EM=llt =2I=MM=!NM tticrnciits. •.' Ar..l , Viittenberg Eirother • . - Irk daily 7receiving a • Spriga4ind Sum. til e r Dres s - suoli as' BargiT,e3; - •plalti aiid - sitin, striped and-Plitl Organdis;Barnge Detainer, Silks of all coiurs d figures Stud. ,at New York pricci. • . - .ou.r. ;dna-of . ..shawls is ~.-w sclectaiong which - Can belbund BrOche Barag,c Thibet, C3;hin,?r,;. and, I v rindet Shawls... A splendid stock: of . 31alifillos- of the' latest J styks and s i t very low prices.. • .Our slok'of I;;lnhroidoies is selected areatest care and cannot trek to give- satisfaction. In addition we have a good.assortment of‘l.Ceedle work, Window Carlams at various prices. We. oho ofFi to :the pahlic nt .bargains,, Calidoes, I.deaefiecl and brawn Zilostin,_a good assortment of Calicbes, Redt.ickin,g, Flannel, &c. .• . 1 - loAiery atscry prices,"suvh is Stockings bleached and I)rown,-.Nlate color, black' and mix .cd stockings, a 'superior article of raw sill; Hose, also a splendid artier: of silk. 'Nits, Gloves, Rog er's Kid GloveS. . . WE; haVe also n splenai.l assortment of Bon-. also ".lisscs 'bonnets, Children's Fahey Strait t,Spii•-c.r...4 Flats, a good assortment' of Parasols, all at a - small adVs“ce above cost. Io addition to ail this we offer the pniilio the largest- and cheapest stock of Ready-made Cloth ing ever'effered in Northern Pennsylvania. Al sell - -genera: assmtinent.of Gentlemen's Furnish ing Goods, such as Shirts, Colars,CrayAs.,stocks, suspenders, Drawers and under Garments, &e. Please try us--Alislpproye if you cap. - • . • .J. WITTENIVERG BROTIIER. --3lentrose, April 25, 1555. TIME CHANGED. .L•f;: Delawar Lac hawan &W. SPRING AIIIIAN,GENIEN'T! Oand alter . 111 •aday,. May '7, 1855,- the Mait Passenger Train will leave Ser. o nten at 10.:20 A. M. Due at Great , Read at 1.21, r. M. , Cot/outing with the Dunkirk Evpress iin west, and the New York Expresi ist, en the N. Y. R. Pa: -, svngezi tahin ! : , this train . . will arrive in Dunkirk at 11.15 p. nt, and in New York al 11,15_p. m. t: • 'Return. will leave Gre.it /Lad ,at 4 p. m. due at Scranton 6.15 r. at: . , Ti 2 Freight ..lecourn-lciltion Trairs. witli . pass. , ender car 2ataclied, --at'.ll"depart. frOm Scranton at 1.09, rt. .1.. connecting. with the Sla Train bound - \Vest, and the Ni4illt Express' Trainet bath re3St. :!rid WeA. • Pass;,n;:etr: takinz tii'm rain- and the, Night • Exgresi rest, will arrive in `'ear York - at 10 r, a. tn. Ily taking the Ni:zlit. I' press • West, -will arrive in Dunkirk at 13 M.', or by taking .the Mail . Train - West,.will ariiVe in Dunkirk at 6. 45 p. m. Returning:, ,-will 'depart from Great Bend at 7.00 ,a.....u. and arrive at Scranton, 1:2.10. A. at: Star , e4 . Will be in waiting on the arrival of Pus `m , sentiee Trains at Scranton. to v onrey Tassonsers ... to Carbonl.o.,Pittstom Wilices:Barre, Philadel , Vaia via the rt.".:'%iinn• R. R., Easton, andall other intermediate places. c • D. IL DOTTERER, Sul' t. Supt OiTi..e. S,ltranteitt, ? . . May 7, 1855,5:'..15tf , . - ... NOTICE, TS herAy given that applioation will be mnfie at the • next se:.sion of thi. I,o2islature for the charter or a, %Ilk; \to be ealloi The 'Form ers 4- Mcclaanirs* Bank: Located at S-usluf.lmuna Depot, Susqui.hinna Coanty, Penn'... The pur pose and, 611joet of the 8a , .:1, is for discounting and depo,:tt. • 'With •k capital of 1 R50.000 00, with the Inivii , !:ze of inerelsing to 5100,000 00. SusquA:l;:na 11)31, fern a. Inly 9th. 1855. ILIOSIERY—Men, fors, Ladies r.nd Chil : ten's' II ose and CollaN, at. . -N: & P.