The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, October 25, 1855, Image 1

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61#1e k Pao, Proprietors.
VOmi ; iiilo ,tu/q.ticb:
Snwea Co.' Fair and Cittle :Show.
The annual Fair and Cattle Show was held
on Thursday get. 'llth, and in the variety'
and extent of its display far exceeded any pre
viously- held by the Society.. It is indeed' a
subject:or congratulation .with those .who were
the first to establish the Society that".at no
time has the exhibition of any year, fallen be
hind ,that of its predeceirs. either in the in
terest manifested' by' the citizens of the coun
ty and their fOinilies, or in tint display - of
fern prod UCtS, • .
The Adak-sc was delivered-liy A. ?if, Span
gler of Philadelphia, ft he .Progrces
ire F a rme r , and Was an ettihrtintly practical
and useful production—at the - Cenci union of,
which the following . resolution'was o&red
and adopted.
Resolved, That the thanks of ithe Societ v
be presented . to Mr. Spangler for his. exeel
-lent Address mid that a copy - of it be solicit
ed for publicationaml that i:e he •elected an
honorary member of this Society. , •
the NO. of entriii. .of - eat Ile •was------for.
ithieh tliciditFerent Committees reeommendcd
premiums as foilons •
The undersigned having discharged the
duties assigned .thein report to the Agrienl-.
turd Society of Susquehan to as follow;:
For the best Durham Bull, S. W.. Breed, $5
". 2nd " " .46 3
-" the best Devon Harri: Smith, 5
" 2nd " " - . " (eo: W. Tyler, 3
". best Grade' Bull, F.ll. Hollister, 5
" 2nd best ' " 3
best cow as re...amen'ortit ; and appear
ance, Harris Smith, e
For 2nd best. do. ' Thos. Sweeny, 3
" L '," lot of 5 cows; Bi A. Butterfield; 5
' Your Committee having received im rep
resentation; as to . the result of :My eiow make
no award he to the:best cow front 'results and
'they would call the attention of the Society .
' to a Devon Bull exhibited by Mr. quo. • At
kinson of Wyoming. county and, recommend
- they award him a discretionary "preimunt if
t 2. We were Mitch pleased with, a yearlifig
bail owned L. Post of .71Iontro-e and
feel confident from the exhibition of Stock .
rnaile_to , day . , that, the Society is doing a gra t
deal for its improvoMMit
ii:Vtios. P. PIIINNEY,
• LILISTEtt. •
The • Coitimitiee pppoitite.l tr, egainine
Matched Steers mid Fat Cattle in tie the 101-
They have eiamined all the stogy k• present
ed for their inspection and Were highly. grail;
. fled to see such fine specimens of Stiscia Co.
Stock. . It is clearly_xnanifest that there is a
"piritof laudableambition amongst our stock
_ growers that will 'have a powerful and salutti
.ry intlrience upon the r;tock growing interest
of our county. InStead of the lean and qtri!e
ordinary raised here a few years ago, you see
'thosethat would do honor to - any count.
Fair and we trustr that the spirit of worthy,
roterprise will increase with every , year and
that her stock will becoMe as famous as her
corn and Butter.' • They atvard premiums as
' follows :
For best matched 3 year olds, J.W.Merritt,ss
2nd " " • "• • J. P. Smith, 3.
3rd " "-- -,' -" A. Sweet, 2
" " 2 . year old, E. G. Babcock 5
2nd " ". " • G.J. , floilister, 3
3rd,.'" ". .". Edwin hill, .• 2
Fur' " Fat Cattle, -• John liarrintiton,3
GA I:ftY LAW, '
• .
.. .
The Committee to - judge .
.cm , yOung stock
do respsctfullh . submit the following awards:
F.or pest 2 yrs. old heifer,. I). E. - Whitney, -- 5
. kir the '2nd best.2.year old' Heifer, I). E.
:Whitney . ' • t• 3.
•Fcri,.• 3d ' " ." Timothy Boss, . 2
"-best let" -- of 5 yearlings Harry Smith, 05
" 2d . (.4, .. 4/ 4/ Win. Jessup,' 3,
I. 34
,t 4 - . 4/ • - C. B. Griffis, ••2.
," best " " calvs - 11:.ary Smith.:,.
2d " • " " [. ll.liollister,3
" 3d " : " - " •• Micial Kean, 2
- -: • r-‘ -.: RUFUS SMITII..
. - GEO. HARRISON. - -
, :-- • -
The - Judges on the . best 10. yoke of oxeti.
I'port that they hare made all eTainirra C t ons 1--
and in our opirtiod do 'award the:first -Prcuri-
um to Brooklyn, andthe 2ri to-Bridgewater. •
`Also on the Best working oxen they award • eve die jiidg , t ,, ,
• ,-
-:ze first premium to. Robert: Kent, * 5 - • .tfi'er:ii nilicks I ininici.
. .. ' 2 , 1 " !. (4) ' : M"ning Perim. 3. .
. _:o• have ex:tinier:4l the ...
" 3d ' " : ' to..
