The Montrose Democrat. (Montrose, Pa.) 1849-1876, June 07, 1855, Image 4

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WlT'Oitt,-,0 - 0- I ::Pi:itti-.t.ii.t.
z-1,,: . 4,!ta EAT . . cptgirtATtoiCim THnftli PENA'A.
E. B. C.4AS4 .I. I I3.IIcCOILUA Etatous
, ALVIN -I) A Y•, Publisher.
noutroge, Thursday, Zutte 7, 1555.
Tien Growing Old.
Er 1611 N G: SASE.
Div .days piles pleasantly away,
My nights are blessed kith sweetest sleep;
I feel no sytyptom of deelty,..
have nn cause to nionrn nor - weep ;
bly foes are impotent'and shy,.
My friends are neither' false nor cold, '
And yet, of late, I often sigh—. '
I'm groiring old i
Illy growing talk of olden times, „
Ity growing- thirst for early nears,
m y orrt win .7 apathy, to rhymes, • •
My growing; love of copy shoes.
My growing' hate of crowds and noise,
My growing fear of takinteoki, --.•
- All tell' me, ita the plainest voico.
. l'u3'growing.old
I'm growing fornier of my stair,
I'm 'growing trimmer in the eyes,
I'm growing !hinter. in my laugh,
• growing deeper in my sighs,
I'm cell/o . hr' enrele-ss .of my , ArCSM • •
I'm growing, !rugs! of my
rm growing wiSes I'm ~ .Trowing—yes:--.
• growin,g old!
I. see if in my changing taste,.- .
.• EN: it in-my changing hair,
I see it in to growino• 'waist,
I see it•iri my growing hair,•
thousand hits proclaim the truth,
As plain as truth was ever told.
That, even In my vaunted youth.
fin growing old!
• • ATI, me !ma very laurels 'breathe •• "
Tile tale in my reluctant. ears; •-
And every boon the 116urs bequeath
But macs tne'debtor to the Tears!
'E'en Flattery's honied words declare '
"The secret she would fhin withold,
'And tells me in - " II(iw ye ,g von areir
I'm growl.. _ , •
Thariks'for the . years, -- whoe rapid fight
• • I .tly sombre muse too smile Sings;
'Thanks for the; gli , nms of golden light
That tint the darkness of their Wings!'
The_light that beatns from out the sky,
, • These hcarenly mansions to unfold,
Wliere all are trest, and none mai' sigh,
. • • . "I'm growing old!"
C.4ov. Apiipintate-acts.
It is a notoriOns. .i.Let that the men-appoint
ed by Pollock - tO.the most lucrative offices - hi
gift, are tom ‘ lly.dis:ralified. for the. ditties
they' are tequired,'fo pefferm, and Several of
them areas bankrupt in moral as they, are
.fio/iti - co/ character.. Stephen 111i!lett, a
thodiet,pr< acht*, . and the - ellitor of that
weaki : d . ograded and lying sheek the: Haris
burg .7 - 'cicvrop., is th e Fron rlnspee tor. Wm.
Baker, -a pettifOgger. ,- ,ltheyer is Bark dn
spemor.. lohn 1.1 - rel!'ler, a boc ' tor of Derks
00nLity 7 --aud grl:mthumbng at that—is the
Wiliskev Inweet or ! Of course these,pro 1111
did not tetive their ap•
pointmouLs beeaui..e of their qualifications. but
becausei the v ato aeLive members of the
del ordor Kiloxv•No:llin-r-s. - Oh, if the 14o
ple could but has. , 6 p
oottunity to express
theirdisapprol,atton of OL:v. Pollock's tn.:::
o hrn 4,- they "give him tits r We'yenture
to sav that were he new a candidate for Gov-,
euor,(after the peOple have fi.6t theireves open
and have - seen the - Itulamy of his public nets,)
he would be defeated in eVery county in the:
commonwealth. ''ln .this 'section
.of country
he las . nut. a friend, nor do .we believe thereis
. a "Pollock man'' in Cumberland .county, - ---
Even the . tit roe oisposition papers adds c >nn
ty, if not dir.:-..ttly oppo,:e.l to him, 'are at least
cold and indifferent . ; and never say a word in
his defence, butdtayo often condemned some
of EIS leading measure. - This county
Polka a - majority:of 570, and Iliould lie
ever again be Li eandidate, we can give 3,0 .0
against him; - doubt about it. Tolh k'
and his \ venal administration are despised iy
all classes of men, and the minions a
who hold the fat offices under him are regat , :
ded with abhorrence. We said before the
election that the people *ould soon hare
eneuill of Pollock should they elect him to the
Govenor's - .chair,'but we diknot then suppose
_that the feeling- him would be so
soon expAsceliand so general in ail parts of
the State. But so it is—lie has been _tried
. and found wanting. \V have not bee n,mis
taken in him for we always regarded him a
very ordinary, if not a Very weak man---to
tally dellcient in all the requisites a Govenor
should possess. Ile was elected thro - ught the
inflat , Tlce of a octet oath-bound order, of
which he is and - was a member. But the
power of this faction of Thugs has departed;
and Vollotiltis- left with - none to ~ u,tain
fifty ee: t; tie fewserf, who f(,ed off his offi
ci::i pat rcn:ge, "S.c.rvts. him - right" say honor
:114 parties. He was mc•an enouiih
to forsake the ylarty that idace-A, him in noro
illation-, to join Lthe Ned Buttilinites, and -has
ostracised and repudia!ed the Henry Clay
Whig,, and dei , towed his patronage upon. it
set of adventurers, who were 'equally destitute
of unallilleations as of character. Swell a
man deserve:, not only the opposition of all
tight-thiaking men, but is entitled to their
'The "%Veal:Ter and the Crops. '
The spring opens ;:i}owly. but the ,farmers have
better reason to be sziti.slied with its promises,
than if it had been as hit yenr, a succession of
tarty (haws and:fuze fr , ),;ts. 1 1 ,10. , ,t of the Sprin7-
worir[ in the vc;:y of puffing in crops', in this
County been W hear front :A
-rlo:A all tirtarler-i of the &ate. that things ,lock
for an .n.l . tautilntfyear. . sincerely
hope that it .inay prove so, for there is every
probability that all WC can X`- is .this year, and
more perhaps will• be needed. - -
'No, available, patO or eorner of ground should
be left unused ti er is hardly any that,
caaaot be made, profAnbl,: one way or the other.,
A iuln saves no ,mil ItS prices are now a
days. who .raises p , ,tatous :Ind other vegetables
"fpr hiv;.own use, :o .say nothittg of raisit!g them
for sale. "An :acre : of wheat or corn tio`.!pre,,ent
year, Worth as much' to its 'proprietor ai two
cr three acres were in 18,50. Itataonuts to the
hatue thing, for - all practical pUrposes, as it each
1/mimes land was double in size. •
From a great 'number of extracts from papers
in various .sections„ showing the prbspects. in
their-localities, we maim a general summary : •
In cue State, PcnnsylVania t 'crePs of ail kind
look W&11 and promise -an abundant harvest, In.
one or two iocalities, perhaps', there may be a
complaint, but as a general thing the papers all
speak with eoitideni:e of - the reward wind' will
crown'th,s.labur or the huS'bandtrian. •
Wheat, in .w stern New• York. is 'said to be.
looking tinutua;ly flap. The Livingston and
Oatdrio papers say th:.t at least a quarter more
than 'Usual las been sown; in the eastern part
of the Stateit has not got so good a 'start owing
to the rain, but still promises well.; In
Obio heavy - spring,erops have been put •in and
vegetation. it is/ said, never came 'forward with
greater rapidity. In Michigan, through 4 , freezl:,,er s
and thawings": at first nearly destroyed the l ea b r;-
it- hair revival ISM is deirig. 'Well, In Northern
Indiana it hits rarely, if ever, /darted better, though
in the southern part of the . State it looks _badly.
'Three times the amount ever- put - in -before has
beeti sowt.-:-Ata Illinois and :Wiseonsin, it is- re
rnarkably'fine..;',A4 If no nutoward event interpos
es," says• the ,Chien° paper, : -11 the.riorthwest,
which is the gistiary of the Union, will turn out
;a surplus . Which Will
,gladden the .bearts'of the
breailleSS hi-the easterntitleig. New
poets are-much; the same as in 'No* York.• to
w eitin-ti Virginia, it 'has_ been doing badly, tw tno
apprefilmslomeare ne*eatertained That the coup
Will fall short of the average.. :In ,teingiii;. hew.
ever,thelong droned, his believed has consider--
ably - - dn . niage, d the prospect of a fair ,crop. In
Maryland things indieSte an unusually large one,
as they doin .Kintucke and .Teimessee,..,where
much more than the natiadamount has been suwod
•Sa in Texas . - . • ' .- •
It issiltogether top anonto.speiulate itiont the.
corn crop in the Northern States... in Virginia,
Maryland rind southern.indiann, they have been
planting with good Weather, aral'fair prospects.-:
But in Georgia,- Alabama, 'Mississippi; ',clubman
and Texas, where it loti*ht to be.mow more-than
a foot high, itislOoking3vorse .. than in many years.
