Jerttsemeuts. 3, Witreabeig a Brother . ' Hxyr. - Ittlergeeived atiearb daily 'reZeivini' a spleudidii&iottitient 'of Sprint and Sum. met ta,rese;Gunds;,.stich Barages, satin, striped and Plaid Lawns, Ortandis,Barate-1 0.44411,019€4„0f solotzu ,4 544 , figurel,. New lurk pricks. - Our atook of shaivls. is., well: seleeet,sd,- among NAM found Cmpa'SNwis; troche' Sall, llarag,e, Cashinctl , and Ptitidet , • Asplinithesteek ..thWlsitest styles and r at very low prices. Oar stook 4( Nnabroideries is, aelected.with the greatest dare tinireitnet Tail ff . ; give satildhetien. Isfisdditintfwe hiCe a goiniaseerfruentenf Needlel:./ ,work,', Window Curtains, at various prices. altin'Abirite , the , piridie- at bargains, Calicites, bleached and brownliuslin, gontl'asielititMfit' of Calicoes, Beatieking, Flannel, &e. Elosiery`rat, very: ow_pricea,'such as Stockings bleached and , brewn, slate color,, black and mix., e44i.eckings a superior ":article of raw silk hose, ,{ alsso a sOlendiii article of silk 3lits, Gloves, Rog er's oyes., . .L NtrWliaiFe alsc; asiiottnient'SE . nets,, Ribbons, also Misiese 13onnets,.Children's Finilt*rttw'Ctip4 and - Flats, a goad , _. ofillffraints; 'all at a small advance above cost. ,hriutditio to all , thie .we Afer the' public the largest'and eheipest sthelcof Ready.maile Cloth inverer offered En. Netthern Pennsylvania. , solt general ashottment 'of-Gentlemen's Furbish.. ing'Goodi, each as Shirts, Colars,Cravats, stocks, suspended, Driwers and under Garments; &c. Please - try us'—distpproves if you can. • J. WIT-TENBERG & BROTIMR. Montrose, April 25, 1855. • ".--f" TIME CHANGED. • Delat~ are , Lac kawanna . &W. H.R. `. • SPRING ARRAYGEMENT! . ... .. and' after Monday, May ,7, 185, :the ...Mail Passenger Train will leai.e Scranton at 10.20 A. M. . . . Due at Great Bend at 1.20, P. AI • • Connecting with the Dunkirk Express Train west, and the New York Express Last; on the N; Y. & E. R. R.- Passengers taking this train will arrive in Dunkirk at 11.15 p. m. and in New York al 11.15 p. ut. . Return, will leave Great Bend at 4 p. m.: due at SeYanton 6.45 r. at. The Freight Accommodation Train, with pass. eager car attached, will depart from Scranton at 1.00, p, nt.,•connecting with the Ma Train bound West, •and the Night Express Trains both Eastand West. • Passengers taking this Train'and the Night :Ennis East, will arrive in New York .at 10 5 a. m. :By taking the Night Apress West, will arrive in, Dunkirk at 12 M., or by taking the Mail Train West, wi;l arrive iu Dunkirk at G. 45 Returning,. trill depart from Great Bend at 7.00 a. 3t..and arrive at Scranton, 12.10, A. M. Stages will be in waiting on the arrival of Pas senger Trains at Scranton, io convey passengers to Carbondale,' Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, Plilladel phia.tia oling IL R.; Easton, andallother intermediate places. • ' . D. IL DOTTERER, Sup't. Sap% Office, Scrintoti, May 7, 1855 25tf NOTICE hereby given that application will be lends Isession, of the' LeffislaturC . ifor the. 'charter of a Bank; to be calls* the: Ftirm ers.ct :Mechanics' Bank. Located at Susquehanna Depot, Susquehanna County, Penn'a: The,por. pose and object of the Bank is for discotuffinn• and .deposit, With a capital of $5O 000 00, with the privilege of increasing to $109,000 09. Susquehanna Depot, PeUif a. 1.1.41 y 9th, 1855. • "28—rain. HOSIERY—Iien, Boys, Ladies and Cllll dten's Hose and _Collars, at N. &I'. Arthur's Patent Self-Segling Cans, For preserving Fresh Fruit, Toni'lives, Berm . etical Senling. , THESE Cans which are sealed , by the house keepers without tlie aid of a tipper, afici cipcnedevily without injury to the Can, are rap. idly corning into general - use. Full direetiobs for puttink up fruit. nee,ampaning the Cans! and tho work is so easily performed, that by their use, overy family may have Fresh Fruit and To. matoc . s. on.their tables all winter, nt - surnmer pri ces. PRICES".—Tint Cans, $2,00 ; Quart, $2,50 $3,50; Three Qurtq, $4,25; Gallons; $5,00 per, dozen. The differcut sizes nest, in. order to. secure economy in transportation.-- Country Storek€epers will „find this new artirit; .on§ of ready sale. Manufactured and sold by ARTI-1114. BUANIIAIL &CO. . • South TENTH St. PIIIL'A.. July 18, 1855.--301n3,4 A • FALL STILE OF HATS. . • "One Prfeii Casti Store. rirmicrstAs RAFI'ERTY, No. 57 .Chatham-st., New )"orlt, Opposite Chainbers-it., lite of the well ItnoWn house of Rafferty Leask ; is desirous of calling attention to his sto c k fur -the fall trade. Combining. elegance with durability, his naxs maintain the reputation, 'which . 'for the last ten years he linSearned by iris assiduous at tention to thelnats Of his customers, and 1) ; € the ~ fact, which is well understoed s .that,,,selling fo cashl . oily, every customer acts the north of his money. THOS. RAFFERTY; • 37m3. 57 Chatham-st., Fretmeh Flowers, Paris Featbers, • Straw nery Goods. . WE are' now offering :11:470siock of French Flowers, Paris Feathers; and lliltinerjr Articles, of the_ most unique. styles, and latest importatior,leCash pirchaSers at n great re duction from time price's, and as vve have - made arrangements to receive, the cording season, tty almost every steamer,the newest styles of goods in our line, we, would take occasion to solicit N, -cash parehaseto examine our stock, at Nos. 64-&66 John-st., Corner of William, N. Y. ‘• 37tf ' ' HOMER &'KETCLIUM.. SALT"?ay.the bl 4 or Load at the mai-krl rat's by O. G. HEMPSTEAD. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS JH. DE PEG' would Call the attention of • the-public to his large stock d Three Ply . , .'fizinsfr . v, and Brussels Carpet . ingstvhich he has just purchased at ArCTID:j -• and offers at lower prices than ever offered be fore in the country, and a large variety, filling his spacious Carpet Room occupying.tho second floor (if his Crockery .and House Furnishing • store. Come and be convinced that'there is, no necessity for bare floors. Bingliamtoftli,.Sept., 1855, • GREAT.;BARGAINS Ile Dux G 0013%. W. N,. WILSON, 87 _CO. R • ETURN their Warmest acknowledgements to their customers in Snati*liaima County for paitlavers, and invite attention -to theli - St6a Row Spring Goo just,oPened„'-,rich they s propose . 