End' Profits and Ainick Beturns. SPRING GOODS. Nobion ac . grIORNER Store, Lafayette Dleck,Bituritamten, ki N. Y., are now receiving daily their SPRING STOCK of all kinds of Dry Goods consisting in , part ; of \ Prints, Merliroack, Cosh eco, Pallou's Dutinell's and Sprague's; from 6,1 to 3s a yard. . I shi l lings, Bleached'and Unbleached, - all styles and widths, from 5 cents , to 20 ce nts, 1 - .. Shectings and Pillow Case Cotton, all widths nial pricies. , ; . , . Ginghams, L ancaster, Glastrow French; &c., 0 , from 12 1-2 to 25 cents. Dersin's from 10 to. 12 1.2 cents. • • • Ticks from 9 to 20 cents. Apron Checks, 10 to 20 cents. Silks, Fancy and Plain, a fine assortment of. Spring Styles at all prices from 56 1-4 cents to $2,50. ' • Mouslin do lAnes, Plain and Figured all Wool, and wool and cotton, all prices from 10 to 75 cents a yard. Li one ns, the best make, cheap Embroideries; Laces, Damasks, Curtain Muslins, 514. ' Shaw/s,a splendid assortment of Spring Styles, .all prices, also Mantillas, Dress . Trimming, and every other article ,in their line. Also, ' Goods for Men's and 139y's' Wear, a fine as sortment of Kentucky . Jeans; Cassireercs, Cloths, Doeskins, Satitietts, Suspenders, -&c., &c. • Tittle Litmus, Napkins, &c., • j,, ' 'As our goods have been bought . at the late large sales at Auction, is New York, we can and will sell them at very low prices, and we only ask' you to give us a call and judge for yourselves. • . • • , * • NELSON _& PRIEST.! Binghamton, May 16, 1855. -1 . ' Sew Arrangement at Gregory' . .firA RIAIVARE STORE/ , W. GREGORY & JUDSON SMITH, ‘...T. having formed a co-partnership "for the purpose of conducting the Hardware business in all its varibus branches, would respectfully in , form the people of Susquehanna : county that they are now opening at 'Gregory's Old Stand, opposite the Exchange Hotel, '.l doors from the Canal, , Binghamton. N. Y., the largest., cheapest, "and best stock of Hardware ever oflbred in Bing harnton. • - Having made arrangements to import, their. English Goods and purchase their American di rect. from manufacturers, they can and. will sell CHEAPER than any other establishment in town! Their stock is now very extensive, and th ose wishing to pureltasb are 'invited to call.— 'l'he following are a portion of their leading ar ticles, viz-..-1--Table knives and forks, Tea - do., carvers, forks and steels, pen and pocket lin'ves, bread and butcher do., hay and straw do.,is son's, Shears, and razors, britannia tea sn t. fleeitlt ISots, silver and britarinia tea, and table spoons,• silver plated, brass, and iron caridlesticks, Rad: fers and trays, solar lamps, lard, and suspended lampl mantle-piece ornaments, brass and iron andirbres, shovels and tongs, &e. Locating Glasses, and looking glass plates, to .gother with a general assortment of housekeep ingiuticies. • HOUSE TRIMMINGS, consisting ofdocks, latches, butts, .. screws, brad, nails, bolts, patent windowsprings, blind fasten ings, shutter screws, and fastenings, &c. .A general assortment of tools for Carpeaters and Joiners. Cabinet and Wagon Makers, 51asons and blacksmiths, consisting of planes, saws, ham mers, hatchets, axes, adzes, chisels, augers, auger hitts and hollow angers; anvils, Bellows, vices,' patent drill ;machines. sledges, stone hammer!. brick and plastering trowels, cross.mit; mill and circular saws. A splendid assortment Of -Saddle and harness' ... makers' tools and trimmings. . • - FARMING TOOLS; consisting of shovels, spades, forks,rakes,sotheri, grain cradles, hoes, pick axes, iron bars, grind stones, &e. , • , ~ Also, Merits for the sale of Sqiires & Co's Agricultural tools, such as ploves, hay and straw cutters, corn shellers, &e. . • Sole and upper leather, 'morocco and slfoe trimmings; with a general assortment of findings,-• 11Tooden ware, willow cradles, wagons, chairs - and baskets of all descriptions. . Bar iron and steel, iron axles and steel springs malleable castings, coach lace and trimmings .of, - all kinds, paints, oils, sash,4lB"-Putty, &c., all ' of which will be sold at the lowest rates. Please call and examine the stock for yourselves. . • Binghamton, March 1; 18.55. - - . Phyfe at Knowlton "[INTEND to keep constantly on hand a variety I of Nails, iron, steel, springs, axels, table 'and pocket cutlery, butcher, bread, and shoe knives, razors, shears, scissors, snuffers and trays, coal hod', shovels and tongs, stair soda, coffee mills v - v.el heads, enameled sauce pang nn4 kettles vices, anvils, smiths' bellows, screw plate.s,iledg es, hammers shovels, spades, scoops, chains,lead pipe, sheet lead, pump chain and fixtures, straw cutters, corn-shelters, sausage-cutters, metal, and wood faucets, horse brushes, combs, cards, rope, cordage, files, rasps, bells, tacks:brads, copper rivets and burs, sand.paper, braces, bit*, augers, gimblets screws, hinges, gate hangings, curtain fixtures, books, staplps,'bolts, hasps, wood, min eral and white knobs, 'mincing-knives, door springs, thermometers, wire, rnallesible castings, mill, X cut ; wood and hand saws, firmer, mortice and framing chisels; gouges, wrenches, bench screws, levels, saw. frames, anger, saw., plane and chisel handles, axes, hatchets, axe-helves brush es, oil stoners,' whips, ,ad, fill, chest and door locks, castors, sad irons, candle-sticks, trays, hay knives, glue, gltie kettle; spoons, saddler's silk, tassels, &c. &c, and a stock of builders' Hard ware and Carpenters' Tools, unsurpassed" for cheapness in this Section of country. Call and see. Don't forge A t at the:place, No. 10, tafay , etto Block, 3 doors F Court street. • Binghamton, Mira I, 1855. . . • NEW STOVE dc Trrir•WATLE EMPORIUM OF WOODRUFF & ELDRED, On West ?side of Main St. and South of Searle'e Hotel, ' • UTIIERE may found the best t oareverbroght to this Larket, together with Tin-Ware cheaper than can be bonaht elscwhere'thia side of New York ; They .would resper.tfully call the attention of puichaAerg to their new and splendid Stock , of STOVES. and TIN-WARE," which will be sold at ry low prices. We have the most approved patterns of *IT 0 Irreil ever lirought.int o . ttriV market, among • which linty be found Star of the West (Ekrated Oven,) Cultira . tor (Elerated Oven,) Paragon, New Wortd, Globe, Atlas, and . Three States,' • - 1!I Air-tight, and various other patterns too nu tnerous to mention. TINWARE of all kinds kept constantly' on hand for household use. Jobbing done to order and in the best. manner. \ All-Tin-wire carefully proved before leaving . the shop. • They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who wish to purchase anything in their line, , as snr\ing them that money can be saved by examin ing their stock before purchasing elsewhere. 