bailed in a barge for Paulus }look, tv hil ei el-quisitions; that a brief noticeOf there seper- I like ono :riot garden. The earth .e.zetned to . • , • . hie veteran soldiery continued gazing- at th n itely would•require more time than We have 1 swell and sink like the waves of the sett, un- Venerated • form; until lost, in the7distan . 1 Ie devote tertlient. -In conclusienjii t en, pe r mit 4 der ehe toed of vegetation upon it. We were Washington proceeded to Annapolis, Wh e me to - say, all ibat ie neecesearY;coltrato do iti infaeined that thCagtain crop would ' exceed. 6 Congress -was in session. ; and then in a pub.: - presetting unsulli_J the Ametican libertieti;"nny-eyer raked in thatloCality.: The winatt Itc.audience of that body, resigned hisCOtha is to aementber. the De'elizration .i;r. Indepene . . tind• rye;4 f aere jueieripOnieg, and entirely'l mission. He expressed with modest dignity; i deuce; ,under- What at Apices ' , lt.':::originitecte free:from -aily itijnii. liylhe insects. A boun- his intention of retiring to private life: "flay- l what; wasrefinisitfor it,; eonfliination,fand I titul barveA mill make glad the hearts Of the rig finished the work assigned me," were his.; perrpit'ourselves to be guided by Om same be- i people thetit. About seven mileafroin North-: words ; "Inow retire front the greattheatre of nevolent spirit which gtsped out's' ancestors ; 1 mnberlend iwe noticed that the t: , rests looked i action." 114'er-dying, hmtiortal fiords ! Such I and our progreSS must ihe ACClierated on I 'almost aa'edead. as November, nil learned 1 ! I r , , . ' principles would have best Well to have been 1' ward and upward. i, 1 -.- I that, a sec oreountry about ei milea in I 1- 1.! '. -) . engrafted in the Mind of a Cromwell ; a Na- Such, is already svrltten in bleld, leeible i extent had been• scourged by that lociieta, pOleon, and a Boliaar, and it grateful pos- characters upon all things, a n d a u °eel is ne e rcommonlyeknotrif, as ' seyenteen pair lee:lets:l • terity would have votive forth and cheriShed ccasary to be &tie is to 'C017114431C 1 : tilfi design I frete e the ntet that they,"tri:ikedheir appearaneel their renieMbrance. With reverence Ate re- already begun. If We coutinue. to do this, i &natal seVenteen years: • They have: a sleep spect.. But, what, can it be DOW? thevimay - our position; as n peOple Will eveptudlt be I sting, welt which thet .perforate th e siae come forth and speak respectfully of their thtehighest end most exelted among the. po - • i twig; of the teees a near the leavee e and so I e nailitary glory-411e neheivement of - their tentat es o f the earth: : Let, inever be oar aim ; I poieonoes is their king- that, ins few • hours 1 • ... amiss; but when they contrast their civil ea- that the 'Same 'sun .: which glides over our i tbqleiv.7es'ivillere aud fall, to the ground. 1 reer, , after having revolutionized their respec- heeds to-day, May witness tio - deteriorating 1 W4,beeke j e eine of the twigS .and found b' 1 tire governments, With that of our own Wash- change) in.our gi,rernment, only, More happy, ! exitiniuntiOn that.. the inec-et_ leaves_ in: Vie ington; their momentary rescue* of human 1 more prosperous and more gloriottii than what i .. bar, wlier it perforates. three or four ::mall freedom are totallyetlipsed in a pall of glooin I she now i', to the clotnging of "'all 'coining 1 1 Whitaanitsa TheSt3 nits it i' :,. rod are It is foreign to time.. shaken lead impenetrable darkness. - . • a . 1 , , ..I to the ground where they lie among tee' dirt I Fly. purpose •to speak' disreapectfully of the . 1 .i ..trat• I animate and come forth agedu to perpetuate I military -or other. lands; but in . the above] -, f i l t ri i c ' o . : _ Mid - particular • instance, we enhehn e ch.allenge the • their race ii` tel scourge the earth. Ii is re- I ni‘ .. - • e world to produce another lilts - Washington. --'-e-------_--e=e-e-_-_-.=e;_--...e.,......ea..eeeeee.---e=-_,-... markehle,.howeven that they seldom disturb The e noble - unselfish part, -which Washington 3 (F: LAk#:EST CIIICULATIOS IS - SOETItILICTEI&A.. the.cro' pa. :1 We Caere infOrmed that severe] acted, when the people were undecided upon , E. B. CIIAE &J. B. MeCOLI.6I,EIiITOI49 1 1I . '" s° " 41111 c vicinity had been stung by : what fain- of government they would have.l • . I - them, and that the poison to human 'flesh is „ • ' They stood readyfo crown him king, which he I .4. LV II :11 DA Y. Publfqber. • muchl;ike.,that of the rattlesnake, thc'eigli -nee • scorned with manly ind?gnity 7 wished nothing I --------:--- ------ - e-----__ —.- is so raPld in its development, or fatal in ite. for la recompense for having discharged his i noixtrome,TliniNday, July i)1.2, 1. t 503. • • : •• ' .. , _e e l - - , ' • . i , duty; only, .the. happinessiof retiring from ' ; Democratic Stauding•CoubUtttee. • . • At 'eix'cl'elock we came in sight or - North- E - 1 „public to the sweet enjoyment of private life. , .. • i • umbealand point,'" which ion the west - side This benevolent actfor his country andlpos- • - • '.411 W- .' ' .. of the river.-The mountain rises to . the height I teriny, isesefficient, aside from his military . The .Democratic' Counts CoMMittee; Will l of nearly . Om: half mile, facing the cast, and prowess, to deck ,his time honored brow - meet at Ilatith's 11244 Saturda illipl olst consists of n ledge .o rocles so nearly perpen- ; with a fadeless wreath of immortal gloey.-e-- day of July, inst. .o 'W, at one 'c .The i dicular thate. i 3 strong tnan tuay sena . :I stone . Who, then,: Would not wish to 'imitate the I following - ff 7 entlemen Cent zit- i from the OP Into the watek AssociatC•d with example of a Weihington ; and be, stunt, i tee: . ; , , !this." point"; is one of the :ivildest, romances Washington was. I dare say there is none, ic e ime Geee, Daniel . ! tin history. ;Tile details I -- ceuld not get in ' within voice, t the hearing of ' my voihat if their il C. D - - ,I • auk a ' Brewster, B. Chard;.