Clerk Wanted, A N active and intelligent young man, of about seventeen years of age, wanted as clerk in a store. One wishing to acquire the bu siness,ladd disposed to make himself useful, will find good encourag,ernent l y application shortly. to ; • 11..1.11.1R1t1TT. Nen' Milford, July .12, 1855. To tEid . Honorahle the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sess3ons of the Peace in and for the county -of Susquehanna. The iPetition of Fiederick Pickering, of the Borougkof Susquehanna Depot, in Said County, respectfUlly showetlf that' be is provided with sditable eonvenience,s to keep a Grocery, in the D o rough%aforcsaid; and that it is his intention to apply , to the. next Court of Quarter Sess:ons, to be holden in and for said county, on the third Monday of August next, for a License to'kecp a Grocery to reel Strong Beer, also, other Malt Li quors, according to the act of Assembly in such des' made and proVided. FREDERICK PICKER INC. SuScitiehanna -Depot, July 21, 1855..;-ovir Sheriff IS Sales. • virtue of sundry • Writs issued out of the Cinut Common .Pleas. of Susquehanna, County; and to :•me directed, I will . expose to sa le hylpublie veridue at the Court IlouSe,"in Montrose, oli Saturday; 'the 18th day of August net t, atitine o'clock The following Real Estate 4 ) wit: , • All that certain piece or'parcel of land, situate Icing and being in the township of, Springville, said County, bounded and described as fol lows. On the north by lands of Miles Prichard and William B. Handrick, east by the Episcopal Parson:lire, on the south by the road-lending from Springville to the Tunkbannmk . Creek, and on the west'by lands of Ezekiel Fritz, containing one nere i of land, more er less, on which is situ ated one, dwelling house. The, whole being im proved. • Taken in Execntion at the suit of B. Sayre, assigned to John F. Dunmore, vs., D. Y.4-lollen- Lack.. i: • ALSO -All that certain Saw Mill, Mill Yard and appUrtenances, situated and being on Silver Creek. near the Salt Spring, in the township of Franklin, in the County of Susquehanna, the, land on ,ivhich the . mill stands, bounded `on the t wth by Illenry L. Merriatt, on the easterly by tilliam ,Burrows, on the south by wild -lands, and on t ie west by hmds of Nathan P. Wheatdn ri LoNnzo Yance. 4 Taken'in execution at the, suit oL Lorenzo Vance Luther Snow 2d. and George S. Fisk. I ALSO—AII that certain piece or parcel of ; 1 isnd situate and being in the township :of Len- Coun'ty of Susquehanna, bounded and de- ' K ribed as follows to wit: On the north, east, al3d west, ho lands of,. Saum.o IT:distend, on the south hyjailds now, or formerly of Thomas Mei. ' Meth, containing 3 acres, one Saw mill; and. all itnraved. Al-o. one other piece or 'parcel of hounded and described as follows: On,,the north Ityl lands of Samnel Halstead, east by George and Warren Price, 'south by, l an d, (-,f Price, and we.,..t by unsold land: (7 , atnininfr about ninety acreß, arid about sixty itOroved, with the, appurtenances, one tog one framed barn, one cow house, and a small orchard. T:J:en / in exeeution at the suit of J. 11. Phelps Is= M. Doud. ALSQ4-All that certain piece. or parcel, of situate. I}iing.and being in the tdwnship of .;:1 - .urn :Ind Springville in vaid County, and follows to wile': On the ,west, by thc.l , ablie road . or highway running frOm.Aub. corners to Bonnet's Corners :And lands i ; : e of dershatn Bunnell, deceased; on the 4-ith br lands of Jonathan Bunnell, Jefferson. Fervre - od. Elias Bennet and Isaac . Russell east by lands Of Sainuel A. Loomis, and on north.h--la!ids of Samuel Brundage, and the ro:id or,lnghway runningfrom, the below cnihine4 road, to the Black walnut road near the Minot Riley. Containing one bun- Og-hty seven and one half acres, be the rnore or less. Being, the same piece .or parcil of Ihrid that Tread Way Kel log bv deed bear T ingdate the 14:11 day ofJwy, A. I). I 'Bs3,and.Re- Nrded in the office fur recording deeds in and for said Ccanty, in deed book No. 23, Page 97, &c., conv'evedto Milton Harris, with the appur-, cane •s, ore dwelling House,.one framed barn, con/ house, and one small -orchard. Being. , m , =;IY improved; Tairen in execution at the Suit of Cooper Hen - ,i c r s op &: co:, vs. Treadway Kellog. ALSO T AII that 'certain piece or. parcel of I ;zld. 1 sitna'e lying and being in the townstifthof 1 '- Auburn, Susquehanna, hounded and described as I fL , !;ows to On the north by lands of Thom-'I u Hines. on the east by lands .of Jesse Hinds, on tae south lands of Luther Seeley and Albert add on the west by lands of Thomas ~4r s, containing about one hundred And fifty etvi, more rr less, with the appurtenances' one ftn;•Li HoUse and barn,- one orchard, and about at hundred acres improved. Taken in execution at the suitor Hart, Cum-' 'Enp and Hart, vs. Thomas and John Morley. ' ALSO- r iAll that certain fourstory wood build occupied as a saw Mill, • shop &.e., standing nor near the road that runs:from the Abington and Waterford turnpike road, to or near the base of S.IW. Truesdell, On the road leading v.Great Bend and on a Lot of land situate in the Township Of Liberty, and bounded on the north ' !'.7 other 'aids of Said Vance and Benjamin W. - :on the south east by lands of said Bai :ey. !Ina on th& south west by lands of Philo Lace, containing about :one acre and a half and nr.• which said saw mill stands, which piece of hr.d being the turtilage to Said mill and Meted= ezthe dam, there being also with the said mill . hingle mfichine, lath machine,' and other BA - arts to the said mill belonging, which ~I shall al to v.:11 therewith. Taken inlexecution at the suit of JosephDur to the use of John Lewis vs. Lorenzo Vance. .11.50 7 . -411 that certain piece or ps.reel of land t:rated in Lodersville, in Great Bend township, .tic count of Susquehanna, bounded .and de .l,,ibed ti. f4tlows to Wit: Beginning at n-point r-lisoitthWesterly line of the Great Bend and rAecton turnpike, the.south easferly side of a atatt& chesnat tree, nt - the corner of land hereto . : e conreyetd to We New York and Alrie Rail- tti Company, thence south /51; 4- degites and 30 tnute, west along the line of.tlic said Railroad C.' , /pzny'S.-16nds about 114 'feel to a, corner is ter , f(lf; the ec north westerly long the line of 1 . 1 :i ccupari 's lands about 182 . ! pet to the north v,torly aid of almost tree 'th two trunks ,ionit7 , feet from,said line:\ tht i nce north 51 3-4' t‘ east j about 213 , febt,t(ktbe line of said tlapilte. the,north-weittertv sid: : of a gate post, t - .!ntie s..uth;27 degrees.e.ast, a h t .,..c*_ the line of eild turnpike 179 1-2 feet toil:14, race of 'begin --,7. curtaining six tenths of '-*n acre of land, 'now erected therec a large three louse, known as the "Bryant How ham, shed. and stabling, ice hota s and all improved. , xecution at the Emit .of Elner W. Addison Bryant. . 