- / Arthur's Patent.Self-S3aling-Cans, Far preserri4, - -- 7' , :n4l,6t's, 11 . lierwricar Senli7 Cans I , ..ieh are sealed by the house- . keepers without the aid of a tinner, arid without injury .to the Cnn,.are rap coming into r!eheral use. Full direetior.s for platting up frelt , :nee.:nipaningthe - Canst and the -o .is so easily perforined, that by their / use, every family may h-ive Fresh Fruit and To: tnatoes tables all - v. inter, at :-....unalnee pri7 ceg. - • PRICES"?:—Pitit ti -2,00; Qurvt's 82,50 ; Half-GAilon, 53,5; 1 ; Three Qurt , :, 8-1.25; GalL.ns, $5,00 per dort.n.- siz.;s • ni. , st 3 in order to secure economy in trwp.)rtatioli.— ; Country Stolittc-ppeys l‘ Ili find tins new article one of ready,klle. Manufzietur;.d and sold by ARTHUR, BURMIAM; S. No. 60 South TENTH St. July IS, 1555.-301n3, PALL STYLE OF HATS. . . Osite.Price Cash Store. 'MHOMAS RAFFERTY,No. 57 ChathaM-ut. New York, Opposite Chambers-st . .. Tate of I the well known house of Rafferty & ;desirous of eallinz attention to. stock for the fail trade. - Combining elegance with Aurability. !his Iletws maintain the reiiotation, which for. the last-ten years li.• has eariwd 1))_ his assiduous tention to the wants of his customers, and by the fact,/which is well understood. that • sellin,g for cash only, every ens-whet leis the worth of his money. TilOS. RAFFERTY. 371=3. Chatharn•st., N. Y. . il''"se ' 2I Y O US 4 call no we ~ ..111 Irk to sup- i 1 ply all in wantis, - in the line of GOODS 'ever Frech Flowers, Paris Featheri, . . Strayv't.t Tailli..gery" Gooch. kept. in a eountry store, You Oeed not go to , , ~-I , New. YOrk for any tiling-you want; because we WE are LOW 4, ffrrilig AlOrZe ' -a '''' ' '' ..(4. ` 'r4'!l 2 . " .- : have tlfenll fresh from the uitv. Fiqwers, P . ,iris ~ 1•74.-atl;, - is., :ittLi 31;i,inory ; • . . 'Articles, of the most Ull'igilv 'l44lus:, L.gd latest' ~,I rin ,, liii ,,.. n _ -,,,-,..,,,„ , orK importation. to Cash .purchasurs at a great re: .2_____P ,-.•• .q. --..-.Y.0 , . • • &talon from time prices, and as we huve made i iarrangements to receive; threoming season', by ,almost every stearaer,the heWeSt s 4 tea of goods in our line, we would fake occasion t., :4,%4 :!.ash purchasers, lo exatilioe our stock. at-Nos. ;C4 &66.161 - ,u-st:, Conlin' orMjniii. N. V i 37tf AdmixAstratort' Notice. xroTlcE IN:roliv giro, cia. Tt74:l - mentary npoii ttze estate of Yefson late of Pqouklva township: l:at•c n• led to the.-subseribers: MI persons to . estate are her , :br kc.),.zted to malit‘. itarne ,watc paynient,.and those b,:. - ving any hair" iip 011 Said 12:' , 1-31e# .than duk for . A. J. TIFFANY, c . . _Brooldya, Aug. '25, 1555-35w6 . . NEW' GO6l AGAIN At the "Ezehancre," Brooklyn. SHE %tibl>r ri 1.