pieree replied elaborately and at' seine - length. lie began,by thanking ~ the P4sident . rind lite State Agrietiltiiral'Assbcb: rttion . acid his fellow eftiz e ns fair t heir wants welcome . ; he ,spoke of the importance . ol.the Agricultural interest,.. particularly .in this Stat - and th e progress which has been made_ in ag . c.titural ,Nnence within a few years ; he=ats 'touted the prosperity r,f Pennsylvania in agreat me:mire to her agriculture and to her... Agricultura l. Associatioas, and he .said that .seience was making ,iatger strides now than ever, and he inculcated the duty cf . 'keeping in advanc e.: But be had no . fear for ' Pennsylvania in that respect.' The 'history. Of Pennsylvania's past Was a guarantee for the nature---that futurewhich is vet in the /Hinds of Pennsylvanians: The President ar gued that we did not have enough- of , these . associations.-' The rely nature of tire_ busi ness of 'Merchants and manuflietur4, drew :together in crowds, in large' cities, among dense populations; but the avocation of the farmer was to a great extent a solittoy one, and for that very reason ttrz•fce social gather, ings were of the highest importance. : . The President-said he Would. like to speak at lar: , at to the peOple 4-PennsVlvania in re gard:to her_rirejrc.r climate; her prospects, iter j w - &idea, but would not- -detain: his midi . ence,—be would, therefore, say iti conclusion that as it was. the. honor and glory of the State of Pennsylvania that she was this Key stene of the Union of these States, so . it. NYas her-duty in these times to stan d by the Unl.: ion and the ColeAltutiOn- 4 ' and .may I not Say, to stand by the COnstitution as it pow.: exists—keeping the power in., the haul:' of the iseople, and not allow inq, it to .become centralized at. the seat of the ' Federal Govern ineu t l' ''The remarks of President Pierce were well received, andiafter he . had • concluded, .lond. cries were heard for ',3v. Pollock; (who was. .on the stand, as was ex-. Gov. Bigler.) . . Ger. Pollovk Came forward and :tared that Ile '4 . as so indispcsed that he could not make' iit st - kech. He would, however, thank his fel- Ibw-eitizens for their ,warm reception of the' PrPsidett ,(these United States who comet , among . - us; not as a military - ruler, with pomp and circumstance, bat at tcpeacelni - tnag :iStrate of the pi ogles own choiee,-e r He (the.> speaker) was pi Conit of I , Cill , v a Pom'sylvaniiin -'--ll'e was foßffid of ill.:1 1 0 , ilion,. and bor,over 'fea:fa! the stern, o f. di-anion might ngo Atonua,-east, we,t,.north, sou:.h,tlle very 15telle. il.:.‘elf Would' press lath:. ti:7lllY • ;. ` , l lO i t' ' 'P r ' Sit ' . " l the ' il,L)rlol-1S ' t7.3 , 1 Ki:VeOtle. cf- this Lydon. (Tremendous cheeting,:l—The Governor put _ stied th.e. .train for a .few thirinteS, and on It- , • - 1 retiring voJferous calls were wade fur. es- Governor 13:-gler. --,- --- . . . The ex:Governor . did not seem- disposed _to speak at - first, but at last, was persuaded to keplomiard, i• It is maniftst that . yon far mers are exeited"was,his first.remark, whirls caused considerable laughter. The ex-Gov-. .ernot - then made. short, lively speech 'whieli. was niueb-applattai:d, and the assemblage loe / gan 'to disperse all over the Fair grounds., The President was then lyceum pal ned around the exli i bi iiiin by .the 011'ers and a number 'of citizens. He scented gratified, and so far. as ' 31, - "e : could learn, everything passed off with satisfaction todi Concerned. . Horrible 4urder 'and Siiicide—A If elite Dog—A. Fiendish 3iaia. . _ . . We record this morning, one of the ,most i ~1 , ; , ,L ;, , ~,,F F .,, „ f Knoa - Nothing. or:Lear- 1 1 ef - Ne" - York frightful instances of human depravity. dm* it ! ----f- -'• ,--'; Opposed to - this motley combination has ever been our misfortune to learn of. The' i i r- ".., " - tn'"t "e polls, " 1-13 le the Penk 4 !-Ints 1 - these, circumstances, which are• btietl are i-strit (41 :i.e. ii ant let II:e election ..