1 7.eP104 11 " weekly from AUCTION, and the cheapest' cash ilkiiises'in the qtr._ The stock -inn Wees every4ariai of Staple sod.fancy liry Goods, Yankee Notion, Trimka, Traveling Doe%- All of which they will fell AP extremely CllEfor CASIL - :'PeOlars,and other Wholesale buyers will find ifgreatlY to 'their advantage to give them a call, The Ladies will 'find an excellent , asaortineat of Dress ;oods,'Eluibroideries, Th read -Laces, and Trimininis of 'kinds, from AUCTIGISIcat rem low - rates-, W. N. WILSON & , aoriiir of Coo . rt nod AVater Sig. Binghatotoo,N.y,Aplil 5;1156, . 7: . • :A- OMR LOT OF'.--?• - • LOPIDOIC.TviiBt Double Barrrel do., And extra - Fine Rifles, for sale . by: . - • • LATIIROP &co; . . • 117 STO'VEA. .*ZATLE 1 :: I • • i - ---- 'EMPORW: , i9F - '.. , i' , .-- '-- i Atf.. Woolati it‘ rifr Vist) • oi,:reiii...kis, -- 4;,...4iditi-: 4'44 :mid:- SOlith - - o ' f te4 , i , 7 .I , i.' ?'.... Setirlei • Hafeii - ':r.- ! . ' - ':. . IlrirtiEßE litstt; tie - fliuv beet • iiisortiniitt: : v of STOVVOielliriiught - t r olhiitrtaikit; ittthVi''ivith`l'in.WnriV.iliettpee than 'can -tie bbezht - elic4berajitii iiiiia *. Af Ne*Totic: - ". ' ' ' '', 'Ttiejiiionid tespparolliesti"thii attention - of tnwihoseis' to their: niw"'. - Micr splendid - -Stock' of STOVES mid rl'IN-WAR.E. which Will le told: .... , , at Eery •ioy , pries i : . . _ . ... . - . We , hare thai iitost approv ed, pitted* - of'! iy, ever rna g lar..into::ibis rai*eti. amon g 'whic,tu tn u .,..4 .found , , - - ...! --.. .'• .-.' ~ ~ • ' !'. s* .iii.,iiki4 . t.(4:47.0,1,.' r ei,). Cti ll ith.- ' irt fillevittelcl Oven,) Prt . ragon, New' .; ' .-. --. •• , •43'..0r1d-,1 .Glob4 - 1..4 flag, , .and .: • '.' .„. ~.. • - : - Pireeftates s i ', • •.• . • - i' - All - A i r-tight,:lna varions other - patterns ' too nu. - . - iaierd'us to mention. . 1 • ~ . - &IN W . ABE.•of all kept - constantly _on hand fol. boutehold use - . 1 Jobbing done to order and in the best manner. ' carefully preired befo - re leaving the shop.. - iThey respelally olirit the patronage of all who - wish to purchase anything in their line, ILS. 'luring them that modey can be saved by examin ing their stock before 'purchasing elsewhere, S. A. WOODRUEIP. G. B. EISMED. Montrose, June 1 1855 { • • • The Know Nothing. Expose. A" person patronising ' me,' at the froht upper i.ooki of the Store lately occupied by 211. C.. Tyler, can be accommodated according to to the Latest Fashions, in the best and moat ap proi•ed manner : • ' - - lily work is warMted . to fi if pi operly, made, Cutting, mending and in fait every branch of Tailoring, done on the shortiest notice, and that to the satisfaction; of lose concerned. ICC L.SAUTTM... 3:31a01t Silk.' : - • ' • A GOOD quality for dreises, at 81 cta. per yard. -. 9 1 U. B. &Co. Vet, 11. 1854." . Wool !.•WOoll ! Wool!!! , 1A AAA . POUNDS - Wanted at the Farm. 1_7 9 1J Uk.; ers'- Exchange fur Which . 013 highest market price will be Pahl in Cash by • • A. LATIIB.OP & CO. June 13, 1855. ! ! • , 'SPRING GOODS. ASuperior iot, just reeeir44, and now offering :•t the lowest cash prices Fir approved cred it or Ready . pay, by 4 • I ; A. LATIIROP de, ,Cor gay I. . , . LOOK HERE. POCKET KmvEs.—A good assortment ¢f the best kind in market. Alsu. Table Knives and Fork s..` •ii SruoNs.—Srt.v is. .Silver Ilated,German Silver. Albrata and Britania-ware Spoons. Alio all kiwis of Butler Knives. VIOLIN-Srp.iNcs, Bons, and all the fi x tures, Violins, AceAideons, Flutes, Tuning Foritsolter. FLmti Lsatrs, Fluid, Cam Pliant!, Candles, Lamp Oil, &r.. PAMILY GROCERIES.-A full assortment, new and good. Dnucs AND PixENT 31tmcisEs.—A first rate assortmept and genuine., - PAINTS XND Ort.s.:—A general a'sssorttnent, anti of ,LTood quality. . .. .Ir,wF.txr.,--A splendid variety, of th . e neatest pat Prns. . - - ' FANCY . GOOD.—Nearly .eYerytiiing In branell. • l'Er.rt-Nreni - .:--A•eh'niee variety. snppliegieeeive - d fiearty . eve!y week.) - In stmrt,„penrly everythi,ng persons want, and ;,t tlid,v.irie:y store of A. TURRELL. . . M4. 4 .rose, June 14, 1855 Lanosbor6 Furnishing. Establish ment. TIE sulus.:ril;er keeps const.mtly on hand and ‘eili make to order, MIAs, Windows ar - el indow-Sash, Door and Window- PrAmcss, and al) dither itrileles made of wood and used in buildinz. payritt:d and hung on* short. nz)tlre- (Vass of 41 sizes, t l izalities and quantities!fok sale: Flooring ploined sod match ed at from $l6 to $:2O per 17000,feet: Turning _done to order. Also a general assortment of • CA B EVET-11:7111 "Bureang. Tables and Statds;pf all varieties.— Chars, Bedsteark Settees, &c., &c Coffins, ready made or made to order in the shortest no tice. ' 'Good Pine; Cherry or Whitowood lninber, and grain of afl• kind, taken in exchange' for the ' 17ER515-111-ady pny or three - months time with approved credit: ' ' • - AU orders n ' itlressed tome will receive prompt attentioe. • • • Laneshoro;June. 18. 855 Grat Exhibiti ( - 1.11 FIAT AND 11.0,13 E_XliffliTlC - N. OF V 2.7 'I:7OII.F,IGN ANP DOMEISTI.C• GOOl)S,' of alnmst eviTy;strle bind qualitic soritt - as ill! he s_tiro - to aq.d oln all:. class& of people—from the childin the ttia . ll(eto the old and decrepit. These goods' are bought on the most favorable terms', and - will lie sold according. -• • - Please pre' us a• call and - will try to sup ply all your • wants. in . line pat' GOODS ever kept in a country M ore. " you need not go fo New York for any thing •yrju Want, I)i:cause we haie them fresh from ih.;! cit.y. • SCOTT, JOIINSON, & CO. Nay 8,1855. • GREAT - ATTRAITIONS, • 'AT TIIiI.UPSONVILLE A:CHANGE-7,4 TIIE-Sulyscrilwr is now :receiving, a well se-' teeter! :,ssortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. hard wn re; Crockery, It ezdy-31ade.Clothing, Hats, flonni)ts, assarlrnenl,) Paint Dyc-zituffs, Yankee Notions, in fact, altneA .everytiling. osnally.ealled for at a noun- Irv. 131t,re, incitailg Floor. Salt and. Meakali of . Which he is desirnos of sellino for Cash, pr any kind of Farmer.); iferehan!aPle Produce, or on gi)od . ar)proved -Short Credit. Ilia friends ap 'Rost respeetfolly'invited to give him' a call and satiify them. that • the Exchange is the place for farars to trade. Tile highest price paid,. in Cash for. Butter. . • • - MERRIMAN Upsi+ttr~le, Mn 15, 1855. . CASH flutter- by • • H. AL Jo ES bin), J. H. DE PELL PA.Tt!rir+TIEDIfFIN.p AGENp — ABELPURRELL, ' - Montt:o..e, DRUGGIST, AND AGENT, FOR ADLTRE POPULAR I .PAM I :I3? 'irLiniltlisr.