400ti*ii00-$ 11 1 :01pliberr. - 4a. Brother TV AVE , jusV,fiitiVed .13ilY"S;Leiving splendiiilssostisient, of -Sprits- Dud ,Suin rn Mess , ' su as: ryes, tind striped stud Plaid LawnsOwadis,Barsge, Delsiti ptall onion atui-...ures ; surd ate New York' pritt6s:e"; •' ' :•,. -• ; ~ •• O'oe'stciek -fir shards: is moll silleoled;f Amon whiclicia be foinid . Slum* &oche :Silk, 8.LE12,e, and Prindet Shawls:: . A:spiendid , atfitili :4antitlas of the 'latest at yeey luw priers.` M ;' Enlbrui'dericsii solected with the. ''ir:itc."st r& 'anti cannot fait to give - ti fraction. In ,adaii inn r,-;? iia:e t, , ooti asNortravnt of iceotbe woek. Wia.lowCurtalnl, at varioufp-ices. We. olso oirtr to the pntrlic at . bargains; Calicoes, bleaLht.-ii and brown Muslims prod assortment of atliwes, E, 3ticl ins. Plannef, - ativi‘cy lin price,, such ar StoAingB and'brawn, slate color, black, • andlinix "ed stoeizintl, - A.a supo:ior :Illicit! of ran' Hose, hlsa a spleldil article of silk git:s Gloves, 4og er's Kid hive:also splendilagsortment of Boor tietsr - Ribbvtis i -also , Bonnets, Children's Fancy Straw Caps :Ind rip,, a good Issortment of ParasolAs,.all at a small : lady:thee above cost. In aOdition• to all this c>rn off.r the public ate nod chetpost 1 / 4 f nelS of !toady-made CI oth. oitercd in Northe j rn Pea ft:,ylvatila; Al. so a e•eneral ris.i.ortalent of Gentlemen's•Furnish.; in; Goods, siwit As Shirts, Colars,Crav,its, stocks, suspenders, Drawers and under Garments, &c. Piense try u.-4:rklpproVe if von can. J. WITTENBERG & 'BROTHER. 51 - ontrolc,, April,s, 1855,, .Ise• THIS CHANGED. ipoetawaic, Laefiastmunra & W. U. R. ..spitryo AIIIZAN-dENIENT! and' after 'Monday,. Itlay 7, 1855, the • k./..-Mall Passenger_ Train will leave Scranton • at 10,20 - A: M. - • Due at Great Saul at 1.20:r. st. . Conn , vlin7 Wittt the .11nIckirli Express .Train ~vest, and.the N .;" York • F..!;pres , s Kist, on the . N. Y. & E. R. R. l'a; - .;.engers taking this traMi will arrive in Dunkirk at 11.1,5 p. tn. and in New York :411.1.5 p. rn. Return. wili leave Great Ilemi at 4 p. m. due at - Sere:mien 0.45 r. • Tie Preiteat ft•Commi,datioa Train, with-pass. enter ekr .tttneheri; will depart from Swanton at • 2 • 1.01, r. u.. eonneethr %vitt] the '.‘la Train boned West, and lit 3 ENprcss Trains • .both . ntst and-Wt „ t.' -Palenzers taking this Train anti the Niuht acylve in Neiv Vt,):-Ir. at 10 3 a. m. fly takinq the Nizht Pxpress Wet, wilt in Da.',l: l rk at 1:2 hp takiw.r the NVe%t, arrive in D c mhirk at 6.45 p. m. - . .. • ' . 'P.:liar:ling. iv':li . depart cr . lti ,Grsit Ipp,l :it. 7.00 ‘. \Can I nrrive a Ser.irit , %n. 12.1(1. - A. M. St-af , -F, will lit'. 't '11,W1111. 1 .114 •' n till . : n rli vett of Pas seri.o.,er 'l'rairt,.. at Sorage+r',lo, eon% e pnc , :enors to (711.01-criiialt., Pittior,. }Wilkes-13: Fri-, J 3 119;1401- liiia riz-tlic? ReliCting• ?t. it., Ris.tort, and all - other interniciialo places. l) . -. \ D . 11. , OTTER, ER, Supt Wiii,•e. Se rn•lt.on, • . . , M '..r 7. 1555 c i. , ,5tf - . --. , • !NOTICE S - ; Is hpreby ar:ue :it the ra-11. hesNini of the Le2i.faature for th. e!t:rter of a E.tril; to 'be - calk-a the. Form. at Sus:quebatur -1. L !am: Peart . :r. The par . of ;lie 13:zalc-is apti depc, , .ll. e ;Thai of 550,000 00. privitl;mo,Of inereslqial..r to Si:100,003 00. Susqueltar t aa Deprst.,Penn'a. Via:: Ti os, I- Arthur's P tent Self-Sealing Cans, prp.:!;•rincr, 1"h , s11 Fruit, 'll!rnaioes,,,S-c, by jj. , 2 . 2;lP't".iii? S: t21i1:,4 F11111;:r:Cans arZ. sealc , i.by. the louse wiluodt the. aid of a turner, and pent.a w; iinut irjory to the-C.:n, are rap. iiiy-eotaie4 Into czener:li use. -Full directions for putt;:)g up fruit nee .r.o,:ening.the-C:•ns: the work I.i _so easiic perfortin.d, titht by their use, over}' te.ty, • Freii s Fruit and To tutoes on, their tables al; tthittr, at summer PLic 52.50 : S . ,•,,.'ic);"l'lli•ee Qui 1., 84.25; 8,7).00 pa. doz.:B. The differcnt t.;:f.ts nest, in order— to 4.;:eure ceononiy in trim-port:ll4a, Ct:unCry t%:!1 find !hi, new" article one .of ready M;:nuf:tvi urea And by Mail yr. BURNHAM, & Co. :5, - 30 - 1 TENTH - St. PHIL'. .lfdr 18. 1N.5.5.--:;:ko3 • PALL STYLE OF HATS. CaNit Store. Iin1i:1 is AFFERTY, No. 57 - Chathatn-sto New.'Ywh. Chne - 110.rg-FL. tete-of thewelt known. 1i0..,;(2 of r,,tt,ty Len.Lk, ak,,i1r,,i13 of L.:lll;l;f.itten - tion to hi- ..tor': for the 1 . .11 I;.::Lie. etelfaLL.e with Liuratiiiity. his TLX. - rstmint:lin the repulaiitm, ‘vhielt for the 1 . .a.z1 ten e:ic yi; he has e:aned Lis assidttoes tentio; . , 10 114. wants of . his eiL,totitere.,:md by th 6 fact,'LL - Itic4 we!! that. BeWrty, for cash °lily; every Custo.:oer-Lols the worth cf his motley: TIIOB. RAFFERTY. • French ,Fl.-on - ers. !fit. Fen:hers, Strzyn: . 41 - ,- inineruG . AWE are nnw a large:lock. cSFrench Flow4.rs.•Paril i.c.-atto,rF, a nd Mil, in ers Artichls, oPtite ninst titC,tt.ae lityles, and lat(4l impartatir,n, at a great rc. duet - ion titoe • prives, f.nd as we Intve mach: arrant-re til r'reeive, the celi n in7,ls . ca : on., almo t every stearat..t tit nmv est . lit fif 'ands iu our:lin , :, we wouT4i occasion to .;.Itica cash purchazyr , ; to exArtiic.e ttinr btas.k, &t-GJohn-i•il.., of 'William, N. V. • iiolll,ll & Adtainistra,tors' N 0 c 3. N - roTICE ishcrehy ;given that Letter.i IN 'locill-y npno the est:.te of Broold vn f... - ownA'.p. have been .zron ted to tl,t All per,e-Ins i!;(1e Ltd to lier.hr. h.-roost-NI . inune- Z4te rilA those rny op on sztl.l42'4l:lle; to pre , ; 01... them Nitosted for settlontent. - E. S. RENT, 4 , A. .I:TIFFANY, 1555-35w6 • Brooklyn. -Atv,. NEW GOODS AGAIN At the " Ezeha - mge s " Brooklyn. rr NE suli-.er,tier th4k, this (1);11)-tun;ty..1" th:lnkin•g his friold-i ft,r their •ersv put r0n;12 . ../ ilict past seasou,.and of sayi t.r.t, to th ,, ut in atiditillni 1.11:,t, hating retteived fresh itivt,ices of senz , onable tz(,od4 of t:azious descriptions, be .trill prt•pur+.d to suriply alintmt any article usu ally calhsl for at a country Store. His - asg.ut.. went is... Dow eumpiete, and bein,g, the largest iii Tow n , ofe rs the greatest inducement 'to purebas• ers, vither" for . Cash, Barter, or Good {short} credit. Call .and see. Brooklyn, Aug. 20, 1855 ALT by the bbi. or Load at the market rates S by - 0.-G. HEMPSTEAD: fIiNHE highest market price paid for Butter, .1t Eggs, Lard. Farm Produce of all kinds, good Shingtet,yrirne Wt,ol Socks, &e.. in Goo4s, :by - O. G. HEMPSTEAD... Me dichres anctDrugs. VERS Cherry Pectoral—acknowledged to he the best Pulmonht Remedy extant, Pond's Extract of Witch-Hale—an exceedingly ralnahle 'remedy for divers ills Dr.. Bakers Conli4und—a grand specific - tor `Diarrha, Dys entety, Choleri.Morbus,_ &.