•:r tak e .. this 11)?Q-Inurty .Of thaokinly. his friend., for. their vert' iiimrai ~ , a tronage the past season., and of ,saying to th< ut -3 addition; that, .having rereiv,4lfresh involi•es (if seasonable goods of vari4u.;,4 descriptions; Ito :is still prepared to slip ply Limost any article usu.. Aliyealled for at a 'country tore. 11 s . itssc,rt. o,ottt id now coniplete, and I,einft the laroet. in offorstite grcat6,l inducement to purtitas 'ci*.iither for :-Cush; ; Bart4r,. or o°o (shalt) Credit. • Cali acid" see. -A i • - - • 1 • • 0. O..HEMPSTEAD. , • , . Bruetly.n:, A ug:ld,' 1855; . Q ALT by tbe.bbl...or. Lilati . at.tho market. ni tea aJy" • . 0 2 G:.IIE3IPSTEAD.I-: , . rIVIE bighesi.. market pike paid. roi. Butter # .1 Lard Farm. Produce ..of nll - -kinds, ,-„od Skitmli.t4 rsimc Wnot toe— in San s; I'4•-•• • . 31PSTE A 4... • andDrugB. A, YEttS Cherry: loM— r ae oowlcdge d be the beat Pahrooni.t Remedy t.stant, .1../nAtt Eatraet-st fileedingly refuedy for divers iils—Df. Baker's' I ;t , doponotl4-0 - krtind speeihe for Disirinea,;Diss: o.*y, -Cholera-Sforbos,* g -Jan4 Phinney's and Wright's PHIS', lilerautnt's evarg . l'ittg Oil, together with a 'great L - Tarloty of Drugs . iti-vototoort use, kept constantly na.istid by . - • O. a HEMP/37E4W tinifSIVININIIRPOWII 9.3-Gm Ji()\IER & KETCHUM SETMOIM & CO • TNEsuim to eaßthe attention of the putlii their stock of • • i" • Novi' arriving:rat the bid stand of S. Sraidoutt, in the village ef f fiarford. „• - • - • • OUR GOODS - ARE NEW, have-been bought for Cash, I fully selected , and Xll be siild cheap. 'Give us 1- Ali tgforelparcha:4lnrr. Our stork consists of ' GeHMS • • , GrIOUERIES, 11.111PWARE: • - • CliorKEltY, &e., &e., I • -A variety as full' as 1.1 usually fount(Aural) i Stores. • r , 4‘W. SEYMOUR & Co. Harlon!, liar ;10,.1 5.55. • • ol 1 Wool;.::. 1.09000 - • P ei c tho harm !sylDtt x n • n zi o tiq fi l;t • highest market: iv:ace-will be paid in Cash • A.I,ATI - JROP & CO.. Juno 1°,1855; • I - • ti • sl p o. Reward. CiLI'TRAVED stolerb . n liver colors Ptiinter L. Dog. Tne,:bove reward will bp r paid to nn}; one returning hitrt to to ntore of s & co. lone 21, 1855: - • • - Mr/13E11G 'Cr 0015 S. . • A ' r. periol., just re erred, and now offering, :it the,lotreal cash pr'ilys for approved trod. it or Ready pay, by , . A:•I 1 ATI1ROP & Co. • GBOCERIES of:111 hintis.,at prices.that can't be beat: Syrup—first rate article at ,ts.. Call and exatnine ! thc Ntoek before purchasing, if you wish to save the 6'ingloy" Junq 13 • bonnets t Reduced Prices. 111.71:121Tt, will hts remaining stock Silk,LAkn, mul Stra i v Bonnets. a good assortment,at Famed prices, tt close the business the 'season, , - i •many of them cost. - - New 'AI ford. June 18.1855. I,OOK ECCItE. PoCIMT . go(f4 nssorttnont of the be s t tind in niarlief. ;Also 'l7nblo Knivvi and Forks-. SiFyer: Altirata Spuor.s,. , Also :ail kinds of Butterilinives. Viin,lN Sr/tilos, .flows, and all the fixtu'res, Violins, Aceord*ons, Flutes, Tun ingForkg, &e. FLvin L stirs, Fiuiti, Catuplsene, - Candies, Lamp Oil, - .. - F.Amtclf. Gr:oeflrrEs.—A full as'sOrtrnent, new rani good; - - 31.)411,76s . PA TMST 1.1 - Enictszs.—A first rate aisortment and genuine. I AND 07LS.-4 general asssortinent, ant: , . of rood quality. -- „,JEWELI:I7.-.1 splendii.l•variety, of the nenCest pkrns. , - . Fast: Goob.s.=—Ncarly everything in this branch. PenFtntr.rtv.