8. A. WOODRUFF. G. B. ELDRED. Montrose, June 1, 1855. • NEW GOODS. . . • \ rpliE subscriber is in constant receipt of New 1 Goods, in his line' of businees, nearly , every Ineek. The public will find his assortment No I, , find his articles new and of good finality. The ', stock consists . as usual of - - , - Drugs ' Medicines, Paints,Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Groceries; . . Fancy-Goods, Jewelry, Perfumery; &e. 'ioreat th e lower end ofthe burned district • • . . ABEL TURRELL trove; 1;1855. All lii, S PRIM G GOODS. . srior lot. just received', and now offerin g., e . / py, oisc a s b e y easl price . s pii . .! for approved ered- My i. ..\ A. LATHROP & CO. 11if-STORE IN HARPORDI 1 0.,w. Stritoint.a. ca . -, 1 wußgriidiztllittie attention of 'the Public to their stOciti of , AlleiViri GOOD'S, NO li arriving at!the old stand of S. Savanna, in thp village of Ilsrfo'rd. ' . ' I i:11.1R GOODS ARE NEW, hive seen bought for cash, care (ally selected, arid Will be sold cheap. Give tis a call before purihsising. Our stock consists of 1/ItY GOODS,I • i .61t0411.1E5, . , - HARDWARE, ' • ' - ' CROCRERY, - ' IRON, NAILS, • i . , ~ ~ &.c' ~ A variety as full Its is usually found in country Stores.t,i i , - !'. G. W;SEYMOUR & Co. Harford, May ith 1855. ' . New Spring Goods. BURRITT would announce to his friends IA • and the iinblic that he is now opening an unusually large Stock of Sratsci and Sun it ER IGOODS, Including a great variety of Prints front 4cts to Is. per yard; Plain and Printed Lawns, Barego Delainek Ginghams, Brocade, Black and Fancy . Dress Silks, Silk Dress Tissues and Ilareges, Poplins, &c., &e.; with a superior' assortment of Silk; 'troche, Cashmere and Thib bet Shawls, Mantillas, Parasols, French Lace and Straw and Silk BeUnets, Rich Ribbons and Flow- Rill, with A large variety orother staple and fan cy .• DRY -GOODS, GroceriesiCrocleety, Hardware, Iron and flails, 'Boots and • Shoes Hats and Caps, Carpeting, Wall paper. painted Window V,hades, Floor Oil Cloths, Clocks, Staves, X3ils and Paints, Ploughs &c.; in short,ithe largest kind. of piles of rich and cheap Goods, too numerous to milition, but just the things; to' purchase, all -of which will bo sold at the most reduced prices and on the most favorable tern s for cash, exchange, or ap proved credit.' • N. B. Salt and 7lonr constantly on hand: New Milford, May 5, 1855. -GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT THE IrPgONVILLE XCHANGE. HE Subscriber' is now receiving a welt se lected a s sortment ofDry Goods. Groceries, Fi h i llardware, Crilckery, Ready-Made Clothing, Hata, Ponnets, (a f• splendid aporfnienl,) Paints, Oils, Dye-Stuffs, Yankee Notionis, in fact, altniist: everythingustially called for at a coun try Syire, includin g Flour, Salt and Meal, all of which ho.is desirotn4 of selling Air Cash, or any kinelif, Farmer's Merchantable Produce, or on goo4ipproved Sh4rt Credit. His friends are moat - respectfully invited to give him a call and he willi satisfy therii that the Exchange is the place .r thrillers to trade. The highest price paid, i Cash for Batter. 3. L. MERRIMAN. Dpsio vine, May J 5, . ToDa • -Monindelifiese-Makers. THE Undersigned subscriber is now p repnred to furnish chette makers.with .11 now and itnproved patent. self-acting press, which will do up .business right. This 'press being self aiting,is far more convenient than the old faith iOned.,tong lever peek with weights: For reti i er enee, inquire of P. Loomis, C. F. Loomis, and others who have useo this new press and tested its merits. Those Men will tell you it is no humbug.j So pleasqrall and . get one, While you . have en pportunityi 0. F. FARGO. Bin/Arose" May I 8;!, 1855. IXTITH t tu, entire now and brilliant equip. _,went This superb Troupe will exhibit at Montrose, on Friday, Juoe 15, 1855, afternoon and eveniia,T., Doors open at 1 1.2 and 6 1.2 P. aL , Performance halran hour afterwards.. Ad: misSion,- 25 cts. . , This company is distinguished for the ele gance, novelty and vatiei7 of its entertainments." 13Q6ESTRIAN, Gymnastic • and Pantomimic. ! Displaying the highed order of Foreign and, Domestic talent.— Among the: princiPal attractions of this • Troupe are MONS. NICOLO; and 'his three • Juvenile Wonders, Atritosss,"SznasTrax tsn Amu A,.to gether with. their two wonderfully trained and highly intelteetnal doge, TOPSY and JACK From the Gymnase: Comique and Olympic, Paris; Theatre Royal, iDrury Lane, and Ratty's Royal Ampitheatre, Landon ; Franconia Hippo drome, New York, &c.l Mr.D.lvis,,Richards, • e Mid Excentric Horse man, will appear with bis untamed Paine Steed, in his Dare Devil Act! without saddle or bridle, jumping !hurdles, leaping feacea, - &c. - This is. the moat daring and W4fiderfol act of horseman .- ip ever witnessed; .e extraordinary feets of balancing by Mona. Nieolo and Sot* called La Trla, will be given in a sityleof elegance and skill unequalled by any other'performers in the kountry. Mad. Virginia Sherwied, the beautiful Esques. trienne, in a variety .ofieleg,anC .Toors de - Grace, positively inacbievul by any other Lady in the Profession. Joe Pentland; the Great - Americas Clown, sur named by the press, "The Modern Touchstone," 'Chief Priest of Modus," and "The. Inimitable open his 'loexhaustible Budget of. Jokes, Witticisms, Drolleries and !Eccentricities. Mr. Frank Pastor, in his great Sununcrset Act of Horsemanship. • W. Pastor, as the Antipodean Eptilibrist.. • Mr. George Batchelder, the Champion Vaulter, of the World, and Great Two Horse Rider. C. Sherwood, the accipaiplished Scene Rider. S. Jackson, 11. Bernard. 9 "Master Sherwood, theinatest Juvenile Sipes trialvid the Werld. Besides a variety of 'other talent. The far famed perfcirmiug ponies, Damon, Bendigo,.Black Di'amond. and Titania, in their fantastic and fairy gambols. A host of other talent is engaged with this mammoth establish. meet. For full particulars aeo bills at principal hotel*. • A grand Procession prbeeeifed by the magnif icent Ontarrrat. DRAGOR CHARIOT, containing a full Military Brass Band and drawn , ,by ten Beau. tifu I Black Home, superidy harnessed and dec._ orated, which will proceed through the principal streets to the place of eihibitiOn. Or AT Lour.ttavtit4 June 14th. _ PireNi,York Prices! i t. RE, nowinir paid fry A. Lathrop & Co, 11. to all the who conaign their butter and produce to !her* They Ihaving ramie arrange ments are now inallled to send all kinds of pro duce to New York and sell the - tame at the highest market prices. MI those who wish good prices andßuick rOirns we invite to call upon' : 6 LATHROP dc . CO. • Montrose, May