_ 1 . . 9ocipfr illeelfing._ - men _ . \ „4... .. Tbe annual ting of tlielirk. 111 iversal ist Society of MOntrose mid lirillr•ewat';r will be held in the Universali4 Ciltirds , on Mon day the :id day "of September next a ' 0 .o'elock - A. M. . ' • . . ' By of ilia gTg4 t In Broolslyti, .Aogust. 1:7111, ti.sds TriF, ANY, ng‘N.i 4J pkars. MIN suddenly and . after a brief illness, a' good taau hai ne•l one of our nios,t active citizens,. posses''ing tecin,and coufideneeof all wito knee- MI:I'll:IA 41eeli.calleil 'away iti tho - prime of inanhood . nsefuluess. • • The bereaved companion - mourns .thtz de . partnre . of the faithful partner of her life— . thetiharer of her joys and surro‘vs, and the I kind - and atieetionale laii:er of ter einblrem And the .L7niversalist society, of xvliieh' Ito was a netrtber i .dOlore tho' Jos of ono of their worthy, zealous and .liberal support k. . ; Quiet and unobtrusive in; his manners he Irna , lt no !Owl- profession of religion, or arro • iant pretensions to p i ety , yet t•,,w iu all the relations of life exhibitel :nrore practically • the Christian virtues.. His philanthropy was exp.nsive. - lie was truly tliefriendrof God' and Irian. He had a Iteart of.iymprithy,.and a hard of relidfor,the wants and the Woes of universal 'humanity . : The unusual large.congregatiou of 411 de nominations who attended, on the, funelral services evinced in what high, eqiurtti)n flee deceased. was held. I. May the twinerous-mournin2; friends and a:datives share nobly; and be conitl;rted - the consolations of the Gospel. :" The meth 'ors- 'of the just is blest. - -Let mu die the • 'death of the righteous." [Con., ti I n :A opl e tou, the Mt inst., INfrs. At.o - 11Awl.F.r, wire of Newton Hawley,. de .et..as4 age") 69 Hawley cvas one of the first settlers in this eI)1111y, haYing residept 63 years. . CopartnerEJaip. TIIE untiersiv.bed have.; th is du oaso e reinfecl under 41o• fain of Dielieriunii & (;:trwat for the' puirpos,! . of I rarisac lin the ineteantite Busi ness at the il!ci ',land of J. Dirt;, rtn In Jr. . • J. I)IS.1):EICil.IN Jr ; I.IO.ItATIO.G.ArtRATT.. . New Milford. Au ; z. IS, 1555. • Notice Extra. . 1 A 1 - 1( N.,t4 7 5. and act., - .lin.s can bt‘ 1,12,.:d at tho idtl t.tai;ll. apd I trust that all will s(e Vitt nCeessity of settling theta wi:llout furiberniitice, J. DI1;1iE10,1 AN, Jr. Aug. Cfl,-356 Administrators' L:dice. xtoTicii is hereto; giveti - tir..t •I.4 , tters mentary upon tilt , . V visCtfl deti d, late of Brooklyn township. hare b:sk-il gran ted to the :silliseritior,:. s A o till pt jua. : lit e „l_ t o said estate aro herolii rrginost.ell to inakl!riairne -diati, p tholf! linvityr -any elnitiol up on sn:d estate, to pre.ent them duly iitte*ted for settletzent. E. S. KENT. - 'rs A. TIFFANY, Mn ' l-- Brooklyn; Aug . , :28,1855-35W6 • Mated Ware. • • Tusy :I)],r g e lot o'f P;ated Ware . . .p.l • ilons; , timr of eake la-kets, Cm,tin•s. Imperi al and Chattlltor C./Mlles:lei:A. Tea e•m, sistimr' of six esira Gob lets: Britsani". \Vare, viz: - T(a-:-Yets. (filur live :+:,l siv pie:!e‘..) rut, driesticts. 11:e suli- , ...r.iber has im.o.e a r_ . ramrt, , Ments with th. - .:lnarmfi.,lurers the - al)ove go ;is. lte is enabled ±o fort,l,h the nmveht pat terns 141 , eest prier au l also to f•oir , ply his 'enstomers with extra or ;ir... , 21e or.anyat titlein the \ above..lino.. A. J. N , t. 2. Oil rel}:.ws - 11,11 . amt(in, A ug. Q 4 if. \ - 1'; lanle lot of Forks. kj, of :.11 sizes : and Tt'a ; i1 • ill3l hed v .-- ir - ant-d. as , r , o , d as A. J. F,V.VSB.. coin, by ' .2fl EWING mans, some very for salt rf:r•:ip by • - A., J. g..z.tl . On 1/ ,, nri.ly. 22 inst., bet Ween Otis 111:11ard's and '.111,111 . r, - ., a Pv,rfe Monnaic cantainin•r n letter from the Church, and -eight D.sllstS in Grill. !lt:tin-1...r will confer a , rreat favor:- leaving it with A. :s.l.yre. at 11: 3.lWebb's ToTribis Aceicl6.nt, Tff APPENED to Grten - the other dac.— of r. , n , ly-made 4tt the Ii re, ao'd Llio first dav's wearino the no. -Cident oar/I:red, First. off drapt his 4 , 4lt•tail by . the mere feu-4 givirt2; to i.ln-- fortunate man the ap?eraztee of a liadly triatmed •ernft with the flying .11), in the storn, 'and on .:stooping over to pink up the remnant, the dri-ad. ful' en - 1 0 ty took plaVe-;-.-The fountains of iht great deep were broken up—l.:a-on'. pants were slandered from - ankle to waist: grid Gro:o himself seemed to.be. :The only waC to•Trevent such deplorableitteident,vii tp patronlie a skillful mi.' tor, who ardor, ripitisi work tiVittl a determina tion that it shall not Ottly fit neatly, butwr : nr well. - Green burs the clothing store because he thinks he can get his gearing, a Mlle cheaper. In ail brobability the pants that ser'ed him so rt eacheionslr kid passed thromsh a fever ho:pi - tal,l.en striped from a chnlera patient, /carried hone eightitights in the - week on a shutter, NO bleached and tarried - by .an imteuirftis Freitchm,m for a market in the .country Take warniito. poor : (3-ren's nti.rhap. ntl ' io a tailor shop like that in the haiment of Searle :s ;Hotel-if you want to be:suit tel. ,Etr CLIMIT dnne-as usnal. and D.ll work xvar rant(A:. • -.IOIIN GROVES.. -'ll,)ntrnse An... 27.1855- 4E17 :GOODS AGAIN At th " txchapge," Brooklyn: sttbFnriber oppo.luoity titalkipg Lis. friends for thr:ir very , r Tratrop.ie the past se,:rln.:irk.l of ,avinz to them ;in nthigion. chit, having recr;ive tre , .voice= ,of *sepAonatile zorpis of cariouri ide,4 - criPtion., Ile pr(pared to supply Plrpo-;tapy article us* ally ealled for rt . t a country St're. Ills T:yort irricrit is tiocirenttrplete, arid tieing the in• the grentest inducement to purCii.o4.- ers. i.ither for or Good lultl) ; credit\ Caltand see. -11n_wklyn, A4l. 20,, '1855. c,;:ALT by the blob ortott4l.at the markot.rutes • .0. G. 11E111 . 1 .STEAD. • • • ;L:4;hcst .rifiket -price paid - Butter ; Farm , produce *IT ni I kinds, 4 '0.4 'd CS - Seekg, in G Q04 14, 1 1 , v. 0. G. lIE:III'SI'EAD.... gubscriber has <in h.ind .and is now manuf4cturinq a glnall stock of Clathiri . ,zood tut ity and work 1tvtt,•14.;,, which-be eirls at vvry I:ptv. priceg. ' ,"0. G. • HE \IPSTEAD. 800 TS 119E5.,---A good a -, isorttliin't of euellent quitlitieri,"lthpt (7nnstnntly•on him! • . • , O. G;II..DIVOTEAD. • . . -Ilecficinet and Drugs. Peetoral,—aeknowledg.ea to . Z?L lie the'. test....Puiinoni:i. itettitsiy Extract ; t4 exe.evciingV v , ...itiab! e remedy for - divers ills—Pr, Bak..r ( .;41) , ,potuil —a grand spec . .. jilt: P. -Cholera':MortAus:. I :4itiney'll and - INrisrlit's fiarg7 lir Oit - ,%legetti t r with a great: vitrii;ty, , or brugs, ics ”otrution use, kept constsintlf on handd by - 0. G.'IIE)IP'S.fEAD. • , i Pleaso Take Notice: i i ;ITIAT ii is very det4;ritble that. tho.