.AVai. Jessup. .. 2 - the fir:-ir:cirri...lM to R..B.)lirr
There weree numberofveri.. - . fitre cattle Ipt siti , olid 13e , i. to N. P. wh. ;-, :tton, tk i ,,
we Gould" not.givii premiums to all, 'One pair . , - :• :• • •
rm „,... : ,,,,,
a 4 Tear olds, 'belonging `'to Perrin' Well;..
' '. • . ton sKY * Jr.wcrii,
that were large and
_nice, and ninny outer,
Report olCionnzittce'On 'Taney Needle 'Work
tilt is think 'Would . d6herior tosny PAriner• cad Flowrx. - . i.
• r - - 1 ' lALLIS JUSTIS.:
~. . S lim commiltee on Ornamental- Nceille
• •,.; ,. s'. li. lI.OLLISI'ER, . ~w-m k mrd.ll.l o ,i• e is.. report" a full and !.)tier-.
•.• • - JAME:S•IitAW.W.. '' tloWin4 r...ltihdrirM . .in this de v rttnerir aad
There *ere 25 sheep entered for_pierniaing . . i
Tu€'' 1 drat the i :Vt., trrait,tthere.4 hats greatly hie; faiserl„,
Comtnittee recommend the.' follottirig ;it - 1i! moo , 118 i,.
been ritiite to milder i the Fair
Jaiiiffn were adopted:. , • . - pleasing and •atiractlye.. ''The treedlel,work,
For the Best Long wooled Buck,.-H:Diink- all . exhihit(fti ;plod taste and indtistrY.. ,
- '' " • The ConitirittecadV6e that ;r:r.ertifi , ate of
. . .
1 '•:.'* : , M. o.ak!e,Y,, --, . 3 . '., m er it h e awarded to Miss Diary .Nlt;.Conisellor
• " le‘t . "' ' Ewes. : I), St start; s'3.- 8 fin, .sl.lw,in e n oPtilin inuslitinee t Oct Work.
" i)er4-Soulit Down Buck. L.Bunni , ntr , y3. . mi„ . .,,, 1 ) „,„ K A ,,i, r, is entitled to . - t i t d fit . 4 -1
.. " d b e ,ie, . 11, Currier, ' • 2. ,rends for elegant scotch - work i,kirts,• - --a
. ""
best; ''' ' 4 Eweg,M.P.. Robins,:t 3 - speviint.' n 'or elaborate embroi,tery. .
." 2d best, • : ' "
" .'Elegant spr,wirtietis w e re eskit.ifcci br 'ltiri.
"bet rine wooled Back, E. f.':oodrieli, .8. ch, ti die . r . M r - % The,..._ . Ly 00 , 4 , ao Miss S , Tlfia
".. 2 4 best 'if - •_ - o• .. U. Burrowes l / 4 . • 2,. 14.. 0 i t5 , .: ! orl itudersieeves and
,other :tree.dhe
I .` best ." - -...-- Ewes, - - ' E... Roper, - - .3.. ..i vor k-• - b y •
.Miss Bessie . Itiley,-:whic„ih evince
1 .
.. ..
u . 2a kat " . g - • -E; Gooffri44l. 2; •reai skill nod taste:"
. • - :',. 1
- • : WvW, C.MILES,., .- 'g -•-- •:. - ..-'- ••--' - ' 1 1 - • 14; 4 -
. .
11:0. coNgfAN . , ' . A....c , 0!1ar,, of,. it. , : rantr •Wtero, . y ; Bit. '}
. , , • F. P] B . -: .. ... ebarkone br ,Miss Ballard and Elajirs Ford- 1
. . .
J There were entered for,premiums on Swine
133, fur whielt.the Committee on' Swine heir
I lure to lieix?rt that Alley . :award
as follows': 61.
For the best Breeding Sow. Wm. Jessup,*3
2d hest °
." S. Meachnn, • 2.
The alone are of the Chester CO. Breed
. .
For the best 13oar;Wtn. Jessup, - . *3
The above is of white Suffolk Breed.•
For 2d best Boar, John 'ltarrington,. 142
"'best lot Of pit?, - :Win. Jessup, . . 3
" 211 best lot. " S. Mealliam, . 2
One of the Committee visited State
Fair at - Elmira and is decidedly of ofilnion
- that no Boar was exhibited there,-equal- to
Judge: Jt4. , up's, and I hal the swit e . at - this
Fair :Irefully equal to those .lispl4Yefl at El-.
E. G. 13.111(701.
• Of TioNes the,: were - entered rot'. exhibition
31, on which the Committee m a de fol-
Te_port ; t
For 1tt , :41. Datiie . l Stewart, e 5
Itne, •
" 140 cult, Elijah . Blown, 5
Wm. 11, .Joneg, .3
" hest thatv . liea lleirses, .L W. I lintekney, 5
" 2il I e t, NI. S. (' , atlin, 3.
, t kq there %vas nii preiniurn; offetlod for Inures.
withot t-nt fillie•s• Or on unitr i oken horse,:,
th e y have awarded non e , tqlt would say that
the exhibition was good.
One of. the Committee state that att; emu
1 tits made in copying this 'report and • that
j they intended to"award. brit: R. Little, pre
inium for best- single bore, and to 1"). F. 11.1 e.
for 2.1 best single horse and that the' premi
um rot `.O best Stallion - whs ititetult . 4l to
awarded Ito Stephen.llmig
l itistead of 1). T.
