alctilant Abbntistmtuts. J. *littenberg - dic Brother irjr AV Eij n t received and are daily receiving a 1.1. splendid assortment of Spring and Sum mer Dress Goods, Barages, plain and satin, striped and Plaid Lawns, Organdis, Barago •Delaiaes, Silks of ail colors andfigures and at New York prices. Our stock of shawls is. well selected, among which can'he found Crape Shawla, Brodie Silk, Barag,e, Thibet, Cashmere, and Prindet Shawls. A splendid stock of Mantillas of the latest styles and at very low prices. Our stock of Embroiders is selected with the greatest care and cannot fail to give satisfaction. In addition we have a good Misortment of Needle ivork, Window Curtains, at various prices. We also offer to. the public at bargains, Calicoes, bleached and brown Muslin, a good assortment of Calicoes, Bedticking. Flannel, &e. -Hositiry-10, very low prices, ilakih as Stockings bleached and brown, slate color, "black and mix ed stoekings,sa superior article of raw silk Hose also a 'splendid article of silk _Mite, Gloves, Rog er's Kid Gloves. ' We have also a splendid assortment of • Bon nets; Ribbons, also Misses Bonnet!, Children's Fancy Straw Caps and Flats, a good assortment of Parasols Allat a small advance above Cost. In addition to all this wo offer the public the largest and cheapest stock of Ready-made Cloth ing ever-offered in Northern Pennsylvania. .Al so a generit!,assortment of Gentlemen's Furnish. g Goods,.such Shirts, Colariavats, stocks, auxpenders, ors and under arments, &c. Please try ns islpprove if you n.. 7. ITTENBERG & f OTHER. • ' MontroSe - ril 25, 1855. CHANG pclaware, Lackawanna di. V. U. rt. , ARP.ANGEMENI . ON and after Monday, May 7, 1855, the 3fail !Pavkenger Train will leave Scranton at 10.20 A. si. , Diie at Great Bend at 1.20, r. at. Coaneeting . with the Dank,irk Express Train west,-and the New York Express East, on the N. Y. & E. R. R. Passengers taking this train will arrive lin Dunkirk at 11.15 p. in. and in New. York ai 11' r 15 p. m. ' Return, will leave Great Bend at 4 p..m. due at Scranton 6.45 r. m. - . , The Freight Accomniodation Train, with pass enger car attached, will depart from Scranton at 1.00, connecting with. the Ma Train bound • West, and the Night Express Trains both East and West. !i . • Passengers taking this Train and the Night Express East, will arrive in New York at 10 '5 a. m. By taking the Night Express West, will arrive in DUnkirk at'l2 M., or by taking the Mail Train West, will :wive in Dunkirk at G. 45 . In. ` p Retuning, will depart from, Great Bend at 7.00 A. N. and arrive at Scranton;'l2.lo, A. it.. Stage!s will be in waiting on the arrival of Pas senger Trains at Scranton, to convey passengers to Carbondale, Pittston, Wilkes-Barre, -Philadel phia via the Reading R. R., Easton, anthill other intermediate places. . D. H. DOTTERER, SOO. Sup't,Office: Scranton, May. 7, 1855 - - f :15tf NOTICE - fS .hereby- given that application wilYbe made at the next session of the Legislature for the charter of a Bank; to be called the Farm-, ers.4 Mechanics' Bank. LocatM :It Susquehanna; Depot, Susquehanna County, Penn'a. • The pur pose and Object of the Bank is for discounting and deposit. With a Capital of $50 ; 000.00, with the' piivilege of increasing to $lOO,OOO 00.. SusqueliannaDepot, Penn 9th, 1855. ---- 28—Gm. T_TOSIERY—Men, Bo3•s. Ladies and Chil. 1.1 dren's Hose and Collars, at N. & P. HALSEY'S FOREST WINE! And Gurn-Coated Forest Pills! The most si.xtraordluary discovery in the world! 1 000 Bottles and Boxes Sold annually, and thousands of Lives saved from a premature grave, by ibis late discovery Testimonials of the most unexceptionable charcter arc continually pouring in from every part cf the Country.. bearing witassa to the unparallelled efficacy of these Medi , tines. . . The fallowing sbew the number of cases cured. as certi- Iles" to by lettArs and other testiMonlats, received from -all parts of the Union and British Colonies. 'from the first 57 Jaultary,lBl2, Ae January.lst, 1853. inclusive :• Dyspepsia Oa habitual Costiveness, 763; Neri-ous ;orders, 331; perteral Debility, 691; Pustules. unhealthy color of the skin, 512 BUicins Disorders, 1313; Sc-ofula and Mercurial Complaints, 491 , Jaundice, 192; Liver Complaints4lo6 ; Salt Rheum. 93; Erysipelas, 151: Fever and Ague, 191 ; Consumptive Decline, Cold , and Cc-nets, 405; liropsi,lB4:. Ithennastism, 111; her various disor. der5,.7051. jilt a short - time las elapsad since these great - and good Medicines have been made known to the public, yet thou sands have already experienced their good effects. Iota .11•1s given over by their physicians as incurable, have found relief and been restrred to sound and vigorous heath from /. their use. The great amount ef gorel these Medicines have done, has induced thousands to recommend them to their Mends. Men of integrity-and Physicians have sanctioned - their use, and re:ommend thein'to the public . • Shocking, Case of Scrofula Cured. . 'New York. December 6,1352 • Dr. Q. W. l 37l.l.lsel—Bear Sir :—I deem it but justice to you, as the inventor of a great medicine, to ,send you a short history of my own east lam 27 years of a,le. At • 131 was attacked with SerOfnla, which formed Prudnies and broke out'tn large nicersort my neck, near the collar bone, and front thence extended nearly up to the left ear. ' About six Months since I commenced nets, your FOreA •Wiie and Pala, (following . the directions,) which in nine weeks, cured me The scars, although new pound 1.4.-ar • test iniony.of the. dreadful manger in which I was afflicted. AfternearlY fourteen years suffering, 1 now rejoice to say - that my health is Drily matured by you} remedies, all others having proved quite ineffectual. You'is, very respectfully • . - Cure of Palsy. • The fohoteng Testimony. given ns by Mr Totten F . . ' Cowin. of Orange. N. .1., shows the extraordinary effect.. or the Witte and Pills in pariti.vid'. , Oran,ce,N. J.. Fob-14,1;M ' • . Dr. C. W. Ilalsey—Dear Fir. - -My wife had a etroi of the Palsy, so severe that her whole s: sternwas completely par-, Opted Slr matinned to grow weaker far nearly two e years, logic: nearly all Ilse and sensibility of her body and - limbs. We. almost despaired oilier recovery. At tbis time ahe began to take yorir medicines. Their mood effects were soon experienced. She began set:dually to inrornce in health. and in a few month■ recovered entirely. The - , extraordinary effects of yoUr wine and Pills; in curing my wife of a complaint we never expected her to getbet ter of and, as a dory I owe to yourself and the. public, I /old you this certificarc e - • JOYIIA'S - P. CONDIT. lam acquaint.- with Mt, J. P. Condit, .and know the above certificate 1 he true. ~. . U. P. BERIMIAX. 