rut gimotrat IlitriaßSEs c s 0 . Noa • • • • E. B. R IfeCOLLUM, Eartons DA 1r Publisher. Thursday, May 17, 11155., 'Heart Histories. IT ROBERT lOSSELTN. en a time a 'maiden, cath a hawthorn tree, llover close beside her, inred vows of constancy. s4 , teeter than the blossoms, ,ing over her, was abs, ,y heart, within her bosom, --Idslowediamaltuously. Quee _ Bid b 4 fAnd her Moran "'Fairer. Han, And hi Tbri 'OmL.ia Both w Neith Ma was Great So they Swea Died th Was rryoung, and fond, and foolish, ' rich, the story goes; proud, and Pa was mulish, ,11 their loves and great their woes; '- kissed, and wept, and palled, lug to be ever true— maiden broken hearted ? e'lover faithful tr ? .. . _ she wed a wealthy' banker. ler whispered she was sold;). . . ity dames out-rank her, • her pockets full of gold : . 1t ball and party, 1 d with lace nod jewels rare, • '' very fresh and hearty, . P the victim . ofdespair. Infound the lucky fellow— :la widow twice his years. V. forty, ripe and mellow, [la brace of" little dears" citatiOn, servants plentj, . idid mansion, pomp and Time ; te boyish love of twenty, Incurable disease. Pahaw !I (Sia n 'And no With Queen Deck Looking Reigu, He—col Took' Fat anti' Withi Big plati Spleti4 Owed th That i Learn kom this you doting lover, In your anguish, not to break 1 : Anythin - of greater value • Than - the promises you make • .. Hesrts w ere made to put in motion Blood that otherwise would' cool ; Pleasure, profit, and promotion, Gradtjate at Cupid's school. I 'froth the Courier and Enquirer, - - A Sonatet by Daniel Webster. forare indebted to thekindness of a lady for the 'privilege of publishing the following lines by 3fr.l Webster, written by him in the Allodm of a i n American friend'while on his visit to gagland. Our readers, we believe, will agree i•with ns , in thinking it a happy idea, happily expressed . TUE lIEMORY OF TUE HEART. If stores of try and toulatd lore we gain - Close keekt rem in the memory of the brian; Names, thing:, and facts--what'er we knowledge ealli c • There is the Manton ledger for them all; A And images Pn this cold surface traced, ;, Make slight i mpression, and are soon effaced. But we'rea age more glowing, and more bright, Oa which our friendship and our love to write, That these nay never from the soul depart, We trust them to the Memory of the heart, There is no, dimming—ano efface -hero; • Each norptilsation keeps the record clear; T Warm golde c letters all the tablets fi ll, Nor'lose the i r lustre till the heart Stand still. London, - ov. 19, 1838. I' .' A liov•li /I , , _ • S• tit , • it. A mania e was solemnized at a farmhouse in West Bl . - imfield, in MasSachusetni k on the first of this imonth, which presented some fea --tures without a precedent, we beleive, in this or any other countiT. The brid was Miss Lucy Stone, a distin guished ch. mpion of the disputed rights of ne- , ' nand omen. The gloom was Eleney aekwe, I, Esq, who is likewise an active apostle of the same sect. Sympathy of opin - ions begat sympathy of sentiment, and finally, from being twain they would become one • flesh. But how to do this without betraying the great p "nciples Of freedom to which both stood pled before the public, was the ques i i tion. To et the laws altered so as to equal= ize their rights and duties in the .married re lation was difficult, if not impossible; and would itivo re a delay, to which the fervency of their passion could not be reconciled. They finally hit upon as expedient which they con clude& wotild secure their rights and their an ticipated +trirnonial bliss at the same time. What that expedient wareis thus described by the 'Rev. T. W. Iligginson, Of Worcester, Mass., who officiated on the occasion, in a comgnunication to the Worcester Spy: • "It wasjmy privilege to celebrate May Day by officiating, at a Bedding ; in a farm-house ,(among the! , hills of West Brookfield. , The tridegroom , was a man of tried worth, a lead - .er in theestern anti-slavery movement; and ' the bride as one whose fair fame is known . throughou the nation—one whose rare in tellectual qualities are exiielled by the private beauty of he heart and life. _ "I neve perform the marriage ceremony without a enewed sense of the iniquity of our presen system of laws, in respect to finer riag,e—a a:stem by which.' man and wife are one, and that one is the 'husband.' It vr`' with my hearty concurrence, therefore, that the following protest was read .and signed, as part of thnuptial ceremony, and I send it to yon, that thers may be induced tddo like . wise. T. W. 11. 1 . , PROTEST. :While we acknowledge our 1114 ual faflec tion, by - publicly assuming the sacred iela-, tionship of hushand and nik, yet iu j2atice to ourselves and a great principle, we deem it a ditty to declare that this act on our partim plies no sanction of, nor promise of voluntary:l obedience' to, Such of the present laws of mar- riage, as refuse to recognise the wife as an in. 'dependent rational being, while they confer 1 upon the husband an injurious and ur.natural tr - suporioriry, investing him with legal powers which po honorable man would exercise, and which no, man should possess, We prOtest especially against the laws which give to the hilsband-- 1. The custody of his wife's person. 2. Tbe exclusiferco rol and gurdianship Of theii-children.- ,3,. The, sole` owner ip of her personal, and use of her real tglate, unless previously settled upon her, ; or placed in the hands of trustees asin the case of minors, lunatics and idiots. . 4. The, absolute right to the product of her i ndustrY. 1 • i . 5. Also against laws . wlich give . to the widower so much larger and more permanent an interest. in the ,property , of his deceased . Wife, than'thev give to the widow in that of her tiftw4ed husband.. • 6: Finally, against the whole system by which "the legal existence of the wife is sus pended during marriage," so .that in mast states She neither has a legal' Dart in the choice ofher residence, nor can she make a wilynor etwor be sued in her own uskne, nor inherit property. , 'Wel* 'kiwi that personal independence and 112 equal .b in rights can never be forfeited, .except f crime ;,that marriage should be an - e9nati a _ permanent partn ershi p, and. recog zuzed - byl aw; that until it is so recognized, miti.W . pititneiti shotild:proride. against the radical Injustke of pent laws, by. every RD omit". S power: - . We th at inbere domestic djisCultiis be F e c,. arise, no appeal should be made (o legal tri bunals under.eristing leis, but that, at diffi culties should, be subthitted / to the equitable adjustment or arbitrators mutually chosen: Thus, reverencing law, we enter our ear nest priitt against rules and customs which - are unworty of the name, since • they, violate justice, the esSence of sill laW. 1 1 (Signel), 11415nr B. ptscorp.4 . • , LutY &est • The unusual precautions taken by ithe,sub scriber to the protest, not to 1:4 Cheated in the bargain they -have;; just m4le, doubtless have their.origin iu ancquaidtance with pan'each, other's character propelsities,which (i fi the 'public genemAly'does 'not possesi. It is not safe, therefore, for a stianges venture a -il criticism upon theip. Bu there s une omis- sion to which we, may ven urel to allude, and which we can hardly acCo nt ror except upon the suppositith that their, c.xp i t, , c - tations from the future are n3o'ro limited Olin' young per sons commonly entertain when' entering into the .marriage relation. Therk:is no provision that Mr. Blackwell shall makl his share of the baby clothes. ! , Sit .Uprighht• . "'Sit upright! sit- upright, • my son:" said a lady to her son George, who had :formed r a, wretched habit of bending whenever_ he sat ] down-to read. His mother had told hiM that he conitilncit breathe rightlnless be sat Upright. But it was no use;. bend over he would, in. spite Of Allis rnother'could say. • . 'Sit upright, .Master George '.' cried his teacber, as George bent oVer - his copy-book at school. If you don't, yOu will ruin your health and possibly die of icorisumption.' This started Mastr George. 'He did not want to die, and felt lalarined. SO after school hed to his teacher, 'please sir, explain to how bendinti over -when I 'sit.can cause me to have the. coZsuu t iption.' 'That I will ieorge' replied. his' teacher, with.a cordial There is an element in the air called oxygn„ which is -necessary to make your blood orculate, :unlit° help it to purify it.Selfby thyowing off its carbon, when yon stoop you cannot take in a suffi cient quantity of air to accomPlish these pur poses; hence the blood remaina bad, and the' 'air cello. in your lungs become irritated.--,' Presently the lungs inflame. The cough comes on. Next, the . luti,gs ',ul cerate, and then' youl die. Give the lungs room to inspire pieuti• of fresh' air,. and. you will not be injured by study. Do you un derstand the matter low, George 4' third*do sir, and I will try to Of. up right hereafteri,' said: George. ' George was right his re:solution; Will all the boys and girli who read my Mag,azine . imitate him Y They will I know if the} . wish to lire. Make your motto, therefore, my tt tle. reader, to sit upright," whether you sit to eat,.to - sew,_to read or - to converse. Now do not forget it. You must sit -npright.—For rester's Magazitie. • Wasn't much oB Figgers. • An old crone, keeping a so-called cookery stand, was one day-. accosted by a wagl with, llow.dp you sell oranges?' . - , I%io cents' • •, ' Well,' said he, taking one up, and turning i toyer in his Land, 'How do you sell'this cake V . `The saffie.priee: . • • 4 Supposing I give you back the orange and take the cake V - . • 1 - 'Very well . e 'IS ,this pie two cents 1' '' . ' Yes: • _ Well, I think I'll take this pie, after all, instead of the cake. What do you ask for eider `Two cents a glass.' . 'Take the pie back, and give me a drink of it. - •P'A glass was filled, and handed to the cus tomer, who, after. swallowing the same and smacking his lips with great gusto, was delib erately walking 'off, When he was'. arrested with—'Please, mister, you hav'nt paid me.' Our friend cooly ollserve'd; What must, I pav for r 1 The cider, to be sure: ' , Didn't I give you the pie for it'.' ' Yes but you didn't pay for the pie.' 'Very well, I exchanged the cake for. IL' 'Yes, but you' hadn't paid a for that' 'I gave the orange for it.' ' The orange is two Cents.' • Well,'why shoUld I pay for'it, I didn't eat it l'' l' 'No matter ! there's a mistale somewhere,. bul ii l can't see it ; 1 nerer teas' good on fig, gcre you needn't ball again.' Leasing /Home. •, , I conceive . -of nO picture more interesting than one which ,Miklit be drawn from a young man leaving the time Of • his ehilditood, the scene of all'his early_ : associations to try h is fortune in a distant eimntly, setting out elope' for the "forest." 'A father on the deeline,the downhill of life,. wives his ;parting blessing . „ invoking the best gifts of heaven to rest on his beloved offspring, and 'to crows hit his effiirts with_complete sacetiss; tearst gush from his eyes - and words are forbid utterance. A, kind, a most affeetionate mother, 'calling after him, ashe is departing from.tbe paren tal abode, and`with all the danger to which he is about ti, be exposed. rushing into and pressing upon he). mind, she Says: _ "Go, my son,' lemetnber that there is a right and wrong way." I - Her advice is brief. Ilannvage is inade quate to the eipression oil the feelings that there crowd on the mind bf a virtuous child. Every reader.has a case or this kind, and may have been the subject of due in some respects similar. -Here maybe fo4nd eloquenee more touching to him , to whom! irisdelivered, than were the orations of ICicern or Demostheues. —fl.--dws , -0.---------.-. -A SNAKE Sroar. In Albans, a e snakel fan cier gave a live mou to sin eight feet animal. - His snakeship • tor wis h the mouse, then swallowed him wliolie, an coiled up to digest ( I him at leisure. But , r: S ouse would not give it up so. He got own inost - to the tail, and ate out! Snake s ,illowed him again, and mouse ate out againand so they kept it agoing till the process of siialloalng and earing out had been performedll7 times! when both par ties gave out and died. It was adraWn battle both conquered, both died.. It is ii,-great sto , rv, but the Albany paper Igives na mes and all tins details. 12 , ""Sally Mander sajre r said Mrs. Part ington as her eves fell upion an advertisement "Do tell me, raacjwito this Sally Mander is and what she's bepi a doing, that theylve got - her safe. I; "I don't know what Ishe's been doing," Said Ike," but goer she's sister to Jerry." - "Jerry who, Isatt r Why, Jerry %Oder." • • Bun) Psoput.4Stanley,; the organist, and many blind mt4icians, have been the best musicians of theititime ; and "a school mis tress in England ch ild discover tbat two boys were playing in idlalant corner of the 'Vomit instead (.14 studying although a person' using his eyes could not detect the slightest sound. Professor Bendel*, who waibtncl; could, is A fel! lilMlellte:10 1 1110W Wiley P&*4l4i If* in It OIiZt4COOTAINN and Ot ea 941 7 . •A . - Ilearaity• • - An officer who w wounded at Inkennan, baying gone to a Greek villagelfOr health, writes thus of a Greek - disconsolate faintly: " I tried to console, them' with the idea 'of meeting their friends, but they wen) entirely evercome with the thought of 14aving their homes in the hands of strangers, land having to seek others, where