Roe: The subject. L will be brought before the
nest meetin7 thi! - Sektiety::
The vountsitfee , i`n D.utte•-tie Nlanufaet tires
reslie , tetilly to report.
• That they have t suntiued, th.r varioug arti
cle!: submitted tOth(;ir•inspet-tion with much
.14easitte•and stati , faction, hav-e al !reed on
the follSwitt , ;• award : - • ;
• _
Flannel of 25 1s:17o.
\ !tut is— I , t prvini um. •
be.q. tio. of 11
. o ,4 v :qrs. job ti I,lat
toti--23 preini UM. .
Third beat ,10. tif 20 yd:. MN. Oire,liail Bail;
-3.1 iirvutitim
.fl o st ~f Vitrn ciapefiiig, 7 - yds., MN
A. L. Tittany-174 ltra•tnituu, • '
do. 4o v(1.4., 21114. St , :ari IL Loom-
• -
Thin! du. 21 cds,- - Mr ti, 13otts--_.
Best piece of Rag C:itOn,t, 20 yds., Mrs. li,
C. Sayer----Isl pretnit!m. • -
13ectifid B.!st-do. 20 yds., Mrs. F. M. Babcock
—2ll premi tun;
riest,half duz., Wool soel's Miss Esther gait!-
tier— kt premium.
Se:•ond 13est do •
Mrs I lac Butts,--2d
Best tea quilt NirsAlenjaman•Sayer—lfzt
, rum.
Secoml ;14. Miss • Ilelen ,Bullard-2d
A forge ntutil4r oiarti . Cies beim , - exhibited
your C(lnimittee (found not a little difficulty in
some e4ses it d i;kwing the': of superior
merit. - Mulling' -their - award, thei4ore
they wis6 to add as ,Worthy of lionorablt:t
mention Tome v 4 . 14 - nice quilts exhibited by
ItisSCla6 MrA..Aaron TacJor, Miss
Lefiorn Alle 4r , MrL - Sand; Morse, , Mrs.- L. W.
Breed : Mrs. TicymAds, and especi:dly one ex-
Ilibi;ed by Miss Etninaliose,a little Miss on:
ly filar and a half • yt:ars 01d... Also. several
-tin e caepelintt ..xhibit(l
len-Bullard, and M. Imes- Merman.'" •
0. 0. •LlEmpsTE . An t
your committee regult. fllar - 11'1(.1r -tvas' not
a more: full 1111.
livailtiftif. %kart.. lora . maliopmy
S.(..retatv mid 1 . 14;`;,1: e:Ne exl i tibiT e d Ity Smith
aml tire: Iteittg-ilit Ottlv
they would award to them OK; highest premi
' .
.Wm. li. 80ra,4 n
- .. • •.: 1.00 BEACH,.
. ,
•I • appointed to iin l the
...- oThin, ;UM eider-Vine
nria do ii..e; : f ill
• • ml, .f.-4,00
' ! )
: ~..„
con , ttuoed of
d'Hfl;111or flowers wits het ter than ever
ber,re in the histoty 'of the Sot:joy. Our
Fair ()emits too late to display the glory . .a
floral poiluctions, and the late cold wet
',.eason has tendered the fact intu-aallv inaa
...Pieious.. AV.11.4 accrdingiv a source of re-'
al satistaction,an eiujoyment to it only to yimr
vonimittee, but to all in attendatict.y uron the,
I Fair; to find
. 811 exhilaration at Once Fo large
au& so beautiful. - • ' •
Vint t ill rc aclilr conclude front ,the
exhit i ,ited this year in this Dep"artmetit, that
if a stiitalde were ereeted for a fhual
Ilan; where the ladie: could, saf e ly Wing. and
tastily :mange their hot In'ttise - plants; Ste.;-
ipteltatitet •••otity c(tultl vie tilt
,any tither
eohnty in Northern Peluisylvatiia in flowers
'Us site dorr now move in the, trilire substan-
Hal bitt less beautiful products of the garden
'and,rhe 'farm.
Mrs. D.C. Sayer exhibited four pvramlik
all a %sell arranged - collection of
dit g several tine Dalin:el: . •
Jessup, a tower, firmed of ever
greens„ snow-betries, and ash-het ries ?
fully interwove n and . surmounted {rya splen
did specimen of—,
iMrs...(;eorge Seianton, two shelves of flow
er! --a• ;Treat i7lrietr.
!Mrs. tbrce shelves: of flow
ert, inchnling a line assortment of verbenas,
with hot house
A magnifiant s'pe(!mfen,,, , of Campanula,
in full bloom, from iii-s. G. VAt•ntley;
A speeiMett of giant Cactus brottglit by .