--Ayer's, Jayne's, Phinney's and Wright's Pills, bierchant's Garg. ling Oil, t oge th el wi t h it greet variety' of. Drugs cenunon •use, kipt censtmitly , on hand by O. C. FIEMPSTRiiD. =DEE 'NEI - STORER 0. W. SZYMOTIB, T\ ESiRt to.cull the ul.iention - - Utile public to ttreir stock of si . . 1 14VAW GOOta% 9 : - Now - arriving, rt the old bawd of lire•SsArstorlya the village of Harihra;-':g: . • • - 01.3 R GOODS -1 - : ARE NEB*, have been bought if cash, carei fully ,selectcd,nud will be sold ebgap. Give' us a rail before purchasing - . Our stiftit ionsists.of DRY - GOODS: -•- t GROCERIES; HARDWARE, " 23-.... r In N. V 0. G. HEMPSTEAD ENE CROCKERY, l . MON,rNAIW, - - &c., *c &c .variety as fall „;tii usunqy foetid in country I • Stores. • (LW. SE Y 319 UR & 'Co. Il ; irford, May 10,11855. . . Wool! Vir 00l ! ! -W6ll IA - 1O 000• POIINDS wnntedl:it ihe,Farm.' ers,.l.;•-•.hang,e k• A bid! the hightst tuatket, prie4;will be OW ib Cash by • " - . .1' • A. LAT (IttOP & CO. June 12, lab& I 1 i . G OPS. • A superioootjust I.&eiveci: arid.now °Tering at, the /*est rash prices i'or,iippeoteti-crett , it or Read,} pay by, • ' A. LATHROP &. Pliny 1, GBOCER er anji; intis, at pi ices- that can't be bcatj,' este ari.icle at- 4s. Call,and c: ;Itubto the Mock before purchasing, if you : wish . to save the " penny," June 13 Bonnets at Reda - Cad ix • MIIIIIITT, w'ot h;g i•en7;tinlng stork 1.1 •of Sitk, I,:two, n,kd ra kr (ioo tie :r gno4 f) Te PS. to clote the business of the sea•mo,--iw,ny oflhom al cost: New 1.1111 rani. J 11114. rs.i 855. 1- LOOS BERL - ..,Por'gr.T +i iv cs,—A Epod ,a , iottnlent or the Iv , st kind in . intirket. A.;.513 Table Knives mid Forks.• Et:. Si lye r I td.Cerinnn 4lIlc:4 rrhl B. ria-warn Atbo II kindsßo :e' Knit es. •• STE: sc ! .. Vi o ue 4., A -,•0,1',u1)1 ) R, Flute,ti r.: t Lx a r,. F u id, Cantle F 11 G (L. F. T 30 • nne, s?ond. A.2r:ur:c AND PA,, , st 114;:ronelir ;11)4 f.,f(jo of oti (It) ?rat' -34:wEr.roc.—A ••;)leoi: 3 I pats Ins: ' .; • : • Pa \;r , GOOD., .---Ntively brz , icll7:" ' Pri - 6.-uvr.l.7r.—.A citplee . !iriel. . (New tuppl;esi-e( . .e4-ed i enly evely week.) ~. . , In zlrort, nen riT .ever v: lit lg,* pe , ,ODS U:11, ::IA Cli.e:l l , arthe varit.:y store i r A. i rUIIII.ELL: .31ontros.r, June 14, i 1355. • . . Lanqsboro Funio!shing Esta Wis h, nient. THE sttbseillSer . constlnily on 1 , 2 n -ii and will mniie!'to order. Doom; BiimiN. Windows and indoW.Szill, Door anti Wiodo w. Frames, and . nil otlier'!nrticlesimpOe of wood vild j 11 , ...,1 in 'ouildinz. pninif-ti and f‘tlog 0111 ts)ort notice. Glass4of nII; qunnitties snit). tuoicil; (...d at from Sl6 to $.:!O per 1.000 feel. thAte to older. . Al.o.,b.gonernl nsort(oeut di •; _ • : . .. - Bitrenn. , . W or tTol.oe., Fiantht. orbit ~, ,, :sic-:. ChillrK, 13,-(l,iect.ls, Seticesi, '4 , ..e., &(.. ColijrN, rent: made hr wade 1(3'0 . .16. pn the shr, • -.1 no. lice. Good Pl,,e, Cherry or Wilitewood-lainber.nnd gr ; : t ; ) o r n il - Linds, tukvil in - chatige for the , • . ;.bove. . . p: vOC t'r re nOn;! , 'at= witlt :11,1rovt , d "evi, : ijt. • to we . wl!k occive p. ~rcpt atlent ., on. • 1- JACOB TA VT.OR. . 1. Jotie 1555. LL NI, a .1). : Ca...ier,Tirq: : ,.l,f • J,I.LioN, Soc(o:. &e. &c, NV. MOTI'. impt ..3nr.i. tmAT r. it' !I, n0.00n:.2,r b A prli.,lA;el— - '• Your PP.l...iriv.• c:11:::•.I m , . .7r in r I.',i'iour :,,..• + , 14 ‘1 ; - ,..1, arove r , • ,. , 11.•7,1:1,7.ep1(r5t ‘,." I'.l • 4..;` , ...7.. , :11 , •11 h t.l ~ ,••,1 1, ,. syr. .: rionv. I !lid f:11-.1 or boy r. , ....4 by my P.r.•..b•inn aVAtI ' , lnn) eve , remedy I - i Atiiii...; . .. Litt A 1 - 4,1 ,1.• , • +1! yg.ur PilIV have er..nr'el c.y re , t (-r, .1 In. , ir• ~ .ni'll. 14,-vil• ,s.icr.o • Ilwin tn my el.d.lren 1 -,, T. N, ov,:. , r h ille 1. , -1 . _ Tl r . l , i t l, f. pro.n,C, ell- , t. I 1.•.'....;•11••" It• I ~:', friend fat c0,t:‘‘..:, , --...vd;iehbr. , ! :ro:C-..',•111 . .4 f.. 1. I,A•lig •----'i —be tol,l mr m a feu ily. , .h . ey ll't I eueed I.' u 5."..11 trb•gke -GreatEx - hibition in Sjiirincrville• . th' l " .- t -e'"e'-'" '''' -. 14 .P- 1 ' '-'" -'''''%,-.'" :. 0 1.:,.., tiosf,„m 0,0 .E...0.,,,,,1,...1 : , .. , ..,.:, 0,.. 0. GREAT • ASTO RARE . ,EXIIIIIIT(GN OF prom. C,oo•t. wiu , -e 1 , 7• - •'11 - ;-•r t nbitic , •• li• ,- e 'm .•:.' FOIIEIGNI - AND 1)011ETIC GOODS; l ' n '" 92 '' ' " nt c ' i ' l3 " 1 " t.i ' i"t .,! l '" n' ' i ' . ... l ' ' ''''" 2 i'f". " '. ' •• ,, r (f.'d• , n 4: A:.;:i 7,1 , ,1 II r ra! , ,-,0 , ,t et try slile and nuarty,l sneh as will im 1„•-• 4 ...zir--T bare zre..t Fi c....f t .,, tc ,th Lt ....„,,... tt.. . ,„ , t i mt my sure - • tnedf,lne. fly! vvfe Ira , . r ur... , 1 fen -.', , . - .'nee ,•,- , ....rf -- Th-t,ioe—lmm thii . eiiiiii in the eraille tn 11it , '654 l i ; ,.,1, 1 „,,,, ,., I 0 . . ' . ..' err Al t . • P 112., , ~y tour . irr.a LT I'Er•rov A F.. M..' :1 lid (I'Vt`r(llli. - Ti,,,:se giniii•i, a...e bol2lit- -- im ibe 4, riur,•thcri r.i..sinji,t..l perfect 11v:1'A). .Ii chi! iv. n Ins', most favorable te:rins, and ~ vio 1.- IA .-,, so,“ - ,L•corkun. , ,,. : ~.1 . . .r:11 tlm.i brell rvirel from-,flans :•---. I and Croup li t it it i< an Inva'n..b'v re•i.ely for tbei.• ly. 1,.. , v ~---- . , : e-trrplo.t , ' our car it t nrtf• Pi% Le h,ve en , irely eated , . , phthse cafe t 3 a rap „la ire w,I I I ~• lo sir!). .1 me ftom'.. a dy.ne;',ll an•l env. ivrtil , ..• 111.!e!I line zrrZ4 - r, ply sit your. wa(its in ~,,` 1, . —it •li-,1 0 ;.••• r • •;. r. •, P il ie ,ri ne or Gooos Beer I npon me for r.i. .. ur . , - u.• ~ ~, . h .11 : r , important. fr., A. tile fart that t /).1,1 r.,:.!. 0 t., L.,•t r,01,-r lit•pt in n eon:I - try v.;9.eti. l'oo need not :2 . 0 to from the he , Phyviciar. which th"s mti, rt ., f tl t reamer New York l'or ail, yAliinz you waot, I.).mates - e tte :.ITord.. and fr i rm any of the nun , toui• r. , :nediev I li‘ , l • i • ~ ta ken. 11:,ve ilmtn frinsti.from the rill'. " Trltt .e , .riti'in 11K, TP"-tnr, li: 4 rriVi.l..:lo3l i1ie..1117. cR,Ir ~,, "' :Ok.A.) ii , JO: 1 NSONT - . Z.... - CO. ! to our ranrilyj and you nine 1: ,, .1. vuppose we ate not.rm• Sprina.ville 1 1 4 MP V 3, 1855. . mindful (P.R.% Yon rs :repo. •f0 , ..y, 1 - ..1'.% '. I f T TITAN - rt . :IL". ' }Senate Chamber, Aldo. A•oril :Alb 1e!.4. • "Dr. 3 . C Aver —llonored Sir-1 have made A ther.luzli tr;al of the Clthartie NCR. lect me 1., your *rent. and hone roved 1)73 tit, m of the d•racrul Ilheumalbmt under whir's he font dme 4ufferit t z The Jit.t ,i,r. reF...v,l,ttp., 'MA,. fon- :Ow 1 .m...,t •1nii,...-ntirfor r....-.,,..1 the ,lizell , P. T feel ;I) betr4r health pow then f•-r 5. rev re 1 , -I.n e. Nvldeh I uttrithute elti7. !v. is the • ff.'