11 that certain piece or parcel of rand and being,in the township of Rush, na.Countf,and bounded as follOws ;inninglat a post the -ninth east co:- late !sf Thomas Johnson and Lot is draft of resurvey - 'of Thomas P. thence east along the line of the ''('! LA 172 and - 3-10 perches, to a • xtentinn line of the said ThorwlsP. the north east ebrner of Lot No. 74 [ east corner hereof: thence north :tention line of Lot No. 44 ; thence -I 0 porches to a post the south ,lf Lot No. 44; thence north 16 9.10 174. and stones : thence west 1.28 o a'post and stones the northwest ;; thence south 57 5-10. perches to elginnitsgr, containing 57 acres more the appurtenances, one framed 4e, one barn, one corn house 'or orchard, aud about 4.8. acres itn- • ur eSc ~ . ,•y tavern ii wr:r. a larve 1.1? r‘nt hr.4tis Taken in Brgham, vs. .IklSt.s—A I: %';te.iving ~ - , t iNtluenit '.:.r of ;rind '\'` 74 nr.on - w :rant; _,: ne.ntiori, t r .',,,, on the t Ile S trnet: zi the sous, I t,t 42 and t) corner di •r , .:n..s porcht.s ""r her, of;; Place r.f 'ts.s. with aeUnh Lon) ir4ritry. o no T:fkei, in execution atthe suit of John Bulks 42 - Be.tspy Bolles for the use of Betsey Bolleg, Sohn Mulkey. _:"^`-‘o—All that certain farm, ,piece or parcel situate iu Forgst Lake,Township in the :' 4 Lty of Susquehanna and State or Pennsylva -44 hounded and.describod as 'follows to ~.:ginn;ng.- at a' post 'and , ntones on the north of the 'Milford and -Owego Turnpike Road; (he lino of C. Wright's land north y eight ,degreas east tavenly perches to a 1:*- and stones iq. lino of B. T. - Case's land ; A - tnte I,puth fifty two degrees east two perches , to a post and stones ' thence' along the line of, R. T. Case's, north thirty eight degrees east, eighty four And three tenth perches to a hemlocks, tree ; thence along the line 08. T. Case aouth, fifty two degrees, east forty fire and seven tenths, to a beech tree' seuth, thirty eight degrees,..'West one hundred and four perches and four tenths of a perch to a post and stones etnnding on the north side of the :afore' said - Turnpike Road; thence along.said - Road,.north fifty two degrees, west forty seven perches and seven tenths of a perch to the place Of beginning, containing thirty acres and Aix perches of lend )npre o less (excepting, and reserving therefowdways;t*elve feet square a-here the children of Z. 'S. Daty and other per sons are burivd.) Also all - that, - other piece or parcel of land situate in the to•{nship of Forest Lake afore said, bounded AS follotes to wit Be gioning at a post the south nit, corn er • hereof, thence north 61 degrees west, qo perches along Israel Brailsfords lino to a pot thence - nOrth 37 degreesieast,,l76 perches ;seven tenths of a perch'to a post; thence south fifty-three degrees east; 9.6 porches nlong the line Of Isaac G. West's ,lot to a post; thence:x(4lth 37 degrees West 16 perchesland seven tenths of a perch to a post ; thence' north fifty-three degrees west 36 and five tenths of a perch on a line occupied formerlY by T. B. Gregory, to a post ; thence south 37 degrees west, along the line.of said Gregory lot 151 per-. ches to the placd of beginning, Con:aining - 68 acres, be We wane more or less, together with all. and .singular the: improvements &e., -Iwo framed EtwellinglHouses, two barns, one shed, one orchard and abeut eighty acres improved. Seized and taken in execution at the - suit'of Soloman ItleKeeby and others re. Betsey A. Clark. • F. P. HOLLISTER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Montrose, - , • 25, 1 . 855. . Sheriff's Sales. By virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court of Commoti Pleas of Susquehanna county . and directed, I will-expose to sale by pub lic vendne at the Court Ilouse, in Montrose, on Saturday the 4th day Of August next— All that certain piece or parcel of - land situate in the township of Oakland in said . county, -and bounded- as folloWs, to wit: Beginning, at an oak sapling:oh the north bank of the Susquehanna river, thence north 3-4 deg. east 349 Perches to a yellow oak sapling, thence south 80 . 1-2 deg. east, 104 5 9-10 perches ton white oak tree,thence south 3-4 deg. vest 250 6-10 perches to the cen tre of the highWaY, thence north 76 deg,. east 26 4,10 perches tOa stake, thence south 34 deg. West 31 percheS,, 6 the Susquehanna river,thence down said rivet!, as it winds and- turns to. the place of beginning, containing:233 acres more or less with the appurtenances,.3 framed houses, 2 barns, :i small orchard-arid about. 7.5 acres i tn proved, being the Same•land. recently convoyed to Thos. JaeksMi and IL C. Godwin and former ly occupied by Daniel Van Antwerp, Chas.Notry. bury, Martin \%ade and Elijah West fall: -Taken - in . ekeentiria at the snit of Jared W. Craves- vs. kihn B. ' • Also by virtue Oa like writ vs. Plaintiff lot costs, all thatl certain:piece or parcel t land_ sit uate and-being in the borough of ~ 81nquehanna Depot and bounded as follows, ,to : on the north east by land of Benj. Palmer, on the cast by lands of "Robert Nichids on the south be lands of John Satterly; and on the northwest by the called . Main street, being about 25 feet in•-front: -- an4 about 60 feet from front to iear, with the appurtenances, one Bowling. Sa .loon and all improved. Taken in . execution nt the suit of Martin ~4.shl ey vs. John Barnes. jr. . F. I'. HOLLISTER, Sheriff. Montrose. July 'l;7, 18511.29w3' Sheriff's; Sale. ,Lnivy virtue of a writ oc Ler. Fez,ig..1 , 14.1 Ant of the Cotirt of Common l'ieas of:4 , quehanna County. and to me di meted, I. will expose to public Fee OA the premixes, at the nr,yant House, in Great Bend town:4llp, on Friday, of July, inst.. at '2 o'clock P. X.— All that eemiin 'piece or'pareel of land situate in the vilk'ge of Lotiersville in Great Bend town ship and inthe county of Susquehanna, bounded I and described-as foll9l.vs, te,wit: - :Beginning at a point in the southwesterly line of the Great Bend and, Cochectim turnpike, the. Southeasterly. side of a large chestnut tree. at a coner of land heretofore conveyed to the NeW 'York & Erie Raildroad company. thenecisoutb:4.l deg. and 30 niin. west along the line y. tnid railroad Co.'s land. about 114 feet to a tymne'r 'thereof, thence nOrthwesterly, along the line of said company's lands about 182 feet, to the northwesterlY side of a locust tree with two trunks about 1-feet from said line, thence north lit 3-4 Pp. east, about 213 feet to the line of said turnpike the north- - westerly side' ota gate poSt, thence south 27 deg.- east along the line of Said turnpike 179 1.2 feet tollie place of beginnitig,)contaipin,g six-tenths of an here of land mote or less ' now erected thereon a large three story tavern bowie,' known as the. Bryant House" with a lame barn, shod and stabling, ice house and Out . ;hclu-ses, improved. Taken in execution at the *it of Lbwrie Green vs.. Chas. G. -Hart. •. The sale . of die B6ant proPerty, above de scribed; is adjourned to Friday, the 10th day of ~August next, at the pliee,and same tithe as above. F. P. HOLISTER, Sheriff, Sheriff's Office, )I',ontlntie, ? Ju1Y,3,185.5 c. d • T(YrIC.II THE subscribers to th - e stock 'of the Susque- Juliana Bridge Cornr i pan will meet lit Wm. Skihnee's saloon ; in tho village of SusqUehanna, on" Thursday the 2.6 th - day of 'July .inst 4 at one o'clock; P. M., for the-Purpose Of Organizing said corporation, and electing its . iSfficers_aecurding to law, &c. THOMAS JACKSON, . • 'PUN B. SCOVILLE, -• GODWIN, •x.. P. • . HINDS, - '. A. WARD. .