----Tine , LlLqinssr-Lanrs: - - • - X It iss - generally knoWn that the anti-License, or more 'properly, the Prohibitory- Liquor. Law, which went into effect in this State on the ISt of October, coupled with two other enactmenta,which have gone into etietiterith In the pastlear, and \are unrepealid',,hy the, • law of last session, will make arrjentire and' radical cbange.in our license' system; end pro- hibit entirely the retail trate in lianas. For the purpose ofenabling all to atnve at ca more proper ,understanding of the changes tittle,made,. we..publisk_ ....ithstrat of the . ihreelivis whi c h now combi ne to-iforni 'oar liquor license system. The first. is* Bucka- Jew a Law or an "!lot to protect certain Do mestic, and Private Rights." The second 'is the" Sunday Law ;" the' third, the late ",act to Reirsin the•Saie of IntomicatintLiquois." From the provisions of the'several acts; it a ill belierceisTed that; they aim to produce-4. Entire Prohibition on Sunday. 2.The aboli tion of all drinking -houses, and sales by'. the annill,quantity. 3. , Entire Prohibition nf'sale toall persons., except temperate aduits. .4. The, transfer ofliquor selling from hotejs and .eating : houses, . to stores and other places of ,:btteinps. 5. Noliquor to be sold by unnal straliAcitgitizens. • 0. The declaration be.the I Stato;„that, " Intoxicating liquor is no part of elitellahniteat for man or home," and the, ..bolajPg of persons legally responsible for the damages resulting from eitliergift or sale. - - stICKALEVS:LANi. •:r 'kiln° of frorn $lO to $5O, and impris -ontneist from ten to sixty days, for wilfully furnishing intoxicating liquors, as a beverage by sale;sift or otherwise, to minors or insane 15eisoitt i —L-to any one when intoxicated, or to any one knownto be an intemperate person, -for three months after notice from friends for . bidding thesame. • 2. Any person furnishing liquer to anotlC er, - by g,ift,.salo or otherwise, in violation of .this, "or any other act, is held responsible for damages, to 'persons or property, resulting • theiefrom. ' 8. A fine of $5O, and imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court for marrying a person when intoxicated. , • • 4. A tine-of $9O for the unwholesome adul teration of intoxicating 'beverages, or the wil ful"ale of the same. • For the second offence $ tOO fine, and imprisonMent not exceeding siity days. 5. Expenses; net exceeding $2O, to be paid , to prosecutor. •No action to be maintained for liquor sold contrary to any law; and Courts may revoke license, die. SUNDAY LAW. • /..A Ape of $5O for each ease of selling or barteriug of spirituous or malt liquors; wine or ciaer, on Sunday.. The same penalty for wilfully permitting them to be drank on, or about the premises. • ~. 2. In case Of conviction for offences on two sepemte Sundays, a flue from three to twelve months, with foss.of license. 3. On failure to pay flues and costs, impris onment, not exceeding three months, or until discharged by due course of law.; 4. Constables, Sheriffs or_Prosecuting At torney, are fined from $5O to $lOO, for refu sing to inform of and proiecute offenders againSt this act. .t° .5. Suits for peniilties . must be brought . i t t, the name of the City or County. Any Cal- Lens of the coupty may prosecute—be a, wit ness, and receive one half the penalty—the other, half to be paid over to the Guardians of the Poor. Any Mayor . Judge of the COurt of Quarter Sessions, may revoke a li• cense for violatiou of this act. No comprom ise of suits allowed. y Tim ACT TO RESTRAIN THE SALE, &C. 1. All Drinking Houses prohibited, and a fine not exceeding $5O, with imprisonment not exceeding one Ononth, for selling, and af fording a place, inducement or any other , convenience, where intoxicating liquors may be'sold and drank. For the \ second offence • $100; and not exceeding three months inipris -onixtent..- The same penalties when two or more • persons combine the one to tell and the: other to funrish a place for drinking, la for - aiding or abetting. 2. All sales in less measure than a qtiart, are prohibited. Courts of - quarter Sessions • may—shall net--grant licenses to citizens of the United State-s, provided they be of tern:- pemte habittyand give bond, with two good securities, in the sum of $lOO, condi tioned for the faithful observa;nc of all laws relating to the sale of said liquors, to be filed in court; on which bond, fineNand cost may be collected upon the conviction of the 'prin cipal. The applicant for license must pre sent his petition, have it lawfully, advertised,, and the Cobrt shall fix a time when objec tions may ha beard. • 8. No hotel, tavern, eating-house,. oyster house or theatre, nor any other place of re freshment or amusemeut, , can receive liclnse to sell by any measure whatever, and no=nn natiiralized person under any circumstateies. -4. Druggists are probibiijd from tellir*in . toricating beverages, except when Wised with other medicine=. 5. Clerks of Quarter , Sessions cannot ;s -ane a lieense until the bond has been filed,— fees paid, and the certificate forni.lied. Fees for lic,ense, three times the present:Vnount ; but no license granted\ for Jess thiin $.lO. 6, Perseus licensed to sell by the quart and greater measure, must frame their license and place it conspicuously in their chief plane of buainess, or forfeit it., and all tale contrary - to this.act, punished according to the second . _ section. 7. Constables, f/ir wilfully failing to return places 'keptn violation of this act, fined not evieeditt $5O, and imprisoned from one to three months. . • • • .