...4 .v . v ,u.. cl'ulrtie MK. : Your:' with pent re.,..,r. i • 1.1 7 ••tt - s It N . Iv:TC.SI.F." • The above tiro al' from nerv.mv ~h o ti.. Tslo•••;'lVknn,M Viler. thou Tr.t.::,10./Vil nrlo, I.:null-lag( yrOtko tht•cr • t fi , r• meat , without a thoronzh ror.firtion that ay.: evert. true. Prepared h :lAlir,.l C. AY ::R. P net i ,2 1 mud Am/I;ora' rhernixt I.olnell.Mnsa • itti..ll Illf J. Turri.ll.Montrnve: P.. P. & R. It. Paton, Tfat';frrd. thumb & Phinn-y. Pundnre; T.. Seott, Virent nen& Sy* 01 D rutr.rio A. a,lll-al-rx in •.I. divine every where i Seta 17—n7'1714e June 13 y Laud*. CfINGT,Ess 11,., tvi- . vntly psNed an additi‘in al l'en.-,ion, v. ol L •ti e : ,.,eo l i s mael l widor I L t izo the forme./ Vs cus. No.one shoutl de , pair:of r ceivinu a land!Walismi, who has done service rat any kind eitiier in the Revolutionary .war or since, or has had a husband, or father who would be entitled to a pension if now !icing. . The un dersigned has the Law and all the legal forth" for ol , l:iinirg Pen-i6e% under the said act, and "Will emimptiy obiainiany applicants Pension who. is ntitled .thereto for reasonable compensation.— } 0, , ,,r Warrants Will I: , t1 , ., 1 ready money •if :Yob preier not to loeate the land, • 1 N. NEW TON. - .‘t(Ntrose, 3TarelilSsl-I.2iT.- . GREAT ATTRU TION3. A T 1; ( 7 1 1 .80 1711: , fr f E• XCHA SI; E. 9 SubEvtil)er is ,nout receiving well se. li•eted assortment of Pry Goods, Groceries, wn re, Crockery, Ready-Made Cloihina, Bonnets, (a sple'ndid- assortment,) N:iils, P..ints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Yankee Notions, in fact, almost oteryttling, usnalty called for "at a ennia trr Store, including Flour. Salt and. Jlent, all or -whit, he is, desirous of selling! for Cash, or any Undo," F'a r mer's 211erchantable .Pr—n4ce, or on good approved Shr.rt Credit. •. Ilia friends are most respeetfulfy invited to ,sire him a c a ll f ind he sati,fy them that . Mir Exchanr , e is I Ito 11 7 .9ve for farmers to trade, The ..highest pike Cash for Bo4ler, MERTITgAN., trp!=env:lie. 311 y 15 1855. • - CASII paid for DA' , .y ' Bluer by H. !if. JONES JimP 7, P 3.55 BLick &Ilk:land Changeable, at onast. al low prieex: C. W. MOTT. June 13. . PATENT 'MEDICINE AGENCY. ABEL TUItRELL, Montrose, PL.,. DRUGGIST,AND'AGENT,- roe. ALL TIM ..PoPrtalt 4 g EIDITITEIg - OF TILE D'AY. Vaagsgnsnersta Constantly ...fiereived„, rgglish Level. Wat,ches. 1 BE - If.nbseriber has jast ree4ved by siesta ship Bade another invoke of hiseeleb ta t e d eatea and' skeleton Liver ,Watchei, inakiag febrteep different nrietieti, In Pisin and Hunting eases, to which he weni:ltall the atten tion of al Rersotus'ivistiing to -pafthsse perfect time pieces. . A. J. EVANS, No. g, Odd Fame lisn. St ughaleton, 4tily 1643. IGMITURAIAMES U 4 IIEIII - 67 Sl.' WilEEqEll'S,i•eiebrnted Potr.:•.,rireshers aqd Ser ?; a: c:•r ; ( ed 'l'd c ere Ccie Cf ce/e.r C • C.' I tear .11: c: tfyi: C 4, nl.-w Po; ~:I,'l. • 'f..* • Clow 4 vrci • li.2lseys (;:of4 4. : 0 & c , f I C4C irpf)m,ed Fon. ;co eti.‘!o. rja:l,,on tertosr • l'hese machines and 0t:1 , ; , 4- Imo vrae its are wnr , nnied to be of the btist •.':lt and wolk tonti,:hio. and to opero!elr.s trive-,en:r3 , bc tny . Gtetllais,: or subject to hie meta: n ifs, re months, nol the porehlsel„money tc'nrdc J. Rr 1:1 , 10 in a1:' 1 .1 niv con te:lo-i for i.no. - . 1- 1.6.211t nil lranKpor.nt.on us nl! toorYneq, Flat rann I and toi her cif:.7,04 Zvi I bc.(10,16 , 0r"v I;gltt. 50.:401(4,36m 01111 i V 'IP' 1,:o tli."le.ed nt nos? vonveni,..ea L-Int i t.uin t 11.1 .0 10 ;I. 1).2-; ;pti.e - eirceoa.< . und n'4 I)oef.-4.ary inror,p.-. ;Oil 1 -4 ttlef' n.llo'o . k SO l 4 by me. w i l t" o.l)e,..twOrt.ivrtl (1B be 1md.0.) vor.ca;:qo to me by mail, To Tonyarifeii czars: C. W. MOTT Are C.• in - 0 r, e N. ; . I.t f. , •••• ni mere tffrn I.ter . . I, tra!•. 1.f.• , :(20.)/ ^ for l'orzt•Arifes. .ICl.l'B the 'cell kantytt vernal: t. orChtmitut -..e whose. iga ': ProdProdvet is found at -•. airOO,t ft, rjl OiLl. s , ay4 : "to , iy your Ca - . •. t hurtic ti b.ve fou n d term • to Le a t,otterf.itoily enntrunn any otht.r kw - I , ov !v.. 11. nt o" tnr friend:. ' t ot e ies,ized o•st - ';,•,1 I.em•rits tram them and t0j0,; , .1, iti 0)41 th. 7 .roS,•:“ for .1. irinz nnt• att,t curler.. the 1.1-1.: ':hey Oro not tiny eite:tual hut rare and Weis not to he goal/tip , wt./tett tnrse make thew calurtl by I , OV:e. wiles) thel are 10.1 , 15 u." Tile reuera . VYAIII I LAW, mites from. rtA. mum,. 15Ih J. t. Seer-‘sir: I hsv,.tst en polr PIT'S Vtith zreat Itenetit. for the li.tles.tlO•ilk, lan:titer. I ItS5 of npprtit e. an.l, ill;ousl.,•a•ltielte Ir.; of l;tc p•ir, ih 1: 1 1,' 'Trim; A f,o (Ince. rear Pil itt cure:l tn... I Laye tiwed . s our el3Orry Pretorel many yrttr..4 in-my r.tully for aid rola , it:th 1111n,.111.14. You nr.l.e eitics, which c. and 11,1 it a rat 1,111, t., you, t.rthe gen.] ton bared:ll:e and :trf JOHN F. MATT V, Et.t.. tiro. of the Pvt.th.rta4roati Co. ra)tt nd :11l the tithirvs, Tottio4 &e. belle, Ca lid lel,. Lam rliqr cry-. -A, fiDst. rAtt fli. "Z•lr: l!itc; niy a-. G•ney," vrar •,1 ei erg h tr'ez drriV , l TIVICCriat btn cfit itClll th, ‘1 , 0.1.74 b.." 01 0,•1,:x r ,j6 Pill F.. 1 Am ui'finut thf.:ll in in:: ral,;!y•. no r ,!:al evtrenti.c.nt {..1,b1., !ay Lur•ar,.., pro.•ure-Cl.-:u." ,ie: . l% OF 1.17e1•L,-..7..,q everyil:ing in th' Ilt- tz'rouned 3. S. srt.NEV. AI. D.. of IVeut II Tl - I‘ , n¢ 11,4 your With:lWe Pill!. in me prnrtiee-1 that Iln•c tire n a clite i.nr. gatiro. Ia eares'of .li-•rdr liOd - oh"• tl•o ;;r. ra• rlt tyef disc.:yrs ;hat folio» , ti• yatr.c fair e r u•d'•tb.tn any other. In all e;res P'tr;rnti)•• realer). qu , red. T coctl len tly rec.:om , ntl thr: , 7.1•03.. to as sntyeenr to any other 1 hare erer tow] They are. .sure in their orCerati,m, and percerrl) ride, 4 1) !,,k, !Mich stake them an Snrultra t‘ie article fur nubile trio. I hare for many veara I:104u your'(,•n tle• Cough rue,lieinr In the rrn 11. and the.. 15 . n.e in un wire infarins to that adn!irablr pr.•para , Sen .0 . hr treat tnentp,rdeaFes." ' • " D . .C.AT r R..711."1 - S,!r . T 1!“1 e to;:(.1 , 2al birth with SC' ,: .l7tll I in it. t:nr , t r n••• yrPri.' I Iturol.l romrletely cllr'Ll In of by. Pi', With what 'ar:A''• ran n,rh toed when 7. on hat I havit Aurf , ro t tin 1 frt.e :rata this ak e ss..,. in iiornrtthsT . At time* it at 1.13 made mr aTtnniit iht ether= it s , ltittil in ill , : u alp n tot 11 , it I. r.n 1 :mil ha. tziiitt in•iii•trt;y hal.: all i:rnts• .1, ttmeei t came out iN my face, and kep tit for . nt..' FO T,. i:e R. M. W Et..LES. , nt„, Mziy 12, 'ZS--2.0(t)1 c-1 AYER'S PI Lt " P,r. I:. R. r.):1:-e. !le • 13.18 i 3 4 ' Al , ( - Mt TOTIP arcks n ej - e4 r•r - •• 4 tali; tb1etie.1.911...1111(1 roiw am en(lrele Cron t to. My eye...Am if $9 TO my Tine mence4 a beAltby e!Tne i !I ; at' of ra.ll;e: ren4r a new per , en - - ilapin , lll;• tlt. , nent tna . l be the ilevn infnritTaTion that do 11 . . 