- ; the short time I is as in the!vicinity,leit learn position Could•be like that of a Washing,ton,l E zra Beebe, a e '111;iiilon GOA, and -. ', ed . a few geiieral faces from a paesen;*er who Would . ;Willingly exchange itafor all the P a " i . Latham Gardner,' B. Glidden.l i t resided near. •On theitop cif the rocks stands gentry and wealth that Europe ever has, or 1 I • L w Lase Reckho, • ... i a largecastle,'now eimeh in, ruins, end, near . ever could bestow upon her applauded . and 1 , . •. o.'!i. GERE,:Chairinari. conquering despots. Their names, thought . July it- 1,.55. '' respected, when living . , fade, wither, and die, - '' . , ,lara_uted . . ; ,' as they pass from the stage of human-action.. ' .-. ' - I Teeprevent it from falling dyer the . precipice ' Impartial history metes out ,'to them, . their - A trusty, Irish girl who can - do ell .. kindsof i . . ... ~... . .., e i , in an III:,1.111t, large iron rods are fastened in., house - work. Snell an . one, will, find' geed' , . , just deserts; which if done while the actors a• - . tile' timbers at the top, and L , eourOy bolted to wages and ;permanent employment. • Enquire] • were. living, banishment, itnprisonment .or • 1 . , the rocks below:: It thus bane; by th4ee rods 4eath 'would doubtless be their unavoidable i at this eace. .- • --aesa--- . as it w ere in znidhataven. • , , fate. Truth, justice; right and huManityerel 'ltoaThe Democratic State Conrention 'AD Enelisttinae Pamed John Idesen ,meet formidable to tyrants only, ' In• a government i which met at llerisburg !on the I 0,11, eorni- years ago • expended a - fora:tie. in the cOnitruce, like ours, all virtuous citizen!! will seek these; 1 na t e & • Ho n . 'Arnold Pitlnie . r, of 4 tretiango of these huileipgs; and in other fleatia .of a -and follow the dictaltion of the, spirit these ' counts', f o r Cared Commissioner. WC for: " similar characte.r. die had a foot path' like words breathe forth, whenever, approached by beat'' comment until sve'rec.,ive the offielel I a stairveaV out in IherOcks from .the liver to . -earn, cool, impartial naleetion. - 'When we , Proceedings of -the Convention. - , the castle, and thire he lived and died, pen:ll - fully tekce into cOneideration the importance .40 es. ' ‘ , ed upon. this wild - mountain crag, lucking. atZfWe oublieh Ibis week a notice fora 1 .of self government and the enjoyment of fiber- ' • down, mayliap in icernful eontempt, :el eer . names • Bank at Susquehanna D, 3 pot. , The ofl iv and pene; It is impossible for u's, to ex-; te'nlv whiz ,all the! 6:La:lntl:retie . lor.clietee of the persons to . 'oe named in the coharter eltould i• ''' 0` • otess airy heartfelt thanks to the Great Au- • I , a hermit, upon the gay and heav merit be appended to iL• . • . i thor and .A:chieyer of all our blessings. 'Words, 1 ar o und. The tower which .we t.• have described; i though sufficiently - expressive of ordinary i - .Tile"w Know NOthingsawere beaten in i lit had built fo2i. his sleeping :leen tineet. Ills a . things; are weak and powerless, in giving in I the recent eitteelention, in San..Francisteal; bed was suepeeded, bv cords from the top, this re.specte.e full.ex - pression of our gratitude I California.. . 'nd there, when the summer 'italic:Me . and -- andheartfelt emotions.' be winter's .boaled 'around time top of 0 Abou t'seierity years ago . Americ.4 was first , admitted among the nations of the earth.— w , en Gm' Si ri , vf , lloW• count of the-affray bet t. :‘, - 13, ‘. •:, i liv;tl. , • thin(' into a f•-: f•' :f . ' ,-,•• If b, , 10w, i them. • . ..;" - . . , senouts of •., : e. eCtlOtt . ., anu a_ Just Ittotitc- to-, 1 r. , :tuts. ~ie, rtelus an,l the inti.i4.!srs of' the bo- Since that time Until the present, her growth lt, is .1 pit flint Reeder, I .".,...- - ::. ' . . re '• n • e.. 1 i ands Gov. Feeder: . ; ~. I , there liun NI, 4 , - I P I '." '-, '. -t • ''' "-I'‘ L ! ill ' . -- 1. 1, "?`i - •• •f i• • i.: •• -- •0 : 1 ; . ,' nafi,i-• setil .r . • of F• ite .-a.: w hi c •l l •d e .: erve .,,,, as , . •-•• nou. .. asen susv,..•ll e,.. over trial i .. .out ; w,,t,rn.tut::. t..) see ‘Lh.l 1..101, tlf:r , ~• •. • •:. •-'• 4- ..,,. ~ iti Le:`• i‘ t a.- prest.Lt - I . •.;,.. t- .. t. ~ -:. . ~.; las been rernarkabh. , .; eXeitincr the jediol , o 4 I did notshoot the scoundiel, triti;gfellow, who, / : . 7 L. .. eu . ; , : , r.. ! wnl ; reeetve, the reprona pen of rill right min _ ..-., ' ' ru"geo prectpree„the lute mlialatant 'of his /of Bill P:-.0,•,an.1",, I • • ••,1•1: 1 ..ere..1.a11..) , .1t tltrungh : 0, ...e ,,, 10n the eX . !re-tWii Wt!re vatied and of despots, xvho, fainlv would have oTipie ' d disgratrei , the race to which 'he ic,' lainrs to be- ;.. , ',. , :•ceti meta • I• " . tresubbrv , rawer. ' What were his Inc,lita- 1 the diet rent' corrilh•rs, re , :eivieg the vartre an- I 1 : 1: . 11 i 11 :4 • • The ! -, : , I1a:Lloq .';‘;:ires tv -- ,.: ,lilovete:l „•- , i , ,_.: .• . . , • ; uov. ii.e(?....i.:1 pilot tool. HOC ViSit 10 , . l oiS her progre. ss, ere this, if such policy had bk.?' I°r•g' , i' i , , , ~ ,„ -411.- " --- " ' , tiOdS et suell an . hoar can only, be guess . 4.-3.1 saver fr,. - in eN err otii:::••:.I I mei,. that no otte :oy ..-v. Ir. .itac•;:.ty, and wa.: a Creditable - per- ! t •„„ t „,„. ; 1 40 „ ; i t ; 1 . , , ,,,,,,,i,„ rt i„ b e d. ot - E o t,hi r warrantable. Ent the growth of our olori.:1 . /1::_"1 - The. Allies before S‘,..tvasto'no, I, made anl 1 f' ro m the CrillEe .or such ktt;:r•-ct fano' 2-- ! - 1 -•• -• -1 1- '•, ' : • 'f- , LI ••"•.; • -•- I••t • --.• lii" , ' •I• , •••: ~, - •.• A inon:: : - l i te on:lions, wits Ii acre ! ,•tatvassol the, returtr•l.:Of tile ' . ele . ctions, ' an ~..1 , ..,. .. 1 v...s :,Lout/., e.en . -1.. 3 ......1...0,. 