23 Chambers street. N. Y. % READER! ifyou want'not "four conrtitution lajtrred by that slow, larking Calomel,pob.on. or other ,mineral KO statutes, tench not such Medicines as contain them, or any uncertain 3 1 1.edine whatever, btu procure tboac, excellent andpurely vt_Teudric preparations 11.aisey's Ft:rect . Wine .. , . and Pills. [ If yon heie the Dyspepsia or are troubled with costive ness- take the Wine and the Pills, accord:eg to the direc tions and you will then get welt. . . s 'lf you are nervous or weakly. or hare emaciated count e. twice, or general debility ,this Wine and the Pills will re store ion to health and enemy • ' , -; If you have unhealthy - colvied skin,ior pimples. - or par.; tnletAorblotebet, these Mediclues , ,tetli purify . the blood, and eradicate all such humors from -he skin. . Ilion have a weakly constitution and feel yourselves too oldifor your years, take these rite/lent Medicines, and . they will invigorate your constitution and fortify it for I longer life.' - i , • If you are Billions, (which rosy he known by such srmPs ! , toms as DrOWIIIVIBIy iets of Appetite, Dizziness, Furred ' 7Vogne,dce.,) take ai. good dos P 01 the For et Pill., ant' • they will purge from rhestomach - and, bowels all morbid cud hglions matter , and thus prevent a At of sickness, and ie your doctor's hiller $lO, $.20. ur $59.0. • 1 ' . If you hive the Liver Complaint, the Forest Wine and ills will cure It. These Medicines exert s powerful lull ' most sarnaary scam:ion tbeLiver i hare been the memos of curing thousands of this troublesome diseases. YAMENTS, there is not perhaps a month lathe year that • . some one of your children or . . members of your family do - - not complain of Headache, or Dizziness, or Sickness at Stomach, dr have fared tongues, or some other unfavora ble eymptems. These are the forebodings of disorder, awl sicknessiof some kind or other, soon foliates. fur such symptoms always show that bile or morbid matter exists - 1 In the stomach and bowels, or that the syst•in de Otherwise ' disordered, lit lely use of the Forest Wineand Pills will, in all cased, prevent sickness from such causes, and will purify the blood. and produce strength and animaion. ..,.., The Forest Sledieines kept constantly on band, to hi to ren whenever such symptoms are exhibits d, will sane your faintly almost entirely from sieknepo, as well As your dms tor's bin. which Frei uently amounts to more in a week,. than andlciesit of these Medicines to keep your family in good health for 'rm. .. LA.DtES; the Forest *Melo your Medicine. This plas ma., agreeable effective medicitie,-exaetly suits your deli cate constitutions. Ifyon are. weakly or nervous, or le goaterallll health, this wine will do more to restore you thin all other medicines. In all eases where bile estate, or the bowebreoitetipated. the Fortes Pills also should be tsc. ' ken.accotding,to the ditteetirms. , . . • Mariner and Vesoreller. if you wish to guard yourself against Oakum:egad dangerons diseases. Web may jeep erdise year life.prosSdepoltrpelf with the Forest Wine and Pills stsbitingOntAlsuldOngso7Ntre, that you. may have taunt ion hand wheirsesubit , te „ - The Forest Wihe Is piif tau Kure bottles, with Dr. llalsey'svaame blown lathe glass. ! Vat Dollar per 'hot ' tie, or air biottlesforrive Donato: GatatositedFarestPills 25 oents veer Box. • _For Sale - bY the.allid , Agents, at_ Wholesale and Retail.. General Depc4l6l - Tiaarie .street, one door from Hudson: Yew York. , ~ Appointed Agentsin Ifontrossi,Abel Tartan.; 0 rwatßend, toeless toott. . . . 34y1 stamp . . 411 ait or], . . - . Ntill STORE IN- lIEFORD! .G.-W. SEYBIOUIt & CO., TNESIRE to call the attention of the public A" to their stock of . • . • • 0001.1 S _ - Now arriving at the-old stand. of S. SnYstoca, In the village of Ilarford. - OUR GOODS ARE NEW, bare been bought for Cash, care• fully selected, and will be seld cheap. Give us a call before purchasing. Our stock consists of . DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, . . HARDWARE, _ CROCKERY. IRONI.NAILS, • lee., &C., A variety ns full as is usually Ound in country Stores. G. W. SEYOOUR & to. Harfora, May 14, 11155. - Wool! Wool!! 'V001!!! 0,000 I WINDS wan(ed it the Farm: 1- ens' Exeliunges for which the highest market priee . witi be paid in Cash by A. LAT4IROP &PD. June 14 . 1855. - , . $l,OO Reward.. STRAFED or stolen, a ilivert4.-olored Pointer Dog. Theibove.reward will be paid to any ono returning It n- to , the store of " A. LATHROP & CO.'- 1 , - • June.2l, 1855. . Sint NG GOODS. itsuperiorlajnet , received, and now offering at the lowest cash prices fur approved ered. it or Ready pay, by. A.IATIIROP & Co. Mayl. GnocEgiEs of all kinds, at prices that can't be !heat. Syrup----first rate article at -Is. Call! and examine the stoc4.hoftire purchasing, if you wish to save the"penny." • • ! C. W. MOTT. June 1.3. Bonnets at Reduced Prices. BURRITT, will sell hid reiniining stock ILI • of Silk, Lawn, and Straw Vonnets, a g,o4d assortment, t reduced prices, to Close the businet;s of the season.—many of them at cost. New ?dilford..Tuuo 18.1855.. i \ .. \ .LOOK HERE. .. : POCKZT KNIVES.—.!I good assortment of , t4e best kind in - market. ' Also.Ttibl ..o Knives and Forks. - : : . ; Sfiymcs.—:-Slr.vr.n. Silver Plat ed,German Silve f r : . . Albrats and Britania-ware. Spoons. Also all kinris of Batter Knives.._ 1 - . • i i;- VIOtIN STIIINGs; Bows', and all!the fixture's, Violin:4, Aeeorde.nns, Flutes, Tuning Fork..., Fr.rtn 1...16rr5, Fluid, Cafripliene, Candles, Lamp Oil, &e. FAMILY Gnoctnits.—A full smiortnaent, nen and good.. * DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINEN.A first rate assortment, and genuine. PAINTS AND OiLs.—A-general asgsortment, am:, of good 'tpaility. l • • . JEWELRY. --. A splendid variety, of the neatest I • pateros. • . FANC7 Goons.—Nearly everything in this brauch. P.r: .clic,ice variety. (New supplies received nearly evetr.week.) • In short; nearly.eyerythinr persons want, and cheap, at the Variety store of • Montrose, June 1-448.55 Lanesboro ruinishing Establish-, . ‘• meta. /TIDE subscriber keeps constantly: on hand .IL 7 and" will make to/circler, Doors, ~Blinds, Windows and A indow-Sash, Door and Window- Frames, and ail otlwr articles made of wood and ~ used in buildin. blinds painted and hung on short tiotiee. Glass of all sizes, qualities and quantitfes fo; sale. . Fi,iniintz plaint;dand match ed at froth f•3lf; IN? Ter I,COO feet.. Turning done to order. Alf:o a general, assortment of C ABLY .h;T- . • 1. 'bureaus, Tnblt an•Vtitanzts. of all varietif s.— Chairs, 11,dsteads, Si . ttees, &c., ready made or made to order on the shortest' no: tice. Gnoll 'Pine, Cherry or Whitkrnod lumber, and Praia of 4 alt taken in exchange fir-the above. r• - •&'"—lti , r.lli pal= or three months time with approved credit. All orders addressed to. me will receive prompt attntion. , Lanestriro, June IS. I`3 k lA, kind-C-.-.f Country Produce wanted: suet! 11L. Bulter,Egg-z, Lard, Harris. Socks. &c. :C. W. MUTT. June 13. • , Patent Hors© Itakes - . FOR sale zlt. the Fartiler'R Eiehaoge by LATHROP, & Co June 26, Great Exhibition in Springville REATI AND RARE EXtIiBITIGN OF VI — FOREIGN AND • DONEE . "FIC GOODS_ ; of almost stvle'.vid quality; such as will be gure to pleis.e and accolnmodate ail classel of people—from- the child in the•cradle to , the old and decrepit. These goods are bought on the mvt terms, and be sold according ly EANICIIOp7 TM a call arid we will try to sup ply rtil your 'rants in the line of GOODS ever htpt ir. n eceptry store.' You need not go„to New—York folcMy ti)lng you 'want, beenuse we have.them fresli from the city. - & CO. Springs:lll4;7Pa., May 8, 1835. - pounty Lands;. ripXGRESS has recentlti.. passed.