S ome -is killed outrii;!bt,aird nearly All injured by
the long drouth.- - ..T.bere id .reason to apprehend
that the yield in tliesoStates will fall' inuelt - 4 , -.
low theustial crop. : •
' Will depend a great deal upon the rains, fir
lack of them, this month. Around this neighbor
; hood, and in most :parts of the State, the grass has
been in moehneed7of the rain that has Whin
past•week. • In . the northern counties it
11:1:4 not rota good start for the same reason. Out
West, grass is forivard, and in Ohio it is said
be growing finelY. • • . .;;
We are. glad to learn that Oats, Potatoes, Tdr
nins and Buckwheat are almost every wereplantiql
In larger quantities than last year, though we Ob
serve that Gorgla - and some western papers Say
that there will Le "asitort Crop of Potatoes in tyeir
neighborhood, on aceounit of the difficulty of Oh
mining seed, . • -. • -
As Tor Pruit; the ( publ id may as well Make-up
uhf it mind to do %Fit hot: Pene'ies.this year, except
as a great luxury. In New Jersey' the buds hare
NtifitTed severely from the frost -or disease, and
numbers of trees are dying. - • .
The Progress . c4 Prosripticin.
if itbe right" and just ,to proscribe a man be-
Caine he enti•rtains certain vies upon . quea - -
tions• of religion and ellitrcli, government, how
is the applic-aion of this !principle to be limited t
;If a majority hicre may .say - CithOlics • not
hold office. nor enjoy thei full .privile4eS of ,'etti
•zem,hip, by : may not a mrjority hnc;ther place
declare the same thing ht ri , gard to the Baptists
or Presbyterians ! 1 rAlie principle is reeognized,
it must and :will intfitithly lea 4 to this r that what_
ever denomination isrnhnoxiolfs to a_majority of
the peoptcovill be deprived of their civil Tights.
rc.-dy has this been rnsnifeSted in Kansas, where
lit:thotlists have heck forbidden to cross the
boundaries of a certhin:einnty. For some .
son e 'or perhaps' Without any reaser2 i the-peoplee
of that county • have beecmte• hostile to that
branzh of the churekin - 4 this is the manner in
whiith they show; their tiostilitih We have tinte
and a.c . ain cont‘ , n3ed against this sectarian big
(Ark, and religious intolerance, iand long ago we
warned our readers of thejmynsequence of en illiberal and proserilidive; views. But
.the seeds 'were sown, and th'esei are sonic, of the
first fruits.
.Unloss they bir - 4prooted„ we -very
ranch fear that we shall h:tve: to!tnourn In augnizh
when the hari-est is all rratired. • ;
Call things by tbcir ,11.'rciper Iliathen.
. It is amuSing , to see tl,j! etf.ot now makintr,
among the Know-Nothing4 to washaway this
opprobrious title, and substitute therein the name
of Arnerirai:s. ,Tais was tli iti , 7firs2t name—they
thouoht it was a latartitle.' but: thy soon•found
it wits very afyropri% e and StlitCA to. :i.6
- :lrin. '
They then ‘v,•iit to w 0,1: k 3 el.ange IL The next
title ad . i2to 1 wts Cm" laFi of the tlircs of 1113,"
~wisich was-us:•(I for a short 'tierte—ts4l the 'text
• was the "Order' of ek-ir Spangled ,Banner,"l
i wad the last isthe •- Atn.i.rican Part , 7i" Thr, - M4'
.. .
all their various changes the Kno' 4. -"tilirlg title
•still wiliert.,3 t" their polluted stiirts;!ancl all their
efforts were not sufficient to wash itiaway.. It is.
truly said that fir,4 impressions arc't'ic Most la-t
-inf.*, :lid iii this case we haven exemplification;
as the enphutions name adorited 14 them in the.
firs,t place. is the most last' anti will stick to
three "till the last syliOde t t recut ecl f time." •
•It is now time:for them to t:tlotit• nether name;
nr settle down on the original title,) wllleh is by
, Cr , the :nest appropriate and fittin!..l4 any yet.
-We - alwaye like to se e things called by their prop.
1 er, names, and as Know-NO:hint is the best of
"I any vet selected. we will be - obliged to call then')
I by tflat name. : They are a beautiful pa'rty indeed
. e:111 theim.elves Americans. Stick to your
`j o ri ginal title, it is the most- appropriate. First
impresiens are always the Most lasting.. /Jur
rah for th,C Ka tic-N - ot hi 11^S. ' . • .
' Jack Rink and the Yankee
- : •
• Few communities are more strongly int-bit
ed with a passion for ltor?••,:•-,"ra0a,g, :than -The
rod people , •of Natchez. lit New York, folks
talk "-soger" and
: :in . Paris they
talk "opera 7 ' in :Cteliez they talk." horse:"
Tht;jr believe-in rinadrupoll, Mid nothing else.
To ow:Tithe fastest horse in Natehez, is to-en
joy the fee simple of an honor in compatison
with- which, A tvember of Congr6s sinks into
nothittomes.. •
In Oemher last, the ' fall meeting" took
plhee, ami led to more than, -the trull exciter
merit and.trandy cocktails. - The last race-of
t be day, was a sort of " free .fight,r open 't ev
en,- horse that never won a raeet•parie,
, . . " P.:. I:. li. (177-:. P...q.t?. Dr..' :3 issa.
"sir ; I be: , p:va•ur, in a Ilitiz my i...t:11..n7 in 1h er
c-A-y.ifrtlr urli,i re.f h trinz •irriv. , l wry nytt..r .1.. holr
',l;, : Irma *th.2 , . uf., nr 1.3, , , ..... , ir i' tri' an 1...At:r.,.! ir.
P!:I F. 1 Attl DES.•I' VrittlqUt them - I'e irl7 ranii:S.. p• r ~1,1.11 I
evt - reon..tent to be. c - L1:. 8,,y fry: ~ng ~i;! pr0711r , ....theu."
_ Th ',r
. q,.:yr rll
-.1 , :nt. , 1 S. S. Sr.
TVEN:'; :a. DD. Or XVCtt
Worth. Y. LI .scri:e—
-•• liachA , 1,..., , ,,1 nu: C•tthariie ra:-. , In mt - prn,,tire. 1
tte,rtif.t• fret' es:pc-ri”n,,, that tiwy ore tin ininitt:tble pur.
g.atire. -in en.,r.. of dianrclere.lfunrrionit of tht- it., r. ea ct..
tag ., ir, d:r , • , :L n. ef.eill 1•7“, - :, .Thi {Le ~,..,, ~,...
I tv: - : , ,:f1:.:i4 , 1F, !1:•... 1 , . :h y I.l' , rL % - t.:.' :- ~:-..,...} rl , . 71
34:13 . raliti• i!!t . ..r, M:1-ty :.: p'IMII:ve 7.1....;, .:: . r..
: q.u•v.,.1. 1 • - •! 1 . .; ! , :i : . ly r. ^ ..,•:: , t.1. WI CI ,- ,.. ;',i...- to lit. - ' j'..:l/..'e.
-'3o'), entrance (':
5. -
i :,!‘ istrluorkr.t ,, LEy i,tl:, I j },:vo i-ccr f-ut,l. V . ., ! ••• : I,
. .. ,
. .. A /.11/011:g 1.1)&4! A% hei , propo: , ed- to, g,o In, wat , : " I e In it i t.. l".lr ^.7;7 : s ' :,!';••l ,' ' ' :: 'l , l l; .' :l - ;r r i 's :: : ;:, "" n :' ..e '''. .
a Yankt...e . pe.llir, with a sorrel colt, of ratherl
~ ,,,,-'.'..c.' rr e ia ,47, i y, 1, / ,,:un :,,, , ,u r . t - C4e,,:i ./-'::.! ,,, ,.1,1 , , t`. •.
prothising - proporti,:sa-- , ., Ile thins addie , --_ , e4.1 1. Die 1 ,it:t. f.ti I ':e ~ ,, , , I , and.rn,,,, 1.1!1... ~, :,, no
i l is... ' ; ' . u r: 7l n ' f.iri ' n l r, 1 , o that DC:1,111.1,1e r:-...-ara;lon f ,, r ti- tr. t , t,- 1
, .
one of tile. judays:-.- - •.
"I SW:. 4.Ztrttrain I should like to go in for ! -
that ins. , . , I". - . ..' - • .
" Willi Wliatl',
. . .
I "That sorrel colt." • - I •
i. "Is he speedy r'
I"I calculate lie is, or I would not • wish to
• risk a lead of tin-ware on the' result."
,- Do on. know the terms r
"Like a book : pnss•l; - 3 00. and entrance
fee °s:€. - and there's" the'ditnes:"
i Ilere Yankee drew out a last century millet,
an-. 2 suet:, -d'-up tr.- - o .X.'s and a V. Anon,
thui..e who witue'sp.ed tae operat i au, Ny a :r1 Jack
\llibk . of tale - Baev.eue 1 our}. jilck saw , his
I:,u.stomer, and itninediately measured him for
an entertainment. Afteribe usuld hiss : and
palaver, the burr-es were• brought nv-41lie
1 littlkeeg-atherecl up his reins an, this, Mr. l ink went .to acijuste4 his
I stirrups. • W
• hiledoinyz
.1 ,
I the le:II I -Of" the wrrel colt," "a i d placed a
f •cifeitnn!„ burr under his . tail. • , The next 1110-
! .111e4,11: , .... order
,to " go," was tsr , ivn, autt away
. ,
! went nine Noises of all possible i aVi and con
i-ditions. . The 'Yankee's .was'. ahead, and
i kept there. "Tin-ware', wase - viliently pleas-.
led with the way things were w l Srking, and
smiled a sinile that seemed t 4 Isity . ,l "That
t . puss will be mine; in Less- time than it --would'
take a greased nigger to slide down a soaped
libert pole." ,
l'oor Cello*? be hadn't reckenediiint that
chestnut burr. The " iratant”l that Jack
' IRink had ad .; I 111 . 1 . 1 .$:*1 - ed,. not - only increased
tile-animals vloe . itv, but his 1.1 ,, ,1itte - si. He
not only ran like a deer, but be refused "to'',
i -do " - anything else. As theYiatikee r approach-
.1 ed tali Judges stand. he undertook to-pull vpi
i but h was no go.- . Ilk Mlglatas well - have tin!'
de, r taken,to stop a thunder - bolt. with - a vaid
l '. of. fog..