• .8. Importers__u3ay sell in the original pack age, without:appmisemezit. and licens; COM nussia4ed au.ctionners are also exempted; do nuastic •producers, brewers and distillers, . may rAI liquors made by them, in quantities not t.-„mss than five gallons. Apiiiiisers of license, under this act,are appointed rtc,cording to former laws, except in Philadelphia, w.here.three reputable and tem plate citizens, in no way connected with,nor not interested in, the' liquor bu.iriebs, shall La appointed annually by the Court of Quar t 4 sessions. - The 'great question in relation. to the\ war I iskow long last 1 The '`llfissian "ajti bassador left. Constantinople Dn.:the 22tof stay, 1853. and on the •ttli - of.Jttne • the En glish and French fleets received orders to---ap pach' the Dard melts, and they anchored in Desika Bay. On-the 23rd of lane the Eta-, peror of the p,tissia - ordered his army to. oc vripy - the ptitipalities. On the 27ih the Porte declara - war against Russias and invi ..; ted - the English-and French Beets to Constan tinople. On the 2.1 of 7.\''arcuaber the, EmPe "r Jr of Russia' declared war. agai ust rkey.-- FrenarDeelaration of war was nrulo , lfarch, 1851.:..- . We have come to the conclasiim that the war las just commend We are inelined t..., : believe that Niandirill be the - mut—Ace:le aattne—that die allies will; never Mate r atlempf onCoistadt. There is no _telling iiaw long the hostilities_ will , ' last—the Bus , si:-.os are a_stuborn - set; and are something ihe Yariliees; thei w'on't eta)! whipped: sar; Many a, - ,thotiry. - VOQl,f 4py broad 7 '.‘ Wit .4 fact., - , • . The War. . L U" 1; t • tan ase Tula/4E4s'l'cl* clokytox us,l E;B: CR AV% 8.410 : n**, Montrose:, Thurittayi7t. 1, iota. *044 i ivimst i i Those to pity us 1p wood we de sire should bring ns somenavo; Weans out As you are coming into town bring us. along 44 1kpme Pumpkins." ; Mr. Joutt SuEnatt tells us that he raised two pumpkins on his - fartn:, iitßiidgeWater, one .weighing, 501, and the'otiet 481! pounds. This, we confess; is . hist : fruit 1 Who can beat it, ' Vr;The Fair put us.. back two-. days in issuing our paper, and we therefore uonclud ed to t•ti -to-d ay Vdonday)-:boping that we shotild'be able today before our readers the fulliieturna of the election in the State. The .re t urps come in soslowly, however, that we are finable to dolma. Enough 'bras code to hand to show- that the democrats have swept 4ho State like a whirlaind,4-electing the Canal Commkssioher, end probably both branches of the Legislature. , Where is the great " fusion, Whig, Know Nothing, Repub lican party r Where is -Wilmot? Where is PissmoreWhere is Hemp . • T . I stead ? • • pocket ENckied. _ • Abel Cassidy, iEsq. of Springville, bad his pikket picked 014500, at, the State Fair at Elmira list week. He vas in the crowd at the Depot-and took out bis, pocket•book, we understand to pay for a" ticket. He - replaced the money in his pants., took the ticket and on placing his'hand - on his pocket; the 'Money was gone. It is aSevera fer3Jr.C., who is one of our most respected-citizens. Coirection. In "_Human Ilk" ,No.l;paragraph 4, for "corresponded' read correspon d. After the sentence "If the violation is a moral one,". add The penalty ite,'a moral' one also. • ' In P 3.; Sae "stone" .ietui -stove, for "absolved" read abearbed ; for" exhileration," exhalation. - In No. 8; P'l., fo'r " tuition" read -.tension. In No. 4. P 32, tor," agivorous" read:fru 4ivorous ; . P 4., for " properties" . readpropen cities; P. 10., for "Ireland" read Iceland; P 18., for." bata tory" read :gturtaiory.: . In Na. 1.;•for " vorkman" read woman ; P. 2., "nobleman" nobleiften ; P. 3., "where" _—:ch,e.rice; ; P. 10., "inal ities"—faceila,es ;P. 1:3., eannot7-0n ; P genet tlon n,otious —perverted arc. !No; ti. P. 2, " acetic-4". 1 . • Our nCcounts up to this all cone 11: in itidicating..tl Democratic patty in thiS' large mijittity, - It is well. ennugh,', after ,re.itts bare passed to reflect soberly opouli,the lessons they teach,. to scan . with careftd eye the causes which. combined to .prOdUce. results,-,—thus tracing - to the fountain head the mysterious workings of' politit . .al dogmas npon the pop ular mind: -* I '*.• * In 'this way . the characteristics of a, people may he obtained, their Impulses learned, and the affect: of Per- tain political.action,in directing _their conduct. may be judged of. The true patriot, ho whO mingles in 'lx)] Weal stt i fe' obly from motives of lasting, good, mid happiness to his country, - - --,nay in this way lisccover the /valuable se eret' of centroling in a great degree the fierce spirit of Democracy, and bringing the crest Innis of toen -to occupy the position most con dusive to the success of his ends, while the mere reckless adventurer after power may learn a valuable l&son in .she final rbuke of, his 'unhallowed -and . dattgerous ache es. " . 'Ono year ;To the I...:§emperacy. of Pe nsylva nia was overthrown by a majority of 40,000 -..