they knew not, for they were poor i and "the poor make no new friends.' One young girl, the youngest °flour sisters, of whom throe were married tc soldiers in the Russian, army, was the onlvine who tried to keep up 'the spirits of the rest. I The whole family was very beautiful, but she was one of that transcendant beauty one rarely sees, except in statue . or paintings. She led ad old creature, past, ninety 4; almtett who followed from iny,tine , as iv were, and walked along, eying to sing sointi of the songs of .her country to cheer up the; rest. Poor gil! bad I-belonged to any profession other tb Ti fay own, my dear—,l would have had a wife beautiful as the first flowefrs of spring, with eyes like a gazelle, and a face and a fig tire resembling that of Hero or Helen of old. 1 pressed what coin I had into her hand as I put -her intu,the boat, so that she andiher sisters - at least might not want for bread? on landing, encl . ! rode back to my tent v4ll contented with what I had done, and " I know the good God who takes care of little ffilies will not foiget it, and will . give me a lift in rough places when I may require it," A the saying is in India.' gr'" Peter, what are you .doing to that boy r' said a schoolmaster. Ite wanted to know if you hake" ten front seAJ:enteen how. Many will remain ;s() I took ter of his mar bles to show him,•and now he wants [should give 'em back." " Well, why don't you do it I" sure,. ho would forget liozo-many is left. jar Now is the time to seem te:rosy checks and bright eyes. Get up early, sent the fresh air, hear the robins sing, and milk a mile or two before breakfast. iy - Whatever is. we 11 resolidd .on, should be quiekly 'performed. 4btertistmetits. NEW BOOKS ANEW supply of valuable B links o just re ceived this day at the µPost Office," Web ster's Royal Octavo Dictionary. U4abridg,ed and revised do., Dr. Adam Clark's Conttnentary npon the Ne w: Testament, Albert Barrie's Notes on do.. life or Isaac T. Hopper, by - L. iMarialt Child; Ida May, a capital , book; Ruth Ilan, -the best book ever written byFanny Fern i• " 3ly Court, -ship and its consequences," a new loook just out, byAlenry IVikoff; The Spirit . I%!tPPing.s exam ined and explained, Stoddard's really reckoner, a valuable Book ; Miner'S Domestic P oultry Book, Scrap Books, Receipt Books, Note Books, &a._ all of which will be sold at tlici lowest cash price, by •. • • . A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Feb. 8, 1855. JEWELRY—More new Jewelry just receiv ed direct from the manufactttrers, and con sisting of a first rate assortment Of Ladies and Gentlemen's Gold finger Bivast Pins, Ear Drops and [loops, Fob and Vestphnins, Slides,. Keys, Studs, Pens, etc. Persons Wishing to pur chase Jewelry should certainly call at the Store of A: TURRELL. Montrose, April ip, 1855.. GREAT EAWLISIT REMEDY. The mot/ raluable Spring and Sc nimei Medicine in the world! DR. hiLsErs FOREST WINE! Patronized by the Nobility and Medical rand ty of England avid ex:tented the most ertruonlinary =expire in the world. Medicines containing molasses or liinorice like the boasted Sarsaparillas, require many 1 Icier bottles to pro duce the slightest change in health. The Forest nine is altogether a different article . It conAins no syrups to give It consistency, but acquires its .excellent flavor, an powerful medicinal properties .from the' v.getahle plat, s of wlileh It is composed. ThrVorest Wine combines .e virtues of the Mkt Cherry, Dandelion,iYellate. Dark and. Sarsaparilla, with other valuable plan* whose pro :ties are still more effective. i • • Its high concentration readers It one of the most,' Indent medlcines - neur In use. Sometimes less Gun a Angle bottle restore, the lingering patient rime weakoess,d,bility,n sickness, to strong and vigorous ihmilth. Beery dose chows Its good effee's on -the constitution, and Improtes the state of the health. The Forest Wine Is recommend eti,ln the strongest terms, for all the Complaints of the D'lrStomach. Liver,. Kidneys, Nervous Disorders, Billions Affections, Dropsy, Dyspepsia. Loss of Appetit e. Jane.- dice,ltemale Complaints, Scrofula, end all, disor ders arititne from Bad Blood and trapure habit, . of the system. 1 • . , • . - Soced front Death! ! Testhriony.ofMr.;Nathan Mathews, ajhighty respectable - .and wealthy chisel of Newark. N.J. i Dr. G. W, ITALSgY —1 believe your Forest Wine and Pill. have been, the means of ita7lng irny I:fe. Whin I 'commenced taking! them I laid at the point of death, with Dropsy, Piles and Asthma. fly phvsiekans had given me weer as past cure. and my tautly Lad lot all hopes of my recovery. While iir this - dreadful sltuetion. your Pored {Vine and Pills wers, proeure.l for me. and before Iliad fin ished the first bottle of the Wine and b'yx . f Pills. I- expe rienced great Feder; my body and limbs, which were greatly swollen, betettme sensibly reduced. hopes 'of my reqivery began no* to survive. and a let contraultra the use 0 your medicines for about a 'mirth. the Piles and Asthi a were completely Mired. Th e Dropsy, with which my 1 e was placed In such great dangev, was also near . cone. I have cited the use Of yoer - medicines - um 1 the present time, d I now enjoy as pferfect health as e . e? I did in my life, lalthnugh Fam more; than CO Pure f age. ' . To"rg , l'"VvelfullY, - - 1 N. XAVIER.. Newark, N.J., Dee • 19,1/175. .. - Great•CUre ofLifet "Corni//ainf of ten years stan • . •- ding. ' I . . .. , . New Yerk,..Tan. 9, ISIS. , . - . Dr. lI*LSC.T. Dertr.Sirr.-Roving taken your Forest Wine and Pills to remove a disease of the Liver, front which I have suffered severely-for upwards of tett years; and having adhered closely to the direction! that 04:mm1:any the Iraqi ranee. I bare recovered my health notwithstandingall who knew me thontht my case incurable. f previoue to taking the. Wine and Pills.l had recourse td the best medic al treatment, bu• continued to grog wore to an'alarming degree. Some of my friends spoil* despilrintly of my case and tried to persuade me from maidnehtse of anyadveres. ed thotetilea" and - I doubt not. but idiot there are hun dreds dissuaded rout your ezeellent medicines; ht consequence of the deception and inefficiency of many ad-. rertisedremedlesput f.tleh by unpritpted men.. In dam , ing adeettlsemexts. Bert 'what a pit lt,ds, that the de ception need by others should be the means of dissuading many lobe:big under di use. from making trial and tieing euredby your exoellewq'medicine. 