-- , "
The .Yankee reached th s lid-i ' —tefie . Van
, kee rilta. i .,.4 -- the'stan• - r—the . ankee - wentdown
I . . e road ' When * last Eeen, the Yankee - was
1 passing through .tho‘adjoining country ate
i speed-thatinade - tha.people look at. him as
” that of niet," that was to:make:its_ ;appears.
• anee in the fall of 1854. " .:::. - Where the sorrel
, . • .-
, gin ,-
outot-IS , lmpossitilito say.' . All
.we k lIQW
, ' is, - that -the Yankee has never IWe:a
.heard . or
from: l ttiaiAny' tolliit, - 'while his wagon ' load
of tin-ware-still makei ' ane ' iattliti leading 'at
.tractions in . the ".riasetrin of Natchez. '
... i.
4...ixtrliitp4ts::,:: :: ':,- i
no most valuable -Sprin.r and Saiararr Atedieite* ,11
world! .DR. HALsk.,:rs
. ..
. _ ,
,Patroni:e twits* Arobakyanit /Unfired Faculty ittEng:a* , i
argt eiterma ge Ntoiteistrovaianei tag:licit et in Ma world.
„.. - ,
' meakdnes eontalnlng
. nue!rasses or liqnorle - e,
.11 4 ..-e - the
boasted teneeparittes, require - many laTgebottles tn prn
duce avt slightest change in health. me Forest. Witte i*
'altogether a different artirlet 1 t contain* no gimps to
girr It cousiStrnCy, but cennires lta excellent Havoc, an .1
powerful nropertier from the vegetable z'..arr*
or which It is eomposed. The Forest trine combines the
virtues of the Wild Cheery.- Dayelelion, Yillotr in,,k, and
Sarxiporff/a..wittl other valuable plan t i whom propert tea
arestlniterre effectlre. • - ' '.. • • '
. .
it alslch et:meet:um ion renders It one t..f thaw.' 014 . 04
'lnedfcitirs now In use: S.ontetilneste.ts than a fine.* bOt OR
the linzering pakten - 1 horn twee,. ress.tiehlity . ~1
1 ,
sicknees, to strong end rlzo-ous health. Every - di .e
shorts is good effee a on the coui , titu Lion, and impro es
the state of the health. The - toresr Wine is re Niiitin ply.
ed.ln chestrortgeit terms, for all the votnplaints of t r
07.Stootarti. Liver, Kidneys, Nerrons Disorders., ItillloDs
• AffelAinna•DrePai.l l yspepsitt:Loss of Apuetite.Jattal
dice., Female Comp hal n , s. Scrofula, and all disor
ders arlting from Pal Wood and impute habit
- -.. of the system. .
' ' Saied from De:ra t ./ i -. "
. Telhnorry of Dr. 11:itIrto llitherts, a highly rmKperta at
and vroxithy rltilensof +.-nark. \. J: .. . ' • .
, f ,
Dr. O. W. ItALsgr:-1 believe you Foregt Win , n
5+111:4 bare been the tne:nni ~1* R:: - . in my life. Wi..n.
connene,l tubing them I laid at the , int ..1' de 'h: n ,
Mreunly PD.-stand ARtitTIVI. My rhy. 'burg had given
ore. 21$ paLt cure. and iuy famly had root sti ti•TPS r ray .
recovery. Whih , In 0114 .tia•adfnl Alt.Untietl•
Wino and Pitta were yrnetirod-fAr me, and 1,1 - .r.1 had dn.
'shed thirfirst bottle of the 'Wine:aid box if Pillr, 1 t rare
rierteed drat relief; my body itmbo, a6tels litre I
greatly,e Aer:rthly red need. :Lora-A of tny
tecirtery beano now to surilrii. sod atter eontmulio; the
7:l:v.4f:rout medieinee for about . n tuouth. the • rites and
Asthma were e•itym , etely 0rt0 , 1.. Drorcs, .011
mr life irrit placed fn sneli great , lanir'er. FTiS - oleo 11 , Mele
goer. llt irf tbe our
bete., and I n ‘'s eel iy ac l,erCee: lo alth
Cr I did szy WO+ 'll more t`mn • v., o r
age.. • yotly•. MAT
Nevark, N.. J., Der. Id. IS;:.
Grea:. Curer! L r rf tcn 7.07:5s cf,tiz
Yntt..7rin. 0, I
rr.TTALITVT, heir girt=-TTavinz yni.•
end Plll4 to remove a .lisoati- or the Lieer.
have ,4ff na .,t,.,,,, tn .1y mr, ten yti:.r..;
elose , lyiii the di - rim-lion. that areottni.ntny nin,•
chiee.l lr ire reciiirered lay unit Ithet.i or ail it hi
knew toe tholl:ht iety - ein.ei in :traw l ,. to
the Wine I Itt 'ro , :ntarse to the best ineLliecil
treatment., tnntinu , I to crow
Fonie of lny friend,- si, tily of niy
e.n4l t don to prr.tiaile uw totu tnaisingi ti Fe of nnv_ t lrerl.n.
remiilles; and I donlit nor, lint wh ti , •' , * not, .Itun
tiretis I trona.t.t!:i rti.•. your.
con seattenrelie.f the deeiLption annof m•liir a.l-
Ner'lFea mate lies ;int f hy unprincipp..l - nwn.
6.t• I:itt N7114t a pity it 1., that tine
Vito !'rata
i'itreit try your excellent. 'mett,zino..
they have t ...nred my life: / cortinutttr,tl 0.0
6ftliem. I•retc in 4 bat In to
ti,tionee wood fleets in than thy,. ; In
ii X weekstrorn thv time I pulehsfirl the ritedieinc.,t,,t,
creat Eurfirloe ‘if I vial entirely eitred„
tiftertt pnnn Is in weig•Tit,
bow M thi• l'ilk.alidtwo bottle ti
hat every poor Follerer "..teoul,l avail hin . l,
axe real . :
• YoUrl. 47.4", .1 . ;,5* I 0 S.'
!iETIVO nr,..Nr.nEns
Are ,11 , e7,<e vet' -the mind an an of the 'tiro
nauaiip bronatllt •of by trostb , cs mid :41-lirflon—
are moat corntaoM .tt? 0r .l , ..Ntan ,
sads ti-c
NI dreams, and fast fnl ttnticimationn fre,rn the
ntlr at•vmm - tny tii-cr.lllt7.
The Forest MTH' and Pills are an un:3"Z":::•_ tame-ly is
t •
tho F t.
Mtrie itf a letter P. Ptel'tri , z. 0 tit. i \
Dr 1011.5EY— • •
Dt•ar V.oir Fork: enre.l arr
• stlfeol . n..rr--on •Ii
b,!trraCeete.l for in y . wan rtlino , t wait
ed aw3y. - S;:c wan . irtmumtli tliqurbc.l 11.-r '4l e.p . bf
ftn:Ltfla. .1 ream a, apni:eltin 7,:;t1 nit ft eximu tt tabatti
with n.-19.1rnti0.,., and at Tim', a lithorint: under the' .1.1. -
-ohm that tirt.a.lfnt .rats about to happen to
By the. 'age ni four ot!rlie 'Win,. and a btty. of tit..
1 , 11!s, Sta." int now in it.rfent rez.4no.l 'her
flitstt nLd enlor,and enjaysiYrittr;r ntrrell as rem.. ' '
ffr. David Mrtrrin. a •micbretted prnetitionitr of N: York.
tlorinrrd publN'y, thst oar. hot tie if F.oreQ
Wine contained more Y'rt , •er. ;ban fifty of th" I
tars ttf9,krEt7taiiiiti. • a-r°. S
tln,lrrr,c!.t tint tro , 7t 17,7,4-1:11 tare
in a " From Oro 11 ,re ar..l
t -tcillbtotet: Tr i rent Wine, it Sii in , trpl-ro• , 1
1-Me li mod will undoolttelly tit..mmt•tity l t•a_111...4 M;ttit•i4t.,,r
lb. 4:IV ."
Tb L Fr.rl•st - Wine ;s but up in Is-z , s pztri; frith
-Dt.ll[“! , :ey'F , rinthe l,lou'n the . ..:14-s. Dttti'.nr tter
tit , . si t hAtl. , torFirt..floCrirs. f1u..11-ro
cint• Per it its. For Sale be th , .. S. at
la , l I: etnil,•tc . ral Dap t, Ifil s rt ttanr st:c•-t,
one 14n i .
ArimAnn , l tr.,nl . s6;s7lo;if:OsV,.thr: Turreil; Greatriend.
imeen Sem t. •
etrl , Caving- the. wan tx f . :l nerer irfore
kno!rn of a nt Medicine.
Realand Jurio - efor l'our. , elres.
ICLI 7 P. t 1 welt krireorn
• - hettclat r. 91 Chextuut
wha'•e ehoire are tiuoil
.4 ; alrocot everitoilet., rays : . F.