-steenunti ' pnd Noteil of the Jate - Firru of Smith &., 11.; np3tea'd 6b0411.1 be 4ttla, and that *PevctilY• i - • -.- : U. G. It EMPSTEAD; _, :i ' " A rooklyn,ug. 20, 1855.- .-- -1 - - - i 0. G: HEMPSTEAD „ . . GAT Rnih' for Summer Dregm 'Pooti!s-- mutt &yrier4 or ufreritig theta at c(i. , it R A 1 and !oi l s than cost. Paraqo,l6 cost. 3inatiflas stud suinnier Shawls at eomt. at NELSON & PRIESTS, 1 Binahatnton, Auk. tO. . . Nelson.& Priest: • • x - rtioLgsALE p . 101{4..6'01 Dealers in fitapli). tt V and Fnt,'v , Binek— (torner of•Qourt and SVa!er mtreetl, N ELS:011%1 ' Portsmouth Lawns. - x-Tr•w :,,,4t viT,i f ani Patterns retaiiittl! fnr crn :411Min g , a, yarn NELSON & iquEsT. jthi g h,firitan, Apg. T ILE bert..t.Afore existing , between Dean S. E. W. Philips at Lynn, Jia.hac by mutual eoie4ent be!.n bis-',oieed. • rii2.!is will ii..restler be conducted by E. 31.. Yhil lips 1 - ). Sheldon. who will settle ail bw.iiies.: ntlitir.4.l of ikan & Phillip.. Tice . pl/14, trill bo aoomnolodatota. heretofore, M. DEAN. 11'..11111 LIPS 1074 .20, 18 55 . 1-3-1 ‘k• 3 • • Thek, are for Oel, Peal) The Che(9Kst i?etuting irz i/er , World ! ! uNiTim sir: virus ill.-1-GAZINE. asp • . . Exil - TbD sTfATcs .101EIIN211. 1 1For only o 4 Dnllarheentyylre rents.a ! . • ETC, ETc. F.TC., -.; . . .. I I Vise rti,iti.t•llititztlx:: .11agitzine is inky t iltt the ~,,,,e9MI vol t m., haying, Ii irillg. the tirt4 i lij!eVa:, aciiiiiich aft 'lnver:di:Act' triumph. . l' . ;'i Mien the first number app.:n(lf' so far as its , •• • 49purior to anything O'er bet Ore paidislie - Lilt the i tfrice,:that it .55. t5 predicted oh" all hands, that it . ulna either tit., tucre.t-4,4.1 ill price, or surely fail i•••••+-drat-tof : 4 11••1 11/,.:;;,;;:ille Conk' he sustained at. !tie extrraiirtlinArit- low -piriee of - 0";;;;;; IYOI.I.AIt. . itiyear.i .1.1 the slum , time the lalidatiolis of the ; p.re,,ti l• i, ariiii,•2l,oind tlic ciiiintry iverif tiiiiiiiiiielvd •i .-ueoliiiiiiiiictit:irc nidiees ilowiniz :la tiiiion eof i•y i tfionsauds. it•iiiiiserib,•rs beg=in !.moil in • With a r.ipiaity Ikyonii i .iir mils!Nang : 4ll/e eXpeChititer,S., 1 1 ‘4 2 1 1 , i mai-a:rine IksliOW to ictictal a I lii4e eir..ifilii .., - tiimist every :lite an•l Territory of the:Union: i theoughout thi:l3ritish Provinces• . ,lei in the i fotincip.ii I.7.iirivpi t .al eitic..4, ,:ells rapidiy int:teas ,...it* telverever itilis is flown. 1 1 1 is eleetrotlpel .. fr.•iii neyV I ypv east tixpres , . i ly; for Litt. pu:p ... arid i." , tiritit•-ii oli a necy int - - -. : psio,:eil AJiiite,' '4-e,, , ,, roakrn g ; it one of the most hq:infirif! si•lcitlkt•/1:4 or•typogr:ll , :ly ni; :q"ly FoTlid • puldicAtiiiii ever issited from tire American Pros. • The hest artist.s are en;..ifigell 11 1 ,:in its ele : ray. iii !' i r r s , : .;,,1 tech i'voliiiiiiti till( hereafter contain • i aly•ffit Tofu. hundred llustrttions. . „ .._ Tiit ttelcilif'.ite4. pile:a :the: "Lay •-of the I t irst Mins: „el," llinstri.seil tt ;Ili iivij sixty enoravings. is now die ing paldislieti, ai“i V. iii,_ Le colltill ;It'd glirot:g!: o l.4t .::-•iX. I.IIJ/;l.l'itA. , A berici of over Lria: frarvired pri : rinal rlesilins , iiiiistrating scencii, Airifl incidents in American' • llistiire, is being - got tip at an iiiiniens'e Co-t, and' I ; ire palitish, : ii,,ltvol l f theta. itf i,•;.eil naniber of ; the ; ,\ln f zazine. i.ccompaided will! interesting and 1 ih r illi o , skefelks tionacetud therei. , :ith. • , .. l It also tiontain4, (ruin ;line to time. views of eitii4, imli';ie, haiiiiings, iicentir!,Citrinsities, tlovi% , ers agrkulthrii, IL:tar:li history, por:raits of ills. tio,tini-Ileci itiiivi,roal:;: t lc: , et.., tis w deli is tol -1 (led eaell raw - 1111'4 piii:e of, twit rind Iminiir, from - Dernicrit us, ; Jt.," the . I.angliing l'flikisopla-r, , with ids comical " pi:ers,':, " Altlii‘tl2 l .l it is i - iur etijefi' 4 . to' ..,!;•••iii them:v.:T:l2;lmi a pra,:tieio and ir,t-truotive e'w.r;...ett , r. rat heirthan a light,, t inta;iii,atite :aid set,itliatintaLlet we: in . teild that it •:ii ill idwlrs fAii-‘r if -suire that teiii I' , '.''-';'' ' "• : ;'" niaiiie itstittractiYe to :iii. Os aril:des art- fuostly , firiixii•al aim ,lioni the a)desi pi as in the country:- ~tylale tile. i irtiotial tad-nt tel,..towed. upoit.it . 1-i :um , sufp.lssed iiy' that iif :..y 1 ,0,1i . , - .ntiori i n America. - : I '.lditioril , no :2(ftti:4! up club,, re.warthi att ettinfitia 14i ovi r TLIK V.)!,1,A1S WI I be 11(.1--,,1,,crl:'1;11'r VW Ltrgt?,,ts. .I.KT of scitvwrib(l.- for • . . `1"1 - ile 11. ).;s the tNr.v, .:4::try‘; oi b o tle• rheape.a rt-ti - -:11-11 , - ri.ft I%p..trot-hi: it is plitp• Tl.. el" 11 ^ e" l "*nrA` , J6Y , M wo , t 1a111:1,h!; , interrst:nz m.stterjlr 672 ohtnue, flj 3 I,:r.:Ze . . : t`l*Lll - 0 %S , lll:iiif'S of 0 - ver4uriliurtfiree, pales each. l At: a very interestittir feature, there is no* heitto• piblisited,in the Journal; a leries of below : oily etitgrtivitti portr: : :its• of ti4ttirt&aishtt3 intrrtilla its.. itecattnitanteti NN it h well.telrlt.t.i'm biozr..phical +k etch Thi's• - t.tivili. tt:vo .4 . theta". :.pp, , ,ttr eAlit noinlit,antl he conihnue,l'throtorii several years. ! Tmi • Jotient.l ltt..ts 'IT. zi hat,:i4ite.l tsik : yetir, .. - .11 , 1 ltas rti'tcli.t..l i;:i. trttitlipintht leirenta t ion t. of (:rte 1 lieizetrt:tl '17,,,n ,, ,z1 , . 11 Cuiiit7: , ,i;:;,d eve an , cit!-r -iiiiripi ii,lui,iialeiyi lo io4,reaSe Ott• circulation to Otte luttit.ired alai 'itt \t thonsaroi. . •, : ~ 1 '.. in " ' •' ' : t ' bt - e .I:tv•t.t.oititi , litei.ast t.vo years, presented 1 to tit e stiliscrilwrs I f tip e- .1. Iro al two ;,.rice i,,1 1 sideniild gitis itAutit.fr :3:1,000 each, letsitlets -over Iss : .09 worth of valut. lJl elEttolt.s, to. thosti snd • I n r- r dubs... :: 1 1 We .new ittTer the 0141 serics of •rifts.atnonnt. ling to over 63,ttud, whirii will be presentsd to .i the subscribers of the .It4truala.i.'s,oun ay the eir. t:ulation reaches 150.000. This amount will. be i distriotited as fo l lows:—t 1 Tile first gift. wit be $ GOO in money, to • lie I p t esertttd to tine ' 41 t , •Itittterilitr ; the tee, .next - gifts, wont. l hittoir , ..d 1)(:1N (.:cii, in tat tneY, will. be p-est-ntrd to ten su,seril+rs; im • d Wit mode of 1,1 .4.9i,iii:g wifICH tt.ult-4...ribe'F - s :dm!) ri.leeive these tiiapritoloos :, :ifis is 'di he ;etch; as to give i;adi 1 ,il l ..Vrt: . r . .il.,•i.run itt)ual ehttne t. I i tsiabscrile.rs runt rely t.p.trt oar hen .r' lii 9ce thi , :n at 1 . :1:111F.:1!)) ,and fairly earri-d'ont, rind we tri,t that fit - , tears f.ithful de: :itig with the' , cuiiiid - tyill ;:rire tin to snflieieut cotifiilyrieer in i our iu;egri y and 'ability to fulfil our eng,aacTient.4.. Th,•ro.r, ~ F.VF,117 FE.T.SON'Wllostir.serlcitsmaj PA i's Tat.. lALL St - ,T OF TIVENTr•rIVE_CESIS . .k ill receile ! itn t of : the 1 truest and roost popular! I itenspAter in the world,,for one ienr,and alsoi„ t stand a tehattee to obtain 4 .its. of ONE Ti i0(34 '.: :3AXI) I)ol,leNttS or - file of the $lOO gittt•t • ~' wltieitt t'le shall freely preent to our Subscribers: T ior 1 ' 4 (her One Thoulal nil Dollars wid th,. di vided in , o l'wenq 5..1.4 , nditi P.Pittes; wtlich wit!' be i 1 , 3 pre-ilitv(l to the twenty persoLot seritErPz the i*twi lityiiirg-st. nu tuber of! sttbscrif,, , , rg. up to the time that the tptlleriptit;yl list Shall 'reach the f ltundrediani fitly throe; ctit:l—tht - it value riltilitlti•ii 1 arc fi , lit)i , s:.i-:- - (/**.