-a majority unparalled in her histoty,—now she repudiates that majority and records one almost as large the other way. Now why this revolution iti so short a timed We shall see why. t... , a l . , , . The people 4;t* Pennsylvania are distin guished above ail othersl in ihe y Union, for their unvarying love of right--fof their solid attachment tr.Yan cient faith,-:-for their con; servative idea;, as well as conservative polit ical" posi Lion. The National Admittistration repeated . the Missouri Compromise restriction ...iron the,extention of slavery, invlving the country 'in all the unhappy , eonse4uences of the slavery agitation. The solid sentiment 1 of justice inherent, in the ininds.,of the ped- ple was outraged, and the.y rose up and min- istereil a *stern rebuke to 'what they conceived . a great_ wrong..'This, most unquestionably, wasthe secret of the.opposition triumph Wit fano-hough the Ktuiw 'Nothing orginization,, sra-i the iustruii3ent mainly in accomplishing it. , • /-/ I _.. . . -We shall p,r4;obably' he-asked how/we . rec oncile the above positfon to theisuccess of tbe ' pArty this fall with 1 a candidate standing pledged' to ;I.lt i e. doctrine of the Missouri re . peal. The reconciliation is ,both ,vviy and natural; . As soon as *success of the op position was •annotinco last fah, certain lead ing-politicians in this state; begin to build , . upon it a found on4tion 'Which to : perpetnate thO r r POlvert • ILO Wilne3t'v,. Jessisp's, Pol -1 i locke,and other reckless and abandoned men, wlioeeonly ho pti for enceess lie's in - the path way-Of dirpr).44lnd - l'enateism; infatent % ted with 'ill° 'Preiect of piilitica - I hononi and rewards, attomptedjito,overturp. the . political, relationacrf the Statue-to' Induce everything to a state of tlirs apt:, anaiihyi that they ' "Miglit'i r mistinet, twin the itilie fold pat -4Otliiro," a party kulserviOi if` their _.own selbsl t Aga, mnevccet, ept.,designa. Caring kw as principle; thei professed anything which thei coneelved 'hicield ' hilleute ;And confuse the,'poptileil 4ieconteht ti ',Wi!h:the, cry of iiii DemecieCy of ctr l tithe - 'their 1 rushed hoo:tilOog . ‘,,the 0./Teeeey . ofint* sires the ..1. *--„_-_With the arraMeadour their bp* they embraced an organisation sworn to preiscribe and make dam of milieus of ibeir osp race and : color. With ths cry of free: y alit .brought 'gaiet bonie the free-soil 14- keeling' . themaolves to the Furst of enslaving not only Abe bodies but ifitfixatictencea - of those whom God had made as W fte3 ith a th i e he e m 'ry se of h.es. attatchment to the groat principles that our fathers have laid deep in the foundations of the Republie,—liberty of conscience, liberty of suffrage, liberty to wor ship God , as men pleased,—they struck hands with' an oath-bound organization, sworn to overthrow' hese great principles, thussubver ting the very_ constitution of the gov ernment. Excess followed Excess. Professing sympa thy for the oppressed, they entered the prison and sought among its inmates a sub ject with which to inflame the people and set the laws at defiance. And then to' cap theclimax of their demagougeism at the last moment they abandoned the wretched man (Williamson) to hisfate, not even scrupling to forge the name of a man too high in man hood and integrity to submit to become - their willing tool. - This may be called s brief of the course pursued by the Opposition leaders of Penn sylvania: The navies of the people first rook ed on and wondered. Doubts gave way -to convictions, till finally the sober and patriot ic mind turned away from such a banquet with loathing and disgust. The result has been recorded in one of the most cot= piste triumphs of the steadyand conservative Dembcracy. that has ever been witnessed.— Putting Mr. Plumer's majority as low as ten thousand, and we have-the unparalled change Of fifty thousand rotes in this state alone in twelve months ! At, this rate the Democratic party will next year carry Pennsylvania by a majority of one hundred thoulandl r We regard the above as the highest eulogy that can be' pronounced upon the patriotism of the peophr of Pennsylvania. ,They have shown too clearly to be misunderstood, that their sense of justice cannot be perverted, their attachment to the institutions of their iountry weakned, nor their prejudices itn- Posed upon by the reckless, treasonable pur i plases of political demagogues and deceivers. l'We do not regard this result as I positive endorsement of the National Administmticin • la the re-opening of the slavery question, nor will the Administration so regard it if wise.— That qu es tion, in our judgement has scarcely been thought of by the mass of the voters' id the state. They have aimed a blow at the great disturbers of their peace at home,— tbey have uttered a most potent condemna tion of these traitors to God and their ioun . tty, who would prostrate tore the great tem ple of civil and religions liberty.--who would light the flames of strife and diseord,--,Who seek to , array section against . section, man against man,—state against state, who din- curb the repose of the country by invoking anarchy and civil war, only ttbst their, base ambition may be gratified with political pow er Nero, if be could only he seated on a throne; was prepared to play the fiddle while 'tome was burning- at his feet,—so theft 'abandoned men of whom we have spoken are prepared to rejoice at the overthrow of social oider,—nt the prostration of the rights of tbe peoj lc secured byfire and sword, only -that amidst all the dreadful strife 'they may he seated on the throne of power, the revered objects of a maddened mobocracy.' j.But they bare been rebuked and the -Na tional Administration may turn the victory to niuch good for ihe.country, if they regard it aright, and do not strive to make it ' a ,personal victory-to themselves, and thereby try to turn it, to personal political advantage. rt. ~ 51a= this State.' writings Saturday, e success of the State by a very Oar readers are aware that-tbeal?ove nam ed gentleman was withdrawn from the Re pt blican traket just , before the election, and Thomas Nicholson- recommended in his place,. Tlie Whig and 'Know Nothing candidates were also withdraWn for the same purpose,- ISt of supporting Nicholson and thus lunar ring his election. IThe name of Hon. George Darsie , of Pitts bnrg, who was , slaughtered by the snow- N'pthings last