0 N..,,1 :• , •••,,,•••• ._ c. , ous Republie, has been no less a wonderment I attack- on ,the Great Medan and 41re lialakcitri in , vonth he b.2came p2 - altaelied to ior -know the' lucation ::,c ?L's tc.i!. r - uAly as ! ,-, 11 good, .vivre sOlr.(' r , ally frn•ritotion-.. I , littll given certifluat. , :s Of election Ito serne two-- •• 1 I thirds of ate membets elect of the Territorial mind - mind of impartial men; how, - we, as a I Tower on•the iith, fart aver 4pulsecl, tie _ umage , I.y t , with i a lady.of . g•rear beauty, but his snit ca.:. se . i I was alma': giving up I saw one of the keel '! ;)- t•••";I•-••••1 ,1 ' ,. r ' 1,•."•rtiv"11:1'/Iy •"•.1 : - C• 2 nation, a'people could so speedily attain that heavy loss. . The probability is cia-:t /To firth- i • tell. J.lx' - . e.- )0.1•2%1 col , , u) , . ei.e.L. tint els tea, mg a p.:p•-•r. y,.. ,tt (.••1.,1...ett,d - • -• • “ •,- • ,- t . ..; •• • Cral., :1 , • . 11 I •- •"'"• . -1,1 -b e; --- .' ••t I - •- 1 - - • ' ••' I •••11- • I ,• oat! Issued - his preelarnation- lot enntenin , r . ..• , ,I-, ; .Iz ....; is ____,•.• ii ,.. 4 ,-,,,..„,:,.,,,...: b.,. 1 -_ ,- Ei 0 „ •..; I Col/IN:II:411 , i Those of. itt•presentatiy(is, and proud position we evidently ocCupy. But ler nt.tempts will be made to trilF,e . , ,Z-sevastopol 1 ~.: 4 • .•• t i 1 • - •1 .1 . : •Ird •I - "Ic• n• - •er 'bt c. 1- Nor•I •• ••• - set -, rts 1 . li' ' 1• '-' •C• LI v) •o• ' •-'' P. ,la di not ~La e trtru vita the 8:11no ar , ..yr ito :tin an•: r.:',que-o!, ~..• s , .•-,• kr. , a er. •.• ,• - "-•- ,••• ••• •.. ••• • - --h. (t 0- I ' . ,I.te,15111 , ..1V1.: .t.s'SsisilivLy tit .E. awnee k...ity in ' ' ' I • ' -, I f 4 - V l' k II I . the reasons - are made Plain, , ,when we calmlr, i by . ass.lult. - • r : I Whielt Lad po: , , , ,;:s ' sit.ln of ! his .beit - Pr —liC Le- r• t ii,,,d that Ie o ul.l not. 11 -.aid ,fjr I nal !:l "or hy L'f•cortifttendatin• Thete were three] 'July next, whi . elt r; lii complete the ora ;tn iza.. iinpartially consider the liberal spirit of our I i * thesalie•-tt of , Iris " lov.r, and I Int InLer of the prei-s, atel desire to see - hi qi. i C'Thj'init- , ' . Pk'if ,, rrned during the day: - -S,:',:ne- I tionof the Territorial .Goverument. . . . 1 ' i.7-Imprisonraeut, for (1••Ist lii "sra<•a . 1 . ' came , ' insane or l benicfn institutions. The portalof our goy- I -" I ' - . , T , I._ '1 • /1 i 1 :,.., } " I . •;', ~lx - , r , . 1 1 . ..,-.: : ,theu that .••Ite urlght Laow tirat lie - eourted /, In an instant he b.,w e al ae,in;,,, , ,•:ence atrd di- : . thil , •2: fur :ill of Yk , ti, 0y..- - ,.“ • Le•Nl., ,,, tpr, ii...s • _ • • . .... - • - .. r_•• • , nits was a,.,,,,-e. n eo on t•le .1-11 i ..i.“7,... • •': !"-ceretaryk Thsrey to Vioi - .• ;It, eder. ernment have, been widely extended for the i-- • • • , --.----- 1 --1 , - 424 " 40; ••:- 1 ~ . • : . 1 . defith. : be tle:1 !ii conch . where, Avivill ,f;:iLit i re t •-!•,1 n t e to his c,.1.1. I was .!, i .el-..tly tli t ,;- 1 ' , lr.- , phy•-41. It eon-isted of a series of •.•ireec,ll.- I. -1' i' T'lnp. , ,alMElf•l't• OF S. TATE 1 ' reception of the smttll and the great, the poor'. FaliforAn. l --Itaniblinps. ' ! F.:orin-clur,c,l 1n4.1 pass.•,..l away, :110 Mig' ' .:l-11:::: I-rtppo :. .:llca it ; Lis appearance.. Ile is nut a'; !'," l ;i “t•aktit't.: , . •2• : , . l l .. •ilf tlt.l:td:;y ' tol ,l C.S, rC - ! ,_; WA . . -4 tux-c.i6 . ., .ri Intel I, .1855. f • 'r••-I I - .. 1 '.'. • and the•rich of eVOIA" Clime; tl-at tbe suffer- Monthly moraini, Jitly .34, we left Great i : •to g ; • 7 . / ..., le s l. its f:a t .s al ,,nt s only, s v atterel u-}- / large, man. i- •t :,,I•.•r mo.iium size, light Qom- "'" . .....t ,11.-' '. . 1. " . '' ( ' :1.21. .Y Of a land;or , l anu : Z .,11• 11 Taw direeted. I , v, the President to in ing and afilieted Of all nations, might find a i Bend, in compaav With 'on; - friend, : A. ,. ,n cl i . K .i n a -• o r Il•-.. ; • •-.-- I ruck:, I•I • •• ••' ii •,n II ••I ~ 1,:• I • ,•I ,,.•-- th • : 1, ‘-in i ; Tinli." 'rim was:a graCeless scrunp, l i ft- fl an you that vitl tit - 1 '• I t's before. i 1 I ~.s. -.L.A.., rezge, ...+0d.k.1 , - ,:i•.3,1 ,, n, ~..„, o , ..1,. 41.• t,irt.l" , .. „1 - .13 . e : , es, .c. ,• • ...- e'. l cro.., opmen s solace it;the ASYLCSI of LIBERTY; whenever, I tbrop, and made. a ! pleasant rtfn to Elmira.-i--• , -41 -••-• kd ' -; l • 1% ' I " '''''. d ' -* -' - '• 1 ' . :l I I ::"- • -- r i MLA- a•r• e, , ,,t.. „. t Lien .11 t,,e 0 a,,,, L „oat. , e:tressiutt et t...,,,, 1 s Lui r - _•%er ,orzur.— •: •-, •, . .1. ; .......o. ea.t.t..,. , .1,..... k .... 5. ~. - • 111 h•ot l'-e;' , ";i• •• I • ••• •-' • •••I'v l- • 1. • ( 1 i him ill referenc.• to par e ,' I ni s - p s o f Ic an ., a ; kilt= v viishing to - retire from p,2rsecution, op- ' lqueh to N ntion - t - , e f e nd that we mit r Stood. his lofts . castle; impregnahle to I.k; : Tl;, : ir wild - and .k , x.,.i1,:.1 stare i11p...1e . nro, shad- t t -, liv• - d) '3.• 1 hi' s i ,„ itt ..., ; ;,y,„ :z . ~d tt, ) ,, • ; to T i m:great; irloreea reservations tiratle'bv..yon in the Terri t tot•y of Kansas, and ih whieh,:• ; lts you state, 1 - •re:ssion and tyranny. These liberal induce- I Wait szt•eli hours there ,before.ihe train Yr . oulP stotnr ri,i the rock at its ha - ---•- . - ~ . r',- •p• Lit -1 .- --. - - . • k I.L.- ' -.1 ,lit ! diversion -tu I editic:rtion of all laughter se, 5...9 tug to too ,ER •. et le t . .oes Lot lot, :,....• a , ...1.., or , - - • • r ,h14 1 ,40g Julm , •on and Elmore, of the Supreme meris corniri,g, as they did, from a formerly I ' leave on the WLibamsport . Trad. - Trie mot, ol t ject of Lis, ili-s;aned• love,' •••eurne to my i like' ore. who. would Itgye. the CO 1? to at- i I.o‘it , i; . . spec:l:l:ors. 1 :Ile speakers at length ex- •, : Clour e t 'of the Territ , uv' 'and. Mr. Iseacs the : -oPliressed PeoPle, could:11ot - fail of being pro-1 of this - time. we spent int Pi?specting-abcUit ! l' a ;n ne an d I will re,t ..