§ OF TITV. DAY. aTfignpx . fny ,Conlittnatiy, Beeslva. Patelfate Watches.:' L•., _verii rillig=itabisaibet has haat .received b 3 steakti ship:Baltimaacther.ini•oiter of hiscelebrated EriglialtPatent and ,, alkeletoo Lever-- Witehee, -making foarleec different 'varieties, in Plain mid Melting tone*, to which] he.scoald call the wen. • tion.of all permmi Trishini to perches. perfect time pieces. • , j-A.1.-EVANS, •_ No. 2, Odd Fellowsi.liall. • 7,1 190. S"rEll-gLATER AUX grelve.doo, made to mitch - talver fOr*lopitder-bi .11isglittotia" ; 4 eitkr. "0 4, 4 A -0 1 12 16 I ed from 'the Manufaitery. rxgbereteeitiluly.-1:. Mil JACOB TA VLOR.- 25m. !it in Springville. • 90 :0 1 4 I 4 . . INA lit. EWE t V - 1 - !g4ntto* . Aite.ilis,riliios-7-7- NEW:ZTOCIC OF DRY,GOODS! AND p - t"t R P E . T-S i.! iitilinctiost In Prices ut the ONE PRICE STORE. • . , • 13'1•;C: - BACON hss the pleasure of annonne -1:11re leg' to his Customers that ho has.just re- turned: from the. Eastern -Markets . with one• of theilirgest and most eieellent issortmont of. • -.. ' DRY. GOODS AND CARPETS: . • ever. opened in this market, which fir , beauty, yarietyreed style cannot be surpassed, which hav ing heen PeOhased for cashit a uction and else- Whero at auction prices he will sell them cheaper than .they were: ever before offered in this or :My :.oitir i 'mailieti•weit of New York city.• • • : ' 'kits, rich and splendid assortment of • : i • •.. -. „DRESS SILKS is stlays acknowledged . the best and cheapest in town, and includes Plain,Plaid, Striped, Brocrrilr ind:Glace--tho cheapest as well as the'-' richest goodi,atprices varying. from 37 1-2 et's to $25,U t per :tlard, togeth r with a great variety of BRILLIA 7 JET BLACK.SILKS, True. Satins, •dz.c., selling at least .20 per cent less than the COE t of imiiortaiion. • SHAWLS! SHAWLS!! An immense assortment of Silk, Crape; Thibet, Cashtiere, Merinos, Breche and Summer Shawls, from $1 to s6o, , together with a splendidvariety of Black and. Colored , - - MANTILLAS, of all the fashionable patterns: Sace, Silk and Embrbidered, which will be sold cheaper than over before. '" DRESS GOODS, De Lains from 6 1-4 c'ts to 37 1.2 c'ts'per yard : Plain,Plaid, Striped and,Figuied. Muslins, Orli liantes, Challits,"Bombazines, Chambras, Ging barns. French, English and American Drills, from 5 'c'ts to 25 c'ts per yard, and every now style constantly on hand at. the lowest prices. RIBBONS. . , Ribbonds by the peice or yard will be always iu our stork for Milliners an d retailers. EMBROIDERY. • • . The richest and largest assortment of . Embroidery ctic always be seen at R. C. Bacon's,at the lowest prices. Chemisetts, • Collars, Sleeves, Skirts, Infants' Waists, &c. of every fashionable style, • together with pn g lish Thread, Valetieeinnes, lloniton, • Guipure and - Brussels Lices in peat variety. LINNEN GOODS.' - of all kinds. IriA- Linens, Linen Ilanakerchiefs, Table Linea and covers of all -sizes. Napkins, Doylies, Linen Sheeting and Pillow Case Linen from auction at prices- Wlow all competition. ThoattentiOn of house-keepers is particularly invited to our stock of Curtain Goods, among which may be found Lice Cnrtains, Brocatelles, and everything in this line of goods, which can not fail to please in fabric, style or price. - • . DOMESTIC GOODS. ' Bleached and Brown Sheeting-from the emi grade tip to the &test qualities. Tickinv; Denims, Striped Shirting, Apron Checks. Ginghams and Prints, , from 5 c'ts to 12 1-2 e'ts- per yard, and all kinds of Cotton Goods for men or I,,oys' wear. Hair Cloth Skirts, Grass Cloth Skirts, • and Parasols,-;—a very rich assortment. • More Antique, Moss Pringes, Gsloons,- and 'all descriptions of Dregs and Mantilla Trimming, and everythin e ,O belonging to this Dry Goods' trade customersiMay. be sure of finding ea Bacon's, if it can be New York. . CARPETS! CARPETS!! • SinCe the recent Tremendous Fall in the price of Carpeting; we have purchased and have - now on hand the largest -and mostlieautifol assortment of CARPETS ever exhibited in this region. at prices fully 30 per cent." less . then they ,could be sold for the last year. Al) those who are in want of Carpets are our. . CARPET-ROOM where they will be delighted With the beauty and cheapness of the various patterns, and astonished that so good 3 carpet can be sold so\ cheap. . -Brussels, Three Ply,' . . • .'lngrain, " ' Union, • . - _- Cotton • '. and Hemp. - --, Carpetings from 16 c'ts per yard and upwards.— Floor and. Table Oil Cloths.. Matts; Draggetts, &c., equally cheap. .i . / . R. C. Bacon would infirm those of his custo mers who have not already made themselves ac quainted withlhe 'fact_that he has removed from the .store formly occupied by him in Brighath Block, opposite Court House, to the corner Of the new block erected the last summer next east of the c . arml, and having a ranch larger, more conven ient. and pleasa.rtt store than formerly be is pr'e. pared to hold out even greater indimethents to buyers than heretofore, and such as can but be nppreciited,.and admitted by all those . who are competent judges.. -New Eaoange, Binghamton, k May, 29,-1855. Dry Goods and Carpets at Cott WICKHAM & BENNETT have.on hand a large and *ell .seleeted stock of Foreign and Domestii Dry Geods and Carpets, embra cing almost every article in the Dry Good's line ever brought into the market in view of the short crop of cash on hand, we haxe cor.cluded . to offer them for sixty days from . this dale at cost. Those persons to whom we have formerly sold Goods will at once see that this is a rare oppor tunity and one which should be embraced im mediately. .To those who hive never favored us with a call we - would say try us fame and you will be convinced that this is the place to pur ehase.Dry Goods and Carpets. Our-stock is al ways replete with. fashionable and season34e Goods and are determined t) ,keep as good a va riety as can be found in this section ofthe coun try, and sell at prices which cannot fail to please. VirICKHA3I & BENNETT. Binghamton, Jan. 30, 1855. THE LIGHTNING EXPRESS! Fare Reduced !, Time Saved Thro' by Day Light!!! HAWLEY & ZENILS, 'Ur AVE formed a partnership in 'Montrose for IL the purpose of doing ererybody's BLACKSMITHING! at the 011 stand near Keeler's Hotel.. . . . z We have purchased u 2 entire new stock of IRON, comprising a_ full assortment of all kinds, direct. from the city. We shall keep constantly on hued Weetern—ltouod and Square • Castateel.Toe Coil; Rods, Refined Tyro Iron—all sizes, Band Iron and _ . . Spring Steel. * A large assortment of llialablc Iron, Coil Chains; Carriage-Bolts; &c. &e., girt us a call, • By strict, attention to business we hope to re ceive a liberal share of. the patronage. All work warranted to .give satisfaction to tbose who will favor us, with their patronage. , • • ' F ir WAGONS AND CARRIAGESJO,. ironed•on short notice and stock found, or made .to order ihroughontss may best suit our patrons. -All busingo transactions must be settled once nyesr. SlAft settlements . and long friends-is our motto. • • - & A good journeyinan wanted i to whom steady employmept sad high wages wilt be Ono. A. E. HAWLEY. • PERay - hatt"„, Montrose, May 31.11165. ' - • SMYER. WARE .