Mr. Jura . Warner, name •of exhibitoi.nOt
given. •
Wrn..J. Mulford, a cornieopia fornie,l
.of ut0. , ‘. t.;: ,, , and poising fu . rl4 in great in Olasion
a variety or floweri , ; creditable even to her
to-te. She a 1,4. exhibited several
vases aild lioquetA„ • , -
I,eautiful wreath of Autumn leaves,. tin
ted by Mr. Jack Frost, and plated by .Miss
t;:iseid A fituinti - lenves eolofell by die
time inaf4erartt . st 41.“1:arrunge41 L
The tir4 C rtifivate f6rl l lotvert. 13
Chaytiviti S;►y
Ftr.t Ccrtil
to !tliw., 11„j;i
ileylert: •
ors. Wm. J. NIL - ism - tn. 't
irs. W,11; L.- _ )
Th e t.:osmiittlul. urn Pottliri• respeetfnilv re
report, that they dace exattritted the i)et-i-•
m en ,. prt;tott . oCi fur exhibition and award th e
lit..minms.oth i red by the Soeiety4l4 foilows:
First premium to benio - L. Past a for best lot of
lia.t . er Po:
(af Tlll
* by tv)
biLvir were. LI
Ibr tite
Fjx~•nnen~ ice
4,1 print
"citure4"niit. t inn xi%
Sc..pp4l I:reni4lin It) S. A.
!topes-int Cinslien
thir,l pretriimit to Master 11. C: J ewl
The No. - of of Buttetutui avec.° ..pack :
age.centerel tite• Garner ninl
4ir the latier. The .tispitty 'Of, Butter (iyhieh
Inut.. now beiitotoe the stuple product of the
couuty).wn,"-fur : t•uperior to any, heroofote
troide, by the Society, With „ . .ioluntstiiy
9usl'ity - i , :littd also very: Inui? superior to ti e
xhib; tun ttuttlelaethO'SlitiO
burg. The Committee mate the
report ~: The gnaiikirand avilonn.good
:-4itsque4anna Tharsban ;41,Corning, Octobtr 25, 1855.
him, of Scotch workovideh - s attracted - great
attention- and admiration: -
A collar V); Miss Dunmore and one by
Vary D. Biddle.. .A pair of new style cloth
• -
and satin slippers, — which: showed skill' and
neatness in fastening, by Mrs. Chandler. To
her and Mrs. Sayre the 'Committee return
thanks for_ their full and creditable contribu,
tionsti3 the Vairevincingeviucin -taste in design and
skill in execution.
Mrs. Sayre's oval frames of leather work,
and baskets of (Mir work,; mats and cushion*
merit honorable mention from the...Sue' iety.
To Mrs. Chandler, as usual, tint Committee
. great indebtedness. Miss Sotaltworth
exhibited leather casket box of very taste
ful Woc kinanship. Two Ottomans, by Miss S.
perfect speeitnetts.of their stilt.
- Mis.s Wakely, .a very surees4lll
pimtiz.betritther. %One by Miss... Loomis, of el
egant Design, bat deficient in rich color:.
Two in Oil', from original 41e4 , ..ns
he Ann L. Frar,wlio•liai dont•
to the S,n.ietv stud the community
14 .leirititnent which is little
willivan.-41 in ?Northern
spurt . 'ltalia et!, zilirate
A chair id•worste,l-tv,.rk fiM-he,),
Nlr. L.F. Fitch, flit:: cabinet work meritori-
Hits It, Smith Lt.-. 1,,r.11,:ttn.
. .
M. Mey exhildfed tell
ehttir'eover:4 of wor , te,l work, 4 pieces
Worsted work, and other specimens
vat iety to , the diTiny.
exhibited tt intpi!r flower basket
I vt . giVa
U. Ile:ans add.: now lustre to
Itis aante alietely so eminent ;mmHg us, he
IN•antitti it.tgaerei)typoi.
llaating has earned a com
mendation of :111 lovOrs Of the bOautiful in art.„
I' the exliq)ition ut twa exqui,ite ba,kets
fop,r rases. an
1114vers ineht,
MN. Wnj.,
r•att•'for Worsted Needle •work
:dso exhihiced. tine i‘petiitnent;
keys, :MI! two wild Geese,(enp
tn.ling;.and now quite tante)
.j..'.ets of attraction and nilmira:
m i d ridd e d trinelt to tin: inter
itry ilepotrtmetit. None of tlies.e
-*:CZlititte.l premium:un-:
the re-'
• each lot. offeri.4.l.
%lost, for six One
fso 6
Shanghai .Chicken 4.:
IVM. M. Posr,
quality &Butter presented-to them' for in
spection, gem:eeyidenee of decided improve
'bent in' the • County, and your committee
found much . difficulty in selecting from the
number of good specimens, the best. They
nwurd -
The first premium to Mrii. Decker, $5
- " Second " " Rob't Moore, 3
" Third "' • " bums Snigger. 2
They also recommend discretionary Vre*-
minins to t 6 followinct
'Mrs. D. Stewart, Mrs. 11. C. Conklin, Mtg.
IL Bodine, Mrs, Me Mrs. J. 11. DID,
each, two dollar:; Meacham, 0. C.
Ely,t;eo. Walker, L. Harding:, Elwin Taylor,
William Smith, E. R. Hawes, J. 'W. Curtis,:
each, one dollar,
Your Committee ale pleased with a report
:14 'I lows
1. L. Pot—Dear Sir: would state (at
yonetequest) that from thirty caws we hare
made 49 firkins of butter up to the pre:ient
time; Oct. 11, made by Mr 4, 11. 11,0ine,
They would recommend Binterinitkers to
furniAt citports of such charm:ter. hereafter
contaiiiing infortnation mud) importance.