= addition. _,) al Penslon law, which 'extends much widor than the former laws.. NO One should despair of rkeeiving a land 'Warrant wh., hpm done service of any kind tf.'.o . Revolutionary war or s in ce . fir hAsthad a husband, or father who would be entitliql tai a-p , .;nsion if m)w living. The nn dersi!,ned ha, the Law and %li the legal terms for oblinia7 Persions ender the said act, and will prorantlyji,btain any applicants Pension who ig entitled thereto for reasonable compensation.— Your Warrants will bring ready money if you pr i ell4 not to loc:.te the land. • - , N. NEWTON. i' , lontrose,'Narch 21, I $55-1 2 If. . . GREAT ATTRAGTION& AT .TILE UP SONVILLE• XCIIANGE. THE Subscriber is now receiving a veoll se !feted risirtrnent of Dry . Goods, GrOeries, Fish, Ila rdwarj, Crockery, Beady-Made ClOthing, Hats, Bonnets, (a splendid assoilthenl,) Mac, Oils, Dye-Stutfs, Yankee Notions, in fact, almost everything usually called for at-ajeotn try Store, including FJour, Salt.nnd Mealizil of which be is desirous of selling for Cash, or any. kind of Fciriner's . •Werchantable Produce, or on good approved • Short- Credit., His friends. are most respectfully invited to give 'him. a cidt and he will sctiSfy theml that the Exchange Is the place for farmers 14 trade. ,The highest price paid, in Cash for; Butter. • T T. L. -MERRTMAN. UpsonriiiP, May 15, 180. CASH paid for Dairy Butter by 1 - H. 31.10NES. 1unp1,1855. BLack Dress Sinks:tr' Changeably, taiusa. al loti prices. C. W. 14017. June 11! • I PATENT ITLEDICIME AGE% Y. ABEL TORII - ELL, Montrose, Pa., DRUGGIST, AND AGEdT, PA'?lt - 171 .U2DINIS% TUE DAY. Cotailgninents Opulently Itemised. A. TURRELL JACOB TA MOIL • 25-Gm. FOR ALL ru* IPOTTMAR • , rild.t r RN S 4.1 l.r. 7 S. NN lEE.R S celebrate 4 dorse • 1 4 Powers, a Threshers and Separators, Combin-. ed ; 7'hreshers and Cleaners, Claret. Hullers, POr, table Circular Cross-Cut Saw 31ills, Ferd Cili , terse Clint Shelters, Emery's new Portuble (.rat ing Cifricr Mills, CloW's m,d Kelsey's Grain Cradles, 4-c.,_&e: Peters' improved Riee's Fan. fling' .3MI, price $2.0. . Alt it wholesale and retail, on very: favorable , to +s. 1 . These machines and other. Improvements are Warraniedto be of the best material and work nianshii), and to operate as . represented by my Circulars; or subject to be returned.within three months; and the purchase money refunded. ib . . g-ff'l I tale particular care in making my con. t acts fir canal fteialit and transportation on al: athinbs, so that Canal, and other charges will unusually light, Machines for Susquehanna c runty I may be delivered at any convenient sta. tjon on l Erie or Lackawanna Railroad. . . i f,.:erl Descriptive circulars, and all necessary infOrmition concerning all articles • Sold by me, 14ith mikes, and other important particulars, can bye had .:on application to me-by mail. .; To skive in freight, &,c., all orders should be frwartied early. .. . . 1 R. M. WELLES. Athens, Bradford co., Pp,, May 111,,!.55-20m4 :; AYER'S PILLS - - . Orr Cring the Sick in an event ne.rer &fare ) - - known - of any Medicine. ~. .. . 11 i : . 1 nr , plids, Read and .Itidge for lrourselrm. JE BAUM ', Req., the well kn own $7 W 'S ~.;:' perfumer, of Chestnut street,Phl lad. 1 4..., 1 ,- . whose chOice products ar found at :I .!:- A, ' almost every toilet, says : , 40,10."' " 1 111= happy to aay of your CA . j l e, thartic Pills. that \have found tnem I to he a better fatally mete for f il ilis !:51 , ....ti .. 2 - 1.12 ._.,: common mhr, : nr,,,til i ci t zd a. : 4 • , .. ; t . l ni ta z n ir,, a kn n ey ) i , obr o e t m l n s c e vri r trsr tri i i .:, l o l d i ni n s them and cointa de with me in bcheving that they" poaeess extraordinary virtues for dtiving out disetiae and curia; the sick. They are not only effectual but safe and pleas ant to be taken. qualities which, intt3t make them valutal by the public; when they are known." The vcnerede Chancellor WARD LAW, 'elites from 13ah. timOre, 15th April, ISTeI : • 0 Dr"). C. : I have taken y , mr Pills with irre;at benetit.for the lielles.ners. languor, lira of appetite. and Billions headache. which has of late years overtaken me air the rprin.r. A few doses: of sour Pills cure: trie. I have used your Chairy'Peetoral many. years in toy R,raily for conitlas and cold.e with unfailing- auceess Yost make melt. eines Which ra*r. - and.l feel it a plemore to oommentlyo• for the gond yon bavedone and are doing." . JCIIIN.Y. BEATTY, Es i., See. of the Penn. Railroad Lo. say: " Pa. R. U-. (?-e. Pl ilad. . Dn• )3.18.'03 . . "Sir: t tmke rlervqtre in taling• my tnstignony to t h e rf ficacy.,f vOar medinileol Irtrin.t.teriv,4l eery material ben efit, from thn nce of both %our'Pentor3i*Vtl'i ani nernt with3ut them in toy finity, nor. shad I evereons.ent to be, ',lain my r_lenni i I proctlr9 them." The wily renncrne.l S. STEVEN'S, W. D., of Went worth. N. 11.. writ re— " , Ilaring tired your Cathartic Pills in my . p.a,ttre, 1 certify fern, that they are an hiraluable pur. gatire. In eases of di.ordered functions of the liter; caus ing headache, in dtge.thm. cnetirene.s; -t .the great ra: riety . of diaearc A that follow. they are a I.firer ternedy than any other. rn ,rce where a purgative r•=merly to re quirt 4. - 1 confi lently reromm nd these rill. to th, public. ar'auP4ricir to any other I hare ever found. They arc sure in their operation, and perfectly rate. qualifier which mike them an inraluabie article for - rublir use. I hgive - for mail! years known your Cherry I'ectoralaa the beat Cough Medicine in the woild, and theie are .n no wtsr flfarlor t o that admitable preparation for f, the tri,at mcnt of lb:cares." .1 • " .leinn. Ife., Nor .. \ 25,1 , Nt• " DA• 3 •C• AY F:r. ear Sir hare here afflicted from ml birth with scrofula in it. , t:nrAt f , rm. and.nnw. after 2t) rears' trial.aud an untold of amout.t of stitrerirrg. have 'been - completely curet) in a few peeks by your Pills.— with what feeling• of rejoicing I write. can - ouly be inia.t it.o-1 when yon realize what I hare suffered Ant how long. "Never till now hare I been free from thin - loathsome disease in sotne ehape. At times it attacked Iny.eye. , and made me almo , t Mind. br.i.le; the unendurable . pale, ; at others it settled In the scalp of my hea.l..and destroyed my hair. and has kept me Dtrtly bal.: all of mv ; times it came my face, and kept it for - mouths a raw ‘• A bnnt nine iirlA azo j ffoinn,ne.ql takit lc Yon? , Ca- Chart le and now ant ent!rq , :s free from the coml.:flint. My rye, are well; my skin if fAlr, end my hair It • ean meneed a 'healthy ;r - Owtlt; all of whi h makes One feel al. rPailr a Den, per , en. tj, , Fin l zthiK statPrnent inny 'rOnveyin; Information that shall do goof to , other=, I ern, Nr.tir every ter,Crnent cf ;rat itutle.. Yours, ;r. • •11.1112 t. RVia.ll." , r• 1 hnl, V;111.11 She 0 - ;ere name T 111ria Ri ker ir•nri her childhood. and her tratentent i , •t.ietiv trot.. AvriltEws. • .0 . 