• -Tilly 4, 1855. • - r • . SILVER PLATED TAERT: re doz. -more of these ‘ fine Tablu and Desert Knives made to maieh sliver forks, fur sale by - •A. J. .:vacs Binghamton, July BACK AGAIN. • f vyilnderingg D.r4 ov'e r—tnyjourpeyinp., JL fcir the present, hitve nn end. I like the West—it is: a t!harming country— and I purpose, ere long i lo dwell-there; but, be ing desirous of leaving farorable impreSsions" behind me, I shall remain a months; atti!dd: Fellows Hail: where I hopelto see a great, many old-friends, and a great many new ones— All arisious to try the mysleeious machine, And luuk :.t thetriselve.s ; “a4 by others they're seen." , W . . B. if ANS f' , Daguerrebtypist. ?Montrose July, lt l 3 1855. I • Strayed or Stolen. T-pßom the pasturu drlthti subseriberon or about the 15th of ;Vali' la;t, a Red yearling Steer, with white rave, of his tail ;white, a little white on his feet, and 'some white on - the Whoever r e tain said Steer or give ' information" where he may be found will be lib erally rewarded. • .i OWEN.EVMS. Silver Lake,"luly 10.1'855. 28-3 w. . Audit or's; Notice. Susquebanna County, ss. ' . The undersigned Navin;; bre appointed by by the 'Orphan ?s Court of said "ounty, r.,n Au dit6r to distribute _the ;insets o the trstate of Frances Richardson, deceased, aniong dm heirs of or said estate, will attend:to the duties of his ap his office in Montreip, on Friday. the 3d day of Augast next, it 2 o'Olock, P. AL, at which time and place all persoxis having claims against said estate; will present them (n.. be 'for ever barred from coining itt upon the fund of the same. ; .. . , • J. TUltaiiLL,Auditor.. • Montrose, July 2; 1855 26-4 w: New Goods Chli • p fOr Caih. • •• mcirrh.r, justl'etielifid another lot of C • New Goods,. such As Challis. Barge De Lains, De Bagcs, Gingharna, Collkts, Embroidery, Lawns, &e., &e.WATCH OFFEIi s i; AT VERY LOW PIUCES. - SUMMER sitAWL a new lot just received—;-beautiful patteriiii at very low prices, also CRAPE and BLACX SIIJC SHAWLS cis low as the lowest. , • Cr W. morn • • June 13. * • • - HALSEY'S FOREST WINE! .4nd . Gum-Coated Fr, t Pill 3 The most •straordinary discovers In the world 000 Betties and Doles Sold annually, and thou/limb' of ,Liles saved from a premature grief r, Ly Otis fate di vest' Testiment*of the moet•un«xcrt,tioliahie character are continually pouring in from erery part cf the Country, 'brazing wimp's to the unparallelled efficacy of these Medi eines. • The followlogithOw the number of cases cured. as aera ted to by letters and Other testimonials, recants! from sit parts of the Union and British . Coloules. from the grat of 'itinua 17,1852, to January lat. 1853, inclu sire Dyspepsia and habitual Costiveness, 70.1; Nerrout order*, ..131 ; General Debility, 694; Tunnies, unhealthy color of the skin, 51e; liilious DisorJers,'l3o3; So!oftela and Mercurial Complaints, 491 , JaundlCe, 102; LiTer Complaints. 896: Salt Ithentn.o6 ; Erysipelas. 151: Fella" and Ague. 101 ; Consumptive Decline, Colds and Coughs. 405; Dropsy, 184* Rheumatism, 125; other various disor. der• 111, eri,7ol notlgi iledic es ands WTI 144 r rPrI elle and hel as.. Lo . has 1, 4, het ut , e, SI De. . ,u,s t 1 ,rt h 1 si -o abort time hay Marred since tbeae.xreat and rood .1 have been made t.nown to the pubile, yet Moo re already experienced their good'Orerig• lova -neer by their rhyalciana ae incurabte, have found been reatored to sound and cicerone hevth'frme The [rest amount of good there 'Medicines have induced tbounaudi to recommend them to their Men of integrity and Pliyal,t , an. have leinctioned and'recomtnend th m to the public. 'nicking Case of Serletzla Cured. New Votk, December 6, 1!M Iflalkey—Dear Sir deem It -but jugice to ye, tlPfirrventer of a great medicine, to send you shr 404 wf my own case. Inm 117 years cl awe. At 13 attacked with Scrofula, which -formed Pustules and smite Out In large•uleers on my neck, near the roller Gone, and from thence extended nearly on. In the left esr: About six Months since I commen'red na• cone 'Fermi Wine and Pills, (following the direction.,) whit It In nine weeks, eurel me The sears. s!tlion7ll .now sound bear tell bunny nr the dreadful manner o oh;eli 1 arse afflicted. After nearly fourteen years suffering, I wow tajwice to say that my health , Is fully restored by your remedies, all others having proved quite ineffectual. Y,*tiro, very respectfully • Cure of Palsy, The fohotiring Testimony, given na by Mr" Dothan P. Condit. of Orange. N - 3., Shows the extraordinary effect , ' of the Wine and Pills In paralyrf.. • Orange, N. J:, 9eb.14, 1653. Dr. G. W. Maisel—Dear Fir.--fly wife had a *ctrok of the Palsy, •o severe that her whole 11 - Stem was completely par-. skirted .She continued to grow weak et for 'nearly two ear", losing nesth . all use and sett sib lily of her body 4111.1 UMW. We ,almo.t thspa'red of Ler reenter;'. At this time she began to take your inn clues. heir good carets were coon ecpe: kneed. She hegsn grradually to improve in health. and •n a few mouths *covered entirely,' The extraordinary effects of your wine stud Pills, in curing:my wire of a complaint we never expected her-to get better of and. as a duty I owe to youtself and the politic. T send you - this certificate. JOT.II A P. costar. I am acquainted with Mt. J. P. Condit. end know the *Wive certificate to ho true. 11.-P P . II EftDM N. . . 23 Chambers street, N.Y. • REAPER! if you abut trot your covet tutiou Injured by this lurking poison Calomel, or othor rukeral suP auceso eu ell not sunk Medhihes as row aid Omni, or any unerrtaln Medicine uhntet cr. but' vrocure tho‘e exce'lent antipureiy retr,abio preparationt, IlniFey's Forest Willa and Pills. , ' you Nave the DysperFia or are troubled with emdire ne4a, take the Wine attd the NMI , neco,d;.; to the direc t-low and .you Will then'ret If you are nervous or or ;tare e.nlelatedsvonnte ttanee, or . general debility .this Wine and the PIUS W:II re, Ftore you - to "neaith and 'energy. V' you hare u» hi cot 'red slih, or pitriplog. or p tiVeA,iir-V.ottlies,t het, Medicir.ei will p wily the blood, and eradicate ail stieh Intuit - mg horn 'he f•11;n. If you hare a weikli constitution and feel yourselreS no old for your yrsrs. tabu these exeellen , Medieinea and they will'hichtorate your consti ution and :fottly if for lonizer lire. If you are Billions (whichmtly he known 11 pnr,6 symp. toms t I)rtiwslit , ss, Lass tit Appetite. Dizslness; Furred Tongue, &e. ,) take a Rood dose of tie Fm• rt I'M!. ao•d they will puree from the stnumrh, and Lnwe•is all morbid and billions miwer. and thus pie rent a tit of fickness. and save your doetor's bill of ;1;10, O. or If you hare the Li' er toe retest %Vine and Pills will rule it. 