You r Committee_ also'award - ilie titst pre
niimn. on Chip-e. to Elwin A. Bennett, and
the . second prentimn to C. J. Curtis,' and
would ako.ttotict: the liecitnens of cheese -in
a Jar offered U. L. Catlin, as soine:ltin
Jos. D. DitiNamt,
'S. \V. 13itt.:En,
I. L. Posr.
hew and. like
On nuition.of . C. Carinalt a dktiretionary
was awarcl.,l
-1.3,H1iat.; fur her extra6rdinary skill and sue
The Npoidlivii to examine •an,l
award pentium.; Mt Leather report that they
have examined the satne and 'award prenti 7
ums as folloW, viz :
For be.t lot of (tali akin,-Moss A; Bro., $2
btrtNAR Leather, " . •
Some c:alf skins were exhibited by A. P.
Keeler %%hielt do great credit to the tnattufac-,
rarer and-for whieli - the . committee recom
mend II PtPeial promitnri of un,. doltar.
Mete wa.; al , o a lot oak tantkeil and
patent Leather exhibited by A. A; E. Baldwin
%%hi:eh doe, greatereilit io the matmlOqurets
We regret to state th:it no sole leather vras•
<gen! (1.. .loiix VotNG, •
- jottx.tlmutar,
- • --- S. 11. sArrre.
The committee orillakness report that ILet
For the be• - •,t *inzl e liaine.44,. C. C. ilolli4t e ie2
Obe exhibited by A. di Fl Baldwin was
very gutid.
F.,r ;he Best 1)ouble Carriage Liarne,g, 4. &
E. Bahkin,
Tor best team Ilarness, - 2
There al,o s very good lut of • duttb!e
Hartie,s exhibited by Weeks.
The Judges on agricultnart implements
Resoee Report.---.. .
we have been exceedingly soiieitutts
that Fanners may 'properly appreciate 'the
import:ince of this part. of our Exhibition,
every improvement calculated to relieve the
hands from drudgery 'and their tninds- from
anxiety—am) at the same One •e!e4..ate the
standard by which the:r repee aLility i 4 meas
ured in the eaminnuity.', The•cOmmittee are
Steeply impressed with .the cont'ietion- that
next to a judicious and properly. cultivated
the posse .ion of well Constructed and
elteaphibor saving maeliinery must and will
to furnish'. their. Broiher
ripetence and theirlamilies
. nen ploughing and seeding
reaping and mowing, - - fe.,yeing and drainiug
are a ll done by maehinervitia greatly di
mini -lied labor and expense, with threshing
and feeding stock and pteparing'tha,soil .are
done with machinery and horse power'. we
may teas. naMy expect that !mad" worn..
las liardsdlip,! hider:vet" by exl. o .q ue
gad stoe.iiiiiities blunted by unmitigated
toil, gill be comparatively few.
• Wi-t -not
therekire with a single . eye
.the illlprove
mehr-of the t -, to the multi
plied laniefits•it confers upon the agticulttarut
rats, e 4 well tlium. mechanics mid artiNtn
that your committee. hive perniritted the du
ties enYoilied upon theM. hi all past tune
the life of a .14itier has beet . ) :r life oflabor;
- for the miremitted expenditure of power
and money, IM has received but a limited tee'-
taapen , e, and at tile &line . time his' been uni
versally regarded, ifs the naderling anti die
instruinent, by which ,the professional, the
mercantile, and manufacturing chaps should
Maintain their AcHileiny.
your comtnittee do -not helievethat . any . im
provernent in mechanics will suspend the ne-,
eessity of .active Untiring induStry,.and a rig.
ilant superintendance, to take- advantage of
every (linage - in:our coquettish climate, they •
indulge a hope. That farmers shall not al
ways.tre kept iu• a state
, Of Servitude, bending
their body to toil, or. lendittg their u . nisai
and minds ,to it:unwed mal superfluous.
breath. Why not. allow Anitable' conipeusa
'ion to thoxe whose. 'attention has been Judi-1
dintinish the require()
of labor, they will ,soon ; give 'ample
`rote-his • mind; and thus
tt; edneated men Itt've -.hitherto
I.4llecittal; moral , gild-pout
try. Nany-ivlio have
ptirsuite Whnonly . , j
' trr ignorance;
Fa I tue
m it II v.,
. .
' I
F tatielrett
time to ill
!lie empire IL
held over the uni,
,ieal• welfare "of Ms coil
Hirer # . 4lputhised!it h
Tegarclihem fii:eMPloymel
11;4 to ignoble sect inglorious. for
stupid and uncultivated, will.find
fared iota a properaapport for 'ma will
S. BARD, :
For the - Best lot, of tutter• firkins and tubs
to E. Tewksbury, ' For the Best portable Ci
41er press to S: Bushnell for Iliekoks patent.
The Committee believe that J. Ethridge
and Num Osborn are entitled 'k'it discretion.
ary ''prenifirm f o r articles not . :specified in the.
premium lisOhey: having etch offered a he-•
Dire for - whicli a premitun has been obtained.