I, I • NEW GOOMI CHEAP at tke He- . , ctt Navigaticia. Tundersign4l liespeetfnlly annonnees 1 to. durpublie t is still selling Goods at the s l id stand. and thae ha has an entire new Stock wikieli will be soblxhi t ap. C. W. MOTT. Moitrose, May 31,1855; _W.F4STWAIID HO! Artist, being' absent On a trip to the .VVest, his , .si IDisauCrrents Rooms . • at Ckld Fellows' Hall Will he rlosvi for . a few wbeks; Ho will give duo notice. of his return, Aid hoppes that in the meantime yam will all get a "good ready " to have your'farvs taki4l. • • W.ll. DEANS. Montrose, May 26, 1855. LOST OR STOLEN, . r %VO Notes: ono of ssoo;and one of $250, given to rn3 wife Mtn, and to be paid at my•death,—they were not written or Learer.:- My wife his been. dead over two years, and con sequently. those notes are dead also. They were not given, to any other person or persons by •mo, and if any individual or individuals has those notes I should be thankful for them-=they - aro of no use to any person except myself. • jOSENI 11. WOOL EY. • Jessup, May 26, 1855,.: • . 22 3w. NEW STOOK OF DRY GOODS! AND CARPETS! Great Reduction in Prices ONE PRICE STORE. RC. BACON has the pleasure of announe . ing to his Customers that has just re turned from the Eastern .-Markets with one of the largest and most excellent assortment of DRY GOODS AND CARPETS ever'opened in this market, which foi beauty, variety and style cannot be•surpassed, which hav ing been purchased for cash at auction and else where at auction prices ho will sell them"cheapor than they were ever before offered is this or any other market west of New York city. His rich and splendid assortment of DRESSrKS is always acknowledged e best and cheapest in town, and includes Plain, Plaid, Striped, Brocade and Glace—the cheapest as well as the richest goods, at prices varying from 37 1-2 ors to $25,0 per yard, together with a great variety of BRILLIANT JET BLACK' SILKS, True Satins, &c., selling at least 20 per coat less than the cost - of importation. SHAWLS t- SRAWLS !! An immense assortment of Silk, Crape, Thibet, Cashmere, Merimis, Brodie - and Summer Shawls, from 81 to 860, together with a splendid variety of Black and Colored MANTILLAs, • , . of all the fashionable -patterns: Sace, Silk and Embroidered, which will be sold cheaper than'orer before. . DRESS GOODS De Latins from 6 14 elm to ,37 1.2 c'ts per , yard: Plain, Plaid, Striped and Figured. Sfuslins, Chatties t Bothbazines, Chambras, Ging hams. French, English. and American Drills, from 5 c'ts to 25 c'ts per yard, and every new style constantly ott hand at the lowest prices. • RIBBONS: . Ribbonds.:by the peico. or yard will be always In our stork for Milliners and retailers. EMBROIDERY. • The. richest and largest assottment•of Embroidery car: always be seen at R. C:Bacon's,at the lowest prietm. Chentisetts, Collars, Sleeves,-. Skirts, Infants' Waists, &c., of every fashionable style, together with English Thread, Valenceinnes, . Houston, Guipure and BrUsselstnees • . • itt peat variety. LINNEN GOODS. of all kinds. Irish Linens, Linen Handkerchiefs, Table Linen and covers of all Napkins, Doylies, Linen Sheeting and Pillow Case Linen from auction at prices 14 ) , ,v all competition. Thu :Mention of house-keepers is particularly invited to our stock of Curtain Goods, among which. May be found , - Lace Curtains, Niugin Curtains, BroCatelles, and everything in this lin of goods, which can" not fail to please in fabric, style or price. DOMESTIC GOODS. - Blesched rind Brown Sheeting from the 6d grade up to the finest_ qualities. Tickings, Denims, f Striped o shirting, Apron Checks. Ginghums and Prints, m 5 c'ts to 12 1.2 els per yard,'and all kinds f Cotton Goods for men or boys' wear. Hair Cloth Skirts, Grass Cloth Skirts, . - and Psmsols,—a very rich assortment. More Antique, Moss Fringes, Galoons, and All descriptions of Dress and Mantilla Triniming, and everything beloriging, to the Dry Goods' trade customers may he sure of finding at Bacon's, if it catile found is New York. • CARPETS!: CARPETS !! Sincethe recent Tremendits: F4lll in the price of Carpeting we have pnchased and have now on hand the largest and most beautiful assortment -of CAR PF)TS ever'exhibited in this region, at prices fully 30, per cent. less then they could be sold for the last year. All those who are in want of Carpets are invited to our - • CARPET•ROO3i where they will be delighted with tho beauty and cheapness 9f the various patterns, and astonished that so good a carpet can be sold se cheap. Brussels, Three Ply, Ingrain, • Union, Cotton and Hemp Carpetings from l 6 c'ts per yard and upwards.— . Floor and Table Oil Cloths. Mats, Druggetts; &c., equally cheap. It. C. Bacon would inform those of his custo mers' who have not already Made thernrelves ac quainted with the fact that he has removed from the store formly occupied by him - in Brigham Block, 'opposite Court House, to the corner of the new Mock erected the last summer next east 'of the canal, and having a much larger, more conven ient and pleasant store than formerly-he is pre pared to hold out even greater inducements to buyers than heretofore, and such as can but be appreciated, and admitted by all those who are competent judges. . New Exchange, Binghamton, May, 29, 1835. THE LIGHTNING EXPRESS 1 . rare Reduced: Time Sawed: : Thro' .. . • by . Day Light.: 2: HAWLEY & ZEMICS, TTAVE forttied a partnership in 31outrose for JUL the purpose of doing 'ecerybody's BLACKSMITHING ! at the old stand near Keeler's Hotel. We have purch sed an entire new steel( of IRON, comprising full assortment of all kinds, direct from the city We sba/I keep constantly on hand Western=-Round and Square ..Claststeel Toe Cork Rods, r Refined Tyre Iron—all sizes, _ Band Iron and Spring Steel • • A large assortment of Mutable Iron, Coil Chains, Carriage Bolts, &c. &c., Bice us a call, By :Wet attenticia to business we hope to re. ccive a liberal attire of the patronage. • All work warranted to give satisfaction to those who will favor us with their patronage. ar WAGONS AND CARRIAGES_ ironed en short notice and stock found, or made to order throughont,as may best suit our patrons. All business transactions must be settled once a year. Short settlements and lofig friends is our motto. N. B. A good journeyman wanted, to whom steady employment suiui high wages will be given. A. B. HAwLET, , PERIM JERKS. ' . Montrose, May 31,1855. LOST OR STOLEN, ('ENE Due Bill of $157, held by the subseii., ber againSt Iwuke L Post—missing over two years." It was not written "or bearer." Al so a note 0f.514 given by me to hue Woolsey of Sing Sing N. Y., sent back by mail 40 Mont: rose. N. B. I hare not consigned the 'due bill or note to the use of any person or persons, of oiven them in the care of any individual. ' • JOSEIIII B. WOOLSEY. Jessup, June 5, 1855-23w3 •N • GED. • • • •ivrezti Delaware; LackawantulAr. W. B. B. ' SPRING ARRANGEMENT r •• ON and after Mopday, May .7, .1855; the Mail Passenger Train will. cive Scranton at 10.20 A. M. • Duo at Great Bent) at. 1.20, T. M. Connecting with the Dunkirk Es press Train west, and the Now York Express E•46pla the N. Y. & E. R. ft. : ,Passengers taking , thus train will arrive in Dunkirk at 11.15 p. nt. and in Now York ai 11.15 p. t • . • Return will leave !Great Bend at 4 p: tn. due It Scranton 6.45 . T. M. The Freight Accetimmdation Train. witb pass. ginger ear attached, Wilt depart from Scranton r.t Lot), r. at ., eitnnectink with the Train bound west, and' the • Night Express -Trains both East and West. Passengers taking, this Train Anil the ,Night Exyress East, wilt mire in :dew York at . 