I :4rni happy ( to say of your ,
t:: I'9:e-that I have tonna itketa .
y a g. to tt better falni!y
erimmoil ure than Any other cithin
my o: tor fr.enili
• • • TINTC realtrit cat7 l .:F.-1 )•esii f.P.'frem
.t.tten: and c lne ile With Ine , , c) 0: it t:Fey
4.xtra•ortlmaary 4:it•lnc out itlee:e•Fe m e t rtit-'lll,.
the ttek. They ore - cot rely .-11cctua! t•tit r - amt ;Fi
fu ,t•t o t 4 0,,.u, mu , ' 01.
by the wi.eo they vre
• Tin. vent.r ' , h. r!ntnet•For WA:tt LAW, rtTtts frog Ital.
tintore. Itit it pri1;1.4.4: .
Di.. 1.0 Aver—Sir : I b•tre token ptur_P;VF. alth'Tent
bener.t.f4 tilt. 1irt!...1.-nc.o nunr,cior. 1.0.t.s cf itrq.tite n.1:1
Ittiluntt4 heaameh... which :ifirc7f late plan, overtaken nit ih
the otTn.',,, A few of k nur Pi;IA tlirei et.-. 1 'hat c
.1.1 ',nu , 1,711.,; . ry I , ert,.-rwl -turniy )rocs in my fw:11;y f.. , ..7
en ..,. .t4tlt with uniaintiz, ttu."!e.,..4. Y . olitnnt.s;nteli.
eine. Width c 1 fe.,:i it 3 I•I',1f 1: rP S. ,•0.,,,,,,,a y o u
f - r thi• good y , :u have done nn.l :Ire n,i•.z." - -
.101 IN ri BEATTY, 1... , a.,?,...,.. pt th.• Penn; II:ti frc.!nl Cc..
F1.1 , F - '
Do:I.C, AN r.r.—ll , .Pr .-1 liare be.n z.lll:rt%'.l from
birtli w:t11 F. I.ful I in It. t - ork.f , rm, and or w.'after 20
Iye.are trial, ?And au unt•. , ..1 of amount of f.ufftni , c. tilvo
been ootaplot,ty rums lo a f.O - steeks by ye:Qr
NVIS!I ire:l =et.. ,an lee be irj
irtdwilint you realizo verlat•l lANYe Ottifiv;,.l rs,
I , orn. !,.-re from this 1..,1thn0,0
•• ticsAr till 110 V 11:1ve
i Ci<.are•ln.mmoolipo. At it ai f 4 my
• Ina de
on twon , lt:rt.b' , e :pain at Fettle,: tr.:gli,. •••alr, of my boil, wuj deF moral
I.l:tlr.iwol has me r..1:11y WI of my
timot. t:came out In n:y faoe, on 3 it for m , r.tllti a row
" Almut in w'ePks ca , vment tn;;11:.-, ynOr.ra
thlrvie IYlx, and now ent:pdr free from
eyei ”rt• fair, nni ntv hair :s
merle. Q a I:4,:t;tlir growth; :ill of v. - Y.. - 11.1;a0.:e-s Lau feel 26
re:oil' n tn.w
Ftlt,-nert tl ly Tr m , nnr4:' ronveyin+,
that wAirrA, I every
reatiment cdg.rstituae.' Von:s,
" 1 lA.rp kir,w7.2 the n'Snre nnrarg frtlra bet;
chlidhool.aul tier staz,mtnit stri , •tic
ANDItInV .1. ‘ll.: 4 1::::VVIi
0 r,errsoer of th- ortftuouth Maaufar:t mitt. "-
. . . ,
Caps:J(lcl, PRATT, of the ebip Marion, 'writes 'lrons '
beistoiiiirt‘th April, lbrl— .
", Your PillcbaYeTurcil ine fr - m a Liiiiceis atts , le elilith
artice fr,om derangement of the I.irilL, itiliith had lo.rome
7 e 1 . 2- Fat:owl. 7 ha I fattoil or any r 6.11•1 16v my l'hyitteitm.
anti from iitcy remedy I remid try, but a few disif of your
l'ili,'is bare rotor - let oty reitoroit r,,, et, 1,,,, , ,,1, leas. I htc firer
tletteri to my children. for , worms, - whir the 'brit ee. , ..cts
They _here Promptly ourei, I recoinr.itne26,l tbcen In a
friliud for castirencts. which had trcti'dmil lite. for ' thootlis
—4n told m<' in a few ittieti they ha.l oured him Yoll matin
tlrtnrt ru-lic!twi•l tßn trnrl.l. r.t:el I tut foto to `ay Ito::
Fend Viiii . feettl the •rlflilar,ZUiflell Foilicitor of the F,13-
Pe4lee C Cart, whate brilliant aniiiiitit ni . t.ile • him nell.
k 4 knat n vt only la this bat the neleitlatiing Siete..
.'' 1, Tow Orleans. Apr 11,5.1514..
it t Fir—l hatiecreat fat irractoin iu a etsnrinz you that my-
Pelf and fnrntlY bare 5t.6. , :n tory in tietb berichlted by your
meilloine. My wife war eared two rer.rseinee.i.Of a scrore
and 41attornus . by sour UttitttlaT PECTOP AL; le.:
If ftime then bee enjoy td prefect health- 'My children bare
et oral times been rum' front ottantog of the Influenza
ra Croup. by at.. lt is an tnsainable remedy for ithesor
cinnplatuts.. YOUT . U.S.TfietTIC Pitt... base entirely cured
rat from a dyspepsia and ono iverirTs, which has ;trowel
upon me for Totne;roars,—iliiitoit this one.- ii . -1111-le-h more,
hap ortant, from tit:, fart thrt 1 L'Ll Inge.' to ¢rt relief
f . r j t.ta the hist l s hysiciao which th i s Testi on of sh-- enrintry
- ords, and fromrany tifthe numerous remedies I bad la
' Von %till). in us, Doctor. tike a prorhtentiat biesemp,
C our family, and you _may' well suppose we are not an.
tidf til of it. fours respectfully,
Venni* Pheanbrr,tlliio. April 60,1854.
? 4 , Dr C Ayer—Honored have made a thoronch
.ofths Cotdiartie Pills. iris roe by your s;r.imt, acd
hltre enrcd iiy thrin or the d:rsdrill Ithckiinitlem under
,sylrlcli&e. found me surefire:. _ ficd dose relieved tae,
i d A. few s4basti cent d.ises entlraly remored the &teeter.
eel 4 n bettor titan' f , r some sears heroic..
Which I. attribute entirely ter the eirerfst or-your Ciuhartie
Tours ar4h irreat rpoturt.
_The ahtiye Are al I (roil remiss who are publieiy k nown
the/ !Op would not make these :Kate.
meets mithaet s 01014131ty eunrietion that they vete true.
• :prepared by JAMESC. Wren, Practicaland issaiythial
Chemin. Lowell. Vass -
S.OLD BY 4., To rtell; Moo troPe ; It• p. & 8.0. !atm,
ftatfoid i' - Chdreb * - Phitagey. Ilentdag; Stott; laread
Send. Sy 'all Dr dots sod Dealers ht Met:Heine /yr ery.
46M • Sept 18-117rae •
" ISV;
S.LiaiLlivgazianta *arms.
. ._ •
T3l'v N 3 SiVATSON, N 6. 2q - Siini
St:, Philadelphia, - . • ",.= •
Friday Atte : ruing , Deeentoer 15th, lat. Evan!
Safes triumphant, as
-they nluir4's are when put' to the test.
• - PIitLADhLPIIIA, Dec. 15, 1854,
Messrs Evonv.& Watson, N. 26 South Fourth
St., Philadelphia: • . .
-GlNTLallrl:—We take much pleasure Tin rec
ommending Year Salamander Safes to. Merchants
and others in want of asecuremeans of preserving
their Ilooks u poprrs, &c., from fire, sotto uno w e
purchased (tour you at seven months since has
preserved our books, and cash in as good a condi
tion as tlify were when put into it, before the this morning, which destroyed the , eii;
tire black .of Imildiiirs corner of Chestnut and Fifth
streets. The .above was in usein our office, on
the second 1194-1 t of our huildiuz, from which • place
it tell int.) the cellar and remained there until the
fire was out. The Safe was then :reatoVed an 4
opened in the presence of at lentrt. 11:00 persons,
who witnesi4d the good - condition of thif.coutents.
Will you please have the Safe and Locks - repaired
as we intend to pat it in polo :loin, having. perfect
confidence in its fire-proof rmaliiieS.
Yours, NesPectfully, . •
Evans and Watonti take plea Are referring - :10
the follo‘ilra, , , attiong the litany hundreds who have• .
thrir =alett , S. Mint, Fat - 111...ra
and 31.Attnies*• Itfttai., Philo , la I . Samuel
, 11 . ;211 siteritr PhiCt ; J,,ha N. fiend...v.on,
City -Controller; Ced.d. CO., No. Ira Mat
lt,t St; RiehaniNorriA trid bletnritllo: , buil
ders. Pinhttlit .; Thincrntt'and rz,PeTT , ,,
ooriker 1 fth and Joni, s St..; Fire rnp.ll
- Pentt'a RaP.rott C 0.,. P1T0...1d:1,1
Lacer-4. Pitill!iie r co: tier sth and,- :limn. - titreettt;
:sharpiesg 11rn ,'No. 31 south V. , 1 St.; Jalne-e. Rent
, 11 No N, , rth Third ; U.