- 2 , :n r e ,—rei', l .., 2 to eo lne , ..! ta c k-a t nan lil. te Poole. He was • l eressed in 1 linu•-ti the ".Mrtia , 2 Law','' - Wi'in ' tta , "• Bights," I.Xstriet Affiance. paiticirifedi :ma in r,-."•fer dtlothe of thosegiOat results, which are plain•• t i town. and.fL - 4• one . WC n--re delighied withtlie ', a nd voli silalt.v.,N, i n e ; b an . .. n • • •,.. r -th e k tw s . ,;;; w hii,...s a l,t,,, r .likc, ; i . a bts, w ith,_, ti t . eo +,, v est or l and scv . cral other topics and .rtiljourned.-, As .1 eget! tl••••4 to: oiler- : - Vt-"Itl:ItiOns by yon in- ly discernable in every department of nation- I r•lat.••, - .., and the . •..ttriornidiPirl country'. ••No . I .0. all . -rid d e • .81,„ , h 0 ,-„d .d }lien writ; ~...•!dr , i oe ki n ., „ i x : , ath l „- 0 i n r i ,. t .,4,1, ; ,. ti„ . , ' an ;11 , -. r i. tte 6 1 -, 1 !, Tim ~. i r '... t ~I to ' lands-of the Territory; apparentlY in viola .._ pi .1, ..• a, 4 . 4', t_cl I, an ., „ . . . - . .. ,-, • ' - ;arta...-. - i l'• Ale- inost. horrid doom. - ,;.-.:,.. •.r.i•At him „e, i;... .1,, , ; i, tion of a,•fs .of Goocness: aia - of rjtrulntions Of. - , al advancement, aticl 'lib oretnent. - The in- / loviier town will • 1.113 founl"Hit thc, Emf , i:fc : 4in d th e fi na l' d 0 ,... :mr .;„„ - ,f 0 3,1 :v .,,. 3 „IA -1,6 0 t,5,1 : I ze 1, 1 „. ; 1 1,:,„k„ h e ., v i:l e q. a ,, 3 t h e ,-. 1 Jew. but • i e. • ira ao , - - e•i)f til '' roki,. :-, _ . . &. ,•,/ .- • ducal:tents held out to ft)reigne:rs to migratc‘i State ; and, to - all - a•ppe . araitces, - ,the iteOpte 1 1 . 4 ; -, -"- e.- 1I -1 .- -.) 0 r .- fv, , , ,, 1. dead - on his:mona• . 1 I Co - nft•st-; Iresei...nietl• to me nettrcr tti it. !than ; the law'!" 'l'e"'"e i k (-4 . a '''''t 11 ' 2 :l it b"LWee" ! an ' t•tn - e '!" j ' en ` . • °••to. : ilia . l.te,o - irtnient; , Ct , fels ettibafra. , ;A• to ‘t , e'(.. 1,,i,v, c o t , , ,i,thaitti. 'With his.couvieti-Ous of dutv .. . pt,s Lo i 1.. p . - i and. enjoy the rights and ittimunitie. lam frug:d, iminstriols iir:rl-ihappi% .enjoting,i t i t ifi cm , ?.. '•:,.. . : , -..: ,• . • '. ~ • . sillp, and the blessings..which : at:rue ;as many of tile (vent:lie cOrAforts of earth' as j. i T tiri it, ere powerful incentives for them to 4-nre comf,ritili!e with ,sont;4 • lmartility, and• a , 3 •. I shonla.fzincy. ; T111•110r, iiii . a cc odipli c . ; j, t..:,:Se Lk:a Vtly prot:l.&:iti , „; and 4.79: t zidient in- 'lle earl:allow the pr,,st.,at - c.tEcial rel:itien .to . - "OA Cliet" 1,c):11; ',yearn . ifig,. fOl.-.. , 1:.(0't.`4.11 • .001-•.' Atir,g,..'rolf.i 1t. , :./.itig tial.l. IltAn -ilividua'.....:-wilcretii. , on .. e.retz:zt (ilk/U:5: . N..Lat:i UK' Territory of yourtzel: or of ciih,,q- the:other' . , fentlemen.n.tnied to enrol nt h s, untecm the ifit:-. I..iitris,burg.;:we had.a raimole of. life, en -the': liaker.. ,Ile has net yet r,!...overed i fr,..m the LL ti;t.:-eiu- 1 , aim, Pit)? (. 4 Piut. of. th; , -,per-•:i ~-.- . - ,: i . • ' • - ~_-. • -.,,, i , • ~ „ _,....: , . prest.sll.-: wi:tea. DOW leAt opcm-nis , mmu - suati forsake their natAve n'onzte-q, wi'.ll all their i pleas- - i • 'stlid enterpri,,e. . Peeliri t , .:l:i. fittle interest - X'jt ' , I ra " .7.4. 1 0.t a ni,,w1:n .. ft y:, 4 5 n.lorolv_. • evon;ntr, - ,, horte.ce.ived in the light, still lieviuL . iiis4rin 1.11 tin; I:ee . l Cal:ityt s;:y; 1...11.: R . :, It iz, ;7? id;initi I: : ~ o, ' • . • • '• I • . i . ;, • . z••.. ~....- ..1. , rumovoil lv,r.S..V.l4lPkttoOtr'eXtP ill):111011q. ' , lit roccqlectiolls: of .child-hood days, all , seel; , the tr!stdt.of the ?liine - Latvi!we made ir.iiuit; . a 'all., ; af te r tea . . t dll l : k nil s 4 l i-o l t: on, dook-, : --.!the •'. in ,a.:-.ling,-peil - ir.p, -- ,1. hi!, • ueelt C ill 'take the the rei- 1 4 3 .a.,' lai: 11- 9a.i eau 'i ,, itle till' Ino . tnent - ; Tlitl-'-ri,;, ,, itient. willirtlw . e - iev-be zliitl to re a home itiA st:rattgrer',:4 lantl,-r,-a of their ;ryas Lo if..51:11)b211/IC'effeit qiere. - ;Tlrd amial..-1---,,,et i ts - .to smoke;anii - talk' politics, and the la- Vete° of his ara. before L•in.. ,: t ..-ontinuidir ous Tie,tion for theln, - -. , Tile ladies' col- !., r•eit . ... and conitler.tmy.:exptan ntfons which . choice,.se.ectlort and'atloptiori. \Z ere I pet- ' lie host at . " the Attierican"iinformed us th:it i dies ',to promenadO.and . 4rtize tip . On .the land- i Woultl Lave been the :: , ,aincr h.TI th - ey all'o' ~.-en lot 115 , was iliteli wrhtell lied_ W.t ; ll ilerf ‘ ripcd. i 'y . rlte l'ila) , :ddsint , ro tnakeyin. regnid 'to the' r.,, tjitted.for a - .monk:mt.-to .speculate tipon the '.. when' the - sun of 4 .th6 Foitrth" '' Slldii , 1 d . g . b I .se, : i f te,--.4 ebeautifuloutlines o -the . I 1 . k. a r. • . "-au e li . f- moon-' k'll , il i. the f•i - C •••1 bye tc. the toinbs Th e • , m,„,i,,,, , ,, i ll , phrt i cu l. ar , iu :„ s effe , t i. , ,,,,1 3 .,1 elitinie-teroncliextent . of . thetrans:. transactions above raerrolt to,. and -particularly' the matters spo-- wisdom and beneficence of the framers of the' . dotin,' the. - Bars ' of . the rtspectable':.!'houSe_'S'i . t a i ni t,' pletuietton :the Atailey • below, by the! and 'Kuno to our Sanctum- - - rendereol by hli,.sSvencer, of 1.1:12fo - rd. " . .If.o-t,ry.! ,-- f • the i of c\V C l arke, 1 , • • Ken o• in . ett#i v. '. ndia n COnstitation, I might_ do so, by preseziting, ; ! would-be - closed, -2-that in Ilmiiii : re4istaii4e. l EcupteAof•niett, as she :strode up the bent , . i . -•.• • • • . - - • •- - E.,8. C.. ~ I!'.: 11 Ilan its da)';' wa' tile 3 . 1 • 4 11 ( 1 ,.k.: 1, tirt. l l A - fro , nt, I)atettiMaY- . 8,1.855; and: addressol to!' . .. Is:hat, Would have . been' the reSult, had an ai-'1 to the lacy _Would not - be attarriPte.d - tl4ine , .ll ft ! • .10 3 s' t' • - ; - for Kim . ... , .. er gat enng tr.t.n. -.11,23 a poe 7 ( kiitirYringteaj - tikik liberal 'Et t ystem bi;en ea: !-taight conflict with- private! interest.' ' Thlst i e ..h our .. th e , l iill aos o f w h . kh, w a s on ly , b ro ,. i Gpictiotts-of Fraukfist amid :Zriatliso:r.. ai.l)e,ar flout, tile ." c:lieine ;7. Lint whoever:bel snA, rt.coliy of which was. forwarded to you .. .at, 'rafted. -,' . .