-- A large lot _of silver Forka t of ill , sizes _; 'also ; Table. Desaert and Tea Sponts, just finished and warranted is good as coin; A. J. EVANS. ; 'Att,g,l9. ' .dtWING' BIRDS, some 'ery fiat: Gar sale 11.,JyEV/4 48 . • ILL SAWS, warranted. at PLIYFE ii KNOWLTON'S rdtiktuntiat, %tab 1; 11/41e. SALAMANDER SAFES. 1. 'MANS i/L - WATSON, NO.-26 ..,:•-; --• J.l laPath Fourth st:l Philad. 1 • ;., : ;6. GRE Kr FLRE, CII ESTNUT do FIFTH. bta., Friday morning, ' " . " - ' 4 •-• December 15th, 1554,- , - Evans , & ,Watson's Saltnauder , Safes trin , , they always are when pat to - the test: •• ; : l'init.s.ost.ratta,•Uleci 15, 1854. Messrs Evans &. Watson, No. 25•Soutb Fourth St.; Philadelphia." • GE:47I.MM :—We take much pleasure in rec.' ommending. your Salamander Safes to Mnrchauts and others / in want of a secure means of preeierving theiribooks, papers, &c., from fire, as the one We. purchased from you about seven months "singe has preserved our books, and cash in us good •a'condi tion as they were when put • into it, before the greit fird this morning.'srhich destroyed the 'en tire block of buildings corner of Chestnut and'Fifth Streets— The aboye was in use in our office, on the . secoUd floor of our building, from which place it fell int 4 the cellar and remained there until the fire was out. The Safe was then removed and opened in the presence of at least 1000 persons, who witoessed -the : good condition of the .coutents. Will yea please have the Safe and Locke repaired as we intend to put it in use agaiu. having perfect ponlidenue in its fire.proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, ' .• . LACEY 4,III.ILLTPS. Ernun and Watson take pleasure referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their safes iu use :—U: S. That, Philads.; Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Philada:; Samuel Allen, Esq..,:High Sheriff Phila.; John N. Henderson, City Controller.; Caleb Cope 4. C0.,N0. 19 Mat. ket St ;:Richard Norris and Son, Locomotive huji. den; Phileda.; Bancroft and Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James 5i...; Franklin Fire:Casa ranee Co., Phila.; Penn'a Railroad Co:, Phtlada.; Lacey & tier sth and Minor Streets_; Sharpless Bro.. No. 32 south 241 St.; Janice, Kent and Santee, No. 147 North Third Street; W.. 11. Horteman and Sons, No : : 51 North 341 St.; Smith, Williams & Co., No. 87 Market St,; J.& 13. , Ornei No 185 Chestnut St, Mus:in Curtains, , A large assortment of the abote Safes slwaysain hand (warranted to stand 10 per cent. more fin• than tinj. Herring's Safe now in use-) EVANS & WATSON, also manufacture and keep ror sale, Iron'Shutters, Iron Doors and iron Sosh, for mak ing fireproof Vaults nor Ranks, Stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter col4in Press es; Patent Slate Lined Refrigerators, se.c. Please give us a call, at N0:26 South Fouith St., Phila delphia —lsyl • • NEW GOODS ITC ILLAN 4. PARK. return .their grateful IIL acknowledgments to the public fur past fa vors, and inVite attention to the very large stock of Spring and Summer Goods they are now re ceiving, and offer fur sale at re 4 low prices. In addition to their usual assortment of staple Dry Goods,Groeeries, Hardware, Crockery,. Paints, and 0:11 &c., they are prepared to exhibit a large assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS • of every description, FigUred, Plaid and Plain, I.3onnets,Shawls, Rilebons. Gloves, Hosiery Ladies and Misses 'shoes of all kinth—alSO large stock of • READY. MADE CLOTHING, . Cloths, - Cassimeres, .Theeds,, jeans, Slimmer Cloths, Vestings, Hats and. Caps, Boots .and Shoes &c. . They respectfully solicit: an early call from those uho %visit to ptirchasti Goon Goons AT PRicEs. • 114MILLAN & PARK Springville, May 2, 18.54. - Met. R. Thayer TAKES this method of saying to his friends• and customers that he WI, again resumed . the raojee of Medie:'ne - at his old stand in Mon: tio,e, where he mar be found at it times unless profe!•sionallyepoloyed. Ile would say to thoiie owing Lim on old accounts that he will.deduct 25 pt'r cent. on all accounts paid before the first of April next, (or if any poor like ruyself,). I will deduct fifty, 31ontre;e, Feb. 20, 18:55-9tf EW ore new Jewelry just reveiv.. J ed direct from t l it . manafteturers, and con sisting, of a first rate rAsortment of Liilies und Gent!reten's Gold finger Br . east Pins. Ear il o -, bps, Fob and Vest Chlins, Keys, Stud.. Pens. etc. Persons wkhintr tp pur chase Jewelry shovl4l ceriainly call at the Store of • ! A. TURRELL: • Montrose, April V!, Issp.. Re,niovstl. C. D. Vire. Dent;st. has removed t0,.a.-room over P. B. Chandler's store., a hrre it will be his - pleasure to sec his friends a 4 possible.' - C. D. VIRGIL : Resident Di7ntist: Montrose, May 2. 1855. - • NEW , STORE , asr:2) - alnit -(5 AGENERAL assortment of Staple and Fancy, Dry Goods : Groceries, Hardware, Hats, Caps Boots sod Shots, Wall Paper. Plugs, Dye Stuffs, Paints awl Oik &e., which Will be sold 'as cheap as the cheapest for Cash or apprOved credit by • . • 1.1. M. .lONES. - Harford June I; 1855. B. LACK Goo de Rhine Silk Or excellent quail ') ties at . H. 3.1. JONES'. June 1, 1835. • II?? ROCHA and Ca:-,llmere Shawl 4, at all prices, JO also a feci : Malitillas by. H. 31. JONES.- June 1,1855.. R.EADY.Madc Clothing., at low prices,. by - 41. M. JONES June 1, 1855. LADTES•wiII find a great variety of Bonnets and Ribbons at • 11. M. JONES'. hine.1.1855. LAWNS, Challis, Barge de ;gins and Ging,. hams at 1.1731. JONES'. June I, 1i35.5. - • . E MBROID P UES and Window Drapciy at 11. M. JONES'. Junc,l, 1855 A good asottmeut of Boots and Shoes st IL M. JONES" .Juno L 18' .. - SIXTEEN lbs, of Good Mackerel, for one dol lar in cash -by •-• IL M. JONES, June I, 1855.