:111•1 SLI:.S, NI). N at;i - :: , 1 :
:;1311151 & Co., No. 67 ilark,..t, ; 11-
No 1 , 3 CheFtnnt St. - .
.1 taro...) aFt4,..rttne p t of the ahoy,
;tentrattied to stand 1(i iv, •
tha:: any ilerrin;y:... Szfr• tge,i,V 1111
Trsi}N, -trtAntit:tet ay. an,
!nutters. loon I)o3rs and Ir,
fir•-•proor Vaults or
privatellll:idingai 5041111 , 1 1.4
110fri: , 1tr
ziv..'tt.s a. crii, Cl No. ,2*..; SuuUi
- 1::y 1
A I C "
t :‘4l ' I n
I t
: !;i . I f
. 72; • • t I S. 1 : 1 1 n I. 1.: 1: f i ;.
) K 1 :: 1 0 t l i
: I r a) I t i
c lil i :l , l :r g i 7:i . l . , tf
t ' f:l l ... l '
vtts,•:.n.l:iir.ite attention 1., the tcrry Inr;...e Attick ,
of :" 2 :.ri:)!r ni-1 , 1 1' . . , , ~,e r C.'o,thi, ..+. v are noir' re =
eeiviag, :tn.! o:r..r I.r ....ti!e at. t ru.l..a...itrir:... In
nieiitent 1,1 their it...nal te.,, , 0rt.inet.t 1 ..1 . -.:;ta;11.• DrY
Get( .1! 4, G j•r,k•t• :iv S. LI: :I rti , X;;ye, C ((IV li Or V t P :int--,
:ittd they at.‘Y prilvactl tv a large.
:to( nt .;
of every description, Fi , tnred, Pinid and
5,11:s„ Itonnets.tillawls,lfithorts.(3luves,ll,,idei . i.
Ladies :Intl i. ,1 . , •0cs of nil kinds—also it
Lire stork of • • I.
Ciot!e:, Tv.cods. J<!::ris.!
Bhoo, &e.
Thoy fa!ly soncit eally o:1;1 Gcul, GOODS A'r,
Spv - irolVilley May 2, it' .'":4
Farmers! Union Insnraxrco_ Co. •
. _ office, 21thrn1, 1; dfor (l'o ,1 ty; Pe Ali 4
CAPITAL 200,000,
1.n." BONDS A::: , r..S . .111:..6.
arrai;ist. I ;oases. Storcts
aqot;atr.; . !5,.0t 0 5.1.4 War k .., v. r .
ehan,i;sr , , Env.: fr..voraitle totr4 . : 1-ny
I, , tsst , r, pr.4F.tptl;4 httliasted
Hor. , oe Wii::stoa,Fraticis Tvler, G e o: A.
P;•r!;i:.s. J..T. D. C. Shy,,::,), C-
Canfrio!,l, At.1 1 tens ; . 11,01. J,that
Laporte, Tow:lntia:,:tn. Bradl,ee Wakeman, L -
covvilb - ..-: Goo. M. Itollenbaek,lWiikesbarre :
eilael Mylert, Laporte. Pa. 11
Hon. liorace NV:iiiistita. Pr, C. F.
Vet. Pres. arAllt . e.ts.; J. E. Canfield. ee)...
: Ati.Wess, 0. S. Beebe. Mon:
f ose. Stisqueltanaq
courtly, Pa., 41r S. 12; Chase, Great Ben:l.-241i*
t i.. Otir Stock Stoviss f l
Is no we "WOilidlaße . t.rlis
porto;,ityto s.iy that we can kliirx the tiol.t.
beautifial :TA splendid pattern of • P:irlor nth!
Cookim , Skr.ves to tre fMind in the coutity.-1—
Ainow!„ tlic•ra 1.10 be-eq.:en the..ll,evilvinz Front,
P;, 1.4 woad or coal, erttirelY
prg:ettns, rm ilecitisttily. Folly
fryin foe to len tli.rar7:.
Of ten- s',i - .-y=l, we think it need4-= , to
rtheli. ',WI: to retrMrk - .we are s
t h, - . 1!) : ,t, mr former from•tie
rt_piiiity of nor ,a1:'5.;.4, - 0 1.;:i4-v.• the public nro
itmirely 'satisfied with tile prices itnd quality ')I"
nur :flares.
Vire linvc n " !oft" or the . "Clinton .•
Eleratot Oven nrkpowltoitTed
lgr thr . st;o-e nor: in
11.11-4:t and :it 404 prii.o4,•iii.l "'HT
rr :Ind Tin Wliro of d,..ciptions,
litwest rates..
Nt-w Miifor(!, 24..!) t.
• Doct. n: 7,7:ft . yer •
1.1 1 ;s et" s.:ying to ►tiw friend,
itivi etiqinnieni that ho at!. ,in - rtetnnie4
the prav7iee of Medicine :it *niK,ohi st .nd in 1 .1140::
tro , v, wherf , lie may lie-fatind times mile: 61;4
lie I v, .;;;; ir.
;•e;oolnt.. , th dorlit:•1
. o f
(iir if any poor taym..ll;) I
I.Vls.ntri)::o. Fc.b, Co; IS.3s—.tf
1.-; sr;
T DICKER:AI AN, Jr., k the.
t../ • Zia:V;
April 1, 1855
A NEW supply•k.4 just re
oeiv,d this day at the" Post (thee," ‘Veb
slor'S o.:tayo Dietionarv. Unabridged
rorkod do.. Dr. Adam (.71::rk'sCommentary ntiaa
the T ., :0v.-7 To:Asa:opt, :tro,..rt Borne 's Notes lon
jto.' LION 11Y L. Child;
hook Ilan: the ht,.-t.
mk over wrilton My roitirt;
ship auti its e,lo,4"(lliOnees•, iieW jO,L , Tot.,
ter ITl•nry ‘Viko;r: Tao F;+irlt. Wr.wpings ex•Mt
inou aim oxloameo, 10 !. .toi l 's ready.? reckonoi, a
valuable Book ::!litter's Domestic l'oultry Bonk,
7'.'c't:ll) Books, lira-ip!,il,./ilis, Note Books,
61* which will bet' Nola at the low e st cash
prlce, by A. N. BULLAR.I):
:31ontroge, Fib . 6 , 185;5.
ne..v Jewetry•jw4 reeoiy.
ed direvt front and
siting of n first rAn ns..o.rtnient or liidies 4nd
Gentletnon'A G:.1.1 fin 'or Bre-ist rink.t3r
Drops nnii. tfoop:4, t'o'.; ;Vest Chiins,
Keys. !itz:ds, Pet:4, etc. 'Petsons wishing I. ri,tir.
chase Jewelry sliould'ecit2.l4ly call it On St'pre.
.fontrose, April 12, 13554. i
(AFFICE and l'oeker-Fatiployersrtime
l_sP.. Pass and Memnrinvitirn Books, nrir Bc4st.
D:iy Books and•lillgirs, a good assorflifent
sal , • at the Post Office. . .• • !
VALENTLNES! . Vikt.tnittlEs!! Valentine
da 1.4 - eall at tlu Post Otru . .o and 'get
von a Pretty Valilltino--:.•eheap—front ls to 84.:
Lt:Avr..s, front Rainy's Port..Fulia, sec
ond fcr little at die Post Wien.' :f •
Prr&f. .1. F. S't , ?ddard's Set ie's (4 sos.) of Arith
tneties, for sale at the Post Office,•hv
.!sfontroge. Jan. 9th,~1R55. • !
• . NEW Griot's. . ,
7. .
IHE subscriber is, in 'constant receipt of kern
:Goods, in his line of business, nearly Pvery
week. The public will find his rissortmeut N 9 7,
and his'articres new anti of - good• quality. The
slack consists AS nanal of , ' ~
Drugs, Medieins. Pttibbi 3 Oils, -,..
- - Dye-St tiff*. Giiiceries, •
Vsner.Coods, Jewelry, .
Store at the lower end otthe burned dißtriet..
SY r-s
et -pt. more fit»:
) I;V ". A.NS
is rE(I for Fik+. 6 .l
for 1:1:11t- 1
, r (70o:in' Prt-s.j
torA, Lc. p:.
J. QICIi.I.:II.IIAN, .1a;
‘.‘ it l i . Ti t , lEn — 15 . iir — th 7. y l io .." 7, . ~, --
An Inuit:roll: Book for 25 . eciati— , ' Leery family 4 . A61614,
. . Aare 4 copy " . - . . .4.
.• . , • . .-1014000 CQPISSIN
LESS YE Alt. h. new
~_•.4%1P.-Vrti'N'tpl", '
.• edition, reviled
'!'"4sll ; juf.t.liawet;• '1 i
, • ,;- a 5,. ., - - Ituutor's Nodicil Manual
'~~ w,. sea .1 band Hook forth'. siliktect. 7 -'.
• A/mu& Cootalsiust as Willis, of kite *O. ,
jot, progreAs,troattuetti &inkier.
• of every form of direire
•.° 'r tractel• by promiscuous iroxtfol
lutereotiiir,l4 - 844 . 4.busg'ility ieso4les. Mote, -
'fortlo4 r p revel:4%lh real. eti la A 104111/14 - 143rWr Avoiding
jell medical t aftirj•weryibing• Mat would offen - 4
the ior , .of decency; oith.toothlikto of onmploloOiteldent.