10 5 si. m. By taking thel Night Fxpress West, will arrive in Punkirk at, 12 31., or by • taking the Mull Train. West, wi:l arrive in Dunkirk ut G. 45 iturning, epaL :rem Great Bend at 7.00 A. M. and arrive t Scranton, 12.10, A. M. Stages sill be in w Ring on the arrival of Pni oemter Trains at Scranton, to convey paosenpro ,to CarhondW; Pittotdn, Wilkes-Barre, Philadel phia ria the Reading ft. R.., Easten„andall other intermediate places. 1 D. IS. DOTTERER, Supt. Suit Office, Scranton; May It 1855 IC astr AGRICIATRAL 111ACHINES "1 - I .j MERY'S & WHEELER'S eelebrsted Horse Pon-cri, Threshers and Separators„Combin ed Threshers and Cleaners, Claret- Hullers, Por'- table Circular Cross -Cut Sam hills, Fad Cut: lers, Corn Shellers, Emery's new Portublo Grat ing Circler 3lillt, Clow's - :end Kelsey's" Grain Cradles, 4:c., &c.: Pilfers' improved Rice's Fan ning Mill, price t 430: , • All at wholesale and retail, on very favorable tersns. These machines and other Improvements - are; warranted to be of the best material- and work manship, 'and to Iperate as represented by my Circulars; or.subjea to be returned within thieb months, and the vurehase money refunded. 1 ,;,4,7 I take particular care in making My ton tracts for canal ftOight and transportation on all . machines, so that 'canal and ot,ther charges 'will be unusually light) Machines for ,Susquehanna county may be dtilivered at any convenient sta tion on Brio or Lackawanna Railroad. .."127" Descriptive' circulars, and all *necessary infOrmation concerning all , articles sold by me, with.priCes, and other important particulars, can be bad on application to me by mail. . - To save in freight ; orders should - be forwarded early. - ft: M. WELLES. Athen4, Bradford.co., Pa., May 12,'55-201n4 Ketchum!s Mowing and Reaping Machines. • THE: subscriber is sole agent for KE•rettnes celebrated hewing, and combined Mowing and Reaping Machines for northern Fentfa.— Very few - of our Farmer's are aware - of the great advantage: gained by using a good mowing ma chine, and.nq a general thing, a goodower can be used on rougher Lend than is usual • suppos ed. . The one Horse Mower will worki on - land: Somewhat: more uneven than the two.horse-tnow-: er will, froth the fact : that the cotterbar is shor ter: The'tWo horse mower cuts a swath 4 ft. 8 inches, and the one horse three feet wide.- The frames and cutter bars to tkeSe machines are all Made of Wrought Iron, and every part is made very strong and durable, and little likely to get out of repair. One extra. Scythe, extra sections and fingerS, and ono wren:h, aro furnished with each machine. • Price of Two Horse Mower, with extras, $llO " Combined. " and Reaper " . 7-25 with transportation from Buffalo. Price•ef Oaefllorse Mower with extras, $95 with transportation from Worcester, 3fass. The two' horse mower is warranted capable of cutting, with one good team, from 10 to 15 acres of any kind of grass, whether standing or lodged, per day ; and the combined machine capable of cutting the:Same number of ,acres .of grain per day. The bne horse mower, with a -good horse is capable of Tioing about two thirds asmuch as the two horse mower. car - All:orders for the combined Mo"%sera and Reapers should be forwarded to me by the first of June, and for tha4wers alone, by the 15th. of June-neat. • - Descriptive .Circularrs, and all needed 'infonna. tion will be, prothptly furnished on application by mail. Order machines early in the season. 1L WELLES. Athens, Bradford co., , ta, May 12, .'55-20m2 HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PIIILADELPHLt. ImportAut Anuouncement. MO all personeaMicted with sexual diseases, each as Seminal Weakness, Impotence, Gonnorbma, Gleet, Die„ its The flowsrd Association of in view of the awful destruction of human Dfe and health, ceased by sexual diseases, and the. deceptions which are prae.tleed tißon the unfortunate victims of such dites,sesby Quacks ,have directed their consulting surgeon as a Cbaritabla Act worthy of their name, to give Medical Advice Gratis, to all persons this - afflicted, (Male of Ye male) tke., add in !JUMP of ef.t.Teineporerty - and suffering to Ptirtil-h Medicines Free of Charge. . — . The !toward At4oriatioit Is a beflel'Olellt bleat lIIIon, es tabUshed by gospels! endowment. for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted with" Virulent and Epidemic Dts eases," and Its fonds rap be used for no other purpoNe It has now a virpins of !Beans, which the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the Association 'commands the highest Medical skiff of the age, tad will furnish the most npprovel modern treatment. Valtulible advice giveM to Pick end nervous. fe males, cillieted with .abdorninal - weakness, Womb• Com plaint, tlo•itiveneas,Leueorrhma, . Address. 'post-pi:AO Dr. Geo. It. •CaDionn, Consulting Furtreon, •Itoward ASsoflotion,No. 2 South Ninth Street, Phiiadelphia, Pa. I By order of the Directors, • ' Vrtit. tD. IIEARTWELL, President. Ceo. FAIRCHILD, Secretary22yl . . J. 