W.Li,, JESSUP. • .
• ' demi .1 AREE , FGTON. :
Your Committee on fruit .vege ables' and
honer would respectfully report -:
Good fruit is held in high estimatio
\ \, \ft,„
its all, and May justly be regarded as a !amt..'
ry for. culinary uses and the regalia of the so
cial circle,; nevertheless,.its • full value is. not
_if it were—if the zeal for prop
agating it-were egnaf to the pleasnre 'of en
j•.ying it,, our old . and unsightly - orchar6 ,
would either he renovated by grafting ou re
mired as ilii encrnbranee, and new ones be
'planted in their stead: .-- ; '. .
The. process of grafting itriong 'us, and the
utility. of good fruit, -were, riot,
.twenty five
years ago, as well. unders.tood as they RCM
are. Hence, if thU pioneent of. our county
were-culpably rends, in this particular, we
have been and are !1-till much . mo . re' so. Th . !:
choice speebnena exhibited this day should
excite us all to s)steinatio fruit-growing.
The time' was when apples were - prineipal
ly used for eider-making, and - when every
fainter-would, if lie could, fill his cellar . with
"hard cider;'-and for that purpose any va
riety:would do,-as alfar greater - zest ar . as evin
civ,e for,the- intoxicating Juice than for. the
fruit. There need then wonder that',
taste for excellent freit was ,gpnerally deprar
ed, and profitable Cultivation restrained.—.
But thew" pam me '—may thy sew
theniselyes with dignity, whom. they feel
have Ugh :tints and noble purposes ; and who
combine the sterner virtues with allthe cour
tisles and amenities of life. It is >a truth prli;
ven by a long and bitter experience itt every
cliMate'And `upon every coil, " that those who
think will govern those who toil" undet these.
views two of your committe as soon `as their
arcp•aintment was announced - attended the
State Fair at Harrisburg; - where, they 'bad a
favorable opportunity of examiping mowing
and : reqping machines, Horse power, cilraiti.
Mills Churns, Wind mills fanning im s
proved hay forks corn planters., corn shellors,
horse rakes, plows and various . other articles
'of farining apparatus, requiting only an exer
cise of the ordi nary faculties of • mind, and
common ititelligence, that every farmer pos
sesses to bring, into use. They regret to find
(what. however is common in all cases) a dis
position- on the part of machinists -and
factures to ask exhorbitant profits for nia„hin 7 .
ery : —fOr mowing and reaping machines that
ought t, lw made for'oo or ii7p . they rate
100 orsl 2 so,threShing machines,Straw Cutters
a n d cor n .shellers are unreasonably high
but we think . this:an evil that will gradually
eorrect cummittee therefore
earnestly,- reeommend the adoption: of the'
scriptural advice" to try all these things and,
to hold fast to those which arc good,'
Your Committee have examined the vari
ous : articles of machinery placed •on the
gTottnils - fOr premium . s, and: hare •concluded
t.V award ate premium for the best plow to .
Pasehalf Morris & co., for their Prouty plow,
N o 5 1 . 1 2.,—f0r the second Best to Cat 7
lin for an impiovement in attaching 'a "false
Land side, and strengthening the castitnand
a diploma to S. /1. D. Sayre, f dye. very
band,, n n e display of plows exhibited by them,
—Molts corn plow is also remarkable for. its
simplicity. •
No Harrows were exhibited.
For the best corn stalk cutter to Paschall
Morris & Co., being an improvement adapted
to hand_or Itorse power, with - a feeding ap
paratus by which the length, of the fodder, or.
straw when cut is‘ regulated. S, 11. &U.
Sayre have a very simple and cheap cutter
adapteil to hand muting:
For the 1)64 Cultivator they award the
premium to. S. 11. & Li. Sayre for a great vit.. -
' riely exhibited by (hcm of - different, discrip
. lions,—and they 'also recommend -that a dis .
eretionary premimn of 62, be - .awarded to
Isaac L. Bunnell exhibited by hiin. .
\o Corn Sheller being offered the Jud ges
pi.opose, that this premium be awarded to
F. NeWton for a iot of farming tools
factured be him exhibiting much ingenuity.
-For the best churn they award -the premi
um to Bushnell. For another exhibited bv,
E. Tewksbury, they recommend, a diploma an
churtiing having noW become an important
item in' the labor of our pOpulation.
No Home take having been exhibited the
Judges prepOse that this premium be awar
ded to E. T. Tiffany for A Thresher; Seperator
Cutting box and- horse Power exhibited. by
Oxcart being exhibited, the Commit=
tee recommend that this premium be award
ed .to S. IL S D.. Sayre fora remarliablygood
single horse power.
'hay rigging beitlg exhibited the Com
mittee also recommend that the.preinium of- .
fered for it be awarded to . R. Wells for.
the fanning mills of Jas. 'Peters patent; man
utietitiefl at Athens in Bradford COunty . ..
For the bet Clieese Press, they award the
premium to O. F.'iFargO no other being
No fartnwagon being shown, the Judges
tee.ommend that•a diploma he awarded To'J.