4 , 1 to ~(1“ r.l, I ”ft - j, sentiment ef - %11111 hare; hnewn't , r. oatAo4 ‘ltria childhood. :Ina be:- ',late:rent :• i; 1 .I.:cleiunti.r. " Pr. - NEW STOVE & TIN-WARE tMPORIUM OF . woopaurr & raantrin, n lircst bide Moil? awl South of Hot, I, WHET E may be found the best r.)4sortment .of 'STOVES ever broo g ht to this market, to g ether 4101 Tin-Wzire Thenper than can Le ebd:where side of New York. They . woulri respeetfully eat! the attention of 4mrchls:cffito their new splendid Stock of STOVESiand Tix-w PAL,, which will Li) sold /Try zoo ; prices. We the most 'ST ON e ver I>ro t iollt i n to 11 . ::s in.. • among Which may 11Vino , A1 Star the It' s! (41 , f-zte.-1 . e Pie . r.:10 . eV Piro, . A 1C?. 1 re e,l • , aro va:.ou.s other p.l.tern% TOO DO meroug to mention. I TINWARE of all kept corLtnntly on hand for - honsphold u4e. •Jol. l ,ing done to order and in the - best manner. Afi.Tin-wa , o extecolly proved before earn LIB , op, They ret;pectiollv poitc:itite p:i;r• - rollge Gr all who wish to Dor ..hase an vvi: et T ; to :I t eir tine, as .turing them ilia: Anonvy c: , •1 to s:2;ed Itv e!•auain iog their hloek hefore e i sew b,. re , • S. A. WOODRUFF.- 13. ELDRED: Jar e '7. 1555. Tho Know Nothin Expose. A" person patroni , ing me, at the front upper room of the Store lately occupied by M. C. Tyler, can be accommodated according to to the Latest• Fashions, in tile best and most ap: proved manner. -My work is werrated to fit if pioperly -Cutting, mending and in fact every brand] of Tailoring done on the .shortest notice, end that to the satisfaction - of those concerned. 14d. • J. EIAtiTER. __, Black Silk. A G OOD _quality for " dresses, at Stets. per .Llyard. Lfz B. dt Ce. (ha, U. 1864. , 'S - 11d 1 : ' WiINDER SAPEL - I I "mil, n w,' Thi e al AnlicaivOZ;La ,, ; •0; 21 clsi , - ,. .Cy fr r ''. t ' i _- t '. y ., shou ld. vaNs lx .WA'rSON, No, 26 . or 0 a co . ly • " - , . .. . ...--, -... &nth Poorth s;.i Philad. . - ' 'Po ! , !IO COPIES SOLD IR I ...reo.' "": J .m.•: • .0.. 0 R sAv Fke: e. CO EST NUT I. ~::,:.\ ‘,..\ !,, 1 1,.7.; , / , ',./ ., 11 - '•• • • • . LE• z STOAN A TSAR.: A new I ( i &L. IF 1 H.. Seta.; Friday morning; t -,seks,ol" , !:l9 l iie...._'•• rc,% * on , wer;..r4i anil'lnDl' Vid. ' .••••••-.... 4 ' pece,pber )3,b, ,1854. Evans A , .-''z,7•.'` ' j: - ii , r4.. - .1 .. i u ed ' - ° - . 1 ut... ~.. , , It r atsoull st . i. ,, fnuoict , e , fc i• „ :6 . ....,.. • , 041 ro. ..17. Or. ttan:or *Medical NlSnillal `" I ' -44. - A l a u .- Poi: band Gook fort tersitreted—. =pliant, as they always are . whim pat _ to the tett l.: , -., •404... t: •'•„,;••• c0ut.,..e1.-: on eitt'tie orthe'ort. ' ' • - .r•.ru tt et Lelp t• Dec , I .7), I ..' . ...741. .), • ,/,,, , •tk-'4147Z.•:• :..:::„....%,.p:07,..r.:5,t re:co:leer:fluent* Mess‘ ,- ; tt . los S. Walton, No• :26 Sod; h FOO,lll L . '''''''''' "f''lt , eN s ' s- t o :.-. " :4' l by !.° ;ro vI o f ~:ca ln ?ue ß r v e v v. co n a al . .. - St.. Pli;lutlelt»;rt. • - , , e• vet; • 4 e by:" .4 , 4 . . t , l , 9,..cynitt Xe....P . Wit it setileW . Gcs.rt.cstcs i ,;—li r e lake m Dch plersurc in rac- l, tor th , 'v p. ,, .. c. , ,3' . .w,•%. , ~,-, In a ftimil , r,fj. , ., , ,,,m,jin, untmoKting ytigur S4l4mau,k; sares 40 ..Ve • ch a tits ; 'all m . ''-' !' "I"''''' ' ::"• 5 r , t. t: 1 trjtilltigtilf3tl3olll avail" and ()-tiers • a Ikea ot of a secu.emeanit of ri . esu e % : nr. I ,ttuo;,:attr,,:!..('',:r",l:(:.•;•',.`‘,l;ll,,alt: I t l;"; at: or •complaint , Fineident o l eo- bathe, p . , ,ttert4, Ste., 6'olll Pe, igti 1111 otICI Wi i Ail 0t..,.., :cl: ^ . I. :i ,• ', y,I -; ‘ ' o u t t 7.llo=s "' UTe l o c i l di II e i rs:s ee or; purchased front you about Pei, (in mo,itis oinne. b us ' didir.tre er r. ..,,‘. n.,ture. . I pre t-r•t t . ed'onribooks, ttud . casit it, aS•good a roodi. To w1... - it 1. 0•;4.. * . , row,' ..!or t.lte.e.nre or the sOore , Its- : • 000 i t s they -tvere when -put - it, b 'fore she -the tei . ::r v, ;t x, :.:. , 4 0 4 , ...% or, the., ..0 -er.lytnt.tozne aw { t career t ae. crew fire 4100 morning. which &strayed - the _en- • 're - : -:. el ,j r re.'l. 1'..4" , ••,,r0g).'+ , 1-;:rft.e'aienil college, ph;.• I-. ~ , , •-..... , Dit..III.'NTFTZ'S Mi.:MCA!. It.,NUAL," tire block or.h:uildings corner of Chestuut and Cath — 0b T 0 h:5 . 1 ,. : , 1 1 , .r.r , :0 t 0 ;1.!,••• , e • ;rt.. not ak et he majority of those .streetti. • '7l ithoce was in [lse in oar o ff ice, on 1 the second prior of our Wilding, from which place 1 aradttote . c row. r . .r u 4 r n e r t • t:• ,' l ' 6 - - .7.7.. 0f it: 1 tre t i le' . I t i. e t dl t t7l lB e a it fell into Lbe ; , c e llar and remained there 0 oiil the `lt affords r.fe pi.- ,•ere to riteonantend blotto - the unfelt:- fire:was out '; "rho Safe was their remeved a nd • n 3t e•or to the li -, :ln or utilp, actic.,ao A Attee.x3rUl and rnctilloner.tn N . r14..5. , , honor and integrity opened ill the presenee of at least 1000 p.evotiv, ' P ti l ,„ P " rl. " P. 1 -.5 may plac e the grea tett ronfldenre. Who witnest , 4 , ,d the good:condition-of the contests. i .14).-S. Low:5;110RX, M „D- Will.Kou please have the Safe and Lochs repai , ed 1 l'r ern .4 - 1r00 .7 r.7.,..!. M 11):.,lf Pen a .1, 7 a; rtr A ity,Philts% pc:lA , ct ; iir , j , :,o --- - itzi. ,. ..g ru..p! , .1.1 , 6 re te add my tetitnnal to 'the as we intend to - pot it in use-an -tiu. having' ~ pr0,r,, , 0P:: a vill ly Oftl,o Author 01tho" lit DICALMAe. anntitleuce in' its Gre- proof qua rtiett. . irt t...''. .. , :umereng ea.... ortiksase °rote Genital Organs, You!s. 11Z-spec ru t 's, 1 . eo.ole 01 then. of long stv n‘rts;..-. have Come under toy no- LACEY & PHILLIPS. .. . I tire.in vrltt , h htsr f'...i1l !ins !been manifest. in rer4nring to - Evans and Watson take pleasure in referring to ! P e g„ l , 4 l, d e ,l i g i al l ,`,. h . y., in n som e, . t.' , 3,l" ' h'''" the patient has bees the following, amour* the main- nuudredsu - ho have final n , alinet.i . .. or' d :11 . , fa ' riz a t:.. i i . et i t a t O i rtL tr e ra ril trn wet:c fS p7o- - tlteir safes in sites: -0..8. M u t, Ph•ladd.;. partners ' dared by grit übuft' ~ r . i'mess orreueu. I do n ot know m ci , t , a , iies i R an k . p httat i a.: •s am ,„; ,itok. u . I bi i i , “iptrieritt the . proion. I have been arrtnainted tieu,:,, , rsoft . ~: l t h u i t ti h , e ; i ( ,.. n e t t l , t , ot t • ii . n o , n .t t s r t . it ,, i 3 l a • ~. t e an r 3. and deeinit.no more IP, ki . !Ugh. Shin, id' .Paila.; . -John N.l t o m e i s ,, s , e t n o a , !I l e , i le a ro t r _ o t a n n e at n e City Controller; Caleb cope .4. co., No. 183 ,11 , . , . Aso or early in , ll: , ‘” - ctioU, to reC kit St ; Richard Norris and liott, Liwiinnothrt buil. i , I , -o• prore.ii-iimiit skill arta integrity tht•y may safely tiers, poilathi .; Bancroft and sacra , _ machinists, cor T a h e i. !l i s s em:ll l :e u c t )9..vltEn wooriwArtM•M• m• corner 16th and Jams Ste.; r f o i t,4u r i r e i nsti . and int el L.i . ;:ibl e Nl7ork " ; '- u ." lli t :l n l n eti t e l,'l n e t s h n : s t l ias c a rnn o rtli e •s h e c a r ;e 6v ol' ranee Co., Phile ; - Penti'a Railroad Co., Oliiiada.; whir;tt it tr,e3ts. Aird,l‘ T 4 iltteolinirsl lertne,it addret4- a t. , s ab,i i , t ,. t ., e ti ! i f : .r t e, 0 ..; i t ; ( 1 1 1 : e . i nt., e ,, : t : tn r: : u .r; ,t o , tli f n, it tit a ne r l e r ::; rea ders . 