'Wittenberg &Brother j_ AVE just received and are daily receiving .1 splendid assortment of Spring and Sum mer Dress Goods, such as Baragos, plain and• satin, striped and Plaid Lawns, Organdis,Barage Detainers, Silks of all colors and figures and at New York prices. Our stock 'of shawls is well selected, among which can bo found Craps; Shawls, &oche Silk, flarage, Thilset, Cashmere and Prindet Shawls. A splendid stock' of Mantillas of the latest styles and at very low prices. - Our stock of Embroideries is selected with the greatest care and cannot fail to give satisfaction. In addition We hare a good asinrtmont of Needle work! Window Curtains, at various prices. We also offer to the public • at bargains, Calicoes, bleached and brown Muslin, a good assortment of Calicoes, Bedticking. Flannel, &c. Hosiery at very low prices, such as Stockings bleached and brown, slate color, black and mix ed stockings, a superior article of raw silk Hose, also a splendid article of silk /slits, Vloves,-Rog er's Kid Gloves'. We flays also a splendid assortment. of • Bon. nets, Ribbons, also - Misses Bonnets,. Children's Fancy Straw Caps and Fists, a good Assortment of Parasols, all at a small advance above cost. • In addition to all this wo otter the public the largest and che.apest stock of Ready-in:0o Cloth ing ever offered in Northern Pennsylvania. Al. so a general assortment of Gentlemen's Furnish ing such as Shirts, Colars,Cravats, stocks, suspenders, Di•awers- and , ' under Garments, &c. Please try us.-41istpprn•if job can. , J. WITTENB it.q & BROTHER. . 'Montrose,. April 25, 18.15. • - • . CASH MUSIC AND PIANO STOHE HORACE - WAteRS: Nc. 333 ii.roadway, New' York. . OppositiOn to Ifonopoly-411Wde .at Greatly : reduced Rates.:.. Notwitbstandini the cam' !illation of music deal ers to keep up the-prices of non-copyright mu sic., against the interest of native voutposers, and their refusal' to extend to Mr. Waters the courte sies of the trade, ho is making immense salesz— having,abundant evidence, that he. - has, - Public countenance andstipport, in his opposition to the GREAT.AIoNonitx, and in his etlints to aid . N.t. TIVE TALENT, and I0.0(lOpt. Ulu .NATIONAL CL7II- RENCY. His stock of American and -Enropean music is itntnense t and the cataln,gise. of his own publications is one of the Urges/ and best sel . eq ed fn the United States. He has also m ade - a Great Reduction in the prices of Pianos, Melodi c ,- ons and Musical Instruments of all kinds. Su: 'perior toned 6 162 octave pianos for 8175, 8200 and 8225, interior of as good quality, and bistro. .tuents as strong and a durable as those which cost 8500. Pianos 01 every variety of style and price up`, to .8100, comprising those. of TEN differ ent manufactories-: among thorn the celebrated modern improved HORACE WATERS' PIANOS and - thefirst premium ..E.omas \PtAxos - of '1!". _Gilbert & Co.'s make. (o wners 'of the /Conan patent.)-s- Secood-band Pianos atgreat bargains. Prices from - . 840 to:8150: Melodeons from five differ ent manufactories, including the well - known S. D. &'ll. W. Smith's melodeons, (tuned the equal tempenunentOtNrt make in the United States. Prices $45, $7. 100, $ll5, $125, $ 135, and $l5O. :Stnitb'S DoUblo Dank Melodeons, 8200. Ecah piano and melcaleon guaranteed. - Thebest terms to the trade, schools, 4-c.: 12 1.2 per cent discount to clergyman and churches. - All orders promptly attended to. Music sent to all Farts of the country, post-paid, at the ,reduced rates: General and select catalogues and schedule of prices- of Pianos forwarded to any addresi" free of charge. . Extracts from testimonials ormusic Profes sors and Editorials, concerning.% . ' IiOnACE WATERS MODERN ISIPIiOVED P1A7g0.5., • NEW' YORK, Dee. X3,'54. HORACE. WATERS, li, " &j.„_ 333 Broadway : • Dear Sir—Having, examined your Kano Fortes from s / cientifie And appropriate teats, I am ena bled to form a: 84 . 13 factory judgment of their merits, aid, it is with pleasure that, I can .speak ofthem as among the most celebrated and : itn proved makes of the day. . - For power, 'brilliancy , and richness of tone elasticity of touch, and beauty of finish, they-will not soffer in comparison with those of any other tnanufaetnrer and. those desirous of obtaining a really good Plana Forte-=onoda willl prove an Nuivaletit for their means, will find such a one in your beautiful instruments. • 13,Awnn, It. A. M. Leader of Jullien's Band and musical' Director. and Conductor at Niblo's Carden. • For power,' brilliancy . and richnem: of tone, elasticity of tonch; • elegance and durability of make, they are is advance of any other pianos in the United. States, being.the result of long expe rience and a series of expiiritnent:s.—N. Y. Dif pitch. Tho treble is clear, pure, beautiful, and. very, 'melodeons; the bass is deer,. rolling and sono rous; the middle part is rich and sympathetic, and posses the power of 'singing; i. e. of uniting the sound of each tone; in a do gree • but rarely achieved—HExai ( C. WaTsox. Your inotrnmenti are a sensible itnprerement upon Ateriean pianos, and an honor to, tb.e: skillful inanufacturer: There is no doubt but thoy - wilrbe - appreciated by the public, and all admirers of true tuerit.--OSCAIt COMETTANTJ For power of tone,-depth of bus's, and brillian cy of _treble; together with 4ccuracy of r touch; they arc equal to any make! am acquainted with and I cordially recommed them to those wishing to pechaqi;.:-V..C. TA'VLOR. Our friends Will lind,at Mr. Waters' store the very best assortment of music amt. of pianos. to be found in the United States, and we urge !mt southern and western friends to give him a'crill Whenever they go to New York.--,Grahanis .Iraj,razine. I take great pleiviure in prenonneing them in— struments of superior quality, both in tone and touch.—Auntisr GOMEL. 'We consider them worthy of special attention, from the-resonant and fteeedingly. Musical tone which fir. I ,Vnters s has succeeded in attaining. 4— N. Y. Musical World cf. Times.- . • The iforace Waters pianos aro - of superior tono and elegant finish.—.V. Y. Christian Inqui rer. Nothing at the State Fair disylayed greater ex cellence in any department than the Piano Forte manufactured 5y liorace Waters, of this eittr,— CIICRCIINtAN. Horace W.atet Piano Fortes'ace of,fuli, rich; and ercn tone, and poweiful.—N. Y. Musical Reriew. . Your new Square Pianos, sir,- are of -such • a clearness and equality of tone throughout, that the}., very successfully compete with the volumi nous and expressive Grand Pianii.