Ito Bea:tales, from the reault of Anttactwqrf
'ful nroCti co otclueiTcllYticrOti4 to the cure opriatfifet
dettrato-rr private =tore.' •
" To uhiehle oddod.roceipti for.f be core of 1 11 *. 111 . ***". 4l *" .
ants treatlae on this cou4eft , ,6yriptome sad curio!'
the r veer rin.l Acme. ' '' •
• T.ratinolay of Ike PrgricJihreinYtreirfo in Farm Craft's.
Piiilude(phite,-`• 1)11. II LlNTT;it'al IF,DipAL • NIANLIAL,'„
AuthOr tiffs, Worf", unlik e. fhb
• majority of Chose '
who eArerttre to cure the fen Fevof lila, It t testa Ift.
kraduate Orono of trier bra r Colleges in the'ltuttedatutes.-
aliorda to.ldearn re to rosounarnd Mtn to the unfort
nat.., or to the victim of to ifpia - o tice.o• f emcee aful and
exp.,timcod whom. honor and intogrif,y,
'they may p . ifter the•g:rrattoO confidence. •.
' ' ' • •'" ./fl,;•s.-E,ONGSSIORF., fft •D
FrOth reitsr.t7Aiversity
IdnSn.—lt glee MC !Arai:wry, to add my tea Oniony to the
trnfesahMatA ',Oily of the Author of the" M cemcer.
MA -
cet..••N OU ea.”:4,Of M.ll - 3 {O . 0 f thr Doe ;tat Orgni,s,
-pr me of t1...!.:.,f•t0tur rt3tidinfr, Gave route ttoder ray no
' (mein whfelf.hia wkiii Infs. manifest Jo eestor.e- ' to
perfoe h ea lth, in 51 , 0ir ranee where the' patient has treeti
enTod,r. d heyou4 medical old. , in thF LI:or:tufo?) t of See.
in:tt oenkness, or'ditinrrhogeteent Oft he Ittnettons pro- .
iitteed by s. If oh n•e 11xcefo r *env ry.. T. do not know
:cvilcior in the oro 4 ••••1c.u. d have heen "Hequointed
lxith th. tnlborsun.. thif ty year , . and deem I -we, morn
thin juWoe to hint nr nen tt , k ninet , i•tO ;he nnrort, wrytto
rimirn of •.arly fndi rtes, nn, to recommend him as _one in
hm.e profegalooel rhi ll ,rd iotegtity they, "way ear;ily
cont: , frthemeetee , ." f!ty tIlf,r01)1VAI111.!,1.
tiro mom
am Worl: plll,lshed IF S'tlt diStlif. , '
rhirl, ft trrif.t. t.evatv 3 t *Jar, .
rynooll 0(09. riqvlrre. It If. rrrr rt. , 111'3.1E
f ' 4l.- a" 1 n'o t-irrLt 17„u
„ it It? tbr•hand- iii:slyno. nil , TM
ttor rinny trrnthleilt ti!elr.rariL
or, with :i! r. oath to
1 ;‘or • ht, .fs nccd
m (.1-Q1 Y; f erlit
fruit '0 I F r
~111.• t weL:l3 rear:' r3 , 1,t ~tlert•to.fil
• .•\,t foltlirr , )r-pterxitt . without ort t:
ihirtr . t,•,l; r vto IlnYr k It . .will./ Env..
pr.. 71.1•;•• ;tir•r• fir 11 1,-I.i, to 111‘• yeluth Undol• theirciol,•••
A I'r..+l. ntri, in Iyhitl, writlng or." 'Tun.
t - r •• t:v ly^ :—" za :1 , 14 n:):13 thrltis
f.r4 • ~*wir )n.t t, ntla...lvo Tit tio
4: I . 1,1 . r.t. 014 . 1111-i t • :.•; r pUltn•hll2:
11.1 z , r • ,liz;v;.• *
Y. 4 'l !tt • ni , • In
. .
t Twritvr'.l int WO t , trn:ll , l-;. Tho, ,n,titlynn , c.f.litoat,
an-1 , F.-!,, - rr—.l;•' , lo.•;kfrtln: . %lye ?,,. , •n,..L11 , /. if nrtt.
1.1,• , ., ~ P.,.. I , :111 : t:il.) To It. , o;•Now th.• mln.n• t , T• l ‘.'""•
An , . , 1 4 t.- 01..+ ran tb- Ann,. In in-Wirt, a•nt' rota initn-nre
I t!n• NO,iicr.lin.Ltn: to elteeL'.nnl ith inlit,ly to reliinvethi*,
111.•••.rr , or. t , - nyv of I,lltr.nn 0rr..1,•h..,1tt0 , N.:
.. Kuhl nAtlrez,
' ! ~ t 1
tilt", Ttelte-zt bteacfil,!rip.ct•r) 01•• e•liziati or .),-...0s 1:1.r1.4 - ;
oq t t; , • pr , .. - ut It to! • , , l'il ... .1,'•11 , ''',1,11 , 11,. I , li , 'Dl; . , ,.r:iner (fir
tl''' " 4 " `''."' "\ l'o'ng • , fD.%-) , !inil•zli It b: q ,Ini t . thros4.
,•••mrzo. t h
to a'l r , r.• %Iv ttf.
• r wr ycw anl
••• • 1:•••'y NO!I 4r foruct,r3.o frw• of.
r. , =:?-10 to -Inv rvrt - c.f. 1 1.• tn.ri!!! . :"•o• ,olts, -or
fz,r 2 41. rn:t COSI - ,,EN 4 : CO.,
713. Philp
.4:11 • •:pnlirll
rst thr•rner.t .11bortl trrro•!. ' .1411
P!.lnirs I!
rl-11.1 - R g n-ater.t. i:apnlyettleta - 4f Um an 7 ,. C.
.tt II: V.: Ael 13.01,
Pare -.and I:ift Pump. An impi'oyetiat.n.t
oCiev pa:iv; c,r
-v!;,1 ti l ;.: 0 ;-ing water. :•/,tabi%in,2-botti a purripand
EaL7inz.. This Purl!): patent t.d itt
1, of it tnetatio, ',no bolts or
abola it lo ra , t. conkectit..rii,tly it
last. a' tnait's lit Caw. It eau iw ovory
variety-. or forte. cat 4r; v hater from Mil' sit a-
tion are! rant to- any• - p:lrt of a house, it is
suporior to alli lither puraps for distillerir.s..Pa
pyr 7.‘llll,L.:Parinerivs. yards. IrLm -Works
and Mane faet Rio; t , -i - ora it - ki eds..
111 tan<t 1;:• addressed to Addison Dile-
RI.. who 11.1 - bought the hole
Now Line of Mail States -
_,---- -- --- 7-..s - .--.._.
V:.j. , , i , : Y.) _v.P.*;, ,- 0 •.; ti I) ' ,Ns e
KIRK W 001) TO
A S*.S.lll: +rill 1 e.kv.• I ialin ockl,pa . .FFingthrc , u:A
c•.,ev..rymornirit.:3ltertile. arri
cf tne ['rains of il4ri, , Jot h East awl Ire,t,reacla
fug Montrose at 1 P. 31'. .
E T U R.N! N
,• 1
EeareMt;ntropedally.iSundaYloxeepted , at 2 P L.
Te:or.lsiti,t: ir loloot it:1...J.1;u.: to.tak.e the M at 4 Ira "f
' OtittAilltorMef • Wes t brine t tfe - ..nearert It rid m t
leaAntferoutctoreadh the New Fork and Erie itaitroad.
Tbialtne ntmatteatri-weektylina,fot Diniock aprin;-
erne. W.Yoeting. Willirebeiree which
lravrr'inu trait, At M every Monday. Wednettday and
Fri ley. Alp.. 31 n rriendatille,Leraystill..ece.Good
Tettrir and ootalortableoerriagdr are n rovided. and the
tvE. Ispare no t oat-cornier:dot tt Pub
. .
Tr ELI ,FITC&.STODDAIID since the late fir;s,
may b rou tit' in the BA sr.m ENT OF SEA
lIOT L. N;stvithspatliog theixoprecolclitud
01ity with cittr.stock orloots, Shbei;dic,
" ty(nit kJ" f*ll the moriiin;..., of .the tire, ,we
havii.soim dna 'h•111 soon 6e,skipiied
10,00Q..Eir in Staves - Wanted.
- T) the` T ubkcrit,er : AtAn Ifeakt
ing tiinber and-Floorp..p , les—for which
wit! pay thoAli,gireAt. - Svasorieti
t:Lyes prvreiTell. um & nm. AD.
ly Feh. 13, 1 . 855. . -
1_ Broglie ShaNtls. •
tii!'liil.ll.,:c . iwer befilre .
1 . . : ; jir!.qtroity fir 8 - 1
• (E.-t. 11. - b.-:&
p Y
or' minor chi:dr'efi,.
.:,:c cillit;( so
r..e , -'.viiii,)V4trantii for tl-s:4- than
120 ;:er,-. W.,4 - 4nt4-;,Wfic . - ! ,41 who barebi•c-nt4iitt;
0Nt.,. , oliitri` . -Aisititcs,itictrpiil; - . - gO. ICO fd:res,
of kiti(L
ed..-10.41 mit the 13 , vint - ind
re-u4un agency,/ of, 3ficibtto,ie; anil will obt nin
w!.rrnatri fqr frce• of
c.;st or char:f t ..4(2;ly kind. 411 ; other eitses
I Atil) . !mi. the' 11;.g1ie..,t market.
pt iet•s t:ir-:ell. warrant i...