2lamanly speaking. they have sated my Ilk: L , 1 1- ben I cointeeneed making use o f them, I leas In a wretched monditlort.. but began to ea- Ixtrienee their rmx!effeets In Iris' thanithrre days; and In gig weeks from the time I purchased qt. medicines, to the 4 t. great surprise of all my friends. I was e ntirely cured. and had Increased fifteen pounds loi weigh , having taken one box of the Pills; and two bottle* of th Wine. Would to Gerd that every poor sufferer sron4 n ail himself of the same remedy s. ' Tours, Ste., i J.tS. WILSON' . • • NEnvors nr.srinokm; Are disease sof the mind surceell its of the body:, are usually bro. gbt on by troubles and afaictlon. and are most common to persontn of delicate constlthtions andbmsltire minds. Low spirits. Melancholy. frightful ful dreanis,and fearful auticipationit of erll trots the slightest causes. geocrrally aceompany uervons dive:dem. The Forest Wine and Pills ate an onergetic remedy In these complaints. , , Extraceof a letter from Mr. Jos. C. ralldingt. dated Dr. HALEY— • Piffled's. Sept. 7.1818. Dear eh., Yottr Forest Wine and Phi's have cured my wifeof a dreadful nervous disorder, With which she had Bern *Beard for many years. Ilerbedy was almost wart- ed away. Shewas frequently disturbed la her sleep by flightialdreims, awakening quite exhausted and covered with perepiratim., and at times labori i g under the dela aion that-something dreadful was abo tto happen to her. By the rise of four bottles of the Inn, and a box of the P(Ils, the is now in perfect health. She has regained het levSaud Color, and eitkloTeciety a 5 *5ll as ever. • , C. PAULDING. Dr. David Marvin, a :Nrithrated praciltloner .of N. York, declared publicly, that one bottle fof Balser' Forest Wine contained more trirttles than Illfty• of the large -but. ties of Sarsaparilla. Mews. S. S: Limp:tan & Co., one of the largest and nawt,respectable Droggiste in Fyrseusei, in a letter, says: a. From what they heard and seen of Halsey's Forest Wine, it la an ex Bent andtood med icine, and will undoubtedly become the leading medicine of the dos." - j - Moe Is pet The range Moe II put In largeknarr bottles, with Dr. thdra?'• name bkyiriin : !h • enas.l One Dollar per 'bate tle.or al; bottles ferny. Dplhm. 04m..enatedrorertPilla 25 esats per Boi. For Sala by the "npoiniad Agrat B , Witohand* and Retail. nei,eral Depq., 161 Duane atroet, door froaciludion..l‘ep York. Appointed Agentsballeafrore,Abeltrarrodl; Orestllend, Luelan Peott. i Idyl change quarterly] • OFFICE and Pocket Etnpfillyem' time Book, Peas and MemoOndum Books, Bl'k Books. Day Banks and Ledgers, a gocid assortment for' sale at the Poat Office'. VALENTINES! VALENTIIES!! Valentine 4'v Is coming. so caiflat the Phstgfico and get you a Pretty Vaientino-:-chesif---from is to Bs. FUN Lr.A.VEs, rroni Panny'af Pnrt Fon% eee7 and Series. for sale at; the Piaui Office. Prof. J. F. Stadaura Seiteal(4 Nos.) of Arith. _Sal{Fitrqr Pie at tip 3 1 1 4 0 ,0 Of kr f/LIMAIII/ ifogtroge Jag. !Kilo 18 , 54, • . , . . AYER'S CRERR,Y PECTORA.L, For the rapid cure of Coughs,Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, IVhouping.Cougk,.Croup • • ,pthuta and Consumption. ,-. „. - A . lIONCI the nommen. diet overlie - -••• Ilciencebasamalle in - this genera- - - ' ri c ,- flub to facilitate the - business oflite , . A —lncrease its - erijoyeaent, and even • e ss- - .. • n p u r ot ol uto o o ng ea t u ti nt e t n e t im mic o d f b o u r tna mo n n ex c i e st al en v oe a: . ..- Juin - Able contrasts-, * .1. silk Fille „,, don of Chemistry loth. Healing Art. /0 111- e. ' ---• A vast trial °fits vlrtiiiestbroughOut _ . thlishmad country. has proven be yo • a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medic cines'yet known, can an safely control and %cure the no moronsvarieties of putmenary Meesee which have 'kith.. erto swept from our midst thousands and thousand. ev ery year. Indeed, I betels abundant reason to belireea Remedy hue at length been found which can be. relied on, to cure the moat .ffectir tiP Otthe Nue'', Our spare here will not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures elector' by its ore, but we would present the following:--and refer further enquiry' In my American Alnsanac which the agent betiw -named. will always be pleased to furnish free. wherein artful! partictilers‘mrd tudlsPutablepreof of these statement.. °Mee of Transportion, Lam ens K. 11.,13. C Aug. 4 , '53. .7 C. AYER Dear air,-SFy little sisii four years old has just recovered from a severe attack pf malignant Scarlet Fever, hie throat was rotten, and every person that spit. ed him. prononneed him a dead child. flaying used your Caltaity Pectoitat In Calf trills, In the winter of IMO., for • setters attack of Branehithi, with entire success. 1 was induced to try it on my little boy. I rare him i te l . spoonful every,three hours.,,eommencinx In the morn l o g , and be ten o ' clock at night), f- - tund• - i decided eh env fee t he better.and alter three days use. he erasable to eat or drink withont pain. Its use in the above nismed disease will ease many a , child from a preinatnregrave, snit relieve the anxiety o r mane a fend parent. .•For all affections of the throat- and ,Lungs. I'belleite it thelmet medicine extant. - A feeling at the deepest cralitude, prompts no in addres-ing these linee.—brit for your important discovery, my little boy would new hare been in another 4arid. ', lamvonr:,whbYreat , reaped.. . J. D WWI:M. • Traria.. L.A. R. -Rork 1011. (Sotn erret ...Mil v. 21. '52. - DR:. 3. C ' ATFR,7•SIIIIP TOUT mn.ocino,h i s become known ha. a Treater deman I thou nor nthrreough remelt' we have rvrr sold. It is sunken or in terms of twrilikPhy t h nee who have need 9, and I know nt AMTIP PA.e/t whi•re:the heat they enn 'tiny of lt, la tint . Inn much rot the anotl it ban done. T take- 13easusre i n aellirg it. brew:tar I kw's.. that T am Utrimr my enatoment the worth nftheir money. and IT•ttifloi In I.'t4lllZ the benefit it confers. 'end men further Supply. and believe me • Yours, sift . re.nort jetirq C WIIITLOCR. P. ta: Almn>t any number of cattily:aka can be sent you, if Ton wish it. Wind.or;e. W., Joine 20,1632 J.