1" Pr.,,,, "rch,j'Ort , prouth \!:..0 rartaant,;„ Co " O Pr.ATT. rf tho FLip rits from ne!,:trm. h " Yoctr l'i I,Iv? cur!-.1 ine fr*ra a attlic which arn.FP frnm dr.r2n7,eviitt,t of the Liver, which had' bp,..tue 1 . ( ry a-6(m.. ' j na bfalle.l of any rellcf by - mv Phttiel4n, atoll - nom e•Ts." , re meld I ynnl.l try. bat o few 4. , ••-t. ii,f. ynnr Pills , have romple•ely restored me en I.ealth. I ills circa Mora to mY cbll Ir , n for worm.) with - the 1.64 t• ~et. They sere nrc?mptly enre I. I reemmn•mr!...l th ._t to a friend fcr cmt'venr`r , . which had trcu".;et hl.a f. m lell,• —11;• toll ma In a ft-vr.tivt tl,ry ha! C:11,1 jlim l'nn rn i'. th.• heti tm-lir rl Ine in the un.l.amt lam , e.• , to ay P. 0." It en] thi•frnm the tistinzui•ln 4 SAVA r ur 1111 t• S u- 'mem,. Court, wMlte brilliant thillti, % hr ve rtm‘le him well ku cnia, not only In t'x'a hut the neizt.hrMin a SSO ~. , Nett ftcl.c . tmq. Anril 5. 14".4 • "Sir—Ttern creat aatiafactoin in afFtnrine %mu that mr- Fell and family lime, been very much benefitted by yonr M Cf.• 'rag cured tai. Mare. of a p,; , :I.ll4Vtla tr!'lr4 , l2l , et , :ll,a , Our Cii er.T Pkrlnn AL . and I , inee then haf enjr.l eft perfeet !!ly rhiWren hare perersq' timer beenrurea frOm Cf the Infliwlza and Crony hy It It i. art Inrnluitb`z Trm , ;l3* for ihecc ce , inpirOutA • .. Troll' CATIIIIIII , PILL! haTe rwirPly eared n" rrt.rn 4rn.P , 11 RTt env hns ,rrown upn.n ixo! fnr rMltu• veary.—iti deed tl , is enre i< much rant• ortant !twit the fart, that T .tA get rrlief fr'm the b-vt PLptieinti which this ,rlicn of th- conntr, ;..aprlA, awl f,trqn apy of the. tiunaerolic reinedic,!: h,d ea. .• " Ton Aeora la n 4, Do . r.cor, I provickntiai h 1 rcs.lor. do mit fvmiiy, and vr.n inity well .niTrote aeorr not un trkin,lful o i it.. Yours g ipeeffully. LCI,VITT AXTER - ." Sennti ('hamh•r.flhtn. A vri: sth, 1%54; 'aef•r—llonnre,lFir—T have made a thorouzh trial of the Cathartic rir..i..rt me by your arrent. and have eared by he of the dreadful r.heumpti.•tn tinder which he folind me •nffrriril. The tir•t dcee 'relieved me. and afew sable inent , In.r• entirelr reelored the diaemee. 1 feel jn better, he,lth now than firr come verve ivf f O l r• whichl attrilAtte entirely to the tlfeete.rf your Ca - haftle 1•11:6 rpnrE With :Tent re , n , bet, • METC I II.F." • The abase are all from uere.)n.wlio are publielv kniEWn idier• they reNiJe. who wnnl.l not mice t .t at r . meau without a tharnpgh e, , nriction that :Lc, were true. . . Prvpared br .7A lIPSI C. AYER, Practical antiAnalyticikl ChPmlFt. Lavell. Mag‘ . ~ SOLT) AY A. Turrell. lTan trate ; 11. Y. as. R. Tl.. Patnfi, 'Mortara. Chnrch & Pilinn , 7. limailciff: L. Scott, (levat Bred. lll all atl.ill.alerF in Strdielne ',rip. wb.ri!". ',, ' - Erpt 1:.!..—rm.4 , . . I' STOVE' & TIN-WARE . EMPORIUM OF WOO LVPP & ELDREM, -On. West Side of :Vain St. and South of Searle's WHERE may be found the best assortment d STOVES ever brought. to thh market, together with Tin-Ware 'cheaper than can he bouqht elsewhere this side of New York. -They would respectfully call. the Attention of purtklia , ors to their new end splendid Stock of STOVES end TIN-WARE, which will be sold .at rPry Into prices.- • We have the moat approved patterns of STOVE ever - hranght into this market, -antong which imy be found Star of the West (Elevated Oven,) Cultiva tor .(Elevated Oven.) Parayon, New World ; Globe,- fithas,. and • Three States, . All Air-tight, and various other patterns too-nu merous t!). mention. - TINWARE of all kinds kept constantly on hand for household use. , Jobbing done to order and in the best manner. :A!1-Tin-ware carefully proved - br-fore leaving the' shop. They respectfully solicit the patronage'. of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, as. surine,! them that money can be - saved by exittnin i ing their stock befOre purchasing elsewhere. • 2S. A. WOODRUFF. ' G. B. ELDRED. 31 ontrose,June 7, 1855. The Know Nothing Expose. AN' persun patronising me, at the front tipper roam of the Store lately occupied by V. C. Tyler, can be accrommodated to the Latest Fashions, in the bed and most ap proved manner. My work is"warrated•to fit if properly made, Cutting, mending and in fact every branch of Tailoring done on the shortest notice, and that to the satisfaction of those Goneerned. 14tf. L SAATTTER. • Black Silk. AGOOD quality for, dreasia. at 81 eta. per yard. U. B. Si Co. Oct, 11..1854. • SALAMANDER SATES. INKS EVANS & WATSON . , N0.:26 South FOuvrtr St, Philadelphili. - GREAT:EIRE, CHESTNUT & FIFTH Sts, Friday morning, December 15th, 1854. T Evans & Watson's, Salamander Safes ,triumphant, as they always are whin put to the test. • Pint.sint.t.rurs, Dec- 15, 1854. Messrs Nana & Watson, No. 26 South Fourth St., Philati phis. Grxrtemr...4':—We take mach pleasure in rec: ommending your. Salamander Safes to Merchants and others in want Of a secure means of preserving their books, papers, Ike, from fire, as the one we pUrchased from you about seven months since, has preserved our books, and cash in as good a condi tion as they were when put into it, before the . great fire thit morning, which' ckstroyed the en tire block of buildings corner of Chestnut end Fifth streets. The 'above was in use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into 'the cellar and remained there until the fire was out. The - Safe was then. removed - and opened in the presence of at least WOO persons, who witnessed the good conditioutif the contents. Will you please have the Safe and Locks repaired as we intend to put it in 'use again, having perfect poulidencelb k its fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LACEY & PHILLIPS. Evans and Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds celio have their safes In use:—U. S. Mint, Plailada.; Farmeni and Mechanics' Bank, •Phitada.; Samuel Allen, Erg, High Sheriff* Phila.; John N. Ilenderson, City Controller; C4leb Cope 4- Co., No. 183 Mar. ket St ; Richard Norris and Son, Locomotive:buil ders, Philada 4 Bancroft and Sellers, Machinists, corner 16th and James 50..; Franklin Fire ranee Co. ' MM.; Penn'n Railroad Co., Philada.; Lacey & Phillips, coiner sth and Minor S!reets; Sharpless Bro..'No. 32 south 2d St.; James, Kent and Santee, No. 147 North Third Street; W. H. tiorisman and Sons, No. 51 North 3d St ; Smith, Williams & Co.; No. 87 Market Si.; J.& B. Orne, No 185 Chestnut St. A large assortment of the aboie Safes always on hand (warranted to stand 10 per cent. mere fire than nny Herring's Safe now iu nee.) EVANS & WATSON,.aIso manufacture / Mid - keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron notirs and Iron Sosh, for mak ing fireproof Vaults for Flanks, Stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Collin Press. es; Patent Slate Lilted Ilefrigeratont, &c. Please give us a call, at No. 26 South Fourth St., Phila• delphia 1,1" C 31ILLAN & PAltli return their grateful 1 acknowledgments -to the public, ot - past fa vors, and,invite attention to the very large stock of Spring and Summer Goods they are how re ceivtpg, and offi2e for sale at very low prices. In addition to their usuAl as::iortasent of staple Dry. Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Paints, ,and 0:13 &c., they are prepared-to exhibit a large asvhittnent Of - • LADIES DRESS GOODS of every description, Figured, Plaid and:Plain, Silks. Bonn e ts. Shawls, Ribbons, Gloves, liosiery Ladies and Misses- shoes of all kinds—also a large stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, - Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Sum Mer Cloths, postings, Hats. and Caps, Roots and Shoes &C. &e. They respectfully solicit an early call' from those %%11(3 - mist' to' purchase Goon GOODS Al' Lou- Pmer.s.. • .MILLAN & PARK • Spring,ville, Mai 2, 18.54. Doct. R. Thayer :TAKES this method of saying to his -friends and that he has again resumed the practice of 51kdicine at his old stand in,Mon trosp, where he may be found at times unless professionally entp.Vetf. He would say to those ovvin7'him on old accounts that he will deduct 35 per cent on ail accounts paid before the tirst of nexl, (or if any poor like myself,) I will ,deduct fifty. 31,ffit . rose, Feb. 20,1855-9tf • TEWE I'—More new Jjwelry just ro..eiv. ed direct from:the mathfacturers, - and eon. lsi•oing of a first, rate assortment of 1,•-dies and Gentlemen's Gold firejor Ring, Breast 19ns.lEar Drops and Hoops. Fob and Vest Ch gins, Keys, Studs, Pens; etc. Persons u ishing to pur chase Jewelry should certainly call at the Store Of A. TURRELL. Montroe, April 12, 1855. - Removal. • C. D. Virgil, Dentist, has removed to room over F. B. Chandler's store, where it will be his plea.gtre to. Fee-hi. friends*' as trick as possible." C. D. Resident Dentist. M o ntr,l s o, 2: 1855. • - NEW SOTItE' 4:1" 4 -itC 7 0 4 1? al GEN ERA.I. assortment of Staple and Faney, ±l....Drv.GoF)ds,Groceries,; 11-its, Cnp: Boots end„ Wall Paper, Drurrs, Dye Stuffs, Paints a t.d Oils, &e.. which . be sold as c heap :.s Ow . eheapust lor Cash or approved credit by H. 31. JONES. Harford June 1. 1855. _ T 3 LACK Gio de Rhine Silk of excellent quail ') ties at 11. 31: JONES'. • June 1, 1855. ROCEIN.and Ca,Thmere Shawls, at all prices, alto a few Mantillas by IL •SI. JONES. . June 1,1845. 113 EAU Made Clothing, at low prices, by - . If. 31. JOKES June 1, 1855 AMES will find a great virkt.v of Bonnets and RdthAni at JONES'. June T. 1555. 11 AWNS, Ch.silis,:Barge de Lains and Ging ham' at. U. M. JONES'. Jupel, 1 - 4 1)1131tOIDEltIES and Windon-Drapfiv at • H. Jl. JONES'. Jane 1, 1855. good asortrn'e t of BoOts and Shoe% nt ti IL M. JONES' lune - 1,1855. . - SIXTEEN lbs, of Good Macla•rel for one dol. lar in ca , 411 by . H. M. JONES. • June 1,1855. frirllE best quality of Nails at • 5 ct's per pound, 1 for 'joie by - 11. M. JONES. . Jun . °. 1, 1855. • • - irUST receiving a fresh supply of fine Astiton t) Salt at H. M. JONES'. June 1,1855: Caution--=pottery Frauds. Once of the Maryland cmazolidated Lotteries, DA 1.1r1X91111, M&T3 i 11121.1, Jent20,15:4" 5 TuE Commissioner •of the Maryland State Lotteries has deemed it his duty to caution the public against the numerous swindlers who circulate by mail mid otherwise, fraudulent. Lot tery schemt.4, and pretend to be agents for the .sale of tickets in Lotteries which are wholly fie titious. The only legal Lo i itertes in Maryland are those drawn daily .under the superintendence of the Commissioner electcd - by the people of the State under the new Constitution to examine kind ap prove the schemes and attend to the drawirgs. All the tickets in these Lotteries and all cer. . tificates of packages of tickets have the litho. 'grilphed signature F. X: BEENAS, General Agent for the contractor. Office of the Maryland Con solidated Lotteries, Baltimore, '!d. All others are fraudnlent. For full information on thesub ject.of these frauds, address F. X. IlnEamy, 33Y1 • Baltimore, Maryland. lish Le;rer Watches. T HE subscriber has just received by steam ship Baltic another invoice of his celebrated English Patent and skeleton Lever Watches. making fourteen different varieties, in- Plain And Hunting cases, to which he would Call th e atten tion of all person's wishing. to purchase perfect time piece& A. J. EVANS. - No; 2, Odd Fellows' Hall. Binghamton, July 17, 1855. - SILVEiI P4TED TaameKarrza.—Twelve doz. more'ef the.* fine Table and Desert Knives made to match silver forks, for sale by ' A. T. E4mis. Bingtuunbxt, July 17. NEW GOODS "-Man, Know Thyself, " • An Intaleabit Book /or I* rend—" ery family signal hart a copy '. ,100,000 CQPIES SOLD IN ;,%.".\\ '' ‘" t s ! i' , l„; 1 r . ,',' ~ • LESS TH A N A YEAR. A - new -s,,t, `. • ` - '7•ils , ''/, edition, revised andimproved, et„ s . .' „., .!' l ' , .'/FlP,,k, just i totted- . • ..... 0 - 4 '. o•-earr,...y. -.I Dr. tftrater'eMedical Minna „ '.• .-.• and hand Hook for the atilieted— ..: ~.; ,A l' a5g . , , ,, ~,f,'",,,-. Containing an outline of the orb. / „, _.,,.-- ' N..•,. gin, pro•gressAreatment ande,u ea ../.,/., r, .t 7, ,„N` of every form of disease con ''''' ' "/' l l ' l ' `‘`'' tracted• by promisenonescidtal Intercourse, by self-abnee or by sexual excess, with advise for their prevention. written in 'a. familiar .tyre, avoiding all medical trchniealities, and everything that would- offend 'the ear of.deeency; with an outline of complain t sincident to Females, from theault of some twenty years' success ful practice exclusive ly devoted to the cure of diseases of a' delicate cr private nature. • • . To which is added receipts for tile curd of the above die eases, and a treatise,on the causes,syniptoms and cure of the Vern. and A i gne. Te•tfmoWy of the ProfersororObstetrie.t in Penn . C 071. v ,, pi, a w l t i r i, i a _J . . D:t , lit! NT eft' zi 11 P, PICA T. MANUAL," —The author 0' this work. unlike the majority of those who advertise to core the dimes ere of which it t restate a graduate prone of t ne beat Colleges loth.. Ilnised;itates. It affords me pleasure to recommend hint to tbe uafortil., nate, or to the victim of melpractic.,a. a sucte.sful and carltieneed prarlitioner,in whose honbr and integrity they may place the•great est ran fideure• . yids. S. LONOSIIORE, SI fl Front A 11T00,heard..51.1)..0f. per n .trairersily,Pkillt , delpho.—lt gives me 'pleasure te add my testimony to the professional ability of the Author et the" H finical, Mmt- PAL." Numerous ease, of Dieense ofthe DenitalOrgans, antic of thefts of long standing. have come under my no • tice.ln which his skill hes 'heen manifest in restoring to perfee health, in some oases where the patient ha, 1,..en enntdderedbeytmd medical aid. in the-treatment onietn- Inal weakness. or disarrainretnent of the functions pro duced by self abuse or Excess of venery. I ,do not know hie superior in the profession. I 'hare been acquainted with the Snthor ,ionte thirty years, and deem it no more thallium ire to him Its well a. kindness to he unfortunate vieritn of early indiscretion-, to recommend him as one in whose professional skill and integrity they may safely contble them.elver. . ALFRED WO lODlV.litb .M. D. " Thisi s. w , thont exception, the most C.MPTAienleil..o and intelligible work published on the class of disease •91, which it treats. Avoiding all technical nddreis- CA iteelf to the reason of its readers It learee - fr.