- THE best quality of Nails ut 5 et's per pound, for sale by H. 31. JONES. Juno 1, 1855. • T UST receiving a fresh supply of fine Ashton J Salt ia H. M. JONES'. Juno 1,3855. • Caution—Lottery Frauds. Wile. of the Maryland etntsolidated Lott eries, li• LTISIOI2, Sitlrytalld, June 20, 1855. $• • HE Commissioner of .the Maryland State T 'Lotteries has deemed it his duty to caution the public against the numerous swindlers who -circulate by mail and otherwise fraudulent Lot ter' schemes, and pretend to be agents for the sale of tickets in Lotteries which are wholly Gc-: titious. • The only legal Lotteries in Muyland aro those drawn daily under the superintendence' of the Commissioner eleked by the people of the State under the new Constitution to examine and. tip. prove the schemes and attend to the drawings. - All the tick'ets in these Lotteries . and•-all- cer tificates of packages of tickets have the litho graphed signature F. X. BEENAN, General Agent for the contractor. Office of the Maryland Con solidated Lkteries, Baltimore, •Md. ,Ail others are frandnient. For full information on the sub ject of these frauds, address F X. Ricks 33y1 BiltiMore, Maryland. • Medicines. and Drugs. AYERS Cherry Pectoral—acknowldged .t`o be the lbot Pulmonia Remedy ' . extant, Pond's Extract St' Witch•Hazle—an exFee4ingli valuable remedy for .divers Bakers Compound--a grand specifielor Diarrbi. rye.; eatery, Cholera-Morbus, &c.—Ayees, Jayne's, Phioney's and Wright's Pills, Merchant's Garg. liQg Oit; together with a great',variety : Deugs in common use, kept constantlY on hand • 7 0. G. if EBIPin'EASi.' L , 00K in at the Coiner:stem =A 4011, Nalrion & Priest's FOUR CEST ?ATM, Inaglutratea Aug. 20. Man Know. Tilyself. .11w " . • Invidigobit 4akor 25 ceragt—" cal family should • a a copy " . C / 1(10,000 COPIES SOLD 1,,N . . ••• `•'• ••.,‘% 1.4 L: / !XIS Tit A,N A - TRAW... A Ally v? edition, revised and improved, 4gp; • ' 7 14. just issued.. 1•"" ' Dr.•llunteldeXedieal actual he ad Doeit for tbmattlettitly-; - • - Containing itiou tit tie of the or hi •rs.a j, •. • gio,nrommi,nreettnerd endear& of every: for Moo n. ` V . trnesed by . pomiteuonesemnal, ‘lntereourrt, by self abuse or by aexualeseees, with. *deli* for (twit p: e' n t • on.wt It tt nit' a .fanalliar str e, avoiding all wed: , al t etlsti.ead, :ca . and everything tbai. would offend the ear ofd .•uc-y; withaaomllaeofeomplalntalncident to Ire a.7'' , es, from the ef some twenty yearr ettecekb, ful pref. e e /1 V devoted to time cure oftUseases Of a , delicate rpreit te psi ere. -• To widqh tolded re , rutsfor.the care of the above dim . 21 1 ." • end a troat: , .e on Cie cautes,symptoms'arot etlie of the fer.r and Ago e. • • • , re)e Pro t'ee t orolrOttatetrier n Penn. College,. Philanelp,Wa —"DR. lIUNTEE'S !MEDICAL. MANUAL," —Then.mtbnro t !s work , ant lk et he majority of thoee wlro adverti" e to cure the dieealtes of ahich it - treatalp a evades to o f on e of the best t'o:ltses lathe UnitedStittes.. It affords m t . plea •o re to recommend him to the unfortn:: nai e, or to the rlettm of matPrartiCt!. at a sneee•sful and exp..' :tr. cod r-Aetitlnner,in trhe•e, batter 'and:lntegrity tlosy May• place the greatest confidence. . ,ON(111011.E. M D ' Free. .4. Trot:the . ° rel. M. D..Of Pir tra irers y, Ph (fa delpka...-it give. m • pie:our* it add my testimony'to the , proleeslonel, ty of the Author of the" 11 meat. MAN.. VAT.." !•. urnereue ease. of - Disease of the OrnitalOrtans, . acme ot9hem of tone sten dln sr, have under my no whirl" his ski it has been 'manifest in restoring to • nerfee, health , in some eases where , the patient ha. been cons!dered beyond 111,1i/411 aid. In the treatment otE mt. met weakne'se. or disarrangement °Rile funetione pro. .duced by a' Ifabase or Eteess °reentry, I do not ktitir hie svprrior in the pro'elesian. Tt hate been aminainl with the A uthor +wane thirty yeari. and deem it on more than juttice to him no wet! est:mines/I to 'he unfortunate vicalm of early indiscretion, to retotnmend,him as one In whose profeselonal skill and integrity they may safely confide themselves. ALFIIEI IVuODWARD,M. I. " Thhl.,wlthont eietptinn, the roost" comprehensive anditttelligibie work pud'ileht4 on the claim ofdisease of whirl' it - treats. Avoiding all technical term ~it addreeit ee itself to the reason °fits - rea.ters It le free from all objectionable matter.and no p•crent however faStblioust can object to placing It in the hands of -his Bona, The au thor has devoted teeny years to the treatment of Use vari ous complaints treated of, and, with too li ttle breath to puff. and too little presumption to impose. he has , •tfered to the wield. a' tip Increiy nominal price f .2.s.eent the fruit of some twenty years' most successful pra.d.les••."— Herold, .` No teacher or parent 'lout dbe without the knowlcitge• imparted it. tills intlsla:lbl; work. It would save yettri of pain.mortiliration .tintl- , tirew to the youth under their chatge."-:-PreplesAtirecttle. A Presbyterian elergytnan in Ohio, writing of t , thin tee:Ole:Heal \tonna!" says :—"Sitou.aarnis npon thous• ands of our youth., by evil example and influence of the. passions, have been led into the habit of self.pollution, without realizing the sin and fearful . consequences np o ,ll themselves and their •-oarterit y . The eenstttutions althorns ands who are raising families have been enfeebled, _lf not broken down.and they do nett:new the (Milne. or the cure. Anything that _bon-be done no to enlizlitro and influence the publir mind as ta cheek ,and ultimately to remove this wid,,treend source of-human. wretchedness, would confer the greatestblessing net tto the religion of Jesus Christ, on the present and ...ruin': rnmeration., Intemiferance(or the lave oPainaleatinr drinks) though it has slain thous ands upon thousands, is not a greater scourge tp the u man rare 'lrrept my\ tharAtt On behalf of the afflicted, and, believe tritt.your ea-worker In the good workyou Are Benefit - 4y engngedin." One'npy (+ecru rely ravel aped) will be forwnrded,freeof postage, to any part oft he United States for 25 rents, or Fix copies tor Sl. A ddre. K. (post nali4 COSDEN lc CO., Publkhers.rir Box Intl. Philadelphia. Itensetiers, Canvassers anti Book Agenterupplied on the most liberal terms. 