-C. Aratt—Tr Thin may certify that I. have tined your Cherry Peetoral for npward. of one. year; and It le my eineern belief that I ylioulit harp been In my gri , re ere fhL time if rhaa not. P hay cured me.of a ding: rove af, fertion of the bnßr. and T d.. not ovn;rinate my conric tlqns when I tell von it in a prien'enn rnmrily.. • Yours very renneetfolly. D. A Att'y at Law. kenbarre . Pa.. Septembey 28.1850. Tr. J. (.! Ayer. My de tr Sir,—Your,medicin ais mueb approved of by those who have Use,' it here, anSit com position is such as toln4nro and maintain WI reputation. I invariably recommend it for pulmonary affection a; as do many of our principal physicians . Tam your friend, FIRE %TER. M. D. Trepared by JAMES C. ATER, Practical awl Analytical Chemist, Loßell. Mass MOLD BY A. Turrell. Montrese; D. p. & 1k 11. Eaton, Milord. Church & Phinn•y.. Duntag; L Scott, great grad. Dy all Druz:W.ll and Dealers In- Healelne every where. Sept 13-37m4e . . . NEW GOODS, • ATC - MILLAN , & PARK return their grateful I acknowledgments to the public for past fa yors, and invite attention to the / Very. ,large stock of Spring and Summer Goods they are now re. ceiving, and offer for rery lore priers. • In addition' to their usual assortment of staple Dry GoUds, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Paint 4, and p:ls 4c., they are prepared to exhibit:a large asNortment of • LADIES DRESS GOODS ;. of every deseription, Figured, Plaid and Plain, Silks llonriets.Shawls, Ribbons, Hosiery Ladies and Misses shoes of all i kinds÷also largo stock of I READY MADE CLOTHING, 1" Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans, Summer Cloths, -Vesting*, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes &e.l&e. They respectfully solicit an early call* from those who wish to purchase Goo)) GOODS AT LOW_ PRIDES. . IteltfLLAN •f., PARK Springville, May 2, 185.1. Farmers' Union Insurance Co. OrNce, Atheihs, Bradford cotinty, Pezin'a. • • CAPIT AL 200,000 SEcunED G 1 BONDS AND Mt/ETC:AGES OS REAL ESTATE. INSURES against loss by Fir.. Houses, Stores ; opt other buildings; G00d,., Wag . es, and 31er chandise, on as favorable terms as any . similar Institution. Losses proinptly - adjusted and paid. . DIRECTORS. lion. Horace Williston, F6iieis Tyler, Gen. A. Perkins, J. T. D.' Myer. C. N. Shipman, C. F. Welles, E. Canfield, 'Athens: lion. John Laporte, Towanda; Gn. Bruilev Wakeman, Li.. ceyville: Gen. M.:llollenback, Wilkesbarre ; Mi chael Mylert, Laporte. Pa. OFFICERS. ' lion. Horace Williston. Pros.: C. F. ‘Velles, jr, lice Pres. and Treas.: J. E. Canfield..Seey. Address, 0. S. Beebe, Montrose, Sasqueb:,nna county. Pa., or S. B. Chase, Great Berid.--‘2.Syl* • Our. Stock of Stoves, IS now completed—and we would take this op portunity to say that we can 'show the most beautiful and splendid patterns •of Parlor and Cooking Stoves to be found in tho county.- 7 Among them eadbe seen the Revolving Front, and Gothic Parlor, wciod or co:11, entirch• new patterns, and deridediy pretty stoves. Prices from five to ten dollars. Of our Cooking stoves, ve think it needless to say much, only to 'remark that we are - selling them at our former prices, and judgine from the rvidity of our sales...we believe thu publie are entirely satisfied with the prices and quality of our wares. • • We have a " few left" of the "Clinton Air Tight Elevated Oven stove," - acknowledged by all to be the best cooking !dove new in 114 P . and English pipe at. 01.1 priees,nnd Trim rotn7s and Tin Ware of all,tii•seiptions, at the very lowest rates. ••J. !IR.:KERMAN New Milford; ()et. •24,-54.1 SEBASTOPOL ALMOST TAKEN! Great iush. fir Russia—lron, ! Stores,- Tin Ware, &C 'W OODRUFF & ELDRED having assoc.ia 1, ted _themselves ogether for, the purpose of carrying on the St n e ano Tin-U•aro business in all its various bra -mhos. .would respectfully call the - attention' of the trading public to their ESTABLISHMENT! . Which may easily be found—it being- in close proximity to the new Court House—the South west corner thereof. Our building is not as commodioits as we intend the Spring. If our patrons will bear with us until that time, we flatter ourselves that our esi.ablishment Will not be surpassed by any in the county. We have the most approved patte i rMi of STOVES ever brought into this wa t tle** among whi c h may be found Star of the West (Elevated Oven,) Cultiva tor (Elevated Oven ! ) Paragon, New World, Globe, Atlas, and ..Three Stake, All Air-Tigb.t,. -and various other patterns too numerous to mention. - TINWARE of all kinds kept constantly on hand-for household use. Jobbing done to order and in the best manner. All• Tin-warn carefully. proved before leaving-the 'shop. •. . They respectfully solicit the patronage of all who wish to purchase'anything in their line, as suring them that more can - be saved by examin. ing their stock before purchasing elsewhere. 8. A. WOODRUFF. °. G. B. ELDRED. • Montrose, .Dec. 12, 1854. Doct. R. TttEyer MAKES this method of sum; to his friends 1. and customers that he I has again resumed the practice of Medicine at Ifis old stand in Mon trose, where ho may be foura at all times unless professionally employed. Ho woura say to those owing him on old accounts that he will deduct 25 per cent.-on all accounts paid before the first of April next, (or if any poor liKte• myself,) I will •tiednct fifty. 31ontrose, Feb. 20,1855-9tf The Peoples Store. ' AVING recently voluntarily relinquithei) H tte sale of Lipton', excepting" strictly for medicinal purposes, so a Druggist.—the people without distinction of party, society, sect or Ku lif i rion. ate respecfolly invited as usual, to cid) and examine :the quality and prices of goisis, and "to thereby avail themselves of any advantage of the market they may thus acquire; • ABEL TURRELL Ifoptfoise, April 19; 18451 " Dian, snow TiI7SOZ" hivatilablt Book for 26. rot! 4— . ‘! . littry Moski have a ropy." s , v o , i # t; 100,000 COPIRS BOLD IN . % ``. • `,, i i r , .„',., VMS TITAN AYE tit. A• now ,Nigl s t. v ' u t il iTi ri4lArc l ., , • edition, revised arid improved, 47., . .- 'di ' 7 04, just tuned. :•:::,:• „ ,ARZ,;.- Dr. ilunter's Medical Manual 4 F / ..„. ~,- ... ..,. ...' and bancillook tor thearilicted— •._ /12:7127. , )".,::' Containing an-outline . of the ort - • , •, ~, ..., .-..--....4",„ . N• 5 .... - gi u , progrews,treatment endear* • ..".• ,•, ' ‘..5.... of every. form of di aaaaa eon: •.../.,',!t.11,,v. traMel by promircuogseexual I cit 'trout re;breelf abase or by sexual. zees, with advice for their prevention. mitten in a familiar .ty.e, avoiding all medical tethnicalitfee, and everythingthat would cdend the ear of decency: with as outline or complainitolorident to Female, from the reDUlt lot wane twentypeatir income. Cal practice exclurit ely dm mei! to the cure of diseases of a delicate erprivate neiure. To which it added receipts foe the cure of the abort die tire.; and a trvatite on the 61,U1 Bell . SyßlptUtDi rind one of , . the Fever and Ago.. . Te*fimotty °like Preeresal o • oSgfetries in Penn Oolitge. Philenielphie—n DR. 111. - NTRIV'S M KulcAt. NIANLIAI.," —The &what o , this woe.. unlike the maiiirity of those who 'Overtire to cure the d i tea rev of which it late is a graduate atone of toe,h•.t tlotherev in the Unite Vtates. It affords me pleasure to tecotnto en him to the unfortn.. nate. bra.) the tietras of tnalpr.ictic.l at a eiteceApful and exwiriericed whore t and utor nd Integrity they may place the greatest confidence. ,I - • .1111. S. Lomostionr.; st D _ . Front A Woodieard. M. 1).,o1 Penn . gniiersiti,Phila, delplm,-.