'These MedleMes exer;, a puwerful and most salutary action on ateticer. haTe been the means of cttring thonsands of this troublesome fliSP:,se9l. PARENTS. there is not perhaps a month in the year that. st,tlll. one'ilf your children or memhera of your, family. do not complain of Ileadischi, 'or Pizzinetss. or ttlekucsa at Stomach. , sir hare tared counties or some other unfavora ble spit PtOms. Thea e are the forebodions I , f disorder. and siekness,of some kind or other. soon follows . for eurh symptomealuays show that bile or mothid mat ter exists in 111...v4nm:sell and bowels, or that the F , Ft. m is edict-xi:se ds.sot dere& T.mety us. , of the Forest Wm,- and Pills in a,l pr,ve'nt sickness from smelt ean,es.'and ail: purify the , blood. and p osi ore st,lengt an , f in , ma The Forine.Ntelrinee. A. pt cona.t,wly en Lend. to b c . ta ken whenever such syrbv errs are exhil,it, .1. tO.ll :ace your family almost entirety from cicknrss. ns trell'as your doe. tor's . bill. which free t untly amorists to more in a wort, thou futErient of - thrse; c :lledicines to I:eep yOur family In good health for Yesfs. LAM:Si the Forest 'friar la vnur mulls ne. This p'eaf ant , axrecabte effeetiremrslicine,, exactly suits your deli cate con , ,tl :ions. 'lf you are weaLly, or nervous, or in ieneral ill health. !hie wine will do more to re,tore you than all other inedirinsi. In all cases where bile exists. or the botrels' Forest Pills also hould be tas ken aceouttng to the direct lone. Mariner and Trare',l , -r. If you wish to guard yourself again:: airlines's an.l dirittermts diiosrises„ may jenp ercliz, provide:ynurself with the Porest. Wine and tint befere - starrinc our , ore a long . voyage, that you may hate the m, on het,,l alien fe,!uired. . . The Forest Wino is put np in lances Inato• I , otties, with Dr. llalsoyvf name. blown , in the class. On. Dollar per bot tle, or six. bckt flog for Fire D ars. G'unt.on-it oft Forestl'ills 25 cents perßox. For :ale by the pp4i nted Agents. at AVhole,:ale and rtetail - . nen ora/ Dop t, 161 Duane street, ono &wit' 11 ntl.on, iCow York.. Appointed AttenreinNtontrofe,Abolturrolk; Grentßend, Lnrien Bract. 3111 quarterly `Plif,i4iinttoi . t 61b,brrtistinnts. " 'll7 19 Arrangemonts for the 4th of July at Binghamton: THE Commi t t e e' , or Arrangements hay° ap pointed .. . - SHEPARD' BROTTITAS, A - committee to,sumil y the wants of tile e lkizehs of Smqpiehanna 4nurity with ,every thing in their line,•as they ere this,iveek receiving' in addition to thoir stock, as,cheap find an a,:iortment of--. Hardware, Pereelairtware, Bird Cages, Glassware, Looking-GlasFes.'&e., &e., as _were ever received in town. They will sell -I • • ' .I) , O.I2C.ELALY, A Tea Sett of GS pieves.consistiru - r, of 9 caps-ad Saucers, 9, plates, each, four sizes, Se., Sc., of the best Proetlain or Chinaware, ever manufac tured for $7.00. • CIAO M.S. • Fight - . day 'striking Clocks, Gothic style, Iron Fronts, for 5,00. Thirty hour Clocks, warranted, for 81,00. - • " Clock. and Watch Repairing." HARDWARE. Haying and I.ltrt.e:d Tools." Nails per lntndred Tea Spoons, don, \ ble Gerrnan Silver, per Sett, pl,OO Doer and fiouse Trimmings, and Furtmihinrr "Goods, a cOmpletii assortment. .Catlery of all kinds: SaWs, Planes. Axes, Shovels, &., Cages, I;ositirely none, better made. ":31ALLIBLEIZElp /PAIN" • - Mantle Pieces, from SI:2,00 to $125,00 each, far 'superior to marble. Come, see and be - convineed. In the New Exchange Block', next to Bacon's. SHEPARD-BROTHERS., Binghamton, June . ps, 1855. T AWNS—Print - 6 and Plain, a fine assort ment juit received, cheap at AREGES, now I)esigns, alt colors, Plain & Printed—very low ;.It. N. -& P., C fIALICE--Plain and Printed, light colars at N. & I'. IIBROID:ERIES—Some , elegant Setts of 4. Sleeves and eolars i very el/call at N. & P. IDARASOLS—A fine assortment—rill . priers. Barege Dc Laing, new and elegant designs. Prints; snmeinew 'turd fine patterns at •kts,— Maniillas, an eleg.ant assortment, all prices rind v(4l' low. Dress Trim in in gs, splendid new styles Wire, Antique, &e. NELSON & PRIEST.' 1 1iirrylminton, May 10, MI English - Lever Watches. • l:1E subscriber has just receivcd by steam _L . ship Baitii? another invoice of his celebrated English Patent and skelebn '.ever Watches, fourteen different varieties, in Plain and 116nt'flig cases, ;o tvhi.h be would call the atten. tiMi of all persims wishing to parehase perfect tir4. , pieces. A. J. EVANS, No. 0 Odd Felbfwe' I3inhlaamton, July 17,-1855. • BP.V.ASTPINS.--A largo assortment of Gold, cameo,nod Mosaic Breastpins , just receir ea from the Manufactnry. A. J. EVANS. Bingliamt4im, July 17.- SIINEEt WARE.—A huge lot of silver Forks, spoons, Ladles, Napkin e ßings, &e., just fin. isbed - and foi sale by A. J. Evans. luly- 17. , Gold Chains of all - weights and patterns. NEW GOODS. J. WEBB is now receiving his Spring GOODS, which will be sold low for cash. Montrose, March 28, 1855 BAWL BoEs NELSON & PRIESTS NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS! AND CARPETS!! Great Reduction In Prices at the ONE PRICE STORE. IC. BACON has the ple,asum of annonne • ing to his Customers that he has just re turned from the Eastern Markets with one of the largest and`most excellent assortment of DRY GOODS AND CARPETS ever.opened in this market, which fin. beanty, variety and kyle cannot be surpassed, whkh hav ing been purchased for sash at auction and else .where at ouciion prices ho will sell them cheaper than th'ey wore ever before offered in this or any other market west of New York city. His rich aild splendid assortment: of DRESS SILKS , . • is always acknowledgea the best and cheapest in toivn, and includes Plain, Plaid, Striped, Brocade and Gl:Me—the cheapest as well as the richest goods, at prices vary•im from 3714 et's to $25,0 per yard, together with it great variety of BRILLIANT JET BLACK SILKS, True Satins, &e., selling at least r2o ,per cent less than tho castor importation. • • SHAWLS! SIIAWLS!! An immense assortment of Silk, Crape, Thibet, Cashmere, Merinos, Brocho and Sum Mer Shawls, from 6'l to slia, together %shit a splendid variety of Black and Colored MANTILLAS, i. of all the fashionable patterns: Sac lt ilk and Embroidered, which will be sold den an over before., • _. i DRESS GOODS De Lains from 6 1.4 c'ts to 37 1.:1 elyi per yar'd Plain, Plaid, Striped and Figured. i Mullins. liantes, ClTallicy, BoinhazincS, Chambras, Ging. hams. Froneh,- E;tglish and Atherienn Drills, from 5 c'ts to .25c'ts per yard, and every new style constantly on hand at the lowest prices. RIBBONS. . Ribbonds by the. peke or yard .will bo always in our stock for Milliners and retailers. - • • - EMBROIDERY. The richest and largeit assortment of Embroidery ear; always be seen :It R. (7. Baeon's,at the lowest prices. Chetnisetts, Collars, Sleeves,. Skirts, lnfants' Waists, Sze., of every fashionable style, together with . .• . English Thread, Valeneeinnes, • II uniton, Guipure ;Ind • Brussels Lp . ces 'in great variety • LI NNEN GOODS. of till kinds. Irish Linens, Linen Handkerchiefs, Table Linen and covets of all sizes. Napkins„ Doylies, Lin.•n Sheeting and Case DOA from auction at prices below all entnpotition . . The attention (ifhonso-kciepero k particularly invited to our stock of Curtain doods =ono' • ‘Vhich'may be found ! Broimtelles, • anti everything' in this line of 7ootis, which can not fail to please injahrie, style or'price.. DOMESTIC GOODS . • Bleached and Brown's-Sheeting, froi4 the 6tl grade np to the finest, 'Pickings Denims, Striped Shirting, Apron Checks. pin g hnms.nmi Prints. from 5 els to 12 1-2 cls per yard, and all Inds of Cotton Goids for men qr b,!ys' • - lair Cloth Skirts, Grass Clifth Skirts, - • a d Paraso!s,--a very rich it.sortinent. • '.lle ë Antique, Moss Fringes. (Worms. and all descriptions of Dress and Mantilla Trimming, and everything belonging to the Dry Goods' trade ewitoiners 3 , klay be sure of findinz at!l3acon's, if it can he found in New York. CARPETS! CARPETS!! - Since the recent Trem.