fall for Canal Commissioner, because be was born,in Scotland, was attach ed to the Card withdrawing Williamson, and it was argued here by the Rep'ublicans that Nicholson was not a Know-Nothing, becatr Darsie wou!d not of course recornmeml a 1 Know-Nothing, Although we know/Nich olson to be an active member of Order, yet we must confess the recommendation of 314 Diusie, in whose integr,y we have the greatest confidence, staggered us, and - we i fi-, nal ly , , contented oursely‘ with believing that he in some krayliad'bee n imposed upon. The card with6awing Williamson, it ap pears was firs t published . in the Republican of this place. Judge Jessup, who was Chair man a'the Convention that put Willinknson in domination, superintended' the witheimw 4and "fusion" it Harrisburg, during the State Fair,and thipapers were brought here for publication, with Darsie's naenrattached. ' But it setai.s as soon as the Ilepublica\nTeach ' ed Pittsbterg, Mr. Darsie at once published an article in the •Chroniele pronouncing the ese of his name to'the card a forgery, denying' teat he ever signed the Card, or ever consent ed to the withdrawal of_Williamson, or ever recommended the support 0 . Nicholson to free soil men ! But the object ofJesenp and Co. had been accomplished, for Mr. Denies ,expose of the Gad could not -be generally circulated in the u tate before the election. As nearly as 1 e can learn the_ forgery t Of Mr. Darsie's name to thecard, we 's done by ~, Passmore Judge Jess up, S, F. Cannalt.„ or the &Mum of the Republican. - Which it was we leave 1 - - them to inform the public,- for we do not know. That it was forged we have Mr. Dar. siesproittpt aiowal, according to the N. V. Tribune, lissom ss he saw the card. We ex pect an espial* froin Mr. Thusie of the•whole affair, and then we shall probably know who committed the, forgery for the ptu poet) of de miring the people into the -support of the iCrioar'' Nothings. We therefor, leers the Intb)ect till another ireek - entAlsiting: to& implicate :the wrong Tenons, hoping that in the mean time our investigations may bring the guiltT persons filemegin Election. . - Blurrier; Oct. 9, 1855: Returns teen 98:counties - show 13,1156 in majorities for Johnson i (diem) for Governor, and 5,237 for Andre*, IC N.—Crawford's election in the second district secures six dem ocrats for Congress. ; = Miters Editorst—SOme time , since, I as ked attention to Dr. Oomstock's theory illus tratini planatary motion, the- operation of which theoty it seemed to me was , calcula ted to hurl ,the planets beyond .the attraction of their central orbs. Allow me now to no- ice his reverse theory. -This he elucidates bus: - Suppose a mountain reaching above the at mosphere or being 50' miles high, and from the top of this let a cannon ball be discharg .ed. The resistance of the atmosphere being ont of the calculation, the ball Might per haps be thrown eighty or ono hundred miles. If then one degree of force would send it this ,distance, another would send it another,, and so on ; , and ten times the forCe _with which a cannon ball is projected would continue its motion entirely round the earth.' It could now be in equilibrium, the centrifugal force being just equal to that of gravity, andlthere fore it would perform another and , another revolution, and so continue Co tevolvearound the earth perpetually. * * In other words, the col . triNgal and centripetal forces are supposed to , be exactly equal. • * The ball would no more deviate from its path than a pair ofscales would km their balance with out more weights on one side than on thcoth er. Now, it is not my purpose here to enquire how long, in the first. experiment when the ball : is thrown eighty or - one hundred miles from the= mountain, atniaspherie resistance could be kept out of the calsulation, since Dr. Comstock. informs us that the atmosphere extends 45 miles from the surface of the earth, Nor is it my object to ask, if one im pulse (the resistance of the atmosphere being out of the cslculation) carries the ball eighty or one hundred Miles, and if an impulse ten times greater, carries it around the earth, what. is the , -probable circumference of the earth. But my especial want is to know hc`m the two forces mentioned, which are plainly in equilibrium can, in -aril sense be correctly said to be equal. Would not the centripetal force in the case be the weights of the ball.— And be this 4 pounds or 40 pounds, would it not be very much exceeded in fOrce.by the momentum of the projectile flying With ten tittles the velocity of a cannon shot ?, If the two forces are " exactly clue]," would not the motion (considering analogy.betireen the circle and the polygon of infinite number of sides) bit through the diagonal of minute squares:aceording to the principle of com pou id motion I and would not this direction speedilY bring our little supposANiliatilite to the earth I te ,The force o e f the su‘l'S -.lto-action upon the particles of the earth must be much less -than that of the earth's attrattipn between its own particles or upon bodies on its surface; hence must not the earth's centrifugal force be much greater than the centripetal, as the earth's velocity is 68,000 miles her hour ! If not, what can prevent it from straightway taking its journey, in rapidly converging cir cles, to the sun 1 - . E. A. W. Brooklyn, Oct., 1855., - . Letter* from Europe. The following is a continuation of the let ter published week .before. last, dated Turin, gmlinia, June 25, 1855 1, .