2.41 New Line of Mail Stages lino= —. i.. \ .5 .7 . . ~: ..-x• - • -, - ~,...., a v 7- - • ,ft..-7---....-,_ AP.: „. .::-,-..- ... - ir r liiioT - `- ' I ” :-V 7 '•:* i til : 3 ,---e, KIRKWOOD TO MONTROSE, STAG exve passing bettsville,Liberty.4 . c.,evrrymotoingsfterthr arri ?At of t he ArailTraim, of Care,tsoth East and Wnt s reach. logliontrose at • RETURNING, LiaveMontroseilaily.(Sniidaya excepte , d ) at 2 P 311: ieechinicKirkwooditt take the Mail Trains Of. Cars.both Cast and West ,being the nearest and mo't fessiblerodt rtOrearh the sew yo r e and E r i e R a il ro ad,. - .This Hee i ettereeet sa t ri-Week iy linalorbireoekSpring vine. onsshannonk, Wyontinc.,;.nd Wilkesbarre. which ienvesMoutrose. at 7 A Movery Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Aire, aline` n Friendssille,LeraysvilleAcAlotel Teal:m.lmtl conslortableCsrriages are p rovided omit the rioprieeertwillspare nopainitoaccommodat ethe Pub-, lie. • W K. HATCH, 2ep.12,1854. ' MORGAN; IicWEST. • . . TZ - EELER & STODDARD since the latefire, may he found in the BASEMENT OF SEARLE'S ilorrL. Notwithstanding:the unprecedented ra pidity with which our stock of Boots, Shoes,&c, " went off" on the morninff-of. the fire, we still have some on hand, and shall. soon he supplied • KEELER & STODDARD. . • • Montrose, November, 13, 1854. \ • Broche Shawls. - HEAPER, than ever before known, Beauti ful patterns, and fine quality of 8-4 Broch Shawls, Lupin is manufacture, at $7. 11• U:•B. & Co. Shawls. TjONG and Square.. Wont, • Broehe and silk, very handsome styles, and at extremely low prices. • U. B. & Co.- ' .oet• I 1. Helmbold's Genuine Preparations. Hebabold's Right+, Concentrated Compound FluhiEelract Buchit, For Di? caies of the Bladder . and Kidneys, Secret Diseaties, tztrict curl, Wealmemses, and all riqeases of the Sexual ' Organs, 'nether in Yale or Femal - • from whatever cause they may have on and . no matter of h ng standing yriu4.l tiacted the terrible d e Ich, when once-seat e system. will surely go do from one generation other, tindermininl the constitution and supping t cry vital fluids of lifigdo not trust yourself In the of Quacks, who start up every day in a city like thii, the papers with glaring falsehoods, too well calculated to deceive _the. young and those not Re gnainte,l with their tricks. You cannot be too careful in the selection ofa remedy in these cases. The Fluid Extract linchu bee been pronounced by emi nent Physicians the greatest remelt' ever knoten, It Is a medicine perfectly pleasant in its taste and very innocent. in Its action, and yet 50 thorough that It annikilaley every particle of the rank and 'poi,onaus virus of this dreadtul disease; and, unlike other remedies,lC does not, dry up the disease in the blood. CONSTITUTIONAL DEBILITY, brought on by selbd,buse„ a most terrible disease, which has brouirlit thougand. of the human _race. to untimely graves, thus blagrims the brilliant hopes, of parent?, and biightinc iu the Mt l the ((lotions ambition of many a, no. ble youth, can be eurci by this infalibte remedy. • And as a medicine wLich most bened,t everybody, -from the sim- ply delicate to the confined' and de?pairing invalid, no equal 14 to be found, acting both' as a cure and preventive Helmbold's Highly Concentraied . Compound Fluid Extract Sarsa a, • * For purifyin g, the Ithlod, • removing all' di ttS from mcc.CP.ICS of Marcel'''. ex - Impure and i In life-chronic conetittn tonal diecase. arising ha plireetate of tt,e Blood. and the only rollahle and ef• lomat' Yuman remedy:for the cure of Scrofula, Salt . Abeam, Scald Head, Iliac:allow of the 1 hroat and Legst Pains and Swelliogit of the Bonet , ' 'fetter, Pimples on, the Nee, and Sealy Eruptions of the skin. '• This - article is new prescribed by some of the most distinguished l'hysicians In the Country, and hes proved more ellletent is practice than any preparation of Somparilla yet oaered to the pubge. Several eases of secondary Syphilis, ilterenrlnl and Scrofulous &waves.- have entirely lee covered in the incurable wards o f one pub; lie Institutions which had for many years resisted every mode of treatment that could be devised. Thes'a eases fur nish striking examples ofthe salutary effects of thin medi 'eine In arresting ssme of the most Inveterate . diseases, r. 101 the glands were des royed and the - bones already af fected. - Norton—Letter. from responsible Physiciana and Pro feorrs of several ,Medical Crillmes, and eertitlentes 91 cures from I atien ts will be fouud accompanying both prep arat,&na. . . PRICES; Fluid Extract of Dacha, 1;1 per -bett.le. orb Bottles foi $5 ; Oarsanerilhtelsame pride, equal in strength to otie gallon fiyuip of Sarsaparilla. Prepared and gold lie U. T. IIEL.IfBALD, Clistaist, 263 Chestnut Eit.;'near the tifivi:d Bowe; Philadelphia. To be bad of Abel Turret!, Tilontrose, Pa., and of Drng-, gists and dealers eververhote. .* . . • All Letters directed to the Proptietor or Agent receive Immediate attention. • - 23y1 Cloths, 0 ASAMERES and •vestingss, a large autort- Ij thent bud at Nicol lower than we have ever beau enabled to offer them heretofore. ,Oet. 11. U. B. & Co. :NEW, _ i GOODS, AGAIN At fluo 1! nolutitge," Brookly*, rrOV suliriber -takes this opportuOtty thanking hi*: friends foi• 'their Vet patronage the:past season, and or saying to them in niklition, hoing.received fresh 01 1*Taalansible goods of iailons desCriptionii, . he estill,piepnnid to sluOily.alittnat any arti4n ally called 'for st a . - count6'Stoq;.' His asito4- monk hi mow complete, and being the largest in Town;i:ifferti the greatest inducement to purehas ers, either for Cash; Barter, or Good • (shor t) credit. Call and'see, • .. • O. G.IIEitP§TEAD.' Brook pi,Aug: 20, 1855. . • . _ T HE highist .141;4 5 . Tripe. 444 for-1;146r, .Produce of alt kind", good /34Ingltql, prime Wool Socks, dt..c.; in Goode+, by . 0. G. HEMPST.EAP. • - ,Jitstraha, California; - Or anyplace on the Globe,cannot present greater, inducer:tents than-. KEELER 4 STODDARD'S - BOOT, AND SIIIOE STORE. - IATIIICI3 ilnow filled.. with a new and eaten sive assortment of articles- in, their line, embracing a general variety of new .and elegant styles of Ladies and Gentletnen's wear, among which are Ladies French, Silk Lastingsuid Pre-: Dille Gaiters, Kid: and Enameled Polkas. Kid Pat.' eat leather and bronzed Jenny Linde, ißuskine and Ties; genperneu'a French and Philadelphia oak-tanued calf skin and kip Reels, Congress and button Gaiters.. Monterey and Washington hoots, toilet .Slips.f Morocco, NW.. and -Cowhide Bro gans-. Etc. Boys kip, calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans; all kinds of. Misses and Children's weir. Also, a general assortmenrof Finding., which cnn sist in par(of lads, pegs, sparables - .• Hungarian nails, tacks. thread, .wax, 'Bristles, sho e bi n di ng , awls rasps, sandstones, shoe 'knives, &c. Also, oak and fieintock tanned calf upper and soleleath er,9Morocco skins and linings. Work made tdo Her nd repairing neatly thaw . KEELER. & STODDARD. Montrose; June 1.1853. • Stoves: Sloven::Stoves:: : TiE subscriber wishes to call the attentionqf . his friends and the Public his very large . assortment of STOVES, nt his new Store Room in Lodersville, next to L. S. Lenheirn's Store. and near the Bend Depot. Ile. his in arldition to • his former ItTge variety of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, mail new Patterns, some of which ire— St Kirhatas. .Pt•zeh Branch, lire.ny, Ilicklerrs Troy. - Pinta/lip, Mack Warrior, Orient., Oak,- Erg Stove, • Which torethor with his former, stock will be peric4;:; Se most extensive and varied assortment of well selected Stoves in the County. *** Clinton Stoves well furnished at low prices. Fr All articles in his line kept on hand and made -to order as usual, and orders received at his old stand in Great Bea. JOHN COLSTEN. Lodersville & Great Bond Nov., 1853.—tE ' 'Buffalo Robes. . ALARGE lot of handsome Robes, a part o them whole, Indian dressedand very Fi upe tior•colors andluality. U:11. & Co.• . Gil34on, Oct.-11, 1354: Window Sasli• ,„ SII. & SAYRE. having been appointed 4, agents foe an extensive Sash,, Blind and Door Manufactory are prepared to furnish any articles in this line at. less rates than tifey hive usually- been sold. • • • .• . • Dec. 14. QII ANING CREAM—an •artielo which every 111:113 should try, for sale by • S. ,11. &. D. SAVRE. Delc. 4. - Rea.4y4Wado'Clothing,. A VERY desirable stockiat very low prices. S. H. & D. SAYRE. Montrose, Dee. 14. 1854: Doctor Yourself : THE POCKET RESCULAPIIIS Or, Every ou kirozcn Physician. MILE FIFTIETH Edition, 1 cbutaining One hundred 'n g ravings show i n ±7,1) isea ses Id Malformations of the Hu au system in every shape id fOrm. To which is ad -1 al Treatise on the His- Lees ; of Females, being of. le- highest importance to O ‘ rrieci people. or thcise con mplating marriage. .By William Young,-311 L. Let no father - be ashamed to present a-copy of the 'Aesculapius to his child.. It may save him from an early. grave. Let no young man or wo man euteri uto the secret obligations of marriedlife without reading the Po , •.ket Aesculapius. • Let - no one sulfcring from a huekuied : cough, Pain in the I Side, restlesS nights, - nervous aelings, and the whole train of Dyq)eptic.sens'ations,and giros! up by their physician,he another moment withoutcon. suiting the AESCULAPIUS. Have the married', or those about to be married•any impediment,read -this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousitutleofunfortunatccreaturesfromthe very jaws of death. IL7Any -person sending twenty fire cents en closed-in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail, or five copies will be sent for Oue Address {post paid,) DR. AVM. YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce St. Philadelphia. A pril6lll,lS3-14y1. DR. HOUGHTON'S i I :. PSIV • italljA. ( Great .Yatura/ Remedy for Indigestio4 an4.l)llswepsia. DR..I. S. HOUGHTON'S 'Pepsin, the tine DI- GkSTIVE FLUID,Or GA.STV.IC JUICE Stijl holds the first plac among all the various , reinedies fur these pai4ful and destructiv'e complaints. It is Natuie's (hl specific for an unhealthy stom ach. No artlof man Can equal its curative pow ers and no sufferer from Indigestion and , - Dys pepsin should fail to try it. arSold by Abel Turreq, Montrose 8y1; Wagon Making, Blacksmithing and Carriage Ironing. THE subscriber Navin *, ~~tablish~d himself a few rods south ofbimock foUr Corners, is prepared to do all kinds .ot Work in the above branches of business on short - nbtice and the. most reasonable terms. He flatters himself that with the help, now in his einploy, he trip be able to Live entire;satisfaction to all who- :may favor him with their custom. C. C. MILLS. Dimock, Nov. 23, 1854.--.-48tf. • . far N. B Most kinds or lumber and ull kinds .of country produce taken in payment - HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PUILADELPHLk. Important Annomieement. Mo all persona afflicted w th sexual fflseases, each as Jt. Seminal treskness, impotence, Gonnorhtea, fleet, Syphilis, ke., !cc. Theiloward Assodation or Philadel phia. in vhsw of the awful dettraction of human life and health, caused by F. anal ../18044114, and the deceptions which are practieed upon the unfOrtunate victims of such tticcaseaby Quacks, have directed theikons tilting surgeon as a Charitable Act worthy of their name, to give M.dlcal. Adviee Gratis, to all persons thus afflicted, (Male os Fe male) Sta., and in cases of extreme poverty and suffering to Furni.h Medicines Free of Charge. The Ileward'Associatton 14 a benevolent Institution, es tablished by special endowment. for the racier the sick and distressed, afflicted with" Virulent and Epidemic Dis eases," and its funds can be used for no other purpose It his now a 'unpins of means, which the. Directors have voted to advertise the above not ice.- It is needless to add that the AsSociation commands the highest Medical Orkin ante age, and will furnish the most approved modem treatment- Valuable advice given to wick and nervous fe males, afflicted with abdominal weakness, Womb Com plaint, Costiveness. Lencorditea, Address* (post-paid,) Dr. Geo. It.. Calhoun, Consulting Surgeon, lioward Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa.: • By order of the DireCtors, EZR. A D. HEART WELL, President ale. Filacim.u,Secretary , fay' Plated War©. JUST received a large lot of. Plated .Ware, consisting' of cake baskets, Castors, 'lmperi al and Chandier_Candlestitiks. Tea Vats, con sisting of six pieces extra rich; - Cups and Cob; Lets ; also, Brittania Ware, viz: Tea setta, (four five and six pieces,) Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, Can dlesticks, Ste. As the subscriber ha's made ar rangements with, the manufacturers of the above -goods, ho is enabled to furnish the newest pat terns r.kt.the lowest prices, and also to 'supply his customer's. with extra or- Single picees,A . any ar ticle in the above lino. A. L EVANS, N 0.2. Odd Fellows' Hall. Binghamtdn, Aug. 29, 1435. New,York Prices ! ARE now behig paid by Lathrop '& Co:, to all those who consign.. their- butter and *duce to them. They having made - arrange. Witte aro now enabled to wend:all kinds of pro duce to New York and to sell the' wile' at the highest market who 'wish good - prices and quick . 'fetnins tiro invit e in ea upon A. LAI'ErROP 4. CO: ' Montrose, May I, 1838; MO3; ROBE - DEMOCRAT. PO 4181LED_EVERY TOWLSDAY MOILING BY: , ,TERM5..41,50, c a sh ia, adva nee; 92,00,11 not paid within six months; and $2,50, at the.ind of tho year. No'paper discontinued 13 iltjlaireara. ges. are 'paid, oicept at the" option of-the Pub. fishers. AD communications connected.with the office, to insure attention. must bedirected (post paid) to CHASE SA Day, Ifontrose,Suagnehanoa County, Pa. - Rates of Advertisisig. • - _, Ode sq uare (12 lines Orless) 3 insertions, .1,00 Each subsequent. iniertion, . . 0,25 . One square three months, 2,50 One square, six mouths, . .1. •••• • • •-• 4,00 Business Cards, .four lines or less, • , Yearly advertizeinents, not over 4 squards, ;,pa One column one year, . . . . .-. 30,0 featly advertisers will be : restricted' to t 4 business in which they arc'engaged ;and are con. sidered as wishing to continue advertising unless they shall give special directions for a discontin uance of the samel - - ' • 3 - 4111 WORK. 14r' The publilbers having added tOtbeir Job 'tinting material a large and superior assort ment of Job Type, are-now pripared to execute Job Work in a rruiziner unanrpassed . ,in this 'see. tion of country,and on the most reasonable terms. Blanks Of every description kept constantly on hand or printed to order. Yiusinto pirtcbart. BRYA1117.1" ICIOUCE, , , Great Bend Depot, Pa. Atiotion[kay. ANT, Proprietor. • BURROWS, SPROUT & Co. - - Ttannfacturers of Srnorr's Commit - in -RIAGE Sprtmcs,linghesvillo, Lyenming Springs may be had of M.S.Wilson, Montrose. ..,Wni. W,, , 531.3.71!* Co..' Cabinet and biair Manufact4ers l foot „Main Street, Montrose, Pa. ' - _ _-- , .Dr. H. SXDPItIi t . , . Surgeon Dentist, Mon a. - will .be at Searle's notel,Mondays and Tuesdays of each _ i ' week. - .:, ' , 15y1 friertllDLL AN dc PARK, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, CrOckerk, Boots - and S hoes, Pa. 18v1 LITTLE 4r.. CIIASE; Attar Hies at Law—Ofliee . formerlw pied by Little &.StieeierMontrose, hanna . ' - - ttALpir B. LITTLE.] - t [LZRA B. CHASE; DAVIS, : • , ATTORNEY AND CODNSELLon ailsw--Susque. hand a Depots Pa. Offieb over•S; 8.-West's 'Store. :,.-16y1 ABEL TUIRRELIG; Mon.imuosE, Dealer in DrUtzs,Medicines, Chemicals,Paints - Oils, Dye-stuffs, Groceries, Dry Glint's, IHaid. ware, Yankee Notions, &c. • Physicians Pte. scriptions carefully c. impounded. - JOHN GROVES, fashionable Tailor , ShopunderSearles Hotel, Main Street, Montrose, Pa. JOHN COLSTEN, DEALER IN Stoves, Tin, Ccpper and Sheet Irej Ware, Lodertiville; near Great Bend Depot.—W. Woodruff ec. Eldred, -• I • DEALETIS EC STOVES' and manufacturers of CoP-ij per, Tin, and Sheet 7 lron -Ware." Shop on 31iin below Searle's Hotel, Montroe, Pa. S. A. WOODI:ITF.1 IG. B. ELDDED. A. Lathrop, DEALER in Ready-Made Clothing, - • Hats silt:l- C:Ts. Boots and Shoes, Dry. Goods, &c. Store opposite Searle's Hotel, Montrone., C. D. LATHROP, and ith J. P. W. - Rmir, [A,LATIIROP• Dr. Merit E C. Vail. , DRUGGIST. and ,CHEMIST, and Dealei in' / Dnuos, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs Paints, Oils, Patty. Window Glass, Camphine Fluid, Perfumery, Yankee Noionsi&e.94Ste. Lodersville, Pa.—•=4,otf. , • FRANKLIN FRASER, ATTORNEY NI) CutICSELLOR AT LAW, Montrose Pa., will attend faithfully to all bnsines4 en. trusted to him in thg county of Susquehanna. Conveyancing and vvriting of all kinds will be done neatly, and nharge moderate.- 'Be will also attend Ao the prosecution of claims of sob diets, their widows - and heirs, againAt the U. S. government, for Bounty Land, Pensions, eic. May be found at all hour*at the office formerly occupied by, J. T. Richard, Esq., north of: the Court.House.—lBs3—n49 M. C. TIMER - Interested with LI. Hunt IMPORTER AND DEALER in Tiard%iare arid Cut lery, Carriage Trimntings, Springs, &c. • • No. :115 Pearl. Street, N. Y. Where his. Mercantile friends, this and other Counties, are kindly incited, and Saruest/y - 50lieit ed to call and purchase. n6tf. HENRY S. HNitiPP, . - OF 11.10NTROSE, PA. • i With Itotvii;Woodxuff, & Carter, AV',ILTEs, N 9 . B .°l73tasiTtli g & t.Zrtsrel°e; between Cortland - and Dey , Streets, New .York. March 8, 1854-10tf. • Medical Card.. DRS. E. Patrick, Jr. & - G. Z. Dirnock hay& this day formed a co-partnershipjor a more efficient and successful prosecution attic differ ent branches of their profession. •• : - • All business entrustedto- them, atten ded to with promptness And fidelity. Their office may be found . over threp's Store, East side Publid Avenue. • .; •E. PATRICK, Jr.- • G. Z._ DI.MOCK, Montrose, March. 22, 1854. W i Singleton, Can now he found nt his new stand on Owe-. go street, 2 doors weak of. Searle's Hotel, where. he effectually tepalisi with Vispatch, %tat's,: Clocks, Guns, Jew ' ely, and every description - st machinery. Wheel ctitting, Gun sand Watch. materials supplied to the trade.-7,51 . . A. ea..' aidwin Y b = . ~ „-.,' e found in ba' 01i) nt •of Sear l es Ho, AX be doors west rot: the,cornot. Notes. pud.peeOuntilfiat are duo us..w . ill le very. ac cept:dile if. paid 500t,,...r,, .• 11 • A. 'Si E. BA DWIN. . Montrose, Nov. 24, .1854.7-471.1 . ..:.1" • : 3. H. Parsons, • DDLENALE AND - RETAIL. DNALEIL 4A Cabinet Wars,: Sofas,_ BedsteadBi, Tables, Stands*, Chair3,lSLC. '. • ' No. 9 Washin4too streut,... - ' liirghamtoß, N-y; .vrirgo(thi Wure r ßoom. up stiurs.7,Aft.3. .`" " — New and Cheap' "Gdede- - OUGITT at loWpr e ssaro p t icres.attd,willbo. 11. sold accordingly Y•1 11 -PRIA 17 -0*CP. , Gibson, Oct. 11.,:3115.4.-' - - • ' Carpets. - ' AGOOD assoiltnent aridliitindsernoAvrterni . atvery low p r ices. - _ IK - B. &'Co. cAsti .P/44 • D. R. ailinop. 116 . WAsp Kettle's, air -ILI 14. pitY-ry &KNowliToNti