I not'ut ti;:arle . ',4 tint d, and in en- - of my
Tre . urisnta, wiil-4ttend to nty,lnt4inei44.
' JOllfC ' ir DIMOCK.
M ,, nt rozw, '3li:reS 15, -
Dry Goods And -Carpots:at Cost.• •
74 . ECK ILAN & have on band . a
V V h:rge and well selected,sttick ot Foreign.
and Domehtiv,, Dry poods;and • CarKts,', umbra
clug.arakost.every article in the Dry• Good's line
brinightiinto thOuarliet in view of the lnt
crop of-eaKli on hsrd, 'uelave evreluacd to
them for sixty dap-, from this date- az cast.
!Pbt.,e persona to whom we have - formerly sold
GoOd's will
_,at once see tint thi.oB- a rare oppor
-tuhity ank:orte' which should o. embraced
inediateli:l":37o those who have never favored us
with a et:ll:We would
,say Iry its once and you
.Will be convinced that this is the Owe to par
eba,seDry Goods and Carpets . .. Our t i !teek is at-
ways replete with fashionable and, ticasomibic
-Goo& and ate tide - mined t r Iteep : /igcott a va
riety es can be found in this seemitin n,ftbt-equia
try, gl4 sell at prices . omptulkt: WI to
WICK I rAn 3 BO)Olt.
BinAliainn, lan. 3'.), 835.
- • :•• •
• Shaw •
T ONGAII,Sqoare, Wool, Ilroeherist4 - .§ilk,
vit,f3 - 7 ti
i t*tiogya style's, andeiArti
- • U. BiI4;;VP.
Oct. , •
URE Tl,lgfrztyarid, qt,ov.Kß tie ui
111 *
71 -. : SEW 'GOODS* ...-14"Me.
~ J. . IttliWis. a 011 i. re ., !e i F ir if e.i . liii; . 4- .
-LL•- GOODIV:Which Rill 1i4'!4)Ci1414401*, ,;
Alontroie, 3144161.28, 1.81,5&1 ',,..'70: ''
H 3 ., . . . .- ,
• owtpots.r. • pike
A 1
omo pike*.
4.- - GOOD RM.
.erkt . and Tartll.ll,
AL . al very `' i'
, .
• Auetralia,.Caliiiiinia,,
Or any : place-an.tlte Globe,cannut present'greater
"W isjuovi filled With, and ettena
sive - assortment :Of artidlea'rn line,
initiraeing a genaral -variety ,of near •and elegant',
stylesef Ladies aid . Gentlemen's weal', among.
which Are Ladies French,. Bilk.- Lasting and Pre-:
.•nille Gaiters; Kid , and•Buttineled relit as. IC id f}t••
ant leather and bronzed Jenny Linda, Buskins ,
'and•Ties; gentlemen's :French and
~ Philadelphia
oak-tanned.calf skin nal kip Hoots, cOngresti and
tintion.GraiAerai : Alonterey and, 5V u' Boots.
.ktoilpt slipsillorocee,ealf- and . Cowhidev.nre
cane. &a.. flays kip - . calf and cowhide .floOteand; rill kinds 9f MisseS and Childieh's went:
Also, a general assortment of Findinga,rwhieli con
sisi in part of lasts, pegs, *parables. Hungarian
• naits.taeltg. 'thread, wax, Rrtstloe, shoe binding,
rasps,- sandsteries, shoe knir;s, &.e. Also,
oaklinPientleek trinirdealf tipper and soteleirittt-'
er 'Morocco skins and linings..
:Wadi made to order and repairing neat' y'd‘nis.
ontroee, Jnnp 1.1553 • • - • •,.
StoveS.! Stoves !! S toves! !!
rritE sabitiriber wishes to r. it thqattentio.nif
hiA friends and the Public.. to his very large
assOrttnent.ur; . •
at his nr\w Stow Room ,hi Lodertiville, next- to
L. S. Lvoiteito's Stitrf , . 2;n . 41 near the Great\ Bend
Depot. lie,ll:i4 Ip r ),lB 7 fdruter large
v:.riety t!f..ctiolzing• ancl,Parior Stuiroi, paey new
Pattern<ttrime vt hicht - are—' - -
'PT: Nio/infax,;•• • Pe/c4 Branch, }ire Fly,
Modern Troy, No'rni , k, :tletiaiiiop,
Ma.* Wariii A r, 00..0, • Oat, .
' , E• ,, r Slot 0, • - -,
• 1,0.11 hi, f.rmer stoel; - will he
th.• tuna vi:rit.d.:issortment
331 kv“li ::',4 . 1%(..s in the. County. 4
inint $l - 1)% . ( . 8 eil fEirnishi , d at low prices.,
All artit;,.; in kept on hand and
made to n,n ,!. and tinders received nthis
old stand inGru:ie- Hend
LokiPrsville S. - . Great 13f.r,1N0v.,,:,)853..--tt.
Powerit 'and - Steam Engine.
,(ASE. and two nurse Powefs for threshing,
and other purposes, vind .'toixteen !Torso
Power Stearn - Enfiitna, for low at tli Eardi . •
Fo;indry. nod all hinds of
Ca.:-tims for .7.l::::•!..inery and other purpose.::.
_ '• •
Buffalo Robs s• - •
of h:Ovis•%ine - Robes, a Da r t of
I‘. veiv
volor-1,1111 v. ' V.
q biTt)
• :I , llth fzprrat xttm,ive7 Rash, mi n d a
arcs_ poyzr:ll to forni:4ll anti
this- litte at le a rateg than •they have
n•tiitlly bven
D.-e: rt.
CIZE..I‘r--:to - article which every
:a should try, for sale -by
S: H. &D. SAY.R
3r.itly-Ttlado Clothino. •
A' .l:4Y tta,irabk sthek very !ow priers.
• S: IL & b. sAyRE.
• Arwitiosc., mc. 14, 1854. . •
AN.ow lat 41f (lift &mks - for
11_ '1'1)1. life '.,f T. 1 - 3ar6tan and 11..grtiol'ey;
also Ton Nights in a B.u..ll , ionu ! and what I saw
thore:' by T. S. Arthur, a first: rat(' Th:bk for eN.
ni the Montruie Po t_ullice.
31!.k., .11. c. 27,1354. - r.. .
Doctor Yourself :
111:: own .
• 9NIn FLF ['IST!! F.ditim,oontaining
Aegr .0:1.1 hundred Engraviugg.showing,
Di•ieases and Mallarinationi of the Elu
a i man system in every shape and form.
To whirti is added a- Treatiee on the
Dip‘oases of remiites, being Erf the highest impor
tance to married people, or those cotemplating mar
tinge. By .
William Yenng, .31. D. • •
• Let no father be 'ashamed to present a copy of
the: Aesusilapios•Ao4ris„ebild. - It may , sar. him
from au esfirgraveis. - LrtnO young man : or wo
man e r int t h e ere t oblioutionte of itiarriedlite.
without reading the PoUket Let no
one eta-ringfroin a haekuied. cough, Pa in itrthe
Side,' restless 'nights. nervous •feelings, and the
whole train of . Dyspeptic Setisations,;and given...uP
by their another moment wlthoutr.on
-suiting the LA.PI US. }live tbainarried,
or those about to he married any impediusent,read
this truly useful book, alit has beeirt he meatisof
stiviug thousanesof unfortunateureaturcifrom the
ve.ryja we of (.1e af i h.
• - Itr Any person sending twenty fire cents en
clOsed in a re.oeive one copy. of .this
wotk by mail, or five copies will be sent for One .
Dollar; :kAddress (port paid.) -
• • ‘.• • • • I)II.NTAT. Y,OVNG,
No. 152 Spruce St. Philadelphia.
April 8t tt, I.
DR ,
- --.---..-- -• .- " - -,
. , _ ... . • . ,
_ ~ . .... .. • . ~
. ...____.
Great Xittarol Remedy - for ) ;_Zildigestion
•' .e7z2L/ Di;yepsiallig
TAT:. TTorairroN s the true Dr
-_!-in;orSiAl MC JUICE 461)
first 11 1 ,:,ell :,tt10r....m--cda the v.nri4luq- rouk-tiies
forkflit-ie tilinful cold dios.:rlivtive contplAntil. It
it-Natitre's own flirt:ll unhealthy slum.
art.tif man tan eq(ial.its - ithrative pow:.
and-sntl'orei- front ,Indigestion Dys
tiepsiattliffuld it. • :
. • 'OllOlO - traßt-by-"AbW,Purre'l,llfontrose . Byl.
. •
gonflahking, -. BiaOlcOmithing
-Mid; Ca,rringo Ironing. • •
Tit 111.1 si b s seriber Navin , * establiAed, himself
few.rritis south- of
.Ditnoel: four Corners,.
is prep:ire& tt do all kinds of tvtira in the above
branehes of blisinois on shnrt notieo and the
most re:ton:ible terms. lie flattesthimself that
with the help ii - ow in his etriplov; he witl be atile
to t. , ivi‘ entire st.ti l traetion to all cube ; ay favor
-him with thrpirimitiiti. - ;q- - j;.......
---/ ti. C. r,
Dimoetz, Nov. '23, 1854 A -48tf._
kitias of lumberand.ull
oreountry produee tikkeoin paymon..
The Know Nothing Expose.
.• . , .