- ... . • II • : . • --I .srif , lte highly :for the intelk+eut; morality Y . - . .'ranklin and Mad- ti 33 Vle We can•lint ii:mark that.his inOclOst • ~_ .. , 11'1'. • •l' f e. ken by the winclin. - 0-eChOes of.the - boatman's 1 , Ilere are the (Tit:lons .21'1 , . .1 F,.ttstiOn.on:the 1 tli insttmt: ... . ... ~. ;- very ..sespectidlv; vonr--oberlient, • Itis reasonable to infer, Cunt. 'we woulduot . 1 the place. ' ' . ;;; , - 1 , horn,.or the night-birds_sad,netei; from . F-0111:10 '; moll (41 : 11 -le PrQP-r'e t Y "n'l ..i''i' 6 ''''' ° f e ' x cin '. lin g• i 4 111° 'LsP .1 - kin l.o' . . ill c`lnt!a''t'rith that °l.' ///' • i Serv: a fi l t l' . -S'r - ‘_ir. L VAIICY. . .. tare: attained, - half; the height of natimial 1 s t . Ts - elve n'aock . finailV , ovine and we took idistant,f,erch. - . ' - . , 2 .: foreigners from oflice . : they wer.e deli% ered in . - antlior of 1 • Soint:thicg for all of you." ..This.l 1'110.11ot): . ..A.• H.- ItEsmta, :c . -alie of John' . .... 1 wealth and prospe.rty we now enjcv., -The-: oily seatt;..itt;tbeliar , i-,•an - , - I ii l on were rattr in kl . . 4 B . oatman • : win ... d that horn john " i the convention , that frAin , 2a tl;:e con'stitution,i("Es.,,,ry Ism, ,C.'..0.) was a pin titlan,l raoyl Cooltra•ne, 5uryt,,y0r,.470. - , - City 1a1 . 3,"441..Y0rk; • framers of the Constitution wisely.foNats thial, i awns amm - g the nt , _,tintaille g-org44- to AI“... FiLli, 17-8:7, :1%1 at this (?.ay when•ilema- . ! buileF-tilt on- the v:trious . politleal . rapriet. - .of.l •'• . • - • --!.--".. - , .• . wat l ; 'Was henni en Marir a tongue, till .tliO hour of i - . and provided. again.s.t: . it accordinly. as, •..tre-; 'William:spot t . ,, tii,.. - tant . ses 4 ,cintv . e.ight• , .milef.-1- i: rai . , , int ,., iii 1 . 1 -.-„, intort - eb " &.i. , cv .... v. .. 8:M0rtk . . 11 , 1 n -.. t gt./...giles a 9 U . ±4 . n31,4:t are urg,ing the' repeal of I tbe pt.:4ent day. Tile charaeters_ v t; ; l re we n i . 461 9 1 ....., R ., - - . 1 , I . I , . • . '• - ',NtW -. Yonk, Yu:ie . ll, I'B5Z: - have already seen. Having _hastily. glanced - 1 In two botvis un , ; t, , ii 'minutet we lieie stAIV-.1 -- l ' s •• •' . • _ - 1 . alt-tiaturalization law., and the . excluion of sti,taiueti, and the ac4iror tray, ''o4)(i; JOila. I . '., • . Ste': YOUr let ter c •Of thre .1 1 tli !'postniarked at some of the most prominentfeatures of the ;landed bit that place; ;making, in• theiirne - ll gle-a • f3"11 -1111-7 - 1 Y w --- Itil - , - (s• - .1 " 1314/ `' w . r i4.4• e n g 1 7 . ,• . "' 1;111 mei:Trout:pia . ees of ttit.t.' tvlio did not bap- ilian pan a true Yankee-brim fitll ,of the..l .: -. , • - ~. ..-.. . .. avid . - , Ole IF( a pleasant mar, but lacks the essenttals. i 1 .c, , TI , 1 ihe 1 2,th, was handed me .betisen 10 LT -.American. revolution ; the causes which pro!' four . stoppages ..-•- •Tltis-wa!S • tiding -w ,ittle•••fa4-I'tobelioin on our soil, they are wortlt een, and' ti ma.. 11 comic- cttar,.! , - :i -, • i •---- - TI.I- ' 1 1 AT • . ... 1 ocloi•k. ast nrgat, after , utt ntat_e a -tnY .. i - ~fora pripular Goveincir,' . 6r a brilliant Ail min-. 1 - • : ' r rca 1 native idtr" ; ,1 1 .; iIz.P.S., at 9-c:it:lock duped : it,may be summed up es follows in a few_ brief. words. _First, from a want of proper re spect shown the Americans; and secondly and lastly ; taxation Without representation. It was- these, which led bu serious struggles for independence, Crowned the gallant sons of America with such brilliantachiespinents, and gave success totheircsase. And now, whenever, we are likely -part from those Icommendahle eiamplesiaf Our noble ;self-sacrificing ancestors ; let; us' stop with- fear, while ahame s- manties.- our '-cheeka; and .considei the privations our ancestorsauf fered; the Thardiiiipi..they endured; for'that which posterity might sacredly-enjoy; Prompted - .hen, hY.,generous- motives, \eral principles, and With a laudable emulation \ to vie with the achievers 'of Artiericaulude pendence, iat. be forgotten:ihesei tunes, or at any, otler-tinie; i 1 wf. and our descendants would be wbat .our ante torn side and about as many 01 the 'Puti . and ram - A ditn lightjwas burning, 'aid' jitst tis I benurr s• - bled away - toward& NortbaPlbeibind‘ 'lt w l . lB to be albliritts to'p - assinieveeti a Man !last a heatttifel afterncr3d and all hands (itialtid-' ily #4.ered the cabin,looked Atricklitstr an:intl.], .. . Our country has been marked with ionn- ling .qov. - Pollock who joined us Isere) were'l di - in*off-hia coat, nannnted to the"'top shell," minable beneficial events since itiulawaing to iin high spirits. The: valloi of - The Sallee - 1 and' ticion commenced the most terrific snot-- . , the „present time;" with. improvements in so I henna lietween these poi l its i one of the rich- - 1 iiiglleier itetni.- Iti s afew minutes he teem wispy diversified tespeets, and ,'Telualkie an- 1 eat - ire the wcfrid, and at tiiii:seaseth, - 1 0*" 41 t * tY 1 ed pie.tially o nronse; then turned over, Tell: .• , _ üblish in another column an an. . . siderito... tei . than we liked,-'over• that read; howeter, - -!:.• • - -1 . t i - . f .- -IT. 1 r c i - •°•-•• . - • - ~ - we again-took our seats and proceet".. et" On- at :: ,tiorr. „ He . la - vir , l &) - ' 3l '..t r a t r u " ; .n. t ." - ', e 'lle' - - e ' l' s 1 ''''' "- ' r'P' :•.. " Q,UALITICArIONS OF SENATOP--14.751- . i.1r,1&,e :Incl . di. elpl - ine - ,•—is ; r;t:zez.—:-lir. rranktin WILS nut alg:litt,t a tea -1 even a mom, rapid - . rate, Hitt the road was et `-..not rt. - -. ; dose thinker, but seem to take a stir- ', sOteibi& time, - hilt Alieur..l be very serry- to see Iter, the country. level, and eonsequi:ntlythingr ke fait ..ali.v insetted in the .Con . the 'iiace view of thine. ..le vrill' hot, talk long-;.4 1 . 