- , D4D, VirWittirs; gommunitations,. 'lnmannany ? • • • I I • DY E. A. WESTON. NO. 4. _ What is man's pApper food! Is he natural ly caTuivorous ! Pr is he,like domesticated si", omnivorous! The following among 44#the: reasons seem to indicate that his con stittitional food consists of fruit and vegeta -1 We matter. - lst. The nobler ,among, brutes, those dis tinguished for more amiable qualities"; and the moret4tautiful. of pluinaie andsvivet of song among birds, are not carnivorous. Is man to be ranked with the baker beasts? . 241. The intestinal channel in fruit and I Lira): i 1 I - . sth. "13tit the:bible sanctions - the use of. l i r flesli." W hat creed or ism On earth, is not, I : Iliecordin l g to its advocates, pi.oved ;liv the Bi- I Lble ? Titke away even- ~other ground of at , :-gutnent,•and forthWid You find the 'arguer 1 '.; backed Up upon- the bible. Inileetl, I do'uot know but the athist hirnseirw.ould claim his I strongestp4!.:.itioils from the bible! : OUR. : . . . . . Show to . 4 t Mau that slaVierY i • • • s uron.7--.lc, , - 3d, M an ,'. an anitiral. - Ire has - another :'• e, • an evil and ii chrst.. --- - to both enitht ving and en- • _nature too—is an f.itelleetual being.,- But , Fame animal-, i ,ow- s laved; that it is a libel on tail and hurnan his life is sustained by• ti,c, i its, and contrary to every priticiple o f ju s ti c e, ens and. functions which pertain'. to other spe- 1 , peihaps tell yau 't the bible sup cies.- And as an animal be .is sulijectii alt - dI T will ports it.- „ Prove that intern ptirance iS\ a sip.. to - the same laws which govern the anii"sql i that alcohol is a poison, : that the rum 'untie kingdom—is under the animal teol3olllV. . t i „„,':es paupers and Icrinii mils :and wretched l'oison"will kill hiin;tire will lora I' ” 11111,' WA-. !' r „ ''• ' due sI. • • ; i-, \ I •liao,:pro .e. Lc prine.pro tRn, ; ter Will - drown him as .urely as they - will a i' am , b ' e ''' ' ; Itn tne taxiciy.''•:C' imr.len atil illat the use on' lion or a sheep: Appropriateness and adap-' Tite ardent, spiritS tolti fz . Lfid , often accomplishes) tatlon; distinguish all nature's doings. i. it) to dethrone reasen, Lo ibAet!-ie !lie man. tiger is supplied With the tncons and .'projxr and make him ‘i-orse than i . . 71 iclittr—anib - lie ht.' s for secnring ifs ivoi!.. Mau-I:Mks' all in may calinly it2ll - y01?, in ctfeet, t• ,`it• iii,ie 'tip dicativ6s of this kind. 'llis ate of an :entire ly different character: He has : not the fit .e t - hulls it Int"m4te. to a i ilof '' sio"al %(ddier that,.except in !Ail defence and vinti;:qiei: of - mess for-seizing, nor -the teeth nor claws - fJ l r I riglit w-r - is t '' •• • -. itunstifiahlt, .murder, aint he rending his prey. Nor is he supposed to pos;i ' ' - ses a bloodthirsty- disliesition. - Now was it! will refer to `tie bible.- Enj ` q " - " r tc 'P' ?r-. stunk ,a man that polygamy, coneubinageti:,e., ".nature's plan, contrary to the completeness of i all her other undertakings, to deprive roan or . :1 1 e not adapted t 4 the wants and..welfare of rrettius. l. the race . and are morally - wrong, ;aid -You . his proper food until his inventie ,‘, r conld devise artificial iniplements for catch-1 ruill' . hare your biblical:Mk:miry - rcfr:-_ll , A. , in g .i t. Why this solitary - rebuke sat,an peitronititftl, and hv exception and .in- tit ~. i. congruity another like -which , cannot : be,:'i n ''' q u • -te s4t P litr '' I ' 4 ' Y ou ' ' 1 .lallude 'd9 tiw,:e thing- 7 .to show their fil found thrau_ ghout natiire's domain I is - . l -, - 4th..- Cu,tom aside. who, w i th a,rromasim ' act . y. 'd he l_ ! luft., .in elileal treatise. And the great trritliS of iuorit.lity and 1eng. , .,a., , ,2'.-0,, a delicious fruit and farinaeeons food around i bini.would tkkik of .iitting, tioW„. an: inno cent i titt t t l ''''_ ar , a , tl fr 2 ) . 7„ " hY tite ' g ',' ne , i ' al i . t ,", ut :. of its teaciunew - nuti pot f rom iSt:wit.:(l. c,c inoffending animal to - obtain his, Bail • .meal I What on earth wenitl suvest the i Ll'el'4d passages construed to suit any desi i re , l fiane . y. The bible speaks 'of thesuus ri s u '• ' r pr Ailing to a sane mind I I , land ser.itig, but does that invalidate•the ilei : - sth. tis cruel. Unless in tired and -liar- 1 \ denecl, who does not i it • thought • .1:-°f s ''' iet ' ee ' ' Pr P r°ve that Cvaline ° waSit h l et' . evu at the of , 1 - butchery! What, compelled. 