—Vanderweyde. The Editor of the Saran nah Rcpuldicani Sa vannah, Ga., speaking of the Piano Fortes kept by Messrs. J. W. Morrell & Co; of that city, says: "It will he seen that their stock comprises in. struthents of every. grade of excellence, from the well known inanufacturing establishments' of Chickering & Son, Horace %Voters. H. Worces. ter, Surma and Clark, and Bacon and Raven.. It might well be supposed, that in so. large It col. lection there would be :some very fine instru. menu. But there is one whiel, for beauty of finishand richness and brilliancy of tone, equals, if it does not .excel, anything of, the kind' We ha c ie ever seen. It is from the establishment of II race Waters. Being constructed of the beSt and most thoroughly seasoned material, and up.. on improved principles, it is capable of resisting the action of every. climate, and of standing a long time in tune: .The kers aro of pearl, and the recess for the fmgerthoaid is inlaid with pearl, the legS are mokt, elaborately.. carved, and the whole instrument finished - up in a style of great4xcellence and beauty. And yet its chief meritlies in the power brilliancy, and .richness of its tono, and the elasticity of its touch." Extracts from Editorials concerning C. GILDS= & Co'4 PREMIVAI ,zEoLIAN Praxes. - The dEolion Piano Forte is undoubtedly the most perfect musical'` instrument human ingenui.. tr- ha:Co:instructed. Two instruments are blen ded in one. The that is both - attached and detached ; so that the Piano may be played vi Wt . or without it ; or, with one hand the performer may elicit the melodious strains• of 'this /Benzin, and with the other invoke the harmonies of the Piano.' ; The instrufnent which, in .6e evening, incited to the ddbee or aided the festive song, gives forth, in themorning, the pealing tones which-prelude and acbompany the solemn hymn Mr. Waters? new roqin.s are very inviting to the lovertrof music. Nut he -has nothing in his rooms equal in beauty and completeness to Gil bert's /E‘olisn Piano, Fortes.—Morris With? Home Journal. The . yiarietY and beauty of the °netts can only be appreciated by those who hear these magnifi cent Instrnmenis at Mr. Wat%rs'• establishment. —.N. Y. Tribune. The '. , EoHan Piano Fortes sent to the Crystal Palate from the great music rooms of Borneo Waters, have been proved to be unsurpassed by all others in those : qualities which the greatest most prize --= - Eceninkt Post. Thu Pianos sold by %Vaters are, very pop ular.. Thu framework is wottallic and the.ins trument is warranted to stand any climate with stared} auy nee of tuning.—Ni.". Y. Doily 'Ames , The 'invention of the new voices has divested thatinstrument of its harsher tones, ano given us all the purity and richness of a parlor . organ.=? Erening Atlas, Albany, • This admirable instrument is everywhere pinised.—,Christian Reflector, Baaewz. . . The 4ulian Piano is now 'the chief attraction in all musical circles in the South.—Alabamit Baptist, Marion. Eztracts from testimonies coneerninitS. D. 4 H. W. $3lllll'S CELEBRATED MELODIAMS. - i In an article in t.'4o February ntunber, , ot , the Recietconsvvering Sortie .inquiries in regard to temperament made by " %V. jr.. tiehi, VC'," I noticed a Statetnetit. that. Prince's 'Melodeons are toned in the equal ten - Ter:hoot. Since that time i have examined. nuinbcrOf Itince Co'ii'lfelol!ktn.i, with special reference - eit rs , . . .. to the tomperam And. have mot_ found ono tuned in equal tern' trazuerit. . The temperament in the' theledeons'of *ice & Co.'s tastinfacture that.l 'harts ern tuinixt, i . approaches ' n'earer - the Equal thaii in these of Varbart &Needham; but it is far from equal, ,nx a . y one" tronbled.uith' a r.ieco ear,7. I think- will ide, if they will; try the' chords of F and F Shari 'in succession..; ! '--- - A Tule% Poultney, Vt. . , We are very happy -Stand corrected on .this. point. We mad' then temont alluded' to above :on the authority, of apr essor of music; in . this city, without having oh • ried in. referenc.e to- it' ourselvet thing we ''ery seldom do: 'We have since examined .Prince. & CON nelodcon,i 'and find '.‘ A' Tuner% - right. 'Thu' however . , that S. It &- H. W. Smith's tdeledeeno, sold by llor. see Waters, No. 33341;011th-coy, are tuned in the equal touperament.. Y. Aluxicallteriite. 1 ~ Ah nsii „ . 8. D. & IL W. Smith rank alise first_ . ..ManufactnrerS of - thilileltoleon In this country. 'Their inittusien ts sai, recommended.by: the a4e4t, judges as superior in every respect.--Ruston 9oni inuntcculth. ' .._ -, s . . . . •. . .. ~ i • ' Therois conntnritly - . atoro4t thi!o . et tablinliment - ton -different makes of Planos,. an , . five different wakes of Melodonns. •• . . Erir Each instrument is guaranteed to giv • entire satisfaction, or the purchase money refun ded. •, - - . 1 , Persons at. a as stance wishing to Purchase will' by forwardini; their orders, have their wards a icVl and as cheapiorupplied astlioagli personal 1y present. - _ ' _ - l4yl, - NEW gARDWA.RE STORE. layFE- & KNOWLTON respectfully enl the attention of the citizens of Susquehin na comity, to their new , and extensile use ment of , i li H A R D - W A ICE , I • Comprising almost every article usualty. kept In similar establishments,' which they will- ;sell at! such prices as must satisfy all who limy favor them with their patronage. Their g ods were: purchasedat the lowest market pric .and are warranted to be of best quality. ;Call - and examine for yourselves, it will cost. yo 4 nothing. We think all will tye ccnvinced that this is the place to buy GOODS CH.E.IP—n4 Cheap Goods. " 1 ";'' R. titer the place, N t 10' LlF;yetti Jiff Remember-the place, No. 10 ' taFayette Block, .3 doors east of: the Chenano- Bridge, Court Street, Binghamton, N: Y. , , - - - ' • I • March I; 185.5. . . . . . .srIaINVE tVeliE 16E% OIF • CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. -"MOW ,in Store a large stock of new patterns I.l' of CARPETS from the. recent K , avy tion-sales at a great re -auction in pricds. -Bar gains for purchasers. And such eleg4nt styles that all must be stated. Remember our •Carpet rooms arc on the•second floor of our . Orockery and House Furnishing Store now being extend ed one hundred feetin,depth, making lb the most extensive in the Village. . J. li, DE.IP.ELL Bing,liamton, March 15, 1855,. • • t p Croc4ery,.Glass-Ware, and House.; . • Fuenishing.Gonds. - r IL DE PEU would call the attention of .• purchasers to his extensive ;and varied' stock of GOODS for The Spring trade, 'consist: ing - -of every article desired by•bousekeepers and would especially solicit a call from those. fur nishing anew. As our attention is particularly devoted to the relnts of this class, we are able to furnislphent with a complete. outfit- anti We would advise all to-look through the as:sorttnent befbre puri..hasing elsewhere. :ftemeniber DE PEU keeps Crockery, Lookinfr-Glasses,,Carpet ing, Oil-Clotks, Wooden and Willow Ware; Spoons, Cutlery, Window-Shades, Lamps, Cur •tain Trimmings, China - ware;. Fancy Baskets,Bird Cage's, Trays, Japanned and Tin Ware, ;Feather Dusters, Geese Feathers, Mats; az,e„ at the. LOWEST" ICES I J. H. DEPEU. Bing,haraton, 31arch 15, 1855. . . , . . . •. H'i - GEANA. ; • . lirought Home to the Door of the Millie AWONDERFUL Discovery brie recent 5, j been made by Or. Curt is, of thtociiy. in the treatment of Cousurep tion, Althma . and all di s.ases of the Lung. We - refer so " Dr. Curtis" Ilygosna or Inhaling Ilygran Vapor and Syrup." With this new method Dr. C. has restored many' afflicted ones to perfect health ; as an evidence otwhich he has innumerable certificates. - epenking of tbetreaunent, a physiCuin remarks : It is evident that intuallng--constant ly breathing an agreeable, Stealing vapor, the Medicinal properties must come in direct contact with, the:whole of the axial cavity of the lungs, and thus escape the many and varied change: , pnAluced upon them when infrodticed into the stomach. and Subjected to the process =of digestion.