—En5. DEM. There is one striking :peculiarity in travel ing through Savoy. Fi l ch side of the road is lined with fruit trees, apples,- years, and cherries. There are no fences along the road, none sepeiliting the fields./The flocks and herds are 'attended ' by herdsmen, and in a country where labor is as cheap as here, I am not sure that it is riot i the cheaper way to guard Cattle drc. At Mount Blanc the herds men were just driving in the cows when we got there./_ It was to' us a ver! interesting -scene./ Each cow bad a bell, but no two alike. "may iMagine, but I cannot describe the -beautiful chime of hundreds of bells tinkling ..out - upon that Clear mountain air. The moun --tain seemed alive with bells; mellowing away among the distant mountain gores and ech oing back a thousand mingling Crtdenms. Mt,Blanc is 14.700 above -the, level of the sea, covered with perpetual snow at oat 6000 from the top, while , some 14, or 15 , glaciers take their rise' in aid around this summit:— Byron - said in his travels through Switzer lana : 4 4 Mount Blanc is the monarch of mountains, They crowned . him long ago, Oa a throne of rocks, in a ',robe of clouda, With a diadem of snow." • - - We went over the glaciers to a sumrmk about half as high as the highest peakochre we had a fine view of the " diadem of snow." To go to the top and back again requires two days with.four guides to a person and a full equipage of ladders, ropes and rods with spurs in the end to get over the, glaciers and 'up the ice anditOcks. his impossible to as ce dat all till 'August or Septenther;, prev ious\ that time the snow being so deep that you ca not get through it. ~,, From 'neva 'we crossed the Alps by a road built by Napoleon. Much •of the way it is cut in the - slid rock, built up with ma sonry on the,low:. side. It is a. stupendous work amid stupen. .us scenery. From deep ravines, mountain pea s tower ons above the other, till their snowy ..ps are lost in the clouds. - . I 1% I \II HjUa peep o'e \ hills, And Alps on Aips arise.* We were one dray 'and night, Alpo. On the - Wirntnit they were, to plant and sow. Liirge snow ban, still lying in'tha ernrices.on the north - sk the • mountains. Five hours afterwards were on. iht plains bf Italy, about Turin, where they were haying and harvesting !--- Sinai Id* of keit were also ripe. Turin is For the Democrat. .ossin i g the fixing were le of the capitol of the Sardinian States trod beautiful city. The finest sight that I have seen of natural objects were the glaciers about Mt. Blanco-- The largest one is about three miles wideiand said to be ones long. It starts at the top of the highest peak, and comes -out in the valley six miles front the foot of the mountains and is the bead of one of the largest branches of the river Rhine. This 'immense body of ice, covered with rocks, sand and stone, is in constant motion, moving about an' inch per. hour,—too slow to be observed by the eye, 4et.like the growth of a plant, steady and constant in movement. It took us three fourths of an hour to cross it near the lower end.. Its surface is as uneaven as the ocean in a storm,. and vast fissures of seams run through it in every direction,—some of which are five or..six feet wide. A stone thrown into one of these, rattles along some seconds, and then splashes in the water below. These glaciers present at all seasons the same, ap pearance, for as the lower end melts away it is supplied by the moving of the mass down wards,—the top constantly accumulating.— hi these glaciers the most important rivers of Europe have their source. • * • * * * Reached here last night, just in time to see the illumination of St. Paul's Church, the I largest in - the world. It was three hundred and fifty years in course of construction, coy era six acres of ground and cost fifty four mill ion, Ime hundred thousand dollati. The an , 'nual cost of repairs nud superintendence is 130,000. The dome is 05',feet from the pavement, its diameter inside 136 feet. It is supported by four columns, \ each 234 feet in circumference. Now, imagine a chandelier of the above dimensions, covered with glass prisms and hung out in the , Heavens ( fully lighted, and: you have the illumination of St. Peter's Church. .It ".takes place but'once year, on the eye of St. Peter's birth .day. To day I we aiteuded mass at St. Peters', which began at ten and held till twelve' o'cloCk.— . The. Pope uas brought in in nth:lir of State, dressed in gold lace robes and wearing a mood crown, followed by a , host of bishops; arch bishops, cardinals and priests. ' [The description of Rome which here ful loWS is substantially the same* given in the letter from Rome to the senior Editor of the Democrat already published, and itig there lore omitted.—Eus. Dim.] Dear Friends :-We left Rome last Thtirs day, staying eight days among the monu- Meets of a by-gone civilization; and the tombs of a people whose language; has become ex, ti net,—w hose proudest palaces are buried be neath those of the living. We are now . abOut , leaving Naples and I have - but a' few M 0. .- meats io write. We haVe given:up going to Egypt, Constantirieple and the Crimea, as the Weather is getting too warm, and the cholera is raging,iu those countries.: * Yeiterday we went to the summit of Mt. Vesuvius. it is smoking yet, 'from the cusp tion in ;Mr ay. .We Were on the top to see the tin set, and then carne ,down part of the way by torch light. It, was a grand- scene, stand ing by:the crater and lOoking over the bay' of Naples one of the finest sheets .of water in the•world. There are three craters on the top of the 'mountain, and one on the side about half - way down, frOm which the last eruption issued. The ones on the top, are charged. with sulphur, so much .so that it is almost suffocating ;when the wind. blows hard. ,Ilurculanentn, a city near the foot next the sea was hurried 70 feet by an eruption A. D., 79. • The theatre has been excavated. We went. through- it with torches.