-It give* me pleasu to tv add my tetitimony to the Professional ability o(the A usher of the".sda etc it It Max rA L.'' NtilllrtOU ,, eases of lirsease orate Genital Organs, stmt. nt them of tong Ptnnding'. have come under my Dm whieh - his skill hns been manifest in rtstortter to perfect- health, in serniNeet.e: where the patient has been conrodered beyond tnetreal a;rl.• in the treattneat of Sem ti Mai weakness'. or alsarthogeturnt ot tl functions pro duced by selfabve - or'Facess of veuety do not know his Avner* indite prn'ite•ion. I ltnre ten Lacnuainted with the lather some thirty years. and deemit no more *hats justice to hint as well a• Ito:eines! , to the unfortunate •Iviro of early indiscretion, to recominentl him as one in whose pref.-lA(4nel skill nuti integrity they may safely confide till-receiver.. ALFRED Wu ODWA lID. M. D. " 'Phis is. without exeention. the most comprehensive and intelligibte work published on the class of dinrltlM of which It treats. A•olding ail tirTitnical term Pi t address isitself to the reason of its readers It is fr•e from all objeetionable matter. and no parent. howeyer fastidious,- can object to Dllel,nit it In the htnds of ttls eons. The au thor he•devnted many veers to the treatment of the varl et:ls compiaints treated of. and. with too little hre:tth to puff. end too little pre•umptinn to impose, be has offered to the world. it (It merely nominal price of 25 cent:, the fruit of same IWCtlij years' most successful praciice."— . Herald. - "No teacher or parent should he without the knowledge Imparted ir this invaluable work. ft would save years of pain.mortillestion notltorutiV 'to. the youth tinder their ehatg.. "—People's ddroeftir. Ad`reeto,terian Merryman in Ohio, writing of•"Hun ter'eMellienl flanua 1" slye :-.1" Thousands !won -thlogs undo of onr youth. by evll-example and Winches of the paosiono. have been te I ih to the habit of eel( pot In' lon, witht.nt reallgincthe sin snd fearful eortoe4usnres Upon' themselr?s and their posterity. The eon otitutions ufthous. ands Aha a re:2l.lne fautilb.* have been enfeebled. if not brat en - down.and they donotknow the canoe or the cure. Anything that can be done an to enlighten and I neuenee the pnblieMind na tncheck.and ultimately to removethio wide-spread seurre of human wretebetlncoo. woultlCOnfer the greatest blessing na tto the-religion of JPI.I3P - Christ, on thew...rot and , notitrt e.•neratinn; Intemperatien tor thensenfintogieitlna drinks) though it has ' ,lain thorts andannon.tborLcalliii.lo not a greater seourge to th e hitt man rare Accept me thanl:aon hehdi fof the *Meted,. and. believe mo. your en-worker in the good wort: you are soartively engaged itt." floe ,r) y eniel hoed) will he forwarded, trceof ittuttliro.. to ante put ofthe United Stott.? for 15 eento. or nix r00t... for st. A ddreso. (poet, paid) COSD EN & CO., Publishero.or flex 19i. Philadelphia. E.-fl•liaoklellers.eanywera and Book Agentiunpolied on the most liberal terms. 2.41 Pumps! - Pumps !! r HE greatest improvement of the ago. C. 1; 11. Williams Patent. Double Acting Ball, Valve, FOree and Lif. Pump. An improvement above allother-pirmrs or machines, for lifting and throwing water, combining both-a pumpand Fire Engine. This Pump, patented in February, 1854, is the whole of irmetalie, no bolts or screws abort it to .rust. conseqUenntiv it will last 51roan's life time. It can ; be used in every variety of firm, can draw v•ater from any situa tion and• carry it to - any part of a house, it is superior to all other pumps for distilleries. Pa per Mills, Tanneries, Brick lards, Iron Works and Manufacturing establishments of all kinds. ; • All orders must be addressed to Addison pimp niick,l"lersville, Pa., who has bought the sole right for Susquehanna County. Aug. 29, 1854.-35tf. New Line of Mail Stages PRO ra • •••• ' . t • • . a Y t i t -41 P-• MBE • • • • ... • •. KIRKWOOD TO - MONTROSE. • • A STAGE:v.lll'l(.4lre Kirkwood,.passingthrout2l t7br „•'tsviii«, Lib..rty c...evpry morningalteithearri valc,fthr Criing of CaFv,both East ani We,t,resch I P. 31.. r RETURNING,• • Leave)foatrosedallp • (Buadayseacepted` dt 2 P M. rearhiugßitkeroooin time to take the Mall Trains of Care.both Fast and Weet,hring the nearest and - too+t feasibirruntetoreaeh the New York and Erie Railroad. Thp line i uterrect,a 'lna DimockSpring vine, Cnnkhannock, Wyoming.. .n.l Withetharre which tearer Muutrbae at 7.A M every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. ALA.. aline.° l'riendsville, Teamrand comfortable Orirriages are provided-and the Proprietorewkillparr no pain* to accommodat4t. he Pub lic. W I. HATCH. ' Sep. 12,1554. MOItGAN &WEST . - REMOVAL. EELER & STODDARD since the late fire, h tpay-be fJUUd in the BASEMENT OF SEARLE'S HOAX.. NlitWithStandit):Z the unprecedented ra pidity with which our stock of Boots, Shoes,&c, u went off" on the - morning of the fire, we still hare some on. hand, and shall anon he supplied _ _ _ again. • KEELER &S . TODDARD Montrose,No •ember. 13. 1854. 1 10,000 Fi r kin Staves Wanthd. J3V the subserihers itutialiately. Also Ile:A -ing timber Lira limp-poles—for which %ci will pay iho highest tnarket price. Seasoned_ Staves preferred.. SMITE & HE3IPSTEAI). -Brooklyn. Feb. la. 1855. W. B. Doa,ns---Dgcrieotypist, At Odd Fc .Ics' Hall, TAAKES Pictures of ever) iing that will ktep sill. u ri—ff' Children will not be taken unless tiro% between tho hours of 10 and 2o'elock,pn-a clear - - NEW STOCK, Of Cakes, Frames, L . lekets, &e.4just purchase& Montrose, Nov. 23, ISM. Brocho Shawls. CIMAPER than ever before known, B.ciinti ful patterns, Onil fine quality t of 84 BrOche Shawls, Lupcn's manufacture, at 87. ; " Oct. 11. _ U. BAL. Co. Glad Tldinwt - to Old Soldiers. Ira iate law of. Congress, all Soldiers,Team. stern, and their widows or minor children ; areseotitled to' 160 acres Bountyl Land. Tfiase who.have received Warrants for less than 160 acres, are entitled to have an additional 80 or 120 acres Warrant.. Those who have been sim. ply mustered into service and paid. get 160 acres of land. I nn still engaged in the Bounty Land: and Pension agency, at Montrose, and will obtain new warrants for all .Danville claimants, free of tailor char'e of any kind. All other cases . mere. ly for fees. And I will pay the highest tn4tket prices In cash for all warrants. I am at Searle 's Hotel, and in ease of my ab sense at any time, D. It. I..a6rop."Esq:County Treasurer, will attend . to my business. - JOIIN 11. DIMOCK. Montrose, Mum]) 15, 1855. • Dry Goods and .Carpets at Cost. WICKH S,: AM' BENNETT hav e on hand a large and well selected stock Of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Carpets embra. Ong almost every article in the Dry Go od's line ever brought into the market in view of