A NY pepc,•Eri •rittonisloo tr.e; ;it the front
.1 - I..upper roost , [lithe Store.latetvzorenpied,liy
C.Jrykr,ean be neennitirodataitei)rditi!,r to
to the F;p3hions, in the be - st and moat ap:
proem! roannvr.
My wurratol to fi t if inoperly made,
Cuttinz. mendhp , atql everr-branch. of
Tailoring done on the shnitext notice; and 'that
to the satisf:,etion - of those Leeneetuetl.
' 1 4tf.
- • Black Silk:
A poop' kAality for dresAet, "At 81 eta, per
Ill; yard. . - 13.1301 r. Co.
- 4
, .
SuetSjiiftte - tent -Ltvoi-Watoties. , , ,-
- T ~
it . subscriber ftka-:- tip
-•,- ,f,W. -• • . - day reedveti, ter7iiteiiim.'
. ~6 , A,-1114 ~ t . 41114 ? ziic,.twii:=.d.ezen. infir6
.. I • •
..,!0' . ,-,,, ,bi' hi, evle6rated:ENGLlSll
.! a ' . . . . 5.",1,i .7 txx,EßS_fit iiiniti' and "figur.
...:•.. - -• ` - ' ... .r1 - 4,1'. - .e.fra• - 11 .. 'eu'Vy Silver ;Halt:-
% 1 . ! • . ..;;;.---• - ' ..jng Caso;Aliren 'ilifFerniit-ihi.
`riettei.."-.A:iifffn'.kelntrititin 7 or these waielie . fpi 'fit
welt CtitabrniKit is 11 . &':dit5S to s'ay pare - - tfilin,
to nutiee tlielt arrival. • , , : ' -.-'.••,- "1,
• No:VOasFreJkOve
liin 0.11.4,11J50::.;
A .ar. .
" • • • '
TELFt bli=osE mmetßia.
; o riguns.:.s4,lso, cash in iidvanee;s2,ooa
not paid within sit tiloathe;anAs2,so,at the end
°file year.: No Imperdienentinued'untliartenThe
ges'ate paid,. except-44 the option of the. , Pub. -
liiihera. All commas el - esti-16ns eertneeted with the
otlice to institxtentionmust bedireeted (poet
County, Pe. - . -
Riatei'iat - Adverataitill'
thwaquare (I 2 linea or basis) 3 insertions, si,oo
Each subsequent insertion, ... . . • 1:42.1,
One square.ree months, . . ...~ :
One square "xinuaths• • • •• \ • . . . % .... 4,00 .
Business`oloB, four lines or 'less. • .' • • ; a,OO
Yearly adverk, is.etpents, not, over 4 squares, 7,00
One column - nte year, . ; . '. . ..,. . . . .-30,00
Yearly advertisers • 'will • be-restricted So the .
business in ihich theyareengaged ;and are con.
sidered as %galling lo contirme advertising unless
they shall Life - - q•fal ft - for a!lisoutial=
uanea Of
priaiing alayg.e and superior aeeoi~
ment of Job Tyra., aro now prepared.:to exeelite
Job Work in-a manner unsurpassedirithis see.
tion of ciountry4and.on the mostrestionsble terms.
Rianks - of every derleription.kept.eonitantly
on hand or printed to order.
INLYANT gitieSE, • -
89resat Rend Depot, Pa. "Aimlsms BST-
nanufactorersniSPlTOlTT'S COMISINED CA R
.IITAGE SZHISGS, iPnffheaville,Lyeoraing
Springs may be had - of M..S.Wilann, 31 oblrose.
Wm.. W. at co. •
Cab Wei nnd elgrir Manufactdiers,..foot Main
Street, Montrose, .
J., - S.Aurr En
PtikILIPXD RVEIty ,I. l .l l .BDAY?3lcklilgtila
-- '611408.f .4 40.4,1
nE5f - T
Nusintss Pircdorg.
Dr: fl smitur, • :•
Siargeon :Dentist, Noitirose:- Pa. will be at
Seitric's Bute% •lolicia39.4•and 'ruesdaysof each
iliii - !MILLAN &PARK,.
DealerFi in Pry Goods,. Groceries,. Hardware,
Cro4ery; Bopis and Shoes, Springville,,
Pa. • ' . - 1851,, .
Attori♦iBss 4.t Law—Ofit•e formerly: °cert."
pieil by Little Streeter, Montroie, Stumm.:
hapiia Coat:}, .1. 1 :1
1... .3.. .Ii3AIr.ES,
. 1 . .. . _
ArrOns‘ti Asp COUNSELLOR 'AT Litli.- - Sosque,
haiiri:i Depot, Pa. Oflice over S. 8.-.West.'s
ABEL T , HELL, Mouxttosn, - Pa. ,
Dealer in Dr, s,Medieine.s, ebetnicalS,Paints
Oils., ~, Greceries, Dry. Goods, Hard
ware. YankcoNotions, eit-e: Physicians Pre.
scriptious carefully compounded.'
• 1 . 30111 N. GROVES, • •
.. v
tassikieliable Tailorr—SlpiunderStarlea
HoOl, Main Street, Montrose, Pa.
. JOHN. COLSTEPT,. • . •
DEALtri i i Stoves, Tin, Ceplier and Sheet Iron
. Ware, Lodersville, neat GOatileniiDeppt.-60
Woodrid & Eldred;
D.F.Ai.trs. STovr.s and istrinufacturers °Mop.
per, Tin, and Sheet-Iron , Shop near
the Nor Cutirt Liouse,Mopt ose, Pa.
S. A. Woonnrri:] [G. B. ELDRED.
A. ' Lathrop,
DEALETZ in - Readi,- - -Ma'de Clothing,. Hata. and
" Caps. Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, &e.
W" Store opposite Searle's Hotel. Montrose-
C. D., and,
r. P. W. Ittt.ity , .lA..Lsr - naor.
- • Dr•Xerit?tee• Vail.
DRUGGIST -and gams?, and Dealer in
Da tics. Medicine , Chemicals, Dye Staffs
Paints, Oils, Patty, Window Glass, Campbine
Fluid, Perfurnery,Yanilee Nolons,dte.,dte.
Pa., will attend faithfully to all business es.
- trotted, to flip] in the county of- Susquehinni.- -
Conveyancing and writing of all kinds - will be
done Beatty,-and charie- moderste. He- will,
also attend to the prosecution of claims of sot.
diets, their widows and heirs againstthe U. S.
government, for, Bounty Larid, Pensions; &e. .
Ilay, be found at all hours at the office formerly
occupied by. J. Richard, Esq., north, of the
CourtAlouse,--1853—n49 .
L TYLER ;- •
Ipteresto.d with I. L Hunt,
ImronTi.n . AIM: DEALER in Har‘dwire. - abd Cut.
leri, Carriage Trimmings', Spfings,.&e. .
• . 31.5 Pearl Street, N.' N. Y.
Where his Mereantilo frie - :ids ; hi this nnd other , :
Countiet4'otre kindly invited, and eartzesqlsolieit.;
*eci to call and purchase:' . . • n6tf.
. -O f MO;ITIZOSE, •
With Rowe, Woodruff, & 'Carter,
AV \ M. E
4: S tfi A
lt i t- ° 1 C 4 E 3 R
A S •Va nn h d iiZor Street
between Cartined and Dey Streets,'New York.
March 8, 1854-10t.f. •
Medical. Card.
LiTARS. E. Patrick, Jr.. :4: 0: Z.-Pitneek hare
this day funned co-partnekship,fori more
efficient rend suecessful-prosecutlion of the differ
ent branehon Zff their-profession,
All boxinc . ss_ eittre.quAtto them;:will be atten
ded to with prrimpli - fess and :Meaty.
Their ofllle mar, bo !nee Lathrop',
East bide Avekte.
- . G: 2 DINIOCK.
Tara' t.).% 1854..
Can riOW be fined at, hi new stand on Owe
street; 2 dooys 'west, Of:Se:tit:4 HeteLwhero
be 4cm/0/2y-repairs 'with. dispatch, Wptehes;
ClOoks, Gtins;:lewelry, end every doeription of
uniettinery. eutting,.•,thin 'and Watch
maitrriala supplied to the fradefil ".
A. &-E. Baldwin
..111,,,,:!,41 do o rsfottnd basement of Searle's
froni; tho'eorner. Notes
and*Ootnits that nee flue Its . 'will" be very
ceptable if paid soon
(- - A &. E. BAILIVON:
:Montrose,; Nov: - 18e4. - -47Y _
Parsops, ,
Wnor,Ew.r. AND RETAIL 'DiALER in Cabinet
Wire; Sofas;.. Bedsteads, Tables, Stands,
`Cbgitel &e. • •
' No: 9 Wasbingtony atreet,
' • Ilincrhamten,l 4 l. Y.
Ego' CAS s° Ware-Reoni up stairs.—es 2 •
.I . olAl) , ihir advertiTement oUA.- LATHROI
-11:14 '.PVC) ., finothor cela tan :tad .0 'when
riftltiilitty - ,=,G1..?0ns at aNtrgaiti: .; "
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GYI-OttiAiNs.L-aoci dtits, - Gold Chains
eanSjking i 4 Chatelaine, Guard,,Vest to ,
rob, fitnli t yVtlights and patterns, by
• .A. J.EvAjts. j
r'etoVßll MOTIIY SEED tor 010 br
• _ sBHR,SIr.
' ct 'ltt 1 •
110 ,60:00 " 1855. •
':10t plated
1010 VertheStgit
• . . J.
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a to their Job
[Ezn - A, B. 'CHAU.