- s3o o ,2rme $:21), lin(' .51 ( . 1 6- i i.AVII . Ss7ltqfv . !:. te n 165 eat . ..144:1j live 410 tt,attir, I - As OW 4iirent4tion: is rapidly apprortchinsT! to 150.000 ith'tse wisi:itio an inttrfr,viit iii these Stag. nifieent Pti es alipudd avid/ the tn st: Ives -, ,- of it at i twee'. . . ' , .: - - • - - i - : . 1 . '," ' , UR, PREitIIUS,I 13bONS:.; _, , - Evers,,pw' son petting' aria elplinfifolir or more su b,,,iii,i4,4 will r e ec iiv,. ; past:palai a valuable premicirri Vim* .of, I:l4•',nwri. 04.,,rection Tr+mv n I at•liNlale;n1'111(-1 , (•st .wOrtz•iplbli.,ll - 4..4 ihrougliciat fthe wbrla. Marty,per4ori., by a litt le- ett , rt 'in tbiA . wwl4li -e.t0.41 ureti;to 'l,l3emselye . handsom •i• 5 . /ibrarkri. , 1.: . . ~ 1 .- Kreeinfert topics of eitheri ouraal nr Me ig . n . zinc willbe. i s - eat - gri tis to tl.two.‘ %sis:hing to' get iup (4u 4 ~,.. 1 1 1 - '. ra:..P'Al money Eentl by mail is, at.:inix risk. i . , t . - I .1 r-• - , 1 , • ! . • ONE T OFSAND--MORE - AGENTS WANTED ii t 1 To engni , c is getting, sutiseriliers for our puibli r cations, anal Selling Alio , • 3 A.IIEItICAN PORTRAIT GALLERY: , : , a gr4it,na 'anal work of nearly eight hundred pa= Arcs, And D. t.tratcr.l with ; thrceitundred and fifty Is.latrolly engrwk-41 portraits. Our agents are iti:tkinf fr. , )m - five to tett dollani i day in this 1 pleasOt• ocltu pat ion. FIJT fU rt hr. r pat;,t ten la rs, 1 .. VA ,e,s, . I. M. lIMERS,()N & Co., I . Oct. it, Ice. Tit: ', 1 i -- 3Prucc s.,N. V. • Cie* Wanted. . • 4 ' A Nirx•tire intviligent lyoung - man, of 4hout aerefittkir -Pere of age, v:1nt., 4 1 sK clerk 41 It Wife. ' Ode wishing to Acquk . l the sine trod di*.poaid to-wake himself okofol, find g:00(.1 encouragement by applicatieli - lihortly to I • • i ' 11.13UicitIrr, Melt. - • • ilitfitti.'s Patent Self-Sealing Cans, For kreserring Fresh Fruit, 'l'oilicriocs, 4c, by 'Hermetical Senfing. ' 911 - IESE Cans which are scaled by the house.. 11 keepera without th aid of a tinni , r, and openedea,ily.withoutinjury to the C.,n, arc • rap. idly coming into gewerLi Full directiong for putting up fruit accampaning the Can:: and the work is 'so 4m-formed; that by their .use overy farnilf may have, Fresh Fruit and To. mateca tot their table's all Aylmer, at ttutpiher pri c-ex. • . [E. PRlnwr. P C.' Class, ti:2.4.10 : Qimrt. 8 - 2.50 fialc-ti11i0n.53.5 . 0: Three (Fut-, 84.25; $5.00 per The, diti:•r+.nt• sizes tics:, in order to secure eennomr in tran , portalion.— Country StPrekeepers. I+ill find thi' new nrtiele ono of ready' :%lilutifieturpti 5.01.1 b+• ATITIIUIt, BURN I lA% A. CO. Nn. 1;i1 Sonth TMNTII ii. PIIII:A Jhly 18, 1555.-30113. LlCrifi'L'lNG EXPRESS ! Pare lard: teed :Time '''avtsti!! Thro' lii' any Litzl:t ITAVE I ; partnor,liii) in litnitrusn for the ki.sinty 8i.A(71.1 - 011THING: at Ili , . old stand nrar li:vder's 11otd. taV Plir1 . 111:1 tied au' vatire new st9ek IRON, comprkire• ass(4rttneht of all kind)), direct from the city., ti 4. shall '144 cp conAantly 4411 baud • Western—Romatiand Ci1:444. 4 , 1 '1)) 1 e C, - )rk);,tds, „. • 11.0111)11 Tyre..lron--ali sizes, Ravi Iron a)1 41 . . • A largii as)4ortment of Malable Iron: Can-Chaim', Cirrii-ge &c. &...,..Lrire as a ralt. lif Ntril'i attention Iu Lit,inetei we hope to re ceivr• a lil)oral ):11•tre of the patrobw , e._ All work warranted to ..iv , . 'still:43)lkm to those who will favor Ipt with [noir patron:l'lo. - • IG(JNS .11;1) (' \Aar AGEs on shortnotlc4. and vtuolc founl...or matie to or.li.r ihrow_Thi.ut.ns our.,parals.: All business trans 'o:nu's must Ino sett ird 1011(1! yeir. - Short settictilentzt And long, friends is tour m ttn., ' A , rood journey:n4n wint,d; to whom' etnlo4.yrn.:nt and LTiven• A. E. 11.1'1 - Ll:v. Montrose...Al:lv 31. 1 oNnoN Twki Don1•1..11:4rml Cturn4,Sinrdt LI do.. and extra s:Ilv by • A. LITIIIO - 11' &- Co. • Vltr. now brinel)y• A. L:tlirop Co.. ail those who cun.i=fn tilt it bu;ter :old pre.lnee to them. ti:'`) . kir:Y . o)g nit arran.re inept.% are now en lblea - til RI; 9.1 all kink of pra rine to Nei:. York ana.t, ,01.11 the slime nt the toarker prier.. 111 tho, t , wli f . prices.antritnek rttornsixe inS.'ite. to e.:11 'llloittroso,.3lny. 1, 15:..1. . . : • ' aasv Spring Goods. ITI. • 111.711.111 i 1 k%ollia ann•amee tt: his friend, . ;,t ; ,l the .I.lllOie limt lo• is n 0?... openit , .. , an titioson%lt . ; InrLre Stoek t 1 Syr:ING ; atl. st:• 7 . ;ttrn.GOOL/S, incitt , iing n grt.:o variety or Prints tiom 4cts; to Is. 1 4: r y:tril; I'Lin . 4nd Pristttsl Lrorns. Ilnre - we Do'nit.e-, Gin ,, itAtris. 1-Iroea-le, 111:teis . nri'd I'x:el. bress'Silks, S'iii; Mess Tis,t•..:s , n d 11 0 r,,,....:, l'o!dins, &v.,: &e.: kith a siwotior tissoyttn,•;;l of Silk. Ilroelty. Coditnere ;Intl 'Phil), ht , t. Shnw:s. Mnt.titl.:s, 1 ) .:1:1s•ds, 1 - •"•( ;wit I.ne-ntiti Stttaw and .1•7:11•:: 11 , .ItlIq1 ,, ,Ijich 1111110W+ :1;id1 . 14.%1*- er , , wills n Inrgevari,•ty r ether slnitie and fan cy . • DRY G001)S \--------N' . (.1r,,,,,c.r1,-,., C'n ...try. li..rdw:,re. It i 5 and i\ - ally; if!toots _:111,15h..0 , .. 11.0' , nnd 1':1 I .s,' (' : i r p, li j; , : r . I,Vnfl inilstr, i•nitil,,l V." 1; d.o,v :•••i,; th.s.•roo:r Oil_ . (.71e1'...5. Clocks,S•ovt : s. Chi,-sad Psi!,t - s. Plow:lis t,&e.. &:r.; in short. lilt, 4 , r,:•,: kind +•f 1,;1, s of t t 1 teo antt . c.o.:,iy-u•,,,,i, t o n 1,,,mt.r.," tuy„ „:,„,. ,pt j,,,,, , tri.. 1,i,; ,,, , In rart hise, : . all Of which will 1.t.• s•dti n: the toi,st isslio•ed pric,s tad .ot Itie nost fnvor:•ble 11.1.;:is for ca-It, exithntt;,;e, or Iv itcoV, .1 ,:re'dy. - . . l i N. B. Salt an4Flant• enno.anOv on la'.nd. . . t 'New Milt'ornl, .'.l ;c 5, lz•ts-5. ' - - . i De . 7 l'alDcls and i Ca.rnot.: -at Cost 1.1 NN - 1:T of Ft , oncstie Itry (;,, , :;•ts ntl Cmiwts, t•very ari. : .elt . thi . .! !Iry . . . (:‘ver 1,1% - na . •itt into tits Market in Vi(.1,1; (4 . l.l;(•sil(Prt drop of (;,,,11 (11 -11:.r.41. r_l tlve . corriniital to ”ff , r th , ta f•lr si.;:t! days roan ;ifis;(iate i cwt. Tto , st , pt t 4 otki % . ,.. 1 .1t,1a k,tv!o f“rmi•ily• sold tit otteii./. , i• tiiis is a raci..