theshort croi3 of cash on hand,:sve have coniftided to offer them.for'gexty days from this date_, at ' Those persons to whom we have formerly sold Goods will at once see that this Is a raremppor tunity and one which should be embraced im mediately. To those who have never favoredus with a call we would:say try Ns:crime and you tvill'be convinced that this is Elie place to: pay chase Dry Goods And Carpets. Oar stock - 4 al. ways replete with - f ashionable and seasonable Goods and aro deter m ined t s keep as good a is-- rimy:cm can t) ! a found in this-section of the'emin. try, and sell-, at prices which cannel, fail to please. WICKHAM & BENNETT. .11inghatnton, Jim. 30, 1855. Shawls - T , ONG and Square, Who!, Broche and Silk, la very handsome stylee, and at extremely low U. B. & to. prates. , Oct• 11. DURE TIMQTHY and CLOVER need at TURRF4#O3 • Australia, California, Or any place on the (ilobe i cannoi prese t s/ greater „ indtteenents than ' 4r - KEELER 4. STODDARP'S BOOT AND SHOE STORE. WHICH is now filled with a new 'and eaten,- sive assortment of articles in their line, embracing a general vatiety of new and elegant styles of Ladies;and Gentlemen's -wear, among which are Ladiets French, Silk Lagting and Pre. cilia Gaiters,'Kid and Enameled Polkas. Kid Pat. eat leather and :bronzed 'Jenny Linda, Buskins and Ties; gentlemen's Freaeh and Philadelphia oak tanned calf skin and kip Boots; Congress and button Gaiters. Monterey and Washinigton Boots, toilet -Slips, Morocco. calf. and Cowhide Bro gans, &c. Boys kip, tall ' and cowhide Boots and Brogans; all kiudsof Mistier' and Children', Wear. Also, a general assortment of Findiags, which con sist in. part of lasts, pegs, *parables: Hungarian nails.tacks, thread. wax, Bristles, shoe binding, awls - rasps. sandstones, shoe knives. &c, ;Also. oak and !len:dock tannedcalf upper and spleloath 'er Morocco skins and linings. ' Work nude to order and repairing neatly dime. • KEELER & STODDARD. Montrose. June 1.1853. • NEW GOODS At the "Upsonville Exchange." rrilF: inhabitants of Upsonville and vicinity JL are again favored with an exhibition of an other choice selection of Fall and 'Winter Gpods at the Old stand of the subscriber. (Doors open Siindaya excepted; from '7 o'clock A. M., tintili.9 o'clock P. 1 ,11.,). where may be seen; 'sold and bought, a goo.d..assortmkt of Dry , Goods. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware,, Stoneware, Wooden are,. Fish, Nails, P - ainta, Oils, Fluid, - Boots & Shoes, - Clothing, School BookS, Trunks, Carpet Bags,„Yankee Notions &e. &e. All who can and will pay for what thev buy either down, or :within a reasonable tiine thereafter, are invited to Tilos° belonging toll - int other class may as well go Where they can do better. All kinds of Farmer's Produce, Butter, Lard, 174.75. Pork, Poultry, arid Cash re ceived in exchange for Goods, JOSEPH L. MERRIMAN. . Upannville, 00. '7. 1854. 1 ,Stovesl Stoves I Stove 11 MHE-subqeriber wishes tn theattentionlf 1 his friends and the Public to his very large assortment of . , STOVES, at his new Store Room in Lodersville, nest to L. S. Lenheim's Store, and near the Great Bend Depot: He has in addition to his former large variety-of Cooking and Parlor Stoves,' mney new - Patterns, some of which are— Si N , Chaa AII PVIICA Branch, I Fire Fly, '• -. 7` Modern Troy, , Mohawk, -, • Medallion, Black Warrior, Orient, • Oak, E.,r , Stove;; Which together- with his former stock will be perhaps the most extensive and varied assortment of well selected Stoves in the County. *** Clinton Stoves well furnished at low prices. Ul47 All articles in his line kept on hand and made to order as usual, and orders receivedat-his old stand in Great Bend. • JOHN COLSTEN. Lodersville S. Great Bend Nov., 1853..—t Hers& Powers and Steam Engi e. ONE and two Horse Powers for - threshing and other pnrpoSes; and a sixteen •Ilorse Power Steain Engine, for sale low at the Eagle Foundry. Also, Stoves, Plows, and all kinds of Castings for Machinery and other purposes. • SAYRE, BBIT4Y & PERKIN'S. Montrose, Dec. 1, 1854. • Buffalo Robes A LARGE lot of handsome Robes, a part of them whole, Indian dressed, and very supe rior colors and quality. U.B. & CQ.• _Gibson, Oct_ 11, 1854. • . Window Sash. Ci & D. SAYRE having been appointed 1,7 • agents for an extensive Sash, Blind and Door Manufactory are prepared to furnish any articles' in this line at less rates 'than they have ' usually been sold. - • Dec. Y 4. . . • Q.HAVING CREAM—an article which l'e;ry 0 'man should - try,toi sale by = ' S. &D. SAYRE. Dec. 4. • Beady-Made A Clothing, VERY desirable stock at sery low prices. S. 11. &14. SAYRE." Montrose, Dce. 14, 1854. - • ANevi lot of Gift Books fur New - Years.— Ths life Of - P. T. Barnunrand D. Greeley., also Ten Nights in a Bar. Room and what I saw there ' " by T.S. Arthur, a first rate Book for ev. erybody. Enquire at the Ntontivie Post ofro,e. MiintroNe,. Dee. 27;1854. . • Doctor Yourself : THE POCKET ZESCULAPIUS: Or, Ever/ on^ his own Physician.' PRE FIFTIETH Editimcontaining JL One hundred Eagraviugs.showing 4 le 4 " Diseases acid Malformations of the Hu= . man system In every shape- and form. To which is 4dded . a Treatise on the Diseases of Femalesrbeing of the highest iinpor; tones to married people, or thosecotemplating mar riage. By . . William Young, D.. father be-ashamed to present a copy of the from to his child., It may, save him from nit early grave. Lei no young man or wo man enter into the secret obligations of marriediife without reading the Pocket Aesculapius. Let no one soft: ring from a It acknied cough. Pain in' the Side, restless nights, nervous feelistg*,, and the whole train of . Dyapeptie sensations.and given up by their physiciau,he another nioment withoutcon: suiting the A ESCU L API US. Have the married. or those about to be married any impediment,read this truly useful book, as it has.beefi e the tneaus of saving t bongo atiso uufori unate creuturesfrom the very jaws of death• • 0? Any person sendinz ttee.nty five cents en closed in a letter, wit receive, one 'C'opy of 'this work by nrail, or five copiee will be pent for One Dollar. Address (poet paid.) DR. NV M. YOLTIYa. • \ No. f331 - Sprtice April.Bl.h. 1855-14 y I: • • • 'DR HOUGHTON'S Epsiti Great Natural Remedy for Indigestion and Dyspepsia. DR. J. S. Hoccuxoes Pepsin, the 'tirue DI OESTIVE FLUID,or GASTRIC JUICE Still holds the first place among , all the various retirdies for these painful and destructive complaints. , It. is Nature's own specifie for an unhealthy stout. rich. No art of man can equal its curative pow. ers ; and no sufferer from Indigestion and. Dys. pepsin should fail to try it. ' _ DT' Sold by Abel Turrell,Montrose Byl. Wagon Making,- Blacksmithing and Carriage Ironing THE subscriber having established *himself a few rods South of Dimoek four 'Corners, iR prepared to do all kinds of work in the above _branches of business on shot notice and the most reasonable terms: He Litters himself that with the help now in his emploi,:he will 1113 able to give entire satisfaetion to aft who may favor him with their custom. • -.