'to pain, mi di; je. worltY, of death as the people of his time thwart, ,and deaden ' the sensibilities irith; su p P°sed t • "The world does move'' as Ise casserted. It. has inoved'some since he left: it, which we have been endowed,in order i ...o pro- i , ~ i and morels room for it. to ;nave •mar e . N o . cure Sustenance ? - ; , . . • 6th. 'Tis prodigal ,4 an- - wast,efulat cart-'' body • stippcises .that the. Bible, ligLtly ninitr t , vegetable eating animals is longer and more nTimplicated than in the earnivora the', gas _trio juice in one \s said to he slightly acid, in the other slightly alkaline. In these respects w on resembles the fragivorous and granivor- 's` Fond l p ultdicts truth or equity oe nny ibieg benste instiliCe man uieloni and re:isen. So I once with the true economy of nature. It 00 ,1 1 he hae let;terle an lotionp in his moles of ; costs much more---requi#es much more land".:! g -- • 1 i And lyet doubtless the u-e of animal feed. ; fife. If creative lutellieence hag done all to subsist a man on animal than on verreta- [ ble fool Should the injunctio' u "Be fru itfu l es ecianl it it, V' "'ld fish, "".] not the stall- thine thin s, 'and inane all these provision, I i ,+.• ~ , roll if our reesening is good, why do ant. and multiply and replenish the earth" ever ,+ a l d-st :' ' fed ' " er-fatte' fled d i -cased.f '"`' ' • ' • • other tiengs thirg [ilei ! wiry make clothing or houses f meet with fulfilment, how can dense popula- Ifa less ini - uridnu thin man!. plea so l ay i s bi r 1 with 'Aiiieh' out. tables abouni. ()er fere- -; why ri l ee fire or water in preps tiny food i-- tions be sustained upon a, fibers were much more obust then their dte why tee eat what you can get as the goat extravezant ? Higher and stronger races ex- sAndautsTheir habhabitswere simple. Thee i doe s , and be contented 5" . tinguieh lower and weaker oneee e z,, ,W ineee • wcire much in the open air. Their bott l es t, it ell, perchance His prescience foresaw the march of man's dominion. Ca erous 1 w4re net, g e nerally, quite, "ii . ireight." The ' i tlait, if Its gave man clothing entire, he would creatures seem to be a kind of pa .. tic, ex- i obtained by ; shale it off or 4lestroy it in some way, and fie crescent, temporary production befow other ! flesh tbe Y ate wag ' rm . eh of l n ' brute species Query. Is there evidence that t '' t the eheee ' as the woods &bounded iu game. up something to his own notion instead, and . Thi f e , though unnatural food, was nature] se any expenditure in that direction would 1,2 Afore man should 'be a superior, nobler, ore 'per —-s maneat and enduring race tlesb not art produced. ui.ele ! with inferior and receding tribes of animals? I it IS often , or does he belong sal t. “ d that matters not ro IVliydiil lie not make nests fer the bird , I ; , - t, of i much about the quality of food as about the and burrows for the rabbits ? Why did le Is it the ultimate order and tendency This may be true under eert tin not creek nut-, for the equii relv 3 W 1 y or things, that man should exterminate beasts l i jl q uaatit Y* " , e ( . . t iyestrictions Bo'.ll are. important. Bet der a neees , ity for teitine at ell ? "lic give (not after slan7,hter-bouse fashion.) or tha f . , i .r.. 1 why a danger of eating too much t Simi,ly man Lamle and an.ed to iree,tber i He did beasts should extirtrrinate man? If the il. , bee wee the food is unnatural. If produce, endow Lim a rational seine., c: abl . ofaiiilg mer, must he pine and degenerate for want 1 i fns' •a of natural appetite, utineteral chic- ing, sure teener's. And wlsy/: Was it to of his constitutional aliment ? 7th. Flesh ; is produced from vegetable j lagi" Hence come over- eating, ineillielent use his reeisoil eel! in ma y lofty and worths. substances. It is only vegetable matter ts- / "' n V eati m l, and partaking of fo'el too 'fie- , enterprises,; to make i I,rofciund in scentitic made i que fly. The Modern art !if cooking i's who!. ile seeili 11 and then in liners which most vita!- ken at second hand, deteriorated and• bad by having been already' once, used, and 1 , 'Y 'II vatinlee with Nature's '4'll4'4' —.is e9( P:era hi' it °K./la'''. will-being, to i - by containing, of necessity, impure \ effete poi- spier and stimulants, condim entsiii eassert- i note it. leare it , ormant, or abuseeit? Why Lions.. If in this state it is h "ester than in its 1 meat'''•t`x" rich and o‘er-concelit rated dishes, ' did Il e give an inernore- so as to enalde him primeval form, why will not a reNtition of ,I , e " the haute of its 'tire" are the beues of life to direet .s course by 'experience? Why • • and linepitLee. Nor can it l be pue,ible :11 t did he at make him so that no thought the ameliorating process make it better vet ? i they afr eel half the geetuiory pleat use, i ten, : s c ut be rece_,c, elle, —no act 2 Whv, not That is,ehy is not flesh of arnivorous an -1 %bleb tae ;gratification of natural #iung,..r by , form hue a brute, a block. a stone ? . :muds still more preferable? Why consider 'that unclean t plain, simple, mutual food would afferd. / 'flier elm eirreign His wisdom mustdevise 'We c• t. too fact. The l'eetli elio ,.. tild clic w ' • goine.lling Letter. Bth. But the matter is not, left to mere food/ the stomach should note Ellie eale ___ —O.-. 0 .- 0 ,-- --- tbeorizinw ?peculation. and mason 't he e. Natu re < oat fi lva SI, oui o t moisten it, not an, nr4eial (little:, 1 Itritsys or , Ereieuesce.--Tire fullouing I only corroborate experience in • declnring vrhile the saliva is resoled to be drained out ! buret of e i thieeeee ~,l e del i vered bet , re e 1 a fruit slid farinaceous diet is, best for man.-- ! . ;.co urt of iii,ti,,, ` in Pe" unevlva 'Dia: 1 ' d mixed with the filthy juite of a nercotic This has been demonstrated hi test beyond : nu the possibility of cavil. Proper and natural :to coetribute to the contents of spittoons or ', " Your honor sits high on the telor e, - ' vegetable aliment is eminently eonducive ,to , tin '" ur " -e • seat of justice like the. Aeiatie rock of 4.ii er- ViWelY engib and energy, to a Clear and l ' eat too rnee,t, riot only liecatoei linnet- alter.:While the eternal rivets of merry, like Ural &eel prieluees 'airreitural hankerinree but the carlaveroue of the valley, flows meander vi ors' intellect, Joe. control oldie passions 1 and the exercise of.the moral faeulties. r ' beeause 114-els l'i° mach u t i tr l nv ut i n a igi r ." ing at your feet." Bat says an objector : ten bulk'. ft is too conceutrated. iehe following is the comtnencetneat of a Ist. "In Irelarel :they can't- mire corn i Oxygen is the prineird thing feel br' the ...leech or a lawyer in New Jereer. rand nd peachea ." Wei, what if they can't it-- •hi l oaa ia l thelung, Aria still, the lareest in- l " Your honor do not sit there like marble j What business—whit right leis Ai man to erredient in air is nitroe'en. But the prr,p , ir-j atatnles to I , e wafted about by. every idle I, .make his home where he caunotlive/ Does , lion tif ~er.eyonti cannot be inercased without breeze." - ' I ~ tke crater of a volcalioafford especial eviden- i the tno'st rrtikiotes teeults. Why 1 Ilter.e.e 1 -Another orator thus tzometteed his bar- 1 - m ces that it was elesigned forinan's residence ? it is exuct)y,s ied to the purpose ;already,— I mngnet ' , . • ils not on all the globe that we can npprol JSo of food-4 tit ust contain eons? innut;itichts 1' " The important crisis which were sheet priately dwell. The ocean, the desert, the i f matter. Take ?vbent, for instance. The coy-- jto arsine have nrioyen." ' legions of PorPotool snow.forbid, it. 1 snub in w hie it it as go closel y enveloped ; -..nother•thus exptiaterl : 2d. "We cannot work without meat. " 1 cannot be separated from the ,note nutritliebs 1 4 ' The court will 'please to observe that The 1 I So, a little white agoit was as confidently 1 , partichis uitlmut the aid 'or'ert---the •art 0 0 gentleman from the - east has given theta a i ' thought that alcohol was necessary to give ' holting What a triumph ( o r inyet r imni-- i, very learned speech. Ho has romped with - etrength toendure toil. Facts inu I urnerables "no, fur indigeseion and all Let childreti ! I