1 y 3 e. .., ... . ride was not so trying. "to'' one's neo-r. Rat: • ,o r i Oite s,j-htr,o,..- but fliet - off i,lip.on3-. ? :tt,inz en- ;-'1311,111"- The ' , write . of Europe are friendly 3 j . . . . `.- I 1. 1 .1 this c , mntry ;evcit in the nutiotk we. - have ~the pro.rpeet-ihead....yas not eomfort4ble. To ' . tiirelv.forei . ..m. ITe's.,:c... is . umililc to colleen- . ~ b eeti i a:e ., s „. at wait with , w e h,,,,,. t d ar i.,- f r;‘ ,.„&, , '"be drogged:nt such aspeed ever the' ountain-, tr i ate "- is • triii3 - 4, l i t „ ri ,,,, t . 12 - - ,, v , , -, n t r n .,„ id i .,,,; e ii ir.: ,'• *not' only among the people at la if, ,; o,' 1- ..) ti t ill 11 gorges and along the ' fri ti btflil P me (P iee - s- be l :liiig eCitn,e of lii Aditt:lnistrat l ion.. .. ' : - ..' - Loth I L i ouses' of Pali/uncut: In :.every other I tWeen the F)tisfi nehanna,"aad . .liitnnitt . . I, n . wa'll: -! pe t . time Came. -11,-t,-erlt4red the - e . a bi r , ;'; country of Europe all the people'. are our I • not calcu: l ated tO 'give us:a - Much •less-, - valudT st d ; good h eayetrz, .- w h,t a - -i friends.. • We_ found iu :he Layurt.e.of the rcro !sight l - For a•, - • ' , - • . ~ • , ,-. , t • ~, I tutrou that ninny ..toreigners served us hut.ou.- o . f lent:- lives zi ' t and rile limbs, t 7P ee . la o ,ii Y - .T_ l).--4 ." ::: ) . t....,.1.'5pr . ac .. le :- c . v it . F•• f:e!at in -lea;";t-h! , Iv 5 .6' t'er 'z't ily and nritiVe - S took vart a : 4aiust_their country. 1. 1 h , , . those i : threedee on '.e.aeh side. : - We . loo.ced noout)':Virhen . foreign . ers, looking. abeet for sotne.oth -1 arChed 'tunttel,,, occurred nearlyieverly --13elleving: discretion the better p.artifif- vtlprittc,p:slielf.: 3 3% 7 1 . j and - Saw but one - bunk left, nod that was . a I that. -country in which they ton 4'l tam • more • T.; think of • banging , myself . tili . t IlaPPlue„ss; give a P re fe r ene'7 l . 10 ours, it 11 . a . ~ . - • -: root of attachment winch ought to excite laid - fading a bad of rt i aeacelar aid iinr; ! ti , - - was g>' The - Governor Wits lvinm.: P - • i - .• • . - - - - -t. • . , 1 , - .ere no . we applied tot.he-baggage master who :kind- , • 7 1 our confluence anu aftectio - '—p. 1,215. I.On astable at 'the end of the cabin rtna sag,' i. , tr.m r , -- Nl son i. ec ,• on d e d th e m o ti o n t o r e .: -li-dellYeratp out"bagg,age'at*ltaa;!o*r4 1 rested" that Inii,ght share 'tile-soft side of that - i quire merely citizenship .and inhabitfiney.' 4 three o'clock we *mounted-di top of an old '- -with hitsi'luit I declined' and took tioasei . sion'+, lie Atitdied to maititain the etuttiniter of fiber.: stag* eotteli,'lraving '-' -ten,. Parsa 6 age" . aa: s the in lof two :or thkietintiksStatiding near by Al t Y- 10 ich- 1 14d : be e e l re se'l- i t Ya ll- the " Con. -' -ny 4513 :t.' that mountain ss‘i:24 - 2pinly; every dead Mg clean nut Of be4l,fallip , some eight. nr nine • feet. Whether he saw-vitas when his bead found the floor Ldo not know, but be ex; clainiell in a voice that roused the sleepers, " is, it day' liglit,r ••• A hearty laugh went Id, the Governor, on i whos" couch ho came • fidling, assured hiM that it 'was not ,y light," and helped hitn back to the top , r, wheit he sxun cOmmenced his awrul ing,.tnuch to the amuseuient of some and ryance - of others. There is a good deal usincsa on this Division 4 the Canal this. ther,"but . on the funiata iscarcely a boat Wed. .The Central, ra'jlroad company purehased•the• boats oil nearly all the men, in order to destroy!the competition lit!. Canal wiih . thd fieight on the road, [ :thu to niake the Canal .4•alueless to the Iv, that-they may be able; to 'purchase it for n sang:. This -subject ilernauli•the'atten , atten tion of the :tstate authoritiei.i , . Sptfnding, the Fourth :in ! Harrisburg we left 'the Ilex.t. niornin for hOme . r , ia. • Phila.; ,delphia .and New.l'ork. Th'e - crops through southern PentisylVania and New .Te rsteY never koked finer. It has' not bee'n so 11• a there as here, but has been wet , nouttlt. lAs soon ns the harvest shall be. 6 cr e hre,bl wifl be plenty. A'rrivi JP ng in New V( '1; tiac i i tifth.ll was ttr ., prlscd to see no'nttention whatet paid .to the Maine Law, which had 4one into oPera -tion the day before. On i i neplir)4, I learned that the liquor sellers had ci.iinitined to resist, the the last, and aslthe, old license law %vas rqealed,by the ta.4l law, everybody , 11 was selling as they pleaseo. : This tocir.A as though - liquor and drunkenness would be More abundant than ever. ! The Mayor has , • : , directed l they e police that ee. can only arrest for the sale' of domestic lignors, foreign liq uor Leine.' sanytioned for s : dC by set o f C ti n ... gross; ‘lllkll. no SJ.:l!e law can oyeal. tin der this const ruCtion, ikf c. - inrse everybody scidiFretn•li Brandy, adiand Gin and Ja maica Rum, at the Law is a dead letter., Having a little time .1 determined to visit the tombs and see- Baker, the nMrderei of Bill Pool, if-possible. The iron gates of that great-piisun were soon closed upon me, and I titers alone in.that vast Tomb of the living. The first who claimed my attention were sev eral small boys, from ten to fon:teen y e a rs o f age. They had been taken up as the first seeds:of crime germinate d,--40: small olren coA,-s-•-•and in reply to my• -questions, I found they 'were mostly 101 ,bans. They - wept 'hi i -krly at their fate) :mid said they : would. .t,,. , r.rood, J , ,, , ,, if tu,,Rwor got out. The' kcep•ln• inftnmed me that rsnch r' (Tenemlly came hack soon, and alien L •;:g. d to got . back where they could g,..,: sorilethinp• to eat„' Howl-110h of crime is brouglit-abont by want of bread ! Near this WnS 'a yllni, and 'veii open; into it, - 1 where were confined about fills- frail women who had been Mken up f o r drunkenness, fi••T, Jc.:o. They were of the yore lowe't , '', giade,--ilre most wletclied sight I i cier hes 111.1(1. All of then' . in nors, many norly Las 14,J, with bloated land \battered faces, filthy in the extonne and loathsome from disease, it was eriotin to siel:en the heart and disgnst 4 , ( 1 ; 1 -114 , 1 suo humanity with 1061-: sUtutions ttral vJl;lications oG Atnetica— , - iitneriei was indebted ic emigration for her and .prosperity. That part of Ainetiett Which had encouraged them most had tidyaneed Most, ratiiilly in population, rig. lieu] t u re: anti, the a4lO-..