— The Ilygearia is for,sale at all the druggists throughout the coifutry. New York Dutchman' ofJ an.l4 The Inhaler Is worn nu - the brea under the litiya with out the least inconvenience—the beat of the body-be.rig PUffielent to evaporate the fluid. -1: • • hundreds of CASES of Cl:El:Silk e , the following might be named. One Packet:v.of flygesna has cured me of thd ASTIIM A of Six year. standing. 'Jas. F. lier!berry,P. entineunnom, Pa. . lam cured of the ASTII3IA oIN years standing.; by ! Dr. Curtis' Ilygeana. • • , Mar:Tara raston, 17rooklyn Mrs. Paul of No. 5 Stamm ond St.'. N. Y., was cubed of a -revere ease of ftronehetis . by the Ilygrana. My sister has been cured of a T. IST NESSII.4O cciwar of several years standing, a oil decided to be incurable by her Physicians. She was cured. In ONE MONTII ; hy !the gratis. J. iT. Gaubert, P. IL, Riehmnne.,3le. Price th ree Dollars ,a Package.—Sold by CIJIITIS'& PEE XINS 3t 'BOYD do PALI. No. 14.1 Chambers Sr., N. Y.--4 Packages sent free b. express to aarpart of thorUnlted States for Ten Dollars. N. B. -.:Curtis' IS the ORIGTNATIonI ONLY GENUINE ARTTCLE,4II others are base intraitations or Tile and INJURIOUS counterfeits. Shun them 'atr.you eronid POISON. . - 37y1—Yisrcher & R:7`For Sale by Abel 'forte' I; Druggist, Mon , Ps. GREAT 'BARGAIN'S Daly W. N. WILSON, A; CO. !. RETURN their warmest acknowledgements to their customers in Susquehanna County for past favors, and invite attention.tOtheir v istock of • • . . New Spring Goods,` • . just opened, which they Propose to replenish weekly froM AUCTION . , and the cheapest! cash, Houses in the City. • • The stock embraces •every variety of StAple and Fancy Dry goods, Yankee Notion, Trunks, Traveling Bags,. cfc. All Of which. they will 'sell extremely CHEAP for CASH. • . Pedlars and other wholesale buyers will find itgreatly to their advantage to give them call, The Ladies will -find an exmilent assortment of Dress Goods, Enib roideries; Thread Ldeeis and Trimmings of all •kinds; from AUCTION at _very lOW rates- - . . • W. N. WILSON, & CO. - Corner of Court and - Water Sts. I • Binghamton, IV. Y., April 5,1855. Now Storo.—Now Goods. rptlE sub-scriber. takes this method of sayer tising, to his friends and the public general ly, that lie has fitted np, a_ store, just across the street from his old quarteas, in Brooklyn, Mitre he is 'prepared to •reeelve customers,'. and them Goods, at as low rates as any other eritab , lishmont in. Susiinelisrma county. • My asiort tuent is Verylar,ge indeed,.embracing nearle ev- - ery article usually called for in a country store. As I nth determined to do business so iS .to avoid " bad debts," which responsible purclntsers arc taxed to pay, I can Offer superior indhee merits- to cash•and otherWiSc prompt paying Init. rons: . April 301 1855. • NO Tlog • V[7 IIEREZIA my wife Murcf bas left my lied Y and board .without any just cause or pro. vocation, this is to forbid any person harboring, or tr her on my - account, as. I will pay no dcbis of her contracting after this date., • - JACOB WELLMAN.. June 5, 1855. * -23-43 w • • 2 , Great Exhibition in:Springville.: drABEAT AND RARE EXHIBITIGN OF lir-FOREIGN . AND DOMESTIC GOODS, •of almost every stile mid ilttality, such as Will be - suro.io ..plenseanti accommodate clastiosi o f people--froat the child in the cradle to the 6ld and decrepit. These goods are bought- otOlife 'most faiorable ternis, - and will be sold acconliOg ly. • -• t_ Please give us n'cat t l and. We viral try ttl sup. ply all your wants in the line of GOODS ever kept in -a country . store. You need. nbt go! - to Now, York for any thing you - want, beCauseWe have theto.fresh from the city.. . • - SCOTT, JOHNSON, & COQ Springville, Pa., May S. 1855. • O. G. iIEMPSTEAp. my.Rx ADVERTISEMENTS rpm mammy. & geitmes Gleneral,Adveriiiing House, Appleton's Building, 346 _ • and 348 limadziay, - • & Fischer, Pia.no-Forte tifactory, -.4 ND ,Were ROUEN Nos. 243, 245, .247, .and a, 249 -West Twenty-eight. street, between 9th And 10th Afennee, New York. Pianos with the Zoltan, and; all'the beitt modern Itnprpre. ments, made of the. - best materials, natter our own supervision ; written. guaranteitiven with 'every Piano. , J. &:C. F. being piactical men, and manufacturing' very largelk Can 0111 best Pianos, on lower terms thatf min be ftnidsh. 'ed any . where, and .1t -is decidedltthe best - place to buy for 'cash. ' Theadesiring n 400 d Piano, and one that will stand and wear, well, can't do bolter than to call on .1. dt_C.Fhtehet. 43m9 Fairbanks , . .)platforiit . , . . FAIIIBANKS & Co. have recently opened . a ' spacious Warehouse at 189 •Broadway, New York, where they-ofrer, rit wholesale and , rolnik the most complete assortment of Weighing: Ap pamtns to to found in the United States., 1 Antony; the articles offerred.will be ',found npwaads of ' seventy differentipedificationa of FAIRBANKS' SCALES. Also ri , great variety of BAXICE,us', Jew , ;- viers', Drtiggist's Grocers' and Other Scales... - Spring Balances,Patent Beams,Tester's Weights and )leasures, &e., &e. • - HAY and COAL SCALES set in any part of the, country by eiperienced workmen. • ' '; Orders by tuailor otherwise will receive atten-i lion. r . - • FAIRBANKS &. Cp., 189Broadway_ N:Nork.' 12m6 i s • S 1 --- ,itrrtn ore and zrevAßGyxis. -.. Carpets eaper than evert - -.- T i t HE inatecri er givi;is notice' that he hat tak-, . -en the pretillses; No. 394 . Hudson Street, Now York, where' ho offers for sale an eleganti and choice lot - of 'Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian ; and Hall Carpeting, Pil Cloths, stair rods, Bugs, I Drug,gets, etc. Most of these goods have been bought at auction for Cash only.. And now_ al ' low me to sayr 7 lst, Carpets were unprecederitly ' - high, last year; 2d, They are about 26 per - cent' lower this year, and never during the .thirteen years that I have been in business, have I known them so low; Pa,liest of the old dealers, per haps all, have large stocks bought at last year's., prices f. Ath, I shall start With a clean new stock bought at this year's prices • 6th, My eipenses are very low, ace. my Prices for example. Ingrain Cm:pets, all wool;:3S. 6d. periard; Donble Sear oft, ditto, ts.,Superfine, 35., Extrd, 65.; Thre-ply ditto, $l, and all others at.equally.low rotes. ,* • J. RE GGLES LANDON, 394 Hudson: St.