-ndnus Fall In the price of Carpetimr..we have purchased and have no* un hand the i!!r , est and most beautjail assortment of CARPETS ever exhibited in - this region, at priiies fully 30 per cent. Jess then they could be sold for the I.;st year. All those who are in want of Carpets are invited to our CARPET-ROOM - ; - where they . wili be delighted with the beauty and cheapness of the various witterns, and astonished that so.good a carpet ran be sold so 'Fheap.- Brussels, . Three Ply, -Ingrain, - Cotton and !krill) Carpetings from 16 per yard and upwards.— Floor and Table Oil Cloths. Mutts, Druggetts, &e., equally cheap. R:-C. 'Bacon would inform those of his custo niers who have not already made themselves ac quainted with the fact that he has removed from the store fortuly occupied - by him in Brigham Block, opposite Court House, to the corner of the new block erected the last summer next east of the Canal, and having a ranch larger, - More conven ient and pleasant; store than formerly he is pre pared to hold out even greater inducements to buyers than heretofore, and suck as can but be appreciated, and admitted by all those. who are competent judges. • New Exch . :lnge, Binahaniton, May, \'2,9, 1855, NEW HARDWARE STORE. ninTE & KNOWLTON iespeetfully call the attention of the citizens of §usquehati: nn county, to their neiv..and extensive assort ment of • • . H A-R ; D .W AR. t Comprising almost article usually kept in similar establishments, which they will .sell at such prices as-must satisfy all who may favor them with their pltronage. Their goods were purchas . ed at the lowest market prices, and are warranted to be of the best quality.: Call and examine for, yourselves, it will cost - you noticing. We think all will be convineed that. this is the (dace to buy GOODS CHEAP. —not Cheap Goods. Remember the place, No. 10 LaFayette Block, 3 doors east of the Chenango Bridge, CoUrt Street, Binghamton, N. Y. . March 1,055. • Phyfe 8t- Knowlton TNTEND to - keep constantly on hand a 'variety of Nails, ken, steel, springs, axels, table and pOcket cutlery,'butche'r, bread, and shoe knives, razors, shears, scissors, snuffers and trays, coal lisids, shovels and tong,s,,stair rods, coffee. mills, wheel heads, enameled -sane() pans and kettles, vices, anvils, smiths' bellows, screw plates,slcdg• es, hammers shorgls, spades, ?scoops, chains,lead pipe, shiet lead, pump chain and fixtures, straw cutters, corroshel lers, sausage -cutters, metal And wood aucets, horso brushes. combs, cards, rope, Cii - rdage, files, rasps, -hells, tacks, brads, copper rivets and burs, sand.paper, - braces, bitts, angers, giwblets screws, hing6s, gate -hangings, curtain 'fixtutes; hooks, staples, bolts, hasps, wood, min eral n6d white knobs, mincing.knices; door springs, thermometersire, malleable castings, mill, X ,ctit, wood and hand saws, firmer, mortice and framing chiselis, gouges, wrenches, bench screws, leVels, saw frames, auger, saw, plane and chisel handles, axes, hatchets, axe-helves, brush. Cs, oil stones+, whips,. pad, *fill, chest and door locks, castors, sad irons, candle-sticks. trays, hay knives, glue: glue kettles, spoons, saddler's silk, tassels, &c. &e., and a Btock of builders' Hard. wire and Carpenters' Tools, unsurpassed .for cheapness in this section of country. Call and see. Don't forget the place, No. 10, Lafayette Block, 3 doors East of Abe Chenango Bridge Court street. Binghamton, March I', 1855.. - • ILL SAWS, warrnntd, at 1.111 • - PHYFK & KNOWLTON'S. Binghamton, March 1, 1855. SPRING SiTirLIVA% OF CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. NOW in Store a large stock of new patterns of CARPETS from the recent heavy ewe lion sales at a great. reduction, in prices. Bar gains for purchasers. And such elegant styles that all must be suM.- Remember our Carpet rooms are on the second floor of our Crockery' and House Furnishing Store now being extend ell one hundred feet in depth; making it the must extensive in the Village. y. H. DE PELT. Binghamton. March 15, 1855. Crockery, Glans-Ware, - and - llovise• FarOkiliiiitt . Goods. 'DE PEU would call the attention-of. J• "purchasers to his extensive and varied stock of GOODS for the Spring trade, consist, ing of every article desired by housekeepers and would especially aolicit. a call from those_ fur nishing anew:, As our attention is particularly devoted to the 'taws of this class, we are able to furnish them with a complete - outfit , ;- , and we would advise all to look through the assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Remember DE PEU keeps Crockery, Looking:Glasses, Carpet ing, Oil. Cloths, Wooden and Willow Ware, Spoons, Cutlery, Window-Shades, Lamps, Cur tain Trimmings, China, ware, Fancy Baskels,llird Cages, Toes, lap %tined and Tin Ware, Feather Duster", Geese Feathers, M . ats, &e., &c., at the LOWEST PRICES! 3. 11. DE PEU. Binghamton, March 15, 1955. GREAT BARGAINS IN 'DRY GOOIVA. • W. N. WILSON,. & CO. •• -s -- DETURN their warmest acknowledgements to their customers in 'Susquehanna County for. past furors, and, invite attention to their stock of - • now Spring Goods, jest opened, which they 'propose to replenish weekly from ALX.7TION, and the cheapest cash Houses in the City. The stock embraces overy,variety of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Yankee Notion, Trunks, Traveling 13;irs. 4.c. All of which they will sell extremely MEAL' for CASE!. ..Pcdlar4 and other wholesale buyers wilt find it greatly to their-advantage to give them a call. • Tho Ladies will find an excellent also eat of Dress Goods, Embroideries, Thread Laces, Trimmings of all kinds, from AUCTION at very low rates W. N. WILSON, &CO. Corner of Court and•WaterSts: ,-. Binghamtotf, N. Y., April 6,1855. Now Arrangement at Gregory's IRE STORE! Muslin Curtains, (1 W. GREGORY. & 'JUDSON SMITH, • having formed a co-partnership , for'.the purpose of conducting the - Hardmiaro business in all its various „branches,' would respectfully in form the People of - Susquehanna county that they are now opening at Gregory's' Old 'Stand, oppiAte the Eschange Hotel, 2 doers from the- Canal, Binghamton, N. V., the iargegt, cheapest, rind best stock of Hardware ever offered in Bing hatntonl. Marin! made arr.:ll77ments* to' import -their tnglish Goods and purchase their, ..nierienn di rect from.manufaeturers, they can rpd Will sell CHEAPER than any other estalilishment in town! Their-stock" is now very extensive, and those wishin7 to purchase - are -*invited to call.