• rompei is the . great wonder.- There the.streets and walls of the houses areexposed, by excavation; as they were before the eruption. A few men are at work all the ..time uncoverinff it. :In , o the cinders and earth they find groups Of statuary, vases; cooking utensils, and every thing of a household or business nature. The city was swallowed up in the midst of full ac tivity and life. Skeletons are found with rings on the finger bones, and bracelets on the arm's. All kinds of articles are found in per fect shape though charred to a cole. More, than-1600 years this city was hurried, and its precise locality lost to the living, for the sea that used to flow at its base is now more than two miles ofr la treading streetsonec busy with life and business, in one day swal lowed up and entirely ,burried, with all its inhabitants. and brought to light after 1800 years, produces a peculiar sensation - in the mind of the traveller, ..:r:4 To-day we visited' the' cave of Syhletern ple of Apollo and the Elysian Fields, places hallowed in the studies of our boyhood dais. The weather just now is pretty warm, though I have seen warmer weather in Washington. My health lias been very good. We are in the land of the vine, the fig and the olive: I have picked figs, oranges :and lemons from the tree,-- : and I have seen the sun set from the tdp of Vesuvius! •• ,* • . ' Affectionately, , , Maine Electious. The Advertiser, a Whig and Maine law pa per published at Portland, Maine, in speaking of the recent Demecnitic victory in that State, says that dissatisfaction with - the Maine law is one of the causes; and . that the conduct of Neal _Dow in ordering - the military.to fire on the citizens of Portland is another cause - of this re.sult. -- The people of Maine; then, the occurrence we said he hid ordered the mil itary to fire too soon; and d e stroyed life un necessarily. ' The people of Maine have said the same: Be it remembered too that the Advertiser is a Main law paper, friendly - to Dow and.his party. Alnd when it• is recol lected that the Whigs, K. N.'s, Republican's and all other factious had combined -against the Deinoerats, She triumph of our party 'will appear the more surprising. There must: have been a stroUF feeling of indignation *- broad to aecomphili such s result. And now, what ben:ones of all the predic tions about thodestruettion of the DeMeocratio party"! So large a Democratic vote was never before polled in Maine. Is that destruction Are both the old parties destroyed t All ad mit that the Whig party is broken up ; and *udgiug from the news from Maine, we should • that the Democratic party was merely ed ope:—Pette Pori, • - ROME,. June 29,-'55:,' NAPLES, .July:11, G. A. GROVr. - 11Ptiresasknatrope. 'Details of4he Fall of Sebasteopf. 4,Z The coriespcmdent of ThA Derfly News, writing on the eve of the assault, says : - " The arrangement is dug our attack . , on the liedan shall not be made till. the Male loff is actually occupied- by the -Frinch,.- r Then our atorwers will dash on lo the &don the French supporting by a \ ainiultsurons rush upon the small flanking battery. Our assault ing force is to be composed of the whole of the 2d division, and the 2d brigade of the light division, with a first. brigade of a re-' serve. Gen. Markham of the second divis ion commands the whole. A general feel ing of confidence in the result prevails." • - The following details of the assault itself are from a French letter dated Constinople t the ilth ult.: - The Malakoff Tower, attacked with unex ampled impetuosity to the cry of Vi ve I -Ern pereutr was carried after a murderous strug gle on both sides. The formidable position was oecupied without delay, and batteries were established on it with iftmarkable celer ity. The little Redan of'Careening Bay was also taken, but as the . Russian batteries pour ed down a tremendous fire on those who were first to occupy it, our men were obliged' to abandon it, to return to it afterward. The few details I have picked up I send you in haste, as the Indus weighs anchor in two hours. . . . "Po the night •of the. Ith • all necessary arrangements were taken by Gen. Pelissier with !admirable precision.. Orr the Bth, at midday, our assaulting columns. issued from their posts and marched on against-the one-. my to the cry of ' Vive l',Empereur,' with an impetuosity beyemfall description, and in spite of a terrible fire in front, and a flanking fire from the Little Reban ; the ditch was soon passed, and. after an hour of a murder -mut struggle, the French flag floated on the tower, and was hailed. with one electric shout of triumph by. the :whole army, , Batteries_ . were, instantly • placed posi don, and. we are itablished - in the Malakoff in as solid a man-. ner as if we had held 'the place fur a - very !Ong time past. Our battery poured down on the Russian fleet a perfect storm of shells; three ships were set on fire in • spite' of the 'precaution. by the Russians, and- the follim ing morning t hose that had' not been:destroy ed by our shot were sunk by the Ruasians.-- The south part of the City was, on fire ; and the Ruisians passed into thenorth forts. "Our loses are- severe. Several Generate .have been killed : .four are wounded.: I'have only been able to aseertain-one•narne among - the latter 7 -that of Gen. Banquet., We have moreover, 4;000 men hors de-combat I can not vouch for the exactness of this lait num ber, and at the first estimate is too 'Often er roneous. 'The attack on the- 'Redan by the English was Made with the Inmost ,Vigor. : — They were repulsed thief) times,but each, tinie 'those gallant troops returned to the charge and remained masters of the position. • The Little Reban.'of Careening Bay was also oc cupied, but the RuSsian fire, which inflicted enormous injury on the first occupants, did not allow us to maintain it. " telegraphie.dispatch, received yester• day at the French Embassy, announces that the city is occupied by_the allied troops. I am in hourly expectation of letters from the Crimea, whicb,l trust, will •giVe me more com plete details than those I 'now send you." Your Lordship will perceive:by the long and sad list, of, the ea:F.4l3l6es; with what mai lantry and self-devotion the : o ffi Cers. so no bly l placed themselves at the head of their': men during this sangcinitry conflict. " I feel myself unable to : express, in adi quote terms., the sense I entertain of the con duct and gallantry exhibited. by the troops though their devotion was not rewarded by a success which they 'so well merited. To no one are my thanks more justly due than to Colonel Windhant l who gallantly headed hiS :column of attack, and fortunate in entering and remaining with his troops during, the contest.. The trenches were,. subsequent . to this attack, so crowded troops . that :I was unable to organize • a second Assault, .which I-intended to make with the Ililanders nder Lieut. Gen. Sir Colin Campbell, who had hitherto formed the reserve, to be sap horted by the third division under Major Gen eral Sir William Eyre.. I -therefore sent.' for these officers and arranged with tietn to re new theattack the followiug morning. The Biland Brigade occupied the advanced trench es during the night." - "About 11 o'cliick the enemy conimenced exploding their niag,azines'; and Sir Colin Campbell, having ordered a party to advance cautiously to examine the &dans; found the works abandoned. Ile did not however deem it `necessarY to occupy it until day light. The evacuation of the town " bythe enemy was made manifest during the night and fires appeared in every part accompanied by large explosions r under the cover of which, the enemy succeeded is withelmwiOn their troops to the north side bymeans,orthe raft bridge recently construcledr and which. they afterward disconnected and conveyed to the other Side. Their men-of-war were all sunk durina. the -night. :The. boisterous weather rendered it altogether impossible for the Ad mirals' to fulfil their intentions of bringing the broadsides of the allied fleet to.bear upon the Quarantine hatteries. An excellent effect was produced by the animated and well-di reeted fire ortheir mortar vessels, those of his Majesty being under the dire.tion of` Capt. Wileot, of the Odin, and Cape. Digby r of the Royal Marine ..krtillery. " This terminates the details of the affair of the eighth. The remainder of the despatch es consists of cltriowledgments of a general character of the services rendered by' the ar iny and navy, and of the army especially since it has heen, under Gk.sneral Simpson's command: A particular compliment is paid to General Sir liarry Jones for his exertions on the Bth. General Simpson says Fur some time past he has been - suffering on a bed of sickeess, but is the eventful hour of the aisssult lie would not remain absent. Ile was conducted on a litter into She trenches to witness the completion of his arduous un dertakings.' „ The General adds :' I must reserve to myself for the subject of a future dispatch to bring before your lordship the peoidiar men tion of officers of the various branchesof this army whom Isbell recommend tpkyOurfa,vorn, ble notice.' MajOr Curzzon is refkrred to as lie .iugAle to give 6ore minute dethilsthau the limits of a dispatch will alow.' * The despatch only gives the list of ',officers killed and wounded. General Simpson'slal Dispatch The following is the ,dispatch brought to England by Col. Curzon Bssoau Savast,opot.., Sept. 411.:.- "I had the honor to apprize your Lordship, in my dispatch of the 4th lust., that the en gineers and artilery (Aileen of the allied ar mies had laid before,Gen. F'ellissier and my self a report recommending that . thee assault should he made our the Bth nat., after a heavy. fire had.been kept up for two days. !Ilia ar rangerneutwas agreed to, and I have to con gratulate your Lordship on the -glorieus • re suit of the attack of yesterday, which bas ended the possession of the tonru, dockyards and . publie buildings and the. estruotion of the last ships of the Russian` fleet in the Black Sea. Tb :' - st,stners - alone remain, andithet.captnns or Sinking 'of Ahem 'mutt speedily . follow. -It vas arranged thatat 12 o clock ;in the day the. Fiench columns 9f. at tack .Weire to,leave their trenches and .take possiissian,of the Malakoff and adjacent Works After- their screcess had been assured, -and they weiej4sirly establish - ed, the Itedan was to be asiatilted by the English. The Batition Central 1 slid Quarantine Forts on the left were simultaneously to be attacked-by the' 1 French.l 1 • •. . - -" At the hour appointed our Allies - quitted their tritiehes; entered and carried the apfiiir ently impregnable defencei of the Millakeffi with that impetuous valor which character=s izes thelFrench attack, and, having once oh -ti mined 7 session , they were never dislodod.; The tri- _ for planted on the parapet was the! signal to the British troops to advanNi.-- The! arrangnients for the attack Intrusted to Lieut.. General Sir Wm. Codringn, who carried 1 s out the dells in concert with Lient-Genend MarkhaT. I determined that the 24 and 1 Light D ivis i ons should have theinnuir of- the assault, ftern the circumstances 'of their- bar- ing defended the battories and approaches' against the Reden for sa many months, and i from the intimate ( knowledge they. posessed I of 'the ground. \ „. 