-0 bii di. , I or most dang,erottelements•will be found the :v - shoekingbeyond parallel: • - ' - 1 fault 4 ,aticl thus will \ lifi.e to' L e f o orrid ~.„-0..!: Democracy, pruned of its most corrupt Mem - A German shoemaker pamed Win. Ebler i.: hers imatn u-xt-ftlist he - teat' ' thst could Lave i by the recent orieinization of Ktfow e, linir living .in this cite. nn Fourteenth, near ' 7 .. "- ' '. ' e • ' - N , , ' • " ot ... been g,:tirced . now without a straggle sea rr . I - othing,=, standing upon a conservative, na: Madison -street, has fora son, time lea an tin- tipnal platform,-- e aplatforiu scouring the eiv l h a ppy life with his w if e. Their gunrreis `andl I=}••'.Sure ,we have eh•eted a part of the moSt . dimensions have frequently disturbed the mace I important of-the ti,:ket• in the I)istriet,--trite i d and religious rightsof all sections and class of the neighborhoo.l. - Ife has on vliorn than.; theAcsult everywhere shows that this .Knoie i e l4- ---Oitering elnal and ,exact; justice to all, .1, • . :, 1 noel-linlin , t ) the world the dis•inctive prin., one 'occasion latitailV beater. and Ut a a ji l a tr i er; a tt rd ed ,_ .1, ,_EU ( , n nip , is leing repud.a . - I . - • ~ t. • Nothine- Re ) bli 3 f • I • her..,,and her life was one of drudgery , i ip.l ciples whi,:ii it proposes to guid e ,I . ,bont • 3 :pned by the - people by•t - ens of thousands, its admin. ship.. On Thursday afternoon last, o'clock, lie was seated on his bench, w or k in „ Ithe duty of th e I) ono „ Tr , e y of t hi s emn i tv w i s I i‘erlition of the governinent.. It will look to at his trade, when - a. dispute arose heo,i'ei-, - a plain—to have traded 'finish of all this Wick- I the . Pret.ervation of the Union .ot 'the State-, in all its constitutional vigor,—to the defense thein; .and 'lie made a sudden sprin: , upon.her,'• ed busineSs (Lk fa 11... One. thousand moiel eau-line - 11er hr the throat. and inflicting. I fl t, :s i e . ou ld have be ) ,- 'p polled for our ticket 1 - • . ~n .y o five -wounds upon - her with a sharp pointed shoe-knife.- whieh lie had in lii , band at the 1 , 11 ; 14 then. left en9w-Ili at home,and that Would l Pertaining to their ilotnestie .cenverus,—,it tune, 14.121(1 :oni , of which was sufficient t o :h are illavc given us the count}- lis a large majori- I:will frown npen every"- attempt, 'c or il s or 1 • . 7 -- \ South, to ere ate:wet:donal animosities, there cansed: death. She is not dead vet, Litt . the i v„v• . * ' • 1. . ,l by Weakening the strength and etidanoeriter physicians in attendance pronounce her r e - , , • 'Elie Piplitii.al Future.: r.... a -,. . the existence of the government. Who will cover. impossible. - IL then fled from tue • 2 - 1:,... i...,erit= ,Tllre past six weeks have done ~ h., house; follov:ed •11:v• a huge Newfoundland dog •,` the standard bearer of this party sic can-, belonging to'hirn,,,and.'prOCcesled to the riff- :rut" to dt'•Pel. the incertitit'le witiet hlt-1 not tell, but if wise ,—if not foolishly mad-:- ~er and jumped in, for tbe purpose of drowning-lliiing -rot rid the nelit'iCal • horizon for more , . .. _ himself. Ile . was 4.lraggetl cut .ilower t-r . .. ', I I L: i El 'i t soar. Li g te, is again - -•' str . • • 'streaming in, hy•the doe., before he .luid 'accomplished his . i ___• , i' co n . iinm et•ri Ls are casfinm their shadows lead any agency in bringing the, present un puipoSe.-11e- then eutight th s e dee., and with ! e . a happy agitation of the 'slavery. questiob upon w hi c h - he - ig 4 .., 181 , 1 , e - a . I . l)efore,, --so touch so, ind...-4 - .31, that tile' nett the ..wine knife With the conntry,.arl will . select a Statesman of lii)Z•Wife, and whieh 'he hal never. let , f 6. de: 1 ,- PAidetititil eanvass i niay - be' . Calculated . with thiihigliest order of intellect and lit - )itsitietv . cut: is throat:, •atid ==train . jtnnped , !. almost an . absolute. ''eertaltitc.' - - The' ii rase experience, int ,.. (he - ri5. , ,5, laid „iie,eo,.. j ed in n • t - : , , ... a . np1iAit . )..t ., .1 ciiit i c - ,n, rill Know . s .!, - ttiiiigi - ; n1 " snrriv li nn,.. ,l —of the coubervative school. Should such • . • wlrst. the more. noble ' I counsel; prevail • 1 I brni4 -b.4d ,recanted.' enough to control . the •.next. presidenex, is ~. I , lnt-Eaml a man be selected, - !it will bL! more apt r in our judgment, to be Lin) from doiii- at firi , t. - ' ' -.