C. Ilensoti fotL'a machine for uumnfacturing
Stare?d, and that the premium for a fluin wag
on be awarded to S W. 13reed for . iieteltimi's
mowino• -machine.' ; • '
again .return ; - and inayno toper henceforth
disturb the peace and disgrace our Cettpty.—
There is no department of the (anus-that bet.=
ter- pays for Caltivitionnot .even. as. well—
as it thrifty tearing orchard of Well selected
varieties. Fruit is too much refused for fee&
ing, because, as some alle g e , it will not fat ,
ten swine. Very true; will givethrift
before the time of fattening :arrives,- and is
beneficialeven then, mixed with otherfoixl—
worth then more than it is fur cider and to,
per making. -- It is excellent for store swine,
during Winter by: giving thtift and saring;
grain. Ii is a great mistake, as experiment
hazy proved, that the sour varieties have not
equal nutriment -with the Sweet :-the. only
diterentsi is the sleet do pot affect the teeth
as the sour do.
Your committee might, if they had time,
say much on the utility of 'fruit raising and
fittit feedifig; hence we have only to recora-.
mend to. our brother fartuers - the importance
of Systematic hortieultnre,' than which no la
bor devoted better pays the husbandman. •
*This season is not one of 'abundant fruit; .
notwithstanding; the great variety exhibited,
Unequalled at any previous fair, adinonishes
us of our great neglect hitherto, and calls up
on us all to go 'and do likewise. •
The fist premium of $2 we award to Mr.
Abel Cassidy--the second of $l to Mr. L. M.
There were other specimens which deserve
not only notice but commendation, especially
one by lion. Wm...Jessup—another by Ur
-bane litrrows, Esq..
.There were only two specimens of grapes
offered ; one by E. 13. Lyon--premium $2--
the other by J. Etheridge, premium $l.
Your Judges propose a 'discretionary. pre-mium to M.K. Tingley of $l. for the beg: lot
of quinces;. and to J. Tewksltury of 'sl for
best lot of pears.
The garden vegetables were a noble and
rich display,:and give great credit to the soil
of our county, when properly tilled. So,
Much and so great a variety - has never hith
erto, at our fairs, been exhibited.
:The first premium of $2 Is awarded' to
Hugh Mitchel, and the second of $1 to. Ed=
win Baldwin. -
Jeremiah Ethridge- offered the only—a
choice specimen of honey—prernjum $2. '
.The above is most respectfully submitted.
• . , S. A.,NEwtos,
• IL P. Ronivs:
• .The increasing interest manifested' in this .
l3rnneli of agriculture is Very. gratifying
and it hoped will be. continued. The
day was fine—the swyrd to be broken stiff
and the ground it heavy loam., In some parts
stony, but affording a reasonable fair field for
competition... At. our first ,plowing match
five years sinee, only three teams were enter-'
ed. This year the had ten, and a most spirit -
ed match in which the work was creditable
as Well to the PlOws, as to. the --learns, and
Plow=men. Taken 'together it is believed the
Plowing was much superjor to any 'before,
petfortned in the-coanty,and might Well chal
lenge competition with that,- at - any of the
plowing matches in the country.
ist. A. ,f. Hollister of, Di inoek,—a, pair of
Brown Mares, and IrOn wheel ploW,manufae
tured by MeSsrs. Mott of ,Montrose. Time
one hour and 26 minutes. -
2d. _Henry J,,Kent; will) z pair of . fine
Black - Mare's which took the first. premium
last.year, and an' Iron wheel. - plow also, of
Moms manufacture. Tenie, one hour and 42"
~31 Martin - &Catlin" of Bridgewater, a
pair of Black;. Poni,rrither small, but fine
an.d smarti.a plow Otis own invention and
form, east at the,Foundry of Messrs. Sayers
in,Montrose: Time;One - hour and:34i.min
- 4th. MIL Harrington of Bridgewater, a
pair of elegant Brown Mares, also an' Iron.
Plow; made by kepis. Mott. Time, one
hour and 21 minutes. ' •
Norman Austin of Bridgewater, a
[Air of dark Bay Illares, a . Blatebley plow
with fixed cutter.
.Time, olie hour and 25,
. Oth. David Banker of Bridgewater
pair of largoandlast - ,:liesnut - sorrel :liorseN
mid Bhoolit4rplOw.
_:-Tfrae, one : hour and S
. . .
. ..
. .
7th. Isaac SloKeeby of I3ridg,ewa!er,- a
pale of Bai : hors" - BlatchleY 14611.1 Tilize,
one hour and 7- minutes. • .
, Nelson Unaley, of Bridgereater, ‘ a
re . , and ti,gplendid plow-uian.. griuze, one
hour 50. minutes.• •
Wm, T. Austin, a cream and brown pair
of horsw, a Blatcbley plow' with - wheel and
Coulter.: Time, 0110 hour and 36 minutes.