— The fullowiMY arc a portion of their leading ar ticles, viz:—Table knives and forks, Tea do., i•arvers, forks and steels, penand . poeket knives, bread and butcher do., hay and straw do., sees sors, Shears, and razors, britannia test and-eh:Tee pots, silver and britannid tea and table spoons, silver rated. brass, and iron candles - 144:5,' snuf fers and trays, solar lamps, lard, and- suspended lamps, matitle.pieee ornaments, brass.'and iron andirons, shovels and tongs, &e. Looking Glasses, and looking glasS plates, to. Bother with a general assortment of,bousekeep ing articles. • HOUSE TRININItNGS, con4istinm of locks, hitches, butts, s'erews, brad nails,. bolts, pitent window springs,. blind fasten ings; shutter screws, and faSttmings,'&c.. A crencral assortment of tools I'm- ,Carpenters and Joiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, Masons and blacksmiths, ci‘nsisting of planes, saws, ham mers, hatchets, axes, adzes; chisels, augers, anger bitty and hollow angers, anvils, IlellOws, vices, patent drill machines, iledges, stone hammers. brick and plastering Irmols, cross-cut, mill and circular saws. - A splendid assortment of Saddle and Harness' makers' tools and trinunimzs. • • FARMING TOOLS, consisting of shovels, spades, forks,rakeS,sevthes; grain cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron bark, grind stones, .&e: • • • I Also, Aments for the sale of- Whittemore, Squires S. Co 's Ap:riCultural tools,such as plows, hay and straw cutters, eornshellers, &c. Sole and tipper leather, morocco) and. shoe trimininv, with a general - assortment Of findings, Wooden ware;. willow cradles, wagons, chairs and baskets of all descriptions. Bar iron and steel, iron axles andsfeel-springs malleable caSting,s, coach lace and trimmings of all kinds. paints, oils, sash, glass, putty, &v., all of which will be sold at the lowest rates. Please call and examine the stock foiyourSelyes. Binghamton, March 1, 1355. iittu 3 rk ..rbtiertter,ients.. cAsn MUSIC, AND PIANO STORE HORACE. WATERS, IVO. 333 Broadway. .217ez0 York. rpposition .to Monopoly—Music at Greatly reclueed hales. Notwithstanding thermithination of music deal- 1 ers to keep up the prices of non-copyright mu- ' sic, against the interest of ?lathe composers, and : their refusal to extend to Mr. Waters the courte sies of the trade, he is making immense sales— having abundant evidence, that •ho lux public countenance - and support,-in his opposilfon to the GREAT AIONO:OLY,-:Td- in his edorts tq aid NA TIYE TALENT, and to adopt the NATIONAL CUR RENCY. His stock of. American and European music is imMense, and the catalogue of his own publications is one of.the largest and best select- . ed in the United States. lie has also made a Great Reduction in the prices of Pianos; Mt:lode. ons and Musical Instruments of all kinds. Sit perior toned 6 1.2 octave pianos for $475, $2OO and $225, interior of as goixi quality, and instru ments as strung and as durable: as thoSe which cost $500.. Pianos of eery variety of style and Price up to $lOO, comprising those of l'Es differ. eat manufactories: among them the celebrated modern improrcd HORACE MT:ATP:us' Prisos and the first premium ./EoLtAN Prisn§ of T. Gilbert & Co.'s make, (owners of the yEalian patent.)— Second-hand Pianos at great bargains. Prices from $4O to $l5O. Melodeons front five differ-' ent manufactories, including the welt known S. D. & 11. W.:Smith's melodeons, (tuned tike eqUal temperament.)the best make in the:United States.. -Prices $45,- $75, $lOO, $ll5, $125, $135, , and $l5O. .Smith's Double Bank Melodions, $200.. Ecah piano and melodeon guarantee!d. The best terms to the trade, schools, 4-c.: 12 1-2 per cent discount to clergyman and churches. • All orders promptly attended to. • Music sent to all parts of the country, post-paid,' at the reduced rates. General and select catalogues and _sched.ule 'Of prices ,of Pianos-forwarded to .any address free of charge, Extracts from testimonials - of Music Profes sors and Editorials, concerning HORACE WATERS' MODERN IMPROVED PIANOS. NEW YORK, Dec. '54. llonAcr. WATtms, niq., 333 Broadway : Dear Sir—Having lotamined your Piano Fortes from scientific and-appropriate. tests, I am ena bled to form a satisfaCtory. judgment. of . their merits, and it is withlpleasure that I can speak of them as. among the: trfost celebrated and .im. proved makes of the For power, brilliancy and richness of tone clastivitv of touch, and beauty of finish, they will not suffe - r in .compa.rispn with those of any other manufacturer and those. - desirous of obtaining a really good Piano Forteone that will prove an equivalent for theit means, will find such a ode in your beautiful instruments. THOMAS BAKER, R. A. JI. Leader of - Jullien's' Band and musical Director and Condpctor at Niblo's Garden. For power, brilliancy -stud richness of tone, elasticity of touch; elegancO and durability of make, they are in advance, of any other pianos in the United. States, being the result of long expo. rienco and a series of exporiments,—N. V. Dis, patch. The treble.. is clear, pure, beautiful, and very tuelodeous; the basS is deep, rolling and semi. rows; the middle part is rich -and sympathetic, and posses the - power of singing; 4. e. of uniting the sound of each toot', in ado grOe but rarely achieved.—MENSY C.WATRON. i Your instruments are a sensible!improcernent upon American pianos, and an honor to the Skillful manufacturer. There is no doubt but they will be sppreciitted by the public, and all admirers of true merit—Owen-CO=7.OT: 'For. power, of tone, depth of bass, and brillian-. cy of treble, together with' accuracy of touch, they arc equal to any make I am acquaiited With and I cordially rocommed thetiose'vrishing . to purchase.—Y. C. Tattoo. Our frionds.will . find at Mr: Waters' Store the very best assortMent of 'music and of pianos to be found in the United States, and we urge 'our southern and western friends to give him a Call wheneVer they go .to New: . York.—Graham's Magazine...- _ I take great pleasure in pronouneing them in struments ot' superior quality, both in tone and touch.—Atmusr GOMEL. We consider them worthy of.special attention, froitohe resonant and exceedingly musical tone which Mr. Waters has.succeeded . in attaining., N. Y. Musical - World ts. Wintes. . . The Horace Waters pianos are of -superior tone and elegant Y. Christian Inqui rer. . • .. • Nothing at the State Fair ditty inyea greater ex cellence in any department than the Piano Forte manittletured by Horace. Waters, of this city.— Cllnt:CtlMArt.. • Horace Waters' Piano Fortes aro of foil, 'rich; And even tone, and powerftille.