• * C. C. MILLS. Dimock, Nov. 23, 185.1.--48tf. far N. B. Most kinds of !oink& and all kinds of country pioduce taken in frAyipent. ". The Know Nothing ,Expose. ANY person patronising me; at the front upper Trim uf the Store tritely occupied by AL C. Tyler, can be accommodated accordlig to to the Latest Fashions, in the best and nielt ilik. proved manner. My work is warrsted to 61, if limper* , made, Cutting. mending and' in fact' every brikeer of Tailoring done • on , the shortest , notice, and .that to the satisfaction of those concerted.' I4tf. J. Sairrrai. - Black Silk " itGOOD quality for 'dresses. at 81 eta, per Yard. ' • U. D. & Co. H. 1834., • - T ONTEM DEILOCkIa. runutniEri vault Tuttsimiitoutitzco DT CZRatan „ • . mrjuggo....sl4o, cash in advanee.42,o4,if not paid within six months; and 02,50,4the.end of the year; .No paPer discontinued until:Wears , ges are paid, except &Vibe option of tjae Per , lishers. All communicatibtisemineeted,iithibe office, to insure attention, must - be direetedlpoit paid) to Caws dz. Dmr,MontrosedausqUebanna County, Pa. )111ates of A4verildiag. Onc - square (12 lines or less) insertionlivtit6o Eart subsequent inSertion;. . . - ;•11,25 One square three months, . :2,10 One square six months, . .... . Businei,s Cards, four lines or less, . . . Yearly advertisements, not over-4 squares, 7,60 . One column one ,year, ... . . . " - ;'30,00 Yeatlyadvertisers - , will b e restricted to the business in which theynreengaged ;and are_ton.. sideredlas wishing to continue/Wye:tieing nukes they ;hall give special directions for aldiscputiz. uanee of the same. 'I 'OOll 'WORK. e The publishers having nddediotheieJob' Printing materials' a larke and supertar• assort. went of Job Type,are new prepared to execute Job Work in a manner unsurpassed in this• sec., Lion of eountryond on the most reasonab l le terms. ti Blanks of every description kept constantly - 4 * on hand or printed to order. gi. i.ri.,.-,,,. ' RICYANT HOUSE, -1 . Great Bend Depot, Pa: Minims ANT, Proprietor. . . • • , BURROWS, SPROUT & t 746,4,; • • Maiiutacturetiof Srnotres Cowin:tart SpAts6s, H ghel4vi Ile, Lycorning Coj'a. Springs may be bad of n.smileon, montr444l. . . • Mat: IV. SMITIII and Intir Manufacturers, foot; Main . • Street, Montrose, Pa. • mr. , slarrn, Sturgeon - Detintit,Mnntrose. be at &srle's Hotel,, Mondays and Tuesdays Of each week.. 15y1. MCMILLAN & PARK, Deftlen in Dry-Goods Groceries, Hardware, Crockery? Boots' and Shoes, d . Lc., Sprinarille, - Pa. - 141- LITTLE, & Anomie% at Law—Office,formerly ocen pi'ed by Little & Streeter,llontrose, Bum:lne l hanna County, Pa. • . . RALTu B. LITTLE.] • fEZR.A- B. CHASE. A. J.; .- , ATTinNrY AND COUIC ' S '' ELLOR:OLT LAW- 4 -SCISQUEi. hanna; Depot," Pa. Office §ver S. B. West'ii . Store. • 16y1 ABEL TURRELL, Mantaan, PA. Mailer lit Drusmilledicines, Chemiests,Paint Oils, Dre.stuffs, Groceries, Dry- Goods, Hard ware, Yankeu Notions, &c. Physicians Pro. scriptions carefully compounded. JOHN. GROVES, Fashionable Tailor-Shop nnderSearies Motel, Main Street, Montrose, Pa. JOHN' COLSTEri, DEALER IN Stoves; Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, Lodersville,near Great Bend Depot.-6tf Woodruff &Eldred, - is DEALERS LS STOVES and Manufaetnrers- of Cop.. per, Tin, and Sheet-Iron Wide. • Shop near the New Court - House, Montrose, Pa. - S. A. wcwintryy.T [G. B. ELDRED. • ‘ • . • •. A. Lathrop, . , • DEALER. in Ready-Made!Clothing, Hats and {yaps. Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, &e: -• • TT Store opposite Searle's Hotel, Montrork C. D. LATHROP, and - 41 , ; J. P. W. RILEY, . WI. " . I . Dr. Merit, K. a • 1 IIRUGGIST and • CHEMIST, and Dealer in - Davos, Medicings, Chemicals, Dye Stilt% Paints, Oils; Patty; Window Glass, Citraphint Plaid, ,Perittmery, Yankee Noions;&e., • FRANKLIN FRASFX, AfTORINT.Y Alit entIiSELLOA IT LAW. Montrose_ Pd., will attend faithfully to all business en trustedio him in the county of Susquehanna. tonveyancing and *riling of all kinds will be flope . neatly, and charge moderate: He will 'nlgo the pr4ecution of claim; of sot, Biers, their WidoWs -and heirs, against the U.' S. government, for Bounty Land, Pensions, &e. Huy be found at all hours at the office formerly occupied . by J. T. Richard, Esq., north of the ICourt-House.-1853—n48 • 1 -• !- X. C. TYLER,:• , .•• • ... .1 Interested with I. L. •Hunt,•:, - b!PORTER AND - DEALER . ill Hardware sad Cat, lerv, Carriage . Trimplings: Springs, lee, - No. '215 :Pearl &reel, N. Y. Where his.3fereantile friends,' in this and ethir Cennties,are li'indly - infited,and earnestlysalreit ea to ealt-and pprehase. 7. , ' ' n6tf. • HENRY S. KNAPr i . • OF MO! , FTROSE t PA. -' Wrth Rowe, Woddruff, Carer, . GROCERS a nd Cow resew% W EI SI ° At : E Eric S nAters, 17 E 3 R VIT s a:hington Street between Corttnrut and Dey ;street., New . Yoik. fMarch 8, 1854-10tf. • , . Medical - 11"‘RS. E. Patrick, Jr. &G. Z. Dimoek hats ..L./ this day formed a colartnenthip,fOr a more efficient and successful prosecution.of the differ ent branches et their profession. ,All baldness entrustedto them, will be atten ded to with promptness"and fidelity. Their office may be found over tathrop's Store, East side Pale Avenue.- 4 < E. PATRICK, Jr, 131 Z- DISIOCK 'Siontrofse, March 22. 1854. W. Singleton, Can noW be found at his near stand on Owe iv) street, 2 doors west of Searle's.lloteti When he' effectually repairs With dispatch, Watches. Clocks, Guns, Jewelry, and every detieriptien of ataehineiy. Wheel cutting; Gun and 'Watch materials supplied to the trade.-41 • :.' . et B. Baldwin !~ AY be found in bmement of Searls Ho tel, 3 doors west from the corner) ' Nefts and gicounte that are duo us will be iery r!e ,eptable if paid: aeon. - . :4. &.E. BALDWIN. Montrosp, Nov. 22, 1854.-47tf J. H. Parsons, WROLESALK AND. RNTAIL ' DEALER is - Ware,. Sofas, Bedsteads, Tables, tends,: Chairs, &e. • • - ' - ' , No.9lVashington street, • Binghamton. N. Y: tar' Ceffiu Ware-Room up atm:L-71:52 "IVIEAD the adverfirement of A. 'LATICES:di &CO., rwanothor column and go .when, -you can bay a bargain. G . OLD CHAIN --30'D dWts,. Cold Cbaidi consisting Of Chatelaine Gourd, Vest salt Fob, of all weights and patte;ns, bp; 1.-EvAlp. CLOVER add TISIOTUY SEED for tale by • s 11.. uulutirr. ; New if 1855 • IDLATED WARE.-4nothor Of Forks and Spoons, of the very qsalitt , . this day received by -4: *VANS. [A. LATImor