“pplor tto.,ity shiltkt , l In t•! ita tat.,liat,iv. To thom• ho ti ' avo nevcrfavortal with a c::!1-a••• an4l c0a ., ..inc. , 1 t!i3t. , !iis i 4 t',.• Dry Par :-.toek is al tt:' a ' l / 4 s ropt,,o ‘vita- nll./ S: . a , ();),;111 aro trq , r , n1 ., ..; , rl t .•,,,1 va ril..",y - tonii;l in this s ,, cti! , n of the cOttn try, “nti.sell at priers whii . l) cannot f.ii to ple:o.e. BI:NNETT Ilin,tlamton, Jan. :30. i 8.5.5. . • BOOKS! BOONS! . • 77101:troN:e E2a:rl: Marc, AN lot tonr. , l the and bog - seicreted .nt.!)rtinf•ht 11.:u4:- an,l Station“ry la be x!ny wl.er“ in :id-gm:Latina ftonnty. which ror r!4:tily pay at prices that. Lainni,f, fail 1.6 snit. Ain f ing eln be fonr.ll the Gt . Tr.vlor, Isaac P•'rl•i+:•- fI. (.r .I,•v, P. ininaiatid others. t-ZTAIy in the City I:.'ourt,ltip and '(Fanny Ft•rn.) ::No rvfn Learrs., I-tand 2d se7io-,ilnter. ivan Atrittitor.4 :Ind Relornwri , , Tilonglltit and thin ,, i4 :.t home M.r.) I. Ilettin2ilonti. "1"at• lan, ili.onl4 Work,t ' L. Dow*,i eo intiletei howl° in the benleil Twi 4 r, )leniiiirs of . tbe Counterrot.: Tlie.Ctiiind,:ry: - of ecnneniti Life. - Anwrivnn• 'Practice,. .raptily Aneediitek, T es t antil it s ..P,P o ks. l from pocket size to large F:nnity, Hymn 13001“, Prayeißooks,Cift Ti'.y :130ofiii, I3eok of aii .sizert, Scrap Book , i, Note Ilool:+,.IZ••c•i ilrl. Boriltii, • s'cmtor, londs used in he County or furnisned on , siultt nmice. LAW . t(g)lis-A A.:4) , 3‘1 variety 'constantly on hand or Itirzii%hco to nrt?t•r. STATMsTirs - -.1: g„,,f! 44- always on 'band.-- Fir 4 rate writing Nper at lg. per quire, 'Gold and Steel Pen4 i Writ?- ink, the. best in use,--;• beside' lots of other articles too notnt2ruus to mention. Please coll.:gni exotriinc; befure put.. chasing, elAewhere,.at the sfontrogc l'qst Office. AN. 8U1.1,.A.RD. • Montrose, Ang. 1 . 5. 1855. - r - 131 - IYFE & KNOW LION • Would- trioq sfy•tOrily call the Mit:Mimi of piirelmsers to alarge 7 ali!,ortrueut of iIARDWARE just re f:eh-Oa Eivirrr inerensmi arriv:As from different .manufaetures. Ilivin:rpurchaseil at prices louver than tho::e fnr ivMeh article* of the same quality have been offered doting the five past they are enabled to tiAke quite a re duction from their former very reasonable de mands, to offer both town. and eoimtry trade in ducements superior to those of N Y. agents. Irmelarnton Aug. 14, 1855 rrilEY -will . if rim age- the r/sil)ng . DPlmrat" -1,•; sold by Phyre i5,.. - Kmaton, 3 doors pastor Chynango Bridge.• , 'A new lot just received by Express. Call and examine their large •assort. meat. Jloolcs, Lines.'Reels. Poles.Snells. Arti.. tidal Bait, KNOWLTO.N, N. B. It is currently' rep4rted that Fish, in this seetiori bleouptry, will not be eateght With. other•Taekle than that sold at the \ above estab. • lishment. • Binghamton. Aug. 1 ; 4,1811 • 1100RASS Kettles', all 'sizes, at • JIL., Aug. 14. MU sp.. KNOWLTQWI3 Jr_Nks No-sv York Prices! LATIMOP & Co A CA.R.D. Will Fish Bitel - NoW Stor6.--Novr Goods. crockery, G aild-House. VaritisliOng tbiodds. •. T IIE subscriber mkt '4 this method adver- • . • tising n . hi friends and the public general- 'T. If. DE PEU Would. call the attention of that he har Litt :I up a store, just across the . el.' purchasers his estenshe and {cried street from. hi s o ld quarteas, in Drool:lilt, where.: stock of GOODS 'for the Spring' trade, consist he is prepared to receive customers, 'and sell ing'oretery article dc-.4ired bv housekeepers and them Goods, at as low i.ates as any other estab would especially solicit a _Laill frumAlioise fur balm:eat in Stisquehanna county. .I.ly assort- fishing anew. As lair attention is - ..particularly went very . lary indeed, embracing nearly ev- devoted to there.lnts of this class, we are able to err isrtilde for in a country store. i furnish them. witli :r. .complete outfit—and - We As I am - determined. to do loudness so as to j would advise all to look through the assortment avoid id d n .bts," which responsible pnrvlinmeis benlre po . rdlasing elsewhere, lietneinlsT DE are tax(id to ply. I can offi.r- superior incture, nu keeps Croekery", Looking-Glnmmes,,Carpet ments tb cash and otherwi,t, prompt paying pat- ing. Oil- Cloths-, Woodi-n and .Willow Mare, SpOlniN, Cutie,ry. NVintlOW•Shalit.H, 1481111 K, Cur tain Trimm7ogs, Chinl ware, I•'.incv . l3.lNkets,liird i732 , em, Toys, Jar tuned 'zind Tin \i'are i Feather Doster:•:. Cleese Feathers, Mat'. &c.,"&e.„ :tt the LOWEST PRICES!- J. 11. Dr, PEU.. nirwhzuntilo, crelt 15, 1,55:3; • • rons. April `[.30,.15.55 Slpytocrrongad! poo't be, ror24atl, ,;rit , and all— Ag,ttl or voatliful, gr :it or s(ttall—' • - fit not too small) Tlirikat (:).I‘l Feilowa' . llBll placi! to call To get yvnr psrt ore% dc;nt , rip MI!. .- New Goods Choap for cr. w. moTTII.;s just. :mot lwr lot of 1 . 1 1.1• Now Goods, such ro4 Cli111)/4. B.Argo fzlin t i, Do s, Einlinddety. Lawns, .11r, 41rF AT rCi.Y.LOIA" ..'";17.17.11ER SiIA.WLS,.n new hit ret.‘ , 4 iv44l-I)eniltirul iratvrits nt .% Pry low prive.i, :;lso CR P E and 114ACA SILK SIIA IVL S as as the Jnnr• 13/ PARASOLS—LateNt Aylem at' . ) C. VV. MOTT'S. .I.nne 13: ilinqframton 'Ahrt-tisemilts. ILW STO3II .OF DRY GOODS; . AND . • • CA R E S ! Great Reda/is - 04min Prfces at the ONE PRICE STORE, 1) C. BACON has pleasure of annnone. In k it r u hi; I'u-fwners that hr hasjust ie tunied fr,,ta tha Lam NlarlivtA with ono of LllO largest and nt,l4 eNvettenCass , ,rtment of DRY GOOpS ANP C.' d t •ver wilieli 11,:inty; v;,rietv pi] aucti , n aria - f.ba•- ivllort.at them than' ev4 . .r !),•1 , ,r,. 4.11;101 in thit , vr v.rly •4.thcr ty:lrk4l. v. - e,t 44; N,.6...1-441-:; “rol :OM 3 , , , tetnwrii"of • . Dill:SS SILKS is always aelttiowP.? , :zt•cl the best and eriPa-dest in to w ..tal incitid(j‘: I. ) :ain. Plaid. `triped, lirocodt• eh..v.pc,.-t as t.vell as the Tiettest ...rood , . at pritesvaryilor froat 37 1-12 :I's to 8170 Pt:r yar.l, to:4ol.er with- a ircat Yaliety oI LitILLIANT-JP,T 1‘1.21C,:1i: SILKS. True nt 10::sf 20 per cent lees than the coq of iffip.,rtAl.Tl. SIIAVVI.!3!! An itnnwnm. n.,,ortinvnt of- Crnpo; Thibvt, - Cl:shiner&,. Br6vbe and Sinntner from (~ ,z ,t!,er Ai:11 a ,p;cwiiii srariets of 4tid Co:orvd /. M NTI of ail the fa-ediomtbie rat term , : :parr, and Embroidered, tvhieit wili cheaper than ever Diti:::-;:: (loops 1.1.1n.t• from t 1 to 117 1 2 tt'ts I)er yaid: Strip••.l :Iv,l Plq;irol. Mit• , . liri4: (,11-111itt,, tmt:ts. sCls tr, - r•r i• ITC style con•,::.::itly 0.1. 14 , 1t'e:it privi2s, .1.:1131:1AS: 11; •I‘y ;tie. 'l',e',e4 or i.a.,11 wi!t bualwav:.; in our stock for .7",:i;liner retaiters. :,:••••,rtment iif aul, ; ;ltd, r y ear: akVays ,t4•ll':At ('..l3:ieon'•;•:.:.t ace I,,weA. (":te , aktlt• , . ‘ r.4, of c'l'Ory stv te. ; ..tet• er ' Valenee;nle , • • • . it( gie..t variety.. . . LINNEN GOOI)S. of all kinds. Tnl,fe nn.l nli sizes. ,Nnitkins, 1)411.os, I,int.n l'ii".ott C.: se I,ine:n Iron:ow:ion .:1 - ;:rees •T,lll . eo:qp The a!tenfiqn )0 = , !