-N. Y...lllusital Itet. • new Square Pianos, sir,' are of such a Clearness and equality of tone .throu'ghout, that ,they very successfully compete with the volumi. nous and expressive Grand Piano.:—Veinclerwayik The Editor of the Su rartnah Reruillican; Ss.; vannah, Gh., speaking of the Piano Fortes kept by Messrs. J. W. Morrell & CO.' of that city, sirs: "It will be seerilhat their stock comprises in- Strumenta of every grade of excellence, from the. well known •Mantitacturing • establishments, of Chickering, & Son, Horace Waters. H. Worces ter, Nunns and Clark, and Bacon and Raven. It might well be supposed, that in so largo a col lection there would be some very fine instru ments. But there. is one which, for beauty of finish'and richness and brilliancy of tone, equals, if it does not excel; anything of i=the .kind we have ever seen: It is .from the 'esta,ldishment of Horace Waters. .Beingconstrtzetedlf the best and most thoroughly seasonn matcrial,"and up on improved principles, Ris capable of resisting, the action of every climate, And. of standing! long time in tune: The keys are of pearl, and the- recess for, the finger-board' ise inlaid with pearl, tire logs are most elaborately .carved, and the whole instrument finished up in . a style of, great excellence and beatify. And vet its chief merit lieS in the power brillhry, and" :richness of its-tono,.and.the elasticity of its tench." i i•A. Extract, froMEdi to rials concerning C. G11,11E1:1' 4 &CO's PREMTU4 ' ;:f; The zEolian Piano - Ferte is.undoubtedlyMie most perfect musical instrument human ingehtli 'tv has constructed. Two instruments. are Men dcd in one. The ..Eolian is both attached and" detru bed ; so that the Piano may be played With or withOt it ; or, With one hand -.the' performer may elicit the melodious strains of the ..Eolian, and With the other invoke the harmonies 'of the Piano. The instrument which, in the ersning, invited to the 'dance or . aided..the festive song, gives forth, in the "morning, the pealing . tones which prelude and accompany the solemn hymn _Mr': Waters' new'rooms are , verY inviting to the lovers of music. But he has nothing in his `roans equal in beauty and completeness to Gil- Il :Eolian Piano Fortes.-4-3forris' & .11(;^ne Juurnal. • • • The. v.triefy and' beauty of the elletts can only be iippre, tho4e,,who hear these magnifi cent instruments-al - 31 r. estAlishinent. —.y. y. Tribiny. I'he .F.elian'Piano Fortes sent to the, Crystal, Palnce from tho treat :Rosie rooms of Horace I.Vaters, have.been proyftl tq be ur,surpas.seci by nli lothers in those qualities which the greatest perormers most prize —Eceitin4- Pus!. 1 he Pianos : sold by Mr. Waters nre - viq.Y pop. ulatj. The framewor; . is mettallie and the :DR:. trutnent is Warranted to stand any eliinute with seareely nuy need of tuning, ti: ~ 1% Daily '.l'ii:‘ es : . • The inventinn.of tile new voices ha§ divested Until instrument °tits )13rsher inies,•ane given us all the purity and ricline , :s of a, parlor E in"' A tlas; Albany, ..V, F. . This admirable .im:trutnotit i eyeiywhen pfaied.,—Christian RPrlrclur, lb . start. The "Eolian Piano is now the thief 'attraction in nil rimqical circles hi the South.--,Abibama Baptist. Mar;ion. Extracts from testimnnia:S . concerning S. D. & 11. W:S)trrit's Cr.t.r.nuATT,n AlEt.pniAxs: In an article in ete February nutnbi:r of the Bedell., answering, s":ne inquiries in regard to temperament rmide by " William %V. jr.. Brea field,.l7t.rt noticed a -- statement that Prince's Melodeons aretune - d in the equal temperament. Since that time . I haVe examined a number of Prince & Co's Melodeons, with special reference to the temperament,land have not found one tuned in equal tempqament. TheAetnperament in the melodeons of Prince & Co. msnufacture that I have examincid. approaches. :nearer the Equal than in these o' Carhart &:Needham. but it is far from equal, :IS any one" troubled with a r,iecc, ear," I think wil decide, if they will try the chords of F and F Sh rp in succession.. , • A Thsta, Punltney, Vt. ' . We are very happy to • stan corrected on this point. We made the ',tractile it alluded to above en the authority of a professo of music in - this city, without having, ;observed in reference to it 'ourselves—a thing 'we very 1 seldom .. do, We have since examined Prince 'VCe.'s Melodeons - and find " A Tuner" right. -The' however, that S. D. & H. W. Sinith'i Melodeons, sold by Her. ace "Waters, No. 333 Broadway, are tuned in the equal temperamenL—N. Y.ullusical Reriew. Messrs. S. D. & IL W-Sinith rank as the first mantifacturer's of the .Ntelodeon in this'country. Their instruments arc recommended by the best judges as superiorinOvery respect.—BosionCum mmitcealth.- . 1 , . There is constantly store-lt this es tablishment ten different makes of Pianos, and fliT different makes of Me?ode'ns. Each instrument is guaranteed to giro entire satisfaction, Or the purchase money rerun. ded- Persons at a distance ‘vishing to purchase will, by forwardinq thOr Orders,: haye their wants as well and as cheaply suiplied ai ! though personal ty present "Hy) HY' GE A NA. Brovit the Door of the Itillio A wamiEnn3;bleenvers has recent been , mane by A.'Dr. Curtio,ot el.y. in the treatment of COliFl3ll3P` tion,Astlurra and all 0.1 the I.Ung. we refer to " Dr. Curtis" Ilygezna. or Inhaling 113gean Vapor awL. Syr up." With Ibis nevi method Dr. C. has restore] many atilleted °net to perfect health at on erislettre of which he hat innumerable Cettitie,atts.- Speaking of the treatment, a physician remarks: It Is evident that inhallionstant tyltreathlng an agreeable, Sealing vapor. vhe metliehtal properties must come In direct contact-with the whole of the stint cavity of the tungs.and thus escape the Many Mad varied changes produced upon them when introduced Into the ittomach r and subjected to the proeess of digestion,— The If Nettnu to r sale 4t all the druggists throughont the country. 4.'etzt 17ork Dritriman i"Jan,l4. The inhaler is warn on the breu4 under the linen with out the least Ineou'renieneo—the heat , of, the body be ttg sufficient to evaporate flip Hundreds of CASES of CURESIike the following tolgjit be named. One Package oflfygettartchat cured me of the ASTHMA of lig year,. stnnding. Jas. A", Kr' ollerry, P. 31.V.Duneaymon, Pa, . I am enreil of the ASTHMA of l° y.!arit standing Dp Dr: Curtin' Ilygeuna .111alwaref Eastars,; Brdoklya, N. Y. Mrs.Pnrd of N'e • 5 31°11 ""S t. • t "" scure& C' fl4 ' revere ease of itronehetlS fiy the Ilyreana. My sister hap been curiLof a DISTRESSINO COIIOII of several years standing, and deAtitied to be incurable by her 'physicians. She was eared In ONE MONTII bj Hp I • • genus. J. II- dauber:, P.M' ; llirAmoiur, -Pelee three Dollars a Paekage.—Sold by CUILTIS PER KINS A BOYD it PAUL No. 140 Chambers St.. N. Y.-4 Packages - sent freehr earliess to, any part of the - United States for Ten Dollars. N. lb—Curtis' Tfygeann Is the ORIGIN.AL and .ONLY OF.NI.IINE ARTICLE, all others - are base kmmitations or vile end IN.TCRIOUS Counterfeits. Shan them -as you would POISON. ' liTyl—Vlsreber Jt S., Adv'ra. -inf - Ter Sale by Abel turret), Druggist, Montrose, la. NEW GOODS. MIIE subscriber is in - constant receipt of New "Goods, iai his lino orbusiness, nearly every week:. The public will find his assortment No and:his articles new and of good' quality. The stock consists as usual of Drugs, bfodicines, Paint/4011N ' Dye-SO:ifs, Groceries, Fancy-Goods. Jewelry, . • Perfnrnery, &c. •: Morn at the lower end'of the burned district. . ABEL TURRELL... Montrose, June 1,155. , • NEW YORK ADVERTISE:IMM FROM VISSCIISE &SCIIELT:B GeneralAdtirtising • notse,,Appletwes Building, 34 6 and 348 Broadway, , C. Fischer, Pianc4pite Sad.. afactory,. , ?sDaa Ware Rem, Nos. 243; 245, 247, and .111. 1 249 West - Twenty-eight street, between 9th and 10th Avenue', New Yerk.: Pianos with the &alien, and/nil the best !modern ireprpvc-...: meats, made of the best materials, - under our. own supervision; a written given With. every. Piano. • it. C. .F. being practical men*: and nienufaeturing - very lergely,ean furnish, the best.. Pianos, onlower• terms than can be furnish. ed any where, and it -is decidedly the beat place.. to buy.for cash.. Those desiring a .good and one that will gland and wear well, Can't 46 : better! than to call on J.