1 : - 7 :, _ -. i `i.Thet Fire of Our artillery - having niade as .much of a breach as possible in.the salient of the Reden, I decided that the columns of assault Should be directed against that part, , as being less exposed to the heavy fire , by which this work is protected. • 1 .'1 It vas arranged between Sir Wm. Cod. rington and Lieut-General Markham that the a.ssaulting column of 1,000 men should be, formed by equal numberi of these two, divis- ' ion—the Light Division to lead,a nd that of the Second to follow. r They left the trenches at-the preconcerted signal, and moved aCcrosa the ground, preceedeAly a covering party of 260 men and; a ladeleS party of 320. On ar riving at the crest of the ditch the ladders were • placed, • and 'Ate men immediately stormed the parapet of the Reden and pene-. trated into the silent 'angle. A most deter mined And. bloody ,c.oinbat, was hem main tained for nearly an haw, and althongh., sup ported to the utmost, and - thaugh:the. great-• est bravery was displayed, it was found- im possible to irtaintaia‘the pwition .t ' RETURNS 1W TELEGRAPH. • PENNSYLVANIA. ~ . Philadlphia elects the decnoeilitie.;.tigket by 2,0 . 00 majority. Carbondale cit, gives the whole democrat-. 3' is ticket'2s7 majorit , ". Mauch Chunk gi - Ves BA, the .stitnircan didate for . judge, 138 majority. Stroudsburg gives Barrett: for Judge, 45 York CountY= T ßorough of York, -.demo dratic gain 140. - . : -F . 1. Blair County—AltOono Berough,:_-Awe n majority 59. ' . • ILogan Township—Fusion req. Lancaster City—Democratic gstli 619.. . A • SECOND DISPATCH. , In York. County the _entire . . Democratic ticket is elected by a large maj. 1. • In Allegheny county the Democratic can : : "dilate for sheriff is elected by about 1,000 In Cambria county the Detnoeratie candi date for sheriffis elected by about 809 mej. • •.. THIRD DISPATdH. Schuylkill Peinooratid ticket 'cleated. . • Monroe County—The . Democratic .major .. it.y abont . l,4oo. Northampton County=27 districts :give Pat terSou Detn., for sheriff 1,059 , Majority; And the entire Democratic iirobably, elected. . .• • • r H Cambria county gives indications: of 800 majority for the Democratic ticket. ••• . Blair .County---4reysport gives Arnold Plumer for Canal Vommissioher , 93, and. Hollidaysburg 99. • • l'OLTint DISPATCH ' Luzern() County—Thomas Nichol Son, Fu sionist, for Canal Coin missioner; has 159 ma . - . Wilkes-Barre, ,The , vote, in the , county is - close, `Cambria County—The,, vote, is Very - 'ln six townships Thomas Nicholson has -160 majority. •• - , • .• Dauphin empty—Nicholson has 270 ma jority. • In Harrisburg; :Middletown district, Nich olson has 180 majority, - . - Eleven democratic members of th4Assera-: bly and a SenatOt in Philadelphi*,cOunty., are elected. • Two Whigs and .two Donomits are elected to the Assembly in the city. • Extra -Judicial Oaths: No party can don exist. whose members" ail) only f;ithful by virtue of an oath. It is - repugnant to all the better feelings of manliood, to act only "undtir the spurof extra jitdicial obligations. He who , doesso„ loses . all self r e spect, and becomes the 'meanest . thing that crawls - -a voluntary slag.' : High authority says, " Swear nnt at an f. neither by Heaven, for it is Crod's,throne nor by the earth, for it is his &colon?: tag- ther by Jetilsalent, for it is the CitY of the gteat King. Neither shalt thou swear byithy head; be-, cause thou cant not make one hair, white Ot' black : - - But let your communication be -tea,ry tt nay, nay : for whatsoever is tno . t. ese, cometh of evil." And the prOphet of oldovheit•jealOn „ sly la boring to reform the world, instead of threats and outkr, uned reason and argument: "Come," said the Holy man, " let us reason together, and we will do - thee-good." - But. such is not the course of the-Know Nothing—with Mtn -might makes right, mu -: son is, dead, and conscience is, flung to tbn devil ! ills'" commission". like. that OtLetattin,e 11 )- l!'eriples, is not to reason of ‘.IAI ilk but 'do* • • - -Many honest men' were -originally - deluded by. false representationsinto the . - Order; snd now' deeply at their folly. As. coasei entious - citrzetvs, Wing. a regard to the Cons .stitutioni, and the laws; they bare- ceased to attend the meetings, and will vete the Whole Whig ticket hereafter.. They fully under,' stand - that all Snob oaths are lurdasinl, and are of ito 'binding force, either in , moraKot la w,•—•ito - one-having - a right toadminister an oath unleis duty aii:thorized by law. Tirthit free land the •need no secret oatb,boundi tnid • .• • - night. associations. Alt such- are dangerous and- anti-republican.. Knew • Nothing; f thy deeds are not .??1/, why,Vrefer idarkne to [fight p-=E~fchange: * • yhorrid murder of a Maxi and his wife bg Slaves.—A correspondent of . Tke. .2ket.g' leans 'Picayune, writing frow Th e 1 4 ra i Sept. 24, flays : • • 4 " 1 have just heard of , one of die most oiit rageous Acts ever perpetnitid by ,hornao hands. A man and his 'wife were mnrdeilet on *Joint Coupeti, and- a lad about- taxteett years old,was knocked in the headand thrown nvvrkroard furrn a flat-twat~. The youatnUtit was not but swain to the shore wire ported.the circumstances, and identified - semi, negroei belipitgiug-to a planter by. the Dane • of Sneed as the guilty - persons: , 'The - slaves'. had either run away , or bad been, bent: Away to avoid punishment, but the citisenk of the vicinity required Mr. Sneed to.prodiet Wan