„ •(Between Hammeisiey and - .Clarkson Streets, , New York.)-15M3 - - CHARLES E..FOGG, lIAMBBR PURNITUBB,' Bedsteads, tresses, Washstands, ElnWeled Seta, Lonn. ges, Coenterf.ines, • - 448. Pearl st., N. Y., betwi.e6 19m6 - . Madison amt Chatham st. New and Valuable Disci:every: - MI Ham's Aromatic Invigorating Spirit. , This delirious befernge is superior to all in. vigorating Cordials, Schnapps, - NerviitesAc., in use, for , the cure of - Dispepsia, Nervousness, Heartburn, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaint, Niel. ancholy, Dehrituhl Tremens, Intemperance, &c., as it will' invigorate and strengthen, but will not intoxicate or stupefy. • Persons who hare beconm habituated to. the excessive use of Tobacco, Opium and Spirituous Liquors, Will' find F.ipeedy and permanent relict from the desire -toluse these destroying events, by taking a bottle For - two of this Delicious Medi cal Beverage. Weak and Sickly Familial will find Dr. Ham's invigorating Spirit:4l quick and- sure ,cure for all -female ditrteulties, 1t being a Regenerator as well ng a Strengthener-9f the Human System. Each, complaint that the romntie Invigorating Cordial is calculated to cursa . is named •on the . wrapper accompaying each bottle, nod full directions for • use ore also • e Price - Si per bottle. prepared ! by Di. Darin! 'Hain. Principal Offte r e,No, 2 Likerty Street, Nevi 'York, were whoies* orAeri should be addressed. , For .S.llO by Druggist thrimghotit the Milted States. ' - " -- - Sold by A.:Terrell, Montrose; k F. & Eaton, Harrbrd ; Church & Phinny,Dundaff; • is Scott, Great Pend.' Wrought - Iron Pipe . . 'For Water. Steam', aid Gas. James 0. MOss -4- Co., No. 79 ..ftihn Street, Neu, -York, maim - facturers and Alders in Wrought Iran Pipe. Thirteen diffet44 sizes constantly on hand, with' Valves, CoehS, Ethoifs, Tees, and °Very variety of fittings for the same. Ashcroft's Steam Gauges, AlThisties, Oil - Cups, &e. Herders for Steam Engines, Steam and Force Pumps, Boiler Flues, Tuyero and I:Soap Boiler Coils, Screw Plateiand *reolitOlaehines. Buildings Warm.. ed by Steaia and Lighted by Gas.. All orders, for repairs, and Country orders receive prompt at. , tention. L.• 0. M. & •Co.'ibcg to call the attention of miler§ of factories, botels, &a., to their superior Gas Generating Apparatus, now in uke• :Wale St. NiclSUlas Hotel, New . 'York, Manchester, Conn., Great Barrington, Mass., Rockville, Conn., and various other parts of the country. -24-31 n. FIRE WORKS I -FIRE WORKS it . THE TRADt SUPPLIED. rpgr subscriberi, are prepared to furnish all artiotes in the alove. Hui at " GREA 'FLY RV DUPED PRICES. • Their stock - comprises, among other articles: No.l Crackers, Extra Size do., Torpedoes,Romso, • Candles, ploin and colored, Rkets fromoz. to 2 lbs., do. do. Vertical and Mix Wheels, Gratis. - , hoppers, . &c, Orders'received usual for Edge's Exhibition Works: - • JOLLEY & TIERS, • , ,(Saccessor to John W. Holhertonj • Mann tacturers of Fireworks, - • '43 Maiden Lane. • i - 24—Ink Hebnbold's Genuine Pieparatione. frelinbold'e Highly ',Concentrated Compound Fluid *Matt Bache, _ - . For Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys,geeret Itlseseei, • Strictures; Weaknesees, , and ail idseases of the .SettiaS - Organs,. •• - • In6ther in. Mile or Female' , feotn whatever anise , they, may have ofiglnated end no matter or hour long standing- - • If you have contracted theterrittle whet once seated in the syseeraiwi!ll surely go down from one Boleti!) on to another , undermining the tonitthition slut sapping the v ery iital.tiolds.of life; do sot trust yourself. In the hands or Quacks, arhn start up every day in city dike this, and' fill the. papers with.glaring- talseitoods,.tou well calculated to &Mr.: ;the" young and those- not se. ,inainted With their tricks.! You cannot he too esrefltd itt the selection of n remedy In three cares. The Elam - Extract Ilutho has been pronOtlrrota ettd. pent Physi , Sans the greolesi remedy ,trer know: taodicineperfortly pleasant' i Itletast4.and very -Ittnoe4at in its action, and yetltcr - theirough that IS Omihilates mitt particle ot the rank and Poi:opens virus of this dresdlui disease; and, unlike *the* remedies - , It slots mit dry *ur • the disease In the blood. 1- CONI3TtTiITIONAt DETIIVITY, brought on by seitabase, a -most terrible disessit, Ishich has brought thousands,of the ,human race to antlnselt graces, thus htastlng tle bores of rare:ass -saw lbli g: htlng In the bull the glorious ambition of Man, ss nom hie pouth, can-be ourol by this en/alibis reme4. And tea a medicine etteh move henifirt everybody, ltetti the shst • ply deneate to the eonfinkt and &Pestling lutalid, lob cgpal is to be font:d, set' nOpth *Ha tide entrprevenuill • Holinbold's Highly Concentrated Conzponnti, Fink/ #xtraet Sarsaparilla, For p rifyinr, the Vona. removes:. ell Omuta stishalf cretn exeePeea ur Metenty; expatiate:sod latiprodasese 111 life. hr in ir constitutional dliteaseohrialaffeckste In lake pore elate of the R4ooii, nod the only ramble anir of ! ferittni known reineity for the cure of Borofuts, ElsiS Rhenut Sentii Mail, Uleereillone ot theihrost onii Lori Pains 3ei4 Swelling* or the Pones, Wittifi Pimples 06, the thee, and all Stu ly Ito:fitness of the gillm . This article is now , prescribed - 4.tome:of , the mitt distintralshed l'hysichins In the totintry, and proved more °Silent In pradttee-tbani lbrtikanittota of Ssissiortlla yet olleiS4 to• the -mute: Several oases of seenrlsry. Syphilis Stercnrlal and Scrofulous diseases* gave entirely recovered hi the Incorablemanis of oar Ppb lic inetitations ',bleb bad Mr irony years .reslated every mode of treatintentth4t tionld-hedevised. •These owe ter= lAA otrildng examples multi salutary effects of this media tine In arresting *linear the.inost inveterate &moll.. la* tor the glands vete desuoyeitand the banes alteady. reeled. • - - . , .1 4 1011CF1.-4Lotters from retioooldlao Pk/ 14(46 / 1 4nd Pro - krone" of 'several Illedirad- - Collegoa, ; and trfP:ttootei t o f .trire* froto Won tardit by foltqd.ocrol4Paltihig oration,. . . PRlCll.ll.Pliiht Slittrarr otißttohia l iAt 'per: hottld. ar6 Potties for $5 ; tlarilaortrilht,'famo proey .1,41, strength: to nub gallon 113-rup of Sawartmella. ..• propo l out and Foldby-11: RELMItAtiI. etridniat, chostnut noor thr Giro tt lioltro, Philadelphia. To be had of Abel TorrolVidoittrotrita.,-antt gists ,and 4lealorg• - All Letters doietrd to the oi.tifiar or Agent rooolair oolooti.ite. • • . .• -• \I