•tn all objectionable matter. and no parent however fnetidlooP, can object to placing it in_thelmOtllt of hi. none. The au thor hasylevoted many yearslo the treatment of the Tarr 11.11F complaints treated of, mid. with too little breath to puff and too iittlemiesomptiota to impte.e,. htth as offered to the world. at th , merely nominal price 012,5 cent., the fruit of some twenty years'-mo-t iddecessfn I practice.."— Hero/Gt. . . . "No teacher or parent.thm4,l.lbe without tha , cnowledge Imparted Ir this Invaluable work. It'sroubi save - years of pain,mortificatinn and.orrow to the youth under their dwelt "—People's .4 , lrornte. A 'Presby t rian clergyman in OhiO, writing. of "Hun• ter'.' Ntelleal •lanual" says t—uThou.ands npon thous ands of our youtfy. by evil ex.mple and influence 'of the pris.ion., have been led into the lfabit of 'elf pollu ion, withondrealizing the sin -end fearful consetnences upon them.elv,.. and their po.terity. rideconstitutions oft hens -ands who are rttWor familii s have berm enfeebled, if not. lirot en .I. , WllAtli they do notlvnow the rause or the cure. Anyliii no that can be door. P. try...TlThthten and inanPmce the pUldietaind as to d ulitin..tely to remover his wide-el , rend sonrce of lintnen wretrhednesA. would confer the cremeat nett ttn th, relirion of. Jesus Chrhit, onthe present atvl ,, valutd vmeration.- Intempee.neetor them.e oflntoxientinz.lrink.) though it hoc slainthons sods noon thomand , ,, fit not a itit.,1t..1.. ,. ..11tg” . te .man race Accept my thanks on behalf of the afflieted, end. believe me. your co-worker in the good aori: you gre_ ftnn , tirtly engAged in." , n ~,,, v f ..,, , zroly:”liv rtrino-r) will be f•rworded. freeof postage. to any part of the l'itite-t St ate. for 25 eents, or six (mei , . for :;t 1.. A ddreo 7. I po , t , COSD EN .k. CO,, T'ubli•bers.or that 155. Philadelphia. ' - . • mi . it,,okqe!!,.. , vanraig«fg - aria DookAgeutsaufiplied on the mo.t lii.eral terms: ~ .2.4y1 Now Line of Mail Stages. iti....„--,-.1.i. , t ..- ....N:-„......:- , -z.:f.1...ii----1.77-.--- - _-,_:,.--,-,N- :-.... _0...„.„..,,,..z.,..„.„,_.,, 4-- , ,-.17.r. ..„..„.„.,,,....6_.............._......„... .ICIRKWOOD TO 111011TROSE,' A STAGE will . I eadeliirkwood. pusFi nF rcucl Cor merniugatterthe arri val afthe Mail Crain! , of Caic t l.oth Eastand We-,t,reach ingMont.rost at 1 P . • R ETURNING , Leave Mont rosedally.(Sunday a -seepted . at-2 PM. renehiap ttuie 'to . tak e the Mail rrilue of earg.hotli East and Weet.a , itia• the nearest and tnu-t Jeasibio:rOntetoreach the New York and Erie luilroal. ThiF lit tri-week:y lima for DitnuCkSpring•- •ille. rquidvinliock. 11 - yo:tang, ond A'ilkesbarre . , which leave'dutitrne at 7 A M every Nlon , lay- Weduceda3 Ah , n, a in e - .;-vrien'tsn Teanir and r.,mfortnble ..7irrin,zer are nrnvided .ithd the Proprietnn.will4par.‘ nppaihr toacearntundat , the rub ' lic. W ATtli. Sep. 1.2.1551. - OR GAN A: tV EST . LIEMOV T t ., " r.E LER. & STODDARasince the InteVre, m ,1):! fmmtl tia.l3.AscmEN:r or 110TEi.: Nufx;tlNtandintr the unprecedented ra piimy %viol c;!lich our stock of Bouts, Sitous,&, -*went off on the ntornino of the fire, we ttill 11.. re sorue itand. , and 4orct sunpiied KEELER & STODDARD E2IMIIMSIMM 10 ) 000 Firkin Stav©s Wanted. 1p tiie .I)l)..cribers immediately. :1l , ) Head ) timber - and'lle(p.pides—for which we will pay th hilhc ct inarl,7et price. S'e:e4oned :Staves pr.Terred. SmITH & tiEMPSTEAD. Brorrld m. Fob. 13, 1855. Broche Shawls. riIIEAPF-11 tli•Anyvvr before Rnown, Tteaoti. 60'111114.i-11:z, ritvi qOatity of 8.4 13roche I.upgri's nianutetute, at Si. " • - 11' - 33. & Co. Shawl . s . • ONG nr.d Sylare, ,fir”ae and Silk, T vary handsome tyles, and at extremely low • prices. Oct , 11. Doct. lloraeopathbit, 1 / If AY be consulted at Hatch's 1-16 tel, in .111. Montrose, for throe days.. the 6th, 7th and 8:h 4.f each month, upon all disea.,os of "the hu man system, viz : CONSUMPTiON.ltronchitis, • Inilitnatian of the Lours, Throat, Liver, 11,•nr.), Kidneys and .9pleen, byspeitia. (Indi2estion,) Liver Complaint, "Ithumatism, Scrofula, Ernp• Spinal Complaints, Nervous Weakness, etc • Consultation Free! Patients visited at their residences if . de s ired. Office hours from 7 in the morning nntil 9 in the evening. , March 13, 1835.v1 Helmbold'sG.onuine Preparations. ikinl.66ix-3 Thoth/ coneenfrated: compound -Fluid. Extract Bachit, :For Di!!eaself of the Bladder an I Ki.ineyA, , Seeeet Ill4raoegt. Ulf!, WeaLnenseg, and all I iseases of the Sexual Orraus, . ' Whether in Male or Feint,le, from wha tenor cause they may- have originatod and no matter of now long ',towline If you have contracted the terrible disease which. when once seater! in, the sys•trm imrely go down from one Oneration to another, sindermininz the cont-titntion.and sapping the yere vital tinkle of life, do not trust youraelf in the hands of Quacks, wt startup every day in a city like this, and fill the papers withiglarinx fal.ehood+; too well ealenfited to ii,ceire the yfung and those not ac quainted with their tricks. You cannot be, 100-careful in the selection of a remedy in t hest cases The Fluid Extract Unchu has 'firer* pronounced by entl. Dent Physielans Ike greale.t remr'y erer knotrn. It is a itte4l.•lneperfeetly pleasant in ita. cast-and,tery Innocent in Its action, and yet so thorough that it an n ihilates every particle of the rank and poi oncais stens of this dreadful dleaasr: and, unlike Mhos remedies, Itdoes not dry up the disease In the blood. CONSTITCTIONAL, brought on by tivif-:.buse. n most.. terrtble which bas trourbt thon.and+ of the 'human reef to notintely graves, thl36 the brilliant hopei of parent., and blighting in the but the glorious ambition of nutoy a no• ble youth. ran be curet by this Wilible rerrierly: 6 , 1.41.4 a medicine whieb tcott betted.Ceirecybode. "from the rim ply delieate to the eqnfined and de.nabring Ittltalbl. no equal Is to be faucet, acting both as a cure and pr event.lve • Helmbold a Concontratod Campion , ' Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the Wood. removina all diee.t sea ari r cing from excesses of Mercury. ex - Ned:we and imprudence in • life. chronic- conotittiiional di:tease:arising from an ita• pure mate of the Blood. and the only reliable and ef. retinal known remedy for the cure of Scrofula. Salt Ithenns ; Scald Head, Uleerationo of the ' }treat and Lent Pains and Sorrli;nas of the. ileac,,Tatter, Pimplci on,. the face, and all ticaly Eruptions o the Skin. This article is how prescribed by some of the moat distinguiehed Phyoleimia In the country. and ban proved more enident In practice than any preparation of .Farsaparlila yet offered to the pubic. Several reset of secondary Syphilis, Merenrial and Seri - di:don't dicrayros bare entirely recovered in the incurable wanly of cur Pub- Tnititorlono whteh had for many years re:than - 1 every - mode of t mat - meta Chat could bidevired. Throe cases fur. Mob ttrikina example,' nfthe salutary effect, of this thrall. eine in.arre-ting seine of the most inveterate diseropo, ar. 't , ;r the glands were des•voyed and the bones already at foyied. 11 4 ;0417E —tette?