The Committee had great difficulty in
amongdeciding the best, - Where is• g ood
and meet: of it very good, there will of coarse
be a diversity of opinion as to which Merits
the . firet and whieh the second premium and
the CwitnitteM, hare: found the tbesatiie difilent-,
ty:tini . aa dan
mita -iritiandelafialist
Volume 12, liiitbit'43;
, ,
' tue matter, award the preiniums es - followbf
The 1 rst premium to Nelson" Matelejr' -
Second. Premium lgartin S. Catlin • :"
Third " ••M. H. Harrington,'
Fouith, " Amos G. Hollister,
Fifth, " Geck Ilarviy„
Thelßepert of the difeient - Coim`mi ttgas
were 4opted by the Society, and : te Preadi
urns difected to be paid. - Pawnswho I 'uric
not reived them, will obtain them - Gout*
Treasti rof the Society, Mai Lathiip let*
store in Montrose. -
There were a large number of, atsicles= ` ex.
hi bi tftc" which should-have been More. par:.
ticular y mentioned by the Society, not bar
ing been reported upon by - the Coinatiatiel,4,
is itnpossible for the officers of tile Society to -
allude to them in this. Report their
rious duties preventing a crtical exiinination
of any article exhibited. Among them bow
ever we would mention . three very handsome - .
yoke of Devon Steers exhibited IT Mr Hollis-'-
_ter of Ditnockoi Durham Bull brought into
the County this fall fronfthe Btate Fair at
Elmira, by S. W„ Breed of BroOklyn; 101111!
fine samples of Grain by Timothy Griffin and
others,—and" four _loaves of bread made by.
Miss Kate Searle, Miss-. Maria Meylert and
Miss Dora Keeler. - - • •
A tact - WipsA Moral
A eelebrate'd artist, in one of his rainblea„
met with the must beautiful child he had ever
seen. I, will paint the portrait of - this child,
he said, "'and - keep it4lir my own :-for I may
neve! look upon its like again ! ". Ile painted
it, and whin trouble 'came, and evil passions
moved his spirit to rebel, he gazed upon, :the
likeniss of the boy; end passion fled, and ho
sier thouOtte entranced his soul. Years pu
led away, and at length within a prison's walla
stretched upon thtfloor of stone, he sees a
man, stained with blood, with glaring eyisk
and haggard face, and with demoniac !sip
cutting , himself and his fellow:beings as
blaspheming God, as be' lay waiting fir the
hour of his execution. The artist tzansferree
his likeniss also to canvas, and placed it:op
positeposite to the child's. flow striking, - Ito*,
'complete the contrast!" The angel boy—the
fiendish man".
What must have.been thit feeling /Atha at.
tist, when upon inquiry, he ascertained the%
both the portraits he , Laid made were. Of the
same individual! Thb beautiful,: innocent
child, : had grown into the hideous, sinful man:
A Bit of Advice.
Have you enemies?, Go straight cni, an I
don't mind them. . If they get in your way .
walk round them regardless of their spite.—
A `man who has no enemies is seldom good
for - anything—he is made of that. materis:
which is sQ easily worked that every one - has
a hand in it: A sterling character-p•one wha
thinks for himself and'speaks what he thinks.
is always sure to have enemies: They are si
necessary tci . hint as fresh air: they keep hint.. ?
alive and active. A cerebrated choracteruse4.
to remark: They are spark3.Which i lf..yow
do not blow wilt go out Of. themselves.—:Let
this be your feeling, white' endeavouring ta
live down the scandal of those who are bitter
against you. If you din) to dispute, poi de
but. as they desire, and open the way for moil ,
abuse. Let the felloWs talk—there - will be
the reaction, if
,you but: perform your dtity. -
and hundreds wliajare alienated
. frow. you, .
will flock to you and acknowledze their-ar.,
Zir John X . Botts has found_ one g* -
feature in . the Maine Law. He sa t that ia.
States where th e law has been en 4
ted, the - ,
oh:waiter of the liquor has been decidadly'4D!-.-;
, ._,,
A reverend.gentlemen . in New. ,York a finr,
Sabbaths since, seeing a poor woman totter—
ing up one of the aisles of his church,
lug in v:da for some of his cougregatiiM to_
offer lier a seat, paused in hisiermoO, deem-
ded from the pulpit, showed her into his pow.
and quietly returned to blades]: again;
Two boxes containing $25,000 each ingold
were sent from the U. States assistant twi4. — :;-
tiro at Dubuque,. lowa, to, the;assistant •
urer in New York eith butwhen they arrived,
the boxes were found to be filled '_with ` rifle . _ •
bullets. It is supposed the boxes weteilithigeid.
while on the way froth the: treastwfto -
railroad depot at . Dubuque. Welis :it"
are4heexpress agents who undertook' to con
vey the money. It is a " splendid" . tobbety,"
by somebody.
g,ood vgg, put it in a tea-cup, and ativiajaa7",
much salt-as will,make it thick enough not
to run off; and spread a piaster and , apply
the wound, and I wouldlusure i Toti -far f t 44;
pence.- The suhicriber 'hag tried the
remedy in a 'number of carca, andael . erknear:.„l
it to fail in one. P. Prettytnap,
Portland Orrgon. , •
Boatman thoughta,- - hhe 'borrowed
only retail thermal' , that cangelhal-
he loatZl
lir" . A tal
them not;. is
ttAt hordes &bee and anjoya=t
66 . 11144. ib 4 t c!iniei gold.*ad,
s ir st,'!,tedpos - Ip3vetn, killls l ° if*
No)go,: only ace -
sr The Re!t co;reiiitt
. , ,
i la