& C.-Fiticher. 43M21. *rilv , ,bauks' Plotfortnii.nd . : Cita-titer • - Stator.. Li AMR ANKS - & Co. have reeently.,, oriene:d jspacious Warehouse at: 189 Bi•; Se*. York, whore they offer, at wholesale and.'-retali;. the most complete ortment of Weighing . . Ap, - . paratus to he found in the United States. l , ; , Ameng: the articles offerted will ',be found itpaiitidaV . of seventy different'lnndifleations of FAIRBANKS! SC/ILF.S. Also a #reat Variety of . 11a-sx - Ens!, Jew:. eters', DruggiSt's Grocers' : and other •Sertles.s Sprie - t; Balances, Patent Beams,lester's Weeds' and Measures, &e.,'&e. . IIAY and COAL SCALES set in aby part of the. country' by'experieneed workmen.; Orders by mail orotherwiSe reeetvir titter!. , FAIRBANKS & - C0.,189 13rerrdwag.York • i2m6 . New Store- as • Neuhlifoixis. Carpets Cheapei than. ever! THE.subieriberl i r„iveiivitiee, that lie has • en the premises; No. 394: HudsOn Street, - New York, where - he oilers for sale -an elegant • and choice lot - of Thretaly, Ingrain, Venetian • end Hall Carpeting, Oil Cloths, stair rods, rags, Druggets, ete:. ..11/osi of these goods have - been bought at nbetion for Cash only. ' Arid now al low no to'say-.--ist, Carpets Were unprecedel'itly high last year; 9d, They arenbout 25 per cent; totem' this year, "and never- during the years that I have I;edn in business, havel known them Re low ; 34 - , Most of the old dealers, pert . - haps 'all, have large stocks bought at last year's ,•• prices; 4th, I shall start with a. clean new 5416_ : bought et this year's pricea; sth; MI -expenses are very see my Prices for Ll'araple., - Ingrain. is Carpeth; all wool, Ss. 6d. per yard: ; Deuble elt, dittoos.,SuPertine, 55., Extra,'6B.; •Thre.ply Iditto. Sl,and all'Otbers at equally loW•ratia. J:'KLIGGLES LANDON, 394 Hudson St., , • - (ljetweenliarnmersiey and , Clarkson New YOrk.)-15m3 •;.- . CHARLES t..Foad,- • . . OIA-MBERTURNITURE, Bedsteads; Mat. C tre,iscia, Washstunds,.Enameled Sets, Lotto. ges; Pillows. Counterpanes, &c., - .443 Pearl st., N. Y., - betwein • ,-.- 19m6 Madison and Chathnni st. No. andValuateDiscovery.. - lam's Aromatic Invigorating - Thisdelicious beverage is super i or. to all in vigorati , Cordials, Schnapps, Netyines,&e., in use, foil cure . of Dispepsiri, Nervoustteav4 Heartburn, Droirsiness, Kidney ComPlairit, Melt . TreinenS, Intenitierance;.&c., • as it invigorate and 'strengthen, Wit will triot ,- intoxica e• or stupefy. • " • Persons..who' have become habituated to .the . excessiveuse of Tobacco, Opiiim and Spiritneas -.- Liquors, will find speedy and .perronnent from. the desire to use these. destroying . ;agents, by taking, a bottle or two of thisDelibions llledi cal Itever4e: Weak . and Sickly Families will find Dr. tlatn'il invigorating Spirit a ((nick and .sure cure for all female difficulties, it being n,Regeneratot as well as a Strengthener of the Human Systeth. Ench •• complaint. that the Aromatic Invigorating Cordial is calculated-io cure is, named on the wrapper . at-comp:tying each bottle, and. full; directions for use are also minutely. given. - - - . Price.l Per bottle. Prepared by Dr. Darius I lain. Pri nei pal. Office, No. 2. Liberty Street; New York, were wholesale orders should be addressed. For . sale by Druggist ithronghant the United StateS.' Sold -by A. Turrell,-Montrose ; K. H. Eaton; btu-ford; Church & Phinny,Dundaff; L. Scott,Great Bend. Wrouglit.Xron Pipe • For Water. Steam and (Vas. Janwe 0. Morse cf. Co., No. 79 John Street, New York, -Manu facturers and dealers in Wrought Iron Thirteen different- sizes- constantly on hand, with Valves,- Cocks, Elbows; Tees, and every variety of fittings for the same. A sherkfrs Steam Ganges. Whistles, Oil Clips,-&c. ,' Heaters :for Steam Engines, Steam. and Force Bumps, Boiler Tuycro- and Soap Boiler Coils, Screw. Plafes,and Screwinl Machines." Buildings Warm ed by Steam - and 'Lighted. by - Gas. All..ordem for repairs, ;in& country orders receive, prompt at tention,- • • J. 0. •M. &• Co. beg to call the atteritiou of. owners of factories, hotels, &e., to their superior Gas Generating Apparatus, now in use at the , St: Motel, New: York, Manchester, Conn., G rep t.llarrington„ Mass:, Rockville, Conn., and vai ions other parts of the country: FIRE 'WORKS FJRI WORKS TOE TRADE SUPPLIED. • r II 'subscribers. are prepared to furniskall -L articles hi the above line at ". GriEzt TLY REDUCED PRICES. ; Their- stoCk Comprises, among other articles: No.l - Crackers, Extra _..Sie do., TorpcdOes, Roman -Candles, plain and colored; Rockets frotn.l. oz . to Ihs., - do. do: Vertical and Pin. Wheols: Gias hoppers, &c. ..Orders received:is usual foi•E4'igg'sr Exhibition Works. - ' - - ' • '''.-. -- ' - -. JOLLEY. & TIERS, . - 'llll4 (Saccesshr to. John 17ti. H -----ettOn,) Menu facturers,of Fireworks,' -. ~,i Q . . 43 Maiden I.4ne. , - . - -•- 24--1 m... • . . . . Largest and •Meopest SlaeX.:"of pry•Ooats in Neie . l'Ork. • ARTIES who are abont to visit . the'city, art: invited to ~Lord'Sz. Taylor's imMenso tablishment, .9.55, 257, 259, onto . street„ . 'corner Chrystie Street,'Or at their other-store, new tinin-: bers, 47 and 49 Catharimi street, at both:of which Stores may. be found at all times; most itthictivit Stocks of•Fasbionahle Silks, Shawls, - Mantillas, Dres's COods, Planttels,Doniestic, Linenh, Hosie!. ry, Gloves, - Laces, Embroideries; and 'every Other description of Seasonable goods; 'Also CarpetinO, Oil Cloths, [tugs; Druggets, Sm.*, In great variety, to -all of which additions are constantly being made from foreip , markets find anctlon sales, and purchasing on the most advantageons terms; we,,are enabled to sell at sueh remarkable' low prices as to offer to our eustOrnerslreaterinduen; ments than ever. - • 24--Atn. New Spring' Goods. TT BURRITT - would announee to his 'friends 4.1. and the .poblin that ift now ,r;pentrig an unusually. laige Stock of Saripio and Sum-, mEn GOODS, inclirding a great variety of Print.' from 4ets to Is. per yard: Plain nnd. Printed Lawns, .13areg.0 Delaines; Ginglinins, Brocade,. Black and-Fancy Dress Silks, Silk Dresefissues and Bareges, Poplins, &.c.; &e.; with a superior assortment of Silk, 13reehe, Cashmere and nib. , bet Shawls, 'Mantillas, Parasols, Fteneh' Lace and Straw and Silk Bonnets, Rich Ribbons and Flo-- ers, with a large variety of otherfritaple rind- fan= .DRY ,GOODS, Groceries. Crockery; Hardware, Iron and - Nails, Boots and Shoes, Flats . and , Cups,'Xarpeting. Wall paper, painted - Window . Shades, Floor, Oil Cloths, Clocks, Stoves, Oils and Fetnti, Pkinghs &c.; in short, the largest kind of - piles of rich and cheap Goods, trio numerous to mention. but just the things to purchatie, all!of which will bo sold at the moat reduced pricca and on the inost favorable terms foi cash, excharige, or ap proved credit. N. B. Salt.and Flour constantly. - EItRASOLS-I:Litest ststea at %Ir. mo Juno• 13. P Lad Dress Sinks and Clinagnal)le,'at annals. .1.) al low prices. C. W.-MOTT. inns