* from rooponolble Phvoiclano and Pro fropyrs of several Modleal Colleges., and or cures from i atientswili be found accompanying both prep "trattoria • PRICES, Fluid Retract of Bache. $1 per bottle. cid Bottles for $.5 ; serranarilia. Fame-price, equal In strectints to one gallon Syrtip of Sartuq'srilia. Prepared and mold br 11. T. ITELMBOLD. Chemist, CO Chestnut St., near the Gina d lfonwe, Philadelphia. . -To be had of Abet Turral,Montrose, Pe., and of Drug-. giatsiand Bestirs everywhere. • All Letters directed to the Proprietor or Atent receive Immediate attention. • ' myl Clotho, i • C A m S e A n l t i e E nl E a S t p l iVes " l: t w in er th . a a n l w ar e g ;:av n et ev rt. er been enabled to offer i them heretofare, get. it. • , • .. . ~ • Australia, California, Or any plncie vn the ti . lobe,ahnot present greater • • inducements than , • , .. - - KEELER 4- A STODDARD!s , BOOT AND SHOE STORE. • WHICH is now hbed with a new and extett sive assortment of articles in their line, embracing a general variety of new and elegant, styles-of Ladies and Gentlemen's wear, among which are Ladies French. Silk Lasting-and Pre pine Gaiters. Kid and Enameled Polkas. Kid Pat ent leather and bronzed Jenny Linde, Buskins and Ties ; gentlemen's French and Philadelphia ‘otilt•tanned calf skin and kip 'Boots..Congress and button Gaiters. :Vlouterey and %Vashingten Boots, toilet Slips .' Morocco , cal r. and Cowhide Bro. gane,.&c. Boys kip, calf and cowhide Beets and Brogans; all kinds of Misses .and Children's wear. Also, a- general assortment of Findings, which con sist in part at lasts, pegs, .parables. ffungarian nails.tacks, thread, wax, Rustles, shoe binding, awls "rasps, sandstours, shoe knives, &C. Also, a s k and hs , nlock taimodealf 'upper and Soleleath er.Morocco skins and linings \ . • Work made to order and repairing neatly dr,ne. KEELER & STODDARD. Montrose, June 1.1853. _ Stove% Stovtiml: StoveAt: .Tilt subleilber wishes to-call the atientionlf his friends and the Public to his very large assortown_t,:of • - . . STOVES, - • athis new• Store Room in Lodersville, next to L. S:Lenhelm's Store; and near the Great Bend Depot.. Helms in addition to his foriner large variety of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, Mary hew Patterns, some of which are-- St Nahalye,l Peaeh Branch, 1 Fire Fly, Modern 'Troy,. Mohrock, - Medallion, Black Warrior, ()cleat, - Oak; E" , 7 Stove, • Which together with his former stock will be perhaps the most i.xtensive and varied assortment of well selected Iltoves in the County.-- . Clinton stoves well furnished at loW prices. . W" All artiehls-in his line kept orvltata and made to order as usual, and orders received at his old stand in Great-Bend. JOHN COLST . EN Ladermille & Great Bend Nnv.,lBs3.—tf. Buffalo Robes. • A LARGE lot of handsotne Robes,' a part o _CV them whole, Indian dressed, and very supe rio.r colors and luality. & Co. Gibson, Oct. 1 1854. Window Sash. Q 11. &D. SAYRE having been appointed agents for an extensive Sash, Blind and Door llenufactory are prepared to furnish any articles in thialine at Jess rates then they haVe u,nally been sold. Doc. 14. . 1 HAVING CREAM—an article which every imn should try, for sale by • S. .11: &11 SAYRE. ,Dec. 4. _ , , . Ready-Made ClOthing,, A VERY desirable stnek.atN•ery !Ow prices. S. D. SAYRE: . Montrose, Dec. 14, 1854. I Doctor Yourgelf: THE POCKET IEESCULAPLITS: Or, 'Evert,' one.- hi.? ownPhgqii•lan.. EIE.E•'Ir HETI' o.dition,coutaining ras.- - .1 1 Pun hunilied Enkraviugs.showiiia. > 7 l7:4jrce Diseases and .Malfortnations of the Ilu -1 man system every ; shape . and form ! •To which is added 'Treat ise on the Diseases of Females., beitik. of the high . est tance to ma/Tied people, or those coteintilating mar liege. -By William Young, M. D. . Let no father be ash anted to present a copy of the Aesculapius to his ehifd. Ii mar save him from an early grave. Let no young man or wo man enter atto the secret obligations of married life without reading the Por,et Aescu lipiu P. Let no one sutriring from a:hack:tied coug.h, Pain ia the Side, restless nizhis. nervous feelings, and the, whole train of Ovipeptic sety4ations,and given . up by physieian.lieitanthpr moment withouteon. suiting the A Kzi4CULA have the married, or those about to he married any impediment,read this truly useful book,lis it bits been the meansof savit:g thotislne‘of unfortumitecreatUresfrom the veryjawe of di.nth• al , I eTii • A n y pt swodioz hrenty fire cents en• cinA d i n a letter, will rec...ive one . copy of this wort by mail, or five copies will be sent for One Dollar. AchlressApost paid.) •-•— - DR. W M. YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce St. Piiiladelphia. April3t 11,13 5-1-Iyl'. • • Cfteat Vatural Rented!, far ludiarstian • . and Dyspepsia. S.: IlountrroN's Pepin, the true Di. • G ESTIVE FLUID,I.r GASTRIC JUICE Still holds the. first place among nil the' various. 'remedies for these - iniinful and destructive compi:Antsi., It is ,Nature '*~ own specific for an unhealthy stem , ach." No art of man can equal its eurative pow ers and no Sufferer from Indigestion mid pepsin shmild fail to try it. • . - sota by- Abel Turre!l, Montrose - Syl. U. B. & Co Wagon Making,Btacksmithing and Carriagelroning. THE.b.terilier havirig establiShed himself a few rods south of Piurelt four . Corners; prepari.d . to do all kinds of work in the above I:ranches of busineSs on short notice and -the most . reasonable terms. lie ilatters_himself that with the help now in his employ, he will be able to eive entirk; satisfaction to, all who. Max. favor him with tl'wir custom. s C. C. MILLS. . Dirueclr, Nov. 23. - 1854.--fiStf. ' ' r:::-, 7 5 N. B. Most kinds of :uinberand all kinds of country produce taken in payment. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, • • 'PIitLADELTTIA. • Important Announcement.- TO all persons afilirded w th sexual diseases, such as Seminal Weaknesx, Itutontence. Gem:mama, .Meet, Syplillitiac.,/cc. The Howard Association of Philadel phia: inliS4 of the awful .10struction or human life and health, caused by tekual diseares ' and the deceptions which are , practiced upon the nufortunate victims or such 4licrto..stwy Quacks, hare directed their consulting surgeon as a Charitable Act worthy of their name, to tire I.l , illeal Advice Gratis, to all persuos thus afflicted > (. 1 1air of Fe male) 32c., and in ease s of extreme poverty and - suffering to Furui ,ir MeilkineilFreciA Margo The D.:Ceded As;ociltina i 4 a benevolcsd Destitution, ea, V 0111,11.4 by apeeial P d nvrintynt. for the relief of the lick and distres.ed. afflicted with" VirvilentandEpidemio Dia ettoes," and its reticle:can be used for no other purpose— It has now a tirpino Of means, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add Mit the Association eorumands 'the highest 7iftslYtal skill riT the age, and will Danish the moat approved modern treatment- Taluableindvire given to sick and nervous fe males millicied with . abdominal weakness, Womb Com plaint-. Costiveness, Leneorriia, ' (post-paid;) Dr. Geo. K. Calhoun. Consulthig Surgeon. Howard Association t No. , 2 South Ninth dtrett, Philadelphia. Pa. • . • ldy order of the Directors, EZit D. lIPARTIVIII,L, President. , Ago FAIIRCHILD.SCC7IIBOI • tZyl Register's Notice: ILIBLIC Notice is Uereliy given nit. .per- awns the Ebllowine. estates, to Estate of Alexander 1). Harper, tiec'd, late of Bridgewatm townsbiii,. John Foster and C. S. Gilbert, liixectitors. E:tato i pf James Nevetnan,-dec'd, late of Great Bentk Iwnship, S. W. 