1!1 I 7 t r i 1 . c fr r Crete from n a , ll , s Lo l t ia ce l p y l e & s : . irl'irtit)l.l.i•jr,l.o73t.26 south j . ) l t h il • ; a nd s t !I ; i i j i n a u t r n es S , t . r K e .F: :. t i a l t ; r a Ild Sil aloe, No. 1 47 . North Third Street; W. IL - thor h.t,t;•e;ned inan:r Ve - Irs to A ' v, it t o reat t l l l:e 'r n ,' t n. o . rt T he h ;n a rt . liertsman and Solis, No. :it North 3d St.; 'Smith, not cOMPIAiut . tr ,. are./ or. an,!, with too little hre.ith to _puff an I too littr, prr,omption to unpo,e. be hat offered Williams & Co., No: 87. Market St.; J• & B. Orne, •te tine woCol"..;a• ill; manly aerobia' price 0f2.5 rent:, the No • ISS Chestnnt St- - - fruit of Porde tweet) vettrs' ruwt sueeettf u I practice."— :I large assortment of the above Safes always nit jirrold. ''. "No tearher Or parent ittould he without the knowledge band (warranted to stand 10 per cent. move r fir. I E v A s &.., im,niTcuterlitr , t . h t ls , invain7hle work. fewould 33 V.! years of than ally Ilerrinee Safe now iu use.) t out,r, „. iii ,,..v i ie t , y7 1. 1 , :1 , r14 , : to al.! . youth ender their WATSON, also _manufact ore and keep for. sole, Iron Shinier". Iron floors;. litl Iron Sr's!), for Mak- ' A Pr ,, l;tterian clemyrrean in Ohio, - waiting of .4 tien.,, , iog tire- proof Vaults •.'or Banks. Stores. public and, n te i e l ol r '•'iral S tmooll " • 6 , tP :—"Thou.an-1: npon thous pr,v..te boiidio gd• .' Seal aud' Letter CopyM Press-. p.:::10t . 15 6 1, r ac t. : ? . l' l t ‘e h, :n b rel V i i n t ;;; ' ; ' ' ' l l t ,'l. l ' .. "'.l I."'l".'r p '" u " 70 1 4 et; rat •al SI Ile' Lined Refri:zerators, &c. PreaSo . vethoto r.•aliziog: hi • , :iit ~n,l f;:arfa ' ' ''' ,!. , n Ol o - 71;e f ue 'l t! Upon ' :it , e nit a ettll, ut .N0...„16 South Fourth St., Philo. i t !..m- , •:v , i. are] t!,--ir so:terity. Thernrwltu.lo.t.ofeht.us . . d. rithia -_,.15 .. ..i aodo nibnare - nisina fanniii-a have he-a enfreh'e..l. if not y I I bro , . en dovrn.and they do rt. - At:now the r"...te...• or the cure. . . . i Any (hi sic thst. rho be done so to illi , zh , en azi , l intlu.•nre NEW GOODS. • -the pubp,mii,,, n, t,,rher,i•.an.l al Mn. , telv to re:Doyen - Us 1 ide•Ft.repd s,•nree or lulunan wto , •11.,1ue::...' would eonrer :US!. .ATILLA . N & PARK tetii.n - th eir goatefill., ' the , :reatest h!t-ing Dr . t.tto the I- ;; , ;,‘o . of 3. , 0.t. Christ, 1.. . tick nottled ~ .rllo,, i s fo. ;he piii,iiic ror p am t hi_ lon ti , . , Der-'. - net 5!r . ..1 . , , ninl - rn-n,-.C - ,id . n. Intetaperaneet or rot's. an I ityryie ..tteu; ion to 'the very / a rge ~.tock 1 t i, 5,.., ,, , , ::: u e i: i- ,, , , ,,, in t :: , , , , c ,, i:• ,.. a n t, , n , f il s t i t r, „ !:;.) ,, II; ot i t tl.h I . t , 1r,, ,. ...tai n til.ohug . Of Spring :find Simmer Goas they an" now re- Ulan race Accept Inc thanks b:l,-ill' Of ' lle to willi;te.l . , t•eiV ilia, and oifer for sale at err ~. bac pr;'ces. In m i d .11Pliele Mk'. Yell r en- worLer in the fr.00I: 1 ,- cri.y nu are , ' I tl , idition ti , lio•ir iistlai r"SorlinC•nt of staple Dry "0';:, i,v 1,,, 1 .T. 7 ,` ' i;fr " , 1 1'.:0 ', ( noel) wnlz;: , ; - oirworded.rrevor Goods; Groreries, hardware, ('rockery, P.,int:‘,.; rr-t or:.'• to tInV part oftli.., irnito.lSi:•..et . ;)3 , ' , :. retire . . or and Irk Sze. • they are Prepared litahihit. a large j, 1N „;4"1 1 . i i,", r ;:0 r r :3,.,1-1,1 4 :; . .';;1., (1 ;,.. - ;;;;Z .I) el'''''DEN fr.. CO" as-OirttDcht tlf . - - 1 f';','" flor.klOter, (;ans: , -sets am: Cook :LADIES . DRESS -GOODS - 1 , on 111 f: trIC , l liberal terms l of every deseriplion, I.7ezpred, -Plaid and Plain, 8111;. - P f onne1s.Shaw1;:, Ribbons, Gluve , t, Ilosiery 1 Ladies and Jlis,es shoe's of- all kin&- . --zlsci rt:' large sto,:k of • . - REA D 1 MADE CLOTH t NG. Cfril!ii , , (':• , ‘12e.t ., , Tweed-. .le;:n. 'Summer C10i1,.. Ve , iiii;. ; ,, Llas veil ; C.. 0-. C , as and • pu•'ehrt , c CcCPJ GOOD,' AT I, v j'l: ;CI S 31:iy I?. 183 Doct. R. Thayei PrAtcEs. this tneitnA of slying to his frienas . c o...tftinet s 114 at he rC!•4l)Med . the p .‘le(roille 1i ill 4 old •,I::nei in loti e. ‘Vije; 0 - fie 1:1: v. he ,"eanti ;:nn.ssuyiless U,. -I I, IL? t litn al (06! ' pt t,n .11; 1 . I her. , 1.1. e • . 1 from : r lye; e P e b•u •T`t•Nt, for fif„v ECM 155,5 r ,!•,. an:l 11 ) '.t 1"-; co, A A. TEWE rl',A t• r.',•eiv r. (.1 ( 3 ..- - ,.-eL - f,o it t.we lii:.an:a.;',.le,ers, and con- 0 ; - ti :; .....,r f ne l o. f 1,-(i4es cnd th•s,t•faCil • L, fin 2 , ,, a:o , z= 1.1 , ea54 Full ;n u Kers, SI - 11..1. t.,e. Je‘‘c! , y iußid Pr • .:I±••S k i,r e (I, _ t , k. 'a rnv. mir Isle rllll - Li el al rnnrevin-z rt etii y r:11 " pom her C. 'k;. I(•moveti to 6 room (,;:t r F. I ix.ll4.bt. hi.; s..e i• 1 e, n, " ilti.t• p 4 C. 1). V 111(11E.. j)entisi.. MI I ill , Ifit'l STORE . • A ... c .,,,, r r .,„ . ..,) d C,l• • 9%,..t. ff) at ~... 4,4 •••••••14 ....or ~...44 4.3 VJ .....14,- Ne,i....1.,-..61.:, tci.:\ 1 :(1'.A I, n••••• . -.rec.. or F.: . I , s .sekl Fancy,, it I - .) , y (; , , , ;e -,. ( 7 ; ••• ' e ..:, i 1 3,0,,,. , e , 11.t', ( : :.p „ . i liilcy i ssed :•••; il.t.f's , Wail t',-per. I). :)gas, Dye Sleirs„, 1'..in1,i:.1. (lir-. ke.. 1% hick tvi.l bl. sold as cheap ..,,tile vile..N.st fur C; -111)rapprove;i ertslit, Le -, • .- '1..11. JONES. Itar:‘ , 4 Sine I, IS.-25. •he Si' t.. r. eat rp 1 ICfi. Go (1( 11.;!:fie 41; li, ^t 11. j1..10N ittrie 1. 1555. 13R1)CI11 s. at nit wire's v.l-11 n I . ,cr M: di; Ins oa 11. Al: JONES. Jtmt• ), ) .L; ADV 31. , t1e C., , l4)ing„,:tt low p,: ces . 11.11. JONES Juno 1, 1855. ADI ES ‘‘ • 1 is l a g•eat umvis 1t is r.L .'ll. 31. JON ES'. Jur:(.. 1. I 4 .1 siVNN. 13 : 4i-ge de- 1, , ,,!' 1 , ; nod .Nl. JON F.S'. Jun, 1. 1555. intOlDElt i':;•; and Win,inv:inwr"rr at _lam• 11. June 1.1555. ,„,„ei v , o.i4awnt of Bouls.lind H. A). Jo% ..11/1;0 S. Qi.vrEEN of cm , dot. 1.3 I.r \ June 1. 1 S 5 5; bvst qoal;iy of Nails az. 5 cr , :per 9ntinci, Gil n ,l r 6y 11. Al. !JON LS. June i 863. J (TS'P S3lt. ai U. IY. JO \ June 1. Caution—Lottery Frauds. orrice a the Nltryletrlc - nweiidated Lo:teriee. . • ItAhrixons, Mar3ianth tune2o,lBls. r TIE Commi.:s:oner of the 'Maryland Stile . I.olteriitm kts deemed it his du:y to caution the. pubre ugAmt the numerous sti , indlers: who circulate by Mail and otherwise, Paadulent Lot tery sebetue, and pretend to 'be :Tents' for the sale of tilt et 6 in:Lotteries which are wholly fie tnirms. The only legal f.ritier'es in Marylnnd are those drawn daily under the sup'eriniendenee of the Commissioner eleefed by the people of the State under the new Conslitekion to examine and ap: prove the scheme. and atlend to the drawings. All the tickets it these .Lotieries and e.er. tifientes of paeloOrs of iiekets have the litho graphed hignat ere; P. X. Ili; r.s AI, General Agent ter the tontraett4 Offlfe of the Maryland Con solidated LotteriM, Itali;moe, Md. All ,nibers are fraudnlenl. For fall inrormation on these!), jeet or thv , .e frauds, address F. X. 13 r: LA 33.1 - eal'timore, Maryland. LOTHINGI—The subscriber has on hand k„,/ end is now manufacturing a small stock of Ready Made Cloillinff, of good quality and work manship, which he offers - et very low prices. - • a G. HEMPSTEAD. BOOTS do SHOES.