- • . 'I - , I nott..selycd by the tet r a!, annihilation of that,' / • JAIMS iii:%:IIANAN. of Pennsylvania than any • tie inuriert4 is . a VOnii'; tnan :thous - thirty' party .is 3, ti 3 ti on:11 organirtti on. . It- still ex- l' , - • - yotti - A 'or'vgt . : lc. t ,,,, ir iris been recovereil, null 1 man we.know, or can think of for he is the and:the (.." , Oroner 'called. u) held•in:inquest..--- 1 iris in some loealitie.), as in - this'eountv, l. gi : t9 - citrtt. r . n .i i only teats v..ho completely fills. this measure. ililisSottri,Pe:nocrat„ Ok. _6, -' , • i a sentiment of suf .- iielcO, t, -- ;treti 'h ; joem , eleoion 0,300,,,h. in ~ damaged ~ I. i • • Let us suppose then that i AMES I.II' I CEI NA CP 4 4. . ' .°1 local,--it s , i: ,:...;. a i :; , , ,t i 1 umil 1 : 5 , , t r a nn state:-1 I and Wzi..11.-Scwann start, in the l ' res A itien l" : ELOPEMENT AnD 54 . ja)CLL—Tlie Tro l c>rurv-ville, t ~., . '.,,. (Ga.,),Enterprise says. A eo - rrespendent . froin D i ft til' s is merely 1. t)a . , race ,—what will be the esult 11 It can Teffi - tir*county - Writes us: that on the 4 t its:L' ,I 1 broad theatre areend - ed,-=-Xts . - or'ganiilti ion, . Indeed . 1. be shown with tnathematical aecurticY. S . - Julia Quinn', of that - county,' elope& with Nlif., -1 , and its" . di.ot rities ' re p udiated.it •• . ix u • t • fpr teen . st., utt - wrn si.tios will just, as .6111 1 / 4 11y cast Martha Wilensethntiaughtkrnf.Wnolson wil- I would scarcely exist - heie even in natnerb, - i. . .., . . f . bi:, , ,st - eri ; , 6 , n .. p . AN ,,, ii . tn .... 0 ,414 .• hose : thea .volt; for . . Mr...Duelianan as that the - day cox, of Telfait•ebunty„ and carried - ..lier ,inio i 1 ,• 1 • Gat ea. to_.the house .of Mr; John .11111, - I t e Pl i Im se o . i l - 1 positieii is: just iiolV Mis:Alike that of Crock.: of election 'shall come• To-these may be.ad arbtlre •0 4 .-v. were tuarried ; hy Aleir.MOble,Y , (led . .,Ouliforiaia, Indiana; •Pliuois, • • bad i.et. With tite"bear,-fangerOus'eithei'telet go' Miali 7 Jestifie Ortheinfirior 'Court. After theY . .... . , gab, and, New Jellify. , Here then there is b4ri Iffiited the 'yen thfel couple - st!lrteti for the or hang on *, ' ' " -:• • ' •.. ' . : -I • .. .. .., enough about which there Can be no doubt year ago the oppOsition . .hoft4e. - of the . briaegroenti ; s father."' 141 t.' il'hile . • . One - liasetin,ga snit - all - Creed: otrtheriiad,lohn Quinn; .. • ' '4rii t ,' 4 i iiii ' . erv ,,, where ,.... tiii„4. to s ; n t i h6 Th De .l or./uption,to elect Mr. , Bnehanan.. But we the . bridezroom, was• shot in the , 1.0 and in- i:,‘`.! ° '''.' --;.,' '•. -.,,- ev - /..._-; - - . - . 7----- -.."; '7: -. a pp rehe n d that no politician rho: cares to; i i, f ,,,.. et t pt iie - , - ;p1. 'oaths,' combining within' the' - itiliattv•killed.- is wile-went back tothe first - , ho*,vimaiettlar • Mv,;.,junathitn Aahleer'i,ifild ', Lodges as' tiadiii:it:A conditit s ns t 6 f 0'60 . 4' his 're- -11111116-611*.w111 111 sal4l a contest slake ow-tiqiiirono: 04 : outoltriitisiuma.,tho b eva t t i . - •. . • 1 b e . ‘. . t. • .' I anything out 'Pennsylvania !Inviable. to Nir. 1 . MI. fyi a unit aglemst tie . tnoeta lc par •- • l •-••• ...,,,-,• • •il , • •!: • •ii; "-- t. I Seward... Pennsylvania will as ceitainlv: add killed. Brunie:, arists apan the fatlierAufthe . l'tv iwur a l powelith. - t swept tue nortuera young lady, ati site isas given bond* fer. his , ',-.),. •-6. • • / n '." :' - -• 1 her strength to the democratic colntner ia .. any ' tO 011 i iir , innization • follimed with c3leulatinl other •we baTe . flawed- ' Son 3 a tliottsands. of appaaraupaa . tiut-next Supc,rioi Court : Of-Tel- ; st ';'''''' i ..!••`-k e, •''. T 1 ? - • an •-• • 77