—A choice vaylety. (New supplies rec . :4yd nearly every week.) In short, mc,rly ereri•thi,ng persons want, and chel:)p : :. - Athe.variety store of a •dr;o». „Var.. ' 4 DR .C. Ati 00 —licar Sir: fe,.an My birth with scrofula in tt. , ....0n , t f 'Tor, and row. after Co yearn trio?. and on uut-.1.10f 'it of been eardpletely cured in a foot weeks by yriar 1`; ‘fa With what feeling' of re.',6ki ,, u, I writ', -an on',:t itnnta hen you realize what I !Lave SOT:re I ant how I '-Never till now have 7 he,n Cree from thit„ 44 ,,, 11•0 In some , bare. At t;tne , it at Irt%el Inv 41 , .. and Made me a:roost +he nat:captor:ooe I,:,in ; at fitilerS it Settira in the snap of Uty and dr..:tro2.ed try hale. anal has kept 13101.--tr.tly hal,: all I' ray day. ; times it came out In any fare, an 1 kep i for ny.sttiii sore. About nine weeka I en•tatti•to- takia v..nr ilthri,k! VMS, and am entirely 17r." t h.• .itly eyes are welt, toy 14.111 is 4art , .. at. lie hair e )e, ! - rnencedtibealthy crouth; all of which tit:l%es me fe ijrnilf a lienr prr7f/D. ‘• 1171 , 111y!iiiiS Fintrrll , ll? 711:IY Le the inenll, Infonnati•an that shall do good to otli-r , . I tan. w.th every sentimer.t of platitude. Yours, c. ! • ‘1 " Ihare known the abor".• f13:11r,1 fiat a P.;..ker fr.en.her childhood. an. 111,; statement .t.ietiv' true. AC itit,i s J. =;t 1:;.1'r. • oTersr.ie of the P ort,,ntror b I.a Co •• 111,..Z1', of the ship Marion, 4.‘ 1 - 7.31.11 /infiffil. WWII April. 1451 " Your Pine have cured tne.fr ton billious attar:; which :more front derangement cf the. I,itcr, ulaich hatl are-ozac very,.'•rious. I it'll faitnd>nf 711 y relt.ef tor I.: A y F lq 3 and from evey relate :1y I , 0u7.1 :ry. but a few d. , 0 your Pilis bare completely restore.? e0.h.,1111. 7 hoc. , .risen thrtn to tay e1,11.1r.-ti for v•ort..: , . net 'lir .:Is Tir•V were Prom7.tly ean:,•-I I ro^ tt:..11 vii. Tit fri•-tad for co , cren... , • . which la 4,1 Wan -for atv.taths _he told mr in a few they, had eat:, I 11:-.t the best medicine!. the worhl.V.ll4 lam fit-e to ray •o:' • Rend this from the distiozni.hial Folicitor of the Su -1 prUMr Cont. whose brilliant uhillti.s ly• re nu , ,!,•, %Tr/4' will known, not only in Cala Lti . t the tate , hex Anti: 5. "Sir—l hare , zreat .a cur:.: y,ll alit eilf raid finally .have been very much b. eefl'ted by +bil. medicine. 'My wiry was cured too yeer , since: of I, a t 3,1 tlangere.cts couch .by your Cit r. ItY PECTrrsl.. 4614 slater th.en has enjoyed perfect My ehihtren have is -- erovo times been cured from atta.!l.• or the Intl.r•urt ~.' and Isrmit. by It It on invaluable remedy for the,... I complaint,* Your Ca Tr/Attract Isms.* have en , lr..ly I me f n yan t . a r ly et, et, n nta I cos. iveue•s. which la%. grown I upon me for some yea ro.---indeed this. ens.- i••rianeh more Great Eithibition • SpringvilleJ important. Tenttbe fact that"' had failf-7 to ret relief, from the best T'hyldeiltr. which this section tlt • .'eonntry 1 , GREAT ;AND • RAMP. EXIIIBITIGN OF « tllords. arid from any of the nuraerau• reniedi es I r FOI:BtGN ANI.) . Dalt EsTic GOODS "Yon t o 'l5, netor. liken pr - avideniial blessint: o 4 .11IllOSI t-ky sttle: and quality, such as will to on fatuity, and yo • u may well,. uppplo we are not on• inure to ,*tease. and acronimodate .cht:ses or .tairolful of it. Your: rem p cc, ful:v. I.E al VITT Tll.47iTiill'." peOltifrOtll l, the child cradle to the old Senate Chamber. fatain. lit.rilf;th,.lqr4. and deerepit. l These goods are bought ( ,0 th e " Dr. Arer—lluoored Sir-1 have trade a thoronth . Mont favorable terms, and - will Le'sold according. 1 trial of the Cathartic ),•rt rae by your aient. nod , hare cored by them of the ape:l:rail I;hettmat I'm under n-latchhe found tnesufferina The Est dose relirw d me, Montrose, June 14, 1855 Lattesboro furnishing, Establish mont. frtliF f su6eriLer constantly_ on hand and will inalre. to ctroer. .Door?, DlindN Windows and iVindow•Sash,'Doorand Window- Frurnes, and allother artieleS naryie of wood . and used in Intildin. blindspulled and-hung on short. notiec. (Vass of all sizes; finalities and quantities f'.i Flooriaz plaitied and firtteh ed at from E;l6 to 8:20 per 1,000 - fet.t. Turning done to.order. fAlso generalasiorttnent of JVARE. 'Bureaus,. Tables and Stands , of all varieties.— Chairs, Bedsteads, Settees, 4e., Syr. Collins, ready -made tor made to order im the shortest tice. i• , Good Pin l e, Cherry or Whit-mood lumber. and grain of all kinds, taken in exchange for. 0/0 • ::,bore.• 1 C-147' TEOts , - - -Ready pay OrAhree months tiMe with approi-12d credit. - All order addressed to me will receive prompt attention. ! Lant4orO, JuneslB. 1855 LL . , A .L kind 4 of Coiintry Produce wanted: sneli .11. as Butter, Ea:, tird, 'Tams, Socks, &e. Vic. 1 4 C. W. '107.1`.1. June 13 .. Patent Horse Rakes, , TOR ezie at the Fnriner'y Exchance by I II LATHROP, & Co: Joni. 1555 Bounty Lands. COGRESS has ree'ently passed an Addition- - j al Fluxion iasr, ufliell lextends much i t vid•!r than thtiformer laws. N 9 one . should destriMr of rteeivin ,, a land i tiTarrant w.ho has dose service u oany kind,(ither in the llevo.futionary war or •sitiee, had a husfwal, or father who Would be entitled to a pensioti if now liring.• The tin dersioneti ;:ts the /A fa" f !tlld all the legal forms fur obtaining; l'ension ! d tindpr. the said net,_ and' will prompttY obtain any ;:pplicants Pension who .is eatitled : the'reto for rel4onahle compntation,— Your Warrhnts wi I bri'ntv. ready money if rod prefer net ti.) lo9t thu, hind: • I N.. NEWTON:',. t • Mtintrose4 !Aare! 21, ) 1855-12tf. • GRDAT, ATTRUTIONS, • , AT Wit ,UP fl A \ l' "Lift £CIIA!'G E. 2 /)SUE Stitseribq is now receiving a well ee -1 I ectectassortrirent of Dry Goods, Groceries, Fish, Hard %are, Crtickery, Iteady.MadeCtothintr, Brats, Bonnets, (ai ridendid assirrtintatt,) Nails, Paints, 0;14, Dye-Muffs, Yankee Notions, in fact, 'almost everything:,i, usually called for at a coun try Store, including Flour: Saltand Meal, all of -which he ii4desiroti f iof selling for Cash, or any bind `of Faimer's „Ilemhantedde Produce, or on 'good apiiroiasi ..Sl4rt Credit.. His friends are most.respaa ifully . invited to give hi 03 a and he will satilify Lb* that. the Exchange is the plat.° for. Tanners •to trade. . The highest price paid, in Cash fu{ Bitter.- J. L MEARIMAN, Upsonville, 4ny . ).5, 1855. C ASH paid fur Dairy Butter by , 31, lONEB. 'June - 4 lek j)lesl Mika and Chaage:Lble, at onusu. 13 al low piletir. C.W. MOTT. , " June,l2, PATENT INTO/CCM 'ACIERGT. 3: A -a £ Jirr 11-8 , #,,,E 1.4., s ir ' ' 'm 4 008 ?; Pa , DROGGIS , AND AN E NT, •-. ~ '4 - t reitit o : - . ntnit ,asMlNta 01[ TBg D4r. CS744IIWIZO einistersily wI. \ • , AGRICILTURAL NAMINES F)IERY'S %VIIEHLEK _ &lasted gorge ,Poreers,l'hershPis and S'eparat ors, Coinkio. Tl2reshe.r.s. and Cleaners, Clorer table Circular Cross,Cut Saw Mills, Feed ters i :Coill Shelters, Emery's new Porieble Grat iv Circler Mills, Clow's - and Kelsey's Grain Cradles, cfc, &c. Peters improved Rice's Fan ning Mill, price 820. All at wholesale mil retail; on very favorable lent*. . . These machines and other improvements are warrantbd to be of the best material 'anti work.. manship,-MuLto operate as represented by my' Circulars: or sni t p.ct tolM returned within three months, and the pore;:ase Money refunded. I take parti,..ulare...ve- in tua i anig toy con- . tracts for canal fteioit and t,...Lt;porlation on al! Inaeltines, so that .canal and °Elie,:charges will , be unusually light. illochines for 'll,!2tielninnn county may be delivered at any convenietil sta. tion - on Er:e or I.leintwanna Railrol 1. ' : . I)esi•riptil: l'irculars, and inform:lo4in concerning all articles With prit'es, and other imp,,:lant pa be had on application to me b y ms: To save in freight, &e., all urde, forwar4d early. • Are Curing the Nick to an ea•Pfni a , rer knpuni of an'y Reird an .Itif. 7 ,,r'r for .Yonrsel:Ys. C.W. MOTT my fitmaiedze. Many my friend,. have taifdxe.l luarlied LraeEita frfm.l thi:m aud c..iicte:ilc with me in Thlt t xtraOrilinary tirt nc,. for ant cit I • etiriir7 the sick. They are uM ouiy are , t nal but safe p ant to br tafien. qualqie? TI13;: , 1° tha.lll raluad ty the when tliti ate 1.1 , 6b , ii." .• - The Yemen.' le Chtin , -ellor ites flea timore, 1: tG Arril,lSr4: " Pr. J. C. A) : I have tal., n y..tir Pilla wli h great benefit, for the liqles..n.ise, lanctior, ti , s of nriortite -and Billions hit:id:who. which in of lite timerrinz: A few closes of your Pills cured tit.• I hale used your Cherry Pectoral . many yeitri4 iii my f.mily for :coitets nod ca 1.14 with y„„ rill eR which colt, an.l f fed it a -I.lNi.ite.. t.l emit met!. you for,t he good ou liace.kue Mid are iltitig." • . .. , . .011. X F. IMATT 1i.., F..9.,:-.ee.. of the Penn-Railrma ea. ,t' eas l'. : - t 4 ,- Pa. n. R. CO:-e. mi 1.1,1., De. , In. IS' 44 Sir: I take TO.eri•ure in a Iln; myleAtimnuy to th,lef -,fle.aey,,f your me. 116) ~. h ic:n.4 .teris , l vory tn.terial ben efit frem•tht! ni.. of 6 , lth .... , ..tr P. )rat an I eath,rtic pm, .1 am naVer irithnut tb.,nt in my e.llnily. nor .:1;3:1 f eYO:cainaent to be, wl.ile my my:u....si.! proc..nre th.-:n." the .W;.l.elyrenowne. , l S. S. ST r.VEN,S, M. b., of mr,ut wofrth,N, WI writ eP ilt,yinc tuee.l, your C.athartiA tay praeti.v. eegtify frtn Oxperienee; t they inl'an4.4l•!e pur. 1. - .2th•a• la 14.;•a of ..r.-r.rder..,l f0n,•;: , 115.. cf- the :I% er. lug headrtehTl';n,liii.e.Vlr.n. to] the great va- -I pier . .; uise4es that follow, they are a purer ,emec-4 all Othr. I n alt C . ..Seft , t,h,re pv.rzatira teme,ly 1 flu ennh lantly re.-oohn. tl,l th, , e fill t•-• ;he j as fuperior to any other 1. hare ever filun:l. Theyßm.. aufe in their operation. an 4 i•erfr. - .1'.) rate. guar tie- whi-tx urt.l . ,. them an invaluable art !.e:e for'Plibik ne.. • I harp fort many years known yGtir (.7.e:fry poqnt ,il tl, best - Coni.l me,lielue in the wo!t.t. :0,4 h. , e Pilia a,e , T , wik, infarior to that windtz.bly i.t , ; - aga;ion for the treat -moat of .liseases " A. TURRELL. JACOB TA V LOR, ft. Ma Athens,. Bra.ifuni May I AYER'S PILL', .L'Lt 11.%