—A good assortment of excellent qualities, kept constantly on hand Sitvnit PLATED TABLE. Kacvaso:—Twelve doz. more of these fine Table and Desert - Knives made to match silver forks, for sate by - A. J. EiAIDL ,Iliughatutoa. July 17. NIOIIII.LAN &. PARK 1!1.,-,e1r.:. I will oval:IICd a, O. G. HEMPSTEAD. - Now .Lino of Mail ;morn ..e - Z ___. .0.7.,t;itt,,i, ;' -----. - I ,- Wi 6 f- ,,, :“.: ':, ---- - _-.. , -7„ ........2 t Ar'- 7 i 4 -:'z, ••• - - -.. L 0 ,-, , --- r -' , - • •Zr_lT - ;:t -----,r , 7 - • ?_. , -....1: .7 - 4 -} p-5a.5....„4.....................:,,............p......r.r - . -. . . ROE WOO D. TO ra - 0N T i'l 0 S £,- • L -, sTA(:).: sit, pe.lirc• i:•:!,wood. passitjg . tbrouri.Cor- J--1- , ),;t - -ville, 1.1 . , , ,•ty....e..f.Tery ,sicruitgatterthe art.'. val.r.f t lir 31411 ren• us ofCar4, , citli 11:i6t 1414 West,reach thiCtlontros. nt.l P.ll. . . .. ' r r l E T U R I\l ENG • Lt•avuMontrosi...ini!y,(Sundayr ey,repted ate 1' M. titn.• to taker the failtralaP 01 CatF:i.),..th . East :tad ISoa t.•3..inßt he. nearest and uttett r„ t it o r,eh the sett Vol,. an.ltrie stailroad. t s ure,hAnnotrt,. Wy Xill:es,tarre which tro. at 7 A NI i`voi :WeTut•Ftlay anti Fri.tay. . Al , n. a*.int , itt , ,LeFa,,vitt..&e.t.loo(.l ..nutfnr! • ze!• are, p .nhd the Prorrkt tko u• oai•,!orbtr , i , .int tile Pub: W F. HATeit. Sep,l2. 1 .Sl4. - MOl - 10 &WI:ST . 11 1; 1 /.01 - - . & S't'( fl since Ihe Infefir - e, nie l v-iic found in Ine . B.A-r.ncNrOFSF..IIILF..S 110 T, N4;l N l .l:lstzindittg unprecedented ra pidity ‘vith wn7,di our stock of Boots, Shoes,&c, " went OX'. on the inoininz or the:flee, we still., In:s..t some on hand, on-1 "shalt soon he snppiled T:1;1;1,F,I1•& STODIYARP. I.Mona• ,e,Novi , nhor, 13, 1854. . 10;003 Firkin Staves Wanted. 1) Y Wad i) which itl pay the Seavoned Staves pr..ferred. 8M & H ENIPISTEIAD. PO). 13. 1855. , . . Brocho Shawls. . . ell EAPER th :n ever berme known, Be:lntl fut par.ern , . and in riti. , l:;y of S• 4 Broehe Shaa - 4. Lupett's tuanufaettn . e,oi S 7. Oct. 11• • - . • U. B. S. Co: • Shawls T ONG and Square, Wool, Brnehe and Silk., very hanziwine ~tyles, and at eNiremely low Prices. Oct• 11 Does. Itavri , , El eint.opath'i•4, Hatch's (Intel, in A A'Al l.()rt' c ros . e c Il ' r ' d a three day t lie 6 i 11, 7th` and Sth of ezt, - ,11 month. upon all dh,ea.aes (ifhhe hu man syst,m,%:z:•• CONSUMPTION. D'ronehitht. Intl itnntinn.of the . lArinfi.4, Throat. Liver, Pleurt, Kidneys and Spleen. I)vsperNiit. (Indigestion.) Liner Coinnldint, Rhittnatism. Serortila.-Ernp tions, Spinal Complaints, Nervous Weakness, etc,.•- r• ee! •PaliettlA 'visilt 1 at their regdenees if (rive f_-oin 7 in the rnornitPl rm.:, 9 in the t• ,n•nr4„ . • March 15. 1855.1:1 ' • Helmbold'sGE3nui ne Preparations. v'rd 7 IP: -1 8 ,, c1im, . • For Pisensiss of the Illa.l.lCr mr. , l IVilevx. tFecret Thgesses, &• t riot or esr. irenliorc.: and al, Pi cares o: the Bexual TV.,• • !e F-3,qle, frOritlrillieVV. - C . 3111:0 thew may have et t : ,: ea t e d an d no w a iter , nr . 11 nw !Ong ftBl] If you have contracted the terrible diseaFewhich,when once rented in - the.systent-wit' gurely do dawn from one eeneration to 3110:11.`r, the roortitution and sapp't.; the very vital Iluidv of life, to not trust yourßelf in the haul' of ielnaci.v.wl o start up every day in a city lice thil, and ?Ili the pa; era with clarint fab'elloods, too wellrnlritlatrd tn.!. ceive the Young, awl •thriro not ar. fitWEttat with their trirlie. You cannot be too careful in - the felectiqn of a trait-ay Ill' tht• Tile Yluid Extract nuchu ha% been pronounced by emi nent Physicians she createef remedy erev keen-n. It is a medic , ue perfectly pkaFant in itv mite, and very innocent iu It'-4, lion. and yet so thornuzis that It gurnihilatem every particle of the rank :Ind poi -onouv viruv of thin dread:lll disattge: and. unlike lathes remedies. It does not dry up the disease in the Coss I urrrioNst, DEBTL7TY, brolvzhl - rtn rr''-.•hu•e, a most Prrrible Ilfeare. aid ti ba. lonnzht anon=and. of the !Inman rane to untimely graces. thug bta•ttntt the brilliant 'acne. oC parents, and blialitine. in the hu t the . glotioutt antbk-inn Pf many a no• 'At...youth; can be core Iby this ;a/o/it'd( remedy. And a• a metlicine arldrh mn•t benefi-3 everybrlv. from the situ ! ply d'•'icite to - the confined and de•pali;lng no equal *,, : s to be round, acing both an a cure and pr erentire Helmbold's lErie , •hly Concentrated • CoA , pod:( l- n..! Su essn rillcr, For purifying the Mani,. renansiox all ill...ages arl.rlog from excepres of Mereury • exposure and imprudence in lire. chronic eno , tltutionsl.ll.Noe,arisink from en Im pure state of Ur. Mood. end the only reliable and ef. uat-kmern remedy for the cure of sororulo. Salt Rheum, Scald Ulerrationg or the hroatand Least Pains and Sirelhnizs of the hones 'fetter, Pimples on, the face. nod all s caly Eruptions of the kin. is now lilegt•i'thed by some or the tunst distintrufshed Physiefans In the country, and has proved m ellelent in praetlee than. any preparation of .Farssparilla Jet offered to the pubdc. Peseta! eases of I.•eaedery ikiereetiti and Scranton, dlgeanepa hive entirely r.enverN in the Incurable wards or our Pub lic Institutlons nitwit had for many yews tedsted every mode or treatment tturt couid bedevi 4 red. These eases fur niz,h evamples ofthe saltiest,' effects of the tnedl• doe in err...flux Asmo of the most Inveterate diseases, •r. ter the glands were des , royed and the bones already af fected. • NOTTCP. --Letter. from responsible Physicians and Pro fessors or several Similes! Cortexes, and errtitleates cures from f atientsaill be found accontruinyiug both Prep. orations • ,PRICF.I3, Vivid 'Extract of Bnehti, $1 per bottle. or d Bottles for $5 ; gersane rills, *wind Nine, equal in strait:lb to one ration Syrup of Sarsaparilla. • - 'Prepared and Afildhy rfitotion.D. rthiPtotit, 263 Chestnut St., neat the GPM d Move, phiiiidelphls. To be titl of Atte! Turrell, Montrose, Pa.; and of Drug - Oats and dealers everywhere, All Lettere directed to the Proprietor or Agent receive Immediate !Mein i9o. 25y1 Cloths • riASAMERES and veatinga, a large wort. lJ ment and ak.priees lower than we have ever been enabled to offer then 3 ;heretofore. Oct. 21. . U. B. & Austraha,,t'alifortila or aay 'place on /he . Gintic,cisanotprcireistgrialtr induee4leali Iliad • - KEELER STODDARIOS -•• 1;00T AND SHOE- STORE. w awn is now fitted with a new and trxteti. V — sive assortment - of - a rtitleS in : their embracing a general 'variety of new and ttiliagant: styles of Ladies and. 'Gentlemen's we..,r, among which are Ladies French. S'olt Lasting and Pre= nine Gaiters, Kid and Eaameled Polkas, Kid Pat. tnt leather end bronteti Jenny -Liees, Haskins and Ties; gentlemen's k. - out:s end Phd,adclphia *4k-tanned catfAin and "..;!, Boo's.•(Nragess and buttoroG alters, Maniere!: and Wa-ll'og';onßonts, toilet "Slips, Moroceo, eatr. and Voirli;tle - Bra gans. arc. Boys Itlp, call' sod t:oa , :tlite, Itriota and Brogans; all lind.of :1/:sifit,{._'' s wear. Also. a - genera or; meat of 1•'13/,;474. w'fi.th con sist in. part of hits, pews, fiongariatt nails,tacks, th-end. uhoehtniting, owls rasps,' . .11)ditoner. Nlion fin.. Atso. oak and 4eintrick to titedcs'l ad solMeith er,`Morocco skins and ' • Work made to order and repaii•;ngiteativdt:ite. - KERLER & SCODUARD. Montrose', Jane 1.1853. itt his L. Depo I,:triet Patte Whi perhh• of w * 4 l* Clinton Strives well rni-shod at low prices. CAT' All articles in hi, 15ne 14pt - on band and 'mik to, order as w.n.:l, and ordel s r ecel red at his old.stand in Great Bend. JOHN fOLSTEN • Lodersville &. Great Bend Nov„l3s3.—kr. , LA int 'of' 11...ind,otpo T 1 ,1),,,ep„ z part of __ 0 1.“ ,- e(•i,,rndvP'e "Pe rior color. • l U. C. co. , Ott. I I, 18.54... ! Witdow SRsh.i - - L-i 11. &D. SAY at.: 1)11607, lor,:(1'n appointed i,..:3 • agenis - lor an e.:.ien.-Ive tii , 4,4.llind and D.,! . )r Mannraelory ate pr e p.: d. •-' i i „ a i., h a ny arti. Irvin.Ois lino at le--. iv (-...,.•, tlt;'n litey have usually been bet:J. ~ :1) .e.ll. i S • .i- 11,1 V ING Clic,' 'ill --;in a... i le - wilien el,ery tn..n should ...y, for Fi ,lie ' o vr ! . O. t?: & D..4A VII G. ) Dee. 4. Ready-Ma de 'Clothing,. A VERY dez,irable m.0t.4: 1 , t . . v icor - p.iees. 8,.1-1. 4 1). - SA 1' ItE.' - )16ntrose, Dee. 14, ISS !. - THE POCKET AIESCULAPIVS: Or, Ercerg-ole,;; Physic 7-- -... . •- Til,v, ,, F: a i : v . i.rs i if 6 .l. £1 ne I Edition, ti i • ..-\\ 80. , - ,t , , I rtge,s\ towin2Diseaseri r,t,. . • t , stf.Nl a 1 :o •mat;ope of the Hu. ..• • -- -;•:.:4 man sys; eat in- every shape • - ;... 1 1- --........\\ i 41%)4 IID ) : rod form. To which is ad; , 1.• , , ed a 'l'reatice on the . Die_ r ,,, , Ips f ' .:,- 'i: . it; eases of Females, being of •.; j' . .i . Ti 5 / e ri the bi_irest importance to t t -•- ‘,...e znare'etipeoole. Or those c0n ,!.... • ," 1'; I- , It , rtiarrivre By ~,;,....,.. . 4 4. ..tnp ... tt , t. • Let no father be ash t med to pres'ent a copy of the 4esealapius to his ehild. Ityrn'ay save him from an early grave. Let no yoringquati or wo man enter .nto the ! , t` , !l et eti" , tatiotifeef marriedlife 'without read; tig"the Por.l;et Acieulepins. Let no one suffiring from a !hit-holed cough, r . uih in the Side, restless Wizhts. ne-v ous nod the whole train of Ily... i tept ie. sen , iaCons;and,given up by their plirsie'au.ll.- nothi.r moMeot withoutcor i .; the V U . S. Ilavei the inn:tried, or tho ;c , a b out tp;:ri 7 Pd vuOinpediment,read-. this truly useful book. as it has-been the means of saving thousa Wes° u rec. units cren ifethomthe very jawe dt alb. lU" Any• person sendin,z, Nriztty f re cents en closed in n letter, will receiv• one cony of. work by mail, or five copies will be sent for One Dollar. • • Address (post paid,) • • • DR. Vi M. YOUNG, No. 15 Spruce St. Philadelphia: A y rile:h;lSs—l 4y I. U. 8..& co Great -Vailt.-a/ fo.i• ine,;rie - st,7o // arttLo,f. . - 1)R. 3.-S. Haut - Jo - 3'os s.P:w i l!..:ll. ;,..e 1)•.. 6Es-rive FLuto.or G.:l-'1!:1: ! 110ICk the first place among ;l it v ., - 1 01 1-1: im i hes • for these p!dnl9l andlest,rve ecitop?: :dis. It is :Nature's own spe;tie ;Or an tiotie.l4thy sirtn: ach. NG art or tovn can equal ',is en-a i ive pow cis; and noisulieter and Dys pepsia should 11 7 1 to.tre • EV" Sold by Aiiel "Sr I. Wagon 'Taakinc;, Blacksmithing and aarriag© Ironing. THE sub , 4eriber a few rods snwn tYpizek roor corners,' is_preriared to do all tt above branches aft N iNinesi, o t ,bo• t r;ri.:re nod the most reason :tble term , . he it. 0 4 himaelethat with the help now n ob 4 emfoov, iie w;tl be able to ,rice entil-es;.ti , dviiori ‘v!(3 mdy favor him with their eu , tom. C. C. 311LLS. • DimOck. Nov. '2.3, 155!.--/S; 1, N. IL 1143 , 4 4un'oe;•vnd ail 10 0 d of eviuntry 1..1.Ren Li pay ' . . . SllO all personastflicted w th sexual ,liseases, such as Seminal Weakness. Impdtence, annnorlues,. Meet,• phllis, &c., &e. The Tinytard Associhtion of Philadel phia. in view of the awful des•tractinn of human life and health, caused by tu anal dice. es, soul the deceptions which are practiced upon the:unfortunate victims pf such ilirenses by Quacks, have directed their consulting surgeon as a Charitable Act worthy of their name, to give 'Nholical Advice Gratisi. to all persens thns aillieted; (Male et Fe-• male) &e..nnd hi cater of eite,•inc poyerty and sullcring .to Furni.h Medieines Free of Charge. The ifeward Amu...lotion is a henerolent Institution, es tablished by sp e cial enanwment.Tor the relief of 'the sick and tlistresed, atllhtted with" Virulen tarn! Epidemic Dis eases," and its fundsrun be URA( for no other purpose It has now a surplus of ni"ans, Which- the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice_ Tt is'needless to add that the 4.s, , oeintion commantls the highest Medioll lain of the ag e , not will furnish the most npproved modern treatment- 'Valuable advice given to sick and nervous fe, males. afflicted with abdnitilel weakness, Womb Cum , plaint, Costiveness, Luncorriutra, ,li. ' ' . Address. (post.paid,) De. Otto. R. Colhoun..enitsultin!. Surgeon, Howard AsseciotioeSo. d South 'Ninth Street ; ..l . Philadelphlo,Za. . By Order. of the Dim-tors, . • • ••• 1:% it % D. IT EA RT if ELL, President.% . • Geo. Faincntpu,Secretary • d?..yl T . UST received a large lot. of Plated Ware, e consisting of e'ko baskets, Castors, Imperi- . at and Chamber CaMleitieks. Tea •Setts, eon.: slating of six piec:ni extra rich; Cups ,'ancl-Gob.l lets; Aso, Brit lani:i Wareviz: Tea tints, (fowl five and si .- piet'ys;) . Tea Pot.; Coffee' rots, Can 4 dleslieli, Sze. :7_ AR the subscriber has . mide ar rangeme \ nis.with the manufacturers nt No abor gned,s; . he i.i. enabled:to fairubdi the newest pat?, term; ut the lowest' prices, and also to supply hi` - customerswith eNira or single pieceS, of any a :. picle in the above lion. ... M. CvANs, . No. a, Odd Fel Itiws'. hall:_-`., 0 Binghamton, Aug. 29., 183 5 . !.- . . New York Prices;! ARt now being paid by A. Lathrop & to all those who consign their butter and produeo to them., They having made arrange wr ments_are iro enabled to vend nil kinds of prok duce to New York and to soil the same at the highest market prices. All. those who wish good prices and quick: returns we invite to esll upon • • • A. LATHROP 44 C 0 • Montrose, ay I, 1855. • • 'Stoves: Storc%!Z Stove 4 2 2, E - subseribertvishot eat( the attotWon 32 his friends and the Pui;l4., 14) v'ry large ,meet of t. • sTorEs. new Store Room in Loler-ville, nest to` Lenheitn's Store, and ne/r the est'o..,t *Bend . He htts:in midi:ion' tii his, ftirmer large of Cooking. and Pa'.-lor Stoveg, nutey new .. . •ns, SOllle Of lt 111 A le— .. . . • ..mcboo.l, • Pe, .,' , Thane:,l I. :re Fly, , Jeri:" Troy, lt l, aIC .k t . ' Meth, Ilion, ck Wairlor, " ,lent, s, , Oak, ..,: . . !41.r 8!ove, h together,- viis hi.; fernier . "stock will he ps the twat. extent,':ve and varied assortment .11 seketed Stove= in the County. - Buffalo'nobei Doctor Yo'nrscilf : lr !Go - rod?? p, DR HOUORTOWS EPSIN HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIILADFLPUTA Inipior:azat Aelivouticement. Plated ,Ware. M=ES DE,VIOCIUT. PUBLOIRED EVERY TULRSDAY MORNING. BY _*69*10;6,1f4?. 1 -01 - ,.Wj.", no,( paid six - woolfie;tid tp2,so,uttliii - end ofthe year. No pa per diz4motinueituntilnitenia. ges ore paid, except ut tho, option ot lisheis. , All corona' oicat;ons con oeoit:a ujth the ffi "ofze, to insure 4e4l); , ruCie!,fi (post poi) to - CHASE 61, Dicv s liontioseiSmscioehanoa Co nly, Pa.. ) - Bales of,Adve'rilsku. ' One square (12 lines uric:4s) 3 inserlionS,:sl,.oo Each subsequent insertion,-, 0,26 04. square three mouths, , .. . 2,50 One square six mnoihs, •. . .:". t r •• • 4,00 Bushytiss Cruds., four lines or 1e54., 1 .. 3,00- Yearly advertietnents, not sayer .1 nquares, 1 7,00 One column one, year, . . . . 30,00 Yeasty adverlisers gill be iestrjeted the' business in %%bleb 1 hey are engsf., , edi and are- eon. siderea o. wishin to continue arlt,i-ertislng vniess they_shal* • - wince of • ' - 'TILTf 1 pub. g adiio-to their, lab Printing materials a, large and, is - zip'eriort 'assort. went of Job Type.qe,now prep ared to-,eiecute Job Work, in a manner unllurpa sed -this.sec tion of eo untry,and oaths most reasonable terms. . Blanks of every description kept constantly on hand pr printed iu order. z Pirttiorl. BUYANT.DFOUSt, ' - Great Bend Depot, Pa.; AMMON BUY ANT, Proprietor. , 1 BURROWS, SPROUT dc 7.ol,anufacturersorSpnoutliCwintnED CA*. IttAGS , Srt:ll\ GS, oghesville,l:syeoming, Springs Tay be of U. S.Wilson; Montrose. slirrit& co.. Cabinet and ir 3fatiufac,4.trers, rtiOt . lefain -Street, rontrose t -Pa.. - Dr. H. Surgeon Dentist, Aloptiose. Pa., wiii le at Searle's 11.ote I, M'ondays and Tuesdays of each . week. 35v1 - 3101111LLAN Dealers; in Dry Giii)ds (;rockery, Boots and gh -.„Pa. - - .T LITTLE it Altornies at Lau--- pLed by_Litite.& hanna county, Pa. Muni B. larn.u.l , J.-bAtrIS - . . ATTOrtNEY AND I,ol;NSEt.ori Ar.LAw—Sttagne . 'hanna Depot, P . a. ©flick . . over West'ir: Store. I, • 16y1 • ALIIEL.IVITRYCEIq,,...Mer.rnotr,TA. • Dealer in Druirs,'Alcdiei .es, ChemicalsiNiqfs sl.uffs, Grocer es, Dry Goeot, Hard . - - wore, Yankee Notions, •e: Physicians Pre scriptions carefully con hounded:. 101-Iff GEIOIVES -.- Fasiliontipte Tailor'—ShopunderSearle Hotel, liaiiiStreet,-Montrose, P. b . i?" 0 1111_ COLSTEN, D.EALER. IN Btorc4,. Tin,.tepper zud Sheet Iron. Ware, Lotlerscjile, near Great Bend Depot.-6if Woodruff & Eldred, DEAttas rs STOVE 9. nnd :Nlanurveturi , rs of Cop. - per, Tin, and Sheet-Iron Ware. Shop on Main St., below Searte's 1.1r?ti.•1; Mon trove. Pa. S. A. \Yount; cr,r.l • [G. 8.-ELDRED. A. Lkthrop,• ..-- DEALER in Ready-ill:ale • Clothing, .Hatti and Tops: Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Fee.: r4,l Store opposite Seat:ll:'?.; patch Montiole. C. D..LATitncni, and j tirith J. P. W.-11 rt.nv, ,-c Dr. Merit H. C- Vail, DRUGGIST! and Cirtmis.r. and Deatei .in Drocs,lledis•ines, Dye Sluffs Paints-, Oils, Patty; Window Gins, Carnßhine . Perfumery, Yankee NoiAs,tke.,&e:' • -s . • .• '.FRANKLIN:FRASER, ATTORNEV AND COT:NSF:I:JAE AT LAW. :114 - ultra:se will .attond faithfully tu.all _bll.4l“iS en . trusted.-to him in the . eMtnty of Susqntrinuma. ' COnveyaneing and W - riting of nil kinds. will be • done nentl:,lind ehaTgo raodernte. . lie will, Also attend, to the prose!eutiot:k utgef sol diers; thei(vkidows a4lllt.eits, g.ainst the U.S. government, for Bounty Lind. Pensions, &c. May, be:found at ail liourS at the tact -formerly . oee-lipied by J. T. Richard, Ez..q., north of 'the . . WC. TYLER, Ititeiested with 1. - L. Hunt, INPOR . TER WND DE:AL - nu:in Hardware and Cut, lery, Carriage Trimmings. springs, •- No. •315 Pearl:Street, N. Y. Where his Mereantile friends, in this and - other. Counties,aie kind ty,invited,.and earnestly solicit ed' to - call and infreirase % . • n6tf. • HENRY. S. KNAPP, • OF NONTII(AE, With Bowe; Woodruff, & Carter, THOLES.ALF, - GM:WM:ST and -Clitimisios.- .111Er.cnaFfs, INIo. 173 Wisldnetnn Street between Cart Inndi . and Dey Streets;New..York..... March 8, 185-I±-1011. - Medical Card. -DRS, E. Patri'nk, Jr.. , k.G. Z. Pimock hate this.day forineda to-partnership,fdr a ii)ore eilicient_nnd sticeeSsful prosecution of the differ ent branches of fheir profei.on. • busineni3 - et)trustedto them, will be atten- • de.d to with OreniptneSs and fidelity. • Their otNe. may be found over Lathrop aj Store, East side Public Avenue. • E. PATRICK, Jr. • G. Z. DCIOCK. • Afontrose. :Slarell '2 2, 1854; . Sinciefon, • . Can now be found,nt his new stand on Otre-1 qcistreet, 2 dnoin west of Searle:s Hotel. where! ho elrectually repairs -with. dispfutk, Watches, ' Cinchs, - Guns, Jewelry, and every description oft machinery, .Wheel vatting, Gun and Watch tnnteiits supplied to. the trade.-=-"Si I • A. &E.:Baldwin - i ,- - tirAY be fonnd inlia . seritertr of Searle's . l . lo.l 1l f te), 3 doors wes.t.-trom the co r t itt. Notesi and 'ai•eonnis that 'llre dad us will be very' ne• noptable if paid soon. . ' • A. & E. tALDWIN. .iliontrosp,'Nov.l% 1854.L--471f: ' J. H. Parsons,- „ WnoLEsALr. ‘RE-TAIL DCAIER Ca b inet Ware, Sofas, ,Bedsteads, Tables, Staads, Chairs, &e. - • No,. 9 Washington street, - - ' Coffin Wore-Room up stittrs.—DlSS • - • New and Cheap Goods. -- BouGur at l o w preAltt.re priers and - will be . sold aveortlinaly. by U. BURRO VS .t. Co. • Gll4son,pet. 11; 1854 t! Carpets. A GOOD Anrtment ;And landgnine pleat/ 1 ss 11L, At very low prices. U. D, , & Co. fkt 11. - • Please Take Notice, . T HAT ifisi Tory desirable that, - the accounts and Notes of the late Firm of Smith Hempstead should bO soltled, and thus speedily. O. G. HEMPSTEAD! ':Brooklyn; Aug. 20, 1855: PAII4, • • Groceries, ll2rdinre, es-, &e., Springville, . 18.0 f5(4. formerly occu r, 3lootrose, &quo. [rand. B. CHASE.. [A. LATIIRO?