-p. 1,300. • • There is a. great, deal of treat - in the above rethark _that , `. 4 ,11ie people •of Europe are friend% iy to this country" - and they tire so, beeause 1 s. - Foil tire Mai 0 - CiATo of its liberality—Will'any - one pronounce it • -- •, . Tiiit'veevii. • • - good t)oli c v in lids n , 6rernmeet to pursue U.l- • [. . -- Cuts': tt: ISlcCoue, - 21: 1 course calculated kg - excite_the hatted - of , the i : . G L :•11.1 .*EN !..r•AV ill you - European masaei ? The oppresseel, the " Toil- ! I .. .. e , ~ „ .. . . mve the (madness to . ttiert. tne AAA:owing' ing)aiillii_enrr - of Europe admire tfitirepliplicati 1., , • , • - etnninnica7ion in your paper, iiid character of : eiurinstituti. - eres•and Come--shither l'hauele oblige •yenr friend, I triast f as well as to share the benefits And blessings th 4 secure; 1 the ahriehltreral 'eonalunity o e, s sque , anna They are tlee friends of •fibertv 1 nii`l liberal i county. •In pa ring tilt-eyrie WyomiTer- Coen govertnnentA, haviDgl , te-31 taeght by en'eri• i ty, recently, I -aseoqitinerl that the weevil ence to hate oppression in all its form:—Let, i (midge) is ne,,,lt y . • us adept the opinions of Franklin and Matlid.e.eent;we i i destroying, the' winter n fact. I examined several fields son and keep alive in the breasts of the down- I t i t „ re, as well -a s i n our own vieinitV and ,•e trodelvii in the " olill lVorld " 1.113 t. 'eve and.ven- 1 find 1 • the peen„ to Jove there it- I which 'they .ch . erisli tewaritour court - Nil e 1 %%„, t , ii , s , t n o ea b r " ing l - 110 case. Ow as :our smite; - 1 t' - ' -” e t Iry and her in-titutions. .., ' . tack it, lint! I have no doubt but the; will do --.. - --4.-46-4..---: . .----7 . ~ . . .. ; so, 111 t 1 I - -i.' rim; ll at l'iy, I have Otbught proper - ; - ' The Union. Witi:ln illpast lite years, strange revolff- .to °I " •' t " 'tis,b ( .-s ll °Psrtu I . ll v public hj tiOns have teecurrPel in u nlade opinion, 'and.' way of beadingthem i...iff, and should it Prove [From the journal of.Commerce,July fl . • , Ins ).,, i i „,- 0 heal d r i,.... n et pidl e .i retti • , ,,,, e , ex.. i . tb 419 'O, I Orin feel myself • nmply compen'e Tile Outrage on GO. Reeder of ._ - 1 - Kurismt.ii.• ''.'+. "-• ,•••' ;• . iir -•• :•- treteee to another." An erilent de% Oi ion to at e • sale , er my fyoulde. In cenentilicating with ~ T iio co incnAtsr .; A 3 / 4; , ; ~fiegrrali..;l ii,tifloroj4.7ein2tBo,...:l, .. ~.• ~ , Pleiou was formerly colesi . .h red a tiee.:ceseery : it •gore. lenean In 1r 4.:tit10114 - t 41 ' .. IllitiOtibt6d Ve- . , qualitication'of the. State -Mien, and lie ht.(' , racily. he ittfortute me that they go - tht - ough olintense excitement, - bsethe a tt em pted . p ' was so it reverent e.s. ;0 lere'a it eif . 1.. - .. es . their e been fiel..l . the swaxen it makes its ape _pefration of an .imltytygo . nPOn." tlie,4efitiri of ;Gee: Reeder, - atilis.quartere'ate Shownerelldise tin than freelone, won Oa; et e eee ",•.d,'... ;i i:' - eparenee, au.l ;Li itut Ow; time th,:whefit is ~ ,• ~ ~, 1 `ion, about nine; thiles , from this; plikei,• The . - p e ll a ti„ e of -t ee t er " „y ew it i s - f -,. 1 ,:,,,i, z ,.. ..lio:1-.1'.17,•, Ilitttloli: l :efy after a shower, or while i fie, ~ • 1-1 . li• 1 :nu able togive therri-i'are.iindOubt ti„ t „ _ ; .,., : it,, e..: i ..., . te ~. i t. i: : ' the: .. I ..ty is npen it, and ratter tt crne IV . .:4;ii:ket.l ! i . oily- reliable.,. It. appears,that the'? Governor :Ind welleneateleve 11101) (•.):!% enlclilio.,, , it- 1.1:1 , ! , I ,, :1--: c:14.„ !:• 4, tlint it will adhere to the wlls Siilin ,-. e altmein'lis - OfficehiS Secretary, I Commr - ree'ti/ vaitte.ati , ! Jerre! ee re , irel :Li: id' , t lt , :::- t!i.: ::.-ttil uf the grain, about. one lei-l- Nlti. Lowrey:, being sick and 'citlined,i.this of is e'lis7. as a r . ! ,t,.1.,. ~,,,,e lb el to :le., ;• etter,.. Geed Hine should, be secured. i"0"41:1 at the 0-when - whc .ll the were-known Gen. St fin. , fell ow entered. , Ile .was courteouSly re the faro% ell eiebtei..., 0 :' I,l,', l l.t i i i ,i gt , e , ~„. t t e ,,,i - - .)e;.1 51.e.:!.:,..el 1 . . y. sluinkling a, little weeer - over ..i. eetved, general: prelthinary- eon the fellow:lc4 tangle-ego, en i leo; impiit'an;..- of ' -se a s ti. base it retain titbits strength. , A % .,,,, tt i ot , , in which he dilated upon the inf1u .,1.11.. n.a., bo 1)-4-.1 in scattering it. so dlurt ence aneFeeritrel - he'Would'haveoreethe Pies ' cherishing a high r.•-•:n1 reel bale:eel! - onee for the Ceien of 11. e. f.:.tee- -; : , e. r ' . ~ , . est: eg ma . rillissottri • -against, Gov._ Reeder; le • "it it.. of iefinile - euelea-tit lien .e,,. t i..1 1 ..: e te -..4 see.: aa.. - ,:e.en so•,,t wi re IN tried as. to leave czt tilts . if 1. T.,.., made two propositions . that --the...-GoVeinor r •... 1 t PrrietllY n't 11 1 1 •1 1 e the 1 1:111P - i , --! ve! , /o vl';ii . .tr ' "'" l ' . 'l l 't f'r thiv "•. I. - 3 - ‘ 1 " 1 " t f ,Mould gall(' tioll that - h hi b:' - ' - any. bills should - be' Er- pass . national unioet tot e er c „e„.,.. t i,.. ~,,,1 j„. , ; 1.. id_ ; -,•-• 11,.u: -11.. : lis lett ur. , 41e1: , 14 the flute, :for led te - "Punish - thh.lampering with' Stares in 1 teal : hapitin-•ss ; tleet ‘..-.; 1 sh ~ t ot 17it..64 . .a 4•Xllcrir:ll:llt.' . .1:1ri! beF.II e ntirely destroyed :by..the territory, oilt..e . nttering of abelitton-sen ceedial, Ileibitliel reel•l . eue.tet 111, w k .'s:evil (neidev) while - the, grain on each timent-s, are'd the . etherthat he'.reconietided in . 