•- kci", ,, r ,, t“ of Curtain Goods, %%1;1(.11 Innv t;:irld ' Curtains, ;1.i:1 of 1:0110i. e:in ilsii id( Ihrit% 'tVit or prier. . I 1)()111::::Tit.: Brown Shet-lin.tr 111.• 7rnde up in -til e strips d Shirtin:l, 'n{,/ Pr;nk, fr..ri 5 CI: ;,) ppr vard nnd ait kind: (.10 , t1r.rini•-n fir h:.):•••• we:a. - llJir . Gtas.y Ciotti .:skirts, and Pdra,cds„—d very rich • mon , :~•rtiq(;:iionn,i, and all dc,ctiptiui f Drez., and Mantilia Trinitnin:r, and everythinz Iyelo;( l 2.iiitz to . tile Dry !Goods' trade ea , trenerA may he sure - of tinding at Baeon's, if it . ran be found in New York. • - Ir.:AareTs! CARI'I:'rNIt Siner thr ree.•nt 7'rern-ini..nx I'd 'I in the price of Carpetin,. v,e h.:ye jenehn . ,ed 'and hay . e now on 11.18.1 the I..r.rest aad ikeautiftil als , 4 , rltitent oillll'ETs' r ver exhibited in tritk rtri.(t.,-nt itrit•t!A tifliy 30 per eon's, lem., then the could I.e fur the to year. Ail t11(,,e, whtkare in want • , tn . Carpets'are int itt:ti to.itnr GARI'Eff -R()f)31 when. they win bn detLg".ited with tl,e beauty and che;:pneNs of t:i e various plttern.i. and ZlStfilliSheii th a t s 9 good a carpet eau be so!d su cheap. BrusQots, Three 1):y, • Inaraia, - , • (. I ;o'.t•fft • and 114. mp CaTetin2.s fi•oin 16 c7.ts per yaitdand upwards.— Flout and l'ahle-Od Cbiths. _Batts, Druggett474, equally cheap. . 1.1 t,. C. ateon WonLI inform those-of hia eusto niers - who have not already tii:ole themselves ac quainted with the lact.that lie.has removed from the store forinly occiip:ec by 'lath in Brifthain Ebel:; opposite Court I fonfq., to the corner of the new block' erected the last summer next east _of the canal, and having a much larger, more conven ient . ntid pleasatt store than fin r rtnerly he is pre pared to hold out f•vo greater inducements to htlyer4 than . heretofore„titni mud, as can but be :,pnre.eiated, and :alinitttd bv :ill those who arc cuntpeteta ilidat'S. New Exchange, Binghamton, • MS; ' LL SAWS, at. • . 11'1 • . S. KNOWLTON'S Bintfliamtan, March 1, 185.5. • it% Ti *V VIAVIA 0 V CII3PETS AND OIL CLOTHS. NTOW in stnr, a latgestoc4 of. new patterns ‘, of CARyETS front the, recent heavy /vic tims sales . .tit .a great reduction in prices'. atr ! gains fur Pitrehzeters. .And much elegant styles that all 1ntr...4 let suited. Remember our Carpet rooms are on tht' Pr.isnu 1104. 1 . Of our Crockery and:House Furnishing. Store now being extend ed one flundrod feet in depth, Intdririz it the most extensive in ihe Village: J. H. DE PELT. March' fCF.ACTFL .—A litr; Cainco,and Mos-d et: from the Ailnurirtnry Bingh3mton.ly 17. sILVER WARE.--A large Mt ureilvt.r. F.orks, f4ipi11cium..,14411%.4 Napkin Rings.. &c., just, fin. isked.and for Halo by. • A.,J. EvAks. July 17., Gad Chains of all weights and patterns.. LIE 31 psTE D C. W. MOTT ju.„ A. J. EVANS, GREAT -B2III,GAINS 1%-11.153y, Goon. WILSToN, k Co. . 111 F .TURN their wsrfuest nenowled:...etner,ts 4P 1:1,•ir . 4`1.1.04,mer-: in tqw.riach:Oim. Cont.:ty ro/. part fav o rs, and invite attention tp their stuck of - • • New qirine , *Good , . . just -upetn , l, thoy propose to replenish w iwi .imy from ADC, 1 1 10 N, and the - eh cAsh !Houses in the City... . The s to t -k embraces. every vitri...4 of „Staple and Fancy Dry, Goods; Yankee Nuti'On, Trunks, 'f ra y t .likr . .B at rs„% sf ., All of whittit they wilt sell extremely CI IEAP ft.r,C.ISEL i and other w'holes.;llo bnyers will find it greatly to their advantage to pive•thent 3 Can. Ladi(•s Win iin.l on 1..x-cell . cnt Ihsisortment I)ress I.:tees, and Tfinintings of all Lindzi, from AUCTION at very low rates . , W. N. WI LS6N, CO. Corrwr oc Cfflirt.r.ncl Wat, , r Binglvanton, N. 185:,. C . . 110 w Arrangement at Gregory 's. 1 - .11.1. RD IVA le 1.; STORE! 1 • lel \V. GIi.EGOIZY & .1151):-EtiN SIIITII, IVii• having I, , Tint'il a co•teirtnrship. for the 1 , purpose of conducting the Hardware° business in 1 all its varlow. .branc!ws, wonhl respeetfn i dy in- I form the peoplo of Sttsqueln.ttina count} that they are now -opening' at Gregory's old stand, opposite the -Exchange Hotel, tt idnors (row the Canal,-)linginitaton, N. V., the largest, cheapest, and best stuck of 'llardwar6 -ever ofTered in Ding -1 'll ,ein:r made arrango:nents to • impart their i I:al.ili..h G•.. 1, and iturcli'ise their A:aerie:in di , reel fi•oft) 3n..nali-u-turers. thee can and will sell C:11:Al'Elt. than hay oti:er establii.htnent in I, town'Tileir 5,!..0e1t is DOW ecru CV..IISiVt., :Ind' 1 - th.r.e ',wir.bing• to Pureinise are' invited !to intl..— } The Ilillowing a r t n portion of their I l eadin,f,! ar i tiele , ,vizt----.Table kniv.e.s and forks: 'Tea do., I, earver ! s, forks ar..1 4 .: eels, Pelt _told pocket halves, 1 bread 'and hutehr!r do., hay nr..,1 stravy do., sels -1 sof.s, ..Bear-, and razors, brit:timid tea and Yolli_a! I pot..s.ilver and brit-rani:a tea and table spoons, 1 ..deer P!'ilt!.l; bra , -, and iron ramllesticks, :•-nef ! fera atul .tr.11,..5, .. , );:tr Lop , . lard, and .snspen.l4..l i .l !l'ill''' , :!!!.ini!!' , l , icv!! I:runt - m.0 , , 'brass and iron I an‘P.....n..,'.110.,.!!:-. nal tono., J,:e. • . -:- . 1 LooLing G1a..:„.....:,, a nd lo...lsing glass plates, to t g,ther, co;ilii a !..t.tn..,ral assort client, or hou-!eierp i in' articles. - . - ' ' - .: - . i - . 1.1:)u'-ir '1'111).1il1INGS, . . ic( stia., of !!..!%•;,r l .alcites, 'butts, serews, Strad 1 ii ,11,,.. 1,,,:t., p Itont . I vinclot,:' !..priv.r .i..l)iind fasten ! ing......britter st!reWs!. and fi.stenings, ,Fz e , 1 ' A _'.'areal assort:tileat of toois for C arpenters and joiner•!„ Cabinet and Wagon ildakor-!, \1„ ` i t o ns and hi.....!:-Attliti.. \ ,tomsi,tina 91' t plane, sat . - ,s. hain -1 .I“.'ri, Ilitt'llt•t,, axa.„ adz:as:Otis...As. anU - erti,:il , :6r ! hitt.. :Ina 1n0,11 . .,a angers:, ante s. Bellows, vireA, . t finitv.at &P.! in wit:ay., sled! 6., .st'ore liamtners, 1 bri.; and fdt..!...taing trowel., tross-cut, (1101 and I eiriatiar'saa••:. . . A spl•mdi:l :IS-air:meat of Saddle:tad liartiesi' makers' t.i.ds i ..el, telintainlis. , - 7 i''.l - IrllNi.; ';'01)I,S, ee l eadst in..; pc sh.. yids, ;!•!..:.• 1....T , r 1 . , :5.rak es. - se yt be s. ~:;'.i:i era dies.; hoes, plek ax.i.ts,. iron. bars, gr;ral stones, ‘l".r.e. . . Also, .l' , ..nts for Cu! 5a1 . ..! or Nl,'''..itt, , tuore, Stillint:: , & C! )" ,, i A gri'e ult:. 7..1t 0 2 1 s,suel. ra , p!o WA, . ha:: 4: ry! straw col ter, .-or.n sile!d !..- ars, &. , ••• - Solo .sal. niyer Ira:her, tiir.roced and •-sline t rimliti!!!" . ., Y. it h a gone cal assortment !if linAll•z=•: Wool'-:1 -w•:r!... a illwa - cradles ; vc.tgons i chalrs and lia.!iets 01' ~D gie",...• 1 -1 1 ,t i ,,,,,. .1 - , • - B a r 1.-..1 2 and st. et, it :n'nxii-s- and -toe 1 . ‘Tr.ags tra11••:.0.1t !. ..e:!..in0... co' Ili I.ce and trimtnings of ..11 kind., ri.i..t.. idis, sa.ii, g'...ss. putty, &v., all . of ethic!: ‘‘. 1 ,"! ho .. , 1.1 at' the lwwest'ratos. Fleas:, call and ex...nine the .st' n '. - 164.'vrour.i.!leys. - . Itin..!tiamto,.. :\l'lrt-h i, '1.."3,i').-Z MCOS. CASH 311:53C AND . PAANO STOEVL3 H OR ACE -WA T ER S. ;;; 3 tr York: Opeosiliral lo ifote,opfdy—ibmiC 2t Grozqv ris. 1 z:e: . ,l le ite . N,,tkvittkrandi;ig• the r ara omMidn of 4rirt.ticfkal. ers to keep up-lho lorkt:4 .ot . nOTH : OpVri::lit. tlill sie;fl4.,zinq ti:.! hi., rv:+t. ornatirr v(driipt.:;erB, find, ti:eir retll , :d t. eXtvtji to . Mr. IVateri rico eourte !-les of the trails.; ho is mairine i!lt.rirtitse sales—. haying aitandant c;idence, that he Ileoi -- puldie eonntenitrietrarel support, in Ids oppohtion to the (iut:AT Moor LT, and hi his efforts to aid N .1- TtVE TALENT, .:1!Id 1. , .> adopt the NATIONAL. CUR- Ilt-INCV. Ilk stock of American and - European ta'kie is itarnin , so, and the eatal,gue of his own. paidie.ttiork 15.011: ..1' the tirgoit aild best sr,red fq i n the United States. Ile' has. n!eo glade a Great jseduction in tne price.; of Pi-inos, Melosle oils misl Mu!...ii.::a,litAtrutilents of all kinds. Nu pFrior toned i 3 1-2 octave pianos fiir -$175, sl.toll ant $225. interior of as go,. , ,l.tinnirity, - and instru ments as !strop: and as durable as those - which en.( C 5500, Pi.mos of every yariety of ,style and pie' , op to •S-.loo,Fotoprisinz theski of TEN differ eat Manufaerslyie A ;1111011g, them the eelebraled modern intprored loaaca•WATEns . PtArres and the first prP7nl7:77l_ :Boit AN Pla:Nirs of I'. Gilbert & Co,'s make,' (,)tiitierA of the Logan patont.)— Seeond-hand Pianias at zroat • barfains. Piiees from *3-10 to $1,50. Melodeons - from live differ ent m.inurictorics, in4arling the well known S. D. & 11. W. Smiti 's rueloleous, (tuned the eqtral temperamont.)the liest in rho in the United States. Prices 8-15, $75.5100, $ll5,- $125:5135, and $l5O. Smith's I),iuble Bank Melodeons, $2OO. Ecall piano and melodeon guaranteed. The - best terms to the trade, sch, /ON, (te.: 12 1-2 per cent discount tit eterzyman and churches. All-orders promptly attendee' 0.. - MuSie !: , _qa, to .411 parts or the errantry. pos -paid, at the reduced rates. i Gt:neral and select catalogues and . seltedule of prices of Pianos I'o..carded to any addres4 free of c hor - g.e. - - . stimoaidls of music Proles corwerning. . . MODERN I IPROVED P7_IN9S. ' N4Xlr YOUK. Dee. P. 2, .3.l . liroakiwny : Extracts - from t sons apd Editorials riottrACE WATERS FICHLACT.- WATERS, Dear Sir-4 Lying examined your Me Fortes from scientific and appropriate tests, I am - cons bled to form a satisiitctory • judgment of their v:rd it is with pleasure that 1 ca i n speak of them as amting the most celebrated and proved makes of the day, Yor ;miser, brilliannY and richness of tone elasticity of touch, and beauty. of finish, they wilt not suffer in comparison with thole of any other manufacturer and those desirous of olitaining a really•good I'iano Forto- - -one that will prove an equivalent fer . their na.ans, Will find such. a one in your beautiful' instruniont. TITON - SA$ BAKr.n, . , R. A. M. Lea.ler of Jullien'tt 'Band and musicalVireetar and Ctinduetor at . Nitelo's Garden. .For power, brilliancy and richness of tone, Onsticity o r t oil e t ! , ottpilee and durability . 91 uako. tticv:aro in :advance of any other Plant=s in the• United Stateg, being the result of long expe rience and a . series of experiments. N. Y. Die: patch. , Tho treblo is clear; pure. besntiful, and verT melodeons; the b.vss is cl'ep, rain:), and son*. ions; tiro middle part is rich and syrripattintio, and posses the power of sint.Ting; e. or uniting th e ioumi oreaell ton', in a do area but rarely wellieveit—,4lafrur 1,175.r . 50x. m Your Itistruatits aro a sensible imprtivement. pon .Amoriettr pisnos, and an honour to the , . . ekillfwtinatufact n con, , There .tio Aordit :Alta ill's) , Will he iqfprjeirtted . by. the'.fiuhliti,,and. 1011.1 irers of trite.tnerit.-=-Oscatn Co; B 17,1. •' For p'o of tort.', depth of I.lrts;and ev:Of treble, together -with' tweuracy. of .tonch, I they are eqtm! to tthy.tuaket am acquainted Witb. and I cordiatly'recommed theroio" those wishing tp purehase.—W - C. TAri.on. • ' , Our friends Will find itt.alr.:Waters' stoie the very. best as,iftrtment of music and of pianos to be found in tint United Smtes, anti five. urge our southern and western friends to ricehim a call . whenever they go. to New York.—Gruhani`s Mtvreizine: • • • " • I take great pleasure in prononneing.them / %trim- t ents of !t uporior 'fit4ify, - both in tone and touch_—At'stsT I We consider them worthy of gpeein! attention* ., from the resonant and 'cticeetiinfi y niitn'ival~ tune which Mr. Waters has succeeded in attain.ing,— N. Y. MO:sit:fa World 4. ram:: • • t - • The 11,r:tee haters pianos. . are of' superior I tone and ele.fltnt.ftnisli.-- , N. Y.,p/tristian lrtqui rer. • N..tfling_nt tam. Stote Fair aisylnyrd ;greater ex col: encl. in ;:try tiam .11w P:::no Forte man o Clet red - rtt ISorace • 'XI:1(1s, of this city. • CtrunctimAN: Act, PinnO Fortes nro of full, rich. n - ; , 1 even tone; and powerful.'--1174Y.- Reriew. Yoe; now &pare Piatios,7 , sir i : rFe Gf sneh elciartftss'ariri . elualitv of toile thr.'ingilotit, that they very suctitt , s•fully compete with the volutni:: nails itnif expressive Grand Piano.-:—Vqndccwelide: LAtor or the Sfiranne.th Rrp2Alietni, .S.a rattnab, Ga.. sp'aking of the Piano Fortes kept Lc llessm J. W. Murrell & Co.' of that eity, .acs : t will be seen thattheir-qnek comprises in•. struments of every grade of ex ee li e n ee ,frein the well known manufacturin establishments of Chiekerin7 & Son, Horace %Voters. 11. Wnrces.; ter, Nunns and C:ark, ar:d fla;:on and might tv4 be supposed, that, in so large a 1.:.91 lection there Would he some very fide instrmi meet's. -- But then.; is One which, for beauty of finish and riehnest and briilianey of tone, equAls,' int do : es not exec], anything of the kind tie have ever seen. It'is front the et,tablishMent of Horace Waters. Being.constructed of-the best. and niozlt thorouulily - seasoned material, and:up. impriived priileiples, it is capable of resisting the. 'aetion of every climate, and .isr stmcding a , long time in ow ! The 'keys are of pearl, and• the TM's:: for the finger-heard is inlaid with pearl, the legs are !nest: elaborately carved, tmd tho whole instruinZtrit finished up in a style -of ::,rri.o:t beanty. - .. ,And yet its chief merit tits in tho power brilliancy, until' richness of itr tono,.;ml the elasticity of its touch." , . ta , •ts c•nrcerning C s . GILBERT C 6 . 6 PI:F.IIIL:11 Pinno Fiirte is undoubtetikc the most perfei't iastrutneut.bitman iniilinui tr hits en:Is:I - no:ed. Two instruineuts- fife Merit tied n One. The .I;:filinn is Uotiv.attnehed and !let:aed ; so that the Pitino may be plAyeiLwith trr witheut it : 07, one har.d the perNrmer - may Eaieit Lrat_ a,elodious'2l:traias of the and 4ith the other invoke the hartimaies of the I'inlo. The las:Tame:lt It hid), in . the . eveniv!.f, ineihld to ihe chtnee or - the fesl.ive - ong, J./Ives! forth, in the intirning.. the pealing:tones .I;ieh prelude nail ;li:eon:Nay the Polvain hymn Mr. Waii:rs at wthatns. are veri_inviting to the -love4t . of etu.sie. -But he lats nothin4 in his ro w :;: . ; equal in bcant v aa.l i;oatpleteris to Gil bert's Piano Fortes..---3/m74.i liont. Jr • Tb 4. yari6ty and beauty of the eflek . ts can only, be appreeiated, those who Itear tin'tse- tnotTnili• cent i'm;traniont.; at .Mr. Wat , -.;rs' establishment.. •Y. 'lribrtne. • 1 ^.-'ii :n Piano 'Fortev sent to the Crystal Pal i we from 1 1 , - :e "Tent tnasFat Tbonas I.l.9rnee Waters, have been 'prov ,, d to I,, , itntirralssed by all otln-rs which the grcatest perfortn:eri nn , At_pr;t:e fug' Th t , pi a , 10 ,. sold br IVaters arc very i)e)p. ttlar. 'rho .111er:11110 and the .tes trwilont 11, warranted t0,:.t. - ^ - 1 any tlintate ‘Vith, scareyiy any r,ctd of tunlng . . 7 --N. Y. D..tiltt 'rho it,n -, :ntit,;l voiktei,Las that i!s aile tts p1.1;1-ty II: X. • }". This a(ltoir• i!vi!runit•i'tt I 3 6CISE'.C!IPPc l'iann is r;o:A•thr ehit , f in Civ I' trsr f-wal &. IL \V. S.;:R:-.:(4 in an 'u:u.try nutot.wr of I. to R cu l, s , ine ,Intregardt9 to, - n;•er-:7chnt, by "Wiltiattt W. jr., Brook- Vt.;' .1 toti'et - A sta:einte,t- that Prince's Melclacons: are del iu tho temperanient. Since th . at time l have examined* a number of Prince & (..1!0's . ..11eloth•ot4; with special referenc to the temperament, and have not found ore tuned in equal tempt:ran:put. tempo:: inent in the 41,1o:teens or. Prince Cc.: - Co.'s allnufilettfri. ttutt I have - - f•NaMirivir, Npr.):lil. 03 nearer the ti a in thr.se of Carhart &Needham. but it is far, ant- treul i k,lwi:h %leek , ear.," 1 thin;; if they u.ill try the cherils of I` and F Sharp in t.i . ttuccssiort. l'oultney:l/41. We are Very linpriy to stand:von - et:tea on thh , point. We inade the tenr'.rt,;linded ulbtove on the authority of a'professer of ransie in this city, without having pbserved reference - to it ourselves—a thing we, rery„...kehlom . We hitve.sinee examined Prince & o.'s Melodeons and find "A Tuner" tirht. The' however, that S. D. & IL W. Smith!s, 3,felodeens, soiti by Hut.- ace Water-, No.333l3readwar, are tuned in the equal tomperament.—N. Y. 3.lw,icel,Rericth. Ilicsirs.S, &II W. Smith rank as the first mannirletttreis of the 31olocleori in this ertuntrf. Theirinktritments' art. recoinruoraled .the bet jorl4os ai superior in every reputt.—Bustun Com -71)07I,1 real ill, ' There is constantly in -store- :t this es tatAiNfnent. tcn diffl.qont makes of Pianos, and five diirerent makes of ,Iclode•no4..; • - Each- instrument is gtuiranti,:ed . to give: entire satihflsetie - a, or the purchase money milin ded. Pers!ins at a ds . stance wishing to purchase will, by forWardinz their orders, have their .rants as trdl arid as cheaply supplied astliouglt persoual ty presi,:nt, .14M . BYGEA NA. to the Dior of'the liiilio A . woiDEßFuLDifcoverybai: recent 2; bet* ?aerie by: Tr. rorti..ot thi. d.y. in tho of . Consutop. Lion, ;1,4,am all di.edeee of the Lung. We refer ;to " Dr. Curti." Ilygoana or laidding Ily%can Var.or natl. Syrup."{ a hie ,111. AX Method 1 r. Chas restored many adh rted Chios to perfect heahh ; ai an.cridonee. of %blob he h.te, tutuitherabie certificate.. '..” , t al:lcit Of the trmitaetit; a phriirlA:rirfrunrisp; ft iinvidnot :that inhalinc,-..-cout tall :y breathing an ftgreeelite. herdhig vBpor, the otectichiat prr,riertiei. niu.t n , mo )1;1 direct contact with Ito whole. of the Trial cavity of the lung.. and thut many and retied chaoge-rroi uced even /twin ie h en. .i n t ro d u , o li nto ih r .pth rtmc h,,, n d ,irdl ec t o d to the process of dige f tlea,-- glie Ifyrvettall for tale at al). the druggists throughout the country. kce , r or/ Pekhrrrert ef Jan. 14 Tht•lnlntler lg warn tai the breaq .uteler.tlnZ Linen with t the bast inconvenience—the, heat: id the body being punlrient to f rar.erete the II unflr rag o: OAF E.,!; of CU fhe fel/n*4lg mittht be Tomo.] : Ore Pgc;:ere'rfll,y; .. . - ea g' dbe cake me of 'the .11 , TELNIA of Fix year+ grentlinp.. Kle•brtry. P. 3t.e - Dzffral4nott. Pa. I am currd ottho ASTHMA of lOyears Rtati liu . by• Dr. Curtis' fisgenna , . ;Vail...nevi - Pas/Mt. neroklytt, N. Y. ' Paul of No- t. Realm ene.l3t... Sc Y., was cured eta revere ease of It roaehetie by the Ifygeatvt. • My stet er bile been cured COTTfi If several yelrs etandin:- and to ba incurakqe by . her physiciane. Sim was cured 4n O\B 3.1.01iT11 by • the Ily realm - . . . , J. 11 Gituborf, "P. ?It, Richmond'. ifs. ' ''Petro throe 'Dollars il PACkft.TP.--Selli I)3' CURTIS & r xit- Ki x5....t. DOTI) & PAUL No. 14 D Obsinbers Sq. N. 1".;--4 psetoses sent 'fr..ob - siprer a to auy part of the United Frot l•f for . Teu Opil i ns.. .- , N.ll —('netts'llptcsna Is the 01{.10INAL and ,ONLY -0 PNUINE ARTteI.E.SII others are. base, inuolisti UP or rile And 1;s1JITILIOUS counterfeits. Shun the m . you would POISON. - atyl..—Vlsseb'er & 5., Ads s, ".. B:7•Por t3alo by Abel Tonsil, Druggist, Mont - rare'. Pa. ~ NEW GOODS. THE is in constant receiproriVete Goods, in his line of llnsiness, nearly every week. The puhlic.will find his assiirtineut No 1, :Intl his articles new and of .good quality.' The stock consists as usnal of . Drigii, atei3icines, Paints 014 , Dye. Stuffs, groceries, • • FaneY.Gocils. Jewelry ' .• , , Perfumery, tte: Stare'at the tower - end of the bitriti:il AllEli - TURRELIh • Montrose, Jobe 1,18551 . NEVI YORICADVERTISMEMS F.1:631 vissettim SSScirELL's Ge,neritAdterlising Appletfm's flui/din,gii 346 and 3.1!$ Bmadirisy - BAGS AN • BAGGING.;-; &OYES di % 1 /1111. I TLESEY,' • - No. SO tri A rim ll4. RElry iIEAR. OLD, stir, •Nny• 7011.11, linvo constantly on liancli:andinannfacinieta order, , • ; flags for Vloar, Grain, Salt, Eri* . ck. • vrillerki, Slaws, ace.. " Woul j d'also eatt:tlie Attention or t i ountrit Ater. chants, to thuirAgsortnwnt.of , • Seamless it Parlll43lll ° AN - D - Dklsi,T,ned and pritited to-oider, expressly fort&tit , 1 1.1•50. Oar, taeititbia. are such that we can supply- from 10,0q0 . to 0.0,000 bags Or day,- - Alan importers and Do: does in_ -"-" GUNNY BAGS -AND BAGGII4CI. and valjon , ; tiinx, 3 Ot t Tlirt,4ll nii Tw ne, lot ft Union and Cottnn; of wbiel u - e are raxiivipg coot:inn:a suptilke. " ralAiall'k r ,gealts. FAIRBANKS reeentiv‘ „opened a pa,:iou..‘varehouis At I 59.: Brad . Ntitv York, where they offer, at wholes:de and - ,0141. the most complete ass orttnept-of - Weighinig• attn.:3 to be found in the United.Statesi Among the articles ofl'crred will be- found Upward's: of seventy on ,of FAIR-RANKS' SCALES.AIso greavyarietfoillinlCEliSti Je*- - elerd';Drug.gis,ea GiOcers', and other -- Sprin lalapees, Patent Beams, Testees. Weights -- and 'Ner.iiores.,•&c.„' ate. - • , I.T.AY and COA4SCALltS'Setitt . any part 6f ' the Country, by experienced- Wort:men. • Orders by. mail ot'othertyise ' atten tion. e will receive • . FAIRBANKS & Co., Is 9 ..ltroa.dway N. York", Dint - • • . . . . , . .. . _ _ ~ " 1-I*. CIIARLES E..FOG6, ' 1- -.' '• ( - 111A:1113ER FURNITURE, Bedatea4s,. bfat, tresses, .W:LAStands.4, - Enatheied Sets, Lou. ges, Chairs, Pillcivs, , Cotinterpan'6B, &C., 4-18 Pvf..rl at., N. Y., between, . ~. . -:- . . .. . igtufi -. . iNtadison and Chathan:a4k. . .., . . • New and ValVable Discovery.' • - . .D?.l 113 ois Aroinati:: Inc igorgting• •Slriri!.. • . . This delicioni I:fever:fgt. is.anPerior, to. all in. vigurating Cordiala.„. Schnapps, NerVine% &C.; in \ . .use, for • the. Fore of ,DispepSirf,i - lk ervn 11, nes s, • 'lleartbn rn.' DrowsineSs, Kidney Con:pi:llk, Diet. ancitcdy; Deliriutn Tremens, InteniperunCe, - "&e., - asit will,invignrat<" ts,nd strengthenAut - willkdot . fut,uxiente or stupefy. .: . - ' -PersOnS who have, becoine habitnated la ` the excessive use ilt Tpbse.eo,.(ivinyi . nnil Spirituous Ligunrs, , will find speedy and 'perinaneiit relief - - S r . :or& the desire to use th'eSe .destroving afters. 2; Ly taking is: butte or 6.vo','cit . tfidaDutitionslledi . _ • cal, Beverage. . 1 ' ':. '''' . ' - I i Weak and Sickly 1 1 .47.iiiV-will find Dr..,.thun's ! Invigorating Spirit a gitit;l: and sure Cure . for alt t female diffieuitie;, it beings_ t ßegeneratiir al Well tAa > /t. Strengthener -of the Human t`yi,tetn.r ' Eneh • ; complaint that the Aromaticlnvigorating-Cordial is eali;ul:4lA to ( - lure -is named on the . . wrappr ecempayiug eactiiirttle; and full tlireetiormlor ti.,,, , arc.ats-., • minutely given. • •7; '. - - ' - - I . Yrice-$ I per bottle. Prepared bp: Di:Diitins I Tam. - d'ri tic' pa I Citdice, No. 2 Liberty S:treet,' New. 1 York, Were-e.sholcale orders should. be - addressed. For sale 1 - by -Druggdst Orongbout. the' United - State,:: '. - •- . .. , .- . , . - 4 0 '. . :-.. • Sol-111)v A. Turret-1.. 3ron;rose; B. F. & E'ztr ., r4.l:larrartl; &I'hinny, - Dilndaff; St;ott, Bend. • , Wrought Iron Pipe . . . .For Inver. .Mant and Gas:: "Jatnee .(I,lll9rsit 4. 2V0 , .• ..hiAn Sirii , t; New- York. fill - tur f :7s and chalets in,lrroug-lit Iron Fire.-- -- ditTerent sizos constantly' on:ll4nd,, with_ Val\ es, (.:,.eks, phows, and e_4 ry 1 - :4-:..ty or fittings for the same., A.sheroct's Steam ‘`..idstlo.., Oil ,Otips,, &re. Heaters f(4- z-li-iict Eng:nes, and force PompsAoiler. Fine ~'J'uccra and Snap Bbiler colts, Screw i'lnt :1nd."..-zrrewinry - , i‘lchirtes.l3tiildlngu cd l y Stez.nt anil Lighted:by. Gas. prdenk tor rerairzt., and. country orders recelye prompt at. vintion. . • J. 0., 3i. w Co.-ter. to call the attention.of '4) . wnert.s of favtorics, hotels, to their snperioi Cl . n.s flencr.ting App::ratus, nosy in use. .11!..the . Ni c l; o h.i. Hot e l, N e w , York, - Murtchester. Conn., Gros. Tharringturi, Ntast;t;;Etockville, Conp.y vp.rium; other ptirts of the couutry. 24—Stn. ' larrea quiz' C tee t Stack of Drii dcniis in irew p , A RTIES who are 'about. to the eitY, a r e invited to Lord • & Taylor's iortnenSe ,es." tablisliMeot, 2 . 35; 2.57, ',...59, - Grand . Stretit, eorner Urystic. 4. 4 .3treet, or at their other store; new ottins , berS, -17 And 4.9 Catharine street, at bOth of wli . ich stOrt..s may be found iati all time., roost 'at t ractir! Stocks pr Fashionable Silks, Shawls, )lantil)us, Die's Ciuei?s, Flannels,l)omesties, Liens, tlosie rY, Gloves;Lace.s.Einbroideries, and-ever-foamy -descriptioti.of fseasonnble goods : - alsot'arpetirtlis, 0C I otl - 7s:;•?1: Druggets,..&c:, in great came r,. to . all iof additions are. constafoly brig„ =tic! ft•oni forciP,n markets ;mil auCtlort rurchaslo . a on the toot ad'rantagetlys-term's * are euable7l . :to at - .I.tc,tl rcroa.ricable• loTaf. prices as to otTer to our eutVw.ers greater merits than .• • - , : ••••26-6ro, . • VOS.I.EitY #xcitisi,.;dy for•••'cosh..-•-' , -- • . FaH. BROWIq..& C0.,.14 I.iberq•••••-st.••ttr • (loci rsibelow,tha Post- Offie 1-, N. Y.. Im.. porters and-'Jobbers eta en's and Children's Ildsiery. GI Jres,- in i I.uees, kink, -ritio • and Cotton SW, rt4'..• rowi . Draw ers ."; Woolen Yarn; Suspenders: Silk and; ..11nndIcer , chiefs . , •1113d..Ciiivats.;. Thre•iL:Gotton t . and Woolen. Gloves tid tvns i - arid - r:11.14 ra—• rieties of Goods in this Beihg e.xtutsive. iropyrt4ls3..prld argentqers aE auction; dialers-will-find it grentiy.to-thelit- ad,:r vantage,to, ixatu ineour •. -`` Tlat) 'Open Bible! • L.- - A:GENTS *anted to 'sell a. new *orkantitled "Paganism: Popery and •Christlanits; - ; or the BLESSING 'of an - ,OPEN 1718LE,7 - .as shown In. the 'History of.. , ‘,llristianity,rfront- the Bine - of - 0;i Savieur to thii preitent day, by. Vincent - With . a •view. to the latest , dovelopments-?- of Rowe's tho Bible, as exhibited'in):ll' rious parts :of .the woiW; and an e4iese, absurdities 'of the immaettlate conception ; and the. idolatrous veneration of .the Virgin Vary - 4+4' Rev. J..F. Pert , . PDA anlber of the "tieSuits:' "Church and State, i ' :Tfie . :ntititer of this Berg, is - aeknowled,gd to 'be thin. most able - writer tn . oturtnistn. •in•-the-`eouritry 'thoSe•who .havp rmad.'.his diseusions - With - Arch: Bishop On uei , d . .tuf assurance of thii fart. . . . . . E • r• th' bb Atenta • this o mos su ya o • publisheet; it is tijarge Ji2nlO; voinmei--of htindred - *and...thirty ripsr, illostreteci• - , merons'engrqini;s,.beautifhtly-mad'snbsordiallj hound, and sold at - 81,25; par cepyi 'z - • Sp6eitnen copies Sent ,hy - mail, ttoStintid:_t_Oniik. part of the. United Suites, on.reeelpt of the ore ' ; p rice:,' • - • ' - • • Send fiira copysancii.ndire toryenrs' Address-I %V. BR.AI).LNY; • • : , I?ubiiither ,',:- 4 North Fertirsfutsat . PhilidelPhiti. ATIASH"paid for Luta Vo - - - D. R. Ltkirtittoik 18b5 '-- • - TO, Dairymoti• , '.-' ,- ''''';' , :'• :- '-. ,• . n !nrisa. waiitett: -.4 ::Thiqq*t. - tirea:6:t - '111:14e, -t! ~ eft: N .iii. l? - P 'POt I:4 - 40 .- -r.k..k kO4:-P444.YJA0t...:. Jupd t 60,18.55, NEW GOODS - at ,the 'toad PUP. ondersigifea moitlei,PE4ttrallynneoiencis :to ihb pu b yo bd-li als -4 ! ) l,enin.g Goode lit the old stem,. ar l dt l w.t , beciel 4#. Inlke new stock teach , ihteejk. - 'ttontrofe,May 81,1855; ff=ffM lg. 11, & A8A1,1143A t Av.. lw.cotti-:-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers