The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, August 09, 1855, Image 5

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    .. ~, p alles. • .
.. ~ ),.....-..-...-ty Writs issued 'out of the
• • • , ..,oiurnen Pleas of Susquehanna
• . !•• 4 4 to me directed, I. will eirpose to
i• ~,,,- oy public vendue at the Court House r in
Montrose, on Satuiday, the 18th day of August
4tnext, at one o'clock P. M. The following •kteal .
-. . i Estate to wit • .
All that certain piece or parcel of land, situate
1 1 tag and being in the township of Springville,
is said County, bounded and described •as fol.
- On the north by lands of Miles Prichard
and William B. Hendrick, east;by the Episcopal
p a rsonage., on the south by the , road leading from
• •isville to the Tunkhannock Creek, and on
Sp ne e
- t h e west by lands of Ezekiel Fritz; containing
1 o ne acre 'of land, more or less, on which is situ
s ted ono dwelling house. Th e whole being ica-
.• pr omi •
' Taken in Execution at the
of B. Sayre,
ga (Lined to John F. Dunmore, vs., D. V. Hellen:-
z AISO--All that certain Saw Mill; Mill Yard
.z. an d appurtenances, situated and being en Silver
Creek, near' the Salt Spring, in the township(of
Franklin, 10 the County. of Susquehanna, the
tad on which the mill stanchs, bounded on the
north by henry L. Merriatt, on the easterly by
William Burrows, on the'south by wild lands,. •
nu ,t en the west by lands of Nathan P. Wheaton
''nil Lorenzo Vance. .. 4 ., ,
Taken in execution at the suit of Lorenzo
!Nance vs... Luther Snow 2d, and George .S. Fisk.
: • I ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
'L o d, situate, lying and being in the township of
- „Auburn end Springville ,in said County, and
' untied as follows to w it: On the . west . by.
.../.* the public road or high Way running from Aub
urn 4 corners to Bennet's • Corners :and lands
`we of .Gersham Bunnell, deceased; on the
• south by Isnds4of Jonathan Bunnell, Jefferson
Sherwood, Elias Bonnet and Isaac Russell ; on
the east by lands of Samuel A. Loomis, and on
the north by lands,of Satune) Brundage, and the
public road or highway running . from , the below
mentioned road, to the Black walnut read near
the house of Minot Riley. •
.Containing one hen.
~. deed and eighty seven and one half acres, be the!
I, awe, more or less. •Being the same piece . or
parcel of land that Treadway Kellog 6 . Y deed bear
' mg date the 14th dny ofJuly, A. IX / 853 and Re- •
c orded in the office for recording deeds-in and
. f,,r said County, in deed book No. 22,. Page 97,
&e., conveyed to Milton Harris, with the uppur
• ' teaances, one dwelling House, one framed barn,
one corn house, and one small orchard: Being
• ' mostly improved. .
. ' Taken in execution at the snit of Cooyer Hen:
.dersou & Co., vs. Treadway Kellog. ,
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel -of
, land, situate, lying and being in the township of
Auburn, Susquehanna, bounded and described as •
follows to wit: On the north by lands of Thorn : :
es llines, on the east by lands ofJesse hinds, on
the south by lands of Luther Seeley and 'Albert
. Sterling, and on the west by lands of Thomas
I' James, (*gaining about one hundred and • filly
I acr e s , more or less, with the appurtenance ,ono J
t 1
L?. .framed house and barn, ono orchard, and about i
I one hundred acres improved.. ''• - I
: 1 . Taken in execution at the suit of Hart, Cum:
!-- mines and Hart, vs. Thomas.and JOhn Morley. _
ALSO—AII that certain four Story wood build
- I ''• hg occupied as a saw Mill, shop &c.; standing
a 1. :
,- n n
or ear the road that runs from the Abington
. : la d Waterford turnpike road, to -or. near the
hop ors. %V. Truesdell, on the road leading
to teat• Bend and on a Lot of land situate in the
.L Township of Liberty, and bounded on the north
t . . 11. other lands_ of said Vance and Benjamin W.
Bailey ; on the south east, by lands of said Bai
f-Ary, and on the south west by lands of Philo
''lace, coneitning about one :. nere and a half and
-en which said saw mill stands, which piece of
. had being the cartilage to said mill and includ..
. ft; the dam, there being also with.the said mill
ashingle machine, lath machine, and other fist
. gr,s to the said mill . belonging, which I shall ab•
• . - • sell therewith. .
:, aken in execution at the suit of Joseph Dar
to-the use of Henry Hathew, Adm'r of John
' -R, dee'd, vs, Lorenzo Vance.
SO—All that certain piece or parcel °florid
.' . in Ledersiille, in Great Bend township,
, .
unty of Susquehanna, bounded - and de
follows to wit: Beginning at the
: .•
t corner thereof at the line of Lowrie
on the north line of the Depot groond
1. &. Erie -R. R. company, thence by '
, . • any's ~s,Trounds south 51 deg: east 60
.e by. other lands of said A. Bryant,
1 deg. east.e-208 feet to the soot!' side•tral
path of the old turnpike road, thence by
' todd-road north 26 deg. west GO feet to the aor-=
ser . of said Green; and thence by said Green's
:me south 51 deg-west 232 feet to the beginning. -
.".containing about 12960 feet,' mid having erected
thereon a large Hotel 'known as the t'. Bryant 1
, I House," with barn, sheds and out houses, and all
Taken in execution at the suit of Elmer W.
Brigham, vs. Addison Bryant.
ALSO—AII that certain farm, - piece or parcel
if land; situate in Forest Luke Township in the I
count)? of Susquehanna and State •of Pennsylva
t* bounded and described as follows' to wit :
Bogiuning, at a post and stones on -the north
aide efthe Milford And Ow,egn ' Turnpike Road ; l
thence along the line of C. Wright's land north •.
i rainy eight degrees east twenty perches to a
lost and stones in 'line of B. T. iCase's.landl•
-thence south fifty two degrees east two perches
to a post and stones; thence , along the line of .
• . It T. Case's; north thirty eight degrees east
, eigtity four, and three tenth perches to,:a hemlock
tree: thence along the line of B. T. C ase south
. .-I :ifts two degrees, east. forty fiveand seven tenths,
- ! to a beech tree, south thirty eight degrees, west
- 1 1 one hundred and four perches and four tenths of
••1, a perch to a post and stones standing oh the north
6; . 0e of the afore-said Turnpike Read; thence
- ......,,, . .
t . ,
:i ...,1ng said Road, north fifty two degrees, west .
ri.',Surty seven perches and :seven tenths, of a perch
'„ln the place of beginning, containing thirty acres_
4 amisix perches , - more - or less (excepting
:rid reserving thereforn.always twelve feet square
•_t shere the children of Z. S. Daty andg other per
leatis are buried.) - Also all that other piece or
~I.larcel of land situate in the. township of Forest
,I.fie afore said, bounded is follows to wit : Be.
°. 0 4 •
mug at a post the south east corner hereof,
Ace orth 61 - degrees west, 60 perches along
:„iies I to ß t r h a e lls p f l o a rd ce s o li f ne be to gi a nni p n ist;
6 . th m er in e i ' o ni g i .
i- ,, ,.be the same mere or less, together with
, 1 414. laid singular the improvements. i&n., two
--, orchard and about eighty acieslinproved.• ;
-s—... tied and taken in execution at the suit'or
•,:i - • loruari 31eKeeby and others - vs.. Betsey- A.
:,-f•e* A .
g_ degrees east, 176 perches seven tenths of a
Ei perch to a 'post; thence south fifty-three degrees
rut 96 perches along . the line of 'lsaac G. West's
• .
tot to a post; thence south 37 degrees West 16
,perehesland. seven tenths of a perch to a post; '
thence north -fifty-three' degrees west 36 and five
. 1 tenths of a - perch on a line occupied formerly by
-T.B. Gregory, to a post; thence south 37 degrees
west, «long the line of said Gregory lot 15,1 per
) .. ed Dwelling Houses,- two , barns, one shed,
-5,•4 LSO—AII that certain piece or perms! of land
•s or e and being in the village of Great Bend in
County of Susq'a and deseribed,as follows, to
r , -1 6 .
p , it: Beginnin g at a post the southerly corner of
, I ll• rile Hatch or Dayton lot, recently „occupied by'
..1:•-•,,, 41 :11. Truesdell, running thence along the fence
•ee-,. `purl the -.Cothecton and Great Bend turnpike
-, : ..,..g road in a southerly direction '7O feet to a post,
r ; i• thence back 136 feet to a stake and- stones; 50
! feet from the northeasterly corner of the lot 1
hereby descaed, thence 50 feet to the said north- !
;, easterly corner to a stake and stones; thence 136
. feet in a northwesterly direction along the south.
..:„ o ofthe said Dayton lot to the place of 'begin:
g.'centaining 9248 (tare feet, with the - a •
P N *Darlees, I dwelling house, ' 1 store hou se,
; ' -. ecentlY occupied as a Grocery and - provision
1. . t et,ere) arid. .1
barn, and till - improved.
r Taken in execution at the suitof G. B. Eldred
. la: John Comstock sad Chas. Chambe'rlin. •
ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
, • 'arid situated in the village,of Susquehanna De.
1 , . Pot in the cennty` of Susquilanna, being lot No.
: !
has laid down. on a imp of part of the - Berough
of Susquehanna Depot made according to a Sur
-.,,'f7 by Wen. Wentz and recorded itt• e :ths o ffi ce'
' r recording deeds in the county - of Susquehan.
4in deed book 21 page 696, ;end bounded on
. : I ' ., l l ,l ‘e d north cor f thby O l eic highway, on `the eakt isf
oe .S. nett, on the south by-ltutdis•of
N icholas Irwin, and on The west by lands of Os. -"I Bennett, containing '7200 square feet, with”
1 the aPPurtenances one framed house'and a ll i int. !
. proved...
in execution at the suit of Home &
vs• Lemuel Doolittle. -
ALSO—AII that certain - piece of p arcel of
• `t-
• landaituataand being in the Borough' otSus
quelianda-Depot; county of Susquehanna, boun
tied and described as follows, - to wit: North by
I slaughter house street, east by lands of S. Bill
ings, south by lands of Richard Smith, and west
by street-or ;lane, being 29 feet In width'and 120
feet on the said slaughter :house street, with the.
appurtenances, one 2 story framed dwelling
house. with ' a..sem eat, a small wood- abed and all
.. . • , .
Taken in xecution at the suit. of• James Mc-
Nulty vs. Michael Vaughn. .
' ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of
tend situate and being In the I3orough of -Sus.,
qiiehanna Depot in the county Of
bounded and described as • follows, to wit : - On•
the -northenat : by the public highway leading
.from front street to pibs e n, on, the-aoutheast by
three ntioectipied lota,' Nos.;----, on the south
west by Lands of - Gaylord Curtis, and on the ,
northwest by - lands :of the N. Y. dz. Erie R. It.
eempany, - with the appurtenances, 1 tavern house
ice house and tcoodlehed, and 2 grocery • Stores
wit dwelling genveniences attached, now occu
pied-by three families, and all improved, being
abOut.lsB roi4 width and 120 feet front
to rear, contain ing about 1896 square feet, b e the
same more er less. • I I et'. - •
' i -
Also; all thefr ightititle and Interest o f Elliot
Benson in and o 3 Vacant lots 'Of land Adjoining
the above and, btfunded north by lands above
mentioned,:cast bY street No. 1, south by street
Il.; and west ty` landS of John Schell, being 180
feet on st. 11,-1'2.0. ortat. No: 1, also 1 &an used
asa-tavernhard,.ereeted and being upon lands of
the N. Y. 4Er o FL-Ft. Co. i • --I
Taken in ex utien it . the - suit of David E.
Holmes vs. Elll otllenson et. al. / . - - -1
ALSO-enle Whet', certain - piece or Petrel of
land situate and being in the borough rif - Susqne
henna Depot, hi Susifa county, bounded and del
scribed- as 6.llinysoo wit: Beginuing at tli
northeast cor6r of llenry.Perine's lot on a line
with the lane; thence alongthe same south 89:
1-2 deg. east, 6 perches and l4 links to a corner;
thencenorth 04 1:2 - deg. oast 2- perches and 18
links to a cortier, on'a border of the intersection
of two Streett4, thence north 35'1.2 deg. west 6
perches and g ,links to a corner on the border of
a streetanence north bee-half a deg. east 1. perch
and 23 links tio a comer, thence north 89 1-2 deg.
west 5 parches and I link to a.corner in the east
line of saitl - P.rine'sland, thence along the same
;south 1-2 de. west 8 perches and 16 links to the
place •of beg Wing , containing 57 square:perches
n /
of land, more or lest, with the appurtenances, 1
dwelling house, 1 *all out house - andl all im
proved. k- -
Taken in execution at tlie suit of David E..
Holmes vs. John Caxton.
.- j •
ALSO-.All those following describi e pieces .
or parcels of land td *wit: One hundred acres of
land situate in the township! of Great Bend in
the county Uf Susqbehannnj late the estate of
Jacob Skinner 2d and Elish Squires, described
in sheriff Johnson's Deed to ; sVw, Dayton, dated
'April 13, .1844, and lon whiel stands two framed
dwelling houses, 1 maw mill one framed barn
and about 40. acres ithproved land.
•'•' Also, one other tract of land situated as afore
said, late the estate of Jacob Skinner 2d and Eli
sha Squires. 'described by said sheriff Deed to
said W i n. Dayton; - dated April 13, 1844, contain
ing 400 acres and 140 perches of land with al
lowance of six per cent.
. Also; one other tract
: of and situate in the
township, county and state a oresaid, containing
1400,icres, oath - racing' that t,•hich was late the
estate of the said Jaceb Skinner 2d, as described
.by the said alierifl Deed to Urbane Burrows and
from him tolVw. Dayton by . Deed bearing date -
May. 23, 1844, being the same premises former
ly purchased by Urbane berraws and Elisha
Williams of Williani Ward and Jesse Lane; and
being-the same lots Of mod conveyed by Edwin
: Eldridge and wife to ' , Ransom Smith by deed ex
ecuted. the 20th day of March, 1850.
:Also, all that other tract or Parcel of land Sit
uate in the same township, formerly occupied by
said Smith as the henie farm and the same as
conveyed to him by the said Edwin Eldridge and
wife, Ly deed ekeeute, d the
: 18th day of :May,
1849, and by refereitee' to - which same several
Deeds the. * *. * . description of said several
lots will more fullYi and at - large appear, said
deeds being: recorded in Susquehanna county,-
containing in all abo4 1960 acres of land, he the
same more or less, Iwith alloWance of six per
cent. (on the home' farm is - two•dwelling houses,
'1 framed barn, 1 leglbarn, 1 stiible and about 40
acres improsied: .
~,Takeu in lexecutien -at tIJ snit of r ansom
Smith vs. Hiram Curtis.
it 1 3 :HOLLISTER, Sheriff. ..
Sheriff's Odiee. 3ft;ntrose,
,I '
lily 25, 1855.
, i i
Sheriff's Sales,
By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa'• issued out of the
Court of Common' Pleas of Susquehanna county
and to me directed,ll will expoSe to sale by pub:
lie vendueatthe COurt house, ink Montrose, on
Saturday the 4th day-Of August next-- •
All that certain piece or pare.el't - d' land situate
in the township of Oakland in said county, and
bounded as folleik.s l „ to wit: Beginning at an oak .
sapling on the north bank of the Susquehanna
river, thence north 3-4 deg. east 449 perches to
a yellow oak sapling, thence south 80 1:2 deg.
east; 104 8-10 perches to a white 'Oak tree,thence
south 3:4 deg. west 250 6-10 . per Ches to the cen.
tre of the highway, thence' north 76 deg. east 26
410 perches to a stake, thence south 3-4 deg.
west 34 perches to the Susquehanna river,thence
down said river as it Winds and; turns to the
'place of beginning, cciaaining 233 acres more or
less with the appurtenances, X . framed
barna, a small orchard dnd about 75 acres im
proved, being the samei land recently conveyed
to Thos. Jackson and N. C? Godwin and former-j
ly oceupied by Daniel - Van'Antwerp, Chas. New-i
bury, Martin Wade and ;Elijah' Westfall.
Taken in execution:* the ani; of Jared W.
Graves vs. John B. Scoville.
Also bivirtup of a#ike writ vs. Plaintiff for
costs, all that certain pii:+ee or park:l of land sit
uate and being in the.-borong,h of Susquehanna
Depot and bounded as 011ows, to wit:. On•the
north east -by land of Benj. Palmer, •on:.,the east
by lands of Robert Niche!, on the south by lands
of John Satterly, and on- 5 the northwest by the
public hisihway,:called street, being about
25 feet in front. and about 60 feet .frotn front. to
rear, with the appurtenances; one Bowling an.
loon and till. improved. . • . ,
Taken in execution at the suit of Martin Ash.
ley vs. John Barnes, jr.
.. F. P. HOLLIVER, Sheriff
Montrose, July k 7, 1455.-27w3
Sheriff's Sale.
BY rirtneof a writ of Ler. ,ra.,leatied out ofthe Cotirt of
Common Pleas of2asonehanna County . and to nth di
rected, I will expose to pidhlie ralexot the premises, at
the Bryant House, in Great Bend township, on 'Friday.
the 27th of Jnly, inst., at, 2 o'clock P.N.—
All that certain piece or parcel of land situate
in the villagm of Lodersville in Great Bend town.
ship and in the county of Susquehanna, bounded
and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a
point in the southwesterly line •of the Great
Bend and ocbecton turnpike, the southeasterly
side of a large chestnut tree, at a comer. of land
heretofore conveyed to the New York & Erie
Raiklrciad Company, thence south 41 deg. and 30
min. west tilting the line of 'said railroad. Co.'s
land about 111,,4 feet to a corner thereof, thence
north Westerly, along the line of said eompany's
lands about 182 feet, to the northwesterly side
of as locust tree with two 'trunks about 7 feet
from said line, thence north 51.3-4 dem. east, about
-213 feet to the linetuf ' said turnpike the north.
westerly side of a gate, post, thence south 27 deg.
east along the lino of said turnpike 179 1-2 feet
to 'the place of
.bej p rinning, containing six tenths
of an acre of land more or loss, now :,ereeted
thereon a large three story ,tavern house, known
as the' "Bryant House $ wilt' . a' large barn, shed
and stabling,, ice home) and out, houses, and all
Taken in execution at the suit of Lowrie
Green vvr. Ch.s. G: !fart.
The above ludo is adjourned to • the Court
House in ifontrosei - Saturday the' 18th last at
11 o'clock
• P. P. 110LISTE it, Sheriff;
Sheriff's Office, Mon tJose;i
July, 3,1855.
New Goods Cheap for Cash.
IN W. ROTT has just reueived another lot of
14-, • New: Goods, such as Challis, Barge De
Lains, De Biagcs, Gingham, Collars, Embroidery,
Lawns, &c., &c. WHICH HE omits AT vsny LOW
ratcEs. SUMMER SIKA-WLS, a new lot pat
teceived--,beautiful patterns at very low prices,
as law as the lamest. •
June 13.
Arthur's Patent Self-Sealing' Cans,
For preserving Fresi,Fruit, Tonsatoes, 4-c, by
Hermetieal Senling. •
THESE Cans which resealed by the house
keepers without the aid of a tinner, and
opened easily_witliont injury to the Can, are rap
idly corning into .general tw. Full directions
for putting up fruit accampauing the Cans: and
the work is so easily performed, that Icy tilerr
use, every fatally may have Fresh Fruit and To.
mates)* on their tables all winter, at summer pri
pßicE,s.—Pint Cans, 82,00; Quart, 82,50 ;
Half-Gallon, 83,50; Three Qurts,.s44ls; Gallon 4,
85,00 per dozen. The different sizes nest,• in
order to secure economy in transportation.—
Country Storekeepers will firid this new article
one of ready sale. Manufactured and sold by
• • ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & CO. • .
No. 60 South TENTH. St. PHIL'A.
July 18, 1355.-30.'1M.
Fare.RedUced tilane Saved Thio"
II A r
the N
ti o r r
p t
o n d:e of jn par tnership g
et in
.en bo 'Montrose for
at the'old stand near heeler's Hotel
We haVe purchased an entire new stock of
IRON, comprising a full assortment of all kinds,
direct from the city. We shall keep constantly on
hand -
Western--Round and Sqtiaro
Castst eel Toe Cork Rods,
Refined Tyre Iron—all sizes,
Band Iron and
Spring Steel.; •
A large assortment of !datable Iron, Coil Chains,
Carriage Bolts,&c. &c., gire us a call,
By strict attention to business wo ;hope to re
ceive a liberal share of tho.palronage: All work
warranted to•give satisnictiGn to Lb* who will
favor us„with their patrOnage.
ironed On short notice and iliock found, or made
to order throu,gliout,as 'may best suit bur patrons.
All business transactions must be settled once
a year. Short settlements and long friends is
our motto.
N. B. A good journeyman Wanted, to whom
steady employment and high wages will be given.
Montrose, May 31, 1855.
L(*DON Twist Double Dame! Gina, Single
do., and extra Fine Mika, for sale by
AR E now being paid by A. Ltthrop d , C o .,
these who consign. their butter and
produCe to them. They hawing made arrange
ments are now enabled to-send all kinds of pro.
duce to New York and to sell the same at the
highest market: prices. 'All those who wish
good Prices and quick returns wo invite to tall
- Clerk .Wanted,
A X active
.and intelligent young man, "of
about seventeen years of age, wanted. rut
clerk in a store. One wishing to acquire the bu-
Sinessand disposed to make himself. useful, will
find geed - encouradement by ripplieation shortly
to' ~ - ..11.131.711.R1TT.-
Ne* Milford, July 22, 1855.
Now Store.—New Goods.
TIlk: subscriber takes This method Of adver
tising to his friends-and the public general.
ly, that he has fitted up 'a store, just across the
street from his old quarteas, in Brooklyn, where
he is prepared to receive customers, and sell
them Goods, at as low rates as any other estab
lishment in Susquehanna county. My assort
merit is very large indeed; embracing nearly ev
ery article usually called for in a Countr2;,stere.
As I em determined, to do, business so as to
avoid " bad debts," which responsible purchasers
are taxed to pay, .1 can 'offer superior induce
ments to cash and otherwise prompt 'paying pat
PugVaptton.- Abbertisonits.
Small Profits and Quick Returns.
CORNER Store, .afayetie Block s ßinghnmton,
N. Y.; are now receiving daily their SPRING
STOCK of all of Dry Goods consisting in
part of
Prints, Merrimack, Cosheco, Balion's Dunnell's
and Spra,gaes, from 61 to 3s a-yanl. =
Shirtings, Bleached and Unbleached, all styleS
and widths, from 5 Cents to 20 cents:,
Sheetingi and Pillow Case Cott° , all widths
and prices., . , .
Ginghams, Lancaster, Glasgow, French, &c.,
from 12 1.2 to 25 cents.
Denin's from 10 to 12 1-2 cents.
Ticks from 9 to 20 cents.
Apron Checks, 10 to 20 cents.
Silks, Fancy and Plain, a fine assortment of
Spring Styles at all prices from 56 1.4 cents to
..Mouslin de Lanes, Plain and Figured all wool,
and wool.and cotton, all prices from 10 to ris
.chits a yard.
'lumens, the best .make, cheap Embroideries,
,I Ries, Damasks, Curtain ;11uslins, &e. &c.
Shawls,a splendid assortment of Spring Styles,
all prices, also Mantillas, Dress. Trimming, and
every other article in their line. Also,
Goods for Men's and Boy's Wear, a fine as.
sortment of 'Kentucky Jeans, Caxsiineres,.Cloths;
Doeskini, Satinetts, Suspenders, &.c., &c.
• Table LiOetis, Napkins, &c., &c..
.our goods have been bought .at the
late- largo 'sales at Auction,-in New York, we
can and will sell • them at very low prices, and
we only ask you to give us a call and judge for
Binghaadon, May 10, 1855.
LAWNS - Printed and Plain, a fine assort
ment just receixed, cheap at
AREGES, new Designs, all colors, Plain &
I Printode—rery low at N. &P.
tiMBROIDERIES--Some elt,gant Setts of
Sleeves and colars, very cheap at,
yN. & P.
PARASCILS--A fine assorttrp prices.
Barege. Do Dins, new-an&pleganfdesigns.
Prints.-some new and fine patterns at *4lcts.
Mantillas, an elegant assortment, all prices and
very low. Dress Trimming*. splendid new styles
Moire, Antique, &c. NELSON & PRIEST.
Binghamton, May 10, 1855.
English ver Watches:
subscribr6 ha just received iby steam
ship Baltic astithe inv of his celebrated
English Patent and sk a Lever Watches,
makiag fourteen different varieties, in Plain and
Hunung cases, to which be would call the atten
tion of all persons wishing to purchase perfect
time pieces. A. J. EVANS , ,
No. 2.; Odd Fellows' Hall. -
Binghamton, July 17, 1855.
BLEA.STPIRS.-A largo assortment of Gold,
. Cameo; and Mosaic 'Breastpins, just receiv
ed from the Manufactory. - A. J. Evmss.
Bingluuntoo, July 17. ,
QILVER WARE.—A large lot of silver Forks,
kJ spoons, Ladles, Napkin Rings, &c.. just fin
ished and for sale by -4 A.. J.. Ewis. ,
July 17.'
Gold Chains of all weights and patterns.
- more of these fine Table and. Desert Knives
made to. match silver forks, for sale by •
A. J. Evass.
Binghamton, July 17.
by Day Light:::
May 1.
New York Prices !
Montrose, May 1, 1855.
Ap:il 30,1855
!if,r,LsoN ati PRIEST,
Great Itednetion In Priees at the
C. BACON has - the pleasure of announe-
IX. in,g to his Customers that he has just re
turned from the Eastern- Markets' with ono of
the largest and most excellent assortment of
ever opened in - this tharket, which Tor, beauty,
variety arid style cannot be surpassed, Which hay.
ing been purchased for cash at auction and. else-
Where at auction prices ho will sell them cheaper
than they were ever before offered in this of :o r
other market west of Ncw'York city.
His rich and splendid nnaortment•o/f
is always acknowled9,ed this best and cheapest in
town; and includes Plain, Plaid, Striped, Brocade
and Glace4-the cheapest as-well as the richest
goods; at prices varying from 311-2 et's to $25,0
per yard; together with a great variety of .
True Satins, &c., selling at least 20 per cent
less than the, cost of importation..
An immense assortment of Silk, Crape; Thibet,
Cashmere, Merinos,BrOche'ami Summer Shawls,
from 61 to $6O, tcl(4lther with a splendid variety
of Black and -Colored.
of all the fashionable patterns: Sade, Silk and
Embroidered, which will be sold cheaper than ever
- -
De "Aim from 6 1.4 c'ts to 37 1.2 c'ts-per yard :
Plain, Plaid, Striped and Figured. Muslihs,
Nantes, Challies, Bombazines, Chambras; Ging.
hams. Freed; Engl6ll,' slid American Drills,
from 5 c'ts to 25 c'ts per yard, and every new style
constantly o . 9land at the lowest prices.
Ribboads by the .peice,..or yard will be always
in our stock for Milliners and retailers. •
The richest and largest assortment of Embroidery
can always bo seen at It C. Bacon's,at the lowest
prices. ..Chemisetts Collars, Sleeves, Skirts,
Infants' Waists, &e., of every fashionable style,
together with -
English Thread,
Guipure and
Brussels Laces
' in gient variety.
of all kinds. Irish Linens, Linen Handkerchiefs,
Table Linen and covers of all sizes. Napkins,
Doylies, Linen Sheeting and Pillow Case Linen
from auction at prices below all comp. tition. •
The attention of house-keepers is particularly
invited to our stock - of Curtain Goods, atnoug
which may be found
Lace Curtains,- Muslin Curtains,
fs-Brocatelles, •
and this lino of goods, which can
not fail to please in fabric, style or, price. '
Bleached and Brown Sheeting from tho,fid grade
up to the finest qualities: Tickings, Denials,
Striped Shirting, Apron Checks.. Ginghams and
Prints, frail] 5 ets to IT c'ts per yard, and
all kindS of Cotton' Goods for men or boys' Wear..
Hair Ciotti Skirts, - Grass Cloth Skirts,
and Parasols,—a very rich assortment.-
. - Bore Antique, Moss Fringes, Glloons, and all
descriptions of Dress rind Mantilla Trimming, and
. everything belonging to . the Dry Goods! trade
cu,tomers may be sure of finding at Bacon's, if it
can be found in NeW York;
Singe the recent Tremendous Fall in the price of
Carpeting, we' hae purchased andhave nciw on
hand the largest and most beautiful assortment
of CARPETS ever exhibited in this region, at
prices fully 30 per cent. less then they could- be
sold for the last year.- All those who are in want
of Carpe.n. arc invited to our
_ CA EWE T. 110031
where - they will be:delighted with, the beauty and
cheapness o f the various patterns, and astoaiShed
that so good a carpet can bo sold so cheap.
". Three Ply,
Union, .
• .and hemp
Carpeting-s from 16 els per yard and upwards.—
Fluor and Table Oil Cloths. Malts, Druggetts,
11e,‘ , ., equally cheap. r
It. C. Bacon would inform those of his Custo
mers who have not already made themselves ac.
quainted With the fact that he has removed from
the store fatally occupied .by hint in Brigham
Block, oppos to Court [louse, to the corner of the
new block er Tied the ldlit summer nest east of
the canal, an having a-much larger, more conven
ient and- plc sant store than-formerly he is pre
pared to hol out even greater inducements to
buyers than eretofure,. and such as can but be
appreciated, . nd admitted by all- those who are
competent ill' ges.
New Exch 'nge, Binghamton,
.311 y, 29, 1855.
the :ate
KNOWLT.ON respectfully call
Lion of tho citizens of Susquehan.
their new and extensive assort.
na comity,
went of
Comprising almost: every article'usually kept in
similar establishments, which they • will sell at
such prices as must satisfy all who may favor
them With their p.ttronage. Their goods were
purchased at the lowest urarket prices ' and are
warranted to be of the best quality. Cull and
eiatnine for yourselves, it will cost you nothing.
We think all will be . ccnvinced, that ibis is the
place to buy GOODS CHEAP—not Cheap
Goods. -
ar Remember the place, No. 10 LaFayette
Block, 3 doors east of the Chenango Bridge,
Court Street, Binghamton, N. Y.
March 1, 1855.
Phyfe & Knowlton- •
TNTEND to' keep constantly on hund.a variety
of Nails, iron, steel, springs, axels, table and
pocket cutlery, butcher, bread, and shoe knives,
razors; shears, scissors, snuffers and trays, coal
'hods, shovels and tongs, stair rods, coffee mills,
wheel heads, enameled sauce pans and kettle;
vices, anvils, smiths' bellows, screw plates,sledg
ea, hammers shovels, spades, scoops, chains,lead
pipe, sheet lead, 'pump chain add fixtures, straw
cutters, corn-she lers, sausage-Cqtters, metal and
wood faucets, horse brushes, combs, cards, rope,
cordage, files, rasps, bells, tacks, brad; copper
rivets and burs, sand-paper, braces, bitts, augers,
gimbleta screws, hinges, gate hangings, curtain .
fixtui es, hooks, Staples, bolts, hasp; wood, min
eral and 'white knobs; mincing -knives, door
springs, thermometers, wire, malleable castings,'
mill, X' cut, wood and hand saws, firmer, mortice
and framing chisels, gouges,' Wrenches, bench
screw; levels, saw trades ' auger, saw, plane and
chisel handles, axes, hatchets, axe-helves brush-,
es, oil stones; whips, pad, fill, chest and doorlocks, castors, sad irons; candle-sticks. trays, hay
knives, glue, glue kettles, spoons, saddler's silk,
&c. &c., and a stock of bnilders' Hard
ware and Carpenters' Tools, unsurpassed for
cheapness in this section of country. Call and
see. Don't forget the place, No. 10, Lafayette
Block, 3 doors East,. of the Cher ango Bridge,
Conn street. -
; •
Binghamton, March 1, 1855.
9 1LL SAWS, warranted, at •
Binghamton, March 1;1855.
- - k - rovir in Store largo stock of new patterns
of CARPE from the recent heavy auc
lion sales at a gre
,t - reduction in prices. Bar
gains for purchasers. And Such elegint styles
that all must. be tiqjted. - -Remember our Carpet
rooms ate on the second floor of our Crockery
and House Furnishing Store now being extend.
god one hundred feet in depth, making it the must
extensive in the Village.. J.. 11. DE PEU.
•Bing,hainton, March 15, 1855:
Allf D
Crockery, Glass-'are, and House
yarnisking Goods.
JH. DE PEU would call the . attention of
• purchaiers to his' extensive and , • varied .
stock of. GOODS for .the Spring trade, *consist.:
ing of every article desired by housekeepers and
would especially solicit a call from;
,those fur
nishing anew. As our. attention is particularly;
devoted to the wants of this class, wenre able to
furnish them with a complete outfit—and we
would advise all to look through the!assortment
before purchasing elsewhere. Reniember DE
PEU keeps Crockery, Looking-Glasses, Carpet
ing; Wooden and • Willow Ware,
Spoons, Cutlery, Window-Shades, Lamps, Cur
tain Trimmings, China ware, Fancy Itaskets,Bird
Cages, Toys, . p red and Tin War e,Feather
Misters, Geese Feathers, Mats, at the
Binghamton, March 15, 1855,- •
- W.N. WILSON, & CO. :
IDETURSI their warmest acknowledgements
to their customers in Susquehanna County
fur past favors, and invite attention to their stock
of .
New Spring Goods,
. -
just opened, which they •propome to replehish
weekly from AUCTION, and the cheapest cash
Houses in the City.
,- The 'stock embraces every variety of Staple
'and Fluky Dry Goods, Yankee Notion, Teunks,
Traveling Bags. cfe. All of which they will sell
extremely CHEAP for CASH. •
Pedlar., and other wholesale buyers will find
it greatly to their advantage to give them a
The Ladies will find'aer excellentassortment .
ofDress Goods, Embroideries, Thread Laces, and
Trimmings of all kinds; from AUCTION at. very
low rates.'
Corner of Court and Water Sts..
Binghamton, N. Y. - , April 5, t. 855.4
New Arrangement at Gregury's
kif - s having formed a co-partnership for the
purpose of conducting the Hardware business in
all its various branches, would respectfully in
form the people of Susquehanna county that
they aro now opening at Gregory's Old Stand,
opposite the Exchange Hotel; 2 doors from . the
Canal, Binghamton, N. Y., the largest, cheapest,
and best stock of Hardware ever °tiered in Bing
Having; made arr-ngements to import their
English Goods and purchase their American; di-,
rect from manufacturers, they can and will Sell
CHEAPER. than any other :establishment in
town! Their stock is now very extensive, and
-those wishing to
. purchase are *invited to e s iL—
The following are a portion of their leading ar
ticles, vii:—Table knives and forks, Tca do.,
carvers, forks and steels, pen and pocket knives,
bread and butcher do., hay and straw do., scii-•
sors, shears, and =Ors . , britannia ten and coffee
pots, silver and britannia tea and table spoons,.
silver plated, brass, and iron candlesticks, snuf
fers and trays, solar lamps, lard, and suspended
lamps, inantle.piece ornaments, brriss and iron
andirons., shovels and tongs, &c.
Locking Glasses, and looking glass plates, to
gether with a general 'assortment of housekeep
ing articles.
coriAsting of locks, latches, butts, screws, brad
bolts, patent window springs, blind fasten
ings, shutter screws, and fastenings, &c.
A general assortment of tools for Varpeoters
'and joiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons
and bialAismiths, consisting of planes, saws, ham
• mers,•hatChets, axes, adzes, chisels, angers, auger
bitts andlhollow . angers, anvils, Bellows, vices,
'patent dill machines, sledges, stone hammers,
brick and plastering trowels, cross-cut, mill and
,circular saws.'
• A splendid assortment tof Saddle and Harneis'
makers' tools and trimmings.
consisting of shoVels, spades, forks,rakes,seythes;
grain cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron bars,, grind
stones, &C.
Also, Agents for the sale of Whittemore,
Squires 4.; Co's Agricultural tottils,such as plows,
hay and straw cutters, corn shellers, &C.-
Sole and upper le :her, morocco and shoe
trimming% with ageneral assortment of findings,
Wooden ware, Willow cradles, wagons, chairs
and baskets of all des.:riptions.. • •
Bar iron and steel, iron axles and steel springs
malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings of
all kinds,l'paints, Oils, sash, glass, putty, &c. - , all
of which ;will he -sold at the lowest rates. Please. ,
call and examine the stock for yourselves.
Bing.haintoz, March 1,1855.
lie* Ilark. L:A:iiiertis—cmcitts.
No. 333 Broadway, New York.
Opposition. to Monopoly—Wasic at Greatly
reduced Rates. ; . .
. Notwithstanding the combination of music deal-.
ors to keep up the prices .of non-copyright mu.
.sic, against the interest of natire compnsers, and
their refusal to extend to Mr. Waters the courte
• sies of the trade, ho is making immense sales,
having abundant evidence, , that ho has
countenance and support, in his opposition to the
GREAT Mosoroix,.and in his efforts to aid NA-
T/CE TALENT, and to adopt. the NATIONAL CUR.'
RENar. His stock of American and -European
music is immense, and the catalogue of, his own
publications is One of the largest and. best select
ed in the United States. He .has also made a
Great Reduction in the prices of Pianos, Melode
ons and 3tusicat Instruments of all_ kinds.. 'Su
perior toned 6 1-2 octave pianos for $175, $2OO.
and $225, interior of as .rood quality,.aad instru
ments as strong and as durable as those which
cost $5OO. Pianos of every variety of style and
price Up to $lOO, comprising those of TEN differ.
ent manufactories: among thew the celebrated
modern improved floaacE NVI L TEIte Plaices and
the first premium fEoLtais Plases Of T. Gilbert
&Co.'s make, (owners of the. /Eolian patent.)—
Second-hand Pianos at great barb ins. Prices
from $4O to $l5O. - Melodeons from five differ
ent manufactories, including the won-known S.
D. "&.11. W. Smith's melodeons, (tuned the equal
ternperament,)the best make in the United*States.
Prices $45, $75; . $lOO,-$11.5, $125, $135, and
$150.. Smith's Dunble Bank Melodeon*, $200._
Eeah piano and melodeon guaranteed. Thu best
terms to the trade, schools, 4.e.; 121-2- per cent
discount totlergYman and churches. All orders
promptly attended to. Music sent to sll - parts
of the country, post-paid, at the reduced rates;
General and select catalogues and schedule of
prices of Piauus forwarded to any address' free
Of charge.
. .
Extracts from testimonials of music Profess
sots and Editorials, concerning. .. ;
V. 410 .
. . - , NEW Yore, Dee. 1'2,'54..
HoitacE WATERS, Esq., 333 Broadway : . •
Dear Sir—Having examined your Piano Fortes
from scientific and appropriate tests, I am ena.
bred to form a satisfactory judgment of their
merits, and it is with pleasure that I can speak
of them as among the most celebrated and int
prned makes of the day.. ; '-
' • lNir power, : brilliancy- and richness i,f tone
.elasticity of touch, and beauty of finish, they will
not suffer in comparison with those Of any other
manufacturer and those desirous of obtaining
a really good Piano Forte—zone that will ;prove
an equivalent for their means,. will find such 4,
one in your beautifulinstrumeets. ' - .
.TnOmaS Bagritt, .
R.. A. M. Leader:of Jullien's Band Mid einsicel
Director and Conductor at Niblo's Garden.
For power, brilliancy and richness of tone,
elasticity of touch; elegance and durability of
make, they are in advance of any other pianos in
the United States, b'eing the result of long expo:
rienee ;ad.& series of experiMonts.-41. Y. Die.
patch- . . . . ' . •.'' .
The treble - is Clear, pure, beautiful, and very
meledeous; the bass is deep, rolling . and . song.
roes; the middle part is rich and . sympathetic,
and posses the power of singing; 1. e. of uniting
the sound of ell w
. tone, in a degree but rarely
achieved;-1 - Is. RT C; 'WATSON.
Yarn: instrut tont.s - aro a sensible . improvement
pun American i piaifos, and artliongur 104 the
skillful manufacturer. There is no doubt but
they will be appreciated by the publiC, and all
Admirers of true merit.--Oscut Cosier/am :
For i power of tone, depth of Lass, and brillian
cy-of treble, together with accuracy of touch,
they are equal to any make lam acquainted with
and I cordially recommed them to these wishing
toarcbase.—V. C. TAYLOR.
Our friends will find at Mr. Waters' store the
very best assortment of - music and of 'pianos to
be found in the United Suites, and we urgo our
southern and western friends to give him a call
whenever they go to Now York.—Graham's
I great.pleasure in pronouncing them in
struments oflsuperior quality, both 'in tone and
toneh.—Atouvr GocKEL.
We consider them worthy of special attention,
frinit the resonant and exceedingly musical tone
Which Mr. Waters has`succeetled in aitaining. - --
Musidal World 4. Timer: • •
The lit) Waters pianos are of superior
tune aucte ant nish.--N. Y. Christian kqui
rer.: - I , •
. Nothin,g at' the State Fair disylayed greater ex
.eeHence in any department than• the i 3 ianoYorte
manufactured by norace Waters, of this eitye 7 —
• gorace Water4' Piano Pertes are of full,.rich,
and even tone, and pewerful.—N. Y. : Musical
-You: new Square Pianos, sir, are of such a .
clearness and equality of tone throughout; that
they very sueeesiifully compete with the volumi
nous and expressOe Grand Piano.— Vanclerweyde.
The Editor cif the Savannah Rejthlican, Sa
vannah, Ga., speaking of the Piano Fortes kept
hy ,Messrs. 4. W; Morrell & Co. of that city,
says •I•
• •
". It will bo seen that their stock comprises in
struments of every grade of excellence,from the
well known manufacturing establishments of
Chiekering & Son, Borneo Waters, It. Wore
ter,-Nunhs and Clark, and Bacon and Raven. It
might well be supposed, that in so large a col.'
lection there wciukl be some very fine instru
ments: Bat-theie is one. Which,. ter_bCauty.of
finish and richnefs,and brilli:iney of-tone, equals,
if it - does not excel, anything' Of the:
have ever seen. 'lt is from the establishment of
Horace Waters. ! Being constructed of the best
and most thoroughly seasoned material, and up..
on improved princiPles, it is capable of resisting
the action of every. climate, and of standing a
long time in tune, •:. The keys are of pearl, and
the recess -for the;•fing,er-board is inlaid with
pearl, the.legs are most elaborately carved, and
the whele instrument finished up in a style of,
great excellence and beauty. And yet its chief
merit lies in the. power brilliancy, and richness
of its tono, and the elasticity of its.teueh."
Extracts from Editorials 'concerning C:GlLitEti•r
The Lolian I?iane\FOrto is findoubtedly the
most perfect musical instrument hymen inuenui
ty.has constructed. TwO instrumenti are blen
ded in one. Tho "Dillon. is both 'attached and
detached ; so that the Piano - may be played with
or without it ; or,' with one htmd the performer
may elicit. the melodious strains of the Xolian,
and with the other invoke the harinonies of the
Piano. The instrument which, in the evening,
incited to the dance or aided the festive song,
gives forth, in the morning, 'the pealing tones
which prelude and accompany the solemn hymn
Mr. Waters' new rooms two very inviting to the.
lovers of music. But he has nothing in his
rooms equal' in beauty and completeness to Gil
bert's .lEolian Piano Fortes.—Morris & Willis'
Hume Juurnal.-:
.4 . .
The variety 4nd - beauty of the (let ts'ean only
be appreciated . by those whoiieir these magnifi
cent instruments At Mr.' establishment.
=.4.V. Y. Tribune. , , .
The 2E9llan Piano Fortes- sent to the Crystal
Palace from tens great music rooms of Horace
Waters,-have been provod to be unsurpassed by
all :others in those qualities which the greatest
performershioSt prize —Evening Post.
The Pianos 'sold by Mr. Waters are very pop.
ular, The framework is mettallic and theins-.
-Irutitent is warranted -to stand any climate with
scarcely guy ,need 'of
.tuning.—N. Y. Daily
the invention of the new .voices has‘diveited
:thattinstrumenl of its harsher tones, ane given ns
all the purity ilia richness .of a: parlor organ:—
'Er&link AtlaS. Albany,
this admirable instrument is •. everywhere
praised.---Christian Reflector, Boston.
The Xoliati Piano is • now the chief attraction
in all musical circles in
. the South.Atabarna
Baptist. Marion. • -
Extracts frOm testimonials concerning S. D.
-In an article in t'te • February number of the
Reriew;answering some inquiries iin regard to
temperament made by " W. jr., Brook
field, Vt.," I noticed a statement that, Prince's
Melodeons are, tuned in the equal, temperament..
Since that time I have examined a number - Of
P,rinee'& Co's . Melodeons ' with 'special reference
to the temperament, and have .not fOund one
tuned in equal temperament. The temperament
in the melodeons of Prince 1.. CO.'s manufacture
that I have ',examined. apJproaches nearer the
Equal than in these of Carliart S. Needham, - but
it is far- frotti.equal, as apt one" troubled with a
niece ear," I think will decide, if they will try the
chords of F. and F Sharp in succession.
A TI:NEIt, POtiltriey, Vt.
We are very happy to stand corrected on thii
point,. We Made the statetuont blinded tO above
_on theauthoiliY of a professor of music in this
city, withouk, having observed• in reference to it
ourselves-4,; thing we very seldom do. We
have since jeamined l'iince..& Co.'s Melodeons
.and find "A:',.Tuner” right. The,' however, that
S. D. & H. gip. Smith's Melodeons; mild by Mir- .
ace Wateri4No. 333 Broadway, are tutted in the
equal ..11thical Reriew.
Messrs. S D. S 7 U. W. Smith rank as the first
Manufactureis of the Melodeon in this country.
Their instriments,lare recommended by the best
.judeies as superior in every respect.—Boston-Com.
• ;
There is trstantly in store at• this es.
ablishment- ten 4101 1 3 rent makes of Pianos, and
ve different makes of Slelodenntt.. -
LW - Each instrument is guaranteed to gh'e
entire satisfaction or the purclutso money refun
Persons at a dsslantte wishing to purchase will,
by forwarding their orders, have their wants as
well and as clteaEly supplied although personal
ly present. • , 14v1
Brought Ilovie to the Door of the Millio
AWONDERFUL Discovery has recent 2 ., been made by
Dr. Curtis, ot this city. in the treatment or EoltsutuP•
tion, Asthma and all idiseases of the Lung.. We' refer so
" Dr. Curtis" IlygOana or Inhaling Ifygean Vapor 'and-
Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. bus restored Many
affil tel ones to perfect health.; as an evidence of which be
has Innumerable certificates. Speaking of the treatment,
zi physician remarl, s .1 It is evident that iuhaling--cone tint
ly breathing an agreeable, heating vapor, the medicinal
properties most come hi direct cohtaet with The whole of
the axial cavity of the lungs,and•thusesespe this many and
varied atones prodiaced upon thent when introduced into
the atamach, and subjected to the iirocesa of digestion.--
The Ilygeanals fortklea it all the druggists throughout the
country. - I .
I Nem, Yiirk Dni{ltpum• ofJon.
The Inhaler ie wcqn 012 the brea.t undil. the_ linen with
out the least ineonvoisience--the heat ;of tiler body be ng
-suflicietit to evaporate the fluid. •
Hundreds of CAS Ed of CURESIike• the following might
be named.' One Pa , Rage of I.llygeO7a hoe cured me. of `the
ASTHAIA of /ix yeatv standing. • -
. Jos. F. IPreiberry, A: M. of Dungannon, Pa.
I am mired of theriASTHAIA of it/years/Landing by Dt:
Curtis' !lyceums. - '
' r ilargaret L'aston, Erectly : ll,N , Yt
Mrs-Paul ot'No. 4 lantmondSt., N. Y., was cared of a
Severe case of Itronebetia by the Ilytteana. .
My sifter has heel} cured ofil DISTRESSING COUGH of
several years stand r/ and decided to be incurable. y bet
physicians. She wa cured la ONE:MONTII by the Hya
. • • S. 1.1 Gaubert, P. M., Richmond, Me.
Price three Dollars aPa ckage.—Sold by, CURTIS , PER
IC & ROYD & I AUL N 0.1140 Chambers Et, N T.-4
Packages sent'frae/i express- to any part" of the United
States for Ten Doll n.
NAV—Curtis' Tf i rttent 'ls the ORIGINAL and ONLY,
GENUINE ARTIC E, all others - re base delimitations or
vile and 111.TURIOVd counterfeits.. Shun them as yoI
would POISON; 8731,—Vieseber & S., Mien. .
CC:F•Por Salo by betTurtell,Dtoggiffit, Montrose, Pa.
I - .
?VIEW GOODS. . . .
rpHE stitrscri or is E n constant, receipt of New
j_ G n -as, in bis lin of business, neatly every
Week: The pithlic willt find his assortment Nn I,
and his articles flew and of good:quality. The
stock consists usual of •
• - Drugs; B leines, Paints, Oils; - -
• -• D o.Stuffs, GrOceries,i . .
iP y.axtds, Jewelryi ._
..,' cifuutery,, .
Store at flan 'vir end of the &lined district.
1 31ontrosi,ja , 1 1 1055, - .. .
no in Vts3VIIER &Sen,kies Generia Advertising
- ilaue6Appleton's Building, 346
• - cnd 348 . Brnadway„ •
NEAR OLD star, ritifsbax,
Itavo constantly on hand, .and manufacture
sags for Floar,'Graiss, Satt l Buck- ,
wheat, Haan, &c.
Nirosid also call the attention tif country Mer
chants, to their assdrtment of
Seamless & Farmers' Bags,
.41 ILL-E it S' -B S
Designed and prided to eider, exPresslOor their
use. •
Our facilities are such that woeful supply from
10,000 to 20 ,000 . bags per flay.
Also Importeriand Dealers , in
and various kinds of and Twinejoilt
Linnen and Cotton, of %Odell we are rtc4ivitig
continual supplies. 31-1 y
Fairbanke Platte.rm qn q - Counter
HT ~2ILBANBS &-Co. have recently opened a
1' spacious Warehouse at 189 Broadway, New
York, whore they offer, at wholesale and retail,
the most complete assortment of Weighing Ap.
parattis, to be found in the United States. Among
the articles offerred will be found upwards of
seventy different modifications of FAIRBANKS'
SCALES. Alsol great variety of BANKERS% Jeir..
eters', Monist's Groeers', and other Scales.—.
Spring Balances,Pat en I. Beams;Teater's.Weights
and Measures, &e, &c. - 1 • •
HAY and COAL SCALES set in any 'part of
the-country by experienced workmen.- • _ •
Orders by mail Or otbsrtvise will receive aden
FAIRBANK4 & - Co., 'lB9 Broadway_ N._ York
ldmG , I ,
CHAMBER FPitN.ItURt, fledsteada, Mat.
tresses, Washstands, Enanieled Sets; Lilian.'
ges; Chairs; Pillows, Connterpaties,.&e.,
448 Pearl st..; N. Yr bZtween .
19m6 Madison , -and Chatham st. •
New andlTaluible,Dzs" covery.
• Dr. Ham's 4rontatic• in r rgorating 4.lnrit.
This delicious beverage is superior to all It t ,
vigorating Cordials Schnapps, Norvines, &e., in
use, for the cure , of Disp'psia, Nervousness,
Heartburn, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaint, Mel
•-anciroly, Delirium Tremens, Intemperanee, &c.,
as it will invigorate and strengthen, but will not
intoxicate. Or stupefy.. ,
Persons who have become habituated to the
excessive use of Tcibacco, °pinch and Spirituous
Liqtiors, will find speedy and permanent relict
from the desire to use These destroying, agents,
by taking a bottle or two of this DelicioutiMedi.
cal Beverage. •
Weak and Sickly ramifies will find Dr. Hatn's
Invigorating Spirit..a quick - and sure cure for all
female - difficulties, it being a Regenerator as well
as a Strengthener of the Human System. each
. eomplaint that the Aromatic Invigorating Cordial
is calculated to cure is named. on the - wrapper
hocompying each bottle - , and fall directions for
use are ago minutely given.
Price $l - per bottle. ~P repared by Dr..Darina
Has Principal office, No t 2 Liberty Street, New
York, were wholesale oniers should be addressed.
For sale by Druggist' thfoughout The United
States. • -
Sold by A. - Turrett, Montrose; R F. & K. H.
Eaton, Harford; Chureti& Phinny,Dundiff; L.-
SeottGreat Bend. - - 23--Iy.
Wrought:lron Pipe
. ,
For . Water, Steam and Gas: Japee lio. Morse
4. Co., _No. 79 John Street, New York, menu
faaturers and dealers in IVraughl,tion Pire.
Thiiiteen different sizes constantly on hand,
with Valves, Cocks, Elbows, Tees,
_and every
variety of fittings for the same. Ashcroft's Steam
Gauges, Whistlei, bil Cups; &c. ;Heaters for,
Steam Engines, Steain and Force Pumps, Boiler
Flues Tuyere and Soap Boiler Coils,' Screw
PlateSland Screwing M:t4hines. - Buildings Warm•
ed by Steam and Lighted by Gas: - All ordoirs
for repairs, and country 'orders receive prompt at-,
"tentiou. ,
J. 9. M. & co. b - ek to call the attention or
owners of factories, hotels, &e., to their sn - perior
Gas Generating Apparatus, 'now in use attho
St. Nicholas .Hotel, New York, Maneheter,
Conn.j Great Barrington, Mass., Rockville, Co n.,
and vOious other parts of the country. 24--3 m.
Largest and Cheapest Stock of Dry Good* in
New York. z
AILTIES who are about to visit the eity,laro,
invited' to Lord Taylor% immense i es,
tablishinent,"2ss,• 257,'059, Grand- Street, coiner
Chrystie Street, Or at their other store, new nOm4
hers, 47 and 49 Catharine street, at both of which
stores may be found at.all times, most attractive
Stocks of Fashionable Silks, Shawls, Mantillas,'
Dres Goods, Flannels; Domestics, Linens, lidsie
ry, Gloves, Laces. Embroideries, and every other
description of seasonable 'goods; also Carpetifiga r
Oil Cloths, Rugs, Druggets, &c.-; in great variety,
to nil of which additions are constantly bi l ling
niade from fOreign markets and auction sales,
and purchasing on the most advantageous teams,
we u rire enablei .to sell at such remarkable low
priers as to offer to our customers greater induce.
mentsthan ever.-
_ • HOSIERY . -
- Exclusively for-Cm h.
_IL BROWN & Co., 34 Liberty-sL . two
• doorebelow, the Post Office, N. Y.,
porters and =Jobbers of Men's, Women's and
Children's Hosiery, Gleves, and,Laces k Silk,lie.
rino and Cotton Shirts and Drawers; Woolen
Yarn, Suspenders, Silk and .Cotton' Hamllter.
chiefs, and Cravats; Silk, Lisle. Thread, Cotton, '
and .Woolen Gloves and Mittens, and all the !a._
rieties of Gqods in his line.
Being extensive importers, and !age ttlYera at
auction, dealers will find it greatly to their ads
vantage to examine our stock. 33m3
- "The Open Inble.
GENTS Wanted to. sell anew work.entitlesi
.(4 ‘ Paganiim, Popery and Christianity, or the
B SING of an OPEN BIBLE," as grown in
the I -tort'.of Christianity, frog the time of our •
SaVicu to the present day, by Vincent. W. Miller.
With a view to the latest developments. of
Rome's Hostility to the . Bible, as exhibited in va
rious parts of the world, rind an i. , :tpose of the
absurdities of the Immaculate conception,
the idolatrous veneration of the Virgin Mary, by .
Rsv. J. F. Berg, D. D. author of the "Jesuits,"
"Church and'State," Sc. 4--e. The author'
this work, Dr. Berg, is acknowledged to be the
most Ale writer on Romanist]) in the country
those who have read his discussions with Arch
Bishop Hughes, will need no assurance of this .
Agents will 'fir.4l this the [host saleable ',utile.
published-;,it is a large I9ato.7'..trolutue,l:4- Nur
hundred and thirty, pages, Illustrated with -len ,
merous en o graviogS, beautittilly and subatantiallt
bound ; and sold at etl,lti per copy: ' --- i
• - 'Speciuten eo,pieS sent by mail,•pnst paid, to dui
Part of tho UultediStatestbd receipt of the above. - : 1 . - -
pace. '-
ftenfl tutu copy; rind judee for yohrseit•es„,' • , :
AddreSS J.-W: BRADL E Y, -- .
- . Publishen, --- - •-' . '
48 NOrth Forth litteet,'. - -.--
Philadelphia; : ..:
CASII pnid fur Land Warrantii.. _ •
• D. 11 LkTilitoPa
J no il, 18.55.
BUTTER wanted. Tile highest market orb!
Cee will be paid In crib tbr good Dairy Rut. ,
ter, by . - ;
J4O 264.110855:
NEW GOODSsilcair -
the'lietctof salrigat4ow
MOE ondersigot4inost
stio a tb d t tan !o an th d a t t li t i :
,tocl which will be sold chap:, ! H T:-
*it T.
at rose, Ma 311-1050,
IBS H. fia D. SAYRE,