---- , ~ . • „ ' or be would .be held responsible for the untr-1.-.,.- ;,- .-• Nzw.,mus.oßD. , - _.. 7 ' • der.. . Whereupon he ..and - two, gentlemen ,shavil 1& 11 1 1, 0 0, G oo d s .p annor hi m started to the parish of Concordia, -where he i . - ' ' - ' P§X - P.LLlg35'. : - '‘''' -' - - said - the negroes were -to be. found. They 1- -- • - -- 1' , - • Irir • BURR I wheid infe - rm his friends and ' have not yet returned. The empty 1 -"lat . '" a t I 11.. t. the Publit s thittilic ha nom in store and Bayon Sara, Where lt'was taken up. - The Foo,(1- 1 _is rec'elying:e full,.assiertment . 44 Fall mid Winler ies . *ere found Bunting in the river a short ! Gi,ods in e iodingia ' r e:tt, variety of Rich Pall distance below, and were taken oat the water 1 Prints in „new styles, , .Plain . and Fancj - ,DeLanss, and deposited in- the graveyard. bear tilt. 1 Plain and Paaey Itiohrir Cloths,'Pluin and Plaid, ~le ee . . Th e f e mal e was found to be. (*ciente. f 3 rerinoe'l; Peron:tett:ls, De Rages and Poplins; . lib,i weapon weed. f or t hi s . butchefy . was a Dark' Blab . Gindliatits, in Fell - Styles; Black Brocade, - Plin Anti f'atiey Sii,kil: 001,. Broche, . coupling pin of a wagon. The lad - is titling Cusheiere, - Crape ' eti.o.ilk Shawls.; Rich WI,- ' well.. . - - -• . ' - • - bons, Bonnets entl . glowersv Ladies 'Cloths and • . 'Velvets for Cloaks find 11-mtdlas, ilroadcloths, , Ca SiSitll ere, Sie., e.r.c.,with n . largo assorttnette of Staple end • Faitr , !...;floalS as ustia, includi , g Ifardware.Crockerf,j . fron and Steel, Minis, Oils, Roots and Shoe 4, lints, 'Clock,. Batralii Robes, Cairtings, 4-c.,t,ev.itll a newassortment of Stoves and Trimaling4 . iif tlt! Vex!. iirtality. 'being made 1 to order expyessly,g+ . l.44 -. CitmtomTrrile and *ill 1 - all be seld at the lok‘'est ft,;:ire or 4 LITtLE LOW. I:Ett for ea,.h. produce, or !Ipproved credit. . 1 N. B. Wool . Socks I.4';atitill tor: which the highest prii!es.-will:eontinee to 1, paid. Flour land -Salt constantly on hand.l - - ) New llitforti , cittti.he ir, 1355. - -- -.- . riff Wenotice in the Tribune of the 14th inst., that the Abolitionists .9f York State. have placed in nomination for Secretary of State the negro Fredrick Douglas's, of Mon roe County. In speaking of the above the Tribune lets off in the following attain. " With respect to abi I i tv, a bet ter non,iina tion could hardly be desired, but yet we eon; fess, that we regret to -see Mr. Douglass elect ed..' His pmeer place is not as a Member of the State Aihninastration tit Albany, but as a member of Congress _at Washington. For the former place he poss'esses no qualifh•ations - that Might not be, found'in other gen , leman while for the' duties of a Representatire at Washington he is peculiarly gifted. As an, orator and debator he possesses both the force s od grace appropriate to i Virginia gentle man of the old .school; and one of the '-first ;farnalies, to which depth of conviction anal a .me.lution of purpose worth the test .days of the Republic and a persuasive and magnet ic chitin not often felt, in the Fedral Capitol. We trust then, that the friends.of Mr..•l)otgr, - 7 l a ss will-not persist in urging .his elvethin to that office for which be is now narniny hut', will make every preperation to retur7'ititn to Congress on the vet - first "raeancy in the Monroe District.". - We knew that,the Tribune for t.-orri,:t past have- beea advocating the clothing of Congress in mourning for what it clmaises to call- its misdeeds, but we didn't know that. ebeisei, was the material seleat,Nl The North Side of Sebastopol. • • At.the latest adviets. the Al ,were not in po , gesion of the North Side of Seloasto-. pot !there the fortitiicatiotA are 'of !mutt strength and command, on :mecum of their elevated , position, the opposite shore American, who was seiiitig as au 'officer oV .the Medical.staff in the Rus. l .ian artny, gives the following dis.-.ription of the forts on the North:side . of the Bay : "On the.'Noth side of the bay is also ii s.ueoessien of hills, some of which are very ,,' high, running. in "every direction. Yon find on them bastions all ,facing.in •every direc tion. These bastions and redoubts extend: up the bay for a mile or so from the and some of them are very effective, you ; neariy*.centinual stream of balls a c r o s s the bar into theenetnies . battery .which i. ,neur, the bay.. I think it very (4 , 13(40 wheth (4. the French would be able to hold' this city. for any length of time if they could gel, poresion ofit, from the fact,that the hills cm the north side are tallerLi I nn_ those on the South, and the city and the batteries on them Ithink, would force them to leave it. In the Main; they haVe been attempting this from t, lard on.the south Side. I will .finish this ' by aying.that it is the best fortified place I ; ever saiv . .. There is not, a hill or a mound wherea cannon could be placed with advan tage but you. find them." , . - -. TRUNKS—Ladies lend Gcntq Tray . cling. Bags andAralies,--Ac. I s ..AI I. sizes qualities .anal pri6).4. - Nelson ft, Priest keep constai)tli en hand, a very large assQrtrneut of th.) hbove Gi , o4is 'which we offr r.t whol; , sale Drives. _llnultlo mails arranovtnenks with ene of the laNrost . tnailuf tetares, Mr."Johil NEW' YonE, Aug, VI, 155.5. i Mark. N. Y., to furnish: usaat wives which defy . N ON & PRIEST.. Sot :-.—l never Was consciously 'svithiii a. • cotcompetition.Els mile Man, Know Nothing and lodge., ti&er'l Bin'Zhaniton,Oet. 10,k1S;15. . , --, % could. liitve been inlisced to join one on any - - Watottes,,CloCAsi Guns, &c. accoutit. By placing your foot against the ; .,i author 'of this silly report noticed in yourlel, I N "'" . ' l '''''' i.lTrriti " t: 11 "' ived fri t"' Eng . ill limi. fi'itzirtiol.i. Gerinittly. &e., wbich wilt ter, 7 you will.be certain to kick a great liar. be suld . beiow t i te r Ntw r 0 r k p r .; ~,.. at i . Yours; Sc. lIORACE GI3.CEIY. !• ‘ 1' IsINGLETON•s, .A.F Posey- Dig. • ' Montrw..e, Ciet..lo. 1855..-J-I i: . - I ': 1 * - ! G. W. SIEYMOIR & al, , A . re jajcri•f!rivinz thole Fa l and Win+ Stockl. V of G•1•:,3, Which they eel confidebt they re'otrvrin , r for Silo at Tul.t..l„tsLott! Si - :Gus as ! ny ost::!,!i-li!nent in this seciion. Our istock is s (2 , 4apl . cte as is generally' found in lcountry flarford I Sept.. ;1855. ~ , iar Somebody having started' the report that Horace Greely was a k. n. , a Mr. Posey wrote bite inquiring into the truth Of the eharge,i,to !Ceti Horace this pointedly re plies *l- k ; .7? t . Is was supposed' settled that Lathror., . Smith,the democratic candidates for the Lfi islature, in this district, were both elected.:— This (Mondayjmorning is reported that Smith of Wyoniing,democrat, and Ingham of Sunk: . van,KnoW-Nothing„areelected hpa kw r' , :it.t?s, thus; leasing Susquehanna without, any. 111- resentative. We however think Lathr.:,i)i.; elected instead- of Ingham. ( gailtatt4„ • :-. By Ed. A. L Post e - in Montrose, on the 2nd inst, L. F. :FITCH, Esq., and Miss •Mter: •_ _ lirrtsox both of Montrose.: - : ' 1 p ..Y.71.1111.1:1011.'S Hair Die,. L40111.14)4 s Balm ' Also, on the - 3d inst., in Bridizecrater, - Mr .11-, cs f a thousand fl.,'vers, and Purfkurerl at , J. L. .GRIYFIS,. of 'New MilfurCl, and - Miss . G. %V. S. de Co. . , ELlZAbETtaltir. GARDENER, of ,the f9t r.P.;r • Lbs . : - orc STOLEN. . - - . • , place. '," ' ~ .f , , S - p!,7 - • 4 , . . . On the 4th' in-t.. A 11. n r.itili,k. on e the Sea. With the above 4otlee the Printer, ne-- ,i ier , s t o nz , n 1.- tir n ..:.• -.in.: • -a., ": re:.t. N• Y., ttle prein • 1. ~‹ .„ knoiledge the receiptilOf a nice lOt'of v. :l ke-- erty of With:tt I.6bertson.• Whm•ver f ,,tvw re turn it 14 11-,.- I 3 us;. or Willia m Roheit,on:at .kfter partaking of it freely, they ail. 'visited su.,, . D - . .i I la' ~.p.a I'ost ()dim% shall he /die all- re. tile'happy pair much joy and comfort,. &c., war,' rtd. It is '..ot tp, 71,t? 1.0 , it'n'y p T.; .n the , - ' sitt.).i.riber. . • WILLIA.II ROBEItTEON. Also, Itiiii . _.tite 4th inst.., in . 1110ntr0 , , ,, , . S'asq'a Depot; .0.t.. 4111, 1855:—.11 4 . 1- 1 - lirll.t • ..csaiilßs'owle,of Binghamton N.. Y: ----- .. ----------- : ---- - ------- 7 - -:----..-------..,- , - New Ntlford Store E - ..tuporuns And IlliSS CATUABINE Ai AlC1C11;(4,, o f . Briq,i't•- . V ' . IN FLILI, BLAST. 1 • "Ater. . . , • . , , c'is.7 •-' ._<.;ToyEs now f.",r s Ile at. Dicic'ermlns - 31 • Aug. :Nth, at St., Tosephs Church I,llla- z i i•i) ~.„ "'G.irr'atts. Wo axe in:: receipt of the delphia tiy the Bee. Dr. }lido. M r . NlD•rt.:r.t. large,t slo,•k lorstovese'ver olfeeird ;n Northern Waltz), of Philadelphia to Mrs:MARIA I.3aAta - Pa n ...cosistiilgiofttool4nt.r, i'arl.triand o size plate: of Silver Ike. ' • bolls 1 ,, r Wathi and Coal.,:itsx• a .101 l IWSUri We a • . " +. .of Ihr ,, er ',iv... for Clotrvlies and litto re4 . In Liberty cut the 3d inst., by Ed. \ T. V, Iv, - , , • . , . . . . ,u,,, colt rtrt=comr ruti;•hti.iii to the Jeffer- l'arker," Mr. Astotto . s!: Disiamtr, and Mrs.-; e . ; ,,,, i „ m m -, 0 ,,i ; no ., th e most perifert and -heat. I Brtsfs A\N, daughter of Mr.llohert ranee, i t .. l ,:.t u r e ,.: 1 , , market. . Among reur v;rh•ty of beat of • Liberty. . . . ,-' - . • 1.,rg 0 overe would mention the Empire Sttte im. • . „ a proveras being:very. ht ; avypfate:l and a p(•rfpet mosso mmi l mso p si on. finish and t - taperfiner, farmai-s u 1 sn,,,ohnhn , (-), Grand and Magnificent DiEplay - a> 14 b e e h•,en -in .i ,habit of pur , ehasinst OF PALL AND 'WINTER. GOODS- J light stove :':-,(1 light . rimming" and pitying :-..5. ' nitw u it ai Vou - ou ,, bt to for l.;:tvy plates at , Leavy J. WITTENBERG and-Co., takes pleasure ill I • • • -' trimmings.. annpuncing to the citizens of Montrnie, and : the I vi ,.,. in,inn ,4 4, - nt , o f!jor own -i. urni . ure I itnd sell adjoining Counties, that they bare just • receivcd „ the largest and most • fashionable .assortment o:, ;:: t , h Z i k '' e t s ' n .,..' a r gi l j ii i f :: (s e. ,: rn ire p ( ! t i d )ri ‘ u v e it 'i l l i s t - s t • ti i ' f 9 7 t e fie w i l " c i ati p . Ly Fall and Winter Goods, , that has ever been'-', , t • ' ;'" 1 "i . 1 • • ' .. • ..,,womg, („orl :Ls n.u:/. 4i 11 s.tort no lee. brought to this portion of the State. • i', i Mt:KERMAN 4.1.... G 11.11ATT. . . • :elle follotiring comprises hut a small portion New Milford, (./.1,.4th. I gh•s,' of thvjaimense assortment to be .found at this .•• • _, 4 _ 0• ___ tztablishirteat. . • • . . i NE W 41; 0 0 rr...1 Boys and-Gentlemens Clothing, in endless va- • . ~ . . 1 , . - . .. : ...;„ • riety.and p - ro t ut i on a t - i n ot e • reasona t,t e t i „,, T , A !FIJI: subscriber is in.epastant receipt of.lert than can be obtained elieWhere: • .1_ Geprds, in his. line: of.husiness, artly every Ladies Dies:Bo°6llS; French Merino.Pararneta - v .NO I wee.t. The public! will find hi assortment, part and all wool Delain e -of 'nest any color and and iii'l -ztrtiel”. • nc,w ' 341.1 ii of good, quality. - . 74' shade. Plain.hlack„and Ogured,eitangeabie plaid stock cOßiifits an .111:141:111 . 4' . ..f . . And striped fitilks.•"" . • Drugs, 'Medic-toes; Paints, Oils, .- . , .Pricsti unctGinghants, Bonnets and Ribionp, . Dye-Stile:, Groceries. _ .. Laces ar id F a abraielery. Nhawls, ilouble, and sin, • .: . . I.''ane,v-Goods . ete .13roabli, and : -double . blanket Shawls,. also • . • •• 4e" noeiy, &e. , :, , ' Csahemere'enenaliel •Shswlll,olniiii: and .110, t . . , Sto,re• at the Ik;we end of Ifni lulled district. ",'erv.', Curtain Goods, Urn'tirellaS. Table Spreads, - • • • A ITEI. TtIRILL. . I ,,°Y;;Oinag, p,iapers, -Iklntlinii,, 'Fatinotter, oti,th, l‘!onir,,se.,.:l,4tne I, 1855. • , , .....____ ...... - t-Stavalg• and 10;400 other articles too nutneroas — 7 . -- to mention. ' NEW G 0 - 1 S CHEAP Cash Buyers will Bud it to - their' benefit to ~. give us a tall. We will not be undersold- Our . - ru-I:7' r elp-'ved it ' it:lt:tif near Goods, furl, 4 De way of transacting business is to Sell low r.r )di I '," , e D I e Boer', iParatnettss, 'Persi em s dl., ' tuft on short time to gatiii men; intending` 0 'be: l e ,' ae ,.„; (; 6 : 1 5 g . t,,,,. M;rinoti. Prints, and shawle.,, p .._ IIT- - - - -#, WJ • Latest style at tempt in meeting our obligations,and expecting j a fact *general asap J Dr,) :Goode . whtcha "'' 'C. W. MOTT& our customers to do that aside with .us. '. • \ ' -' I will be sold, tow - - . , . • , 1 . - .• • - - • , . • :I. WITTENIIIERG. -.! WANTED- 'ek , - Eggs. Watt er' t pard,Cheese Jnee , 13. . . • :L. ROSEN Bit U.tf. '. 1 Flannel, .4 1 r.e.. au 9u;ntity. in exechayAe. -MOT?.for 11 ood; - : 1 - - . . ~ •. P WITTENBERG. lit cosh prices. ', Is Montrotie, 631 4.tb, 1855. ' - • •-•-' -Mositrooe, Feet -.15y5: • •• i.:l , • _ Irving's Life of Washington. be completed haivisorne 8 mo. voloph6 , —lllororded with Piiwrizjirra and Plans, at €4-2.6, 1) , ,4 volume.. • .• 01 this:•ltioi.fraPl.y of the Parini): of his . cowl - - try there . is hut oue opinion. It is the most eon). pick! aver issued, and by the pt. of one of the Greatest-IVelters of thci Age.. Every finnily in (h e isr,fsh.l 4 id post 5.4 it, snd• every person shout{ read it. 44 11 1 °1' A.t's rvo are Nxantt.d t ,t this and several nth. er itnportlnt iv .I`.4rins are liberal. Ad. dres, C.. T.- EVANS. ti,k t Gihkuv Neve York; 0r4:7. 11, SCRIViN, 19 East 4th.st , et:n:ll4 - 0h , :tit free or postri* ()if - receipt of price. 10,1855.-111%i - 3' 1, • EIRE! FIRE ! The under.igned itoen ati)paintrd nn naent of thi! STATE 7 YAUTOAL, Fili El I NSURANCE CO.II,PANI% liariisburg Said 6nl,pany ; It. s.a c. r :ii;i:ll of 560,000! . It is as safe atid:e.tienp ;i company as . .tny• in the State and in-nie444 the Steel; ' and mutual 1311.4iG INS STROUD, Agent. . I . 114 1 :11 - ontruse. (Jet. 9, 1855.-43tf • 1 tVe - 1 1 1 e undfvioill herehy.sante that we•have '• dune business with thk, , nhova company._ and we .ire'nre pth safe and •In unr experii;nce ice.;, hive never knotill any ses.sinPrits ,a premium tit e. , F. M. %Vat. JeSsuiv. 1). W.;is,•t. 11. H. r!rl.t Elurklgv. .• • E. i 3. Chase. • . ,Liiill l 7 GOODS - ' - •At - If.Topbottor4 Station. rriii: ..tebqrilte (3 rs . in. n0 , .4. revolving a general supplv- or DTI &74.. ;,chl , Croeldry, .Glass. wit / re. Ilarriy.nro,&.v. ~ .1 1 Of - Whieh ,Will hi , 'old vlie:ll)vr Oiar: ran be :,1 orded els t ;vetiere., in Ow eotiAy. Also, Bunts ata Shoes nt• low val ves arid gi,,,,c! huality. BELL & TINGLEY ____,.._— • ii) ID Broad Cloth Car 4 "1" ,, r 3 mbillin2si a' c T & TINGLE:}',` I. $2.06. , hv the 1.-ad R.1.94. 6 at BELL & TINGLErS4 .k;:r bt Ow 1. L. 7 VREAT'‘ ariety of goAtly MAtio Clothing chrap At B. &T.'4 Q! go l d article at 75cts., -at IL11). - )tt , 117Kt. 4, I£iis. - "B. &Tl Y Elf, ; .:111‘,1 ninrlietOrici! ‘s ill - Ipe paid fur all priodtwe in cpx..lialifre far viNcisi pnid for rzowl Daißv Pate,t?r at flupbottwn.oel.,4tll. 1.53. B. & of Cr, I:ery arid Glass :Vare. :it 1.4. C. 13011.CELAIN,:.11(1 Gr,:iitt: CI% up.. -* . 1 G . tt'. S.l: Co T_)o and Bay :!ztal 1.1 • 8 1,Af.7K :fnci :ffid 6 shil{i t i g .: pt.* y:iril, at q, W. S. it. Co. • ••• De L.-tines of the lateAt Styles at • G.V. S. c 4. Cn Notice. Extra. ' Y - Notes and secounts can be found at * old stand, and I trust that ell will see the necessity of settling them without fnrther notice. - : J. DICK EItNIAN, Jr. Aug. 9.9,-35106. • \ . - Cop*nership. - HE "undersigned )mve this day associated T under the firm of Dkkermap - & Garret for the purpose of transacting the mercantile Busi ness at the old stand hf J. Vekerman Jr. MCKERM AN Jr. IiORATIO GARRATT. New Milford, Aug. 18, 1855. - 7 TPHE subscriber willf offer for sale at public I- Vendee, nt his rfsidence, nne mile west of . Surnmersville, nn Thursday the. 18tlifday of Oct. Thirteen 'fend of•ehoice lileconeown mad young doeic t one- very extra Devon Dull. Sale tocom mence•at 1 o'clock. Six wombs credit on ap. proved Notes. 1, GEO. HARRISON. New .Milford, Rept. l ll6, 1855-38w3* To Iliiryinen.. ' pp UTTER.: welted. ! The highest msrirct ces will be paid id cash for good Dairy But ter, by • Administrator's Notice. NroncE is hereby given that letters testa /I went:try upon the estate of Enos Doolittle deed, late of Thomson tp.. have been gran. ted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. and those having etaims upon said es tate 0 present them .41111 v attested fur s"ttletnent. -. - NEttEillAll PARK, Adm'r. Thomson, Sept. 1,8, 1855-38w6. Porte outh Lawns. • NTEW and Eleont Patterns retailing, for one ./.11 shilling a vary NELSON & 'PRIEST. Bingh.unton, Aug. • Patient Apple Parers. 1 • MITE subseribers - arc Agents for the sale of JL the above article!, a largo. supply of, which they hare just . received direct from their .manu. factures. Country merchants supplied at whole: salt. prices.' Pl-11 7 VE & KNOLTON: Binghamton, Sept. 1:1, 1855. - TI -1E 41tb , cribers wou}d respectfully inform the good peiTle of Nitscloohnna Co. that they arc now opening their stock VlfFall And Winter Gnods which is. unusually hilt) and at tractive ati of which will be sold lor cash* •or iipp r i.ved credit clieapir Shan can be brin,u,ht at any other establishment in the county %V man just what we sly. PienqP a ire trr a trial,• O . apposed to be 'cheap B.loou worth, Ready Otuat.le clothirig at - DLATED doz..-m . ore plated . and Te.a KniVes this day received by Aug. 529. • A. J. EVANS. . TAKE notice that the money arising frnm the sale of the Real estate of Elliott Benson, e ill be.distributed :tnting the proper creditors by N. Newton. at his office in Montrose, on Sat urday the 34 tia.y of Nor. next, at 1 o'clock in the aftertmon.i AU persons who hare an inter. est in said fond are requested to appear and pre sent.their cla(mwor forever be debarred there from. j \ N. NEswoN, Auditor. 3fontrose, Qet. 4,-185.5-46A1 •, ", CAUTION.. A LL persons ate cautioned. ageing purchasing a note giieu by Wm. Back to T. D. Beta brook (in' or thereabouts—dated Sept. 4th 1555. The' payment of Raid note will be Plopped unless returned to me. ISAAC RECKIJOW. Lochirsvitle, Oct. 2, 155.540w:1 PUBLIC, SALE Of' Real and Personal Estate at -Auetion-- A Rare chalice for Puithasers I Pill; subscriber having made arrangements to chantv! his location and business will offer for sale at Vendue on the 'itemises, on • .TurAffay the. 23c1 day of October inAt., commencing at 10 o'clock A. MA the following de scribed real sad Personal estate, to w : His farm of 110 acres or thereabotits, of good land, situate in Franklin township, Susquehanna county Penn's. on the Snake Creek road leading from Montrose. to Binghamton, and three miles from the former place, on which are seventy five acres under prod Improvement and haring thereon a frame dwelling honer, barns, sheds, 12./rood thrifty yenng orchard of grafted fruit, and well watered with living springs mid sireams.. Also, r o ue whirr piece adjoining the , above, con taining the same number of acres, and on- which there are ut 15 acciy.newly cleared and which is now so wheat hurl rye and 'eh will'be sold with . - Also. on liter adjoinint! 11 1 e, and conk ining 5 nereiror the i r.alrouts, on w there is a nod water p.rwer, which a t cry re cently stood, ben which has been destroy by fire leaving most of the vats, foundation, dr.e.. without injury, also .:iOO or 4 . 00 cords or bark which will be also Aold. - Also, the followlug articles of peisonal property With numerous articles not mentione4 will be sold, to wit: niq prieeA. G. W. S. ♦ Co. One 'pan of s wcirkiug horses, lumber wagon and harness. I two horse pleasure wagon, 1 our horse Laney and harnoss. I one horse lumber wagon, set bob sleighs. I cutter, I. pleasure sleigh, a varle ts' of forming utensils, including pineghtt, harness &c.. Also a variety of household furniture inclu.- ding bed,, bedding. choirs tables, bureaus, stoves, t tc. .ttso I pair yeti - ling oxen, I pair matched 2 year old abets. and 2 cows. TEIOIO. Or SSLE.—One fourth part of the -pur }11:11.0. money for the lands to be aid tiowu, the bat ante ;it tour equal annual instalments with imunal Inter the whoWomm nunititierm unpaid to be and and Mortgage when the deeds art. give For nal property all sums less than $5 cash. forlall.eum4 exeeediug $5 viz months credit he given to be seeorelLhy notes with approved se4urity nndoninterest. B. GaGjtOV ER. Oct. 1, lE'53. • LET'rEftS Testamentary upon the estate of Wrig,ht Green. dae'd, late of Franklin township. All persons indebted to rhaid estate are, ninested to make immediate pityment, and those Inning demands will present' ihem duly attested fur settlement. RUFUS TUTTLE, . GREEN, Frtnk tin, Sept. 18, 1855-88w3 NEW GOODS.. rr J. WEBB is now receiving a new 1.1..p1y . 0f GOODS, Which will be soldebeap for cask . . Montrose, Sept. 18, 1855 • New Goods Cheakfor Cash, - W. MOTT has josi reuel red another lot of ILI * New Goods, such as Challis, Barge De Lain; De Bnge s, Gingham; Collars, F,mbraid o ey, Lawns c ate., 414. WHICH RE OF/FEBS.A.Vviny LOW PILJCES.! . SITM.WER $.17.4 WLS, s mear lot just receiyedi—beautifol patterns at very . low 'prices, also Cig P.B art, BLACK SILK SHAWLS as low is the lowfst. C. W. MOTT. yAIREE every I t 7 Lvo2tt.al: 15".; Choice B °coded Stock Jane 26th, 1835 Fresh Arrival of New Goods - at DICKFRMANS & OARRATTS DICkERMAN & GARRATT'S. New 71111iirt1; Sept. 18111, 1:855. DICKER:I/AN & GARRATTS Newlin/red, sepl, -180E1855: list the Coins ou Pleas. Executors' Notice. Sopytoorreugad! Don't be forgetful. friends, one and all— , Aged or youthful, great or small— •- • (if not Lao small) That at Odd F:ellowe Hall Ix t11f.4 place to call To get your pictures done np.tan. S. & 1); SAYRE •. rtie sohi by public - starrogi tho 23d ie=t; ti 10-a. al., a fau m of 70 acres' sited. ed in 'Silver Lake townsisity:Snaqu's county and State of Pa., of which 35 acreeof aribleptature and meadow hind is in a good state of cultiva tion:well watered, with a 1144'ft-site :House and frame Bare and a good orchard. Said farm hat .a delirahlo location on the old Chetiasgo4artti.: pike Miles from Binghamton, 11, from . Mont rose,,; 2 from a Catholic Church, ohe mile from two ptherdittorent churches, and I mile from i t Gristi Dlill and saw mill. said property will be sold on reasonable terms, half the ; porehase mon.. ey oil hand, and the other half in two instalments onein 1 . 3 months and the other in tWo yeari. Also to be sold on the same, day by public vendee for ready , cash only, 3 milch cows, 2 yearling steers, 3 calves, 30 sheep, a . 2 horse wagOn and harness, and many other articis too numerous. to- mention. .F ir farther information application to be made on the liremises to the 'proprietor. . FEREMIAII DONOVAN. Silver Lake. 5ept.16,1855-40w3* strayed or Stole's. Ou or raiont the 23d inst. from the pasture of i— i the subscriber . in the townultip of Clifford, S 'sq. myears Co., it young mare, the are is Bre of . About lb hand's high, of a on color,. bl ck 'mane and tail, with a strip on the back extend ing from mane to tail, a small spot of white hair on the fore shoulder nursed by being galled '' by the saddle, and having a round bunch on the 4 m. ble joint of the off leg. Said mare also has d.trk 'or brown legs, with a tuft of long black, hair growing from the feterlock joints, has no white feet. Any person giving any information con cerning said mare to David Rees, Dundaff Sus quehanna Co. Pa., L Searie,-lisq.olootrose, Pa., or David Davis. Leraysville Bradford, or bring. ing her to any of the above named places will be liberally rewarded.. Terriblp Accident, HAPPENED to rift.. Green the other day:— i He had bought a suit of ready-made clothes At the Store; and the first day's wearing' the ac ,eident occurred, First, ofi'drapt his vial-tail 1y the mere force of specific grav,ity, giving. to un: fortunate man'the.apperance of a badly trimmed craft with the flying jib in the stern, and on stooping over to pick up the remnant, the dread ful casualty took . .plaec—the fountains of -the great I deeP were broken up--Green's pants Were sundered from ankle to waist, and Green himself seemed to be. The only way to prevent such deplorable. necidents is to patronize a skillful tai lor, who makes up his work with a determina tion that it shall not ,only fit : neatly, hitt weal well: Gieen buys at!the clothing store because he thinks4te can get his gearing a little cheaper. In all brobahility the pants that Ser v ed him so treacherously had passed through a, fever ho pi. tat,-been stripild from 'n cholera patient, carried home eight nights in the week on a shutter, and findly ttleached and tarried,- . 1.,y an ingenious Frenchm=en for a market in-the country Take warning by pOor Green's mishap, and -ge to a tailor shop like that in the basnient of Searle 's Hotel if you want to be suited. Eer Cutting done.as usual, nna all work war. ranted. JOHN GROVES. . Montrofio •Aug. 27. 1855 ESTRAY AME into the inelosure of the subscriber on V or about tae 20th of 1 ay last.. one 2 years" old Windls Stem', about one mil. from Friends theo.weg,o turnpike The owner is rc.- quest° to prove property..pa+ charize;s and take it "away. 39 - %v3* DANIEL MITIIPIIY. . Now spring • Goods. . BURRITT would iinnounce ti! his friends I -and the public that be is now opening an unusually large SstOr.. of Ser d r,r; and Stir. AMR GOODS, itieludir4-a mat variety of Prints from 4cts to la. per yard; Plain . and Printed LaWns, Bane Delnines, Gingham s, Bro'cade, Black and Farm) ! Dress Silks, Silk Dress Tissues and Bareges,PoPlihs. &e.; with a superior assortment Of Silk, Broehe, C,:sinnere and Thib. bet Shawls, Mantillas. Parasols, Frrfieh Lace and Straw and Silk:Donnets, Rich Ribbons and Flow ers, with .a large. variety of other staple and fan.. cy • DRY GOODS,. • GroCedes, Crockery, 1-I.trilware: Iron and Nails Boots and Shoes, lints and Caps, Carpeting, Watt paper. painted Wirni•-•sr Shades. Flr)r Oil Cloths. Clocks, Stoves, Oils and Paints, Plonghs dtc., /kr.; in shbrt, the- largest kind of piles - of rich and cheap Goods, too numf.rons to m en ti on , but just the things to purchase. nil of which will be sold at the most reduced prices and_ on the most favorable terms for. cash, exchange, or ap.- prored 'credit. -; .N. B. Salt and Flour constantly on hand. •New Milford, nly 5, 1855. - - CARD. • • PHI FE & KNOMILTON would most re specifully c:t11 the attention it •purchasers to a surge assortilent of IJARDWAREjust re ceived and. beina increased by'arrivals from different manufaetulys. fisving, purchased at prices lowerAttin,tliose for whieff.ortieles of the snuie quality hav,i t'.en offered daring the fife pa 4. years, they are enabled to make quite a re duction front ilteir former very reammable de mands, to offer ht‘th town and country trtde in ducements superior to those of N. Y. agents. Binghamton Afvf. 13. 1855. Will Fish Site ? IIEY will if you use the . fi-hung apparatus sold by Phyru &Knowlton,- 3 doors east of eitango Bridge. *A new lot *just received by 'press. - Call and examine their !awe . assort= nt. Hooks, Lines. Reels, PoleS.Bnells. &c. YFE & K NOM:TON. '. B. It is currently reported. that FisS, in s seeti,:n of country, will not be caught with er Tacklc than that sold at the 'above . estab ment. 1 tingiutrnton.l),Jitg4 li, 1855. ' , . _ Fall and Winto l r Goods. ivELSON &PiIIEST hare- now in store a ./.11 .complete assortnient of desirable. dry Goods suitable or tile present anil ennting 'season, which they offer for sato at prices that the.clos est buyers cannot fail to appreciate, - : Ladies''Dress Good: Black Cron do Rhine,..frotn ss. to $32 per yd.. Plaid, stripe and pl, in cottli-03 %ilk,. frsqn 3i. 6d. to 81.50. • Merinos, Paramettas , Alpaess, Dom. hazincs, Persians, (.4 'burghs. Wool Plaids. 'De lisines, Behnizes, 1-Insieryt. Sie. Fretirti, Eng. limb and Amrriean gingham's "Lid Prints, the last from 4e. to 3s. I Entbroi4crics and Laces. . Coll trs from Ge t 4 10 donors, Umbrellas at.(l Under Uaudkerchie x, at.all prices: Lives, 'Dut ton from lc to 30,- Linen from 60. to $3. .11foui•nitty Goods. " 3fneh time and eare ha. 4 been taken• in pelnt. ing these. ever no difficult to find:.and we ftiel confident that our assortment,- embraeing•• many fabric and texture of Anise degigns, not only in dress goods but Embruiderier ;' will meet with general approbation. • - • ' • • Shawls. - Silk, Thibet, Merino, and Cashmere with wool or 'silk fringe; Amertnan, French And Seoch.Plaid, long - 4nd sxuare Brodie, Stella,. Printed Cashmere and Turheri Shawls. . . Housekeeping Goods. Rnie and Whitney Bihnkets an!! sixes, Grey and Plaid Horst... Blankets- Ilarsailies, imperial and Allendale "Quilts, Barnsley and lris% Linen, Sheeting, Pillowcase Cottons and Linens of all widths, Huck, Diaper' and Birdseye Toweling, Eatnask Chiths. Napkins, &e. Boys and .3fPns Wear, Tweeds, Cottonades, Satinets. Sheens grey, black sand Fancy Cassimer Frcncb Doeskin and Broadcloth. boniest; . Brown and bleached shirting yard wide. from 6e to Is. 6d., Cotton Flannel, 'nett and White Flannel, striped shirting, Apron checks, Ticking Drain's, Drills, &c. N. IL.Posoold mention that they do business entirely on . the one price . System; buying their goods at the lowest possible price :aria marking, them to sell at :a close valuation above cost.— We guarantee our goods to be perfect and in every. way whit they are represented, and ems *i. towers may rely upon obtaining of as a rfret artieleatt es low a pitce as the goods. can, e pin. chased west of New York City. NELSPN & PRIEST, Shigititeton, 10. New Arrangement - at Gregory's W. , GREGORY „dt• JUDSON SMITH ' ' , hiving forted 'a co-partnership for the; purpose of tonducting the Hardware business ins ell its various breathe!, _would reapeetfullt fa. 4 'form the people 'of Sesquelianna county:, that they are now opening at Gregory's Old Stand,i opposite the Exehingellotel, 2 doors flaw the Canal,. Binghamton, N. Y., the largeat, chlest,) and best stock of Hardware ever offered in tag.; ha:atop. ' • Having made .-arr.ingements to import :their English Goods :md.purchase their Ameriettn. rent from manufacturers, they e'en and \ will Bull CHEAPER,. than any ' other mitablishmenl• in town ! Stock is now very extensive, and those Wishing to : Juirchase are Invited to call.— The following are a portion of their leading ar-1 tides, knives and forks, Tea - -do.; carvers, forks and steels, pe.n and pocket knives,: bread and butcher do.,hay and straw , do., *As- . sors, shears, and raz.ors, britannia tea and coffee Potsosilver and britannia tea and table spoons, silver plated, brass, and iron candlesticks, 'snuf fers nod trays, solar lamps, lard, and suspended' lamps, mantle-pieee ornaments, brass and -iron andirons, shovels and tongs, dte • Looking pinnace, And looking glass plates, to, gather with a general assortment of housekeep ing articles;, . HOUSE TRIMMINGS, • eonsisting of leeks; latches; butts, terews,.brad. nails, bolts, patent window springs, blind fasten-- ings, shutter screws, and fastentngs, &c. A geryer.il assortment of tools for Carpenters and Joiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons and biaek smiths, consisting of planes, - saws, ham mers, hatchets, axes, mites, chisels, augers, auger hilts and hollow angers; anvils,Bellows, vices, patent drill machines. sledets4; stone hammers, brick and plastering trowels, cross-cut, mill and circular A splendid asSortment of Saddle and Harness' makeri•tools and .trimmings. . - „ • FA InfING TOOLS, consisting of shOvids, spades: forks,rakes,seythes, Brain cradles, hoes, pick axes, _iron: bars, grind stones, &c. Also; Agents fur the sale of Whittemore'. Squires - &, COTS /Orient:oral tools, sUell a' piovis, hay and straw cutters, corn shelters. &e. • Sole and upper lather, morocco and shoo trimmings, with n general assortment of findings, Wooden ware, • willow, cradles, wagons, chairs and baskets of all descriptions. • . Ilar-iron and steel, iron axles andslecl springs malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings of all kinds, paints, oils, sash, glais, putty, &c., all of which will-he sold at the lowest rates: Please call am: examine the sti)ek fur yourselves. roCh am to; ~March I. 1855. The Manhattan Fire Ins: Co. No. L. 9 CAPITAL. • - • "62.50,000 I win ro. builaingQ, f Furnttore,Ves= gels in Port and their Cargoes, and other Proper ty, ogainst fas t of damage by tire. Dnizcror.g.4Nathaniel 1 ichards, Samuel F. Mott, Peter ILI Schentrk. Wm: F. 2110tt,; Edwia D. Morgan, Wtn. W. Fox, Sidney Mason, Etisha . Riggs, R. L. 4rd, Thug. Barron, Russel H. Nev ins, Ang. H. Ward, Nloseg Taylor, John Stew ard, James Cotles..Thos. .W. Pear'sall. Richard Tighe; Peter o,)opei, Henry Eisworth, Lytaar; Denison, John i 'Cteswell. . . NATHANIEL RICHARDS, _ lV.rr. PITT to 'Seey. ELS N .& PRIEST, Agents, Bing hamton, ! N. Y . - • C,iear the Tiaek . i 14101 t lamin a great hurry. Why what's the . i JL matter! I Oh, nothing. only Bullard ove r ! there at the Post Office has just received by 1 Rail goad Express a new lot of,Books, and Sta tionery and I want some before they are alt. - gone that's So. come on he has Ot. Mary Lyndon , _ The :i Hidden Path, My Bondage ,and Freedotn,(Douo%. r 1,--;) Hmtha ami Li/lie, fiol,ul's choice works in, t i setts 4Vti l . B'c..Y.anL7. FolI;s glee Book, A vari- I sty of son, , 13001:7.; and n lord cAditieb to my stork_ of Wri!ing Paper, ,}metopes sand Ink, all iof the beat tpuJity,.antl ellet nt. for the-ranY. .: . N. BULLARD. 31 od trosi• Sept e • 19, I 555. 1 611 orli ',:koirtisements. i The great Platio,; t;lodeola and linsie.Establishment • 1 • HORACE -WATERS, X. 3:33 ilronilmOy, 'Vetr York. • • Pianos, The largest assortment ofPianos, Melodeons, Musical litstrumentz.i and )1 u l t,ical Merchandise LI of All kinds in the ,United_S tes. Pianos from TEN different manufactories, comprising those ()f every variety .of style, from the plain, neat arid substantial 6 1:2 octaves, in Walnut or arise wood C:.ses,, from $l5O, to $2 o,`to those of the most elegant. finish up to One housand • Doilars. No house in the Union can compete, with the above in the number, variety and celebrity of its instruments, nor in the extremely 1 , 119 prices at Which they are sold. Hon Ace Wall:lgs' Mon Ens I3trnorkti Pt.ittos., with or without iron Frames, possessing in their improVement of Over strings and action, a length or scale, power and compass of tone equal to tb'e Grand Piano. united' with the beauty and du. co - 1)d ay of structure of the squire Piano. iThey are justly pronounced by the Press and thp first musical Masters to be equal to those of any oth er manufacturer. They are built of the bestand most thorolich seasnried, material, and guaran teed to stand the . aetiou of every climate. This House has the Sole Acrency of T. Gilbert& Co.'s Celebrated Premium Pianos, with or without the - Aeolian: Hallett &. Coniston's,- %Votidward- & Brown's, and Jaenb Chickering's, and other Bos ton PiAno4. Gilbert's flondoir Pianos, and-ele gant instrument for smell .rooms. Each instrument guaranteed to gii:e lion or purchase money refunded. Second hand Pianos at Great Bargains, censtantly in atom, prices from $3O to $l-40. Sole itoencv of S. D. & H. NW:Smith's Melo' deons,(l uncd to the (Ina) temperament) to which was recently - awarded the First -Premium, at the' National Pair, ‘Vashin7tott, D. C. 'Pried from $35 to $1.50. Double bank melodeoro, $9OO. -' Horace Water's. )tOodeon., superior ins4ru. ments in tone; touch r i nd durability of make.— : . (Tuned the equal teMperament.) MelodeonsOf all other styles and makes. 3lartin's Rrnw•n's Harps, Flatett;Vinl lins,and musical instruments or all kinds. A lartre diseimnt iv sellouts, ti•aeers,ehurehes and eleravmen. The trade supplied on the most liberal terms: . „ . Music :---One of the largest and best select', ed Catalogues of music now published, compris2 ing many of the choice and most popular airs of the day : among; thou are found the universally popular productions .of Thomas Baker. 31u5ic sent by mail to all parts of the country post paid. -Particular and personol attention paid to all orders received by mail. .Satielfne. - -lion.guaranteed in every instance. Pianos and -Melodeons for rent, and rent allowed: on pur chase. Pianos and melodeons for snip on month ly payirents. • Second•hand Pianos taken in ex change- for. new. • -•-- Testimonall from Profeisor4 and Opinions . • " the • Prest;-, 110RArE WATETS, Ems:, 533 ilroadvv:iy. Dear tiir--Haviloy'exa mined your Piano Fortes from scientific and appropriate tests, I am ena bled to form a satisfactory- judgment of their merits, and it is'witts pleasure that I can, speak of thereras among the most colebratod and im. proved makes of the day. For power, brilliancy and richnqts of tone elasticity of touch, and beauty of (milli, they will not starer inscomparistor with those of any other manufartarer and those desirotts- of - obtaining. a really good Piano Fortn—qmo that will prow an tnnivalent - for.their means, will find snob a one ip your beautiful initromonts. . , . --- • ' .Toona.4 BaEnn, R. A. 31. Leader of Jallien's Rind and mintioal Director and Conductor at Niblo's Garden. For power, brilliant" aiid riehneße elaiticity of toilet), elegance and durability -01 Imam, they are in advance of any other pianos in the United Statia, boing the result' of tong ozp:ei: *nee' and a seri& o f esEaimenta.-r-Z 4 l, zkPw. • • • A The treble is clear, pure, beautiful, and -very ingtodeousi- the bass is deep,- telling= and sono rous; the wid 4l 4 - -1 4 0 14 rich i nd quiPaibetitt and pOmeesithe power _of Singing.; i. Of uniting the sound id r esektonei wde,gree but rarely - For peweeof tilt* depth of bask *ad aditisfe crof treble, together; with monkey of touch' they are equal to sky make I am acquainted alth and I eardlaltrrecommed them to those wishing to' parahisi;—V. C. TAnels, - r PUr Mena *ill find it Mr, Waterestore the very best assortment of music and of pianos to be found in the United States, and ere urge our swilktel and wedetn friends to give him 3.ca1l whenever they go to New York:l—Grahame: Magazine. IWe consider,them worthy of special attentiOn, from the resonant and exceedingly musical tone which Mr.. Waterfs has su'cc'eeded in attaining.— N. Y. Musical World # Timer: -The Horace . Waters pianos eto. .of superior [ tone and - elegant finish.—N. I.:chifstiart ratinti; Nothing at thState Fait disylayed • greater et eellence in any department than the Piano Forte manufactured .% florsce Witten, of this city.-- Cauecamks. . - Horace Wate' Piano Fortes are of full, rich, and even tone, d- powerful .-- N. Y. Musical Review. •''''' ' • The Editor othe Savannah_ReptAlicas, • Els• f i arannah, Ga., spy king of the Pita*, Fortes kept by llessre. .1. W. Morrell & Co. of that city, says.: "It will be seen 'that their stock comprises.in struments of every grnde of excellence, from the well known manufacturing . establishments of Chickering & Son, Horace Waters. H. Worces ter, Nunna and Clark, and Bacon and Raven.,. It might well be supposed, that in so large a col lection. there would be some, very fine instru ments. But there Is one which, for beauty of: finish and richness and 'brilliancy of tone, equals, if it does not excel, earthing of the kind we have ever seen. It is from the establishment of Horace Waters. Being constructed of the heat and most thoroughly seasoned material, and up. on improved principles, it is capable ofresisting the action of every climate, and of standing a long since in tune. The keys are . o f pearl, and the, recess for the finger-board is inlaid with pearl. the legs are most elaborately came& and the whole instrument finished up in a- style of - great excellence and, beauty. And yet its chief merit lies in the power brilliancy, and rielmetur of its tone, and the.elasticity of its touch." " A Tnocsken Dotian. Ptstio.”—We paid a visit the other day to the music atore-of Mr. Hot ace Waters, 333 Broakway, on purpose to see a specimen of his pianos, just manufactured , at his' up-town establishment, of which we had heard a good deal of boasting. It 'may not be general ; ty known that Ur. Illiaters has been established I in this city but a little while, having set up' inn i i small way some six years age as agent, for n 1 Bo4ton firm, and gone on by dint of industry and enterprise, till ho has become one 'of the most prominent musie publishers and dealers in the country. His musical instruments are well known for their superior quality, thOugh they scarcely surpass in richness, volume of tone and delicacy-hf touch some instruments of more ob scure makers which we have seen ; yet, even in these prime respects, Waters' best pianos and I , i melodeons challenge comparison with the finest mode anywhere-in the country-4-though those of 'Chickering„ Gilbert and others are more famous. The particular piano avevent to see, 'though is certainly it superb affair. I is characterized by great fullness and softness of tone, and re markable exprbsice power;' while its externals are equally noteworty ; it -has a rosewood case, elegantly inlaid with mother-of-pearl, and carv. ed in various cabinet designs; altogether got up with every care of finish. Other pfahos we heord in the same room, of equally fine tone—the same class of icetruments, n fact, except the case—of fered for a fraction of the cost of this very ele gant ono. • Persons wishing for - instruments of this kind; whether at the most economical or-ex travagant price, will be likely toile suited at the ware-room of ilorace Waters.—llome Jour u4l. A THING OF BEAtr:FY.—Wo had the pleasure, a day Or two sine°, of inspecting 4 magnificent American 'piano, at the spacious ware-room Of .Horace Waters, whose reputation is. established' all over the couutry . as one of the ntcst success ful and extensive dealers, and nnti of the best makers of the piano, this aide of the.Atlantie.---, The instrument in question, was one of his own mannfacture; a seven octavo, carved ruse-wood "case, inlaid with various colored mother-of-pearl with keys of the same material, and'.' altogether shining and sounding as , we might fancy or Coble sky-lark-Ing seraph, in piano form - . A more' ex quisite piece of workmanship we do not relnem ber to have seen, and the elegance of its exterior was the least of its merits. 'ln • tone, it was equal .to a grand-action, and we„ doubt- if Erard, or any other European celebrity, could produce a more superb voiced instrument. Mr. Waters has experunentedin stringing his pianOs=—intro .dneing a decided improvement—until he seems to have struck the fountain depthi of sound,from the most delicate to the most sonorous tones.-:-- This partieuliWpiano, was valued at $l,OOO, but wearnined and listened to several, at prices ran. ng down-to qUarter that sum, all equal 'in r tm e,- us in all the instrumentif of his own man- . ufacture. Mr. Waters uses the same superior " movements," so that, while the Tien - can hive their music ib , i -a lututions case, the poorer can have just as gOod Music ill a case suited to their means,. . . 11 ,. . Waters commented in this . city ,as agent 1 for the sale of Gilbert's (Boston) pianos a little. over six years ago selling but one or twos week now he is sellihg from 25 to SO pianos and, me ' tedium weefliy, of which half.a.dozen of the pi anos per-week are mannfactnred by bimtelf. in this city and two per week, in Boston by a manufacturer who was for eleven years one, of the head workmen in Chiekeriug'ststablishment while' the balance are made up of the manufne tures of Gilbert, Chickering Hallet & Custom, and Woodward & Crown, of Boston, and other of the best makers in the country- . We examined specimens . tram all these ma kers, but neither'saw nor heard anything quite equal to those of Mr. Waters, own manufacture —either in quantity and volume of tone, or- ale. pore of finish. Still, as " many people hive as many tastes," Mr. W. holds himself prepared to serve any and every customer, with any desired make; Enelish or Frenrh action, and with or without Lolian or other attachment. Music and mnstiml instrument dealers, tertehers, composers, and the press in all sections of the Union, have united in pronouncing Mr. Waters' pianos second to noun other, of American or European make. As to taken. Mr. ,W. noes not allow himself to be undersold in fair, open trade. lits . melodians —of which ho keeps a largo steel . c.:-.lango from $4O to el5O, and his pianos carry to the tune from' 8150 to $l,OOO. It is scars* poisible fin. the dealer, or the bnycr of a single instrument, not to satisfy himself at-M,t. Waters' - depot: In connection with this, branch of -the trade, Mr. Waters is one the most extensive ,p of music in the Union, He keeps atsteadywork eight presses; and his. popular music, bythe Most, continent cotnposewis flying everywhere broad.' cast throughout the land We doubt, if Oliver Diston ofßoston, said to be the hwgest mil& dealer in the Uatted States, turns offmore sheets or-better music, than Horace Witeri. When Mr.- W. commenced in this'city, he was told by competitors that he had better " move•on" as the pianos he offered were " no gee' but Horace be ing a pretty stubborn New Englander, concluded' he wouldn't' 'move On" the way hiarWals meant at !emit, until ihe tried - the market.; and his con. chrsion now, a fter , six years trial,. during which he his ikon compelled to enlarge his premis es several times; is that he will " more on," and keep moving on until he is able to Bell 100 in a week, instead of 36, 'rtrb Make at least 25 of tbe.loo,hitusalt. - - After all, Mr. 'Wo ter's sucessaiti nattily to bir attribstedlohis lib eral pattering* of the prem..' 'Mere is mutely a paper ill the ITnion of any retweitabilitYt into which his advertisements have not found , -their way. By no , other means could hei r •O l short lir time have Alison to hie present--position. • His late reduction of price of muile and ;InstrumOnts has abio largely inereased his trade. He in t one ; if making and soling-Me superior article at the lowest prices will Abet it,lo Wine do AO fat', that competition-will lag in the rear It is mirth any one's worse T -bnyer or not-=to drop Ini et• No. Broaitinty, (his depot) and seeittittio Uf . his things,of treautY,fot• , • ' i ,•''' . .*t A thing of beauty ie a joy &tree,' Persons it a &ate** within& '. ;Iritieltaie Wlll_, by toml6 , _*.tliblf,ioena . futiP Wiiii4tizail alt eIV4tOPPAt 4 Valicl4o4eisoulf:', jf sit: :' , . .:, ,:: jt.,..i. rilitt W YORE AlMatninnUMß ' Artisiciszadr•Seatteittleientli louse, Appleton's 846 and 348 Mradway, , .\\\ - . 10 . 1i t AND BAGOINth _ ._, : ' - Noir SSt WHITTLESEY,i '-- - rt•.ite w *sit_sirtiavor t ~ ~ ,NE.E M. SUP, SEW VMS, ', 7 • ~ • - 5. • am cotistanVy oil sad, andcoSOSNdits; 4 order, '.. _- ' . ' '' 4 " - - -- Digs for Fleur; ti it, Sititiilliticitie-, wftetit, Ala as age '' c '__ ' ''' f'!Arka l id - 'r,h4lll thie iittentio o f emOtriAlfiy-, o . ertio, to their asitOrtttient!4 Simulator* Piritione-Bugai: , ,mIzLE It S ' E 4 :17 :, - ' „ Desfiled nod kited to order, expivssiirottaoii.; - Are such that we eaalmfibiJrfille. 10)000 to tlO,OOO bag* per day.: Alen irnporierd and Peidens itt 1 , ,. AUNNY BAGS AND ,BADDI'NO. . AAA vdtlotm hinds ThreAd and Toile, bell! Linnen -tind . Cptton,_ of *Mutt *e its_ iteeishi col:din - 01 supplies: • • .7 Fairbiliaka , Platform sand Callan FAIRBAAS dr... / Co. , have ireeehtlys , :- eporssit spacious Warehouse at .189 BroadwayeAtar. York, where they offer, tt wholesales/Id 'retails. the most complete ass ortnieut of Weighlett pandas to be remain the United State. Assort.- the articles offerred 'will be .foubd - upwards.° seventy different modifications of.,FAIRSARKg - SCALES. Also a great variety of Ranstrue, Jews , elers', Druggist's Grocere; and other : Spring Balances, l'etent Beans, Teister's Welobts and Measpres,'&e., • HAY•and COAL SCAIIS set in any put of tho Couttv by experienced workmen:. - - - Orders y mail or othersvisswill receive sties. tics: - FAIRI3A 4 iKS & Co., 189 '&4;4A-fly Y. York • • . • ! CHARLES E. - FOOGi HAMBER FURNITURE, Bedsteads, Mat. tresses, Washstands, Enameled Sets * Loin gee, Chairs, Pillows,Sounterpanes, &c.; • - 448 Peitri st., N. Y, between • , 19m6 Madison and Chithruttut New and Valuable hiscovery., Dr: Ifanz's Aromatic Invigorating Spirit. , 'This delicietis beyerige is`superior to 'all itt;.' vigorating Cordials, Schnapps, Nervines,dgc;, ln.. use, for the cureof Dispepsia„ , Nerirousness, Ilearthuin, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaint" Mel. ,anchoty, Delirium Tremens, Inteniperante,' ete.;• as it will invigorate and strengthen, but will net intoxicate-or stupefy. • Persons who have beiorne)tabituated_to the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium end Spirituous Liquors, will find speedy and; permanetat relief • from the desire to use - ileac 4 iestroyil*_ agents, _ by taking s bottle or two of this Delictousidedl." cal [leverage. - - • Weak pod Sickly Families- will find Dr. Llttm's Inyigorating Spirit a quick and sure . cure for all tern ale difficulties, it he itiz a Rttenerator as will as a Strengthener of thellunian Systeta. Each complaint that the Aromatic InVigorating Cordial' is calculated, to' cure is' named- on the scrapper accoMpaying each bottle, and - full direettine rot use rrll ,re also minutely given. - Price SI per bottle. Prepared by Dr. Darius Ham. Principal Office, No. 2 Liberty Street; . Nenli York, were wholesale orders shoulibeaddiessed. • For sale by Druggist throughout the United' States. . Sold by A. 'Farrell. Montiose; P.. 81. X. 11.'. Eaton ifarford; Church & Phituly, Dundaff; Scott, Bend. - , 93--Iy. Wroight Iran -For Water, Steam and Gas. Jamie O. Morse et CO, N 6. '79 ..Joh.n Street, New "York, mane.. flu:hirers and dealers in Wrought iron Pipe. Thirteen different sizes constantly on hand, with Valves., Coeks, Elbows, Tees, and every ,zariety of fittings for the same. Asheroft's - Steant Gauges, 'Whistles, Oil Cups, &e.Heafers ler Steam Engines, Steam and YerCe Punips, Boiler Flues, Tuyere and Soap Bailer Coils, Screw Plates and Screwing Machines. Buildings iNarrn., ed by Steam and Lighted by Oat. All °Mali for repairs, and country orders receive prompt at. tention. ' , 1 'L. O. & Co, be„.,47 to cull the attention of *owners ofifnetories, hotels, &e.; to their inperior Gas Generating Apparatus,. new use at \ the St. Niehblui Hotel, New. ; Y ork;; Manchester, Corm., treat Barritigton, Mass4, s ßoCkville, Conn., and carious other parts'of the co - nutty. 24--3 m. wryest and Cheapest Stock -of Dry Goodelis Xew York. PARTIES who are - about to visit the city, aro invited to Lord & immense es. teblishment, 255,, 257, 259,.Grarte Street, corner Chrystie Street, or at their:other store, new nem. • hers, 47 and 49CathatineStreet,.at both of :which' stores may be found at all times, most attractive stoeks of FaahienaLle Silks, Shawls, Mantillas, tirlpss Goods, Flannels, Domestics, Linen's, Hosie ry, Gloves: Laces. Erahroideries; and every-other. description of seasonable goods.; also Carpetings,- Oil Cloths, Rugs, Proggets, &c.; in great variety. to all of which additions mi l eonstantinbeing made . from foreign markets Sad auction ' . .ardeft, and, purchasing or. the most advantageous terms. we are enablel to sell at such remarkable low prices as to over tonur customers greatti.induct., ,uents than ever. • 25-602 . , . . 110131 EAT . -,. I. A'xelativel3i for . Caih. --.: -.- . . .. . . - L1 -H. DROWN & Co:. 34Libei1v4t.. : tlito Ud _e .doors beloVi,th,e 1 1 '04 Office. - NI: T.. ,lin.. portera ;it'd Jobbers:of . 31 t n l / 2 g, ' Wolnetis._ittlit Chigreia7s - Hosiery. ClOVei, and Laey4,lSillt, Ile, rine 'and . Cotton. Shirts and . Drawers!;._Noolen Ynrn, Star eniierN , Silk .ard-, Cotton .liiandker chief's: and Cravats; .Silk, Lisle Wren . - Co l itoti. . _ ..... and Week?, Gores . and hinter:a, and tltte..vt. tt rieties oi' CoOds . in this line. - ,', ;:,.. •:' \... '''. t R4nr! extensive icrkTiOtters. atd'lSlcei:boteis'_4l - dealers - till - _find - ft .064" to Thar _Sit. vantage to 'exrinine ttir Stock: . : - -, 3_4 er.3 i _. . 1 . . HYGEA NA. ..., • Brotegh .1-lorne`ltt4he Door of the-Millie .. .., A WONDF. FULDheitirry bps recent:to hem made by.. Dr. Celt Nat th te. city. In tt b treatinent of Consunap flaw; Asthma nri alt diseases - of the Lung . ~We refer leo " Dt. Cott, Itygerna or Inhaling .llygean Napor end' Emig. a . WI h this netts method Dr. D. hap restored Mang' IMM:tea .ttn re' or Wert health; to , nh. evidence of nitteh he hes hratursers le cettificatee. • B.geaking of the' treatment. a physimenre arks: At iseritteut thatieheutit.....egar.ent, . ty breathing an agreeable., Sealing- , t•sper. iheraithibintil properties matt reale to direct eontaet with - the *bole 14 the :Wel cavity rrthe luugt, end thns escape then:ditty and • rested ..cha t ge.. et , duet d upoti them ghee introduetittintte , the stomach, end subh..eted to the meet, or ' • _ The Itygynnot sfo r ante at all the dragglatattwonght . *: IT country. . :,-- -- , . .'' ; • 'IVIID York nutclestatt of.reiti.l.4o The 'lnhale"' Inicii`tn ou the here., nst,tpol t , Hun k loth out the /east Inenoveniener— the heat ,Or the hotly. bear stretchtot to eVaVoritte the Outd. ' . .-. . _ • lituldreds et oASNO of eintY.S.Oke the :tollaiiing intirbt-' lie named. One Parkaae of ifygalt: Ai Imagined tar of it. • ASTIIIJA c r eft year,. ph:iodine. Jas. F. groberry, P; Al. st.lYurrnuamen: Pa. - I amentednithe ASttillet a C loli mt , B u ni u s .b y D r . Curtis' Dwane. . ..: • , . . ~ ? I.l.largnret Euxtori,lkiooktyn, 'T. Mrs. Pare) nf tic.- 5 lanmenand St., X. Y. us awed to 'revere cast , of Brmathettaby rlyrelna; • Dlystpter hen been tu ' ted era DISTRUSING MUGU of several years standing t and decided to be Inetuntip by by? physidane Pint Pei anted_ fro OltAldONTI! by the Ay. gnaw'. J. , IV Gaubert, p...4li.RirS.,Vt. Pries tbrrie Deltart a Package.--Sold by CUIVTIIP k "Prir . Rnia..kliOND &PAVIA No, 114. aniunbera in..: Y...i!;-41 Packages sent henna exprees to anY part .o.c:pc.rOted, scary for The - , 14. ir—Curtin' Itygrana la the OH tOINAL and 0.111.4 Eis titft ARTICLA, othrea gni base jamltattrust pr vile and INJURIOUS eartankfulapz., „ yev would PQIO,O N. „ ' 3772---Vlsecdtet_in tartar PaltAy ItralYarrell,llansglaa, Mien ' CAPS, - Corner of Pearl and" CitaMem Zt" G. - I.E. 4 tt 4 K, Onto Itatartf- -- Urtalk) k . i.vpi atetio atatid„ on theieorrer,eit Pend and Giuttinnr • StrOtit as - good *II mentt4 Hata and Caps as cancan ., b fount'in.,:ht• city, and attho most ressonattio hoftPitit - teivenl. in, greet variety" froM 44. Panes Hata, ,'Undureltr - 'Hijk ,a for pip by Le- G9lttChltimi,o(lll;w4lit s and pattints. - MEE