1 - I , is, nipseeige . • tha .., k, the: legielaiureadiono.,ts t , to itz ao e lee, ent i e ir r ., ;l ;•-iT v ., i t o ti; L 1: :Ai d : sidei w:l4 :0.1 - .31 : (A. Try it, gentlemen, ones. -Slue.wree ltheeon on -- tlie bOrdeetif,Missouti. • e l to. I !a 'y e ' w4ont, and report. your - • . ' ' '' to -peak of it ev , a 1,.:1:4.1iwil cf yolzr poetry, ; ae.} :di, Ti le Goveuor _replied..tliat - 41thotio11 'in favor, safety' and pr..e.pi:rity; woe:bine. t er lls pr ,..,...; reerereine-!tits. to llelery - I J r" nkt-Irt Pre''itleut ofl Of a free state, he he was Willingnnilthewilit it, e ervati.;.ll with jeeslott. ati‘i,::v : iii4,4_olitit,:ivin- ;t h e s tl e itte l iet una county Agricultural soeiety, 1 quite proper . that temporary/ -preteetioui ba.. 1 q ~. ~given to slave ro ert • inane until whenever mite she... est te:,-..11 a. ,„,„-„i,.1„ - t , ion the 1 Ith of , October next, at . the eu.ri a . .. p p ,) . territory, lin ithe question Lei-properly :decided; but that . -•.- - that i: in in. anv te-ent be-. e le,in.l.ineelt and I vittuttY Fair-- 11.eperetfuldy, . he could not promise to sanction a bill helped. fee:et:nig upon tie first ebesning of every it .; . 1 '' ABEL (JASSEDY: ' : never s.een, and Much less,could he agree to_ i` tempt to Ali/cane any portiou.of Ohr eountry ! ~ .i..... , . a bill iii king the'penalty for minor offences 'eprelleville, Jtev, 10, 1 8.'55. , from the re.e, or etifeelde the , acted ties - .'• iI et' ' . • . death), as-he ha' beard . proposed, and that he. - would not vffecially•reconmiend the legislal-_ which now iiiik. ti kV:etl:( . r lb.! v arieles pertinns. ' . 1 ttoin thee Washington Union, Ju'ne, 19. I lure . to adjourn to Shawnee Mission. • . • . • - Offit . ial Lan!,lSpeenialion in Kan.. . At this the (iteneral became - mh - Ch excited, rift; T1;1:7 151:7,10 (.` RAT. ' • SII.S• - .- . - and endeavored to get hp a - quarrel tipo4 the Ir-' - '""s• l'ireiTt'" 6 :' -- The ,• -‘riu"" l Exllitii - ; * W e pUl.iii,ll belo . wa series of papers in .. re- • words "border i-infliens" - reported-kb have tech . . tiofi" t . !.allle (.11 - :it Ileerfeel Uni rersity en Tees- Iv ion to the affairs in the Territory of ' Keen- Used teo:''Gov lieiler. He was told.that. the •, , .. day the 2,1 ii:st. I hod the pleeksure 'of mak e l sets: TI:, I...etter,of (=ov. Reeder ;to' Commis- i use of suelr leen t iuiige had• - been aisles-Owed,: lag one in the dense OM% (I, which genie - ere& r i '`i"llerMan'ypettuy :lid the rvitly. bas alreaely and that as earby. as: Boss-bee. He 'then : de- to listen mil sci. , rind ir roll f i a IT o , er . beon i I.eeD inade)public by Gov. Reeder;• the oth- sired,to know. if IGer. ogler had represented ', . . , e rdoeuenerrts.belong to the Same-9 teestion,but Kansas eta being -eoliquereff. and subjugreted-.; 'll-re 'I I' 'I : . V ., ' you l'•''' . )"t;•-• voyl I(- - .1 - 11. 4 1 • ' ( 1- "" - - -. ." 1" ''') • ' I" . " arii 1105 V ptiblislied foi the first time?, Copies ley the citizens 4111issonii ;to which the:GOY - 1: lie :old rheit :,1:r1:. Clones aii , o II S (.1* 4: 4 :irei''Cii at.; having'been obtained bytes for - thiet purpose C t replied that, fee-lend.:. StringfelloW then :ems- other time or ilacei ill Seesefet coteaty, as :i froth thieiht:efierilieparttnetets,and the.. - piebli- inquired furtherlifi the GoVerner had.. ititend.:: ' I' fh - - i „ re . ~n„,l„ lice thet wee -there: e i „ t e e l catiun. of, : seems requisite in order' to erl.tee charge loin l l with.nny un aw I pr . II s -1 prevent. ally nei:,tapprelietesion le regardeo . ,the , honorable net; telWbich the Gov.entor replied 3.1 tie: re twist letje. I...ebt .11•ent two thote-aDe! ,! true t,tate ef lac t.s,, W hick /UV (11.g...tiered inter= that he believed'ud - had. said, that Geri. String .) persen.. in att.:l/deuce dui)); the day, ‘1111(.7il ! ~, , , . , . ii ngi i n i, . . l ortance to : the whoie -country.= fellow-was mirth! instrutnental :in - creating ellen ye erceielor The b ae lewai,l,rpyis of the . "eitakel - 4ieresion to say tb et t.we s ee no eat:se, the excitementinMissouri :which , : had pre-' -F-...!1 ~n , end the ciansoilnent '• hurry" of • " c ito appeeenend iaterrnetion - of the public peace deiced the Presentistate of thjngs; ..and in an ' , in h . :tes t -I , s mikes. its zectual , residents should -swer to ftnotber qt esfion be Stringfellow,-said (at mots is reallv ei very ,:urge' •-enberine..- k, . . • - ' Ul. i Ittefel :. d With in the eonelnee of -- tle pub- t h a t lit. eens id ere , such a course o f ren de e t. .• 111 "'S "'" : w• 11 rt . ""l lc iu l"''''''''.4 thr “ th ' ie 3s. lie affairs . Of the '1"el-riory ; If pe-rson S 11:1 ,. .*C ,AS IltilaWfUl :tad dishonOrable. '' '' - -.' no better ctiterien by which to estimate the heretofore inte,rfee' o l,(whieli ill ourmind does 1 .By tiers time tlib . excitement; •O v f Stringfel.: ititiele fire ix,:rzed by , this institntion Ott the not B.lmit of a donbt„) eithe..r . to Control. the 1 low becrtme very 4-rent, -so 'ranch so as.-to at sareoueedine. eenntr: than this ..p,.eneral, out: voles .by mouesuf org . mlizorSocietie:4 in 0111-1 tract several persons standilfrr'in front of tile .: the- 1' i - door ; and he on pot !Tire the GrovernOr i ont:1 , 0 - of the. I:Iei:A:DS at `its tt ential ex hite. LI Stattts, f-r actually to vote in the Ternteiry likm : it i, ~,,_,. ~.: . ...,, , L - ; . , . , .; ; . without the laefid,einalifiehtion of resedenee,l a verbal challenge% which was. immediately. 1. I i,i il . ,q,lal '.lll allti MR. 413..V0- . • . - . , •,- Or (;) 0% el'ilSVe• tne iilp!htie4.l %eters, such per.: I declined, the Governor -solleg that he-two, ' no: I. • • 1835. - Sin 'Supreme F.',xellenit'y has been : plcrised'tei i stie t iteforl oiling 'decree l'he Dcetty-Prit'sidentotth'e . Republic of r icaiugua to the inhabitifiris: . Ilavipg tio;itive inforniation that the ad-. venturers, Kinney atid Fahens; aro