'Truesdell _and Tbomai Lbyes, Executors. Estate of Jahn Green, decd. late of Franklin township.- Villiam Green, • ,' . Estate o" Jeremiah T. Bailey, dec'd, late of Harmony township:G.-L. Estate 'of John J. Whitman, deci'd, late of Her rick township, Jacob %Whitman, That the accountants have settled their tumults in the Register's otliee in 'and for the county of tit:mot:ha:ma, and that the satTIO .will be present- ed to the Judges . or the Orphans' Court of said county, on Wednesday the 22d ;day s of ts'uguat next for confirmation and all ovanee.... JAS.' W. OIIAPIIIAN, Register. iliontrciae, July. 83,.1855. • , • NEW ..GOODS- HLAVEBB is now receiving his Spring lls GOADS; which will be sold low for eastr. _Montsme. March 2,8, 1 855 CHALICE--Plaip and Printed,,light colotvi at N. & U. 13. & Co. DR R0UGHT02f15 ...7.4 , - pEpOrkel , • THE MONTROSE DEOCEAT. pumagueD zyzitr TUUBSDAY MOBBING BY come* & TEBOLfs....sloso, cash in advance; $2,00,i not paid within six months ; and $2,50,at thc end; - of the year. No paper diseontinued u_ntiliarearai ges aro paid, except at the option el the Pubi fishers. m AlVtomunicatiGns connected with tbel office, to insure attention, must be directed (post paid) to CuAss & Dair, Montrose,Suspiebanns t County, l'a. • " !Rotes of Advertisingt One square (12 lines orless) 3 lasertions, L sl,oo Encb subsequent insertion, . . . 0,25' One squar4 threeJnontlyi, - 2,50 One square six months, .. 2 4.00 flusiness Cards, four 'lines or less, . Yearly advertisements, not over. 4 sqyares,Moo One column one year, .. . . , .• OM Yeatly advertisers will be restricted to th, business in which they are engaged :and are eo . sidered as wishing to'continue advertiSing Eibless they shall give speCial difections for a diseontin. nanee of the same. • • !. • JOB, WORK. igr The publishers having added to .their Job Printing materials a large. and.iruperiar.alsort; ; went of Job Type, are now prepared:to ex Bute Job Work in . _a manner unsurpnesed in this see. tion of eountry,and on Most i*asonnbie Blanks of every descriptionkept.eonetantly i nqu il "or printed to order. ,Itiio . s-.9 . ifettpr:i. BRYANT DOUSE,. Great Bend Depot, Pa. ilzsinson Buy- AN T,"Proprietor. BlUltitOWs, SPROUT 'it, CO4 t-' 1 ro r.- , 2.llaitufactit revs Ok S PROUT 8 .uomniNED,CA R RIAGE SPRINGS, Ilughessille,Lycoming CO.,Pa. Springs may be had of M. S.Wilson, Moniroie. - Yin. W..51 , 11T1T & Co. - Cabinet and Chair Manufactarera; foot "Main - Street, Montrose, Pa. . • • - • Dr. U. SMITH, Suigeon Dentist, Montrose, Pa., will be at Searlo's Hotel, Mondays and.Tnesdays of each week. - 15v1 11c3TILLAN dic PARK, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groc6ies, ]hardware, _Crockery, BOots and Shoes, '15,:e.„ Spring:vine, Pa. ..18y1 . LITTLE,& CHASEi Attoktlies at Law—Oflico- formerly (led]: pied tiy . Little & Streeter, Mcintrose, SUsque hanna. County, Pa • R.A.Lmt 13. LITTLE.] • . A. J. • DAVIS ArfOliNEY AND COUNSEL/J:011.f AT ZA.W..—SUSqtIe , henna Depot, .Pa. Office over S. U. Nest's Store. - • ' 1,6,0 ABEL TERRELL, MovrscsE, PA. - DeateriuDrues,3ledicines, Chtlnieuls,Paints Oils,-Dye stuffs, 9jvedies, Dry Goods, ware, Yankee Notions; &c. Physicians Pre scriptions carefully domponnried. .YOU GROVES, - rash ionab le Tailor—Shop under Searles Hotel, Main Street t 31ontrose, • Pa. ' JOHN OLSTEN, . . ' DEALER In Stoves, Ti, C:-.ppo. and Sheet Iron Ware, Lodnrsqle,n as Great Bend Depot.a6tt Wocdriiif DEALEIIS Is STOVES slid 3lonufetnrelB of Cop.. per, Tin, and'Slieet.lron Ware. Shop on Alain -St, below Searle'a trotel, Montrose, Pa. - - S. A, WOuDEEFF.I • .[G. 8., T.T.DRED. A. Lathrop, . ' DEALER in. Ready-311de Clothing, Hats and Calm. Boots and Shoes, Dry Goode, &e. , , - Store oppos.ite Searle's Hotel, Montrote C. D. LATHROP, and with P. w. . Dr. Meiit, H. C. Vail. . RUOGIST .and c'ut !awl', • and D ' Dittos, Medicines, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs PaintS, Oils, FAIT, Window -Glass, Camphite Fluid, Perfumery4Yrinkee.Noions,&c.,&e, • Lodersvi lie, 1 3 a.1-10tf. • - • . PR INK= VRA.SER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW3IORtrOScr 4, Pa., will attend faithfully tis all business en, trusted to him is the county of Pi:stint bitten. Codreynneing and writin of all kinds *ill be done neatly, and.charge odefh - te. . He will atab attend to the. prose tion of clams of sol. diars, their widows andheirs, against the U. S. gove . rnment i for Bounty Land. Pensions.. &c. May •be found at all the office formerlL oc4upied by J. T. Richard, Esq., north of the qOurt-House.-18,53—n49 • M. C. TYLER,.- . Interested with I. Hunt, Impq.TEtt 'AND DEALER in nardware nnd-cnt- Wry, Carriag,e Trimmings, Springs, &c. I . Aro. 2,15 Pearl Street, N. I'. Where iiia-ltereantile friends, in this, and other Courities,..are kindly invited, and eainolly sulicit ed call and purchase. .n6tf. • kEllitY S. IEIIO / P, • :. OF MONTROSE, P. • With itowe,.Woodruff, & Carter, Vi: 4 IIOLESALE Gl4cin3 -and COMMISSION V V I , . 31:ERcfusTs, N0:173 Washington Street betwq;n Cortland and Dey Streets, New York. .3ltireh 104-10tf. - Medical Card, DRS. E. Patrick, Jr. &G. Z.: Dimoel have this day formed a colartnerahip.for a more efficient and sueeeis'ful proseentioa of the differ ent brunebet, of their prOfession. • - • All btisiness entrustedto them, will be attn. ded to.with ViOmptness and fidelity.: - Their °fire° may be\ found over Lathtrp's Store, East side Public. Avenue. - - I ' • E.PATRICK, Jr. - . G. Z. DIMOCK. Montrose, March. 22, 1 854. W. Singleton,. t Can 1)0W be his new stand on Owe go street, doors west. of Searle's Hotel, where Ito effectually repairs with dispatch, Watrhes, Clocks,, Guns, Jewelry, and everyylespriptien of machinery, • Wheol eutting,".Gun and Watch materials supplied to the trade.-51 • - 4kiE. Itaidwln ir4k be found west hasemen t . elf'Searles, I.TlL . •tel, 3 doors West from the corner: - Notes anditecohnts that tiro due - ns. will • be very ne eeptille: if paid soon. A. 4.-.. , ,E.,13ALDW1N. - 36ntrose, Nny. 18,54.-471 r 3. it rtiisons,_ wfint.EsALE AND RETAIL DEALER id Owl!'" - Ware, 4ofas, :liedsieads,. „Tables, Surds, Chairs, &e. . _ • No. 9 Watthingtor gtrOk, Pip.ghanitoii„ reoffiti..Wore.ROOfli np s . tairs.-1152 . EAD .the advertimnint . - of A: LATIIROI _11.114tT0., , in another 'onluma and: go when yop eiWtiuy"Gooda at, a bar‘taiti., _ CLICEIrER told - TIMOTHY SEED for c i+ale by New Milford: March. 8, ' • • New and Cheap Good BOUGHT at tow p res m ire prices ma d: w ill b e sold accordingly by ' r • , U.aURItOWS foi, Co. (Onion, Oe . t. ft, 1864: Carpets . .. AG°°D avatartment and handaome patellar at very low prleart. I V:11.4.C0. Oct. 11. • [FZHAL :8.. cyf [A. LATISTROF
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers